October 10/17
Compiled &
Prepared by: Elias Bejjani
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Bible Quotations
Very truly, I tell you, you will weep and mourn, but the world will rejoice; you
will have pain, but your pain will turn into joy
Saint John 16/20-24/:"Very truly,
I tell you, you will weep and mourn, but the world will rejoice; you will have
pain, but your pain will turn into joy. When a woman is in labour, she has pain,
because her hour has come. But when her child is born, she no longer remembers
the anguish because of the joy of having brought a human being into the world.
So you have pain now; but I will see you again, and your hearts will rejoice,
and no one will take your joy from you. On that day you will ask nothing of me.
Very truly, I tell you, if you ask anything of the Father in my name, he will
give it to you. Until now you have not asked for anything in my name. Ask and
you will receive, so that your joy may be complete."
At an acceptable time I have listened to you, and on a day of salvation I
have helped you
Second Letter to the Corinthians
05/20-21.06,01-07/:"We are ambassadors for Christ, since God is making his
appeal through us; we entreat you on behalf of Christ, be reconciled to God. For
our sake he made him to be sin who knew no sin, so that in him we might become
the righteousness of God. As we work together with him, we urge you also not to
accept the grace of God in vain. For he says, ‘At an acceptable time I have
listened to you, and on a day of salvation I have helped you.’ See, now is the
acceptable time; see, now is the day of salvation! We are putting no obstacle in
anyone’s way, so that no fault may be found with our ministry, but as servants
of God we have commended ourselves in every way: through great endurance, in
afflictions, hardships, calamities, beatings, imprisonments, riots, labours,
sleepless nights, hunger; by purity, knowledge, patience, kindness, holiness of
spirit, genuine love, truthful speech, and the power of God; with the weapons of
righteousness for the right hand and for the left;"
Titles For Latest LCCC Bulletin analysis & editorials from miscellaneous sources
published on October 09-10/17
Thanks Giving Day: Obligations Prayers &
Wishes/Elias Bejjani/October 09/17
Lebanese public figures speak out against Hezbollah/Roi Kais/Ynetnews/October
Hezbollah’s crazed rhetoric will bring Armageddon down on Lebanon/Baria
Alamuddin/ArabNews/October 09/17
Lebanese Shiites form front against Hezbollah/Najia Houssari/ArabNews/October
Mr. President, Don't Put America at Risk with Flawed Iran Deal/John R. Bolton/
Gatestone Institute/October 09/17
An Unhappy US Congress is Not a Good Congress/Jonathan Bernstein/Asharq Al Awsat/October
The Nuclear Issue Isn’t the Real Iranian Challenge/David Ignatius/The Washington
Post/October 09/17
Multiculturalism Is Splintering the West/Giulio Meotti/Gatestone
Institute/October 09/17
Germany: The Progressives' Post-Election Meltdown/Vijeta Uniyal/Gatestone
Institute/October 09/17
Trump's 'Calm before the Storm' is a Message to North Korea and Iran/Alan M.
Dershowitz/Gatestone Institute/October 09/17
Iran, Iraq and Turkey Seek Triple Military Alliance/Amir Taheri/ِAharq Al Awsat/October
Days of depending on US are over for Pakistan’: Pakistan PM tells Arab News in
exclusive interview/Baker Atyani & Sib Kaifee/ArabNews/October 09/17
A must-have man for the Russian federation/Ghassan Charbel/Al Arabiya/October
Why North Korea’s antics remind us of Qatar/Hussein Shobokshi/Al Arabiya/October
Titles For Latest LCCC Lebanese Related News published on
October 09-10/17
Thanks Giving Day: Obligations Prayers &
Lebanese public figures speak out against Hezbollah
71 MPs Vote in Favor of Revised Tax Law, 5 Against as 9 Abstain
Hariri Says No Wage Scale Without Revenues
Kataeb Chief Says 'Detrimental' Taxes Aimed at Funding Electoral Campaign
Finance Minister: Taxes Mainly Aimed at Reducing Budget Deficit
Chamoun Deplores People's Passivity Towards Raging Corruption
Aoun, Mashnouq Affirm Timely Elections
Army Receives Two U.S. Super Tucano Light Attack Aircraft
Berri Says Voters to Use Normal IDs, Passports in Elections
Berri, Hariri and Jumblat Hold Evening Meeting in Clemenceau
Arsal Man Arrested for Belonging to Terror Group
Gunfight Erupts in Ain el-Hilweh Near UNRWA-Run School, Panics Students
Son of Iran detainee steps up calls for his return
Hezbollah’s crazed rhetoric will bring Armageddon down on Lebanon
Lebanese Shiites form front against Hezbollah
Titles For Latest LCCC Bulletin For Miscellaneous Reports
And News published on
October 09-10/17
Iran promises “crushing” response if US designates Guards a
terrorist group
Three Arab Candidates in the Race for UNESCO Chief Selection
‘Confederal’ System Alternative to Kurdistan’s Referendum
Civilian Casualties Spiral in Syria
Bahrain Confirms Committing to Principles of Anti-Terror Countries
Saudi King Salman Returns to Riyadh after Successful Russia Trip
Lockheed Martin Says ‘Looks Forward’ to Defense Industry Localization in Saudi
Arab League: UN Report on Yemen Lacks Accuracy
Latest Lebanese Related News published on
October 09-10/17
Thanks Giving Day: Obligations Prayers & Wishes/الياس بجاني/عيد الشكر في كندا:
واجبات وصلاة وتمنيات
Elias Bejjani/October 09/17
This Year, Our beloved Canada celebrates on the 09th of October
The Thanks Giving Day.
A blessed day by all means that is welcomed and cherished with joy,
gratefulness, Hope and faith.
All principles and values of humility and gratitude necessitates that each and
every one of us with faith, and hope thank Almighty God for all that we have no
matter what.
To appreciate what we have it is a must to look wisely around and observe the
millions and millions of people all over the world who are totally deprived from
almost every thing that is basic and needed for securing a descent life.
While celebrating the “Thanks Giving Day” Let us be grateful and thank Almighty
God genuinely and with full reverence.
On this special day we have to focus on praying and combine both faith and acts
We need to train ourselves to witness for the truth and to be humble and
generous in giving what we can to all those who are in need.
We must recognise and understand with no shed of doubt that the only weapons
that a peaceful believer can use to fight hardships of all sorts are faith,
honesty, self trust, righteousness and praying.
Let us all Lebanese Canadians pray and ask Almighty God for what ever we are in
need for ourselves, for others and for our beloved both countries, Canada and
Almighty God definitely will hear and respond in case we are genuine in our
prayers and praying with confidence, faith and trust, but His responses shall be
mostly beyond our understanding or grasping.
Let us Pray for on going peace and prosperity in the hospitable and great Canada
that gave us a home when we needed it.
Let us pray for peace in our beloved original country, Lebanon and for freedom
of its persecuted and impoverished people.
Let us pray that all Families will get together on this day to support each
other and mend all differences among their members.
Let us pray that all parents will be appreciated today by their family members,
honoured and showed all due respect.
Let us pray for the souls of Lebanon’s martyrs that fell while defending
Lebanon’s dignity and independence.
Let us pray that Jesus Christ shall grant, our mother country, Lebanon, the Land
Of the Holy Cedars with faithful clergymen and brave political leaders who fear
him and count for His Day Of Judgment.
Let us pray for peace and tranquility in our beloved Canada, and for all
countries and people over the world, especially in the troubled and chaotic
Middle East
Lebanese public figures speak out against Hezbollah
Roi Kais/Ynetnews/October 09/17
In rare and risky display, dozens of renowned
Shiite public figures, including professors, writers, journalists and
businessmen, meet in Beirut to voice their opposition to Hezbollah and call for
a transfer of power, claiming oppression and drawing the ire of the terror
group's supporters. Earlier this month, 60 renowned
public figures from the Shiite Muslim community in Lebanon gathered for a
conference at a hotel in Beirut in an attempt to challenge the dominance of
terror group Hezbollah and promoting the Shiite political party Amal in their
country. The conference organizers said the meeting was meant to voice different
opinions within the Shiite community. "We met and
debated and found one thing that brings us together concerns the building of a
strong state with sovereignty over its land and borders," the group said. "A
state that ensures the transfer of power in a periodic manner in accordance with
the formulas established in the constitution. A state that enforces its
sovereignty through its army and security forces without distractions."
This recent resistance movement is reportedly counting on Hezbollah's
involvement in Syria in order to increase their own power in the Lebanese
elections, which have not been held since 2009. The London-based Al-Arab
newspaper, which is known for its biased coverage against Hezbollah, said the
event was not the first of its kind. According to
their report, in recent years there have been meetings hosted and attended by
independent Shiite public figures in an attempt to challenge the hegemony of the
two movements, especially Hezbollah, in the Lebanese political arena and the
Shiite community in particular. However, this recent convergence created a wave
of negative responses on social media, with Hezbollah and Amal supporters
calling them "traitors" and accusing them of being bought and influenced by
foreign agents, hinting that those behind the conference were the countries
hostile to Hezbollah and its partners, such as Saudi Arabia.
"We face offensive rumors if we take an independent stand against the
Shiite duo of Hezbollah and Amal. We know we’ll pay for it," said Dr. Harith
Sulaiman, an academic and one of the prominent members of the resistance group.
"I have been a political activist and patriot for the last 40 years; I studied
in France, and I might have had certain ambitions, but I did not try to achieve
my goals through either of the two Shiite powers," he added. "I’ve now decided
to retire because I do not want to follow either of them."
The timing, it seems, is not coincidental. This
conference takes place only a few months before Lebanon's next parliamentary
elections. Those who attended it expressed a strong desire to establish "a
national opposition front that will correct the division of Lebanese
politics"—or, in other words, prepare the ground for an alternative choice for
the Shiite community at the ballot, though it is very doubtful they will
succeed. Since Hezbollah's intervention in Syria in favor of the Assad regime,
there have been some in the Shiite community to occasionally speak out against
the organization, but they are few and far between. "There exists a Shiite
dilemma in Lebanon: We can’t dream of being able to break Hezbollah’s
dominance," admitted media worker and civil activist Ali Al-Amin at the meeting.
"Hezbollah is a regional armed force that uses its power to practice sectarian
mobilization, and it is troubled by the existence of Shiites who declare that
they oppose its policies and ideologies."We are paying for our stances against
the campaigns that accused us of treachery, and we have been oppressed on
several occasions. Any Shiite who opposes Hezbollah is accused of treason." Most
who attended the meeting agreed that the change in Hezbollah's mobilization came
following the 2006 Second Lebanon War with Israel, which prompted them to switch
"from calling for a fight against Israel to calling for a holy war—jihad," and
bolstered their aggressive and warmongering approach towards regional
71 MPs Vote in Favor of Revised Tax Law, 5 Against as 9
Naharnet/October 09/17/The parliament on Monday approved a revised tax law to
fund a new wage scale for civil servants after a previous law was revoked by the
Constitutional Council over procedural and financial violations, as a separate
bill on suspending the wage scale was referred to the Parliamentary Finance
Committee. Seventy-one MPs voted in favor of the law, the five MPs of the Kataeb
Party voted against it, as nine other lawmakers abstained from voting, most of
them from Hizbullah's Loyalty to Resistance bloc. The taxes approved in the
morning session included hiking VAT from 10 to 11%; hiking the prices of
financial stamps; hiking taxes on imported alcoholic beverages; hiking fees
charged by notaries; LBP 2,500 on landline phone bills and LBP 250 on mobile
phone recharge cards; LBP 6,000 on cement production; LBP 250 on every cigarette
pack, a 10% increase on every cigar and LBP 2,500 on every kilogram of hookah
tobacco; an LBP 5,000 fee on non-Lebanese travelers entering Lebanon by land; an
LBP 50,000 tax on economy class travel tickets, LBP 150,000 on first class
travel tickets and LBP 400,000 on every traveler on a private jet. In the
evening, the legislature approved taxes on imported containers, annual fines on
seaside properties, a tax hike on lottery prizes, additional fees on firms'
income tax and fees on real state sale contracts as it hiked taxes on the
profits of financial firms from 15% to 17% and taxes on banks' interests and
revenues from 5% to 7%. Announcing that he had referred the bill on freezing the
wage scale to the Finance Committee, Speaker Nabih Berri warned that “if we
don't approve the taxes, Lebanon's credit rating will drop which would
negatively reflect on our currency.”“We must finalize the state budget before
the end of the month and we must verify the presence of a budget surplus,” he
added. During the session, Finance Minister Ali Hassan Khalil noted that “the
real objective behind the taxing measures is to reduce the deficit regardless of
the wage scale.”“Everyone criticizing the taxing measures has contributed to
hiking expenditure... The public debt interest increased LBP 760 billion in one
year,” Khalil added. Earlier during the session, the head of the Finance
Committee, MP Ibrahim Kanaan, had called for suspending the VAT hike until the
state budget is approved, noting that it can be shelved along with other taxes
in light of the achieved surplus.
Hariri Says No Wage Scale Without Revenues
Naharnet/October 09/17/Prime Minister Saad Hariri said on Monday that the
government cannot carry on with the implementation of the wage scale without
securing revenues to fund it. “We have heavily burdened the State with the
salary scale. We can't continue without revenues,” said Hariri.
