/Denouncing Flogging of a Saudi Activistالياس بجاني/جلد مواطن سعودي على خلفية حرية المعتقد أمر مخالف لشرعة حقوق الانسان


حملة استنكار كبيرة لقرار قضائي سعودي بجلد ناشط 100 مرة وسجنه 10 سنوات
الياس بجاني/09.01.15
نستنكر بشدة القرار السعودي القضائي القاضي بجلد الناشط الحقوقي السعودي رائف بدوي 100 جلدة ابتداء من اليوم وبسجنه 10 سنوات على خلفية اتهامات تتعلق بحرية المعتقد. هذا القرار الجائر استنكرته اليوم الحكومة الكندية بشدة واعتبرته تعدي فاضح على حرية المعتقد كما استنكرت الإجراء السعودي الهمجي والمناقض لشرعة حقوق الإنسان هذا العشرات من الجمعيات الدولية التي تعنى بحقوق الإنسان. نرى أنه قد حان الوقت لتخرج السعودية وغيرها من دول الخليج من متاهات ومفاهيم وثقافات لا تتماشى مع التقدم والحضارة وتعارض كلياً شرعة حقوق الإنسان. في اسفل الخبر بالإنكليزية كما نشرته ال سي ان ان مع البيان الكندي

Canada Denounces Flogging of Saudi Activist
January 8, 2015 – Andrew Bennett, Canada’s Ambassador for Religious Freedom, today issued the following statement:
“I am greatly concerned by reports that Saudi human rights activist Raif Badawi will tomorrow begin facing a punishment of 1,000 lashes, along with a 10-year prison sentence, for exercising his right to freedom of religion and freedom of expression.
“The public flogging outside a mosque in Jeddah each week for 20 weeks, with 50 lashes administered on each occasion, is a gross violation of human dignity, which I strongly denounce.
“Canada strongly upholds the fundamental freedoms of freedom of religion, freedom of expression and freedom of association, among other inalienable human rights, as a basis on which society is established, thrives and progresses.
“The punishment being administered to Mr. Badawi is inhumane and is unbecoming of a society which seeks to advance itself within the family of nations. Such advancement must be predicated on respect for freedom of religion and other fundamental human rights. May clemency and mercy be shown in this case.”

Saudi activist to be flogged in public, Amnesty International says
By Slma Shelbayah, CNN
January 8, 2015
(CNN)Prominent Saudi online activist Raif Badawi will be flogged for the first time in public on Friday following prayers in front of a mosque in Jeddah, according to Amnesty International.
Badawi was sentenced to 10 years in prison, 1,000 lashes and a fine of 1 million Saudi Arabian riyals (approximately $267,000) in May 2014 by a Saudi court accusing him of insulting Islam, said his wife and a source who followed the case closely.
A respected rights activist in Saudi Arabia, Badawi first got into legal trouble with the Saudi government after he started the Free Saudi Liberals website in 2008, which included a forum for users to discuss religion.
His trial, guilty verdict, sentence and imprisonment have raised outrage among international rights groups such as Human Rights Watch and Amnesty International, which accused Saudi authorities of cracking down on activism and attempting to suppress dissent in the ultraconservative nation.
Human rights groups accuse Saudi authorities of targeting activists through the courts and travel bans. Amnesty International has said Badawi’s “is clear case of intimidation against him and others who seek to engage in open debates about the issues that Saudi Arabians face in their daily lives.”
Badawi will receive his first 50 of 1,000 lashes on Friday following prayers in front of Al-Jafali mosque in Jeddah. The rest of the 1,000 lashes will be carried out over a period of 20 weeks.
Amnesty International considers Badawi a prisoner of conscience and is calling for his sentence to be quashed and for him to be released immediately and unconditionally.
“The news that Raif Badawi’s flogging will start tomorrow is shocking,” said Philip Luther, director of Amnesty International Middle East and North Africa.
In 2013, Badawi was originally sentenced to seven years in prison and 600 lashes in relation to the charges, but after an appeal, the judge stiffened the punishment. Following his arrest, his wife and children left the kingdom for Canada.
“It is horrifying to think that such a vicious and cruel punishment should be imposed on someone who is guilty of nothing more than daring to create a public forum for discussion and peacefully exercising the right to freedom of expression,” said Luther.
CNN was unable Thursday to reach Saudi Arabia’s Justice Ministry for comment.
The U.S. State Department said it was concerned about the flogging and sentence imposed on Badawi “for exercising his rights to freedom of expression and religion.”
“The United States government calls on Saudi authorities to cancel this brutal punishment and to review Badawi’s case and sentence,” State Department spokeswoman Jen Psaki said in a statement. “The United States strongly opposes laws, including apostasy laws, that restrict the exercise of these freedoms, and urges all countries to uphold these rights in practice.”
