December 27/18
Compiled &
Prepared by: Elias Bejjani
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Bible Quotations For today
An evil and adulterous generation asks for a sign, but no sign will be
given to it except the sign of the prophet Jonah
Matthew 12/38-42: "Some of the
scribes and Pharisees said to Jesus, ‘Teacher, we wish to see a sign from you.
’But he answered them, ‘An evil and adulterous generation asks for a sign, but
no sign will be given to it except the sign of the prophet Jonah. For just as
Jonah was for three days and three nights in the belly of the sea monster, so
for three days and three nights the Son of Man will be in the heart of the
earth. The people of Nineveh will rise up at the judgement with this generation
and condemn it, because they repented at the proclamation of Jonah, and see,
something greater than Jonah is here! The queen of the South will rise up at the
judgement with this generation and condemn it, because she came from the ends of
the earth to listen to the wisdom of Solomon, and see, something greater than
Solomon is here."
Titles For The Latest English LCCC Lebanese & Lebanese Related News published on
December 26-27/18
Christmas Righteous Duties and Obligation
Action In Syria
Were Hezbollah Members Targeted Near Demascus?
Israeli Drilling Works Continue on Border
No Government Breakthrough Expected before Year's End
Fenianos Says 2 Flights 'Escape Disaster' over Lebanon during Syria Raid
Zakka's Family Says Hasn't Heard from Him since 10 Days
Protesters Rally Anew in Beirut as Numbers Dwindle
Aoun awards Doctor Nuhad Dagher golden medal of Knowledge
Aoun signs officers' promotion decrees
Berri regrets government formation stagnation
Tenenti to NNA: UNIFIL is present on the ground
Lebanese Foreign Ministry denounces Israeli raids in Syria, Bassil instructs
Lebanon UN delegate to lodge complaint
Fenianos assures Hariri Lebanon escaped humanitarian catastrophe
Civil society activists block Banks street
Majida Roumi bound for Saudi Arabia to participate in 'Winter at Tantora'
cultural Festival
Titles For The Latest English LCCC Miscellaneous Reports And News published
on December 26-27/18
President Trump makes surprise visit to Iraq
Syrian army reinforced close to front with Turkish-backed forces
German parliamentary report: Turkey has already invaded Syria
3 Syrian Soldiers Wounded in Israeli Strikes near Damascus
Turkey: Pointless for France to Remain in Syria to Protect YPG
Palestinian President Urges Trump to Abide by International Law
ISIS Resumes Attacks in Northern, Western Iraq
In first, former Egyptian presidents Mubarak and Morsi face-to-face in court
Former Egyptian Presidents Mubarak, Morsi Appear in Same Courtroom
Tunisia: Protesters, Security Forces Clash After Journalist Sets himself on Fire
Pair with Fake Guns Spark Panic at Paris Airport
Iran Held Talks with Afghan Taliban amid Peace Push
Titles For The Latest LCCC English analysis & editorials from miscellaneous
sources published on December 26-27/18
Christmas Righteous Duties and Obligation/Elias Bejjani/December
Action In Syria/Jerusalem Post/December 26/18
Were Hezbollah Members Targeted Near Demascus/Jerusalem Post/December 26/18
President Trump makes surprise visit to Iraq/AP/December 26, 2018
In the Middle East, Russia has welcomed everyone to its table/Michael Young/The
National/December 26/18
US Pullout from Syria: Who Will Fill the Vacuum/Burak Bekdil/Gatestone
Institute/December 26/18
Analysis/Israel's Extensive Syria Strike Signals: Business as Usual Despite
Trump and Putin/Amos Harel/Haaretz/December 26/18
Russia: Israel's 'Provocative' Syria Strike Directly Endangered Two Civilian
Flights/Reuters/December 26, 2018
Palestinians: The Real "Crimes"/Bassam Tawil/Gatestone Institute/December 26/18
A League of Democracies: Dusting Off an Old Idea/Lawrence A. Franklin/Gatestone
Institute/December 26/18
Christmas without Christians in IS-liberated Mosul/Saad Salloum/Al
Monitor/December 26/18
Church’s political role sparks debate among Iraqi Christians/Ali Mamouri/Al
Monitor/December 26, 2018
Hatred, is it cured by wars/Turki Aldakhil/Al Arabiya/December 26/18
US troop withdrawal from Syria counterproductive/Abdel Aziz Aluwaisheg/Arab
News/December 26/18
Latest LCCC English Lebanese & Lebanese
Related News published on December 26-27/18
Christmas Righteous Duties and Obligation
Elias Bejjani/December 25/18
Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you; he is Christ the Lord.
(Luke 02/11)
Glory to God in the highest, on earth peace, good will toward men (Luke 02/14)
The holy birth of Jesus Christ bears numerous blessed vital values and
principles including love, giving, redemption, modesty and forgiveness.
Christmas is a role model of love because God, our Father Himself is love.
Accordingly and in a bid to cleanse us from our original sin He came down from
heaven, was conceived by the Holy Spirit, born of the Virgin Mary, and became
This is my commandment, that you love one another, even as I have loved you.
There is no greater love than to lay down one’s life for one’s friends.
Christmas is way of giving …God gave us Himself because He is a caring,
generous, forgiving and loving and father.
Christmas embodies all principles of genuine redemption. Jesus Christ redeemed
us and for our sake He joyfully was crucified, and tolerated all kinds of
torture, humiliation and pain
Christmas is a dignified image of modesty ..Jesus Christ accepted to be born
into a manger and to live his life on earth in an extremely simple and humble
Let us continuously remind our selves that when our day comes that could be at
any moment, we shall not be able to take any thing that is earthly with us for
the Day of judgment except our work and acts, be righteous or evil.
Christmas is a holy act of forgiveness ….God, and because He is a loving and
forgiving has Sent His Son Jesus Christ redeem to free us from the bondage of
the original sin that Adam and Eve committed.
Christmas requires that we all genuinely pray and pray for those who are hurt,
lonely, deserted by their beloved ones, feel betrayed, are enduring pain
silently pain, suffer anguish, deprived from happiness, warmth and joy .
Christmas is ought to teach us that it is the duty of every believer to practice
his/her faith not only verbally and via routine rituals, but and most
importantly through actual deeds of righteousness….
Christmas’ spirit is not only rituals of decorations, festivities, gifts and
joyful celebrations…But deeds in all ways and means by helping those who need
help in all field and domains.
Christmas’s spirit is a calls to honour and actually abide by all Bible
teachings and values.
In this realm we have a Biblical obligation to open our hearts and with love
extend our hand to all those who are in need, and we are able to help him
remembering always that Almighty God showered on us all sorts of graces and
capabilities so we can share them with others.
Christmas is a time to hold to the Ten Commandments, foremost of which is
“Honour your father and your mother”.
Christmas is a good time for us to attentively hear and positively respond to
our conscience, which is the voice of God within us.
Christmas should revive in our minds and hearts the importance of fighting all
kinds temptations so we do not become slaves to earthly wealth, or power of
Christmas for us as patriotic and faithful Lebanese is a time to pray for the
safe and dignified return of our Southern people who were forced to take refuge
in Israel since the year 2000.
Christmas for each and every loving and caring Lebanese is a holy opportunity
for calling loudly on all the Lebanese politicians and clergymen, as well as on
the UN for the release of the thousands of Lebanese citizens who are arbitrarily
and unjustly imprisoned in Syrian prisons.
Most importantly Christmas is a time for praying and working for the liberation
of our dear homeland Lebanon, from the Iranian occupation.
No one should never ever lose sight for a moment or keep a blind eye on the
sacrifices of our heroic righteous martyrs who willing sacrificed themselves for
our homeland, identity, existence, and dignity. Our prayers goes for them on
this Holy Day and for peace in each and evry country, especially in the chaotic
and troubled Middle East.
May God Bless you all and shower upon you, your families, friends, and beloved
ones all graces of joy, health, love, forgiveness, meekness and hope.
Action In Syria
جيرازليم بوست: العمليات العسكرية في سوريا
Post/December 26/18
As the IDF demonstrated this week, it will not hesitate to take action against
Iran in Syria or elsewhere if Israel’s security is threatened.
Now that Israel has decided to hold early elections on April 9, the government
of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has to be particularly cautious about any
moves that could trigger a conflagration in the region. As the IDF demonstrated
this week, it will not hesitate to take action against Iran in Syria or
elsewhere if Israel’s security is threatened. While that’s how it should be,
there is a real danger of Syria becoming a flashpoint for a new conflict
involving Israel.
According to foreign reports, Israeli air strikes in Syria on Tuesday night hit
several Hezbollah officials as they boarded a plane bound for Iran. Newsweek
cited an unnamed source as saying that the strike also targeted strategic
Iranian munitions. At least one Hezbollah official and three Syrian soldiers
were wounded in the attacks.
Newsweek said its source had received the information from Israeli military
officials. According to Syrian state media, the strikes were launched from
Lebanon, and Syrian air defenses had fired at “hostile targets” west of
Damascus; its weapons warehouses were hit by Israeli fire. For its part, the IDF
said it had deployed air defenses against a missile fired from Syria at Israel,
which caused no harm or damage.
“An IDF aerial defense system was activated in response to an anti-aircraft
missile launched from Syria,” the army said. Photographs on social media showed
the launch being carried out from near the northern city of Hadera.
Israel has over the past few years conducted hundreds of air strikes in Syria,
treading a fine line between Russia, which supports the regime of Syrian
President Bashar Assad, and the US, which recently announced a withdrawal of
American troops from the country.
Israel’s main goals have been to stop Iran from establishing a military presence
in Syria that would threaten the Jewish state, as well as thwart attempts by
Iran to transfer advanced arms and ammunition to Hezbollah in Lebanon.
In the latest issue of The Jerusalem Report, veteran military analyst Yossi
Melman argues that US President Donald Trump’s decision to withdraw his
contingent of more than 2,000 troops from Syria was “a Christmas gift to the
US’s enemies and rivals, above all Russia and Iran, and indirectly China, and a
bombshell dropped on Israel and the Sunni Arab world, which have been encouraged
by the US to form a steadfast front against the expansionist aspirations of
Shi’ite Iran.”
Melman notes that the US evacuation opens up an Iranian land corridor from
Tehran to Damascus that will allow Iran to accomplish its aspirations to reach
Lebanon via land. Where does all this leave Israel?
As Melman concludes, although Israel will continue to enjoy the diplomatic
backing of the US and it remains the strongest military power in the region that
can defend itself and its interests, without a US presence in Syria, “it will be
much more difficult to deal with the crisis.”
“The recovery of the Assad regime and the reassertion of its control over most
of the country has brought the Syrian army back to the Golan Heights, where it
was joined by Iranian and Hezbollah forces, as well as by Tehran-backed Shi’ite
militias,” writes Maj.-Gen. Gershon Hacohen in a paper published by the
Begin-Sadat Center for Strategic Studies, summing up the key strategic turning
points of 2018. “The situation was further complicated by the Russian military
presence in Syria and the constraints it imposed on Israel’s operational
freedom, especially after the September 2018 downing of the Russian plane by
Syrian air defense forces.”
Israel, under Netanyahu, has managed to overcome such blips as the downing of
the Russian plane, while maintaining close relations with Russian President
Vladimir Putin. After the US pullout, Netanyahu has to be even more careful not
to upset Putin.
Now that Russia has become the key player in Syria, it is essential for
Netanyahu to protect Israel’s interests by coordinating with Moscow to foil any
Iranian plots against it. We urge him to be tough but smart in acting against
Iran in Syria, especially now with new elections on the horizon.
Were Hezbollah Members Targeted Near Demascus?
جيرازليم بوست: هل استهدفت الغارة الإسرائيلية
بالقرب من دمشق اعضاء من حزب الله
Post/December 26/18
Mountain highway from Beirut to Damascus has been frequent target of past
airstrikes, but claims that Hezbollah leaders were targeted leave questions
about why they traveled to Syria
Hezbollah senior leaders and members were traveling to Damascus during the air
strikes that rocked areas west of the Syrian capital on Tuesday evening. They
were reportedly hit during the air strikes, leaving many questions about their
identities and why they were targeted.
Newsweek reported on Wednesday that Hezbollah leaders were targeted in the
airstrikes. According to several sources, including the Lebanese website, the Hezbollah delegation was journeying to Damascus to board a
flight bound for Tehran. It was heading to the funeral of Grand Ayatollah
Mahmoud Hashemi Shahroudi, an important Iranian cleric who was head of the
Expediency Discernment Council. He died on December 24, and senior Iranian
religious figures buried him on Wednesday. Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei presided
at the ceremonies, according to Iran’s Fars News.
