May 07/2018
Compiled & Prepared by: Elias
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He who supplies seed to the sower and bread for food will supply and
multiply your seed for sowing and increase the harvest of your
Second Letter to the Corinthians 09,01a/.05-15/"Now it is not necessary for
me to write to you about the ministry to the saints, So I thought it
necessary to urge the brothers to go on ahead to you, and arrange in advance
for this bountiful gift that you have promised, so that it may be ready as a
voluntary gift and not as an extortion. The point is this: the one who sows
sparingly will also reap sparingly, and the one who sows bountifully will
also reap bountifully. Each of you must give as you have made up your mind,
not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. And God
is able to provide you with every blessing in abundance, so that by always
having enough of everything, you may share abundantly in every good work. As
it is written, ‘He scatters abroad, he gives to the poor; his righteousness
endures for ever.’ He who supplies seed to the sower and bread for food will
supply and multiply your seed for sowing and increase the harvest of your
righteousness. You will be enriched in every way for your great generosity,
which will produce thanksgiving to God through us; for the rendering of this
ministry not only supplies the needs of the saints but also overflows with
many thanksgivings to God. Through the testing of this ministry you glorify
God by your obedience to the confession of the gospel of Christ and by the
generosity of your sharing with them and with all others, while they long
for you and pray for you because of the surpassing grace of God that he has
given you. Thanks be to God for his indescribable gift!'
Titles For
Latest LCCC Bulletin analysis & editorials from miscellaneous sources
published on May 06-07/18
Low turnout and high stakes as
battles play out across Lebanon/Najia Houssari/Arab News/May 06/18
Queue-jumping, wasta and paying for votes — just another election day in
Beirut/Tarek Ali Ahmad/Arab News/May 06/18
Hezbollah sips at the heart of the Lebanese state/Mashari Althaydi/Al
Arabiya/May 06/18
Latest Lebanese Related News/ The Associated Press/ May 06/18
A Look at the Key Players In the Lebanese Elections/Associated Press/Naharnet/May
Saudi Arabia’s Quality of Life Program Vs Skeptics/Salman Al-dossary/Asharq
Al Awsat/May 06/18
Mike Pompeo and US diplomacy victories without bullets/Abdulrahman al-Rashed/Al
Arabiya/May 06/18
No excuse for our ignorance in an information age/Sawsan Al Shaer/Al Arabiya/May
When will Iraq become another Armenia/Adnan Hussein/Al Arabiya/May 06/18
Armenian Genocide: Turkey Cracks Down/Uzay Bulut/Gatestone Institute/May
Protesting Iranians disregard regime’s clampdown/Majid Rafizadeh/Arab
News/May 06, 2018
Titles For Latest LCCC Lebanese Related News published on May 06-07/18
Lebanon's Fake and illegitimate Parliamentary Elections
Early Results Emerge in Lebanon's Parliamentary Vote
Low turnout and high stakes as battles play out across Lebanon
Queue-jumping, wasta and paying for votes — just another election day in
Long-lasting Parliament Bids Farewell: Many Failures, Modest Achievements
Lebanon: Fierce Electoral Battle to Weigh Strength of Sunni, Christian
Polling begins in Lebanon’s first parliamentary election in 9 years
Hezbollah sips at the heart of the Lebanese state
Latest Lebanese Related News published on May 06-07/18
Aoun Casts Vote, Urges Lebanese to Practice 'National Right Out of
LADE Says Mashnouq ‘Violates Election Silence’
Minor Clashes, Violations Mar Electoral Process
First-Time Voters Eager to Weigh in on Lebanese Election
Vote Unlikely to Change Lebanon Balance of Power
A Look at the Key Players In the Lebanese Elections
Hariri Says No Fear over Security after Elections
Key Political Players Wrangle in Heated Chouf-Aley Vote
Top Parties Seek to Protect Monopoly as Lebanon Votes
Titles For Latest LCCC
Bulletin For Miscellaneous Reports And News published
on May 06-07/18
Rouhani says plans in place for any Trump
decision on Iran nuclear deal
Iran nuke deal on table as Boris Johnson heads to Washington
Trump 'Committed' to Iran Regime Change, Giuliani Says Days Before Nuclear
Netanyahu: Iran Must Be Stopped, Even if It Means Conflict – and Better
Sooner Than Later
Morocco Counterterrorism Director: Special Laws to Face ISIS Returnees
Two Palestinians killed in latest Gaza cross border violence
Iraqi air force strike targets ISIS commanders’ position inside Syria
East Euphrates: Fighting Among Washington Allies
MWL Chief to Asharq Al-Awsat: Iran Defames Islam
A Crushing Defeat for Muslim Brotherhood in Jordan
Iraq Warns Against Disabling Electronic Polling on Election Day
Tunisia Votes in First Free Municipal Elections
Saudi Detains 'Thousands' for Months without Trial, Says HRW
Titles For Latest
LCCC Bulletin For Miscellaneous Reports And News published on May 06-07/18
Lebanon's Fake and illegitimate Parliamentary Elections
LCCC/07 May/18/The parliamentary elections
in occupied Lebanon came to end yesterday at 7PM, Beirut local time. More
than 100 nominees were winners before the election process started. No
surprises took place because Hezbollah occupies the country and did impose
its tailored electoral law. Meanwhile the whole election charade was
prefabricated and most of the successful MP's were practically appointed.
This Parliament is heading to legitimize Hezbollah's militia in case the
Iranian occupation remains controlling Lebanon. The final results of the
election are expected by the end of today.
Early Results Emerge in Lebanon's
Parliamentary Vote
06/18/Preliminary results started emerging around mmidnight Monday after
Lebanon voted in its first parliamentary elections in nine years. Media
reports said the Hizbullah-AMAL Movement coalition won all seats in south
Lebanon's second and thirds electoral districts. The coalition's campaign
meanwhile said its list won four seats in Beirut's second district -- one
for Hizbullah, one for AMAL, one for al-Ahbash and one for the Free
Patriotic Movement. According to media reports, the list of Prime Minister
Saad Hariri's al-Mustaqbal Movement won six seats in the district as the
businessman Fouad Makhzoumi won a Sunni seat. In Beirut's first district --
Ashrafieh, Saifi, Rmeil and Medawar -- the list backed by the Lebanese
Forces and the Kataeb Party won three seats as three seats went to the list
backed by the Free Patriotic Movement and the Tashnag Party and two went to
the Kollouna Watani civil society coalition -- Joumana Haddad and Paula
Yagoubian. Also according to media reports, MP Bahia Hariri retained her
seat in Sidon as Popular Nasserite Organization chief Osama Saad won the
city's second Sunni seat and his ally Ibrahim Azar won a Maronite seat in
Jezzine. The FPM meanwhile won two seats in Jezzine, including that of
incumbent MP Ziad Aswad. Elsewhere, FPM chief Jebran Bassil announced that
he won a Maronite seat he ran for in Batroun and that the FPM has won a seat
in Akkar. The Marada Movement meanwhile announced that it won four seats in
the Batroun-Koura-Bsharri-Zgharta district as three went to the coalition of
the Free Patriotic Movement, al-Mustaqbal Movement and Michel Mouawad and
three other seats were clinched by the Lebanese Forces-Kataeb Party
alliance. In Tripoli-Minieh-Dinniyeh, the lists of ex-PM Najib Miqati, al-Mustaqbal
Movement and ex-minister Faisal Karami were leading the vote count. In
Baabda, the Hizbullah-FPM coalition won four seats as the LF and the
Progressive Socialist Party managed to win two seats. In northern Metn, the
leading candidates at 12:30 am were Sami Gemayel, Ibrahim Kanaan, Eddie Abi
al-Lamaa, Michel Murr, Hagop Pakradounian and Elias Bou Saab.
Low turnout and high
stakes as battles play out across Lebanon
Najia Houssari/Arab News/May 06/18/Beirut: Participation in Lebanon’s election on Sunday appeared low, as
parties struggled to persuade people to go to the polls despite a new voting
system designed to improve representation.
But the turnout varied dramatically between districts. There were low rates
in Beirut 1, where there is a Christian majority, with no more than 19
percent by the afternoon, but people voted in larger numbers in places with
Sunni majorities, such as Saida (almost 50 percent) and Beirut 2 (above 33
In Baalbek-Hermel, which is predominantly Shiite, officials had to request
more ballot boxes because so many voters turned up.
The varying turnout reflected the tough competition between the two main
parties dominating Lebanese politics: the Future Movement of Sunni Prime
Minister Saad Hariri, and Hezbollah, the Shiite militant and political
organization backed by Iran.
The new complex voting system based on proportional representation also
presented problems.
Candidates and parties complained of the slow voting process caused by the
new method, which the voters were struggling to get used to.
This led to the formation of long queues and some even giving up and going
home rather than wait several hours to cast their ballots. Others decided to
postpone voting until later in the day.
Three pens with embedded cameras were seized with voters in the Bekaa — in
Zahle, Buarij, and Kafar Zabad.
Brig. Gen. Elias Khoury, secretary of the Central Security Council, said 52
violations were recorded.
“These included voters recording their voting processes behind the partition
— a prohibited act that cancels the voter’s ballot,” he said.
Voter turnout was slow in the morning in the main cities but in the villages
and towns of the provinces, voter enthusiasm exceeded expectations.
Yahya Shams, head of the “Dignity and Development” list in Baalbek-Hermel,
which was competing against the Shiite alliance’s list, said that recorded
violations included using vehicles to block the roads and preventing voters
from reaching voting centers.
“Hezbollah supporters also rallied around the voting centers in an attempt
to intimidate voters,” he added, stressing that he had made a complaint
about the violations.
In the south, anti-Hezbollah candidate Ali Al-Amin said there had been
attempts to prevent his supporters from entering the voting centers.
Al-Amin was treated in hospital after he was attacked by Hezbollah
supporters last month during campaigning.
The elections were held amid intense security measures taken by the army and
the internal security forces. Specialist patrols watch deployed in Beirut
and other areas to try to ensure bitter rivalries did not cause violence.
Cars flaunting Hezbollah and Amal Movement flags were seen carrying voters
from Beirut’s southern suburbs to the city center.
Hariri waited his turn with voters at a polling station in Beirut before
casting his ballot in front of throngs of photographers.
“Order is good,” he said as he left the voting center.
“I did my duty and voted like any other Lebanese citizens. As we look around
us and see that Lebanon is holding democratic elections, we know that the
country is in good shape.”Some voters told Arab News how they were prompted to take part in the
election by the unruly behavior of some of the party supporters.
Manal, a young woman from Beirut, said a group of Hezbollah supporters
roamed the streets near her home the night before, shooting in the air.
“I did not wish to vote, but what happened prompted me and my brother to go
to a voting center and elect the Future Movement’s list,” she said.
Queue-jumping, wasta
and paying for votes — just another election day in Beirut
Tarek Ali Ahmad/Arab News/May 06/18
Lebanese from across the country headed to the polls on Sunday
It is the country's first parliamentary elections in nine years
BEIRUT: As Lebanese made their way to the voting stations in the country’s
first parliamentary elections in nine years, the streets of Beirut came
Roads filled with cars plastered with banners and posters representing the
candidate or the lists people were supporting. Drivers relentlessly honked
their horns to draw attention to their allegiance.
The capital is split into two voting districts, Beirut 1 and Beirut 2.
Beirut 2 proved to be the most competitive in the country, having a total of
nine candidate lists going head to head for 11 seats of the parliament — the
most in all voting districts.
While voter apathy seemed as high this year, as it has been for past
elections, some of those who had taken the trouble to reach the polling
stations were frustrated by the long queues and disorganization.
“People are coming into the polling stations, cutting in line due to the
typical ‘wasta’ while we are standing at the back of the line like proper
citizens,” an angry voter in a polling station in Hamra told Arab News.
“We’ve been here for an hour waiting and we’re still at the back of the line
… I’m here to practice my right for democracy, I’m not obliged to wait two
to three hours. I’ll just leave.”
Blogger Nadia Mneimne told Arab News that owing to disorganization
throughout the station, several people had to wait outside for hours as
Across the capital, stands plastered with political party colors and housing
rival party supporters lined the sidewalks leading to the polling stations.
Party members bluntly asked voters who they were voting for, and told them
why they should vote for their candidates.
In Beirut, a cauldron of religions and powerful political dynasties, it was
clear which particular sect dominated which area by the number of banners
representing the political parties.
