October 04/17
Compiled &
Prepared by: Elias Bejjani
The Bulletin's Link on the
lccc Site
News Bulletin Achieves Since 2006
Bible Quotations For
No one tears a piece from a new garment and
sews it on an old garment; otherwise the new will be torn, and the piece from
the new will not match the old.
Holy Gospel of Jesus Christ according to Saint
Luke 05/33-39/:"Then they said to Jesus, ‘John’s disciples, like the disciples
of the Pharisees, frequently fast and pray, but your disciples eat and drink.
’Jesus said to them, ‘You cannot make wedding-guests fast while the bridegroom
is with them, can you? The days will come when the bridegroom will be taken away
from them, and then they will fast in those days.’ He also told them a parable:
‘No one tears a piece from a new garment and sews it on an old garment;
otherwise the new will be torn, and the piece from the new will not match the
old. And no one puts new wine into old wineskins; otherwise the new wine will
burst the skins and will be spilled, and the skins will be destroyed. But new
wine must be put into fresh wineskins. And no one after drinking old wine
desires new wine, but says, "The old is good." ’
Titles For Latest LCCC Bulletin analysis & editorials from miscellaneous sources
published on October 03-04/17
The Case for Kurdish Independence/Alan M. Dershowitz/Gatestone
Institute/October 02/17
Austria: Integration Law Goes into Effect/"Integration through performance"/Soeren
Kern/Gatestone Institute/October 03/17
Refugees, Intersectionalists, and Jews/Denis MacEoin/Gatestone Institute/October
Ashoura and the controversy among Saudi Shiites/Hassan Al Mustafa/Al Arabiya/October
Will sanctions against Iraq’s Kurdistan work/Adnan Hussein/Al Arabiya/October
King Salman’s Russia visit has potential to change Middle East landscape/Shehab
Al-Makahleh/Al Arabiya/October 03/17
Can Congress avoid blowing up the Iran deal/Bryant Harris/Al-Monitor/October 2,
Titles For Latest LCCC Lebanese Related News published on
October 03-04/17
Mercenary Lebanese Politicians & the Sheep
Ashura in Lebanon: Donating blood rather than spilling it
National Geophysics Center: 3 magnitude quake hits Baalbek this afternoon
Govt. Submits Bill to Delay Wage Scale Until Tax Approval
Report: Hariri, Jumblat Adhere to Ministerial Statement, Reject Normalization
with Syria
Hariri Receives Economic Bodies
Change and Reform Urges Govt. to Address 'Existential Threat' of Refugee Crisis
Kataeb Warns against Reinstating Taxes on Low-Income Citizens
UNRWA, EU Hand Over Newly-Built Houses to 93 Nahr el-Bared Families
Army Detains Perpetrators Involved in Sidon Shooting that Killed Two
UK Relaxes Travel Advice for Some Areas across Lebanon
Titles For Latest LCCC Bulletin For Miscellaneous Reports
And News published on
October 03-04/17
Mossad Head Declares: Iran Is Our Primary Objective
Defiant Qatar Emir Meets Iran's Zarif
Trump says Las Vegas shooter "sick," will discuss gun laws later
Belgium withdraws residence permit of "Salafist" Saudi imam
France says knife attacker was Tunisian with Italian papers
Israeli Defense Minister Says Syria's Assad 'Victorious'
Opponent of Iraq Kurd Leader Sole Candidate in Presidential Vote
Iraq ex-President and Kurdish Leader Jalal Talabani Dies at 83
U.S.-Led Strike Kills 18 Civilians in Syria's Raqa
Netanyahu Rejects Palestinian Reconciliation unless Hamas Disarms
Palestinian Government Meets in Gaza for First Time Since 2014
Al-Sisi Hails 'Opportunity' for Palestinian Unity
After Las Vegas Massacre, Trump Silent on Gun Control
Catalonia Set for General Strike over Independence Poll Violence
Islamic State Group Claims Deadly Damascus Bomb Attack
UAE Jails Iranian over Sanctions Breach
Mattis Says Pentagon 'Fully' Backs Tillerson on North Korea
Mattis Says Nuclear Accord with Iran in U.S. Interest
U.S. Expels 15 Cuban Diplomats following Mysterious Attacks
Putin Calls for Better U.S. Ties as He Meets New Envoy
Latest Lebanese Related News published on
October 02-03/17
Mercenary Lebanese Politicians & the Sheep/السياسيون اللبنانيون المرتزقه
والأتباع القطعان
Elias Bejjani/October 03/17
The Iranian-Hezbollah occupied Lebanon is at the present time in
an SOS urgent need for genuine, free, honest and patriotic voices. Lebanon badly
needs a new breed of politicians and not merchants.
Lebanon, the occupied county and its oppressed and impoverished people are in
need of patriotic political voices that are loud, strong and are willing and
capable for witnessing for the mere truth with no fear, Dhimmitude or personal
power and financial agendas.
Sadly the majority of the current active Lebanese politicians, if not all of
them, as well as the feudal, Mafiosi parties, and the majority of the officials
are evil, greedy, hungry – evil merchants.
