November 25/18
Compiled &
Prepared by: Elias Bejjani
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Bible Quotations For today
It is easier for a camel to go through the eye
of a needle than for someone who is rich to enter the kingdom of God.
Mark 10/17-27: "As Jesus was setting out on a journey, a man ran up and knelt
before him, and asked him, ‘Good Teacher, what must I do to inherit eternal
life?’ Jesus said to him, ‘Why do you call me good? No one is good but God
alone. You know the commandments: "You shall not murder; You shall not commit
adultery; You shall not steal; You shall not bear false witness; You shall not
defraud; Honour your father and mother." ’He said to him, ‘Teacher, I have kept
all these since my youth.’Jesus, looking at him, loved him and said, ‘You lack
one thing; go, sell what you own, and give the money to the poor, and you will
have treasure in heaven; then come, follow me.’When he heard this, he was
shocked and went away grieving, for he had many possessions. Then Jesus looked
around and said to his disciples, ‘How hard it will be for those who have wealth
to enter the kingdom of God!’ And the disciples were perplexed at these words.
But Jesus said to them again, ‘Children, how hard it is to enter the kingdom of
God! It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for someone
who is rich to enter the kingdom of God.’ They were greatly astounded and said
to one another, ‘Then who can be saved?’Jesus looked at them and said, ‘For
mortals it is impossible, but not for God; for God all things are possible.’"’"
Titles For Latest LCCC Bulletin analysis &
editorials from miscellaneous sources published on November 24-25/18
A French spy ship reserved for trouble spots joins USS
Truman in Syrian waters/DEBKAfile/November 24/18
Analysis/Shadow of Russian Plane Still Hangs: Israel Worries About Conflict in
North, but Its Hands Are Tied/Amos Harel/Haaretz/November 24/18
Beyond Mohammed bin Salman’s Tour/Salman Al-dossary/Asharq Al-Awsat/November
Russia and Japan Could Finally End WWII/Leonid Bershidsky/Bloomberg
View/November 24/18
Baghdad has a difficult choice to make/Camelia Entekhabifard/Arab News/November
24, 2018
Why this G20 summit may be the most important in years/Andrew Hammond/Arab
News/November 24, 2018
The Fracturing of France/Giulio Meotti/Gatestone Institute/November 24/18
Iran does not work alone/Amal Abdulaziz Al–Hazani/Al Arabiya/November 24/18
The Arab project gives wings to bright ideas/Abdullah bin Bijad Al-Otaibi/Al
Arabiya/November 24/18
Trump vs American media: The scene from another angle/Dr. Naif Alhadari/Al
Arabiya/November 24/18
Titles For Latest LCCC Lebanese Related News published on
November 24-25/18
President Aoun refers to elevated government formation
Rahi winds up Vatican visit by meeting with the State Secretary
Parolin: Lebanon has a special place in the heart of His Holiness the Pope
Pope Francis appoints Monsignor Zakhia as Papal Ambassador to Pakistan
Jumblat says settlement necessary to avoid collapse
MP Samy Gemayell: We have a long way to build a political life based on
Boustani: President of the Republic is the father of the homeland
Reception at Lebanese Ambassador's residence in Abidjan, musical performance
marking Independence Day
Iranians, Lebanese among Wounded in Yemen’s Hodeidah
Report: U.S. Envoy Warns ‘No More Political Concessions for Hizbullah’
Jumblat: Settlement Necessary to Avoid Collapse
Report: Vatican Sounds Alarm as Govt Gridlock Enters Seventh Month
Ghana’s Vice President Visits South Lebanon
Titles For Latest LCCC Bulletin For Miscellaneous Reports
And News published on November 24-25/18
A French spy ship reserved for trouble spots joins USS Truman in
Syrian waters
Netanyahu Confirms Continued Israeli Actions Against Iran
Israelis Welcome at Qatar World Cup
US Refuses Trading Iran Withdrawal from Syria for Sanctions Relief
Egypt Unveils Pharaonic Tomb Found in Luxor
Aboul Gheit: No Regional Order Succeeds without Solution to Palestinian Cause
Turkey: EU Out of Line for Demanding Release of Kurdish Leader
Saudi Royal Says Crown Prince is Here to Stay
Iran Urges Muslims to Unite against US, Including Saudi 'Brothers'
May Heads to Brussels as Spain Threatens Brexit Summit
French police clash with ‘yellow vest’ protesters angry over fuel taxes
Latest Lebanese Related News published on
November 24-25/18
President Aoun refers to elevated government formation crisis
Sat 24 Nov 2018/NNA -
President of the Republic, Michel Aoun, referred Saturday to the augmented
government formation crisis in Lebanon. The President recalled herein "the story
of Solomon when two women came to him with a child, each claiming to be the
mother...and when King Solomon ordered the child to be cut in half, the real
mother cried out to him to spare his life and give the child to the other which instant Solomon knew who the real mother was...""Today, we wish
to know who Lebanon's mother really is in order to give it to her," said Aoun,
adding, "I shall suffice with that brief statement!" The President's words came
before a delegation of participants in the annual "Independence Day Race", who
ran from Rashaya Castle to the Presidential Palace in Baabda "in commemoration
of the independence and its men and the martyrs who fought for human freedom and
the liberty of Lebanon."
Aoun congratulated the delegation members on their achievement, and on the
symbols that they carried from Rashaya to Baabda. Earlier, the President
received in the presence of Youth and Sports Committee Head, MP Simon Abi Ramia,
a delegation of representatives of the "Sympathy and Care Association" in Jbeil,
and the teams of Lebanon, Syria, Jordan and Iraq who participated in the 3rd
Arab Sports Festival in Table Tennis and Basketball for people with special
needs, which was recently held at President Michel Sleiman's Sports Stadium in
Amchit. Aoun warmly welcomed the delegation, praising their achievements and
their "courage in exerting more efforts, maintaining their high morale, and
showing their capabilities as great as those who walk on their feet and move
their hands.""The real disability is one that affects man in his heart or mind,
rendering him unable to think of others or have any sympathy or passion for
others...," said Aoun, stressing on the depth of appreciation for each member
and promising them continuous support. Meanwhile, the President of the Republic
received more congratulatory cables marking Lebanon's Independence Day, most
prominently from King Philippe of Spain, in which he stressed the depth of the
friendly ties that unite his country with Lebanon, hoping for peace and
prosperity for Lebanon and its beloved people. Aoun also received a cable from
Francophonie Secretary General Michaelle Jean, in which she expressed the
"appreciation of the Francophone Organization for Lebanon in its defense of the
universal human values it holds for a future of peace and prosperity based on
solidarity among peoples." She hoped that the establishment of the Francophonie
Regional Center in Beirut would help to consolidate this message.
Rahi winds up Vatican visit by meeting with the State Secretary
Parolin: Lebanon has a special place in the heart of His Holiness the Pope
Sat 24 Nov 201/NNA - Maronite Church Archbishops Synod headed by Maronite
Patriarch, Cardinal Beshara Boutros al-Rahi, held a long meeting on Saturday
with Vatican State Secretary, Cardinal Pietro Parolin, in the presence of
Foreign Minister Paul Richard Gallagher and other senior officials of the State
Secretariat. Al-Rahi gave a briefing during the meeting on the Maronite Church,
its dioceses and various challenges and aspirations under the current
circumstances. In turn, Parolin stressed on the "depth of the relationship
between the Holy See and Lebanon, particularly the Maronite Church," adding that
"Lebanon has a special place in the heart of His Holiness the Pope." Parolin
praised the role of the Lebanese Diaspora. He then explained the role of the
State Secretariat within the Church and its relationship with states and
churches in the world. Parolin also announced that His Holiness the Pope has
appointed Monsignor Christophe Zakhia, the Lebanese Maronite Priest, as Papal
Ambassador in Pakistan and promoted him to the rank of Archbishop. The Vatican
Secretary introduced the new Archbishop to the Patriarch, saying, "This
appointment carries an additional joy for the Maronite Church in its Apostolic
Pope Francis appoints Monsignor Zakhia as Papal
Ambassador to Pakistan
Sat 24 Nov 2018/NNA - Pope Francis appointed the Church Consultant of the Synod,
Christophe Zakhia, as Papal Ambassador to Pakistan. The Priest was born in
Beirut on 24 August 1968. Zakhia entered the diplomatic service of the Holy See
on June 19, 2000, and served in the Papal Embassy in Indonesia, Sudan, and
Turkey and in the International Relations Department in the State Secretariat.
He is fluent in the following languages: Arabic, French, Italian, English,
Indonesian, Spanish, and German.
Jumblat says settlement necessary to avoid collapse
Sat 24 Nov 2018/NNA - Socialist Progressive Party Chief, former Minister and MP
Walid Jumblatt, said via Twitter on Saturday that "following the speech in the
Vatican by Foreign Minister Glagher in the presence of the Supreme Pontiff, and
away from narrow and local considerations, compromise remains a necessity
regardless of its bitterness to avoid collapse."Jumblatt attached to his tweet a
photo of crumbling domino pieces bearing portraits of world figures.
MP Samy Gemayell: We have a long way to build a
political life based on accountability
Sat 24 Nov 2018/NNA/"The Kataeb Party is not a profit-making company, but a
cause that aims at creating a better future for the Lebanese people and the new
generations," said Kataeb Party Chief, MP Samy Gemayel, in an interview marking
the Party's 82nd foundation anniversary. Gemayel paid tribute to all the
martyrs, fighters, and all those who contributed to building the Kataeb march
over the 82 years of struggle. "Today, more than ever, we are proud of our march
and of all the stances adopted by our Party throughout history," he said.
"Lebanon will only achieve the cause of the Kataeb by building a state of law,
and through upholding the right to achieve full sovereignty by demonstrating
good governance and building a citizen who believes in this country and its
development, a citizen who respects its laws and regulations," Gemayel
underscored. On the government formation issue, Gemayel reiterated his Party's
proposal to form a government of specialists at this stage, while the
conflicting parties resolve their problems calmly and agree on their points of
dispute through dialogue at the Parliament House. "Lebanon needs a government
that will play its role and address its problems and save the people from the
economic and social disaster we are facing today," he corroborated.
