August 06/2018
Compiled & Prepared by: Elias
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Behind the Scenes: How Netanyahu's 'Apartheid' Trap Torpedoed Talks With Druze
من الهآررتس:
من وراء الكواليس: كيف أن لغم اتهام القيادات الدرزية بالعنصرية فخخ ولغم
محادثات نتانياهو معهم
Noa Landau and Noa Shpigel /Haaretz/August 05/18
When the prime minister saw Druze leaders insisting that the nation-state law be
changed, he opted for a controlled explosion that would mark the group public
enemy number one
There were two possible scenarios for the outcome of the meeting Thursday night
between government officials and Druze leaders protesting the nation-state law:
a celebratory handshake over a package of benefits for the Druze and a statement
that the protest rally slated for Saturday night had been canceled, or a
controlled explosion in talks that would mark this group public enemy number
From Haaretz’s conversations with participants and observers on both sides of
the meeting, the picture is clear: When Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu saw
the Druze leaders insisting that the nation-state law be changed, he preferred
the second option.
The invitation to the meeting, which began at 7:30 P.M., came rather abruptly,
but not unusually so, compared to the previous meetings. Three former army
officers leading the protest – Brig. Gen. (res.) Amal Assad, Col. (res.) Anwar
Saeb and Lt. Col. (res.) Sufyan Marih – received a message from the Druze
spiritual leader, Sheikh Muwafak Tarif, that they had been invited with him to a
meeting in the prime minister’s office.
Netanyahu’s people had intended to invite the “community’s notables” only – a
group they had held talks with in the past and believed were inclined to accept
the deal Netanyahu was offering. But the Druze decided that the meeting needed
broader representation. Some Druze mayors, for example, Mufid Marie of Hurfeish,
who is also chairman of the forum of Druze local councils, were invited only at
around 4:15 P.M. by MK Hamad Amar (Yisrael Beiteinu).
The messages were confused. At some point it was said that the meeting would be
canceled, but in the end it was decided to hold it at the government offices in
Tel Aviv instead of Netanyahu’s office in Jerusalem.
A stormy debate began among the Druze mayors. Some thought that the meeting was
intended to pressure them into canceling Saturday night’s rally, and that they
didn’t have enough time to prepare for the meeting properly. In the end it was
decided that in addition to Marie, only two mayors would be present, Wahib
Habish of Yarka and Biyan Kabalan of Beit Jann. Others gave in contentiously,
among them Daliat al-Carmel Mayor Rafiq Halabi.
In addition to Amar, the prime minister’s team consisted of the nation-state
law’s framer, Tourism Minister Yariv Levin, and Communications Minister Ayoub
Kara, both of Likud. Netanyahu’s chief of staff, Yoav Horowitz, who had been
appointed to lead the committee charged with resolving the dispute, was abroad.
The prime minister’s communications team didn’t update the media officially
regarding the meeting, as is customary, and as had been the case in previous
meetings with Druze leaders.
The sheikh, the mayors and the officers arrived at the Tel Aviv government
center at around 7:30 PM. Contrary to a statement from the prime minister’s
people that some of them had not been invited, particularly Assad, they were all
allowed to enter. Some of the prime minister’s aides even called this a
“security breach.”Even before the meeting started, according to those present, the prime minister
asked for his picture to be taken with Tarif, Amar, Kara and the mayors. The
photos were to be in preparation for a statement that an agreement had been
reached, in the hope that such a release could go out in time for the main TV
news broadcasts at 8 P.M.
The three officers said they were on the other side of the table and thus
weren’t included in the photo. Netanyahu’s people said everyone was invited to
be in the picture, but the officers came into the room late.
According to people present, in Netanyahu’s brief statement to the cameras he
said there had already been progress in the negotiations, even though the talks
had not yet started. Even the position paper they thought they had agreed to on
Wednesday was already on the table.
The Druze officials said that at this point they began to squirm uncomfortably.
“We saw that he had supposedly prepared a paper that everything was done and
agreed on,” Habish said. “He brought us in for a picture and to say that
everything was fine.”
Another participant said: “I was fuming. What’s this? It’s not what we came
for.” The atmosphere became tense. One of the participants said he took out his
phone to answer a text and was told to turn it off immediately.
After the photo-op, Habish told Netanyahu that the Druze officials wouldn’t
agree to an arrangement that didn’t include enshrining the status of minorities
in a Basic Law, or the complete annulment of the nation-state law.
At this point Assad intervened. He says he told Netanyahu that the Druze
wouldn’t accept Netanyahu’s package of benefits, which only included recognition
of the Druze and Circassians, as well as benefits to members of minority groups
only if they had served in the security forces. Assad reiterated their demand to
enshrine in a Basic Law the status of all minorities or the annulment of the
Basic Law on Israel as the Nation-State of the Jewish People.
According to the prime minister’s people, Assad interrupted and spoke to
Netanyahu “as well as to the sheikh” in an “undignified” way.
Assad and others deny this, saying he spoke calmly. Sheikh Tarif also denied
that Assad had insulted him. Either way, Netanyahu responded: “I will not speak
to anyone who calls me the prime minister of an apartheid government.”
On Facebook the previous day, Assad had said the nation-state law was “evil and
racist” and designed to lay the groundwork for Israel to become an apartheid
state. According to Assad and other participants, he answered the prime minister
that he indeed “believed that the nation-state law might lead Israel to
apartheid.” According to Netanyahu’s people, Assad said: “I live in an apartheid
Either way, after Assad’s statement, Netanyahu left the room angrily and
demanded that the meeting continue in a smaller forum, without the former
officers. The Druze participants refused. The ministers and MKs met with
Netanyahu in a separate room. It was clear that there would be no sincere
attempt to reach understandings.
8:10 P.M.: Press statement
During the storm, at 8:10 P.M., TV reporters broadcast live based on information
coming from Netanyahu’s people. They said that in the meeting the prime minister
had “pledged to pass the three historic laws” – three laws to benefit the Druze
community – but that “Amal Assad interrupted the sheikh and the prime minister
and insulted them both. The prime minister said he wouldn’t accept an insult to
the prime minister of Israel or to the state from a person who calls Israel an
apartheid state.”
It was understood from this that Assad had interrupted and called Israel an
apartheid state, so Netanyahu then cut the meeting short. But non-Druze people
at the meeting confirmed to Haaretz that after Netanyahu realized that the
meeting was not moving toward a solution, he was the first to mention apartheid
and blew up the meeting after Assad refused to take back his statement and the
Druze notables refused to meet with Netanyahu on their own. Then came the press
statements from Netanyahu’s aides.
People close to Netanyahu say he didn’t blow up the meeting; one said “Assad
wasn’t even invited and we didn’t know he would come.”
Five minutes after they left Netanyahu’s office, the phones of the Druze
representatives started ringing with requests for a response. Why did you say
Israel is an apartheid state, they were asked.
“We didn’t come for a statement, we came to talk,” one participant said. “We had
a creative idea to move forward, but he [Netanyahu] came and gave a statement to
the media and chased Amal out of the room.”