In reality and actuality, they are a role model for narcissism and trogon
horses, while all their prime focus, interests, alliances, affiliations,
activities and stances are totally tailored and engineered to revolve around
their own personal power ambitions and their coffers’-bank accounts gains
In this derailed context he majority of the Lebanese politicians and so called
parties are a living miserable model for evilness and corruption. They have no
conscience, shame or fear of God’s Day of Judgment.
They never ever honour or respect the Lebanese peoples’ rights or abide by the
constitution or any ethical-faith-honesty-transparency codes.
They are professional acrobats and pioneering experts in prostituting any thing
and every thing in a bid to promote and serve their own greediness and
power-money hungry ambitions.
The sad part in this funny on going theatrical play and dilemma lies in the fact
that unfortunately many… many Lebanese citizens are ignorant, lack the ABC of
self respect, have no insight in all that is patriotism and blindly follow the
corrupted politicians and against all odds accept happily the role sheep.
Yes sheep no more no less.
Our main problem as Lebanese citizens from all religious denominations and from
all walks of live is deeply rooted in our education, in our norms for what is
wrong and what is not, in our willingness to be subservient if it serves our
agendas, in our rotten mentality of opportunism and in our lack of loyalty to
our great country…the Land Of the Cedars.
In conclusion, unless we change our own education and mentality and adopt
genuine patriotic stances we shall continue to go down more and more.
It remains that and as our popular proverb says:” God does not change what
people think and do unless they themselves initiate and work hard on doing so.
Ashura in Lebanon: Donating blood
rather than spilling it
عاشوراء في لبنان: تبرع بالدم بدل اراقته
Chloé Domat/MEE/October 02/17
Following Hezbollah’s call to stop gestures of self-mutilation, local NGOs and
hospitals encourage believers to donate their blood instead.
On Sunday, thousands of Lebanese of all ages gathered in processions to
commemorate the death of the imam Hussein, the Prophet Muhammad's grandson, and
the associated battle of Karbala.
While a religious figure recounted the story of the 680CE battle massacre,
people walked down the streets in black clothes, wearing headbands commemorating
the glory of Hussein and his sister Zaynab.
For the believers, this is a very emotional moment. Some cry while others
re-enact the martyrdom by hitting themselves on the head with swords until they
bleed. "Take my picture!" said Ali, running towards a group of journalists with
a bleeding forehead. "I wanted to bleed because I love Hussein. I do it every
year, I want to feel his pain," said the 19-year-old student from Beirut's
southern suburbs.
But Ali's bloody face attracted more curious photographers than sympathy, with
many in the Shia community disapproving of the act of self-flagellation. "This
is just showing off," said Ali Awad, a 26-year-old graphic designer, who takes
part in this parade, coordinated by the political party Amal, every year.
"This is not what Ashura is about, and it can even transmit diseases when people
share the same sword," he said, adding that he has never taken part in the
controversial act. This tradition, known as tatbir, has often been divisive. In
1994, Iran's Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei issued a decree against
self-mutilation, describing the practice as "against religion".
But it continues in parts of Iraq, as well as among parts of the Shia
communities of Bahrain and Turkey. Blood donation replacing blood letting. In
Lebanon as well, Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah has spoken out against tatbir
on several occasions.
A few streets from where Ali celebrated, Hezbollah's parade was blood-free.
Believers simply brought their hands to their chest in rhythm while chanting.
"Here we never make ourselves bleed. It is against religion. God didn't tell us
to do this, neither did Hussein, and Hezbollah prohibits it," said Hussein, a
young customs officer who was watching the marchers from his rooftop.
For Ashura, Hezbollah encourages its supporters to give their blood for a good
cause rather than spill it."Every year, I go and give my blood to an association
or a hospital that needs it. A lot of people do the same, too many in fact,"
Hussein said. "This time they asked me if I could wait a few days because they
thought they would be receiving enough of my blood type," he said.
A growing trend
Ashura is by far and away the day during which the most blood is donated across
the country. Donner Sang Compter and Who is Hussain? are two NGOs that organise
the blood drive in Beirut's southern suburb of Haret Hreik, this year beating
their record and receiving 300 units in just a few hours. "Every year we get
more," said Nour Bazzi, president of the Donner Sang Compter club in Haret Hreik.
"People are very responsive."
The units will be transferred to the American University of Beirut's hospital (AUBMC).
The hospital has a large cancer treatment department, where patients and in
particular children are in constant need of blood. "We take advantage of Ashura
because it is a day when people feel very emotional, they want to give, and in
hospitals there is a real need for blood units," said Hala Smain, one of the
AUBMC technicians in charge of the welcoming the donors.
In Lebanon, there is no central blood bank. Patients have to rely on their
relatives to find the blood they need from private donors or, in some cases,
from the black market. The Red Cross, hospitals and NGOs have been working for
years to encourage anonymous and voluntary blood donation.
"We hope that as the years go by, mentalities will change and instead of just
giving blood when called upon by a relative, we will see more and more voluntary
donations such as this," she said.
