January 07/2018
Compiled &
Prepared by: Elias Bejjani
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Bible Quotations
He came and preached peace to you who were far away and peace to those
who were near.
Ephesians 02/01-19: "As for
you, you were dead in your transgressions and sins, in which you used to live
when you followed the ways of this world and of the ruler of the kingdom of the
air, the spirit who is now at work in those who are disobedient. All of us also
lived among them at one time, gratifying the cravings of our flesh and following
its desires and thoughts. Like the rest, we were by nature deserving of wrath.
But because of his great love for us, God, who is rich in mercy, made us alive
with Christ even when we were dead in transgressions—it is by grace you have
been saved. And God raised us up with Christ and seated us with him in the
heavenly realms in Christ Jesus, in order that in the coming ages he might show
the incomparable riches of his grace, expressed in his kindness to us in Christ
Jesus. For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this is not
from yourselves, it is the gift of God— not by works, so that no one can boast.
For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God
prepared in advance for us to do. Therefore, remember that formerly you who are
Gentiles by birth and called “uncircumcised” by those who call themselves “the
circumcision” (which is done in the body by human hands)— remember that at that
time you were separate from Christ, excluded from citizenship in Israel and
foreigners to the covenants of the promise, without hope and without God in the
world. But now in Christ Jesus you who once were far away have been brought near
by the blood of Christ. For he himself is our peace, who has made the two groups
one and has destroyed the barrier, the dividing wall of hostility, by setting
aside in his flesh the law with its commands and regulations. His purpose was to
create in himself one new humanity out of the two, thus making peace, and in one
body to reconcile both of them to God through the cross, by which he put to
death their hostility. He came and preached peace to you who were far away and
peace to those who were near. For through him we both have access to the Father
by one Spirit. Consequently, you are no longer foreigners and strangers, but
fellow citizens with God’s people and also members of his household, built on
the foundation of the apostles and prophets, with Christ Jesus himself
Titles For Latest LCCC Bulletin analysis &
editorials from miscellaneous sources published on January 06-07/18
Our Corrupted Leaders Represent our distorted image/Elias
Bejjani/January 06/2018
Iran and the Need for Change/Leonid Bershidsky/Bloomberg/January 06/2018
The Iranian Game-Show Host Challenging Iran's Rulers/Eli Lake/Bloomberg/January
If You Hate America, Why Not Go Back to Your Country/Majid Rafizadeh/Gatestone
Institute/January 06/2018
Europe must stand on the side of the Iranian people/Ryszard Czarnecki/January
Titles For Latest LCCC Lebanese Related News published on
January 06-07/18
Our Corrupted Leaders Represent our distorted image
Lebanon: Taif Agreement Prevailing In Berri-Aoun Dispute
Hariri-Geagea Meeting Expected 'within Days'
Berri Says Decree Crisis May Protract till Elections
Arsal Militant Involved in Bombings Sentenced to Life with Hard Labor
Wadih al-Khazen to Mediate between Aoun, Berri
MP Aoun Says President Not Seeking to Undermine Taef Accord
LAF arrests Maher Tleiss in Brital
Rahi urges politicians to build peace on basis of truth, justice and freedom
Titles For Latest LCCC Bulletin For
Miscellaneous Reports And News published
on January 06-07/18
Act 2 of Trump clampdown on Iran: Re-imposing sanctions
lifted under nuclear accord
Saudi FM Participates in Arab Ministerial Meeting on Jerusalem
Death of France’s Master of Spies in Arab world ... Philippe Rondot
'Be Careful!' Erdogan Warns French Reporter over Syria Question
Tillerson Backs Trump as Book Casts Mental Health Doubts
Iran Foreign Minister Ridicules Trump 'Blunder' at U.N.
Palestinians Mark Orthodox Christmas amid Boycott Calls
Clashes in Cairo after Detainee Dies at Police Station
Over 2,000 Afghans Sent by Iran Killed in Syria
Two Jets Collide on Ground at Toronto Airport
Latest Lebanese Related News published
on January 06-07/18
Our Corrupted Leaders Represent our distorted image
Elias Bejjani/January 06/2018
We, the Lebanese are fully responsible for the miseries that Lebanon is facing.
Why? Because we allow corrupted and shameless leaders, politicians and clergymen
to control our national decision making process and evilly run our country.
Our well know proverb says: "your leaders are an image of you".
Yes currently they are! And because we are opportunists, chameleons, selfish,
puppets, subservient, stupid and ignorant we leave in position and power,
leaders and terrorist parties like Hezbollah.
Our fate is in our hands and unless we change, our leaders will remain as we
Lebanon: Taif Agreement Prevailing In Berri-Aoun Dispute
Beirut - Nazeer Rida/Asharq Al Awsat/January 06/2018/A dispute erupted two weeks
ago between President Michel Aoun and Speaker Nabih Berri over a decree to
promote a number of officers without the approval of the Finance Minister seemed
more complicated on Friday and bypassed the fact of being linked to the
signature of the minister after Berri hinted that the row between the two men is
related to the “Taif Accord.” However, the Free Patriotic Movement (FPM) denies
that the quarrel has reached such level, saying that such issue needs to be
solved outside the media circles. Aoun and Prime Minister Saad Hariri had signed
the decree that sees the promotion of officers who graduated from the military
school in 1994. However, Berri insists that the decree should be approved by the
Finance Ministry, before going into effect. In the absence of any sight of a
solution over the issue, and while each party remains attached to its own
position, sources close to Berri told Asharq Al-Awsat that the Speaker “is
currently engaged in a battle to protect the Taif Accord.” The announcement from
the Berri camp reveals the speaker’s fears from violating the Taif Accord that
ended the bilateral rule at the executive level in Lebanon, where decisions
needed the signatures of the President and the Cabinet. However, the FPM party,
which is close to the President, denies that the quarrel over the signature of
the decree to promote a number of officers, who graduated from the military
academy in 1994, has reached such elevated level.
FPM member and deputy at the Change and Reform parliamentary bloc told Asharq
Al-Awsat that the target and context behind the signature of the decree does not
aim to violate the Taif Accord. “The issue was given a larger dimension from its
actual size. We are not in the process of messing with the Taif Accord,” he
said. Aoun said that solving the dispute needs the presence of direct talks
between the two sides. Pending potential contacts between Aoun and Berri, other
parties linked to the quarrel also admit the complexity of the situation.
Hezbollah earlier announced that the issue was “sensitive,” while efforts
exerted by Prime Minister Hariri to come up with a way to bring together the
views of Aoun and Berri was still under discussion.
Hariri-Geagea Meeting Expected 'within Days'
Naharnet/January 06/18/Prime Minister Saad Hariri and Lebanese Forces leader
Samir Geagea could meet within days, possibly next week, to heal the rift
between al-Mustaqbal Movement and the LF that followed the premier's Saudi
ordeal, a media report said. "The relation is gradually returning to normal,"
sources close to the LF told al-Akhbar daily in remarks published Saturday.