With voter turnout usually low, parties and coalitions have been resorting
to old tricks deployed in previous elections to persuade people to vote for
them, voters told Arab News.
Mona Fayed, who was voting in the gritty, working-class Zaqaq Al-Blat area,
said she knew people in her area who had been paid by election campaigns to
go and vote.
“There are a lot of people who are being paid to vote,” she told Arab News.
“The political parties are taking advantage of the poor and their financial
situations and giving them money just to go down to the voting stations and
vote for their lists.”
Voters living abroad also told how some candidates paid for their flights so
they could come and vote for them.
A Lebanese term referring to a privilege certain people get from being
well-connected and/or having a lot of money, thus people who have ‘wasta’
will get something based on favoritism rather than merit.
“I don’t have a passport but I’ve got the identity card so I can vote,” a
British-Lebanese voter told Arab News. “I’m not going to tell you which
political party paid our expenses, but I can tell you for certain that it
isn’t the only party that has done such a thing.”
Paying for votes is strictly against election rules but common in Lebanese
elections. And while paying to fly voters in for election day seems an
expensive way to gain a vote, Lebanese expats said they had been offered
similar deals as candidates and parties battle to gain small margins against
their opponents for one of the parliament’s 128 seats.
While many polling stations faced similar issues of long queues, others
appeared to be coping easily with the voters.
“These are the first elections that are exciting and comfortable,” Habib
Hassan Syed Hussein, voting in Zuqaq Al-Blat, told Arab News. “Finally there
is a sense of organization among the stations.”
Voter apathy and distrust of candidates have resulted in a poor turnout at
the polls in past elections.
In the last parliamentary elections, held in 2009, just over half of the
three million registered voters placed their ballots, according to the
International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance.
While the new electoral law has raised hopes that this time voters will be
able to break the grip on seats held by the county’s traditional clans and
parties, many were certain that it will all stay the same.
Lebanon’s new electoral system merges proportional representation with
quotas for each religious group to maintain the country’s sectarian balance
among the seats in parliament.
Under this arrangement, the majority system has been replaced and the
threshold needed to win an election lowered — a plan that should benefit
independents and reformers, easing the grip on the power of the country’s
main clans.
Voters will cast ballots both for their favored list of candidates and a
preferred candidate on that list.
Parliament Bids Farewell: Many Failures, Modest Achievements
Beirut- Youssef Diab/Asharq Ak Awsat/May 06/18/The mandate of the current
Lebanese parliament will end on June 20, following nine years of many
failures and few achievements.
Despite the widespread criticism of this council, which has extended its own
tenure twice, a parliamentary source said that the parliament “realized good
and acceptable achievements, despite the political and security conditions
that prevailed over the course of events in Lebanon.”In remarks to Asharq
Al-Awsat, the source said that Parliament has completed some positive steps
since October 30, 2016, when General Michel Aoun was elected President of
the Republic after a two and a half years of a presidential vacuum. Among
those steps, the source recounted, was the approval of a new electoral law
according to the proportional system for the first time. The source did not
overlook the importance of “the adoption of the general budget law for 2017
and 2018, in addition to the enactment of laws pertaining to the extraction
of oil and gas, and others related to the disbursement of loans and grants
provided by Arab and international funds for infrastructure projects in
It admitted, however, that Parliament’s achievements “were not up to the
expectations of the Lebanese people, but this was due to the political
circumstances that hampered Parliament’s work for several months and
prevented it from holding legislative sessions.”The parliament stopped
holding legislative sessions in April 2014, with the resignation of the
government of Prime Minister Najib Mikati, until the formation of the
government of Prime Minister Tamam Salam in late February 2015.
Parliamentary work was also hampered when the deputies were unable to hold a
plenary session due to the lack of constitutional quorum to elect a new
president. Christian forces refused to proceed with the legislative work in
the absence of the President of the Republic. What the parliamentary source
described as “achievements”, Legal and Constitutional Expert and former MP
Salah Honein saw as a “failure by all standards.”
In comments to Asharq Al-Awsat, Honein said that the process of electing the
president “did not follow the constitutional terms, but came as a result of
a political settlement that was a stab at the heart of democratic
parliamentary work.”
The new members of the parliament are expected to assume their duties
immediately after the end of the mandate of the current parliament. The
first session will be presided by the eldest member, who is likely to be
Speaker Nabih Berri, 83, unless Mikhael Daher, 91, wins in the elections,
which is a low probability. Parliament is likely to re-elect Berri for the
sixth consecutive time in a row. He will be the first speaker in Lebanon’s
history to spend three decades at the head of the legislative institution.
Lebanon: Fierce Electoral Battle to Weigh Strength of
Sunni, Christian Leaders
Beirut- Nazeer Rida/Asharq Ak Awsat/May 06/18/Lebanon’s parliamentary
elections, the first since 2009, will determine the strength of the Sunni
and Christian leaders, as the fiercest battles will take place in the North,
mainly in the districts of Tripoli and Bsharri-Batroun-Zgharta-Koura, home
to three potential presidential candidates. Unlike the Shiite and Druze
communities, which maintain their leaderships since 1992, intense electoral
battles are taking place in northern Lebanon, aimed at consecrating Sunni
and Christian leaders. In the Sunni arena, the Future Movement is seeking to
establish its leadership, or at least consolidate its presence in the North.
In Tripoli, Former Prime Minister Najib Mikati is heading a list against the
Future, while another battle is fought against the two sides by Former
Justice Minister Ashraf Rifi. Elections in the North are the fiercest for
Sunni candidates, given that the Future Movement is expected to have an easy
battle in Beirut, where it will retain a large share of parliamentary seats.
As for the Christian scene, the strongest electoral battles are taking place
in the third district of the North, which includes Bsharri, Batroun, Koura
and Zgharta. Three potential presidential candidates are battling in this
district, namely Foreign Minister Gebran Bassil, who is from Batroun, MP
Sleiman Franjieh of Zgharta and Lebanese Forces Party leader Samir Geagea of
Bsharri. These districts also have the largest proportion of Christian
voters, meaning that the results will be determined by the Christian vote.
In Mount Lebanon, the fourth district, formed of Aley and Chouf, will see a
strong competition between the Free Patriotic Movement (FPM) and another
list backed by the Lebanese Forces (LF), the Future Movement and the
Progressive Socialist Party (PSP). Unlike the Sunni and Christian electoral
arenas, elections among the Druze are expected to be relaxed, given the
absence of a serious and influential Druze rivalry with the PSP, headed by
MP Walid Jumblatt. As for Shiites, the southern districts will not witness
fierce battles, due to the lack of an influential Shiite bloc in the face of
Amal Movement and Hezbollah; knowing that in southern Lebanon, five lists
are competing in the third district and two lists are competing in the
second district (Zahrani and Tyr). However, the opponents of the Shiite duo
are engaging in a heated battle in the Bekaa, to win at least one of the six
parliamentary seats previously occupied by Hezbollah and Amal in Baalbek-Hermel.
Candidate Yehia Shams is allied with the Lebanese Forces and the Future
Movement against the Shiite duo.
Polling begins in
Lebanon’s first parliamentary election in 9 years
Al Arabiya with Agencies/Sunday, 6 May 2018/Polling began in Lebanon's
parliamentary election on Sunday morning. It’s the first time the Lebanese
are voting for a parliament in nine years. It is also the first time
elections are being held since neighboring Syria’s war began in 2011. The
vote has been postponed a number of times over security concerns it would
ignite tensions among Lebanon’s sects, already heightened by that war.
Lawmakers have haggled over election reform for years, finally passing a new
law last summer to replace one in place since 1960. The law allows expats to
vote for the first time. Of 900,000 voters abroad, only 83,000 registered
and just over half of them voted last week. For the first time, women made
up nearly 10 percent of the candidates, up from a meager 1.7 percent in
2009. Only four women made it to Lebanon’s 128-seat parliament in the last
election, a dismal figure compared to other countries in the region. Also, a
record number of civil society activists and independents are running,
hoping to at least open a crack in Lebanon’s system.
Complicated law
The new election law is so complex that many have quipped they would rather
stay at home because they can’t figure out how their vote will be computed.
The law implements a proportional system that awards seats by the share of
vote received, instead of the former winner-takes-all system in each
district. It reduces the number of electoral constituencies from 23 to 15,
and allows voters to choose both an electoral list and a preferred candidate
from that list. In theory, it should allow candidates beyond traditional
power players to win a seat in parliament. But it also preserves the
sectarian divvying-up of seats in different districts; Muslims and
Christians each get around half, and smaller communities the remainder.
Fresh faces
Many will undoubtedly find fresh faces on their ballots as independent
groups attempt to challenge the country’s political elites and
establishments. Among those new names voters in eastern Beirut will read on
Sunday will be Ibrahim Mneimneh's, who is the founder of the Kelna Beirut,
an off-shoot of the Lebanese grassroots campaign “Beirut Madinati”
established in 2016 and contested the municipality elections then. Back
then, his group were part of many independent groups that rose up Lebanon’s
2015 garbage crisis but have split from the others leaving Mneimneh's list
to contest against seven other lists in Beirut’s second district. “We [Kelna
Beiru] see the upcoming parliamentary elections as a station to engage with
the people and show them our policies. We are encouraging voters to go to
the polls as we see this election more like a referendum battle. A political
line is needed that is in opposition to the establishment and out list
represents the second voice needed in Beirut; a dissenting voice that
believes in the application of the constitution and any vote for Kelna
Beirut is a vote toward this approach,” Mneimneh told Al Arabiya. As the
leader of his list, Mneimneh will go head-to-head with eight other lists
including one lead by current Lebanese Prime Minister Saad al-Hariri and his
Future for Beirut list of candidates.(With AP)
Hezbollah sips at the
heart of the Lebanese state
Mashari Althaydi/Al Arabiya/May 06/18
What will the situation of the Lebanese state be if Hezbollah manages to
cobble a majority in parliamentary elections?
On May 12, US President Donald Trump will announce his new strategy on Iran
by deciding on the flawed Iranian nuclear deal. In brief, Trump has
repeatedly warned about “amending” the agreement or scrapping it altogether.
The amendment addresses two major threats which former President Barack
Obama neglected, which are related to Iran’s ballistic missiles’
capabilities and the prevention of Iran’s bad behavior in the region, i.e.
in Syria, Iraq, Lebanon, Yemen and even Morocco — where Iran’s “blessings”
have reached through its Lebanese proxy Hezbollah! There is in fact a new
version of the US draft law on combating the financing of Hezbollah. The US
Congress passed this draft law last year but the Senate hasn’t voted on it
yet and it hasn’t reached the American president’s office. Combating
Hezbollah’s financial activity is part of the US legal and oversight
framework, as is the case with other countries, and not just with Saudi
Arabia or the United Arab Emirates as the “resistance” mouthpieces try to
make everyone think. Lebanon’s politicians may have succeeded in
“postponing” the Hezbollah problem but this does not mean they have ended
it. Trump’s anticipated stance on the Iranian issue will serve as a decisive
moment and Iran’s leaders know this well. In an analysis on Iran’s response
to Trump’s anticipated storm, journalist Amir Taheri quoted Hossein Mousavi
whom he described as a leader of political lobbying groups in support of the
Islamic Republic in the US as saying: “In the case of the conflict with the
US, Iran will do anything, anything at all, to have the upper
hand.”Commenting on the phrase “anything” which this Iranian activist said,
Taheri wrote: “Tehran can order the Lebanese party Hezbollah to kidnap more
hostages in other parts of the Middle East, like they did in the 1980s and
The story is true. Lebanon’s politicians may have succeeded in “postponing”
the problem but this does not mean ending it. Hezbollah is a genuine “part”
of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard, and the latter is the first target in
the American-Arab-Islamic confrontation. At the same time, Hezbollah is
present at the heart of the Lebanese system, in the core of the army,
security, political and parliamentary institutions so how will Lebanon, the
state, be safe from the blows that will hit the body of the terrorist
Lebanese Related News published on May 06-07/18
Lebanon's Unique Democracy: 7 Things to
Know About Today's Elections
The Associated Press May 06, 2018
A complex new election law, sectarianism, Palestinian refugees, and the 'selfie
prime minister': Your guide to Lebanon's first general election in 9 years
It's Lebanon's unique form of democracy.
