February 10/2018
Compiled & Prepared by: Elias
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What then shall we say? Is God unjust? Not at all! For
he says to Moses,“I will have mercy on whom I have mercy, and I will have
compassion on whom I have compassion.” It does not, therefore, depend on
human desire or effort, but on God’s mercy
Romans 09/07-29: It is not as though God’s word had failed. For not all who
are descended from Israel are Israel. Nor because they are his descendants
are they all Abraham’s children. On the contrary, “It is through Isaac that
your offspring will be reckoned.”In other words, it is not the children by
physical descent who are God’s children, but it is the children of the
promise who are regarded as Abraham’s offspring. For this was how the
promise was stated: “At the appointed time I will return, and Sarah will
have a son.”Not only that, but Rebekah’s children were conceived at the same
time by our father Isaac. Yet, before the twins were born or had done
anything good or bad—in order that God’s purpose in election might stand: 12
not by works but by him who calls—she was told, “The older will serve the
younger.”Just as it is written: “Jacob I loved, but Esau I hated.” What then
shall we say? Is God unjust? Not at all! For he says to Moses,“I will have
mercy on whom I have mercy,and I will have compassion on whom I have
compassion.” It does not, therefore, depend on human desire or effort, but
on God’s mercy. For Scripture says to Pharaoh: “I raised you up for this
very purpose, that I might display my power in you and that my name might be
proclaimed in all the earth.” Therefore God has mercy on whom he wants to
have mercy, and he hardens whom he wants to harden. One of you will say to
me: “Then why does God still blame us? For who is able to resist his will?”
But who are you, a human being, to talk back to God? “Shall what is formed
say to the one who formed it, ‘Why did you make me like this?Does not the
potter have the right to make out of the same lump of clay some pottery for
special purposes and some for common use? What if God, although choosing to
show his wrath and make his power known, bore with great patience the
objects of his wrath—prepared for destruction? What if he did this to make
the riches of his glory known to the objects of his mercy, whom he prepared
in advance for glory— even us, whom he also called, not only from the Jews
but also from the Gentiles? As he says in Hosea: “I will call them ‘my
people’ who are not my people; and I will call her ‘my loved one’ who is not
my loved one, In the very place where it was said to them, ‘You are not my
people,’there they will be called ‘children of the living God.’ Isaiah cries
out concerning Israel: “Though the number of the Israelites be like the sand
by the sea, only the remnant will be saved. For the Lord will carry out his
sentence on earth with speed and finality.” It is just as Isaiah said
previously: “Unless the Lord Almighty had left us descendants, we would have
become like Sodom, we would have been like Gomorrah.””
Question: "How can heaven be perfect if all of our
loved ones are not there?" The word perfection carries the idea of wholeness
and a lack of nothing. If something is perfect, then it’s complete. So how
can heaven be perfect if some people are missing? Wouldn’t it be better if
all our loved ones were there?
God is perfect (Psalm 18:30). God’s dwelling place is perfect. God’s plan of
salvation is perfect. In God’s plan (which is perfect) He extends the
righteousness of Christ to all who trust in Him. What happens to those who
do not trust in Christ? They are rejecting perfection, rejecting God’s
dwelling place, and rejecting God Himself. As John 3:18 says, “Whoever does
not believe stands condemned already because they have not believed in the
name of God’s one and only Son.” To force people to believe, to ignore their
sin, or to bypass Christ would be to destroy the perfection of heaven.
When we arrive in heaven, our perspective will change. Our limited, earthly
perspective will be replaced by a holy, heavenly perspective. Speaking of
the eternal state, Revelation 21:4 says that God “will wipe every tear from
their eyes. There will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain, for
the old order of things has passed away.” Missing our loved ones would
presumably fall under the category of pain or mourning. Perhaps we will have
no knowledge or remembrance of them at all. Perhaps we will have come to
understand how our loved ones’ absence glorifies God. “Now all we can see of
God is like a cloudy picture in a mirror. Later we will see him face to
face. We don’t know everything, but then we will, just as God completely
understands us” (1 Corinthians 13:12, CEV). In the meantime, we accept by
faith that what God says about heaven is true and that we will experience
perfection for all eternity.
For a brief description of eternity, see Revelation 21—22. Everything is
made new; everything is splendid, glorious, and blessed. That will include
us. Our bodies, souls, and spirits will be completely blessed. Sin will no
longer be a factor, and our thoughts will be in agreement with God’s (1 John
3:2). God has a plan to comfort His people (Isaiah 40:1), to perfect His
redeemed (Hebrews 10:14), and to provide for them for all eternity (Psalm
Right now, our focus should not be on how we can enjoy heaven or the eternal
state without all of our loved ones there; rather, we should focus on how we
can point our loved ones to faith in Christ—so that they will be there.
Titles For Latest LCCC Bulletin analysis & editorials from miscellaneous sources
published on February 09-10/18
Syria and Lebanon: Confusion & Mixed Signals/Eyad Abu Shakra/Asharq Al Awsat/February
UN Warned to Stop Giving Hezbollah Free Rein in Lebanon/Fox News/February
Do We Allow Air India’s Request/Abdulrahman Al-Rashed/Asharq Al Awsat/February
Iran: Speaking Swedish, Acting North Korean/Amir Taheri/Asharq Al Awsat/February
Invention of the term ‘preacher’ in Muslim societies/Salah al-Sayer/Al
Arabiya/February 09/18
Tehran’s view of Turkey’s Afrin campaign/Giorgio Cafiero/Al Arabiya/February
Germany: Merkel Pays High Price for Fourth Term .. "This will not be long."/Soeren
Kern/Gatestone Institute/February 09/2018
Titles For Latest LCCC Lebanese Related News published on February 09-10/18
Maronite Patriarch Beshara al-Rahi i Presides St. Maroun Mass as Aoun, Berri
Aoun: We hope to extract oil with no obstacles, so it would become an
essential element of our economy
Lebanon Signs Offshore Drilling Deal amid Row with Israel
Report: Lebanon Defends Oil Rights, Turns to UNCLOS
Qabalan Calls for Campaign to Support Lebanon's Oil Extraction Rights
Several Lebanese, Syrians Injured in Koura Town Brawl
Bassil: Oil today, more achievements tomorrow!
Riachi announces Abi Lamaa's candidacy, urges citizens to vote for human
dignity, freedom, combating corruption
One killed, two injured in Ain elHilweh clashes
Machnouk welcomes US mediation during talks with Satterfield: Lebanon
upholds its right to land and sea
Sleiman Frangieh says his son's candidacy does not mean he will be away from
Geagea: Lebanese government must seriously contemplate US Envoy's solutions
Italy Mulls Postponement of Donor Conference for Lebanon
Ministry Provides Cover for Hezbollah's Illicit Activities
Syria and Lebanon: Confusion & Mixed Signals
UN Warned to Stop Giving Hezbollah Free Rein in Lebanon
Titles For Latest LCCC Bulletin For Miscellaneous Reports And News published on
February 09-10/18
More on US strike: Russians who laid Euphrates bridge among targets
Turkey resumes its strikes on Kurdish militia targets in Syria
Macron Urges Putin To Help End Civilian Suffering In Syria
Trump tells Israel peace means compromise; US envoy under fire
Iran’s Khamenei Calls on Officials to Combat Corruption
Arab League Calls for Support of Countries Hosting Syrian Refugees
Qaeda Trying to Regroup in Tunisia after ISIS Setbacks
France Calls for Humanitarian Corridors in Syria as Death Toll in Ghouta
Egypt begins security operation against ‘terrorists’, closes Gaza border
At least two killed, 37 wounded by twin mosque bombing in Libya’s Benghazi
Iraqi Kurds accused of carrying out ‘mass executions’ of ISIS members
India’s Modi heads to Palestinian territories to balance ties with Israel
Congress Passes Spending Bill, Sends to Trump to End Shutdown
Latest Lebanese Related News published
February 09-10/18
Maronite Patriarch
Beshara al-Rahi i Presides St. Maroun Mass as Aoun, Berri Attend
Naharnet /February 09/18/Maronite
Patriarch Beshara al-Rahi held a mass on St. Maroun day at St. Maroun Church
in Gemmayyze in the presence of President Michel Aoun and Speaker Nabih
Berri. Prime Minister Saad Hariri did not attend the mass as he is traveling
abroad. Senior political, security and religious officials met at the church
in Gemmayze amid heavy security measures. Former President ex-Kataeb chief
Amin Gemayel, Army Commander Joseph Aoun and current and former MPs and
ministers also attended the mass. In his sermon, Rahi urged the State
officials to make sacrifices “that help create a capable and productive
State, and a country loved by its people.”He said the State should be able
to confront the challenges it comes across mainly “the promotion of
coexistence, and building a democratic state that protects the formula of
coexistence and the harmony between citizenship for individuals and
pluralism for the community.”Saint Maroun was a 5th century monk who after
his death was followed by a religious movement that became known as the
Maronites. His holiness and miracles attracted many followers. After his
death in the year 410, his spirit and teachings lived on through his
disciples. He is buried in Brad village, north of the Syrian city of Aleppo.
Aoun: We hope to extract oil with no obstacles,
so it would become an essential element of our economy
Fri 09 Feb 2018/NNA - President of the Republic Michel Aoun congratulated
Friday the Lebanese on the signing of the oil and gas exploration agreements
in Blocs 4 and 9, saying in a tweet, "Congratulations, a huge dream has been
achieved, and Lebanon has become an oil state...Hope we can extract oil
without any hindrances so that it would become a key element of our
economy."Aoun took part in the ceremony at the Biel this afternoon following
the handover of both agreements to representatives of France's "Total",
Italy's "ENI" and Russia's "Novatek".
The President also received at Baabda Palace a delegation from Total
Company, who briefed him on the company's preparations and work program in
the oil and gas fields in Lebanon.
Lebanon Signs Offshore Drilling Deal amid Row
with Israel
Naharnet /February 09/18/Lebanon Friday signed its first contract to drill
for oil and gas off its coast with a consortium comprising energy giants
Total, ENI and Novatek, including in a block disputed by Israel. Israel says
one of two blocks in the eastern Mediterranean where Lebanon wants to drill
for oil belongs to it, and last week denounced any exploration by Beirut as
"provocative". President Michel Aoun said at a signing ceremony that Lebanon
has "entered a new chapter in its history and is now a member of
energy-producing countries".Looking to tap potential oil and gas reserves
after major offshore discoveries by neighbouring Israel and Cyprus, the
Mediterranean country in December approved a bid on blocks four and nine.
Block nine is the disputed block with Israel.Exploration is set to begin in
2019. French energy giant Total and Italy's Eni each hold a 40 percent stake
in the consortium, and Russia's Novatek has a 20 percent stake. Total
welcomed the deal, saying it stipulates that drilling will take place in "at
least one well per block in the first three years" and that the
"consortium's priority will be to drill a first exploration well on Block 4
in 2019". "As for Block 9, Total and its partners are fully aware of the
Israeli-Lebanese border dispute in the southern part of the block that
covers only very limited area (less than 8 percent of the block's surface).