Communication between Culture Minister Ghattas Khoury and Information Minister
Melhem Riachi "has made progress and removed a lot of obstacles, which will lead
to an imminent meeting between Hariri and Geagea," the sources said. Relations
between the two long-time allies were strained after some Mustaqbal officials
accused the LF of inciting Saudi leaders to press Hariri to resign. The premier
announced his resignation on November 4 from the Saudi capital but eventually
rescinded it after reaching a deal with the Hizbullah-led camp. The Mustaqbal-LF
row is also linked to Geagea's statement in the wake of Hariri's resignation
that the premier should have resigned earlier and that "no self-respecting
person would stay in the government after all the events of the past few
Berri Says Decree Crisis May Protract till
Naharnet/January 06/18/Speaker Nabih Berri has stressed anew that he will not
change his stance over a disputed decree behind an ongoing row with the
president, even if he loses the support of all parties who currently share his
viewpoint. "I insist on my opinion, even if I end up alone" in the
confrontation, Berri told his visitors. "The finance minister's signature is
indispensable ," he emphasized. "In Lebanon, anything may happen, and the crisis
could protract until the parliamentary elections," Berri warned. The spat
between the Speaker and President Michel Aoun broke out after the president and
the premier signed a decree granting one-year seniority to a number of officers.
Berri and Finance Minister Ali Hassan Khalil have insisted that the decree
should have also carried the finance minister's signature. Aoun and his aides
have argued that the decree did not require Khalil's signature because it did
not entail any “financial burden,” a point Berri and officials close to him have
argued against. Ain el-Tineh sources have meanwhile warned that the decree would
tip sectarian balance in favor of Christians in the army's highest echelons. The
officers in question were undergoing their first year of officer training at the
Military Academy when Syrian forces ousted Aoun’s military government from
Baabda in 1990. They were suspended by the pro-Damascus authorities until 1993
before they resumed their officer training course as second-year cadets.
Arsal Militant Involved in Bombings Sentenced to
Life with Hard Labor
Naharnet/January 06/18/The Military Court on Saturday sentenced jihadist
militant Ahmed Ammoun to life in prison with hard labor, the National News
Agency said. Ammoun, who goes by the nom de guerre Al-Sheikh and hails from the
eastern border town of Arsal, was also stripped of his civil rights.
The militant was convicted of a host of charges including “rigging cars with
explosives and blowing them up in several Lebanese areas among them Beirut’s
southern suburbs; participating in attacks on army posts in Arsal in 2014;
killing citizens and army and Internal Security Forces personnel; and plotting
to send bomb-laden cars into Lebanon.”In the wake of the Syrian uprising, the
mountainous outskirts of Arsal had served as a safe haven for Syrian rebels and
jihadists from the Islamic State and al-Nusra Front groups. The militants were
ousted from the area in separate offensives carried out by Hizbullah and the
Lebanese and Syrian armies in 2017.
Wadih al-Khazen to Mediate between Aoun, Berri
Naharnet/January 06/18/Ex-minister Wadih al-Khazen, the head of the Central
Council of the Maronite Societies, intends to mediate between President Michel
Aoun and Speaker Nabih Berri in the ongoing spat over the disputed officers
seniority decree, a media report said. Khazen had met Berri on Friday and is
scheduled to meet with Aoun on Saturday to “convey Speaker Berri’s openness to
solutions,” al-Liwaa newspaper said in its Saturday issue. Berri’s openness is
conditioned on “the regularity of the work of state institutions, partnership
and respect for the National Pact,” Khazen has quoted the Speaker as saying. “I
will raise the issue with President Aoun today and hear his viewpoint,” Khazen
told al-Liwaa. The Aoun-Berri spat broke out after the president and the premier
signed a decree granting one-year seniority to a number of officers. Berri and
Finance Minister Ali Hassan Khalil have insisted that the decree should have
also carried the finance minister's signature. Aoun and his aides have argued
that the decree did not require Khalil's signature because it did not entail any
“financial burden,” a point Berri and officials close to him have argued
against. Ain el-Tineh sources have meanwhile warned that the decree would tip
sectarian balance in favor of Christians in the army's highest echelons. The
officers in question were undergoing their first year of officer training at the
Military Academy when Syrian forces ousted Aoun’s military government from
Baabda in 1990. They were suspended by the pro-Damascus authorities until 1993
before they resumed their officer training course as second-year cadets.
MP Aoun Says President Not Seeking to Undermine Taef Accord
Naharnet/January 06/18/MP Alain Aoun of the Change and Reform bloc has stressed
that President Michel Aoun is not seeking to “undermine the Taef Accord,” in
response to remarks by Speaker Nabih Berri in this regard. “The objective behind
signing the decree of the officers who graduated in 1994 is not to undermine the
Taef Accord,” the lawmaker told Asharq al-Awsat newspaper in remarks published
Saturday. “The issue has been blown out of proportion and we do not intend to
violate the Taef Accord,” MP Aoun added. He also emphasized that “there is no
sectarian motive behind granting one-year’s seniority to a number of officers.”
Berri has accused the president, without naming him, of seeking to monopolize
power and to “undermine” the Taef Accord. The ongoing Aoun-Berri spat broke out
after the president and the premier signed a decree granting one-year seniority
to a number of officers. Berri and Finance Minister Ali Hassan Khalil have
insisted that the decree should have also carried the finance minister's
signature. Aoun and his aides have argued that the decree did not require
Khalil's signature because it did not entail any “financial burden,” a point
Berri and officials close to him have argued against. Ain el-Tineh sources have
meanwhile warned that the decree would tip sectarian balance in favor of
Christians in the army's highest echelons. The officers in question were
undergoing their first year of officer training at the Military Academy when
Syrian forces ousted Aoun’s military government from Baabda in 1990. They were
suspended by the pro-Damascus authorities until 1993 before they resumed their
officer training course as second-year cadets.
LAF arrests Maher Tleiss in Brital
Sat 06 Jan 2018/NNA - "As a result of monitoring and follow-up, a force from the
Directorate of Intelligence arrested raided the home of Maher Mohamad Tleiss and
arrested him in his hometown in Brital, in the Bekaa," a statement from the
Lebanese Armed Forces said. The arrestee is wanted by the Interpol and for
forming a gang to steal cars, kidnapping and producing counterfeit money,
attacking members of the Army, as well as on the suspicion of arms and drug
dealing. Interrogation of the detainee is initiated under the supervision of the
competent judiciary.