Almost everyone in the country complains about it. The same political
dynasties dominating year after year, and politicians work for their sect,
or their own families. No one has repaired an electricity system that's been
decrepit for decades or organized the proper collection of garbage because
of business feuds. It's also a tough system to change. Each community fears
losing power or patronage. After the 1975-1990 civil war, the balance
between Shi'ites, Sunnis and Christians — the main sects among 18 official
ones — preserves a stability that always seems on the verge of collapse,
but, for the past decade at least, has not.
Here are seven things to know about the system to help understand Sunday's
parliamentary elections.
It's the first time the Lebanese are voting for a parliament in nine years
and the first election held since the outbreak of the Syrian war in 2011.
The vote has been postponed a number of times over concerns it would ignite
tensions among Lebanon's sects, already heightened by that war. Lawmakers
have haggled over election reform for years, finally passing a new law last
summer to replace one in place since 1960. The law allows expats to vote for
the first time. Of 900,000 voters abroad, only 83,000 registered and just
over half of them voted last week. There are a total of 3.6 million
registered voters. For the first time, women make up nearly 10 percent of
the candidates, up from a meager 1.7 percent in 2009. Only four women made
it to Lebanon's 128-seat parliament in the last election, a dismal figure
compared to other countries in the region. Also, a record number of civil
society activists and independents are running, hoping to at least open a
crack in Lebanon's system.
Complicated law
The new election law is so complex that some say they would rather stay at
home because they can't figure out how their vote will be computed. The law
implements a proportional system that awards seats by the share of vote
received, instead of the former winner-takes-all system in each district. It
reduces the number of electoral constituencies from 23 to 15, and allows
voters to choose both an electoral list and a preferred candidate from that
list.In theory, it should allow candidates beyond traditional power players
to win seats. But it also preserves the sectarian divvying-up of seats in
different districts; Muslims and Christians each get around half, and
smaller communities the remainder.
The elephant in the room
Lebanon's strongest political party is the only one with an active militia:
The Iranian-backed Shiite faction has thousands of fighters in Syria
supporting President Bashar Assad, an intervention that is deeply divisive
in Lebanon. Sunnis largely sympathize with the rebels trying to bring Assad
down and resent Hezbollah's political domination and its armed wing, which
is more powerful than the national military.
But that issue has been too sensitive to feature in the current election.
Instead, many have focused on calls for the return of more than a million
Syrian refugees, saying they threaten the sectarian balance and burden local
Father and sons
Even though the civil war ended 28 years ago, politics are still dominated
by former warlords and family dynasties, who have always been able to settle
elections before voters get to the polls. Some are virtually untouchable.
The 80-year-old parliament speaker, Nabih Berri, a Shiite who has held the
post for more than 25 years, is running virtually uncontested. Others are
now passing their seats on to their children. Druze leader Walid Jumblatt,
68, has stepped aside for his son, Taymour. The seat of Suleiman Frangieh, a
52-year-old Maronite Christian leader who is seen as a potential
presidential candidate, is going to his son Tony. Michelle Tueni, daughter
of lawmaker and journalist Gibran Tueni, who was assassinated in a 2005 car
bomb, is also running. One Lebanese website listed second generation
politicians running to replace their fathers, then posted pictures of their
toddler children, captioned: "Your parliament members for 2025."
Symbolic votes
For the disenfranchised and the forgotten, election season is a chance to
get noticed.
Palestinian parliamentary candidate Manal Kortam, who has nominated herself
for a seat that does not exist in next month's elections to raise awareness
about the situation of Palestinian refugees in Lebanon, poses for a picture
in front of a graffiti of late Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat at the
entrance of the Mar Elias Palestinian refugee camp in Beirut on April 26,
Manal Kortam is running, but only
symbolically — she has no right to run or vote because she's Palestinian.
Actually, her mother is Lebanese, but under Lebanese law women cannot pass
down citizenship.
There are about 174,000 registered Palestinian refugees in Lebanon, many of
them descendants of those who fled to the country after the creation of
Israel in 1948. They have no citizenship and few rights, are highly
restricted in where they can work, and are often seen as a disruption to the
delicate sectarian balance.
Kortam took to social media with her #WeExist campaign, touring refugee
camps and speaking on TV "so they get ready to deal with us after the
elections," as she put it on her Twitter account.
The selfie prime minister
Prime Minister Saad Hariri has plastered pictures of himself — and his
assassinated father whose political mantle he inherited — all over Beirut,
including at its landmark seaside Ferris wheel.
He's now being referred to as "the selfie prime minister," and he even
created a selfie app. Some of his supporters have painted sheep and camels
blue, the campaign color of his Future Movement, and paraded them along
streets before slaughtering them, sparking outrage from rights activists.
It's a sign that his movement, a bastion of Sunnis, is struggling. The new
election law opens up room for other Sunnis to garner votes, and Hariri has
faced criticism over his close ties with Shiite Hezbollah, on whose support
he relies for his post.
After the euphoria, jokes
As it became clear the new election law would likely do little to change the
system, many responded with grim humor.
A group of clowns known as "Clown Me In" has been mocking campaign slogans.
"It is time!" one Christian party's campaign posters proclaimed. "It is time
for popcorn," countered a red-nosed clown in an online meme.
A Twitter account listed 12 octogenarian candidates and pronounced them The
List of "We Belong to God and to Him we all return" — a local saying for the
Two artists, Michelle and Noel Keserwany, struck a chord with a music video
urging young people to make new choices and break the cycle. Its refrain:
"Here we go again, here we go again."
Aoun Casts Vote, Urges Lebanese to Practice 'National
Right Out of Conviction'
Naharnet/May 06/18/President Michel Aoun cast his vote on Sunday in the
country’s parliamentary elections and voiced calls on all Lebanese citizens
to practice their “national, democratic right out of conviction.”“Today the
Lebanese are practicing one of the important national political operations
where they get to choose MPs who will represent them for the next four
years. They must not relinquish their duty to hold lawmakers accountable for
their performance,” Aoun told reporters after casting his ballot at a
polling station in Haret Hreik. The President encouraged Lebanese to act out
of conviction without “outside influences.” “It is a sacred right of yours
that you should not abandon,” he added. Aoun later arrived at the Interior
Ministry to oversee the electoral process nationwide. He held a security
meeting in the presence of Interior Minister Nouhad al-Mashnouq and General
Security chief Maj. Gen. Abbas Ibrahim. “I congratulate you on your efforts
and organization of the electoral operation," he said, praising "the
cooperation between the various state ministries, administrations and
related authorities."
LADE Says Mashnouq ‘Violates Election Silence’
Naharnet/May 06/18/Interior Minister and Beirut parliamentary candidate
Nouhad al-Mashnouq made a statement at the polling station after casting his
vote on Sunday, which the Lebanese Association for Democratic Elections
(LADE) said “violates the election silence.”Mashnouq cast his vote at the
Riad al-Solh school after which he told reporters, gathered inside the
polling station, live on air that “the electoral process confirms Lebanon’s
democracy.”The Minister also said that he gave his “preferential vote” to
Prime Minister Saad Hariri. On Thursday, head of the Electoral Supervisory
Committee, Judge Nadim Abdul Malak reminded parliamentary hopefuls to
observe the period of pre-election silence in accordance with the law.
Campaign silence, which started at midnight on Friday, bans active
campaigning by the candidates. The silence is generally legally enforced.
Mashnouq is running on Hariri’s electoral list in Beirut second electoral
district. Polling got under way Sunday across Lebanon, where voters will be
electing their parliament for the first time in nine years. Polling stations
opened at 7:00 am across the country, which has an electorate of around 3.7
million, and were due to close 12 hours later. Results from all 15 districts
are expected on Monday.
Minor Clashes, Violations Mar Electoral Process
Naharnet/May 06/18/Minor clashes and violations marred the electoral process
on Sunday, as Lebanon voted in its first parliamentary elections in nine
years. In south Lebanon's third district, a stronghold of Hizbullah and AMAL
Movement, a woman candidate from the newly-formed Sabaa Party -- part of the
Kollona Watani civil society coalition -- was “assaulted, beaten up and
threatened with a sharp object,” Sabaa said. MTV meanwhile said a clash
erupted in a polling station in Zgharta's Miryata in the presence of
Minister Pierre Raffoul of the Free Patriotic Movement. Voice of Lebanon
radio (100.5) said Raffoul's bodyguards “assaulted and insulted Jessie
Douaihi, the daughter of the candidate Michel Doueihi, inside a polling
station in Miryata.”In the Jbeil district, “a minor dispute erupted in Ehmej
between supporters of the candidates Ziad Hawat and Simon Abi Ramia but was
quickly contained,” Voice of Lebanon radio (93.3) said. The army meanwhile
contained a brawl that erupted in Baalbek against the backdrop of a party
flag brought inside one of the polling stations, the radio station said. In
Zahle, security forces contained a dispute that erupted between al-Mustaqbal
Movement and Lebanese Forces supporters, the radio station added. Meanwhile
in Beirut, security forces contained a clash that erupted at a polling
station in the Omar Farroukh high school in Tariq al-Jedideh. The Aley town
of Btater had in the morning witnessed a clash outside a polling station
between supporters of the Progressive Socialist Party and the Lebanese
Democratic Party. In Beirut's first electoral district – Ashrafieh, Rmeil,
Saifi and Medawar – the Kollona Watani coalition said its representatives
were expelled from polling stations under the excuse that their permits had
been issued under the name of the list and not its individual candidates.
The coalition urged authorities to intervene quickly to resolve the issue.
Amid a heated battle in Zahle, several clashes erupted between supporters of
the Lebanese Forces and MP Nicolas Fattoush.“One of Fattoush's electoral
offices was attacked after he was accused of bribing voters,” media reports
said. In Bsharri, the FPM filed an urgent complaint with the Interior
Ministry against acting Bsharri District Officer Ruba Shafshaq, accusing her
of “strong bias in favor of the LF” and depriving the FPM's representatives
of permits to enter polling stations. And in Beirut's second electoral
district, representatives of certain parties were caught taking pictures
during the voting process.
First-Time Voters Eager to Weigh in on Lebanese
Agence France Presse/Naharnet/May 06/18/Hanin Terjman was among the first
outside her Beirut polling station Sunday: like many young Lebanese, she is
voting for the first time and wants to see new faces in parliament. Clicking
away on her smart phone, the chic 21-year-old student waited nervously for
the school-turned-polling station in the Ras al-Nabah district to open for
Lebanon's first parliamentary elections in nine years. She was surrounded by
delegates from the country's elite parties, who sported hats with pictures
of Prime Minister Saad Hariri and T-shirts in support of the rival powerful
Shiite AMAL Movement. But Terjman wants to throw her support behind a list
of outsiders including engineers and activists. "We're in a country whose
rulers are putting pressure on us over who we are going to vote for. We
should vote for new people who are going to change," she said.
Terjman, who became of age to vote just one month ago, is among 800,000
registered voters -- more than a fifth of the electorate -- who were too
young to cast a ballot in previous polls. "It's nice to feel like I belong
to my country," she said, donning a pink top, white headscarf, and thick
black eyeliner. Terjman, who studies education at the Lebanese University,
said she will vote for the civil society list Kelna Beirut, despite being
told by friends that veteran politicians would not be easily unseated. "I
want to tell people to go vote for the person they think is appropriate and
will improve their country, not people you 'belong' to, because that won't
get you anywhere." As she spoke, half a dozen supporters of Hariri's al-Mustaqbal
Movement rushed to the school gate, waving ID cards and asking the soldier
positioned there when they could be let in. Beirut is split into two voting
districts, with 19 seats up for grabs for candidates from Christian and
Muslim sects. Many powerful politicians, including Hariri, are running in
Beirut, where massive posters of the rival candidates are omnipresent.
First timers
Lebanon elected 128 members to parliament in 2009, but a planned 2013 vote
was delayed because of discontent with the majoritarian electoral law and
concerns about a spillover from the war in neighboring Syria. Ali al-Ahmad,
21, came to the Ras al-Nabah station with a friend just moments after polls
opened. "It's the first time for me, and we're excited. A lot of people told
me not to vote," said Ahmad, who wore a black tee-shirt. He said he would
support candidates from the Shiite movement Hizbullah, which is backing the
Damascus regime in the Syria war, and which many analysts say would likely
hold on to its seats. "Just as we were on the front lines and barricades,
we'll be behind the ballot boxes, we want a strong country with a strong
economy," said Ahmad. Supporters of candidates running in Sunday's race were
distributing boxed breakfasts at decked-out stands near polling stations.