The PM noted that former governments and parliaments had lengthily discussed the
tax hikes law, adding -- in an indirect hint at ten MPs including Kataeb party
leader MP Sami Gemayel who appealed the law -- that “parties who oppose it today
had previously agreed to it.”“Earmarking funds for the wage scale without taxes
will obligate us to borrow, which will put our country in a difficult situation.
We do not want to impose taxes on the poor,” he noted. After the parliament
approved the revised tax law in the evening, Hariri announced that "the imposed
taxes are largely focused on firms, banks and wealthy citizens."
"It is rejected to claim that some MPs and ministers are supportive of
low-income citizens more than others," he added. Wrong information is being
circulated about the revenues needed for the wage scale," Hariri decried.
"Approving the wage scale without reforms and revenues would lead the country
into a disaster," he warned. "Whoever agrees to the wage scale must also approve
its revenues that come through taxes," he added, addressing the opponents of the
tax bill. Those who don't care about reforms and revenues are irresponsible and
they only care about populist stances," Hariri added, in an apparent reference
to Gemayel. Hariri's comments came after a parliament meeting dedicated to
looking into three draft laws approved by the Cabinet, including the newly
approved scale for civil servants and armed forces. Public sector salaries for
the month of October were disbursed based on the new scale, but difficulties
arose after the Constitutional Council revoked the tax law aimed at funding it.
Fears arose over its suspension in coming months.
Late in August, the Constitutional Council ordered the tax law suspension after
an appeal against it by ten MPs led by Gemayel.
Kataeb Chief Says 'Detrimental' Taxes Aimed at Funding
Electoral Campaign 09/17/Kataeb chief Samy Gemayel on Monday sounded the alarm
over the negative impact that the taxes will have on the country and its people,
warning that the most of the approved taxes will affect the poor and middle
classes. “The finance minister made it clear that the taxes are not aimed at
funding the salary scale as claimed,” Gemayel said following the Parliament’s
legislative session aimed at discussing the taxes proposed by the government."We
are convinced and certain that there was no need for taxes to fund the salary
scale," he affirmed. "What happened today is a big mistake."“The state's
finances cannot be controlled and regulated unless a budget is set out and
approved,” he added. Gemayel accused the ruling authority of imposing taxes in
order to boost its revenues ahead of the parliamentary polls, saying that the
main goal behind the levies is to fund the electoral campaign of the political
forces in power.“80% of the approved taxes will affect all the Lebanese,”
Gemayel warned, noting, however, that the Kataeb party supports taxes on banks
and maritime properties. “We are afraid that the poverty rate will increase due
to the approved taxes as it will impact the daily life of the Lebanese,” Gemayel
said, noting that the VAT hike will affect 95% of the goods used regularly by
the people. “Let them stop saying that the poor and middle classes will not be
affected. In fact, these taxes will impoverish the people," he reiterated. “Each
of the approved taxes will impact the entire economy, businesses and
citizens”.Gemayel noted that lawmakers will vote by raising hands once
discussions on the taxes law are wrapped up, adding that the Lebanese will be
able to determine the stance of each deputy. “We will be scrutinizing the
approved taxes to determine whether there is a legal foundation that enables us
to lodge a challenge before the Constitutional Council,” Gemayel stressed.
During the session, Gemayel blasted the reckless approach that has been adopted
to deal with the taxes issue, criticizing the government for not basing the
proposed levies on a clear study that assesses their impact on the people and
the economy. “We would have loved to see the government reconsidering the taxes
law in the wake of the Constitutional Council's verdict; this law is
unconstitutional, detrimental to the economy and is not based on an economic
study,” Gemayel said. “We do not know the income that each of these taxes will
produce. No reform plan has been also set out knowing that top officials had
admitted that Lebanon suffers from corruption and that the finance minister
himself acknowledged tax and customs evasion,” Gemayel pointed out, adding that
no one has so far answered him regarding the $825 billion sum that the state's
treasury had gained thanked to bank profits. "We haven't received so far any
study that shows the taxes' impact on inflation and the living conditions. How
are we supposed to decide what to vote?"Gemayel noted that the budget surplus,
the bank profits as well as the reforms that can be carried out, by limiting tax
evasion before anything else, are sufficient to fund the salary scale. "As some
are claiming that the taxes will not affect the poor, we stress that the VAT
will affect 95% of supermarket goods," he pointed out.
Finance Minister: Taxes Mainly Aimed at Reducing
Budget Deficit 09/17/Finance Minister Ali Hassan Khalil admitted on Monday
that the taxes proposed by the government are mainly aimed at reducing the
budget deficit, not only funding the salary scale. According to information
obtained by the Kataeb website, the minister told the Parliament that the goal
behind approving the taxes is to boost the state's revenues, admitting that the
treasury had received $825 million, but failed to clarify whether this sum had
been spent or not.
Chamoun Deplores People's Passivity Towards Raging Corruption 09/17/National Liberal Party leader Dory Chamoun blasted the
taxes being imposed by the ruling authority, deploring the fact that the
Lebanese are keeping mum and standing idly by while corruption is in full swing.
"It is time for the people to speak up and say 'enough' to those ruling the
country," Chamoun told the Kataeb website. The Chouf lawmaker dismissed
statements claiming that the present term of President Michel Aoun is one of
prosperity and stability, saying that the reality proves that ordeals and
hardships have increased since the latter got to power. Chamoun regretted that
many Lebanese are still following their leaders blindly, slamming this "stupid"
segment of society for electing the same failed political class over and over.
Asked whether the approved taxes law will be contested this time also, Chamoun
said that no constitutional violation has been detected so far, adding that the
legislation will be scrutinized for that purpose.
Aoun, Mashnouq Affirm Timely Elections
Naharnet/October 09/17/President Michel Aoun and Interior Minister Nouhad al-Mashnouq
said Monday the parliamentary elections will be held on time based on the newly
agreed proportional representation electoral system. Aoun, speaking to members
of the 11-member Election Supervisory Committee at the Baabda Palace, stressed
saying Lebanon will stage timely polls, he said: “Parliamentary elections will
be held on time based on the newly agreed electoral law.” On a similar note and
after meeting Aoun, Mashnouq said: “The polls will be held on time without any
thought of postponement or extension.”The Election Supervisory Committee took an
oath before Aoun Monday, in a move that would legitimize its proceedings.
Lebanon's elections are expected to be held in May 2018.
Army Receives Two U.S. Super Tucano Light Attack
Associated Press/Naharnet/October 09/17/The Lebanese Air Force on Monday
received two U.S. A-29 Super Tucano light attack aircraft, the National News
Agency said. The two planes were delivered at the Hamat military airport in
northern Lebanon. The two aircraft have been donated to Lebanon as part of the
U.S. aid program for the Lebanese Army. The planes are designed for
counter-insurgency operations. The U.S. has been a major supporter of the
Lebanese Army, which until recently had been fighting the Islamic State group
and al-Qaida's Syrian branch on the border with Syria. The two groups were
ousted from the border region following Hizbullah and army offensives. Last
year, Washington delivered three Huey II helicopters, raising to 10 the number
of such U.S.-made aircraft in Lebanon's fleet. The U.S. has provided more than
$1 billion in military assistance to Lebanon since 2006.
Berri Says Voters to Use Normal IDs, Passports in
Naharnet/October 09/17/Speaker Nabih Berri said that voters will be able to cast
their ballots in the upcoming parliamentary elections using their normal
identity cards or passports, as he pointed out that there will be no prior
registration of voters, al-Joumhouria daily reported Monday.
“Things seem to have been settled. There will be no prior registration of
voters, there will be no biometric or magnetic voter cards. Elections will be
run normally as usual and voters can use their Ids or passports,” Berri was
quoted as telling his visitors. The cabinet was divided over whether to issue
biometric cards or magnetic voter cards for the 2018 parliamentary polls. The
process is costly and time-consuming, some political parties argue.Prior
registration of voters enables voters to cast ballots in their place of
residence without the need to move to their hometowns. On whether the newly
agreed electoral law needs “some amendments”, the Speaker said: "The amendment
is not on the table, and the law is clear.” On the postponement of the
elections, Berri said it is surprising to talk about any postponement of the
elections scheduled for next May, as he categorically rejected “new extension of
the parliament even if it was for two minutes. I repeat, an earthquake alone can
disrupt the elections, nothing else.”
Berri, Hariri and Jumblat Hold Evening Meeting in
Naharnet/October 09/17/A meeting was held Sunday evening at the residence of
head of the Democratic Gathering bloc MP Walid Jumblat in Clemenceau in the
presence of Speaker Nabih Berri, Prime Minister Saad Hariri, Finance Minister
Ali Hassan Khalil, MP Wael Abu Faour and Taymour Jumblat, al-Joumhouria daily
reported Monday.According to a statement released by the Progressive Socialist
Party media office, the two-hour meeting “included a review of the local
situation and the regional developments, as it stressed the need to make every
effort to maintain stability and fortify the national arena against all threats
to the homeland and activating the work of institutions in the interest of the
homeland and citizens.” Circles close to the interlocutors told the daily that
they “have been preparing for the meeting for some while,” and that “the
atmospheres were positive and friendly.”As for the goals, the sources stressed
on condition of anonymity saying “the meeting is not directed against anyone,
but was dictated by the need to meet. Several internal issues were addressed
including the elections' file.”They stressed that Berri, Hariri and Jumblat's
“main concern is the country's interest and the need to take the edge off
political rhetoric, including the need for coordination between political
parties on all internal files mainly the ones of priority.”In that regard,
Jumblat took to Twitter and said about the meeting: “A gathering of dialogue,
consensus and agreement on the need for stability, and realistic approach of
things. Immunization of Lebanon must remain a priority above all else.”
Arsal Man Arrested for Belonging to Terror Group
Naharnet/October 09/17/The General Directorate of
State Security announced Monday that Ali Hussein al-Hujeiri, 39, who hails from
the border town of Arsal, was arrested Saturday on charges of “belonging to a
terrorist group, fighting alongside it and staging acts of terror.”“Walkie-talkies
were seized in his possession and investigations showed that he was convicted by
the Military Court and that four arrest warrants had been issued for him,” State
Security said in a statement. “The detainee has been referred to State
Security's general headquarters for further investigations before being referred
to the relevant judicial authorities,” the statement added. Jihadists from the
extremist Islamic State and al-Nusra Front groups had been entrenched in Arsal's
outskirts since the eruption of the Syrian conflict before being ousted from the
area following Hizbullah and Lebanese Army offensives earlier this year. The two
groups overran Arsal in 2014 and were eventually ousted by the army after days
of deadly battles.
Gunfight Erupts in Ain el-Hilweh Near UNRWA-Run
School, Panics Students
Naharnet/October 09/17/Tension prevailed on Monday in the southern Palestinian
refugee camp of Ain el-Hilweh after a shooting incident between a group of
Palestinian youth near an UNRWA-run school, the National News Agency reported. A
personal dispute that escalated into a gunfight erupted between a group of youth
in al-Braxat neighborhood, NNA said.The fight sent students panicking and
trampling each other prompting the school's administration to have the children
returned back home for safety reasons, it added.
Son of Iran detainee steps up calls for his return
The Daily Star/October 09/17/BEIRUT: The son of a Lebanese
citizen imprisoned in Iran Monday sent an open letter to President Michel Aoun,
calling for him to return from an upcoming visit to Iran with his father. Nizar
Zakka, a Lebanese citizen and permanent U.S. resident, was arrested while
attending a state sponsored women’s conference in Tehran in 2015. Zakka has
since being tortured mentally and physically, his son Nadim alleges. “This has
never occurred in history. No organization, no party, and definitely no
government has ever done anything similar – they have officially invited and
taken Nizar Zakka hostage,” the letter read. “He was sentenced to 10 years
through a Star Chamber-like proceeding, by certain people in the Iranian
government who are more interested in using him, and others, as political pawns
in international politics.” Nadim added that his father requires urgent medical
care, which has been denied to him despite medical experts’ recommendations. “My
father has already lost his mother while he has been in Iran, [in addition to]
his strength, and his health. There is no reason for any more suffering,” the
letter read. Nadim added that many other countries had raised similar
humanitarian issues and succeeded in securing the release of persons detained in
Iran. “I’m sure you hear the thousands of Lebanese voices echoing, [saying] how
our government disregards the Lebanese people, how our elected officials care so
little for the honest man.”“We believe in you,” Nadim said, addressing Aoun,
“more than the average man, more than the average official. I believe in you as
father of my people, as sworn defender of the Lebanese ... I am sure you will do
all that is in your power to return [from Iran] with my father, especially
[since] Iran is supposedly a friend of Lebanon.”At the time of his arrest, Zakka
was the secretary-general of IJMA3, the Arab Information and Communications
Technology Organization. Reports from Iranian media suggested that his arrest
was linked to espionage. He was invited to speak by Iran’s then-Vice President
Shahindokht Molaverdi, who issued Zakka’s invitation as well as his visa. He was
sentenced to 10 years in prison and faces a $4.2 million fine for spying on
behalf of the U.S., following a closed-door trial held in September 2016.
Hezbollah’s crazed rhetoric will bring Armageddon down on
Lebanon/خطاب حزب الله الجنوني سيجلب
الكارثة (أرمجدون) إلى لبنان
Baria Alamuddin/ArabNews/October 09/17
I increasingly hear diplomats and academics talking about the next Lebanon war
as if it were simply a matter of time. Perhaps we require no more authoritative
conformation of this than statements emerging from Hezbollah’s Hassan Nasrallah
Nasrallah appears to relish the prospect of war; with fire-breathing speeches
warning “the Jews” to leave Palestine to avoid being eliminated; and threatening
to bring forth militias from Afghanistan, Yemen, Pakistan and God-knows-where
else to join the conflict. There is some truth in Nasrallah’s boasts that
Hezbollah is today better armed with long-range missiles; can operate on a front
extending to the Golan; and now has domestic facilities for manufacturing its
own arms and missiles — thanks to kind Uncle Khamenei!
