Detailed LCCC English News Bulletin For October 31/15


 Detailed LCCC English News Bulletin For October 31/15

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Titles For Latest LCCC Bulletin analysis & editorials from miscellaneous sources published on October 30-31/15
The Saudi king and the media/Abdulrahman al-Rashed/Al Arabiya/October 30/15
No war, no peace: The Jordan-Israel peace deal is not a deal/Raed Omari/Al Arabiya/October 30/15
How Khamenei exploits Obama through the nuclear deal/Dr. Majid Rafizadeh/Al Arabiya/October 30/15
Pro-Syria Lebanese Dailies Warn Of Wide-Ranging Ferocious Campaign In Region Unless Iran’s Demands Are Met/MEMERI/
October 30/15
IRGC-Affiliated Website: Some 30 IRGC Officers Killed On Syrian Front In The Past Two Weeks/MEMRI/
October 30/15
MEMRI: ‘The Emperor Has No Clothes/ Yigal Carmon/MEMRI/
October 30/15

Titles For Latest LCCC Bulletin for Lebanese Related News published on October 30-31/15
Ministers Upbeat on Trash Crisis after Deal Reached to Set Up Landfills in South, North
Report: Lebanese Man Beheaded after Son Lures Him to IS-held Raqa
Two Palestinians Shot and Wounded in Ain el-Hilweh
ISF Arrests Terror Fugitive in Tripoli’s Abi Samra
Berri: Legislative Session Will Definitely Be Held
Report: Landfills in South, North to Be Established to End Trash Crisis
U.S. Official Hails Lebanon Security Agencies as Obama Boosts Anti-IS Assistance
ISF Corporal Shot in the Head at Home
Report: Kataeb Concerned with Bassil’s Stances at Vienna Talks
Errant Russia airstrike kills Hezbollah fighters: report
ISIS executes father-in-law of extremist Lebanese cleric
Lebanese businessman, Nizar Zakka, missing in Iran
Aoun: We Want President to Represent Christians, Won’t Choose ‘the Unknown’

Titles For Latest LCCC Bulletin For Miscellaneous Reports And News published on October 30-31/15
Mideast Foes Join Key Talks on Syria’s Fate
40 Dead as Syria Government Rockets Hit Damascus Suburb
Vienna Meet could Lead to Wider Saudi-Iran Talks
Syria peace talks under way with 17 countries
Week of heavy rain floods Mideast with chaos – and trash
Israel legalises hundreds of west bank settler homes
Beheaded bodies of Syria anti-ISIS activist, friend found in Turkey
Iran confirms death penalty for Sunni preacher
Two Palestinians shot ‘trying to stab’ Israeli police
At least 40 killed in missile attack on Syria’s Douma
Russia: No force in Syria without govt approval
German ISIS rapper killed in air strike in Syria
Iranian-American businessman arrested in Tehran
Warplanes bomb Libya’s Sirte, target ISIS
U.N. seeks to revive Israeli-Palestinian talks
‘Flexibility’ urged at multilateral Syria talks
U.S., Iran to meet before multilateral Syria talk
Iran considered nuclear weapons during 1980s Iraq war, ex-president says
Rockets strike Iranian opposition camp in Baghdad
Donald Trump defends burqas and niqabs
“Why Is Donald Trump Defending Burqas?,”
13 Children among at Least 22 Migrants Drowned Off Greece
The names and photos of 26 IRGC officers killed in Syria

Links From Jihad Watch Site for October 30-31/15
Egypt: Arabic language schoolteacher whips 10-year-old Coptic Christian boy 40 times
Donald Trump defends burqas and niqabs
Robert Spencer in PJ Media: Judge Awards $240,000 To Muslim Truckers Who Refused To Deliver Beer
Robert Spencer in FrontPage: Ahmed the Clock Boy Makes Time’s 30 Most Influential Teens List
UK universities to ban feminists and conservatives to avoid offending Muslims
Germany: Altar, pulpit, baptismal font removed as church used as shelter for migrants
German rapper turned Islamic State pitchman killed in US airstrike
Norway: Muslim cleric jailed for praising the jihad murder of Muhammad cartoonists
UK: Muslim group boycotts, threatens police over investigation of Muslim rape gangs that destroyed lives of 1,400 girls
Australia: Ads saying one should be able to flush Qur’an down toilet without violent reprisal banned as discriminatory
Chicago Muslim teen pleads guilty to trying to join the Islamic State
NJ Muslim pleads guilty to trying to raise “small army” of Islamic State fighters
UK Muslim teen who tried to join Islamic State echoed Muhammad’s words about martyrdom