March 04/2018
Compiled & Prepared by: Elias
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Week Of The Lent/The Parable Of The Lost Son
Luke15/11-31/:"He said, “A certain man had two sons. The younger of them
said to his father, ‘Father, give me my share of your property.’ He divided
his livelihood between them. Not many days after, the younger son gathered
all of this together and traveled into a far country. There he wasted his
property with riotous living. When he had spent all of it, there arose a
severe famine in that country, and he began to be in need. He went and
joined himself to one of the citizens of that country, and he sent him into
his fields to feed pigs. He wanted to fill his belly with the husks that
the pigs ate, but no one gave him any. But when he came to himself he said,
‘How many hired servants of my father’s have bread enough to spare, and I’m
dying with hunger! I will get up and go to my father, and will tell him,
“Father, I have sinned against heaven, and in your sight. I am no more
worthy to be called your son. Make me as one of your hired servants.”’ “He
arose, and came to his father. But while he was still far off, his father
saw him, and was moved with compassion, and ran, and fell on his neck, and
kissed him. The son said to him, ‘Father, I have sinned against heaven, and
in your sight. I am no longer worthy to be called your son.’ “But the father
said to his servants, ‘Bring out the best robe, and put it on him. Put a
ring on his hand, and shoes on his feet. Bring the fattened calf, kill it,
and let us eat, and celebrate; for this, my son, was dead, and is alive
again. He was lost, and is found.’ They began to celebrate. “Now his elder
son was in the field. As he came near to the house, he heard music and
dancing. He called one of the servants to him, and asked what was going
on. He said to him, ‘Your brother has come, and your father has killed the
fattened calf, because he has received him back safe and healthy.’ But he
was angry, and would not go in. Therefore his father came out, and begged
him. But he answered his father, ‘Behold, these many years I have served
you, and I never disobeyed a commandment of yours, but you never gave me a
goat, that I might celebrate with my friends. But when this, your son,
came, who has devoured your living with prostitutes, you killed the fattened
calf for him.’ “He said to him, ‘Son, you are always with me, and all that
is mine is yours. But it was appropriate to celebrate and be glad, for this,
your brother, was dead, and is alive again. He was lost, and is found.
Agree with one another, live in peace; and the God of
love and peace will be with you
Second Letter to the Corinthians 13/5-13: "Examine yourselves to see whether
you are living in the faith. Test yourselves. Do you not realize that Jesus
Christ is in you? unless, indeed, you fail to pass the test! I hope you will
find out that we have not failed. But we pray to God that you may not do
anything wrong not that we may appear to have passed the test, but that you
may do what is right, though we may seem to have failed. For we cannot do
anything against the truth, but only for the truth. For we rejoice when we
are weak and you are strong. This is what we pray for, that you may become
perfect. So I write these things while I am away from you, so that when I
come, I may not have to be severe in using the authority that the Lord has
given me for building up and not for tearing down. Finally, brothers and
sisters, farewell. Put things in order, listen to my appeal, agree with one
another, live in peace; and the God of love and peace will be with you.
Greet one another with a holy kiss. All the saints greet you. The grace of
the Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God, and the communion of the Holy Spirit
be with all of you.
For Latest LCCC Bulletin analysis & editorials from miscellaneous sources
published on March 03-04/18
The Lost Son Parable and Repentance/Elias Bejjani/March 03/18
Punished for Not Chanting "Death to America, Israel, Britain/Dr. Majid
Rafizadeh/Gatestone Institute/March 03/18
Artificial Intelligence in Policing/Noah Feldman/Bloomberg/March 03/18
Danger in the north: PM Netanyahu must push Trump to act/Ron Ben Yishai|/Ynetnews/March
Putin to America: ‘We have ascendance over you’/Mashari Althaydi/Al Arabiya/March
Policymakers beware – It’s all about the narrative in the message/Dr.
Mohamed A. Ramady/Al Arabiya/March 03/18
What justifies Russian veto against Iran’s supply of weapons/Sawsan Al Shaer/Al
Arabiya/March 03/18
The UAE ranks first in several international indices and among
hearts/Mohammed Al-Hammadi/Al Arabiya/March 03/18
Titles For Latest LCCC Lebanese Related News published on
March 03-04/18
The Lost Son Parable and Repentance
Hariri Meets Saudi Crown Prince after Strain
Selfie shows Saudi Crown Prince and Lebanese PM Hariri in Riyadh
ISF investigates senior officer for framing actor Ziad Itani
Ziad Itani's Case Under the Spotlight after 'Innocence' Declaration
Mashnouq Says Itani Innocent as al-Hajj Questioned over 'Fabricating' Case
Jreissati Replies to Mashnouq over Ziad Itani Case
President Aoun: To maintain investigation's confidentiality, keep dossiers
away from any exploitation
Hariri: Let the judiciary and the security services handle the Itani case
away from politicization
Machnouk's Apology Tweet Sparks Controversy
Jumblatt calls on Lebanese authority to resign
Geagea: Some are trying to isolate us, but we will succeed
State Security arrests Syrian on links with terrorist organizations
Khoury at Pierre Sadeq's awards' ceremony: Pierre Sadeq inspiring,
resourceful man
Landmine explosion in Abbasieh, shepherd survives
Berri Affirms Timely Polls, Says Failure 'Wrecks' Country
Mashnouq Signs Decree on Full-Time Employment of Civil Defense Volunteers
Titles For Latest LCCC Bulletin For Miscellaneous Reports And
News published on March 03-04/18
US, Europe to 'Punish' Syrian Regime
Saudi Crown Prince Sets off on Maiden Foreign Tour
Iran Says No Missile Talks Unless West Gives Up Its Nuclear Weapons
Regime Forces Advance in Syria's Battered Ghouta
Bahrain arrests 116 suspects in counter-terror operations
UAE Minister of Foreign Affairs Gargash: Solution to Qatar’s crisis is
US envoys to visit Gulf states in renewed attempt to resolve Qatar spat
Trump’s Team Releases Economic Report, Compares Him to Reagan, Kennedy
Libya: GNA Forms Committee to Conclude Truce in Sabha
Kurdistan Crossings With Turkey, Iran Await Political Agreement
Infantino: Rouhani Pledges Women to Get Access to Football Stadiums
Suspect in US University Shooting Apprehended
Latest Lebanese Related News published
on March 03-04/18
The Lost Son Parable
and Repentance
Elias Bejjani
Lent is a prime time for spiritual change through genuine praying, serious
and in depth self-examination, return to the roots of faith, repentance and
Almighty God is ready and always willing to turn everything around and take
the hands of those who seriously and honestly pursue His mercy with
perseverance forgiveness and repentance. He, with love and extreme happiness
leads their steps towards all virtues of righteousness. He who in the Cana
Wedding changed the water into wine and cleaned the Leper is willing all the
time also to transform our minds and consciences from wickedness to goodness
and salvation if and when we call for His help.
In our Maronite Catholic Church’s rite, on the Fourth Lent Sunday we recall
and cite the biblical Lost Son’s parable that is known also as The Prodigal
Son. This impulsive, selfish and thoughtless son, as the parable tells us,
fell prey to evil’s temptation and decided to take his share of his father’s
inheritance and leave the parental dwelling.
He travelled to a far-away city where he indulged badly in all evil conducts
of pleasure and corruption until he lost all his money and became penniless.
He experienced severe poverty, starvation, humiliation and loneliness. In
the midst of his dire hardships he felt nostalgic, came back to his senses
and decided with great self confidence to return back to his father’s house,
kneel on his feet and ask him for forgiveness. On his return his loving and
kind father received him with rejoice, open arms, accepted his repentance,
and happily forgave him all his misdeeds. Because of his sincere repentance
his Father gave him back all his privileges as a son.
The Lost (prodigal) Son’s parable: Luke15/11-32: He said, “A certain man had
two sons. The younger of them said to his father, ‘Father, give me my share
of your property.’ He divided his livelihood between them. Not many days
after, the younger son gathered all of this together and traveled into a far
country. There he wasted his property with riotous living. When he had spent
all of it, there arose a severe famine in that country, and he began to be
in need. He went and joined himself to one of the citizens of that country,
and he sent him into his fields to feed pigs. He wanted to fill his belly
with the husks that the pigs ate, but no one gave him any. 15:17 But when he
came to himself he said, ‘How many hired servants of my father’s have bread
enough to spare, and I’m dying with hunger! I will get up and go to my
father, and will tell him, “Father, I have sinned against heaven, and in
your sight. I am no more worthy to be called your son. Make me as one of
your hired servants .”’ “He arose, and came to his father. But while he was
still far off, his father saw him, and was moved with compassion, and ran,
and fell on his neck, and kissed him. The son said to him, ‘Father, I have
sinned against heaven, and in your sight. I am no longer worthy to be called
your son.’ “But the father said to his servants, ‘Bring out the best robe,
and put it on him. Put a ring on his hand, and shoes on his feet. Bring the
fattened calf, kill it, and let us eat, and celebrate; for this, my son, was
dead, and is alive again. He was lost, and is found.’ They began to
celebrate. “Now his elder son was in the field. As he came near to the
house, he heard music and dancing. He called one of the servants to him, and
asked what was going on. He said to him, ‘Your brother has come, and your
father has killed the fattened calf, because he has received him back safe
and healthy.’ But he was angry, and would not go in. Therefore his father
came out, and begged him. But he answered his father, ‘Behold, these many
years I have served you, and I never disobeyed a commandment of yours, but
you never gave me a goat, that I might celebrate with my friends. 15:30 But
when this, your son, came, who has devoured your living with prostitutes,
you killed the fattened calf for him.’ “He said to him, ‘Son, you are always
with me, and all that is mine is yours. But it was appropriate to celebrate
and be glad, for this, your brother, was dead, and is alive again. He was
lost, and is found.
This parable is a road map for repentance and forgiveness. It shows us how
much Almighty God our Father loves us, we His children and how He is always
ready with open arms and willing to forgive our sins and trespasses when we
come back to our senses, recognize right from wrong, admit our weaknesses
and wrongdoings, eagerly and freely return to Him and with faith and
repentance ask for His forgiveness.
Asking Almighty God for what ever we need is exactly what the Holy Bible
instructs us to do when encountering all kinds of doubt, weaknesses,
stumbling, hard times, sickness, loneliness, persecution, injustice etc.
Matthew 7/7&8: “Ask, and it will be given
you. Seek, and you will find. Knock, and it will be opened for you. For
everyone who asks receives. He who seeks finds. To him who knocks it will be
opened” All what we have to do is pray and to ask Him with faith, self
confidence and humility and He will respond. Matthew 21/22: “All things,
whatever you ask in prayer, believing, you will receive.”
We are not left alone at any time, especially when in trouble, no matter how
far we distance ourselves from God and disobey His Holy bible. He is a
Father, a loving, caring and forgiving Father. What is definite is that in
spite of our foolishness, stupidity, ignorance, defiance and ingratitude He
never ever abandons us or gives up on our salvation. He loves us because we
His are children. He happily sent His only begotten son to be tortured,
humiliated and crucified in a bid to absolve our original sin.
God carries our burdens and helps us to fight all kinds of Evil temptations.
Matthew11/28-30: “Come to me, all you who labor and are heavily burdened,
and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, for I am
gentle and lowly in heart; and you will find rest for your souls. For my
yoke is easy, and my burden is light.”