Hezbollah in 2006 faced overwhelming military force, but because it survived and
resupplied, propagandists claimed victory. However, there was a third
protagonist in that conflict — the Lebanese people. Lebanon was the indisputable
loser, with entire villages and urban districts bombed back to the stone age.
Hundreds of civilians were killed by Israeli bombing while the world sat on its
hands. Even now, hardly a day goes by without children in south Lebanon being
maimed or killed by cluster-bomb fragments.
Let’s take Sayyid Nasrallah at his word and accept that Hezbollah today is 10
times better armed than before, with thousands of battle-hardened mercenaries at
its disposal — the blood of Syrian citizens still dripping from their uniforms.
Will Israel not be 100 times as ready, having spent every day since 2006 quietly
I’m sure it will be an impressive propaganda victory if rockets hit the
outskirts of Tel Aviv. Does that make it worthwhile when Beirut gets pounded to
dust? For every Israeli citizen killed, Israel never fails to avenge itself with
20 times the murderous fury against Arab non-combatants. When Nasrallah embarks
on these adventures, knowing precisely how the enemy will respond, does he not
also have Lebanese blood on his hands?
If the world in 2006 reacted to the conflict with embarrassed platitudes, in
2017 we can expect Trump to be Israel’s biggest cheerleader; opening the
floodgates of US funding and military hardware with which to bring down
Armageddon upon Lebanon. It was less obvious in 2006 that the UN and the
international system were fundamentally broken. It was a psychological shock
when the likes of Tony Blair proclaimed Israel’s right to defend itself and
refused to call for a ceasefire. The international community’s lethargic
response to renewed regional conflict in 2017 may leave us feeling nostalgic for
Blair’s forked tongue.
Nasrallah is proud of having performed so well against disorganized bands of
Syrian rebels and the women and children of Aleppo. Does he now believe himself
to be invincible?
Awash with US funding, Israel is frequently rated as having the most
technologically advanced military on earth, with an unrivalled air force. Iran’s
annual funding to Hezbollah has risen to an estimated $800 million. How does
this compare with Israel’s on-the-books annual military spending of around $20
billion? I mention this not to praise Israel, but so that, as Hezbollah drags us
towards war, we aren’t deceived about what to expect. Israel has earned the
undying enmity of us all, after waging so many bloody and futile incursions into
Tel Aviv has been remarkably quiet in the face of Nasrallah’s bluster. Does
Nasrallah believe he’ll catch the Israeli army unawares? On the contrary, while
Israel’s leadership recognizes it cannot emerge from such a conflict unscathed,
Israel would obviously never sit back and allow armies of Iranian proxies to
take up residence along its northern borders, without cutting them down to size
at the right moment. When this conflict is triggered, it will be infinitely more
bitter and destructive for Lebanon than 2006.
Flush with Iranian arms and money, and basking in the glow of his ‘military
triumph’ over the women and children of Aleppo, Hassan Nasrallah blusters that
he is ready for war with Israel. But his enemy is ready too, and the price, as
usual, will be the lives and homes of innocent civilians.
Tragic Lebanon is in no fit state to face even limited conflict. For decades
Lebanon has hosted a vast refugee population from Palestine and beyond. And
after 2011 this tiny state opened its borders to a substantial proportion of the
displaced Syrian nation. Consequently, public services long since passed
breaking point. Unemployment exceeds 30 percent, with a dangerously high
debt-to-GDP ratio of 150 percent. The Lebanon I grew up in was a prosperous and
flourishing nation; when I return I’m shocked by growing social hardship. Since
2011 alone, the population living below the poverty line has risen by a shocking
66 percent.
Hezbollah displays contempt for Lebanon, seeing themselves as mighty regional
actors (a delusion shared by a disturbing number of Lebanese). Nasrallah somehow
claims the right to decide issues of peace and war, life and death, on behalf of
the Lebanese people. Many of us thought that the Syrian war would weaken
Hezbollah, particularly when domestic criticism intensified after more than
2,000 Lebanese fighters perished in a foreign conflict. Hezbollah has displayed
itself to be contemptuously independent of domestic support, as long as Iranian
funding flows into its coffers.
Indeed, Hezbollah has intensified ideological control of Shiite districts. It
meanwhile embarked on expansive construction projects in areas between the
Shiite heartlands, such as south Beirut and Beqaa, to ensure territorial
contiguity and sectarian hegemony. This is paralleled with massive sectarian
engineering projects across Syria through to Iraq, to ensure a pliant population
across which Iran’s pawns can move with impunity. For obvious reasons, the
expansion of proxy paramilitaries in Golan has been a priority.
We have entered an era of raw power, when nobody even cares about the moral high
ground. Putin, Nasrallah, Khamenei and Assad came out on top in Syria through
unlimited brute force. The rulers of Lebanon’s political fiefdoms compete to
ally themselves with these self-styled strongmen. A word from Bashar Assad no
longer makes or breaks Lebanese governments — Assad’s Iranian and Russian
powerbrokers today call the shots.
Hezbollah’s growing stranglehold over the Lebanese political system is
manifested in actions against Sunni militants. Nobody disputes that many of
those detained and executed are primarily a plague on their own communities.
However, such campaigns begin to resemble sectarian purges; thus fueling
sectarian militancy which had already been exacerbated by the export of the
Syrian conflict on to Lebanese soil.
Much as we resented Western interference, we must acknowledge that in previous
decades diplomats were active behind the scenes neutralizing Lebanese disputes
and preventing the political system from blundering off a cliff. Today, Western
diplomats have largely washed their hands of such a role, and GCC financial
support has plunged. Everybody seems to have forgotten the lesson that Lebanon
is the Arab world in microcosm – managing crises in Beirut frequently prevents
contagion to the rest of the region.
Israel and Hezbollah are like two ageing and punch-drunk street brawlers who
relish their periodic sparring matches, while trampling Lebanon to shreds
beneath their feet. Meanwhile their sponsors — Iran and America — sit back and
spectate from a safe distance.
Are we content to also passively sit back and watch Israel and Hezbollah tear
Lebanon to pieces, simply to prove who’s the biggest thug in the region?
• Baria Alamuddin is an award-winning journalist and broadcaster in the Middle
East and the UK. She is editor of the Media Services Syndicate, a foreign editor
at Al-Hayat, and has interviewed numerous heads of state.
Lebanese Shiites form front against Hezbollah قيادات
شيعية تشكل جبهة ضد حزب الله
Najia Houssari/ArabNews/October 09/17
Beirut/ A recent meeting of around 60 public Shiite figures in
Beirut, including university professors, writers, journalists and business
people, has triggered a series of negative responses on social media.
The group said: “We are a group of democratic Lebanese citizens from the Shiite
community, and our main concern is the establishment of a just and capable
state, and the Shiite community is but a part of our work and activity,
especially as parliamentary elections approach with an electoral law which still
requires candidates to have sectarian affiliation.”
Read more: Initiative chiite élargie contre le Hezbollah
The response on social media — accusations of “treason” and cries of “embassy’s
Shiites,” a derisory term used by Hezbollah to discredit its opponents by
implying they are in the pay of foreign governments — was expected, according to
Dr. Harith Sulaiman, an academic and one of the prominent group members.
“We face offensive rumors if we take an independent stand against the Shiite duo
of Hezbollah and Amal. We know we’ll pay for it,” he said. “I have been a
political activist and patriot for the last 40 years; I studied in France and I
might have had certain ambitions, but I did not try to achieve my goals through
either of the two Shiite powers. I’ve now decided to retire because I do not
want to follow either of them.”
The group stated that their meeting was “evidence we don’t plan on establishing
a political party or a Shiite organization, but that we are keen on finding a
political climate that is convenient for all Lebanese people and through which
they can perform their duties and receive their rights. Our meeting today is not
a fleeting one, but the beginning of establishing a national opposition front
that will correct the division of Lebanese politics.
“During the meeting, it was agreed that the quota policy has disrupted and
paralyzed government agencies and changed Lebanon’s direction toward serving
regional agendas, which, if continued, will eventually lead to the fragmentation
and demise of Lebanon,” the group’s statement continued. “From here, we call for
searching for ways out after the country was brought to a state of
intransigence. It is time for a Lebanese civil state to be established, and it
should start with the parliamentary elections.”
Media worker and civil activist Ali Al-Amin pointed out that the meeting brought
together left-wingers, conservatives and civil activists from South Lebanon,
Bekaa and Beirut. They do not share the same ideology but they do share a desire
for a civil state. “The appeal we made is a founding statement for this common
space,” he said.
“There exists a Shiite dilemma in Lebanon: We can’t dream of being able to break
Hezbollah’s dominance. Hezbollah is a regional armed force that uses its power
to practice sectarian mobilization, and it is troubled by the existence of
Shiites who declare that they oppose its policies and ideologies. We are paying
for our stances against the campaigns that accused us of treachery, and we have
been oppressed on several occasions. Any Shiite who opposes Hezbollah is accused
of treason.”
Shiite figures in the meeting agreed that Hezbollah’s sectarian mobilization had
begun to escalate in 2006 after Israel’s war on Lebanon, and continued during
its fight alongside Syria “when they switched from calling for a fight against
Israel to calling for a holy war — jihad.”
However, the group believes the upcoming parliamentary elections, based on the
new law that adopts proportional representation, are an opportunity for
achieving a ballot-box breakthrough.
“In the last quarter-century, we haven’t seen any breakthroughs in electoral
lists in which the Shiite duo is allied — neither in the south nor in Baalbek-Hermel,”
Al-Amin said. “This is an indication to any observer that there are no elections
in these areas, but rather the use of the organs of state to exert influence
over them. Hezbollah chief Hassan Nasrallah once said, ‘We are headed to a
referendum, not an election.’ For us, sovereignty is a matter of vital
importance and we have the right to tell them they’re committing forgery and
violating the law.”
The independent Shiite figures believe the outcome of last year’s municipal
elections, in which some individuals overcame the traditional Shiite alliance,
offers cause for optimism. They do not believe there is a contradiction between
their call for a civil state and using a unified Shiite front to achieve it.
“The Lebanese regime divided us into sects and regions, so what (are we)
supposed to do? There is a Shiite problem and if certain figures are not
replaced, nothing will change,” businessman Kareem Marwa said. “Lebanon is
governed by the balance of powers. We know this, but we wish to say that we are
Lebanese and Arabs, and the new election law may either allow for a seat or not,
but it’s our duty to provide the people of Lebanon — especially Shiites — with
options if we wish the state to come first.”
Journalist Kassem Kassir, a close associate of Hezbollah, doubts that these
figures will remain united when it comes to their electoral project because he
believes “they have nothing in common — on the contrary, actually; there are
conflicts between them. Moreover, they have already attempted to form groups but
were marginalized by the electoral alliances between the March 14 Forces and the
Shiite duo.”
Kassir said he believes “these figures are trying to seize the opportunity and
take advantage of a regional event to unite as opposition to Hezbollah. However,
these figures form an elite group that does not constitute a popular cause, so
how will it survive the parliamentary elections without powerful electoral
But Dr. Sulaiman’s vision goes beyond the parliamentary elections. “In the light
of Hezbollah’s involvement in the Syrian mess, what we’re doing is protecting
our people from death,” he said. “Every day I go to the university and see the
walls filled with photos of students I’ve known being mourned by Hezbollah; I
find it quite painful. When they fought Israel, we used to say ‘May they rest in
peace,’ but the tragedy is greater today because those young people are fighting
in defense of Bashar Assad. Those young men are dying thrice: Once because they
died, once because they fought the wrong battle, and once because they are
supporting a tyrannical ruler. The reason why we’re here is that we appeal for
the truth and want to say ‘Enough is enough’ and defend our youth.”
“We cannot despise our students, relatives or neighbors — what we do is because
we love them and wish to protect them from death,” he continued. “Those who are
responsible for their harm are the ones who said ‘We will be wherever we must
be.’ It is the responsibility of Qasem Soleimani because it means we must be
whatever Iran wishes us to be, and this is unacceptable. We are more concerned
about the Hezbollah youth than about Iran and Hezbollah’s leadership.”
Latest LCCC Bulletin For Miscellaneous Reports And News published
October 09-10/17
Iran promises “crushing” response if US designates Guards a
terrorist group
Reuters/Monday 9 October 2017/LONDON: Iran promised on Monday to give a
“crushing” response if the United States designated its elite Revolutionary
Guards as a terrorist group.The pledge came a week before President Donald Trump
announces final decision on how he wants to contain Tehran. He is expected on
Oct 15 to will decertify the landmark international deal to curb Iran’s nuclear
program, in a step that potentially could cause the 2015 accord to unravel.
Trump is also expected to designate Iran’s most powerful security force, the
Revolutionary Guards Corp. (IRGC) as a terrorist organization, as he rolls out a
broader US strategy on Iran. “We are hopeful that the United States does not
make this strategic mistake,” foreign ministry spokesman Bahram Qasemi was
quoted as saying by the state news agency IRNA at a news conference.
