Detailed Lebanese & Lebanese
Related LCCC English New Bulletin For November 13/2018
Compiled & Prepared
by: Elias Bejjani
To Read The
Detailed English News Bulletin For November 13/2018 Click on the Link below
News Bulletin Achieves Since 2006/Click on the Link Below
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news bulletins Achieves since 2006
Keep away
from believers who are living in idleness and not according to the tradition
that they received from us.
Second Letter to the Thessalonians
03/06-18/:"We command you, beloved, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ,
to keep away from believers who are living in idleness and not according to the
tradition that they received from us. For you yourselves
know how you ought to imitate us; we were not idle when we were with you, and
we did not eat anyone’s bread without paying for it; but with toil and labour
we worked night and day, so that we might not burden any of you. This was not
because we do not have that right, but in order to give you an example to
imitate. For even when we were with you, we gave you this command: Anyone
unwilling to work should not eat. For we hear that some of you are living in
idleness, mere busybodies, not doing any work. Now such persons we command and
exhort in the Lord Jesus Christ to do their work quietly and to earn their own
living. Brothers and sisters, do not be weary in doing
what is right. Take note of those who do not obey what we say in this letter;
have nothing to do with them, so that they may be ashamed. Do not regard them
as enemies, but warn them as believers. Now may the Lord of peace himself give
you peace at all times in all ways. The Lord be with all of you. I, Paul, write this greeting with my own
hand. This is the mark in every letter of mine; it is the way I write. The
grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with all of
نشرات اخبار عربية وانكليزية مطولة ومفصلة يومية على موقعنا الألكتروني على الرابط التالي
Daily Lebanese/Arabic - English news bulletins on our LCCC web site.Click on the link below
For The Latest LCCC Bulletin analysis & editorials
from miscellaneous sources published on November 12-13/18
No Salvation Unless Lebanon's
Corrupted Leaders Are Replaced/Elias Bejjani/November
This Why Nasrallah
Threatened To Seize Full Power In Lebanon/Dr.Walid Phares/Face Book/November
The Lebanese Warfare State/Author:
Rosalie Berthier and Georges Haddad/Synaps/November 12/18
The "Separate" Palestinian State/Khaled Abu Toameh/Gatestone
Institute/November 12, 2018
The Arab Winter Is Coming/Hassan
Hassan/The Atlantic/November 12/18
Trump's Iran Policy
Cannot Succeed Without Allies/James Clapper and Thomas R. Pickering/The National Interest/November 12/18
A disastrous scenario stares Tehran in the face/Nadim Koteich/Al Arabiya/November 12/18
Preparing our graduates for the
real world is worthwhile/Dr. Mohamed A. Ramady/Al Arabiya/November 12/18
Despite positive outlook on
economy, Pakistan
still looks to IMF for help/Sabena Siddiqui/Al Arabiya/November 12/18
After a century, has the ideas
of World War I died?/Mashari
Althaydi/Al Arabiya/November
Titles For The Latest LCCC Lebanese Related News published on
November 12-13/18
No Salvation Unless Lebanon's
Corrupted Leaders Are Replaced
This Why Nasrallah
Threatened To Seize Full Power In Lebanon
Parliament Endorses Law
Investigating Wartime Forcible Disappearances
Legislative Session Endorses
Health Care Bill
Report: Hizbullah
Says Ball is in Hariri’s Court
Saudi Embassy Issues Warning of
Suspects Impersonating Saudi Figures
Rahi: Lebanon
Can’t Be Ruled by Mentality of Political Militia
British Embassy Commemorates 'Remembrance
Day': 2018 Marks 100 Years Since the End of WWI
Finance Minister: Not a Single
Penny in Budget Reserve Fund
Sami Gemayel
Calls for Technocrat Government Amid Failure to Form
National Unity Cabinet
MP Elias Hankache
Warns of 'Total Collapse' If Government of Specialists Not Formed
Bassil Launches Bid to Untangle Sunni MPs Knot
Alain Aoun:
Hizbullah 'Can Scare', Nasrallah
Remarks Indicate Solution Not Impossible
Hariri, Bassil
discuss latest political developments
Future Movement supports
candidacy of Hashash, Kambris
to Beirut Bar Association Council
Derian, Othman tackle general situation
Sixth International meetings of
Defence takes place at headquarters of Special Tribunal for Lebanon
The Lebanese
Warfare State
Titles For The Latest LCCC Bulletin
For Miscellaneous Reports And News published on November 12-13/18
Deadly Israeli Gaza Operation Threatens
to Derail Truce Efforts
Guterres: Destruction of Yemen's
Hodeida Port Would Be 'Catastrophic'
U.S. Tells Saudi Prince Khashoggi Killers to Be Held Accountable
Putin Says Had Good Conversation
with Trump in Paris
British FM in Saudi Arabia for Talks on Khashoggi
New Border Crossings Open in
Divided Cyprus,
First in Eight Years
Latest LCCC Lebanese Related News published on November 12-13/18
Salvation Unless Lebanon's
Corrupted Leaders Are Replaced
Elias Bejjani/November
Sadly the puppet Lebanese politicians are mere Trojans
no more no less. Their priorities are not patriotic but totally revolve only
around their own personal gains. Because of the cowardice, narcissism and
betrayal of these succumbing leaders Nasrallah is
portraying himself as hero. He is not a hero, but the Lebanese politicians are
sadly allowing him to do so because they are rotten, corrupted and evil by all
means. No salvation for Lebanon as long as these selfish leaders are holding on
to their leadership posts either in the political Parties or in the government
This Why Nasrallah Threatened To Seize Full Power In Lebanon
Dr.Walid Phares/Face
Book/November 12/18
Weeks ago Lebanese NGOs asked me why Hezbollah has been waiting so long to
decide on its cabinet share. I told them they're waiting for the US
midterms. Those who asked me the question couldn't see the link, didn't get my
point it.
. Yesterday after Sheikh Hassan Nasrallah, and the Iranian leadership concluded that -because of the
midterms results- the US Government will be divided for two years, including on
foreign policy, he threatened to seize full power Lebanon. They were waiting for the
midterm. Now those who called me can see Hezbollah is trying to intimidate, if
not terrorize, the Lebanese people in order to stop them from implementing the US
sanctions on Hezbollah. The speech of M. Nasrallah is
directed particularly at the Government, the Central Bank, the banks and other
institutions. It is a threat to the "Vichy Government" itself to
comply with Hezbollah, not with the US, or else.
Endorses Law Investigating Wartime Forcible Disappearances Monday 12th November
2018/The Parliament on Monday endorsed a law creating a national commission to
unveil the fate of those forcibly disappeared during the Lebanese civil war,
with an item that enforces accountability against those who will be found out
to be responsible for this long-standing ordeal. Kataeb
leader Samy Gemayel voiced
full support for the ratified law, pointing out that this step should have
taken place 28 years ago. Speaking during the Parliament's evening session, Gemayel said that a post-war reconciliation and dialogue
was supposed to address this issue, adding that Lebanon failed to apply the concept
of transitional justice which is adopted across the globe. Transitional justice
measures are frequently expected to help promote peace in conflict-affected
countries, through measures that rely heavily upon legal or legalized processes
such as trials and commissions of inquiry. "As it is
said: Better late than never,” Gemayel said.
The Kataeb leader noted that the case of those
forcibly disappeared must not be mixed up with the case of Lebanese detainees
in Syrian prisons, saying that the Lebanese officials, who have close ties with
Damascus, can
help uncover the detainees' fate and close this file. For his part, MP Nadim Gemayel hailed the approval
of said law, saying that this move was anticipated for many years. "The
law regarding those forcibly disappeared during the Lebanese civil war.
Congratulations to the families who have been waiting for this bill to be
endorsed for more than eight years!" Gemayel
wrote on Twitter shortly after the endorsement of the bill.
Session Endorses Health Care Bill
Naharnet/November 12/18/The legislative session kicked off at
the Parliament on Monday chaired by Speaker Nabih Berri where lawmakers were set to endorse several draft
laws, as the government formation process continues to stall, the National News
Agency reported. The Parliament endorsed a bill related to health care and
medication, said NNA. During the discussion of a 75-billion LBP credit to
purchase medicine, caretaker Finance Minister Ali Hassan Khalil
indicated that there were no budget reserves. “Where will we get the revenues
from to cover this amount?" he asked, saying that the bill is
inapplicable. Meanwhile, Berri replied saying: “It is
applicable indeed, and the government is obliged to provide the funds.”Before the meeting began, Berri
held talks with Prime Minister-designate Saad Hariri.
Talks reportedly touched on the Cabinet formation process. A debate erupted
between Berri and ex-PM Najib
Miqati over legislation in the absence of a
government. The latter left the session afterwards.
“How can we legislate in the absence of the executive authority,” Miqati asked Berri during the
session. Upon leaving the meeting, Miqati said that
“legislation of urgent drafts must be based on clear and specific criteria,”
stressing on the lack on power balance as the current government is caretaker
one. "The current executive power is not qualified to discuss bills that
are not urgent," he said. "With all due respect to Speaker Nabih Berri, the Parliament has
not taken the initiative to endorse urgent bills, and neither did it approve
the non-urgent drafts that needed to be approved," he added. Angered by Miqati’s remarks, the Speaker said: “You can read Article
69 of the Constitution.”Efforts to line up Lebanon’s
government have failed since May, amid divisions between political parties whether
the Parliament should convene to legislate draft laws before the Cabinet takes
shape. Prime Minister-designate Saad Hariri’s mission
has been delayed over several obstacles, the latest --related to the
representation of the so-called Sunni MPs of March 8-- arose when the Cabinet
was on the verge of formation.