Sunday's blood drive was organised in one of the town hall buildings. People
from the neighbourhood were packed at the entrance filling in the forms to
become donors.
"I want to change the image people have about my religion. The media always
shows pictures of mutilated faces on Ashura but there is another side to it,"
said Ghadir Hamadi, a 20-year-old journalism student waiting in line.
"There are two schools of thought when it comes to Ashura. Some people want to
shed blood in the streets; others want to give it for a good cause," she said.
"I really hope I can give, for me it is important to do something useful on this
Mahmoud Zeineddine, a 29-year-old man from the neighbourhood who is giving blood
for the fifth year, said: "Hussein gave his blood for us, this is something we
must respect. "Our role is also to make our blood useful, not throw it in the
street for it to go to waste."Images enclosed/A Lebanese man carries a sword as
he bleeds after he was cut on the forehead with a razor during an Ashura
procession in Nabatieh, south Lebanon on Sunday (Reuters)
National Geophysics Center: 3 magnitude quake hits Baalbek this afternoon
Tue 03 Oct 2017/NNA - The National Geophysics Center of
the National Council for Scientific Research said in a statement that "a
3-magnitude earthquake hit the city of Baalbek this afternoon at 3:06 pm." The
Center said that the locals of Baalbek felt the mild quake.
Govt. Submits Bill to Delay Wage Scale Until Tax Approval
Naharnet/October 03/17/The government sent a bill to the
parliament on Tuesday requesting permission to delay the implementation of the
wage scale law until the tax law is approved, the state-run National News Agency
reported. The Cabinet had on Friday agreed on an expedited draft law that
includes tax adjustments,” noting that “it will be referred to the parliament.”
The crisis had erupted after the Constitutional Council revoked a tax law aimed
at funding the scale following an appeal filed by ten MPs led by Sami Gemayel.
The ruling prompted the Cabinet to hold several emergency sessions in a bid to
find alternative funding sources, amid protests and an open-ended strike that
was declared by private and public school teachers and public employees.
Report: Hariri, Jumblat Adhere to Ministerial
Statement, Reject Normalization with Syria
Naharnet/Agence France Presse/October 03/17/Prime Minister Saad Hariri and
leader of the Democratic Gathering bloc MP Walid Jumblat have reportedly
rejected all attempts aiming to “normalize” relations with Syria, and have
stressed adherence to the ministerial statement, the pan-Arab al-Hayat daily
reported on Tuesday. Sources that followed up on Sunday's meeting told the daily
Tuesday that both men have “affirmed adherence to the content of the ministerial
statement regarding neutralization of Lebanon from the wars and conflicts raging
around it. They have rejected attempts to normalize ties with the Syrian regime
under the pretext that there is a need for this communication to discuss the
return of Syrian refugees to their towns and villages.” Speaking on condition of
anonymity the sources stressed that Hariri and Jumbalt “refuse to pave the way
for relations with the Syrian regime through political talks.”Hariri-Jumblat
meeting took place in the presence of Culture Minister Ghattas Khoury, MP Wael
Abu Faour and Nader Hariri, the premier's chief of staff. The sources pointed
out that the solution for the issue of displaced Syrians “will not be through
the organization of political and media campaigns that drive into more political
tension,” they said. However they stressed the need for the return of the
displaced back to Syria “because Lebanon can not bear the burden of hosting them
in light of the economic and financial situation.”They considered “incitement
campaigns” against the displaced as “unbeneficial” but saw a role for the United
Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, “which has to determine the safe areas
in Syria to arrange the procedures to return them.”
Hariri Receives Economic Bodies
Naharnet/October 03/17/Prime Minister Saad Hariri
met at the Center House with a delegation from the economic bodies, headed by
President of the Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Agriculture of Beirut and
Mount Lebanon Mohamed Choucair, who presented to him a document containing their
observations on the government’s draft regarding the tax hikes law. After
Monday's meeting, Choucair said: “Our meeting with Prime Minister Hariri was
good and he understands the concerns of the economic bodies. We submitted our
suggestions concerning law 45 and we will meet this week with President Michel
Aoun, Speaker Nabih Berri and Minister of Finance Ali Hassan Khalil.”He added:
“I think the suggestions that we submitted to Hariri are good. The basic point
rejected by the economic bodies is the double taxation, article 17 of law 45,
because it is against the Constitution and affects not only the Lebanese banks
but all the Lebanese institutions whether banking, financial, industrial or
commercial.”Choucair said: “We are calling on the citizens of the Gulf to return
and invest in Lebanon. The Central Bank is establishing funds for the Lebanese
expatriates, but who will invest in Lebanon while seeing all these taxes, with
also the double taxation?” He explained that this is rejected and consultations
will continue with everybody to reach a solution that is in the national
interest. In response to a question, Choucair said that in the last four years,
388 factories closed down and exports have fallen by 30%.