Habish said: “I think he wanted us to come for a photo-op with him and say
everything was fine and he’d tell Israel that there was no point in the protest
Saturday night.
As Habish put it, “I think he planned that he’d bring us, that he’d say we’re
starting to work with the teams on a bill for the Druze, that we’d say thank you
very much, that we’d kiss him. He planned it. When he saw it wasn’t working out,
he looked for an excuse to blow the meeting up.”
Assad told Haaretz after the meeting: “I didn’t bring up the apartheid issue at
all in the meeting. Netanyahu was talking about things that I wrote on Facebook
over the past few days – that I wrote that the law might lead to apartheid. I
stand by these statements, but Netanyahu was the one who suddenly brought them
up in the meeting to blow it up.”
On Saturday night he told Haaretz: “I don’t respect the State of Israel? I
respect the State of Israel more than a great many Israelis, including those
sitting up there in the government, up to the highest level, without mentioning
any names.”
On Channel 2’s Friday night news show, commentator Amnon Abramovich quoted a
source “very close to the prime minister” as saying: “After we started out, not
one word could be changed in the nation-state law. If someone didn’t like it,
there’s a large Druze community in Syria and he’s invited to start a Druze
state.”The prime minister’s aides responded that a “statement like this goes against
the prime minister’s worldview and his work for the Druze community, and it is
ridiculous to attribute it to him.”
For its part, Likud said that Netanyahu “utterly rejects the infuriating
statements posted by Assad on Facebook and which he repeated at the meeting when
he said ‘I live in an apartheid state.’”
Britain Welcomes Radicals - Again and Again
Douglas Murray/Gatestone Institute/August 05/18
How expert are these two clerics at 'interfaith relations'? Well, they are
so good that their main credential is their enthusiastic support for the
murderer of somebody accused of 'blasphemy'.
Despite criticism from Shahbaz Taseer... the UK government had no problem
allowing into the UK these two men who, as Shahbaz Taseer said, 'teach
murder and hate'.
In the past year, the UK has banned a fair number of people from entering
the country. It has, for example, barred the Canadian activist and blogger
Lauren Southern. It has also banned the Austrian activist and 'identitarian'
Martin Sellner. Whatever anyone's thoughts on either of these individuals,
it is not possible to claim that either has ever addressed a rally of
thousands of people which they have used to extol a murderer... Yet Hassan
Haseeb ur Rehman has done these things – and yet has been allowed into the
UK three years in a row.
It is more than a year since the UK suffered three Islamist terrorist
attacks in quick succession. It is also more than a year since the Prime
Minister, Theresa May, stood on the steps of Downing Street and announced
that 'enough is enough'.
Yet the striking aspect of the last year has been how little has changed.
Consider, for instance, the lax controls on extremist preachers that the UK
had in place in 2016. As reported here at the time, in the summer of that
year, two Pakistani clerics performed a tour of the UK. Their seven-week
roadshow took in numerous UK hotspots including Rochdale, Rotherham, Oldham
and the Prime Minister's own constituency of Maidenhead. The two clerics --
Muhammad Naqib ur Rehman and Hassan Haseeb ur Rehman -- began their tour by
visiting the Archbishop of Canterbury, Justin Welby, at Lambeth Palace for a
meeting on 'interfaith relations'.
How expert are these two clerics at 'interfaith relations'? Well, they are
so good that their main credential is their enthusiastic support for the
murderer of somebody accused of 'blasphemy'. Yes -- these two preachers are
famed in Pakistan for having supported Mumtaz Qadri, the murderer of the
progressive Punjab Governor Salman Taseer. Because Taseer believed in a
relaxation of Pakistan's barbaric blasphemy codes (specifically he opposed
the execution of a Christian woman -- Asia Bibi -- who was falsely accused
of blaspheming the Muslim god), Qadri -- who was meant to be guarding the
governor -- instead murdered Taseer in 2011. Qadri himself was subsequently
tried, sentenced to death and executed by the state. After Qadri's funeral
in Rawalpindi, Hassan Haseeb ur Rehman whipped up the crowds of the
murderer's mourners. Rehman acclaimed the murderer Qadri as a 'shaeed'
(martyr). The crowd subsequently chanted slogans such as 'Qadri, your blood
will bring revolution' and 'the punishment for a blasphemer is beheading'.
Despite criticism from Shahbaz Taseer (the son of the man whom Qadri had
murdered), the UK government had no problem allowing into the UK these two
men who, as Shahbaz Taseer said, 'teach murder and hate'. On their tour of
the UK in 2016, these two preachers were reported to have spoken to mosques
packed with worshipers.
A forgiving person might point out that the Archbishop of Canterbury does
not know what he is talking about when he claims that Rehman and Rehman are
interfaith experts, and that until 2016 the UK border agencies and other
authorities could not have known that the two men are preachers of
incitement in their home country. A forgiving person might even have thought
all these authorities were naïve but would not be so naïve again.
In 2017, however, it did happen again. In July of last year the clerics were
back, ostensibly speaking at a conference on 'counter-terrorism'. The idea
that either man would know how to counter terrorism when the only expertise
that either man has is in encouraging terrorism makes their presence at such
an event insulting to anyone involved in countering terrorism. Even more so
given that their main facilitator in the UK would appear to be the head of
the one-man organisation calling itself the 'Ramadan Foundation', run by
Mohammed Shafiq, a man with his own dark history of extremism and
A cynical person might assume that the UK authorities had let these radical
preachers in the first time because they were ignorant, and the second time
perhaps because they were slow. But how to account for events just last
month? In July of this year, Hassan Haseeb ur Rehman was in the UK yet again
-- and again in Oldham. Also again, his visit appears to have been
facilitated by the one-man-band, Mohammed Shafiq. The latest bogus
'counter-terrorism conference' at which he was speaking also involved not
only local MP (and Shadow Home Office Minister) Afzal Khan, but also the
father and grandmother of one of the victims of last year's Islamist suicide
bomb attack at the Manchester Arena.
Hassan Haseeb ur Rehman, in his address at the conference, reportedly said:
"I stand before you to say we as Muslims stand against terrorism, these vile
people are enemies of Islam and the whole of humanity.
"My mission in life is to promote tolerance and peace, you can see from the
thousands who attend my events in Pakistan there is a yearning for the true
message of Islam which is Peace and tolerance.
"I am honoured to visit Manchester to remember the victims and their
families of the Manchester Arena attack and say we stand with you always".
Of course the thousands who attended his events in Pakistan did not always
hear this message of 'peace and tolerance'. As the evidence of the aftermath
of Qadri's funeral showed, they heard a message of vengeance, blasphemy,
medievalism and violence.
But that is Hassan Haseeb ur Rehman.
The bigger question is for the UK -- and specifically for the Prime
Minister, Theresa May.
