October 30/17
Compiled &
Prepared by: Elias Bejjani
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Bible Quotations
The kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in
a field, which someone found and hid; then in his joy he goes and sells all that
he has and buys that field
Saint Matthew 13/44-46/:"‘The kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a
field, which someone found and hid; then in his joy he goes and sells all that
he has and buys that field. ‘Again, the kingdom of heaven is like a merchant in
search of fine pearls;on finding one pearl of great value, he went and sold all
that he had and bought it.
God is faithful, and he will not let you be
tested beyond your strength, but with the testing he will also provide the way
out so that you may be able to endure it.
First Letter to the Corinthians 10/01-13/:"I do not want you to be unaware,
brothers and sisters, that our ancestors were all under the cloud, and all
passed through the sea, and all were baptized into Moses in the cloud and in the
sea, and all ate the same spiritual food, and all drank the same spiritual
drink. For they drank from the spiritual rock that followed them, and the rock
was Christ. Nevertheless, God was not pleased with most of them, and they were
struck down in the wilderness. Now these things occurred as examples for us, so
that we might not desire evil as they did. Do not become idolaters as some of
them did; as it is written, ‘The people sat down to eat and drink, and they rose
up to play.’We must not indulge in sexual immorality as some of them did, and
twenty-three thousand fell in a single day. We must not put Christ to the test,
as some of them did, and were destroyed by serpents. And do not complain as some
of them did, and were destroyed by the destroyer. These things happened to them
to serve as an example, and they were written down to instruct us, on whom the
ends of the ages have come. So if you think you are standing, watch out that you
do not fall. No testing has overtaken you that is not common to everyone. God is
faithful, and he will not let you be tested beyond your strength, but with the
testing he will also provide the way out so that you may be able to endure it."
Titles For Latest LCCC Bulletin analysis & editorials from miscellaneous sources
published on October 29-30/17
How to get away with Hariri’s murder/Makram
Rabah/The Arab Weekly/October 29/17
Why Are We in Niger/Shoshana Bryen/Gatestone Institute/October 29/17
Terrorism in Europe/Drieu Godefridi/Gatestone Institute/October 29/17
China Unveils Leadership Ambition/Amir Taheri/Gatestone Institute/October 29/17
Abadi’s Riyadh visit augurs well for Iraqi-Saudi
relations/Sami Moubayed/The Arab Weekly/October 29/17
Iraqi PM must do the right thing/Khairallah Khairallah/The Arab Weekly/October
Does Washington have a plan for the partition of Syria/Tom Regan/The Arab
Weekly/October 29/17
Titles For Latest LCCC Lebanese Related News published on
October 29-30/17
Lebanese Nabbed in Iraq Freed in Joint
Lebanese-Iraqi Operation
Interior Ministry: Joint operation between Information Branch, General Security
and Iraqi Intelligence result in the release of Kidnapped Lebanese
Hezbollah-affiliated football team hires German biologist as coach
Foucher: We will set an ambitious roadmap for 'Francophonie' in Lebanon
Bassil from Chouf: We are partners in reconciliation
US Embassy: House Armed Services Committee Chairman Mac Thornberry Leads
Congressional Delegation in Visit to Lebanon
Historic victory for Lebanon over France in the Rugby World Cup
Al-Sabhan Says Surprised by ‘Govt., People Silence’ on Hizbullah
Hariri: Cyprus Can Help Us Cope with Refugee strain
Bassil Urges 'Restoring Balance' in Chouf, Jumblat Welcomes His Visit
Two Syrians Held on Suspicion of Spying for Israel
Beirut's Hamra District Saved from 'Major Disaster'
How to get away with Hariri’s murder/Makram
Titles For Latest LCCC Bulletin For Miscellaneous Reports
And News published on October 29-30/17
Iraqi Kurdistan leader Barzani will hand over presidential
powers on Nov. 1
Protesters storm Kurdistan parliament after Barzani announces resignation
Iraq prepares to attack Al-Qaim after destroying ISIS defenses
Israel to postpone controversial ‘annexation’ bill
Hamas official: Unity deal to remain on track despite car bomb
Reports: Iranian support of Houthi militias in Yemen reaches its peak
Saudi Arabia Accuses Iran of Blocking Yemen Peace
Syria Army, IS Clashes in Deir Ezzor Kill 73
Somalia Says Gunmen Killed after Hotel Siege that Left 14 People Dead
Puigdemont 'Still President' of Catalonia, Deputy Says Slamming 'Coup'
Israel Looks to Expand Demolitions of Palestinian Attackers' Homes
Iraq, Kurds Negotiate Peshmerga Pullback
Moroccan Social Justice Movement Seeks Relief from Crackdown
Tropical Storm Philippe bringing heavy rains and flood threat as it crosses
South Florida
Latest Lebanese Related News published on October 29-30/17
Lebanese Nabbed in Iraq Freed in Joint Lebanese-Iraqi
Naharnet/October 29/17/Three Lebanese men kidnapped in Iraq were liberated at
dawn Sunday in a "joint operation" carried out by Lebanese and Iraqi
intelligence agencies, Lebanon's Interior Ministry said. “In a joint operation
between the Internal Security Forces Intelligence Branch, General Security and
Iraqi intelligence, and under the direct supervision of Interior Minister Nouhad
al-Mashnouq, the three Lebanese citizens Imad al-Khatib, Nader Hamadeh and
George Batrouni were liberated at dawn today,” the ministry said in a statement.
The three men, who were abducted by a gang last Sunday upon their arrival in
Baghdad, were expected to arrive in Beirut at 2:30 pm, according to Voice of
Lebanon radio (93.3). “The security operation, which was carried out by Iraqi
intelligence, resulted in the arrest of some captors and the death of one of
them, while the rest of the gang's members are being pursued,” the Interior
Ministry said. “The operation involved around-the-clock coordination between the
three agencies and between Baghdad and Beirut throughout the past week until the
moment of their liberation,” it added. The statement said Mashnouq applauded
“the work of Lebanese security agencies under the leadership of the major
generals Imad Othman and Abbas Ibrahim.” He also called the chief of Iraqi
intelligence to thank him for his efforts, hailing “the role of the Iraqi
government in restoring the abductees' freedom and their return to
Lebanon.”Druze leader MP Walid Jumblat meanwhile took to Twitter to welcome the
release of the captives. "Thank God the case of the abductees has ended safely.
I thank everyone who contributed, especially Maj. Gen. Abbas Ibrahim," Jumblat
Interior Ministry: Joint operation between Information
Branch, General Security and Iraqi Intelligence result in the release of
Kidnapped Lebanese
Sun 29 Oct 2017/NNA - The media bureau of the Interior Ministry issued on Sunday
a press release announcing the return of the Lebanese abductees in Iraq to
Beirut this afternoon. "In a joint operation between the Information Branch of
the Internal Security Forces, General Security and Iraqi Intelligence, and in a
direct follow-up by Minister of Interior and Municipalities Nohad Machnouk, the
three Lebanese businessmen Imad Khatib, Nader Hamadeh and George Batrouni were
released today after they were kidnapped by a gang when they arrived in Baghdad
last Sunday," the statement said. The statement added that the security
operation which was carried out by the Iraqi Intelligence resulted in "the
arrest of some the kidnappers, while the remaining members of the gang are being
pursued." "Machnouk praised the work of the Lebanese security apparatuses led by
General Imad Othman and Abbas Ibrahim and thanked the Iraqi government for its
efforts in returning the Lebanese abductees to their homeland," the statement
Hezbollah-affiliated football team hires German biologist
as coach
Jerusalem Post/October 29/17/A former German soccer player and biologist, Robert
Jaspert, has been hired as the new head coach of the Hezbollah-backed Lebanese
football team Al-Ahed. The Rheinische Post reported on Saturday that Jaspert,
who worked for Al-Ahed ten years ago, is back this time as the team's top coach.
The RP wrote that "Al-Ahed is supported by Hezbollah."The US, Canada, Israel,
the Arab League and the Netherlands classify Hezbollah as a terrorist
organization. The EU and Germany designated Hezbollah's so-called military wing
a terrorist entity. It is unclear if direct Hezbollah funds are to pay for
Jaspert's salary.Al Ahed vs Al Muharraq (AFC Cup 2016: Quarter-final first-leg).
(YouTube/The AFC Hub) According to the RP, Jaspert agreed to first work for Al-Ahed
in 2007-- a year after the Second Lebanon War fought between Israel and
Hezbollah. He told the RP that "when my team was traveling on the bus to the
match, and listened to old fighting songs of Hezbollah, that was motivation for
the team. I accepted that."He said an attack killed two players of Al-Ahed's
rival team Nejmeh SC. After one season, Jaspert left Lebanon. In 2016, Jaspert
returned to work for Al-Ahed. He stayed for a season and then departed to coach
in Bahrain. Jaspert previously worked for the German research organization
Robert Koch Institute as a molecular biologist. Germany's domestic intelligence
agency reported that as of 2017, there are 950 active Hezbollah members in the
Foucher: We will set an ambitious roadmap for 'Francophonie'
in Lebanon
Sun 29 Oct 2017/NNA - French Ambassador to Lebanon, Bruno Foucher, said Sunday
that his country would set an ambitious road map for the "Francophonie" in
Lebanon. "The French President has asked for the development of an ambitious
Francophone roadmap in Lebanon, with the aim of consolidating the relationship
with this country," said Foucher. Speaking during a luncheon banquet organized
by the French Business Forum and in the presence of his counterparts from
Belgium and Morocco, Foucher also spoke about the policy of France in the Arab
world. "France has the strength to maintain deep and close relations with the
Arab world, at the cultural, political and diplomatic levels," Foucher added. He
went on to say, "French President Emmanuel Macron is adopting the legacy of his
two predecessors, Mitterrand and De Gaulles, in terms of foreign policy in the
Arab world." The diplomat also deemed that his country's politics "is based on
three pillars, namely, distinction from American positions, more coldness
towards Israel and the commitment to play the role of mediator in all crises."
Bassil from Chouf: We are partners in reconciliation
Sun 29 Oct 2017/NNA - Touring various villages of Mount Lebanon's Chouf region
on Sunday, Free Patriotic Movement Head, Foreign Affairs Minister Gebran Bassil
considered his Movement as a partner in the reconciliation of the Mountain,
having paid the price for said reconciliation. Accompanied by Ministers of Water
and Energy Ceasar Abi Khalil and Environment Tarek Khatib, Minister Bassil
received a popular welcome upon arrival in Deir el-Qamar, where he saluted its
people for their important contribution to Lebanon's history and Mountain
heritage. Bassil noted that the Chouf region could only survive based on
consensus and agreement, adding that the new electoral law ensured citizens'
right to good representation, achieving balance between all parties concerned.