Boustani: President of the Republic is the father of the homeland
Sat 24 Nov 2018/NNA - Member of the "Strong Lebanon" Parliamentary Bloc, MP
Farid al-Boustani, asserted via his Twitter account on Saturday that "eyes are
pinned on His Excellency [President Michel Aoun] and his political moves to save
the country from its ordeal.""Once again, the President has proved to be the
father of the whole nation, and we are all convinced that he will protect
Lebanon from all those who are trying to undermine its political stability,"
Boustani underlined.
Reception at Lebanese Ambassador's residence in Abidjan, musical performance
marking Independence Day
Sat 24 Nov 2018/NNA - Lebanese Ambassador to Côte d'Ivoire, Khalil Mohammad,
celebrated Friday the 75th anniversary of Lebanon's Independence with a
reception held at his residence, which was attended by representative of the
Ivory Coast Foreign Ministry, ambassadors of foreign countries accredited in
Abidjan, members of the Lebanese expatriate community, heads of associations and
social and economic figures. Addressing the attending guests, Ambassador
Mohammad stressed on "the firm ties that link both Lebanon and Ivory Coast
together, and the important role of the Lebanese community in Abidjan in
promoting these friendly bilateral relations." At the end of the ceremony,
Ambassador Mohammad and members of the Lebanese Chamber of Commerce and Industry
attended a musical performance by Lebanese Artists Guy Manoukian and Joseph
Attieh and Egyptian Singer Abo at the Cultural Palace in Abidjan, joined by some
2,000 people waving the Lebanese flag in commemoration of Lebanon's Independence
Iranians, Lebanese among Wounded in Yemen’s Hodeidah
Riyadh – Abdulhadi
Habtor/Asharq Al-Awsat/November 24/18/The Yemeni government revealed that four
Lebanese and two Iranians were on the list of wounded provided by the
Iranian-backed Houthis and whom it was trying to evacuate outside the country.
This explains why the militias were insistent on not revealing the names of the
injured, intelligence information said. Yemeni government spokesman Rajeh Badi
told Asharq Al-Awsat that the four Lebanese were members of the Hezbollah party
and the two Iranians were from the Revolutionary Guards. An agreement was
recently reached with the Houthis on evacuating their wounded outside the
country where they could receive treatment. This issue was among one of three
last-minute conditions set by the Houthis ahead of September consultations that
were held in Geneva and that ultimately failed after the militias did not show
up to the talks. Reuters reported Thursday that leader of the Houthis had
proposed the evacuation of his wounded to UN special envoy to Yemen Martin
Griffiths during their talks in Sanaa. Information obtained by Asharq Al-Awsat
revealed that the Houthis have demanded the evacuation of 50 injured and 50
companions before the start of any consultations on Yemen. A new round of
UN-sponsored consultations is scheduled for early December after intense efforts
exerted by Griffiths and his team that included talks with Abdul Malek al-Houthi
in Sanaa on Thursday. He paid a visit to Hodeidah on Friday, saying he “received
a very warm welcome from senior representatives. I am very grateful to them for
organizing this visit.”“The attention of the world is on Hodeidah. Leaders from
every country have called for us all to keep the peace in Hodeidah. I have come
here today with my good friends and colleagues, the Humanitarian Coordinator,
Lise Grande and The World Food Program Country Director of Yemen, Stephen
Anderson to learn first-hand how we can help to keep that international pledge
to protect the people of Hodeidah from further devastation,” he continued. He
met with the Houthi leadership and “among other things, we talked about how the
UN could contribute to keeping the peace in Hodeidah.”“I am here to tell you
today that we have agreed that the UN should now pursue actively and urgently
detailed negotiations for a leading UN role in the Port and more broadly,”
Griffiths said. Al-Arabiya television reported that the militias prevented the
envoy from visiting any facilities in the city, which the Houthis had
transformed in a military barracks.
Report: U.S. Envoy Warns ‘No More Political
Concessions for Hizbullah’
Naharnet/November 24/18/U.S. Deputy Assistant Secretary for the Levant Joel
Rayburn has voiced warnings against giving Hizbullah party “any additional
political gains” seeing its effect on the U.S. aid for Lebanon’s military, al-joumhouria
daily reported on Saturday. Senior political sources, who spoke on condition of
anonymity, said: “The U.S. envoy, who visited Lebanon for 19 hours, and met with
Prime Minister-designate Saad Hariri and Central Bank Governor Riad Salameh, has
voiced warnings against giving additional political gains for Hizbullah,”
suggesting “significant U.S. influence on the CEDRE Support conference for
Lebanon,” in response. They said the envoy’s mission was to deliver a direct
message in that regard, discouraging Lebanon from taking political decisions in
Hizbullah’s favor. He warned it could affect the U.S. grants provided for
Lebanon at the CEDRE conference and the U.S. aid for the Lebanese Armed Forces.
Jumblat: Settlement Necessary to Avoid Collapse
Naharnet/November 24/18/Progressive Socialist Party Leader Walid Jumblat on
Saturday said a settlement is necessary in order to avoid collapse in light of
frail efforts to form the government. Referring to the latest concerns raised by
Vatican Foreign Minister about the situation in Lebanon, Jumblat said: “After
the speech made by Vatican Foreign Minister Paul Richard Gallagher in the
presence of the Supreme Pontiff, away from narrow local considerations, the
settlement is necessary whatever its bitterness in order to avoid collapse.” The
new government was on the verge of formation on October 29 after the Lebanese
Forces accepted the portfolios that were assigned to it but a last-minute hurdle
over the representation of pro-Hizbullah Sunni MPs surfaced. Hizbullah has
insisted that the six Sunni MPs should be given a seat in the government,
refraining from providing Hariri with the names of its three Shiite ministers in
a bid to press him.
Report: Vatican Sounds Alarm as Govt Gridlock
Enters Seventh Month
Naharnet/November 24/18/No breakthrough on the horizon as the government
formation gridlock enters its seventh month on Sunday, amid concerns raised by
the Vatican shall the delay persist, urging Lebanese officials to resolve the
hurdle, al-Joumhouria daily reported on Saturday
In the midst of this “bleak” Lebanese atmosphere, the Holy See’s warning to the
Lebanese people arises urging them to preserve their country in the face of the
challenges it may face, with emphasis on the Vatican and Pope Francis’s support
for Lebanon and diversity, said the daily.
This image was conveyed by several visiting Lebanese to the Vatican in recent
days, including political figures, partisans and deputies such as Ali Bazzi,
Alain Aoun, Nehmeh Afram, Yassin Jaber, Nadim Gemayel, Tony Franjieh, Shawqi
Daccache, Nicola Nahhas and others, according to the newspaper.
The Vatican Foreign Minister has reportedly presented a detailed account of the
situation in the region, including Lebanon. He touched on the Iranian file,
calling “not to underestimate the importance of Iran's role in the
region.”Regarding the situation in Lebanon, he stressed that the Vatican is
eager to see a government formed. “I don’t want to draw pink pictures or tell
you children stories, but where are you taking Lebanon, you are not envied for
the situation you are in, be careful. You have to organize yourselves and your
country to be able to face the great challenges ahead. The Holy See will remain
supportive of Lebanon, but certainly does not have a magic wand,” he was quoted
as saying. The FM also focused on the Syrian refugees file in Lebanon. “The
displaced issue is a great burden in Lebanon. Certainly Lebanon can not afford
the growing burden of increasing births. But it is regrettable that their return
to their country may not take place. There is no one in the world who is ready
to offer assistance to Lebanon on this issue. We recommend that Lebanon knocks
at the door of Washington to help in this area,” he added.
Ghana’s Vice President Visits South Lebanon
Naharnet/November 24/18/Ghana's Vice-President Mahamudu Bawumia visited the
headquarters of the Ghanaian Contingent serving in the United Nations Interim
Force in Lebanon (UNIFIL), in South Lebanon’s Bint Jbeil, the National News
Agency reported on Saturday. NNA said Bawumia was briefed on the mission of
UNIFIL and the role of the Ghanaian peacekeeping forces, in addition to
supporting local citizens through the projects of the Office of Civil Military
Cooperation and the close cooperation with the Lebanese army to achieve security
and stability in the region. The Vice-President commended the Ghanaian soldiers
for their “outstanding performance and the great efforts to serve peace in
southern Lebanon.”He then reiterated Ghana's continued commitment to support
Lebanon since 1979. Ghana has supported UNIFIL with troops since the inception
of the mission 40 years ago.
Earlier, Bawumia held talks with President Michel Aoun met, Prime
Minister-designate Saad Hariri, House Speaker Nabih Berri and UNIFIL Commander,
Major General Stefano Del Col.
Latest LCCC Bulletin For Miscellaneous Reports
And News published on November 24-25/18
A French spy ship reserved for trouble spots joins USS Truman in
Syrian waters
DEBKAfile/November 24/18
The advanced French Dupuy de Lome spy ship has reached Syrian waters and begun
operating in conjunction with the USS Harry Truman and its five-ship strike
force. DEBKAfile’s military sources report that the Dupuy le Lome is normally
reserved by the Directorate of Military Intelligence of France (DRM) for
deployment to the world’s flash points ahead of or amid military flareups.
During the Ukraine war and the Russian invasion of Crimea (2014-2015), the
French signal intelligence ship was seen repeatedly in the Black Sea while
tracking Russian military movements.
Since last weekend, the US Air Force has maintained flights around the clock
over Syria, according to an earlier DEBKAfile report. Some of the aircraft take
off from the Truman’s flight decks. Not much is known about the surveillance
systems aboard the French spy ship, but they are believed to be state of the
art. They include a radar/radiation warning system, satellite communications
systems and at least two navigational radar locators. The ship also has
equipment for eavesdropping on enemy communications and command centers, reading
plain and coded email and listening in on mobile phone communications.
Beamed to the French ship is intelligence gathered by US reconnaissance aircraft
which have been in the air over Syria since last May. These USAF MC-12S EMARSS
and MC-12W Liberty planes have for some months been making passes over Syria
from their base on the island of Crete. The UAF planes are equipped with an
Enhanced Medium Altitude Reconnaissance and Surveillance System (EMARSS-S) which
can listen in on conversations among enemy command centers. They can also
capture military installations on video for relay to the US Army’s DCGS-A
intelligence data network.