In the past year, the UK has banned a fair number of people from entering
the country. It has, for example, barred the Canadian activist and blogger
Lauren Southern. It has also banned the Austrian activist and 'identitarian'
Martin Sellner. Whatever anyone's thoughts on either of these individuals,
it is not possible to claim that either has ever addressed a rally of
thousands of people which they have used to extol a murderer. If either of
them had done so, a ban from the UK might be explicable. Yet Hassan Haseeb
ur Rehman has done these things -- and yet has been allowed into the UK
three years in a row. Even in the year after Theresa May pretended that
'enough is enough.'
Perhaps the British government thinks that people do not notice such things.
Perhaps the organisers of the 'counter-terrorism conference' in Manchester
think that people are taken in by such pretences. Perhaps they think that
the people of Britain do not mind. But the people of Britain do notice and I
rather suspect that they do mind. Very much, in fact.
Douglas Murray, British author, commentator and public affairs analyst, is
based in London, England. His latest book, an international best-seller, is
"The Strange Death of Europe: Immigration, Identity, Islam."
© 2018 Gatestone Institute. All rights reserved. The articles printed here
do not necessarily reflect the views of the Editors or of Gatestone
Institute. No part of the Gatestone website or any of its contents may be
reproduced, copied or modified, without the prior written consent of
Gatestone Institute.
Hijab Chronicles/الدكتور ماجد
ربيزاده: تاريخ تطور اشكاليات الحجاب
Majid Rafizadeh/Gatestone Institute/August 05/18
"Will Allah hang me from my hair? The religious and Quran teacher at our
school told us in class that if we show our hair in public, God will hang us
from our hair in the afterlife and torture us for infinity."
Many Muslim women, including members of my own family, are afraid to take
off their hijab, even though they are adults and who may not be religious
anymore, and may even live in a place where they are allowed to take off
their hijab. The fear of displaying their hair, and the consequences they
could face physically and spiritually still haunt them and influence the
choices they make in their everyday life.
My sister is still afraid to take off her hijab because of those horrifying
stories that the radical Islamic teachers taught her when she was tiny....I
still hope for a day when my sister will have a good night's sleep, when the
little girls who are sitting in those same classrooms, their minds filled
with horrifying scenes, will one day feel safe to uncover their hair, and
safe to lay down their heads at night. Until then, I will not rest, either.
Last month, an Iranian court ordered Shaparak Shajarizadeh, 43, to prison
for two years, with 18 years' probation, for removing her headscarf in
In our childhood in Iran, my sister's screams would cut through the silence
of our home at night. Nightmares would wake her and leave her too terrified
to go back to sleep. We all encouraged her to share her fears; she would
always refuse. On the night she finally opened up, her entire body was
shaking with fear.
Afraid to ask the question out loud, my sister, then nine years old,
whispered: "Will Allah hang me from my hair? The religious and Quran teacher
at our school told us in class that if we show our hair in public, God will
hang us from our hair in the afterlife and torture us for infinity. He will
resurrect us if we die and then torture us again," she was sobbing. "I went
to the grocery store and forgot to wear my hijab. Will He torture me for
My sister was then attending one of the tens of thousands of schools, both
in Iran and abroad, run by the sharia law of the Islamic Republic of Iran.
Many teachers of religion and the Quran in these schools use the directive
above to warn girls not to display their hair. The directive comes from a
reported hadith, the sayings and acts of Mohammad.
According to the teaching, the son-in-law and cousin of the prophet, Ali and
his wife, who was the daughter of the prophet, stated that they saw the
prophet weeping.
"They inquired the reason that had made the Holy Prophet weep. He replied:
"On the night of the Ascension (Mairaj), I saw the punishments being given
to some women, today I was remembering those scenes. This is why I am
worried". They asked, "Please tell us what did you see?" He replied: "I saw
a woman hanging by her hair and her brain was boiling. (This was the
punishment of that woman who did not hide her hair by covering her head from
But why would these teachers tell their students about these horrifying
punishments when they are only eight or nine years old? Well, the best time
to indoctrinate and brainwash people is when they are young. They are
uninformed and trusting. Also, for radical Muslims, using fear is a powerful
tool to coerce people into believing in their extremist ideals and following
the practices and demands of their leaders.
It is not only some schools and mosques that are used as platforms to plant
seeds of fear into little girls with regards to displaying their hair. Once
sharia law enters the political establishment, it requires an Islamist
judiciary system to be put into place, through which severe punishments can
be inflicted on people who disobey God's rule.
Videos such as this, for example, showing a young girl in Iran being beaten
in public by the regime's religious forces for not sufficiently covering her
hair, are abundant. Many Muslim women, including members of my own family,
are afraid to take off their hijab, even though they are adults and who may
not be religious anymore, and may even live in a place where they are
allowed to take off their hijab. The fear of displaying their hair, and the
consequences they could face physically and spiritually still haunt them and
influence the choices they make in their everyday life.
As the imposition of sharia law shows in Iran and territories ruled by
Islamist groups, sharia law is not solely about placing religious leaders in
positions of power to rule the nation; it is also about controlling people's
day-to-day activities, and every aspect of their lives, including their
bodies. That is why radical teachings in schools and mosques should be
halted, before the sharia dominates the state.
My sister is still afraid to take off her hijab because of those horrifying
stories that the radical Islamist instructors taught her her when she was
small. It is in her unconscious as it is for many other girls. How many more
little girls have to awaken to these nightmares? I still hope for a day when
my sister will have a good night's sleep, when the little girls who are
sitting in those same classrooms, their minds filled with horrifying scenes,
will one day feel safe to uncover their hair, and safe to lay down their
heads at night. Until then, I will not rest, either.
**Dr. Majid Rafizadeh, is a Harvard-educated scholar, businessman, political
scientist, board member of Harvard International Review, and president of
the International American Council on the Middle East. He has authored
several books on Islam and US Foreign Policy. He can be reached at
© 2018 Gatestone Institute. All rights reserved. The articles printed here
do not necessarily reflect the views of the Editors or of Gatestone
Institute. No part of the Gatestone website or any of its contents may be
reproduced, copied or modified, without the prior written consent of
Gatestone Institute.
"Be Cursed Forever": Extremist Persecution of
Christians, January 2018
ريموند إبراهيم:
جردة بما تعرض له المسيحيون من أضطهاد من قبل الجماعات الإسلامية المتطرفة
Raymond Ibrahim/Gatestone Institute/August 05/18
"Nigeria security has declared war against Christians in this country." —
Pastor Kallamu Musa Ali Dikwa, executive director of Voice of Northern
Christian Movement, Nigeria.
While uncritically taking in and conferring refugee status on countless
Muslim migrants, European authorities continued singling out those most in
need of sanctuary for deportation.
"Afghanistan is not a safe place for a Christian convert. The Court should
ask Switzerland to stop turning a blind eye to the situation of religious
minorities in Afghanistan... Sending a refugee back to a country where they
face persecution because of their faith is incompatible with the
Convention." — AFD International.
The Slaughter of Christians in Egypt
Three masked gunmen targeted and killed Bassem Attallah, a Christian man,
27, after identifying him as a Christian by the cross tattoo on his wrist.