“If they do, Iran’s reaction would be firm, decisive and crushing and the United
States should bear all its consequences,” he added. Individuals and entities
associated with the IRGC are currently on the US list of foreign terrorist
organizations, but the organization as a whole is not. IRGC commander Mohammad
Ali Jafari said on Sunday “if the news is correct about the stupidity of the
American government in considering the Revolutionary Guards a terrorist group,
then the Revolutionary Guards will consider the American army to be like Islamic
State all around the world.”Jafari also said that additional sanctions would end
the chances for future dialogue with the United States and that the Americans
would have to move their regional bases outside the 2,000 km (1,250 mile) range
of IRGC’s missiles.
Three Arab Candidates in the Race for UNESCO Chief
Asharq Al-Awsat/October 09/17Cairo- Three Arab candidates sit for the selection
of UNESCO’s top post holder. Egyptian human rights activist Moushira Khattab,
Lebanese lecturer in International Law at the Sorbonne School of Law Vera El
Khoury Lacoeuilhe, and Qatari diplomat Hamad Bin Abdulaziz Al-Kawari, next to
four other candidates are being reviewed for the position of UNESCO’s new chief.
The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization’s
executive board is choosing a new leader to replace departing director Irina
Bokova. Affiliated sources revealed on Sunday that
Egypt’s Khattab, who also served as the Minister of Family & Population of
Egypt, receives wide-reaching support from African, Arab, and Mediterranean Sea
countries. A career US-educated diplomat, Khattab’s
biggest achievement was campaigning in the 1990s for women’s rights as a top
aide to the country’s first lady at the time, Suzanne Mubarak. She also served
as chairwoman of the National Council for Childhood and Motherhood and was one
of the main architects of legislation prohibiting the marriage of underage girls
and female genital circumcision. She also served as
family and housing minister under President Hosni Mubarak, ousted in a 2011
popular uprising. However, there are fears that Arab
votes will be broken in favor of other candidates, notably former French nominee
and former culture minister Audrey Azoulay.Azoulay is the first French nominee
seeking UNESCO’s position for chief, mixing up the cards a little. On the other
hand, no Arab candidate has ever secured this high position throughout the
organization’s history. Egypt has hinted at efforts to buy the votes of members
in the elections. “Foreign Minister Sameh Shoukry, who
is in Paris to follow up on the elections, confirmed his confidence that UNESCO
will choose its new director in a fair manner … and that it is difficult to buy
them as other elections were bought,” foreign ministry spokesman Ahmed Abu Zeid
said. Zeid’s remarks were in reference to Qatar’s victory in winning the hosting
job for the 2022 World Cup. Voting by UNESCO’s executive board starts Monday and
continues through the week. Among the leading candidates is Qian Tang of China.
It is worth noting that the US has also paused funding for the
organization along with Israel, once former UNESCO Director-General Bokova
allowed for the 2011 members’ vote to make Palestine a member of the
‘Confederal’ System Alternative to Kurdistan’s
Asharq Al-Awsat/October 09/17Baghdad, Irbil- The option of a “confederal” state
reemerged on Sunday as an alternative to the Kurdistan Region’s plans to gain
independence from Iraq, informed Kurdish sources told Asharq Al-Awsat. Abdullah
Warti, a member of the Kurdistan Supreme Political Council, said that the
confederal choice was proposed by a third intermediary, represented by
neighboring countries and other international states, and was adopted by some
sides in the government and some Iraqi politicians. “However, the proposal has
not yet became official,” Warti said, adding that confederalism is currently
considered as the best solution for the political situation in Iraq and the
Kurdistan Region. From his part, Fadel Mirani, secretary-general of the
Kurdistan Democratic Party led by President of the Kurdistan Region Masoud
Barzani, said on Sunday that “the choice of confederalism is good.”He added: “If
Baghdad recognizes the Kurdish state, then it would be possible to discuss the
choice of confederalism.”The development came as several parliamentary bloc
leaders in Iraq are working to limit the tension between Baghdad and Irbil. In
this regard, Barzani held talks in Irbil on Sunday with Iraqi parliament speaker
Salim al-Jabori, the first meeting between the two sides since Kurdistan’s
independence referendum last Sept. 25. Following the meeting, Jabori’s office
issued a statement saying his visit aims to help rebuild the strained relations
between Irbil and Baghdad that have reached a dangerous level where “regional
countries have begun to interfere as parties in the crisis, threatening the
security and stability of Iraq as a state.”Meanwhile, the office of former Iraqi
Speaker and Vice President Osama al-Nujaifi announced on Sunday launching a new
political initiative to “defuse the crisis” with an aim to reach national
solutions based on dialogue and the unity of Iraq.
Civilian Casualties Spiral in Syria
Asharq Al-Awsat/October 09/17Beirut- Civilian casualties have spiraled across
Syria in recent weeks as pro-regime forces launch hundreds of bombing raids
across areas marked for international protection.
Groups monitoring the conflict have recorded hundreds of strikes since the end
of a sixth round of peace talks in Astana among Russia, Iran and Turkey in
mid-September. On Friday, the White Helmets rescue group reported that 80
percent of those attacks targeted civilian areas. September was the deadliest
month on record this year in Syria, according to the Syrian Observatory for
Human Rights monitoring group, with almost 1,000 civilians killed across the
country. “Now the planes are back, there is just terror all the time,” said Tim
al-Siyofi, an activist from the besieged Damascus district of Douma. Analysts
took the violence as a sign that piecemeal cease-fires struck in the Kazakh
capital of Astana have done little to change the core objectives of the Syrian
regime. With support from Russia and Iran, Bashar al-Assad’s military is
ascendant and on course to reclaim most of the territory that slipped from its
grasp during six years of war. They also said it underscored the paucity of
diplomatic options for the United States and European nations, which championed
an earlier, UN-backed process without success, and now hold little leverage over
any side in the conflict. “For the international community, who have failed in
large part to see through this process, a return to violence may have larger
implications for their attempts to push for a political and sustainable
solution,” said Emma Beals, a Beirut-based expert monitoring the war in Syria.
Attacks by government and Russian warplanes followed a failed offensive led by
Al-Qaeda (al-Nusra Front and its allies) in the western province of Hama. In the
next-door province of Idlib, a rebel stronghold in which the peace talks are
meant to have guaranteed a cease-fire, warplanes have targeted the hospitals in
which many of the wounded would have sought treatment. Interviews with civilians
in the area were interrupted on several occasions by the sound of rocket fire
and explosions. Inside the Idlib and Kafr Takhareem hospitals during one
nighttime attack, staff said they were overwhelmed with the number of
casualties. “Our emergency room is full during the bad nights, so we’re treating
casualties in the chairs. The dead are wrapped in blankets and laid on the
ground as we work,” said a 34-year old medic who gave his name as Abdulhamid. In
the Damascus suburbs, areas covered by the truce have also come under sustained
attack, with strikes hitting civilian homes and a rehabilitation clinic for
victims of earlier bombings. With the bombings, rebel corruption and infighting,
Siyofi, the activist, said trust in the community has plummeted. “People say we
do not want either the regime or the armed groups, we just want to eat, open the
sieges and to live in peace and not to get bombed.” “The de-escalation process
is allowing Assad to continue to implement this strategy within the framework of
an internationally sanctioned political process,” Beals said. Regime and Russian
airstrikes appear to have been concentrated in areas around the strategic M5
highway, a vital artery for the Syrian state that runs from Damascus through
Homs and on to Aleppo, which was recaptured from rebel forces last December.
Some saw few gains to be made. “Astana is just like a piece of fabric stretched
over parts of the country,” said Ahmed Rahhul, a former general in Assad’s army
who now works as an Istanbul-based military analyst. “These de-escalations
freeze the problem, they do not solve it.”
Bahrain Confirms Committing to Principles of Anti-Terror Countries
Asharq Al-Awsat/October 09/17Manama-The King of Bahrain has hailed the efforts
of the anti-terror Quartet and the current boycott of countries supporting
terrorism headed by Qatar, underscoring the Kingdom vital role in fighting
terrorism in the region.
“The Kingdom affirms its adherence to the basic principles declared by the
countries calling for the fight against terrorism and uncovering the supporters
and funders of terrorism, who adopt political agendas that aim to fabricate
crises, divide ranks and threaten the security and stability of the region,”
King Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa said. The King’s
comments came during the opening of the final session of the fourth legislative
term at a special ceremony held at the Isa Cultural Center premises in Juffair.
Deputy Prime Ministers, Bahrain Defense Force(BDF) Commander-in-Chief
Field Marshall Sheikh Khalifa bin Ahmed Al Khalifa, ministers, senior officers
of the BDF, Interior Ministry and National Guard, Members of Parliament and
Shura Council, Ambassadors and other dignitaries were present on the
occasion.The King mentioned the headlines of Bahrain’s internal and foreign
policy as he stressed the reform requirements and development in light of this
changeable world. “The requirements of reform and
development in our changing world, with its opportunities and challenges, call
for a clear vision to ensure a smooth development process,” King Hamad said.
“On this level, the Kingdom of Bahrain has been able to meet these
requirements, proceeding from our comprehensive national project, from which
stems Bahrain’s Economic Vision 2030 and its principles that instill justice,
competitiveness, and sustainability to attain leadership in performance and
achievement,” King Hamad added. Praising the efforts
paid by the two branches of the Legislative Authority, the House of
Representatives and Shura Council, King Hamad highlighted the main legislations
passed during the previous three years, serving the people of Bahrain and their
interests. He commended the initiatives of the
legislature that aim to boost the level of social stability, especially the
Family Law, which came in the “form of a consensus and unified formula, stemming
from the provisions of the Islamic Shari’a, and in support of the tremendous
attention the Kingdom accords to the status of the Bahraini family in general
and women in particular, who deserve all respect.”It’s a matter of pride that
Bahraini women today exceed the traditional stages of empowerment to reach the
higher status they now enjoy as they represent a high percentage of the
country’s public and private sector employees,” the King said.
In the field of foreign policy, King Hamad stressed that his country will
remain, as it has always been known in the Arab world, faithful to its causes,
protecting its security and defending its interests. “It will mobilize all its
military, security and diplomatic capabilities to confront any illegal
interference and deal with any crises that aim to destabilize its Arab region,”
the King added. “In this regard, we will continue our efforts in support of the
legitimate rights of the brotherly Palestinian people to establish their
independent State, with Jerusalem as its capital, as a prerequisite for the
establishment of security and stability in the region.”In this context, Speaker
of the Council of Representatives called upon Qatar to return to the Gulf House
and the Arab Ranks and to adhere to the bonds, ties of closeness, religion,
history and common destiny and to stay away from the Iranian policies.
Saudi King Salman Returns to Riyadh after Successful
Russia Trip
Asharq Al-Awsat/October 09/17/Moscow, Riyadh – Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques
King Salman bin Abdulaziz returned to Saudi Arabia on Sunday, concluding a
successful trip to Russia where he met President Vladimir Putin and senior
He stressed the importance of the talks with the Russian president, sending him
a cable on Sunday in which he thanked him for the warm reception.
“I leave your friendly country by offering my greatest gratitude for the
reception the accompanying delegation and I received.”
“The joint talks we held confirm the determination to go ahead and bolster ties
between our countries in all fields,” added King Salman.
It confirms a determination to continue coordination and consultations on
issues of joint interest in a manner that serves the interest of both friendly
nations and peoples and international security and peace, stressed the monarch
in his cable. He also hoped that the Russian people
will witness continued prosperity and growth. Talks
between King Salman and Russian officials addressed bilateral ties and
strengthening cooperation between Riyadh and Moscow.
The historic trip was crowned with the signing of agreements and Memorandums of
Understanding worth billions of dollars. The deals cover the technology,
military cooperation, space, trade, communication, investment and cultural
Lockheed Martin Says ‘Looks Forward’ to Defense
Industry Localization in Saudi Arabia
Asharq Al-Awsat/October 09/17Dubai- Lockheed Martin Saudi Arabia’s Chief
Executive Alan Chinoda said that the arms deal brokered during the US
President’s visit last May encompasses the settings of a Saudi-US partnership
and encourages the exchange of intelligence. Lockheed Martin has partnered with
King Abdulaziz City for Science and Technology (KACST) to provide on-the-job
training in advanced manufacturing. Chinoda added that
modern defense contracts go beyond the traditional arms-oriented deals. The
defense industry is wide-ranging, involving everything from launchpads, advanced
software, specialized technologies, complex supply chain management, all the way
to many other defense partnership aspects, said Chinoda.
The US State Department has approved the possible sale of 44 Terminal
High Altitude Area Defense (THAAD) missile launchers to Saudi Arabia, worth up
to $15 billion.
The sale is part of the $110 billion mega arms deal with Saudi Arabia that
President Trump announced during his trip in May. Lockheed Martin’s share of
this partnership is estimated at $28 billion covering air and missile defense
systems, warships, tactical aircraft, and Rotary. The THAAD sale would further
enhance US national security and foreign policy interests and support the
long-term security of Saudi Arabia and the Gulf region in the face of Iranian
and other regional threats. Speaking to Asharq Al-Awsat,
Chinoda said that the Kingdom’s next approach is based on the efforts of
localization in the context of Vision 2030, which seeks to cover 50 percent of
the country’s defense investments by 2030. Chinoda
described the move as ‘intelligent,’ saying that the Saudi leadership approach
is positive in terms of developing a more mature defense industry, with
specialized and highly skilled jobs. One of the key elements of the May 20 deal
is to localize products and develop skills. Companies looking to work in Saudi
Arabia are encouraged to incorporate knowledge transfer into their operations.
