Israel strikes pro-Syrian Palestinian militia In Syria غارة اسرائيلية على موقع الجبهة الشعبية في قوسايا ومقتل شخص وجرح آخرين


“غارة اسرائيلية” على موقع الجبهة الشعبية في قوسايا و مقتل شخص وجرح آخرين
29 تموز/15/نهارنت/قتل عنصر من الجبهة الشعبية – القيادة العامة واصيب ستة آخرين بغارة نفذها الطيران الاسرائيلي الاربعاء على موقعها في بلدة قوسايا البقاعية. وقال مصدر أمني لوكالة “فرنس برس” أن سبعة عناصر من الجبهة الشعبية أصيبوا في انفجار وقع الاربعاء في مركز عسكري تابع للجبهة في منطقة قوسايا. ولفت بداية الحادثة أن “ناتج عن صاروخ سقط في المركز الذي يحتوي على ذخيرة واسلحة، مصدره الاراضي السورية”. كما تسبب الانفجار وفقا للوكالة الوطنية للاعلام بمقتل عنصر من الجيهة و بتدمير آليتين عسكريتين لها. وتدور في الجانب السوري من تلك المنطقة معارك عنيفة بين قوات النظام وفصائل مقاتلة في مدينة الزبداني التي تحاول القوات النظامية السيطرة عليها، وتشن لذلك هجوما وضربات جوية تترافق مع قصف مدفعي وصاروخي عنيف منذ الرابع من تموز. الا ان الجبهة الشعبية-القيادة العامة القريبة من النظام السوري اصدرت بيانا اعلنت فيه ان الانفجار نتج عن غارة اسرائيلية. وجاء في البيان نقلا عن مصدر مسؤول في الجبهة “قصفت طائرات صهيونية موقعا عسكريا للجبهة الشعبية لتحرير فلسطين-القيادة العامة ما بين الحدود السورية اللبنانية المطلة على سهل الزبداني الساعة الثالثة والربع (12,15 ت غ) بعد ظهر اليوم”. واشار الى “اصابة ستة من مقاتلينا بجروح واصابة مستودع ذخائر”. ولم يؤكد اي مصدر آخر حصول غارة. وقال المسوؤل الاعلامي للجبهة الشعبية القيادة العامة انور رجا لقناة “الميادين” أن غارة اسرائيلية اسهتدفت موقعنا في قوسايا المطلة على الزبداني”.وأفاد رجا عن جرح ستة أشخاص.وتحتفظ الجبهة الشعبية-القيادة العامة بمواقع عسكرية لها في تلك المنطقة منذ الحرب الاهلية (1975-1990) تتجنب القوى الامنية اللبنانية الاقتراب منها بغية عدم اثارة توترات امنية. علما ان قرارات عدة اتخذت بازالتها.

Israel strikes pro-Syrian Palestinian militia In Syria

BEIRUT – An Israeli plane attacked a military base along the Syrian-Lebanese border on Wednesday belonging to a pro-Syrian Palestinian faction, wounding six people, Syrian state television said. In a newsflash, state television quoted a military source as saying Israeli planes had at 3:15 p.m. (1215 GMT) struck a base belonging to the Damascus-based Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine-General Command (PFLP-GC), a faction that backs President Bashar Assad. Asked about the reported strike, an Israeli military spokeswoman in Jerusalem declined comment.
Earlier in the day, Arab media reported in a separate incident that the Israeli Air Force struck a target in Syria, killing at least two people.
According to a report on the Hezbollah-affiliated Al-Mayadeen news portal, an Israeli air force jet struck a car in the countryside of Quneitra in the Syrian Golan Heights, killing three people.

Al-Manar, another Hezbollah-linked news portal, reported that it was an Israeli drone that had struck the vehicle, killing two members of a pro-Assad militia. According to the Al-Manar report, the attack struck the car on the outskirts of the village of Hader, a Druse area at the frontier with the Israeli Golan Heights. According to the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights the first alleged Israeli attack struck a vehicle in the Syrian Golan Heights and targeted members of Hezbollah and the People’s Committees, a pro-Assad militia led by Lebanese Druse terrorist Samir Kuntar. According to the Observatory report, five people were killed in the strike, two of whom were from Hezbollah and three of whom were from the People’s Committees.

The IDF neither confirmed nor denied that it carried out the strike, stating that it does not respond to foreign reports. Foreign media reports have attributed a number of air strikes in Syrian territory to Israel over the course of the four-year Syrian civil war. In January, an alleged Israeli drone strike in southern Syria left six Hezbollah operatives and six Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps personnel dead — including an Iranian senior general and the son of the late external operations chief for Hezbollah. Remnants of the car from the alleged Israeli attack on Syrian side of the Golan HeightsRemnants of the car from the alleged Israeli attack on Syrian side of the Golan Heights.

PFLP-GC Member Killed, Six Wounded in Qosaya Blast
Naharnet/29 July/15/A member of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine – General Command was killed in a blast in the central Bekaa region, reported the National News Agency on Wednesday.It said that six members of the PFLP-GC were wounded in the explosion, one critically. NNA did not explain the cause of the explosion, but a member of the group accused Israel of shelling its position in Qosaya. Earlier media reports said that the explosion took place at the group’s weapons depot in the area. PFLP-GC official Anwar Raja told al-Mayadeen television: “Israeli airstrikes targeted our position in Qosaya, wounding six people.”He explained that the post overlooks Syria’s al-Zabadani area, which has been witnessing fighting between regime forces, backed by Hizbullah, and rebel groups. Two military vehicles belonging to the PFLP-GC were also destroyed in the blast, said NNA. LBCI television meanwhile said the explosion was caused by shells from Syria that landed on a weapons depot. The shelling was caused by tank fire used in the battle for al-Zabadani.
It clarified that the depot is located on the outskirts of Qosaya on the Syrian side of the border.

Reports: Israeli strike in Syria kills 3
Ynetnews/Roi Kais/Published: 07.29.15/Israel News /IDF refuses to comment on reported strike near Quneitra in the Golan Heights; Al Mayadeen claims three activists associated with Assad regime killed. Three militants associated with the regime of Bashar Assad were allegedly killed on Wednesday in an airstrike attributed to Israel in the suburbs of Quneitra in the Syrian Golan Heights, according to a report on Lebanon-based Al Mayadeen TV. The IDF refused to comment on the reports, but earlier reports in Lebanon also mentioned IAF sorties in the Bekaa Valley. Several airstrikes have been attributed to Israel over the past few years, the last one in Syria in January killing Jihad Mughniyeh, the son of Lebanese terrorist Imad Mughniyeh, Hezbollah’s commander in the Golan Heights until he was allegedly killed by Israel in Damascus in 2008. Reports last April suggested that the IAF had attacked targets in Syria, but it later emerged that Syrian rebels were responsible for the attacks.