It now appears that the Hezbollah delegation may have been heading to Damascus
to board a flight to Tehran for the state funeral. Hezbollah and Iranian regime
leaders regularly attend each other’s funerals and ceremonies. For instance, in
2015, Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps Quds Force Commander Qasem Soleimani
went to the grave of Jihad Mughniyeh in Beirut.
A Mahan Air flight left Damascus around 10 p.m. in the midst of the air strikes.
Mahan Air has been designated by the US Treasury Department for its links to the
IRGC. Ambassador to the United Nations Danny Danon said in 2016 that Mahan Air
was among those whose flights have been used by Tehran to supply Hezbollah.
However, these flights could fly directly to Beirut – so why would a Hezbollah
delegation need to travel to Damascus to board the flight?
The claim that the Hezbollah members were targeted and that they were traveling
for the Shahroudi funeral has not been confirmed. Newsweek reported that a
Defense Department source said the strike was “conducted minutes after the
leaders boarded a plane bound for Iran.” Strikes also targeted ammunition
warehouses that held precision ammunition. In comments reports in ‘Haaretz,’
former director of Military Intelligence Maj-Gen. Amos Yadlin cast doubt on the
report, saying it was a low probability that Hezbollah officials were struck.
The claim that the Hezbollah members had already boarded a plane has not been
corroborated with any footage on the ground that shows a plane being hit. A
strike on a plane at Damascus International Airport would be a serious
escalation. The report may be only partly accurate, and may indicate that the
men were struck on the way to board a plane, not after they had boarded.
Syria’s state media SANA claims that Syrian air defenses “intercepted hostile
missiles fired by Israeli warplanes from Lebanese territory and managed to drop
most of the rockets before reaching their targets.” SANA said the air strikes
hit an ammunition depot and wounded three soldiers. Several Syria observers,
including the Twitter account @Syria_SR, claimed the air strikes were more
complex than that, involving “55 munition, four waves [of cruise missiles] in 35
minutes and managed to hit 7 times in 2 different locations.”
In response, Syrian air defense reportedly fired 60 missiles to intercept the
attack. Several Syrian SA-125 anti-air missiles misfired during defensive
action, falling in areas around Damascus and causing confusion.
If the Hezbollah members were in fact targeted, it would not be the first time
that Hezbollah members have been struck in the same location – on the highway
that leads from Damascus over the mountains to Beirut. For instance, two
Hezbollah members were killed in an air strike near Dimas in December 2014. In
January 2015, “senior Hezbollah figures,” including Jihad Mughniyeh, were killed
near Quneitra. Mezzeh military airport was also struck in December 2016. Air
strikes also targeted an area near Saboura on the mountain road in November 2016
and April 2017.
The road that passes from Damascus via the Mezzeh military airport and Saboura,
Dimas and then over to Lebanon is a 116-km. stretch of beautiful mountain
driving that normally takes two-and-a-half hours.
The allegation that the senior Hezbollah members were targeted on their way to
the Shahroudi funeral has now been repeated by many sources on social media and
online. Why would Hezbollah members expose themselves on the road to Damascus,
knowing that there have been tensions in the region in recent months? Did they
feel safe, hoping Syria’s S-300 air defense system – supplied by Russia in the
wake of the downing of a Russian IL-20 in September during an Israeli air strike
– would provide them security?
Targeted in the past on the same stretch of road, they would have known its
dangers. It doesn’t answer the final question of why they didn’t board a flight
directly from Beirut and save themselves the drive and exposure.
Hezbollah media and pro-Syrian regime media have been silent on this issue.
Iranian regime media have also been silent, discussing only the Syrian air
defense system’s “success” at targeting the attack and continuing the story that
only a warehouse was hit and several soldiers injured. In the coming hours or
days, the Syrian regime or pro-Hezbollah media may begin to reveal what
happened. If senior members of the group were killed, they will want to hold
lavish funerals for the “martyrs.”
Hezbollah is often outspoken about these kinds of events. On December 3, for
instance, Hezbollah claimed none of its members were hit in an alleged November
29 air strike south of Damascus. This was in response to rumors that its members
had been targeted. Now the ball is in Hezbollah’s court once again. We will see
if the terrorist organization responds to the rumors from December 25 regarding
its members being targeted.
Israeli Drilling Works Continue on Border
Naharnet/December 26/18/Israeli
forces continued Wednesday drilling works on Lebanon's border in search of
suspected Hizbullah tunnels, the Lebanese National News Agency said. “Enemy
forces are continuing drilling works on the border with Kfarkila and the
(Lebanese) army forced them to adjust their border wall plans,” NNA said.
According to the agency, a patrol from the army's Directorate of Geographic
Affairs carried out delineation works in a disputed area facing Kfarkila,
forcing Israeli troops to retreat beyond the military route. The works were
being monitored by a large number of troops from the two sides as well as UNIFIL
peacekeepers, NNA added.
No Government Breakthrough Expected before Year's End
Naharnet/December 26/18/The new government will not be formed in the remaining
days of 2018 according to media reports. In remarks to Saudi-owned newspaper
Asharq al-Awsat, informed sources ruled out “any breakthrough before the
beginning of next year.”
“Initiatives and contacts among the concerned parties are nearly suspended,” the
sources added. A dispute over the political affiliation of Sunni candidate Jawad
Adra has torpedoed the latest attempt to resolve the government deadlock. Adra
had been initially nominated as a consensus candidate representing both
President Michel Aoun and the Consultative Gathering – a grouping of six pro-Hizbullah
Sunni MPs – but the Gathering later withdrew its endorsement of Adra after
ambiguity surfaced over his future political alignment.
Fenianos Says 2 Flights 'Escape Disaster' over Lebanon during
Syria Raid
Naharnet/December 26/18/Two civilian flights “narrowly escaped a humanitarian
disaster” Tuesday over Lebanon during an Israeli raid on targets in Syria, a
Lebanese minister said on Wednesday. Caretaker Public Works and Transport
Minister Youssef Fenianos called Prime Minister-designate Saad Hariri to “put
him in the picture of what happened yesterday” during Israel's airstrike, the
National News Agency said. “Lebanon miraculously escaped a humanitarian disaster
that was about to hit the passengers of two civilian planes in Lebanon's
airspace during the Israeli aggression against south Damascus that took place
from Lebanese airspace,” Fenianos told Hariri according to the agency. “They
agreed that Lebanon will file an urgent complaint with the U.N. Security Council
against Israel in order to reach a resolution that would protect Lebanon and its
civilians,” NNA said. Earlier in the day, the Russian military also said that
that the Israeli airstrike had endangered two civilian flights. Russian Defense
Ministry spokesman Maj. Gen. Igor Konashenkov said that six Israeli F-16 jets
launched the "provocative" raid at the moment when two civilian airliners were
preparing to land in Damascus and Beirut, creating a "direct threat" to the
aircraft. Konashenkov said the Syrian military didn't fully engage its air
defense assets to avoid accidentally hitting the passenger jets. He added that
Syrian air traffic controllers redirected the Damascus-bound plane to the
Russian air base in Hemeimeem. Konashenkov said the Syrian air defense forces
shot down 14 of the 16 precision-guided bombs dropped by the Israeli jets, while
the remaining two hit a Syrian military depot, injuring three Syrian soldiers.
The Israeli Foreign Ministry declined to comment.
Zakka's Family Says Hasn't Heard from Him since 10 Days
Naharnet/December 26/18/The family of Iran-held Lebanese national and U.S. green
card holder Nizar Zakka announced Wednesday that contact has been lost with him
since ten days. “We the family of Nizar Zakkar, who is being arbitrarily
detained in Iran, express grave concern over the fate of our son with whom
direct communication has been severed since ten days. Lebanon's embassy in
Tehran has also failed to secure any contact with him,” the family said in a
statement. Urging Iranian authorities to clarify his fate in a speedy manner and
holding them responsible for any harm, the family urged the Lebanese government
and “specifically Prime Minister Saad Hariri to act quickly and summon the
Iranian ambassador to Beirut to question him about Nizar.”“We also ask the
Lebanese constitutional institutions, especially the Presidency and the
Speakership, to take charge of Nizar's case in order to end his plight and
liberate him from his prison,” the family added. Zakka has been detained in Iran
since 2015 over spying allegations. He was sentenced in 2016 to 10 years in
prison and a $4.2 million fine. Zakka, who lived in Washington and held resident
status in the U.S., was the leader of the Arab ICT Organization, or IJMA3, an
industry consortium from 13 countries that advocates for information technology
in the region. Zakka disappeared Sept. 18, 2015, during his fifth trip to Iran.
He had been invited to attend a conference at which President Hassan Rouhani
spoke of providing more economic opportunities for women and sustainable
development. On Nov. 3, Iranian state television aired a report saying he was in
custody and calling him a spy with "deep links" with U.S. intelligence services.
It also showed what it described as a damning photo of Zakka and three other men
in army-style uniforms, two with flags and two with rifles on their shoulders.
But that turned out to be from a homecoming event at Zakka's prep school, the
Riverside Military Academy in Georgia, according to the school's president.
Protesters Rally Anew in Beirut as Numbers Dwindle
Naharnet/December 26/18/Around 60 civil society protesters staged a march
Wednesday in downtown Beirut demanding better living conditions and health care
in the country. The activists first marched from Martyrs Square towards the Port
of Beirut where they staged a sit-in calling for improved inspection and an end
to customs evasion. They later returned to the Riad al-Solh Square where the
government's headquarters, known as the Grand Serail, is located. Army troops,
security forces and riot police escorted the demonstration to preserve order as
the protesters -- whose numbers sharply dropped compared to a larger demo on
Sunday – chanted slogans calling for health care cards and solutions for social
crises and unemployment. The National News Agency meanwhile reported that the
Charles Helou road and the Banks Street were blocked during the protest.
Violence between protesters and security forces had marred Sunday's
demonstrations which spread from central Beirut to the Beshara al-Khoury and
Hamra areas. At least three journalists were also beaten by security forces
during the protests.
Aoun awards Doctor Nuhad Dagher golden medal of Knowledge
Wed 26 Dec 2018/NNA
- President of the Republic, General Michel Aoun, represented by Caretaker
Culture Minister, Dr. Ghattas Khoury, awarded Doctor Nuhad Dagher, the golden
medal of Knowledge, First Class, as a token of appreciation for his
contributions to the agricultural sphere in Lebanon. Dr Dagher was awarded the
citation during a ceremony held on Wednesday at the Grand Serail, in the
presence of the Secretary Gneral of the National Council of Scientific Research,
Moeen Hamzeh, and concerned dignitaries. Speaking on the occasion, Minister
Khoury hailed the accomplishments of the honored Dr in terms of his abundant
scientific researches and projects for the advancement of the field of
agriculture in Lebanon. Doctor Dagher, for his part, thanked President Aoun for
bestowing upon him such a high ranking citation, saying "today's citation is
granted to knowledge in Lebanon and all Lebanese scientists who work under very
difficult conditions."
Aoun signs officers' promotion decrees
Wed 26 Dec 2018/NNA - President of the Republic, Michel Aoun, has signed, on
Wednesday, the decrees of the promotion of officers of the various military
corps, which will come into effect on January 1, 2019.
Berri regrets government formation stagnation
Wed 26 Dec 2018/NNA - House Speaker, Nabih Berri, this Wednesday regretted at
his weekly meeting with deputies, "the current stagnation in the government
formation process."However, Speaker Berri refused to blame any specific side for
this stagnation. Visiting Lawmakers quoted the Speaker as saying that he has
exerted all efforts needed to facilitate government formation. Nevertheless, the
Speaker regretted the new government has not seen the light. The head of the
legislative council told his visiting lawmakers that communication and contacts
among the various parties, even those concerned in forming government, are
standstill. Berri underlined that the only solution to Lebanon's predicaments
lies in the civil state. He blamed confessionalism and sectarianism for all our
quandary. The Speaker also stated that the first mission of the Parliamnet,
after the formation of the new government, would be to lobby for the
implementation of around 39 laws, including those related to the formation of
the boards of directors of several institutions and sectors. On the other hand,
Berri received a congratulatory cable from Egyptian President Abdel Fattah
al-Sis, on the New Year.
Tenenti to NNA: UNIFIL is present on the ground
Wed 26 Dec 2018/NNA - The UNIFIL official spokesman, Andrea Tenenti, on
Wednesday told the National News Agency that "UNIFIL soldiers are present on the
ground to ensure the stability of situation," adding that UNIFIL is working with
the parties to maintain stability.
Tenenti's comment came in reply to a question on the issue of the bombing of a
tunnel in the area of Al-Hadab off the town of Aita Shaab.On the Kfer Kela
surroundings, Tenenti said: "Our UNIFIL peacekeepers are deployed along the Blue
Line, working closely with the Lebanese Armed Forces on the ground.""The head of
the UNIFIL mission and its general commander, Major General Stefano Del Col, is
in full contact with the parties to ensure stability in the region," Tenenti
said, adding that the situation is now calm.
