Elias Bejjani/Micheal Aoun, Is not qualified For Lebanon’s Presidency Post


Micheal Aoun, Is not qualified For Lebanon’s Presidency Post
Elias Bejjani/August 12/15

Micheal Aoun’s sickening obsession, crazy fantasy, day dreaming, and grandiose delusion with the Lebanese presidency post will never be fulfilled, no matter what. The man is not fit at all for the presidency position for thousands and thousands of tangible and well known reasons.

His frightening and derailed approaches, impulsiveness, demagogue, irresponsible and psychopathic on going conduct, instability, tantrums of anger, affiliations, detachment from reality, tones of deeply rooted complexes, and rhetoric tells the whole story.

In reality not even one Lebanese political faction in Lebanon wants him in this influential post including his fake and Trojan, pro Axis of evil allies who merely use him as a cheap tool to serve their anti Lebanese schemes and to divide the Christian community.

Hezbollah, Nabieh Berri, and Slieman Frangea in particular hate Aoun, never respected or trusted him, and will never do, and definitely are not willing under any given circumstances to see him as a president.

We are more than sure that all sane Lebanese citizens from all religious denominations, who fear Almighty God and His Day Of Judgment, count for the consequences, have taste, can differentiate between a narcissist and a genuine politician, adopt a set of normal ethical and patriotic codes, love their country and respect themselves would like in any way to see the unpredictable Michael Aoun as a president, or even as a practising politician.
This man has belittled, degraded, prostituted and humiliated every thing that is good in the Lebanese political life.

We strongly believe, that the majority of the sane Lebanese people from all walks of life who are not sheep in their thinking , or puppets in their political affiliations, and do really know and understand who and what is Michael Aoun would even dare to see or envisage him as a president, even their dreams.

The idea of seeing Aoun as a president is an actual nightmare, a horrible and scary one.

Definitely Aoun will never ever be Lebanon’s president, and in case, and against all the human logic and heavenly odds he assumes the post, than it will be a devastating disaster by all means and on all levels, inflicted on all the Lebanese and on Lebanon.

In conclusion, Micheal Aoun is not a normal or mentally balanced individual, he needs an urgent psychiatric assessment as soon as possible in accordance with Mental Health Act.

By the end, this self-centred man is an actual and imminent threat to himself, his sheep like followers and the country. The Psychiatric assessment is more an emergency.

Elias Bejjani
Canadian-Lebanese Human Rights activist, journalist and political commentator
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