"Given that, the main prospects are located more than 25 km (15.5 miles)
from the disputed area, the consortium confirms that the exploration well on
Block 9 will have no interference at all with any fields or prospects
located south of the border area," it added in a statement issued in
English. Last week, Israeli Defence Minister Avigdor Lieberman accused
Lebanon of "provocative behaviour". "They issue a tender on a gas field --
including a bloc which by all accounts is ours -- to international groups
that are respectable companies, which to my mind are making a serious
mistake since it's against all rules and protocol in cases like this," he
said. Lebanese Energy Minister Cesar Abi Khalil responded by saying Lebanon
would defend its right to drill there. "Israel will do what it can to block
us from taking advantage of our oil wealth, and we will do everything in our
power to defend it," he said. Tensions between the two neighbours -- which
are technically still at war -- have also mounted as Israel pursues the
construction of a wall along the border. Lebanon says part of the wall
follows the UN-demarcated "Blue Line" drawn up after Israel's withdrawal
from southern Lebanon in 2000, and insists some sections will cut into its
territory. Israel dismissed the claim and said on Tuesday the work is being
carried out on Israeli territory.
Israel began building the wall in 2012, six years after fighting a
devastating war with Hizbullah.
Report: Lebanon Defends Oil Rights, Turns to
Agence France Presse/Naharnet /February 09/18/Lebanon's Foreign Ministry is
taking steps to refute Israel's claim about Block 9 oil field reaching to
the international law and the United Nations Convention on the Law of the
Sea (UNCLOS), al-Joumhouria daily reported on Friday.
“The ministry has issued a letter to the Secretary-General of the United
Nations in March, 2017 announcing that Block 9 is located within Lebanese
territorial waters and that Lebanon affirms its right to launch the process
of contracting, exploration and extraction without the prior consent of
anyone," sources from the Foreign Ministry told the daily. "The Ministry has
sent another similar letter in January, 2018,” they stressed on condition of
anonymity. On Israel's construction of a cement separation wall, the sources
said: “Lebanon stands against the construction of a separation wall between
Lebanon and occupied Palestine especially that Israel is building it in 13
disputed points, pending the final demarcation of the borders by the United
Nations,” the sources told the daily. “Lebanon holds its rights on its own
land and sea," they emphasized. The Foreign Ministry insists that Lebanon
adheres to its right assuring that there will be no compromises, “Lebanon
retains the right to retaliate against any Israeli aggression by all
available means,” even if it has to sue it, they said. Israel has in recent
days escalated its threats against Lebanon over Lebanon's invitation for
offshore gas exploration bids on the maritime border with Israel. Israeli
Defense Minister Avigdor Lieberman has described as "very provocative"
Lebanon's exploration tender and suggested that Lebanon had put out
invitations for bids from international groups for a gas field "which is by
all accounts ours." Israel has also started to build a controversial
separation border wall that Lebanon says would encroach on its territory.
The Law of the Sea Convention defines the rights and responsibilities of
nations with respect to their use of the world's oceans, establishing
guidelines for businesses, the environment, and the management of marine
natural resources.
Qabalan Calls for Campaign to Support Lebanon's Oil Extraction Rights
Naharnet /February 09/18/The deputy head of the Higher Shiite Islamic
Council, Sheikh Abdul Amir Qabalan voiced calls to launch vigorous campaigns
to support Lebanon's right to extract its oil, preserve its borders and
sovereignty following Israel's threats against the country, the National
News Agency reported on Friday. “Israel's construction of a cement wall
constitutes a new aggression against Lebanon adding to the series of
repeated Zionist violations of Lebanon's sovereignty. Thereforeو the
Lebanese at all levels are required to confront this arrogance and adhere to
the golden formula (Army, People, Resistance) that protected Lebanon and
liberated its land,” said Qabalan. He said the Lebanese must “launch a
campaign” to support Lebanon's right to extract its oil and preserve its
borders and sovereignty by “mobilizing Lebanon's international and regional
relations to serve the interests of their homeland.”Qabalan also hailed the
overall agreement between Lebanon's officials and their will to overcome
difficulties in reference to a political spat between Foreign Minister
Jebran and Speaker Nabih Berri. He said “national solidarity” between
Lebanese politicians is necessary to be able to confront Israel's threats
and preserve the country.
Several Lebanese, Syrians Injured in Koura Town
Naharnet /February 09/18/Several Lebanese and Syrian citizens were injured
Thursday in a brawl in the Koura District town of Batroumine, the National
News Agency said. “Clashes and fistfights erupted between them in the same
building following acts of provocation,” NNA said. It added that an unknown
individual had fired gunshots during the incident. Security forces have
since intervened to contain the situation and arrest the culprits.
Bassil: Oil today, more achievements tomorrow!
Fri 09 Feb 2018/NNA - "Through faith in our heritage and our land, we have
preserved our deep roots, which are further strengthened through belief in
our wealth and energies. Oil today, more achievements tomorrow!" said
Foreign Affairs and Expatriates Minister Gebran Bassil via Twitter on
He added that the lesson derived on Saint Maroun's Day is "past struggle,
ongoing effort and future survival."
Riachi announces Abi Lamaa's candidacy, urges
citizens to vote for human dignity, freedom, combating corruption
Fri 09 Feb 2018/NNA - Information Minister Melhem Riachi presented Friday
Eddy Abi Lamaa as the Lebanese Forces Party's electoral candidate for the
Maronite Seat in the Northern Metn District. In a meeting with media
representatives at his Khenshara Residence this morning, Riachi pointed to
the joint efforts exerted for a mutual national cause related to Lebanon and
its liberties.Riachi highlighted Abi Lamaa's national attributes and long
struggle for the sake of the nation, its freedom, liberty, and preserving
citizens' right to differ while maintaining respect and reverence for one
The Information Minister seized the opportunity to call on the Lebanese to
vote for combating corruption, and for preserving human liberty and dignity
in the upcoming elections. In turn, Candidate Abi Lamaa stressed on the
Lebanese Forces Party's main project of building an actual State with
central authority and the exclusive right to weapons in the country.
One killed, two injured in Ain elHilweh clashes
Fri 09 Feb 2018/NNA - The armed clashes in Ain el-Helweh Refugee Camp this
evening resulted in the death of Abdel Rahim Bassam al-Maqdah and the
wounding of Mohammed Jamal Hamad and Ali Sleiman, while Lebanese-Palestinian
contacts are underway to restore calm to the neighborhood, NNA correspondent
Machnouk welcomes US mediation during talks with
Satterfield: Lebanon upholds its right to land and sea
Fri 09 Feb 2018/NNA - Interior and Municipalities Minister Nuhad al-Machnouk
welcomed Friday the United States' mediation to resolve Lebanon's maritime
and land border dispute with Israel during a meeting with US Deputy
Assistant Secretary of State David Satterfield, in the presence of US
Ambassador Elizabeth Richard. Machnouk stressed Lebanon's right to its
territorial waters and oil, rejecting any attempt by the Israeli enemy to
take over any part of its land or sea. During the encounter, both men
tackled the content of the US mediation and solution, whereby the Interior
Minister welcomed "the American role in reaching a solution to this
dispute," ruling out the possibility of a military confrontation. In turn,
Satterfield stressed "the United States' insistence on the success of the
Rome-2 Conference in support of the Lebanese Amy and Internal Security
Sleiman Frangieh says his son's candidacy does
not mean he will be away from politics
Fri 09 Feb 2018/NNA - Marada Leader MP Sleiman Frangieh said that the
candidacy of his son during the upcoming legislative elections does not mean
that he will be away from politics. "Nominating Tony Frangieh for the
upcoming parliamentary elections doesn't mean I will be distant from
politics. I will always be by your side and at the head of this political
responsibility," MP Frangieh said during the Party's annual dinner. Frangieh
also noted that the new electoral law was quite complicated, but pledged to
work to fill the gaps through good organization within his political group.
"We will support our allies in a fair and well-studied manner, giving our
preferential votes within our electoral list," he said. The MP deemed that
the election results depended on the alliances. "We have allies in all
regions, our situation is excellent and we are strong, thanks to you," he
concluded, addressing Marada partisans and supporters.
Geagea: Lebanese government must seriously
contemplate US Envoy's solutions
Fri 09 Feb 2018/NNA - Lebanese Forces Chief Samir Geagea and Acting U.S.
Assistant Secretary for Near Eastern Affairs David Satterfield met Friday in
Maarab for nearly an hour and a half, during which they discussed the
disputed maritime and land territories between Lebanon and Israel. "It is
essential that the cabinet takes a serious look at the solutions proposed by
the American Envoy, in order to reach an agreement that would safeguard our
rights and open new horizons for the future," Geagea pointed out after
meeting Satterfield. The LF Chief deemed that Lebanese parties should work
to preserve the rights of Lebanon, whether on its soil or in its water,
without giving the opportunity to a foreign party to take advantage of the
controversial areas with Israel and use it in cases that have nothing to do
with Lebanon.Geagea also noted that the U.S. Envoy proposed some solutions
to the disputed issue during his talks with President Michel Aoun, Speaker
Nabih Berri, Prime Minister Saad Hariri and Foreign Minister Gebran Bassil.
Italy Mulls
Postponement of Donor Conference for Lebanon 09th February 2018/Italy is mulling the
postponement of the conference that was set to take place this month in Rome
in support of Lebanon, LBCI reported.The TV channel has learned that the
Rome II conference, which is scheduled for February 28 and is aimed at
providing support for the Lebanese Army and security forces, will likely be
deferred as several Gulf donor countries, notably Saudi Arabia, have
informed Italy that they will not attend.
Ministry Provides Cover for Hezbollah's Illicit
Activities 09th February 2018/Residents of the Chouf town of Al-Rmeileh
were surprised to find out that a technical team had been working to extend
a telecoms network belonging to Hezbollah without informing or getting the
auhorization of either the town's municipality or the region's dignitaries.
According to information obtained by the Kataeb website, the Ministry of
Energy was working on the installation of water pipes in said town when a
second supply line was found extended. "When we sought clarifications about
it, we were told that a party official had asked that this supply line won't
be touched," Kataeb politburo member Rita Boulos said. "The Ministry of
Energy is fully aware of this issue. Members of the technical team in charge
of the water pipes installation confirmed that the second supply line
belongs to Hezbollah and made it clear that it should not be touched as per
instructions given to them by the Ministry," she added.