Change and Reform Urges Govt. to Address
'Existential Threat' of Refugee Crisis
Naharnet/October 03/17/The Change and Reform parliamentary bloc on Tuesday
warned that the Syrian refugee crisis has started to pose an “existential
threat” to Lebanon. “The bloc reiterates that the Syrian refugee presence in
Lebanon is a pressing issue that has started to pose an existential threat to
Lebanon,” said the bloc in a statement issued after its weekly meeting. “We
urgently call on the government to look into, study and discuss the draft
solution paper that has been prepared by the foreign minister (Jebran Bassil),”
the bloc added. It also urged the government to “record births and take all the
measures that make the registry of births compulsory for Syrian refugees and not
a voluntary measure that leads to low registry numbers as is the case today.”
Kataeb Warns against Reinstating Taxes on Low-Income
Naharnet/October 03/17/The Kataeb Party on Tuesday
warned authorities against reinstating taxes on low-income citizens, after the
Constitutional Council revoked a tax law aimed at funding a wage scale for civil
servants. “The Kataeb Party rejects the reinstatement of taxes on low-income
citizens instead of exerting serious efforts to stop shady deals and put an end
to corruption and the waste of public money,” Kataeb's political bureau said in
a statement issued after its weekly meeting. The party “warns the ruling
political class against violating the law and the Constitution every time its
political and financial interests do not match the laws and the constitutional
norms,” it said. The political bureau also called for “approving a state budget,
according to the Constitution, that includes all the necessary reforms to stop
financial squandering and control spending.”The Constitutional Council had
annulled the tax law after Kataeb's MPs and five other lawmakers filed an appeal
against it citing voting and financial violations. The Council demanded that
authorities amend some of the law's articles so that they conform with the
applicable laws. The government has recently approved the requested amendments,
reportedly keeping the taxes intact while revising the law's wording. Kataeb has
not ruled out filing a new appeal against the law. The law involves hiking the
VAT tax from 10% to 11%, fines on seaside violations, and taxes on cement,
administrative transactions, real estate transactions, phone bills, commercial
bills, imported alcoholic beverages, tobacco, sea imports, lottery prizes,
financial firms, banks and travel tickets. Authorities have argued that the new
taxes are necessary to fund the new wage scale but opponents of such a move have
called for finding new revenues through putting an end to corruption and the
waste of public money.
UNRWA, EU Hand Over Newly-Built Houses to 93 Nahr
el-Bared Families
Naharnet/October 03/17/The United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine
Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA) and the European Union on Tuesday held a
ceremony in the Nahr el-Bared Palestinian refugee camp to mark the handing over
of newly reconstructed houses to 93 returning families. A statement issued by
the EU Delegation to Lebanon said the ceremony highlighted the “longstanding
support of the EU and UNRWA to Palestine refugees displaced from Nahr el-Bared
following the 2007 crisis.”EU Ambassador Christina Lassen and Director of UNRWA
Affairs in Lebanon Claudio Cordone handed over keys to the families to celebrate
their return to the camp. “Thanks to the generous contribution of EUR 12 million
from the EU, an overall number of 348 families returned and 81 retail units were
built, and the social and economic prospects of the Palestinian community in the
Nahr el-Bared camp were improved,” the EU statement said. Adnan Omar and his
family were happy to finally receive the key to their house. Omar said: “It is a
great day for us because we are going back home. We can finally have privacy. We
are thankful to the EU for helping us to return to our house after a long time
of waiting, suffering and displacement.”The EU and UNRWA also launched the next
phase of the reconstruction works under a new project entitled “Further Support
to the Reconstruction of Nahr el-Bared Camp” in the amount of EUR 12 million.
This new contribution from the EU will enable the return of 360 families with
the provision of furniture grants. In addition, 78 retail units will be rebuilt,
thus helping “further rejuvenate the economic activity in the camp.”Additional
funding will also be provided by EU Member States. Speaking at the event,
Cordone thanked the EU for their ongoing support to Palestine refugees, and
specifically for the reconstruction of Nahr el-Bared. "Without this support,
hundreds of Palestine refugees would continue to live in unhealthy and
inappropriate living conditions after 10 years of displacement. We all look
forward to the day when all displaced families return to their new homes. UNRWA
is committed to maximizing the speed of the reconstruction while always seeking
to improve the living conditions of the refugees,” he said. "Today we are
handing over keys to the new apartments to 93 families that have been waiting
for too long. Since 2007, these families had to endure very difficult living
conditions. But all along they kept the hope alive that one day they would
return to what they could call a home, away from home," Ambassador Lassen said.
She added: "Our support does not stop here: today we are also visiting Nahr
el-Bared to present a new future and to assure you of our enduring commitment to
support Palestinian Refugees. Later today we will be visiting the areas where we
will soon start the construction of additional housing units that will be
delivered within the next 18 months through a dedicated fund worth EUR 12
Army Detains Perpetrators Involved in Sidon Shooting
that Killed Two
Naharnet/October 03/17/The Lebanese Army has
arrested on Tuesday the perpetrators involved in an armed dispute that erupted
Monday night in the southern coastal city of Sidon killing two people and
wounding two others, the National News Agency reported. The Army Intelligence
arrested the culprits and deployed its units in the city. Calm was restored
after the deadly clashes that rattled the area, NNA said. The agency added that
one of the men involved, identified as Ahmed Shehadeh, was arrested in the area
of al-Ghazieh. The clash erupted Monday evening between power generator owners
of the Shahadeh and al-Siddiq families that aggravated into shooting. The
dispute arose against the backdrop of a disagreement between owners of the
generators on who should operate in the area, the agency said.