Netanyahu Confirms Continued Israeli Actions Against Iran
Tel Aviv - Asharq Al-Awsat/Saturday,
24 November, 2018/Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has stressed that Israel has
continued “to act” to stop Tehran from gaining influence in Syria and Lebanon.
"This is my first visit here at the General Staff as the prime minister and
defense minister," Netanyahu said Friday as he convened his first meeting with
the Israeli army leadership in Tel Aviv since announcing that he will replace
Avigdor Lieberman, who has resigned as defense minister. "In the first arena,
Gaza, we are ready to act and do everything necessary to protect the security of
the residents of the area and the south," added the prime minister. "The second
arena is Judea and Samaria (the West Bank)," Netanyahu continued. He said the
Israeli army and the Shin Bet thwarted about 500 attacks this year. “This is an
opportunity to welcome the last joint action that prevented a very large
terrorist attack that was directed by Hamas from Gaza,” he added. The PM said
that the final threat Israel needed to tackle came from "the north, Syria, and
Lebanon. We continue to act to prevent Iran's military buildup in Syria and
Hezbollah's precision weapons project in Lebanon". Netanyahu on Thursday named
Maj. Gen. Eyal Zamir as the next deputy chief of staff of the Israeli army in
one of his first acts since he also took on the mantle of defense minister.
Netanyahu “approved the recommendation of the incoming Chief of Staff Gen. Aviv
Kochavi and appointed Gen. Eyal Zamir as the deputy chief of staff,” the army
said in a statement. The appointment comes just weeks after Kochavi was chosen
for the top military job by Lieberman. Zamir had also been a candidate for the
top position and was thought to be Netanyahu’s preferred candidate.
Israelis Welcome at Qatar World Cup
Tel Aviv - Asharq Al-Awsat/Saturday, 24 November, 2018/Qatar will pave the way
for new ties with Israel in the coming years and it will allow Israelis to visit
during its hosting of the 2022 FIFA World Cup, reported Israel’s Channel 2. It
said that Qatari officials confirmed that Doha will allow Israeli fans and
dignitaries to visit the country during the tournament. Israelis will have free
access to attend matches, said Channel 2. The Palestinian Hamas movement,
meanwhile, called on Friday Arab countries to cease all forms of “normalization”
with Israel. “Some Arab countries’ normalization of ties with the Israeli
occupation is a stab in the back against the just Palestinian cause,” said
movement spokesman Abdullatif al-Qanou. “The occupation forces will remain the
main enemy of our people and nation,” he declared, slamming visits by Israeli
officials to some Arab countries.
US Refuses Trading Iran Withdrawal from Syria
for Sanctions Relief
Moscow - Raed Jaber/Asharq Al-Awsat/Saturday, 24 November, 2018/The Kremlin
chose silence as a policy towards recent statements made by the US Special
Representative for Syria Engagement James Jeffrey on the future of Iran’s role
in the Syria crisis. Jeffrey, speaking to Russian media, had said that
Washington will not use new Tehran sanctions as a bargaining chip in Syria.
"Certainly, were the idea of a trade of Iranian withdrawal for American relief
on sanctions on Iran to come up, that’s something that under no circumstances
would we accept," he said. But he admitted that all US sanctions on Iran had a
“specific Iran pressure component” linked to its concern about Tehran’s
activities in the region. "But these sanctions also are focused on Iran working
to help Syria out. And we believe that we need to see the political process move
forward, we need to see a de-escalation of the fighting in Syria … And we’ll use
sanctions, we’ll use denial of reconstruction aid, we’ll use diplomatic
resources — anything we can to try to end this conflict and restore Syria to its
people," he said. The State Department official stressed that sanctions on Iran
were reimposed after Washington withdrew from the 2015 nuclear deal and had no
bearing on the Syrian war. A Russian diplomat told media outlets on condition of
anonymity said that Jeffrey’s statements are interesting and worth a closer
look, citing that the lack of a quick official reaction by Russia says a lot.
The US will never have good relations with Syrian regime head Bashar Assad, but
only Syrians get to decide who will lead them, Jeffrey said in an interview with
RIA Novosti and the Kommersant newspaper. “We are committed to a political
process that is with and by the Syrian people. The Syrian people get to decide
who will lead them and what kind of a government they will have. We are not
committed to any kind of regime change. We are committed to a change in the
behavior of that regime,” Jeffrey said. As for having Iranian troops exit Syria,
the US wants Russia to use its influence to influence Tehran to withdraw forces
from the country, Jeffrey said. "We do urge the Russians to use whatever
influence they have with the Syrian government and with the Iranians … to effect
the removal of all Iranian commanded forces from the entirety of Syria as part
of a solution that would have all foreign forces other than the Russians leave
and return to 2011," he added.
Egypt Unveils Pharaonic Tomb Found in Luxor
Asharq Al-Awsat/Saturday, 24 November, 2018/Egypt said Saturday that
archaeologists have found a pharaonic tomb in Luxor housing the mummies of a
priest and his wife from the 13th century B.C.
Antiquities Minister Khaled el-Anani said the tomb contains decorative
sarcophagi, a thousand statuettes, as well as other treasures. The tomb, which
is on the West Bank of the Nile near the Valley of the Kings, also contains
several colorful paintings of pharaonic royalty. Egypt has hoped to revive its
tourism sector.
Aboul Gheit: No Regional Order Succeeds without
Solution to Palestinian Cause
Cairo - Sawsan Abu Husain/Asharq Al-Awsat/Saturday, 24 November, 2018/Arab
League Secretary General Ahmed Aboul Gheit has stressed the important role the
22-member organization can play in any Arab regional order, which he said would
not succeed without a solution to the Palestinian cause. “We have to revive the
League of Arab states and the Arab security system as the core of the Arab
region,” said Aboul Gheit as part of a panel of discussion titled “The Quest For
Regional Hegemony: Preventing Escalation” in the 4th edition of the
Mediterranean Dialogues held in Rome. “There has to be a settlement for the
Palestinian-Israeli conflict,” he said. “The regional neighbors have to respect
the integrity of Arab territory. Iran should think deeply on reversing its
attitude and behavior in so many issues in relation to Arab countries,” he told
the panel.
“If that achieved, there would be a new regional order allowing the League of
Arab States to be the core to engage in whatever arrangements” there are, he
added. “The destruction of the Arab world allowed others to seek intervention or
hegemony,” he said in response to a question by the panel chair on what kind of
overall balance could be sketched in the region in order to promote stability.
“Everything in my opinion is premature. We cannot jump to arrangements in the
region without understanding what is happening in” it, Aboul Gheit said. He also
described the Arab region as the core of the Middle East. According to its
website, Mediterranean Dialogues is the annual high-level initiative promoted by
the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation and ISPI
(Italian Institute forInternational Political Studies) in Rome. The event aims
at drafting a “positive agenda” for the Mediterranean by stimulating debate and
promoting new ideas, rethinking traditional approaches and addressing shared
challenges at both the regional and the international level.
Turkey: EU Out of Line for Demanding Release of
Kurdish Leader
Asharq Al-Awsat/Saturday, 24 November, 2018/Turkey criticized on Friday the
European Union for going “out of line” in demanding the release of jailed
Kurdish leader Selahattin Demirtas. EU Foreign Policy Chief Federica Mogherini
made the call Thursday during a press conference with Turkish Foreign Minister
Mevlut Cavusoglu in Ankara. Mogherini and European Commissioner for European
Neighborhood Policy Johannes Hahn were in the Turkish capital to discuss
Turkey’s membership bid in the EU. "She exceeded her limits a little," Cavusoglu
told CNN-Turk television a day after Mogherini’s comments on Demirtas, who has
been held in Turkey for two years on terror charges. Demirtas, 45, one of two
former co-leaders of the leftist Peoples' Democratic Party (HDP), was arrested
in November 2016 over alleged links to Kurdish militants. The Strasbourg-based
European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) on Tuesday urged Ankara to release
Demirtas -- who hailed the move as "legal acknowledgment of my status as a
political hostage".The court accepted Demirtas had been arrested on "reasonable
suspicion" of having committed a crime, but said the reasons given for keeping
him behind bars were not "sufficient".
Demirtas denies all the charges and claims the case against him is politically
motivated. Cavusoglu described the ECHR ruling as motivated by politics, not the
law, and said the case would be determined by Turkey’s courts. Turkish President
Recep Tayyip Erdogan also rejected the European court's finding. "The decisions
delivered by the ECHR do not bind us," he said. Demirtas on Friday accused the
government of putting "political pressure" on the Turkish appeals court to
uphold his "completely unlawful" sentence, in a statement released by his party.
"We are witnessing a clear political intervention," he said. "The aim here is to
sentence me with another contrived political decision to keep me imprisoned,
before the ECHR implements its decision." But he remained defiant, saying: "We
will never bow down, and we will stand tall with determination, our spirits
high." He added: "We will, soon or later, emerge victorious in our struggle for
law, justice, freedom and democracy."
Saudi Royal Says Crown Prince is Here to Stay
Agence France Presse/Naharnet/November
24/18/A prominent Saudi royal says whether or not heads of state gathered in
Argentina next week for the Group of 20 summit warmly engage with Crown Prince
Mohammed bin Salman, he is someone "that they have to deal with."Prince Turki
al-Faisal tells The Associated Press the kingdom "will have to bear" that its
reputation has been tarred by the killing of Saudi writer Jamal Khashoggi in its
Istanbul consulate last month. Still, he says, Saudi Arabia will continue to
play a role on the world stage. He says President Donald Trump's statement of
support for Saudi Arabia recognizes the importance of the kingdom. The prince,
who once led Saudi intelligence, spoke Saturday during a policy briefing by the
Beirut Institute Summit .
Iran Urges Muslims to Unite against US,
Including Saudi 'Brothers'
Agence France Presse/Naharnet/November 24/18/Iranian President Hassan Rouhani
urged Muslims worldwide on Saturday to unite against the United States and
assured Saudis they were "brothers" who had nothing to fear from Tehran. US
President Donald Trump abandoned a landmark 2015 nuclear deal between major
powers and Tehran in May and has since reimposed crippling unilateral sanction.