Many young voters came holding their elderly relatives, guiding them into
the polling stations and trying to explain the new, more proportional
electoral system to them.
Siwar Ibrahim came alone.
He is registered to vote in the Tariq al-Jedideh district, a built-up and
conservative neighborhood where Hariri's party has strong support. "It's my
first time and I hope I don't get disappointed. I turned 21 on January 1,"
said Ibrahim, a curly-haired visual artist, as he stood in line to head into
the booth. He said he turned down cash payments from traditional parties,
instead opting for Kelna Beirut. Ibrahim, who dreams of legislation that
would back gender minorities, health care and human rights, said coming into
the packed polling station felt threatening."I had to dress the opposite of
what I usually look like in order to come here to vote safely. I had to take
my earrings out, I had to look like what a man is supposed to look like," he
told AFP. "I'm here, at least I tried. I don't want to spend four years at
home regretting that I didn't vote.""It's ok to be scared, that's the
challenge. Be scared, and vote."
Vote Unlikely to Change Lebanon Balance of Power
Associated Press/Naharnet/May 06/18/Tens of thousands of Lebanese began
casting their ballots Sunday in the first parliamentary elections in nine
years, with people lining up early in the morning to take part in a vote
that is being fiercely contested between rival groups backed by regional
The voting is unlikely to change the existing balance of power among the
major groups in Lebanon, but many hope new contenders from civil society
groups can challenge the decades-old sectarian political system. Electoral
campaigns have been tense as each group has mobilized its supporters, with
fist fights and shootings occurring in several areas in recent weeks. The
main race is between a Western and Saudi-backed coalition headed by Prime
Minister Saad Hariri and the Iranian-backed Hizbullah group, part of a
region-wide struggle for power between Riyadh and Tehran. "This shows
Lebanon's democracy and the importance of democracy. This is a democratic
wedding, and as we said from the start, congratulations to whoever wins
tonight," said Interior Minister Nouhad al-Machnouq who is running on
Hariri's list, after casting his ballot in Beirut. "When we see what is
happening in countries around us and Lebanon is holding democratic
elections, this shows that Lebanon is fine," Hariri said after waiting in
line around 20 minutes to cast his ballot. "Order is nice," he quipped. The
vote is the first since Syria's war broke out in 2011, sending a flood of
around million refugees to neighboring Lebanon and adding to the country's
economic woes. Hizbullah has sent thousands of fighters to back President
Bashar Assad's forces, a move that has been criticized by many Lebanese,
mainly Sunni Muslims and Christians, who see the group as dragging the
country into regional conflicts. Leading Hizbullah legislator Ali Ammar
defended his group's involvement in Syria, saying it protected Lebanon from
the "evil powers" of the Islamic State group and al-Qaida. In Hizbullah
strongholds in southern Beirut, there was a steady flow of voters Sunday.
Outside polling stations, Hizbullah supporters displayed a replica of the
voting ballot on a big board and explained to voters which among the
color-coded lists is theirs, and how they can vote for it. They wore yellow
shirts with the slogan "We protect and build" written on them. "We love the
resistance," said Amira Sidani, an 85-year-old woman, after casting her
ballot. This year's vote is according to a new election law that is based on
proportional representation. Voters will choose one list of allied
candidates, as well as a preferred candidate from among them. In the past,
the winning list took all the seats in the electoral district. At midday,
after casting his ballot in southern Beirut, President Michel Aoun described
the process as "successful." Wary of voters' apathy toward a vote unlikely
to change much, he urged people to turn out in large numbers. Mohammed Ali,
30, riding his scooter to the beach, said he's not voting because there are
no choices. He says his family members will vote for whoever pays them, but
he's not interested in the money. The legislature's term was supposed to
expire in 2013, but lawmakers have approved several extensions since then,
citing security concerns linked to the spillover from Syria's war. Lebanese
who support opposing sides in the war have clashed on a number of occasions,
and jihadist extremists have carried out several bombings.
There are about 3.6 million eligible voters, and early results are expected
after polling stations close at 7 p.m. (1600 GMT). Some 586 candidates,
including 86 women, are running for the 128-seat parliament, which is
equally divided between Muslims and Christians. Hizbullah and its allies are
likely to add more seats, while Hariri is likely to lose several. Some of
his Sunni supporters see him as being too soft on Hizbullah, and the
billionaire businessman has also faced criticism after laying off scores of
employees from his companies in Lebanon and Saudi Arabia.
Still, Hariri will most likely be named to form a national unity Cabinet
after the vote. The rival sides are expected to recreate the unity
government that currently exists, which includes Hizbullah. The vote comes a
week after Lebanese living oversees voted in 39 countries around the world.
It was the first time Lebanon's large expatriate community was allowed to
take part in the vote. That, along with the new electoral law, has injected
some unpredictability to the process.
A Look at the Key Players In the Lebanese Elections
Associated Press/Naharnet/May 06/18
Lebanon is holding its first parliament
elections in nine years, with more than 500 candidates vying for 128 seats.
According to Lebanon's sectarian-based power sharing system, the legislature
is equally divided between Muslims and Christians. Established political
parties and politicians are expected to get the lion's share of seats, but a
record number of women, civil society candidates and independents are
running, hoping to bring new faces and a degree of change to the
corruption-plagued and debt-ridden country.
Here's a look at the main political parties and key players:
Al-Mustaqbal MOVEMENT
Al-Mustaqbal Movement of Prime Minister Saad Hariri was founded in the
mid-1990s by his father, the late Prime Minister Rafik Hariri, who was
assassinated in a massive bombing in 2005. Hariri, a Sunni politician who
also holds Saudi citizenship, currently heads the largest bloc in
parliament. He is a critic of the Iranian-backed Hizbullah group, which is
nevertheless part of his unity government. Hariri's Mustaqbal Movement is
expected to lose some of its seats during Sunday's s elections due to a new
electoral law that is likely to fragment the Sunni vote. Some of Hariri's
supporters have also shifted their allegiance after the billionaire
businessman, who also holds Saudi citizenship, laid off scores of employees
in his development company because of Saudi spending cuts.
The group founded by President Michel Aoun — a former anti-Syrian Christian
opposition leader — has been a close ally of Hizbullah since the two
political factions signed a memorandum of understanding in February 2006.
FPM has the second largest bloc in parliament and has candidates running in
different regions. The mostly Maronite Christian party enjoys wide support
among many Shiites in Lebanon, who are likely to back the group in areas
where they have presence. The FPM is now headed by Aoun's son-in-law,
Foreign Minister Jebran Bassil, who is running for a seat.
The Shiite Muslim Hizbullah group, backed by Iran and Syria, was founded in
1982 as a resistance movement to Israeli occupation of parts of Lebanon, and
has since grown into Lebanon's most potent military and political force. The
group runs an extensive network of charities, schools and clinics and enjoys
strong support among Shiite Muslims and some Christians for its record of
fighting Israel. Its decision to send its fighters to Syria to shore up
President Bashar Assad's forces, however, is highly controversial, and may
bring a degree of backlash from within the Shiite community. However, it is
still expected come out as a winner in these elections, along with its
allies. Hizbullah is expected to keep its 12 seats in parliament.
The Shiite political group was founded in the 1970s by Imam Moussa al-Sadr,
who went missing in Libya in 1978. The group is a close ally of Hizbullah
and is headed by Lebanon's powerful parliament speaker, Nabih Berri. The
80-year-old Berri has held the post for more than 25 years and runs
virtually uncontested. Berri is an ally of the Syrian government and is
running in a coalition with Hizbullah and other Syrian-backed parties.
The main political party of Lebanon's Druze community, which makes up about
5 percent of the total population of Lebanon. The group is headed by leading
Druze politician Walid Jumblat, who is stepping aside in Sunday's election
and is backing his eldest son, Taymour, for the seat. The group has several
candidates running in coalition with Hariri's Mustaqbal Movement, the
right-wing Christian Lebanese Forces and others.
The right-wing Christian party is the main Christian rival of President
Michel Aoun's Free Patriotic Movement and has been one of the harshest
critics of Hizbullah. Led by Christian Samir Geagea, who spent years in jail
after the 1975-1990 civil war ended, the group is expected to win more than
the eight seats it currently holds.
A record number of civil society activists, women and independents are
running in these elections, hoping to ride a wave of popular discontent over
Lebanon's myriad troubles, including endemic power cuts, a waste management
crisis and soaring debt blamed on corrupt politicians. They face the almost
impossible task of competing with sectarian warlords, established parties
and wealthy politicians, but hope to at least make a dent in the system.
Hariri Says No Fear over Security after Elections
Naharnet/May 06/18/Prime Minister Saad Hariri voted Sunday at the Shakib
Arslan School in Verdun, Beirut, and reassured that he does not fear a
security deterioration after the parliamentary elections. While waiting for
his turn, Hariri said in response to a question: “Order is nice.” He added
that he is committed to the principle of electoral silence. Hariri however
responded to questions from reporters after leaving the polling station. “I
performed my electoral duty and cast my vote like any Lebanese. I think that
if we look at what is happening around us and how Lebanon is holding
democratic elections, we see that the country is fine,” he said. “Every
Lebanese citizen must vote to perform their national duty and vote for
whomever they want. I would like to thank all those responsible for the
electoral process, from the Ministries of Interior and Foreign Affairs to
the Internal Security Forces, the Lebanese Army, the delegates, the
observers, the judges and all institutions,” the premier and the leader of
al-Mustaqbal Movement added. “They are doing a great job for the country, I
reiterate that this process is democratic and for the benefit of the
country. The Prime Minister and competent ministries are following up on the
process. I reiterate that this is a democratic process for the interest of
the Lebanese citizen, and good luck to everyone,” Hariri went on to say.
Asked how the rival parties will hold national dialogue or form a national
unity cabinet after they “traded treason accusations,” Hariri said: “We are
in a democratic country and everyone has the right to say what they want and
hopefully the electoral process will happen smoothly.” Told that the Grand
Mufti has openly declared his support for him in a possible “violation of
political neutrality of this religious institution,” the premier said:
“Every human being is free to say what he wants. Today I am here to vote
like everyone else. I do not want to talk about these matters. I urge all
Lebanese in Beirut and all regions to vote.” Asked if he promises a new
electoral law that “truly represents all Lebanese” after the elections,
Hariri said: “I think that this government exerted a great effort, and today
we have elections after nine years of absence. This in itself is useful, and
the Lebanese citizens will be represented hopefully.” In response to another
question, Hariri reassured that “there is no fear” over the country's
security after the elections. According to his office, Hariri was “keen to
shake hands with a number of people with special needs and elderly people
who came to cast their ballots.” “Upon his departure, citizens gathered in
front of the polling station to greet him and take pictures,” the office
Key Political Players Wrangle in Heated Chouf-Aley Vote
Naharnet/May 06/18/The Chouf-Aley electoral district, the heartland of MP
Walid Jumblat's Druze community, was on Sunday witnessing a heated electoral
battle in a region characterized by the presence of several major political
parties. Taimur Jumblat, the head of the Reconciliation List, cast his vote
at the Kamal Jumblat School in Mukhtara. He declined to speak to reporters
after voting out of respect for the electoral silence rule. The
Reconciliation List is a coalition led by the Progressive Socialist Party,
the Lebanese Forces and al-Mustaqbal Movement. Voting at the same polling
station, MP Nehme Tohme expected the list to win nine out of 13 possible
seats.The list is comprised of the candidates Taimur Jumblat, George Adwan,
Naji al-Bustani, Ghattas Khoury, Nehme Tohme, Marwan Hamadeh, Mohammed al-Hajjar,
Bilal Abdullah, Akram Shehayyeb, Henri Helou, Anis Nassar and Raji al-Saad.
After casting his vote in the same district, ex-minister Wiam Wahhab, who is
leading a rival list, said his coalition is “seeking to win two seats.”