Commenting on the US-Saudi arms deal pledging to assemble 150 Lockheed
Martin Blackhawk helicopters in Saudi Arabia, Chinoda said that the group was
working to deliver on that deal. Initially, parts of
the helicopters will be transferred mostly from the United States and delivered
to Saudi military forces, while the final assembly will take place within the
joint venture in Saudi Arabia. The $6 billion deal for Blackhawks is expected to
result in about 450 jobs in Saudi Arabia, the statement said. A number of
experienced employees from Lockheed Martin will provide practical training to
Saudis so that they can eventually build a successful aviation and defense
industry in the Kingdom. He reiterated that Lockheed Martin looks forward to
continuing its historical relationship with Saudi Arabia, a relationship that
dates back more than half a century when in 1965 the company delivered the first
C-130 Hercules military air transport to the kingdom.
Arab League: UN Report on Yemen Lacks Accuracy
Asharq Al-Awsat/October 09/17Cairo, Riyadh- The Arab League said that a more
accurate approach was required in the annual report of the UN Secretary-General
on the situation of children in armed conflict, in which the UN accused the Arab
Coalition Countries to Restore Yemen’s Legitimacy of committing violations
against children during the country’s armed conflict.
Mahmoud Afifi, the official spokesman of the Arab League secretary general, said
that the report lacked a more accurate approach by the authors in monitoring,
recording and documenting the alleged violations by Arab Coalition in Yemen.
He stressed that Yemen’s complex situation and the responsibility of the coup
militias for a large number of violations “makes it important to refer to the
legitimate government in Yemen as the main source for information and data in
this regard.”Afifi added that the severe deterioration in the humanitarian and
living conditions of the Yemeni people necessitated practical steps to mobilize
the much-needed efforts to address the situation as soon as possible, starting
with a constructive and sound dialogue between the international community and
the legitimate government and its allies. He also
highlighted great efforts deployed by the Arab Coalition over the last years to
help the Yemeni people, including, for example, the work of the King Salman
Humanitarian Aid and Relief Center (KSRELIEF) in the protection of Yemeni
children in armed conflicts and the rehabilitation of child soldiers.Meanwhile,
legal sources said that the credibility and accuracy of United Nations reports
was at stake, as the international organization has recently resorted to
inaccurate statistical data from non-neutral actors possibly involved in
conflicts. The sources told Asharq al-Awsat that in
recent years there has been an increase in the international organization’s
failures, while its secretary-general’s tasks have been limited to denunciation
and condemnation. Dr. Hadi Al-Yami, the former chairman of the Arab Human Rights
Committee, said that international organizations have tried to exploit Saudi
support for their programs and to issue reports in the interests of the
Kingdom’s enemies. He also expressed his surprise over the United Nations’
designation of the Arab Coalition as a party that violates children’s rights.
“Unfortunately, information obtained by international organizations is not
objective, as it comes from employees working for the Houthis and does not
reflect the reality of Houthi violations of children’s rights,” he stated.
Latest LCCC Bulletin analysis & editorials from
miscellaneous sources published on October 09-10/17
من جون بولتون للرئيس ترامي: السيد الرئيس، لا تضع أمريكا في خطر مع صفقة إيران
المعيبة والمتعثرة
Mr. President, Don't Put America at Risk with Flawed Iran Deal
John R. Bolton/ Gatestone Institute/October 09/17
President Trump will address U.S. policy toward Iran on Thursday, doubtless
focusing on his decision regarding Barack Obama's badly flawed nuclear deal. Key
officials are now briefing Congress, the press and foreign governments about the
speech, cautioning that the final product is, in fact, not yet final. The
preponderant media speculation is that Trump's senior advisers are positioning
him to make a serious mistake, based on their flawed advice. Wishful thinking
about Iran's mullahs, near-religious faith in the power of pieces of paper, and
a retreat from executive authority are hallmarks of the impending crash.
In short, Obama's Iran nuclear deal is poised to become the Trump-Obama deal.
The media report that the president will not withdraw from the Joint
Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), but instead, under the misbegotten
Corker-Cardin legislation, will "decertify" that it is in America's national
interest. Congress may then reimpose sanctions, or try somehow to "fix" the
deal. Curiously, most of the suggested "fixes" involve repairing Corker-Cardin
rather than the JCPOA directly.
Sure, give Congress the lead on Iran. What could go wrong? Whatever the problem
with Iran, Congress is not the answer. No president should surrender what the
Constitution vests uniquely in him: dominant power to set America's foreign
policy. In the iconic Federalist Number 70, Alexander Hamilton wrote
insightfully that "decision, activity, secrecy and dispatch" characterize
unitary executive power, and most certainly not the legislative branch.
President Trump risks not only forfeiting his leading national-security role,
but paralysis, or worse, in the House and Senate.
If Congress really wants to "fix" Corker-Cardin, the best fix is total repeal.
The substantive arguments for decertifying but not withdrawing are truly
Jesuitical, teasing out imagined benefits from adhering to a deal Iran already
treats with contempt. Some argue we should try provoking Iran to exit first,
because our withdrawal would harm America's image. This is ludicrous. The United
States must act in its own self-interest, not wait around hoping Iran does us a
favor. It won't. Why should Tehran leave (or even modify) a deal advantageous
beyond its wildest imagination?
This "shame" prediction was made against Washington's 2001 unilateral withdrawal
from the Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty, and proved utterly false. America's
decision to abrogate the hallowed "cornerstone of international strategic
stability" produced nothing like the storm of opprobrium Anti-Ballistic Missile
Treaty adherents predicted. No nuclear arms race followed. Instead, withdrawal
left the United States far better positioned to defend itself against exactly
the threats Iran and others now pose.
Some say that trashing the deal will spur Iran to accelerate its nuclear-weapons
program to rush across the finish line. Of course, before the JCPOA, Iran was
already party to the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty, which barred it from
seeking or possessing nuclear weapons, but which it systematically violated.
JCPOA advocates are therefore arguing that although one piece of paper (a
multilateral treaty, no less) failed to stop Iran's nuclear quest, the JCPOA, a
second piece of paper, will do the trick, with catastrophic consequences if we
withdraw. Ironically, these same acolytes almost invariably concede the JCPOA is
badly flawed and needs substantial amendment. So they actually believe a third
piece of paper is required to halt Iran. Two are not enough. This argument
flunks the smile test: Burying Iran in paper will not stop its nuclear program.
Iran's ability to "rush" to have nuclear weapons existed before the deal, exists
now, and would exist if America withdrew. The director of the Atomic Energy
Organization of Iran said recently it would take a mere five days for Iran to
resume its pre-deal level of uranium enrichment. This rare case of regime
honesty demonstrates how trivial and easily reversible Iran's JCPOA concessions
were. What alone deters an Iranian "rush" is the threat of preemptive U.S. or
Israeli military strikes, not pieces of paper.
Nor will U.S. withdrawal eliminate valuable international verification
procedures under the JCPOA. In fact, these measures are worse than useless for
nonproliferation purposes, although they serve Iran well. By affording the
appearance of effective verification, they camouflage Iran's active, multiple
violations of United Nations Security Council Resolution 2231: on
uranium-enrichment levels, advanced-centrifuge research, heavy-water production
and missile programs. The International Atomic Energy Agency recently admitted
explicitly it has no visibility whatever into weapons and ballistic-missile work
underway on Iran's military bases.
The International Atomic Energy Agency recently admitted explicitly it has no
visibility whatever into weapons and ballistic-missile work underway on Iran's
military bases. Pictured: An Iranian surface to surface missile, on display at
an army day military parade in Tehran, Iran. (Photo by Majid/Getty Images)
It is simple common sense that Iran would not conduct easily discoverable
weapons-related work at already-known nuclear sites like Natanz and Esfahan.
Warhead design and the like are far more likely at military sites like Parchin
where the IAEA has never had adequate access. No wonder the IAEA is now barred
from Parchin.
It is not just weapons-related work the JCPOA fails to uncover. Substantial
uranium-enrichment production and research are also far more likely at
undeclared sites inside Iran or elsewhere, like North Korea. This is the lesson
Tehran learned after Israel destroyed the nuclear reactor under construction by
North Koreans in Syria in 2007.
Nor will abrogating the deal somehow induce Iran to become more threatening in
the Middle East or in supporting global terrorism than it already is with the
JCPOA in force. Consider Tehran's belligerent behavior in the Persian Gulf, its
nearly successful effort to create an arc of control from Iran through Iraq and
Syria to Lebanon, threatening Israel, Jordan and the Arabian Peninsula, and its
continued role as the world's central banker of international terrorism. The
real issue is how much worse Iran's behavior will be once it gets deliverable
nuclear weapons.
I have previously argued that only U.S. withdrawal from the JCPOA can adequately
protect America from the Iranian nuclear threat. Casuistry deployed to persuade
President Trump to stay in the deal may succeed this Thursday, but it does so
only at grave peril to our country. This is no time to let our guard down.
**John R. Bolton, former U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations, is Chairman of
Gatestone Institute, a senior fellow at the American Enterprise Institute, and
author of "Surrender Is Not an Option: Defending America at the United Nations
and Abroad".
**This article first appeared in The Hill and is reprinted here with the kind
permission of the author.
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not necessarily reflect the views of the Editors or of Gatestone Institute. No
part of the Gatestone website or any of its contents may be reproduced, copied
or modified, without the prior written consent of Gatestone Institute.
An Unhappy US Congress is Not a Good Congress
Jonathan Bernstein/Asharq Al Awsat/October 09/17
No one feels sorry for members of Congress. Nor should they, but we probably
should care about their working conditions, which are pretty much awful right
Congress scholar Josh Huder reacted with a blunt assessment: “Congress is a crap
place to work. More crap than any time certainly in recent history, but likely
distant history too.” Moreover, he pointed out why it matters: If the main thing
members of Congress do is dial for dollars, the results will be a legislature
full of very rich folks who have little interest in or aptitude for legislating.
My entirely subjective opinion (for what it’s worth) is that for whatever
reason, that’s become more of a problem in the House than in the Senate. Not the
rich part: U.S. senators are very wealthy. But I do think there’s less dead wood
in the Senate now than there was, say, 10 or 20 or 30 years ago. On the other
hand — and again this is just purely guesswork on my part — the average quality
of members of the House has been lower this decade than at any point in recent
Of course, you learn in part by doing, and there’s been very little legislating
at all since January 2011. Not none, but a lot less than usual.
The outcome I’d hate to see would be the rotting away of Congress’s
“transformative” powers. It’s possible to imagine that eventually it could
evolve into an “arena”-type legislature, in which its main function is to debate
the president’s policy choices but not to make its own choices. Congress’s
control over executive-branch departments and agencies — such as its influence
over the Federal Reserve — could also erode over time. That wouldn’t end US
democracy. But the result would be a far less robust democracy, with citizens
and groups finding it much harder to reach points of influence within the
system. And it also, as many have pointed out, would fit poorly with the
constitutional structure, leading perhaps to constitutional crises.
All of which are very good reasons to find ways to make service in Congress more
appealing for talented, civic-minded (or, for that matter, power-hungry)
Now, to be fair, neither House nor Senate retirements have spiked in recent
electoral cycles, with only one senator so far calling it quits instead of
running in 2018. So perhaps there’s less here than meets the eye. But I don’t
think so. I think McCain and Huder are exactly correct.
1. Erica Chenoweth and Jeremy Pressman at the Monkey Cage have their monthly
report on political protests and other activism.
2. Dhrumil Mehta at FiveThirtyEight has the data on the news media paying less
attention to Puerto Rico. Which probably is one of the reasons (but of course no
excuse for) the Donald Trump administration has been slow to act.
3. You know what also can’t be helping with Puerto Rico? That Trump still hasn’t
nominated a new Department of Homeland Security secretary. Politico’s Andrew
Restuccia and Eliana Johnson report that the White House isn’t close to doing
anything about it after two months.
4. My Bloomberg View colleague Megan McArdle on the Trump — and Reagan — tax
5. And a little fun: Yair Rosenberg has a list of social media sins to atone
The Nuclear Issue Isn’t the Real Iranian Challenge
David Ignatius/The Washington Post/October 09/17
Various cultures have different phrases for expressing the idea of having it
both ways at once. “To take a swim and not get wet” is an Albanian proverb.
Poles talk about “having the cookie and eating it.” Iranians want “both God and
the sugar dates.”
The Trump administration has been weighing a contemporary geopolitical version
of this straddle. Hard-liners have been urging the president to decertify the
Iran nuclear agreement but insist that he wants to strengthen the deal, not
break it. The idea is enticing politically, certainly, but it has as much chance
of working as (forgive me) “washing your fur but not getting wet,” as a German
aphorism puts it.
Sen. Tom Cotton (R-Ark.), a leading critic of the Iran deal, described this
ambiguous diplomatic approach this week at the Council on Foreign Relations. “I
don’t propose leaving the deal yet. I propose taking the steps necessary to
obtain leverage to get a better deal.” Cotton wants decertification, but no
sanctions, so that the United States can . . . what? Apparently, the idea is
that US pressure will convince Iran to make unilateral concessions that it
refused during the 13 years the deal was being negotiated.
