Elias Bejjani: With Mr. Harper & The Conservative Party All The Way


With Mr. Harper & The Conservative Party All The Way
Elias Bejjani/03 October/15
We, strongly believe that the Canadians will grant our PM, Mr. Harper and his Conservative Party a respectable majority to form the new government.
Why is that? Simply because the majority of the Canadians in all the provinces are fully aware that the other two alternatives are in actuality and reality not ready, prepared or qualified to govern their country at this crucial time on all levels and in most of the domains, especially in  the foreign policy one. Meanwhile, well informed, responsible, patriotic, wise and democratic Canadians can not risk and elect either the Liberals or the NDP and entrust any of them to form the new government for tons and tons of legitimate reasons, especially when the whole world is in a very serious confrontation with terrorism and terrorist from all sorts and breeds. Listening or reading the NDP’s and Liberal’s foreign policy platform shows with no shed of doubt that both are either completely detached from all events and threats locally and globally, or are completely badly informed in this respect.
As, a proud Canadian media and human rights activist, I reiterate my genuine previous call on all the Canadians of Lebanese descent, as well as on all other Canadians to support the Conservative party, and vote conservative.
We need Mr. Harper to form the new government so he can continue his superb wise and well calculated leadership patriotic tasks in a bid keep our beloved Canada, safe and prosperous .
Yes to Mr. Harper and the Conservative Party all the way.
May Almighty God safeguard and bless Canada and the Canadians.

*Elias Bejjani
Canadian-Lebanese Human Rights activist, journalist and political commentator
Email phoenicia@hotmail.com
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