Syria and Lebanon: Confusion & Mixed Signals
Eyad Abu Shakra/Asharq Al Awsat/February 09/18
Several developments took place in the Arab World last week, reflecting the
danger behind misreading both regional and international changes. That has
been especially the case in Syria and Lebanon, where local players have been
confused in reading the situations and positioning themselves… from Sochi to
Beirut! To begin, the Syrian opposition was shocked by the UN’s official
endorsement of the ‘Sochi Conference’ against the background of clear
Russian ‘messages’. Regardless of the justifications for the endorsement
through the attendance of the UN’s Syria envoy Staffan de Mistura, it simply
appears to undermine the ‘Geneva Peace Process’. We need to remember that
Moscow started its attempts to wreck the Syrian uprising as well as all the
international community’s initiatives through a series of ‘vetoes’. Those
were soon followed by re-arming the Damascus regime, and later backing it by
a de facto occupation and active combat engagement. Meanwhile, on the
political front, after cowing and blackmailing Turkey, Moscow launched with
Iranian and Turkish participation ‘The Astana Talks’ with an intention to
marginalize the independent political opposition while giving more say to
armed groups dependent on the talks’ three sponsors, i.e. Iran, Turkey and
Indeed, the talks became the first practical alternative to the ‘Geneva
Peace Process’; and Moscow called for them after exploiting Tehran’s and
Ankara’s common worries about Washington’s strong support of secessionist
Kurds under the pretext of fighting ISIS. Later, noticing Washington’s
turning against the Syrian uprising and the ‘Free Syrian Army’, while keener
than ever to divide and destroy the Syrian opposition, Moscow decided to
finish off the uprising in Sochi. This is the reality of what took place in
Sochi where the UN, actually, conspired against its own Security Council
So it has become absurd to continue talking of “Syria’s sovereignty and
territorial integrity”, not only in the light of uprooting, displacement and
‘demographic engineering’, but also as one looks as dividing the cake on
Syrian soil. The coastal mountainous area is now under Russian control, and
the border sector west of the Euphrates River extending from the borders of
Turkey’s Hatay province to the town of Jarablus on the Euphrates is an area
Turkey wants under its own wings; and while Washington continues to oversee
with its Kurdish ‘allies’ the affairs east of the Euphrates, the Damascus
regime – supported by Iran’s militias – controls the major cities, leaving
ISIS and other small and dubious militias spread out in scattered places.
However, the fate of one part of Syria, which is the southern tip of the
country, remains undecided. It is engulfed by an uneasy silence only broken
by Israeli military operations or weirdly conceived and timed factional
skirmishes, as well as hints by Israel that it will not allow Iran and
Hezbollah to threaten its security.
As for Lebanon, it is well-known that the Syrian-Lebanese border has
technically ceased to exist during the last couple of decades, which has
allowed Hezbollah to fight in Syria. Two important factors have made the
task of Hezbollah, which is Iran’s political and military wing in Lebanon,
easy: 1- The fact that the Syrian regime is a vital link in Iran’s
expansionist strategy, cutting through the Arab world towards the
Mediterranean Sea. 2- That Hezbollah has been enjoying an effective
Christian ‘cover’, represented by its alliance with President Michel Aoun’s
Free Patriotic Movement, the most extreme of Lebanon’s Christian parties; as
well as the expressed position of the Syrian and Lebanese Christian clergy
that any alternative to Assad’s regime would be worse.
These two factors not only helped the cause of Hezbollah, but also Iran’s,
especially after the ‘emergence’ of extremist terrorist groups like ISIS and
Al-Nusra Front in many parts of Syria; and rush of some Sunni regional
‘players’ to back them before changing their mind. However, this change only
took place after weakening the genuine moderate armed opposition groups.
Meanwhile, the picture in southern Syria was becoming increasingly
complicated, following Israel’s threats of military action to prevent Iran
from establishing itself in Syria, and thwarting Hezbollah’s attempts of
turning south Lebanon into a ‘missile factory’. Still, this situation did
not prevent Lebanon’s foreign minister Jebran Bassil from launching his own
‘war’ against Speaker Nabih Berri, the leader of Amal Movement which is
Hezbollah’s main Shi’ite ally. The timing of this ‘war’ is understandable.
Bassil, President Aoun’s son-in-law and the head of the FPM, is preparing
for the coming parliamentary elections; noting that the ‘Aounists’ have
always used the election season to outbid their Christian rivals and claim
that they alone defend Christian rights and privileges. The ‘Aounists’
agitated and claimed ‘martyrdom’ in 2005, then incited against and
‘demonized’ the Future Movement in particular and Sunni Muslims in general
in 2009. Then, since 2011, went even further by accusing them of being ISIS
sympathizers, only as a means to justify their support for Hezbollah and
Iran’s fighting in Syria.
What is new, however, this time around is the probable change in how the
‘Aounists’ are reading the local and regional situation. Washington now
seems to be more serious about confronting Hezbollah than it was during the
‘Iran appeasement days’ of Barack Obama. Israel too, in its attempts to bury
any peace deals with the Palestinians, looks as if it is willing to go to
war against Iran; at least, with the objective of securing its own ‘sector
of influence’ in the future map of Syria and the Fertile Crescent, keeping
in mind that southern Syria remains the only part not yet reserved for any
major power in the de facto partition of the war-torn country.
This area borders Israeli-occupied Golan Heights in the west, and further,
across Mount Herman, South Lebanon that includes the ‘Shi’ite Corridor’
which connects Lebanon’s two major Shi’ite strongholds in the Bekaa and the
South. Both Hezbollah and Amal know why the ‘Aounists’ – including Bassil –
allied themselves with them; and in return, Hezbollah rewarded the
‘Aounists’ by imposing Aoun as president. The difference between the two
major Shi’ite parties, in this regard is quite simple: Amal is basically a
‘Lebanese’ organization whose leader (Speaker Berri) is an ‘Arabist’ who has
never trusted or liked Aoun; while Hezbollah which is merely an Iranian
tool, has forged its alliance with the extreme Christian party in order to
be Tehran’s cover and ‘Trojan Horse’ within the Christian communities in the
Middle East. Last week, Mr. Bassil decided to incite the Christians again,
and exploit an agitated Christian street against Speaker Berri, partly as a
test for Hezbollah’s preferences and priorities; although, even before
accusing Berri of being a thug and threatening to ‘break his head’ Bassil
made some tacit media criticism against Hezbollah itself. Bassil, thus, may
be trying to cut loose, and distance himself and the FPM from the two
Shi’ite parties; but if this was his intention, he may be making a very
risky and dangerous gamble, recalling that over-reliance on Washington and
Tel Aviv is perhaps even more risky and dangerous.
UN Warned to Stop Giving Hezbollah Free Rein in Lebanon
Fox News/Friday 09th February 2018
A new warning on Iran’s destabilizing behavior in Lebanon was sent to the
United Nations Secretary General and Security Council. The letter, which has
been seen by Fox News, warned of the consequences of leaving Hezbollah’s
actions unchecked by the U.N. The letter was written by Israel’s U.N.
Ambassador Danny Danon, and was shown to Fox News by a U.N. diplomat. It
warns that continued inaction by the U.N. and the Lebanese government will
lead to Iran and its U.S. designated terrorist organization, Hezbollah,
further disrupting the region.
The two-page letter describes a recent visit by a senior Iranian official,
Ayatollah Ebrahim Raisi, to the Lebanese/Israeli border where he was
escorted by Hezbollah officials who were uniformed and armed — which is a
blatant violation of U.N. Security Council resolutions. The visit took place
within a U.N. buffer zone free of any armed personnel. The letter refers to
pictures on social media showing Raisi inspecting Hezbollah military sites.
The letter reports that he made provocative comments about the imminent
liberation of Jerusalem, and thanked Hezbollah for its “stand against the
Zionist regime.” The letter states in part, “ I write, once again, to alert
you and members of the Security Council to the dangerous and destabilizing
actions taken by Hezbollah, the internationally recognized terrorist
organization that serves as an Iranian proxy in our region.”
The letter continues, “This visit by Raisi and these other instances are not
only blatant violations of Security Council resolutions, but are also
further proof of Iranian attempts to destabilize our entire region. These
Iranian efforts not only threaten Israelis, but also directly endanger the
citizens of Lebanon by putting them on the frontlines where they are sure to
pay a painful price resulting from possible future escalations.”
Also mentioned in the letter are other visits by senior Iran-supported
Shiite groups from Syria and Iraq, including a militia controlled by the
Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps. The letter makes the point that such
visits seem to support a speech given by Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah
last summer where he stated that the next war with Israel “could see
thousands, if not hundreds of thousands of fighters from all over the Arab
and Islamic world (coming) to participate — from Iraq, Yemen, Iran,
Afghanistan and Pakistan.”Danon emphasizes in the letter that the visit by
Raisi took place in an area controlled by the United Nations Interim Force
in Lebanon (UNIFIL). The Israeli ambassador’s letter says that while
Hezbollah violations continue, they’ve yet to see any response from UNIFIL.
This despite the fact that the U.N. force is obligated under U.N.
resolutions to report such violations. Danon’s letter lists 356 such
violations between October 2017 and December 2017.
Ayatollah Sayyed Ebrahim Raisi, a member of Iran's Assembly of Experts who
is thought to be the designated successor of Iranian Supreme Leader Ali
Khamenei, visited Lebanon and Syria at the end of January 2018.
During the tour, Raisi stated that "Jerusalem's liberation is near.""Thanks
to the resistance movement, Palestine has so far succeeded in withstanding
Israel, and they [the Palestinians] have learned that it is fighting and
steadfastness, not the negotiating tables, that determine the fate of their
country," he was quoted as saying. Raisi also commended Hezbollah on its
efforts to strengthen Islamic culture in Lebanon.
Latest LCCC Bulletin For Miscellaneous Reports And News published on February
More on US strike: Russians who laid Euphrates bridge among
DEBKAfile/February 09/18/US F-15 fighters, Apache helicopters, heavy
artillery and special ops forces took part Thursday, Feb. 8 in the early
morning attack against pro-Assad, Hizballah and Shiite forces who were
crossing the Euphrates to eastern Syria. DEBKAfile’s exclusive sources
report that the US special operations forces posted on the river’s east bank
saw a Russian team of military engineers laying a floating bridge across the
river 8km north of Deir ez-Zour. Around 500 Syrian commandos, Hizballah and
Shiite militiamen, under Iranian command, were sighted about to make the
crossing. US jets and helicopters went into action when the crossing began,
destroying the bridge. US special operations waiting on the eastern bank
wiped out the Syrian allied force as it landed, as well the the bridgehead
they had started setting up. US-led coalition spokesmen estimated that up to
100 Syrian and Hizballah fighters lost their lives in the engagement,
possibly including some Russians. There were no American casualties. Read
the earlier DEBKAfile exclusive report on the two fronts opened up by US
special operations forces in Syria.
Turkey resumes its
strikes on Kurdish militia targets in Syria
Arab News/February 09/18/ISTANBUL: Turkish warplanes hit Kurdish YPG militia
targets in Syria’s Afrin region, the army said on Friday, and a monitoring
group reported that seven fighters and two civilians were killed in strikes.
The overnight attacks came after a lull in Turkish air strikes following the
shooting down of a Russian warplane elsewhere in Syria last weekend. The air
strikes destroyed 19 targets including ammunition depots, shelters and gun
positions, the armed forces said in a statement without specifying when the
raids were conducted. The raids began at midnight, state-run Anadolu news
agency said. Seven YPG fighter and two civilians were killed in the strikes,
according to the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, a UK-based group that
monitors the war in Syria. Turkey had halted air strikes as Russia worked on
its air defense system in the wake of the shooting down by Syrian rebels of
a Russian warplane in Idlib province on February 3, Turkey’s Hurriyet
newspaper reported. Ankara launched an air and ground offensive in Afrin on
January 20 against the YPG, which it views as a terrorist group and an
extension of the Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK) that has waged a three-decade
insurgency on Turkish soil. Turkey’s President Tayyip Erdogan and Russian
President Vladimir Putin spoke by telephone on Thursday and agreed to
strengthen military and security service coordination in Syria, according to
the Kremlin. The YPG and its allies have set up three autonomous cantons in
the north, including Afrin, since the Syrian conflict began in 2011.Their
territory has expanded since they joined forces with the US to fight Daesh
militants — although Washington opposes their autonomy plans, as does Syrian
President Bashar Assad’s government. US support for the Kurdish-led forces
has infuriated Turkey, which views growing Kurdish power as a security
threat along its frontier.