Rahi urges politicians to build peace on basis
of truth, justice and freedom
Sat 06 Jan 2018/NNA - Maronite Patriarch, Cardinal Beshara Rahi, said during
Epiphany Mass on Saturday that it is time for politicians to build peace on the
basis of truth, justice and freedom. "Speak, Lord, for your servant is listening
(1 Samuel 3-10)," said Samuel to God, "all the leaders need Samuel's call to
build peace on the basis of truth, justice, freedom and love," Rahi said from
Latest LCCC Bulletin For Miscellaneous Reports And News
published on January 06-07/18
Act 2 of Trump clampdown on Iran: Re-imposing sanctions lifted
under nuclear accord
DebkaFile/January 06/18/
On the heels of the first protests to hit the Iranian regime, Washington will
turn the screw by negating financial benefits afforded by the nuclear deal. To
this end, President Donald Trump will use the deadlines he faces as of next week
for certifying the Iranian nuclear deal and approving sanctions waivers. This
intent was indicated by Secretary of State Rex Tillerson in an AP interview
Friday, Jan. 5. Since the president had demanded that the 2015 nuclear accord
with Iran be either “fixed or cancelled,” Tillerson said the administration was
working with lawmakers on legislation for making it more acceptable to the
president. Last October, Trump reluctantly waived sanctions for another three
months. However, since sanctions relief was not incorporated in the nuclear
deal, which Iran signed with six world nations three years ago, the US may set
them aside without being accused of non-compliance. The US may therefore certify
the framework while emptying it of the economic benefits the Obama
administration granted, which funneled hundreds of billions of dollars to the
Iranian treasury.This is what Tillerson meant by “fixing” rather than
“cancelling” the nuclear accord. He is charged with reformulating the deal,
while upholding the Trump policy for countering Iran’s regional aggression and
continuing support for anti-regime protests. These steps are components of the
drawn-out, staged war of attrition the Trump administration has begun
orchestrating against the revolutionary Shiite regime in Tehran for the year of
The following steps are already in the pipeline, DEBKAfile reports:
President Trump may refrain this time from signing on to the sanction waivers,
but may re-certify Iran’s compliance with the accord.
The US Treasury Department has meanwhile announced new sanctions targeting
banks, financial entities and officials – whether involved in Iran’s missile
program or propping up the Revolutionary Guard Corps and its actions to suppress
popular dissent. Washington will likewise target entities in the Middle East and
beyond that serve Tehran and receive Iranian financial assistance and weapons.
Examples are Lebanon, Hizballah, the Iraqi Shiite militias under Iranian
command, Hamas, the Palestinian Islamic Jihad and others. A broad US strategy is
now in place for halting or slashing American aid programs to entities and
governments which refuse to cooperate with the administration’s policy
Donald Trump’s original plan was to work closely with the Europeans on his drive
against Iran. Since the European governments have not only opted out of
cooperation but are flatly opposed to US support for the Iranian protesters,
Washington is forging ahead on its own, without reference to any European
capital. Trump has thus scrapped one of the basic principles which gave birth to
the nuclear accord, close cooperation between the US, Russia and the leading
European powers.
The breakup of this transatlantic partnership confronts Russia’s Vladimir Putin
with a dilemma. Lining up with Europe on Iran would place Moscow on a collision
course with the Trump administration. That Moscow knows exactly what is at stake
was evident in the remarks made by Russia’s Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei
Ryabkov on Jan. 4, in response to Washington’s call for a UN Security Council to
discuss repression in Iran: “We warn the US against attempts to interfere in the
internal affairs of the Islamic Republic of Iran.” He also cautioned Washington
against being “tempted to use the moment to raise new issues with regard to the
JCPOA (the 2015 nuclear accord.)
Saudi FM Participates in Arab Ministerial Meeting on Jerusalem
Asharq Al Awsat/January
06/2018/Saudi Foreign Minister Adel al-Jubeir attended on Saturday the Arab
ministerial meeting on Jerusalem held in the Jordanian capital Amman. The
foreign ministers of Jordan, Egypt, the United Arab Emirates, Palestine, and
Morocco as well as Arab League Secretary-General Ahmed Aboul Gheit also took
part in the meeting. Al-Jubeir was accompanied by Prince Khalid bin Faisal bin
Turki, the Saudi Ambassador to Jordan, and Undersecretary of the Ministry of
Foreign Affairs for Specialized International Affairs Abdurlahman Al-Rassi. Al-Jubeir
received his Egyptian counterpart Sameh Shoukry on the sidelines of the Arab
ministerial meeting.The meeting was attended by the Saudi ambassador and a
number of officials.
Death of France’s Master of Spies in Arab world
... Philippe Rondot
Paris - Michel Abu Najm/Asharq Al Awsat/January 06/2018/Few days ago, French
General Philippe Rondot died at the age of 81. He was not a regular soldier
because he was perhaps the most veteran of those who had been spies in France
since the end of the second World War. He held many titles and names, including
Philippe Marie Louis Rondot, who was born in Nancy on October 5, 1936; the son
of General Pierre Rondot and the author of "Islam and Muslims Today", who
graduated from the famous French military academy “Saint-Cyr” in 1965 and chose
to join the paratroopers battalion and participate in the Algerian war between
1960 and 1964; and "Max," his pseudonym in the secret service, where he spent
most of his career as a spy working for his country regardless of the political
identity of the government. Rondot followed his father, who worked for the
French intelligence at that time. He was also given the nickname “Colonel
Lawrence” after the English officer who played an important role in the Great
Arab Revolution against the Turks in order to glorify his successes. Kim Philby,
was also one of his nicknames, given after a British spy who was an agent of the
Soviets and died in Moscow.
The fact is that Rondot is all these figures at the same time and even more
because he was a great intellectual and a top-notch academician. He earned a PhD
in political sociology. His works testify his passion for the Arab world, of
which he spoke its language fluently. He wrote six books devoted to Syria in
1978, Iraq in 1979, Jordan in 1980, Arab-Israeli Peace Projects in 1980, which
was his thesis in the university, Middle East and Search for Peace in 1982, and
his last was devoted to Baath movement in 1984. Rondot's knowledge of the Arab
world, however, was not written or theoretical. The man knew the Arab world from
the inside. He has moved within the framework of his successive jobs among the
Arab capitals since joining the Foreign Intelligence Service in 1965 in the
operations department. The limited information available about this period of
his career indicates that he participated in many foreign military missions and
was admired by his superiors. From non-Arab capitals, Rondot, who was a major
then, served as assistant director of the French Intelligence Office in
Bucharest, the capital of Romania during the Cold War.
'Be Careful!' Erdogan Warns French Reporter over Syria
Agence France Presse/Naharnet/January 06/18/Turkish President Recep Tayyip
Erdogan on Friday lashed out at a French reporter who asked him about claims
that Ankara sent arms to Syria. Erdogan told the journalist he was talking like
a member of an outlawed group blamed for last year's failed coup in Turkey. At a
joint press conference with French President Emmanuel Macron after their talks
in Paris, the reporter asked the Turkish leader about a story from 2015 in the
Cumhuriyet newspaper which allegedly proved Turkey had sent weapons to Syria.
