Elias Bejjani/Hassan Nasrallah’s Speech: A Pile Of Lies & Fabrications


Hassan Nasrallah’s Speech: A Pile Of Lies & Fabrications
Elias Bejjani
March 28/15

As usual, and as always, Hassan Nasrallah’s lengthy, rhetoric, high tone and demagogic mere Iranian speech of yesterday was disastrous, pathetic, repetitive, instigative and hostile by all means. For more than one hour, Nasrallah, the  Hezbollah terrorist militia Chief  drowned himself in projection and went on and on attacking harshly, evilly and unlawfully the Saudi Kingdom rulers and officials, Israel state, all Lebanese who oppose his Iranian hegemony over Lebanon, as well as all the Arabic regimes.

At the same time he was cajoling and appeasing his Iranian masters, the terrorist Mullahs and loudly defending their Persian Empire Dream, their territorial expansion schemes and their military invasion and occupation of Lebanon, Syria, Yemen and Iraq.. His main problem and big complex were focused on “the success of the “Decisive Storm”, the Arabic military operation in Yemen. The operation has aborted the Iranian full occupation of Yemen.

With every word that he uttered he was totally anti Arab, anti peace, arrogant  and grandiose. There was no actual logic content in his angry and hostile speech at all. For an hour he vented out his deeply rooted hatred, vengeance, resentment and evil jealousy. In reality and actuality the speech was a mere pile of lies, empty accusations and delusional fabrications.

In fact if there was a respect for the judiciary in Lebanon he would have been arrested and charged with treason. But because he and his militias and masters, the Iranian Mullahs occupy the country, oppress the Lebanese people, and control its decision making process, as well as all its institutions including the parliament and cabinet, he openly and freely attacked, threatens, terrorized and insulted badly all those who are against the Iranian evil of Axis military invasion of the Arab countries.

In conclusion, Hassan Nasrallah and his terrorist Hezbollah militia are mere Iranian mercenaries and Trojans. They have nothing to do with Lebanon, the Lebanese, the Arab countries or the Arab peoples. Accordingly in his speech of yesterday he was an Iranian mouthpiece and trumpet, no more, no less.

Elias Bejjani
Canadian-Lebanese Human Rights activist, journalist and political commentator
Email phoenicia@hotmail.com
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Summay of Hassan Nasrallah’s Speech

Nasrallah Slams Saudi over Yemen Op, Says It Did Nothing for Arabs Other than ‘Sending Daesh’
Naharnet/27 Marh/15
Hizbullah leader Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah lashed out Friday at Saudi Arabia over its military intervention in Yemen, accusing the Gulf kingdom of turning a blind eye to the Palestinian people’s plight and of financing the Islamic State extremist group. And as he called for returning to dialogue and political initiatives in war-torn Yemen, Nasrallah stressed that any ground invasion will end up in failure.

“For decades, the people of Palestine and the countries neighboring Israel did not feel any ‘Firmness Storm’, not even a ‘firmness breeze’,” said Nasrallah in a televised address, mocking the Saudi-led “Firmness Storm” campaign against Yemen’s Huthi rebels. “The Palestinian people are still pleading to you and the houses of thousands of Gazans were destroyed. They are Sunni Muslims and they urged the Arab leaders who did not bat an eye. Where did you bring this resolve, nobility and firmness from?” he added.

Riyadh began its airstrikes in Yemen overnight Wednesday, announcing that it has put together a coalition of more than 10 countries, including five Gulf monarchies, for the military operation to defend Yemeni President Abedrabbo Mansur Hadi’s government. The military move against the Shiite Huthi rebels triggered fury from Saudi Arabia’s regional rival Iran, Hizbullah’s main regional ally, with officials in Tehran warning that the military action threatened to spill over into other countries.