He indicated that his Chouf visit comes to continue and consolidate the
reconciliation of the Mountain. Over the awaited legislative elections, Bassil
asserted that the FPM was fighting to preserve several reforms adopted in the
new electoral law, namely to prohibit the falsification of the elections by
means of electoral cards, to preserve the freedom of the elector and to raise
voting rates. He concluded by highlighting the significance of the call for a
large participation in the upcoming elections, whether by Lebanese citizens
residing in Lebanon or abroad. It is to note that Minister Bassil's Chouf tour
today also included the villages of Maaser Beiteddine, Majd el-Ma'ouch, Freidis
and Barouk.
US Embassy: House Armed Services Committee Chairman Mac
Thornberry Leads Congressional Delegation in Visit to Lebanon
Sun 29 Oct 2017/NNA - Representative Mac Thornberry (R-TX), Chairman of the
House Armed Services Committee (HASC), led a Congressional delegation visit to
Lebanon on October 27-29, an issued statement by the United States Embassy in
Beirut indicated on Sunday. Representative Thornberry was joined by
Representative Rodney Frelinghuysen (R-NJ), Chairman of the House Appropriations
Committee (HAC). During the visit, the delegation met with Commander of the
Lebanese Armed Forces (LAF) General Joseph Aoun and received a briefing on the
LAF's recent "Dawn of the Hills" operation from several high-ranking LAF
officers who commanded the successful offensive. The commanders showcased the
LAF's ability to execute increasingly sophisticated operations utilizing
U.S.-provided equipment and training.
The delegation visited LAF units that are fighting terrorism, and observed the
newly-arrived A-29 Super Tucano aircraft at Hamat Air Base. In their
discussions, Representatives Thornberry and Frelinghuysen reinforced the United
States intention to maintain a strong partnership with the people and
institutions of Lebanon and the importance of Lebanon's security, stability, and
prosperity, the statement concluded.
Historic victory for Lebanon over France in the Rugby World
Sun 29 Oct 2017/NNA - Sydney - Lebanon's Rugby Team achieved a historic victory
over their French counterpart (29-18) in a Rugby League World Cup Match in
Canberra on Sunday. More than 5,000 Lebanese expatriates came from Sydney to
cheer up their Cedar team players. With its World Cup victory, the Cedar Team is
just about to move on to the quarter final, if France loses two matches to
England and Australia.
Al-Sabhan Says Surprised by ‘Govt., People Silence’ on
Naharnet/October 29/17/Saudi State Minister for Gulf Affairs Thamer a-Sabhan
announced Sunday that he is surprised by what he called the “silence of the
government and people” of Lebanon over Hizbullah’s verbal attacks against
Riyadh. “It is not strange for the terrorist militia party to declare and take
part in the war against the kingdom at the instructions of the masters of global
terrorism,” the firebrand minister tweeted, referring to Hizbullah and its
regional backer Iran. “But what’s strange is the silence of the government and
people over this!,” al-Sabhan added. Al-Sabhan has taken to Twitter to blast
Hizbullah several times in recent months. “In order to rein in the 'terrorist
militia party', those who work and cooperate with it politically, economically
and journalistically should be punished,” al-Sabhan tweeted on Thursday.
“Serious efforts must be exerted to clip its wings domestically and externally
and to confront it with force,” the minister added.
Hariri: Cyprus Can Help Us Cope with Refugee strain
Associated Press/Naharnet/October 29/17/Prime Minister Saad Hariri has said that
Cyprus can help Lebanon drum up support from other European Union member states
for its economy that's coming under heavy strain from hosting around 1.5 million
Syrian refugees. Hariri said after overnight talks in Nicosia with Cypriot
President Nicos Anastasiades that Lebanon needs international support to prop up
the economy and help with job growth. He said Cyprus can "play an important
role" in rallying assistance for Lebanon. Anastasiades announced Cyprus will
deliver a new military assistance package to the Lebanese armed forces. The
package includes light arms and ammunition. Next week, the two countries will
also sign an intelligence-sharing agreement. The war in Syria has left at least
400,000 people dead and driven more than 11 million people from their homes.
Bassil Urges 'Restoring Balance' in Chouf, Jumblat Welcomes
His Visit
Naharnet/October 29/17/Free Patriotic Movement chief and Foreign Minister Jebran
Bassil called Sunday for “restoring balance” in Chouf, which contains Druze and
Christian towns, as Druze leader MP Walid Jumblat welcomed the FPM leader's
“very important ” visit to the region. “The electoral law will do justice to
Chouf, because this region has always been built upon consensus,” said Bassil in
the Chouf town of Deir al-Qamar, referring to a complex proportional
representation electoral law that was reached recently after years of political
wrangling. “Chouf will return to its strength and unity when the natural balance
returns to it, and the electoral law will restore your right in representation,”
the FPM chief added. Jumblat meanwhile moved to pacify the latest tensions
between the FPM and his Progressive Socialist Party that followed recent remarks
by Bassil about the 1983 Christian-Druze bloodshed. “Minister Bassil's visit to
the Chouf region is very important for consolidating dialogue and openness and
asserting the reconciliation,” Jumblat tweeted, referring to the Christian-Druze
Mount Lebanon reconciliation that was reached in the year 2000. "The
proportional representation law ensures the right of every group without any
monopolization," Jumblat added. In addition to Deir al-Qamar, Bassil's visit to
Chouf will take him to Naameh, Damour, Maaser Beiteddine, Majdal al-Meoush,
Barouk, Fraydis, Maaser al-Chouf, Hasrout and Chehim.
Two Syrians Held on Suspicion of Spying for Israel
Naharnet/October 29/17/Two Syrian citizens have been arrested on
suspicion of spying for Israel, the Internal Security Forces said on Sunday.
“The Bureau for Combating Terrorism and Serious Crimes has arrested the Syrians
Kh.S. and H.S. in the South,” the ISF said via Twitter. They were detained “on
suspicion of collaborating with the Israeli enemy” and “a probe got underway
under the supervision of the judiciary,” the ISF added.
Beirut's Hamra District Saved from 'Major Disaster'
Naharnet/October 29/17/Beirut's busy Hamra district has been spared a “major
disaster” thanks to efforts by the Beirut Fire Brigade, the Beirut Municipality
said on Sunday. The catastrophe was averted when the Brigade managed to contain
a huge blaze that erupted in a three-story X-ray medical center near the
American University of Beirut Medical Center, preventing the flames from
reaching “a large and modern X-ray machine of the RMI-3 Tesla type, whose tank
was holding around 1,200 liters of helium gas,” the Municipality said in a
statement. The flames would have caused “a very huge explosion” upon contact
with the helium, the Municipality noted. The building contains clinics and
offices in addition to the X-ray center, it said. “And during cooling operations
at around 8:00 am Sunday, firefighters encountered a huge helium leak due to a
malfunction that hit the aforementioned machine although it was disconnected
from power when the fire erupted, which prompted them to take all the necessary
precautions to prevent a possible disaster,” the Municipality added. It
reassured citizens that “the situation is now under full control” and that the
Beirut Fire Brigade stands ready to intervene quickly whenever the need arises.
How to get away with Hariri’s murder
Makram Rabah/The Arab Weekly//October 29/17
As long as I can remember my late maternal grandmother kept a picture of a
young Rafik al-Hariri in her kitchen. For this semi-educated housewife, Hariri
resembled one of her sons and was a good and generous man who helped rebuild
post-war Lebanon and gave scholarships to thousands of students in the country
and abroad.
As in the aftermath of previous political assassinations, however, my
grandmother assumed Hariri’s killers would escape punishment.
On February 14, 2005, a huge explosion rocked Beirut and killed Hariri and 21
others. The attack exposed dramatic shortcomings in the Lebanese state and its
judiciary to react and deal with such crimes. So it was that, four years later,
the United Nations and the international community established the Special
Tribunal for Lebanon (STL), dedicated to bringing the killers of the former
prime minister to justice.
Fifteen years of Syrian occupation had taken a toll on Lebanon. The state that
remained after the Syrians’ departure was weak and government institutions were
riven with schisms. Nobody looked especially qualified to investigate Hariri’s
assassination. As a consequence, the investigation was referred to a special
tribunal of four senior Lebanese judges and an array of international judges and
forensic investigators.
Despite the international nature of the tribunal, the full cooperation of the
Lebanese state and its judiciary remained vital. Any executive measure, such as
the arrest or detention of individuals in Lebanon had to be authorised and
executed by Lebanese authorities.
Over the years the Lebanese judiciary has fully cooperated with the STL,
including financing 49% of the court’s expenditures. However, the tribunal’s
recent naming of four senior members of Hezbollah’s intelligence services —
Mustafa Badreddine, Salim Ayyash, Hussein Oneissi and Assad Sabra — as key
suspects in the matter complicated circumstances.
To Hezbollah and other opponents of the STL, the Lebanese judiciary had
exhibited laxity in handing over its sovereign rights to a UN quango with little
true interest in seeing justice served in Lebanon. One of the principal
challenges the STL faces is, ironically, that Lebanese Minister of Justice Salim
Jreissati, a member of Lebanese President Michel Aoun’s bloc, is head of the
defence team for the four accused Hezbollah members.
Jreissati has repeatedly questioned the legitimacy of the tribunal and demanded
the immediate cessation of all Lebanese funding, claiming that all evidence the
court possesses is essentially circumstantial and cannot be said to truly
implicate Hezbollah.
However, having failed to stop the tribunal, its opponents are exploring
potentially more sinister methods to block its work.
Recently, the Lebanese cabinet, headed by Saad Hariri, the son of Rafik Hariri,
passed a series of ostensibly routine judicial appointments. A closer
examination shows them to be part of a wider trend, however, blocking the
advance of officials who supported the work of the STL.
Nearly all the judges who have cooperated with the STL found themselves
sidelined and, rather than assuming more senior positions as they might have
expected, were replaced by judges who orbit Aoun and his political bloc.
Some might dismiss this as the natural consequence of any transfer of power,
with new presidents preferring to appoint and promote their own people. However,
such actions undermine the perception of the judiciary and demonstrate, yet
again, its persistent inability to check the executive and halt its dancing to a
tune of its own calling.