According to his older brother, Osama, 38, the siblings and a Muslim
colleague, Muhammad, were walking home after work when three armed men, aged
between 23 and 25 stopped them. "We thought they were policemen because they
weren't masked... They were wearing black jackets," Osama recalled. "They
approached us and asked Bassem to show them the wrist of his right hand, and
when they saw the tattoo of the cross, they asked him: 'Are you Christian?'
Bassem answered 'Yes, I am Christian,' and repeated that again in a loud
The men then asked Muhammad his name and to show them his wrist. They saw no
cross and allowed him to leave. On learning Osama's name, which is popular
among Muslims, and not seeing any cross tattoos on his wrist, they also
allowed him to leave. "And then they shot Bassem in the head. I could not
believe what happened to my brother. He fell on the ground in front of me
and I was unable to do anything.... We lost a person dear to our hearts. My
brother Bassem was a very good and kind man. He had a strong relationship
with God. He was always reading in the Bible, praying and going to the
church. He was loved by all people," said his grieving brother. The murder
took place in Al-Arish, Sinai, which in recent years has been the scene of
many attacks on Christians—including the murder of two priests and the mass
upheaval of Christian villages.
Separately, on New Year's Day, which the Muslim calendar does not recognize
or celebrate, two Christian brothers were gunned down in public by a masked
man on a motorcycle. While they died en route to a hospital, the murderer
escaped. At the time of the attack, they were near Christian friend's store,
which sold liquor. Coptic-owned stores that sell liquor have been targeted
by those who consider alcohol haram, or forbidden by Islam. Almost one year
to the day, on January 3, 2017, a Muslim man sneaked up behind a Christian
shop owner in Egypt and slit his throat for selling alcohol.
Finally, more details concerning the Islamist terror attack on a Coptic
church on December 29, which left nine dead, continued to emerge. One mother
sacrificed herself to save her two young daughters. Nermin Sadik, 32, was
walking her two daughters, aged 11 and 7, to Sunday school, when one of the
gunmen ran up to her. When she realized what was happening and that he was
about to open fire, she flung her daughters away and received a bullet. When
the terrorist turned on the two girls, their mother, "with her last breath
held them between her arms to protect them from flying bullets," says the
report. Although the girls survived the ordeal, in the end their mother's
body had several bullets in it. Speaking after the tragedy, Nermin's widower
said his wife, who was a nurse, "was affectionate for everyone and she liked
to help without charge."
The Slaughter of Christians in Nigeria
Various attacks on Christians by Muslim Fulani herdsmen continued throughout
the month of January. "At least 16 people have been killed by gunmen in
southern Nigeria after a New Year's Day church service," says one report.
"The group had attended a midnight service before they were ambushed in the
early hours of Monday."
According to another report, in one week alone, 55 people were killed and
200 homes torched, in the Lau local government area of Taraba state.
In yet another instance, 80 Christians were slaughtered by the Muslim
herdsmen, many hacked to death by machetes, in Logo and Guma County.
Speaking from a hospital bed, one survivor, Peter, said the attackers who
went after him "were people I had interfaced with in that community. I got
up and called them by their names and tried to wrestle the machete they had
out of their hands, but to no avail. I was overpowered and they began to cut
Discussing these ongoing raids, Rev. Musa Asake, the General Secretary of
the Christian Association of Nigeria, said "Under President [Muhammad]
Buhari, the murderous Fulani herdsmen enjoyed unprecedented protection and
favoritism to the extent that the herdsmen treat Nigeria as a conquered
territory. Rather than arrest and prosecute the Fulani herdsmen, security
forces usually manned by Muslims from the North offer them protection as
they unleash terror with impunity on the Nigerian people."
The Rape of Christians in Pakistan
"A Christian boy of only 7 years old was brutally sodomized by a Muslim
rapist," says a report. Daim Masih, a first grader, was walking home from
school when he was met by Shan Muhammad, 19, a local: "Hi Daim, it's nice to
see you," he began. "I have good news, some of our cows have given birth to
young calves. Would you like to come with me and see them?" Because the
unsuspecting child was fond of animals and knew Shan, he went with him.
Walking hand in hand, Masih began to realize that they were not headed for
the farm but a secluded place. When he pointed this out to Shan, the latter
responded that he had "another big surprise for him." The report continues:
They walked a few meters to some trees when suddenly Shan ripped off Daim's
shirt, then the rest of his clothes and threw Daim to the ground. Shan then
jumped on Daim and proceeded with a sexual assault and sodomization of poor
Daim. While the attack was happening the tiny 7 year old struggled to fight
off Shan who was much bigger and more powerful then him. Daim was punched,
slapped and kneed by Shan who was shouting obscenities during the attack and
demanding Daim to stop his screaming. The violence and the unlawful
penetration of Dain was so painful however, that he could not stop his
screaming. Desperate for him to be quiet or thrilled by the power and
subjugation of his prey, sexual predator Shan began to tighten his hands
around Daim's neck and was slowly throttling him to death while having his
wicked way with him.
In fact, many Christian children—boys and girls—have been strangled to death
during or after being raped in Pakistan over the years. Fortunately for Daim,
his grandfather and uncle heard his cries and rushed to the scenes, at which
point Muhammad pulled up his pants and fled the scene. The traumatized
7-year-old was subsequently hospitalized.
In another incident, a young, married Christian woman, the mother of a
two-year-old girl "was brutally gang-raped by three men and then left tied
in the courtyard of a Muslim man's house until she was found by police two
days later," according to a report. Sidhra, 20, had just left her mother's
home, when three local men began following her. She started to run towards
her home, but they caught up with her, and, according to the report,
"grabbed her at which point Sidhra blacked-out. She is unable to recall the
events of the next 36 hours at this time." The family eventually learned
that she was seen bound to a chair in the courtyard of a local home. The
report continues:
[A]ll her family ran to the house of Mohammed Ilyas and peered through the
gates when the mother saw her daughter tied up unconscious to a chair with a
gag in her mouth, restrained in the courtyard of the neighbor's home, she
started to scream. As each sibling saw their sister they too began to scream
and shout hysterically. They banged on the gates and one brother climbed
over and unlocked the gate from inside and rushed towards his sister. Sidhra
was fully clothed and tied at her wrists and legs the rope securing her was
so tight bruises could be seen on her wrists. Despite attempts to wake her
it took a few minutes to revive her and she remained dizzy—she showed signs
of having been drugged.