Lebanese Foreign Ministry denounces Israeli raids in Syria, Bassil instructs
Lebanon UN delegate to lodge complaint
Wed 26 Dec 2018/NNA - The Foreign Ministry denounced in a statement on Wednesday
the Israeli airstrikes against Syria, underlining "Syria's legitimate right to
defend its land and sovereignty.""The Foreign Ministry also calls on the
international community and the UN Security Council to denounce these raids, as
well as Israeli warplanes' breach of Lebanese airspace to carry out attacks on a
brotherly country, in flagrant violation of UN resolution 1701," the statement
read. "Minister of Foreign Affairs Gebran Bassil instructed the Permanent
Representative of Lebanon to the UN to file a complaint to the Security Council
against the dangerous Israeli violations threatening stability in the region,"
statement concluded.
Fenianos assures Hariri Lebanon escaped humanitarian catastrophe
Wed 26 Dec 2018/NNA - Caretaker Public Works and Transportation Minister,
Youssef Fenianos, assured Prime Minister-designate Saad Hariri, during phone
call on Wednesday, that Lebanon has escaped a "real humanitarian catastrophe" on
Tuesday night, as two civilian planes had been at risk of being hit by Israeli
enemy warplanes in their violation of the Lebanese airspace during their bombing
of targets in southern Damascus, Syria. Hariri and Fenianos agreed to file an
urgent complaint against Israel at the UN Security Council, and to take the
decision that protects Lebanon and its civilians.
Civil society activists block Banks street
Wed 26 Dec 2018/NNA - Civil society activists have blocked Banks Street in
Downtown's Beirut, National News Agency correspondent reported on Wednesday.
Majida Roumi bound for Saudi Arabia to
participate in 'Winter at Tantora' cultural Festival
Wed 26 Dec 2018/NNA - The highly renowned artist Majida El Roumi left Beirut
this afternoon, heading to the city of Al-Ula in Saudi Arabia, to participate in
the cultural "Winter at Tantora" Festival.Majida El Roumi will perform a music
concert upcoming Friday 28, at 7:30 pm, within the touristic and cultural
"Winter at Tantora" Festival currently taking place in the city of Al Ula.
"Winter at Tantora" Festival is considered the longest of its kind in Saudi
Arabia, stretching over a period of seven weeks, from December 20, 2018, till
February 9, 2019.
The Festival features a wide range of cultural, sports and art events and
programs to experience the ancient heritage of the city of Al Ula.The Festival's
itinerary includes music concerts by several renowned international artists,
notably Mohamed Abdo, Majida El Roumi, Omar Khairat, Lang Lang, Andrea Bocelli
and Yanni. Um Kulthum's songs will also be played in a music concert using the
hologram technology. Several other social, sports and art festivities will be
organized within "Winter at Tantora" Festival.
Latest LCCC English Miscellaneous Reports & News published on
December 26-27/18
President Trump makes surprise visit to Iraq
AP/December 26, 2018
Trump's trip was shrouded in secrecy
Air Force One flew overnight from Washington, landing at an airbase west of
Baghdad under the cover of darkness Wednesday evening
AL-ASAD AIRBASE, Iraq: President Donald Trump made an unannounced visit to Iraq
on Wednesday, leaving behind a partially shuttered US government to greet
American troops helping hold off extremists in a country where thousands of
Americans died during the recent war. It comes a week after Trump stunned his
national security advisers by announcing that he would withdraw US troops from
neighboring Syria where they have been fighting Daesh militants. Defense
Secretary Jim Mattis abruptly resigned following the announcement, and Trump's
decision rattled allies around the world, including in Iraq. Trump's trip was
shrouded in secrecy. Air Force One flew overnight from Washington, landing at an
airbase west of Baghdad under the cover of darkness Wednesday evening. It is his
first visit with troops stationed in a troubled region.
Fifteen years after the 2003 invasion, the US still has more than 5,000 troops
in Iraq supporting the government as it continues the fight against remaining
pockets of resistance by Daesh. The group has lost a significant amount of
territory in Iraq and Syria but is still seen as a threat. Trump, who speaks
often about his support for the US military, had faced criticism for not yet
visiting US troops stationed in harm's way as he comes up on his two-year mark
in office. He told The Associated Press in an interview in October that he "will
do that at some point, but I don't think it's overly necessary." He later began
to signal that such a troop visit was in the offing. Trump had planned to spend
Christmas at his private club in Florida, but stayed behind in Washington due to
the shutdown. It's unclear whether his trip to Iraq was added after it became
apparent that the government would be shut down indefinitely due to a stalemate
between Trump and congressional Democrats over the president's demand for a wall
along the US-Mexico border.Adding to the tumult, the stock market has been
experiencing heavy losses over concerns about a slowing global economy, Trump's
trade war with China and the president's public slamming of the Federal Reserve
and its chairman over interest rate hikes by the independent agency.
Trump's visit comes at a time when his Middle East policy is in flux. He went
against the views of his top national security advisers in announcing the Syria
withdrawal, a decision that risks creating a vacuum for extremists to thrive.
There are dire implications in particular for neighboring Iraq. The Iraqi
government now has control of all the country's cities, towns and villages after
fighting its last urban battles against Daesh in December 2017. But its
political, military and economic situation remains uncertain, and the country
continues to experience sporadic bombings, kidnappings and assassinations, which
most people attribute to Daesh. Iraqi Prime Minister Adel Abdul-Mahdi recently
said Iraqi troops could deploy into Syria to protect Iraq from threats across
its borders. Iraq keeps reinforcements along its frontier to guard against
infiltration by Daesh militants, who hold a pocket of territory along the
Euphrates River.
Trump campaigned for office on a platform of ending US involvement in foreign
trouble spots, such as Syria, Afghanistan and Iraq. The Syria decision will
ultimately affect all of the approximately 2,000 troops deployed in the war-torn
country. The Pentagon is also said to be developing plans to withdraw up to half
of the 14,000 American troops still serving in Afghanistan.
During the presidential campaign, Trump blamed Democrat Hillary Clinton for the
rise of Daesh, due to the withdrawal of US troops from Iraq at the end of 2011
during her tenure as secretary of state. President George W. Bush is the one who
set the 2011 withdrawal date as part of an agreement with the Iraqi government
to gradually shrink the US footprint and slowly hand off security
responsibilities to the government and Iraqi security forces. His successor,
President Barack Obama, wanted to leave a residual force in Iraq to help the
government manage ongoing security challenges. But he ultimately went ahead with
the scheduled pullout in 2011 after Iraqi's political leaders rejected terms the
US sought for legal protections for the US troops that would have remained. Two
of Trump's recent predecessors visited Iraq early in their terms. Bush visited
Iraq in November 2003, about eight months after that conflict began. Due to
security concerns, Bush waited until 2006 to make his first visit to
Afghanistan. Obama visited Iraq in April 2009, the first year of his eight years
in office, as part of an overseas tour. He visited Afghanistan in 2010. Vice
President Mike Pence visited Afghanistan in December 2017, not long after Trump
outlined a strategy to break the stalemate in America's longest war. Pence met
with Afghan leaders and visited with US troops stationed in the country. Trump
has not visited Afghanistan.
Syrian army reinforced close to front with Turkish-backed forces
Reuters, Beirut/Wednesday, 26
December 2018/Syrian government troops backed by Russian forces have sent extra
troops towards the city of Manbij in coordination with the militia that controls
it, a militia spokesman said, as Turkish-backed Syrian rebels said they were
preparing to attack it. The deployment was coordinated with the US-backed
militia in Manbij, the spokesman for the Manbij Military Council said. It is
part of the wider buildup of forces in the area. “The battle will soon start,”
Major Youssef Hamoud, spokesman for the National Army, the main Turkish-backed
rebel force in the area, told Reuters.
“What we see on the front now is reinforcements to all forces to reach full
preparedness for the battle.”President Donald Trump’s plan to withdraw US troops
from Syria has triggered alarm among the largely Kurdish-led Syrian Democratic
Forces (SDF).
They have partnered with Washington in the war against ISIS and now fear the US
move will open the way for Turkey to launch a long-threatened attack against
them. “The Russian army has restored the Syrian-Russian coordination centre to
Arima village to the west of Manbij city, after its withdrawal from there a
while ago,” said Sharfan Darwish, the spokesman for the Manbij Military Council.
Manbij was seized in 2016 from ISIS by Syrian militia allied to the SDF, which
control roughly a quarter of Syria. Its capture was a milestone in the US-backed
campaign against ISIS. In June, the United States and Turkey reached an
agreement that would see the Syrian Kurdish YPG militia ousted from the town,
but Turkey says its implementation has been delayed. In November Turkish and US
troops began joint patrols in the region. Turkey is determined to cross to the
east of the Euphrates river in northern Syria as soon as possible, Ankara’s
foreign minister was quoted as saying on Tuesday. Ankara regards the YPG as
terrorists and has been infuriated by US support for the group in the fight
against ISIS. Trump’s abrupt decision to pull troops out of Syria has handed the
fight against ISIS over to Turkey - and effectively given Ankara the green light
to push into remaining Kurdish-controlled areas in northern Syria.
German parliamentary report: Turkey has already
invaded Syria
Al Arabiya English, Dubai/Wednesday, 26 December 2018/An expert report prepared
for German parliament said Turkey’s military presence in Syria “fulfills the
criteria of an invasion” according to international law, Deutche Welle Turkish
reported on Wednesday. The report, prepared by the parliament’s Research
Services at the request of the German Left Party (Die Linke), examined Turkey’s
military presence in northern Syria. Turkey currently controls a large swathe of
territory in northwestern Syria consisting of Al-Bab and the border cities of
Jarablus and Azaz, captured from the Islamic State (ISIS) in the Euphrates
Shield operation launched in August 2016. Turkey also seized control of the
northwestern province of Afrin this year, formerly controlled by the Kurdish
People Protection Units (YPG), which Turkey sees as an extension of the
Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK), an armed group which has been fighting inside
Turkey since 1984. “When Turkey’s military presence in Afrin, Azaz, Al-Bab, and
Jarablus regions in northern Syria is examined, it is seen that it fulfils the
criteria of an invasion set in international law,” the report said. Sevim
Dagdelen, deputy chairman of the Left party in the German Bundestag, criticized
the German government for declining to evaluate Turkey’s military activities in
Syria as a violation of international law.“It is a scandal that as a NATO ally
Turkey entered into some territories in Syria and its invasion is not being
recognized as a violation of international law, despite all expert reports and
despite all parties’ stance,” she said.
3 Syrian Soldiers Wounded in Israeli Strikes near Damascus
Asharq Al-Awsat/Wednesday, 26 December, 2018/Three Syrian soldiers were wounded
in overnight Israeli strikes near Damascus, regime media reported Wednesday. The
Britain-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, a war monitor, said the
airstrikes targeted three positions south of Damascus that are arms depots for
Lebanon's Hezbollah group and Iranian forces. Regime television acknowledged
that arms depots were targeted, but it did not elaborate. It said that most of
the missiles were shot down by air defense units. The TV, quoting an unnamed
military official, identified the warplanes as Israeli. The Observatory said the
Israeli missiles were launched from above the Lebanese territories and targeted
western and southwestern Damascus rural areas. Lebanese state-run National News
Agency said Israeli war planes performed mock raids above southern Lebanon.
Israel's military spokesman's unit did not confirm the raids, but said in a
statement that "an aerial defense system was activated against an anti-aircraft
missile launched from Syria." No damage or injuries were reported by the Israeli
military. The attack near Damascus is the first since US President Donald Trump
announced last week that the US will withdraw all of its 2,000 forces in Syria.
Following the announcement, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said that
Israel would "continue to act against Iran's attempts to entrench itself
militarily in Syria, and to the extent necessary, we will even expand our
actions there."Israel is widely believed to have been behind a series of
airstrikes in the past that mainly targeted Iranian and Hezbollah forces
fighting alongside the government in Syria. Tuesday's attack is the first since
a missile assault on the southern outskirts of Damascus on November 29.
Turkey: Pointless for France to Remain in Syria to Protect YPG
London - Asharq Al-Awsat/Wednesday, 26 December, 2018/Turkey warned France that
it is pointless to maintain its military presence in Syria to protect the
Kurdish People's Protection Units (YPG). "If France is staying to contribute to
Syria's future, great, but if they are doing this to protect the (militia), this
will bring no benefit to anyone," Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu told
reporters according to state news agency Anadolu. Cavusoglu hit out at France's
"support" of the YPG, which he said was "no secret", pointing to a meeting
French President Emmanuel Macron had held on Friday with the Syrian Democratic
Council, the political wing of the US-backed Kurdish Syrian Democratic Forces’ (SDF).