Magical thinking is always appealing in foreign policy, but it usually produces
nothing more than fairy dust. In this case, there is no evidence that putting
the agreement in limbo will bring any security benefits for the United States or
Israel. It will introduce uncertainty where the United States and its allies
should most demand clarity — in insisting on compliance by all sides with an
agreement that caps Iran’s centrifuges and stockpiles of enriched material for
at least another decade.
Defense Secretary Jim Mattis, hardly a dove on Iran, bluntly told the Senate
Armed Services Committee on Tuesday that the nuclear deal was “something that
the president should consider staying with.” When pressed by Sen. Angus King
(I-Maine) on whether he thought the pact was in the United States’
national-security interest, Mattis paused and answered: “Yes, Senator, I do.”
Officials speak truth to power at their own risk in President Trump’s
Washington. So Mattis’s argument for sustaining what the president has called
“one of the dumbest [and] most dangerous” deals was important, though the
outcome of the debate still isn’t clear. It’s probably because of Mattis’s
military advice, however, that Trump has dropped his campaign talk of simply
tearing up the agreement.
How would Iran react? Seyed Hossein Mousavian, a former Iranian official who
stays in close touch with his ex-colleagues, told me recently that if Trump
doesn’t certify, but Congress doesn’t re-impose sanctions, and the other P5+1
negotiators assure full implementation, then Iran may continue to adhere to the
agreement. But he cautioned that this line is opposed by some political factions
in Iran that argue for suspending the pact if Trump challenges Iranian
As for the administration’s hope of forcing Iran to renegotiate the “sunset”
provisions and other details of the agreement, Mousavian says that’s a
nonstarter in Tehran.
The real challenge with Iran isn’t the nuclear issue, which was put in a box for
at least a decade by the agreement, but Tehran’s aggressive behavior in the
region. Iran and its proxies continue to destabilize the Middle East. They seek
to manipulate and control nearly every major capital: Beirut, Damascus, Baghdad,
Saana. According to the White House, Iranian proxies are mining the Bab
el-Mandeb Strait, pointing missiles from Yemen toward Riyadh and Abu Dhabi, and
seeking to carve a zone of influence on the ruins of ISIS in Syria and Iraq.
The administration claims to be focused on this big Iran problem. Would that it
were so. Officials say that Trump has signed off on a broad strategy that makes
Iran’s behavior the central issue going forward. But the decertification debate
will probably dominate the headlines over the next weeks and months — needlessly
focusing attention on the one part of the Iran problem that is capped and
manageable, and defusing efforts on the real challenge.
There’s a final, crucial reason Trump should certify that Iran is complying with
the nuclear deal: because it’s true. Even Cotton conceded as much this week,
arguing against certification “not primarily on the grounds related to Iran’s
technical compliance, but rather based on the long catalogue of the regime’s
crimes and perfidy against the United States.”
A question for the Iran hawks: If the United States refuses to certify an
agreement when a country is “technically” in compliance, why would any other
country ever make a deal with us again? A great country keeps its word.
Multiculturalism Is Splintering the West
Giulio Meotti/Gatestone Institute/October 09/17
Multiculturalism is leading to the "partition", the separation of European
societies. – Alexandre Mendel, author of the new book, Partition: A Chronicle of
the Islamist Secession in France.
Under European multiculturalism, Muslim women lost many rights they should have
had in Europe. Multiculturalism is, in fact, based on the legalization of a
parallel sharia society, which is founded on the rejection of Western values,
above all equality and freedom.
The European establishment closed its eyes while Muslim supremacists were
violating the rights of its own people.
The European Union's official statistics on terrorism are dramatic:
"In 2016, a total of 142 failed, foiled and completed attacks were reported by
eight EU Member States. More than half (76) of them were reported by the United
Kingdom. France reported 23 attacks, Italy 17, Spain 10, Greece 6, Germany 5,
Belgium 4 and the Netherlands 1 attack. 142 victims died in terrorist attacks,
and 379 were injured in the EU. 1,002 persons were arrested for terrorist
offences in 2016".
These countries all tried to integrate Muslim communities, but all came to the
same dead end. "As long as that continues, the failure of integration will pose
a mortal threat to Europe", the Wall Street Journal wrote after a suicide
bombing that killed 22 people in Manchester. According to a new book by the
French reporter Alexandre Mendel, Partition: Chronique de la sécession islamiste
en France ("Partition: A Chronicle of the Islamist Secession in France"),
multiculturalism is leading to the separation of European societies.
It is also leading to constant waves of terror attacks. Last August, on a single
day, Islamists killed 20 Europeans in Barcelona and Finland. A month later, they
slaughtered two girls in Marseille, and in Birmingham a Shiite boy was brutally
wounded. That is the deadly harvest of Europe's multiculturalism. It is the most
romanticized, seductive European ideology since Communism.
There is an "increasingly permanent chain of 'suspended communities' nesting
within nations throughout the West", the American historian Andrew Michta
recently wrote.
"The emergence of these enclaves, reinforced by elite policies of
multiculturalism, group identity politics, and the deconstruction of Western
heritage, has contributed to the fracturing of Western European nations".
Only twenty minutes separate the Marais, the elegant quarter of Paris where
Charlie Hebdo's offices were located, and Gennevilliers, a suburb that houses
10,000 Muslims, where the Kouachi brothers, who gunned down Charlie Hebdo's
cartoonists, were born and raised. In Birmingham there is a suburb, Sparkbrook,
which has produced one-tenth of the England's jihadists. All of Europe's biggest
cities have separated enclaves where Islamic apartheid now proliferates.
There, Burqas and beards mean something. Dressing has always symbolized loyalty
to a lifestyle, a civilization. When Mustafa Kemal Atatürk abolished the
Caliphate in Turkey, he forbade beards for men and veils for women. The
proliferation of Islamic symbols in Europe's ghettos now demarcates the
separation of these suburbs. The new leader of England's UK Independence Party (UKIP),
Henry Bolton, recently said that the Britain is "buried" by Islam and "swamped"
by multiculturalism.
"Multiculturalism," according to the former Archbishop of Canterbury, Lord Carey
of Clifton, "has led to honour killings, female genital circumcision and the
establishment of sharia law in inner-city pockets throughout the UK." Under
European multiculturalism, Muslim women lost many rights they should have had in
Europe. They face "honor crimes" for refusing to wear an Islamic veil; for
dressing up in Western clothes; for meeting with Christian friends; for
converting to another faith; for seeking a divorce; for resisting being beaten
and for being too "independent".
It is one of the great ironies of multiculturalism: five European NATO members
are now fighting in Afghanistan against the Taliban who enslave women, while in
Europe the same thing is taking place in our own ghettos.
Under multiculturalism, polygamy has increased, along with female genital
mutilation (500,000 cases across Europe). Multiculturalism is, in fact, based on
the legalization of a parallel sharia society, which is founded on the rejection
of Western values, above all equality and freedom.
In addition, the fear of "offending" Islamic minorities has been leading to
wishful blindness. That is what happened in Rotherham, a city of 117,000 people
in northern England, where the mass-rape and grooming of at least 1,400 children
by "rape gangs of Pakistani origin" was allowed to go on for many years.
Under multiculturalism, anti-Semitism has also skyrocketed, especially in
France. The French weekly L'Express just devoted an entire issue to the "new
malaise of the French Jews".
All Europe's recent political earthquakes are a consequence of the failure of
multiculturalism. As the British Historian Niall Ferguson said, the main reason
for Brexit was immigration.
"Many people in the UK looked at the refugee crisis in Europe and thought: if
they get a German passport, they will come to Britain and we will not be able to
stop them. This was a key issue for voters, and legitimately, because the
Germans had opened the doors to a vast influx from the Muslim world. If you
looked at these things from the United Kingdom, the reaction was: wait a moment,
what if they come here?"
In the Netherlands, the rise of Geert Wilders is the direct result of the murder
of filmmaker Theo van Gogh by a Dutch Islamist and the anti-multiculturalism
backlash that followed it. In France, Marine Le Pen's political ascent coincided
with two years of major terror attacks, in which 230 French citizens were
murdered. Moreover, the extraordinary success in the recent general election of
the Alternative for Germany (AfD) party is the consequence of Chancellor Angela
Merkel's fatal decision to open the doors to over a million refugees and
migrants. Beatrix von Storch, an AfD leader, just said to BBC that "Islam does
not belong to Germany". She explained that it is one thing to allow Muslims
privately to preach their Islamic faith, but another to appease political Islam,
which is trying to change German democracy and society.
The European establishment has closed its eyes while Muslim supremacists were
violating the rights of its own people. Many Islamists then knocked at the doors
of Europe with ever more determination. Multiculturalism has been killing and
destabilizing Europe as only Nazism and Communism have done before.
**Giulio Meotti, Cultural Editor for Il Foglio, is an Italian journalist and
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or modified, without the prior written consent of Gatestone Institute.
Germany: The Progressives' Post-Election Meltdown
Vijeta Uniyal/Gatestone Institute/October 09/17
On election night, around 400 leftist agitators gathered outside the Cologne's
central railway station, chanting, "Whoever is silent, is complicit."
The irony of this moment should not be overlooked. The German left was not only
silent when thousands of migrant men raped and sexually assaulted 1,200 women on
New Year's Eve of 2016, but also, during the weeks that followed, when they
tried to bully the female victims into silence by calling them racists and liars
for daring to identifying their attackers as migrants.
With the AfD in the Bundestag, the country's political landscape finally
reflects the actual political mood of the country. It is a view that has been
completely missing since Germany's self-inflicted migrant crisis began two years
The German voters certainly spoke in last month's general election, but the
establishment in Berlin is having a difficult time coming to terms with what
they said.
The right-wing Alternative für Deutschland (AfD), winning 12.6 percent of the
vote, became the third-largest party in the German parliament by securing 94 of
the 700-odd Bundestag seats. In states that used to be East Germany, the AfD got
20.5% of the vote, second after Chancellor Angela Merkel's Christian Democrats (CDU).
The election result was not only a big breakthrough for the AfD -- created just
four years ago -- but also a historic debacle for the two major parties that
have dominated the country's post-war political landscape for almost seven
Chancellor Merkel's conservative CDU, with 33% of the vote, suffered its worst
election result since 1949, and so did the Social Democratic Party (SPD), the
world's oldest Socialist party, with 20.5% of the vote.
News of the AfD's strong electoral showing triggered far-left protests across
Germany. On election night, the German public broadcaster Deutsche Welle
"The crowd [in Berlin] was continuing to grow outside the building where the AfD
were celebrating their historic election result. Protestors chanted slogans such
as, 'Racism is not an alternative,' 'AfD is a bunch of racists,' and 'Nazis
Far-leftists protest the election gains of the Alternative für Deutschland party
(AfD), in Berlin, on September 24, 2017. (Photo by Jens Schlueter/Getty Images)
Also on election night, around 400 leftist agitators gathered outside the
Cologne's central railway station, chanting, "Whoever is silent, is complicit."
The irony of this moment should not be overlooked. The German left was not only
silent when thousands of migrant men raped and sexually assaulted 1,200 women on
New Year's Eve of 2016 on that very place, but also, during the weeks that
followed, when they tried to bully the female victims into silence by calling
them racists and liars for daring to identifying their attackers as migrants.
Germany's political establishment and mainstream media also went into bouts of
grief and anger. They refused to accept the electoral verdict and appeared
furious at the voters' rebuff. "What the hell is wrong with the East Germans?,"
asked the German business newspaper Handelsblatt, adding that "Many Germans are
emotional and angry about this outcome."
Shortly after the announcement of the election result, the German weekly Die
Zeit launched a social media campaign encouraging its two million Twitter
followers to tweet anti-AfD messages using the hashtag #87Prozent ("87 percent")
-- thereby highlighting that the majority of the country's electorate did not
vote for the right-wing party.
"How could the AfD gain ground? Could this have been prevented? And whose fault
is it?" inquired the weekly newspaper Der Freitag in its headline.
If the "Antifa" agitators and the media were having tough time coming to terms
with the democratic verdict, the established German parties across the political
spectrum were busy trying to disenfranchise the elected representatives of the
newcomer, AfD.
As the news of the AfD's entry into the parliament began to make rounds, an
all-party campaign to block the AfD from chairing parliamentary committees in
Bundestag kicked into action.
Chairs of the parliamentary committees are allocated to the parties on the basis
of their legislative strength. As the third largest group in the Bundestag, the
AfD will be eligible to head some of these committees.
The Social Democratic Party's senior politician, Michelle Müntefering, launched
a signature campaign to prevent the AfD from heading the Bundestag's culture and
media committee. "A "far-right party" should not be allowed to inject its
"nationalist venom" at sensitive positions of the parliamentary system," quoted
Der Spiegel, citing Müntefering's campaign letter. Prominent figures from
politics, journalism, arts and culture had signed the letter, which claimed that
an AfD member at the helm of the committee would imperil the country's "free and
diverse cultural and media landscape".
That seems a strange claim, considering that those who signed the letter were
part of the very media establishment that systematically blocked the AfD from
the media's "diverse" landscape. In the first quarter of 2017, for example,
"only four AfD representatives had been invited to appear on Germany's four
biggest political talk shows [out of 162 politicians] on the public broadcasters
ARD and ZDF," the German broadcaster Deutsche Welle confirmed.