Erdogan has always pinned the scandal on the exiled U.S.-based preacher
Fethullah Gulen. Turkey blames Gulen for the 2016 failed coup and accuses him of
running a group called the Fethullah Terror Organization (FETO). Gulen denies
the charges. "Those are the words of FETO. You should learn not to speak with
the words of FETO," Erdogan told the journalist after asking him to repeat the
question. The journalist could be heard insisting in French: "I am speaking as a
journalist!" "When you ask your questions, be careful on this point. And do not
speak with the words of another," warned the Turkish leader. "And I want you to
know, you do not have someone before you who will easily swallow this," Erdogan
added. The issue had first erupted in January 2014 when prosecutors in southern
Turkey uncovered trucks heading to Syria that they said were National
Intelligence Organisation (MIT) vehicles stuffed with arms. Ankara later charged
those involved in the probe with membership of the Gulen movement. "Those who
carried out those operations were Gulenist prosecutors. Now they are in prison,"
said Erdogan icily. In an apparent reference to American arms supplies to Syrian
Kurdish militia that have angered Turkey, he added: "You ask me that question
but why don't you ask me why the United States sent 4,000 trucks with arms to
Syria?""You are a journalist, right? You should have looked into that as
well."Without confirming the incident, Erdogan said that the MIT had "every
right" to carry out its operations.
'Terror has gardeners'
Earlier the Turkish president had said terror was not formed by itself. "Terror
and terrorists have gardeners. These gardeners are those seen as 'thinkers'. He
said "these people" nurture terror with newspaper columns "and one day, you will
find, these people will be revealed as terrorists."
Erdogan's trip to Paris to meet Macron was his most important bilateral visit to
an EU state since the failed putsch. It was overshadowed by questions about
press freedom. The P24 press freedom group says there are 151 journalists behind
bars in Turkey, most of whom were arrested under the state of emergency in place
since July 2016. The issue was raised at the talks, with Macron telling Erdogan
to "respect the rule of law." The Cumhuriyet story resulted in its then
editor-in- chief Can Dundar being handed a five-year and 10-month jail term for
divulging state secrets. He later fled Turkey.
Tillerson Backs Trump as Book Casts Mental
Health Doubts
Agence France Presse/Naharnet/January 06/18/Washington's chief diplomat Rex
Tillerson found himself obliged to defend President Donald Trump's fitness for
office Friday after a bombshell new book called into doubt his mental health. In
an extraordinary portion of a television interview on foreign policy challenges,
Tillerson was asked about claims that Trump has a short attention span,
regularly repeats himself and refuses to read briefing notes. "I've never
questioned his mental fitness. I've had no reason to question his mental
fitness," said Tillerson, whose office was last year forced to deny reports that
he had referred to Trump as a "moron" after a national security meeting. And,
even in defending Trump, the former ExxonMobil chief executive admitted he has
had to learn how to relay information to a president with a very different
decision-making style. "I have to learn how he takes information in, processes
it and makes decisions," Tillerson told CNN. "I'm here to serve his presidency.
So I've had to spend a lot of time understanding how to best communicate with
him." But Tillerson emphasized the right decisions had been made and that the
United States is in a stronger place internationally thanks to Trump's policies.
'Not a typical president'
"He is not a typical president of the past, I think that's well recognized --
that's also why the American people chose him," he said, insisting that he does
not expect to be asked to resign in the coming year. Tillerson was forced to
mount his defense as Washington devoured a new supposed tell-all -- Michael
Wolff's "Fire and Fury: Inside the Trump White House" -- rushed into bookstores
after the White House failed to suppress it. The book quickly sold out in shops
in the U.S. capital, with some people even lining up at midnight to get their
hands on it and others circulating pirated copies. Trump has decried the instant
best-seller as "phony" and "full of lies." Journalist Wolff, no stranger to
controversy, quotes several key Trump aides expressing doubt about Trump's
ability to lead the world's largest economy and military hegemon. "Let me put a
marker in the sand here. One hundred percent of the people around him" question
Trump's fitness for office, Wolff told NBC's "Today" show. "They all say he is
like a child. And what they mean by that is he has a need for immediate
gratification. It's all about him."The 71-year-old Republican president,
approaching the first anniversary of his inauguration, has responded to the book
with fury.
Criticism from aides
"I authorized Zero access to White House (actually turned him down many times)
for author of phony book! I never spoke to him for book. Full of lies,
misrepresentations and sources that don't exist," Trump tweeted Thursday. But
Wolff countered: "I absolutely spoke to the president. Whether he realized it
was an interview or not, I don't know, but it certainly was not off the
record."The book includes extensive quotes from Steve Bannon, Trump's former
chief strategist, and its publication sparked a very public break between the
former allies. Bannon is quoted accusing Trump's eldest son Don Jr of
"treasonous" contacts with a Kremlin-connected lawyer, and saying the
president's daughter Ivanka, who imagines running for president one day, is
"dumb as a brick." But it is Trump himself who is cast in the most unfavorable
light. Late Friday Trump fired another bitter tweet, calling Wolff "a total
loser who made up stories in order to sell this really boring and untruthful
book." "He used Sloppy Steve Bannon, who cried when he got fired and begged for
his job. Now Sloppy Steve has been dumped like a dog by almost everyone. Too
The book claims that for Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin and former White House
chief of staff Reince Priebus, the president was an "idiot." For chief economic
advisor Gary Cohn, he was "dumb as shit." And for National Security Adviser H.R.
McMaster, he was a "dope."The publication came as it emerged that at least a
dozen members of the U.S. Congress were briefed last month by a Yale University
professor of psychiatry on Trump's mental health. "Lawmakers were saying they
have been very concerned about this, the president's dangerousness, the dangers
that his mental instability poses on the nation," Bandy Lee, a doctor, told CNN.
The White House issued a scorched-earth dismissal of "Fire and Fury" along with
its author and his sources, with Press Secretary Sarah Sanders calling it
"complete fantasy."First lady Melania Trump's spokeswoman, Stephanie Grisham,
told CNN that it is "a work of fiction. It is a long-form tabloid that peddles
false statements and total fabrications." Behind the scenes, though, Trump has
been enraged by the betrayal by Bannon -- a man who engineered the New York real
estate mogul's link to the nationalist far right and helped create a pro-Trump
media ecosystem. Sanders suggested that Bannon's employer, Breitbart News,
should consider firing him. He wasn't fired, but Bannon's main financial backer
is formally cutting ties with him, The Washington Post reported. Bannon, who
left the White House in August, is also quoted in the book as saying that the
investigation by special counsel Robert Mueller into Russian interference in the
2016 election -- and possible collusion by the Trump campaign -- will focus on
money laundering. Wolff confidently defended himself against attacks on his
credibility, which have included threats from Trump's lawyers of a libel suit.
"My credibility is being questioned by a man who has less credibility than,
perhaps, anyone who has ever walked on earth at this point," Wolff said. "I
spoke to people who spoke to the president on a daily, sometimes
minute-by-minute basis," he added. "I am certainly absolutely in every way
comfortable with everything I've reported in this book."
Iran Foreign Minister Ridicules Trump 'Blunder'
at U.N.