“Mount Lebanon should be safeguarded through a policy of openness, not
isolation, and this electoral law does not eliminate anyone,” Lebanese
Democratic Party leader MP Talal Arslan for his part said. He is allied with
the Free Patriotic Movement and the Syrian Social Nationalist Party. In
response to a question, Arslan stressed that “no one can shut down al-Mukhtara
Palace,” in reference to MP Walid Jumblat's leadership of the Druze
community. Five lists are competing in Chouf-Aley, including two formed by
civil society activists. MP Walid Jumblat has hit out at the FPM and accused
it of being involved in an attempt to “besiege” him.
Top Parties Seek to Protect Monopoly as Lebanon Votes
Agence France Presse/Naharnet/May 06/18/Lebanese voters went to the polls to
elect their parliament for the first time in nine years Sunday, with ruling
parties expected to preserve a fragile power-sharing arrangement despite
regional tensions. The Iran-backed Hizbullah movement and its allies could
stand to reinforce their clout on the political game in Lebanon, a small
country clamped between war-torn Syria and Israel. The campaign passed
without major incidents but security forces were out en masse across a
country still sporadically rocked by attacks and with a history of political
assassinations. Queues of voters started forming outside some polling
stations in Lebanon's main cities even before they opened at 7:00 am (0400
GMT). "It's the first time I vote," 60-year-old Therese told AFP outside a
voting centre in central Beirut. "I've come to support civil society because
there's nobody else I like in this country, but I doubt they will win," she
In the southern city of Tyre, 28-year-old Jalal Naanou was also up early to
support an unprecedented effort by civil society candidates to bring new
faces to parliament. "We came to vote and work for change, to see new
lawmakers in parliament, because without it our situation will stay the same
or get worse," he said. Turnout will be crucial to a new civil society
movement's chances of clinching a handful of seats but analysts predict the
traditional sectarian-based parties will maintain their hegemony. "Will
Hizbullah be the biggest winner? At the very least, it won't be a loser,"
said Imad Salamey, a political science professor at Beirut's Lebanese
American University. Candidates mostly avoided the polarising issue of
disarming Hizbullah, the only faction not to have laid down its weapons
after the 1975-1990 civil war. The Shiite movement may only gain a handful
of seats but it will benefit from the predicted absence of a united bloc
against it, Salamey said, and could play the role of kingmaker in
parliament. The triumvirate heading the state is unlikely to change, with
parliamentary speaker Nabih Berri, the octogenarian leader of the rival yet
often allied Shiite party Amal, almost certain to keep the post he has held
since 1992.
- Civil society list -President Michel Aoun's position is not up for renewal
but his Christian party is a key player in the vote, for which a reformed,
more proportional electoral law is in force. The new lawmakers will play a
vital role in appointing the next prime minister, with many expecting
incumbent Saad Hariri to serve another term. Hariri has historically been
supported by Sunni regional kingpin Saudi Arabia while Hizbullah is backed
by Shiite Iran, but both seem ready to continue sharing power.
The diagram of alliances across Lebanon's gerrymandered constituency map is
an almost comical spaghetti jumble of local deals between parties working
together in one district and competing in the next. That has fuelled already
deep disillusionment in a country where the same dynasties have held
political power for decades and are widely seen as self-serving and corrupt.
The force that embodies change is an alliance called "Kulluna Watani" which
federates civil society groups, including a movement born of 2015 protests
over a waste management crisis. The most optimistic forecasts see them
winning five seats, out of parliament's 128, but its leaders privately say
even just one would be an achievement. Among the list's candidates with the
best chances is Paula Yacoubian, a prominent TV journalist who is one of a
record 86 women to run. "We have a very corrupt cast and there is a movement
of brave people trying to tell them: 'We are not happy'," she told AFP. The
complex new voting law passed in 2017 has allowed smaller parties to run but
the challenge of rousing lethargic voters is huge. The country has gone
through institutional crises that left it without a president for two years
and without a budget for 12 -- but many Lebanese argue they could hardly
tell the difference. There were few signs during the campaign that voters
would mobilise much more than usual, with one pollster predicting a one
point rise from the 2009 turnout rate of 55 percent. Polling stations are
expected to close at 7:00 pm (1600 GMT) and results for all 15 districts
could be announced as early as Monday.
Latest LCCC
Bulletin For Miscellaneous Reports And News published
on May 06-07/18
Rouhani says plans in place for any
Trump decision on Iran nuclear deal
Al Arabiya
with Agencies/Sunday, 6 May 2018/President Hassan Rouhani said on Sunday
Iran had prepared plans to respond to any decision by US President Donald
Trump to end the nuclear agreement with Tehran and that the US would regret
such a decision. "We have plans to resist any decision by Trump on the
nuclear accord," Rouhani said in a speech carried live by state television.
"If America leaves the nuclear accord, this will entail historic remorse for
it."The statement comes just days before Trump will have to make a dramatic
decision on the fate of the nuclear deal with Iran. Trump is "committed" to
regime change in Iran, Trump's lawyer and confidant Rudy Giuliani said on
Saturday. Giuliani, the former New York City mayor, said at an event hosted
by an Iranian opposition group in Washington that regime change in Iran is
"the only way to achieve peace in the Middle East," according to a Haaretz
Giuliani believes Trump will withdraw the United States from the 2015 deal
with Iran. "With Secretary of State Mike Pompeo on his right side, and
National Security Adviser John Bolton on his left side, what do you think is
going to happen to that agreement?" Giuliani asked. (With Reuters)
Iran nuke deal on table as Boris
Johnson heads to Washington
AFP, London/Sunday, 6 May 2018/British Foreign
Secretary Boris Johnson will on Sunday begin a two-day visit to Washington,
with the Iran nuclear deal, Syria and North Korea on top of the agenda, the
Foreign Office said. Johnson will meet US Vice President Mike Pence,
National Security Advisor John Bolton and Congressional foreign policy
leaders. "On so many of the world's foreign policy challenges the UK and US
are in lockstep," said Johnson, highlighting the joint responses to Russian
provocations, North Korea and Syria. "The UK, US, and European partners are
also united in our effort to tackle the kind of Iranian behaviour that makes
the Middle East region less secure -- its cyber activities, its support for
groups like Hezbollah, and its dangerous missile programme," he added.
Britain remains committed the nuclear deal Iran signed with world powers in
2015, but US President Donald Trump has threatened to abandon the agreement
when it comes up for renewal on May 12, calling it "insane". Britain, France
and Germany -- the three European countries that signed the deal -- have
repeatedly tried to persuade Trump not to abandon it.
'Committed' to Iran Regime Change, Giuliani Says Days Before Nuclear
Amir Tibon (Washington)/Haaretz/May 06/2018/President's lawyer and confidant
calls regime change 'only way to achieve Mideast peace and 'more important
than an Israeli-Palestinian deal'
Rohani warns of 'historic' mistake
WASHINGTON – U.S. President Donald Trump is "committed" to regime change in
Iran, Trump's lawyer and confidant Rudy Giuliani said on Saturday. The
unusual statement comes just days before Trump will have to make a dramatic
decision on the fate of the nuclear deal with the Islamic Republic.
Giuliani, the former New York City mayor, said at an event hosted by an
Iranian opposition group in Washington that regime change in Iran is "the
only way to achieve peace in the Middle East
The president is "as committed to regime change as we are," Giuliani said in
his address. Giuliani predicted that Trump will withdraw the United States
from the 2015 deal with Iran. "With Secretary of State Mike Pompeo on his
right side, and National Security Adviser John Bolton on his left side, what
do you think is going to happen to that agreement?" Giuliani asked with a
grin. Giuliani said that regime change in Tehran was "more important than an
Israeli-Palestinian deal" and could contribute to reaching such a deal in
the future. Meanwhile, Iran's President Hassan Rouhani warned on Sunday Iran
had prepared plans to respond to any to end the nuclear agreement, adding
that the U.S. would regret such a decision.
"We have plans to resist any decision by Trump on the nuclear accord,"
Rouhani said in a speech carried live by state television. "If America
leaves the nuclear accord, this will entail historic remorse for it."
While he does not hold an official position within the Trump administration,
Giuliani is considered a close adviser to the president, and was recently
added to his legal team dealing with the investigation into Russia's
involvement in the 2016 election, as well as with the scandal surrounding
Trump lawyer Michael Cohen's payments to adult film actress Stormy Daniels.
The group that hosted Giuliani has been accused by critics of being a "front
organization" for Mojahedin-e Khalq (MEK), an Iranian opposition group that
was designated in the past as a terrorist organization by the United States.
John Bolton, Trump's new national security adviser is considered to have his
own ties to the MEK. A recent article in Foreign Policy included a quote by
a congressional aide who said that “Bolton is positively predisposed to the
MEK," and that with his appointment, "they will have some access to this
White House at the least.”Trump must decide by May 12 whether to recertify
Iran's compliance with the nuclear deal or to reimpose nuclear-related
sanctions. He has stated in recent weeks that the deal is a "disaster" and
that it never should have been signed. European leaders such as French
President Emmanuel Macron and German Chancellor Angela Merkel have lobbied
him not to withdraw from the agreement.
Meanwhile, former U.S. secretary of state John Kerry has reportedly met with
Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif twice over the past two months
in an effort to save the deal.
Netanyahu: Iran Must
Be Stopped, Even if It Means Conflict – and Better Sooner Than Later
Noa Landau/Haaretz/May 06, 2018/'Nations that were unwilling
to act in time against murderous aggression later paid a much heavier
price,' prime minister says
Israel would be better off confronting Iran sooner rather than later if
necessary, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said Sunday, adding that
Israel, however, does not seek escalation. "Iran's Revolutionary Guard Corps
has been in recent months providing Syria with advanced weapons to attack
us, both on the battlefield and on the home front, including attack drones,
surface-to-surface missiles, and Iranian anti-aircraft systems that will
threaten air force jets," Netanyahu said at the start of the weekly cabinet
meeting. "We are determined to stop Iran's aggression in its early stages,
even if it this involves a conflict," he continued. "Better now than later.
Nations that were unprepared to take timely action against murderous
aggression paid much heavier prices afterwards. We do not want escalation,
but we are prepared for any scenario."The prime minister also said that his
meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin slated for Wednesday was
"particularly important in light of Iran's efforts to entrench itself in
Syria." On Monday, Netanyahu gave a dramatic press conference in which he
unveiled a trove of documents and files that he said proved that Iran, a
strategic ally of Russia, lied about its nuclear program before signing the
deal meant to stop Tehran from obtaining nuclear weapons. The meeting
between Putin and Netanyahu is set to occur days before U.S. President
Donald Trump is expected to announce whether he will recertify the Iran
nuclear deal. He has declared that he will withdraw unless there are
changes, such as limitations on Iran's ballistic missile program. Earlier
this week, U.S. officials told NBC News that a strike on a Syrian military
base near Hama was carried out by Israeli F-15 fighter jets after Iran had
transferred a shipment of anti-aircraft missiles there. The three officials
claimed that Israel seems to be preparing for open warfare with Iran and is
seeking U.S. support.
Counterterrorism Director: Special Laws to Face ISIS Returnees
Rabat- Asharq Al Awsat/Sunday, 6 May, 2018/“The return of Moroccans who
fought with ISIS presents a real threat to the country,” said Morocco's
Central Bureau of Judicial Investigations (BCIJ) Director Abdelhak Khiame.
Khiame is a specialist in counterterrorism efforts. Returning ISIS fighters
prompted Moroccan authorities to draw up a plan and adopt special laws and
countermeasures. In an interview with French news agency AFP, Khiame says
that 200 Moroccan ISIS fighters have been arrested. He added that Moroccan
authorities established a framework in 2015 for measures concerning
returning fighters which permits police to apprehend returnees, hold them
for investigation, and place them in custody. Returning ISIS fighters
typically receive sentences ranging from 10 to 15 years in prison. Khiame
said that the number of Moroccans who fought alongside radical ranks in Iraq
and Syria was estimated at be over 1,600 in 2015. “Some have committed
bombing suicide or were shot by coalition forces and others have fled to
other countries.”Moroccan fighters in foreign countries are “regularly
involved in attacks in Europe,” including in France, Brussels, Belgium,
Spain, said the BCIJ head.
Khiame also stressed that the alarming security situation in the Sahel
remains one of the government’s main concerns, as it has become a “fertile
ground” for terrorism and a safe zone for certain terror cells, including
al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb (AQIM) and ISIS that face security
crackdowns from law enforcement in Middle Eastern conflict areas. With
widespread extremism and Islamophobia across the world, several countries
continue to link terrorism to Islam and specific nationalities. Refuting
claims stigmatizing a certain religion or background, Khiame asserts that
terrorism has no nationality.
