Elias Bejjani: Micheal Aoun & Jobran Bassil Are Mere Evil Trojans


Micheal Aoun & Jobran Bassil Are Mere Evil Trojans
Elias Bejjani
July 10/15

There is no shed of doubt that the stupid, childish, demagogue, evil, pro Axis Of Evil, and chaotic street demonstrations and political maneuvers that were viciously orchestrated and executed yesterday in our beloved mother country, Lebanon, by MP, Micheal Aoun’s criminal, Trojan, herds of sheep and terrorist gangs are not Lebanese in soul or spirit, do not represent the Lebanese Christians’ ethical or patriotic codes, and in particular those of the deeply rooted faithful and peaceful Maronites. And most importantly do not serve the Lebanese-Christians’ rights nor existence as the false Aoun-Bassil tags alleged.

Meanwhile all the Evil Aoun-Bassil Charade of yesterday does not carry any sort of Christian values, honesty or altruism. Aoun and Bassil are two evil parasitic and cancerous creatures who have completely lost both faith and hope. In this context of faith and hope derailment, all their rhetoric, alliances, conduct and thinking are motivated and fully controlled by their instincts of hatred, worship of earthly riches, hunger for power, selfishness, and disrespect for law, order, freedom and rights of all others.

No, and one million and one thousand loud “NO”,  Aoun-Bassil and all the herds of sheep who support them blindly, instinctively, and stupidly do not represent the Lebanese Christians by any means, because they in reality they are worst than Judas. They with no shame sold themselves, their country and their Christian-Lebanese identity with thirty silvers to the Iranian occupier, and to its local occupational military tool, the terrorist Hezbollah.

On the bright side, these two earthly creatures, Aoun-Bassil and all those MP’s, politicians and clergymen who are from the same Judas’s cut and venomously side with them against every thing that is Christian and Lebanese have disastrously failed yesterday. They all failed to gather more than 100 young men and women to participate in their aggressive, hostile and chaotic street demonstrations. This public clear phenomena of failure indicates that these creature are sole aliens in our Christian society and do not represent us in way. Simply they are mere Trojans and cheap anti Lebanese destruction human tools serving the Iranian- Syrian Axis of Evil schemes of fundamentalism, bloody wars, ethnic cleansing, terrorism, and territorial expansionism

Aoun-Bassil’s thunderous failure of yesterday does not mean by any way that the other Christian political parties in the 14th of March sovereign collision are patriotically, vision wise or conduct are much better than this evil dual -Aoun-Bassil. No not at all in reality and actuality, all, if not the vast majority, are cut from the same garment, and carry the same education of selfishness, hegemony and worship of earthly riches.

In conclusion, the Lebanese in general, and the Lebanese Christians in particular, are required as soon as possible to find a new patriotic, educated and altruistic leadership for both fields politics and religions, because the vast majority of the current ones are corrupted and defiled with all sorts of deadly human, patriotic and religious unlawful activities, conducts and sins.

As a major priority, the Maronite derailed Patriarch Bchara Al Raei is the fist leader that needs to immediately retire and be replaced by a clergyman who is humble meek, fears Almighty God and His Day Of Judgment.
Let us pray that Almighty God shall safeguard our beloved Lebanon from the evilness of its Leaders, politicians and clergymen

*Elias Bejjani
Canadian-Lebanese Human Rights activist, journalist and political commentator
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