Agence France Presse/Naharnet/January 06/18/Iran's Foreign Minister Mohammad
Javad Zarif ridiculed U.S. President Donald Trump on Saturday over what he
called the foreign policy "blunder" of trying to raise its recent protests at
the U.N. Security Council. The Security Council "rebuffed the U.S.' naked
attempt to hijack its mandate", wrote Zarif on Twitter. "Majority emphasized the
need to fully implement the JCPOA (nuclear deal) and to refrain from interfering
in internal affairs of others. Another FP (foreign policy) blunder for the Trump
administration." The United States had pushed for the U.N. meeting on Friday to
discuss the five days of protests that hit Iran last week, leading to the deaths
of 21 people and hundreds of arrests. U.S. Ambassador Nikki Haley argued the
unrest could escalate into full-blown conflict and drew a comparison with Syria.
"The Iranian regime is now on notice: the world will be watching what you do,"
Haley warned. But Russia's envoy shot back that if the U.S. view holds, the
council should have also discussed the 2014 unrest in the U.S. suburb of
Ferguson, Missouri over the police shooting of a black teenager or the U.S.
crackdown on the Occupy Wall Street movement. Britain and France reiterated that
Iran must respect the rights of protesters, but French Ambassador Francois
Delattre said the "events of the past days do not constitute a threat to peace
and international security."China also described the meeting as meddling in
Iran's affairs, while Ethiopia, Kuwait and Sweden expressed reservations about
the discussion. Iran's Ambassador Gholamali Khoshroo slammed the meeting as a
"farce" and a "waste of time" and said the council should instead focus on
addressing the Israeli-Palestinian conflict or the war in Yemen. Iranian
authorities have declared the unrest over, and held three days of large
pro-government rallies across the country between Wednesday and Friday. Iran
signed a nuclear deal with the United States, Britain, France, Germany, Russia
and China in 2015, easing sanctions in exchange for curbs to the country's
nuclear program. Trump has fiercely opposed the deal, but the other signatories
remain firmly behind it. Trump must decide every few months whether to continue
waiving nuclear sanctions, with the next deadline due on Friday. Analysts say
there is a chance he may use the latest unrest as a pretext to reimpose
Palestinians Mark Orthodox Christmas amid
Boycott Calls
Agence France Presse/Naharnet/January
06/18/A row over land sales threatened to put a damper on Orthodox Christmas Eve
celebrations in Bethlehem on Saturday, with three Palestinian municipalities
calling on the public to stay away. The municipalities of Bethlehem, Beit Sahour
and Beit Jala, all in the Israeli-occupied West Bank, called for the boycott
over Jerusalem's Greek Orthodox patriarch allegedly allowing controversial real
estate sales. Theophilos III was expected on Saturday afternoon to lead a
traditional Christmas procession to Bethlehem's Church of the Nativity, which
Christians believe marks the birthplace of Jesus. The mayor of the Christian
town of Beit Jala, near Bethlehem, said he wanted Theophilos removed from his
post over controversial sales of church land to Israeli settlement groups in
mainly Palestinian east Jerusalem. "Our move today is a protest against the
patriarch over the sale of land of the Orthodox," mayor Nicola Khamis told AFP.
Palestinian state news agency WAFA however said President Mahmoud Abbas and
prime minister Rami Hamdallah were expected to attend Saturday's procession. The
church elected Theophilos in 2005 after dismissing his predecessor Irineos over
an alleged multi-million-dollar sale of church land to Jewish buyers. But Khamis
says the practice continues. "Theophilos ignored all the demands and continued
selling this land even if the (Christian) majority is against it," he said.
"Today we are taking a stand to say the patriarch must stop the selling of the
land."Property transactions with Jewish buyers anger Palestinians, who see
Israeli-annexed east Jerusalem as the capital of their promised state. In
August, Theophilos himself denounced an Israeli court ruling upholding deals
made before his appointment between the church and Israeli pro-settlement
organization Ateret Cohanim for two hotel properties near the Jaffa Gate
entrance to the Old City of east Jerusalem. He said the church would appeal to
Israel's supreme court over the ruling. According to Israeli media, the 2004
agreements were for 99-year leases on hotel properties near Jaffa Gate. The
church went to court against Ateret Cohanim, claiming the deals were signed
illegally and without its authorization. The Greek Orthodox Church is the
biggest and wealthiest Christian Church in the Holy Land. Its Jerusalem
patriarchate commands massive wealth, largely in land portfolios in Israel, the
occupied West Bank and Jordan. Eastern Christians celebrate Christmas on January
7, while those in the West observe it on December 25 due to differences between
the Julian and Gregorian calendars.
Clashes in Cairo after Detainee Dies at Police
Agence France Presse/Naharnet/January 06/18/Clashes erupted between Egyptian
protesters and policemen on Saturday outside a Cairo police station over the
death of a young man in custody, security sources said. Nine people were injured
and 20 people arrested in the overnight scuffle in Cairo's working class
neighborhood of Moqattam, they said. The security sources said a young man
nicknamed Afroto, who was arrested on Friday for alleged drug trafficking, died
after a violent brawl with other detainees. But protesters accused the police of
being responsible for his death. They set fire to tires and cars near the police
station, leading the fire brigade to intervene. Calm returned to Moqattam later
in the morning after Cairo's security chief pledged a probe into the detainee's
death, promising not to obscure any police involvement. The prosecutor examined
the body and ordered an autopsy. Egypt has tried and sentenced several policemen
for violent deaths in detention in recent years. Rights groups have repeatedly
denounced alleged torture and deaths in detention. Egypt's interior ministry has
said it does not condone torture but said there have been "individual" cases of
abuses. Police abuses fueled a 2011 uprising that toppled veteran dictator Hosni
Mubarak and ushered in years of political instability.
Over 2,000 Afghans Sent by Iran Killed in Syria
Agence France Presse/Naharnet/January 06/18/More than 2,000 Afghans deployed by
Iran have been killed fighting in Syria on the side of President Bashar
al-Assad's regime, an official in the volunteer force told Iranian media. The
Fatemiyoun Brigade of Afghan "volunteer" recruits has been fighting in Syria for
five years, said Zohair Mojahed, a cultural official in the brigade. "This
brigade has given more than 2,000 martyrs and 8,000 wounded for Islam," he said
in an interview with the reformist Shargh newspaper published Saturday. Iran
rarely provides figures on the numbers fighting and killed in its operations in
Syria and Iraq. The last toll was provided by the veterans organization in
March, which said 2,100 volunteers had died without specifying how many were
foreign recruits. Iran denies sending professional troops to fight in the
region, saying it has only provided military advisers and organized brigades
made up of volunteers from Iran, Afghanistan and Pakistan. The Fatemiyoun is
reportedly the biggest military unit deployed by Iran in Iraq and Syria, made up
of recruits from Afghanistan's Shiite minority. Iran has backed Afghan forces in
the past against the Taliban in their own country, as well as mobilizing them
against Saddam Hussein's forces in the Iran-Iraq war of 1980-88. Some 3,000
Afghans died fighting Iraq in the 1980s, Mojahed said. Tehran offers Iranian
citizenship to the families of those foreign fighters "martyred" in the
conflicts of Syria and Iraq. Iranian media has reported on the funerals of
volunteer "martyrs" and aired television features about their presence in Syria.