The YPG serves as the military backbone of the SDF.
Turkey views the YPG as terrorist organization affiliated to the outlawed
Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK). The PKK is blacklisted as a terror group by
Ankara, the US and the European Union. France is part of the international
anti-terrorism coalition led by the US in Syria and Iraq. It dispatched military
pilots and artillery soldiers to carry out bombings. Several sources also
reported the deployment of French special forces in Syrian territory, but Paris
has not confirmed this information. Last week, US President Donald Trump ordered
the withdrawal of 2,000 US ground forces that had been in Syria to provide
training to the YPG under the SDF. The shock move put allies on the backfoot,
with Macron on Sunday saying: "An ally must be reliable". On Sunday, Macron
avoided commenting on the demands made by two representatives of the "Syrian
Democratic Council" after Trump's decision to withdraw US troops from Syria. He
summed up by the situation by announcing Paris "regrets" the US decision, given
that the mission to terminate ISIS was not over yet, adding that the SDF should
not be abandoned and allies should not be “left in the middle of the
road.”France confirmed it will remain in the alliance despite the US withdrawal.
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has said Ankara will intervene in the
coming months against ISIS and the YPG.
Palestinian President Urges Trump to Abide by
International Law
Ramallah – Asharq Al-Awsat/Wednesday, 26 December, 2018/Palestinian Authority
President Mahmoud Abbas said US President Donald Trump must abide by
international law resolutions in regards to the Palestinian-Israeli conflict.
“In the past year, Trump has undertaken initiatives in total violation of
international law as he recognized Jerusalem as Israel’s capital and moved his
embassy to Jerusalem,” he said during Christmas mass in Bethlehem late on
Monday. He also pointed to Trump’s decision to “punish all refugees” by cutting
US funding to the UN Palestinian aid agency, UNRWA, and clearly supporting
settlement building. “We told him we cannot accept this,” Abbas said. “We want
Trump to rescind this and to implement international law.” “We are not enemies
of anyone and we are not enemies of America,” he stressed, adding that
Palestinians want America’s friendship and good relations with it.
“However, it must deal with us in a just way. We are not asking for anything
more than that.” Abbas also stressed his commitment to peace efforts and
renounced violence and terrorism, pointing to his signing of 83 security
protocols to combat terrorism with world countries, including the United States.
His speech was in line with his position, which calls for excluding the US from
being a mediator in the Palestinian-Israeli peace process following Trump's
decision to relocate his country’s embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem. The mass
was attended by Jordanian Interior Minister Samir Mubaidin, PA Prime Minister
Rami Hamdallah, a number of ministers, senior officials, security chiefs and
several citizens. On the same occasion, Archbishop and Apostolic Administrator
of the Latin Patriarchate of Jerusalem Bishop Pierre Batista Pizzaballa called
on the Palestinians not to abandon their lands. Pizzaballa held the mass with
the participation of a number of bishops, senior patriarchal figures, a number
of parishioners, diplomatic delegations and visitors from various countries who
arrived in Bethlehem to celebrate the occasion.
ISIS Resumes Attacks in Northern, Western Iraq
Baghdad - Hamza Mustafa/Wednesday, 26 December, 2018/The ISIS terrorist group
has kicked off a series of attacks in western and northwestern regions of Iraq,
revealed security and political sources. Examples of these attacks, were the car
bombing in Tal Afar on Tuesday that left two people dead and the kidnapping of
14 civilians in Kirkuk also on Tuesday. The developments have taken place a year
since former Prime Minister Haidar al-Abadi’s announcement that ISIS has been
defeated in Iraq. An informed political source told Asharq Al-Awsat that prior
to the arrival of ISIS, corruption among the military was rife in these regions.
This would eventually pave the way for ISIS’ onslaught. After the liberation,
however, the regions became embroiled in a struggle for power among forces that
emerged victorious in the May parliamentary elections, the source said on
condition of anonymity. Each of the victors alone wants to assume power, he went
on to say. This dispute is being played out in parliament and government whereby
the Sunni camp has been split into two: the Islah and Binaa blocs. The rivalry
between them is demonstrated in the differences over ministerial portfolios. The
dispute could later seep into the provinces and state agencies, he added. This
rivalry could ultimately be exploited by ISIS, he warned. Meanwhile, security
expert Saeed al-Jayashi told Asharq Al-Awsat that since June, ISIS has been
working on developing its media and since August, it has been upping its terror
operations. He added that the Iraqi armed forces have developed high expertise
in combating ISIS. The current developments, however, he warned, cannot be
tackled with security measures, but through political and social means. On the
Tal Afar bombing, MP Hassan Touran told Asharq Al-Awsat that the region is an
important Turkmen area. It also lies inside the Nineveh province and on the
volatile Syrian border. ISIS is trying to regroup and recover its power in this
region through all possible means, he warned. The security plan in place must
therefore be reviewed in order to counter the organization.
In first, former Egyptian presidents Mubarak
and Morsi face-to-face in court
Al Arabiya English, Cairo/Wednesday, 26 December 2018/Former Egyptian President
Mohamed Hosni Mubarak testified against former Egyptian President Mohamed Morsi
who is charged with damaging and setting fire to prison buildings, murder and
attempted murder, and looting prison weapons depots while allowing prisoners
from Hamas, Hezbollah, and other criminals to escape. Mubarak said that 800
people from different nationalities stormed through the eastern border of Egypt
during the January 25 revolution, through Gaza tunnels. “They entered Egyptian
land through Gaza and had weapons… They headed toward the prisons to release
prisoners belonging to Hezbollah, Hamas and the Muslim Brotherhood,” Mubarak
said. Mubarak added that they broke into the Wadi el-Natrun prisons as it held
prisoners belonging to the Muslim Brotherhood and Hamas. He said that the
perpetrators killed police officers north of Sinai, adding that he has more
information but would need permission from the presidency to reveal more. “The
issue of Gaza tunnels is complex and we destroyed many of them before the
revolution… We were exposed to attacks from Gaza while destroying the tunnels,”
Mubarak said. Mubarak was accompanied by his two sons, Gamal and Alaa Mubarak.
Egyptians await an extraordinary moment on Wednesday, when the two former
Egyptian presidents appeared together before the Criminal Court in Cairo in the
case of storming prisons during Egypt’s January 25 revolution. The former
President Mubarak was due to testify during the last hearing in early December
but was absent as he refused to fulfill the civilian request, because he still
enjoys military status, according to defense lawyer Farid al-Deeb. The case
brings together Mubarak and Morsi in one hall, the first as witness and the
second as defendant for the first time in the history of Egypt. Mubarak is
closely associated to the case which looks into the issue of the border
intrusion. The events led later to his toppling from power on January 25,
following the storming of prisons and police departments.
Former Egyptian Presidents Mubarak, Morsi Appear in Same Courtroom
Asharq Al-Awsat/Wednesday,
26 December, 2018/Former Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak appeared in the same
courtroom on Wednesday as his ousted successor Mohammed Morsi. Mubarak was in
court to testify in the case of the storming of the eastern borders and the
raiding of prisons during the 2011 revolt in the country. Morsi, of the Muslim
Brotherhood, has been detained on an array of charges, including the jailbreak.
The jailbreak was staged by Morsi and other leaders of the Muslim Brotherhood
group during the 2011 uprising. Mubarak told the court that the storming of the
border was aimed at increasing chaos during the revolt to support the Muslim
Brotherhood . He added that the attack was possible through tunnels that were
dug from Gaza, which is controlled by the Hamas Palestinian movement. The
raiders then headed to the prisons to release Hezbollah, Brotherhood and Hamas
inmates, he charged. Furthermore, he accused the raiders of attacking and
killing police force members in northern Sinai, which borders Gaza. Hamas’
founding charter, Mubarak noted, recognizes the group as part of the Muslim
Brotherhood. Egypt has banned the Muslim Brotherhood as a terrorist group.
Tunisia: Protesters, Security Forces Clash After Journalist Sets himself on Fire
Tunisia - Asharq Al-Awsat/Wednesday, 26 December, 2018/Tunisian security forces
fired tear gas at protesters in the western city of Kasserine following the
death of a journalist who had set himself on fire over harsh living conditions
in the country. Tensions rose in the center of the city of Kasserine Monday
night, after dozens of protesters burnt tires, and blocked the road in al-Nour
neighborhood, and Habib Bourguiba main street. The police responded with tear
gas, according to an Agence-France Presse (AFP) correspondent. Interior ministry
spokesperson Sofiane al-Zaq said Tuesday that six members of the security forces
were injured and nine protesters were detained. Journalist Abdul Razaq Zorgi,
32, died late Monday after he set himself on fire and his death sparked protests
in the city and clashes overnight with police. After the clashes, the area
prevailed in the morning. “For the sons of Kasserine who have no means of
subsistence, today I start a revolution. I am going to set myself on fire,”
Zorgi said in a video published before his death. “The children of Kasserine are
unemployed, who have no livelihood, and have nothing to eat.” Kasserine was one
of the first cities to rise up after the vendor's death in 2010, in protests
that saw police kill demonstrators. The unrest quickly spread across the country
and led to the overthrow of then-president Zine el-Abidine Ben Ali.
National Union of Tunisian Journalists confirmed his death, saying that Zorgi
died protesting “difficult social conditions... and a lack of hope.” The Union
hinted that it was considering organizing a general strike in the media sector.
Despite the country's democratic transition after Ben Ali's ouster and a recent
return to economic growth, authorities are still struggling to improve poor
living conditions. Inflation fueled by the devaluation of the Tunisian dinar and
persistent unemployment, which remains over 15 percent, sparked protests across
the country last January. The incident was reminiscent of the self-immolation of
Mohamed Bouaziz eight years ago, which sparked revolutions around the Arab
World. A number of local political observers considered that the democratic
transition in Tunisia was widely praised and recognized a qualitative leap. But
many Tunisians are frustrated by the difficult economic situation and the
exacerbating unemployment eight years after the 2011 uprising.
Pair with Fake Guns Spark Panic at Paris Airport
Agence France Presse/Naharnet/December 26/18/Two people holding replica guns
sparked a panic at Paris' main Charles de Gaulle airport on Wednesday before
they were quickly arrested, sources close to the investigation said. Passengers
were evacuated from Terminal 2 for around 45 minutes after the incident at 8.30
am (0730 GMT). A passenger had raised the alarm saying they had seen "two adults
who did not speak French with weapons in a case," one source said. "There was a
wave of panic in Terminal 2 when people saw the weapons." A police source said
border police had detained the pair. A security perimeter was quickly set up,
while a bomb squad had already been at the scene dealing with an abandoned bag.
The guns were believed to be "airsoft" pistols, replica weapons used for sport.
French airport authorities consider those carrying them to be "armed," an
airport source said.
Iran Held Talks with Afghan Taliban amid Peace Push
Agence France Presse/Naharnet/December 26/18/Iran has met with the Afghan
Taliban, a top Iranian security official said Wednesday according to the Tasnim
news agency, just days after the militants attended reconciliation talks in the
UAE. Ali Shamkhani, secretary of Iran's Supreme National Security Council, made
the announcement while on a visit to the Afghan capital Kabul, several Iranian
agencies reported. "The Afghan government has been informed of the
communications and talks carried out with the Taliban, and this process will
continue," he said, quoted by Tasnim. No details on where the talks took place
were given by the news agency, which is considered close to Iran's Revolutionary
Guards. "The Islamic Republic has always been one of the primary pillars of
stability in the region and cooperation between the two countries will certainly
help in fixing Afghanistan's security issues of today," Shamkhani said.Abas
Aslani, a reporter for Tasnim, tweeted that it was the first time talks had been
confirmed between Iran and the Taliban. The announcement follows reconciliation
talks last week between the United States and Taliban officials in the United
Arab Emirates. The Taliban said they also held meetings with officials from the
UAE, Pakistan and Saudi Arabia, but the militants refused to meet a delegation
from Afghanistan. The renewed diplomatic efforts come as Washington seeks a way
out of the 17-year conflict. An American official told AFP last week that
President Donald Trump had decided to pull out "roughly half" of the 14,000 US
forces, but the White House has yet to confirm the widely-publicized move.
