Detailed LCCC English News Bulletin For August 19/15


Detailed LCCC English News Bulletin For August 19/15

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LCCC Latest analysis, editorials from miscellaneous sources published on August 18-19/15
Micheal Aoun Is A Cancerous Christian Politician/Elias Bejjani/August 18/15
Is that Christian Leadership?/Elie Aoun/August 18/15
How Iran’s Revived Weapons Exports Could Boost Its Proxies/Farzin Nadimi/Washington Institute/August 18/15
ISIS using chemical agents not hard to believe/Raed Omari/Al Arabiya/August 18/15
New Arab order should make meritocracy its priority/Khaled Almaeena/Al Arabiya/August 18/15
What does true privacy mean in our virtual world?/Diana Moukalled/Al Arabiya/August 18/15
Iran to arm West Bank Palestinians for new Eastern Front to “efface”Israel/DEBKAfile/August 18/15
Dialogue with Iran by Way of RPG/Salman Aldosary/Al Arabiya/August 18/15
The USA Democratic Party’s betrayal of its Jewish voters/Shoula Romano Horing/Ynetnews/August 18/15
‘Al-Sharq Al-Awsat’ Columnist: Obama Administration’s Defeat In Nuclear Deal Compels The Arabs To Rely On Themselves/MEMRI/August 18/15
Belfast Pastor on Trial for Offending Islam/Soeren Kern/Gateston Institute/August 18/15

LCCC Bulletin titles for the Lebanese Related News published on August 18-19/15
Micheal Aoun Is A Cancerous Christian Politician/Elias Bejjani/August 18/15
Is that Christian Leadership?/Elie Aoun/August 18/15
In pictures: Hezbollah’s child soldiers/Evidence of Party of God sending minors into battle has mounted steadily over the last year
ISIS attacks Hezbollah near
Abducted Servicemen Fail to Meet Relatives for Second Time in Four Days
Details Unfold on Asir as Questioning Continues
Army Detains Man for Preparing Explosives at Home
Beirut Port Employees Announce Open Strike over Waste Dumping
Change and Reform Says ‘Obstructing Coup’, Vows No Govt. Resolutions before ‘Partnership’ Restored
Mustaqbal Lauds Asir’s Arrest, Says Killers of Hariri, al-Salman Must Meet Same Fate
Aoun Refuses Marginalization, Vows more Protests
Moqbel, Qahwaji Inspect Military Posts in Arsal
3 Dead after Syrian Bus Rams into Vehicles in Masnaa

LCCC Bulletin Miscellaneous Reports And News published on August 18-19/15 
Israel denies ceasefire talks with Hamas
PLO official: Iran considering appointing ambassador to State of Palestine
Syria blasts U.N. envoy for criticism of Douma raids
Arab League vows military support to Libya
Arab coalition bombs Yemen’s Hodeidah port
Turkish govt mandate to return to Erdogan
Hundreds of Saudis missing in foreign conflicts
Thai Junta Says Suspect Identified in ‘Worst Ever’ Bombing
GCC-Iran talks were proposed by Qatar, says Gulf official
Maliki Dismisses Mosul Fall Report as ‘Worthless’
Yemen: Houthis declare state of emergency in northern stronghold

Links From Jihad Watch Web site For Today
Video: Raymond Ibrahim on how the Western establishment conceals Muslim persecution of Christians
Islamic State accuses Erdogan of letting US “bombard the people of Islam”
Islamic State links its origins to the killing of Osama and US withdrawal from Iraq
UK “Draw Muhammad” exhibit canceled for fear of jihad terrorists
Chicago jihad suspect accused of assaulting inmate over Muhammad cartoon
Spanish music festival bans Jewish performer for being pro-Israel
The Horrifying Fate of Muslim Rape Gang Victims — on The Glazov Gang
Ghana: Muslims give gay man Sharia punishment of 100 lashes
Islamophobia” fears hamper war against the Islamic State
UK Muslima who wants to behead Christians once lived off church aid