Detailed LCCC English News Bulletin For September 10/15


Detailed LCCC English News Bulletin For September 10/15

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Titles For Latest LCCC Bulletin analysis & editorials from miscellaneous sources published on September 09-10/15
Our today Tweets addressing 14th of March Dialogue act of treason/Elias Bejjani/September 09/15
Hezbollah vs. #YouStink/Hanin Ghaddar/Now Lebanon/September 09/15
Save The Lebanese State/Hussain Abdul-Hussain/Now Lebanon/September 09/15
Lebanon’s protests and obsession with media/Diana Moukalled/Al Arabiya/September 09/15
Can we live next to an Iranian Syria/Jamal Khashoggi/Al Arabiya/September 09/15
Weep, Arab world/Khaled Almaeena/Al Arabiya/September 09/15
Mahmoud Abbas: Should I stay or should I go now/Yossi Mekelberg/Al Arabiya/September 09/15
Obama reinforces Iran win/Yitzhak Benhorin/ Associated Press/Ynetnews/September 09/15
Netanyahu to EU: Stop pressuring us into agreements that endanger our existence/TOVAH LAZAROFF/J.Post/September 09/15
Europe’s Migration Crisis,“Not Giving Us Like in Germany”/Soeren Kern/Gatestone Institute/September 09/15
Laundering Iran’s Nukes/A.J. Caschetta/Gatestone Institute/September 9, 2015
Saudi Journalist Calls On Arab Countries To Enact Comprehensive Domestic To Strengthen Themselves Against Iran/MEMRI/September 09/15
How the Islamic State has helped the Middle East/Kayhan Barzegar/Al-Monitor/September 09/15
Former Iran deal negotiator slams concessions in nuclear deal/Arash Karami/Al-Monitor/September 09/15

Titles For Latest LCCC Bulletin for Lebanese Related News published on September 09-10/15
Middle East American NGOs at the US Congress rally against the “Iran Deal”
Lebanon leaders meet in shadow of #YouStink protest
Berri Vows to Exert All Efforts to Resolve Baabda Crisis
Suffocation Cases Rise to 2,000 as Dust Storm Continues for Day 3
Fresh Protests as Rival Parties Hold Fruitless National Dialogue Session
Soldier Wounded, Gunman Dead in Gunfight as Army Arrests Syrian Terrorist
Kerry Reaffirms Strong Support for Salam’s Efforts to Advance Consensus
Lebanese Army Arrests Suspect after Saadnayel Gunbattle
Hezbollah vs. #YouStink
Save The Lebanese State
Officials who attended the dialogue session
Lebanon’s protests and obsession with media

Titles For Latest LCCC Bulletin For Miscellaneous Reports And News published onSeptember 09-10/15
Khamenei: Israel won’t survive next 25 years, Times of Israel,
Khamenei: No talks with U.S. beyond nuke deal
Canadian teen terror suspect said country needed to be overthrown
Abadi’s reforms: 123 senior Iraqi officials sacked
Al-Qaeda calls ISIS illegitimate but suggests cooperation
Nusra Front in Syria take last army base in Idlib
Turkish police raid Gulen-affiliated Koza Ipek firms again
U.S. officials: Russia sent forces to Syria
Russia said to get Iran’s clearance for Syria-bound flights
Saudi-led strikes destroy Houthi site in Marib
ISIS attacks kill 13 Iraqi troops; Syrian oil field retaken
Israel reopens embassy in Cairo four years after diplomats evacuated
Walid Phares to ‘Sada el Balad’ TV: “Qatar must cut its support and ties to the Jihadists and radical Islamists…”
“Egypt after the revolution is leading in the war with the Jihadists, it needs significant international support”

Links From Jihad Watch Web site For Today
Iran’s Supremo: Israel will not survive the next 25 years
India Muslim leader threatens violence over government billboard misquoting Qur’an
Al Azhar Grand Imam: Islam religion of peace, cooperation, and mercy
Malaysia: Two Muslims jailed for misunderstanding jihad
UK: Daily Mail reports “motiveless” 2012 crime as sign of 2015 “Islamophobia” rise
Fox’s Shepard Smith: Kim Davis supporters “same crowd that says, ‘We don’t want Sharia law’”
There were days when seven to eight men — all from Saudi Arabia — would assault us”
New Glazov Gang: The Ugly Truth about Historical “Voluntary” Islamic Conversion
Robert Spencer interview: where ISIS came from and how to defeat it