The AfD holds the prevalent political culture in the country responsible for the
hysteric reaction to its electoral success. Petr Bystron, chief of the AfD's
Bavaria state unit, told Gatestone Institute:
"[Attempts to] discredit the AfD and the protests on the election night are a
testament to the skewed understanding of democracy, lack of respect towards the
voters and towards differing opinions,"
It is also intriguing to see how the so-called liberal elite on both sides of
the Atlantic think they can overturn electoral verdicts through meaningless
signature campaigns or pompous-sounding hashtags every time their side loses at
the ballot box.
The fear of the AfD influencing the workings of the powerful parliamentary
committees, however, is a real one. Committees that can set up inquiries and
expose the inner workings of the state apparatus are a serious nuisance for the
ruling political class. The AfD has made no secret of its intention of hauling
Chancellor Merkel before a parliamentary committee to look into her decision to
open the country's borders to hundreds and thousands of migrants in 2015.
What might not be good news for the political establishment, however, might be
good for the German democracy. With the AfD in the Bundestag, the country's
political landscape finally reflects the actual political mood of the country.
It is a view that has been completely missing since Germany's self-inflicted
migrant crisis began two years ago.
**Vijeta Uniyal, a journalist and news analyst, is based in Germany.
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Trump's 'Calm before the Storm' is a Message to
North Korea and Iran
Alan M. Dershowitz/Gatestone Institute/October 09/17
U.S. policy toward both Iran and North Korea is closely related, because we must
prevent Iran from joining the nuclear club and becoming another, even more
dangerous version of North Korea.
President Trump cannot afford to wait and do nothing as Iran and North Korea
grow ever stronger, ever more menacing and become greater and greater threats.
He must do something -- now.
Reporters continue scratching their heads about what PresidentTrum p meant when
he spoke of the "calm before the storm" Thursday as he was hosting a dinner for
military commanders and their spouses. It seems clear to me that he was sending
a powerful message to North Korea and Iran: change your behavior now, or prepare
to face new but unspecified painful consequences.
U.S. President Donald Trump and first lady Melania Trump pose for pictures with
senior military leaders and spouses after a briefing in the White House on
October 5, 2017. During the photo session, President Trump spoke of the "calm
before the storm".
North Korea and Iran are taking the measure of President Trump to see how far
they can push him and how much they can get away with. The North Koreans
continue testing nuclear weapons and long-range missiles and threaten to launch
a nuclear attack on America and our allies that could kills millions. Iran is
likely engaging in activities that could contribute to the design and
development of its own nuclear explosive device.
If these worrisome actions by the two rogue nations persist, there will be a
storm. And as candidate Trump said during his campaign for the White House, he
will not tell our enemies what kind of storm to expect -- only that he will not
allow current trends that endanger our national security and that of our allies
to continue unabated.
The president must make some difficult decisions: whether to continue to rely on
economic sanctions that don't appear to be working against North Korea; and
whether to refuse to certify Iranian compliance with the bad nuclear deal and
demand that additional constraints be placed on the Islamic Republic's dangerous
and provocative activities.
President Trump faces an Oct. 15 deadline to decide whether to certify Iranian
compliance with the nuclear agreement, which is designed to keep it from
developing nuclear weapons for the next few years. News reports say he is
expected to refuse to make that certification.
U.S. policy toward both Iran and North Korea is closely related, because we must
prevent Iran from joining the nuclear club and becoming another, even more
dangerous version of North Korea.
The sad reality is that even if Iran were to comply with the letter of the
nuclear agreement, it will still be able to develop the capability to build up a
vast nuclear arsenal within a relatively short time. This is the fundamental
flaw of the agreement.
And Iran claims that the nuclear deal permits it to refuse to allow the
International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) to inspect military facilities. This
has led the IAEA to conclude that it cannot assure the world that Iran is not
even now designing and developing a nuclear arsenal with missiles capable of
delivering them to American allies in the Mideast and Europe, and soon the U.S.
All the Iranians need to do to become a nuclear power is to resume spinning
centrifuges. The nuclear agreement, which was reached with the Obama
administration in 2015, will allow them to do that in a few years.
So whether we like it or not, a storm is coming. Whether that storm will be
diplomatic, economic or military depends on the leaders of North Korea and Iran.
If they choose to negotiate constraints on their increasingly dangerous
activities, they can avoid the other more painful options.
Our military options are and should always be a last resort. They are the worst
possible options -- other than Iran developing a nuclear arsenal and North Korea
developing a nuclear delivery system that can reach our population centers and
wipe out major American cities.
With fanatical dictators like those in control of North Korea and Iran, we
cannot rely on containment and deterrence as acceptable policies to prevent them
from using nuclear weapons, as we have done for years with the Soviet Union (and
now Russia) and China.
So President Trump cannot afford to wait and do nothing as Iran and North Korea
grow ever stronger, ever more menacing and become greater and greater threats.
He must do something -- now. The nature of what is done, and what kind of storm
it may be, is up to our enemies. I hope they choose wisely.
**Alan M. Dershowitz, Felix Frankfurter Professor of Law, Emeritus, at Harvard
Law School and author of, "Trumped Up! How Criminalization of Political
Differences Endangers Democracy," which is now available.
**Follow Alan M. Dershowitz on Twitter and Facebook
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Iran, Iraq and Turkey Seek Triple Military Alliance
Amir Taheri/ِAharq Al Awsat/October 09/17
London -- Iran, Iraq and Turkey have agreed to create a triple military alliance
as the first step towards growing cooperation in mutual defense and regional
The creation of the "military triangle" was highlighted yesterday in a report
published by Fars News Agency, the principal news outlet for the Islamic
Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC).
According to the report the idea of alliance was raised in the recent trip to
Ankara by Iran's Chief of Staff of Armed Forces General Muhammad Hussein Baqeri
at the head of a 40-man delegation, during high-level meetings with Turkish
leaders including President Recep Tayyip Erdogan.
Baqeri's visit was the first of its kind by the highest Islamic Republic
military commander to a member-state of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization
(NATO). Its historic importance was subsequently highlighted by the visit to
Tehran of the Turkish Chief of Staff Gen. Hulusi Akar followed by President
Erdogan himself. Within a few days of Baqeri's visit to Ankara, his Iraqi
counterpart Gen. Othman al-Ghanimi came to Tehran to discuss Baghdad's role in
the emerging alliance project.
According to sources, Iranian, Iraqi and Turkish senior commanders held a series
of meetings to set out the rules for join staff conversation, exchange of
military intelligence and targeted joint operations.
Since then, the three neighbors have held coordinated military exercises along
their respective borders.
Initially, the composition of Baqeri's team in his Ankara visit was kept
Now, however, Fars has revealed the names of some of those who accompanied the
Chief of Staff in his historic visit. They included General Muhammad Pakpur,
Commander of the Ground Forces of the IRGC, Gen. Qassem Rezai, Commander of the
Border Forces and the deputy head of the regular army's planning division. Gen.
Also present in Baqeri's team was Gen. Mehrabi, who heads the Khatam al-Anbia
base, a conglomerate that runs the IRGC's economic and business enterprises,
indicating that the "triple alliance" may also include the sale of certain
categories of weapons by Iran to Turkey and Iraq, as well as joint construction
projects in border areas.
The presence in Gen. Baqeri's team of Gen. Hassan Baqeri, in charge of the
army's training programs, indicated the intention to extend military cooperation
into educational and academic domains.
The fact that Baqeri also met the Turkish Prime Minister Binali Yildrim, Defense
Minister Nurettin Canikli and Security Chief Hakan Fidan underlined the broader
political dimensions of his high profile role in reshaping Iran's defense and
foreign policies.
The "triple alliance" also envisages cooperation in training of the security
forces of the three neighbors.
In talks with his Turkish and Iraqi counterparts, Gen. Baqeri proposed the
development of plans for academic level "joint action" in the field of defense
and security. That could allow for an exchange of students seeking military
careers at higher academic levels.
Such an exchange would enable Iranian trainee officers to get familiar with the
military culture of NATO, something that was available to Iran before the
Islamic Revolution in 1979. At the same time, the program would enable the
military in Iraq and Turkey to obtain direct understanding of Iran's military
doctrine, mindset, methods and practices.
It is not clear how many trainee officers would be exchanged among the three
members of the proposed alliance.
However, according to Gen. Baqeri the putative allies would also organize joint
courses for trainee officers from all three countries. That would allow the
gradual emergence of a new generation of officers who have studied together and
thus know each other's way of thinking more closely, fostering an esprit de
corps that could strengthen neighborly ties.
According to Fars, it was the Kurdish secessionist referendum in Iraq that
speeded up a process that had been "in gestation at thought level for some
In an unusually frank statement, Gen. Baqeri has asserted that Iran, Iraq and
Turkey will not allow Iraqi Kurds to secede.
Iran and Turkey have a long history of alliance treaties.
The first came in 1639 when the two neighbors divided Mesopotamia on the basis
of the Qasr-e-Shirin Treaty, ending centuries of conflict and war over who
controls what is now Iraq. That ended centuries of wars between the Ottoman
Empire and Iran in which, at times, Iranians allied themselves with European
powers against the Turks.
After the collapse of the Caliphate in Constantinople, Iran and Turkey went
through a period of "national redefinition" and in 1933 concluded the Saadabad
Pact which even envisaged the creation of joint military units.
That was interrupted in 1941 when the Allies, Great Britain and Russia, invaded
and occupied Iran for almost five years.
In 1955 Iran and Turkey created a new alliance with Iraq. Known as the Baghdad
Pact it also included the United Kingdom.
The Baghdad Pact collapsed in 1959 when the new Iraqi pro-Soviet regime of Col.
Abdul-Karim Qassem denounced it. That forced Iran and Turkey to create a new
alliance known as the Central Treat Organization (CENTO) with Pakistan added as
a new member and the UK retaining the place it had in the Baghdad Pact. The
United Sates was included as an associate member, emphasizing CENTO's close ties
to NATO.
Right now Iran, Iraq and Turkey have a number of major concerns.
The Kurdish secessionist bid is highlighted as a major threat. In reality,
however, such a threat could be no more than marginal in military-security
terms. More urgent is the need to fully cleanse the region from the remnants of
ISIS and find a way out of the quagmire that is Syria.
Iran and Turkey have been on opposite sides in Syria for seven years.
Now, however, Tehran is beginning to realize that it is losing its dominant role
in Syria as Russia assumes the role of big power there. An alliance with Turkey
and Iraq could help Iran regain part of its lost influence in Syria without
risking a direct clash with Russia.
The forging of the triple alliance also boosts the prestige and authority of
Gen. Baqeri as a top-level player in Iran's macro-politics, eclipsing that of
President Hassan Rouhani and his Cabinet who have been excluded from the entire
The 56-year old two-star general, whose full surname is Afshordi-Baqeri, took
over as Chief of Staff last June and has hit the road running. Holder of a PhD,
Baqeri is regarded in Iranian military circles as an intellectual soldier as
opposed to his long-serving predecessor Gen. Hassan Firuzababadi, who was more
of a bureaucratic figure.
Gen. Baqeri has also established direct contact with his Pakistani counterpart
Gen. Qamar Javed Bajwa, who is visiting Tehran next week. According to sources
Gen. Baqeri wants Pakistan to join the emerging "triple alliance" or, at least,
to revive aspects of military cooperation it had with Iran and Turkey before the
mullahs seized power in Tehran in 1979.
In a gesture of goodwill toward Baqeri, Gen. Bajwa ordered the deployment
additional Pakistani military units on the border with Iran to prevent
infiltration of "terrorists" and smugglers into Iranian territory.
Gen. Baqeri is also sending an indirect message to the United Sates at a time
that President Donald Trump is reportedly pondering whether or not he should
declare the IRGC a "terrorist organization."
Gen. Baqeri's message is clear: The IRGC and the Iranian armed forces are really
important players in the nation's politics. Antagonizing them would be bad
policy on the part of the US, especially at a time that the new commanders,
under Baqeri, are trying to establish links with NATO via Turkey.
"Iran has already entered a post-Khamenei transition period," says Nasser Zamani,
an analyst in Tehran. "What is certain is that the mullahs cannot handle that
transition and that gives the military an opening to offer an alternative
narrative of the revolution, paving the way for normalization with the outside
Gen. Baqeri's efforts to make the "triple alliance" possible is an indication,
albeit indirect, that his priority is national security and regional military
cooperation rather than "exporting revolution", a project that has already
Days of depending on US are over for Pakistan’: Pakistan PM tells
Arab News in exclusive interview
Baker Atyani & Sib Kaifee/ArabNews/October 09/17
‘Days of depending on US are over for Pakistan’: Pakistan PM tells Arab News in
exclusive interview
Pakistan PM Abbasi rules out devaluing rupee, says will not ask IMF for help
despite rising deficit
Ties with Saudi Arabia ‘as old as Pakistan’: PM Abbasi tells Arab News
ISLAMABAD: The days of Pakistan depending on the US to meet its military and
other requirements are over, Prime Minister Shahid Khaqan Abbasi told Arab News
during an exclusive interview.
The world should recognize Pakistan’s efforts in fighting the “world’s war” on
terror, he said, in his first interview since returning from the UN General
Assembly (UNGA) in New York in September.
“If one source dries up, we have no option but to go to another source. It may
cost more, it may consume more resources, but we have to fight that war, and
that’s what we emphasized to all the people that we met,” Abbasi added.
“Any sanctions or restraints… put on our systems only degrades our efforts to
fight terror, and it affects the whole equation in this region,” he said.
“We have major US weapons systems in our military, but we’ve also diversified.