UK Relaxes Travel Advice for Some Areas across
Naharnet/October 03/17/The British Foreign and Commonwealth has revised its
travel advice for Lebanon, reducing the areas to which they advise against
travel for British citizens, a press release by the British Embassy in Beirut
said. A British Embassy spokesperson said: "We have changed our travel advice in
response to improvements to the general situation in the country and a reduction
in incidents in recent years. However, we continue to warn citizens that
terrorists are very likely to try to carry out attacks against sites in Lebanon,
as well as a heightened threat of terrorist attack globally against UK interests
and British nationals. “We advise our citizens to remain vigilant and
familiarize themselves with our travel advice before traveling. We value our
partnership with the Lebanese security forces and will continue to work closely
with them. Our travel advice is kept under constant review and restrictions may
be reinstated if our assessment changes."
Latest LCCC Bulletin For Miscellaneous Reports And News published
October 03-04/17
Mossad Head Declares: Iran Is Our Primary Objective
Jerusalem Post/October 03/17/Yossi Cohen, the head of Israel's national
intelligence agency, divulges on some of the organization's main priorities.
Iran is the primary target of the Mossad’s actions, which number in the hundreds
and thousands each year, Mossad head Yossi Cohen said on Monday.
Cohen was speaking at the Mossad headquarters alongside Prime Minister Benjamin
Netanyahu, during a ceremony where Netanyahu initiated what he said would be a
new annual tradition of handing out six citations of merit to Mossad employees
who took part in operations.
Cohen said the spy organization works within the framework of a multi-year plan
that focuses on the top national, security and diplomatic priorities. “The
objectives of the Mossad are clear: Iran continues to hold onto its vision of
attaining significant nuclear capabilities, so that it will attain nuclear
military capabilities,” he said. Cohen added that the Islamic Republic continues
to aggressively direct military and operational forces in the Middle East closer
to Israel’s borders than ever before, both in Syria and in Lebanon; continues to
support Hezbollah and, increasingly of late, Hamas; and continues to transfer
advanced precision weaponry to terrorist organizations in the region. In
addition to Iran, he said, Islamic State “will continue to challenge us every
day in its efforts to harm us and, no less important, our friends around the
world.”Cohen said that the Mossad “undertakes hundreds and thousands of actions
every year, some of which are complex and bold, in the heart of enemy states –
the target countries.” He added that the organization has a “unique ability to
work in the very heart of the target, to penetrate into the most guarded and
dangerous places, and to return with a decisive achievement.”He called the
organization a “link in the chain of the lives of our people – an ancient people
that strives to be an example for itself and to the world.”Netanyahu, who called
the organization a “synchronized fist,” said he saluted its “initiative, daring
and professionalism – both in planning and in execution.”
Defiant Qatar Emir Meets Iran's Zarif
Naharnet/Agence France Presse/October 03/17/Iran's foreign
minister held talks with the emir of Qatar Tuesday aimed at strengthening
"co-operation," nearly four months into a Saudi-led blockade against the Gulf
emirate. Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad al-Thani and Iran's Mohammad Javad Zarif met at
a time of heightened Gulf tensions, with Qatari officials warning the ongoing
Arab blockade would only drive Doha towards regional powerhouse Iran. Qatar's
state news agency said the pair discussed the impasse in the region, which has
seen Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Bahrain and Egypt cut ties with
Doha over its ties with Iran and accusations that it supports extremists.
"During the meeting, they reviewed relations of cooperation between the two
countries in various fields as well as exchanged views on the current situation
in the region," read the statement from Qatar News Agency. Tuesday's visit was
notable as it was Zarif's first since Qatar's political isolation began on June
5. The Iranian foreign minister on Monday visited Oman -- which has remained
neutral on the Gulf crisis -- meeting with Sultan Qaboos in Muscat. Qatar's
relationship with Shiite-dominated Iran, seen as the major rival to Sunni-ruled
Saudi Arabia in the Middle East, is one of the major factors underpinning the
crisis between Qatar and its former allies. Last week, Qatar's foreign minister
Sheikh Mohammed bin Abdulrahman al-Thani warned that the political and economic
boycott imposed on Qatar was pushing Doha closer to Tehran. "They accuse Qatar
of being close to Iran but with their measure... they push Qatar towards Iran.
They are giving Qatar like a gift to Iran," Sheikh Mohammed said in a speech in
Paris. Doha in January 2016 had pulled its ambassador from Tehran in solidarity
with Saudi Arabia over attacks on its diplomatic mission there -- attacks
spurred by Riyadh's decision to execute a prominent Shiite cleric in the
kingdom. But in August, Qatar announced it was restoring full diplomatic
relations with Iran by returning its ambassador. Qatar and Iran share the
world’s largest natural gas field – which Doha calls the North Field and Iran
South Pars -- and which has been responsible for the emirate's dramatic
transformation over the past 20 years.