Macron Urges Putin To Help End Civilian Suffering In
Arab News/February 09/18/JEDDAH: French President Emmanuel Macron urged his
Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin on Friday to help ease civilian suffering
caused by Syrian regime attacks on opposition positions. In a telephone
call, the French leader “asked Vladimir Putin to do everything so that the
Syrian regime puts an end to the unbearable deterioration in the
humanitarian situation in Eastern Ghouta and Idlib,” a statement said. The
opposition blamed Moscow, President Bashar Assad’s most powerful ally, for
playing a dubious role. “There are parties in the Syrian conflict that are
not interested in finding any solution or any decrease in tensions. Russia
has taken the UN Security Council hostage without permitting any sort of
penalty or punishment for the regime or stoppage of its violent raids,”
Yahya Al-Aridi, opposition spokesman, told Arab News. Russia, he said, is
participating with its jets in attacks on markets and hospitals where
civilians are being killed in their hundreds. “What we can do is once again
call on the international community to stand up to the implementation of UN
resolutions and stop aggressors from carrying out such brutal acts against
civilians.” Russia has intervened alongside Syrian regime forces in the
civil war and Putin is seen as the foreign leader with the most influence
over Assad. Fresh airstrikes hit the opposition enclave of Eastern Ghouta on
Friday, AFP correspondents reported, the fifth straight day in a bombing
campaign that has killed more than 220 civilians. Macron added that he was
“worried about indications suggesting the possible use of chlorine on
several occasions against the civilian population in Syria these last few
weeks.” Al-Aridi said: “With the situation turning into an international
case, all sorts of conflicting interests are being settled in the Syrian
arena. Russia is angry with the US. They just use the Syrian arena to settle
such accounts with no attention being paid to civilians.”Diplomacy is making
no progress toward ending a war that is approaching its eighth year, having
killed hundreds of thousands of people and forced half the pre-war Syrian
population of 23 million from their homes, with millions forced out as
refugees. “We are very worried. The airstrikes need to end,” French Defense
Minister Florence Parly said on France Inter radio. “Civilians are the
targets, in Idlib and in the east of Damascus. This fighting is absolutely
Russia said on Thursday a cease-fire was unrealistic. The UN called on
Tuesday for a humanitarian truce of at least one month to allow for aid
deliveries and evacuations of the wounded. In the north-western province of
Idlib, Daesh terrorists clashed with Syrian insurgent factions on Friday, an
opposition commander said, accusing pro-regime forces of opening a corridor
for the radical militants to reach the region. The Syrian Observatory for
Human Rights said regime forces had allowed the Daesh fighters to leave a
besieged pocket of territory at the intersection of Aleppo, Idlib and Hama
provinces, and to go to southern Idlib. Al-Aridi said: “We believe that the
coordination between Daesh and regime forces has been going on for a long
time.” He cited the example of Palmyra which was first taken by Daesh and
then given back to the regime. “Many a time, Daesh fighters have been given
protection or corridors by the regime to attack the Free Syrian Army (FSA)
and civilians. This is done in order to reduce the degree of attention on
the regime’s crimes, he said. “In Idlib too, the regime has opened a
corridor in order to put the FSA face to face with Daesh and let the Daesh
fighter do all sorts of atrocities against civilians.” Hasan Hajj Ali,
commander of the Free Idlib Army, said his fighters were taking part in
clashes with some 200 Daesh terrorists who had arrived in southern Idlib
early on Friday. “This morning at dawn we were surprised by the joint
treachery by the regime and Daesh,” he told Reuters. Al-Aridi said the
opposition has been calling on the UN to stop the carnage in Eastern Ghouta.
“The Syrian Negotiation Commission (SNC) had a meeting with Staffan de
Mistura, UN special envoy (for Syria), on Feb. 7 where the issue was
discussed and the Security Council will also be updated next week,” he said.
“But every minute counts in Syria and Syrian time is blood.”
Trump tells Israel peace means compromise; US envoy
under fire
Arab News/February 09/18/JERUSALEM: US President Donald Trump told Israel on
Friday that it too would need to make “significant compromises” for peace
with the Palestinians, even as they accused one of his Middle East envoys of
bogging down diplomacy with what they see as pro-Israel bias.
The Palestinians were outraged by Trump’s Dec. 6 recognition of Jerusalem as
the Israeli capital, a move overturning decades of US reticence on the
city’s status, and say they are looking at additional world powers as
potential mediators. In an interview with an Israeli newspaper that was
excerpted ahead of its full publication on Sunday, Trump described his
Jerusalem move as a “high point” of his first year in office. The language
of Trump’s announcement did not rule out a presence in Jerusalem for the
Palestinians, who want the eastern part of the city — captured by Israel in
a 1967 war and annexed in a move not recognized internationally — as their
own capital. “I wanted to make clear that Jerusalem is the capital of
Israel. Regarding specific borders, I will grant my support to what the two
sides agree between themselves,” he told the conservative Israel Hayom
daily, in remarks published in Hebrew.
“I think that both sides will have to make significant compromises in order
for achieving a peace deal to be possible,” Trump added, without
elaborating. The interview coincided with fresh strains between the
Palestinians and the US ambassador to Israel, David Friedman, following the
killing by a Palestinian of a Jewish settler. After the settler was stabbed
to death on Monday, Friedman tweeted that he had previously donated an
ambulance to the slain man’s community and that he was praying for the
next-of-kin, adding: “Palestinian ‘leaders’ have praised the killer.”That
drew a rebuke from the Palestinian administration.
“The American ambassador’s statements make us wonder about his relationship
with the occupation,” Nabil Abu Rdainah, a spokesman for President Mahmoud
Abbas, said in a statement. “Is he representing America or
Israel?““Friedman’s recommendations and advice, which do not aim to achieve
a just peace on the basis of international legitimacy, are what led to this
crisis in American-Palestinian relations,” Abu Rdainah said. Friedman, among
the top Trump advisers who promoted the Jerusalem move, is a former
contributor to settler causes. In addition to East Jerusalem, Palestinians
want the occupied West Bank for a future state and see Israel’s Jewish
settlements there as a major obstacle. Israel disputes this. Most world
powers deem the settlements illegal, but the Trump administration has taken
a softer tack. A liberal Israeli newspaper, Haaretz, published a column
criticizing Friedman’s stance and dubbing the settlement he had supported as
“a mountain of curses” — a play on its Hebrew name, Har Bracha, which means
“Mount Blessing.” The ambassador took the unusual step of firing back at the
daily in another tweet on Friday: “Four young children are sitting shiva
(Jewish mourning rite) for their murdered father .... Have they (Haaretz) no
decency?“Haaretz’s publisher, Amos Shocken, responded over the platform with
a critique that echoed Palestinian complaints. “As long as the policy of
Israel that your Government and yourself support is obstructing (the) peace
process ... there will be more Shivas,” Shocken tweeted.
Iran’s Khamenei Calls on Officials to Combat Corruption
Asharq Al Awsat/February 09/18/Iran's Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei described
corruption in Iran as a “seven-headed dragon”, calling on Iranian officials
to combat and cut off its head in the regime. Khamenei claimed that the
reason why “enemies” are rounding up on Iran is to prevent it from reaping
the rewards of the Iranian revolution. In defining the word “enemies”, he
said that it included people whose governments were ousted by the
revolution. The supreme leader made his statements in a speech before a
gathering of the Iranian Air Force and Air Defense personnel. In addition,
he defended his country’s role in the region, saying that the US attempted
to eliminate the resistance, but it failed and will continue to fail.
Khamenei criticized also criticized Washington’s claims that Iran was
sending ballistic missiles to Houthis in Yemen. This marked the first time
that he comments on accusations that Tehran was dispatching arms to its
militias. Referring to US President Donald Trump’s admission that Washington
itself had created and supported ISIS, Khamenei said that the terrorist
group probably received training on violent and barbaric methods by US
contractors, such as Blackwater. He also tackled the latest protests that
swept more than 80 Iranian cities, saying that the “enemy is bent on
confronting the regime by any means.”He noted that apart from the
cyberspace, the enemy resorted to sanctions to impact the Iranian people’s
lives. He stated however that they have failed to weaken their faith in the
Arab League Calls for Support of Countries Hosting
Syrian Refugees
Asharq Al Awsat/February 09/18/The Economic and Social Council of the Arab
League has urged the international community to provide the necessary
support to Arab countries hosting displaced Syrians, saying the
implementation of development projects could limit the burden of the
refugees.It made a recommendation in this regard to the Council of the Arab
League that is set to meet in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia next month. The
Economic Council’s 10th round, which met at the Arab League headquarters
under Sudan’s chairmanship in Cairo, said in its closing statement that
Arab, regional and international funds should help the Arab counties that
are hosting Syrian refugees. Arab League chief Ahmed Aboul Gheit told the
Council’s opening session that the meeting came at a “sensitive time for the
Arab nation.” “Challenges and threats are coming from everywhere,” he said.
The Arab region is suffering from a severe food shortage, he said, adding
that “it’s the only region that witnessed a rise in famine and poverty in
the past years.”“Arabs represent five percent of the world population, yet
they only receive one percent of the world’s freshwater, and 40 percent of
them live in areas of drought,” said Aboul Gheit. The current challenges
should compel Arab countries to unite and move towards a more prosperous
future for the generations to come, he told the Council.
Qaeda Trying to Regroup in Tunisia after ISIS Setbacks
Asharq Al Awsat/February 09/18/The killing of a senior Algerian militant by
special forces soon after he slipped into Tunisia has raised concern that
al-Qaeda is trying to regroup in the North African state as rival ISIS has
suffered major setbacks, security sources say. Last month, Tunisian special
forces killed Bilel Kobi, a top aide to Abdelmalek Droukdel, better known as
Abu Musab Abdul Wadud, the leader of al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb (AQIM),
in a mountainous region along the Tunisian-Algerian border. Kobi was on an
apparent mission to reunite splinter groups of al-Qaeda fighters in Tunisia,
putting the army on alert for more infiltrations, a senior Tunisian security
source told Reuters. AQIM was the dominant militant force in North Africa,
staging several high-profile deadly attacks until 2013 when it fractured as
many militants flocked to the more extremist ISIS as it seized territory in
Iraq, Syria and Libya.
