Elias Bejjani: Paris Heinous attacks and Educational Curriculums of hatred, Fundamentalism and Terrorism


Paris Heinous attacks and Educational Curriculums of hatred, Fundamentalism and Terrorism
Elias Bejjani
November 14/14

We, condemn in the strongest possible terms the terrorist and horrible attacks that targeted innocent individuals, civil institutions and sites yesterday in Paris.
We, strongly believe that all those individuals, countries, organizations, and institutions that are directly or indirectly engaged in such despicable terrorist acts, and those financing or morally supporting  them must be made accountable, charged and put on trial.
There is no doubt that education of terrorism, hatred, rejection of others, fundamentalism, Jihadism and hailing of the Jungle law, all generate terrorism and breed terrorist.
Sadly all these derailed inhuman and awkward educational dogmas are still officially taught and fostered through educational curriculums in most if not all of the Arabic and Muslim countries.
These destructive and stone age educational curriculums are fully responsible for all terrorism acts all over the world.
These same dark ages educational concepts stand behind the bloody Attacks that targeted The French Capital, Paris yesterday.
This same rotten education laid the basis for the devious creation of ISIS and its crazy so called state.
Meanwhile, on the same atrocious, and evil kind of educational and mentality basis that disrespects human dignity, the Iranian Mullahs’ religious regime found the terrorist Hezbollah militia that fully occupies Lebanon, and is murdering and butchering the Syrian people in support of the Dictator  Bachar Al Assad.
In summary, all heinous  terrorism crimes that are hitting numerous countries all over the world are very similar in their motives and stem from the same kind of education. Therefore we call on the United Nations and all world countries to force new, improvised and civilized educational curriculums all over the world that honour life, dignity, freedom, and the World Charter of Human Rights.
We stand with the people of France and offer our deepest heartfelt condolences to the families and friends of the victims.”

Elias Bejjani
Canadian-Lebanese Human Rights activist, journalist and political commentator
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