Elias Bejjani: Micheal Aoun Is Not Christian in practicality or Mentality, Nor His Trojan FPM Commercial Company


Micheal Aoun Is Not Christian in practicality or Mentality, Nor His Trojan FPM Commercial Company
Elias Bejjani/October 07/15

Christianity is not a mere tag as MP. Micheal Aoun alleges and evilly advocates for around the clock in a bid to deceive the Lebanese in general and the Lebanese Christians in particular. Christianity is a set of practical every day acts composed of love, forgiveness, humility, tolerance, fear of Almighty God and His Day of Judgment and sacrifices.

Therefore, and in accordance with all known Christian standards, MP. Micheal Aoun knows nothing about the core and essence of Christianity neither in his narcissistic on going greedy conduct, or in his vulgar rhetoric, hatred, grudges, aggressiveness, bizarre life style, alliances, relationship with others and worship of every thing that is earthly.

Accordingly in our eyes and patriotic convictions, as well as in the eyes and convictions of many Lebanese Christians in both Lebanon and Diaspora, and in particular Maronites, MP. Micheal Aoun is a mere false Messiah no more no less.

In the same context his  family commercial company named for camouflage reasons, Free Patriotic Movement (FPM) has nothing to do with Christians or Christianity and definitely is not entrusted or qualified by any means or under any circumstances to defend their cause or advocate for any of their rights.

In Summary MP. Micheal Aoun and his commercial family FPM so called party,  are mere temple merchants, Pharisees and mercenaries.

 *Elias Bejjani
Canadian-Lebanese Human Rights activist, journalist and political commentator
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