"What the United States wants of (the Middle East) today is enslavement,"
Rouhani told an Islamic unity conference in Tehran. Instead of "rolling out the
red carpet for criminals," Muslim governments should unite against the United
States and "the region's cancerous tumour", Israel, he said. Rouhani urged
Shiite Iran's Sunni rival Saudi Arabia to end its dependence on "insulting" US
military aid. "We are ready to defend the Saudi people's interests against
terrorism and superpowers with all our might," he said. "We do no ask $450
billion for it and will not insult you." Riyadh cut diplomatic ties with Tehran
in January 2016 after protesters stormed its diplomatic missions in Iran
following its execution of a prominent Shiite cleric. It accuses Tehran of
fomenting unrest among Shiites in the Gulf Arab states and the two governments
have supported opposing sides in devastating civil wars in Syria and Yemen.
May Heads to Brussels as Spain Threatens Brexit
Agence France Presse/Naharnet/November 24/18/British Prime Minister Theresa May
was headed back to Brussels on Saturday to defend the planned Brexit divorce
deal even as Spain threatened to boycott an EU summit meant to endorse it. May
has final day talks scheduled with EU leaders Jean-Claude Juncker and Donald
Tusk, although diplomats said the withdrawal agreement is finished and ready for
EU leaders to approve on Sunday. Nothing in the painful 17-month withdrawal
process has gone smoothly, and on Friday, Spain's Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez
warned he might not attend if the leaders do not acknowledge that Madrid holds a
veto over the fate of Gibraltar in any post-Brexit negotiation of new EU-UK
ties. Visiting Cuba, Sanchez said that Madrid must be allowed to negotiate
directly with London on Gibraltar and give its specific assent to any changes to
its relationship to the European Union in a future agreement between Britain and
Brussels. "If there's no agreement, it's very clear what will happen, there very
probably won't be a European Council" summit, he said. Gibraltar, a tiny rocky
outcrop home to a port and around 30,000 people, is a British territory claimed
by Spain and will be a bone of contention as London negotiates a new
relationship with Brussels after Brexit day on March 29. Luis Marco Aguiriano
Nalda, Spain's secretary of state for European affairs, said Madrid wanted
London to put in writing that it shared Madrid's interpretation of the
negotiated Brexit deal texts regarding its stance on Gibraltar. "We have
demanded that it be published by the British authorities before the European
Council on Sunday," said in Brussels. In London, however, a Downing Street
source said he did not know what document Aguiriano could be referring to and
added: "We have negotiated on behalf of the whole of the UK family. That
includes Gibraltar and the overseas territories." In legal terms, Spain's
disapproval would not halt the divorce settlement, but it would embarrass EU
leaders keen to show that the 27 are united.
More uncertainty
And, as Aguiriano noted, any final relationship negotiated between London and
Brussels after Brexit day on March 29 would have to be approved by all remaining
member states -- giving Spain a de facto veto further down the line. May is due
in Brussels later on Saturday to see EU Commission president Juncker, head of
the bloc's executive, and EU Council president Tusk, whose institution
represents the member states. But European diplomats told AFP no more
substantive negotiations would take place and Sunday's summit would simply see
leaders sign off on the fruit of 17 months of dialogue. A European diplomat said
the meeting's minutes would include language stressing the importance of Britain
maintaining a level playing field in trade rules during the 21-month post-Brexit
transition, and on fishing rights. And the summit will make it clear that the
European Council would take the lead over the Commission in negotiating future
ties -- another measure to reassure Madrid that its voice will be heard before
any final settlement is reached. After that, May will still have to sell the
deal to the British Parliament, an even greater political challenge. May refused
to say whether she would resign if parliament eventually votes down the divorce
agreement that the EU is set to endorse on Sunday, alongside a shorter political
framework to guide talks on future ties. "If this deal does not go through, we
are back at square one. What we end up with is more division and more
uncertainty," she warned.
French police clash with ‘yellow vest’ protesters angry
over fuel taxes
Al Arabiya English and agencies/Saturday, 24 November 2018/Security forces in
Paris fired tear gas and water cannon Saturday to disperse protesters who tried
to break through a police cordon on the Champs-Elysees, an AFP journalist said.
Several thousand demonstrators, wearing high-visibility yellow jackets, had
gathered on the avenue as part of protests, which began last Saturday against an
increase in diesel tax. Tens of thousands of people will rally in Paris on
Saturday against rising fuel costs and President Emmanuel Macron’s economic
policies, the second weekend of “yellow vest” protests that have led to
widespread national disruption. Yellow Vests protesters who spoke to Al Arabiya
News Channel said that police began to fire tear gas at demonstrators which led
to clashes. Protesters said that their march began as peaceful and turned
violent once police began to respond forcefully. “We began peacefully and it is
our right to assemble and protest. They, the police, began to use force with
water cannons and teargas canisters to disperse us. A lot of people are becoming
increasingly angry and are beginning to march toward the Elysee Palace demanding
Macron to take action and address the crowds,” one protester told Al Arabiya.
Security forces are concerned that far-left and far-right extremists may
infiltrate the demonstrations, escalating the crowd-control challenges. Around
30,000 people are expected to protest in Paris alone, Denis Jacob, secretary
general of police union Alternative Police, told Reuters. “We know there are
ultra-right and ultra-left infiltrators. You can also expect gangs from the
suburbs and ‘black-blocks’,” he said, referring to a militant protest force.
Some 3,000 police officers have been drafted in to work in Paris on Saturday,
city hall said, with security forces having to handle a demonstration against
sexual violence, a soccer match and a rugby game in the capital on the same day.
For more than a week, protesters clad in the fluorescent yellow jackets that all
motorists in France must have in their cars have blocked highways across the
country with burning barricades and convoys of slow-moving trucks, obstructing
access to fuel depots, shopping centers and some factories. They are opposed to
taxes Macron introduced last year on diesel and petrol to encourage people to
shift to more environmentally friendly transport. Alongside the tax, the
government has offered incentives to buy green or electric vehicles. Last
Saturday, when nearly 300,000 people took part in the first yellow vest
demonstrations countrywide, retailers’ daily revenue fell 35 percent, according
to consumer groups. The unrest is a dilemma for Macron who casts himself as a
champion against climate change but has been derided as out of touch with common
folk and is fighting a slump in popularity. In Paris, authorities have permitted
a gathering next to the Eiffel Tower on Saturday but rejected requests for a
protest on the Place de la Concorde, which is close to the National Assembly and
the presidential Elysee Palace. The tower itself will be closed to the public.
Despite calls for calm from the government, the yellow vest protests have spread
to French territories abroad, including the Indian Ocean island of Reunion,
where cars were set on fire. The unrest has left two dead and 606 injured in
mainland France, the Interior Ministry said on Thursday. While the movement,
which has no leader, began as a backlash against higher fuel prices, it has
tapped into broader frustration at the sense of a squeeze on household spending
power under Macron’s 18-month-old government. French retailers warned on Friday
that the protests across the country could derail the crucial Christmas shopping
season that started with Black Friday discounts. Despite the disruptions, an
Elabe poll for BFM TV showed 70 percent of French still approve of the yellow
vest movement. Since coming to power, Macron has seen off trade union and street
demonstrations against his changes to the labor rules, and overhauled the
heavily indebted state rail operator. Foreign investors have largely cheered his
pro-business administration. But political foes have dismissed him as the
“president of the rich” for ending a wealth tax, and voters appear to be growing
restless, with the 40-year-old president’s popularity slumped at barely 20
Latest LCCC Bulletin analysis & editorials from
miscellaneous sources published on November
Analysis/Shadow of Russian Plane Still Hangs: Israel Worries About Conflict in
North, but Its Hands Are Tied
تحليل سياسي من الهآررتس لعاموس هاريل: شبح اسقاط الطائرة الروسية لا يزال قائماً
في حين أن إسرائيل قلقة من الصراع على حدودها الشمالية لكنها مقيدة اليدين
Amos Harel/Haaretz/November 24/18
The strategic blunder caused by the plane's downing is far from
over ■ Does the Israeli public agree with Bennett that lawyers are limiting the
army's operations? ■ What the army warned about Culture Minister Miri Regev
In the Gaza Strip, which triggered Israel’s most recent political crisis,
relative quiet actually prevailed this week. The intermediaries, members of
Egyptian intelligence, asked Hamas for three weekends of quiet. During the first
week the organization kept its promise. Last Friday, its security personnel were
deployed near the border with Israel and prevented the demonstrators, many of
them Hamas activists themselves, from approaching the fence.
The positive influence of the fuel and money from Qatar is still being felt,
with the most important improvement in the situation being the tripling of the
electricity supply to the inhabitants. The Israel Defense Forces, accordingly,
has lowered some aspects of the high alert in the south, but remains defensively
pessimistic. The army units continue to train and to prepare for a possibility
of escalation, which is liable even to mushroom into a large-scale operation
next time.
The leaders’ interest is still focused on the northern front. As opposed to the
possible impression left by Netanyahu’s speech this week, we are not facing an
immediate danger of war. On the other hand, there is also a gap between the
public’s awareness and the actual severity of the situation. Israel is still
deeply mired in a complicated strategic situation: The downing of the Ilyushin
plane by a Syrian defense system on September 17 infuriated the Russians,
changed their conduct and reduced the IAF’s freedom of activity in the skies of
If previously attacks against Iranian arms convoys and bases in Syria were
approved almost routinely, now any such activity – and the Israeli leadership
has already hinted that several such attacks have nevertheless been carried out
– is accompanied by a great degree of uncertainty. Russia is turning a cold
shoulder to Israel. Even former Defense Minister Avigdor Lieberman was unable to
arrange a meeting in Moscow with his counterpart, Defense Minister Sergey Shoigu,
and apparently IAF Commander Norkin also had a difficult experience there.
Chief of Staff Gadi Eisenkot lectured on Wednesday at a conference of the State
Comptroller’s Office. “The crying that I hear about the loss of Israeli
deterrence,” he said, “does not accord with the intelligence material that I
read every morning about Gaza, Syria and Lebanon.” On all those fronts, it
should be repeated, Netanyahu has until now shown caution and responsibility.
That is an essential approach in order to prevent an unwanted war.
Bennett’s CNN maneuver
During his disastrous press conference at the beginning of the week, in which he
threatened to resign from the government and changed his mind, Education
Minister Naftali Bennett performed a CNN maneuver. A few weeks ago U.S.