God is waiting for our repentance, let us run to Him and ask for forgiveness
before it is too late
Hariri Meets Saudi Crown Prince after Strain
Agence France Presse/Naharnet/March 03/18/Prime Minister Saad Hariri, on an
official visit to Saudi Arabia, held a meeting with Saudi Crown Prince
Mohammed bin Salman on Friday evening, Hariri's media office affirmed
Saturday. Hariri met Saudi King Salman on Wednesday in his first visit to
Saudi Arabia since his bizarre resignation announcement in the kingdom
sparked a crisis between Beirut and Riyadh. Hariri posted a selfie with
Mohammed bin Salman and the kingdom's ambassador to the United States
following their meeting in Riyadh late Friday at the end of a three-day
visit. The three appeared in informal clothes and flashed wide smiles,
apparently signaling relations have been normalized following last year
bizarre sequence of events around Hariri's resignation. Hariri's
resignation, announced while he was in Riyadh, was widely seen as
orchestrated by his Saudi backers who complain that the Lebanese government
is controlled by the Iran-backed Hizbullah group. Hariri reversed his
resignation upon return to Lebanon following international mediation. His
visit comes after a meeting Monday in Beirut with Saudi envoy Nizar al-Alula
during which Hariri said he received and accepted an invitation to travel to
Riyadh. Alula also met with President Michel Aoun, who told him of Lebanon's
desire to "maintain the best relations" with the oil-rich Gulf state.
Selfie shows Saudi Crown Prince and Lebanese PM Hariri in Riyadh
Staff writer, Al Arabiya English/Saturday, 3 March 2018/Saudi
Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman bin Abdul Aziz received on Friday in Riyadh
the Lebanese Prime Minister Saad al-Hariri.According to the Saudi Press
Agency (SPA), the Lebanese premier and Prince Mohammed Bin Salman reviewed
the bilateral relations between the two countries and discussed developments
in the region. Prime minister al-Hariri published on his account on Twitter
a photo alongside Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman and Saudi Arabia’s
ambassador to the United States, King Salman bin Abdul Aziz received Hariri
on Wednesday in his office in Riyadh. Hariri arrived from Beirut on Tuesday
evening, where he was received at the airport by a delegation led by Advisor
to the royal court Nizar al-Alula and Minister Plenipotentiary Waleed al-Bukhari
on the first visit to the Saudi capital since his resignation on November
ISF investigates
senior officer for framing actor Ziad Itani
Annahar/March 03/18/Media reports said Major Susan Hajj
Hobeiche, the former head of the Anti-Cybercrime and Intellectual Property
Bureau, hired a hacker who “created fake accounts” to so that Itani appears
to be communicating with an Israeli agent.
BEIRUT: The Information Branch of Lebanon’s
Internal Security Forces is investigating the role of a senior officer in
fabricating evidence against Lebanese actor Ziad Itani who was arrested last
year on charges of "collaborating" with Israel. Major Susan Hajj Hobeiche,
the former head of the Anti-Cybercrime and Intellectual Property Bureau, is
suspected of hiring a hacker to frame Itani whom she blames for her ouster
from her previous post, sources told Annahar. Itani had reportedly taken a
screenshot of Hobeiche’s like of a twitter post by Lebanese film director
Charbel Khalil ridiculing Saudi Arabia’s royal decree allowing women to
drive. The social media incident led to Hobeiche’s removal from her post,
though she had claimed to have accidentally liked the filmmaker’s tweet,
believing that it held a positive connotation regarding women’s rights in
Saudi Arabia. State prosecutor judge Samir Hammoud confirmed on Saturday to
Annahar that Hobeiche was being investigated among other suspects for her
alleged role in Itani’s case. Media reports said Hobeiche hired a hacker who
“created fake accounts” so that Itani appears to be communicating with an
Israeli agent. The hacker is reportedly an informant registered with State
Security, the agency that detained and questioned Itani who was charged with
collaborating with Israel in November 2017. Itani is expected to be released
soon after Interior Minister Nouhad al-Mashnouk took to Twitter Friday to
announce his innocence.
Mashnouk said the Lebanese should apologize to Itani, describing him as an
“honorable” man who “has never abandoned his Arab and Beiruti identity for a
single day.”
Ziad Itani's Case Under the Spotlight after 'Innocence'
Naharnet/March 03/18/Prime Minister Saad Hariri on Saturday said the case of
satirist Ziad Itani must not be exploited for “tarnishing” the role of the
judiciary and competent security forces, Hariri's media office said. “To put
things in the right perspective, the case of Ziad Itani must be withdrawn
from political and media grappling, and stop using it for purposes that harm
the role of the judiciary and security apparatuses,” said Hariri. Interior
Minister Nouhad al-Mashnouq announced Friday that comedian Ziad Itani
detained on spy charges is “innocent,” as reports said a former Internal
Security Forces officer is being interrogated over “fabricating” the case of
spying for Israel. “The case is in the hands of judicial and security bodies
which assume their responsibilities in accordance with the laws away from
any politicization,” the PM said. “The latest developments in Itani's case
are in the judiciary's custody which alone has the right to decide and refer
it to the competent security authority for investigation. Attempts to
exploit and politicize the issue are unacceptable,” he added. Mashnuq also
said the Lebanese should apologize to Itani “Innocence is not enough. Pride
in him and his patriotism is the only firm truth,” he tweeted, slamming
those who allegedly framed Itani as “spiteful, foolish and sectarian.”For
his part, Progressive Socialist Party leader MP Walid Jumblat lashed out at
Mashnouq, he said: “The Lebanese have nothing to do with an apology. No one
authorized the minister to speak on their behalf. The authority has to
apologize to the Lebanese for the great corruption and chaos,” instead, said
Jumblat in a tweet.TV networks reported that the ISF Intelligence Branch is
interrogating Lt. Col. Suzanne al-Hajj over “fabricating the case against
Ziad Itani.”
Itani was arrested in November 2017 on charges of collaborating with Israel
and gathering information on political figures.
Mashnouq Says Itani Innocent as al-Hajj Questioned over
'Fabricating' Case
Naharnet/March 03/18/Interior Minister Nouhad al-Mashnouq announced Friday
that detained comedian Ziad Itani is “innocent,” as reports said a former
Internal Security Forces officer is being interrogated over “fabricating”
the case of spying for Israel.
“All Lebanese apologize to Ziad Itani. Innocence is not enough. Pride in him
and his patriotism is the only firm truth,” Mashnouq tweeted, slamming those
who allegedly framed Itani as “spiteful, foolish and sectarian.”He also
described Itani as an “honorable” man who “has never abandoned his Arab and
Beiruti identity for a single day.” TV networks meanwhile reported that the
ISF Intelligence Branch is interrogating Lt. Col. Suzanne al-Hajj over
“fabricating the case against Ziad Itani.”Al-Hajj had been fired in 2017
over liking a tweet posted by controversial director Charbel Khalil.
Khalil’s tweet was deemed insulting to Saudi women. Itani had posted a
screenshot of al-Hajj’s like. According to MTV, al-Hajj hired a hacker who
“created fake accounts to fabricate the case against Ziad
Itani.”“Investigations will intensify and will target all those involved,”
the TV network added. Investigative Judge Peter Germanos had in November
2017 charged Itani with collaboration with Israel and the possession of
narcotics. The State Security agency had arrested Itani the same month on
charges of collaborating with Israel and gathering information on political
figures. Itani was detained "after several months of monitoring, follow-up
and investigations within and outside" Lebanon, State Security said in a
statement at the time. It said Itani confessed to having been "tasked to
monitor a group of high-level political figures" and their associates. Itani
had shot to prominence in recent years because of a series of comedy plays
on Beirut, its customs and the transformations it has undergone in recent
decades. The works -- particularly "Beirut Tariq al-Jdideh", which refers to
a majority-Sunni neighborhood of the city -- have been very well-received.
Before becoming an actor, Itani worked as a reporter with Lebanon's Al-Mayadeen
television channel and with various regional newspapers.
Jreissati Replies to Mashnouq over Ziad Itani Case
Naharnet/March 03/18/Justice Minister Salim Jreissati said on Saturday the
“Lebanese people shall make apologizes to no one,” following remarks made by
the interior minister asking Lebanese to apologize for “false” spy
accusations made against Lebanese comedian Ziad Itani. “The Lebanese shall
make apologies to no one. It is not appropriate for any official to present
electoral credentials by asking for such an apology. The declaration of
innocence or conviction is the sole responsibility of the judiciary, which
pronounces its verdicts alone,” Jreissati said in a tweet. On Friday,
Interior Minister Nouhad al-Mashnouq declared Itani, detained on allegations
of spying for Israel, “innocent” and said the Lebanese are to apologize.
“All Lebanese apologize to Ziad Itani. Innocence is not enough. Pride in him
and his patriotism is the only firm truth,” Mashnouq tweeted.
TV networks reported that the ISF Intelligence Branch is interrogating Lt.
Col. Suzanne al-Hajj over “fabricating the case against Ziad Itani.”Itani
was arrested in November 2017 on charges of collaborating with Israel and
gathering information on political figures.
President Aoun: To maintain investigation's
confidentiality, keep dossiers away from any exploitation
Sat 03 Mar 2018/NNA - President of the Republic Michel Aoun called Saturday
for maintaining the confidentiality of investigations and keeping judiciary
dossiers away from any exploitation. In an issued statement by the
Presidency Information Bureau, Aoun deemed that what has been circulated by
the media, and the various stances on the work of the security apparatuses
related to the country's security and safety, falls outside the framework of
the legal principles and rules that preserve the secrecy of investigation
and pre-empts the judiciary's verdict. The President, thus, called for
"complying with the confidentiality of investigations, avoiding any
circulation of information before the completion of legal and judicial
proceedings." Aoun also stressed "the need to keep judiciary dossiers far
from exploitation for any objectives whatsoever."
Hariri: Let the judiciary and the security services
handle the Itani case away from politicization
Sat 03 Mar 2018/NNA - In an issued statement by Prime Minister Saad Hariri's
Press Office on Saturday, the Prime Minister called for "withdrawing the
case of the artist Ziad Itani from political and media grappling, and to
stop using it for purposes that harm the role of the judiciary system and
the security services.""This case is in the hands of the judiciary and
security services which assume their responsibilities in accordance with the
laws, away from any politicization. This was done by State Security at some
point and it carried out its duties in conducting the necessary
investigations based on the information that was available. And this is
currently being done by the Internal Security Forces and the Information
Branch that handled this case at the request of the competent judicial
authority," the statement indicated. "The latest developments in the case of
Itani are in hands of the judiciary, which alone has the right to decide on
it and direct the competent security authority to conduct the necessary
investigations. All other calls and attempts to exploit and politicize are
unacceptable and should stop. We should respect and trust the Lebanese
judiciary and state security apparels," the statement concluded.
Machnouk's Apology Tweet Sparks Controversy 03/18/A tweet posted by Interior Minister Nouhad Machnouk
shortly after the arrest of ISF Major Suzan Hajj, who turned out to be the
mastermind behind framing Ziad Itani, stirred ire as several politicians and
Internet users lashed out at the minister's apology on behalf of the people.
"All the Lebanese apologize to Ziad Itani. Innocence is not enough. The only
fixed truth is that we are proud of him and his patriotism. Woe to the
malevolent, idiot and sectarian people who found no one to target other than
this noble, authentic Beiruti man," Machnouk wrote on Twitter on Friday
Justice Minister Salim Jreissati said that the "Lebanese people do not
apologize to anyone", adding that it is unacceptable for any official to
garner support for the elections by forcing such an apology.
"It is up to the judiciary to rule if someone is innocent or guilty as it is
the only authority allowes to issue verdicts and speak on behalf of the
Lebanese people,” he stressed.
Progressive Socialist Party leader Walid Jumblat said that the Lebanese have
nothing to do with asking for forgiveness from Ziad Itani, adding that
Minister Machnouk is not authorized to speak on their behalf. "It is the
government’s duty to apologize for the corruption and chaos that are
prevailing over its magnetic kitchen,” Jumblat tweeted as he hinted at the
questionable adoption of the magnetic voting card that Machnouk had proposed
to be included in the new electoral system.
Later, Jumblat deleted his post and replaced it with the following tweet:
"The Lebanese have nothing to do with apologizing to Ziad Itani. You, the
ruling authority, should apologize for this security and judicial scandal,
and resign. The scandals that have been marring your portfolio are
countless. But what is most dangerous about this issue is that it has helped
create distrust towards security agencies; something that Israel will
benefit from to a large extent."