When she awoke, Sidhra, who "was unconscious for the whole two days and
believes that she was subjected to rape," identified the three local men,
all nephews of Mohammed Ilyas, the owner. Although her father went to lodge
a complaint at the police station, "The Police refused to acknowledge her
kidnap or rape and did not initially register a First Incident Report (FIR),
as they told the family they had no evidence." After much pressure from the
family and other local elders, police registered a crime and arrested two of
the assailants—only to release them after some time. Although the family
continued to seek justice, "the family holds little hope of any prosecution,
as the courts and the police are exhibiting little empathy and seem keen on
exonerating the wealthy Muslims," according to the report. Later, Sidhra
I am totally distraught, a visit to my mother has become a day of ruin for
me. I have suffered a brutal kidnap and rape by disgusting men with no
shame.... The thought of what the men done to me makes me shudder, I have
nightmares and feel like my whole world has collapsed. I am terrified of
walking on the streets at night and am finding it hard to cope with a deep
depression that has consumed me. I had a happy life and that has been taken
away from me, but the cruel men who stole my joy will soon be released to
threaten me and to attack other women like me. There is no justice in this
Jihad on Christian Freedom
Kyrgyzstan: Unknown attackers torched a church building in the
Muslim-majority nation. The small Baptist community was left "fear[ing] for
its safety," says the report: "The damage to the church has forced its 40
Kyrgyz and Russian members to start searching for a new place of worship,
while wondering if there will be a further attack."
An official told church members that the attack was "organized by those who
don't like your church and Christianity in the midst of a Muslim country."
"We don't believe that the police will find and punish those who burned our
church," a congregation member said. The report adds that, "Instead of
pursuing the arsonists, local Christians said police have asked questions
about who funded the church building, how many Kyrgyz are members, and why,
as ethnic Muslims, they do not go to the local mosque."
Kenya: Muslim students beat and stabbed their Christian counterparts for
refusing to convert to Islam at Nairobi's Jamhuri High School. Hostilities
began when Muslim students complained of discrimination. This prompted
school officials to designate separate bathrooms and sections in the library
for Christians and Muslims. It was not long, however, before the Muslim
students began defaming Christianity and pressuring Christians to recite the
shahada, the Islamic proclamation of faith, and to uphold Muslim rituals.
"Some Muslim students forcefully tried to induct Christian students into
their Islam faith, and those who refused were knifed, while others were
physically beaten," a local source said. "The knives and machetes used are
alleged to have come from outside the school." At least 35 students —
including some Muslims, as the Christians did defend themselves — were
injured in the melee. Some Christian students received hospital treatment
for stab wounds and other injuries; the principal was also injured. The
school was subsequently closed indefinitely.
Uganda: A Christian widow was poisoned by her Muslim neighbors on Christmas
Day. Earlier that morning, the mother of five was pleasantly surprised when
two female Muslim neighbors visited her with food gifts. After they left,
she began preparing lunch for her family and used some of the recently
brought ingredients. Before serving her family, she tasted the meal and
within minutes, was vomiting. "When she started screaming and was
continuously vomiting, I called in a taxi and rushed her to Kabuna
dispensary, where it was found that she had been poisoned," a family member
said. She was treated and discharged from the hospital the next day. An
analysis of the food items gifted her were revealed to contain poison. A
local meeting was convened and the Muslim neighbor, on being question,
confessed to poisoning the food. "Accused of intending to kill Madina and
her family members," the reports notes, "Hajira asked for forgiveness,
saying that since Madina's family left Islam two years ago, the loudness of
their weekly worship at their house with some other church members had been
disturbing her and other Muslim neighbors." Despite the attempted murder of
the apostates, "village leaders made no legal decisions.
Police have not been called, apparently in order to keep tensions with the
Muslim community from escalating, but the in-law [of Madina] said Muslim
neighbors have started taunting Madina's children by calling them infidels."
In a separate account, according to one report, Munabi Abdullah, a
37-year-old Muslim man who embraced Christianity, was met with ostracism. On
the evening of his conversion, and "with an irrepressible joy in his heart,
he shared his experience with his wife, Aisha Namukoli. She became furious."
In the convert's own words, "My wife shouted at me in front of the children,
saying, 'Kafir, Kafir [infidel]! You are a big shame to the family.' She
then pushed me out of the house." Later when he returned, he found several
people including his father and mosque members at his house. When he tried
to greet them, they silently and angrily stared at him; then his father
stood up and said, "You are no longer my son, be cursed forever." "He hit me
with a walking stick that was in his hand and hurt my left hand," Abdullah
explains. "I managed to escape through a banana farm, and after a short
while I was at the pastor's house" where he sought refuge. Local Muslim
leaders have since prevented him from having any access to his wife and
seven children, aged between 3 and 17.
Nigeria: To coerce, it appears, a Christian woman, 40, and her daughter 21,
to convert to Islam, local Muslims falsely accused the two of kidnapping
another family member, a child. Problems had begun soon after the
husband/father of the family converted to Islam in order to obtain a
government job. Amina Isa, his wife, explained: "They told him that he
cannot be appointed as a ward head because he's a Christian, and that if he
converts to Islam, he'll be appointed the ward head. I advised him against
changing his religious faith for worldly position, but after much pressure
from Muslims in our area, he succumbed to the demand and became a Muslim....
I reminded him that he should remember that all my family members are
Muslims, but that I am the only Christian in that family, and that I married
him because he was a Christian like me, so I cannot now convert to Islam
simply because the Muslims have appointed him a ward head." Her five
children also refused to convert and insisted on remaining Christian. She
Because of their refusal to convert too, we have been threatened, beaten,
and subjected to all forms of indignities by my husband and his Muslim
collaborators. They've [her children] constantly been threatened, beaten,
and harassed. In fact, at one time, [the oldest daughter] had to take her
younger siblings and go into hiding, but both have been traced and captured
by the officials and are currently being held against their will in a
location undisclosed to me.... Right now, my daughters are in the custody of
these Muslim officials and are being forced into Islam, while at the same
time, we are being tried on false charges. All this is to force us to
recant. We can never stop being Christians, and we are confident that the
God we serve can never abandon us in our trying moments.
After the father forcibly enrolled his youngest daughter in an Islamic
school, and her mother and older sister removed her and re-enrolled her in a
Christian school, "Their father, in anger, came to me demanding for both
girls. When I told him that the children have decided to remain as
Christians, he and other Muslim officials in our village went to file
charges against me on abducting my own children at the Magistrate Court in
Tudun Wada town, a trial I'm still facing for refusing to change my
religious faith. They summoned me and demanded I withdraw my daughter from
the Christian school, bring her back to the village, and hand her over to
them. Since I was helpless, I did as instructed by them and brought my
daughter back to them."
Separately "Pastor Simput Eagles Dafup has been arrested and whisked away to
an unknown destination ... for allegedly converting a Muslim girl to a
Christian, in Plateau State," a report disclosed. Speaking of this incident,
another pastor, Kallamu Musa Ali Dikwa, and executive director of Voice of
Northern Christian Movement, said: "Nigeria security has declared war
against Christians in this country." He also accused the Nigerian government
of treating Christians and Muslims differently: "Muslims have abducted 100
Christian girls under the age of 18 and forcefully converted them to Islam
and we have reported to several security agencies but no arrest was made or
return of Christian girls to their parents.... The abduction of Christian
girls has continued unabated. Such scenarios are serious cases of injustice
against Christians in the country, and the perpetrators have often gone
Scott free."