Trump says Las Vegas shooter "sick," will discuss gun laws
Tue 03 Oct 2017/NNA - U.S. President Donald Trump on Tuesday said the gunman in
Sunday's mass shooting in Las Vegas was "a very, very sick individual" but
declined to call it domestic terrorism and said gun laws would be discussed
later. "We'll be talking about gun laws as times goes by," Trump told reporters
at the White House. Asked if the shooting was an act of domestic terrorism, he
added: "He was a sick man, a demented man. Lot of problems, I guess, and we're
looking into him very, very seriously." -- REUTERS
Belgium withdraws residence permit of "Salafist"
Saudi imam
Tue 03 Oct 2017/NNA - Belgium took steps to expel a Saudi imam who preaches at
the country's biggest mosque for spreading extremist ideology, the immigration
minister said on Tuesday. The imam's residence permit was withdrawn as a prelude
to expelling him. He had lodged an appeal against that decision which, if it
failed, would oblige him to leave the country, Minister Theo Francken told radio
station BelRTL. Brussels' Grand Mosque, which was leased to Saudi Arabia for 99
years in the 1960s as part of an energy deal, has faced repeated accusations
from local politicians of propagating ultra-conservative forms of Islam. "There
is a problem with the Grand Mosque... I have taken the decision to withdraw the
residence permit of the imam of that mosque," Francken said. "We have had some
very clear indications that he was very radicalized, Salafist and conservative.
He was dangerous for our society and national security." Francken did not name
of the imam, who the ministry also declined to name when contacted by Reuters.
Authorities at the mosque were not immediately available for comment. The
Salafist movement - which is strongly influenced by Saudi Arabia's Wahhabi
school of Islam - sees many other branches of the faith as heretical has been
linked to militant groups such as Islamic State. A judge will decide in the
coming weeks on the imam's appeal. -- REUTERS
France says knife attacker was Tunisian with Italian papers
Tue 03 Oct 2017/NNA - France's interior minister
says the man who fatally stabbed two young women in Marseille was a Tunisian who
had lived in Italy. Interior Minister Gerard Collomb said on France-Inter radio
Tuesday that the assailant had Italian residency and a valid Tunisian passport.
The attacker was killed by soldiers after Sunday's stabbings, which were claimed
by the Islamic State group. Collomb urged more information-sharing among
governments about such cases. One of the seven IDs the attacker used in previous
encounters with French police was a Tunisian passport identifying him as Ahmed
H. A judicial official said Tuesday that authorities have determined that is the
Marseille attacker's true identity.--Associated Press
Israeli Defense Minister Says Syria's Assad
Naharnet/Agence France Presse/October 03/17/Israeli Defense Minister Avigdor
Lieberman said on Tuesday that President Bashar al-Assad has been "victorious"
in Syria's civil war and was now being courted by former enemies. "Assad has
emerged victorious in the battle," Avigdor Lieberman told Israeli news website
Walla!. "Suddenly, everyone wants to get closer to Assad," he said. "I see that
there is now a long line of countries applauding and wooing Assad, including
Western (and) moderate Sunni Muslim (states)." Assad's fortunes have changed
dramatically since Russia launched a military intervention to shore up his
forces in 2015 and he now appears well on top after a series of key victories.
Israel has previously called on Assad to step down, but officials have sought to
avoid getting too heavily involved in the conflict. Israel has accused
Assad-backer Iran of transferring sophisticated weapons to Lebanon's Hizbullah
and has sporadically struck weapons convoys to the Shiite movement inside the
war-ravaged country, as well as Syrian government forces. Israel and Syria have
technically been in a state of war for decades and Israel has become alarmed at
the growing Iranian influence in Damascus. Lieberman said they were hoping for
increased American involvement to counterbalance the Iranian threat. "We hope
that the United States will be more active on the Syrian front and in the Middle
East in general. We are on the northern front against the Russians, Iranians,
Turks and Hizbullah," he said. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu
admitted last year Israel had carried out dozens of attacks on weapons convoys
destined for Hizbullah.