The Moroccan official added that Morocco has effectively implemented its
legislation against terrorist groups, especially following the Casablanca
and Marrakech terrorist attacks in 2003 and 2011. Recalling his staff’s
achievements, Khiame said that Morocco frequently announces the dismantling
of “terror cells.” He added that the country also recently released data on
the terrorist groups dismantled from 2015 to 2017. During the interview,
Khiame also discussed the role of international cooperation in the fight
against terrorism. “Thanks to our services, attacks have been foiled in
France, Belgium, Germany, England, Denmark, Italy, and Spain.”
Two Palestinians killed in latest Gaza cross
border violence
Al Arabiya with AFP/Sunday, 6 May 2018/Israeli Defence Forces said and the
the Palestinian Health Ministry confirmed two Palestinians were killed on
Sunday, while allegedly attempting to cross into Israel from the Gaza Strip.
The casualties are the latest incident in the escalating cross-border
violence. The Israeli military stated that its forces “fired towards the
suspects who attempted to infiltrate into Israel from the southern Gaza
Strip and to damage security infrastructure."
Border Protests
Forty-three Palestinians have been shot and killed so far by Israeli forces
since March 30, when Gazans began weekly protests dubbed “The Great March of
Return” along the border with Israel. Facing international censure over its
use of live fire in the protests, Israel says it is protecting its border
and takes such action only when protesters, some hurling fire-bombs and
trying to plant explosives, come too close. The protests have seen thousands
gather to demand access to their families’ lost homes or lands, now in
Israel. Israel says Hamas is using the protests as cover to try to carry out
attacks. Hamas denies the accusation.
Iraqi air force strike targets ISIS commanders’
position inside Syria
Reuters, BaghdadSunday, 6 May 2018/The Iraqi air force carried out a new
strike on an ISIS position inside Syria, Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi's
office said in a statement on Sunday. The strike targeted a position used by
the commanders of the group, south of the town of Deshaisha, the statement
said. The Iraqi air force has already carried out several air strikes
against the group in Syria since last year, with the approval of the Syrian
government of President Bashar al-Assad and the US-led coalition fighting
East Euphrates: Fighting Among Washington Allies
London- Ibrahim Humaidi/Asharq Al Awsat/May 06/18/A clash that occurred in
Deir Ezzor in the past two days held several indicators on possible ethnic,
tribal and political complications in the coming period among Washington
allies in the east of Euphrates, especially with the US administration
discussing procedures to fill the gap after withdrawing its forces once ISIS
is eradicated. The fighting between the Syrian Democratic Forces, composed
mainly of People's Protection Units, and the Syrian Elite Forces, affiliated
with Syria's Tomorrow Movement, was brought to an end by Brett H. McGurk,
Special Presidential Envoy for the Global Coalition to Counter ISIS. In
details, an armed unit from SDF advanced towards Abu Hamam two days ago and
asked Abu Emad, the leader of the elite forces that contributed to the
battles against ISIS and the liberation of Raqqa, to hand over weapons
During the verbal altercation between the fighters and Abu Imad, the wife of
the latter intervened and "insulted the members of the visiting group, which
led to an exchange of fire and the wounding of two Kurdish men and the wife
of Abu Imad."The Arab Council in Euphrates and Al-Jazeera issued a statement
on Friday saying that the Syrian Democratic Forces conducted a violent
attack that was defied by Syrian Elite Forces on the 4th of May. The
statement held the SDF responsible for this dangerous act that waves with a
possible Kurdish-Arab riot. The Arab Council in Euphrates and Al-Jazeera is
a political bloc composed of the three eastern provinces in Deir Ezzor,
Raqqa and Hasakah. The council includes a majority of sheikhs and tribes of
the region as well as prominent figures from cities and municipalities. A
member of the council stated that the main reason behind the dispute was the
Kurdish units that control the decision-making and reject the presence of
any Arab faction in the region because that would threaten them. In
contrast, a Kurdish leader said that the SDF is composed of Arab fighters,
denying the Kurdish quest to dominate and suggest an agenda of federalism.
MWL Chief to Asharq Al-Awsat: Iran Defames Islam
Washington- Mouaz Al Omari/Asharq Al-Awsat/Sunday, 06 May/18/
Secretary-General of the Muslim World League (MWL) Dr. Mohammad Al-Issa said
that Iran is defaming Islam with its "desperate" practices, especially with
its crimes in the Middle East that have destabilized security in several
Arab and Islamic states. The world is witnessing Nazi-styled force (Iran)
seeking hegemony, Issa told Asharq Al-Awsat on the sidelines of a press
conference in Washington, DC. Issa cited Iranian political ambitions and
historic tendencies for hegemony, saying that they will not likely change so
long the cleric-led regime keeps going against moral values and
principles.He added that, just like the Nazi regime, Tehran is driven by a
personal agenda solely and acts irrespective of logic, truth or justice.
Iranian sectarianism has galvanized regional strife, inspired several crimes
that have destabilized security in a number of Arab countries, said Issa.
Issa explained that Tehran’s sectarian slogans have fed into Islamophobia
and prejudice before those who aren’t familiar with true Islam. Added to
that, Iran’s actions fueled sectarian strife in the Arab region. “We can
take the scale of crimes committed by Iran in Yemen as an example. Backing
Houthi, it (Iran) has supported a coup against legitimate forces alongside
vandalism in Yemen, attempting to carve up a demographic change in Yemen,”
Issa said. More on Iran’s criminal history, Issa condemned Tehran’s
prevention of humanitarian assistance reaching Yemenis, and its continued
support of barbaric genocide carried out against the people in Syria. The
MWL Chief said that Sunnis have no clash with Shiites, but ardently believe
in diversity being one of the Almighty’s wills. He reiterated that religious
conviction greatly promotes values of coexistence, love and harmonious
Issa went on to absolve Shiites from the Iranian-inflicted sectarianism in
the region, saying that reasonable Shiite leaders go against Iran’s
sectarian project, slamming it as offensive to Shiites everywhere. “The
Shiite sect is innocent of it (Iran’s doing),” Issa said in his reference to
what some Shiite clerics and leaders ruled. Speaking about the Arab quartet
dispute with Qatar, Issa said that the MWL hasn't intervened in Qatar’s
crisis because the solution is clear and the topic is simple and focused on
Qatar’s commitment to its previous pledges. “We are against the so-called
political Islam, that aims at deploying Islam to achieve political goals. It
also seeks to undermine the concept of national states in the Islamic
world,” he stated. Issa emphasized the statements made by Saudi Crown Prince
Mohammed bin Salman on the necessity of returning to the true image of
Islam, adding that bin Salman had established the two biggest global
platforms to combat extremist ideologies: Etidal Global Center for Combating
Extremist Ideology and Feker. The MWL has achieved several initiatives and
programs in combating extremist ideologies through the participation of its
scholars in clarifying what true Islam is, explained Issa.
A Crushing Defeat for Muslim Brotherhood in
Amman- Asharq Al Awsat/Sunday, 6 May, 2018/For the first time in 26 years,
the Muslim Brotherhood in Jordan suffered an overwhelming defeat in the
elections of a president and members of the board of directors of the
Jordanian Engineers Association, which is one of the largest professional
syndicates in terms of number, presence and influence in Jordan. The
association was one of the largest strongholds of the Muslim Brotherhood in
Jordan and for many years was under the group's control. In the elections on
Friday, engineer Ahmad Samara al-Zubi won the presidency of the association
defeating engineer Abdullah Obeidat. Engineer Fawzi Masaad won the position
of the vice president, as the members who won were: Bashar Tarawnah, Sari
Zaaiter, Ahmad Siyam, Raed Sharaji, Abdulbaset Saleh, Malek Amayrah, Samir
Sheikh and Mohammad Mahamid.
Iraq Warns Against Disabling Electronic Polling on Election Day
Baghdad- Hamza Mustafa/Asharq Al Awsat/May 06/18/Iraq’s parliamentary
Security and Defense Committee announced on Saturday that influential
parties plan to disrupt electronic ballot processing ahead of the May 12
vote, with the aim of imposing manual counting methods. The accusations
claimed that the parties are seeking to falsify the results, which would
only be possible if the electronic system is replaced with manual counting.
“Information gathered by the committee through my tours in some areas and
governorates, especially in hot spots, confirms that there are under the
table arrangements between ballot station managers and authoritarian
parties, which rely on fraud,” parliament's Security and Defense Committee
head Hakim al-Zamili told Asharq Al-Awsat. Agreements struck between ballot
monitors and parties seeking a stay in power cover rigging or damaging
voting machines in the last hours of elections. Zamili explained that “these
parties are addicted to forging results since past periods, and they have
stayed in power through influence and money.”More so, the committee issued a
statement confirming that “intelligence information revealed attempts of
some influential political parties to disrupt electronic voting devices in
order to resort to manual counting to falsify the results.”“We sent a letter
to the electoral commission stipulating that any station which does not use
electronic voting will be discounted from elections, and any station
experiencing device malfunctions must not resort to counting votes
manually,” Zamili said on countermeasures carried out by the committee. In
turn, Dr. Qahtan al- Jubouri, former Tourism Minister and official spokesman
of the Sadrist-backed alliance ‘Sa’iroun’, told Asharq Al-Awsat that it is
not unlikely for such foul play to take place. Jubouri said many reasons
support the possibility of it happening, most notably that there are
political parties that strongly hyped the return to manual counting, arguing
that voting machines were “rigged.”“We announced our position from the start
that we are adopting the electronic counting because it leaves no room for
doubt,” he added.
Tunisia Votes in First Free Municipal Elections
Agence France Presse/Naharnet/May 06/18/Tunisia's first free municipal
elections got under way Sunday as voters expressed frustration at the slow
pace of change since the 2011 revolution in the cradle of the Arab Spring.
The election has been touted as another milestone on the road to democracy
in the North African country, which has been praised for its transition from
decades of dictatorship. But Tunisia has struggled with persistent
political, security and economic problems as well as corruption since the
revolution, and observers expected a low turnout for Sunday's poll. Around
15 people trickled into a polling station in central Tunis to cast their
ballots after voting officially began at 8:00 am (0700 GMT). Ridha Kouki,
58, acknowledged that voting is "a right and a duty" but said Tunisians
"have little hope" of any change. Chokri Halaoui, 45, said he wanted to send
a "message to politicians to tell them 'we have voted now show us what you
can do'."Tunisians have already voted in parliamentary and presidential
elections since the 2011 fall of dictator Zine El Abidine Ben Ali, but
municipal polls had been delayed four times due to logistic, administrative
and political deadlocks. President Beji Caid Essebsi has called for a
"massive turnout"."For the first time (since the revolution) the Tunisian
people are called to participate in municipal elections, something that
seems simple but it is very important," he said on Friday.- 'Cart without
wheels' -Tunisia is grappling with economic challenges including an
inflation rate which stands at around eight percent and an unemployment rate
of more than 15 percent. The country was hit by a wave of protest at the
start of the year over a new austerity budget introduced by the government.
"These municipal elections won't change anything for us. We will always be
on the same cart without wheels or a horse," 34-year-old housewife Hilma
told AFP ahead of the vote. More than 57,000 candidates, half of them women
and young people, are running for office in Tunisia's 350 municipalities.
Around 60,000 police and military personnel have been mobilised for the
polls, while Tunisia remains under a state of emergency, imposed in 2015
after a string of deadly jihadist attacks. Across the country voting will
run until 6:00 pm (1700 GMT) in more than 11,000 polling stations. But in
Kasserine in central Tunisia, a hot bed of protests during the revolt that
toppled Ben Ali, polling stations will open later and close earlier for
"security reasons", organisers said. The municipal elections, enshrined in
the new constitution and one of the demands of the revolution, mark the
first tangible step of decentralisation since the end of Ben Ali's rule.
Voters will elect municipal counsellors who in turn will elect mayors by
mid-June. Experts predict Tunisia's two political heavyweights -- the
Islamist Ennahda movement and the secular Nidaa Tounes party -- will come
out on top in nearly every district. But there remains some hopes that the
polls, the first in four years, will see a new generation elected into
office. The municipal polls will be followed by legislative and presidential
votes in 2019.