Strangely, one is left wondering why Saad Hariri would sanction such measures,
which can only further complicate the task of finding his father’s killers.
During a recent trip to Rome, Hariri declared that he had decided “to put aside
our differences to best serve Lebanon.” These differences are neither trivial or
so easily surmounted. Not least as they include the fact that Hezbollah, which
serves in Hariri’s cabinet, is the main suspect in the killing of Lebanon’s
larger-than-life statesman.
Hariri’s logic, it must be assumed, rests on the premise that Hezbollah presents
a regional and international challenge that he and his government alone can do
little about. Consequently, the STL, representative of the international order,
stands the better chance of proceeding, despite Hezbollah’s meddling.
While part of this logic might be sound, Hariri’s approach to the killing of his
father exposes two essential flaws: The assassination of Rafik Hariri was not a
family matter, which he or any members of his family can place on the
backburner, and more importantly, punitive measures against those associated
with the STL set a precedent and will be a reminder to all judges within Lebanon
that the only means to promotion will be to accept Hezbollah’s very particular
interpretation of what Lebanese justice looks like.
Ultimately, politicians need be reminded that at the entrance of all Palaces of
Justice, a motto is clearly visible: “Justice is the Pillar of Governance.”
Hence a weak and politically enslaved judiciary can only disadvantage the rise
of the state.
**Makram Rabah is a lecturer at the American University of Beirut, Department of
History. He is the author of A Campus at War: Student Politics at the American
University of Beirut, 1967-1975.
Latest LCCC Bulletin analysis & editorials from
miscellaneous sources published on October
Iraqi Kurdistan leader Barzani will hand over presidential powers on Nov. 1
Reuters, SulaimaniyaSunday, 29 October 2017/Iraqi Kurdistan’s
veteran leader Masoud Barzani will not extend his presidential term beyond Nov.
1, a Kurdish government official said on Saturday. His decision came just weeks
after a referendum on Kurdish independence backfired and triggered a crisis for
Iraq’s Kurds who had been enjoying a period of unprecedented autonomy. A plan to
divide up the president’s powers was outlined in a letter Barzani sent to the
Kurdish parliament on Saturday, the official told Reuters. The plan asks
parliament to distribute the president’s powers among the government, parliament
and judiciary. Barzani’s current term was set to expire in four days, the same
date that presidential and parliamentary elections were due to be held. However,
those elections were delayed indefinitely last week, amidst an escalating
regional crisis. Critics say the Sept. 25 independence referendum, orchestrated
and championed by the 71-year-old Barzani, has left a bleak outlook for Iraq’s
Kurds. Less than four weeks after Kurds in the region voted overwhelmingly to
break away from Iraq, the central government launched a military offensive to
wrest back the oil-rich city of Kirkuk, which the Kurds regard as both their
spiritual homeland, and a key source of revenue for their would-be independent
state. It was one of several retaliatory measures taken by Baghdad, which
vehemently opposed the referendum. In a matter of days the Iraqi government has
transformed the balance of power in the north of the country, exerting
tremendous pressure on Barzani to step aside and wrecking decades-old dreams of
Kurdish independence. Iraqi forces have continued to advance on all Kurdish-held
territory outside the autonomous region’s borders. Iraq’s prime minister
demanded on Thursday that Kurds declare their independence referendum void,
rejecting the Kurdish autonomous region’s offer to suspend its independence push
to resolve a crisis through talks. Earlier this year, Barzani said he did not
intend to stand in the November elections. However, prior to the referendum, few
expected he would stick to his promise. Barzani has held the office of the
presidency since 2005. The region last held a presidential election in 2009, in
which Barzani won. His term of office expired in 2013 and was extended twice.
Protesters storm Kurdistan parliament after Barzani
announces resignation
Al Arabiya English and agenciesSunday, 29 October 2017/Demonstrators, some
carrying clubs, stormed the Iraqi Kurdistan parliament building in Erbil on
Sunday, angry at the decision of Masoud Barzani to step down from the presidency
of the region, witnesses said. Gunshots were heard as protesters who claimed
they were "Peshmerga" Kurdish fighters forced their way inside the building,
they said. Barzani, the president of the autonomous Kurdish region in Iraq, told
a closed-door session of parliament Sunday he was stepping down amid the
fall-out from a controversial independence referendum. “After November 1, I will
no longer exercise my functions, and I reject any extension of my mandate,” the
71-year-old said in a letter read out to parliament in the Kurdish capital Arbil,
a copy of which was obtained by AFP. “Changing the law on the presidency of
Kurdistan or prolonging the presidential term is not acceptable,” said the
architect of the September 25 independence vote, which led to the Kurds losing
to Baghdad’s forces disputed territory to which they laid claim. “I ask
parliament to meet to fill the vacancy in power, to fulfil the mission and to
assume the powers of the presidency of Kurdistan”, said the letter. Barzani also
said he would continue “remain a peshmerga (Kurdish fighter) among the ranks of
the people of Kurdistan and I will continue to defend the achievements of the
people of Kurdistan”. Sunday’s parliamentary session was held behind closed
doors because of “sensitive questions” that would be discussed, deputies said
earlier. Officials from Barzani’s Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP) had told
journalists ahead of the session that the letter to be read out would announce
he was stepping aside. Kurdish parliamentary sources noted that both the
Movement of Change and the Islamic Group, that boycotted the previous sessions,
will take part in Sunday’s meeting. The time limit of 24 hours between Baghdad
and Erbil has been extended for further hours due to disagreement on the powers
of the negotiators and has been handed the Iraqi Prime Minister Haider Abadi and
Barzani. According to the joint operations, the technical meeting, which was
divided into two phases, concluded with understandings that handed over disputed
areas, including Makhmour, Dabkeh, Kuwair, Zamar and Rabia, apartfrom Sheikhan,
Hamdania and Talkaif.
The dispute remained pending agreement on Feshkhabur crossing as Baghdad insists
on restoring it, while Erbil refuses. Feshkhabur is set to return to Zakho
district of the province of Dohuk, one of the provinces of Kurdistan and giving
it up means Baghdad occupies Kurdish areas and thus violates the constitution of
the country, which may cause future outbreak of new confrontations. Kurdish
parliamentary sources said that the parliament may resolve in the coming hours
many differences and real threats against the region and its presidency. It
might announce the abolition of the post of President of the region and the
distribution of powers of the President to parliament and the government after
President Barzani stated he is not going to run for a new term after the end of
his mandate early next month. While the Iraqi Chief of Staff, Lieutenant General
Osman al-Ghanmi, said that progress was made at the meeting of the delegations
of Baghdad and Erbil, with an American presence.(With AFP and Reuters)
Iraq prepares to attack Al-Qaim after destroying ISIS defenses
Staff writer, Al Arabiya EnglishSunday, 29 October 2017 /Iraq’s joint operations
forces announced its arrival near Al-Qaim after destroying ISIS defense forces
and groupings around the judiciary vicinity. This comes in lieu of an attack
that was carried out within 48 hours in the location, as well as the return of
Rawah’s besieged judiciary, which leaves government forces with the task of
sweeping the Anbar desert from terrorist cells. Government forces confirmed a
fast move towards ISIS west of the country, while the terrorist organization
continues to resist using explosives after they have exhausted their supply of
suicide bombers, and explosive cars. The heads of the joint operation stated
that only a few kilometers separate their forces from the Al-Qaim borders,
ISIS’s last stronghold location. This is due to efficient organizational
deployment points around the country that impeded the terrorist organization’s
progress. Security sources have stated that government forces may raise the
Iraqi flag in Al-Qaim within the next two days, and at the same time attack the
besieged Rawah district. Following Rawah district, the Anbar desert, which is
said to house some factions of ISIS who have fled the confrontations, will be
next. The sources added that special units succeeded in evacuating Al-Qaim
residents amid news of the terrorist organization surrounding about 4,000
civilians in the location. Iraqi forces are working on getting these civilians
out using secure pathways.
Israel to postpone controversial ‘annexation’ bill
AFPSunday, 29 October 2017/Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has decided
to postpone a vote on a controversial bill that critics say would amount to the
de facto annexation of Israeli settlements surrounding Jerusalem, an official
said Saturday. The bill had been expected to be voted on by a ministerial
committee on Sunday, in a move that would fast-track its progress through
parliament. But the Israeli official said on condition of anonymity that the
bill needs “diplomatic preparation,” declining to elaborate further. It was a
signal that Netanyahu wants to first discuss the bill with the US White House,
which has been seeking to restart long-stalled Israeli-Palestinian peace talks.
“The law also needs diplomatic preparation and thus will be postponed for the
moment,” the official said. The bill would absorb major Israeli settlements
currently in the occupied West Bank into Jerusalem by enlarging the city limits.
Its opponents argue that it is a step towards full unilateral annexation of the
West Bank settlements affected -- a move that would be sure to spark
international outrage. For the vast majority of the international community, the
status of Israel’s settlements, built on land the Palestinians see as part of
their future state, is to be decided in peace negotiations. The bill has drawn
harsh criticism from Palestinians and those hoping to salvage the two-state
solution. Settlements affected are Maale Adumim, Beitar Illit, Efrat, Givat Zeev,
and the Gush Etzion settlement bloc. Intelligence and Transportation Minister
Yisrael Katz, who has pushed for the bill, says it would add an additional
150,000 people to Jerusalem’s population, strengthening its Jewish majority.
Israel occupied the West Bank, including east Jerusalem, in the Six-Day War of
1967. It later annexed east Jerusalem in a move never recognized by the
international community. It sees the entire city as its indivisible capital,
while the Palestinians want the eastern sector as the capital of their future
Hamas official: Unity deal to remain on track despite car
AFP, Gaza City, Palestinian TerritoriesSunday, 29 October
2017/Hamas security chief Tawfiq Abu Naim left hospital Saturday after being
wounded in a car bombing and pledged that an agreement aimed at ending a
decade-long rift with rivals Fatah would remain on track. The Friday explosion
that moderately wounded Abu Naim was branded by the Hamas interior ministry as
“a failed assassination attempt.”Hamas chief Ismail Haniya signaled Israel was
to blame, but no one has claimed responsibility. Abu Naim said in a statement on
Saturday that “the objectives of those who committed this despicable act will
not be achieved.” “We are determined to leave the split behind and realize the
important national unity at all costs,” he said. Abu Naim said a November 1
deadline for Hamas to hand over border crossings to the Palestinian Authority
would be adhered to. Palestinian president Mahmud Abbas's Fatah movement signed
a reconciliation accord on October 12 with Islamist movement Hamas, which has
run the Gaza Strip for 10 years. Under the deal, the Fatah-dominated Palestinian
Authority is to resume control of Gaza -- which Hamas seized in a near civil war
with Fatah in 2007 -- by December 1. The fate of the Hamas security forces after
it transfers power to the PA in the territory is one of the most delicate issues
facing the reconciliation process. Abbas wants the handover to be comprehensive
and include all security institutions, but the Hamas leader in Gaza, Yahya
Sinwar, has said “no one” can force his group to disarm. Israel and the United
States have meanwhile said that Hamas must disarm as part of any unity
government. They have also said it must recognize Israel. The Abbas-led
Palestine Liberation Organization has recognized Israel, but Hamas has not.