European Union/Switzerland: While uncritically taking in and conferring
refugee status on countless Muslim migrants, European authorities continued
singling out those most in need of sanctuary for deportation. In one
instance, a Christian legal group filed an expert brief with the European
Court of Human Rights in support of a Muslim man from Afghanistan who
converted to Christianity and who risked being deported from Switzerland.
The group, known as ADF International, said the man, if forced back to
Afghanistan, would as an apostate from Islam face immense persecution,
possibly including death: "Afghanistan is not a safe place for a Christian
convert," it said. "The Court should ask Switzerland to stop turning a blind
eye to the situation of religious minorities in Afghanistan.... This means
much more than demanding a convert practice his faith in secret. Sending a
refugee back to a country where they face persecution because of their faith
is incompatible with the Convention."
The Christian legal group ADF International filed an expert brief with the
European Court of Human Rights in support of a Muslim man from Afghanistan
who converted to Christianity and who risked being deported from
Switzerland. Afghanistan is not a safe place for a Christian convert," it
said. "The Court should ask Switzerland to stop turning a blind eye to the
situation of religious minorities in Afghanistan..." (Image source: Adrian
Grycuk/Wikimedia Commons)
Raymond Ibrahim, author of the new book, Sword and Scimitar, Fourteen
Centuries of War between Islam and the West, is a Senior Fellow at the
Gatestone Institute and a Judith Rosen Friedman Fellow at the Middle East
About this Series
While not all, or even most, Muslims are involved, persecution of Christians
by Muslim extremists is growing. The report posits that such Muslim
persecution is not random but rather systematic, and takes place
irrespective of language, ethnicity, or location.
© 2018 Gatestone Institute. All rights reserved. The articles printed here
do not necessarily reflect the views of the Editors or of Gatestone
Institute. No part of the Gatestone website or any of its contents may be
reproduced, copied or modified, without the prior written consent of
Gatestone Institute.
Rouhani’s chance to save the nuclear deal
Hassan Al Mustafa/Al Arabiya/August 05/18
Negotiating as an option to resolve the political and security crisis
between the United States and Iran, put forward by President Donald Trump
without any preconditions, shocked everyone, nevertheless it came according
to secret data, information and letters, as Abdulrahman Al-Rashed underlined
in his article “Trump’s surprise: Negotiating with Rouhani,” especially
since Omani mediators are most likely acting behind curtains for fear of the
deterioration of security which can affect the stability of shipping in the
Strait of Hormuz.
Strict terms
As much as some observers and political analysts worry about the possibility
of a relative Iranian-American rapprochement, the dialogue between the two
countries will fall within the interests of the Middle East and its
stability, and it will certainly be according to terms that are much
stricter than those adopted under President Barack Obama. Saudi Arabia is
not against resolving the present problems with Iran; nevertheless it wants
Iran to stop meddling in internal affairs of other countries and stop
financing armed militias.
The Gulf States will not be the losing party in this dialogue. The Saudi
kingdom and the UAE in particular are capable of coordinating with the
United States to protect their national interests. The two countries also
have enough diplomatic tools that make it possible for them to create a
balance with Tehran and to have an influential word. The conflict with Iran
is not an inevitable destiny, and the Gulf States are not fond of war.
Therefore, if it is possible to achieve the interests, security and
stability of the region through serious and transparent dialogue and as long
as it’s not a time-wasting dialogue that’s full of empty promises, then this
will have a positive effect on the stability and development of the Gulf
with its two sides.
Avoiding military confrontation
In an interview with the Wall Street Journal in March 2018, Crown Prince
Mohammed bin Salman clearly stated: “We have to succeed so as to avoid
military conflict. If we don’t succeed in what we are trying to do, we will
likely have war with Iran in 10-15 years.”
The Kingdom is not against resolving the present problems with Iran;
nevertheless it wants Iran to stop meddling in internal affairs of other
countries, stop financing armed militias and not threaten the borders by
supporting the launch of ballistic missiles into the kingdom from Yemen. As
such, the Kingdom is working to stop any slippage that could result in a
direct confrontation between the two parties. The financial drainage, the
Sunni-Shiite conflict, terrorist organizations and the spread of extremist
ideology are all difficult problems that would be easier to solve if an
Iranian-American-Gulf dialogue is fruitful in accordance to a clear roadmap
that fulfills everyone’s interests, builds a regional safety net, promotes
trust and strengthens relations between the concerned countries.
It is true that the dialogue may not work, and it will be very difficult and
challenging, but it is the best available political option. If President
Hassan Rouhani convinces
Supreme Leader Ayatollah Khamenei and the Iranian Revolutionary Guards of
the importance of responding to President Trump's invitation and if they
succeed in agreeing with him, he will have fulfilled an achievement that
allows Iran to mitigate its revolutionary burden, even if it is according to
the Chinese way. It will also help Iran integrate with its surroundings;
otherwise, Iran will face difficult domestic problems and great external
pressure that may lead to the worst!
Saudi Arabia’s foreign files: No to toppling Iran’s
Fares bin Hezam/Al Arabiya/August 05/18
In the last decade of the shah’s rule in Iran, the Gulf's unrest had reached
its end. When protests heightened in most cities, happiness was apparent on
the face of the Gulf. Khomeini was victorious in his return, and after
weeks, he was able to rule his country.
The Gulf’s joy at the end of the “Gulf’s policeman” pushed a country to
quickly acknowledge the new ruler and congratulate him. The Abadan Refinery
was not working, as a result of protests and strikes, so Saudi Arabia rushed
to fill the gap by sending oil to Iran to facilitate everyday life. There
were no well-intended Gulf initiatives more than those at the beginning of
the Khomeini era. But one page in the constitution which he imposed on the
country in nine months ended everything. Khomeini’s constitution explicitly
stipulated the exporting of his revolution to brotherly states, and this is
where the problem began, not when the Gulf stood by Iraq in the war, like
Iran and the rest of the world imagined, which preceded the constitution
that came as a declaration of war.With the increase in protests and
anticipation over massive American sanctions, we must agree that the Iranian
regime is strong in its cohesion and cruelty. It lived and strengthened
itself through four decades of problems and sanctions
The Iranian model
The well-intended initiatives by Saudi Arabia did not stop, and President
Rouhani himself was a major part of improving them when he was the interior
minister during Khatami’s presidency. Since the end of its war with Iraq,
the relationship between Riyadh and Tehran went through some positive stages
but this did not end in the wanted outcome to support the stability of the
Gulf, and push relations to a higher level. With the increase in protests
and anticipation over massive American sanctions, we must agree that the
Iranian regime is strong in its cohesion and cruelty. It lived and
strengthened itself through four decades of problems and sanctions, and
absorbed tens of major demonstrations. In our modern times, we have seen it
survive the 2009 revolution and rising protests this year. What Khamenei is
living today is the same as what the shah lived in his last years as a
ruler. Nine years of tension, protests and strikes. This does not mean the
quick collapse of the regime, but maybe a change in how it looks. This is
what happened with the shah, the government’s institutions remained, and
Khomeini added to them other judicial and military institutions.