Two Jets Collide on Ground at Toronto Airport
Agence France Presse/Naharnet/January 06/18/Two jets collided on the ground at a
Toronto airport on Friday, setting the tail of one aircraft alight and prompting
passengers to evacuate the other via an emergency slide. Both WestJet and
Sunwing confirmed that their planes were involved in the collision at 18:19
local time (2319 GMT) at Toronto Pearson International, the second such incident
at the airport in five months. Several hours after the collision the airport
said all WestJet passengers were safely at the terminal, adding that one of the
airport's fire and emergency service personnel was undergoing hospital
"At this time, airport operations have not been significantly affected by the
incident but continue to be challenged by the extreme cold weather conditions,"
the airport's statement said. The panicked shouts and cries of those aboard were
audible on one Instagram video shot by a passenger inside the WestJet plane.
The clip showed flames erupting from the Sunwing aircraft, sending black smoke
spewing into the frigid night air. "Our plane was crashed into by another plane
right after the pilot announced they were 'low on staff,'" wrote the user who
posted the video, under the handle stephen_belford. WestJet said on Twitter that
the Boeing 737-800 plane had 168 guests and six crew onboard, and had arrived in
Toronto via Cancun. Waiting to proceed to the gate, the aircraft "was struck by
a Sunwing aircraft pushing back from the gate," WestJet said. "Due to the
position of the aircraft on the laneway, WestJet guests required evacuation via
emergency slide. Emergency crews were on hand and responded immediately," the
airline tweeted. The company did not specify if the incident resulted in
injuries but said "all 168 guests and six crew are accounted for.""We can
confirm guests are safely in the terminal and they are in the process of
clearing customs."In a statement posted on its social media pages Sunwing said
"there were no Sunwing crew or passengers onboard at the time of the incident,"
adding that its aircraft had been "under tow by our ground handling service
provider" prior to the collision.
Toronto's weather was clear but overnight the temperature plunged below -20
degrees Celsius (-4 degrees Fahrenheit). The Transportation Safety Board had
arrived at the scene and launched an investigation. The collision is the second
such incident at Toronto Pearson in recent months. In early August, a Canadian
and a Polish passenger jet clipped wings on the ground at the airport, causing
"serious" damage but no casualties.
Latest LCCC Bulletin analysis & editorials from
miscellaneous sources published
on January 06-07/18
Iran and the Need for Change
Leonid Bershidsky/Bloomberg/January
In a country as repressive as Iran, it's difficult to gauge where the current
countrywide protests are leading. But a bold theory that predicted the recent
transition to democracy in Tunisia may offer some clues. In 2008, US demographer
Richard Cincotta predicted that Tunisia — then under a well-established
authoritarian regime — would probably democratize before 2020 based on the age
structure of its population. When Cincotta aired the forecast at a meeting
of Middle East experts sponsored by the US State Department, the audience burst
into laughter. "One well-known Middle East scholar laughed until he was in
tears," Cincotta recalled in a 2017 paper explaining his age-structural theory
of state behavior. "Because the laughter did not subside, the session’s chair
ended the question and answer session." Today, Tunisia is the one success story
of the Arab Spring chain of revolutions that began there in 2010. It is
classified as "Free" by Freedom House, whose rating system Cincotta uses in his
analysis. The reason Cincotta picked it out among regional neighbors — including
those that would soon live through revolutions, too — was that thanks to a
sustained near-replacement fertility rate, the Tunisian population's median age
was rapidly increasing, moving the country along Cincotta's age-structural
scale. The scale has four stages: youthful (median age under 25), intermediate
(under 35), mature (under 45) and post-mature (higher than 45).
In "youthful" countries with high fertility rates, schools are usually crowded,
investment per student is low and competition for jobs among young people is
intense. That raises their propensity to protest and increases the chance of a
revolution. According to Cincotta, the probability that a regime controlling a
population with a median age of 15 is free from civil conflict is about 60
percent. It goes up to 80 percent at an average age of about 27, and civil
conflict becomes almost unthinkable when half the population is older than 40.
While a country is in a youthful phase, however, an uprising is highly unlikely
to result in sustainable democratization.
Today, Iranians are getting older. Thanks to successful fertility-control
policies of the 1980s (now regretted by the country's religious leadership),
Iran is rapidly going through the intermediate age-structural phase, just as
Tunisia did. This, according to Cincotta, is a window for economic growth and
political change favoring the middle class. Countries in this phase usually have
just enough resources for a workable education system, and there are plenty of
young workers and consumers — and few enough dependents, both young and old — to
ensure increases in prosperity, as well as demand for democracy. In the 2017
paper, Cincotta published his model's predictions of the probability of certain
Middle Eastern countries' being declared "Free" in the current year by Freedom
The paper came out early last year, and Iran's democratization looked so
unlikely that Cincotta was forced to add a disclaimer: "Ideological political
monopolies (e.g., Iran) characteristically behave without deference to the order
of the list." Now, after a week of protests and even riots that have combined
economic and political demands, including liberalization and greater openness to
the world, some lasting democratic change no longer looks out of the question.
It may not come through a violent revolution, though. In an article published by
the Carnegie Endowment in December, but before the protests began, Cincotta and
Karim Sadjadpour wrote: As Iran’s youth bulge dissipates and the country’s
median age increases, the population will likely become increasingly averse to
risky, violent confrontations with the regime. Some of the current protests'
dynamics suggest that this prediction may turn out to be accurate. Young people
under the age of 25 appear to be the driving force of the anti-government
actions, and they definitely make up the bulk of the hundreds of activists
detained by the authorities so far.
While the country's leaders have threatened tough action, and, indeed, some 20
people have been killed in street fighting, President Hassan Rouhani has offered
some conciliatory rhetoric. He acknowledged the people's right to protest and
the legitimacy of their economic gripes. That may mean concessions and a partial
liberalization are likely. Just as the protests were starting, Tehran police
announced that they would no longer arrest women for breaking the country's
women dress code. Economic measures to pacify protesters unhappy about rising
prices, corruption and inequality may well follow.
Iran's religious leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, has blamed Iran's "enemies" for
the unrest. But perhaps the country's demographics have more to do with it than
any foreign interference. Though Cincotta's theory has been dismissed as
simplistic and criticized for not providing robust proof of causation, it's
intuitively convincing: A country with a young population has a relatively
higher chance to change, and as it matures and more people have something to
lose, this change is more likely to be peaceful and sustainable. The corrupt,
highly unequal, repressive status quo is shaky in Iran because it doesn't fit
the country's demographic window of opportunity. Regardless of how change takes
place in Iran, it's worth noting the high probability of democratization that
Cincotta's method assigns to Turkey. President Recep Tayyip Erdogan's
regime looks rock-solid and bent on tightening screws. But Iran, too, looked
immutable just weeks ago, and so did Tunisian President Zine El Abidine Ben
Ali's regime in 2008.
