Elias Bejjani/Aoun’s Demonstration: The difference between sheep & Human Beings


Aoun’s Demonstration: The difference between sheep & Human Beings
Elias Bejjani
September 06/15

One of the main reasons that Lebanon is falling apart in all domains and on all levels lies in the sad fact that many Lebanese people from all religious denomination and walks of life worship corrupted, Trojan, evil politician and follow them stupidly & blindly. This sickening phenomenon is deadly and disastrous.

These people who willingly gave up their freedom for nothing in return are practically mere slaves and sheep.

Quite frankly such subservient people do not deserve the Godly grace of life because they have no faith, no self respect and do not fear Almighty God or His Day Of Judgement.
They enjoy humiliations and brag in being stupid and naive.

This abnormal phenomena was boldly and shamelessly portrayed in the recent pro Iranian-Syrian Micheal Aoun’s unethical, defiled and anti-Lebanese barbaric demonstration. In our own private assessment, there was nothing at all Lebanese, or ethical, or Christian in this hostile, angry, and derailed demonstration.

Simply and according to all world wide criteria for such political acts, the demonstration was a disgrace to every thing that is Lebanese and every thing that is Christian.

 This derailed demagogue politician, Micheal Aoun, falsely alleges to advocate for the Lebanese Christian existence, freedom and rights while in reality he is an Iranian-Syrian cheap puppet and mercenary.

Sadly many Lebanese Christian citizens fell in his trap and believe his lies and schemes.

As we see him, and in actuality he is an antichrist creature who has noting to do with the essence and core of Christianity by any means due to the fact that he does not honour any human or Christian values in his conduct, affiliations, rhetoric, selfishness, worship of money and power, nepotism, hypocrisy and detachment from reality.

In conclusion who ever worships a politician or any human being is totally stupid and must not be counted among those who enjoy the Godly gift of life. Sadly many Lebanese not only in Lebanon, but also in the Diaspora fall in this category and this explains the fatal and existential threats and hardships that Lebanon is going through.

Elias Bejjani
Canadian-Lebanese Human Rights activist, journalist and political commentator

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