The Iranian regime’s model is embodied in a man who is obsessed with the
illusion of a Godly power, leading extremist men of religion and reckless
commanders. This model aspires to bring back a scattered empire which ruled
large areas many centuries ago, like the case of the Ottoman caliphate. It
extended north and east in Azerbaijan, Caucasus and parts on India before
falling apart when faced with the expansion of the British and Russian
empires, and going back to the model we knew with the shah.
Today, Saudi Arabia watches what’s happening in Iran from the other Gulf
bank. There is an opinion that I support which rejects the toppling of the
regime, as I believe that what’s best for the Arab Gulf at this stage lies
in keeping an Islamic system in Iran, which stops its expansionist programs
and makes it focus on itself. The danger of the collapse of the regime of a
country where 80 million people reside will exceed imagination, and the big
burden will lie on Gulf countries when they find themselves facing waves of
immigrants swimming across gulf waters and entering through hundreds of
kilometers from the borders with Iraq. Also, a liberal system in Iran will
turn it into the world’s hub in the Middle East at the expense of Gulf
The truth on the Jewish Nation-state law controversy
Ramzy Baroud/Al Arabiya/August 05/18
Many Israeli Jews who consider themselves leftists are as culpable for
Israel’s racism and apartheid as the right.
But while right-wing and far-right Israelis are explicit in their
undemocratic, narrow-minded and racist views, left-wing parties persist in
their self-delusion. Israel’s newest ‘basic law’ – the Jewish Nation-state
law - further exposed this reality as soon as it was approved by the Israeli
Knesset (parliament) on July 19.For weeks, many on the left have been
screaming foul, mourning the death of Israeli democracy, decrying the good
old days when Israel was a truly equitable society, only to be spoiled years
later by a right-wing coalition led by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.
Israel's incoming opposition leader, Tzipi Livni, known among Palestinians
for her devastating war on Gaza in 2008-09 - for which she stands accused of
war crimes - is joining the chorus of those condemning the Jewish
Nation-state law.
Another protesting voice is the head of the left-wing Meretz party, Tamar
Zandberg. Meretz is in fact petitioning the High Court of Justice against
the law calling it "an act of sabotage against Israeli law that replaced
equality with racism."
However, neither Livni, Zandberg, nor the many Israeli Jews who have
criticized the law are rejecting it for the right reasons. While media
reports often speak of an alleged ongoing 'controversy' in Israel regarding
the law, this controversy is miscomprehended.
Take Livni's objection to the new law as an example. Livni does not object
to the notion of Jewish superiority. In fact, there is nothing in the text
itself that she finds offensive. She made that clear, insisting that Israel
is indeed "the national home of the Jewish people". Her discontent is the
omission of a stipulation that ensures Israel's commitment to "equality for
all its citizens."
Livni merely wants to prolong a lie that has subsisted for decades. She
wants a country in which Jews are superior, yet equal, where Israel is
Jewish, yet democratic.
The leader of Meretz too is hoping for a return to the same grand illusion.
The party argues that the new law is not constitutional since it contradicts
a previous basic law: Human Dignity and Liberty, passed in 1992.
Thus, Meretz believes that Israel was indeed a democratic state that
respected the liberty and human dignity of all of its citizens, prior to
July 19, 2018. According to that view, everything that took place prior to
that date - the institutional racism, the Apartheid regime, wars and ethnic
cleansing targeting non-Jews - were acceptable components of a democratic
system that could have existed for many years more.
Breathing life in an old facade
While Israel's right has no qualms with its racism and its sense of Jewish
racial superiority over everyone else, the left in Israel is still
desperately breathing life in an old facade created by the founders of
Israel as early as May 1948.
However, the new law does, in fact, end the decade-long wrangle on whether
Israel can be both Jewish and democratic at the same time.
The Jewish Nation-state law is the last nail in the coffin - those who
insist on supporting Israel must know that they are supporting an unabashed
Apartheid regime.
Israeli intellectual, Omri Boehm, joined a growing number of academics
arguing that the balancing act is over. In an article in the New York Times,
Boehm wrote, "What was long suspected has finally been made brutally clear:
Israel cannot be both a Jewish state and a liberal democracy."
The Jewish Nation-state law is the last nail in the coffin - those who
insist on supporting Israel must know that they are supporting an unabashed
Apartheid regime.
References to the Jewish identity of the state in the text are ample and
dominant, with the clear exclusion of the Palestinian people from their
rights in their historic homeland:
- “The state of Israel is the nation-state of the Jewish people ...
- “The actualization of the right of national self-determination in the
state of Israel is unique to the Jewish people.
- “The state will labor to ensure the safety of sons of the Jewish people …
- “The state will act to preserve the cultural, historical and religious
legacy of the Jewish people among the Jewish diaspora”, and so on.
Most dangerous of all is the stipulation that "the state views Jewish
settlement as a national value and will labor to encourage and promote its
establishment and development."
Illegal Jewish settlements already dot Palestinian land in the West Bank and
Jerusalem, and a de facto segregation already exists in Israel itself. In
fact, segregation is so deeply entrenched that even maternity wards in
Israeli hospitals separate between mothers, based on ethnicity.
The above stipulation, however, will further accelerate segregation and
cement apartheid, making the harm not merely intellectual and political, but
also physical.
The Legal Center for Arab Minority Rights in Israel, Adalah, has documented
in its 'Discriminatory Laws Database', a list of over 65 Israeli laws that
"discriminate directly or indirectly against Palestinian citizens in Israel
and/or Palestinian residents of the Occupied Palestinian Territory (OPT) on
the basis of their national belonging". According to Adalah, "These laws
limit the rights of Palestinians in all areas of life, from citizenship
rights to the right to political participation, land and housing rights,
education rights, cultural and language rights, religious rights, and due
process rights during detention."
While it would be accurate to argue that the Jewish Nation-state law is the
officiation of apartheid in Israel, this realization should not dismiss the
previous reality upon which Israel was founded 70 years ago.
Apartheid is not a single law but a slow, agonizing build-up of an intricate
legal regime that is motivated by the belief that one racial group is
superior to all others.
Not only does the new law elevate Israel's Jewish identity and erase any
commitment to democracy, it also downgrades the status of all others.
Palestinian Arabs, the natives of the land of historic Palestine upon which
Israel was established, are reduced to a mere stipulation made to the Arabic
language, downgrading it from being an official language, to a 'special
Israel’s decision to refrain from formulating a written constitution when it
was founded in 1948 was not a random one. Since then, it has been following
a predictable model by which it would alter reality on the ground to the
advantage of Jews, at the expense of Palestinian Arabs.
Instead of a constitution, Israel resorted to what it termed ‘Basic Laws’,
which allowed for the constant formulation of new laws guided by the ‘Jewish
State’s’ commitment to racial supremacy, rather than to democracy,
international law, human rights or any other ethical value.