ISIS became a major recruiter for disaffected, often unemployed young men
especially from Tunisia, where poverty has spread since the uprising that
toppled Zine El-Abidine Ben Ali in 2011 and induced protracted turmoil. But
ISIS's appeal has waned since it lost all its territorial strongholds in
neighbouring Libya as well as in Iraq and Syria to counter-offensives by
security forces, with fighters returning home or looking for new causes to
join. That has prompted AQIM to try to lure new talent from among ISIS
veterans, two Tunisian security sources told Reuters. "Al-Qaeda wants to
invest in a recent decline of ISIS to reorganize and re-emerge as it seeks
to restructure especially in Algeria, Libya and Tunisia by naming new local
leaders on the ground," one of the security sources said. Kobi was not the
only senior militant sent to reorganize al-Qaeda in Tunisia. Hamza al-Nimr,
an Algerian who joined al-Qaeda in 2003, was dispatched to lead a cell in
Tunisia but was killed with Kobi in the same operation, Tunisian security
sources say.Beefed up by Western countries, Tunisia's security forces have
managed to pre-empt any major attack since an ISIS militant shot dead 39
foreigners on a Mediterranean beach in June 2015, but authorities remain on
alert. Hundreds of Tunisians have joined militant groups abroad but it is
unclear how many have returned as significant numbers of them were killed in
Syria combat and elsewhere, officials say. AQIM has remained active in North
Africa's largely desert and often scarcely governed Sahel region, such as in
Mali where it focused its activities after ISIS emerged in force to the
north in Libya and Tunisia. AQIM's Tunisian branch, called Okba Ibn Nafaa,
is fractured into four groups based in the remote, northwestern Kasserine
and Kef mountains region near Algeria. Their command structure is dominated
by Algerians while a rival group loosely associated with ISIS based in the
same region is run by Tunisians, Tunisian security sources say. Kobi, among
others before, had been sent to bring the al-Qaeda spinoff groupings back
together, they said. "Okba has dozens of fighters; each group is comprised
of up to 20 terrorists," one Tunisian source said. Okba had targeted police
and army forces, he said, unlike the ISIS focus on killing civilians, such
as on the Sousse beach. Tunisia is monitoring the border in close
cooperation with Algeria, which prides itself in having prevented any attack
since a veteran AQIM commander, Mokhtar Belmokhtar, claimed a strike on a
desert natural gas plant in 2013. There are indications of AQIM fighters
trying to cross into Tunisia as Algeria's army has cracked down on AQIM in
the past two weeks, killing eight militants east of the capital Algiers and
then the group's media chief a few days later."AQIM is in decline (in
Algeria), it can't restructure or redeploy here," an Algerian security
source said. But a Tunisian security source said a regional AQIM commander
remained in eastern Algeria intent on revamping the organization across
North Africa, not just in Tunisia.
France Calls for Humanitarian Corridors in Syria as
Death Toll in Ghouta Mounts
Asharq Al Awsat/February 09/18/France called on Friday for the opening of
humanitarian corridors in Syria as a monitor announced that the shelling of
the rebel-held Eastern Ghouta enclave has been the worst in three years.
French Defense Minister Florence Parly demanded an end to air strikes,
saying it was unacceptable that civilians were being targeted. “We are very
worried. The air strikes need to end,” Parly said on France Inter radio. She
highlighted the fighting in rebel-held areas of Idlib province and eastern
Damascus, where waves of Syrian regime and Russian strikes have killed
dozens of civilians in recent days. “Civilians are the targets, in Idlib and
in the east of Damascus. This fighting is absolutely unacceptable,” she
added. The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights meanwhile said that Eastern
Ghouta, a Damascus suburb, has suffered its bloodiest week since 2015 as a
result of regime bombardment, with 229 people killed in the last four days.
“During the past four days 229 people were killed in Eastern Ghouta
villages, including 58 children and 43 women,” Rami Abdulrahman, the head of
the Britain-based war monitor, told Reuters. The Syrian war, now entering
its eighth year, has killed hundreds of thousands of people and driven more
than 11 million from their homes, while drawing in regional countries and
global powers supporting client factions on the ground. Parly did not
specify who was carrying out the strikes. Her comments came after the United
Nations on Tuesday called for an immediate humanitarian ceasefire in Syria
of at least a month. UN war crimes experts have also said they are
investigating several reports of bombs allegedly containing chlorine gas
being used against civilians. Russia said on Thursday that a ceasefire was
unrealistic. Standing beside Russian President Vladimir Putin last summer,
French leader Emmanuel Macron said any failure to open humanitarian
corridors in Syria represented a “red line”, as did the use of chemical
weapons. France and the United Nations have repeatedly called in past months
for the opening of aid corridors to alleviate the humanitarian crisis. The
Paris government has also urged Moscow in private to consider ways to
alleviate the crisis, but those efforts have not materialized into results
on the ground.
France’s foreign minister is due in Russia before the end of February.
Egypt begins security operation against
‘terrorists’, closes Gaza border
Reuters, Cairo/Friday, 9 February 2018/Egypt on Friday launched a major
security operation involving the army and police against “terrorist and
criminal elements and organizations” across the country, the army spokesman
said. The army spokesman said the operation covers areas in Sinai, the Delta
and the Western Desert and it follows a three-month deadline set by
President Abdel-Fattah al-Sisi to crush a years-long Islamist insurgency.
“The law enforcement forces began this morning implementing the
comprehensive confrontation against the terrorist and criminal elements and
organizations in northern and central Sinai,” an army spokesman said in a
televised statement.
Operational and training maneuvers
The army spokesman said the operation will involve operational and training
maneuvers to tighten state control on the country's crossing points with
neighboring countries, and urged full cooperation with the law enforcement
forces involved in the operation. Residents reported hearing extensive air
activities above the Suez Canal city of Ismailia, which is close to the area
of operations in northern and central Sinai. Security forces have for years
battled an ISIS insurgency in North Sinai that has killed hundreds of
soldiers and police. The militants have expanded their targets to include
civilians over the last year or so.
Closing the Gaza border
Egypt closed its border on Friday with the Gaza Strip, Palestinian officials
said, after Cairo launched a major operation against jihadists in the Sinai
Peninsula. The head of Hamas, the Islamist group which runs Gaza, was
however permitted to travel to Cairo for talks before the border was closed
a day earlier than planned. Friday was supposed to be the final of a
three-day border opening for humanitarian cases from Gaza, the first time
the Rafah border crossing with Egypt had been open in 2018. “The Rafah
border was closed today due to the security situation in Sinai, we were
informed by the Egyptian authorities,” said Saleh al-Zaq, head of the civil
affairs committee which controls the borders. Hamas leader Ismail Haniya
crossed the border to Cairo for talks with Egyptian leaders before Rafah was
closed, Hamas spokesman Fawzi Barhum said. He said the talks would include
an Egyptian-brokered reconciliation deal between Hamas and rival Palestinian
movement Fatah that has faltered, with multiple deadlines missed. It was
believed to be Haniya’s first trip outside Gaza since the United States
included him on its terror blacklist last month.- With AFP
At least two killed, 37 wounded by twin mosque bombing in Libya’s Benghazi
The Associated Press, Benghazi/Friday, 9 February 2018/Libyan officials say
twin bomb explosions at a mosque in the city of Benghazi have killed at
least two people and wounded 75 others. Motaz Agouri, an official at
Benghazi security directorate's media office, said the explosion took place
during Friday prayers inside the Saad Ibn Ibada mosque in Benghazi's busy
Berka district. Agouri said the bombs were planted in separate rooms inside
the mosque. The devices appear to have been activated remotely using a
mobile phone, one military source said. In January, a twin car bombing near
a mosque in Benghazi’s Salmani neighborhood killed at least 33 people.
Benghazi has seen often seen fighting between forces loyal to the
self-styled Libyan National Army and Islamist militia opponents. Libya
descended into chaos after the 2011 uprising that toppled and killed ruler
Muammar Gadhafi. The country has been since split between rival governments
and militias. Earlier last month, Benghazi also witnessed a car bomb which
led to the death of atleast 35 people and left more than 70 others wounded.
The explosives-rigged vehicle blew up in front of a mosque in the central
neighborhood of Al-Sleimani, a security source said. With Reuters. French
Defense Minister Florence Parly on Friday called for an end to air strikes
in Syria and the opening of humanitarian corridors, saying it was
unacceptable that civilians were being targeted. Parly highlighted the
fighting in rebel-held areas of Idlib province and eastern Damascus, where
waves of Syrian government and Russian strikes have killed dozens of
civilians in recent days. “We are very worried. The air strikes need to
end,” Parly said on France Inter radio. “Civilians are the targets, in Idlib
and in the east of Damascus. This fighting is absolutely unacceptable,” she
Hundreds killed
The Syrian civil war, now entering its eighth year, has killed hundreds of
thousands of people and driven more than 11 million from their homes, while
drawing in regional countries and global powers supporting client factions
on the ground. Parly did not specify who was carrying out the strikes.
Her comments came after the United Nations on Tuesday called for an
immediate humanitarian ceasefire in Syria of at least a month. UN war crimes
experts have also said they are investigating several reports of bombs
allegedly containing chlorine gas being used against civilians. Russia, an
ally of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad whose military support has helped
government forces claw back territory, on Thursday said a ceasefire was
unrealistic. Standing beside Russian President Vladimir Putin last summer,
French leader Emmanuel Macron said any failure to open humanitarian
corridors in Syria represented a “red line”, as did the use of chemical
weapons. France and the United Nations have repeatedly called in past months
for the opening of aid corridors to alleviate the humanitarian crisis. The
Paris government has also urged Moscow in private to consider ways to
alleviate the crisis, but those efforts have not materialized into results
on the ground. France’s foreign minister is due in Russia before the end of
Iraqi Kurds accused of carrying out ‘mass
executions’ of ISIS members
AFP, Baghdad/Friday, 9 February 2018/Human Rights Watch on Friday accused
Iraqi Kurdish security forces of carrying out mass executions of detainees
alleged to be members of ISIS. The watchdog said the Kurdish Peshmerga
fighters detained Iraqis and foreigners at a school in Sahel al-Maliha, 70
kilometers northwest of Mosul, from which ISIS was expelled in July. “The
evidence suggests that Asayish (Kurdish) security forces conducted mass
executions of captured ISIS suspects night after night for a week, perhaps
killing scores or even hundreds of male detainees,” said Lama Fakih, HRW’s
deputy Middle East director. “Iraqi and KRG (Kurdish Regional Government)
authorities should urgently and transparently investigate the allegations of
mass executions and hold those responsible to account,” she said in a
statement. The executions allegedly occurred between August 28 and September
Questioned about the report by HRW, Iraqi Kurd government official Dindar
Zebari denied the accusations. Zebari said that according to the head of the
Asayish, the Peshmerga were battling IS on a 71-kilometre front line as the
jihadists attempted to flee to Syria. During the clashes, many ISIS and
Peshmerga fighters died, and “the corpses of the killed ISIS members in this
fighting were probably brought in one place to be buried”, he was quoted as
saying. The front line is located about 40 kilometers from the site at which
the bodies were found, said HRW, casting doubt on his account. “This
explanation does not match the state the bodies were found in, shot in the
head” and buried “in a solitary desert area, far from where any fighting had
occurred,” said the watchdog.