Moreover, the candidate for the Maronite seat in the Keserwan electoral
district, Nawfal Daou, also slammed Machnouk’s statement. “It is not the
Lebanese people who should apologize to Ziad Itani. It is rather you and the
government who should apologize to Itani and the Lebanese people, although
an apology is not enough!” Daou said, demanding that security agencies which
made the wrong judgement in this case, either intentionally or due to the
lack of professionalism, must be held to account. "The government’s
resignation is the least that it can do to apologize for such a scandal."
Jumblatt calls on Lebanese authority to resign
Sat 03 Mar 2018/NNA - Democratic Gathering Party Chief, MP Walid Jumblatt,
staunchly criticized via Twitter on Saturday the Lebanese power officials in
the case of acquitting Ziad Itani. "The Lebanese should not apologize to
Ziad Itani. You, the people of authority, have to apologize for this
security and judicial scandal, and have to resign," Jumblatt said in his
Tweet. "The scandals are innumerable, but the most dangerous thing is that
you have created a climate of skepticism about the security apparatuses that
Israel will benefit from to the fullest; thus, endangering national security
with your ignorance," he concluded.
Geagea: Some are trying to isolate us, but we will
Sat 03 Mar 2018/NNA - Lebanese Forces Party Chief Samir Geagea considered
that some sides are trying to isolate his Party in order to prevent the rise
of the state in Lebanon, while stressing that LF shall succeed nevertheless.
"Some are trying to isolate the Lebanese Forces...some do not want the
establishment of a state in Lebanon...and some want to remain within a farm
state while the rest want corruption to continue in institutions, and
therefore, LF's performance is not suitable for their projects and
goals...But in the end, the Lebanese Forces will succeed," said Geagea.
Speaking during a dinner banquet he hosted in Me'rab for Bsharre's prominent
figures on Friday, Geagea urged citizens of Bsharre to vote heavily in the
upcoming elections, and to help as much as possible in the Baalbek-Hermel
electoral battle. "The results of our work and our efforts may appear at a
later stage, but ultimately, even if we are tired and have to wait a little,
truth will be evident in the end because humans breathe freedom and
dignity," said Geagea. "Bsharre can only be for the Lebanese Forces," he
stressed. The LF Chief deemed that his Party is undergoing a huge electoral
battle at the national level with two axes, namely the rise of the State on
one hand and combating of corruption on the other hand.
State Security arrests Syrian on links with terrorist
Sat 03 Mar 2018/NNA - The State Security General Directorate arrested on
Saturday a Syrian national (with initials Ch.M.S), after receiving
information about his association with terrorist organizations. During his
interrogation, he admitted to what he was accused of, mainly that he
belonged to the Chadi Mawlawi and Oussama Mansour terrorist groups. The
arrested also admitted to having been in contact with a wanted Lebanese (of
initials A.A.M), with whom he exchanged channels that incite for terrorism
operations and fighting against the Lebanese Army. After the Battle of Bab
al-Tabbaneh, he continued to communicate with the Lebanese (A.A.M),
expressing his willingness to carry out security operations. He was
commissioned to monitor the movements and the residence of a Lebanese army
soldier with plans for assassinating him. During the year 2017, he began
conspiring with the Lebanese (A.A.M) to monitor one of the Lebanese army
checkpoints with the aim of targeting it with a double suicide attack, which
was later postponed due to certain obstacles. Following the interrogation,
the arrestee was referred to the concerned court for further measures while
investigation continues to arrest other involved parties.
Khoury at Pierre Sadeq's awards' ceremony: Pierre Sadeq
inspiring, resourceful man
Fri 02 Mar 2018/NNA - Culture Minister, Dr Ghattas Khoury, on Friday
extolled the merits of the late renowned caricaturist Pierre Sadeq as a
free, inspiring and resourceful man who strongly believed in the nobleness
of his innovative artistic march. Minister Khoury's fresh words came during
the Pierre Sadeq's awards' ceremony, held by the Pierre Sadek Foundation at
the Sursock Museum under the patronage of Minister Khoury. The awards'
distribution ceremony was attended by Information Minister, Melhem Riachi,
former Ministers Tarek Mitri and Ziad Baroud, as well as jury members.
The ceremony included a documentary about the inventive march of late Pierre
Sadek, followed by the distribution of awards to winners.
Landmine explosion in Abbasieh, shepherd survives
Fri 02 Mar 2018/NNA - A shepherd on Friday survived a landmine explosion
near Al-Abbasieh Mosque in Al-Arqoub region while a flock of sheep were
killed, NNA field reporter said. The unexploded landmine was left by the
Israeli enemy in south Lebanon.
Instantly, a patrol of the Lebanese army and UNIFIL arrived at said scene
and opened a probe into incident.
Berri Affirms Timely Polls, Says Failure 'Wrecks' Country
Naharnet/March 03/18/Speaker Nabih Berri has assured all parties skeptical
about the country's elections that the polls “are going to be staged as
scheduled,” al-Joumhouria daily reported on Saturday. Berri said failure to
stage the elections would “wreck the country,” and make it lose its
connections with other states. “We will not let that happen,” he stressed as
telling his visitors. “I say decisively and definitively, the elections will
take place, there is no force in the world to stop or disrupt it,” he
concluded. Lebanon will stage its first national referendum in nine years on
May 6. For the first time, Lebanese nationals living overseas will be able
to cast ballots in early voting. The parliament has postponed elections
several times over security reasons. Its term was supposed to expire in 2013
but lawmakers approved several extensions since then, the last one in June
for another 11 months.
Mashnouq Signs Decree on Full-Time Employment of Civil Defense Volunteers
Naharnet/March 03/18/Interior Minister Nouhad al-Mashnouq on Friday said he
signed a decree rendering the full-time employment for Civil Defense
volunteers. During a celebration marking International Civil Defense Day,
Mashnouq said: “I kept my promise, I have signed the decree that will open
the door for rendering civil defense volunteers full-timers,” stressing that
“the efforts exerted by civil defense elements over the past years have not
been in vain.”He pointed out that “coordination between the Lebanese civil
defense and its subordinates in the world has put it on the map.”“You
symbolize one of the most important human values, which is volunteering to
serve others in the face of the wrath of nature,” Mashnouq said. “I commit
to the constant pursuit until the rights of civil defense members are
attained and until the modernization of this apparatus is completed,” he
Latest LCCC Bulletin For Miscellaneous Reports And News published
on March 03-04/18
US, Europe to 'Punish'
Syrian Regime
London - Asharq Al-Awsat/Marchg 03/18/US President Donald
Trump, his French counterpart Emmanuel Macron and German Chancellor Angela
Merkel aim to pressure Russia to comply with Resolution 2401 on cease-fire
and "punish" the Syrian regime for "chemical use" in Ghouta. A US aircraft
carrier arrived to the Mediterranean Sea to participate in maneuvers with
Israel. Asharq Al-Awsat learned from Western sources in New York that the
United States is determined to hold the Syrian regime and ISIS accountable
after it was proven they were involved in the use of chemical weapons in
Syria. Trump's administration "is still working to achieve this goal through
two draft resolutions", according to a Western source. One of the draft
resolutions presented to UN Security Council earlier would establish the
United Nations Independent Mechanism of Investigation (UNIMI) for a period
of one year "to identify perpetrators of chemical weapons' attacks in"
Syria. In this regard, Trump spoke in separate calls with Merkel and
President Macron. Merkel and Macron both agreed with Trump that the Syrian
regime, and its Russian and Iranian supporters, should immediately and fully
implement United Nations Security Council Resolution 2401, which calls for
an immediate ceasefire across Syria, stated the White House. The leaders
called on Russia to stop bombing Eastern Ghouta, to compel the Assad regime
to halt offensive operations against civilian areas, and also to hold Syria
accountable for the deteriorating human rights conditions in Eastern Ghouta,
which is caused by the Assad regime’s continued use of chemical weapons,
attacks on civilians, and blocking of humanitarian aid. UN High Commissioner
for Human Rights Zeid Raad al-Hussein said on Friday Syrian regime
airstrikes on besieged eastern Ghouta "probably constitute war crimes and
must be prosecuted."Hussein began his speech by saying that people of
Eastern Ghouta have been under siege for over half a decade where they have
suffered airstrikes, shelling and on several occasions, civilians have
reportedly died gasping for breath after toxic agents were released. "We
have received reports of relentless airstrikes hitting hospitals, schools
and markets in recent weeks. People living in what was once an ordinary
suburb – humanbeings who share the rights and hopes of all of us here – are
trapped and battered by bombs, and deprived of every human right – above
all, the right to life," he told the commission. The Commissioner indicated
that Syria must be referred to the International Criminal Court, adding that
attempts to thwart justice, and shield these criminals, are disgraceful.
Syria’s ambassador in Geneva, Hussam Aala described Hussein's report as
“selective and biased” and that the debate was “politicized”. The Syrian
army had taken every step to protect civilians and had opened “humanitarian
corridors for the passage of civilians to separate them from the
terrorists”, he said, referring to the insurgents in eastern Ghouta. An
official at the military alliance supporting Assad stated that regime forces
have significantly advanced on the western side of the opposition-controlled
Harasta enclave. He told Reuters that they are gradually reclaiming the area
as well as taking control of villages from the eastern side. Syrian
Observatory for Human Rights (SOHR) said government forces had taken control
of buildings in the area. However, opposition denied those reports.
Saudi Crown Prince Sets off on Maiden Foreign Tour
Agence France Presse/Naharnet/March 03/18/Saudi Arabia's crown prince lands
in Egypt Sunday on the first leg of his maiden foreign tour as heir to the
throne, a diplomatic charm offensive that follows his stunning rise to
power. Prince Mohammed bin Salman's two-day visit to Cairo comes ahead of a
scheduled trip to Britain on Wednesday for talks with Prime Minister Theresa
May and the United States from March 19-22. The trips are aimed partly at
courting investors and come after a tumultuous period that saw a major
military shake-up and a royal purge, part of the prince's sweeping power
play that has shaken business confidence. The son of Saudi King Salman is
already seen as the country's de facto ruler controlling the major levers of
government. His visit to Cairo, a key regional ally, comes before Egypt's
presidential polls in late March, with incumbent Abdel Fattah al-Sisi
expected to win a second four-year term.
"Prince Mohammed's visit will be interpreted as proof of Saudi support for
Sisi to remain as the president of Egypt in the coming term," Mostafa Kamel
al-Sayed, a political science professor at Cairo University, told AFP. Egypt
is part of a Saudi-led military coalition which intervened in Yemen in March
2015 to fight Iran-backed Huthi rebels, a conflict that the United Nations
says has engendered the world's worst humanitarian crisis.
Saudi Arabia and Egypt are also part of a bloc of nations that has boycotted
Qatar since June over alleged ties to Islamic extremists and Iran. Qatar
denies the accusations. A Saudi government source said Prince Mohammed's
choice of Egypt for his maiden overseas trip as crown prince "reaffirms
Saudi-Egyptian cooperation at the highest level". Talks would cover regional
rival Iran, the conflict in Yemen, counter-terrorism and energy cooperation,
the source said. The crown prince is also expected to visit France in the
coming weeks.