Israel and Hamas have fought three wars since 2008.
Reports: Iranian support of Houthi militias in Yemen
reaches its peak
Staff writer, Al Arabiya EnglishSunday, 29 October 2017/Iran has
not stopped backing Houthi militias till today since their takeover of Sanaa,
despite international efforts and decisions to deter its interference. And with
the restoration of more than two thirds of Yemen, Iran’s involvement in arming
and training Houthi militias has been clearly exposed. This is what coalition
leaders highlighted in one of their documents, as well as stating that Hezbollah
members are supervising the training of the Houthi militias. Iran’s support
peaked by supplying the militias with more long-range ballistic missiles that
were smuggled into Yemen. This came in the midst of the rising defeat of the
Houthis on battlefronts as well as the militia’s strong disagreements with
ousted president Saleh. These were the same missiles used to attack Saudi lands,
as well as in the failed attempt to attack the holy city of Mecca. A report
published by the ‘Center for Research on Armed Conflict’ in London also revealed
that the militia are using Iranian technology. They were supplied with unmanned
drones called Qasif. They claim that they have built these drones, however it
was later discovered that they were Iranian drones Ababeel1. Remotely controlled
explosive boats were used in several operations against relief and monitoring
coalition ships. The boat bombs also came from Iran, but were not used until 9
months after the war had started.
The longer this war continues, the longer Iran is in violation of Security
Council resolution number two thousand two hundred and sixteen, which condemns
sending arms to Houthi Militias and Saleh. And after failed attempts at
misleading the international community, the Houthis have no choice but to
mislead their own community by claiming that they are at war with the Unites
States of America, and not Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates. Iran’s
gain at the end of this war will be the creation of destruction and instability
in the region.
Saudi Arabia Accuses Iran of Blocking Yemen Peace
Agence France Presse/Naharnet/October 29/17/Saudi Arabia on
Sunday accused Iran of blocking peace efforts in Yemen, slamming its political
archrival over support for the Yemeni rebels Riyadh is fighting against. Saudi
Foreign Minister Adel al-Jubeir accused Tehran of smuggling arms to Yemen's
Shiite Huthi rebels, who control northern Yemen, and to the rebels' ally former
president Ali Abdullah Saleh. "Iran is destroying all attempts to find a
solution in Yemen, which has led to the failure of all political negotiations
between the government and these militias," Jubeir told a gathering in the Saudi
capital of foreign ministers and military officials from countries including
Egypt, Bahrain, the United Arab Emirates and Senegal. "These militias would not
have continued operations without the support of the greatest sponsor of
terrorism in the world -- the Iranian regime," Jubeir said. The Yemen war has
claimed more than 8,600 lives since a regional military coalition, led by Saudi
Arabia, joined the Yemeni government's fight against the rebels in 2015. A
cholera outbreak has also claimed more than 2,100 lives since April as hospitals
struggle to secure supplies amid a blockades on ports and the country's main
international airport. The United Nations has warned Yemen now stands at the
brink of famine. Both sides in the Yemen conflict have come under harsh
criticism for their neglect of civilian safety, but the Saudi-led coalition has
in particular been accused of bombing schools, markets and hospitals in support
of Yemeni President Abedrabbo Mansour Hadi. The United Nations this month placed
the coalition on a blacklist over its "killing and maiming of children."
Sunday's gathering in Riyadh comes a week after U.S. Secretary of State Rex
Tillerson met with Gulf officials in the Saudi capital for talks that largely
focused on Iran's role across the region. The U.N. Human Rights Council in
September agreed to send a group of experts to investigate alleged violations
and abuses in Yemen, overcoming strong resistance by Saudi Arabia's
Syria Army, IS Clashes in Deir Ezzor Kill 73
Agence France Presse/Naharnet/October 29/17/Heavy clashes between Syria's army
and the Islamic State group in Deir Ezzor city have killed at least 73 fighters
in the last 24 hours, a monitor said Sunday. Syria's army controls most of Deir
Ezzor city, capital of Deir Ezzor province in the country's east, and made
further advances after responding to an IS attack that began Saturday, the
Britain-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights monitor said. The monitor said
the fierce fighting Saturday killed at least 50 IS fighters, as well as 23
Syrian soldiers and pro-regime militiamen. Observatory director Rami Abdel
Rahman said government forces had captured two new neighborhoods and the
municipal stadium."IS is now encircled in an area between the city and the
(Euphrates) river," Abdel Rahman said. IS once held large sections of Deir Ezzor
city, and for nearly three years laid siege to other parts of it that remained
under government control. In early September, advancing government forces broke
the siege, and they have been working since to expel the jihadists from the rest
of the city. Abdel Rahman said the fighting that began Saturday was the fiercest
in the city since government troops broke the siege, adding that clashes were
continuing Sunday, with regime ally Russia carrying out heavy air strikes in
support of the army and allied fighters. Deir Ezzor, an oil-rich province that
borders Iraq, was once a stronghold of IS, but the jihadist group faces twin
assaults there, from the regime and the U.S.-backed Kurdish-Arab Syrian
Democratic Forces. The jihadists have already been expelled from neighboring
Raqa province, and are now confined to just a few pockets of territory in Deir
Ezzor. More than 330,000 people have been killed in Syria since the conflict
began in March 2011 with anti-government protests.
Somalia Says Gunmen Killed after Hotel Siege that Left 14
People Dead
Agence France Presse/Naharnet/October 29/17/Somalia's security ministry said
Sunday that forces had killed two gunmen and captured three after a siege at a
Mogadishu hotel following a twin car bombing that left at least 14 dead.
Spokesman Abdiasiz Ali Ibrahim said a number of people had been rescued from
Shabaab gunmen at the Nasa Hablod Hotel 2. The attack began when a car bomb
exploded outside the hotel entrance, followed by a minibus loaded with
explosives going off at a nearby intersection. "Five gunmen stormed the
building, two of them were killed and the rest captured alive. The security
forces are still working on retrieving the casualties, we don't have exact
number of the casualties so far," the spokesman told reporters. Another security
official Mohamed Moalim Adan had put the death toll at 14, "most of them
civilians", as the operation was still ongoing Saturday night. One senior police
official and a former MP were among the dead. The al-Qa8da-affiliated Shabaab
claimed the bombing and hotel assault in a statement on its Andalus radio
station. "The Mujahedeen fighters are inside Nasa Hablod 2 hotel where...
apostate officials are staying," said the brief statement. The hotel is popular
among government officials, several of whom were rescued by the security forces.
Somalia's President Mohamed Abdullahi Mohamed condemned the attack which comes
two weeks after a massive truck bomb killed at least 358 people in the capital,
the worst attack in the troubled country's history. "The violent terrorists
carried out this attack to scare our people who are united to support security
after the disaster on october 14. Such atrocities will neither deter nor
discourage our will to fight the terrorists," the president said in a statement.
Puigdemont 'Still President' of Catalonia, Deputy Says
Slamming 'Coup'
Agence France Presse/Naharnet/October 29/17/Deposed Catalan president Carles
Puigdemont "is and will remain" the president of the regional government, his
deputy said Sunday, and rejected what he called a "coup d'etat" by Madrid. "The
president of the country is and will remain Carles Puigdemont," his deputy Oriol
Junqueras wrote in Catalan newspaper El Punt Avui. Junqueras used the word
"country" to refer to Catalonia, whose lawmakers pushed Spain into uncharted
waters Friday with a vote to declare the region independent. "We cannot
recognize the coup d'etat against Catalonia, nor any of the anti-democratic
decisions that the PP (Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy's ruling Popular Party) is
adopting by remote control from Madrid," Junqueras wrote. He signed the article
as the "vice president of the government of Catalonia." The Catalan crisis was
triggered by a banned independence referendum on October 1 that was shunned by
many, and marred by police violence. Then on Friday, Catalan lawmakers passed a
motion, by 70 votes out of 135 in the secessionist-majority regional parliament,
to declare the region of 7.5 million people independent from Spain. Rajoy
responded by deposing the regional government, dissolving its parliament, and
calling December 21 elections to replace them. Deputy Prime Minister Soraya
Saenz de Santamaria, was temporarily put in charge of administering the rebel
As prosecutors prepared to file charges of rebellion against Puigdemont next
week, he too was defiant on Saturday, calling for "democratic opposition" to
Madrid's power grab. Puigdemont accused the central government of trampling on
the will of independence-seeking Catalans with the first curtailment of regional
autonomy since Francisco Franco's brutal 1939-75 dictatorship. An opinion poll
published in center-right newspaper El Mundo Sunday said separatist parties
would lose their majority in Catalonia's regional parliament if elections were
held today. Roughly the size of Belgium, Catalonia accounts for about 16 percent
of Spain's population and attracts more tourists than anywhere else in the
country. It produces about a fifth of Spain's economic output -- equivalent to
that of Portugal. Before the upheaval, Catalonia enjoyed considerable autonomy,
with control over education, healthcare and policing. But while fiercely
protective of their language, culture and autonomy, Catalans are divided on
independence, according to polls. Rajoy drew sweeping powers, approved by
the senate, under a never-before-used constitutional article designed to rein in
rebels among Spain's 17 semi-autonomous regions. He used these to ax Puigdemont,
his deputy, regional ministers, heads of departments, and the chief of police in
a move that angered some Catalans. Far-left supporters of Puigdemont have
threatened "mass civil disobedience" if Rajoy carries out the power grab, but
have yet to announce any plans. In Madrid, several thousand people gathered on
the central Plaza Colon Saturday, waving the Spanish flag, and calling for
Puigdemont to be jailed. Spain enjoys the backing of the United States and
allies in a secession-wary European Union still reeling from Britain's decision
to leave its fold. Many fear the economic impact as the standoff drags on, with
some 1,700 companies having moved their legal headquarters out of Catalonia so
Israel Looks to Expand Demolitions of Palestinian
Attackers' Homes
Agence France Presse/Naharnet/October 29/17/Israeli Defense Minister Avigdor
Lieberman said Sunday he wants to expand the controversial policy of demolishing
homes of Palestinians involved in fatal attacks to include perpetrators who
seriously wound Israelis. The minister has instructed the army and defense
ministry to "examine the possibility to demolish the homes of terrorists who
carried out attacks in which Israeli civilians were seriously wounded,"
Lieberman said in a statement. "Destroying the homes of terrorists who carried
out murderous attacks is an effective and proven means in the fight against
terror and deters those planning attacks," the statement said. "There's no
difference between an attack that ends in murder and one that ends in a serious
injury," Lieberman said. "In both cases the homes of the terrorists must be
demolished."Israel says the demolition policy, in place since 1967, is a means
of deterring future attackers. Critics of the policy say it is a form of
collective punishment, forcing family members to suffer for the acts of
relatives, and illegal under international law. They also question whether the
policy acts as a deterrent or if it creates more potential attackers due to the
anger it provokes. In 2005 Israel halted the practice at the recommendation of a
military panel. There were essentially no demolitions until 2014, with the
exception of 2009, when a number of homes were sealed and razed in east
Jerusalem. A wave of Palestinian attacks prompted Prime Minister Benjamin
Netanyahu to announce the resumption of demolitions in the occupied West Bank as
a policy in 2014. According to Israeli NGO Hamoked, since renewing the policy in
2014 and until the end of 2016, Israel has carried out punitive demolitions of
35 homes in the West Bank and east Jerusalem and sealed another seven homes in
the two territories.