“If the objective is to rescue the Yemeni people, why did you abandon the Palestinian people for decades? Why did you betray them? If the objective is to restore legitimacy in Yemen, why didn’t you seek that for Palestine?” Nasrallah added. Dismissing Saudi justifications that a Huhti-controlled Yemen poses a threat to the kingdom, Hizbullah’s leader went to say: “You did not sense any threat coming from Israel, which has one of the biggest armies in the world. Israel borders your seas and oceans, but it was never an enemy for you or a threat.”

“Sanctions and calls for dialogue could have preceded the decision to resort to the military option, so why did you rush to war, which should have been kept as the last remedy?” Nasrallah wondered. He noted that the Huthis had been engaged in dialogue with the Saudis prior to King Abdullah bin Abdul Aziz’s death in January. “On the eve of King Abdullah’s death there was a delegation holding negotiations and they went to political dialogue in Riyadh, but everything changed with the new Saudi rulers,” Nasrallah lamented.

“What did the Huthis do for you to accuse them of threatening your security?” he added, addressing Riyadh. Turning to accusations that Tehran was behind the Huthis’ dramatic power grab in Yemen, Nasrallah described the allegation that Yemen has become “occupied by Iran” as “one of the biggest lies that are being circulated.” “Where is your proof that Yemen is under Iran’s occupation? Where are the Iranian military bases and armies in Yemen?” he said.

“Saudi Arabia has been interfering in everything in Yemen, but where is security and where is prosperity in Yemen? Why did you refuse Yemen’s membership in the Gulf Cooperation Council? Didn’t you deal with the Yemeni people in an arrogant and insulting manner? Didn’t you voice support for the eradication of Huthis?” Nasrallah charged. Noting that Tehran is “not imposing anything or interfering” in Yemen, Hizbullah’s secretary general said Riyadh is “pushing entire Yemen to embrace Iran, the same as it did with Iraq, Palestine and Syria.” “The real reason (behind the military operation) is that Saudi Arabia has lost its hegemony and bets in Yemen and lost hope in its takfiri groups. It has sensed that Yemen is now for its people and this war aims to regain hegemony over Yemen,” he pointed out.

“We condemn the oppressive Saudi aggression against Yemen and we call for an immediate end to this aggression. We call for reviving the political initiatives in Yemen,” said Nasrallah. He underlined that the Yemeni people “has the right to resist and will emerge victorious.” Warning Riyadh against any ground operation, Nasrallah added: “Is the Saudi army stronger than the American army? Where is the American army in Iraq, Afghanistan and Lebanon? Is the Saudi army stronger than the Israeli army? Where is the Israeli army in the region?” “Any occupier army will be eventually defeated and an air campaign cannot achieve victory,” he stressed.

Nasrallah also criticized Saudi Arabia over alleged roles in Iraq and Syria.“What have you done for Iraq? … When it appeared that the Iraqi people wanted to regain their position and confront (American) occupation, you unleashed al-Qaida and all the takfiri groups against them,” said Nasrallah. “The Saudi intelligence was behind sending the suicide bombers to Iraq and your latest crime against Iraq was Daesh (IS group), which you and your allies sent to topple (Syrian President) Bashar Assad and al-Maliki’s regime” in Iraq, Nasrallah added.

“Your Bandar (Prince Bandar bin Sultan) is the one who financed Daesh,” he said, addressing Saudi Arabia. As for the domestic situations in Lebanon, Nasrallah commented on the ongoing dialogue between Hizbullah and al-Mustaqbal movement and the latest sessions of the U.N.-backed Special Tribunal for Lebanon.

“From the very beginning we chose dialogue for the sake of the country and its people. Strength is to sit together, engage in dialogue, defuse tensions and prevent the collapse of the country,” he said. “From the very beginning, there were political forces inside and outside al-Mustaqbal movement who rejected dialogue and tried to sabotage it, including the testimonies that were given before the tribunal. We do not care about these stances and we will carry on with this dialogue as long as it serves the national interest,” said Nasrallah.