The Iranian Game-Show Host Challenging Iran's Rulers
Eli Lake/Bloomberg/January 06/2018
Seyed Mohammad Hosseini makes for an unlikely revolutionary. The last time he
was in Iran was in 2011. He was a minor celebrity, as the host of "Simorgh," a
zany game show on which he would ask contestants to perform silly stunts for
prizes. Today he lives in America and urges Iranians to burn mosques and deface
police stations. Since March of last year, Hosseini has been broadcasting
messages to the people of Iran on Telegram, Instagram and other social media
platforms urging them to #restartIran, a hashtag and the name of a movement he
is now hoping will earn the support of the US government.
"We started with a color protest," he told me. "We told people to spray colors
on the walls of buildings that belonged to the Basij." (The Basij is the state
militia that was deployed to terrorize protestors and keep order during past
uprisings.) After this, Hosseini said they moved on to urging Iranians to throw
rocks at the windows of government buildings. "Then we said there should be a
fire protest," he said. "They should burn down government mosques and police
Hosseini is by no means a leader of the current protests in Iran. The
demonstrations do not appear connected to his campaign. But he is an important
element of the unrest. There is an undercurrent of violence to the uprising this
time around that was missing from the protests of 2009, after a stolen
presidential election. It's one of the reasons Iran's president, Hassan Rouhani,
has called for those damaging property to be prosecuted.
Potkin Azarmehr, an Iranian broadcaster based in London who has been poring
through cell-phone videos from Iran in recent months, told me he has counted at
least 20 videos of property damage using the #restartIran hashtag since the
fall. "I am not saying the protests have anything to do with Restart," he told
me. "They are only a small part of this. But 20 incidents in three months are
not isolated. It shows that something as ridiculous as this campaign is getting
a reaction and that Iranians are losing their fear."
Hosseini's campaign has also worried Telegram, the low-bandwidth messaging app
used by millions of Iranians. The government has just taken this app offline.
Telegram banned Hosseini's first account, "showman1," in October. He has since
migrated to mirror accounts on Telegram. In an Oct. 29, 2017, post, Telegram
founder Pavel Durov wrote that Hosseini's account was an example of a "line one
shouldn't cross." He said the account "started to urge its members to throw
stones into the windows of public buildings and vehicles (schools, temples,
buses) and film it." The service asked Hosseini to stop this "vandalism
contest," but he ignored Telegram and "launched another creepy competition
urging their 100K+ users to burn mosques by throwing Molotov cocktails into them
and film it. As a result, we were left with no other option but to block."
It's understandable why some Iranians and their allies in the West may want to
get behind Hosseini's #restartIran movement. The Iranian regime deploys violence
against students, activists, minorities, labor leaders and anyone else who
challenges their country's clerical fascists. Why shouldn't the resistance treat
the regime in kind? But at this stage, it would be a strategic error.
The state has many more guns than the people do. The best odds for the uprising
come through nonviolent civil disobedience. The goal for Iran's demonstrators
now should be to build as wide a coalition as possible. If regular people feel
threatened by revolutionaries, they will not feel safe enough to join the
opposition to the dictator. The opposition must create a space where regular
police officers feel empowered and safe enough to disobey if ordered to disperse
crowds and arrest activists.
Nonviolent resistance has a far better track record in bringing down tyrants in
the modern world. It's true that massive state-to-state wars ended regimes in
Nazi Germany and Fascist Japan. But Iranians today are not asking to be invaded.
A good model for Iran is the uprising that unseated Slobodan Milosevic in Serbia
or Eduard Shevardnadze in Georgia. These campaigns succeeded because the
leader's henchmen, in the end, would not shed blood to keep the boss in power.
Hosseini is not impressed by these arguments. He told me Iranians want
revolution by any means possible. His next goal is to get an audience with
President Donald Trump. "I like Trump," he said. "He was a reality television
star. I am a reality television star. We are on the same page."
If You Hate America, Why Not Go Back to Your Country?
Majid Rafizadeh/Gatestone
Institute/January 06/2018
No matter what the Islamists' current status or situation, they would lash out
at the US, the West and Americans. Meanwhile, American taxpayers were providing
hundreds of thousands of dollars to them in scholarships, free accommodation,
and often even a monthly stipend. By comparison, many American students struggle
to pay their own tuition and housing; many graduate with debt.
Some believed that the US was simply supposed to do these favors for them for
free of charge. Others argued that this was an opportunity to take advantage of
America, and should be done for the sake of furthering Islamic political and
religious views.
The US has been funding the lives of these extremists as they endanger our
country and the lives of all Americans, and spread hatred towards America,
Christianity, Judaism and the West. Is this how American taxpayers want their
hard-earned contributions to be used?
When I first arrived in America, I would ask every extremist and fundamentalist
Muslim I met: "How has your life been since you came to the United States?"
It was clear that their living standards were much better than back home. I knew
well the lands they had come from, their economic standards and restrictions,
their lifestyle, the social, and the religious, economic and political
landscapes of the region.
They were surely about to say how much their lives had improved, and how
grateful they were to be in a new, less restricted environment. Instead, they
expressed anger and even hatred of their new country and its culture. What they
could not put into words, was clearly written across their faces: revulsion and
It seemed they were comfortable disclosing their true feelings in Farsi or
Arabic about the US, Americans, the West, Christians, and Jews. As we had all
come from, grown up in, and worked in the same region, many of them mistakenly
assumed that we both shared the same hate-filled views. Once they discovered
that was not the situation, some even tried to reshape my views: as I was new to
the country, I probably did not yet understand.
Everything in this country, they patiently explained, was kufr: blasphemy,
filthy, infidel. They went on harshly to criticize American culture and the
Western lifestyle. Their list of complaints was unending: how men and women
dress, how people interact, how people work and celebrate life, go to parties,
date, marry, dance, drink -- there did not seem one aspect of American life that
did not enrage them.
A wealthy Islamist imam, who explained that he was poor in his prior country and
had accumulated all of his wealth after coming to the US by expanding existing
mosques and attracting people and donations, ironically bashed the US for not
allowing Islamist imams to grow financially. He could not explain why. It was
just another hypocritical tool, used as an excuse to hate America and brainwash
followers to hate America. Despite the fact that he had gone from poverty to
riches beyond anything he could have dreamed, he was quite angry at his new
More intriguingly, this attitude was apparent among both academics and
non-academics. No matter what the Islamists' current status or situation, they
would lash out at the US, the West and Americans. Meanwhile, American taxpayers
were providing hundreds of thousands of dollars to them in scholarships, free
accommodation, and often even a monthly stipend. By comparison, many American
students struggle to pay their own tuition and housing; many graduate with debt.