Complex history
Iran and Afghanistan share a nearly 600-mile border, and have a had a complex
relationship in recent years. Tehran has long supported its co-religionists in
Afghanistan, the Shia Hazara minority, who were violently persecuted by the
Taliban during its rule in the 1990s. Iran worked alongside the United States
and Western powers to help drive out the Taliban after the U.S.-led invasion in
2001. But there have been allegations, from Western and Afghan sources, that
Iran's Revolutionary Guards have in recent years established ties with the
Taliban aimed at driving out U.S. forces from Afghanistan. Iran hosted Pakistani
Foreign Minister Shah Mehmood Qureshi on Monday in Tehran. No details were given
of the discussions. Tehran welcomed Trump's announcement that he was withdrawing
all U.S. forces from Syria last week, but has not commented on the reduction in
Afghanistan. "The presence of American forces was from the very start, in
principle, a wrong and illogical move and a primary cause of instability and
insecurity in the region," foreign ministry spokesman Bahram Ghasemi said on
Saturday. Hawks in Washington have criticized Trump's move, saying it will cede
significant influence in the region to Iran. The Taliban, meanwhile, has made
significant territorial gains this year as its fighters inflict record
casualties on government forces. Afghanistan's largest militant group carried
out an hours-long gun and bomb attack on a Kabul government compound on Monday
that killed at least 43 people, one of the deadliest assaults on the capital
this year.
Latest LCCC English analysis & editorials from miscellaneous sources published
on December 26-27/18
In the Middle East, Russia has welcomed everyone to
its table
Michael Young/The National/December 26/18
As the only person who can mediate between the likes of Israel and Iran,
Vladimir Putin now occupies a position of immense power in the region
The decision of President Donald Trump to withdraw American forces from Syria
has accelerated the arrival of a new moment in the Middle East, one
characterised by firm US disengagement and a larger Russian role in the region.
In the decades after the 1970s and the end of the presidency of George W Bush,
Washington had put in place a broad, relatively pro-American regional order that
stretched from Iraq and the Gulf to the western limits of North Africa. US
influence over this array of states made it a central actor in the region,
allowing it to be the main power broker while pursuing its political priorities.
Not all states were pro-American, but most were, so that outliers, such as
Syria, Iraq until 2003, and Libya until 2011, had to coexist with the Pax
Americana around them.
Under Barack Obama, the Americans began dismantling that order, seeing the
region and its problems as a drain on their resources. Mr Trump has gone even
further in his drive to get America out, pushing regional states to take charge
of their affairs while avoiding any conflict between the US and its main
regional rival, Iran. The pull-out from Syria was the clearest affirmation of
this attitude.
Russia will certainly continue to fill the vacuum. However, its philosophy is
very different to that of the Americans. Where the US identified enemies and
sought to reinforce alliances so as to contain them, Russia has adopted another
approach, one that is more ecumenical and contrasts with its own past behaviour.
This was well outlined recently by the director of the Carnegie Moscow Centre,
Dmitri Trenin, at a conference in Beirut. He argued that the most important
insight of Russian officials in recent years had been to conclude that Russia
didn’t need to take sides in the Middle East, but could deal with all relevant
parties, except a few that were beyond the pale, such as ISIS. All were welcome
at Moscow’s table.
Mr Trenin’s point was that Russia had adopted a pragmatism that allowed it to be
flexible in regional affairs. It has accorded itself a central role amid myriad
contending parties, allowing it to play in many settings. It was not entirely
with anyone but also not entirely against anyone, so it would be a mistake to
assume that Russia might jeopardise this convenient situation by taking sides.
Nor did the Russians see themselves as holding the moral high ground, unlike
America, which has a tendency to view itself as a force for good.
Such barefaced political realism has opened up many avenues for President
Vladimir Putin, who has opportunistically exploited the spaces created by
Washington. Mr Putin is today the only person who can mediate between Iran and
Israel, or Hezbollah and Israel, to avert conflict between the sides. In a
region that has long depended on outside intervention to manage and alleviate
regional tensions, the Russian leader has become a go-to person for the
countries of the Middle East.
This has generated unease in the US. The perception that the Russians are
gaining on Washington has disconcerted many in the foreign-policy community.
Most recently, US defence secretary James Mattis alluded to this in his
resignation letter, expressing the need to be “clear-eyed about both malign
actors and strategic competitors”, in what was, at least partly, a reference to
Yet this is not a Russia that seeks to build up a regional order opposed to the
US, as the Soviet Union may have dreamed of doing during the Cold War. Today,
Moscow is close to one of Washington’s main regional allies, namely Israel,
while other allies such as Egypt and Saudi Arabia will not forsake their ties
with Washington – nor are they required to – to strengthen their relations with
Russia. In other words, the Russians may be competitors of the Americans, but
that’s largely because US administrations have given them ample space to be.
What makes the Russians’ task easier is that alternative crisis-mediation
structures –such as regional Arab or Muslim organisations, or the United Nations
– have been absent. Yet states require such communication channels in a divided
and conflict-ridden region. The Arab League is a shadow of its former self, as
the rifts among Arab states widen, while the United Nations is only effective if
the five permanent members of the Security Council can agree. Barring that, as
happened in Syria, little multilateral progress can be expected.
So, Russia today fulfils a need in the region, one that satisfies the
preferences of most Arab regimes. Moreover, by ignoring democratisation,
opposing regime change and defending stability, it reassures authoritarian
leaders who fear political volatility. This conservative approach has increased
its margin of manoeuvre. With Mr Trump pulling his forces out of Syria and
leaving Israel to confront Iran on its own, Russia’s role can only expand. As
regional necessities increase, so too will Russia’s possibilities. Western
countries can complain about Moscow’s malign attitude, but unless they stake out
a central presence in the Middle East for themselves, no one in the region will
have any impetus to marginalise Russia.
US Pullout from Syria: Who Will Fill the Vacuum?
Burak Bekdil/Gatestone Institute/December 26/18
"What Turkey is going to do is unleash holy hell on the Kurds. In the eyes of
Turkey, they're more of a threat than ISIS. So this decision is a disaster." —
U.S. Senator Lindsey Graham.
The U.S. move also could turn out to be a death-blow on Washington's efforts to
keep Tehran from further establishing itself in Syria and threatening the
security not only of Israel, but of the entire Mediterranean region.
Potential Turkish-Kurdish conflicts would further destabilize Syria and
strengthen Russia. This point cannot be ignored. Turkey's and Iran's dependency
on Russia in Syria will increase, as the trio further teams up to have a larger
role in shaping Syria's future.
It is understandable that abstaining from the role of the world's policeman may
look consistent with Trump's pre-election pledge to "Make America Great Again."
Nevertheless, caution is needed here: Leaving the "policing" job in the world's
most volatile and turbulent parts to un-free regimes such as Russia, China, Iran
and Turkey could also damage the quest of America and others in the free world
to become great again -- and to remain free. The free world simply does not have
the luxury -- even in remote geographical areas -- of allowing security to be
policed by un-free state and non-state actors.
U.S. President Donald Trump's optimism about a potential Turkish military
campaign to finish off ISIS looks woefully premature. Trump taking seriously
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan's pledge to "eradicate whatever is left
of ISIS" is also problematic. ISIS and some of its offshoots are Erdoğan's
former Islamist allies. Pictured: Trump and Erdoğan talk at the NATO Summit in
Brussels, Belgium on July 11, 2018. (Photo by Sean Gallup/Getty Images)
U.S. President Donald Trump's unexpected decision to pull U.S. troops from Syria
(and Afghanistan) was music to Turkish ears. Turkish President Recep Tayyip
Erdoğan called it "the clearest and most encouraging statement" from Washington.
Foreign Minister Mevlüt Cavuşoğlu welcomed Trump's abrupt decision to withdraw
all 2,000 U.S. troops from northern Syria. Defense Minister Hulusi Akar vowed
that that Syrian Kurdish fighters whom Turkey considers as top regional security
threat, would soon be "buried in the trenches that they dig."
The way Trump made that decision has also given new ammunition to Turkey's pro-Erdoğan
media to portray the decision as "Erdoğan's victory." The media, in Turkey and
abroad, widely reported that Trump decided on the pullout after a Dec. 14
telephone conversation with Erdoğan. According to Washington's official account
of the conversation, the two leaders had "agreed to continue coordinating to
achieve our respective security objectives in Syria."
Long before Trump decided in favor of troop withdrawal, Turkey had been
threatening a cross-border military operation against U.S, allies, the Kurds, in
Syria. Although Ankara pledged maximum care to avoid clashes with the U.S.
troops some observers feared an unwanted Turkish-US military conflict. Turkey's
security services had long been supplying military HQ with loads of intelligence
from Arab, Kurdish and mixed population locations in northern Syria. The Turkish
Air Force conducted airstrikes on Kurdish strongholds in neighboring Iraq. The
Turkish military also massed troops near a town on the Syrian border, although
Erdoğan seemed to agree to a delay in his planned incursion into Syrian
territory, the third such operation in two years.
Now what? In its official narrative, Ankara could eradicate the remnants of the
Islamic State group from Syria with just logistical help from Washington.
Erdogan has openly said that military operations would also target Syrian
Kurdish militants from the People's Defense Units YPG), the military wing of the
Democratic Union Party (PYD) which Turkey says is an offshoot of the PKK, a
Kurdish militant group that has been fighting Turkey for autonomy or secession
since 1984. Turkey, the U.S. and European Union have long designated the PKK as
a terrorist organization. With the upcoming U.S. withdrawal, Turkey has won the
chance militarily to challenge YGP/PYD without the risk of clashing with the
U.S. troops. It is not known yet if Erdoğan, in return for securing the U.S.
pullout, pledged not to engage in an all-out war with the Kurds. But Kurds
remain nervous.
Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF), the main military group that allied with the
U.S. in the fight against Islamic State (and made up of mainly YPG fighters),
says it would have to withdraw fighters from the battle against radical
jihadists to protect its borders in the event of a Turkish attack. "Fighting
[Islamic] terrorism will be difficult because our forces will be forced to
withdraw from the Deir el-Zor front to take up positions on the border with
Turkey to stop an eventual attack," Elham Ahmed, the co-chair of the SDF's
political wing, said in Paris.
"What Turkey is going to do is unleash holy hell on the Kurds," Sen. Lindsey
Graham, R-S.C. said on the Senate floor. "In the eyes of Turkey, they're more of
a threat than ISIS (IS). So this decision is a disaster." Trump's decision
complicates the Syrian theater more than just opening up a new battleground
between Kurdish fighters and Turkish troops.
In any Turkish operation Tel Abyad promises to be an imminent target. Militarily
speaking Turkey will wish to divide the main block of Kurdish territory into two
creating a major crevice of land between Manbij and Kobane in the West and
Qamishli and Hasaka in the East. In 2011 around 70% of the population of Tel
Abyad was Arab (and some 25% Kurdish). The U.S. withdrawal will mean flocks of
Arab fighters who were trained at military camps in Turkey, returning to the
Arab-Kurdish zone to fight as Turkish proxies, fueling an Arab-Kurdish, in
addition to a Turkish-Kurdish fighting. Most Arab tribes, most notably Jamilah
and Bou Jarada, remain loyal to Turkey but had in the past also supported IS.
That risk highlights a major down side of Trump's plan.
Backed militarily by Turkey and returning to northern Syria some Arab tribes may
be exposed to the risk of "re-recruitment" into potentially new radical Islamist
groups. IS may have largely lost its institutional identity but its fighters
have not disappeared from the earth. Their tactical (anti-Kurdish) alliances
with Turkey-backed Arab militants may lead to new, longer-term alliances,
creating various IS-like groups with various new banners and brands. That being
the new setting in northern Syria, Basher al-Assad, Syria's Russian-backed
dictator, may see it totally fit to encourage new jihadists in order to win an
upper hand in the "political process" (the constitutional reform process) that
will theoretically shape the future of his country.
The Syrian theatre is too complex to feature a zero-sum game. The state and
non-state actors that cheered Trump's decision to withdraw are: Erdoğan's
Turkey, which wants to build a Sunni, Islamist and pro-Turkey administration in
northern Syria; Russia, whose now-augmented power in Syria will also augment
Assad, and Iran, which will now gain new advances in Syria.
Potential Turkish-Kurdish and Arab-Kurdish conflicts would further destabilize
Syria and strengthen Russia. This point cannot be ignored. Turkey's and Iran's
dependency on Russia in Syria will increase, as the trio further teams up to
have a larger role in shaping Syria's future.
On December 19, foreign ministers from the three countries met in Geneva to
cement their increasing convergences over Syria. Russia must be especially
pleased to have a new opportunity to weaken even further Turkey's deeply
problematic ties with its Western and NATO partners. Potential Turkish-Kurdish
and Arab-Kurdish conflicts would further destabilize Syria and strengthen
Russia. This is a point that cannot be ignored.
The U.S. move also could turn out to be a death-blow on Washington's efforts to
keep Tehran from further establishing itself in Syria and building a Shia land
bridge all the way to Lebanon and therefore threaten the security not only of
Israel, but of the entire Mediterranean region.
In September, speaking on the margins of the UN convention, Trump's National
Security Advisor John Bolton said that the U.S. forces would remain in Syria
until Iran and its proxies departed. With its numerous potentially serious
drawbacks, Trump's decision deeply discredits the U.S. administration, its key
figures -- and Trump himself.