Report: Hizbullah Says Ball is in Hariri’s Court
Naharnet/November 12/18/ Lebanon’s government formation
continues to stall as Hizbullah "puts the ball”
in PM-designate Saad Hariri’s court saying “he should
save his government” by allowing the representation of so-called independent
Sunni MPs of March 8, al-Joumhouria daily reported on
Monday. “(Hizbullah chief) Sayyed
Hassan Nasrallah has stressed in his speech that he
won’t back down on supporting the representation demands of Sunni MPs. We
believe the ball now is in Hariri’s court who should
meet this opportunity and save his government,” Hizbullah
sources told the daily on condition of anonymity. Nasrallah
threw his support behind the Sunni group on Saturday, insisting that they
should be represented in the government. For their part, sources of the March
14 camp said: “The latest remarks made by Nasrallah
have proven that Hizbullah does not want a government
to be formed because it wants to control the country’s decisions.”They
said the Sunni issue is a “heresy and some kind of political fraud that cannot
be accepted. It is a clear attempt to blackmail the President (Michel Aoun) and Hariri in a bid to weaken him politically and
morally,” they said.They noted that said MPs already
belong to other parliamentary blocs already had a share in the Cabinet.
Saudi Embassy
Issues Warning of Suspects Impersonating Saudi Figures
Naharnet/November 12/18/In a statement on Monday, the Saudi
Embassy in Lebanon
said that scammers have been impersonating themselves as Saudi officials,
convening with Lebanese figures without any official capacity. The Embassy
said: “It has been noticed that unknown persons presented themselves in Lebanon as
Saudi legal figures, representatives of certain bodies, researchers, etc., and
held meetings with various Lebanese personalities for unknown purposes. Some of
them do not have the Saudi nationality," said the statement. The embassy
warned against dealing with these unidentified individuals, welcoming any
inquiry about persons claiming to be representing any Saudi group.
Rahi: Lebanon
Can’t Be Ruled by Mentality of Political Militia
Naharnet/November 12/18/Maronite Patriarch Beshara al-Rahi said that Lebanon
could not be ruled by the mentality of political militia, highlighting the
necessity to raise and educate the new generations so that they develop a
different outlook, the National News Agency reported on Monday. "Now that
most of the military militias have ended, it is unacceptable that Lebanon be
ruled by a mentality of political militias," Rahi
said in remarks during the 52nd meeting of the Catholic Archbishops and
Patriarchs' Council, held in Bkirki. "Our youth
and new generations must be raised on the basis of a different mentality,"
he added. "Lebanon
has a previous civilized value that must be preserved," he underlined.
British Embassy
Commemorates 'Remembrance Day': 2018 Marks 100 Years Since
the End of WWI
Naharnet/November 12/18/The British Embassy in Lebanon – along with embassies all over the
world – held a ‘Remembrance Day’ service at the Beirut Commonwealth
War Grave
Cemetery in honour of the
brave soldiers on all sides, who were killed during World Wars I and II, and in
other conflicts, a press release said. This year marks the commemoration of the
100th anniversary of the signing of the Armistice. The day will recognise the
significance of the end of the First World War, and the sacrifice made by so
many men and women during this period.
The service was attended by British
Ambassador Chris Rampling; British Defence Attaché
Lt. Col. Alex Hilton; Brigadier General Hasan Haidar, representing Lebanese Army Commander General Joseph
Aoun; Col. Samer El Beaini, representing Head of the Internal Security Forces
Major General Imad Osman,
Brigadier General Labib Achkouti,
representing the Director General of the General Security Major General Abbas Ibrahim. Ambassadors, diplomats and military attachés
of US, European and Commonwealth countries were present. Lebanese and
Palestinian war veterans, who served with the British army in World War II,
attended with their families. At the end of the service, two minutes’ silence
was held before Ambassador Rampling and Commonwealth
Ambassadors laid wreaths on the memorial. Lebanese veteran Deeb
El Hajj who has been attending this annual event for many years said: ‘As long
as I can walk, I will never miss such a precious occasion that is dear to my
heart. ’The Beirut War Cemetery is the final resting place of around 1,200
soldiers, most of whom were from the UK, Australia, New Zealand, India and
South Africa. The war graves are supervised by the Commonwealth War Graves
Minister: Not a Single Penny in Budget Reserve Fund 12th November
2018/The Parliament on Monday approved the allocation of additional funds for
securing cancer drugs, despite the objection voiced by Caretaker Finance
Minister Ali Hassan Khalil who said that "there
is not a single penny" in the State's budget reserve fund. Caretaker
Health Minister Ghassan Hasbani
has repeatedly called for providing the ministry with additional sum of money
in order to provide medications to cancer patients, as he stressed that the
ministry cannot go on giving free medication to chronic patients on the basis
of who needs it the most. The endorsed item concerns around 25,000 chronic
patients who receive free medication from the Health Ministry.
Sami Gemayel Calls for Technocrat Government Amid
Failure to Form National Unity Cabinet 12th November
2018/Kataeb leader Samy Gemayel
on Monday sounded the alarm over the alarming economic situation in Lebanon,
blasting the ongoing indolence and indifference towards the pressing challenges
looming over the country.
Speaking during the legislative
session convened to discuss and endorse draft laws on the Parliament's agenda, Gemayel renewed his call for the immediate formation of a
government of specialists to manage the country’s affairs and deal with the
critical phase that the country is going through. “Meanwhile, contentious and
decisive political issues would be discussed in a conference that should be
held in the Parliament until a political government is established,” he
explained. "Knowing that the current stalemate is politically driven and
that there is no possibility to form a national unity government, technical,
economic and livelihood issues must be separated from political conflicts."Gemayel addressed Parliament Speaker Nabih Berri, saying: "The
old Lebanon
is dead. We are no longer able to form a government in a short period of time.
This has become recurrent recently. Lebanon needs a structural change
that must be discussed by party leaders and parliamentary blocs in the
Parliament. Otherwise, we will stay put and nothing will change."“The
latest figures issued by the Finance Ministry show that the State's
expenditures surged while its revenues plummeted. This is a dangerous indicator
signaling that the economic crisis will exacerbate,” Gemayel warned, calling for an uprising given that "Lebanon is
getting closer to the threshold of a historic economic crisis".
MP Elias Hankache Warns of 'Total Collapse' If Government of
Specialists Not Formed 12th November
2018/Kataeb MP Elias Hankache on Monday stressed the
need to reactivate supervisory bodies in the country, deeming this as key to
launching a new reformist overhaul of the fragmenting State institutions. “This
is a primary topic because the Lebanese people is in
distress and youth are immigrating as they are losing hope,” Hankache noted during the Parliament's session.
“Which environmental
emergency plan, anti-corruption campaigns, reform promises and employment
opportunities are we talking about and from where should we begin?” Hankache asked. “At a time
when we were promised of administrative and economic reforms, we see that the
Parliament approved $525 million in debt during the previous session, and that
an additional sum of $870 million is listed on the agenda. All of this is being
endorsed while we still haven’t heard of any reforms, squandering hasn’t been
stopped and no supervisory bodies have been activated,” the lawmaker
criticized. Hankache stressed that the situation
cannot be kept unchanged, adding that the country's future generations are
inheriting an exorbitant public debt, along with water and environment
pollution. “If we do not opt for a government of specialists, the country will
be risking a total collapse,” Hankache warned.
Bassil Launches Bid to Untangle Sunni MPs Knot 12th November
2018/Free Patriotic Movement head Gebran Bassil on Monday met with Parliament Speaker Nabih Berri in a bid to help
solve the latest "independent Sunni MPs" complexity that has
obstructing the government formation. Following the meeting held on the
sidelines of the Parliament's legislative session, Bassil
said that the issue is not about encroaching on the Prime Minister's
prerogatives as some are claiming, but rather about meeting the adopted
standards and abiding by the concept of just representation. MPs Faysal Karameh, Abdul-Rahim Mrad, Jihad Al-Samad, Adnan Trabousli,
Kassem Hachem and Walid Sukkarieh have been
demanding to be included in the new government, arguing that it is no longer
acceptable that Sunni representation be restricted to Hariri's Future Movement.
On the other hand of the scale, the prime minister-designate is clinging to his
stance to not grant said bloc any ministerial share, thus refusing to accept
demands to be included in his government. "The complexity, regardless of
its denomination, is a national one because it is preventing the formation of a
national unity government; therefore, we are all responsible of securing a favorable atmosphere to reach a solution," Bassil stressed. "It is impossible to not form a
national unity government that includes both the majority and the minority from
each community. It will be formed regardless of all the obstacles," he
affirmed. "No standard will prevail other than
the one based on fair representation."Bassil
also rejected any solution that would see Prime Minister-Designate Saad Hariri stepping down, adding that the latter must
remain strong so that the government would itself be strong. Later, Bassil headed to the Center House where he held a two-hour
meeting with Hariri.