And with its latest racist law, Israel has dropped the meaningless claim to
being both Jewish and democratic. This impossible task was often left to the
Supreme Court which tried, but failed, to strike any convincing balance.
This new reality should, once and for all, end the protracted debate on the
supposed uniqueness of Israel's political system.
Furthermore, since Israel has chosen racial supremacy over any claim,
however faint, to real democracy, western countries that have often shielded
Israel must also make a choice on whether they wish to support an Apartheid
regime or fight against it.
The EU must end its feeble political discourse and disengage from Apartheid
Israel, or it has to accept the moral, ethical and legal consequences of
being an accomplice in Israeli crimes against Palestinians.
Israel has made its choice and it is, unmistakably, the wrong one. The rest
of the world must now make its choice too, and hopefully, the right one -
standing on the right side of history: against Israeli Jewish Apartheid and
in favor of Palestinian rights.
August 6: The End of the War of Words
Salman Al-dossary/Asharq Al-Awsat/August 05/18
When the clock strikes
midnight tonight, the war of words between Washington and Tehran will be
replaced by sanctions against the Iranian regime. Tehran will find itself in
a familiar position at a strategic crossroads in its ties with the United
States and world. The regime’s responses to the sanctions have proven
ineffective as the American strategy begins its implementation phase. Iran’s
options to ease its major economic crisis have also been dwindling. The
first phase of US sanctions will target Iranian trade dealings in the auto
market, which is a vital sector for the country’s economy. Other sanctions
will also bar Tehran from purchasing or acquiring US dollars. The second
phase of the sanctions will take effect in November.
They will target Iran’s
crude oil, which makes up a two-thirds of its exports. Should these
sanctions be imposed, then Iran’s economy will no doubt be left in tatters.
Prices in the country had already gone up before the sanctions were
re-imposed. The rial also dropped to record lows and more western companies
have announced that they will quit doing business with Iran. Despite these
record sanctions and escalation of rhetoric by Iranian officials, a war
between Tehran and Washington does not necessarily seem imminent. Trump’s
administration is only focusing on economic pressure, not military measures.
Secretary of State Mike Pompeo had stated on July 22 when declaring the
sanctions that American military force was not the way to halt Iran’s
reckless behavior. The American sanctions will therefore, likely leave the
decision-makers in Iran in the same predicament whereby they will not be
able to retaliate in kind to the US pressure.
They will instead have to rein
in their temper to prevent Europe from following the American lead and side
against them. In most of the times that Tehran opted for the hostile course,
it soon went back on it, preferring not to expose the stability of its
regime to any danger. The Iranian regime knows full well that any military
provocation may spark the ire of Donald Trump’s American administration and
make it retaliate in kind. No one is therefore expecting the Iranians to
make direct and immediate retaliations to the American pressure. This,
however, will not prevent them from turning to their militias and pawns in
the region, their only known strong point and source of indirect
confrontation. Ties between the US and Iran have reached much lower points
in the past 39 years.
At each low point, the Iranians have used the room
that was given to them, away from all threats that they are good at making.
For example, in the past, they used to arrest one or two American citizens
per year. However, the last time Tehran made such an arrest was in August
2016. Moreover, Iran has not made a medium-range rocket test since July
2017. It also has not harassed American naval vessels in the Arab Gulf since
August last year. The economic sanctions are indeed capable of exhausting
the regime or perhaps even breaking it. The regime will only fulfill its
military threats under one condition: When it feels that its collapse is
Analysis/Nation-state Law Protest Is About Israel's
Identity – Not Equality
كارولين لندزمن من الهآررتس: الإحتجاجات ضد قانون يهودية دولة إسرائيل هي حول هوية
إسرائيل وليس المساواة
Carolina Landsmann/Haaretyz/August 05/18
The new law denies Israeliness and thus excludes Israel’s
non-Jewish citizens, while opening a Pandora’s box containing the ancient
question of who is a Jew
“Thank you, my Israeli brothers and sisters.” With these words, Druze protest
leader Brig. Gen. (res.) Amal Assad began his speech in Rabin Square on Saturday
night, before an emotional crowd of tens of thousands who had come to identify
with his community.
Echoing throughout the remarks of all the speakers and providing the only
possible explanation for what was common to everyone in the square was the word
“Israeli.” In this sense, the nation-state law will achieve the exact opposite
of what was intended: Instead of enshrining Jewish nationhood in law, it has
laid the groundwork for the just demand to change it into Israeli nationhood.
Anyone who doesn’t believe that wasn’t on hand at the demonstration.
From the point of view of the right wing, the nation-state law is aimed at
dispelling the fear that Jews will become a minority in their own country, that
Israel will change unrecognizably and stop being the state in which they can and
would want to reside – and worse, that it will stop being a haven for the Jewish
people in case of a future Holocaust. Moreover, the law is intended to prevent
such a thing from ever happening again. The right wing wants the public to
believe that the nation-state law is the final word.
Because it’s hard to believe that the right wing is so innocent as to think that
a future scenario of historic proportions can be prevented by the nation-state
law, the left in its criticism has jumped a few steps forward and sees the
legislation as a constitutional cornerstone for an apartheid regime. This is the
only kind of regime that will be able, at least for the time being – by means of
the Israel Defense Forces, the Shin Bet security service and a powerful police
force – to maintain Jewish control in a situation where the country loses its
Jewish majority.
Thus, from the perspective of the left, the nation-state law is not the last
word, it’s the first word. And so the debate between right and left is not over
the principle of equality, but rather over Israel’s identity. The right wing is
prepared to sacrifice equality on the altar of preserving Israel’s identity as
it is today, whereas opponents of the law believe that in sacrificing equality,
Israel is losing its identity.
This is precisely the way Benjamin Netanyahu wants people: in a permanent state
of panic. The nation-state law is another of the traps the prime minister is so
expert at setting. While playing on fears of anti-Semitism and holocaust, and by
means of unbridled incitement against the Arabs, Netanyahu has trapped the
Israeli public in a seemingly insoluble, existential paradox – as if we must
choose between two types of suicide.
We must not forget that this is a diversionary tactic. The main reason Israeli
society is crumbling into tribes is the occupation and the fact this country is
controlling another people. The only way to save Israel from a domestic collapse
is by making peace with the Palestinians, returning the territories and
establishing a Palestinian state alongside Israel. In turn, all the internal
tensions in Israeli society – including those between Arabs and Jews – would
return to normal proportions and it would be possible to find a political
solution for them, from the moment the monster of the occupation is defeated.
After the occupation is over, Israel will be able to formulate a constitution
with a broad consensus, without it being at the expense of one community or
another, or one against the other.
Ostensibly, the new legislation was to have circumvented the demand that the
Palestinians recognize Israel as a Jewish state as a condition for negotiations.
So the Palestinians insist on merely recognizing the State of Israel, do they?
We’ll outsmart them: We’ll enact a law that states that Israel is the
nation-state of the Jewish people, and that way recognition of Israel will
entail recognition of Israel as the nation-state of the Jewish people.