India’s Modi heads to Palestinian territories to
balance ties with Israel
Reuters, The Associated Press, Amman, Jordan, New Delhi/Friday, 9 February
2018/Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi is heading to the Palestinian
territories and the Gulf countries on Friday to bolster long-standing
political and economic ties. India was one of the earliest champions of the
Palestinian cause but in recent years turned to Israel for high-tech
military equipment and anti-terrorism cooperation. Modi made the first trip
to Israel by an Indian prime minister last year followed by Prime Minister
Benjamin Netanyahu's visit to India last month. But Indian officials said
India continued to support the Palestinian cause and that Modi's visit is
aimed at helping build up the Palestinians' capacity in the health,
information technology and education areas. “We have de-hyphenated our
relations with Palestine and Israel and now we see them both as mutually
independent and exclusive and as part of this policy the prime minister is
undertaking this visit,” B. Bala Bhaskar, a joint secretary in the Indian
foreign ministry, said. The two sides are building a India-Palestinian
technology park in Ramallah, the Palestinians’ seat of government, which
will develop IT expertise and generate employment. PM Modi, Jordan king
discuss Israeli-Palestinian conflict Modi arrived in Jordan on Friday and
will travel to Ramallah, in the Israeli-occupied West Bank, on Saturday.
Jordan’s King Abdullah II has discussed the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and
his role as custodian of major Muslim and Christian shrines in contested
Jerusalem with Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi. A palace statement says
the two met on Friday, a day before Modi’s first-ever visit to the West
Bank. Modi tweeted on Friday that he is looking forward to talks with
Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas and “reaffirming our support for the
Palestinian people and the development of Palestine.”During his visit to
Israel last year, he did not travel to the Palestinian headquarters as is
usually the case with visiting leaders. India was among more than 120
countries to vote in favor of a resolution in December calling for the
United States to drop its recent recognition of Jerusalem as Israel’s
capital. But the scale of India's security and commercial ties with Israel
dwarfs the engagement with the Palestinians. Modi will also travel to the
United Arab Emirates, and to Oman. The Gulf is home to nine million Indians
who remit $35 billion home each year, sustaining millions of families. The
UAE committed an investment of $75 billion in India when Modi visited in
2015 and the two sides will be looking to advance that goal, the foreign
ministry said.
Congress Passes Spending Bill, Sends to Trump to End
Associated Press/Naharnet /February 09/18/The US Congress passed a crucial
federal spending bill Friday after hours of delay, sending the measure to
President Donald Trump to end the nation's second government shutdown in
three weeks. The House voted 240 to 186 in support of a bipartisan package
that extends government funding until March 23 and lifts federal spending
limits by nearly $300 billion over the next two years, after the Senate
cleared the measure in the middle of the night. Congress had missed a
midnight deadline when a conservative senator refused to allow an early vote
on the compromise bill, but now a signature by Trump, who supports the deal,
will reopen government offices.
Latest LCCC Bulletin analysis & editorials from miscellaneous sources published
on February 09-10/18
Do We Allow Air India’s Request?
Abdulrahman Al-Rashed/Asharq Al Awsat/February 09/18
Air India’s request to operate flights headed to the West to fly over Saudi
Arabia and have a layover in Israel has been fodder for “enemy” media. The media
accused Saudi Arabia of allowing the Indians to cross over to the old “enemy”
Israel. The concerned side, the Saudi General Authority of Civil Aviation,
denied the claims and said that it has not approved the decision. Let us observe
the situation with some pragmatism from the perspective of international
interests and relations. The truth is, there is no strong motivation or
political reasoning that would prevent all airlines from around the world,
except those from Israel, Qatar and Iran, to fly over Saudi Arabia. The carriers
of these countries should be barred from flying over the Kingdom until the
dispute with them is resolved. Preserving sovereignty rights includes barring
travel through an airspace or averting other forms of potential security
disputes that may result from allowing an airline to travel over a country. Our
ties with the rest of the countries of the world are good and their civil
airlines should be allowed to fly over Saudi Arabia regardless of their
destination. If Indian trips were headed to Athens, New York or elsewhere and
wanted to stop at an Israeli airport, then why should we punish them with a ban?
Israel, not another airline, will meanwhile be forced to shoulder the burden of
the added two-hour flight time to take the convoluted route between India and
Israel should the airspace ban be imposed..
At any rate, the dispute with Israel is very clear. A country, such as Qatar,
which enjoys almost full ties with Israel, should not be dictating to us,
through its propaganda machine, how to manage our airspace or territorial
Arab countries have debated at length over the concept of boycott and their
concerned institutions have agreed to distinguish between a boycott that harms
Israel and a boycott that harms the Arabs. The old concept of a boycott is not
limited to besieging Israel. Those who spoke of it were of the Arab left and
they also partly advocated banning trade with the West. They had prevented us
from importing a majority of electronics, such as Apple and Xerox products. The
banned list was compiled by the boycott office in Damascus, which had control
over trade in the Gulf. Corruption was rife in those procedures whereby
negotiations in the past were limited to governments and institutions that had
often abused their power for their own interests. A major campaign was recently
successful in redefining the concepts of a boycott and refining blacklists.
When assessing Air India’s request, we should look at the issue as a whole. The
Israeli carrier will benefit from the situation and the boycott, even if it will
have to fly an additional 2,000 kilometers. No other international airline is
willing to go the extra distance. In addition, political work that serves the
Palestinians and their cause, loses its tools when it does not have anything to
compromise in the crisis. Amid the disputes, wars and enmities, a certain logic
always determines how relations and punishments should transpire. Why shouldn’t
we therefore tackle each case separately instead of allowing the dogmatic and
spiteful sides manipulate us?
Iran: Speaking Swedish, Acting North Korean
Amir Taheri/Asharq Al Awsat/February 09/18
For the past decade February, part of which coincides with the month of Bahman
on the Iranian calendar, has been marked by febrile political activities in Iran
under the Khomeinist regime. February 1 marks the anniversary of the late
ayatollah’s return to Tehran after 16 years in exile. And February 11, regarded
as the crescendo of the Iranian Revolution, marks the day that Shapour Bakhtiar,
the last Prime Minister to be named by the Shah, went into hiding, leaving a
vacuum quickly filled by Khomeini’s supporters visibly surprised by the ease
with which they had won power.There were no revolutionary battles, no dramatic
ups-and-downs, and, on a personal level, no opportunity for heroic shenanigans.
The Khomeinist revolution took around four months to achieve victory, not long
enough to allow a lot of people to conjure a heroic biography for themselves.
Just a year before the “final victory” on 11 February some of the mullahs who
emerged as grandees of the revolution, among them Ayatollah Ahmad Jannati who
now heads the all-powerful Council of Guardians of the Islamic Constitution,
were kissing the Shah’s hands during audiences for clerics. Other grandees of
the revolution like Hojat al-Islam Morteza Motahari were on Empress Farah’s
payroll as members of the “philosophical” boutique she had set up as solace from
The revolution had not lasted long enough to establish its ideological colors.
Pro-Soviet Communists along with kindred Maoists, Castroists, Trotskyites, and
Titoists believed that this was their revolution, as did veteran Mossadeqists,
westernized Third-Worldists, and mullahs of all shapes and sizes. For the first
year the ideological vacuum was filled with the drama around the seizing of
American diplomats as hostages. Once the embassy hostage drama had become as a
boring as a second-rate TV soap opera, Iraqi despot Saddam Hussein rode to the
rescue by invading Iran, helping fill the new Khomeinist regime’s ideological
emptiness. In the first two years, the new regime kept the revolutionary
temperature up by mass executions, purges of the military and civil service, the
squandering of human lives in ineffective maneuvers on the battlefields of Iraq,
and the assassination of men that Khomeini regarded as potential threats to his
hold on power. Using the Lebanese branch of Hezbollah to seize Western hostages
added spice to the bland dish the mullahs served.
With the end of the war and Khomeini’s death, the new regime found itself
ideologically naked. Then “Jihad” against the United States was formally adopted
as the regime’s core ideology. In that context, adopting an anti-Israeli
position was inevitable, if only tangentially. The mullahs forgot that Israel
had smuggled arms to them to fight Saddam Hussein, and, in an act of gargantuan
ingratitude, called for the “elimination of the Zionist entity.” Once the
anti-American and anti-Israel themes were established the regime tried to weave
a cobweb of ideological mumbo-jumbo around them. Under Ali Khamenei, the Islamic
Republic launched annual seminars with such titles as “The End of America” and
“A World Without Israel.”
It also provided an annual platform, always in February, for Holocaust deniers
from all over the world. Special prizes were offered for anti-Semitic cartoons,
posters, photos, and sculpture. By 2013 Foreign Minister Muhammad-Javad Zarif
could claim that the Islamic Republic was scoring one success after another in
“exporting” its culture, whatever that meant. The new administration of
President Hassan Rouhani felt confident that, thanks to support from US
President Barack Obama, the Khomeinist regime could talk like Sweden but act
like North Korea. However, it seems that the arrival on the scene of an unknown
quantity named Donald J Trump has confused the mullahs, forcing them to ponder
whether it is still possible to hoodwink the Americans and the rest of the world
while pursuing repression in Iran and destabilizing policies abroad. Strictly
speaking Trump hasn’t yet done anything concrete against the mullahs apart from
expressing sympathy with recent mass protests in Iran.
However, the fact that Trump has kept the mullahs guessing about his intentions
has already impacted their behavior. To start with Tehran has ended provocative
naval acts in the Strait of Hormuz and its environs, winning praise from the
Pentagon. Throughout the Obama presidency the Iranian navy operated “swarming
sorties” against US naval units in the region with small speedboats approaching
American battleships like so many gnats trying to sting an elephant.
Under Trump, however, the “gnats” are keeping away from the American elephant.
In another register, Tehran has also shelved its annual “End of America” and “A
World Without Israel” shows.
Zarif has issued a few dozen visas for professional Holocaust deniers and
anti-Americans, mostly from Europe and the US, but their comings-and-goings is
to be kept away from the limelight. More importantly, perhaps, the Khomeinist
regime, which has not passed a single day without holding some foreign hostages,
has not seized any new American hostages. The most high-profile hostages still
held are dual nationals who had lobbied in the US for the Islamic Republic under
the control of Obama’s special adviser Ben Rhodes. In a bid to counter Trump’s
chest-beating about human rights in Iran, the mullahs acted out of character
when they chose not to massacre people in the streets during the recent
nationwide uprising. More interestingly, all regime grandees, including Khamenei
himself, dwelling on the “benefits of protest and criticism in Islam,” have
donned their fake Swedish mask, hiding the North Korean face behind it. At
regional level, too, the mullahs are trying to talk Swedish. They muse on
reducing their footprint in Syria, claiming that they have already won the war
for their protégé Bashar al-Assad. And last Sunday, Defense Minister General
Amir Hatami even offered to give Afghanistan military aid to fight ISIS and its
groups installed there. The next issue on which I expect Tehran to start singing
Swedish concerns Trump’s demand for renegotiating the nuclear “deal”, concocted
by Obama. The initial tune from Tehran was a “No! No! Nannette” number! with a
harsh North Korean accent. Recently, however, I hear a “May be baby!” number
with a soft Swedish accent.
Invention of the term ‘preacher’ in Muslim societies
Salah al-Sayer/Al Arabiya/February 09/18
Islam did not forbid slavery. According to Islamic law, a Muslim can own slaves,
buy them and sell them as he wishes. Despite this fact, Muslim societies have
stopped practicing slavery and the slave market has been banned for a long time.