Alain Aoun: Hizbullah 'Can Scare', Nasrallah Remarks Indicate Solution Not Impossible
Naharnet/November 12/18/MP Alain Aoun
of the Strong Lebanon bloc noted Sunday that Hizbullah
has the ability to “scare” others, as he said that Hizbullah
chief Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah's
remarks on Saturday indicated that a solution to the so-called Sunni obstacle
is not impossible. “The voice of the independent Sunnis should have been louder
from the beginning and they should not have waited for five months. One of the
weaknesses of the independent Sunni grouping is that they did not go as one
bloc to the (binding parliamentary) consultations (to name the PM-designate),” Aoun said in an interview with al-Jadeed
TV. And warning that “due to the clash over the independent Sunni MPs the
settlement between al-Mustaqbal Movement and Hizbullah has been dealt a blow,” the lawmaker said the
Free Patriotic Movement and President Michel Aoun
will play a “rescue role.” “We are stuck between PM-designate Saad Hariri's stance and the remarks Sayyed
Nasrallah voiced yesterday. This obstacle has been
approached with very sharp-toned stances and now there is a need to address it
through giving each their right,” Aoun added,
stressing that no party should feel “defeated.”He
added: “There is Sunni representation outside of al-Mustaqbal
and the electoral law reflected this. There are also four other MPs who don't
belong to al-Mustaqbal and not only the six MPs have
the right to be represented in the government.” “Hizbullah
can 'scare' and Sayyed Nasrallah
re-acknowledged his allies yesterday and his speech indicated that a solution
is not impossible and he is calling for respecting these parties,” Aoun went on to say.
Hariri, Bassil discuss latest political developments
Mon 12 Nov 2018/NNA - Prime Minister-designate
Saad Hariri, welcomed on
Monday afternoon at the Center House Caretaker Foreign Minister, Gebran Bassil, with whom he
discussed most recent political developments, including government formation
Future Movement
supports candidacy of Hashash, Kambris
to Beirut Bar Association Council
Mon 12 Nov 2018/NNA -
"Future" Movement Lawyers' Section announced Monday, in a statement,
its support for the candidacy of Lawyers Elie Hashash and Jamil Kambris, to the membership of the Council of the Bar
Association of Beirut. Elections for the Beirut Bar Association are scheduled
to take place on Sunday, 18 November.
Derian, Othman tackle general situation
Mon 12 Nov 2018/NNA - Grand Mufti of
the Lebanese Republic, Sheikh Abdul Latif Derian, on Monday received
at Dar El Fatwa Internal Security Forces chief, Imad
Othman, with whom he discussed the general situation. Mufti Derian
hailed the efforts of Maj. Gen. Othman in maintaining security and stability in
heaping praise on the achievements of the ISF Directorate General to protect
civil peace.
International meetings of Defence takes place at headquarters of Special
Tribunal for Lebanon
Mon 12 Nov 2018/NNA - In a press
release by the Special Tribunal for Lebanon (STL), it said: "The Sixth
International Meetings of the Defence were held from 8 to 9 November 2018 at
the headquarters of the STL in Leidschendam. They
were organised by the Defence Office of the Special Tribunal for Lebanon (STL),
with the support of the Association of Defence Counsel practising before the
International Courts and Tribunals (ADC-ICT), the International Criminal Court
Bar Association (ICCBA), and the Office of Public Counsel for the Defence at
the International Criminal Court (OPCD).
The Meetings opened on 8 November with
welcome addresses from the President of the STL, Ms Ivana
Hrdlickovل, the President of the ICCBA, Mr Chief
Charles Taku, the President of the ADC-ICT Ms Colleen
Rohan, and the Head of Defence Office of the STL, Ms Dorothée Le Fraper du Hellen. There was also a keynote speech from His Honour
Judge Sir Howard Morrison. The first day included discussions before
representatives from the diplomatic community on the contribution of the
defence to international criminal justice and the relationship between the
defence and the other actors in the field of international criminal justice.
Two roundtable discussions, made up of legal practitioners, were held on these
topics. One was chaired by H.E. Ms Sabine Eva Nِlke,
Ambassador of Canada to the Kingdom of the Netherlands,
and the other by H.E. Mr Abdel Sattar Issa, Ambassador of Lebanon to the Kingdom of the Netherlands. Mr
François Roux, the former Head of Defence Office of the STL, gave the closing
speech on this first day.
On 9 November, the Meetings continued
in the presence of professionals working for the defence. These mainly
comprised lawyers practising before national or international criminal
jurisdictions, representatives of bar associations and lawyers’ associations,
and members of the defence offices of the various international criminal
tribunals. Following a presentation on the legal tools available to the
defence, two roundtable discussions were given over to the challenges faced by
the defence over the past year before each of the international criminal
jurisdictions. Working sessions in the afternoon focussed on matters relating
to detention and new trials, with the aim of strengthening defence capacity in
those areas. The Meetings also provided the opportunity to present an
exhibition by students from the Design Academy Eindhoven, inspired by the work
of the defence before the international criminal tribunals. The Meetings ended
with the adoption of a joint statement delivered by Mr Emile Aoun, Defence Counsel at the STL and Representative of the
Chair of the Beirut Bar Association, following which Ms Dorothée
Le Fraper du Hellen thanked
all those taking part for their contribution to the success of the event."
The Lebanese Warfare State
Author: Rosalie Berthier
and Georges Haddad/Synaps/November 12/18
Lebanon’s army and security apparatus increasingly pervade
everyday life. They manifest in the proliferation of checkpoints, banners and
billboards, and in the multiplication of men in arms and military garb. Many
Lebanese and foreigners deem this trend desirable, as it supposedly shields the
country from a long list of threats: criminality, terrorism, intercommunal strife, and the destabilizing effect of
refugees, neighboring wars and external subversion.
While Lebanese citizens express increasing support for the armed forces,
Western governments have ramped up their financial and technical aid programs.
This visible growth runs parallel to a
set of subtler but no less momentous shifts relating to expanding Lebanese public
spending on the security sector. This trend—which is best illustrated by
budgetary data on the Lebanese army, the Internal Security Forces, General
Security and State Security—has profound implications regarding both the
securitization of Lebanese society and the relative neglect of other vital
At a glance, the most striking figure
concerns the combined weight of the armed forces in the Lebanese state’s annual
spending—16% of all state expenditure in 2017, per the Stockholm International
Peace Research Institute (SIPRI). This is almost double the
proportion in the United States
and triple that in China—the
two countries with the highest total military spending in the world.
More dramatic still is the evolution
of the armed forces’ budget over time, when compared to other essential
functions of the state. Published data from the Lebanese Ministry of Finance
reflects that, between 2005 and 2017, public spending on military and security
personnel increased four times faster than it did for civilian public servants,
such as public-school teachers and administrators. Adjusted for inflation,
salaries and benefits doubled for the former while remaining stagnant for the
latter. Within the same timeframe, salaries and benefits for armed forces
personnel, as a percentage of total state spending on human resources, went
from 45% to 60%.
This expansion is all the more
noteworthy given the rigidity of Lebanese public spending more broadly. The
state devotes a third of its total annual budget to paying interest on its
sovereign debt—the third largest in the world relative to GDP. It dedicates
another estimated 10 to 15% to subsidizing its archaic electricity grid,
leaving minimal room for manoeuver on other fronts.
As military spending consumes an increasing share of an otherwise static
budget, other key sectors inevitably suffer. As such, although Lebanon’s proportional spending on its armed
forces is comparable to Jordan,
it invests far less in education.
An additional concern lies in the disconnect between outsized spending, on one side, and
actual performance, on the other. Since 2007, the Lebanese army’s main combat
engagements—namely against militants in the Palestinian camp of Nahr al-Bared and the Eastern town of Arsal—revealed
limited combat readiness. Hizbollah’s private army,
which maintains a strong presence in Lebanon’s east and south, has on
occasions provided backup to state forces in domestic operations. Army
barracks, police stations, and checkpoints are often surprisingly run-down.
These shortcomings reflect the fact
that virtually all available state funds go to human resources, by contrast
with facilities, hardware, maintenance and logistics. In Lebanon, the latter categories represent only 7%
of total expenditure, compared to 60% in a country like the US. As a
result, Lebanon
relies almost completely on external support to finance non- personnel related
costs. Washington is the primary benefactor:
In 2017, the US
provided 250 million USD in security assistance ranging from training to
helicopters and missiles.
This disproportionate spending on
staff is visible in yet another budget line: allowances and benefits, which
include health care, maternity leave, and compensation in the event of death,
as well as domestic workers and drivers for high-ranking officers. Combined,
they represent 23% of total spending on personnel in the armed forces, compared
with 9% in the education sector. Some of these perks extend to family members
and endure after retirement, creating a snowball effect where spending expands
beyond the scope of active personnel.
Such data illuminates a largely
undocumented reality: Lebanon’s
armed forces are arguably at least as important for their social and economic
functions as for their security role. For countless Lebanese youth, the military
and security offer rare job opportunities and a desperately needed social
safety net. Meanwhile, for Lebanese elites, such jobs—and especially positions
higher up the security totem pole—represent a valuable form of patronage to
parcel out among co-religionists. The result is that, in 2009, Lebanon’s
military and security apparatus employed roughly 11% of the working
population—almost 6% in the army alone. The French army, which is one of the
largest in Europe, hovered around 1% that same
A naive observer watching a Lebanese
checkpoint—where armed men casually wave cars through, day after day—would
wonder how such a ritual contributes to the country’s safety. Arguably, though,
the sheer number of such checkpoints across Lebanon in fact forms a core
element of stability—less by deterring violence than by keeping thousands of
ordinary Lebanese from destitution.
Indeed, the security sector’s
socioeconomic weight is a natural—and perhaps necessary— consequence of
Lebanon’s dismal politics and chronically unproductive economy, which ensure
that even the most highly educated Lebanese struggle to find fulfilling
employment opportunities. Lebanese politicians, unwilling to enact structural
reforms that would affect their own business interests, will continue to drive
resources toward a prospering security sector, which in turn provides jobs for
their followers. At the same time, European and American
decision-makers—obsessed with stamping out terrorism and containing
refugees—will further invest in security bodies as an expedient way forward.
Of course, there are consequences to
securitization. Lebanese citizens, especially young activists, are increasingly
subjected to harsh, arbitrary verdicts rendered in military courts. Some
demonstrators protesting the garbage crisis in 2015 were accused of terrorism.