Iraq, Kurds Negotiate Peshmerga Pullback
Agence France Presse/Naharnet/October 29/17/Iraqi and Kurdish commanders held
talks Saturday on a withdrawal of Kurdish fighters from disputed areas after a
truce was declared in clashes over a key border post, the premier's office said.
"The main task of this joint technical committee is to allow the deployment
without violence of federal forces along the borders," Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi's
spokesman, Saad al-Hadithi, told AFP. "Commanders of the federal forces and of
the (Kurdish) peshmerga (fighters) are meeting to allow for this redeployment in
a peaceful and humane fashion," he said. On Friday night, Abadi ordered the
24-hour ceasefire as his troops and the peshmerga faced off on the second day of
an Iraqi drive to capture the vital oil export point of Fishkhabur on the
Turkish frontier. The two sides -- both armed and trained by the US -- had
exchanged heavy artillery fire in the latest flare-up of a crisis sparked by a
Kurdish independence vote on September 25. Hadithi said the aim of Saturday's
talks was to negotiate the return to a 2003 "blue line" restricting autonomous
Iraqi Kurdistan to the three northern provinces of Arbil, Dohuk and Sulaimaniyah.
According to a Kurdish official, the US-led coalition that has backed both the
Kurds and Iraqi forces in fighting the Islamic State jihadist group pushed them
towards negotiations. Since mid-October, Iraqi forces have reclaimed the entire
oil-rich province of Kirkuk, stripping the Kurds of a major chunk of their oil
revenues and dealing a crippling blow to their hopes of independence. On Friday,
the Iraqi military gave the Kurds an ultimatum to withdraw from the Fishkhabur
border area where rival pipelines belonging to the two sides cross into Turkey.
Since the US-led invasion of 2003 and especially in the thick of a lightning
advance across northern Iraq by IS in 2014, the Kurds had taken control of the
territories disputed with Baghdad. But Iraqi forces have over the past two weeks
recaptured all of the disputed lands, much of its without Kurdish resistance.
Iraqi's constitution adopted during the US-led occupation of 2003-2011 provides
for plebiscites in the disputed areas on their possibile incorporation in the
autonomous Kurdish region. Baghdad insists, however, the constitution provides
for Iraqi federal control of the country's borders.
Moroccan Social Justice Movement Seeks Relief from Crackdown
Associated Press/Naharnet/October 29/17/It all began with a fish seized by the
police. Morocco is marking one year since a fisherman's gruesome death spawned a
social protest movement against police abuse — an event that has drawn
comparisons to the 2010 death of a Tunisian vendor that sparked the Arab Spring
democracy uprisings. Since October 2016, the northern Moroccan town of Hoceima
in the ethnically Berber Rif region has seen unrest stemming from the death of
31-year-old Mouhcine Fikri, an impoverished local fish seller. Fikri was crushed
in a garbage truck while trying to retrieve a valuable swordfish seized by
police, who said its sale was illegal. Since then, a protest movement called
Hirak Rif has held demonstrations to demand social justice and economic
development. In May, Moroccan authorities cracked down on Hirak Rif's leaders
and a large number of protesters, arresting between 330-400 people, according to
the Moroccan Human Rights Association (AMDH). Yet the movement's influence is
still being felt. On Tuesday, Moroccan King Mohammed VI fired four government
officials following alleged delays in development programs for Hoceima. This
week also saw the start of the trial of Hirak Rif's charismatic leader, Nasser
Zefzafi, which is being closely followed by the Moroccan public. The Rif region
enjoys a strong regional identity and has historically always enjoyed some level
of independence from the central government. In 1921, when Morocco was colonized
by France and Spain, the legendary rebel leader Abd el-Krim installed a republic
in the region after defeating the Spanish army. Although the Rif Republic was
dissolved just five years later in 1926, it deeply marked the collective memory.
In 1959 and 1984, uprisings broke out in the Rif that were brutally suppressed
by King Hassan II, the current king's father. The Hirak Rif movement has its
roots in the region's marginalization, as well as in the evolution of a
political consciousness and a desire for social justice, a redistribution of
wealth and respect for the rule of law. Inspired by the Hirak Rif, activists
from other marginalized areas have launched their own groups. In southern
Morocco, the city of Zagora has seen multiple protests in recent weeks over
access to clean water — and the Zagora Hirak was able to get the city's drinking
water service back to normal. "The Hirak has put a spotlight on the lack of
local democracy," said Kenza Afsahi, a sociologist at the University of Bordeaux
and the author of several works on the Rif. But Afsahi said the movement's
achievements have limits. "Despite Hirak's popularity in national and
international public opinion, the movement has failed to reverse the balance of
power. The authorities continue to be relatively repressive. There is also a
widespread concern about the decline of human rights," she said. Several local
and international organizations are now looking to the monarch as the person who
can free the Hirak detainees. "In the parliament, we have discussed the
possibility of addressing a request for pardon of the Hirak detainees to the
king," said Abdellatif Ouahbi of the PAM opposition party, who added the
proposal does not yet have enough support. Abdellah Bouanou of the ruling
Justice and Development Party (PJD) suggested "we must go ahead and make a
reconciliation" for those arrested activists so the situation in Hoceima does
not fester.
Tropical Storm Philippe bringing heavy rains and flood
threat as it crosses South Florida
Sun 29 Oct 2017/NNA - Tropical Storm Philippe was passing over the Florida
Straits about 75 miles southwest of Key West as of 11 p.m. Saturday, the
National Hurricane Center said. The storm formed just before 5 p.m. Saturday,
and soon shifted west, putting more of South Florida in the cone; a tropical
storm watch was issued for coastal South Florida from Miami-Dade to the Upper
Keys on Saturday. Heavy rains across parts of South Florida began Saturday
afternoon from the fringes of the fast-moving storm as it raced across Cuba at
about 29 mph. By 11 p.m., it had slowed to 24 mph.
The rains were expected to be heavy overnight Saturday and into Sunday. A flood
watch has been issued for Broward, Miami-Dade and Palm Beach counties through 8
a.m. Sunday, with two to four inches of rain possible, and six inches in
isolated areas. An isolated tornado threat continues through Sunday morning. The
winds have already damaged some structures, including several mobile homes in
Boynton Beach, according to Palm Beach County Fire Rescue. Crews responded just
after 6 p.m. to reports of damaged homes near the 4000 block of 88th Court South
inside Parry Trailer Village.
Crews reported moderate damage to the homes and debris throughout the
neighborhood. Firefighters went through the neighborhood looking for any
possible victims and assessing the damage, Captain Albert Borroto said. The
worst of the storm was forecast to pass closest to South Florida from until
about 2 a.m., with Miami-Dade expected to experience the highest winds, and
Broward and Palm Beach facing the possibility of a few inches of rain. The storm
had top sustained winds of 40 mph after reaching tropical storm strength by 5
p.m., which means winds of 39-73 mph, the hurricane center said. ---
Latest LCCC Bulletin analysis & editorials from
miscellaneous sources published on October
Why Are We in Niger?
Shoshana Bryen/Gatestone Institute/October 29/17
It isn't only Niger. American troops are deployed in more than 150 countries,
working with local partners to help them become better soldiers and meet their
own threats. What is happening in Niger is happening in all the countries of the
second tier of Africa -- volatile and insecure countries of mixed Christian,
Muslim and traditional indigenous religions. American soldiers are there to help
governments more effectively control their own territory and borders, reducing
the likelihood of transnational jihad.
Iran's massive infusion of funds supports Sunni Hamas, al-Qaeda, ISIS, Boko
Haram and others. Instability, chaos, anti-Americanism, anti-Westernism, and
anti-Christianism are what Iran seeks -- and they are what Sunni jihadists seek.
In Iraq and Syria, ISIS did the destabilizing and Iran reaped the benefits.
At the end of White House Chief of Staff John Kelly's moving briefing about the
four American Special Forces soldiers killed in Niger earlier in October, he
took questions. The first was, "Why are we in Niger?"
stion was too narrow; it isn't only Niger. Tens of thousands of American troops
are deployed in more than 150 countries, working with America's local partners
to help them become better soldiers and meet their own threats. We are on every
continent except Antarctica. While we are unlikely to ever know precisely who
killed the four soldiers, what is happening in Niger is happening in all the
countries of the second tier of Africa -- volatile and insecure countries of
mixed Christian, Muslim and traditional indigenous religions. American soldiers
are there to help governments more effectively control their own territory and
borders, reducing the likelihood of transnational jihad.
