Aymenn Jawad Al-Tamimi/Research on the Islamic State


Research on the Islamic State

by Aymenn Jawad Al-Tamimi
various publications
December 16-31, 2014


Sample Concepts of a Christian-Shi’a Alliance in Iraq
Syria Comment (Dec. 31)
Jawad al-Tamimi examines efforts by Shi’a militias fighting the Islamic State (IS) to appeal to Iraqi Christians via social media.

The Naqshbandi Army’s Current Situation in Iraq (Dec. 26)
Discusses reported efforts by the Naqshbandi Army (Jaysh Rijal aṭ-Ṭariqa an-Naqshabandiya, or JRTN), a secular-leaning Sufi Sunni group associated with former Baathist army officers, to seek an accommodation with the anti-IS coalition; examines political demands it has made in recent communiqués. Though “framed in terms acceptable to the wider international community,” with “language of democracy” and “apparent regard for the authority of international bodies like the UN Security Council,” Jawad al-Tamimi writes, the group’s demands are clear “non-starters” (e.g. financial compensation for the U.S.-led occupation, an official U.S. apology).


1920s Revolution Brigades- 23 Dec. Statement (Dec. 29)
Statement from a secular Iraqi Sunni group that has supported the IS advance, warning Iraqis not to cooperate with “the Iranian-American alliance.”

Islamic Army of Iraq- 23 Dec. Statement (Dec. 28)
Statement from the Islamic Army of Iraq, an Islamist rebel group allied with IS, criticizing “our media” (an apparent reference to Iraqi and regional Sunni media outlets) for “fabricated lies” and a tendency to portray the conflict in Iraq as “only a problem among politicians.”

Jaysh al-Mujahideen Iraq- 3 Dec. Statement (Dec. 27)
Statement from Jaysh al-Mujahideen, an Iraqi Sunni jihadist group that rivals IS and has largely been eclipsed since being forced to withdraw from positions in Anbar province in August. The statement denies a report in Al-Hayat that Jaysh al-Mujahideen sent representatives to Washington to discuss the formation of National Guard units.

Jamaat Ansar al-Sunna: 6 Dec. Statement (Dec. 26)
Statement from a relatively minor Iraqi Sunni insurgent group denying that it participated in the delegation to Washington reported in the above mentioned Al-Hayat report.

Aymenn Jawad Al-Tamimi is a Shillman-Ginsburg Fellow at the Middle East Forum.

Related Topics:  Iraq, Radical Islam, Syria  |  Aymenn Jawad Al-Tamimi