Dr. Walid Phares/In regards to Lebanon’s current misery:Shaming is not a strategy/For the Iran deal: A Mountain producing a mouse…?


Shaming is not a strategy…
Dr. Walid Phares/Face Book Page/12 July/15/”3Aib, 3Aib-el-shum, Jarrasuna, walaw, mish ma3ul, mish ma2bul, Yi 3aleiun, bala akhla2, met’akh’reen, mett-tarfeen, and even Tfeh,” are terms often used in Lebanon to respond to strategic challenges posed by the Iranian-led forces or by the Salafi-Jihadists. This is called “shaming” the threat into retreat. Today’s civil society seems to have “shaming” as the only option available. During the Bashir Gemayel-Camille Chamoun era there was no shaming or Ta3yeeb, there was a resistance with some sort of strategy. At least there was an attempt for a strategy, even though it was failed at the end. The terror forces Lebanon is facing now aren’t impressed by the “Ta3yeeb.” In the past to push them out, Lebanon’s civil society opted for resistance in 1978 and for a popular revolution in 2005…Clearly “shaming” is not a strategy…

Iran deal: A Mountain producing a mouse…?
Dr.Walid Phares/Face Book Page/12.07.15
“Tamakhada al Jabalu fa tawallada fa’ran”
A well known Arab proverb says: “”Tamakhada al Jabalu fa walada fa’ran”. A raw meaning would be: The mountain went into a long and intense labor and in the end it gave birth to a mouse, or a small rat. This saying could apply to the two years long US-Iran talks and its final product. What the final product of such an agreement would look like is a platform for the regime to gain even more time to achieve its own strategic goals.
Phares to Raymond Arroyo on EWTN: “Too much cash transfer to the Iranian regime will be the seed to the next revolution in Iran..”
In an interview with Raymond Arroyo on EWTN, Dr Walid Phares said: “Too much cash transfer to the Iranian regime will be the seed to the next revoution in Iran.” He argued that “Tehran is receiving funds and is able to develop its protective dome, while the talks are going on” Phares said “the regime is expanding in the region. Instead of allowing the latter to grow stronger and attain its goals unhinged, Washington should have engaged the opposition.” On the campaign against ISIS, Phares said “airstrikes are successful individually but without a change on the ground the strategy is not winning. A city is taken away from ISIS as in Tikrit and they take another in exchange as in Ramadi. Their centers are pounded but they seize half of Syria.” Phares said “the Jihadists are spreading across the region from Tunisia, Libya to Sinai and beyond and ISIS is drawing most of them to join its ranks.