- 'Uncertainty and turbulence' -The diplomatic offensive comes as Prince
Mohammed, a self-styled moderniser who has sought to project a liberal image
of Saudi Arabia to investors, consolidates power to a level unseen by
previous rulers. A dramatic shake-up announced on Monday saw military top
brass, including the chief of staff and heads of the ground forces and air
defence, replaced. Prince Mohammed's reshuffle came after he sidelined
political rivals to become heir to the throne last June and orchestrated a
royal anti-corruption purge in November that saw princes, ministers and
tycoons locked up in Riyadh's luxury Ritz-Carlton hotel for nearly three
months. "His first trip as crown prince is symbolically a moment for the
young Saudi ruler to try to put Riyadh's best foot forward on the world
stage," Andrew Bowen, a scholar at the American Enterprise Institute, told
AFP. "It comes at a time of uncertainty and turbulence at home and he has an
upward task of both selling to the business community that Saudi is a stable
and safe place to do business and that he has a steady hand on foreign
policy despite Qatar and Yemen. This certainly won't be an easy sell." The
British government said Prince Mohammed's visit will help enhance
cooperation in tackling challenges such as "terrorism, extremism, the
conflict and humanitarian crisis in Yemen". But some protests are expected
during his visit over the West supplying Saudi Arabia with arms despite the
kingdom's role in the crisis gripping Yemen, said Mohamed Abdelmeguid, an
analyst at the Economist Intelligence Unit. - 'Competitive rivalry -The
crown prince's visit to the United States in late March, which a Saudi
government source said could include multiple cities, would highlight the
Trump administration's efforts to sign a nuclear cooperation accord with
Saudi Arabia. Riyadh is expected to announce this year who will build the
first two of up to 16 reactors, and negotiations are under way with the
United States for its agreement to export technology needed for their
construction. Besides the US company Westinghouse, Russian, French, Chinese
and South Korean firms have all been seeking the Saudi contracts. Another
key focus could be the Aramco initial public offering. The kingdom is
preparing to sell under five percent of its state-owned oil giant, the crown
jewel of the Saudi economy, in what is expected to be the world's largest
ever IPO.
"Prince Mohammed may seek to foster a competitive rivalry between a UK
government desperate to attract Saudi investment to offset the Brexit chaos
and his US hosts, particularly over the Aramco IPO," said Kristian Ulrichsen,
a fellow at the Baker Institute for Public Policy at Rice University in the
United States. US President Donald Trump hosted Prince Mohammed in March
2017, just weeks after taking office, and he chose Saudi Arabia for his
first official overseas visit as president.
Saudi Arabia has grown close to its longtime ally Washington under Trump,
whose harder line on Iran and softer stance on arms sales are a welcome
shift in policy for Riyadh.
Saudi Arabia viewed Trump's predecessor president Barack Obama as too
accommodating towards Iran -- particularly on negotiating a 2015 nuclear
Iran Says No Missile Talks Unless West Gives Up Its
Nuclear Weapons
Agence France Presse/Naharnet/March 03/18/Iran's armed forces spokesman said
on Saturday that there can be no talks on the country's missile programme
without the West's destruction of its nuclear weapons and long-range
missiles. "What Americans say out of desperation with regards to limiting
the Islamic republic of Iran's missile capability is an unattainable dream,"
Brigadier General Masoud Jazayeri told the official IRNA news agency. "The
condition for negotiations on Iran's missiles is the destruction of
America's and Europe's nuclear weapons and long-range missiles."Jazayeri
said US criticism of Iran's missile programme was driven by "their failures
and defeats in the region." US President Donald Trump has threatened to tear
up a 2015 nuclear deal between Iran and world powers unless more is done to
curb Iran's missile programme. European governments have been scrambling to
appease Trump and keep the deal intact, and have voiced increasing concern
over Iran's missile programme. French Foreign Minister Jean-Yves Le Drian,
who is due to visit Iran on Monday, said last month that its missile
programme and involvement in regional conflicts needed to be addressed if
Iran "wants to return to the family of nations".
Regime Forces Advance in Syria's Battered Ghouta
Agence France Presse/Naharnet/March 03/18/Naharnet/March 03/18/Syrian regime
forces have advanced inside Eastern Ghouta, a monitor said on Saturday, as
fighting intensifies on the ground to retake the battered rebel enclave east
of Damascus. Russia-backed government forces on February 18 launched an
assault of the besieged region, pounding the area with air strikes, killing
more than 630 civilians. On February 25, clashes on the ground between the
armed opposition and regime forces intensified on the edges of the enclave,
the Britain-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights monitor said. Since
Thursday, regime forces have advanced inside the region, retaking an area in
the enclave's southeast, as well as another and two military bases in the
south from main opposition group Jaish al-Islam. "Regime forces and their
allies have intensified their attacks on rebel positions in the past 48
hours," Observatory head Rami Abdel Rahman said. Government fighters are
trying to advance inside Eastern Ghouta to cut off the main town of Douma
and its surroundings in the north of the enclave, as well as isolate the
southeastern area of Al-Marj, Abdel Rahman said. The Observatory says
"Russian advisors" are taking part in the battles alongside regime forces in
Eastern Ghouta, backed by heavy air strikes and shelling. Since February 25,
60 regime and allied fighters have been killed, while 34 rebels from Jaish
al-Islam have also died, it said. Rebels today control only a third of the
area they once held in Eastern Ghouta in 2012, as regime forces have
gradually taken back territory from them. Eastern Ghouta's 400,000 residents
have lived under regime siege since 2013, facing severe food and medicine
shortages even before the latest offensive. The ground offensive coincides
with the start of a five-hour daily "humanitarian pause" announced by Russia
and in force since Tuesday. The bombardment has lessened but continued to
claim lives since, and trucks loaded with desperately needed aid have
remained unable to enter the enclave. Moscow said it would provide safe
passage to non-combatants wishing to leave the enclave during the pause, but
no Syrian civilians have left since Tuesday, according to the Observatory.
The daily pause falls far short of a nationwide 30-day ceasefire demanded by
the UN Security Council at the weekend. More than 340,000 people have been
killed and millions have fled their homes since the start of Syria's civil
war in 2011 with the brutal repression of anti-government protests.
Bahrain arrests 116
suspects in counter-terror operations
Bahrain News Agency, Manama/Saturday, 03 March 2018/In-line with its
commitment to combatting terrorism and external interference in Bahrain’s
internal affairs, the security authorities have launched a series of
successful counter-terror operations resulting in the arrest of 116
suspected terrorists. The individuals arrested are suspected of a range of
terror crimes, including planning and executing terror attacks as well as
manufacturing, storing and transporting explosive devices.
IRGC supported terrorist network
Comprehensive investigations have revealed that the suspected terrorists
were members of a network formed and supported by the Iranian Revolutionary
Guard (IRGC). The network was planning to target Bahraini officials, members
of the security authorities and vital oil installations, with the objective
of disturbing public security and harming the national economy. As a result
of the investigations, security forces were able to disrupt the network’s
activities and limit the movements of terrorist operatives. By providing
material, recruitment and training support to terrorists, the IRGC and its
affiliates, including the Asaib Ahl al-Haq (League of Righteous People) in
Iraq and Hezbollah in Lebanon, are directly responsible for the
intensification of terrorist activity in Bahrain. The investigations
revealed that terror cells within the network were operating under the
supervision of IRGC-affiliated groups and fugitive terrorist leaders in
Iran, Iraq and Lebanon.The main terrorist leaders include Aqeel Al Sari,
Murtadha Al Sindi and Qassim Al Muamen. All are responsible for recruiting
terrorists in Bahrain, arranging firearms and explosives training for
terrorists, establishing secret warehouses and hideouts, and supplying
terrorist groups with funding, firearms and explosives to carry out attacks.
Terrorist training locations
The investigation also revealed that 48 of the 116 suspected terrorists
arrested had received training at IRGC facilities in Iran and their
affiliated locations in Iraq and Lebanon.
The terrorist groups within the network were responsible for the following:
• Organizing warehouses to store weapons and explosives
• Monitoring potential locations for terrorist attacks
• Transporting and distributing cash and explosives
• Manufacturing explosives
• Executing terrorist attacks
The investigations also led to the discovery of a number of sites used to
manufacture and store explosives intended to be used for terrorist attacks.
The crime scene team classified the seized items, including:
• More than 757kg of urea nitrate
• Kalashnikovs, pistols, ammunition and detonators
• Magnetic bombs and grenades
• Anti-personnel explosives as well as devices which can pierce armoured
• Vehicles used for transporting explosives
• Four fragmentation bombs which can be launched through an RPG and used to
destroy light armored vehicles. An examination by the forensic lab showed
that three of the bombs matched the specifications of the PG7 manufactured
by the Iranian ordnance factories
The General Directorate of Criminal Investigation and Forensic Science has
referred the case to the Public Prosecutor.
UAE Minister of Foreign Affairs Gargash: Solution to Qatar’s crisis is
Staff writer, Al Arabiya English/Saturday, 3 March 2018/The UAE’s Minister
for Foreign Affairs, Anwar al-Gargash, said on Saturday that it has become
very clear that the matter on Qatar solving its crisis is a Gulf one. Their
gateway to the solution is Riyadh, he added. Making his statements on
twitter, Gargash continued saying: “It is very expensive to uphold Qatar’s
existing policy. If they steer clear from desperate actions and stop beating
around the bush, their remaining options are clear.”“Stop inflicting harm or
accept isolation,” added the minister.
Mohammed bin Salman efforts. On other regional matters, Gargash said: “From
London, it is clear that the biggest and most important regional event is
the visit of the Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman to Britain. The minister
described the visit as an important tour “bearing Saudi political weight and
an ambitious program that will change the region positively.” In a separate
tweet, Gargash continued to comment on the crown prince’s efforts saying:
“Western decision-making circles realize that Saudi Arabia, the important
regional pole, is strengthening its position by renewing and modernizing
ambition.”Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman’s visit to this site is the most
important news of our region with all its positive outcomes,” he added.
US envoys to visit Gulf states in renewed attempt to resolve Qatar spat
Al Arabiya with Agencies/Saturday 03 March 2018/Two envoys from the
administration of US President Donald Trump will launch a renewed bid to try
to end the Gulf crisis in a tour of the region next week, according to the
Associated Press. Trump wants to bring feuding Gulf leaders to Camp David
for a show of solidarity with the United States. But there are strings
attached: No breakthrough in the Qatar crisis, no Camp David, reported the
news agency. A potential summit of the six-country Gulf Cooperation Council
in May at the prestigious presidential retreat in Maryland’s Catoctin
Mountains will be scuttled unless Qatar and neighbors Saudi Arabia, the
United Arab Emirates and Bahrain are on track to resolve the nearly
year-long spat. The visit by the envoys to the region may be the US’s last
attempt to resolve the crisis. This comes as Doha continues to use
international platforms to market the spat as a major crisis, according to a
statement by the Arab quartet boycotting Qatar. The was seen in recent
statements from Qatari Foreign Minister Mohammed bin Abdulrahman bin Jassim
Al Thani on the sidelines of the Human Rights Council meeting in Geneva. The
minister used his presence at UN headquarters to repeat that his country was
under an unjust blockade that contradicted human rights and that those
responsible should be held accountable. (With the Associated Press)
Trump’s Team Releases
Economic Report, Compares Him to Reagan, Kennedy
Washington - Heather Long/The Washington Post /March 03/18/
President Trump’s policies are driving an economic turnaround that puts him
in the company of transformative presidents such as John F. Kennedy and
Ronald Reagan, White House economists said Wednesday as they unveiled their
first “Economic Report of the President.”The report presents a highly
optimistic view of the economy’s current condition and future course, with
growth predictions that exceed most nonpartisan economists’ expectations.
Economists also caution the White House’s efforts to juice growth could
cause the economy to overheat and then careen into a downturn. But the White
House argues Trump’s economy has already outperformed expectations, noting
2.3 percent growth in the US gross domestic product last year. And it argues
the administration’s efforts to cut taxes and strip regulations can push
growth rates far beyond recent levels. “The Trump Administration is the
first since that of President Ronald Reagan to see positive economic growth
exceed its first-year forecast,” the White House said when it released the
568-page report. Going forward, Trump’s team predicts 3 percent GDP growth
for years to come. That’s short of the 4 percent growth Trump promised while
campaigning, but it would still be a marked improvement from former
president Barack Obama’s time in office. “We’ve restored economic policies
to where a sensible, rational country would put them,” said economist Kevin
Hassett, head of Trump’s Council of Economic Advisers. For now, however, the
Trump economy is performing much as it did during Obama’s final years.
