GCC Describes Nasrallah’s Stances as ‘Interference’ in Bahrain’s Affairs


GCC Describes Nasrallah’s Stances as ‘Interference’ in Bahrain’s Affairs

The Gulf Cooperation Council on Saturday criticized the latest stances of Hizbullah chief Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah about Bahrain, accusing him of “inciting violence and discord.”“He went beyond interfering in Bahrain’s affairs in an attempt to destabilize the security and stability,” the GCC charged. GCC chief Abdul Latif al-Zayani said in a statement that Nasrallah’s remarks contained “incitement to violence in order to create sectarian rift and discord among the citizens of the kingdom.

” Zayani stated that “Nasrallah in his last stances went beyond interfering in the Kingdom of Bahrain’s affairs to stage a desperate attempt at destabilizing civil peace and threatening the kingdom’s security and stability.”On Friday, Nasrallah noted that top Bahraini dissident Sheikh Ali Salman, who was jailed recently by authorities, “has never called for toppling the regime and he did not incite to violence.”“The authorities in Bahrain will realize that they are acting in a foolish way. They can imprison most of the Bahraini people but that will only stop the protests on the streets and they will not be able to stop the protests in prisons,” said Nasrallah.

“The reason behind the peaceful approach is not the inability to send weapons or fighters to Bahrain, but rather the fact that the clerics, political leaders and people in Bahrain are preventing that and seeking a peaceful solution,” Hizbullah’s leader added.