A U.S. Army Special Forces weapons sergeant observes a Nigerien soldier in a
drill during Exercise Flintlock 2017 in Diffa, Niger, March 11, 2017. (U.S. Army
photo by Spc. Zayid Ballesteros)
Two broad forces are shaking the Middle East and Africa: Sunni jihadist
radicalism embodied by ISIS and al-Qaeda along with smaller groups; and Shiite
supremacism controlled and financed by Iran. Iran's arms transfers to Africa are
well documented, as is Iran's support for Sunni jihad, including incubating both
al-Qaeda and ISIS. Separately and together, they threaten not only countries,
but also the Red Sea and the Mediterranean Sea, the two prime waterways that
allow countries, including Israel and Egypt, to pursue trade with Asia and
The mullahs in Iran are not Iranian or Persian nationalists, they are Shiite
supremacists. When the Ayatollah Khomeini returned to Tehran in 1979 after
fourteen years of exile, he condemned all nationalism as "sherk," which means
associating other beings or things with God. He said what mattered was Islam,
not Iran or any other country, according to the Iranian journalist Amir Taheri,
Chairman of Gatestone Europe. Khomeini declared war on the United States, on
Israel, and on the West. The declaration was real and has military as well as
political implications, but it was also a way of deflecting attention from
Iran's declaration of war on Sunni Islam.
It was a bold move, because although Shiites are the majority in Iran and Iraq
(though not in Syria), they represent less than 15% of Muslims world-wide.
Iran's primary targets are the Sunni governments of Saudi Arabia, which controls
the holy sites in Mecca and Medina, and Egypt, the historic intellectual center
of Sunni Islam.
The 2003 overthrow of the secular-but-Sunni president of Iraq, Saddam Hussein,
allowed the majority Shiite Iraqi population to rule, but the precipitous
American military withdrawal in 2012 allowed Iran to move steadily into areas of
more influence. Iranian-sponsored Shiite militias are now inside the Iraqi
national military pushing against the Kurds in the north. In Syria,
Iranian-sponsored militias are pushing Sunnis north and out of the country on
behalf of the Shiite/Alawite regime of Bashar al-Assad.
But while American focus has been on Iranian expansionism to the north and west
of Iran -- a "Shiite crescent" over the tops of American allies Saudi Arabia,
Jordan and Israel -- less attention has been paid to Iranian activity to the
south of those countries, through the Red Sea and into Africa toward the
Following naval harassment of U.S. ships in the Persian Gulf, Iran announced
that it will "defend its interests" in the Red Sea, using its position as
benefactor of the Houthis in Yemen as a starting point. If successful, this
would allow Iran to threaten the Red Sea and the Bab-el-Mandeb Strait, the
access point for Saudi Arabia, Israel, Jordan, and Egypt to the Gulf of Aden and
then to the Indian Ocean and to Asia.
Iran ships weapons to and through Eritrea and Somalia on the Red Sea coast. This
is important because U.S. Expeditionary Forces are based in Djibouti, which juts
out into the sea. North of Djibouti and our forces is Eritrea; south of Djibouti
and our forces is Somalia. Well-armed and unstable, they present a problem for
the Americans.
Iran's interests are not limited to the countries along the coast.
The other waterway that concerns the United States, Israel and the West is the
Mediterranean Sea. The countries along the north coast of the Mediterranean are
European, all of which are in NATO. The countries facing them along the south
shore of the Mediterranean, along the northern African coast, are Sunni Muslim,
and, except Libya, partners in NATO's Mediterranean Dialogue. The arrangement
helps keep the Mediterranean calm and free for shipping. The 2011 ouster of
Libya's Moammar Qaddafi caused chaos in a previously stable -- if repressive --
country. Released weapons and fighters resulted in war in Mali, which had been
an ally of the United States and France. Additional instability would make
NATO's arrangements less effective and provide additional routes for African
migrants seeking to reach Europe.
One way to make North Africa less stable is to make the row of countries just
beneath it less stable. Chad, Mali, Somalia, Eritrea, Sudan, and yes, Niger, are
all targets.
They are, to be sure, as much targets of Sunni jihad as they are of Iran, but
Iran's massive infusion of funds supports Sunni Hamas, al-Qaeda, ISIS, Boko
Haram and others. Iran's support for al-Qaeda goes back to the early 1990s.
Instability, chaos, anti-Americanism, anti-Westernism, and anti-Christianism are
what Iran seeks -- and they are what Sunni jihadists seek. In Iraq and Syria,
ISIS did the destabilizing and Iran reaped the benefits.
General Kelly made a sober, passionate defense of American military honor and
sacrifice. It is incumbent on the rest of us -- including journalists -- to
understand where our troops serve and sacrifice, including why Niger.
**Shoshana Bryen is Senior Director of the Jewish Policy Center.
© 2017 Gatestone Institute. All rights reserved. The articles printed here do
not necessarily reflect the views of the Editors or of Gatestone Institute. No
part of the Gatestone website or any of its contents may be reproduced, copied
or modified, without the prior written consent of Gatestone Institute.
Terrorism in Europe
Drieu Godefridi/Gatestone Institute/October 29/17
The problem, of course, resides in the European definition of terrorism. The EU
definition of terrorism, wittingly or unwittingly, confuses the issue. It needs
to be revised.
Under the definition of terrorism in American law (18 U.S. Code § 2331), no act
can be qualified as terrorist if there is no terror intended.
Terrorism is booming in Europe — even though the European Union statistics say
it is not. The EU's statistics on terrorism, simply put, confuse the issue. They
are a fairy-tale.
Since 9/11, in report after report, experts, ministers and public authorities
have been saying the same thing: that in Europe (meaning the EU), Islamic
terrorism is merely a marginal aberration. Nothing to be afraid of, and if you
show too much interest in the matter you are probably on the far-right, aren't
you! Do you want to persecute the Muslims and make them the Jews of today's
As experts always do when they want to shut down a debate, they turn to
statistics, preferably European statistics. Since July 1, 1999 — the date of its
inception — Europol (European Union Agency for Law Enforcement Cooperation) has
regularly published an assessment of terrorism in the EU.
Europol headquarters in The Hague, Netherlands. (Image source: OSeveno/Wikimedia
If you read Europol's last ten EU Terrorism Situation and Trend Reports
(TE-SAT), you will find, year after year, the number of "failed, foiled or
successfully executed" terror attacks and the subsequent number of victims — all
you supposedly need to assess the true nature of terrorism in the EU.
For the number of terror attacks in Europe during the last ten years, here is a
chart based on Europol's data:
Number of terror or terrorist attacks in the EU since 2007 (Data: EU Terrorism
Situation and Trend Reports; chart D. Godefridi)
The first surprise is that according to Europol, the trend is clearly downward:
far fewer terror attacks in Europe in 2016 than ten years ago!
Does that seem a bit counter-intuitive? But, hey, those are the official
Then there are the number of fatalities:
People killed by terror attacks in the EU since 2007 (Data: EU Terrorism
Situation and Trend Reports; chart D. Godefridi)
This second chart looks much more in line with the feelings of the common man,
don't you think? Approximately 150 dead in the EU from terror attacks in 2015
and 2016, compared to zero in 2007, or 4 in 2014. (That is what is so endearing
about statistics: you can manipulate many things, such as the psychological and
emotional damage or the consequences of a "foiled attack" -- but not the number
of dead bodies).
If you superimpose the two preceding charts, there is, obviously, zero
correlation between the number of attacks and the number of dead. Even if there
are fewer attacks, more people are being killed. In 2007, there were 583 attacks
but zero people killed. In 2016, there were 142 attacks with 142 killed.
Terror attacks and people killed by terror attacks in the EU since 2007 (Data:
EU Terrorism Situation and Trend Reports; chart D. Godefridi)
Where is the wolf? The problem resides in the European definition of terrorism.
Look at the TE-SAT report of 2009:
"What the term 'terrorist offences' includes is indicated in Article 1 of the
Council Framework Decision of 13 June 2002 on combating terrorism (2002/475/JHA),
which all member states have implemented in their national legislation. This
Framework Decision specifies that terrorist offences are intentional acts which,
given their nature or context, may seriously damage a country or an
international organisation when —
committed with the aim of seriously intimidating a population, or
unduly compelling a government or international organisation to perform or
abstain from performing an act, or
seriously destabilising or destroying the fundamental political, constitutional,
economic or social structures of a country or an international organisation".
On this legal basis, Europol distinguishes between different categories of
terror attacks; jihadist terrorism; ethno-nationalist and separatist terrorism;
left-wing and anarchist terrorism; right-wing terrorism; and finally, "single
issue terrorism" (such as animal rights).
There is nothing wrong with these definitions except that one thing has gotten
lost: terror. We have known, ever since ancient Rome's system of law, the
importance of accurate definitions; and before that, in ancient Greece, of
correct hypotheses. If an attack is not intended to terrorize the public,
presumably it should not qualify either as terrorism or as a terrorist attack.
Here is the EU magic: the second part of EU definition — "unduly compelling a
government or international organisation to perform or abstain from performing
an act" — whatever act — authorizes one to qualify as "terrorism" countless
deeds that are certainly criminal but do not actually terrorize anyone.
That is why for years, the number of Islamic terror attacks has looked so
ridiculously small and the other categories so impressively large. In 2007, of
the 583 reported attacks, 517 were claimed or attributed to separatist groups in
Spain and France. In 2012, Europol reported:
"In 2011, ETA [Basque separatists] committed one terrorist attack in France (Valliere,
Creuse). Two ETA members opened fire against the Gendarmerie while trying to
escape from a police checkpoint."
Criminal, no doubt! But where is terrorism? Furthermore:
"In France, 62 completed attacks and 13 attempted attacks were reported. All
these attacks were carried out by Corsican terrorist groups. Their main target,
however, remains the tourism sector. Holiday homes and restaurants are often
Corsican nationalists want more autonomy for their island. These "nationalists,"
however, never kill anyone, and they almost never hurt anyone except themselves;
and when they burn a paillote (a small restaurant in the form of a hut on the
beach) owned by some Frenchman from the continent, you never know if it is to
preserve the beauty of Corsican nature, to take over his business, or because
the kitchen was dirty. To qualify all of those acts indiscriminately as
terrorism, and to classify them in the same category as the Islamist in
Marseille who shouted "Allahu akbar" before slitting the throat of a girl and
eviscerating her cousin, is morally repugnant. That atrocity in Marseille
received worldwide press coverage and was indeed a terror attack in the purest
sense of the word.