Hiring during Trump’s first year in office was slower than the annual pace
in Obama’s last several years, and the economic growth rate was similar in
2017 to what it was in 2014 and 2015. The one noticeable change has been a
jump in business and consumer confidence since the election, according to
nonpartisan economists. Trump’s report repeatedly casts the Obama economy as
a period of “stagnation” where the former president “worsened the wound” of
the crisis with his policies. In contrast, the Trump economy is described as
“reinvigorating,” “pro-growth” and visionary.
Every president since Harry Truman in 1947 has put out an annual economic
report laying out a vision for how to boost growth and lower unemployment
and making projections of what’s ahead for the next decade.
Forecasting where the economy is headed is notoriously difficult, and both
Republican and Democratic administrations have been way off. Predictions
from George W. Bush and Obama proved too optimistic. In 2011, the Obama team
predicted growth would soar to 4 percent a year in 2012, 2013 and 2014.
Growth didn’t come close to that. Most independent economists think Trump’s
forecast is also too rosy. The current expansion is already nine years old,
making it one of the longest periods of growth in US history. Trump is
projecting he can beat the 1990s expansion to usher in the longest expansion
Economists warn that there’s been a dramatic change since the 1990s:
America’s population is a lot older now. Many baby boomers are retiring,
which is dragging down growth. On top of that, Trump wants to restrict
immigration. With fewer workers in the economy going forward, the United
States could struggle to match past growth rates. Macroeconomic Advisers, a
top forecasting company, predicts 2.7 percent growth this year and 2.6
percent in 2019, but after that, growth is expected to fall back to 1.8
percent.“The pretty solid growth we’re showing over the next couple of years
is in part the result of the boost from the Tax Cut and Jobs Act, but that’s
only a temporary boost in growth,” said Ben Herzon, senior economist at
Macroeconomic Advisers. “The only way to get to 3 percent growth on a
sustained basis is faster growth of the labor force or faster growth of
productivity. I just don’t see that happening.”
Productivity has been stubbornly low in the United States since the dot-com
era, and that slowdown has occurred in Europe and Japan as well. The Trump
team forecasts a large jump in productivity as businesses use their tax
savings to invest more in new equipment, factories and technology. Business
capital spending did rise in 2017, but it’s still nowhere near where it was
in the 1990s. The Trump administration is relying on “faith-based
economics,” said Ed Yardeni, head of Yardeni Research. Trump says he’s just
getting going. The report touts the benefits of the tax cuts. Based on the
latest totals, White House economists note “over 300 companies” have
announced bonuses, wage increases and extra contributions to retirement
accounts. More than 4.2 million workers are enjoying the benefits right now,
economists said, and Americans are starting to see the tax savings in their
Trump’s team said the economy could get a further boost from more favorable
trade agreements and an infrastructure deal. The White House is pushing
lawmakers to pass legislation that would revamp the country’s roads,
waterways and other infrastructure, though it faces a difficult path through
a divided Congress because there is no clear way to fund the plan, and
deficits could hit $1 trillion as early as next year. The White House
continues to argue that the tax cut will pay for itself with faster growth,
but nonpartisan economists disagree. Congress’s Joint Committee on Taxation
estimates the tax bill would add at least $1 trillion to the debt over the
next decade, even after accounting for some extra growth. A growing number
of economists say a more likely course for the US economy is a boom in the
next year or two and then a bust. They foresee all the extra spending in
Washington and the deficit-financed tax cuts are likely to cause the US
economy to overheat. “We are prepared to risk the whole economy for the sake
of one point of extra GDP,” said economist Desmond Lachman at an event last
week at the right-leaning American Enterprise Institute. He sees rising
risks, especially if inflation starts to rise rapidly, forcing the Federal
Reserve to increase interest rates sharply in the next two years. The Trump
administration pushes back on such grim forecasts, with officials saying
they think inflation will remain low — around the Fed’s 2 percent — for
years to come, even with all the extra stimulus from the tax cuts and higher
government spending. Trump’s approach to the economy, much like Reagan’s, is
meant to trigger businesses to spend and invest more, which his advisers say
will cause wages to rise and growth to stay high for years to come.
“If you think about our policies, then they’re almost, across the board,
supply-side policies,” Hassett said. “We think that the beneficial effects
of the supply-side stimulus, especially that begin to accumulate after this
year, take a lot of pressure off of inflation.”
Libya: GNA Forms Committee to Conclude Truce in Sabha
Cairo - Khalid Mahmoud/Asharq Al Awsat/March 03/18
UN Envoy to Libya Ghassan Salame has warned against maintaining the status
quo in Libya and invited the country’s officials to launch initiatives to
reach consensus. His comments came during his meeting with members of the
Libyan parliament on Friday. Salame met on Thursday night with Libyan Army
Commander Marshall Khalifa Haftar, with whom he discussed the political
process and latest developments, according to statements issued separately
by the two officials. They also admitted that the UN plan for holding
presidential and parliamentary elections before the end of this year was
facing many obstacles. Meanwhile, the United Nations Mission expressed its
deep concern over the military escalation in Sabha, southern Libya, and said
in a statement that the arbitrary use of weapons in densely populated areas
must be stopped, noting that at least six civilians were killed and nine
were injured in the city. In this context, the Government of National
Accord, headed by Fayez al-Sarraj announced the formation of a committee
that would also include representatives from the Parliamentary and State
Councils, to conclude a truce in Sabha, which is witnessing severe tension
since last week. The Presidential Council said in a statement that it
“deeply regrets developments in the city of Sabha, and the clashes and
fighting between Libyan brothers, in violation of their reconciliation
agreement.” The Council added that it “stands at an equal distance from all
parties, and urges them to resort to dialogue and understanding.”
Kurdistan Crossings With Turkey, Iran Await Political
Irbil- Ihsan Aziz/Asharq Al Awsat/March 03/18/Border crossings linking
Kurdistan region of Iraq with Iran and Turkey were points of political
disagreements between Baghdad and Erbil prior to the September 25
independence referendum, and even became a major obstacle before the
normalization of political and administrative relations between the federal
government and regional government. Baghdad still demands that the Kurdistan
government hands over the five official crossings to the federal authorities
as a condition to start the dialogue and political negotiation with the
region. The federal government even sought to seize these crossings, that
link the region and Iraq with Turkey and Iran, by military force, through
coordination with Ankara and Tehran. However, this project seems to have
been disrupted by the superpowers that pushed the federal government into
resorting to a peaceful option and political dialogue to resolve the problem
of the border crossings. Despite the prior agreement between Iran and Turkey
in this regard, Tehran closed its three border ports with Kurdistan for 40
days, and then voluntarily re-opened them after Ankara procrastinated
closing "Ibrahim Khalil" vital port, in an attempt to monopolize Kurdistan's
markets. Kurdistan has five official main border crossings with the three
neighboring countries: Ibrahim al-Khalil, that links the country with
Turkey, Faysh Khabur crossing west of Dohuk, which links Iraq with Syria,
Haj Omran crossing with Iran, and Bashmagh crossing with Iran, as well as
the crossing Parvez Khan crossing with Iran. Kurdistan’s general director of
customs, Samal Abdul-Rahman, told Asharq al-Awsat that Kurdistan’s main five
border crossings remain under the control of the region’s authorities,
noting that Baghdad had not sent its observers to partake in the management
of those crossings as agreed. He revealed that revenues from operations at
those crossings still go to the region’s government despite progress made in
negotiations for the joint administration of those facilities. He explained
that the agreement has not yet gone into action waiting for the broader
political deal between Irbil and Baghdad. The federal government issued a
resolution earlier this year to close non-official crossings between the
region and neighboring countries, which are over 10 crossings that have
already been closed. Abdul Rahman indicated that Kurdistan government
considers all the crossings linking the region with neighboring countries to
be official, however, Baghdad officially recognizes only five crossings:
Ibrahim al-Khalil, Faysh Khabur, Haj Omran, Bashmagh, and Parvez Khan. Trade
exchange between Kurdistan with Iran and Turkey reached about $10 billion
with Ankara, and about $6 billion with Tehran, according to the general
directorate of customs. Meanwhile, director of Haj Omran crossing, Masoud
Bakeli announced that trade with Iran is gradually returning to normal, now
that Winter season is almost over. The crossing was closed by Iranian
authorities at the request of the Iraqi authorities, and it was reopened two
months ago. Hajj Omran has not received any staff, observers or even
administrative instructions from the Iraqi government, Bakeli told Asharq
al-Awsat. The official denied that Iran has imposed specific conditions on
the administration of the crossing in return for allowing the resumption of
trade exchange. "Iran closed the crossing by a unilateral decision and
reopened it by a unilateral decision. We did not yet know the motives behind
such decision," he indicated. He also denied the export of crude oil to the
Iranian side, but pointed out that a limited number of oil tanks transport
black oil to the other side, based on official permits issued from the
Infantino: Rouhani Pledges Women to Get Access to
Football Stadiums
Geneva - Asharq Al-Awsat/March 03/18/FIFA President Gianni Infantino said on
Friday he had been told by Iranian President Hassan Rouhani that there are
plans to allow women to attend football matches in the country soon.
Infantino said he met Rouhani during a visit to Tehran on Thursday where he
also attended a derby between Esteghlal and Persepolis, one of the top
fixtures in the Iranian season. “I was promised that women in Iran will have
access to football stadiums soon,” he said during an event at FIFA
headquarters in Zurich.“He told me that in countries such as (Iran), these
things take a bit of time.” The Iranian group OpenStadiums, which is
campaigning for the right of women to attend sports fixtures in the country,
said that some women were arrested near Azadi stadium on Thursday during the
Esteghlal-Persepolis match. “When Mr. Infantino was enjoying a football
match in men-only stadium, Iranian female football fans were under arrest,”
the group said on Twitter. The semi-official Iranian students news agency
ISNA quoted Interior Ministry spokesman Salman Samani as saying the female
fans were not arrested but rather transferred to a “proper place” by police.
Infantino said he was aware of criticism of his visit but felt it was better
to engage in dialogue with Iranian leaders. “I heard there were some
incidents where some women were detained because they wanted to attend a
football match and there was some criticism, obviously and rightly,” he
said.“There are two ways to deal with this matter - either we criticize, we
sanction, we condemn, we don’t speak and we cut relations. Or we go there
and have a discussion and try to convince the leaders of the country that
they should give (women) access to stadiums. I went for the second
option.”There was no immediate Iranian comment on Infantino’s remarks.
Rouhani’s office denied reports on Thursday that the ban on women attending
matches had already been lifted. OpenStadiums said a similar promise over
female access had been made in 2013 to Infantino’s predecessor Sepp Blatter.
Suspect in US University Shooting Apprehended
Asharq Al-Awsat/March 03/18/A 19-year-old student suspected of killing his
parents at a Central Michigan University dormitory before running from
campus was arrested without incident early Saturday following an intensive
daylong search. James Eric Davis Jr. was apprehended after an individual
spotted him on a train passing through the north end of campus shortly after
midnight, according to a release posted on Central Michigan's Emergency
Communication website.The manhunt for the student had included more than 100
police officers, some heavily armed in camouflage uniforms, authorities
said. CMU President George E. Ross thanked the campus, surrounding community
and law enforcement personnel "who came together to keep each other safe and
apprehend the suspect," according to the university police website. Friday's
shooting at Campbell Hall happened on a day when parents were arriving to
pick up students for the beginning of a week-long spring break. The
university identified the two dead as Davis' mother Diva Davis and father
James Davis Sr., a part-time police officer in the Chicago suburb of
Bellwood. The shooting occurred around 8:30 a.m. at a residence hall at
Central Michigan, which is about 70 miles (112.6 kilometers) north of
Lansing. "This has been a tragic day. ... The hurting will go on for a
while," said Ross. Klaus said Davis was taken to a hospital Thursday night
by campus police because of a drug-related health problem, possibly an
Latest LCCC Bulletin analysis & editorials from miscellaneous sources
published on March 03-04/18
Punished for Not Chanting "Death to America, Israel, Britain"
Dr. Majid Rafizadeh/Gatestone Institute/March 03/18
Some sympathizers with extremist Muslims even try to insist that these
messages are merely examples of "cultural differences". The goal of these
sympathizers seems to be to mislead a vulnerable populace into thinking that
they should not worry about these chants or about the open and passionate
threats against their communities.
