Pentagon Overhauls Anti-ISIL War Plans
Middle East Briefing/October 03/15
The Joint Chiefs of Staff and the Central Command have revamped the US war plans against the Islamic State, in the face of scandals, resignations and major personnel changes. The overhaul plan is being finalized and will be presented to the President and the National Security Council in the coming days. Last week, Gen. John Allen, President Barack Obama’s special envoy for Iraq and Syria abruptly resigned, accusing the White House of failing to put adequate resources into the battle against ISIL. His departure came at the same time that Gen. Martin Dempsey was completing his term as Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, and as investigators for the Pentagon’s Inspector General were intensifying their investigation into the allegations by Centcom and DIA analysts, that they were pressured to alter their assessments to paint a more positive picture of progress against ISIL than the reality.
The Pentagon reassessment has concluded that the battle against the Islamic State in Iraq is stalled, as the result of a combination of factors. The Iraq Army has proven ineffective in combat operations against ISIL, and the American training program is moving ahead slower than anticipated. Iraqi Army field commanders are performing poorly, and are further stymied by micro-managing from Baghdad and from the actions of Shi’ite militias, backed by the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps’ Al Quds Brigade.
While the Pentagon reassessment is that the Iraqi Army will eventually improve, in the near-term, the JCS calls for American combat “advisors” to be assigned to key Iraqi Army units in the field, to improve their tactical operations. Critics of the proposal to “embed” American combat officers into Iraqi fighting units argue that such advisory roles always evolve into actual combat. That argument was ultimately rejected in the Pentagon review.
The plan also calls for the US to deploy Apache helicopters into select combat situations, to provide critical close air support. This is a controversial recommendation, given the vulnerability of Apache helicopters to enemy anti-aircraft fire, including from RPGs. The reassessment puts greater emphasis on the Syrian front, where some significant gains have been made in the north, primarily by Kurdish fighters. The proposal, soon to be under review at the White House, would have a number of US Special Operations Force (SOF) troops join with the Kurds and other select non-Salafist rebel units. In addition, the modified plan would increase the flow of light arms and trainers, particularly to the Kurdish units. The shift of near-term focus to the Syrian front is tied to a windfall of intelligence, coming from US drone reconnaissance operations out of bases in Turkey. The intelligence has focused on cross-border logistical lines from Turkish territory into Raqqa and other ISIL strongholds in northern Syria, which have resulted in a significant cut back in the flow of new combat recruits to ISIL. The US goal is to greatly reduce the supply lines and black market smuggling routes between northern Syria and Turkey.
Under the revised Pentagon plan, the US aims to cut off Raqqa from the north.
The challenge for the Pentagon/Centcom planners is to resolve the Turkish-Kurdish conflict, which remains one of the crucial obstacles to success in the north of Syria. The Obama Administration will be urged by the Pentagon to put greater pressure on Turkey to fully cooperate in shutting down the ISIL pipeline from the north into Syria, and to allow US-Kurdish joint operations to increase.
Pentagon SOF fighters will be joining the CIA teams already on the ground with Kurdish fighting units, including YPK. The Pentagon review and modified combat plans against the Islamic State do not ignore the expanded Russian military presence on the ground in Syria. While spokesmen for Defense Secretary Ashton Carter have denied that the US is or will engage in “deconfliction” talks with Russian counterpart, it is said at the Defense Department that there are already talks underway, and US and Russian surveillance drones are operating in the same theaters of operation, making it essential for the two militaries to engage. “The Russia-US military-to-military platform is up and running,” the source reported. “It will grow or stall, depending on how transparent the Russian are about their actual intentions.”The mil-mil cooperation will be framed by the diplomatic talks between Washington and Moscow. If Russia is prepared to discuss the “post-Assad transition,” the door will be open for serious cooperation, even if Assad remains during a prescribed transitional period. In the meantime, the revamped US plans for Iraq and Syria can accommodate to whatever the outcome of the new US-Russian negotiations. The JCS and Centcom will proceed with the plan, once approved by President Obama, with or without Russian collaboration.