In short, the EU definition of terrorism, wittingly or unwittingly, confuses the
issue. It needs to be revised. One can imagine a new category, such as
"political violence," to designate acts that are neither intended to terrorize
the public nor that actually do so, but are nonetheless political and violent by
nature, such as public political riots, so common, in France. Or the definition
of terrorism in American law (18 U.S. Code § 2331), under which no act can be
qualified as terrorist if there is no terror intended.1
As for actual terrorism in the EU, it is in fact a simple matter. Here are the
In 2015: Of the 151 killed by terror attacks in Europe, 150 were killed by
Islamic terrorism (99%, according to TE-SAT 2016);
In 2016: Of the 142 fatalities of terror attacks in Europe, 135 were caused by
Islamic terrorism (95%, according to TE-SAT 2017);
From 2007-2014: the average number of dead from terror attacks in Europe was 6.1
each year (2, 4, 7, 7, 1, 17, 7, 4; source: TE-SAT 2008-2015);
The increase in the number of dead from terror attacks in 2015-2016 compared to
the period 2007-2014 is a staggering 2,291%.
The trend appears the same in 2017. The rest is EU sophistry.
**Drieu Godefridi, a classical-liberal Belgian author, is the founder of the
l'Institut Hayek in Brussels. He has a PhD in Philosophy from the Sorbonne in
Paris and also heads investments in European companies.
[1] "The term "domestic terrorism" means activities that— (A) involve acts
dangerous to human life that are a violation of the criminal laws of the United
States or of any State; (B) appear to be intended— (i) to intimidate or coerce a
civilian population; (ii) to influence the policy of a government by
intimidation or coercion; or (iii) to affect the conduct of a government by mass
destruction, assassination, or kidnapping."
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China Unveils Leadership Ambition
Amir Taheri/Gatestone Institute/October 29/17
When in a recent column we speculated that the China is preparing to reveal its
ambitions for global leadership we didn't expect this to happen so soon. Yet,
this week Chinese President Xi Jinping informed the 19th Congress of the ruling
Communist Party that the People's Republic was now ready to seek a more active
presence in the international arena.
Three factors may have contributed to Xi's decision to bring forward his world
leadership bid.
The first concerns Xi's desire to, ever so gingerly, build up his own status
within the Chinese political system. He wants to be something more than his
predecessors Hu Jintao, Hu Yaobang, Li Xiannian and Hua Guofeng were. Xi's
ambition is to surpass even Deng Xiaoping, the "strongman" who, many believe,
made the new China possible. President Xi may not be able to aspire to the
status that Mao Zedong, the father of the People's Republic, attained; but he
sure wants to get as near to it as possible.
Putting the Leader above the melee is of crucial importance in a system based on
highly centralized command and control.
China's President Xi Jinping. (Image source:
After Mao's death, Hua Guofeng, though a decent leader, never managed to get
above the melee.
That enabled Deng Xiaoping, who had emerged from banishment during the Great
Proletarian Cultural Revolution, to make an unexpected comeback and seize
control of the levers of power by relying on the military. And while Deng was
alive it mattered little who played the role of the President of the People's
After Deng's death, none of those who assumed the presidency managed to raise
their status above the party factions.
Because the top layer of China's ruling elite consists of a few hundred families
with revolutionary credentials, the system they run requires a father figure who
has the final word on all key issues. After Deng's death "the revolutionary
families" agreed on a formula under which each generation holds power for 10
years and then bows out of the stage. The rotation formula allowed more people
to nurture ambitions while waiting their turn to exercise power.
For the first time, Xi now feels that he can assume the role of father figure
with no clear limit to his tenure. This was highlighted when the Congress
decided that Xi's "thoughts and teachings" should become integral parts of the
Chinese Communist Party's charter a doctrine, a rare distinction. Before Xi, Mao
Zedong had received such a distinction in his lifetime and Deng Xiaoping after
his death.
More importantly, perhaps, he also believes that such a role is vital for the
preservation of the current power structures.
This is why Xi speaks not only of the next five years that, under the old
formula, remains of his tenure, but spells out his vision for decades to come.
Such a vision, he believes, provides the stability and certainty that China
needs to project its new power in the global arena.
The second factor that Xi has in mind is the need to revisit the Communist
Party's narrative. Between 1949, when Mao seized power, and the 1970s, when it
had become clear that Maoism was a failure, a narrative based on class struggle
and the fight against imperialism, effacing the "humiliation" inflicted by
Western powers, was used to give party rule some legitimacy.
With Deng's reforms, the narrative changed into one of improving the material
conditions of the masses. There is no doubt that, on that account, China has
been a spectacular success.
The slogan "Increase the Gross Domestic Product" has become a reality as China
has experienced an incredibly high growth rate for almost two decades. With an
annual GDP of around $12 trillion, China is now the world's largest economy
after the United States and expected to bypass the US by 2023.
The modernization of China's infrastructure, or in many cases lack of it, is
truly phenomenal. Right now, China has the world's fastest trains and is
building 80 new airports. More importantly, at least a third of the population,
some 400 million, has been pulled out of abject poverty for the first time since
time began.
China's economic miracle, though impressive, isn't unique. France achieved its
"miracle" under the mild authoritarian rule of Napoleon III. Newly-created
Germany did the same under the "Iron Chancellor" Bismarck.
The authoritarian Meiji era chaperoned Japan into the modern world. Stalin,
Mussolini, and even the Kim dynasty in North Korea have shown that by mobilizing
resources, no matter how meager, for specific results, an authoritarian regime
can achieve its lofty goals.
However, rapid economic growth, as other authoritarian regimes have found, has
its downside in the form of an emerging middle class which soon demands
political liberties and the gangrene of corruption that might run out of
Thus, Xi feels that the Communist Party can no longer justify its monopoly on
power with sole reference to economic success.
So, what better than claiming a global leadership role to flatter the Chinese
masses and persuade them to steer clear of politics and enjoy the fruits of
their economic success?
Interestingly, President Xi told the Congress that China could promote its
"model of governance" as an alternative to Western democracy. A majority of
ruling elites in the world today would be more comfortable with the "Chinese
model" of central control than the American model of perpetual infighting and
cultural-political civil war.
The third factor that Xi has in mind is the growing vacuum left by the United
States' inability or unwillingness to play its traditional world leadership role
in the past decade or so.
Under President Barack Obama, who believed that America had not always been a
force for good on the global stage, the US was put in a strategic retreat mode.
Under President Donald Trump the same retreat has continued under the new
"America First" slogan.
Filling the vacuum thus created isn't easy. The European Union is beset by its
own internal contradictions, highlighted by Britain's Brexit.
Russia would love to see itself in the driving seat but lacks the economic power
and the cultural dominance to make much headway beyond its nearby environs.
All that provides China with an opportunity that President Xi seems determined
not to miss.
However, global leadership isn't just a matter of aspiration. It requires
cultural charisma, soft power, scientific and technological innovation, and
networks of social and political contacts across the world, and a solid military
machine with a global reach, all things that China may not be able to offer.
Nevertheless, President Xi has declared his nation's ambition. So watch this
** Amir Taheri, formerly editor of Iran's premier newspaper, Kayhan, before the
Iranian revolution of 1979, is a prominent author based on Europe. He is the
Chairman of Gatestone Europe.
**This article first appeared in Asharq Al Awsat and is reprinted here with the
kind permission of the author.
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Abadi’s Riyadh visit augurs well for Iraqi-Saudi relations
Sami Moubayed/The Arab Weekly/October 29/17
Despite significant reservations over Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein, who famously
rained its cities with missiles in 1991, Saudi Arabia was never too happy with
the political elites who replaced him in 2003, writing them off as stooges of
the Iranian regime. Nearly all of them were Shias who had either spent their
exile in Iran or received funds at some point of their careers from the country.
For Saudi officials, they were automatic suspects, guilty of being creations of
the mullahs of Tehran.
However, heralding a potential rapprochement between the Iraqi political elite
and Saudi Arabia was the arrival of two senior Iraqi politicians — Prime
Minister Haider al-Abadi and Foreign Minister Ibrahim al-Jaafari — in Riyadh.
This was the second high-profile visit in four months.
Thirteen years ago, Abadi was a minister of communications and Jaafari had a
stint as prime minister. Both were members of the Dawa Party, an all-Shia
movement funded for years by the Iranian government. Saudi Arabia originally
refused to court either politician and both were highly critical of Riyadh,
accusing it of bankrolling what was called the “Sunni insurgency” that led to
the rise of al-Qaeda in Iraq.
Such opinions were also voiced by their colleague and boss, Nuri al-Maliki, a
ranking member of Dawa who was prime minister from 2006-14 and is currently
vice-president of Iraq. During his tenure, Sunnis were purged from a senior
government office, de- Ba’athification laws were imposed and senior former
regime officials — all of them Sunnis — were hanged, headed, of course, by
Saddam himself. The sight of him at the hangman’s noose facing masked
executioners wearing black sent shivers down the spines of Saudi officials,
especially as they chanted “Muqtada, Muqtada.”
Muqtada al-Sadr was an all-time Iranian favourite who emerged to lead the urban
poor of the Iraqi Shia community, becoming an overnight star, kingmaker and
leader. He commanded death squads that roamed the streets of Baghdad, settling
old scores with Sunni Muslims. Last April he seemed to be distancing himself
from Tehran, calling on its top ally, Bashar Assad, to step down as president of
Syria. This summer, Sadr visited the Saudi port city of Jeddah, meeting with
Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman bin Abdulaziz.
A parliamentary ally yet family foe Ammar al-Hakim, another veteran Iranian
stooge, was also parting ways with Tehran, stepping down from his capacity as
chief of the Islamic Supreme Council of Iraq, an Iranian creation that was used
to fight Saddam’s army in the 1980s. Then came a surprise visit by Maliki, not
to Tehran but to Moscow, where he tried to breathe life into a stagnated $2
billion arms deal. Maliki was Iran’s number one ally in Iraq. By heading to
Moscow, he was sending signals that he might be on the lookout for new patrons
and allies.
The courting of Sadr and Hakim and the sudden honeymoon with Abadi show that
something is changing — rather fast — in Riyadh, Baghdad and Tehran itself. For
Iran, it clearly shows that the patronage system it carefully upheld since 2003
was showing serious cracks, mostly because of a lack of funds. Too much money
was apparently spent on the Syrian battlefield, greatly affecting the
sustainability of Iran’s Shia protégé in Iraq.
True, Iran had created all of those figures but it was struggling to pull
through with them, prompting all three to look for help — and money — elsewhere.