This is natural and logical progress, as human beings naturally respond to
social and cultural development. Other nations and peoples have similarly given
up many old practices because many of them are no longer in keeping with the
times. One of the most important evidence is that Muslim societies stopped
Sharia punishments such as hand cutting or stoning, as well as criminalizing the
narrow understanding of jihad because it contradicts humanitarian principles.
What about “religious institutions”, which continue to actively propagate in
other countries? Is propagation suitable abroad in today’s age, which requires
non-interference in the affairs of other countries? Despite the proliferation of
“preachers” around us, our societies did not know the concept of a “preacher"
before the rise of Sahwa movement
Stereotypical image
Does this activity fit the stereotypical image of Islam, which unfortunately has
been tarnished and associated with terrorism, especially as aspersions have been
cast against the funding of seminaries, which are believed to be promoting
terrorism. We may all recall here the ‘preachers’ who incited the youth to join
ISIS or those who flaunted their sins, their crimes and the killing of innocent
people in Syria. Despite the proliferation of “preachers” around us, our
societies did not know the concept of a “preacher" before the rise of the Sahwa
movement as the title was coined for political purposes, particularly to promote
divisiveness and intolerance. “Muslim” society does not need anyone to remind it
about Islam. A few days ago, I witnessed a charity advertisement encouraging
people to donate money to convert non-Muslims in China. Despite our “very, very,
very” small size compared to China, which is a great nation, we seek to change
the faith of its people, as if it is our legitimate responsibility to undertake
this religious duties on behalf of Muslims in China. We might end up inviting
the wrath of the Chinese dragon.
Tehran’s view of Turkey’s Afrin campaign
Giorgio Cafiero/Al Arabiya/February 09/18
The Middle East’s sectarian divisions have challenged Iran to overcome
perceptions that it is inherently and exclusively committed to empowering
Shi’ites at the Sunnis’ expense. Given that Shi’ites are minorities in most Arab
countries, Iranian officials have long recognized the necessity of engaging
Sunnis in the region to heighten Tehran’s influence beyond areas of Lebanon,
Iraq, Syria, and northern Yemen. By investing in closer relations with
Sunni-majority Arab countries such as Algeria, Egypt (mainly during Mohammed
Morsi’s presidency), Kuwait, and Qatar, and non-state actors such as Hamas, Iran
has sought to garner support for its anti-status quo foreign policy agenda from
political figures on both sides of the Arab world. Bringing Turkey into closer
geopolitical alignment with Iran has been an important dimension of Tehran’s
quest to enhance its set of alliances and partnerships with Sunni actors in the
Middle East. As the failed coup plot of 2016 served to add new layers of
friction to Ankara’s tense relationship with Washington, Iran most welcomed
Turkey’s outreach to Tehran and Moscow amid the political fallout. Having long
sought to capitalize on anti-American sentiments in Turkey to increase Iran’s
influence in NATO’s only Muslim-majority member state, the rage felt by many
Turks directed against US President Donald Trump following his controversial
recognition of Jerusalem as the Israeli capital late last year offered Iran
further opportunity to exploit friction in US-Turkey relations.
Such an interest in taking advantage of Ankara and Washington’s conflicts of
interest would suggest that Iran would have embraced the crisis in US-Turkey
relations stemming from Operation Olive Branch.
Tehran’s interest in preserving the territorial integrity of Syria – in no small
part due to the implications for Iranian Kurdistan of an autonomous Kurdish
region, if not independent state, in northern Syria – might also imply that Iran
would be keen to back Turkish efforts to deliver a blow to the forces of
militant Kurdish nationalism that both Ankara and the Iranian-backed Damascus
regime see as threatening the Syrian nation-state. Nonetheless, despite Iranian
early efforts to avoid appearing too critical of Turkey’s military intervention
in Afrin, Operation Olive Branch has raised major concerns in Tehran. By
February 5, Iran’s President Rouhani called on Ankara to end its military
operation in Afrin “at the earliest time”, citing risks of violence escalating
and the fact that Damascus did not authorize Operation Olive Branch.
Interestingly, Iranian diplomats’ expressed fears of the risks of Turkey’s
military campaign offering Islamic State (ISIS or IS) and other Salafist-jihadists
opportunities to regain territory in Syria have also been voiced by their
counterparts in Washington.
Having invested much blood and treasure in the Syrian conflict, Iran has been
seeking to promote a settlement to the crisis within the framework of the
Iran-Turkey-Russian tripartite relationship
Operation Olive Branch
Part of Tehran’s position against Operation Olive Branch might be due to Iran’s
interest in keeping the door open to better relations with certain elements of
Syria’s Kurdish minority when the conflict winds down.
If the Democratic Union Party (PYD) and its armed wing, the People’s Protection
Units (YPG), can reach an understanding with Iran whereby Tehran does not
perceive the force as a threat to Iran’s fundamental interests in the Levant,
there is potential for the US-backed Kurdish faction and the Islamic Republic to
reach an accommodative relationship. Not lost in the equation is the possibility
of Operation Olive Branch adding momentum to pan-Kurdish causes beyond Syria,
giving Iran incentive to avoid supporting Turkey’s military operations against
the PYD/YPG based on concerns about violence in Iran’s Kurdish territories
manifesting consequently. Iran is alarmed by the prospects for Turkey expanding
Operation Olive Branch beyond Afrin to carry to the campaign eastward to Manbij.
Such a move on Ankara’s part would suggest that Turkey is seeking grander
strategic gains beyond crushing the PYD/YPG.
The possibility of Turkey building on its military intervention in Afrin to
establish a zone of influence stretching across territories south of the
Turkish-Syrian border raises questions about Iran’s interests in these areas and
how Tehran would respond to such an assertion of Turkey’s hard power.
Having invested much blood and treasure in the Syrian conflict, Iran has been
seeking to promote a settlement to the crisis within the framework of the
Iran-Turkey-Russian tripartite relationship. For all of Tehran and Ankara’s
conflicting agendas in Syria, Iran understands that Turkey must be on board and
behind all diplomatic efforts aimed at resolving the Syrian crisis. At this
juncture, Iran is unsettled by the potential for further Turkish-Kurdish and
Arab-Kurdish violence in Afrin and other parts of northern Syria to weaken
Tehran, Ankara, and Moscow’s ability to build on their common interests in
resolving the conflict while preserving the Syrian state’s territorial
integrity. While calling on Turkey to end Operation Olive Branch yet also
seeking to continue driving a greater wedge between Ankara and Washington, Iran
finds itself in a difficult position vis-à-vis Afrin. With much at stake in
northern Syria as well as in the future of Ankara-Tehran relations, Iranian
diplomats must tread carefully when addressing Turkey’s military intervention
against Syria’s armed Kurds, especially if Operation Olive Branch extends
Germany: Merkel Pays High Price for Fourth Term .. "This will not be long."
Soeren Kern/Gatestone Institute/February 09/2018
Merkel will govern...but her government will be under the heading 'this will not
be long.' This refers to Merkel, and also to the fact that in many parts of the
country there is the feeling that 'this' should not continue." — Kurt Kister,
Editor-in-Chief, Süddeutsche Zeitung.
"The CDU retains control of the beautiful-sounding, but in fact powerless,
Ministry of Economy, the unpopular Ministry of Health, the crisis-prone Ministry
of Defense and the shadowy existence of ministerial posts in the Chancellery,
for education and agriculture. That is little for the strongest faction in the
Bundestag." — Editorial, Münchner Merkur.
"The CDU was transformed into Merkel's own personal political party. On the way,
though, the competition of political ideas—the policy conflicts that are the
lifeblood of democracy and which provide voters with direction—was lost." — René
Pfister, head of the Berlin bureau, Der Spiegel.
Negotiators from Chancellor Angela Merkel's center-right Christian Democratic
Union (CDU), their Bavarian partners, the Christian Social Union (CSU), and the
center-left Social Democratic Party (SPD) have agreed in principle on a deal for
a new "grand coalition" government—one that, in fact, is the same as the one
that governed prior to the last election in September 2017.
The deal, if formally ratified by the SPD's rank and file members at a special
party congress on March 4, would ensure that Germany has a new government by
Easter—and that Merkel, already in power for 12 years, will remain in office for
a fourth tenure as chancellor, albeit in a much-weakened position.
Unusually, the 177-page agreement, reached on February 7, is subject to review
in two years, when the parties will reassess the coalition. Analysts have
speculated that it may be an opportunity for Merkel finally to step down.
German Chancellor Angela Merkel (center), stands with Martin Schulz (right), the
leader of the Social Democratic Party, and Horst Seehofer (left), Governor of
Bavaria and leader of the Christian Social Union, after government coalition
negotiations on February 7, 2018 in Berlin, Germany.
To ensure the deal, the three parties made concessions to each other, all in an
effort to prevent fresh elections, in which the anti-immigration party
Alternative for Germany (AfD), riding high in the polls, would almost strengthen
its position in the German parliament, where it already is the main opposition
Merkel's greatest concessions involved the allocation of cabinet positions. Her
CDU relinquished control over the influential Interior and Finance ministries.
The SPD will now control the three top ministries: finance, foreign affairs and
labor. The CSU, which advocates a harder line on immigration than Merkel, will
take over the Interior Ministry.
The key points of the deal included agreements on healthcare and housing reform;
a commitment to international climate goals; a "billion-euro program" to ensure
that all Germans, including those in rural areas, have access to a high-speed
internet connection by 2025; and restrictions on German arms exports to all
countries taking part in the war in Yemen. The restrictions would include Saudi
Arabia, a key market for German defense companies.
With respect to the European Union, the CDU/CSU and SPD agreed to grant more
powers to the European Parliament and to create a European Monetary
Fund—presumably funded in large measure by Germany—to help protect the eurozone
against future financial crises. More significantly, the agreement promises
"more investment" for the European Union. The SPD said this amounted to "an end
to austerity measures"—cuts to public spending—imposed on the European Union by
Germany after the eurozone crisis.
On the most contentious issue, namely that of immigration, the CDU/CSU and SPD
agreed to cap the number of asylum seekers coming to Germany at between 180,000
and 220,000 per year. Merkel has long resisted an upper limit on asylum seekers,
as demanded by the CSU, but after a million CDU voters defected to the AfD in
the last election, she agreed.
The coalition deal also caps the number of migrants brought to Germany through
family reunification (Familiennachzug) visas at 1,000 per month for those with
so-called subsidiary protection, a temporary protection that falls short of full
asylum. The category usually involves migrants fleeing war-torn countries but
who cannot prove that they personally face any immediate danger. "Subsidiary
protection applies when neither refugee protection nor an entitlement to asylum
can be granted and serious harm [torture or death penalty] is threatened in the
country of origin," according to the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees.
On closer examination, however, the compromise appears to be cosmetic: most of
those under subsidiary protection in Germany are not married and do not have
children; according to German law, they would not be allowed to bring extended
family members in any case. Moreover, those under subsidiary protection involve
a relatively small percentage of the migrants in Germany.
Only 200,000 of the more than two million migrants who have arrived in Germany
since 2015 are under subsidiary protection, according to the Federal Employment
Agency. Of those, between 50,000 and 60,000 have applied for family
In any event, the cap makes exceptions for "humanitarian grounds," prompting SPD
leader Martin Schulz to describe the agreement as a "1,000-plus regulation."