The U.S. president said on Twitter December 23 that Turkey promised it would
ensure that ISIS is defeated in Syria. He said:
"President Erdoğan of Turkey has very strongly informed me that he will
eradicate whatever is left of ISIS in Syria.... and he is a man who can do it
plus, Turkey is right 'next door.' Our troops are coming home!"
Trump's optimism about a potential Turkish military campaign to finish off ISIS
looks woefully premature. Trump taking seriously Erdoğan's pledge to "eradicate
whatever is left of ISIS" is also problematic. ISIS and some of its offshoots
are Erdoğan's former Islamist allies. The lines of alliance and hostility are
blurred but always open to further change.
Erdoğan's word is fine -- but probably not good enough. First, Erdoğan's primary
motive to send the Turkish army into Syria is not to fight jihadists. He may
even have less appetite to fight jihadists who may come up under non-ISIS
banners. Some groups of jihadists (aspiring but not yet ISIS 2.0) are his allies
and proxies. It would have been wiser if Trump got assurances that Erdoğan will
finish off every Islamist/jihadist group in Syria, not just what remains of
ISIS. If one can actually trust Erdoğan's word, that is. Erdogan has a history
of not being reliable.
It is understandable that abstaining from the role of the world's policeman may
look consistent with Trump's pre-election pledge to "Make America Great Again."
Nevertheless, caution is needed here: Leaving the "policing" job in the world's
most volatile and turbulent parts to un-free regimes such as Russia, China, Iran
and Turkey could also damage the quest of America and others in the free world
to become great again -- and to remain free. The free world simply does not have
the luxury -- even in remote geographical areas -- of allowing security to be
policed by un-free state and non-state actors.
*Burak Bekdil, one of Turkey's leading journalists, was recently fired from the
country's most noted newspaper after 29 years, for writing in Gatestone what is
taking place in Turkey. He is a Fellow at the Middle East Forum.
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not necessarily reflect the views of the Editors or of Gatestone Institute. No
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or modified, without the prior written consent of Gatestone Institute.
Analysis/Israel's Extensive Syria Strike Signals: Business as Usual
Despite Trump and Putin
تحليل سياسي من الهآرتس بقلم عاموس هاريل: الغارات الإسرائيلية المكثفة على سوريا
تشير إلى أن النشاط العسكري قد عاد إلى وضعيته السابقة بالرغم من ترامب وبوتين
Amos Harel/Haaretz/December 26/18
The strike in the Damascus area was likely aimed at a specific
target such as Iranian weapons depots, but it has a wider geopolitical context ■
Netanyahu is reverse-engineering facts on Hezbollah tunnels ahead of elections
The aerial attack on Syria Tuesday attributed to Israel came less than a week
after U.S. President Donald Trump announced the pullout of American forces from
the country. The alleged Israeli strike may have been in pursuit of some
specific military goal - to bomb Iranian weapons depots, for instance - but it
has a broader political context. Israel is signaling that from its perspective,
it's business as usual again: Despite Trump's announcement and despite Russia's
fury about its Ilyushin plane getting shot down last September, Israel sees
itself as free to continue attacking targets in Syria, when necessary.
Israeli attacks on Syria have very much reduced since the downing of the
Ilyushin (which the Syria aerial defense system shot by mistake during an
Israeli air raid), according to foreign media reports.
Russia, wanting to stabilize the Assad regime, pressed Iran to reduce its arms
smuggling and attempts to establish a military presence in Syria; it also
leveraged the incident of the downed plane to press Israel to reduce its Syria
The Israeli army sent a delegation headed by General Aharon Haliwa, head of the
IDF operations division, to Moscow in mid-December. It is possible that Russia's
opposition to Israel's renewed attacks in Syria was softened to some degree by
that meeting. The Russians could also have an interest in Israel constraining
the Iranian drive to increase its military assets in Syria.
It is of interest in any case that the attacks ascribed to Israel are focusing
on the greater Damascus area, remote from the most sensitive area from Russia's
perspective – an air base and the cities of Tartus and Latakia, in northwest
Syria where the Ilyushin was shot down.
Israel has another argument beyond the message that Trump's withdrawal does not
deflect it from its path. Last summer, when Russia aided Assad's forces in
regaining Syria's south, Moscow promised Jerusalem that it would keep the
Iranians 80 kilometers away from Israel's border in the Golan Heights.
In practice, the Russians didn't include Damascus and its suburbs in that no-go
zone, and the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps' Quds force continues to operate
there. Moreover, there are still signs of Iranian and Hezbollah activity on the
Syrian side of the border in the Golan Heights.
In any case, the resumed Israeli-Iranian brawl in Syria is still low-key. Israel
may prefer to strike more targets in fewer raids to prevent a gratuitous
escalation of the situation. According to Syrian reports, the Israeli jets that
struck Damascus operated from Lebanese airspace. The Syrian anti-aircraft
systems responded, as they have done over the last two years, with massive
missile fire. One of the missiles seemed to penetrate Israeli airspace and an
intercepting missile was fired in response. Insofar as is known, there was no
interception and the IDF did not specify which air defense systems were
Meanwhile, the IDF is still working on locating Hezbollah tunnels on the
Lebanese border. Likud ministers on the talk radio circuit on Tuesday following
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's surprise snap election announcement said the
mission up north is all but over.
It's a classic case of reverse engineering the facts. To prevent Habayit
Hayehudi from abandoning the coalition in mid-November, Netanyahu used the
excuse of the tunnels (the nature of the challenge remains as mysterious to
Hezbollah as it does to the Israeli public), claiming that the military
situation was sensitive (so elections shouldn't be held).
Now that the legal and political circumstances have changed and elections are
planned, one can hardly be in the middle of a sensitive operation, hence the
haste to declare it all but finished.
In practice, however, it will take many more weeks to finish finding and
destroying all of Hezbollah's tunnels into Israel. This shouldn't affect the
timing of elections, but in hindsight also applies to Netanyahu's original
"sacrifice" speech more than a month ago. The tunnels operation is complicated
and has some potential for trouble developing with Hezbollah, which hasn't
happened yet. That's all, and it has nothing to do with the elections.
Russia: Israel's 'Provocative' Syria Strike Directly Endangered Two Civilian
Reuters/December 26, 2018
'Six Israeli F-16s fired 16 missiles at Damascus, Syrians
intercepted 14 of them,' Russian Defense Ministry says ■ One flight was landing
in Beirut, the other in Damascus
Russia's Defense Ministry said Wednesday the airstrike in Syria attributed to
Israel "directly endangered" two civilian flights. The ministry did not specify
which flights had been threatened but said one of the flights was landing in
Beirut and the other in Damascus.It added that Syrian air defences had destroyed
14 of 16 Israeli missiles launched against unspecified targets near Damascus by
six Israeli F-16s on Tuesday. A Defense Ministry spokesman said the Syrian
military didn't fully engage its air defense assets to avoid accidentally
hitting the passenger jets. He added that Syrian air traffic controllers
redirected the Damascus-bound plane to the Russian air base in Hemeimeem.
Israeli aircrafts struck an arms depot west of Syria's capital city of Damascus
from Lebanese airspace, Syrian state media reported Tuesday. According to
reports, three Syrian soldiers were wounded in the attack which targeted
Hezbollah depots. A report in the American weekly Newsweek said several
senior Hezbollah officials were wounded in the alleged attack. Citing a
Department of Defense source familiar with the details of the attack via senior
Israeli representatives, the report said Israeli aircrafts struck a few minutes
after the officials had gotten on board a plane to Iran. However, former
director of Israeli Military Intelligence, Maj. Gen. (res.) Amos Yadlin said on
Wednesday it is unlikely Israeli had directly struck Hezbollah officials.
Speaking on Israeli army radio, Yadlin said "the probability (of the report) is
very low," adding that "we're trying to piece the picture together, with the
official Israel remaining silent. We're trying to understand what's been
attacked and what were the results of the attack. We're relying on statements
from the Syrians and leaks for the Department of Defense." Although Russia and
Israel established a system to avoid friction between Israeli aircraft operating
in Syria and Russian military planes in the area, a Russian aircraft was downed
by Syrian anti-aircraft missiles during an Israeli airstrike in September. The
Russians blamed Israel for the mishaps, a claim that Israel vigorously denied.
Russia announced it had delivered the S-300 air defense system to Syria in
October following the incident.
Palestinians: The Real "Crimes"
Bassam Tawil/Gatestone Institute/December 26/18
As far as Abbas and other Palestinians are concerned, Israel's security measures
in response to terrorist attacks are also a "crime." In other words, they are
saying that Israel does not have the right to conduct hot pursuit after
terrorists hiding in Palestinian cities or refugee camps.
When it comes to the actions of the Palestinian leaders themselves, however,
they see utter innocence. For them, the daily incitement against Israel and Jews
is not a "crime." For them, the glorification of terrorists and paying salaries
to their families is not a "crime." For them, the shooting of a pregnant woman
at a bus stop is not a "crime."
Such messages are driving Palestinians into the open arms of Hamas. If you are
telling your people that Israel and the Jews are criminals, and that anyone who
does business with them or visits them is guilty of a "crime," you are telling
them that Hamas has got it right: Palestinians should be seeking the destruction
of Israel, not peace with it.
Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas and his cohorts have long been
waging a campaign of hate and incitement against Israel -- one that aims at
depicting Israelis and Jews as "criminals" and "murderers." (Photo by John
Moore/Getty Images)
The Palestinian Authority (PA) leadership's favorite -- and probably most used
-- word in recent weeks is "crime." This is the word that PA President Mahmoud
Abbas and his senior officials in Ramallah have endorsed as part of their
anti-Israel campaign of incitement. Almost every statement that is issued by the
Palestinian leadership concerning Israel includes the word "crime."
For Abbas and his officials, almost everything Israel does or says is a "crime."
ّIn their world, building housing units for Jews in the West Bank or Jerusalem
is a "crime."
According to the logic of Abbas and his Palestinian officials, the killing of a
Palestinian terrorist who murdered two of his Jewish co-workers and Israel's
subsequent demolition of his house is a "crime."
As far as Abbas and other Palestinians are concerned, Israel's security measures
in response to terrorist attacks are also a "crime." In other words, they are
saying that Israel does not have the right to conduct hot pursuit after
terrorists hiding in Palestinian cities or refugee camps. Each time the Israeli
army enters a Palestinian city to arrest a terrorist, the Palestinians cry
Visits by Jews to the Temple Mount in Jerusalem have been upgraded by Abbas and
his officials from an ordinary "crime" to, in the words of one official, a
"hellish crime."
They and other Palestinian factions, including, of course Hamas, have gone as
far as condemning the establishment of Israel as a "crime."
Accordingly, Abbas's ruling Fatah faction, which is often described by
international media outlets as "moderate," also considers the 1917 Balfour
Declaration, which announced the British government's support for the
establishment of a "national home for the Jewish people" in Palestine, as a
"crime against humanity."
In recent weeks, the Palestinian leadership's list of "crimes" has grown to
cover other matters.
In the eyes of Abbas and his top officials, a recent visit by Arab journalists
to Israel is not only an "unacceptable crime," but a political and national sin"
as well. These are the words used by Abbas's Ministry of Information to condemn
seven Arab journalists based in Europe for accepting an invitation to visit
Last week, Abbas's ruling Fatah faction endorsed a statement issued by a group
called the Islamic and National Forces that called for boycotting an
Israeli-Palestinian shopping mall in east Jerusalem and warning Palestinians
that "economic normalization" with Israel was a "crime" and an act of
"intentional treason."
Abbas's Fatah also considers real estate transactions with Jews as a "crime."
For Abbas and his representatives, any Palestinian involved in selling
properties to Jews is a "criminal" and "traitor." This "crime" carries a death
Hence, we see that Abbas and his friends consider everything related to Israel
and Jews as a "crime." They do not want Palestinians to do business with Jews;
they do not want Palestinians to sell properties to Jews, and they do not want
Arabs who believe in coexistence and peace to visit Israel. All these actions,
according to the Palestinian leadership and its supporters, are "crimes" for
which people should be punished.
When it comes to the actions of the Palestinian leaders themselves, however,
they see utter innocence. For them, the daily incitement against Israel and Jews
is not a "crime." For them, the glorification of terrorists and paying salaries
to their families is not a "crime." For them, the shooting of a pregnant woman
at a bus stop is not a "crime." For them depriving their people of international
aid and cracking down on public freedoms under Abbas in the West Bank and Hamas
in the Gaza Strip is not a "crime."