Saudi Detains 'Thousands' for Months without
Trial, Says HRW
Agence France Presse/Naharnet/May 06/18/Saudi Arabia has detained thousands
of people for up to a decade without trial, Human Rights Watch said Sunday,
slamming the country's powerful crown prince for the "arbitrary detentions".
Official data from the interior ministry, analysed by HRW, showed that
authorities had detained 2,305 people for more than six months -- some for
over a decade -- without referring them to court. The ultraconservative
kingdom, an absolute monarchy, has introduced a string of reform in past
months, spearheaded by the country's unchallenged Crown Prince Mohammed bin
Salman, dubbed "MBS", who was appointed heir to the throne in June 2017. Yet
arbitrary detention appears to have "increased dramatically in recent
years", according to HRW. The group urged authorities to "stop holding
people arbitrarily". "If Saudi authorities can hold a detainee for months on
end with no charges, it's clear that the Saudi criminal justice system
remains broken and unjust, and it only seems to be getting worse," said
Sarah Leah Whitson, Middle East director for the New York-based rights
group. "It seems that MBS's Vision 2030 plan better describes the length of
detentions without charge than an aspirational time horizon for
reforms."Mohammed bin Salman is the architect of his country's "Vision 2030"
plan, a sweeping reform project aimed at weaning Saudi Arabia off of its
dependence on oil and modernising one of the most restrictive countries in
the world. The project includes plans to privatise part of oil giant Aramco
and boost the role of women in the workforce. Women will be permitted to
drive in Saudi Arabia from June. The kingdom has one of the highest
execution rates in the world.
Latest LCCC Bulletin
analysis & editorials from miscellaneous sources published on May 06-07/18
Saudi Arabia’s Quality of Life Program Vs Skeptics
Salman Al-dossary/Asharq Al Awsat/May 06/18
Saudi Arabia’s Quality of Life program alongside its 234-page executive summary,
announced by the Economic and Development Board last week, was a
down-to-the-letter exceptionally gratifying read.
Why?! In short, because the program goes beyond a vision and into noting down
operational details with clear-cut numbers, specific timelines and initiatives
set for fulfilling the ultimate goal of making Saudi Arabia the best place to
live in for citizens and residents alike.
The program relies on two axes: the first being the development of the
individual's lifestyle and the second being the enhancement of overall quality
of life in the kingdom.
Upgrading the local environment so that it offers a new array of options that
get citizens and residents involved in cultural, recreational and sporting
activities is a part of the program’s plan for developing an individual’s
lifestyle in the Kingdom.
On the second hand, widening the scope of activities inside the kingdom,
diversifying the economy, and planning for at least three Saudi cities to rank
top worldwide, will advance the Kingdom’s agenda on improving the overall
quality of life in the kingdom.
Quality of Life 2020 aims to include at least three Saudi cities in the list of
the top 100 cities in the world to live in by 2030.
The program isn’t only focused on long-term goals but has set immediate goals to
Year 2022 is the deadline for promoting social sports activities, achieving
excellence in several regional and global sports, and developing and
diversifying recreational opportunities, meeting the needs of the population.
These goals are set to indirectly improve services provided in Saudi cities such
as utilities, public transport, and urban landscape, as well as push the
establishing of special areas and rehabilitating economic zones.
More so, the initiative is that it is only one of twelve other key programs
identified by the Economic and Development Council as strategically vital for
Saudi Arabia to achieve the goals of Kingdom Vision 2030.
Implementing programs in Saudi Arabia is being backed with effective cooperation
between state ministries and institutions—nationwide, initiatives cannot be
achieved if state bodies operate on an isolated-island principal.
In order to achieve satisfactory results on improving main aspects of life, such
as infrastructure, transport, housing, urban design, environment, health care,
economic and educational opportunities, security and the social environment,
progress must be tightly tied to strict performance indicators.
It goes without saying that improving quality of life in Saudi cities will
reflect positively on the welfare of citizens and residents, as well as visitors
and tourists.
Developing strong infrastructure in Saudi cities, providing comprehensive
services, enhancing social interaction, and offering both quality and diverse
lifestyle choices are factors that motivate people and enhance social
It goes without saying that Saudi Arabia is stepping into an astounding future.
However, some skeptics choose to focus on the obstacles. Pessimists at every
corner watch out closely for the smallest misfortunes to put to question the
validity of change. They remain hesitant to believe that positive change is
actually happening in Saudi Arabia.
It is true that the same people were blaming Saudi Arabia for its steadfastness
and lack of flexibility in change, have now become full-time skeptics. They
themselves never believed that Saudi Arabia would have a vision and a future
project of such astronomical scale.
Nevertheless, doubters aren’t to be blamed-- it is not easy for them to imagine
that a new Saudi Arabia is launched and won't slow down until it achieves listed
aspirations. The proof of the pudding is in the eating, and skeptics will day by
day be dismissed with ground-hard facts.
Mike Pompeo and US diplomacy victories without bullets
Abdulrahman al-Rashed/Al Arabiya/May 06/18
“We are experiencing tough times, we have to face the challenges courageously
and strongly… we need powerful diplomatic efforts in the Middle East to control
Iran’s destabilizing actions in Syria, Yemen and the region”. This was a part of
new US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo’s speech to his staff, who amount to more
than 70,000. The US has a huge capability to weaken and possibly eliminate any
regime it opposes, without shooting a single bullet, Pompeo said. Which almost
happened to the Iranian regime when Washington imposed further sanctions in 2006
after a Security Council resolution in response to the regime’s insistence on
pursuing its nuclear project. Sanctions included banning the export of many
goods, including refined oil products to Iran, preventing banking transactions,
suspending financial transactions between Iran and most of the world’s banks,
and pursued international oil companies to prevent them from production in Iran.
Washington prohibited insurance for the Iranian oil tankers and built an
electronic wall that blocked all dealings including registering websites and
internet services. Without dollars, information, banks and insurance the Iranian
regime was stuck; it could not trade, import nor fulfill the needs of its
people. The events required complicated diplomatic work, political patience, and
well-informed intelligence agencies to make sure that the decisions were being
implemented; this is what Washington succeeded in during this period. Due to
these immense pressures, the Iranian regime resorted to communicate in private
with, after three years of Obama’s administration asking to negotiate.
These communications coincided with the Green Revolution in Tehran, which
strongly impacted the regime. Then a long set of talks started between the two
sides. Iran then had to be more submissive after the revolution in Syria, its
strategic ally in the region. In exchange for Iran to suspend its nuclear
project for military purposes, the US administration agreed along with its
European allies to make a secret deal to lift economic sanctions on Iran while
refraining from toppling the Syrian regime. The Iranians, who are skilled in
bargaining, had realized that President Obama is ready to give them more in
return for the agreement. Thus they took double what they wished for, including
large amounts of financial payments which suspended all the hostile campaigns
against them and overlooked their military expansion in the region. Even with
Washington’s serious mistakes, the diplomatic work it led for years had resulted
in an important agreement that forced Khamenei’s regime to yield without
shooting a single bullet.
Power of diplomacy
Even with Washington’s serious mistakes, the diplomatic work it led for years
had resulted in an important agreement that forced Khamenei’s regime to yield
without shooting a single bullet. This is the power of US diplomatic tools as
described by Pompeo in his speech a few days ago. It seems it is doing the same
thing with the North Korean regime. What’s worrying is that the same mistakes
made in dealing with Iran might be repeated with North Korea, since the
circumstances are identical. The current administration needs an urgent
preliminary assessment of the situation before November, when the midterm
elections will take place. The president’s party should win one of the two
chambers, or else he will lose a lot of his authority and be victim to his
Democrat opponents. However, using diplomacy only to force the regime in Tehran
to respect UN principles by suspending its activities and interventions in Iraq,
Syria, Lebanon, Gaza and Yemen would succeed but will not achieve quick results.
The advantage of diplomacy is that there is no blood nor bullets, but it is very
slow and its results would be too late for heated issues, such as wars. The fear
is that the North Korean regime would use Washington’s pressing desire, to have
a historic nuclear agreement to exert more pressure. I do not rule out that the
North Korean leader would try to rescue Khamenei, his ally, by convincing the
Americans that if they retreated in any of their commitments to the Iranian deal
it would affect their credibility in their negotiations with him. My fears might
not be real, but we know the relationship between the two extreme regimes.
No excuse for our ignorance in an information age
Sawsan Al Shaer/Al Arabiya/May 06/18
I understand that people could be deceived at times when information takes
decades to be revealed to the public. I understand that people could be driven
towards the unknown due to rare sources of information, slow communications and
the absence of truth due to a massive amount of falsehood, ambiguity and the
absence of information that would take decades to be revealed and published –
and which even when published by western media, it needs another decade to reach
people in the Arab world.
However, the present is quite different. Digital technology is now available to
children who can access information even before their elders and is on hand to
both the rich and poor alike. For example, you can read the Washington Post in
Bahrain even before it has been published in print yet in the US. Even when you
are thousands of miles away, online tools enable you to receive breaking news
from, for instance, The Guardian. You’d learn the news even before millions of
British people know about it, because you may have been online in Bahrain and
notified about it on your Twitter account, while many in Britain were asleep at
Information warfare
There is no excuse for our ignorance now as information is easily and quickly
available. Meanwhile, we should not ignore or pretend that we are not aware of
what is being planned for us due to lack of information, and justify our
mistakes at being deceived.
Today, competition between conflicting parties in our world makes information
warfare one of its tools. Information reaches more quickly and accurately than
one might expect. We now have the proof and evidence that Iran and Qatar were
involved in funding armed Arab militias belonging to both sects. The evidence is
available for all those who defend these two regimes, thus there is no excuse
for their defense. All you need to do is to use your mobile phones and search on
Google or on Twitter to find the evidence. You can search for the keywords Iran
and al-Qaeda, Qatar and Qassem Soleimani and you will find plenty of news.
Iran, Qatar support both Shiite and Sunni terror
Thus given all these easy methods to attain knowledge, I wish that those who see
Iran as a Shiite supporter or see Qatar as a Sunni supporter answer the
following questions: Why does Iran harbor al-Qaeda commanders? And why does
Qatar pay billions of dollars to Shiite militias headed by Qassem Soleimani?”
These facts cannot be denied, they are out there. They are both assisting each
other. Each party claims that it is supporting a sect to protect it from the
other. Is not the Iranian-Qatari rapprochement enough? Does this not sound the
alarm to awaken the asleep? After all this available information for everyone to
access, is it logical that any Arab Shiite would still believe that the Iranian
regime is good when he knows that it harbors and helps commanders of al-Qaeda,
which bombed Shiite mosques and killed Shiite people? Is it logical that any
Sunni still believes that Qatar is protecting the Sunni people and is its chief
defender, while it provides Shiite terrorist militias with money that was used
to kill Iraqi Sunnis and displace Sunnis of Syria from their cities? Doesn’t
this huge torrent of available evidence about the Iranian-Qatari linkage open
people’s eyes? Is not Qatar the one that is funding militias which kills Shiite
in Iraq? Is not Iran is the one that is funding the Shiite militias that is
killing the Sunnis in Iraq? How would one “honorable” party that’s fighting
another “honorable” party meet while they are both funding fighting militias?
Did not you realize after all this information which spread quickly over the
last year that these states are not about supporting the Sunni or the Shiite,
but rather about nurturing terrorist militias without distinction? If the
available information reaches us and we do not analyze and understand it, then
ignorance lies with our analyses and understanding, not in the paucity of
information, and this is a disaster!
When will Iraq become another Armenia?
Adnan Hussein/Al Arabiya/May 06/18
Another country has presented itself as a model and example of the patriotism of
its political elite, whether it’s the ruling party or the opposition, and how it
puts the interest of the country and its people before partisan and personal
Armenia’s Prime Minister Serzh Sargsyan, also the chairman of the ruling
Republican Party in Armenia and a former president, opted to be wise and
rational and submitted his resignation upon the people’s will who have been
protesting for ten days demanding he steps down because he failed. People have
also called for appointing Armenian opposition leader Nikol Pashinian as his
successor. For those who do not know, Armenia is a stone’s throw away from Iraq
as all that separates between the two countries is Turkey from one side and Iran
from another.
Sargsyan did not only hand governance over without any resistance but he also
addressed people and said: “I address you one last time to say that Nikol
Pashinian was right. I was wrong.”
