Elias Bejjani: Yes for Revoking Citizenship for convicted Canadian Terrorists & Yes To Our MP. Mr. Harper


Yes for Revoking Citizenship for convicted Canadian Terrorists & Yes To Our MP. Mr. Harper
Elias Bejjani/October 14/15

Without any form of cowardice, hypocrisy, Dhimmitude or Taqqia, Mr. Steven Harper, our patriotic Canadian PM, and solidly supported by his Conservative Party took all the legal and well calculated needed measures and procedures to revoke the citizenship of those convicted terrorists who prove to be a real threat for Canada’s set of values and for its peaceful life style of tolerance, law, order, democracy, and responsible freedom.

Mr. Harper put this deterring law (Bill C51) in action after very hard and laborious work. Recently this law was implemented practically by revoking the citizenship of a convicted terrorist who planned with others to hurt Canada and the Canadians.

Meanwhile the Liberal Party and its leader are cajoling and appeasing terrorism and terrorists openly.

This Harper-Conservative bravery, transparency and patriotism shows clearly how much, We, all Canadians need Mr. Harper to win a parliamentary majority to form the new government in a bid to keep our great country safe and well protected from terrorism and terrorists.

Let us all especially we, the Canadians who have tasted the bitterness, agony, destruction, humiliation, persecution and horror of terrorism and terrorists in our original countries vote strongly for Mr. Harper and for his party and at the same time advocate loudly for them.

Yesterday, on my Face Book page, A friend who is like me a Canadian-Lebanese citizen criticized my strong and loud advocacy for Mr. Harper and the Conservative Party and advised me as a friend not to bet on a losing horse. Below is my response:

Canadian Elections: I am a believer, not a Gambler
In life as I understand it, you have to decide where you stand, with who and for what reasons or objectives. Personally I do not bet because I am not a gambler, but a faithful person who lives strictly in accordance to a set of solid convictions and beliefs in each and every life domain including politics. Mr. Harper and the Conservative Party match these convictions and beliefs and that is why I support them all the way while at the same time loudly and openly advocate for the patriotic and ethical needs to vote for them. In summary losing or winning are not determining factors that motivate or dictate on me to change who I am, what I stand for, and most importantly who I am. Meanwhile, I will not have a problem with the elections’ outcome, no matter what, because Canada is a free and democratic country, and who ever wins in the parliamentary elections will be the Canadians’ majority free choice.
Long Live Canada
Long Live peace and freedom

NB: Worth Watching/Tarek Fatah in an interview with the CBC
13 October/15/Canadian Activist Tarek Fatah in an interview through the CBC explains the Saudi damaging role in all that has to do with the Niqab issue in the Canadian Parliamentary elections and confirms that Niqab has nothing to do with Islam.

*Elias Bejjani
Canadian-Lebanese Human Rights activist, journalist and political commentator
Email phoenicia@hotmail.com
Web sites https://eliasbejjaninews.com & http://www.10452lccc.com & http://www.clhrf.com
Tweets on https://twitter.com/phoeniciaelias
Face Book https://www.facebook.com/groups/128479277182033 & https://www.facebook.com/elias.y.bejjani