Elias Bejjani: To Whom It May Concern: Lebanese Maronites Are Fighting for their Right Of Existence


To Whom It May Concern: Lebanese Maronites Are Fighting for their Right Of Existence
Elias Bejjani/November 13/15
Maronites in Lebanon, are fighting peacefully and only peacefully for their right of existence and not for their religion, as well as all the Christian minorities in the Middle East.  Can any one name one country in the whole world where Christians are killing followers of other religions or trying to  convert by force non Christians to Christianity? While the others and particular Muslim fanatics are openly and proudly are do so all over the world. We do not as Christians practise the kind of atrocities that the other fanatics from other religions are currently doing. There is no logical way for comparison when the matter is the Maronites’ fear on their existence in Lebanon and religious and denomination Jihad wars that others are waging. The Druze leader, Walid Jumblat when he had the opportunity he did what ISIS is doing now. We, the Maronites did turn the page, but apparently he did not deep in his mind and that’s why we hear or read his unconscious comments of hatred every now and then. In conclusion, bigotry means rejection of others that are different in every thing. Maronites are not so and never were in any way. Look on the demographic Lebanese map and you will realize this reality, they live with all the Lebanese sects when others don’t. Maronites are patriotic and not fanatics except when their existence right is threatened. Jesus taught us to love our enemies and to praise those who curse use. This is exactly our approach in regards to Mr. Jumblat’s on going hatred rhetoric that targets us.

Elias Bejjani
Canadian-Lebanese Human Rights activist, journalist and political commentator
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