Even criticizing politicians on social media may trigger forms of intimidation
by security bodies. In other words, Lebanon may be proceeding along a
familiar trajectory whereby freedom of expression—and human rights more
broadly—will shrink in step with the armed forces’ expansion.
The Latest LCCC Bulletin For
Miscellaneous Reports And News published on November 12-13/18
Deadly Israeli Gaza Operation Threatens
to Derail Truce Efforts
Agence France Presse/Naharnet/November
12/18/A clash that erupted during an Israeli special forces operation in the
Gaza Strip and killed eight people threatened on Monday to derail efforts to
restore calm to the Palestinian enclave after months of unrest.
The dead from the incident late Sunday
included an Israeli army officer and a local commander for Hamas's armed wing.
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu cut short a trip to Paris and rushed home as tensions rose.
Sirens rang out in southern Israel
into the early hours of Monday after the clash, signalling rocket fire from the
Gaza Strip. Israel
said it identified 17 launches toward its territory, three of which were
intercepted by missile defences. It was not immediately clear where the others
landed, but there were no injuries. While the clash threatened to upset weeks
of efforts to end unrest along the Gaza-Israel border, calm returned on Monday
and Israel
stressed its operation was an intelligence-gathering mission and "not an
assassination or abduction."The statement from
Israeli military spokesman Ronen Manelis signalled
that the mission did not go as planned and resulted in the clash, which
Palestinian security sources said included Israeli air strikes. An Israeli
ground operation to kill or abduct militants inside the Gaza Strip would be
rare. Hamas, the Islamist movement that runs the blockaded enclave, and its
armed wing, spoke of a "cowardly Israeli attack" and an
"assassination", vowing revenge. Hamas's armed wing said an Israeli special forces team had infiltrated near Khan Yunis in the southern Gaza Strip in a civilian car. Israeli
air strikes followed when the operation failed, it said in a statement. Israel's military had not confirmed those
details. Gaza's
health ministry said seven Palestinians were killed. The dead included a local
commander for Hamas's armed wing, the Ezzedine al-Qassam Brigades, the brigades said in a statement. He was
identified as Nour Baraka. Five others were also Al-Qassam members, while the seventh was a member of a
separate militant alliance known as the Popular Resistance Committees,
according to Gazan security sources. Israel's army
confirmed one of its officers was killed and another was injured.
"During an (Israeli) special
forces operational activity in the Gaza Strip, an exchange of fire
evolved," the army said in a statement. "At this incident, an IDF
officer was killed and an additional officer was moderately injured," it
added, referring to the Israel Defence Forces and identifying the officer only
by his rank, lieutenant colonel, and the first letter of his name, M. Netanyahu, who had
been attending World War I commemorations in Paris, arrived back home on Monday
and was to convene a meeting of security chiefs. - 'Protection money' -The
clash comes after months of deadly unrest along the Gaza-Israel border, which
had appeared to be calming. Recent weeks have seen Israel
allow Qatar
to provide the Gaza Strip with millions of dollars in aid for salaries as well
as fuel to help ease an electricity crisis.
Netanyahu had earlier defended his
decision to allow Qatar to
transfer the cash to Gaza
despite criticism from within his own government over the move, saying he
wanted to avoid a war if it wasn't necessary. Naftali
Bennett, Netanyahu's education minister and right-wing rival, compared the cash
flow to "protection money" paid to criminals. Defence Minister Avigdor Lieberman said he had opposed transferring the
money to Hamas. Israel and
Palestinian militants in Gaza
have fought three wars since 2008, and recent months of unrest have raised
fears of a fourth. Deadly clashes have accompanied major protests along the
Gaza-Israel border that began on March 30.
At least 227 Palestinians have since
been killed by Israeli fire, the majority shot during protests and clashes,
while others died in tank fire or air strikes. Two Israeli soldiers have been
killed in that time. Egyptian and UN officials have been mediating between Israel and
Hamas in efforts to reach a long-term truce deal. On Friday, Palestinian civil servants began
receiving payments after months of sporadic salary disbursements in
cash-strapped Gaza, with $15 million delivered
into the enclave through Israel
in suitcases by Qatar.
A total of $90 million is to be distributed in six monthly instalments, Gaza authorities said, primarily
to cover salaries of officials working for Hamas. Qatar has also said it would hand
out $100 to each of 50,000 poor families, as well as larger sums to
Palestinians wounded in clashes along the Gaza-Israel border. The Gulf emirate
has also started buying additional fuel for Gaza's sole power station, allowing outages
to be reduced to their lowest level in years.
Guterres: Destruction of Yemen's
Hodeida Port Would Be 'Catastrophic'
Agence France Presse/Naharnet/November
12/18/UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres warned
Monday that the destruction of the vital Yemeni port of Hodeida
could trigger a "catastrophic" situation, after at least 149 people
were killed in heavy clashes. "If the port at Hodeida
is destroyed, that could create an absolutely catastrophic situation," Guterres told France Info radio during a trip to Paris.
U.S. Tells Saudi Prince Khashoggi Killers to Be Held Accountable
Agence France Presse/Naharnet/November
12/18/Secretary of State Mike Pompeo told Saudi Crown
Prince Mohammed bin Salman on Sunday the US will hold
accountable all those involved in the killing of a dissident Saudi journalist,
in a telephone call that also took in the conflict in Yemen. The killing of
Jamal Khashoggi in Saudi
Arabia's consulate in Istanbul
and the war in Yemen, which
has pushed the country to the brink of famine, are two of the main sources of
strain in the decades-old alliance between Washington
and Riyadh.
Prince Mohammed is controversially linked to both: he has played a direct role
in overseeing Saudi Arabia's
Yemen intervention and has
also been accused of orchestrating the October 2 murder of Khashoggi,
who was a US
resident. "The Secretary emphasized that the United States will hold all
of those involved in the killing of Jamal Khashoggi
accountable, and that Saudi Arabia must do the same," State Department
spokeswoman Heather Nauert said in a statement.
The top US
diplomat has previously said Khashoggi's killing
"violates the norms of international law," and that the US was
reviewing possible sanctions on individuals identified as having been
involved. But Pompeo
and US President Donald Trump have also both
emphasized America's
important commercial, strategic and national security relationships with the
Upping the pressure on Saudi Arabia, President Recep
Tayyip Erdogan said
Saturday that Turkey had
shared recordings related to Khashoggi's murder with Riyadh, Washington
and other capitals, without giving details of their specific contents. After
repeated denials, Saudi
Arabia finally admitted the 59-year-old
journalist had been murdered at its diplomatic mission in what it termed a
"rogue" operation. - Reduced US
role in Yemen -Ankara has been demanding, to date without success, the extradition of those involved
in the killing. Khashoggi, a columnist for the
Washington Post, was critical of Prince Mohammed and the country's intervention
in Yemen,
a conflict which also came up during the call, said Nauert. Pompeo
"reiterated the United
States' calls for a cessation of hostilities
and for all parties to come to the table to negotiate a peaceful solution to
the conflict," she said. Pompeo has previously
called for an end to the fighting in the impoverished Arab state, saying that
Shiite Huthi rebels must stop missile and drone
strikes from areas they control, and that the Saudi-led coalition must
subsequently halt strikes in populated areas. Pompeo's
latest remarks come just days after the announcement of the end of a
controversial refueling arrangement between the US
and the Saudi-led coalition carrying out strikes in Yemen -- a step that
lessens American involvement in the war. Pentagon chief Jim Mattis
said he supported Saudi Arabia's
decision after the official Saudi Press Agency said the coalition asked for the
"cessation of inflight refueling
support" from the United
States. The end of the arrangement comes
amid ongoing international outcry over Saudi actions in Yemen,
particularly after a string of high-profile coalition strikes that have killed
scores of civilians, many of them children. The Pentagon had provided refueling capabilities for about 20 percent of coalition
planes flying sorties over Yemen,
supporting a highly controversial intervention led by Riyadh to bolster President Abedrabbo Mansour Hadi's government in the face of an insurgency by the Huthis -- a conflict that has left nearly 10,000 people
Putin Says Had
Good Conversation with Trump in Paris
Agence France Presse/Naharnet/November
12/18/Russian President Vladimir Putin said he had a brief but good conversation
with US
leader Donald Trump at World War I centenary events in Paris, Russian media
reported. When journalists asked Putin whether he managed to speak to Trump on
Sunday, he said: "Yes," Russian state news agency RIA Novosti reported. Asked how it went, Putin said: "Well."He did not provide further details, but the
French presidency said the pair had a wide-ranging discussion during lunch
after the commemoration. Host and French President Emmanuel Macron was there and German Chancellor Angela Merkel took part in
some of the exchanges, the presidency said. Subjects discussed included the
situation in the Middle East, notably Syria,
Iran and Saudi Arabia, and North Korea. White House
spokeswoman Sarah Sanders said Trump had sat with world leaders including Putin,
Macron and Merkel at lunch and the group had held "very good and
productive discussions". "The leaders discussed a variety of issues,
including the INF (nuclear treaty), Syria,
trade, the situation in Saudi Arabia,
sanctions, Afghanistan, China, and North Korea," she said.
Expectations have been growing for a new Trump-Putin meeting as tensions pile
up over the Cold War-era Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty (INF) and US
sanctions against Moscow.
Last month Trump sparked concerns globally when he said he would ditch the INF
pact, as Putin warned that abandoning the treaty would unleash a new arms race
and put Europe in danger. Around 70 world
leaders travelled to the French capital to mark the centenary of the 1918
Armistice on Sunday.