President Donald Trump inflated an incident with a CNN correspondent, thereby
diverting discussion from the relative Republican failure in the midterm
Congressional elections.
Bennett embarked on a frontal attack against an easy target – Maj. Gen. Sharon
Afek, the military advocate general. He claimed that IDF soldiers “are more
afraid of the MAG than of Yahya Sinwar,” the Hamas chief. When he was
criticized, the following day Bennett supported his assertion by quoting parts
of the statements of Maj. Gen. (res.) Yishai Bar, former president of the
Military Appeals Court.
At a conference of the Israel Democracy Institute about the status of the IDF as
a people’s army, Bar said he had advised former Chief of Staff Gabi Ashkenazi
“not to bring the legal advisers into the war rooms.” I asked Bar the next day
about what he said. His viewpoint is more complicated than that presented by the
education minister. Throughout his years in the IDF, Bar vocally advocated
strict observance of the rules of international law during combat in the
territories. He also believes that this obligation must be imposed on the
commanders during combat. The role of the legal advisers is to supervise, not to
replace the commanders. Bennett wants more than that. In his statements he
claimed in effect that the restraints imposed by the Military Prosecution on the
soldiers prevent the IDF from winning at war.
According to a survey presented at the conference, the nation is moving in the
direction of the education minister. The survey, conducted by Prof. Tamar
Hermann and Or Anavi, examined the views of the Israeli public regarding values
in combat, ranging from adopting punitive measures (home demolition, the death
penalty for terrorists) to the rules for opening fire. As expected, the survey
indicates substantial support for the punitive policy in the territories along
with a demand to take more severe steps.
The political controversy is reflected in all its gravity, in the responses
regarding the IDF’s conduct in combat. While those who place themselves on the
left and the center fully support the views of the senior commanders, as they
were reflected for example in the affair of soldier Elor Azaria (who was
convicted of shooting at an incapacitated terrorist), the attitude on the right
“On the right, and especially in the ultra-Orthodox community, there is an
erosion and even an oppositional attitude to these viewpoints,” write Hermann
and Anavi. Half of the right-wingers (47 percent vs. 48 percent) are opposed to
prosecuting a soldier for looting, and a majority (53 percent) support killing a
terrorist after he has been incapacitated and does not present any danger (in
brief, the Azaria affair). Among the ultra-Orthodox, a sweeping majority opposes
the declared views of the army on these issues.
And yet, they write, “On every issue in which the state institutions – the IDF,
political leaders, the courts and the school system – opposed a specific method
of operation,” that has an influence on the public. They add a recommendation:
“The discussion should be conducted not only within the army, but in public
forums as well, thus providing senior commanders with public support, which is
essential for preserving public confidence in the army systems.” Bennett, who
this week once again declared himself a suitable candidate for the job of
defense minister in the future, apparently didn’t see the email.
While in the Israel Democracy Institute they argued about IDF values, at the
training base in Tze’elim the fighters of the Kfir Brigade practiced occupying a
Palestinian village. The complex, which includes tunnels and shafts, looks like
the outskirts of the Palestinian towns in the Gaza Strip. At the entrance to one
of the houses that he is supposed to search with his fighters, the platoon
commander hears a recording of a crying baby. Now he has to make a decision: How
should he enter the house, knowing that there are civilians there, and perhaps
enemy fighters as well?
The senior officers at the site explain that the platoon commander has to take
into account considerations such as proportionality and distinguishing between
terrorists and innocent bystanders – and perhaps he can take over another house,
which better serves his goal. In another scenario, a barrage was fired at the
soldiers from inside a building in which there was a large number of civilians.
Does the platoon commander summon a combat helicopter to drop a bomb on the
building, or use precise sniper fire to silence the source of the shooting?
All these scenarios, like the rules of combat, are formulated by commanders. The
legal advisers are not even in evidence. Although Kfir is the brigade in which
Azaria served, its commanders seem very confident and expert at the rules of
combat as they are dictated to them by their superiors.
Reckless Regev
The venomous attack by Culture and Sports Minister Miri Regev on former IDF
chief and emerging politician Benny Gantz is evidence of the nature of the
military atmosphere these days. During Operation Defensive Edge, Regev claimed
in an interview with the Keshet broadcasting franchise, the former chief of
staff called on the residents of the south to go out and pick anemones, and
“Daniel Tragerman, the little boy, was killed.”
The connection between the two events is minimal. Gantz was expressing a future
hope for quiet towards the end of the operation in the summer of 2014 (anemones
actually grow in the winter and in Israel picking them is prohibited).
Four-year-old Daniel Tragerman was killed in a mortar attack against his kibbutz
Nahal Oz. Gantz, who was touring the area during the incident, was one of the
first to visit the family.
Regev did not apologize, of course. To hell with the facts: After all, we’re
living in the world of Donald Trump. She also ignored the identity of the prime
minister who appointed Gantz chief of staff and was his superior during the
frustrating days of Operation Protective Edge. Her attack was apparently related
to the latest surveys, which indicate growing public support for appointing
Gantz defense minister.
Gantz was often criticized on these pages during his tenure as chief of staff,
mainly in connection with the IDF’s performance during Operation Protective
Edge. It is doubtful whether the man who even now is extremely cautious about
expressing even the slightest original idea will really fulfill the left’s
dreams of a dramatic political change. If we measure chiefs of staff using the
slogan with which the IDF approached the disengagement from Gaza – that it would
be carried out “with sensitivity and determination” – Gantz for the most part
has demonstrated somewhat more sensitivity than determination.
And still, the former chief of staff has more integrity in his little finger
than Regev has ever demonstrated. Only a few weeks ago, after a misogynistic
remark from the Knesset podium by Yesh Atid MK Elazar Stern, she declared that
she was mortally insulted and immediately received a warm embrace from the left
and from women’s organizations.
Regev has not always been a model of sisterhood. In 2002 she served as the
deputy of IDF Spokesperson Brig. Gen. Ruth Yaron. The two didn’t get along, to
put it mildly. The head of the Operations Directorate, Maj. Gen. Dan Harel, the
most decent and compassionate member of the General Staff, was called on to
decide. When Harel heard how Regev treated one of her subordinates, a female
soldier in the unit, and what expressions she used, he made sure to remove her
immediately from her position.
Regev had a soft landing. The “farm forum,” with which Regev had a close
connection at the time (that is the period that has long since been erased from
her memory, just like being a spokesperson for the disengagement), took her in.
As a person on loan from the army in a new position in the bureau of Prime
Minister Ariel Sharon, she was appointed the coordinator of public relations for
the Home Front prior to the second Gulf War. Later she returned to the Defense
Ministry as the chief censor.
Two years later, when Dan Halutz, who had great political aspirations, was
appointed chief of staff, she proudly returned with him to the General Staff as
the IDF spokesperson. Halutz also lived to regret it. He told someone who
visited him on the eve of his forced resignation from the job, about half a year
after the Second Lebanon War: The appointment of Miri was a strategic mistake.
At the time Regev was not very popular in the General Staff forum. Her frequent
toadying, her self-advancement that was exceptional even in an environment
filled with people elbowing to get ahead, her flexible attitude towards the
truth – none of this made her popular with her fellow officers. Some even
discerned her far-reaching ambitions. “You’re complaining about her now. Speak
to us in 10 years from now, when she’s your children’s education minister,” they
said at the time. In hindsight, it seems they underestimated her. She aspires to
more than that.
Beyond Mohammed bin Salman’s Tour
Salman Al-dossary/Asharq Al-Awsat/November 24/18
The Saudi Crown Prince’s plane landed in the UAE capital Abu Dhabi on Thursday
evening as the first stop of a six-nation Arab tour by Saudi Arabia’s number
two, in a new Saudi diplomatic path that was adopted since King Salman bin
Abdulaziz took office in early 2015.
The new diplomacy is primarily based on making the most of these visits by
strengthening interests and developing relations with other countries, rather
than conducting mere protocol stays. As part of this diplomacy, the Saudi Crown
Prince made two very successful tours that took him to Asia in August 2016 and
to Europe and America in April 2018. This time the destination is Arab and will
include the UAE, Bahrain, Egypt, Tunisia, Algeria and Mauritania, in an effort
by Prince Mohammed bin Salman to promote the country’s political, economic and
military status, and to promote the Kingdom’s Vision 2030.
The Arab tour also aims to consolidate Saudi Arabia’s strong diplomatic
presence, as the Kingdom is a key player in the world, as confirmed by the
president of the world’s largest country, Donald Trump, who described Saudi
Arabia as a “great ally.”
The Saudi Crown Prince’s Arab tour coincides with heading his country’s
delegation to the G-20 summit in Argentina next Wednesday. This is an important
opportunity to strengthen the Kingdom’s regional and international leading role
as the only Arab member of the G-20, which is the most important summit of the
year at the international level, even more important than the annual meetings of
the United Nations. The Kingdom has always shouldered and supported Arab and
regional issues. This was translated in the vision of Prince Mohammed Bin Salman
of a new Middle East, which he announced last month at an economic conference in
Riyadh, if the region gets rid of its chronic issues and focuses on the
development of its countries.
Here in Abu Dhabi, Emiratis celebrated, officially and publicly, the arrival of
Prince Mohammed bin Salman as if he were visiting them for the first time;
knowing that the Crown Prince maintains uninterrupted visits and continuous
communication with the Gulf state. The reason is because every visit by the
Saudi Crown Prince to the UAE creates a new foundation for Saudi-Emirati
relations, which are witnessing their strongest stages since their establishment
five decades ago. This is because Riyadh and Abu Dhabi are fully convinced of
the strong strategic alliance that brings them together and which is one of the
most important sources of power for both of them.
The two countries’ economies are valued at one trillion dollars, the largest in
the Middle East. Their exports make them one of the top ten exporters in the
world at nearly $700 billion. Today, they have more than 175 initiatives and
projects that are expected to create a new reality for the region and a new
phase of productive work. They also have the ability and desire for mutual
integration in three important levels: the economic, the human and cognitive
fields, as well as political, military and security cooperation, not to mention
the great consensus that reaches the extent of conformity in the two countries’
positions and their shared vision of regional and international issues and
crises. As usual, the outcome of tours and visits conducted by King Salman bin
Abdulaziz and Prince Mohammed bin Salman can be clearly seen. There is a
distinct Saudi diplomacy aimed at achieving and protecting national interests
and strengthening the role of the Kingdom in the establishment of security,
stability and prosperity in the region and the world.