The daily use of the word "crime" to condemn Israel comes in the context of the
Palestinians' continued effort to delegitimize Israel and demonize Jews. This is
not a new policy. Abbas and his cohorts have long been waging a campaign of hate
and incitement against Israel -- one that aims at depicting Israelis and Jews as
"criminals" and "murderers." That is the main reason it has become almost
impossible to find one Palestinian who is ready to accept any form of
concussions or compromise with Israel. This campaign is also the main reason why
Hamas has become highly popular among Palestinians, as the latest public opinion
poll published last week showed.
Palestinian leaders bombard their people with the following message: All
Israelis are criminals. All Israelis are guilty until proven otherwise. The
establishment of Israel is a crime. Israel's anti-terrorism measures are a
crime. The hands of Palestinians, by contrast, are lily white.
Such messages are driving Palestinians into the open arms of Hamas. If you are
telling your people that Israel and the Jews are criminals whose hands drip with
blood, and that anyone who does business with them or visits them is guilty of a
"crime," you are telling them that Hamas has got it right: Palestinians should
be seeking the destruction of Israel, and not peace with it.
*Bassam Tawil is a Muslim Arab based in the Middle East.
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A League of Democracies: Dusting Off an Old Idea
Lawrence A. Franklin/Gatestone Institute/December 26/18
"Ours are not western values. They are the universal values of the human spirit.
Anywhere and anytime, ordinary people when given the choice, the choice is the
same: freedom not tyranny, democracy, not dictatorship, the rule of law, not the
rule of the secret police." — Former British Prime Minister Tony Blair, 2003.
A League of Democracies might also serve as a vehicle to increase the numbers of
democracies in the world: it could have as its overriding objective the
expansion of democracy throughout the planet.
During a recent interview, Ambassador Ron Dermer, Israel's Ambassador to the
United States, suggested that a "League of Democracies" would help
freedom-loving states survive the challenge to democratic values presented by
authoritarian states and extremist ideologies.
According to Dermer, the league could be made up of a consortium of "Free World"
nations unlimited by territorial region, race or culture. The alliance could be
global in scope, not confined, as is NATO to a North Atlantic community of
nation-states. Nor would the league be exclusively military in nature. Dermer
proffered that it could include India, the world's most populous democracy;
Israel, the Middle East's only democracy, and Japan, an Asian democracy.
Such a league might also serve as a vehicle to increase the numbers of
democracies in the world: a League of Democracies could have as its overriding
objective the expansion of democracy throughout the planet. This goal was
previously suggested by Dermer and the former Soviet dissident Natan Sharansky
in their book, The Case for Democracy: The Power of Freedom to Overcome Tyranny
and Terror. In it, the authors underscore this sentiment by quoting from former
British Prime Minister Tony Blair's address to a Joint Session of the United
States Congress in 2003:
"Ours are not western values. They are the universal values of the human spirit.
Anywhere and anytime, ordinary people when given the choice, the choice is the
same: freedom not tyranny, democracy, not dictatorship, the rule of law, not the
rule of the secret police."
Advocates for a League of Democracies might feel inclined to propose a
prerequisite for league membership candidacy. Its defining requirement could be
a constitution embracing the inalienability of human rights and a tradition of
law and policy that protects these rights.
Perhaps, also non-democratic states that appear to be evolving toward
establishing a democracy -- such as Indonesia, Ethiopia, and Tunisia -- could
eventually be admitted. Conditional admission to the League could rest on the
voting judgment of existing League members. Moreover, if these states fail to
make continued progress toward democracy, states could be expelled from the
Membership in it might act as an incentive for borderline states to travel even
more forcefully toward a path to democratization.
Democratic societies such as Taiwan and the Republic of Korea, both overshadowed
by the People's Republic of China, might seek League membership. Admission might
guarantee a protective shield for these nations against aggression by a
militarily-superior China. Such a guarantee would be part of a NATO-like Article
V, that an attack on one member will be viewed as an attack upon all, thus
serving as a deterrent to aggression.
Further, recently-established democracies in Eastern Europe and the Baltic
region might likely lend vigor to a League of Democracies after having been so
long denied freedom and sovereignty by the Soviet Union. Appropriate countries
in South America might also qualify and seek to join. A League of Democracies
might also serve as an institutional counterweight to the 57-member Organisation
of Islamic Cooperation, headquartered in Saudi Arabia, and as a worthy
competitor to the Chinese model of sacrificing political freedom and human
rights for economic gain and domestic determinability.
Just as significant as countering China, the League could buttress the world's
most populous democracy, India, in its struggle to raise economic and social
standards, thereby increasing its political stability.
In addition, a League of Democracies could have the potential to tackle
transnational problems such as illicit human- and drug-trafficking,
transcontinental criminal syndicates and terrorist organizations, as well as
being able to help preserve freedom of speech and human rights.
The egalitarian energy generated by such a consortium of democracies could have
the beneficent effect of extending equality under law to ethnic, religious and
social minorities in the League's member states, and offer hope to the world's
oppressed people now ruled by tyrants and other autocrats.
*Dr. Lawrence A. Franklin was the Iran Desk Officer for Secretary of Defense
Rumsfeld. He also served on active duty with the U.S. Army and as a Colonel in
the Air Force Reserve. He is also a practicing Catholic.
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not necessarily reflect the views of the Editors or of Gatestone Institute. No
part of the Gatestone website or any of its contents may be reproduced, copied
or modified, without the prior written consent of Gatestone Institute.
Christmas without Christians in IS-liberated Mosul
سعد سلوم: عيد الميلاد من دون مسيحيّين في الموصل رغم تحرّرها من داعش
Saad Salloum/Al Monitor/December 26/18
GETTY/Zaid al-ObeidiFather John Botros Moshi — the Syriac Catholic archbishop of
Mosul, Kirkuk and the Kurdistan Region — stands among the rubble of the Tahra
Church in Mosul, Iraq, April 29, 2018.
MOSUL, Iraq — Christmas remains a sad affair in Mosul, a city that once hosted a
lively Christian community, even two years after its liberation from the Islamic
State (IS).
This is largely because most of the Christians who fled five years ago have not
come back and few churches have been renovated to bring back the Christmas
spirit of the past, Samer Elias, a Christian Iraqi researcher and writer, told
Elias’ book, "Mosul Churches, History and Pain," which was published in
November, documents how Mosul’s churches and other Christian heritage sites were
destroyed by IS. Elias calls on the Iraqi authorities to allocate more financial
resources for the restoration and reconstruction of these churches, pointing out
that the current process is very slow.
“Only one church has been rebuilt in Mosul — the Chaldean Church of St. Paul in
al-Muhandisin district. The reconstruction was financed by the Chaldean
Patriarchate, in cooperation with an Italian institution. UNESCO is currently
working on the construction of two churches in the western part of Mosul — the
Dominican Fathers Church known as the Our Lady of the Hour Church, and the
Syriac Immaculate Church,” Elias said.
But even the recently renovated Chaldean Church of St. Paul remains deserted
during the festive season, as most of the Christian community still has not
returned to Mosul.
The head of the Gilgamesh Center for Antiquities and Heritage Protection in
Mosul, Faisal Jaber, told Al-Monitor that the Christians are hesitant to return
because of the security situation. “Just the reconstruction of churches with no
guarantee of stability is not persuading the Christians to return,” he said.
Jaber expressed concern about the current government's policies toward the
Christian heritage in general and misappropriation of Christian property in
particular. He gave as an example the case of the Organized Crime Directorate at
the Ministry of Interior’s intelligence service that uses Al-Nasr nunnery and
neighboring monasteries as their headquarters.
He believes that the use of a religious site by a government security service
without paying the owners rent further strengthens the fears of the Christian
community that “the IS ideology” is dominant and the Christians are still a
vulnerable minority.
Elias also spoke of other practices that cause both anger and anxiety among
Christians, such as using destroyed churches as waste dumps or holding concerts
there — both considered as unrespecful to the sanctity of places of worship.
In addition, the Christian church authorities do not give a single, unified
message to the Christians on whether they can return.
Elias noted, “The Chaldean Church encourages the immediate return of Christians
to Mosul, while the Syriac Orthodox community is calling for international
guarantees for the return of Christians. Meanwhile the Syriac Catholic community
— mostly based outside Mosul in the Ninevah valley — has largely responded to
the demands of return.”
Christian leaders are aware of the complex situation and say they face
repetitive questions by their community on whether it is safe to return. “Today
we are all called to have a deep spiritual reading of the prophets’ texts and
words, to discover the rich meaning in our faith and [to gain strength from
what] we went through during IS' occupation of our towns in August 2014. … Our
homes were destroyed and we were displaced. We lived for over 3½ years in camps
away from our towns. The towns were liberated in 2017 and the reconstruction
process has begun, although it is a bumpy road filled with challenges,” Cardinal
Mar Luis Rafael I Sacco told Al-Monitor.
Though he tries to motivate Christians to use the spiritual experience in the
Old Testament to find strength, Sacco said he understood the hesitation to
return. “The church cannot overlook the extent of the human suffering the
displaced have gone through during the time of their displacement," he noted.
On the political level, the cardinal expressed belief that the issue of return
requires “a political consensus between the countries of the region and the
central government as well as the Kurdistan Region."
"Any demographic change is not acceptable because our properties and homes are
neither for acquisition nor for sale," he added.
Christians have come to realize that their return is a challenge that cannot be
faced alone and requires coexistence with other communities in the region.
Based on this, the head of the Department of Endowments in the Ministry of
Endowments and Religious Affairs in the Kurdistan Region, Khaled al-Bir,
stressed the need to preserve all religious heritage sites without any
“The lack of financial resources for the reconstruction of the Ninevah churches
is the first obstacle down this path. Therefore we seek assistance from
international organizations and churches. The area is also home to other
religious and ethnic minorities. We may be fortunate to receive aid for the
reconstruction of churches, and therefore we ought to be wise enough to develop
an approach for the reconstruction of the diverse religious heritage in the
area, including the Islamic and Yazidi heritage sites that have also been
destroyed,” Bir said.
This approach holds an important message, as it reveals that the rebuilding of
churches is an integral part of the process to rebuild trust between Christians
and the various components of the city. This also requires raising awareness
among the city’s Muslim community about the importance of Mosul’s religious
heritage, which is not associated with Christians alone.
***Saad Salloum is an Iraqi academic and journalist specializing in Iraqi
minorities and human rights. He heads the research department in the College of
Political Sciences of Mustansiriya University and is one of the founding members
of the Iraqi Council for Interfaith Dialogue. His publications focus on Iraqi
minorities and include the books "Minorities in Iraq" (2013), "Christians in
Iraq" (2014) and "Policies and Ethnic Groups in Iraq" (2014).
Church’s political role sparks debate among Iraqi
Ali Mamouri/Al Monitor/December 26, 2018
The Iraqi Chaldean Catholic Church attempts to have a bigger role in Christian
politics, but Christian parties see this as unwarranted interference by the
religious institution.
Facebook/www.en.abouna.orgCardinal Louis Raphael I Sako addresses Iraqi
Christians from the Vatican, Vatican City. Posted July 7, 2018.
The Chaldean Catholic Church headed by Cardinal Louis Raphael I Sako is trying
to play an important role in politics that resembles the role of the senior
Shiite cleric, Grand Ayatollah Ali al-Sistani. Although this role is not direct
intervention in politics but only an advisory role that provides support to
certain political issues, it triggered the reactions of Christian political
parties that want to have the only say in decisions related to the Christian
community. They want to be entirely separate from the religious institution in
the country.
The latest development in the ongoing debate between the church and the
Christian parties is the refusal of the five members of parliament of the
Christian bloc to support the candidacy of church-backed Hanaa Korkis as
minister of displacement and migration. Due to the Christian bloc's opposition,
Korkis did not receive the parliament’s confidence vote, and she also did not
receive the support of Christian allies in parliament such as the Al-Binaa
The Ministry of Displacement and Migration is traditionally allocated to Iraq's
Christian community. Yet the Christian members of parliament insist on having
the sole say in the candidacy. They issued a statement Dec. 4 expressing their
opposition to the candidacy of Korkis, arguing that she does not represent them
and insisting that her candidacy is an attempt to isolate their role in
Also, the Christian Babylon movement, which is close to the Popular Mobilization
Units, said in a statement that its leadership and the members of the Christian
parliamentary bloc “strongly oppose the candidacy of Korkis for the position of
minister of displacement and migration.” The movement said it is “necessary for
the candidate to be named by the representatives of the Iraqi people in
The statement said, “Assigning someone for the ministry is a political process,
not a religious one. Prime Minister Adel Abdul Mahdi has to respect the decision
of the Christian bloc. If he chooses someone, that person (must be chosen after
talks and) should not be aggressively imposed on the bloc.”