Arriving last for the event, Putin
made for his US
counterpart to shake his hand before giving him a thumbs-up sign, while
smiling. Speaking in an interview with the Kremlin-backed channel RT France
earlier in the day, Putin confirmed the pair did not want to steal French
President Emmanuel Macron's thunder. "We agreed not to violate the host's
work schedule, we will not organise any meetings here at their request,"
he said. Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said Putin
and Trump had agreed to hold a more detailed discussion on the sidelines of the
G20 summit in Argentina
at the end of the month. The Kremlin said earlier that the prospect of a full
meeting between the US
and Russian presidents had prompted huge international media interest, leading
to concern from the French organisers this could overshadow the commemorations.
British FM in Saudi Arabia for Talks on Khashoggi
Agence France Presse/Naharnet/November
12/18/British foreign minister Jeremy Hunt held talks Monday with Saudi King Salman, state media said, during a visit to press the
kingdom over journalist Jamal Khashoggi's murder and
the escalating Yemen
war. Hunt, who is also expected to meet Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, discussed the "latest developments in the
region" with the 82-year-old monarch, the Saudi Press Agency said. The
visit comes amid international outrage over the murder of Saudi
insider-turned-critic Khashoggi in his country's
consulate in Istanbul
on October 2. "The international community remain
united in horror and outrage at the brutal murder of Jamal Khashoggi
one month ago," Hunt said ahead of his trip, which includes a visit to the
United Arab Emirates.
"It is clearly unacceptable that the full circumstances behind his murder
still remain unclear. "We encourage the Saudi
authorities to co-operate fully with the Turkish investigation into his death,
so that we deliver justice for his family and the watching world."
Hunt, who is also seeking to build
support for UN efforts to end the three-year conflict in Yemen, also met
Saudi Foreign Minister Adel al-Jubeir. Britain, along with the United States, are major suppliers of arms to Saudi Arabia, which leads a military coalition
backing the Yemen
government in its fight against Iran-backed Shiite Huthi
rebels. Britain is seeking
support among regional partners for new action at the UN Security Council for
peace talks in Yemen.
"The human cost of war in Yemen
is incalculable: with millions displaced, famine and disease rife and years of
bloodshed, the only solution is now a political decision to set aside arms and
pursue peace," Hunt said ahead of his trip to the Gulf. "Britain
has a unique position, both as pen-holder at the UN Security Council and as a
key influencer in the region, so today I am travelling to the Gulf to demand
that all sides commit to this process. "We are
witnessing a manmade humanitarian catastrophe on our watch: now is the window
to make a difference, and to get behind both the UN peace process and current UK
efforts in the Security Council."Hunt's visit
comes after British undersecretary for foreign affairs Simon McDonald held
talks with Prince Mohammed and Jubeir in Riyadh. During his Gulf
tour, Hunt will also meet Abu Dhabi's
Crown Prince Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed
Al-Nahyan, Yemeni Vice President Ali Mohsen al-Ahmar and Yemeni
Foreign Minister Khaled al-Yamani. The Foreign Office
also said Hunt would raise the case of Matthew Hedges, a PhD student who denies
charges of spying in the UAE.
New Border
Crossings Open in Divided Cyprus,
First in Eight Years
Agence France Presse/Naharnet/November
12/18/Cypriot officials opened two new border crossings Monday for the first
time in eight years, the latest push for peace by the two sides after UN-backed
talks collapsed last year. Dozens of people from the island's Greek Cypriot
south streamed across the eastern Dherynia border
post, walking past United Nations peacekeepers into the breakaway
Turkish-backed north. At the same time, the Lefka or Aplici crossing opened in the northwest of the
Mediterranean island.
The Latest LCCC Bulletin
analysis & editorials from miscellaneous sources published on November
"Separate" Palestinian
Khaled Abu Toameh/Gatestone
Institute/November 12, 2018
To date, Hamas and Fatah have not been able to agree on the
interpretation of the "reconciliation" agreements already signed.
Fatah claims that the agreements are supposed to allow its Ramallah-based
government to assume full responsibility over the Gaza Strip. Hamas, for its
part, remains vehemently opposed to relinquishing security control over the
Gaza Strip.
Abbas's official news agency, Wafa, issued a strongly worded statement accusing Hamas of
being part of a "Zionist-American conspiracy" to detach the West Bank from the Gaza Strip. According to the
statement, Hamas is now cooperating with the US
and Israel
to establish a separate Palestinian state in the Gaza Strip. "There will
be no Palestinian state without the Gaza Strip, and there will be no [separate
Palestinian] state in the Gaza Strip," the statement quoted Abbas as saying.
Abbas can continue to present
himself to the world as the "President of the State of Palestine" as
much as he wants. He is only living in an illusion: it is obvious by now that
he does not represent the two million Palestinians who are living in a separate
Hamas-controlled entity in the Gaza Strip. Abbas has
not been able to set foot in the Gaza Strip for the past 11 years, and his
chances of ever returning there now seem to be zero.
For the past 11 years, a number of Arab countries have tried
to end the power struggle between Hamas and Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas's Fatah faction, to
no avail. Several "reconciliation" agreements previously signed
between Fatah and Hamas have never been implemented.
Pictured: Abbas (right) and Hamas leader Khaled Mashaal meet on November
24, 2011 in Cairo, Egypt, in one
"reconciliation" attempt. (Photo by Mohammed al-Hams/Khaled Mashaal's Office via Getty
Last week, Hamas began paying salaries to thousands of its
employees after Qatar
sent a $15 million grant in cash to the Gaza Strip. The money was brought to
the Gaza Strip by senior Qatari envoy Mohammed El-Amadi
through the Erez border crossing with Israel.
The Qatari grant is in the context of efforts by Egypt, Qatar,
and the United Nations to reach a long-term truce between Israel and
The payment was the first of a total of $90 million that the
emirate has pledged to send to the Gaza Strip in the next six months, according
to Palestinian sources.
The Palestinian Authority (PA) and its president, Mahmoud Abbas, however, remain
opposed to an agreement; reports say that one of the reasons they are opposed
to a truce accord between Israel
and Hamas is because such a deal will pave the way for the establishment of a
separate Palestinian state in the Gaza Strip.
On November 11, Abbas again
accused Hamas of being part of a US
and Israeli "conspiracy" to separate the Gaza Strip from the West Bank. He also threatened to impose punitive measures
against the Hamas-ruled Gaza Strip on the pretext that the
"conspiracy" was aimed at establishing a separate Palestinian state
The reality, after all, is that there already is a separate
Palestinian state in the Gaza Strip, and It has been
there since 2007, when Hamas violently seized control of the area and toppled Abbas's Palestinian Authority.
Abbas and the PA, all the same,
have since been living in denial. They have even created an alternate reality
in their head -- one that continues to believe that it is still possible to
establish a sovereign and independent Palestinian state in the entire West
Bank, Gaza Strip and east Jerusalem.
For the past 11 years, a number of Arab countries, including
Egypt, Yemen, Saudi
Arabia and Qatar, have tried to end the power
struggle between Hamas and Abbas's Fatah faction, to
no avail. Several "reconciliation" agreements previously signed
between Fatah and Hamas have never been implemented.
To date, Hamas and Fatah have not been able to agree on the
interpretation of the "reconciliation" agreements already signed.
Fatah claims that the agreements are supposed to allow its Ramallah-based
government to assume full responsibility over the Gaza Strip. Hamas, for its
part, remains vehemently opposed to relinquishing security control over the
Gaza Strip. The most Hamas is willing to offer Abbas's
government is limited civilian control, which means paying salaries and funding
schools, hospitals and other public institutions in the Gaza Strip.
In the past few weeks, Abbas and
some of his top officials in Ramallah have warned that any truce between Israel and Hamas will "consolidate"
the split between the West Bank and Gaza
Strip, thus paving the way for the establishment of an independent and separate
Palestinian state in the Hamas-ruled Gaza Strip. Now that understandings appear
to have been reached between Israel,
Qatar, Egypt and Hamas
to improve the living conditions of the Palestinians in the Gaza Strip, Abbas and his PA officials are seething with rage.
As part of the purported understandings, Qatar sent
millions of dollars in cash to the Gaza Strip on November 8. The money will be
used to pay thousands of Hamas employees and needy Palestinian families.
According to some reports, a senior Qatari official, Mohammed El Amadi, arrived in the Gaza Strip carrying three suitcases
stuffed with $15 million.
In response, Abbas's official news
agency, Wafa, issued a strongly worded statement
accusing Hamas of being part of a "Zionist-American conspiracy" to
detach the West Bank from the Gaza Strip.
According to the statement, Hamas is now cooperating with the US and Israel to establish a separate
Palestinian state in the Gaza Strip. "There will be no Palestinian state
without the Gaza Strip, and there will be no [separate Palestinian] state in
the Gaza Strip," the statement quoted Abbas as
This claim, of course, is a total misrepresentation of both
the reality and facts. If anyone is responsible for a separate Palestinian
state that already exists in the Gaza Strip, it is Fatah and Hamas, not Israel and the US. Actually, the power struggle
between Hamas and Fatah is completely unrelated to Israel,
the US
or any other third party. The dispute between the two Palestinian parties is
the direct result of a power struggle over money and power.
Neither Israel
nor the US
helped or condoned Hamas's violent takeover of the Gaza Strip in 2007. Hamas
managed to topple Abbas's Palestinian Authority in Gaza mainly because his
Western-funded security forces surrendered without putting up a fight.
Since then, Hamas and its allies in the Palestinian Islamic
Jihad (PIJ) have turned the Gaza Strip into a separate and independent
Palestinian state. Hamas and PIJ do not recognize Abbas
as the legitimate president of the Palestinians. They have, in the Gaza Strip,
their own de facto government, Hamas; their own parliament; their own security
forces and militias, and even their own laws.
