Detailed LCCC English News Bulletin For November 30/15


Detailed LCCC English News Bulletin For November 30/15

Click Here to read the whole and detailed LCCC English News Bulletin for November 29-30/15

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Titles For Latest LCCC Bulletin analysis & editorials from miscellaneous sources published on November 29-30/15
5000-year-old Assyrian Culture Facing DevastationéUzay Bulut/Gatestone InstituteéNovember 29, 2015
Palestinians: The Real Goal of the IntifadaéBassam Tawil/Gatestone Institute/November 29/15
Why is ISIS so resilientéDr. Azeem Ibrahim/Al Arabiya/November 29/15
Defeating ISIS requires a shift in international policyéLina Khatib/Al Arabiya/November 29/15
Keep saying no to violence against womenéSamar Fatany/Al Arabiya/November 29/15
Muslims need to decide where they stand’éEldad Beck /Ynetnews/November 29/15

Titles For Latest LCCC Bulletin for Lebanese Related News published on November 29-30/15
More on the noise/Walid Phares
Swedish-Lebanese Hezbollah spy gets 18 month sentence for involvement in espionage against Israel
Al-Qaeda ‘frees’ Lebanese soldiers in prisoner swap
Prisoner Swap Negotiations Suffer Setback as al-Nusra Makes ‘New Demands’
Salam Cancels Paris Trip to Follow Up on Prisoner Deal Developments
Yazbek Son Dies in Car Crash, ‘Hizbullah Investigators Inspect Scene’
Mustaqbal-Hizbullah Dialogue Resumes on Monday
Qahwaji: Case of Kidnapped Soldiers a Top Priority
Assailants Torch Parts of School in Baalbek
Report: Jumblat Will Not Withdraw Helou’s Nomination, Nor Will Stand against ‘Settlement’

Titles For Latest LCCC Bulletin For Miscellaneous Reports And News published on November 29-30/15
Turkey to Hand over Body of Dead Russian Pilot to Moscow
EU, Turkey Agree 3 Billion Euro Aid Deal to Stem Migrant Crisis
Israel Suspends EU Peace Role over Settlement Goods
Russians in Syria don’t prevent Israel attacks,’ expert says
Two U.S. Senators Urge 100,000 Foreign Troops to Fight IS in Syria
Israeli Police Kill Palestinian in Jerusalem
IS Executes 3,500 in Syria since Declaring ‘Caliphate’
UK Govt Lobbies Opposition to Force Syria Airstrikes Vote
Defiant Trump Refuses to Take Back 9/11 Muslim Cheering Claim
Kuwait Oil Minister Removed in Reshuffle
Agence France Presse/Naharnet/November 29/15/Kuwait Oil Minis
Fresh Jerusalem Stabbings as Israel Considers Next Moves
Iran demands closure of U.N. nuclear probe

Links From Jihad Watch Site for November 29-30/15
Muslim from Australia “linked to Charlie Hebdo attacks”
Italy: Headmaster scraps Christmas carol concert to avoid offending Muslims
Al-Aqsa Mosque imam: “Message of Islam is one of peace”
Mizzou prof arrested for violently grabbing girl for not wearing hijab
Caliphate Accompli
New Jamie Glazov Moment: Huma Abedin’s Longing for Syrian Refugees
Sweden: Community torn apart as arrival of migrants prompts running battles in streets
Muslim Brotherhood-linked Congressman Keith Ellison falsely claims “not one” refugee engaged in jihad terror