This dumbing-down is especially intriguing because the same people who
attempt culturally to explain, justify or minimize the meaning of "Death to
America" and "Death to Israel" have never lived under Islamic rule or even
studied those fundamentalist states. Yet they take it upon themselves to
explain the meaning of these chants as if they know better than the people
issuing them.
Ultimately this conditioning of the Western culture allows the extremist
Muslims to expand their agenda slowly and covertly, while those who raise
the alarm are shoved to edge of society and ostracized as "racists" or "Islamophobes,"
while the public remains lulled into a slumbering state.
One of the most astonishing misconceptions I have come across in the West is
the habit that some people -- especially many media outlets -- have of
attempting to trivialize radical Islamists chants such as "Death to
America", "Death to Israel", and "Death to Britain". Even government
officials tend to reduce these outbursts of hatred from the threats they
really are to common banter.
Some of the so-called leftists, as well as agents of the extremist Muslim
groups in the West, or spokesmen for the Islamic Republic of Iran, try to
explain that these chants do not mean what they say, and what most people
probably assume they say. Some sympathizers with extremist Muslims even try
to insist that these messages are merely examples of "cultural differences".
The purpose of these sympathizers is seemingly to mislead a vulnerable
populace into thinking that they should not worry about those chants or
about the open and passionate threats against their communities.
This dumbing-down is especially intriguing because the same people who
attempt culturally to explain, justify or minimize the meaning of "Death to
America" and "Death to Israel" have never lived under Islamic rule or even
studied those fundamentalist states. Yet they take it upon themselves to
explain the meaning of these chants as if they know better than the people
issuing them.
The objective of these sympathizers seems clear: to coax Westerners into a
false sense of security and encourage them not to take these threats
seriously. These sympathizers stress the importance of not being alarmed by
these chants, and try to convince the public that being afraid is a simply
sign of ignorance. Ultimately this conditioning of the Western culture
allows the extremist Muslims to expand their agenda slowly and covertly,
while those who raise the alarm are shoved to edge of society and ostracized
as "racists" or "Islamophobes", while the public remains lulled into a
slumbering state.
I grew up being taught every morning in school to raise my fist and chant
loudly "Death to America", "Death to Israel" and "Death to Britain". There
was no confusion as to the meaning of those chants. If I did not do so, I
was severely punished. Unfortunately, "Death to" means exactly what it says.
Where I grew up, chants were, and still are, one of the most powerful
brainwashing tools utilized by extremist Muslim leaders to coerce their
followers to fulfill the leaders' religious and political wishes. Chants and
slogans served to mobilize, unite, and empower people in a way that almost
no other tool has succeeded in doing.
"Death to" has both religious and political connotations in Islamism. As
advocated and spread by leaders, many of whom are extremists, not only does
the chant promote the desire for someone to die; it also instructs the
populace to take matters into their own hands to fulfill a supposedly, good,
noble and "Godly" duty.
The phrase was first coined by Ayatollah Khomeini, a Grand Ayatollah whose
words are equal to Islamic laws and fatwas [opinions on Islamic law] that
are mandatory for every Muslim to follow. If any Muslim resists, he is
considered no longer to be a Muslim, and therefore subject to death for
I remember one morning in the middle of school when our studies were
suddenly interrupted by the Islamic school authorities. They arrived with
gifts of chocolates and other sweets, which they distributed to everyone.
The sweetness turned bitter when I realized the gifts were given to
celebrate the assassination of Yitzhak Rabin, the former Prime Minister of
Israel. When I refused to participate, I was punished.
Punishments included being ostracized by the community; unable to attend
classes in that school, or any other school in the country and being
forbidden to speak to any student from that school. If anyone dared to
associate with me in any way, they would receive the same punishment. There
was also physical violence: punches in the stomach or the backs of my hands
beaten with a stick. While I was attacked, they would parade me in front of
the students and teachers with demeaning insults such as dirty Zionist,
dirty American or Westerner, and a disgrace to the Islamist rule of Iran.
The question is: if "Death to" does not mean what it says, why is it that
when anyone in a targeted nation or group is killed, the extremist Muslims
go out of their way to celebrate?
At first, when such extremist Muslim chants began, many took them lightly.
It seemed foolish to believe that such threats were actually serious. But
soon some Islamic groups, such as Iran, Al Qaeda and ISIS, and their
followers, started transforming these chants from words into actions:
crashing airplanes into buildings, slitting throats, ramming trucks into
people, murdering people in restaurants, nightclubs or simply on the street.
Other examples of this behaviour include the Suicide bombing in Lebanon
that killed 241 American servicemen (220 Marines, 18 sailors, and three
soldiers); the Khobar Towers bombing, the bombing of the USS Cole with the
direct support and involvement of Hezbollah, Al Qaeda and Iran. Any scholar
or policy analyst who has studied these matters even a little would be
cognizant of the fact that there exists an abundance of evidence of the
Islamic regimes and groups killing Americans, Israelis, and Westerners.
Moreover, such chants by leading imams and states serve to incite further
global hatred and antagonism towards Christians, Americans, Jews, Israelis
and people in the West. Such chants do lead to acts of terrorism and will
again. They inspire the radicals and their strict followers to feel the urge
to take matters into their own hands and kill "the enemy". By fulfilling the
calls of Islamic these rulers, many followers believe that in the next
world, they will receive "blessings", such as Allah (God) giving them 72
virgins in the afterlife.
There are countless examples of followers committing such acts: the Berlin
Christmas market attack; The Los Angeles International Airport shooting; the
murders of the staff of the French satirical magazine, Charlie Hebdo or the
Parisian kosher supermarket; the Little Rock recruiting office shooting by
the jihadist Addulhakim Muhajid Muhammad; the Fort Hood shooting by a U..S.
army psychiatrist, Major Nidal Malik Hasan, whose business cards read SoA:
Soldier of Allah; the Boston Marathon bombings; the terrorist attack with a
hatchet against four New York policemen on a subway; the San Bernardino
attack, the mass shooting at a nightclub in Orlando, Florida, the Ohio State
University attack, the United States embassy bombings in Dar es Salaam and
Nairobi, and in 2017 the Lower Manhattan attack, just to name a few. That
does not even start to mention the attacks in Israel, Australia, Canada or
the Indian Subcontinent. How many more examples need to be added to the
list? How many acts of terror and innocent lives lost are needed before
everyone, and the mainstream media, begin to recognize that yes, these
chants mean "Death to America", "Death to Israel, and "Death to Britain"?
They are very literal threats, meant to incite followers into murderous
action. Let us not to continue delude ourselves and be misled by those who
attempt to advance these Islamist agendas.
Their calls are far more than words. They are deep intentions that, if we do
nothing to stop them, will, without question, continue to grow.
**Dr. Majid Rafizadeh, is a business strategist and advisor,
Harvard-educated scholar, political scientist, board member of Harvard
International Review, and president of the International American Council on
the Middle East. He has authored several books on Islam and US Foreign
Policy. He can be reached at Dr.Rafizadeh@Post.Harvard.Edu
© 2018 Gatestone Institute. All rights reserved. The articles printed here
do not necessarily reflect the views of the Editors or of Gatestone
Institute. No part of the Gatestone website or any of its contents may be
reproduced, copied or modified, without the prior written consent of
Gatestone Institute.
Artificial Intelligence in Policing
Noah Feldman/Bloomberg/March 03/18
The revelation that the New Orleans Police Department quietly used a Silicon
Valley company to predict crime raises dilemmas similar to those emerging
from artificial intelligence in other spheres, like consumer behavior,
medicine and employment. But what's uniquely shocking about the story of New
Orleans's partnership with the national security company Palantir is that it
has remained largely unreported before now.
As an article in The Verge details, James Carville, the well-known
Democratic strategist and Bill Clinton adviser, did actually mention the
partnership on a radio program back in 2014. He knew about it for a simple
reason: It was his idea (at least according to Carville). By his account,
Palantir was looking for “pro bono” opportunities, which is often code for a
corporate dry run for untested technology. Carville connected Palantir to
New Orleans, and the relationship was established on a “philanthropic” basis
-- thus effectively circumventing disclosure requirements.
It should go without saying that experimenting with predictive AI in
real-world law enforcement demands public oversight and awareness. The
debate that is now beginning should have been had before the technology was
used to build indictments, not afterward. Nevertheless, it would also be a
mistake if the only outrage is over the failure to make public disclosures.
The more important conversation must address the deeper issues this case
raises. Law enforcement -- and criminal justice more broadly -- must be
evaluated on two separate criteria: pragmatic effectiveness and legal
justice. On the first criterion, it's important to note that there isn’t yet
any clear evidence that the Palantir-New Orleans partnership works. Palantir
would like to take credit for a New Orleans crime dip, but the data and the
timing don’t necessarily support that. For now, the efficacy of
machine-based crime prediction and protection must be treated as unproven at
best. Of course, as advocates of big data analysis would surely point out,
it takes time for predictive technologies to be refined (or in the case of
machine learning, to refine themselves). The more data, the better.
Translating prediction into prevention isn’t necessarily simple either. Our
conversation could proceed on the assumption that someday, predictive
machine learning tools with access to enough data might indeed be able to
predict crime better than existing police tools do. After all, crime is a
form of human behavior just like any other, and algorithmic AI models are
getting better and better at predicting plenty of human behaviors in other
So that brings us to the question of justice: What, if anything, is
inherently worrisome about machine predictions of crime? The most obvious
worry is that computers could get their predictions wrong and therefore
encourage police to target people for investigation and surveillance who
aren’t in fact going to commit crimes. This risk is real, and needs to be
taken seriously. To be sure, in principle, machine predictions can’t and
shouldn’t be used to charge anyone with a crime or convict them. The
constitution still applies. Police and prosecutors would need
non-statistical evidence of probable cause before violating suspects’
privacy or arresting them. If a case went to trial, the prosecution would
have to provide evidence and the court would have to find guilt beyond a
reasonable doubt to convict. For these reasons, the procedural safeguards
that we have already put in place provide some comfort to concerns about an
algorithmic police state. Yet there are plenty of ways that police attention
is undesirable even if it does not lead to a warrant, an arrest or criminal
charges. The police are legally empowered to do all kinds of surveillance
without a warrant, provided they are operating in public space. It's crucial
in a democracy that the police choose their targets on the basis of
reasonable suspicion -- not, say, racial bias or class prejudice.
Here is where things get very complicated. As we know, even without
artificial intelligence, police use a range of statistical tools in
identifying suspects and potentially dangerous locations. The tools
popularized by former Boston, Los Angeles and New York chief of police
William Bratton include, famously, a program called CompStat. That was a
simple but powerful tool that enabled police to gather statistics of arrests
and disturbance locations and use the aggregated data to deploy their
investigative and preventive power. In other words, statistics have been
used in crime fighting for at least a quarter century in many jurisdictions.
Palantir's reliance on statistics is not what's controversial. What
Palantir’s tools presumably do is to scrape publicly available data about
crime and other police encounters and use them to build a model that’s
supposed to individualize predictions. Given that police already use tools
like the existence of an arrest record or a prior conviction to aid their
investigation, how bad is it if a computer does the same, just more
In fact, if a computer can make more refined predictions than a person,
wouldn't it eventually reduce the number of mistaken investigations and
Great questions. Exactly the sort that need to be answered in broad
daylight, with full transparency before and during the deployment of AI in
We don't yet know enough about the process and outcomes of AI policing to
know whether the New Orleans experiment is a step toward justice or toward
an overreaching police state, but we do know the experiment was conducted
with too much secrecy and too little accountability. The next steps need
more scrutiny, more discussion and more transparency.