In other words, the "compromise" that supposedly limits the number of family
reunifications appears to be a public relations gimmick aimed at persuading
German voters that the mainstream parties are taking a harder stance on
migration, apparently in an effort to blunt voter appeal for the AfD.
The coalition deal was met with considerable skepticism from across Germany's
political spectrum.
A poll conducted for Die Welt on February 8 found that 63%—almost two-thirds of
voters—believe that Merkel was "weakened" or "clearly weakened" by the outcome
of the coalition negotiations. Only 16% said the chancellor "strengthened" or
"clearly strengthened" while 18% said she was neither strengthened nor weakened.
Many commentators said the agreement foreshadowed the beginning of the end of
the Merkel era.
The Editor-in-Chief of Süddeutsche Zeitung, Kurt Kister, described Merkel's new
cabinet as "a government with an expiry date." He wrote:
"Yes, there were no winners in these coalition negotiations—just as there was no
clear winner in the Bundestag election. Maybe the CSU has done the best. Party
leader Horst Seehofer, who has nothing left to lose, will be the most important
minister [Interior Minister] of the CDU/CSU. Seehofer's upper limit for
immigrants now stands as a corridor in the coalition paper: His party (and the
CDU) will politically benefit from the upper limit, which corresponds to the
ideas of a majority of Germans and also represents the limit of what important
parts of the SPD will accept. The SPD has also achieved a lot in the short
coalition negotiations, especially by gaining control over the major ministries.
"If a majority of SPD members do not oppose the coalition deal, Angela Merkel
will have achieved her most important goal: there will be a (relatively) stable
government. If the fourth Merkel cabinet comes about, it will be similar in some
respects to the last cabinets of Helmut Schmidt and Helmut Kohl. Merkel will
govern...but her government will be under the heading 'this will not be long.'
This refers to Merkel, and also to the fact that in many parts of the country
there is the feeling that 'this' should not continue."
The Berlin correspondent for Deutsche Welle, Volker Witting, wrote:
"Merkel knows that her fourth chancellorship will probably be the last. Even
before the federal election, it had taken her long time to decide on running for
a fourth term. And not only the opposition is pushing for renewal. Some in the
CDU are counting on Merkel leaving—better sooner than later; even if the critics
say that only behind closed doors.
"Above all, the right wing of her party cannot forgive Merkel for moving the
once conservative CDU far in a liberal-social democratic direction.
Conservatives have been grumbling for a long time, but few express their
displeasure openly, even though they are thinking about an end to the Merkel
era. For instance, Schleswig-Holstein Prime Minister Daniel Günther recently
said: "A new government must include individuals who have a perspective for the
post-Angela Merkel period."
The Münchner Merkur, in an article entitled, "CDU grumbles about Merkel: 'One
could hardly have negotiated worse,'" wrote:
"The draft agreement could secure Merkel's political survival, but puts pressure
on her internally. The price for the agreement with the SPD and CSU is
relinquishing the most important ministries. Foreign affairs, finance, labor—all
gone. The CDU retains control of the beautiful-sounding, but in fact powerless
Ministry of Economy, the unpopular Ministry of Health, the crisis-prone Ministry
of Defense and the shadowy existence of ministerial posts in the Chancellery,
education and agriculture. That is little for the strongest faction in the
Germany's largest-circulation newspaper, Bild, in an article entitled, "Help, I
have shrunk the CDU!," documented a growing rebellion against Merkel from within
the CDU. Reaction to the coalition agreement included comments such as: "a
political mistake," "completely unacceptable," "our own party is being wiped
out," "it bears the handwriting of the SPD," "devastating," and "not good." Bild
wrote: "The fact is: The CDU has lost more influence in the new government than
it has gained. The Merkel critics in the CDU camp are getting louder."
In an essay entitled, "Why German Politics Can't Move Beyond Merkel," René
Pfister, head of Der Spiegel's Berlin bureau, wrote:
"Ever since the German general election last September, there has been a whiff
of farewell hovering over everything. In that vote, Merkel's conservatives
suffered their worst result since 1949, and if indications aren't completely
misleading, it looks as though Merkel is in the process of arranging for a
successor to lead the Christian Democrats (CDU) once she's gone.
"Germans are strangely divided over the woman who has governed for so long; the
younger generation can no longer remember a time when a male chancellor led the
country. On the one hand, there is a desire for change, a Merkel fatigue that
made itself apparent in the brief hype surrounding the launch of Martin Schulz's
candidacy a year ago, but also in the rise of the anti-Merkel party, the
Alternative for Germany (AfD). On the other hand, Germans seem to be afraid of
the very change they long for, with 51 percent of voters in favor of Merkel
remaining chancellor. Behind Foreign Minister Sigmar Gabriel, she is the most
popular politician in Germany.
"But it is completely unclear what will come after Merkel. One of the
characteristics of the later Merkel years has been that all political impetus is
derived entirely from her. It begins with the AfD, whose name itself is a
reference to Merkel's famous declaration that there was no alternative to saving
the euro.
"Depending on your perspective, the AfD is either the ugly child of the Merkel
era or an expression of a healthy democracy. But there can be no doubt that
there would never have been an AfD without Merkel. For the right-wing populist
party, she is both a mother figure and the focus of hatred. The party rejects
nobody as vehemently as it does Merkel. Indeed, the emotion inherent in the
party's repudiation of the chancellor is reminiscent of a family feud.
"A popular question these days is what, exactly, will remain from the Merkel era
once she is gone. Adenauer is known for anchoring the country in the Western
community of nations. Kohl's legacy is the introduction of the euro. But one can
make the argument that with her political style, Merkel changed the country more
fundamentally than any of her predecessors.
"The dominant trend these days is that of the political movement...the
established big-tent parties seem strangely outmoded, trapped in a corset of
rituals and ideological constraints. But it was likely Merkel herself who first
realized how potent it could be if the party leader emancipated herself from her
own party's doctrine.
"Merkel has never had the kind of charisma possessed by [France's President
Emmanuel] Macron. And she certainly didn't transform the CDU into a vehicle of
her own ambition with the vehemence and speed that Sebastian Kurz transformed
the ÖVP [Austrian People's Party]. But the persistence with which she relieved
the party of everything that once distinguished it from the political
competition had a similar effect over time: What ultimately mattered was no
longer the common convictions held by the party, but the party chair's
determination to cling to power. The CDU was transformed into Merkel's own
personal political party.
"On the way, though, the competition of political ideas—the policy conflicts
that are the lifeblood of democracy and which provide voters with direction—was
lost. As was the CDU's identity. The result is a battle over the party's
direction that has been raging for quite some time, but has less to do with
policy than with the question: 'Where do you stand on Merkel?'"
Writing for Der Spiegel, columnist Jan Fleischhauer warned that with the SPD
controlling the Finance Ministry, the new coalition government would further
increase runaway government spending:
"The next government knows how to spend money without stopping. If there ever
was a willingness to be modest, then it was lost in the coalition negotiations.
One should withhold numbers in columns, one does not want to bore readers. But
it has to be here. 1,392 trillion euros: this is the number of expenditures the
federal budget plan will provide for the current legislative period. Because
this fabulous sum is not enough for the leaders of the grand coalition, they
have agreed to spend another 46 billion euros, so that really every wish can be
"Even before the new cabinet is sworn in, Angela Merkel can claim to be the most
expensive chancellor of all time.
"I respect the Chancellor, really. I admire the perseverance and the
conscientiousness with which she accepts every problem that arises. I do not
know anybody who works so hard for our country. She never sleeps for more than
four or five hours, then she starts all over again. Yet she never complains.
"I only think that Angela Merkel has too light a relationship to other people's
money. That's my problem with her.
"Deciding for oneself how one wants to spend what one has earned seems to her to
be a strange thought. Every human being can notice the imprints of childhood.
The older you get, the more it emerges. Merkel now combines the rectory [of her
father who was a pastor] and the former Communist East Germany. They call it
evangelical frugality when they find the reference to socialism too hard: it
amounts to the same thing.
"You only have to look at the range of services offered by the modern welfare
state. There is nothing that does not matter. It provides discounted opera
tickets and language courses in Tuscany as well as free marriage counseling. You
can think that's social. I think it is frivolous.
"Chancellery head Peter Altmaier had hopes to follow Wolfgang Schäuble as
Finance Minister. Like his boss, Altmaier has a rather loose way of dealing with
other people's money. Basically, he is convinced that every euro that the
citizens spend themselves is a betrayal of the Chancellor, who knows a thousand
times better what is good for the country. Now the Ministry of Finance goes to
the SPD."
The Hannoversche Allgemeine Zeitung, in a commentary article entitled, "Merkel
IV," wrote:
"The result of the coalition negotiations can be summed up in one sentence:
Angela Merkel saves her chancellorship, Schulz rescues himself into the Foreign
Ministry, Seehofer saves himself to Berlin. It is an alliance of three
politicians whose time has already expired."
On Tichys Einblick, a leading German liberal-conservative blog, Rainer Zitelmann
"Actually, all opposition parties in the German Bundestag can be happy. From a
broader perspective, the SPD is being crushed between the Left Party and the
Greens and the CDU between [classical liberal] FDP and AfD. Merkel does not
care. She knows that this is her last term."
In an essay entitled, "The Eternal Merkel," the Editor-in-Chief of the
Westdeutschen Allgemeine Zeitung, Lutz Heuken, wrote:
"Angela Merkel has been chancellor since 2005—and has long since secured a place
in the history books. For many citizens, the chancellor was a guarantor of
stability for many years. But like so many real or supposedly great things in
history, Angela Merkel made a crucial mistake: she missed the timely farewell
with dignity.
"Maybe because she considers herself irreplaceable. Perhaps because no one in
her environment dares to point out to her the obvious signs that she has long
passed her zenith. Or perhaps because there really is no one in the CDU who
could replace her in the short term because she did not allow anyone to, because
of her drive for pure power.
"The SPD is now—forcibly—planning a change of leadership and generation from
Martin Schulz to Andrea Nahles. At the CDU, such a change is currently
unimaginable. This is not good for the Union and almost tragic for Angela
If the SPD's 460,000 members fail to approve the coalition agreement, German
President Frank-Walter Steinmeier probably will call fresh elections. Polls
indicate that the outcome would be largely the same as the elections held on
September 24, 2017, when Merkel's CDU/CSU alliance won around 33% of the vote,
its worst electoral result in nearly 70 years. Merkel's main challenger, Martin
Schulz's SPD won 20.5%, the party's worst-ever showing.
According to the latest ARD poll "Germany Trend" (Deutschlandtrend) published on
February 1, support for the CDU is at 33%, while support for the SDP fell to
18%, a record low, and only four points ahead of the AfD, which increased to
14%. Together, the two grand coalition parties barely scored 51%.
In the January 18 edition of the same poll, only 45% of voters said that another
grand coalition was a good idea; 52% of respondents said it was not. The same
poll showed that 53% of respondents think it would be very good or good if
Merkel remains in office (a three-point decline compared to the previous month).
Forty-nine percent of the respondents said that Merkel should complete a full
term; 45% said she should leave prematurely.
**Soeren Kern is a Senior Fellow at the New York-based Gatestone Institute.
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