Abbas can continue to present
himself to the world as the "President of the State of Palestine" as
much as he wants.
He is only living in an illusion: it is obvious by now that
he does not represent the two million Palestinians who are living in a separate
Hamas-controlled entity in the Gaza Strip. Abbas has
not been able to set foot in the Gaza Strip for the past 11 years, and his
chances of ever returning there now seem to be zero.
Hamas says that if Abbas dares to
enter the Gaza Strip, he will be put on trial for "high treason" -- a
crime punishable by death in accordance with Palestinian laws and traditions.
In the eyes of Hamas, Abbas is a traitor because he
is conducting security coordination with Israel and imposing economic
sanctions on the Gaza Strip.
Abbas undoubtedly knows that as
long as Hamas and PIJ are in the Gaza Strip, he will never be able to return
there. He also undoubtedly knows that he feels safer being in Ramallah than in
the Gaza Strip. In Ramallah, he is safe because the IDF is only a few hundred
meters away from his headquarters and residence. Were it not for the presence
of Israel in the West Bank, Hamas would have toppled Abbas's
government a long time ago. It is Israel's
ongoing crackdown on Hamas in the West Bank
that is keeping Abbas and his government in power.
Abbas most likely does not want to
acknowledge this reality. He also most likely does not want to accept any
responsibility for the divisions among his people, particularly the split
between the West Bank and Gaza Strip. Instead,
he is now seeking to accuse everyone else but himself for the fact that there
already is a separate Palestinian state in the Gaza Strip. Surreally, Abbas is now accusing Israel
and the US
of working towards establishing a separate Palestinian state in the Gaza Strip
-- when this has been the reality for the past 11 years.
The separate Palestinian state was created in the Gaza Strip
the day Hamas took control over the area. It was created there the day Abbas's security forces in the Gaza Strip surrendered to
Hamas in 2007.
The separate Palestinian state in the Gaza Strip was created
the day Abbas and his enemies in Hamas failed to honor the several "reconciliation" agreements
they had signed in the past decade.
What is even more surreal is that Abbas
is now accusing Hamas of collaboration with Israel
and the US
to establish a separate Palestinian state in the Gaza Strip. This accusation is
ridiculous, given the fact that Hamas continues to seek the destruction of Israel and considers the US an enemy of
Arabs and Muslims.
Abbas, however, apparently does
not want to be confused by reality. He prefers to continue his long-standing
strategy of blaming everyone else but himself for the miseries of the
Palestinians. The emerging truce deal only confirms the reality that Abbas has been trying to ignore for the past 11 years: that
a separate Palestinian state does exist, and it is run by Hamas, PIJ and other
armed groups who continue to give the Palestinian president the imperial
*Khaled Abu Toameh,
an award-winning journalist based in Jerusalem,
is a Shillman Journalism Fellow at Gatestone Institute.
© 2018 Gatestone Institute. All
rights reserved. The articles printed here do not necessarily reflect the views
of the Editors or of Gatestone Institute. No part of
the Gatestone website or any of its contents may be
reproduced, copied or modified, without the prior written consent of Gatestone Institute.
The Arab Winter Is
Hassan Hassan/The Atlantic/November
Three years ago, then Secretary of Defense
Ashton Carter attributed Iran’s
growing dominance to its being “in the game, on the ground.” He urged its
regional rivals to do the same, thus expressing a widely shared sentiment in
policy circles at the time: Arab Gulf states needed to rely less on the United States
and play a greater role in their neighborhood.
In many ways, that is exactly what these countries have been
attempting to do since 2015, and now Carter and others have reason to revisit
their advice.
In the absence of strong American leadership, now spanning
two administrations, the future of the region hinges on what local powers
define as priorities, and how they go about trying to achieve them. Even if Washington decides to
wake up, it will now find it far more difficult than in the past to assert
What’s happening in the Middle East
today can be traced back to the 2011 Arab Spring, which sparked a desire for
democratic change among ordinary people and, among governments, a
countervailing desire for stability based on the status quo ante.
To go back in time, as it were, the counterrevolutionary
bloc—Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Bahrain, Egypt, and their allies
in Yemen, Libya, and elsewhere—believes the future must be more authoritarian
than ever. Based on extensive conversations with senior Arab officials, I’ve
found that the dominant outlook could be summed up as follows: A heavy-handed
domestic and regional approach may well carry risks, but the alternative is
If the autocrats lost control over the masses in 2011, the
thinking goes, that was because they did not go far enough in their repression.
Former Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak gave some space to the Muslim
Brotherhood, political activists, and critical media. Look what happened to
As unrest generated by the Arab Spring shifted power away
from Arab republics to richer, more stable Gulf monarchies, leaders throughout
the region dropped the pretense that they would ever
bow, or bend, to the popular will—whether in the direction of more democracy or
of more extreme religiosity.
Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman,
for example, declared in 2017: “We will not waste 30 years trying to deal with
extremist ideas; we will eradicate them here and now.” In defense
of moderation, he proposed simply stomping out religious radicals. (In American
terms: shock and awe, rather than hearts and minds.) And MbS
was probably using the term extremist conveniently; the Saudis have since
designated as terrorist organizations certain religious groups, such as the
International Union of Muslim Scholars, broadly perceived as mainstream.
Generally speaking, authoritarian countries seem more
willing than ever before to disregard the desires of the Arab street. It is now
an open secret that Gulf states
have developed ties with Israel,
in the absence of formal relations, including trade partnerships and security
deals. Just last week, an Israeli minister toured Abu Dhabi,
the national Israeli anthem was reportedly sung in Doha,
and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu made a historic visit to Muscat. Such reports, along
with continued support for President Donald Trump’s “deal of the century”
despite his administration’s decision to move the American embassy to Jerusalem, have enraged
Arab populations.
Of course, there is a constituency for such high-handedness.
Elites, secular nationalists, and ordinary people exhausted by or fearful of
wars were euphoric following the rise of leaders such as Abdel Fattah al-Sisi in Egypt
and MbS. They are now banking on their success,
convinced that any compromise will undo the “gains” made so far.
In Egypt,
the campaign against the Muslim Brotherhood and any form of dissent is the
fieriest it’s been in nearly 50 years. Most Islamists and critics are either
languishing in jail or living in exile. The regime also consolidated control of
the media, once seen as among the most vibrant in the region. To Sisi and his supporters, harsh measures are acceptable
because they have stabilized the country. Even Muslim Brotherhood leaders
acknowledge that the campaign against it has been effective in the sense that
it has been devastating, breaking the organization into multiple pieces.
Precisely because crackdowns have worked, the regime and its supporters also
back their continuation. Now that a final victory against the Muslim
Brotherhood is within reach, why let up?
For counterrevolutionary regimes, the top priority is to
prevent a repeat of the 2011 uprisings, and they believe the best way to do
that is to stay the repressive course. Which is why recent
talk that MbS was doomed, or that he could be
replaced after the murder of the Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi,
was out of touch with the broad reality of the region. MbS is seen as a key member of the pack of new leaders
remaking the Middle East, and the pack will
stand by him. This dynamic also informs the continuing blockade of Qatar, as well as the war in Yemen;
humanitarian concerns simply don’t matter next to the perceived efficacy of
Amid revolutionary fatigue, authoritarians have the support
of broad segments of their society and a window to consolidate their power. But
a diverse group that includes liberal democrats as well as radical Islamists
believes that window won’t stay open forever—or even very long—since the
economic, political, and social causes of the Arab uprisings in 2011 have
largely worsened.
In their quest to consolidate power, authoritarian
governments are vesting it in fewer and fewer hands—which might expose them to
internal challengers. Political repression, which might crush opposition in the
short term, also gives Islamists a legitimate grievance to exploit. And if
authoritarians can’t improve the economic lot of their people—as so far they
have not—that too hurts their ability to restore stability, and thus to remain
in control. Iraq and Jordan, for
example, recently saw a wave of uprisings over unpopular economic policies.
No space for reconciliation or compromise exists between
authoritarian governments and their democratic or Islamist opponents. If the
strongmen win—and they have a real chance—then the West will have to abandon
its dream of a more politically open Middle East
(the vision sparked by the Arab Spring). If they fail—and there is a compelling
argument that they could—their countries could experience a period of turmoil
on the scale of the Syrian civil war. In this volatile environment, the United States
is ominously absent. Iran’s
rivals are “in the game, on the ground,” just as Carter advised three years
ago. Missing from the scene is an umpire to manage conflicts and halt the
autocrats’ worst instincts. The United
States seems not to care what’s happening in
the region at this moment, but the real risk of apathy is that it will bring
forth a future that’s even less stable than the past.
Trump's Iran Policy
Cannot Succeed Without Allies
James Clapper and Thomas R. Pickering/The
National Interest/November 12/18
"Then there were none” was Agatha Christie’s most
memorable mystery about a house party in which each guest was killed off one by
one. Donald Trump’s policy toward Iran
has resulted in much the same: a vanishing one by one of American partners who
were previously supportive of U.S.
leadership in curbing Iran,
particularly its nuclear program.
Dozens of states, painstakingly cultivated over decades of
American leadership in blocking Iran’s
nuclear capability, are now simply gone. One of America’s
three remaining allies on these issues, Saudi
Arabia, has become a central player in American strategy
throughout the Middle East region. But the
Saudis, because of the Jamal Khashoggi killing and
other reasons, may have cut itself out of the action. The United Arab Emirates,
so close to the Saudis, may also fall away.