There is no doubt that this Arab tour will bolster Saudi-Arab ties, which are
the foundations of Saudi principles. The tour will also stand against regional
efforts to achieve their destabilizing agendas, which the area can do without at
the moment.
Russia and Japan Could Finally End WWII
Leonid Bershidsky/Bloomberg View/November 24/18
For decades, every sign Russia and Japan had made progress in talks on disputed
territories and a post-World War II peace treaty turned out to be a false alarm.
This time may be different: Both Russian President Vladimir Putin and Japanese
Prime Minister Shinzo Abe need a deal more than their predecessors did. Putin
and Abe met in Singapore last week and agreed to speed up talks on a peace
treaty their two countries negotiated after World War II but the Soviet Union
refused to sign. The talks will be based on a joint declaration the Soviet Union
and Japan signed in 1956, since abandoned by both sides, that required the
Soviet Union to hand over to Japan the island of Shikotan and the Habomai islets
once a peace treaty was signed.
Both sides have strong misgivings about a compromise based on the 1956
declaration. For Japan, it would mean losing the leverage to claim much bigger
territory (Etorofu and Kunashiri account for 93 percent of the land area of the
disputed islands). For Russia, a deal is important (symbolically for the most
part) to make sure no US military bases are placed on Shikotan and Habomai,
something Abe reportedly promised to Putin but may be unable to rule out under
existing Japanese commitments to the US.
Besides, the return of any of the islands, seized by the Soviet Union in the
final days of World War II, is extremely unpopular in today’s Russia. Over the
years, polls have consistently shown that 70 percent to 90 percent of Russians
reject such a handover. Putin’s predecessor, Boris Yeltsin, was at several
points close to ceding some territory to Japan, but he always stepped back,
fearing a powerful backlash from Communist and nationalist rivals.
Now, both Abe and Putin really want to put the matter behind them.
Abe’s primary interest is his legacy. If he can keep his job until the next
scheduled election in 2021, he would be the longest-serving Japanese prime
minister. But economic growth, spurred by his generous stimulus policies, has
started to slow this year, and his tenure isn’t assured. He needs an important
win to stay in power and ensure his place in history. A deal with Russia, though
it would face some domestic opposition, could be perceived as such a victory
when confidence in Abe’s foreign policy is flagging: Japanese voters are more
open to a compromise than Russians.
Putin’s interest is both economic and geopolitical. A deal with Japan would
potentially open the flow of Japanese investment to Russia’s Far East, a vast,
underdeveloped region where Russia needs to counterbalance a growing Chinese
influence. Improving relations with Japan would also help Putin in his search
for alternatives to cooperation with the West.
Baghdad has a difficult choice to make
Camelia Entekhabifard/Arab News/November 24, 2018
Barham Salih, the newly elected president of Iraq, paid his first visit to
Tehran last week. Iran has acted as a major ally of Iraq since Saddam Hussein
was overthrown by the US in 2003, and in the last few years it has helped the
Iraqis confront Daesh.
Both countries reportedly emphasized Iran’s importance as the first responder
when Daesh expanded in Iraq in 2014. But that does not mean Iran’s agenda was
noble. While it supported Iraq in confronting the terrorists, Iran’s Islamic
Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) was creating a Shiite militia, Al-Hashd Al-Shaabi,
along the lines of the Tehran-backed Hezbollah in Lebanon. It is not easy to
dismantle such well-invested and trained militias; this is well known by the
Iraqis and Lebanese. Countries in the region are fearful of the support given to
these militias, which are considered a source of division and hatred in
societies with fresh memories of sectarian war. It is up to Iraqis to choose
what works best for them and their national interest.
The IRGC is a good example of how a militia can become stronger than a national
army, acting separately from and not accountable to the central government.
Hezbollah in Lebanon is not the only example; there is also the Fatemiyoun in
US President Donald Trump this week said Iran “is responsible for a bloody proxy
war against Saudi Arabia in Yemen, trying to destabilize Iraq’s fragile attempt
at democracy, supporting the terror group Hezbollah in Lebanon, propping up
dictator Bashar Assad in Syria and much more.”
Iraq’s Foreign Ministry recently asked the US Embassy in Baghdad to respect
Iraq’s sovereignty after the embassy called on Iran to disband Al-Hashd Al-Shaabi.
Salih faces a difficult choice: Develop relations with the US and count on its
financial resources for construction, modernization and military training, or
remain friendly with Tehran and be sidelined by Arab nations and abandoned by
Washington. Perhaps by choosing to visit Jordan and the UAE before Tehran, Salih
was showing Iranians where his priority lies: Pursuing better relations with
Arab nations and the US. Iran’s Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei openly asked him to
maintain Al-Hashd Al-Shaabi. But this is not up to Tehran; it is up to Iraqis to
choose what works best for them and their national interest.
The Middle East is passing the phase of extremism and heading toward peace and
prosperity, as everyone is tired of civil and ethnic wars. Trump does not need
to remind us who the source of division and trouble is; the region can see for
Camelia Entekhabifard is an Iranian-American journalist, political commentator
and author of Camelia: Save Yourself By Telling the Truth (Seven Stories Press,
2008). Twitter: @CameliaFard
Why this G20 summit may be the most important in years
Andrew Hammond/Arab News/November 24, 2018
World leaders are making final preparations for this week’s G20 summit in
Argentina on Friday and Saturday. The meeting, which is being billed as the
moment when US-China trade tensions could come to a head, may become the most
important G20 since the 2009 meeting in London during the storm of the
international financial crisis.Leaders will be in attendance from the United
States, China, Germany, India, Japan (which will be the G20 president next year
and host the event in Osaka), Indonesia, Australia, Russia, Brazil, United
Kingdom, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, Turkey, France, Italy, Germany, Canada,
South Korea, Argentina, Mexico and the EU. Collectively, these powers account
for some 90 percent of global GDP, 80 percent of world trade and around 66
percent of global population.
Last year’s summit in Hamburg was most memorable for the divisions within the
G20 powers, especially the United States and key EU countries, over issues such
as international trade, migration and climate change. To be sure, there was not
complete disagreement in these areas with all parties, for instance,
acknowledging the importance of limiting global temperature rises to no more
than 2 degrees Celsius above pre-industrial levels. However, given US President
Donald Trump’s rejection of the Paris accord, significant differences were aired
over the means to secure this ambition, and he ultimately was isolated 19-1 on
this issue.
Another flashpoint was the collision between German Chancellor Angela Merkel’s
push for a strong G20 re-affirmation of international trade, versus Trump’s
victory in securing language in the end-of-summit communiqué that countries can
protect their markets with “legitimate trade-defence instruments”.
This same topic is also likely to be central to this year’s meeting narrative,
with Beijing and Washington having been locked now for several months in what
could descend into a trade war, with Trump imposing tariffs of some $250 billion
and China retaliating with some $110 billion of duties. Last week, White House
economic adviser Larry Kudlow said he foresaw a confrontation between Washington
and Beijing at the G20 after a growing war of words after the APEC summit
earlier this month.
This year’s forum could be especially memorable given the possibility of Trump
and Chinese President Xi Jinping securing a breakthrough in US-China trade
On Thursday, Trump expressed optimism again that a breakthrough could
potentially be reached with China before Jan. 1 when a new round of US tariffs
commences that will increase duties to 25 percent on a broad range of consumer
goods. Yet for that to happen, Trump is clearly looking for more negotiating
carrots from Beijing after he asserted earlier this month that a list of 142
concessions offered was “not acceptable.”
The potentially escalating US-China spat comes at a difficult time for the
international trading system, with G20 countries applying around 40 new trade
restrictive measures between May and October, covering around $481 billion of
trade, the World Trade Organization (WTO) said last week. Three-quarters of the
latest trade restrictions were tariff hikes, many of them retaliation to steel
and aluminium tariffs imposed by Trump in March. The new restrictions were the
largest since the WTO started specifically monitoring G20 trade in 2012.
The massive amount of attention on this year’s G20 highlights, yet again, that
the body is widely perceived since the 2008-09 financial crisis to have seized
the mantle from the G7 as the premier forum for international economic
cooperation and global economic governance. It is now a decade since the G20 was
upgraded from a finance minister body to one where heads of state now meet too –
a move that was greeted with considerable fanfare, including from
then-French-president Nicolas Sarkozy, when he claimed that “the G20 foreshadows
the planetary governance of the 21st century.”
Yet the fact is that the forum has failed so far to realize the full scale of
the ambition some thrust upon it at the height of the international financial
crisis. A key part of the failure to deliver is that the G20 meetings have no
formal mechanisms to ensure enforcement of agreements by world leaders.
There also remains concerns by states outside the G20 about the club’s
composition, which was originally selected in the late 1990s by the United
States along with G7 colleagues. While countries were nominally selected
according to criteria such as population, GDP etc, criticism has been made of
omissions such as Nigeria, sometimes called the “giant of Africa,” which has
three times South Africa’s population.
Former Norwegian foreign minister Jonas Gahr Store has gone so far to call the
G20 “one of the greatest setbacks since World War Two” inasmuch as it undermines
the UN’s universal sense of multilateralism. Reflecting this, the UN General
Assembly convened a rival UN Conference on the Global Economic Crisis in 2009 as
an alternative forum. Taken overall, while the G20 has not yet lived up to some
of the initial expectations of it, it continues to be a forum prized by its
members as the session in Argentina will show. This year’s forum could be
especially memorable given the possibility of Trump and Chinese President Xi
Jinping securing a breakthrough in US-China trade tensions.
*Andrew Hammond is an associate at LSE IDEAS at the London School of Economics.
The Fracturing of France
Giulio Meotti/Gatestone Institute/November 24/18
In a new program, Macron's government is offering Arabic lessons in France's
public schools to children as young as six years old, purportedly to facilitate
French authorities seem to ignore that the vast majority of terrorists from
France have been French citizens, who spoke a perfect French and, unlike their
parents, were born in France. They were perfectly "integrated". They rejected
Gérard Collomb (center), France's Interior Minister until last month and
currently Mayor of Lyon, is apparently pessimistic about the situation in his
country. "It's difficult to estimate but I would say that in five years the
situation could become irreversible. Yes, we have five, six years to avoid the
worst," he said recently.
