Elias Bejjani: Rotten Lebanese Politicians from both 08 &14th of March Blocs


Rotten Lebanese Politicians from both 08 &14th of March Blocs
Elias Bejjani


Sadly today the rotten, selfish, opportunist and awkward mercenary Lebanese politicians by all means and standards put an end to their latest theatrical, fake, heretic and rhetoric mere media fierce fights and strives.

After days of sectarian, religious, camouflaging and high evil tone of instigation they again succumbed to the enforced and dictated Iranian oppressive and humiliating orders.

They agreed to participate tomorrow in a Parliamentary session in a bid to tackle regular and routine matters, while still boldly ignoring the parliament’s only constitutional obligatory task at this present time, which is to elect a president for the republic.

All of them (except the Phalanges Party) agreed to take part in tomorrow’s session.

In summary the only winner in this recent fake, derailed, camouflaging and totally theatrical show of sectarian power struggle is the Iranian occupier via its local army, the terrorist Hezbollah.

Hezbollah, the Iranian and terrorist occupier directly and indirectly, and through numerous mercenary Lebanese rotten politicians, from all the Lebanese religious denominations forced its oppressive and enslaving agenda on all the politicians and clergymen.

The Terrorist Hezbollah, the Iranian occupier successfully forced all the politicians from all blocks to keep a blind eye on its occupation that is devouring the country, and instead, evilly kept them preoccupied in trivial and personal issues.

Elias Bejjani
Canadian-Lebanese Human Rights activist, journalist and political commentator
Email phoenicia@hotmail.com
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