Within Baghdad, the rapprochement with Saudi Arabia comes ahead of parliamentary
elections in April. The three ambitious Shia politicians are no longer
satisfied with coming across as “Iran-made” or “Shia leaders.” They want to
expand into a cross-sectarian power base, which might be very difficult because
of their murky past, and are seeking Saudi funds to do that.
Finally, in Riyadh, it shows that the strategic hand of Crown Prince Mohammed
jumping behind enemy lines and eating away at Iran’s power base within Iraqi
society. For years the Saudis tried everything to dismantle Iran’s Arab
fiefdoms, from character assassinations to accusing Tehran’s proxies of being
traitors, agents and sectarian tools in the hands of the ayatollah. That led to
absolutely nothing — the more the Saudis trashed them, the closer these figures
clung to Iran — often for lack of a better alternative.
Over the past year-and-a-half, Crown Prince Mohammed has been pursuing an
entirely different approach. He is courting the Iraqi Shias, treating them with
respect as veteran statesmen, winning hearts, before pockets, in Baghdad. When
summoned to Tehran for dictates or consultation, these men are treated as
employees rather than statesmen and leaders. Turbaned patrons who created them
rarely show them the respect that they expect.
Saudi Arabia is walking an extra mile to please its new friends in Baghdad. It
reopened borders this year and resumed commercial flights for the first time in
three decades. Saudi Foreign Minister Adel al-Jubeir has stressed that his
country wants to take part in the rebuilding of Iraq, emphasising its “Arab
Gulf” identity.
Under the crown prince’s guidance, he is trying to close every channel through
which the Iranians entered Iraqi politics in 2003. After 14 years, money, power
and pomp matter more to these Iraqi politicians than a dogmatic discourse on
Shia religious history, which remains a cornerstone for the Iranians. Unlike
their Lebanese ally Hezbollah Secretary-General Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah, who
remains committed to Iran, both ideologically and politically, these figures go
for the higher bidder and, at present, this seems to be the crown prince of
Saudi Arabia, rather than Iranian Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei or
President Hassan Rohani.
*Sami Moubayed is a Syrian historian and author of Under the Black Flag (IB
Tauris, 2015). He is a former Carnegie scholar and founding chairman of the
Damascus History Foundation.
Iraqi PM must do the right thing
Khairallah Khairallah/The Arab Weekly/October 29/17
If there is one thing that distinguishes the situation in Iraq, it is Iraqi
Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi’s narrow margin for manoeuvring regarding Iraq’s
relations with its Arab neighbours. Abadi has taken advantage of that margin and
made official visits to Riyadh, Cairo and Amman.
Apparently, however, that margin has shrunk dramatically. What else explains
Abadi’s reaction to US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson’s declaration in Riyadh?
Tillerson called for the withdrawal of all Iranian militias from Iraq but Abadi
saw it differently, saying that fighters from the Popular Mobilisation Forces (PMF)
were Iraqi, not Iranian, and that the PMF was an “Iraqi institution” and that
“we should stand by the PMF fighters because they will bring hope to the country
and the region.”
What hope can there be when sectarian militias become the backbone of the
Where is the error in Tillerson’s declaration?
What’s wrong with inviting Iran to keep its hands off Iraq and stop meddling in
its politics?
There is nothing wrong with a state, any state, refusing to hold ties with
sectarian militias, regardless of the nationality of their fighters.
There will be those who say that Iraq is a sovereign state and has the right to
invite in any foreign force but that talk is hogwash. There is a weird state of
affairs in Iraq that Abadi seems unable to get rid of.
Iran is trying to create a fait accompli in Iraq by imposing its own experience
on it with the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC). The Iraqi PMF must be
modelled on the IRGC. Iran’s proxy forces must have the upper hand in Iraqi
Abadi is not the only one in Iraq trying to both resist Iran’s influence and go
along with it at the same time. Without a quick change in the region that
reduces Iran to its real size, the Iraqi prime minister’s mission seems
During the Arab League summit in Jordan in March, Abadi met with Saudi King
Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud. In June, he flew to Riyadh for an official visit.
After that, officials from both countries exchanged visits and the border
crossing at Arar in Saudi Arabia was reopened. Another Iraqi Shia leader,
Muqtada al-Sadr, was welcomed in Riyadh, Abu Dhabi and Amman.
Iraq’s relations with its Arab neighbours are evolving fast, with positive
results as well as disappointments. The Arab side can only encourage the
positive flow in the hope of a miracle in which the Iranian nightmare is lifted
off Iraq.
In the end, which version of Haider al-Abadi should we believe is authentic? He
seems very sincere in his efforts even though he is a prisoner of his Dawa
Party’s ideology. He must have been sincere to have undertaken reconciliation
efforts with Egypt, Saudi Arabia and Jordan. He is also sincere in wanting to
maintain Iraq’s unity and fight the Islamic State (ISIS).
However, his positions regarding the Kurdish question are inexplicable. Because
of them, the Kurds had no other choice but to go as far as they could with their
desire for independence. Abadi should have known that Kurdistan Regional
Government President Masoud Barzani wouldn’t have taken such steps had he been
negotiating with an Iraqi government willing to share power and unwilling to
turn Iraq into a religious state.
Can Abadi consolidate the positive results of his term and make it easy for
Barzani to retract without losing face, especially after the latter’s defeat in
Abadi is between a rock and a hard place. He was brave enough to visit Saudi
Arabia knowing that Iran considers the Saudi kingdom its arch-enemy. Now he has
no choice but to bet on Iraq and on having it return to the Shia ideology headed
by Ayatollah Ali al-Sistani in Najaf. Sistani refuses the Shia ideology coming
out of Iran, supports Abadi and has doubts about Iraqi Vice- President Nuri al-Maliki.
For sure, there are forces inside Iraq that are convinced the country has been
imprisoned by Iranian influence. Among the Arabs, as well, there are those who
say it is possible to save Iraq and that it cannot be left to be ruled by Iran
through a bunch of people who roared into the country on the backs of American
tanks before quickly turning their weapons on those tanks.
Iran can engage all it wants in sectarian cleansing in many areas in Iraq,
starting with Baghdad but Iraq will not become another Iran. In the meantime, we
can only bet on Abadi to do the right thing.
Does Washington have a plan for the partition of Syria?
Tom Regan/The Arab Weekly/October 29/17
Now that the fighting in Raqqa is down to clearing out a few pockets of Islamic
State (ISIS) fighters the next important regional question is: What about the
How that question will be answered primarily depends on two men with outsized
egos and a disinclination to back down: US President Donald Trump and Turkish
President Recep Tayyip Erdogan.
Relations between the United States and Turkey are at a low point and the Syrian
Kurds are caught in the middle. Erdogan considers the Kurdish Democratic Union
Party (PYD) and its military wing, the Kurdish People’s Protection Units (YPG),
extensions of the Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK). The latter is designated a
terrorist organisation by Ankara and Washington.
The United States has supported the PYD and the YPG as part of the Syrian
Defence Forces (SDF) because they have been the only fighters capable of
defeating the Islamic State (ISIS) and recapturing Raqqa. That was the number
one concern for the United States.
What happens next with the Kurds?
The YPG will be reluctant to surrender territory captured during the Syrian
conflict. That would enrage Erdogan, who doesn’t want an independent Kurdish
entity on Turkey’s border. Many of Erdogan’s supporters say the United States
and Russia have a secret plan to support the creation of a Kurdish state. It
would be a “second Israel,” they think, which is why Erdogan’s domestic
constituency wants him to send troops into Syria and Iraq to deal with this
threat as soon as possible.
Experts in Washington say the US response to any such move by Turkey would
depend on two factors: The future of US military bases in Turkey, such as
Incirlik near Adana, and Trump’s mood, which can change several times in one
day. Trump does not like being directly challenged on foreign policy issues.
His Twitter war with North Korea’s Kim Jong-un is a case in point.
While Erdogan and Trump have publicly been cordial, it’s not clear how the US
president would respond to a direct challenge from the Turkish leader. Would
Trump be unconcerned about an important military base in Turkey?
Trump, however, is preoccupied with his domestic agenda, not least the passing
of tax-reform legislation. For Erdogan, this might mean it is a propitious time
to move into Syria.
As for what the Kurds may want, we probably need only look to the recent
referendum on independence by Iraqi Kurds in the north. While this infuriated
the government in Baghdad and perplexed Kurdish allies abroad, it’s not hard to
see a similar situation arising in Syria.
Some in the world of Washington think-tanks say the United States needs to
reward the Syrian Kurds for their courage in the fight against ISIS. The United
States, they say, should support Syrian Kurdistan (or Rojava) as a federal
region within Syria. Anything less would be considered a betrayal by the Syrian
Kurds and their allies abroad. This would undoubtedly put the United States at
odds with Erdogan, however.
US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson on October 26 said the United States sees
no place for Syrian President Bashar Assad in the new Syria. Tillerson met with
UN Syrian envoy Staffan de Mistura, who is expected to reconvene peace talks
following the SDF’s success in Raqqa and gains by the Syrian regime’s
Russian-backed forces. Tillerson said the discussions were “fruitful” but his
comments on Assad are unlikely to be received well by Russia or Iran. Turkey,
however, has no love lost for Assad.
The funny thing is that this moment might not have happened if Erdogan had not
been so adamant about getting rid of Assad’s regime instead of simply defeating
ISIS. In 2014, the United States approached him with a plan to work together. It
suggested the creation of an anti-ISIS force minus the Kurds but Erdogan
insisted on a no-fly zone over sections of Syria as part of his anti-Assad plan,
causing the United States to back out of the deal and turn to the YPG for
military reasons.
Now, the situation is very different: ISIS is all but defeated, Tillerson may
have said “no Assad” but almost no one else is talking about how to actually
remove him and the Kurds are in a difficult position. It’s hard to say how long
Erdogan will ignore his supporters’ demands to send Turkish forces into Syria
and Iraq. If he decides to go into Syria, Erdogan risks a massive falling out
with the United States and bad blood with Russia.
However, if Erdogan is going to continue to push back against the United States,
he’ll need Russian support as a counterbalance so the next move may be up to the
Syrian Kurds. Watch what they do in the coming few weeks. That will foreshadow
what happens next between Turkey and the United States.
**Tom Regan, a columnist at, previously worked for the
Christian Science Monitor, National Public Radio, the Boston Globe and the
Canadian Broadcasting Corporation. He is the former executive director of the
Online News Association and was a Nieman Fellow at Harvard in 1992.