Such paucity of international support has left the Trump
administration dangerously isolated. “America First” should not mean America alone. The United States
risks losing the cooperation of historic and proven allies in the pursuit of
other U.S. national security
interests around the world, far beyond Iran.
Who done it? It is no mystery. The
Trump administration’s withdrawal last spring from the Iran nuclear agreement caused the death of
support for U.S.
policy. That agreement had been negotiated with Iran by six major world powers and
the European Union. It was fully endorsed by the UN Security Council and
received overwhelming support from the UN’s member
European allies share many of our concerns about Iran’s regional activities, but they strongly
oppose U.S.
reinstitution of secondary sanctions against them. They see the Trump
administration’s new sanctions as a violation of the nuclear agreement and UN
Security Council resolutions and as undermining efforts to influence Iranian behavior. The new sanctions and those applied on November 5
only sap European interest in cooperating to stop Iran. The mounting European and
Asian opposition to U.S.
overreach is also stirring deeply-held concerns about the dominant role of the
U.S. Treasury and the overwhelming power the U.S. dollar plays over the world’s
economic system. For the first time, our European allies are actively working
to circumvent the U.S. Treasury, sanctions and dollar. Moreover, Russia, China
and others in Asia delight in seeing further division of the Western
Alliance and the loss of American leadership.
Without international backing of its Iran strategy, the Trump administration is
deprived of the political and diplomatic partnership required to achieve its
objectives in the Middle East. The United States alone cannot permanently prevent Iran from acquiring a nuclear weapon; block Iran’s export of ballistic missiles; end Iran’s support
for Hezbollah threats. Covert or military action won’t help us achieve our
objectives. Only well calibrated multilateral political, economic and
diplomatic pressure brought to bear on Iran with many and diverse partners
will produce the results we seek.
More urgently, the release of American citizens from Iran’s prisons will only happen through direct,
quiet U.S.
diplomacy. This must be built on an improved bilateral environment, not the
heightened hostility of the administration’s unilateral, extreme pressure.
There is no question that the administration’s go-it-alone strategy has damaged
economy and increased internal discord. But this outsized pressure has
emboldened Iran’s
hardliners, other states in the region and Iran’s population, a dynamic that
is not advantageous to us. In the past, such an approach has not resulted in
bringing about a more reasonable, pliable or cooperative government in Tehran—much less one that will decide to return to the
negotiating table with the United
The United States
cannot provoke regime change in Iran
any more than it has successfully in other nations in the region. And, drawing
on strategies used to topple governments in Iraq
and Afghanistan, the United States should be wary of launching or
trying to spur a military invasion of Iran. The now severely damaged
partnership with the Saudi crown prince, on which the Trump administration has
relied to carry out an already flawed strategy, underscores the need to return
to a genuine multilateral alliance.
The United States
can succeed in reaching its objectives with Tehran only through the deliberate
cultivation of broad partnerships based on leveraged and patient diplomacy. And
many partners are better than none.
A disastrous scenario
stares Tehran
in the face
Nadim Koteich/Al
Arabiya/November 12/18
The 4th of November will be remembered as a glorious day of
confrontation with the Iranian regime. The re-imposition of US sanctions is the
last thing Tehran
would have wanted to face at the moment when it is going through its largest
“revolutionary” expansion in the region and one of the most critical of its
domestic situations since 1979.
problem with US President Donald Trump issues from the clarity of the man. He
had stated in his presidential campaign that the nuclear agreement is the worst
deal in history, and that he would revoke it if he won the presidency. He has
done exactly as he had promised.
The Trump offensive
Trump is also honest when he says he wants good relations
with Iran.
His only demand is actually quite simple: Iran
should stop being the way Iran
is. Trump does not know how to use Kissinger’s equations like the phrase “it is
necessary for Iran
to transform from being a revolution into becoming a state.” His advisors do
not have the imaginative literary and narrative techniques such as those
possessed by former President Barack Obama's adviser Ben Rhodes, who had
written about Tehran's
tight grip and Obama’s open hand to greet the Iranians.
Trump speaks a different language, a simpler and a more
interactive one. You give me something and I give you something back and when
this does not work, he says, as he told the North Korean president: “My nuclear
button is bigger than yours.”
Trump really wishes to see an Iran that is different from the one
we know now. He sees in Iran
a huge market that needs everything from cotton socks to oil refineries and all
that lies in between. He also sees its tourism potential and its role for
bringing stability in Asia as well as a gateway to solve other intractable
problems in this part of the world — from Israel's security, to solving the
intractable peace crisis, alleviating the climate of extremism and terrorism
and extinguishing many of the wars that have come to threaten the security of a
united Europe because of their displaced victims. This is the most important
transatlantic American security achievement after World War II.
Trump is not an ideological man. What he really wants is to
reach a new agreement that opens the door to a new Iran. He is not seeking to change
the regime, though some inkling of this idea has started to emerge in his
administration via the remnants of the George Bush administration, particularly
through national security adviser John Bolton. It is not his goal to provide
credentials to anyone in the name of America to change its image, as
Obama’s concern was and who thought that the world would change if he just
finds the right words to address it.
Economic slump
Trump’s policy is as simple as the Iranian crisis. He does
not have a doctrinal rhetoric that can be confronted with a doctrinal rhetoric,
and he is only asking the regime the same things that the Iranians themselves
are asking of their regime.
It is unfortunate for the regime that these oil sanctions
–oil is the backbone of the Iranian regime as it feeds 80% of the treasury's
revenues – comes at a time characterized by two factors. The first one is a
global economic slowdown and a series of currency crises stretching from Argentina to Turkey. This means the decline of
demand on oil. Second, expectations of surpluses in oil supplies in the first
half of 2019 comes from either a rise in Saudi and Russian output to protecting
prices from harmful hikes, or the introduction of new producers or barrels from
non-traditional producers such as Canada and the US. The environment
surrounding American sanctions guarantees drying up of Iran's oil revenues and
protecting current oil prices and preventing them from going up and threatening
global economic disasters. In addition, there are temporary exemptions granted
by the Trump administration to eight countries to continue buying Iranian oil,
which do not benefit Iran
but are placed in special accounts within the procuring state and in the local
currency and are only used to pay Iranian bills for food, drugs and materials
that are not subject to sanctions.
A disastrous scenario stares Tehran
in the face and it stipulates that Tehran may
resort to escalation in Bab al-Mandeb and the Strait
of Hormuz to create a militarily tense environment threatening oil trade and
increasing oil prices in the hope that the world will turn against the United States.
About 12% of the total international trade passes through Bab
al-Mandeb, and in 2016 the strait was a gateway for 4.8 million barrels of oil
per day, of which 2.8 million barrels of oil per day headed towards Europe. In 2016, the Strait of
Hormuz accounted for more than 30% of the total trade of crude oil
and liquid gas transported overseas. But any untoward incidents in Bab al-Mandeb and the Strait of Hormuz, or any obstruction
of Saudi and UAE transport pipelines in that spot and striking the bases of the
Trump plan, will push Europe into America's lap and not the other way around
and will prove to the world that Iran is indeed the irrational state that Trump
had warned of. Tehran
may thus subject itself to a direct military strike launched against it by the
Trump administration.
The second option, which is the most likely one is that Iran
will swallow the bitter pill of sanctions and lick its economic wounds for the
next two years in the hope that the term of Trump will end and he won’t return
for a second term. Tehran will then move on to
negotiate with the new US
administration by the end of 2020. Iran believes it has the time, but
the reality on the ground indicates otherwise.
Preparing our graduates
for the real world is worthwhile
Dr. Mohamed A. Ramady/Al Arabiya/November 12/18
It is just as important to prepare our undergraduate
students for the real world before graduating, as it is to instil them with
sound academic knowledge. For far too long in the Gulf, the emphasis has been
on the latter with inadequate attention to the former leading to a mixture of
initial elation after graduation followed by depression.
The feeling of hopefulness after those wonderful years at
university with all the freedom it bestows, is soon
turned to helplessness. The social life had been amazing for many and probably
too excessive for some, with lots of new, life-long friends and potential
business partners and networkers, as well as spending hours in the library on
coursework and preparing for exams. For many lucky enough to be a student, this
hard work has paid off, but the reality is different.
The feeling of relief and sense of achievement could soon be
followed by a sense of being lost and the reason is simple – a university
prepares young people for the transition from adolescence into adulthood - but
does it prepare them for the realities of working life?
Graduating students feel that they come out with a good
degree and then reality hits as they cannot find that dream job or even any job
and they soon become quite overwhelmed. And then there is a huge pressure to
succeed from their parents, even though they have the best intentions for their
Statistically, graduates are still more likely to be
employed than people with fewer qualifications and the attraction of going to
university is still there, especially for Gulf students where most fees and
other upkeep costs are paid by the state, whether at local universities or
though international scholarship programs.
Arabia currently has one of the worlds largest international scholarship program, the King
Abdullah Scholarships with around 160,000 students enrolled in many foreign
universities. The aim is to ensure that these overseas students acquire skills
and knowledge that are not available in local universities so as to assist with
the future economic and social development of the Kingdom.
What can universities do then to prepare their graduates for
the real world? Many have instituted industry secondments whereby students
spend anywhere between 3 to 7 months with companies doing real work, with the
added bonus that the firm might offer these students a permanent job after
graduation if they had met the placement company expectations.
That is the theory, but in reality not much thought is given
as to what type of firm is most suited for the student assignment, whether that
company will indeed have a meaningful mentoring and coaching program that
passes on real world skills, or these firms see such student placement as a
burden they have to bear for localization quotas.
Gauging the real world
Universities whose Faculty is exclusively composed by those
with pure academic backgrounds, with no combined practical experience will not
be able to gauge the real world market environment to guide their students.