US President Donald Trump and French President Emmanuel Macron engaged in a
public diplomatic clash just days before Trump visited France this month. The
spat began when, in a radio interview, Macron suggested that Europe needed an
army to protect itself from the US. "We have to protect ourselves with respect
to China, Russia and even the United States of America," said Macron.
Protecting France from the United States? In a November 11 speech commemorating
World War I, Macron in a diplomatic welcome to his guest, attacked
"nationalism". President Trump had proudly called himself a "nationalist" less
than three weeks before.
Macron, it seems, was using the armistice signed in 1918 to forget what is going
on in France in 2018.
Gérard Collomb, France's Interior Minister until last month and currently Mayor
of Lyon, is apparently pessimistic about the situation in his country, according
to comments reported by Valeurs Actuelles. "People do not want to live
together," Collomb lamented, continuing that the responsibility for security
during the recent immigration has been "huge." Collomb also warned that there is
only a "little time" to improve the situation. "It's difficult to estimate but I
would say that in five years the situation could become irreversible. Yes, we
have five, six years to avoid the worst," he added.
And the worst will be a "secession", or as Gilles Kepel, the French specialist
on Islam, called it: "La fracture."
Macron, however, does not seem particularly receptive to Collomb's warning. A
man reportedly shouting "Allahu Akbar" stabbed a police officer in Brussels this
week, during a state visit by Macron to the Belgian capital -- the first for a
French president since Mitterrand visited there in the 80s. Macron also went to
Brussels' Molenbeek district, which he defined "a territory marked by the image
of the terrorist drama and also a place of initiatives, sharing and
integration". Sharing and integration?
Eight people were arrested in a March 2018 counter-terror raid in Molenbeek. A
confidential report revealed last year that police in the same Brussels district
uncovered 51 organizations with suspected ties to jihadist terrorism. Many of
the suspects involved in the Paris and Brussels terror attacks either lived in,
or operated, from Molenbeek. As Julia Lynch wrote in The Washington Post
regarding Molenbeek:
"One of 19 "communes" in the Brussels metro area, the neighborhood was home to
one of the attackers in the 2004 commuter train bombings in Madrid and to the
Frenchman who shot four people at the Jewish Museum in Brussels in August 2014.
The Moroccan shooter on the Brussels-Paris Thalys train in August 2015 stayed
with his sister there.
If there is a place where Collomb's explanation about "secession" is not only a
warning but already a reality, that place is Molenbeek. Roger Cohen, in The New
York Times, called it "the Islamic State of Molenbeek." And such districts are
not on a Belgian phenomenon. "Today, we know that there are 100 neighbourhoods
in France that have potential similarities with what happened in Molenbeek",
said France's then Minister of Youth Affairs and Sports, Patrick Kanner, in
2016. One is the town of Trappes, not only famous for the international soccer
star Nicolas Anelka, but also for the number of jihadists from there who went to
fight in Syria or Iraq.
In France, six planned terror attacks have been foiled this year, the Secretary
of State to the Minister of the Interior, Laurent Nunez, disclosed. "Since
November 2013, 55 planned Islamist attacks were foiled thanks to the action of
the intelligence services, including six this year", Nunez said.
In the last few months, the current French scenario has not been dominated by
new big terror attacks, but by a daily rain of intimidation. A Frenchman in his
60s was walking down a Paris street with wrapped Christmas gifts last week, when
a stranger knocked off his eyeglasses before slapping him. "That's what we do to
the infidels", the attacker said to the man. A few days before that, a French
Jewish citizen was also attacked in the street by three men.
On the ideological front, "Macron is following in the footsteps of presidents
who have tried, and failed, to establish an 'Islam of France'", Politico
reported. According to the Wall Street Journal:
"Now President Emmanuel Macron's government is considering giving parents a
secular alternative to that intertwining of Arabic and Islam by prodding more of
France's public schools to offer children as young as age 6 Arabic lessons..."
Robert Ménard, the mayor of the southern town of Béziers, declared that
"teaching Arabic will create more ghettos". French authorities seem to ignore
that the vast majority of terrorists from France have been French citizens, who
spoke a perfect French and, unlike their parents, were born in France. They were
perfectly "integrated". They rejected it.
The confirmation of the Islamist wave came last September in a shocking report
from Institut Montaigne entitled, "The Islamist Factory." It details the extreme
level of radicalization of the French Muslim society. According to its director,
Hakim El Kharoui, extremist Muslims in France are "creating an alternative
society, parallel, separate. With a key concept: halal." Macron has done almost
nothing to stop this expansion.
"Two or three Salafist mosques were closed in 18 months, [but] foreign funding
of mosques was not banned," said National Front party leader Marine Le Pen
recently. The goal of foreign funding has been detailed by the former chairman
of the Christian Democratic Party, Jean-Frédéric Poisson, in his new book,
"Islam, Conquering the West". "The expansion of Islam in the West is part of a
strategic plan developed by the 57 states that make up [the Organisation of]
Islamic Cooperation -- a sort of Muslim United Nations -- which theorized the
spread of Sharia law in Europe", Poisson said in an interview this month. "They
openly declared the ambition to install a 'substitution civilization' in the
There is, however, more than the cultural level. Philippe De Villiers, a
politician and essayist close to Macron, recently evoked a phrase coined by his
brother, General Pierre de Villiers, the former head of the French military.
General de Villiers had warned Macron about a possible internal implosion in the
volatile Parisian suburbs: "the darker sides of the City of Light". According to
Philippe De Villiers, his brother would have said to Macron: "If the suburbs
revolt, we would not be able to cope with it, we cannot afford to face it, we do
not have the men."
Two journalists with the mainstream newspaper Le Monde, Gérard Davet and Fabrice
Lhomme, recently published a book entitled Inch'allah : l'islamisation à visage
découvert ("If Allah Wills: The Exposed Face of Islamization"), an investigation
of the "Islamization" of the large Parisian suburb of Seine-Saint-Denis. There
and in many other suburbs, anti-Semitism is rising. According to the French
Prime Minister Eduard Philippe, recorded anti-Jewish "acts" rose by 69% in the
first nine months of 2018. Francis Kalifat, president of the official body that
represents the French Jewish communities, has called anti-Semitism "a cancer."
In a report this summer from Paris, The New York Times detailed the Jewish
exodus from the multicultural suburbs: "More than 50,000 have moved to Israel
since 2000, compared with about 25,000 French Jews who left between 1982 and
2000". There is also an internal exodus:
"In Aulnay-sous-Bois, the number of Jewish families dropped to 100 in 2015 from
600 in 2000; in Le Blanc-Mesnil, to 100 families from 300; in Clichy-sous-Bois,
there are now 80 Jewish families, down from 400; and in La Courneuve, there are
80 families, down from 300."
"We may be living the end of a civilization -- ours," says Philippe de Villiers,
a French politician and novelist. "There are two points in common between the
decay of the Roman Empire and our own decay. The Roman senatorial nobility, who
thinks only of adding a layer of porphyry to their bathtubs, no longer considers
the limes, the border of the Empire, as an emergency to secure". It seems that
Macron has been busy only in adding a layer of porphyry to the Frances
"grandeur".Last year, Macron presented himself as the candidate making a "a
break with the system." In five years, his presidential mandate will be over.
According to his former Interior Minister, Gérard Collomb, these will probably
be the last years before the real "break" could become irreversible. Not only
for France, but also for Europe.
*Giulio Meotti, Cultural Editor for Il Foglio, is an Italian journalist and
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Iran does not work alone
Amal Abdulaziz Al–Hazani/Al Arabiya/November 24/18
The Arab region, under the former US administration, witnessed an unprecedented
situation that was not witnessed even on the eve of June 5, 1967 —chaos, market
collapse, political conflicts and conspiracies. If the administration of
President Barack Obama or his Secretary of State Hillary Clinton were not the
cause for igniting troubles in the Arab region, at least their policies
contributed to the spread of the chaos the human and materialistic losses of
which are still difficult to estimate. It would take decades for the region to
overcome this disaster, that is if we assume that it has begun to recover today,
though this is in general inaccurate.The Obama administration destroyed the
Syrians’ dreams as it claimed there were red lines in its policies regarding the
Syrian regime’s crimes, but it failed to act when these “lines” were violated.
Russia, which ever since the collapse of the Soviet Union had been dreaming of
having bases in the region, now has ground and sea bases on the Mediterranean in
the most strategic locations, and it has done so right under the sight of Obama
and his team.
A different President came to the White House, different than Obama, with a
unique, powerful and firm personality. Although he himself acknowledges that
direct spontaneous expressions sometimes betray him, he’s definitely the man for
this phase
Obama empowering Iran
The Iranians, who pose the more difficult problem, expanded like cancer along
with the armed organizations al-Qaeda and ISIS in Syria and Iraq. Practically,
Obama left the White House after teaching the world a lesson on how to carry out
mass destruction without weapons!
Obama left after making Iran’s Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif happy, with
the signing of a nuclear agreement that was in nobody’s interest except Barack
Obama’s biography. He left after Bashar Al-Assad started to move to his resort
in Latakia with no fear, and after al-Nusra front and ISIS expanded to Iraqi
governorates. We were fortunate that some of the 2011 developments had
boomeranged on their planners, but they cost a lot of people their lives and
caused plenty of instability. It was not that some regime’s fell, but certain
states collapsed with them, such as Libya and Syria with all their institutions
and infrastructure. In other cases, the ruling regime fell and the state
remained under the threat of collapse for a long time, as was the case with
A different President came to the White House, different than Obama, with a
unique, powerful and firm personality. Although he himself acknowledges that
direct spontaneous expressions sometimes betray him, he’s definitely the man for
this phase. In terms of his foreign policy which concerns us, Trump arrived at a
critical time yet an appropriate one to attempt to improve the reputation of the
US foreign policy, which was known as powerful with clear goals, after it was
characterized by false promises and vacillations.