Putin and Obama Summit: More Progress Than Expected
Middle East Briefing/October 03/15
Presidents Barack Obama and Vladimir Putin met, along with top aides, for more than 90 minutes on Monday, following their speeches before the United Nations General Assembly. While the meeting did not break any new ground in terms of specifics about the Syria crisis, the United States accepted, in principle, that Russia has a critical role to play if there is to be a solution to the four-and-a-half year Syrian conflict. In return, President Putin acknowledged that there must be a role for the Syrian Sunni majority in any durable solution.
Both the US and Russia have agreed that there will be further coordination, collaboration and communication going forward, with Secretary of State John Kerry and Secretary of Defense Ashton Carter handling the ongoing work with their Russian counterparts. According to what has been leaked about the session, Putin did the majority of the talking, proposing a new United Nations Security Council resolution on the war against the Islamic State, and suggesting that Russia would join the existing US-led coalition if it were under a United Nations mandate. In the bilateral discussions, Putin also made specific reference to the role of Kurdish militias, as well as the Syrian Army, in effectively fighting against ISIL. Previously, including during his speech earlier Monday before the General Assembly, Putin singularly focused on the Syrian Army as the backbone of the anti-ISIL fight.
At the close of the discussion, both sides recognized that they had more areas of common interest than disagreement, and that the Russian presence, under the right circumstances, could be productive.
Washington military planners remain worried that the Russian military presence can be disruptive and can actually strengthen the hand of the Islamic State. They are concerned about Russian military operations in US-led coalition theaters of operation, and worry that the Assad armed forces continue to focus on non-Islamic State rebel forces. Despite this, Washington information explained that the bilateral meeting “transcended expectations.” After the meeting, Russian President Putin told Lavrov that he was satisfied that the United States was now willing to work with Russia on the Syria crisis. Both the State Department and Defense Department will immediately increase talks with Russia on both the deconfliction and diplomatic agendas.
One of the areas of agreement between Putin and Obama was on the need for Syria to remain a unified, non-extremists state. This poses serious diplomatic challenges for Washington. Washington’s key regional allies in Syria, including Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Qatar and Turkey, are all committed to a post-Assad Sunni-dominated state. Washington and Moscow now share the view that the extremist factor must be suppressed, but the pathway forward is not yet at all clear. A viable solution to the Syria conflict must, at its core, achieve three objectives. First, there must be a leadership change at the top, with Assad removed from power. The timing and mode of transition can be developed, but Assad’s removal is a precondition for success, given the views of the majority of Syrian people. Washington and Moscow are looking at a possibility of a “Syrian strongman” who could remove Assad and prepare the transition to elections.
Second, the flow of financial and logistical support to foreign jihadists must be greatly reduced. Recent Russian estimates are that as many as 2,700 Chechens are now fighting for ISIS (US Intelligence Community estimates are actually much higher). Some are already returning to the Caucasus region of Russia and pose a growing security threat.
Third, the Islamic State must be defeated. So far, the US and Russia clearly agree on the third requirement. A great deal of work will have to be done by American and Russian diplomats and military planners to bridge the gaps between the two nations on the other two priorities. Prior to the convening of the Obama-Putin meeting, Russia established a joint information center in Baghdad, to share intelligence between Syria, Iraq, Iran and Russia. The center will be fully operational in a matter of weeks. Lavrov made clear that the United States has been invited to participate. A similar general staff-level separate bilateral information sharing agreement has also been worked out between Russia and Israel. And in a meeting of foreign ministers in Beijing recently, Russia, China and India agreed to co-sponsor a Comprehensive Convention on International Terrorism (CCIT), which will be presented at the United Nations Security Council.These measures may be all trumped by the US-Russia process that was set up on Monday in New York.