Danger in the north: PM Netanyahu must push Trump to
ياداعوت احرانوت: الخطر على إسرائيل هو على حدودها الشمالية والمطلوب من
نتانياهو حث ترامب على التصرف
Ron Ben Yishai|/Ynetnews/March 03/18
Analysis: With the war in Syria winding down, all regional actors are
stirring the pot: Iran is building bases, Russia is looking for money,
Erdoğan is drawing the border and Kurds are on the hunt for a state; the
only one absent is the US president, and the biggest casualty from that
abstention is Israel; with all due respect to the Jerusalem embassy, it’s
time for Netanyahu to bang on the desk in Washington.
While the Syrian civil war is apparently winding down, fighting will most
likely not conclude in 2018, since the Russians or the United Nations—in
their attempts to reach a political settlement to engender calm—have thus
far failed in fostering accord between all of the disparate factors and
interests involved. They can’t even get them all to sit down at the same
negotiating table.
The military image on the ground is nevertheless coming into sharper and
sharper focus, and it can be determined now that the military coalition
supporting the regime of President Bashar Assad has prevailed. Russia, Iran
and their proxies have succeeded in reinstating the president who butchered
his own people across Syria’s land. Or what’s left of it.
It can also be determined that despite the fact that the Islamic State has
suffered a mortal blow when it lost its self-proclaimed caliphate—or
territory under its control in Syria and Iraq—the jihadist organization
still perseveres, and continues fighting on the field and for the hearts of
We may also determine that the Sunni Muslim rebel groups, which sparked the
civil war to begin with, have long since lost any hope or chance of deposing
Assad. They are still trying to defend a handful of enclaves they were able
to hold onto from the war’s beginning and continue their infighting. Each of
them is supported by a different regional patron—Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Qatar
and so on—mostly to further their own interests.
Lastly, it can be safely said that the Syrian Kurd YPG militia, which has
shown impressive capabilities at waging war, buttressed as it was by
American advisers and Special Forces, has become a significant military and
political factor in the Syrian arena.
Ceasefire collapsing in eastern Ghouta
YPG, in fact, was the only force on the ground that ran the Islamic State
off from its main strongholds east of the Euphrates River (as both the
Americans and Europeans bombarded from the air).
The Kurdish militia made no bones regarding displaying its intention to
create a country—or at the very least an autonomous district—in northern
Syria, with its capture of two enormous enclaves near the Turkish border,
one east of the Euphrates and the other west of the river.
However, this pushed Turkey to invade and further widened the split between
the two NATO allies—the United States and Turkey.
What’s Erdoğan afraid of?
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan considers the Syrian Kurdish moves a
direct strategic threat to his country’s national security, mostly born of
the fear that a country—or even Kurdish autonomy—in northern Syria will
serve as a model and basis for the demands of the considerable Kurdish
minority in southern Turkey.
That aside, the Turks well remember the tight, years’ long cooperation
between the Syrian Kurdish YPG and the Turkish Kurdish PKK. On numerous
occasions, PKK combatants left for terror attacks on Turkish soil from
territory owned by Syrian Kurds and returned to same when Turkish security
forces closed in on them.
The regime of Bashar Assad’s father and predecessor Hafez Assad turned a
blind eye to this cross-border collaboration and, at times, even supported
it, causing Turkey and Syria to reach the brink of war 20 years ago.
The Turkish streets, as well as the Ankara political opposition, well
remember that. Erdoğan has thus been afforded wall-to-wall support when he
flagrantly flaunted warnings from US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson and
sent the Turkish army, along with Free Syrian Army Sunni Syrian rebels
groups loyal to him, to invade the Kurdish enclave in northwestern Syria.
The invasion’s main goal was to prevent the creation of an independent
Syrian-Kurdish political entity on the Turkey-Syrian border (in addition to
the Iraqi Kurd autonomous region near the Turkey-Iraq border). Another goal
was to institutionalize a “buffer zone” ensuring the safety of southern
Turkey residents from hostile forces and terror groups (such as Islamic
State) that may attempt to carry out attacks against them from within the
failed Syrian state.
The Syrian Kurds’ response to the invasion was also almost academic. They
contacted Bashar Assad and invited forces loyal to him to enter Afrin in the
enclave’s center to prevent the Turks and their allies from overtaking it.
While the Syrian Kurds have their own score to settle with the Assad
family—which never recognized them as citizens with equal rights, neglected
them and even slaughtered them on occasion—the Turks are much worse than the
Alawites, who after all are themselves a minority in need of support from
other minority groups such as Christians, Druze and, yes, Kurds as well.
PM Netanyahu obliged to rethink matters
It’s arguable whether the Turkish invasion of Syria is justified and whether
it does not infringe on the norms of international law. What is clear,
however, is that Erdoğan has taken such a drastic move to begin with because
Ankara is genuinely fearful of the political and military settlement put
together at the end of the Syrian civil war posing a real, strategic threat
to Turkey’s national security.
Israel’s lots are not drastically different from Turkey’s in that regard.
Jerusalem also fears—and rightfully so—that the coming days will set in
stone facts on the ground in Syria that will adversely impact Israel’s
national security and the safety of its people.
This isn’t to say that the IDF should invade the Syrian Golan Heights and
the Damascus Basin to prevent entrenchment of Iran-affiliated militias and
creation of Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps missile bases (similarly to
action undertaken by the Turkish army in its Operation Olive Branch underway
against the Kurds in northwestern Syria).
The new situation forming in Syria and the international arena, however,
necessitates the prime minister and Israel’s security chiefs to
rethink—strategically and tactically, politically and militarily—the means
and operating methods needed to prevent Syria becoming an Iranian puppet and
launch pad for precision-targeted missiles and armed Shiite commando corps’
incursions into Israel.
Moreover, Iranian entrenchment in Syria will significantly increase the
threat posed by Lebanon and also create a serious threat to aerial and
maritime traffic both to and from Israel and its offshore gas rigs. In other
words, the country’s economic well-being and energy independence are at
stake here.
Qasem Soleimani’s entrenchment plan
An article published by the New York Times last week dealt with the
entrenchment of foreign actors in Syria. A later Fox News report included a
map showing Iranian Revolutionary Guards, Hezbollah and Shiite militias
(some 20,000 Iraqi, Afghan and Pakistani forces operating with direct
Iranian funding and oversight) hold several dozen bases around Syria
The bases aren’t large, and most of them are far from the Golan Heights and
are mostly used for incursions, intelligence collection and logistics in the
fight against what rebel groups are still combating Assad’s regime.
If Commander of the Revolutionary Guards’ Quds Force Qasem Soleimani had his
way, however, Iranians will expand these “installations” to real air, land,
sea and intelligence bases.
Soleimani also intends for the bases to be close enough to the Israeli
border to enable forces to reach the Golan Heights boundary within a single
night in order to steal across it and raid Israeli communities.
That won’t be happening tomorrow, nor will it happen all at once. The
Iranians have a list of priorities as to what they wish to achieve in Syria.
First, they wish for their client, Bashar Assad, to regain the maximal
amount of land and stabilize his rule using Iranian and Russian help. The
Iranians—together with Hezbollah, other Shiite militias and what’s left of
the Syrian army—give Russians the “boots on the ground” needed to expand the
territory the regime is attempting to retake.
Doing so enables Soleimani to break ground on an open land corridor from
Tehran to Beirut through Iraq and Syria, which will enable Iran to become a
strategic-military force to be reckoned with in the eastern Mediterranean,
to expand the northern front against Israel and to move military assistance
to Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad in Gaza through the sea.
This land corridor in effect already exists, but has several bottlenecks on
the Iraqi-Syrian border, which the Americans and their Kurdish allies could
snap shut at any moment.
Moscow, Tehran chasing money
The economy is at the very top of Iran’s priorities at the moment. Tehran
has invested some $15 billion in Assad’s regime, its army and the
fundamental needs of its people (such as fuel) throughout the civil war. The
Iranian regime is eager to see a return on its investment, pressured as it
is by public opinion.
To that end, Tehran is demanding Assad provide licenses to extract oil, gas
and phosphates from the rich fields of the Euphrates Valley and eastern
Syrian deserts, for the benefit of Iranian economic companies—most of which
are either tied to the Revolutionary Guard or outright owned by them.
They are also demanding a portion of the port of Tartus, to export what they
produce in the war-torn country, while also gaining a strategic naval
Assad’s no sucker, though, and has only massive debts in his state coffers.
He also has a family that has gotten used to making a nice living and
accruing vast sums of money in Swiss bank accounts at the expense of the
Syrian man on the street and the country’s modest natural resources.
The Syrian president is therefore loath to give the Iranians what they’re
asking, not least of which because Russia’s President Vladimir Putin is also
demanding his cut of the shriveling pie.
The Kremlin knows full well no entity exists willing to foot the bill for
the hundreds of billions required to restore Syria from its current ruins,
and Russia therefore understands to look elsewhere for Russian economy’s
Nevertheless, Putin wishes to cover the expenses of his country’s military
involvement in Syria and is therefore demanding licenses for prospecting for
oil and phosphates.
This is in addition to the naval and air bases Russia was awarded in the
Mediterranean’s basin. Assad knows well he can haggle with the Iranians, but
that he shouldn’t even try with Putin.
IDF operating, but it isn’t enough
Putin isn’t the only one attempting to shape the Syrian “day after”,
however, with the Iranians, Assad’s regime, Kurds and Turks all entering the
fray. The Americans are also there, acting covertly to prevent Islamic State
from returning to the land it has lost and to prevent the Iranian land
corridor from forming.
The Pentagon is planning to create a coed force of 30,000 Kurdish Syrian
combatants to that end, set to operate as a “border police” in northeastern
Syria and on the border with Iraq. That’s at the top of the American defense
establishment’s priorities list.
Generally speaking, it may be said that all of the entities involved in
stirring the Syrian pot are smelling an impending political settlement and
moving to promote their own political and economic agendas through same.
Who’s looking after Israel’s interests, you may ask? Mostly the IDF,
assisted by diplomatic lobbying by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu with
Presidents Putin and Trump.
The IDF is operating on two channels: using covert inter-war operations it
chips away at Iranian entrenchment in Syria and Hezbollah’s acquisition of
quality weapons. It may also be assumed that humanitarian assistance to
“local entities” in the Syrian Golan Heights, the Druze included, has
produced several strategic benefits in intelligence and routine border
Netanyahu’s lobbying at the Kremlin, meanwhile, ensures Russian forces on
Syrian soil stay out of those inter-war operations and that Putin declines
to provide the Syrians and Iranians alike with weapons curtailing the Israel
Air Force’s freedom of operation.
Both the Russians and Israel are operating according to the same guiding
principle, which says that each side makes sure to not harm the other
party’s vital interests.
As for the future, it appears pressures Assad has been exerting on the
Syrians have narrowed down the Kremlin’s willingness to turn a blind eye to
IDF preventative operations.
The White House, for its part, doesn’t even grant Israel that benefit,
instead allowing the Russians to administer both all of the military moves
and ceasefires and lead political settlement efforts.
As a result, Israel is not only absent from the political arena but also
lacks a serious diplomatic leverage over future negotiations. Netanyahu’s
lobbying in Moscow and inter-war operations, when it comes down to it, will
fail to prevent the grievous harm that may come to our vital interests in
the north if Iran is able to entrench itself there.
The conclusion is that Israel needs to bang on the desk in Washington and
demand President Trump get his country heavily involved—both diplomatically
and possibly militarily—in goings-on all across Syria and not merely east of
the Euphrates.
Doing so will also serve Jordan’s strategic interests as well as those of
other countries in the pro-Western Sunni Arab camp. Abandoning the Syrian
arena to the Russians, however, will eventually allow the Iranians to reach
their own strategic goals.