When asked what they thought of the free education that they were receiving at
the best universities in the world, which ensured their success in life, a sense
of entitlement would appear. Some believed that the US was simply supposed to do
these favors for them for free of charge. Others argued that this was an
opportunity to take advantage of America, and should be done for the sake of
furthering Islamic political and religious views.
When asked for details about their home country from where they immigrated or
fled, surprisingly, they had nothing bad to say. Everything in their home
country was heaven-like. They beautified and worshiped their authoritarian and
Islamist regimes.
Finally, I asked the question that burned in my mind: Why, if they hated the US
so much, did they not they go back to their beloved home country? What if all
their expenses were covered, such as plane tickets to their native land?
Instead of the earlier lengthy explanations, the general response was evasive.
Some even remained perfectly silent or refused to answer.
The question itself had unmasked me. In their eyes, just by asking this
question, I had revealed myself as an outsider. In that moment, I joined the
crowd of multitudes of human beings that they hate and refuse to tolerate.
Even if one puts their Islamist agenda aside, their extreme ungratefulness
seemed jolting. The United States had given them a home, a green card,
citizenship, free scholarships, salaries, unlimited opportunities, and freedoms
they had never known: freedom of speech, of the press, and of assembly.
Here they were enjoying equality under the law, security, and so many other
benefits that would be considered extreme luxuries or unheard of in their
previous homelands -- everything they had been deprived of in their earlier
home. No other country would have provided them with half of this. So why did
they demonstrate and ratchet up anti-American, anti-Western, anti-Christian,
anti-Semitic sentiments, while at the same time rejecting the idea of returning
to their original country? How could they enjoy all of these benefits America
offered them, and yet, at the same time, yearn for its destruction? There do not
seem to be such anti-American sentiments expressed by other immigrants from
non-Islamist countries, or from Christians or Jews who fled from Islamist states
in the same region.
It is now time to reconsider whom we are freely providing money and resources to
-- including those Islamists who have already been in the United States for
generations. It is the time to reconsider whom we are allowing to enter this
country, and providing with free shelter, scholarships, cash, freedom of speech,
and all the rights that come with the constitution. The US has been funding the
lives of these extremists as they endanger our country and the lives of all
Americans, and spread hatred towards America, Christianity, Judaism and the
Is this how American taxpayers want their hard-earned contributions to be used?
*Dr. Majid Rafizadeh, is a business strategist and advisor, Harvard-educated
scholar, political scientist, board member of Harvard International Review, and
president of the International American Council on the Middle East. He is the
author of "Peaceful Reformation in Iran's Islam". He can be reached at
© 2018 Gatestone Institute. All rights reserved. The articles printed here do
not necessarily reflect the views of the Editors or of Gatestone Institute. No
part of the Gatestone website or any of its contents may be reproduced, copied
or modified, without the prior written consent of Gatestone Institute.
Europe must stand on the side of the Iranian people
Ryszard Czarnecki/January 06/2018
Jan. 5 (UPI) -- More than one week has passed since the massive protests broke
out in Iran. It started from the country's second-largest city with spontaneous
demonstrations against poverty and government corruption, but spread across Iran
with lightning speed.
The slogans quickly turned political calling for the downfall of the Islamic
Republic of Iran. They have reached over a hundred cities and towns, some of
which were not familiar to even many Iranians before. This rightly suggests that
we are faced with a nationwide popular demand against a corrupt and rotten
medieval theocracy, which is now on its last legs. At least 50 protesters have
been shot dead by the security forces so far, according to daily reports
provided by the network of the People's Mojahedin Organization of Iran -- better
known by its initials PMOI or Persian acronym MEK -- which is the popular
grass-root opposition movement that the regime has been accusing of organizing
the protests. Iran's repressive elite force, the Islamic Revolutionary Guards
Corps, has begun a house-to-house search in many smaller towns, arresting those
identified in the rallies, terrorizing the people and threatening them not to
take part in any protests. The officials have announced over 1,800 arrests so
far but the real figure is feared to reach several thousand.
According to Amnesty International, within two days some 423 detainees were
registered in the notorious Evin prison in Tehran. The human rights organization
stressed that "the Iranian authorities have an appalling track record of
carrying out mass arbitrary arrests of peaceful demonstrators. Given the
alarming scale of the current wave of arrests, it is highly likely that many of
those held are peaceful protesters who have been detained arbitrarily and now
find themselves in prisons where conditions are dire and torture is a common
tool to extract confessions and punish dissidents."
The world has been watching with amazement and admiration the footage of the
extraordinary bravery of Iranians risking their lives on the streets to get
their country back from the ayatollahs. But the response from the international
community has been all but clear.
While the U.S. administration has been quick to declare support for the
demonstrators and has maintained a steady line of advocacy in favor of the
protesters over the past week, the European Union has been cautious and
reluctant to declare any support. The EU's diplomacy chief, Federica Mogherini,
waited five days before showing any reaction. And then, after at least a dozen
protesters were declared dead, instead of making a formal declaration, she
retweeted comments made by her spokesperson.
"The EU is following the demonstrations in Iran. We have been in touch with the
Iranian authorities. We expect that the right to peaceful demonstration and
freedom of expression will be guaranteed, following President Rouhani's public
statements. We will continue to monitor the situation Iran," the EU
spokesperson tweeted on Monday.
But on Thursday, Amnesty International stressed that "despite President Hassan
Rouhani's assurance on Sunday, 30 December, 2017 that protesters have the right
to criticize the government, the authorities' subsequent rhetoric has suggested
they intend to respond to the unrest in an increasingly ruthless manner."
The Iranian Judiciary Chief Sadegh Larijani demanded a "strong action" from "all
prosecutors." The Head of the Revolutionary Court in Tehran, Mousa Ghanzafar
Abadi, warned that the Ministry of Interior had declared the protests illegal
and that those who continued to engage in demonstrations would face severe
penalties. He threatened that the protest leaders and organizers could be
charged with "enmity against God" (moharebeh), which is punishable by the death
penalty, "as they are connected with foreign intelligence services and are
implementing their agendas." Supreme leader Ali Khamenei accused the country's
"enemies" of stirring the unrest.
U.S. Vice President Mike Pence criticized European allies in an op-ed in The
Washington Post on Wednesday. "Unfortunately, many of our European partners, as
well as the United Nations, have thus far failed to forcefully speak out on the
growing crisis in Iran," Pence wrote. "It's time for them to stand up."
The support in the United States is quite bipartisan. The U.S. Congress and
Senate Democratic leaders Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer, as well as former
presidential candidate Bernie Sanders, have all declared support for the Iranian
freedom movement.
The EU now risks to quickly lose its credibility in the eyes of many Iranians
who are shocked and have expressed anger on social media on the lack of resolve
from European diplomacy to be on their side.
This is not a fight between "moderates" and "hard-liners," or Tehran vs. Trump.
It's a fight between a brave people who want liberty and their brutal
oppressors. The EU needs to choose a side. It's time to stop wasting time with
the mullahs who will soon be history. It's time to side with the future free
**Ryszard Czarnecki, is vice president of the European Parliament.