Ya’alon says Iran nuclear agreement built on ‘lies and deceit’


Ya’alon says Iran nuclear agreement built on ‘lies and deceit’
YAAKOV LAPPIN/07/14/2015

The agreement between world powers and Iran over the Islamic Republic’s nuclear program is built on “lies and deceit,” Defense Minister Moshe Ya’alon said Tuesday, in the latest and most fierce criticism offered by him of the diplomatic process with Tehran to date.

Speaking soon after news of the deal’s conclusion was confirmed by negotiators, Ya’alon stated, Iran “arrived at the negotiating table in a weak position, and has emerged victorious. Instead of fighting terror with all its might, the free world has granted legitimacy to Iran’s hateful, murderous ways. This agreement is a tragedy for all who aspire for regional stability and fear a nuclear Iran.”

Ya’alon reiterated his warnings over the Islamic Republic regional aggression, describing it as “the world’s leading exporter of terror, maliciously involved in every angle of the Middle East conflict – either directly or indirectly, through its emissaries – undermining moderate Arab regimes, battling Israel and harming Western interests in the region.”

“This evil regime employs terror, funds terror, arms terror and disseminates terror across the world. The agreement signed with Iran will only serve to further support this bloody enterprise. With the implementation of the agreement and lifting of sanctions, massive funds will be funneled into the Iranian terror accounts – boosting its evil operations,” he warned.

The Vienna deal now enables Iran to consolidate its “sub-nuclear position, allowing it to breakthrough – at will – to full nuclear weapon capacity at no time, leaving no one who can stop them,” he added.

“Given its lack of moral restraints and extremist makeup, the Iranian regime is now in a stronger position to accelerate its regional and global threat through additional avenues, including its efforts to develop long range missiles targeted far beyond the Middle East,” Ya’alon stated.

“This agreement is bad. It rewards deceit, terror and war mongering. The mere thought of accepting the chief terrorist regime back into the family of nations is beyond belief,” he concluded.