Pakistan Christian leader asks Obama to condition US aid on blasphemy law repeal


Pakistan Christian leader asks Obama to condition US aid on blasphemy law repeal
Robert Spencer /Nov 10, 2014

christians-in-pakistan-Nazir-Bhatti-SpeaksObama should have gotten this idea on his own. It should have been done long ago. Indeed, I have long recommended that there be no U.S. aid for any country that oppresses women and non-Muslims, denies the freedom of speech and the freedom of conscience, etc. But even now, Obama will pay no attention to Nazir Bhatti, and the persecution of Christians and Ahmadis by means of the blasphemy law will continue.
“Nazir Bhatti writes letter to President Obama to condition US Aid to Pakistan on repeal of blasphemy law,” Pakistan Christian Post, November 10, 2014 (spelling and grammar as in the original):
Philadelphia: November 9, 2014. (PCP) Dr. Nazir S Bhatti, President of Pakistan Christian Congress PCC expressed his surprise in a letter to US President Barak Obama that US Administration which is custodian of Human Rights, Liberty and freedom of speech and expression around world not bothered to condemn horrific murder of Christian couple by Islamic extremists in Islamic Republic of Pakistan nor US State department uttered any comments on Christian persecution and genocide of Christians.
Nazir Bhatti wrote that Shahzad Masih and his wife Shama Bibi were burnt alive by Muslim mob on November 4, 2014, in furnace of brick kiln factory where they were detained as bonded labor by one Mohammad Yousaf Gujjar near Kot Rada Kishan in district Kasur of Punjab province.
Dr. Nazir Bhatti urged US Administration to condemn burning alive of Christian couple, press upon Islamic Republic of Pakistan to repeal blasphemy laws and to condition aid to Pakistan on human rights.
Here are contents of letter of Dr. Nazir S Bhatti to US President;

President of USA,
Mr. Barak Obama,
Christian couple burnt alive by Muslim on accusation of blasphemy in Pakistan
As your honor is custodian of freedom, liberty and human rights around world, I wish to invite you kind attention towards a sad incident in which a Christian couple is tortured and burnt alive in furnace of brick kiln factory on false and fabricate accusations of blasphemy by Muslim mob near Kot Rada Kishan in district Kasur of Punjab province of Islamic Republic of Pakistan.
On November 4, 2014, Shahzad Masih and his wife Shama Bibi who were bonded laborer of Brick Kiln Factory owner Mohammad Gujjar were locked up and to teach them lesson on fleeing away he accused them of burning pages of Quran and send his Muslim employees to nearby villages to announce from loudspeakers of mosques that come and punish blasphemer Christian couple.
It is surprising that neither US Administration under your honor nor US State Department even bothered to condemn this horrific crime of burning live of Christian couple by a mob living in country named Islamic Republic of Pakistan which is receiving billions of aid of US taxpayers.
I would appeal your honor to put pressure on government of Pakistan to end misuse of blasphemy laws against Christian, Ahamadiyyia and other religious minorities and condition US Aid to Pakistan on human rights and repeal of blasphemy laws.
Dr. Nazir S Bhatti
President of Pakistan Christian Congress PCC
Editor, Pakistan Christian Post
Dated; November 9, 2014.