Opponent of Iraq Kurd Leader Sole Candidate in
Presidential Vote
Naharnet/Agence France Presse/October 03/17/An ex-minister in Iraq's first
post-invasion government will be the sole candidate for the presidency of the
country's autonomous Kurdish region in a November election, an official said on
Tuesday. Mohammad Tofiq Rahim, 64, a staunch opponent of current Kurdish leader
Massud Barzani who has repeatedly said he will not stand again for the post, was
the only person to put forward his candidacy, the autonomous region's electoral
chief said. "By the deadline for candidates on Tuesday, we had received all the
documents necessary for Mohammad Tofiq Rahim to be a candidate for the
presidency of Kurdistan. He is the only person to have declared himself a
candidate," electoral commission head Yari Hadji Omar told AFP by telephone from
the regional capital Arbil. The Kurdish region, which last week voted
overwhelmingly in favor of independence in a referendum rejected both by Baghdad
and by Iraq's neighbors Turkey and Iran, will hold presidential and legislative
elections on November 1.The electoral commission has approved 21 lists of
candidates for the legislative vote.Despite repeatedly saying he would not stand
for re-election, Barzani has also been seen as reluctant to cede power. Rahim, a
former member of the Kurdish peshmerga security forces, is a member of Goran, a
party strongly opposed to Barzani. The most recent presidential vote in the
autonomous Kurdish region was in 2009. Originally, a presidential term of office
was four years, but in 2013 parliament extended it by two years. A general
election was held in September 2013, but Kurdish parliamentary activity has been
frozen since November 2015, enabling Barzani to remain in power. Rahim has
opposed Barzani's mandate being extended."The commission must now examine the
documents and accept his candidacy," Hadji Omar said of Rahim. In September
2003, Rahim became industry minister in the first Iraqi cabinet that followed
the U.S.-led invasion of Iraq and overthrow of Saddam Hussein. The September 25
referendum on Kurdish independence, a Barzani initiative, returned a resounding
92.73 percent "yes" result.
Regional tensions
But it also provoked a resounding "no" from Baghdad, Tehran and Ankara and sent
regional tensions soaring. Barzani's successor will have a heavy and urgent
workload in the wake of the referendum result. On Monday, Iraq and Iran --
previously sworn enemies that fought a devastating eight-year war in the 1980s
-- staged joint military maneuvers just across the border from Iraqi Kurdistan
in Iran. Iraq, Iran and Turkey all have sizable Kurdish minorities and have
taken measures to isolate Iraqi Kurdistan, including suspending international
flights to and from its two main airports. Iran has also slapped an indefinite
ban on the transport of oil and energy products to and from Iraq's Kurdish
region. Officially comprising Arbil, Dohuk and Sulaimaniyah provinces, Iraqi
Kurdistan also claims other territory including oil-rich Kirkuk province -- a
dispute that is a major source of contention with Baghdad. Tuesday's electoral
commission announcement that only Rahim had registered to stand in the
presidential election came shortly before the announcement of the death in
Germany aged 83 of charismatic Kurdish leader Jalal Talabani, a former president
of Iraq. On Sunday, the Kurdish region replaced the referendum council with a
body dubbed the Political Directorate of Kurdistan, seen by Barzani opponents as
a way of him retaining control.The new body includes members of the two main
traditional parties, Barzani's Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP) and Talabani's
Patriotic Union of Kurdistan (PUK). But it has been criticized including by
Talabani's widow Hero Ibrahim Ahmed, a PUK leader. She has called it "a gross
error" and compared it to Saddam's Revolution Command Council, the real
decision-making body under the dictator while the government had no role.
Iraq ex-President and Kurdish Leader Jalal Talabani
Dies at 83
Naharnet/Agence France Presse/October 03/17/Ex-Iraqi president and Kurdish
leader Jalal Talabani died on Tuesday in Germany, officials in his party told
AFP. Talabani, 83, was Iraq's president from 2005 to 2014 and a key figure in
Iraqi Kurdistan, where voters last week overwhelmingly backed independence in a
disputed referendum."Our leader died in Germany," an official with Talabani's
Patriotic Union of Kurdistan (PUK) said. A family member said Talabani's health
had taken a turn for the worse and he been transported to Germany, along with
his wife and two children, before the referendum.
Iraqi Kurdish lawmaker Zana Said paid tribute to Talabani as "the only president
whose death saddens Arabs, Kurds and all other ethnicities." "We pray to God
that his death will help to bring back good relations between the brothers of
Iraq." Talabani's death, following a decades-old struggle for Kurdish statehood,
came after Iraq's Kurds voted 92.7 percent in favor of independence in the
September 25 referendum. The vote, rejected by Baghdad as illegal, has put deep
strain on ties between the Kurds and central Iraqi authorities, who have cut off
international flights to the region and threatened further action. Talabani was
an avuncular politician and a skilled negotiator, who spent years building
bridges between the country's divided factions, despite his efforts for Kurdish
independence. Born in 1933 in the mountain village of Kalkan, he studied law at
Baghdad University and did a stint in the army before joining the Kurdistan
Democratic Party (KDP) of Mullah Mustafa Barzani, father of current Kurdistan
regional president Massud Barzani. Talabani took to the hills in a first
uprising against the Iraqi government in 1961 but famously fell out with Barzani,
who sued for peace with Baghdad, and joined a KDP splinter faction in 1964.
Eleven years later, he established the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan (PUK) after
Barzani's forces, abandoned by their Iranian, U.S. and Israeli allies, were
routed by Saddam Hussein's army. He became president in April 2005 after the
first post-Saddam election in Iraq and continued in the post until 2014, when he
was replaced by the current president, Fuad Masum. Iraq's head of state plays a
largely ceremonial role and is elected by members of parliament. In August 2008,
the married father of two underwent successful heart surgery in the United
States, then in 2012 he was flown to Germany after suffering a stroke, casting
doubt over his ability to ever return to Iraq. He did go back in July 2014, with
Iraq in crisis after the Islamic State group had taken control of swathes of the
country, and was replaced by Masum following a parliamentary election.