Head of al-Mustaqbal parliamentary bloc MP Fouad Saniora testified this week before the Special Tribunal for Lebanon, which has accused five Hizbullah members of involvement in the 2005 assassination of former Premier Rafik Hariri. On Tuesday, Saniora revealed that Hariri had informed him that he had discovered “several assassination attempts by Hizbullah” against him prior to the year 2005.

“Our stance on the Special Tribunal for Lebanon is irreversible, that’s why we won’t comment on anything emanating from it,” Nasrallah said.
He has dismissed the STL as an Israeli-American scheme aimed at harming his party, rejecting any cooperation and vowing that the five accused will never be found.

As for the stalled presidential election, Nasrallah stressed that “Iran will not and has not interfered in the presidential elections.”
“It has nothing do with this issue and the party obstructing the elections is Saudi Arabia, specifically Foreign Minister Saud al-Faisal,” he added.

Hezbollah would join Saudi coalition if aimed at Israel: Nasrallah
The Daily Star/Mar. 27, 2015
BEIRUT: If the Saudi-led coalition bombing Yemen dircted its its warplanes towards Israel, Hezbollah would join it, party chief Sayyed Hasan Nasrallah declared Friday night, accusing Riyadh of abandoning Palestine. Nasrallah, speaking a day after the Saudi Arabia launched a suprise military operation against rebel Houthis in Yemen, also rejected claims that Iran posed a threat to the Gulf. “If the war was against Israel we would have been partners in the war but not if its against an Arab peoples,” Nasrallah said during a televised speech.

Nasrallah denounced Saudi Arabia for leading a campaign against Yemen, but failing to take action against Israel over the decades-long conflict. “The Palestinian people are still calling on you,” he said, noting that a large portion of the population are Sunnis and yet their calls for assistance were not met by unified force likes of the coalition organized against the Houthis. He dismissed arguments supporting the coalition that it was reclaiming the legitimacy of Yemen’s President Abed Rabbou Mansour Hadi and protecting the Yemeni people, saying that these arguments should be used instead to justify action in Palestine. He also rejected the claim that Iran was threatening to intervene and control the region. “They consider that we should reclaim the land from Iran, and this is the biggest lie,” he said.

“Where is the evidence that Yemen is occupied by Iran,” saying that claims of Iranian bases and armies in Yemen is a lie. Even claims that Iran is controlling Yemen through political infleunce and not through military force, is a lie. There is a problem in Saudi Arabia’s mentality in that it doesn’t respect the will of free peoples. They regard everyone as followers and they can’t have an independent will, Nasrallah added. “This mentality leads to wrong policies… and accumulating failures.”Saudi Arabias “faulty policies” are opening up the region to Iranian influence. “You are pushing the people of the region to Iran,” he said. He expressed hopes that “this new political division in the Gulf” doesn’t lead to negative repercussions in Lebanon, especially with regards to the Lebanese government. The ongoing dialogue between the Future Movement and Hezbollah will remain on track despite sharp differences over the conflict in Yemen, since it served national interests and seeks to decrease sectarian tensions, he added. He said that figures in the Future Movement have opposed dialogue since the start and continue to undermine talks through negative positions and statements.

He called on the resistance to employ “patience” and not respond to accusations by the Future Movement since they serve to increase sectarian tensions, saying Hezbollah doesn’t want to assist them in achieving this goal. With regards to Special Tribunal for Lebanon, Nasrallah said that he isn’t concerned with developments at the U.N.-backed court since the party doesn’t recognize the legitimacy of the tribunal. “We will not comment on anything said in the court… since our opposition to the court is clear,” he said, after former Prime Minister Fouad Siniora earlier this week accused Hezbollah of plotting assassination attempts against Rafik Hariri. Nasrallah dismissed accusations that Iran was blocking the election of a president that doesn’t express support to Tehran. “Those responsible for disruption… is Saudi Arabia,” he said. The problem in Lebanon, is Saudi Arabia has vetoed the election of FPM chief Michel Aoun, “so why are you putting the blame on Iran.”