Elior Levy/’Car intifada’ cartoon campaign encourages vehicular attacks


Car intifada’ cartoon campaign encourages vehicular attacks
Elior Levy /Ynetnews
Published: 11.06.14 / Israel News

Palestinians distribute cartoons likening cars to Hamas rockets on social networks in wake of wave of vehicular terror attacks.
After two vehicular terror attacks occurred on Wednesday, wounding 16 people and killing one, Palestinians have termed their latest resistance efforts a “car intifada” and are posting cartoons online likening vehicles to rockets launched by Hamas during Operation Protective Edge.
Following the wave of attacks in which drivers ploughed their cars into groups of people, which started two weeks ago with the attack that took place at the Ammunition Hill light-rail stop, killing 3-month-old Haya Ziesl Baron and Ecuadorian Karen Mosquera (22) – Palestinians came to understand that vehicles could potentially be used as lethal weapons.
Hamas, whose officials praised on Wednesday the terror attack in Jerusalem, is fueling the fire and is attempting – through vehicular attacks – to initiate an intifada.
During the past day, many cartoons were distributed on social networks following the terror attacks. In one of them, which garnered significant popularity, the word “daes” appears (‘run over’ in Arabic), alluding to the jihadist organization Daesh, which is the Arabic acronym for the Islamic State.
Another cartoon shows the vehicle used for the terror attack yesterday, entitling it a M-75 on four wheels, hinting that such methods of attack are an alternative to Hamas’ weapons (the M-75 missiles). Next to the cartoon, the words “Soon, there will be a R160 bus” appear, hinting at Hamas’ longest-range rocket, which reached the outskirts of Haifa in the latest round of fighting. Meanwhile, two people who were wounded in the terror attack in Jerusalem on Wednesday are still hospitalized at the Hadassah Medical Center in Jerusalem’s Ein Kerem. One is critical condition and the other is listed in moderate condition. Three people wounded in the Gush Etzion terror attack are also being treated at the hospital, with one in serious condition, one in moderate-to-serious condition and the other in light condition. Three other people wounded in the run over attack in Jerusalem are hospitalized at the Shaarei Tzedek Medical Center in the city, including two in serious condition and the other in moderate condition.
On Wednesday, Police forces arrested sixteen people suspected of disrupting public order in Jerusalem.
Since Oct. 22, 188 suspects were arrested on charges of disrupting public order, including 71 people under the age of 18.
**Kobi Nachsoni and Noam (Dabul) Dvir contributed to this report.