We have Chinese and European systems. Recently, for the first time we inducted
Russian attack helicopters.”
Complexity of governance
It has been two months since Abbasi assumed office after being voted in by
Parliament via special elections on Aug. 1. Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz (PML-N),
the ruling party, holds the numbers in Pakistan’s National Assembly, and Abbasi
being a staunch loyalist and trusted comrade of Nawaz Sharif was the suitable
He has hit the ground running, facing a barrage of domestic and international
challenges including terrorism, an energy deficit, and economic and regional
“It’s a complex job,” he said, adding that governing a country with a ballooning
population of over 207 million is no walk in the park.
“Pakistan is one of the largest countries in the world… It’s a nuclear power. We
have a challenging neighborhood. There’s a war on terror in the country. There
are issues in Afghanistan. There’s a very large foreign military presence
there... We have a neighbor to the east with which we’ve had several wars. They
(India) are also a nuclear power. We have a dispute. They occupied Kashmir,
which is our territory… The economic challenge is (also) there.”
Abbasi, 58, is a US-qualified electrical engineer with a bachelor’s degree from
the University of California and a masters from George Washington University.
He was a pilot for 40 years, and is Pakistan’s first premier to have flown an
F-16 aircraft during an air force training exercise.
He entered mainstream politics in 1988 and later became an MP. Being part of a
politically connected family helped him become an accomplished politician, being
elected to Parliament six times.
Abbasi is also a prosperous businessman, having launched Pakistan’s first
successful budget airline and keeping it profitable when other private carriers
shut down.
The incumbent government’s term finishes on June 4, 2018, and he is confident
that the next general elections will be held within two months of that.
“Whatever happens, elections will happen on time and in early August. Pakistan
will, God willing, have a new government. Hopefully the same party (PML-N) will
come to power,” he said, smiling.
Abbasi and his delegation held meetings with several “key players” on the
sidelines of the UNGA, including eight heads of state, the UN secretary-general,
US Vice President Mike Pence and international investors.
The meeting with Pence was “very constructive,” Abbasi said, adding that there
was “also a small interaction with President (Donald) Trump at his reception.”
This was the first high-level communication between the two allies since Trump
strongly criticized Pakistan in his Afghanistan and South Asia strategy that he
unveiled on Aug. 21.
“There was no meeting scheduled (with Trump). In fact, the meeting with Vice
President Pence wasn’t scheduled. It was at their request,” Abbasi said. “This
was a visit to the UN to basically present Pakistan’s case at the General
Bilateral ties
The “candid” discussion with Pence was essential for official engagements in the
future because when Trump’s policy statement on South Asia came out, there were
“a lot of apprehensions on what it meant, and what it meant for Pakistan-US
relations,” Abbasi said.
“I think we moved substantially forward in that direction. Whatever concerns
they (the US) have, we’ve shown our willingness to address those concerns.”
The meeting paved the way for one between Pakistani Foreign Minister Khawaja
Asif and US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson on Wednesday in Washington.
They discussed Trump’s South Asia policy, and Asif told Tillerson that Islamabad
pursues a zero-tolerance approach to “all terrorist and militant groups.”
This was in response to Trump’s assertion that Pakistan harbors “agents of
chaos,” which he blames for Afghanistan’s continued instability.
On Tuesday, Defense Secretary James Mattis said the US was willing “one more
time” to work with Pakistan on Afghanistan, but would resort to measures set by
Trump in case of non-compliance regarding the allegations of support for
Abbasi said: “We can categorically state that we don’t provide any sanctuaries
to anybody. The bottom line is… today we have a common objective: To destroy
terror and bring peace to Afghanistan.”
“We’re partners in the war on terror, and that’s what we emphasized. We
emphasized to everybody we met there (at the UNGA) that nobody wants peace in
Afghanistan more than Pakistan,” added Abbasi.
“The reality today is that much of the area bordering Pakistan is controlled by
the Taliban. The people we’re fighting in Pakistan today, their sanctuaries are
in Afghanistan, their leadership is living there, the planning is done there,
the logistical bases are there, and they regularly cross the border and attack
our installations. We recently had a suicide attack on the deputy chairman of
the Senate. He survived, but 22 people were killed. It was by an Afghan national
who had crossed the border to attack his convoy deep inside Pakistan,” Abbasi
“We’re fencing our border. We’re open to Afghan liaison officers. We have Afghan
refugees here. So if anything is pinpointed and the intelligence is provided, we
take action,” he added. “Whatever happens in Afghanistan affects us. Whatever
happens here affects them.”
India’s role
Pakistan wants peace in Afghanistan via a solution that “is owned and led by the
Afghans,” said Abbasi, warning that Washington’s desire to include India would
be detrimental.
“We don’t believe that injecting India into the Pakistan-US relationship will
help resolve anything, especially in Afghanistan, where we don’t see any role
for India. India has a relationship with the US. That is between them and the
Pakistan wants an “equal relationship or partnership with the US, like every
other nation,” he said.
It wishes to work with the US “to resolve regional” and “global issues… ranging
from the economy to nuclear” matters.
Cost of war
Pakistan has fought “a very hard and vicious” war on terror, said Abbasi, adding
that “200,000 of our troops are deployed. We have 6,500 shaheeds (martyrs) in
the army. We have 21,000 of our citizens who’ve been killed, including police
personnel. Almost 35,000 people have been seriously injured.”
He added: “Nobody has fought a bigger war on terror than we have, with our own
resources. Even the most conservative economic estimates of Pakistan’s losses
are over $120 billion. It has been a very difficult war, but our army has
performed very well.”
A must-have man for the Russian federation
Ghassan Charbel/Al Arabiya/October 09/17
In Moscow, you cannot miss visiting the Red Square. It will be a coincidence if
you go there in October. This month marks the centennial anniversary of the
“October Revolution”, which shook the last century and the world.
The orchestrator of that revolution, Vladimir Ilyich Lenin, is still
lying there. If you happen to be there on the seventh of the month, you must
remember that the Master of the Kremlin is turning 65 on that day. One can say
that a part of history meets at this specific moment. Lenin’s tomb is only
hundreds of meters away from Vladimir Putin’s office on the other side of the
square. Lenin certainly believed that Russia would live under the “comrades”
party forever. Great victors have this habitude. They imagine that their
successes are capable of fighting time and that their ideas cannot be killed or
assassinated. The mighty do not learn that history is
addicted to destroying convoys. Perhaps it did not occur to Lenin that those who
had grown up under his cloak would one day repress his victories through their
indolence and obstinacy. The clock does not turn back. Putin originally emerged
from the Lenin party and from the ingenuity of the KGB. But Putin’s Russia keeps
the vestige of the founding father only in his shrine.
The October Revolution
The current Russian president has words that reflect the cruelty of the fate of
the October Revolution. He sees the collapse of the Soviet Union as “the
greatest geopolitical disaster of the 20th century.” He even stated more
expressive words: “Whoever does not miss the Soviet Union has no heart. Whoever
wants it back has no brain.”Before I go to the Square, I asked a Russian
academic, joking: “Who will be the next president following the upcoming March
elections?” “We both know the answer”, he replied, smiling. He meant that there
was no president except The President.
Perhaps it did not occur to Lenin that those who had grown up under his cloak
would one day repress his victories through their indolenceز
When I asked for an explanation, he said: “Russia cannot live without a
strong state and a strong leader. It is the size of a continent and consists of
83 federal entities and includes 160 ethnic groups that speak about 100
languages. It includes Christians, Muslims, Buddhists, Jews and areas of
fluctuating growth. It neighbors 14 countries. Only a strong man can convince
this wondrous mixture to co-exist or force them when needed.”
He continues: “At historical turning points, a strong man appears armed with
will and vision. He advances, and everyone believes that the country has
summoned him to stop its slide towards suicide. This is what happened with
Brink of disintegration
The Russian Federation was on the brink of disintegration when he entered the
Kremlin at the beginning of this century. He managed to speak to the ordinary
Russian people and to repress all those who were preparing to leave or blow up
the train. He restored the Russian sense of dignity. Russia was re-instated as a
major international player. Look at Syria, where the Russian solution is the
only proposed solution.”Russia got tired of the indolence of the Communist
Party’s cardinals. Then it feared the mess of Yeltsin era. Moscow has receded
and the lost provinces were preparing to fight for the legacy. A man was waiting
the day he will enter the Palace and History. At the right moment, he struck.
Perhaps Lenin imagined that he would run the country from his tomb after
his death. This did not happen. The master of the palace does not listen to the
late man’s advice. He only defended him when many called for removing his body
from his symbolic stronghold off the Kremlin and laying him to rest next to his
mother, like any ordinary citizen sliding into oblivion.
It is a different Russia, which is ruled by Putin today. In the Red Square, I
remembered that Asharq al-Awsat has sent me to this land in 1992, one year after
the fall of the Soviet Union. I went to Arbat Pedestrian Street. Suddenly I
heard a Russian man shouting loudly.
I asked my colleague, Sami Amara, what he was saying. He replied: “He says that
the uniform of the colonel is on sale for $25 with its decorations. I approached
a pile of uniforms of the Red Army officers for sale in a humiliating sight for
that old army and its majestic country.”
When I returned to London, I wrote about the sick Russia under Boris Yeltsin,
the colonel uniform on sale for $25, and Lenin, who is left to tourists.
Vladimir Putin was close to the Berlin Wall when it collapsed. He saw scenes of
humiliation in the streets of Russia. He made his decision and made his way. He
made his story and changed the fate of his country.
Groaning under the snow
At first sight, Russia seemed far away, groaning under the snow and longing for
its Soviet clothes. Putin launched his war. He reformed the Red Army’s spirit,
budget and arsenal. He domesticated the governors of the provinces and barons,
who came to the country with their wealth from Soviet rubble.
He sought a truce with the West until he gathered his strength. He responded to
NATO’s drawing near his country’s borders and began settling his scores. He took
advantage of Barack Obama’s hesitation and struck. He intervened militarily in
Syria and rescued the regime “whose fall was likely within two months.” And here
is the Russian solution ahead of everything else. The
Syria crisis was his chance to respond to what he considered to be Western
“treason” in Libya… his opportunity to avenge the colorful revolutions and human
rights organizations… his golden opportunity to strike Islamists away from
Russian soil… and his chance to remind that Russia is a mandatory and crucial
There is a weakness that the tsar failed to conceal. The decline in oil prices
revealed that his era did not achieve the desired economic progress. His
country’s economy is still lingering far behind European economies. The US and
European sanctions have doubled the sufferings. His hopes for an opportunity to
forge a deal with the arrival of Donald Trump have evaporated. This is why the
regime today is looking for partners and investors.At the hotel, I asked the
young man who brought the coffee for his favorite candidate in the upcoming
presidential elections. “It is Putin because he is strong; whether you like it
or not, he is a must-have man. He gives you a feeling of reassurance. We do not
want chaos back.”It is not simple that the exercise of power does not drain the
balance of the president-leader. It is not simple that the majority feels that
he is a guarantee… that he was able to sail in the midst of storms… It is not
simple that the academic, businessman and hotel worker are convinced that a man
who changed the fate of his country is a must-have man. While destiny makes most
of men, some men make their own destinies.
Why North Korea’s antics remind us of Qatar
Hussein Shobokshi/Al Arabiya/October 09/17
Kim Jong-un has been carrying out a series of provocative military operations
similar to the ones that form the fourth stage of one of the destructive planet
wars in electronic games on the PlayStation. He is a boy who has his finger on
the nuclear trigger and he tests his destructive weapons whenever he sees fit
and wants to grab the news headlines around the world. Kim’s antics remind me of
Tamim, who is just an instrument in the hands of the Qatar’s coup regime,
carrying out media and militant campaigns using fictitious and suspicious
slogans in order to spread chaos in the Arab world.
These campaigns are being done sometimes in the name of human rights and
sometimes in the name of Arab nationalism because according to the Machiavellian
principle the end justifies the means.
In the North Korean crazy child’s case, it is a “provocative” tool completely
designed by the Chinese regime and a scarecrow meant to irritate and frighten
China’s most important competitors in the economic arena — the United States of
America, Japan and South Korea. China has forced these three countries to raise
the military expenditure at the expense of their economic development. The
United States has stepped up its military presence in the Korean Peninsula.
South Korea has acquired a sophisticated missile defense system from the United
States of America and raised its defense spending to guard itself against the
North Korean recklessness. What applies to the North Korean regime is perfectly
applicable to the coup regime in Qatar. It is still an instrument in the hands
of others
Strategic relations
Apart from this, South Korea has also focused heavily on investing more in India
to strengthen the “strategic” relations with it because India is being seen as
the most important competitor of China in Asia in terms of size — the
population, geography and future economic growth. Meanwhile, North Korea’s
movements are not independent. It is a small “tool” in the hands of the Chinese
regime, which provides the North Korean economy with more than 89 percent of its
needs on a regular basis. Therefore, if China wants to limit the recklessness of
the crazy boy, it can threaten to squeeze the supplies on which the latter
depends. The system and intelligence need “small” states that want to prove
their existence by playing dirty and “big” roles. There are always “right
persons” in the small countries who are ready to play these dirty roles. History
is full of models, lessons, characters, and what we see today is a repetition of
the same scenes with different heroes and new circumstances.
What applies to the North Korean regime is perfectly applicable to the coup
regime in Qatar. It is still an instrument in the hands of others. It continues
to play its role according to an agenda. Its policies and positions have nothing
to do with principles or values in the world!