Canada: “Peaceful teachings of Islam” event threatened by un-peaceful Muslims


Canada: “Peaceful teachings of Islam” event threatened by un-peaceful Muslims
Robert Spencer/Jihadi Watch
Nov 9, 2014

Ahmadievent“ You’d be shocked to hear that there are students on campus who have very extreme views. So much so, that they question whether what ISIS is doing is right or wrong, and don’t completely condemn their actions.” I wouldn’t be shocked at all, but I am sure York University officials would be.
In any case, the irony here is very thick.
In the U.S., Ahmadi spokesmen such as Qasim Rashid and Harris Zafar are eager waterboys for the Islamic supremacist agenda, smearing foes of jihad terror and partnering with individuals and groups who are linked to those who hate and persecute the Ahmadiyya in Pakistan and Indonesia.
But that doesn’t win the Ahmadis any support from those Muslims who consider them heretics.
And of course, the idea of an event on how peaceful Islam is being threatened by Muslims who disagree is a rich example of  deception of the Infidels meeting reality.
“York security warns AMSA of potential backlash to upcoming event,” York University Excalibur, November 5, 2014 (thanks to Blazing Cat Fur):
The Ahmadiyya Muslim Students’ Association at York has reportedly received warnings from security for potential backlash from students for its upcoming event, Stop the CrISIS.
An emergency meeting was called on November 4 to discuss the event, and due to an overwhelming response, the event will move from Vari Hall to Curtis Lecture Hall.
AMSA executives, members of risk management services at York, York security, and information technology services were reportedly in this emergency meeting.
The event, taking place on November 13, was sparked by the shooting in Ottawa to highlight the peaceful teachings of Islam.
AMSA is expecting overflow for the event, as it has been featured on numerous media outlets over the past couple of weeks.
The old venue in Vari Hall could seat 300 people, while a new venue could possibly seat 1,000.
According to Jari Qudrat, AMSA president, in the meeting, York expressed concerns of overflow for the event and made a case to possibly move the event from Vari Hall A to Curtis Lecture Hall I, with overflow sent to L.
Qudrat says York security has reached out to him on three separate occasions with concerns of students potentially acting in an inappropriate manner.
“Despite the scare from security, they are just doing their job, to ensure safety of all students,” says Qudrat.
“We’ve been warned by security that there are students with extremist views on campus, and that we should work with caution,” says Faraz Elahi, the official spokesperson of the student club.
“One security guard handed us his card and said ‘keep this on you at all times.’”…
“We’ve gotten both positive and negative feedback from students at York University. Positive because everyone wants to come to the event, and negative because some students have very unique views,” says AMSA executive member Razi Noman.
Along with these positive responses, AMSA has said there have been negative responses.
An AMSA member, who has chosen to remain anonymous, says, “You’d be shocked to hear that there are students on campus who have very extreme views.”
“So much so, that they question whether what ISIS is doing is right or wrong, and don’t completely condemn their actions.”…