Such a combination of Faculty talent is still rare in Gulf universities.
To overcome such a deficiency, Universities do invite
professionals from a wide variety of industries to deliver lectures and provide
personal insights on their own career paths and the industry they work in, as
well as initiating student group visits to companies.
Some have used Adjunct Professors from industry to add depth
to their academic programs. Those Universities that are more involved with
their graduates future, have established dedicated Career Offices run by
professionals from the real world who can guide students on the evolving
requirements of the labor market and current demand
for graduates in many areas whether it is in statistics, petroleum and chemical
engineering, IT, Artificial Intelligence, insurance, risk management, media,
supply chain or renewable energy to name but a few which are in vogue in the
Gulf today . The importance of setting up such world
class career advisory offices, run by well paid and experienced industry
professionals with contacts in all business sectors cannot be underestimated.
But university students have to do their bit too before they
graduate, and taking up a summer job, however humble, whether working as a fast
food salesman , a shelf picker in a supermarket , a
hospital ward assistant or a warehouse worker can only provide the student with
a worldly view of less glamorous jobs and how each and every worker is a
valuable person to the whole organization .
The summer jobs will teach students that to give orders
later on in life, they need to learn to take orders now from others and dispense
with the so called“ mudeer “ or boss syndrome that
they are born as managers. International companies like to see such initiatives
on graduate CV’s as many of the senior managers of these firms will share with
pride their own experiences, and their feeling that it made them better
managers of a diverse range of people . Taking on these interim jobs will also
ensure that upon graduation, they seek all available job opportunities in the
belief that it can open doors in other areas or other firms later on in
entirely different career paths. The alternative is for students to become“ voluntarily unemployed“, waiting for that dream mudeer job in only a few prime, mostly public sector
opportunities to turn up . To their astonishment, many others are thinking the same ,and soon they will either become disillusioned and
depressed and cease looking for jobs, instead depending on their parents for
financial support, or go on to pursue higher education degrees to give them a
competitive job advantage, with a different set of risk –rewards in taking this
Gulf university students are still luckier than many of
their peers in countries where these students have to pay for their tuition and
upkeep fees, thus running up large debts after graduation ,
only adding to their misery and depression if they cannot find jobs to repay
these debts . Some decide to take a “gap year” after graduation, going around
the world, doing charitable work, living with exotic people and other cultures
and visiting the remotest parts of the world. This hardens them and makes them
even more valuable to prospective employers and is certainly far better than
sitting around playing beloot and smoking shishas with the same group of friends every night.
Despite positive
outlook on economy, Pakistan
still looks to IMF for help
Sabena Siddiqui/Al Arabiya/November 12/18
Contrary to popular expectations that there might be no need
to approach the IMF after all as the financial crisis has been averted, the Pakistan
government has requested the Fund for an “economic recovery program”. As
confirmed by Gerry Rice, Director Communication at the IMF, “Pakistan approached IMF in Indonesia for a
fresh loan program in month of October.” Thus, it appears that going to the IMF
never stopped being part of the plan.
Considering the state of the Pakistan economy, it does need
corrective measures and does need IMF regulations as the current account
deficit spiraled by 43 percent in the last fiscal
year while the budget deficit is 6.6 percent of the economic output. Having
plunged 42 percent, foreign reserves were hardly enough to provide import cover
for two months.
Expected to range between six to eight billion dollars
minimum, IMF support would help in carrying forward the long-term planning of
the young government. Kicking off on a ‘technical level’ to formulate the
previously mentioned policy, the talks with the IMF shall end on November 20
with the Pakistan
government presenting an estimate of the loan package it requires.
Traditionally, governments would secure a bailout without fixing the underlying
issues and just hand over a worse economy every time a new party came into
This time round, the new government wants to fix the malaise
and bring Pakistan
out from its chronic financial woes. Therefore, the Pakistan government does want a
reform agenda and IMF fiscal disciplines that can help boost exports
Financial woes and the IMF
This time round, the new government wants to fix the malaise
and bring Pakistan
out from its chronic financial woes. Therefore, the Pakistan government does want a
reform agenda and IMF fiscal disciplines that can help boost exports, reduce
the deficit and streamline the economy on a more sustainable pattern so that
IMF bailouts are not required in the future. According to experts from the
Center for Strategic and International Studies, “Pakistan
represents a litmus test of all future cases in which the IMF, United States, China, and any emerging market
country are all involved.”
Apparently, this could be an emerging pattern, which might
not be restricted just to Pakistan
in the future. Formulating a new policy to fix the problems with Pakistan’s
economy, the IMF will carry out corrective measures and suggest structural
reforms while the specific conditions of the bailout package will be finalized
towards the end of the visit. Reviewing economic data from several sectors, the
IMF team is expected to try and fix the power sector as it is responsible for a depletion in Pakistan’s growth by three percent
Another advantage is that once the IMF gets involved, other
institutions such as the Asian Development Bank, World Bank also extend their
co-operation and give credit rating approval. In fact, the ADB has already
committed six billion dollars for financing infrastructure development in Pakistan for
the next three years.
However, keeping in mind the IMF track record of introducing
strict measures to regulate economies, it might alienate the lower strata of
society from the ruling party in the very first 100 days. Devaluing the country’s
currency, driving up the tax ratio and introducing budget cuts, these
conditions usually curb imports to bring down the trade deficit as well.
Improving the economy
Consequently, the Pakistan government wishes to take
a minimal loan instead of the $12 billion package offered by the IMF on easy
terms. Wanting to negotiate with the IMF from an “improved position”, the
government has been trying to stabilize the economy beforehand with help from
friendly countries. Ostensibly, this was to avoid any conditions placed by the
IMF that might be too intrusive, controlling or against the country’s broader
national interest.
Requiring an urgent capital boost as foreign reserves held
by the State Bank of Pakistan
dipped below $8 billion in the last week of October, Prime Minister Imran Khan had recently travelled to Saudi Arabia
where he secured a $6 billion aid package. Recently, he spent three days in China but no
specific results have been announced and details would be available after
further discussions in the coming weeks. As reported by media before the visit,
if a sizable amount had been acquired from China, there might even have been
no need to approach the IMF after all. But as it has turned out, the bailout is
inevitable anyway and the only debatable aspect is the size of the economic
Avoiding maximum fallout from the IMF package as it would
impact the poor most of all, Khan has done his level
best to avoid a financial squeeze. Nevertheless, the IMF is likely to insist on
reduced spending, further currency devaluations and an increase in interest
rates. Such measures could ultimately prove to be a hurdle in Khan’s way and
slow down implementation of his planned reforms. Assessing Pakistan’s prospects, Jean-Francois Fiorina from the Grenoble Ecole
de Management has said that, “Pakistan
is facing economic trouble and urgently needs to find extra funds,” adding
that, “This is maybe the best solution at short-term but it could create a new
bomb in the future.”
After a century, has the ideas of World War I died?
Mashari Althaydi/Al
Arabiya/November 12/18
It’s true that World War I was mainly a western European war
but it did not gain the title “World War” out of nothing but due to its
horrific consequences which continue to this day, yes to this day, in many
parts of the world including the Arabs’ and Muslims’ world.
November this year, particularly 11th November, marks an
entire century since the truce went into effect and since the war ended on the
military front.
There is an audiotape that consists of several recordings
put together from the French-German front and which documents the last minutes
of the war. It documents the sounds of the mortars at the American Front at
River Moselle, a left tributary of the Rhine, one minute before and one minute after the war
It’s a very touching tape especially as you hear the sound
of the mortars gradually falling silent and then you hear the birds twitter as
if they’re celebrating the end of war. The tape is displayed at the Imperial War Museum
for the 100th anniversary of the war’s end.
However, let’s observe the consequences of World War I on
us. I will not talk about the disasters it inflicted on Arabs such as famine,
Ottoman compulsory recruitment, Seferberlik, the British
empire’s manipulation of the Arabs’ dreams and sentiment and the European
powers’ conflict on Arabs’ territories of which the Battle of El Alamein
between Egypt and Libya is an example. I will talk about one repercussion. It’s
well-known that the leaders of the Committee of Union and Progress toppled
their dangerous Ottoman sultan in 1909 after he ruled for almost three decades
(1876 – 1909). During this time, Sutlan Abdul Hamid employed propaganda to solidify the sanctity of the
caliph post and to intensify marketing the idea of the caliphate.
Is World War I worth remembering and examining to us, Arabs
and Muslims, after a century has now passed?
Even after the departure of Abdul Hamid
and the departure of Mehmed V, Mehmed
VI and Abdulmejid afterwards, the Abdul Hamid propaganda remained a main driving force of caliphate
movements. Among the results of that phase was the birth of the Muslim
Brotherhood itself as the caliphate occupied a main pillar in the group’s
doctrinal structure and in the structure of branching groups such as al-Qaeda
and ISIS (ISIS caliphate is an example).
The Exalted Ottoman Empire withered like others empires of
that time, Russia, Austria and Hungary, due to that war. And then came the revolution of Ottoman “invading” General Mustafa Kemal Ataturk to save the country from invaders. Ataturk
was enthroned as the Turks’ hero, unlike the weak sultan in Istanbul.
We’re still there at the war fronts, and most importantly,
in the ideas and principles which the war produced or which produced the war!
It was a horrific war in which around 11 million soldiers
were killed by mortars and machine guns. Around 56 million recruits were
dispatched for military service in the all the countries that participated in
the war. Churches, mosques, hospitals, towns and cities were destroyed.
Is World War I worth remembering and examining to us, Arabs
and Muslims, after a century had passed?