In response to the Christian parties’ criticism of the church, the Chaldean
Patriarchate issued a statement Dec. 17 saying, “The church is not trying to
replace or equate itself with the government.” The patriarchate criticized
“partisan Christian elements” for their irresponsible and provocative comments
regarding the interference of the church in the political realm. The statement
said, “The church is concerned with the public good. This is part of its
vocation as it has a mission to support the well-being of people protecting
their rights and dignity. By doing so, it mimics the roles of Jesus Christ and
the popes.”
The statement spoke of the example of the Catholic Church in the Vatican and its
support of Patriarch Sako’s religious role in the country, saying, “The church
is defending the rights of Palestinians. Pope John Paul II even played a role
when Iraq was under siege, just as Pope Francis visited Burma and defended
Muslims. “
The statement added, “The church is involved in matters of the public because it
is part of its mission, not because it is seeking benefits. It is only concerned
with people’s happiness and their development; however, it definitely does not
want them to go back to dark times and the Inquisition like some figures said.”
The statement said, “By discussing public matters related to the country and its
people, the Patriarchate represented by Cardinal Louis Raphael I Sako is not
looking for any personal gains or benefits.”
The statement also pointed out that the church had previously backed candidates
who became government ministers. “The Patriarchate supported the candidate from
the communist party, former minister Fares Jajo, and Dr. Anne Nafi, an
independent Syriac Christian, for her integrity, professionalism, and loyalty.
Both were not named by the Christian bloc members of parliament.” Jajo served as
minister of science and technology from 2014 to 2015 until the ministry was
abolished; Nafi was minister of construction and housing from 2016 until October
of this year.
The statement also said, “The church does not interfere in the political and
partisan polarization and is far from it. Yet when asked about its opinion, it
expresses it independently and responsibly. The church has the right to take
legal action against anyone who tarnishes its reputation. It is determined to
serve Iraq and the Iraqis no matter the cost.”
Despite the opposition of most Christian parties to Sako’s political role, a
leader of the Christian Rafidain bloc, Yonadem Kanna, defended the patriarch,
saying, “PM Abdul Mahdi and President Barham Salih decided to take two
candidates from Cardinal Sako, who nominated Hanaa — the candidate of the
Chaldean religious authority.”
Kanna, responding to the question of church interference in politics, said,
“This is the general situation in the country. There are Islamic religious
parties that constitute the majority, and as they respect Islamic religious
authorities, we respect Christian religious authorities.”
However, Kanna and Emmanuel Khoshaba, the head of the Rafidain bloc, do not see
eye to eye. Khoshaba said in a Dec. 19 statement that the parliament’s dismissal
of Korkis “is a victory for the notion of a secular state and separation of
religion from politics.” He said clerics imposed Korkis and that she does not
represent the thinking of the parliamentary component.
The Chaldean Patriarchate answered Khoshaba’s statements, saying, “These
statements are delusional and not well-informed. We respect democratic choices,
depending on their circumstances. A secular or religious state does not depend
on dismissing an independent and technocratic woman (Hanaa) from the race.”
Apparently, the weakness of the political process and lack of
institutionalization of political behavior in Iraq are forcing the different
religious authorities representing diverse Iraqi components to voice their
opinions when it comes to politics. Political parties consider such intervention
to be competition with their role, and they are calling on religious authorities
to implement a strict version of state secularism, which does not seem possible
or applicable in Iraq.
**Ali Mamouri is Al-Monitor's Iraq Pulse Editor and a researcher and writer who
specializes in religion. He is a former teacher in Iranian universities and
seminaries in Iran and Iraq. He has published several articles related to
religious affairs in the two countries and societal transformations and
sectarianism in the Middle East.
Hatred, is it cured by wars?
Turki Aldakhil/Al Arabiya/December 26/18
Every moment we live turns into history and it gains its eternity depending on
the extent of its connection to ongoing events. A history reader is like a
sailing captain, each mountain, island and trace he passes through are history
to be written, legends to be told and inscriptions to be engraved.
What distinguished nations and helped them transition from their falls is the
extent of their awareness in the lessons learnt from history. History does not
repeat itself as it’s said, however, events seem similar due to lack of
knowledge. Prominent figures wrote about major events throughout our history
like al-Tabari, Ibn Kathir and Al-Baghdadi.
In the West, there are Arnold J. Toynbee, Will Durant and Eric Hobsbawm. Their
writings are a mixture of history, ideas, lessons and events. Without these
documents people cannot know what happened with those who came before them and
cannot anticipate the future.
What distinguished nations and helped them transition from their falls is the
extent of their awareness in the lessons learnt from history. History does not
repeat itself as it’s said, however, events seem similar due to lack of
‘Events that changed history’
When I read the book ‘Events that changed history’ by Dr. Jamal Al-Suwaidi, what
attracted my attention was the type of events he selected and chose out of
thousands of developments and crises.
In the introduction, he noted how events are linked to each other. It’s true
that an event is a development that is made up of time, place and social actors
but it may also bring about additional events.
He compares between two treaties in the introduction. The Treaty of Vienna,
signed in 1815, came “after the end of the Napoleon war which engaged Europe in
a series of conflicts that lasted for long years. It’s viewed as a model of how
to create peace after wars and resulted in an accurate system for the balance of
powers and in (setting an approach) that contains the defeated instead of
humiliating him.”
He compares between this treaty and the Treaty of Versailles, which was signed
in 1919 after WWI that greatly humiliated Germany and explains how this
humiliating treaty was the “seed of WWII.”
Dr. Jamal chose twenty events for his book. Among the topics he chose to comment
on was The Thirty Years' War (1618-1648) between the Pope’s followers and the
Catholics on one hand and the followers of Martin Luther, John Calvin and the
Protestants on another. Dr. Jamal believes it’s necessary to study this war to
overcome the sectarian corruption in the Islamic world as this war is a clear
lesson as to how Europe was torn apart, houses were set on fire and blood was
shed on the streets.
He then narrates the repercussions of the war, even after the Peace of
Westphalia in 1648, where it was agreed upon the sovereignty of law and keeping
the Church away from politics. Dr. Jamal believes that: “History’s wise (lesson
shows) that everyone is a loser in religious wars and sectarian conflicts.” He
emphasized the concept of tolerance and its role in decreasing the
manifestations of hate in Europe due to the people’s awareness in lessons learnt
from history and to their painful comprehension of the consequences of bloodshed
and destruction on humans and structure.
Dr. Jamal uses the Treaty of Vienna to explain the development of the
international order and the structuring of the modern state. The treaty
solidified the principle of “balance of powers” and the necessity to be inspired
by its experience and articles which protected Europe, defused the tensions of
deadly disagreements and buried the embers, which always ignite wars, under the
ashes of temporary settlements. The value of the treaty is in ending the reasons
behind the war, which crushed the rich and old continent.
While discussing the great event, WWII (1939-1945), he links between the
Marshall Plan and European growth thanks to the American role, which imposed its
domination over the world after the war. However, the most important thing is
not to repeat the mistake of the Treaty of Versailles.
The Marshall Plan set the pillar of peace in Europe and ended every possibility
of the birth of a new Hitler in the continent. The historical mistake which was
made after WWI was hence comprehended and based on this, Europe rose again,
armed with a rich legacy of ideas and theories that qualified it to dive into
science and spread its jewels on the entire world!
Dr. Jamal’s book that highlights twenty events is worthy of being studied by the
young generation so they learn lessons from nations which suffered the plagues
of absurd religious wars. The West is now contemplating the causes that sparked
its wars in the utmost irony as it now understands how man’s stupidity,
intolerance and hatred can produce the worst of fates and destroy all dreams.
Hatred is not cured by wars. The treatment to malice is to curb it with
tolerance and reason.
Perhaps this is why ancient Arabs said:
“He who holds higher positions shall feel no malice,
And he whose temper is characterized with anger shall never reach higher ranks”
US troop withdrawal from Syria counterproductive
Abdel Aziz Aluwaisheg/Arab News/December 26/18
On Sunday, the Pentagon confirmed that the order to withdraw US troops from
Syria had been signed. Last week’s announcement of President Donald Trump’s
decision to withdraw American forces, which have been deployed to help the
global coalition fight Daesh, came as a shock to US officials, as well as to
allies and partners worldwide.
Defense Secretary James Mattis resigned in protest. Apparently angry at his
letter of resignation, Trump asked him to leave at the end of December and
appointed his deputy as acting defense secretary. Brett McGurk, who served as
the special presidential envoy to the coalition, also resigned. Trump later said
he had never heard of McGurk, despite the fact that he had been in that post for
As was to be expected, Iran, Russia and the Syrian regime were delighted by the
news of the US withdrawal and the apparent chaos it had caused. Turkey was also
pleased, but was hoping for a gradual withdrawal to enable it to take full
advantage of the new situation. That was reportedly the subject of a phone call
between Trump and his Turkish counterpart on Sunday.
US forces and their allies control 25-30 percent of Syria, including some
strategic locations. The withdrawal will have a serious impact on the fate of
those territories. Iran and Turkey will likely seek to extend their control to
those areas currently protected by US forces.
Without American help, local rebel groups are no match militarily for the forces
of Turkey, Iran, Russia, the Syrian regime, and the multitudes of sectarian
militias fighting alongside them, including Hezbollah. The rebels will be
slaughtered or driven away en masse.
Since 2016, the US military has helped run, with Maghawir Al-Thawra rebels, the
Tanf desert base, strategically located near Syria’s borders with Jordan and
Iraq. The base is also close to the Damascus-Baghdad highway. US forces have
kept a wide perimeter around it, striking any force that attempts to move down
the highway or toward the base.
As soon as they leave, the Syrian regime, Iran and their allies will likely try
to take these important assets. Tehran is keen to secure that part of the
highway to facilitate the movement of its forces and materiel to Syria. Iran’s
land bridge to Syria and Lebanon could become fully operational in a short time.
Next is the areas US forces control with Syrian-Kurdish rebels. With American
help, the Kurdish People’s Protection Units (YPG) drove Syrian regime forces out
of large parts of the northeast in 2012, and has controlled those areas since.
In 2014, with US support, the YPG resisted Daesh’s attempts to overrun those
Iran and Turkey will likely seek to extend their control to those areas
currently protected by US forces.
The YPG formed the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) when it entered into an
alliance with local Arab rebel groups. The SDF controls nearly a quarter of
Syria — almost all the areas east of the Euphrates river, including Raqqa (the
former capital of Daesh’s caliphate) and some of the country’s largest oil
fields. In addition, since 2016 the SDF alliance with local rebels has
controlled the Manbij area, located west of the Euphrates.
Turkey has accused the YPG and SDF of being fronts for its arch enemy, the
Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK). Ankara has announced its intention to attack
both areas east and west of the Euphrates. With US forces out of the way, it is
very likely to carry out those threats.
This US volte-face had been rumored for months, revived every time Trump tweeted
about the cost of maintaining American forces in Syria. Despite his outbursts,
American officials sought to reassure allies that the US was in Syria to stay.
In January 2018, the US secretary of state gave a lengthy exposition of
long-term policy toward Syria.
In August, the US appointed two senior officials to lead its engagement on
Syria, stressing that it was remaining in the country despite rumors to the
contrary. Former US Ambassador to Iraq Jim Jeffrey became the secretary of
state’s representative for Syria engagement, and Joel Rayburn was appointed
special envoy for Syria, in addition to serving as deputy assistant secretary of
state for Levant affairs.
The appointments were meant to dispel notions that the US was disengaging from
Syria and allowing others to decide its future. Those notions were given
currency by Trump’s tweets about withdrawing troops and freezing funds earmarked
for Syria. In a widely circulated tweet, he said the US “has ended the
ridiculous 230 Million Dollar yearly development payment to Syria.”
Also in August, the US reassured its allies that it was “remaining in Syria,” in
McGurk’s words. He stressed that the US focus was still the enduring defeat of
Daesh. “We still have not launched the final phase to defeat the physical
caliphate. That is actually being prepared now, and that will come at a time of
our choosing, but it is coming,” McGurk said.
After the group’s defeat, he added: “You have to train local forces to hold the
ground to make sure that the area remains stabilized so ISIS (Daesh) cannot
return. So this mission is ongoing and is not over.” But the withdrawal of US
troops now seems certain after the order was signed. Its impact will likely be
profound, in the immediate and medium terms, on the balance of power in Syria.
It will most likely be the end of the US presence in the country.
In addition to its role in the air campaign against Daesh, US covert action,
support for allies and diplomatic engagement will continue to carry out American
policy toward Syria. Now more than ever, US allies and partners need to
coordinate more closely to map out their own strategy for Syria.
*Abdel Aziz Aluwaisheg is the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) assistant
secretary-general for political affairs and negotiation, and a columnist for
Arab News. The views expressed in this piece are personal, and do not
necessarily represent those of the GCC. Twitter: @abuhamad1