Tmakhadal Jabalu, wa tawallada fa2ron…”Taef” wins again
Dr. Walid Phares/November 11/15
Lebanon’s politicians threatened to call on the public to mobilize against Hezbollah-allies controlled Parliament, raising hope that a breakthrough from the impasse can be found. But they were fast to strike a “Taef-type” deal among themselves to resort to another compromise from within the current status quo. Is it fear from having to lead a resistance against the dominant force since 2008? Is it satisfaction with the current mediocre distribution of power among politicians? Is it both?
The bottom line is that one more time it looks like the political establishment can’t do it. It cannot get out of the box, and more worrisome, it won’t be able to do so. According to our projections -and assessment- the “nationality to emigrants” project will be submitted, but will it actually become law? And if so will the law be implemented? Unlikely. Some little stuff will be done, but the greater issue, freedom, will be adjourned.
Ironically, the people seems to be able to achieve more than its leaders, as was the case with the Cedars Revolution in 2005, launched by the people, it was actually stopped by politicians, not the other way around.
Hence, as long as nothing large and significant happens in Lebanon, towards political change, let’s not expect that the international community and its major decision-centers will be moved and push for a change. Too busy elsewhere.That is precisely what the dominant force in Lebanon wants: No rise of masses. And no revolution, no international support. Waadha…
The only exit is out of Taef…
Dr. Walid Phares/November 11/15
To the Lebanese politicians who are gearing up to fight the battles of electing a President, extending a nationality to emigres’ or decentralization, the only exit away from the 25 years of defeats, disasters and oppression, is an exit away from the Taef diktat. An accord enforced by tanks and assassinations. Exit out of Taef, establish a free area, and then set up the basis to negotiate a new country. If you want to call on the people again, one more time, after 2005, it better be for a bigger cause. Do not call on the people for lesser than freeing the country from Taef. Do not use the people for political gains, mobilize the nation for its own liberation.