Before that, Sargsyan had tried to maneuver to stay in power but when he
realized that this may lead the country to general unrest and perhaps cause a
military coup, he put the interests and the future of the country and its people
first and decided to submit to the demands of the Velvet Revolution that swept
through the country. This revolution has erupted due to the deterioration of the
situation in the country during Sargsyan’s term as administrative and financial
corruption has spread, the rate of inflation, unemployment and poverty as well
as prices have increased and the situation of general services has worsened,
like what Iraq has been suffering from for over 10 years. Such a move by a man
in power, like the Armenian prime minister, can only be described as patriotic,
wise and responsible. This of course is the complete opposite of the behavior of
the influential political category in Iraq as once its members attain power,
they fight tooth and nail to keep it and state that they will not give it up.
Not to mention that before they attain power, they seek it by all means
possible, even if via despicable methods, like what’s happening in the current
election campaign which they spent tens of millions of dollars on that were
looted from public money and from the share of poor people who are deprived of a
decent livelihood and from proper and basic healthcare, environmental,
educational and municipal services.
Can we one day be like Armenia?
Armenian Genocide: Turkey Cracks Down
Uzay Bulut/Gatestone Institute/May 06/18
The Christian genocide in Ottoman Turkey lasted for 10 years -- from 1913 to
1923 -- and targeted Armenian, Greek, Assyrian and other Christians. It resulted
in the annihilation of around three million people. Sadly, Turkish aggression
against the remaining Armenians continues.
According to Turkish myth, it was actually the "treacherous" Armenians who
persecuted Turks; and the Turks were acting in self-defense to rid themselves of
murderous Armenians. A widespread Turkish claim is, "They deserved it."
The lies and state propaganda, which hold the victims responsible for their own
annihilation, are what enable the ongoing Turkish persecution of the country's
remaining Armenians, including the conversion of their churches into mosques and
the digging up of Armenian graves and churches by treasure-hunters who search
for gold.
The annual Armenian Genocide commemorative event that the Istanbul branch of
Turkey's Human Rights Association (IHD) and the European Grassroots Antiracist
Movement (EGAM) planned to hold on April 24 -- which they have been holding
every year since 2005 -- was blocked by police, who seized the placards and
banners about the genocide and carried out criminal record checks on
participants. Three human rights activists were detained and then released.
In an exclusive interview with Gatestone, Ayşe Günaysu, an activist with the
IHD's Commission Against Racism and Discrimination, said that "on their way to
police station, the detainees were made to listen to racist songs containing
hostile words concerning Armenians."
The annual event commemorates the April 24, 1915 round-up, imprisonment and
eventual slaughter of more than 200 Armenian intellectuals and community leaders
in Istanbul by Ottoman authorities -- and the unfolding of the Armenian
Genocide. The victims were brought to a prison, now a building that houses the
Museum of Turkish Islamic Art (Türk İslam Eserleri Müzesi). The Armenians were
then taken to the Haydarpaşa railway station, where they were transported to
Anatolia for their ultimate extermination. According to Günaysu:
"During our commemorations, we showed the crime scenes. We exposed the museum of
Turkish Islamic Art and the Haydarpaşa railway station as crime venues. We read
out loud and then recorded the names of more than 2,000 Armenian cities, towns
and villages destroyed during the genocide. We wrote down their names and
exhibited them on show boards. So, we not only commemorated the deaths, but also
tried to share the truth about the genocide with the people of Turkey."
Since 2010, the IHD has gathered at Haydarpaşa railway station for the
commemoration. This year, there were plans to hold the event at the Sultanahmet
square. Günaysu said:
"We do not ask for the permission of the office of the governor of Istanbul to
commemorate the genocide. We only call them on the phone and inform them of the
hour and venue of the event. Our banners read 'Genocide! Recognize! Beg
Forgiveness! Compensate!' in English and Turkish. The police told us we could
hold the event on condition that we do not use the word 'genocide.' But we said
we would not engage in self-censorship and gathered at the square of Sultanahmet
to commemorate the genocide victims. We had also prepared a genocide
commemoration press release, but we could not read it out or distribute it to
the press due to police intervention. The police also seized our banners and the
photos of the Armenian intellectuals arrested on April 24, 1915."
The IHD press release, which the police prevented from being distributed, read,
in part:
"At the root of all evils in this country lies the genocide committed against
the Christian peoples of Asia Minor and Northern Mesopotamia, against Armenians,
Assyrians and Greeks.
"Now, we once more bow with respect before the memory of the Armenian, Assyrian/Syriac
and Greek victims of the genocide. And we, the descendants of the genocide
perpetrators, repeat our feeling of shame for not being able to prevent the
continuation of the genocide through its denial and successive waves of
destruction through generations."
Sadly, Turkish aggression against the remaining Armenians continues. On December
28, 2012, an 85-year-old Armenian woman named Maritsa Küçük was beaten and
stabbed to death in her home in the neighborhood of Samatya, one of the largest
Armenian communities in Istanbul.
Günaysu said that "during the police intervention and detentions at the genocide
commemoration in Sultanahmet,
Küçük's daughter, Baydzar Midilli, screamed: 'My mother is a genocide victim,
yet you still say there is no genocide?!' As members of the police department
started walking towards her, apparently to detain her for protesting, Eren
Keskin, a human rights lawyer, stopped them and told them that Midilli's mother
was murdered for being an Armenian. A police chief then prevented the officers
from arresting her."
On April 24, 2011 -- the 96th anniversary of the genocide -- Sevag Balıkçı, an
Armenian doing his compulsory military service in the Turkish army, was shot to
death by a Turkish nationalist. His killer has yet to be brought to justice.
During last month's commemoration, seven years after his murder, Balıkçı's
family and friends stood by his graveside in Istanbul to pay tribute to him.
According to Günaysu, police officers told those gathered at the grave that they
were not allowed in their speeches to mention the word "genocide":
"There were a lot of armed police officers at the cemetery. While people were
praying, the police were about to intervene. Two activists asked the police to
respect those praying and mourning. Fortunately, the police listened, and moved
a slight distance away from the congregation."
The Christian genocide in Ottoman Turkey lasted for 10 years -- from 1913 to
1923 -- and targeted Armenian, Greek, Assyrian and other Christians. It resulted
in the annihilation of around three million people. Although a century has
passed since then, it is still a bleeding wound for the victims and their
descendants. The online newspaper Artı Gerçek recently reported that the bones
of victims are still visible in a lake in in eastern Turkey.
Armenian civilians, escorted by Ottoman soldiers, marched through Harput to a
prison in nearby Mezireh (present-day Elazig), April 1915. (Image source:
American Red Cross/Wikimedia Commons)
Locals named the lake "Gvalé Arminu" (the "Armenian lake") after the massacre of
more than 1,000 men, women and children that took place there 103 years ago.
According to the report, only two children, hidden by villagers, survived. Even
the bones that are revealed when the lake dries up in the summer have not led to
an investigation by Turkish government, which continues to deny the genocide and
attempts aggressively to silence those who try to speak out about it.
On April 24, the government-funded Anadolu Agency (AA) ran a story headlined:
"The source of Income of Armenian Lobbies: the Genocide Industry," alleging that
the Armenian diaspora and the republic of Armenia make false claims about "the
Armenian genocide lie" for financial gain.
On the same day, the AA ran a separate story: "Turks recall escaping from
Armenian oppression." According to Turkish myth, it was actually the
"treacherous" Armenians who persecuted Turks; and the Turks were acting in
self-defense to rid themselves of murderous Armenians. A widespread Turkish
claim is, "They deserved it".
The lies and state propaganda, which hold the victims responsible for their own
annihilation, are what enable the ongoing Turkish persecution of the country's
remaining Armenians, including the conversion of their churches into mosques and
the digging up of Armenian graves and churches by treasure-hunters who search
for gold.
The Turkish government must stop.
**Uzay Bulut is a journalist from Turkey and a fellow with the news and public
policy group Haym Salomon Center. She is presently based in Washington D.C.
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Protesting Iranians disregard regime’s clampdown
Majid Rafizadeh/Arab News/May 06, 2018
The Iranian regime last week doubled down on its intolerance of demonstrations
on the streets; but nevertheless Tehran and other Iranian cities were the scenes
of protests and anti-regime activities. In the capital, many workers had planned
to hold a rally in front of the Majlis (parliament), but they were denied
permission. However, a large number of the workers still made it to the Majlis
and others came out to support them.
This highlights the fact that many Iranians have become so disaffected and
frustrated with the authorities that they are willing to risk their lives by
taking to the streets and protesting. People of all ages and social classes
appear to have overcome their fears regarding the regime’s warnings.
In these situations, the regime has demonstrated repeatedly that it responds
through a technique that it has been utilizing since its establishment in 1979.
Deploying brute force against protesters has become the clerical rule’s modus
operandi. The security and suppressive forces dispersed the demonstrators and a
number of them were arrested. In addition, the regime unleashed its paramilitary
and Basij forces and many protesters clashed with plain clothes Basij agents.
Protests were not limited to Iran’s capital, as there were also gatherings and
clashes in several other cities, including Isfahan and Saqqez in Iranian
Kurdistan. In the latter’s Chami Vali Khan Square, one protester was injured
after being attacked by the regime’s forces.
One of the major grievances of the protesters is associated with economic
difficulties. Neither the moderates nor the hard-liners appear to be willing to
address their citizens’ underlying problems and satisfy their demands. Since
January’s widespread and nationwide demonstrations, when tens of thousands of
people took to the streets across Iran’s cities, the Iranian leaders have not
taken any concrete steps to tackle the issue.
Instead, the leadership has been playing the blame game or resorting to empty
rhetoric. Iran’s President Hassan Rouhani continues to boast that his government
has reduced inflation and is helping the economy, but the reality — such as the
recent currency crisis and people’s living standards — tells a different story.
Some Iranians even believe that Rouhani has been more detrimental to their
economic situation than his predecessor, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, who offered social
Iran's rulers must satisfy citizens' economic needs or risk an uprising and the
possible fall of their regime.
Arezoo, an Iranian mother of two, told me during a phone interview: “My husband
is a full-time teacher. At night he also works as a taxi driver. I have a
master’s degree and cannot find a job. I have been sewing clothes all day and
sell them. We work seven days a week and our incomes put together ($390) are not
enough to pay the rent for a one bedroom apartment in a lower class neighborhood
of Isfahan ($550). My children have been sick for a long time, I have dental
pain, but we cannot afford to go to a doctor. On TV, we hear Rouhani keep saying
the economy is improving. But he is completely disingenuous.”
Many skilled and educated Iranians cannot find a job, and the unemployment rate
and inflation remain high. Food, housing and healthcare have become extremely
expensive for ordinary Iranians. This was reflected in chants such as
“astronomical wages (for senior officials), public misery” at the latest
protests. Placards carried by the workers read: “Our dinner table is still
empty.” One of the workers carried a large placard that read: “Hey, you,
billionaire minister, I haven’t been able to buy meat for the past 40 months.”
In spite of his promises to promote economic equality and improve people’s
living standards, Rouhani’s moderate establishment has mostly acquiesced to the
hard-liners’ power, particularly Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei and the senior
generals of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps. According to official
figures, Tehran’s military budget saw an unprecedented increase of 145 percent
during the first four years of Rouhani being in office.
It is worth noting that the protesters also had political demands, particularly
after the arrest of several of demonstrators. Many Iranians were chanting:
“Arrested workers should be freed,” “Bread, housing, freedom, are our
inalienable rights,” and “Worker, teacher, student, solidarity, solidarity.”
The National Council of Resistance of Iran and the People’s Mojahedin
Organization of Iran, which boast a large network inside the country, were
active through their networks in the run-up to the protests.
The Iranian regime should comprehend the hard truth that cracking down on the
protesters will not eliminate the underlying causes of its citizens’ grievances.
The Islamic Republic needs to take tangible steps in order to adequately satisfy
the economic needs and address the political grievances of its people.
Otherwise, the frustrations and disaffectedness of the population could
significantly endanger the hold on power of the ruling clerics. After all,
Iran’s history in the last century reveals that its society is not unfamiliar or
fearful of an uprising and changing a political establishment when the
leadership ignores people’s socio-political and economic needs.
• Dr. Majid Rafizadeh is a Harvard-educated Iranian-American political
scientist. He is a leading expert on Iran and US foreign policy, a businessman
and president of the International American Council. Twitter: @Dr_Rafizadeh