It is good that the new US administration is aware of the evil axes in the
region, and it’s even better that it has taken action against them. Awareness of
the sources of danger led President Trump to withdraw from the shameful nuclear
agreement, as he describes it, and to put organizations like Hezbollah on the
terror list. He even disagreed with his European friends over imposition of
tough sanctions against Iran. What President Trump is doing is an important part
of the political system that defends peace in the world but it is important to
highlight that Iran does not work alone. It does not only have tools like the
Lebanese Hezbollah, the Iraqi Popular Mobilization, Bashar Assad’s dictatorial
regime and the Yemeni Houthis but it also receives political and logistical
support by some countries in the region.
It is hoped that President Trump will open both his eyes. Iran alone would not
be able to tamper with the region with no support or tools. Trump’s anger that
was directed to Tehran should also be directed at the parties, organizations and
supporting and sponsoring countries, with no hesitation and with the same power
imposed on Iran.Obama used to overlook the terrorist practices of the Iranian
regime, despite all the proof and evidence substantiating the fact at a time
when he claimed he was fighting terrorism. Trump should not make the same
mistake. States like Qatar and others are not different from any other party
that tampers with the security of the region and that even contributed with
Obama in destroying it. They have relations with ISIS, Taliban, al-Qaeda,
Hezbollah and the Muslim Brotherhood, whether commercial or logistical ones, and
attempt to incite against stable regime. These practices are not secret nor an
impression but well-known data possessed by Washington.
These states and organizations are Iran’s real power. The tough sanctions that
Trump will impose on Iran aim to change the regime’s behavior, but he must also
observe and punish the behavior of states that do not differ much from Iran –
states, which like Iran during Obama’s terms, are trying to embellish their
behavior with slogans and give Washington the impression that the US
administration has managed to handle the Middle East in cooperation with them.
If Trump chooses to confront Iran alone but ignores or accepts the behavior of
other states that support or sympathize with terrorists, then he would be
seeking half a victory, and half a victory is in fact half failure, which does
not befit his powerful administration.
The Arab project gives wings to bright ideas
Abdullah bin Bijad Al-Otaibi/Al Arabiya/November 24/18
There are frequent claims by the hasty stipulating that terrorism has ended,
fundamentalism has been defeated and extremism has been eliminated. These
opinions present a positive picture of changes taking place in Arab countries,
led by Saudi Arabia, the UAE and Egypt against political Islam and terrorist
organizations. However, the time and effort required to achieve these successes
is not given due attention, nor is the wider picture studied. Earlier this
month, a Chechen girl blew herself up near a police station in the capital
Grozny. Although terrorist operations in Chechnya have been recently rare, there
are still some every now and then. The case is even more severe in Afghanistan
where bombings and assassinations by the terrorist organization the Taliban have
been escalating. Fighting this brand of terrorism was limited to Saudi Arabia,
the United Arab Emirates and the Arab Coalition in Yemen. Then came the United
States’ and President Trump’s administration’ involvement in the regional and
international scene against the destruction carried out by the Iranian regime
Lurking terrorism
In the Arab world, Iraq appears to be the most noticeable hub of confronting
ISIS activities as although the organization has suffered a defeat in Syria, it
continues to hold pockets of territory in western Iraq, along the borders with
Syria, and inside Syrian territory. A week ago, ISIS assassinated nine people,
including an official of a Sunni tribal force. The Iraqi prime minister recently
stated that hundreds of ISIS members in Deir ez-Zor in Syria are trying to
infiltrate Iraqi territory, and the organization is still able to move its
forces from Kurdistan to the western regions of Iraq.
In Egypt, the organization of the “Sinai Province”, heir to the Ansar Bait al-Maqdis
organization, is still operating in Sinai. Despite continuous gains made by
Egypt’s security forces, it is still carrying out bombings and assassinations of
which the most recent one was the assassination of a Christian doctor. The
situation is worse in Libya, where armed terrorist organizations continue to
cause problems for the country’s political and security situation, as they
receive support from Qatar and others. Their activities stall the prospect of
any political solution, and the situation there is not that different than the
situation in Somalia.
This is just the tip of the iceberg. Here, we are not even mentioning the
terrorism of Shiite groups linked to the Iranian regime, ranging from Hezbollah
in Lebanon to the Shiite militias in Iraq and Syria, and the Houthi militias in
Yemen. Fighting this brand of terrorism was limited to Saudi Arabia, the United
Arab Emirates and the Arab Coalition in Yemen. Then came the United States’ and
President Trump’s administration’ involvement in the regional and international
scene against the destruction carried out by the Iranian regime, and not just
against Iran’s nuclear program.
The moderate mission
Based on all this and other wider aspects, one can affirm that the war against
fundamentalism, extremism and terrorism is a long and strategic war that
requires decades to finalize. The recent achievements are victories in battles
on this long path. We must of course celebrate these victories as they culminate
in victory of war. The moderate Arab mission led by Saudi Arabia and the UAE
along with a number of other Arab countries is the only lifeline for those who
support stability in the region since it opposes both fundamentalist and
sectarian terrorist projects with firmness, through the promotion of values of
tolerance, coexistence, peace, and development. Any country in the world that
supports modern civilization and universal human values has no choice but to
align itself with this moderate Arabic project, which abides by international
law and supports modern human values. This ambitious project offers creative and
constructive solutions to millions of young people in both the Arab and Islamic
worlds. Confronting elements of backwardness, extremism and terrorism is carried
out through two parallel routes: a building process and a demolition process. In
the first process, we spread the culture of tolerance and development while in
the second process we target the projects of backwardness and terrorism. These
are the wings of the bird which the latter can only fly with both of them.
Trump vs American media: The scene from another angle
Dr. Naif Alhadari/Al Arabiya/November 24/18
The fierce confrontation between American media and president Trump, is an
unprecedented phenomenon in American modern history, with the clashes between
the president and the media taking front page news even in international media
these days, especially in the aftermath of president Trump's news conference in
the White House which saw a strong verbal altercation between the president and
a reporter of CNN (Jim Acosta) followed by Acosta being banned from the White
House and his pass withdrawn. Then matters became more complicated when a court
in Washington, the past few days, ordered the White House to reinstate Jim
Acosta, a kind of victory for the media in its face-off with Trump.
There is no doubt that the scene of hostility between Trump and American press
brings back memories of the enmity and confrontation that was there, between
former president (Franklin Roosevelt) and the American press in the thirties and
beginning of the forties of the last century. The common thing between the two
presidents (Roosevelt and Trump) is that both were victorious in their
confrontation against the press, Roosevelt in the 1940 elections in spite of a
ferocious attack on him in newspapers, and Trump in the 2016 elections, in spite
of the enormous media support for Hillary Clinton. Another thing linking the two
– and is of special interest to us interested in political media – is that both
presidents used an "alternative media" in his confrontation, Roosevelt used the
"radio" as he delivered his messages to the nation through his own program which
he himself presented, called " Fireside chats" and gained the admiration and
trust of the American citizen. Meanwhile, Trump used "Twitter" as his
alternative media to face American media, and was able to send a direct message
to the American citizen.
The victory of Trump in the 2016 elections, in spite of the enmity of the media
towards him, raises a question regarding the effect liberal media in America has
on the ordinary American, and whether there is a trust crisis between Americans
and their media, leading to the credibility of this media witnessing a relapse
in recent years. On the other hand, the media in America is attempting, in its
fight with the president, to play on the sensitive string of "press freedom" and
is trying to prove that their battle with trump is for the sake of the most
important article of the American constitution, the article relating to press
freedom and matters related to that. Another fact worthy of not overlooking, is
that there are hot issues of the Trump years, such as investigations carried out
by "Muller" regarding Russia's interference in the elections of 2016, something
the American media has been using to make the confrontation take on a stronger
Does this whole media campaign against Trump have to do with defending the
freedom of press, and freedom of speech and critique in American media? Or are
there other reasons, to do with gains that certain companies and lobbies might
obtain, besides special interests of certain money moguls who have stake in
major media corporations.
The partisan of the liberal press was obvious during the last presidential race,
where there was obvious biased against Trump. Approximately 200 American
newspapers supported Hillary Clinton, while Trump got the support of only two
papers amongst the 100 most circulated in America. Also the New York Times, and
some other papers, had done opinion polls before the elections by days, in which
it predicted a landslide victory for Trump. From his side Trump had cleverly
used this, to remind the public every time of the failure of these newspapers to
predict properly, or to spread the truth.
In its battle with Trump, the media in the US has attempted to use tactics and
theories of "effect" in its campaign to apply pressure. For example the
"conditioned reflex" theory of Pavlov the Russian scientist, where they have
tried to connect the midterm elections of Congress in November, with the
impeachment of Trump, if it is established that there was possible collusion in
the Russian interference in the presidential elections. All of this to influence
public opinion, as well as Congressional elections!
Media war against Trump
In reality, the war against Trump in most major American newspapers, make us -
the neutrals – want to know the reasons for this, and look at it from another
perspective. In other words, does this whole campaign have to do with defending
the freedom of press, and freedom of speech and critique in American media? Or
are there other reasons, to do with gains that certain companies and lobbies
might obtain, besides special interests of certain money moguls who have stake
in major media corporations. For instance, there is animosity between Trump and
the owner of the Washington Post, millionaire Jeff Bezos who also owns Amazon,
and had previously been accused by Trump of using Amazon –and selling via
internet– to destroy major American private companies in the retail sector. This
allows for a different explanation for this paper –The Washington Post-
publishing negative news of the president, all the time.
Thus, we may wonder: does American media still enjoy any level of credibility
with the ordinary American?
And has the ordinary American reached a certain conviction regarding his media,
a media that is dribbling after hype, fun and profit, and regarding a liberal
media that only cares about the elite, their interests and the interests of
their companies and their parties?
In one of his tweets, President Trump says:
"The Fake News hates me saying that they are the Enemy of the People only
because they know it’s TRUE. I am providing a great service by explaining this
to the American People. They purposely cause great division & distrust. They can
also cause War! They are very dangerous & sick!"
Finally, the confrontation between Trump and the media is a clash between a
president who has been attacked like no president before, from his own
countrymen, a president who has spoken like no president before, about (media
manipulation, fake news, and the bias of the major media corporations). We may
summarize the scene very plainly, as follows: two contestants, the first won the
initial round with a knock out (the 2016 elections) and surprised the public
with his victory, while the second contestant is trying to cast doubt over this
victory by stirring and creating everything it can put its hands on, to affect
the morale of its opponent before the next round (the 2020 elections).