With all due respect, but the ceremonial opening of another bureau for the
American ambassador to Israel in Jerusalem will do nothing to promote
Israel’s existential strategic interests by even one millimeter. If Trump is
a true friend of Israel, as he claims, he must prove it in Syria. And he
must prove it now.
Putin to America: ‘We have ascendance over you’
Mashari Althaydi/Al Arabiya/March 03/18
“An audacious display of power” is the least that can be said about the show
President Vladimir Putin put on when he stood on a stage in front of a giant
screen to unveil the “gems” of modern Russian weaponry. In his annual address to
the Federal Assembly, Putin announced that Russia had started testing the Sarmat
missile system which can carry intercontinental ballistic missiles to any part
of the world. He also unveiled a supersonic, unmanned nuke-armed submarine. The
missiles and the submarine have not been named, and so Putin asked the Russian
people to propose names for them. His aim is to obviously involve the Russian
people in this warmongering exercise. Who is Putin aiming these threats at?
Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov gave the answer last Wednesday, while
addressing the UN Conference on Disarmament in Geneva. “The presence of
ready-for-use US tactical nuclear weapons in Europe is not just a rudiment of
the Cold War, but clearly an aggressive stance,” Lavrov said. Washington’s
response to Lavrov came when Pentagon’s chief spokesperson Dana White said:
“We're not surprised by the statement. And the American people should rest
assured that we are fully prepared,” adding that these Russian “weapons that are
discussed have been in development a very long time. So no, our Nuclear Posture
Review takes all of this into account.”
Is World War III imminent?
We are already witnessing US - Russia confrontation playing out across various
theatres, such as in Syria.
The Cold War did not lead to World War III. It lasted about half a century,
since the end of WWII in 1945. It wasn’t an open US-Russia confrontation
involving their stockpile of dangerous weapons.
Is a major war imminent? We do not know but at least countries of the Middle
East, particularly Syria, are embroiled in a war involving various political
players and whose outcome may potentially have catastrophic consequences.
There’s probably no one in Washington or Moscow who appears ‘interested’ in
launching a massive war between the two big powers. It is noteworthy how these
statements sound as if we have returned to the 1960’s!
There isn’t anyone planning such a war because Russia and the US understand the
disastrous consequences of direct military confrontation, which could
potentially entail the annihilation of the entire human race or something close
to that.
The situation may escalate due to the prevailing tensions. Syria and eastern
Europe provide the arenas where the final human showdown might play out.
It’s become normal to hear the world’s two top leaders talk about what we once
were scared to discuss.
Policymakers beware – It’s all about the narrative in the
Dr. Mohamed A. Ramady/Al Arabiya/March 03/18
Central bank governors and OPEC chiefs have the same predicament – how to put
out their message or narrative out without giving too much way and yet try to
steer markets in the direction they want without spooking traders. If the new
US. Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell wanted the markets to take his maiden
Semi-Annual testimony before the House Financial Services Committee yesterday as
a first foray towards four rate hikes this year, he got what he was looking for,
and then some. More specifically, Chairman Powell's "personal outlook" reply to
the question about the March quarterly Summary of Economic Projections – a
listing of a virtual cocktail recipe for an overheating economy -- sounded so
jarringly bullish, if not outright hawkish that it leapt out from the otherwise
more balanced remarks in the rest of the Q&A and the written testimony.
At minimum, it felt like a first small step towards a four hike path, and
whether intended or not, Chairman Powell in that one response put a four hike
market pricing just one or two stronger than expected data points away. The
markets reacted by selling stocks and it took Powell the next day to resort to
yet a more nuanced clarification to stave another sell off. Allaying fears that
could have led to a new global banking contagion, according to Powell, the US
banking system was "healthy", and that banks “ are better able to manage risk
and failure. It's a good time in our system," he told the Senate Banking
Committee. He also calmed fears that the pace of interest rate rises would
accelerate. “There is no evidence the economy is overheating," Powell said.
Although the current 4.1% unemployment rate was "at or near or even below"
estimates of the full employment rate, "we don't see any evidence of a decisive
move up in wages... Nothing in that suggests to me that wage inflation is at a
point of acceleration." And so there it was – these new narratives saw Wall
Street's main indexes overturn earlier losses to trade higher and eased some of
the fears of faster interest rate hikes stoked by Powell's comments earlier this
week about a strengthening US economy in his first appearance in Congress on
Market analysts will be somewhat cautious that the Fed will be moving too soon
to a four rate hike scenario, preferring to see how inflation, and perhaps an
early indication of investment spending look to be playing out this spring
before signalling a fourth rate hike. That would put any upgrade in the pace of
hikes this year more likely still into the June meeting. While the markets after
an initial shock sell-off seem to have taken it in stride, we suspect a rates
messaging that feels pre-emptive could nevertheless strain the Fed's ability to
control its gradualist messaging if his remark is left alone The market, for
instance, could go on alert for an even more hawkish Fed, pricing beyond four on
every data point that comes in a bit stronger than expected in the months ahead.
That could especially prove to be the case if the inflation prints show, as
expected, an uptick this spring when last year's "transitory" downward pressures
drop out of the year-on-year data. The main question for those waiting to see
when to borrow is that despite all the upbeat data that we see coming out of the
US, the main concern is going to be the pace of these rate hikes and how quickly
is it going to happen.
A delicate balancing act
The US Fed will want to be a bit more cautious in the sequencing of its rates
messaging, if that is the right way to describe it, as it is far easier
transmission into the markets to modestly upgrade the economic and rates outlook
as the data come in than it is go too soon to a more hawkish stance and then
backpedal if the data should even modestly disappoint. It will, in any case, be
a delicate messaging balancing act for the new Chairman in the next few months.
US Fed officials are painfully aware that the balance they are seeking in the
policy path between an overheating economy and nudging inflation up to
mandate-consistent levels crucially first requires an equal balance in their
policy signals. Ensuring a smooth transmission of the intended monetary policy
into the real economy while at the same time containing speculative or excess
reactions in the financial economy that could slow the economy's solid momentum
too soon by too much could prove to be no mean feat. The same applies to those
trying to ensure that oil prices are nudged to what is an acceptable level for
the current OPEC and non OPEC producers, without "over heating" prices if stocks
continue to rebalance much faster than anticipated, and once again inducing non
participating oil producers to come in and redress balances and drive prices
unintentionally down, thus going back to square one.
What the US Chairman says or does not say affects us all and both US and
European bond yields - investments in fixed income as opposed to equities - have
soared in recent months amid speculation that the Fed’s monetary policy will be
tightened at a faster pace. But in the equity markets that possibility is
increasingly testing nerves, as traders try to divine how many increases are
coming. In the Gulf, these 3 or 4 expected rate increases could only lead to
further interest rate hikes and domestic inflationary impulses affecting cost
and productivity. The main question for those waiting to see when to borrow is
that despite all the upbeat data that we see coming out of the US, the main
concern is going to be the pace of these rate hikes and how quickly is it going
to happen. At least though you have been warned as the narrative is out there
for all to see but leaving each with his or her own take -away message of that
given narrative.
What justifies Russian veto against Iran’s supply of
Sawsan Al Shaer/Al Arabiya/March 03/18
The Security Council voted for a resolution that prevents Iran from providing
the Houthis with weapons, but Russia vetoed this resolution. This implies that
Russia opposes the resolution that prevents Iran from supplying Houthis with
ballistic missiles that bombard our cities.
Leveraging economy for security
The question is how Russia justifies to Gulf countries the veto it exercised
against the resolution that prevents Iran from supplying Houthis with weapons. I
hope that GCC countries will deal seriously with this Russian decision. It is
time to link our economic strength with our security interests, either by
suspending our business deals, or by canceling them. What is important is that
the international community should know that we will not accept what undermines
our security. We cooperated with Russia to have a diversified security and
prevent abuse of monopoly in our alliances. These were good decisions. Today, we
must link these alliances with trade agreements as well. Interests should
dictate our alliances, not friendships or commitments except for what aligns
with our security interests. The world must take steps against countries like
Iran for providing militias with weapons. Russia has such a strong bias towards
Iran that it threatens the security of all the Gulf countries, despite apparent
closeness between Gulf and Russia and the series of meetings held between the
two sides. However, everyone knows that Iran is fighting us through its proxies,
by continuously supplying weapons (especially those made in Russia or Iran) to
its agents in Yemen. This means that the war will have no end.
Wantonness of militias
Iran does not raise ‘regular armies’, but musters irregular ‘militias’ that
fight states, oppose decisions in their countries and forces their peoples to
obey the militias — be it in Lebanon, Iraq and Yemen. Supplying these militias
with weapons makes it impossible for them to merge with the state, which in turn
makes it impossible for these countries to have stability. The threat to its
neighbors is also heightened because these militias cannot be brought under the
ambit of international conventions and treaties. Therefore, the world must take
steps against countries providing militias with weapons.
Yemen is threatened by a militia that contravenes any form of legitimacy.
Although Houthis are not a regular army, the state in Yemen has been overtaken
by Houthi militia. Yemen has internal conflicts which threaten the entire
region. Houthis launch missiles supplied by Iran in the direction of Saudi
Arabia. Thus how can Russia justify this veto, which totally violates our
security? Is the veto Russia used to thwart condemnation of the Syrian regime,
when it bombed al-Ghouta, not enough? Russia now stands completely against our
interests and our security. We should ask Russia to clarify its position towards
us. It sells weapons to us even as it sells weapons through Iran to militias
that threaten us. Then it torpedoes a move to prevent it from selling the
weapons that threaten us, as if it seeks to benefit at the expense of our
security! This is the rationale of a war trader and not of a state that builds
international relations on a sound and sustainable premise.
The UAE ranks first in several international indices and
among hearts
Mohammed Al-Hammadi/Al Arabiya/March 03/18
The ever-growing record of the UAE’s accomplishments and its distinction of
standing first in many international indices is testimony to the fact that it
has successfully achieved the goals it set up more than a decade ago. The
Government of His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Vice President
and Prime Minister of the UAE and Ruler of Dubai had set up a clear goal for
itself back in 2007, in that the UAE should become ‘number one’ in every sphere
and walk of life.
Taking on the ‘impossible’
The leadership, government and people of the UAE have realized that reaching the
first place is not an easy task. Quite the opposite, it is a formidable goal
because we live in a Middle East where all security, political and economic
challenges converge and attaining greatness is a daunting prospect. It is
difficult to aspire to be the first amid the surrounding violence, extremism and
terrorism, as well as the pervading greed, hatred and envy. However, we live in
the UAE and under a leadership that does not know the impossible. We are solving
a difficult equation, in a difficult place and time just because we do not know
the “impossible”. In the global competitive report for the year of 2017 - 2018,
the UAE has succeeded in securing the first place in 50 international indices.
Overall, the service sector that promote the interest of the community and the
people have performed exceptionally, including the quality of government
decisions that affect everyone and manifest in the lives of all individuals, as
well as the government's capacity to adjust to variables, the efficiency of
government spending, the absence of tax and its impact on potential investments,
public-private partnerships, the growth and implementation of technology, the
quality of roads and infrastructure for tourism, corporate digitization, gender
equity, tolerance with foreigners, low rate of violent crime, and an electronic
Aim of achieving happiness
The UAE's first place does not mean that we should flaunt and brandish these
accomplishments in the face of other people and countries in the world. It
simply means bringing happiness to people because people are able to avail high
quality services. It means that the government is efficiently working, that the
economy is growing and that life is moving for the good of everyone. So when we
see the happiness of a carpet merchant upon meeting the Crown Prince of Abu
Dhabi, His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed, along with everyone in the market
who were thrilled by this spontaneous meeting, it means that we are held dear in
the hearts of everyone, in the heart of the simple man. This means that people
are enjoying a better quality of life and harbour the prospect of a promising
future. The recent government summit is testimony to the fact that the
government of Sheikh Mohammed is always working to serve people, is preoccupied
with the present and planning for the future. Hence, it has promised to itself
that the UAE should always stand first.