U.S.-Led Strike Kills 18 Civilians in Syria's Raqa
Naharnet/Agence France Presse/October 03/17/A U.S.-led coalition air strike
killed at least 18 civilians on Tuesday in the Islamic State group's former
stronghold of Raqa, the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights monitor said.
"International coalition planes targeted water wells where a group of civilians
were gathered in the north of Raqa city, killing at least 18 civilians,"
Observatory director Rami Abdel Rahman said. The Britain-based group said four
children were among the dead. The U.S.-backed Syrian Democratic Forces, an
alliance of Kurdish and Arab fighters, broke into Raqa in June and has since
wrested 90 percent of the city from IS. But activists say coalition strikes in
support of the operation have killed hundreds of civilians and caused enormous
damage. The coalition's spokesman Colonel Ryan Dillon said it does "everything
within its power to limit harm to non-combatants and civilian infrastructure."
He said "rigorous standards" were applied to coalition targeting and
"extraordinary efforts" taken to avoid civilian deaths."The coalition conducts a
detailed assessment of each and every allegation of possible civilian casualties
and we will do so for this allegation as well," he added in an email to AFP.
In late September, the coalition acknowledged the deaths of 735 civilians in its
strikes on Syria and Iraq since 2014. But activists say the toll is much higher.
Raqa has faced water shortages for months because of damage to pipelines caused
by suspected coalition strikes. Even in the early days of the Raqa assault,
residents said they feared being caught in air strikes or shelling when they
ventured to wells or the Euphrates River that runs south of the city to draw
Netanyahu Rejects Palestinian Reconciliation unless
Hamas Disarms
Naharnet/Agence France Presse/October
03/17/Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said on Tuesday Israel would
reject any reconciliation deal between the two leading Palestinian factions
unless the Iran-backed Islamist movement Hamas disarmed. "We are not prepared to
accept bogus reconciliations in which the Palestinian side apparently reconciles
at the expense of our existence," Netanyahu said in a statement. "Whoever wants
to make such a reconciliation, our understanding is very clear: recognize the
State of Israel, disband the Hamas military arm, sever the connection with Iran
-- which calls for our destruction," Netanyahu added. Palestinian prime minister
Rami Hamdallah began a three-day visit to Gaza on Monday as the two leading
factions seek a reconciliation deal that could lead to a unity government. The
internationally recognized Palestinian Authority (PA) has signed a peace deal
with Israel but Hamas, which runs Gaza and has fought three wars with Israel
since 2008, has not. Hamas maintains a major military wing and senior officials
have downplayed the idea of disarming in any reconciliation deal. However PA
president Mahmoud Abbas said in an interview on Monday there would be "one
state, one system, one law and one weapon" -- in an apparent reference to Hamas'
military wing.
Palestinian Government Meets in Gaza for First Time
Since 2014
Naharnet/Agence France Presse/October 03/17/The Palestinian cabinet met in Gaza
on Tuesday for the first time since 2014 in a further step towards the
internationally recognised Palestinian Authority retaking control of the
territory. The meeting of the government, which is based in the occupied West
Bank, comes as part of moves to end a decade-long split between the PA and the
Islamist Hamas movement, which runs Gaza. In an opening speech, Prime Minister
Rami Hamdallah renewed his pledge to end the rift. "We are here to turn the page
on division, restore the national project to its correct direction and establish
the (Palestinian) state," he said. It was the first meeting of the cabinet in
Gaza since November 2014, and comes a day after Hamdallah entered the territory
for the first time since a unity government collapsed in June 2015. On Monday,
he met with senior Hamas figures, including leader Ismail Haniya. After
Tuesday's cabinet meeting, government spokesman Yusuf Al Mahmud said ministers
discussed the humanitarian situation in Gaza. No Hamas officials took part.
Mahmud warned that a full reconciliation deal would take time. "The government
does not have a magic wand," he told reporters.
More than two million people live in impoverished Gaza, which has been blockaded
by Israel and Egypt for years. The sides will hold further talks next week in
the Egyptian capital Cairo. Punitive measures imposed by the PA against Hamas,
including cutting electricity payments for Gaza, would remain in place pending
the result of those talks, Mahmoud added. Hamas called for the measures to be
ended immediately as a show of good will. "Our people look forward to practical
steps to ease their suffering," a statement said. Hamas has controlled Gaza
since seizing it from the PA in a near civil war in 2007 and multiple previous
reconciliation attempts have failed. Last month, the Islamists announced they
were willing to cede civilian control to the PA, following Egyptian pressure.
The United States and the European Union blacklist Hamas as a terrorist
organisation, complicating the formation of any potential unity government.
The head of Egyptian intelligence Khaled Fawzi is to visit Gaza later on Tuesday
and meet with Hamas and PA officials, including Haniya. - 'Carefully optimistic'
-Tuesday's cabinet session took place at the official Gaza residence of
Palestinian president Mahmud Abbas in the cabinet office, hung with portraits of
Abbas and historic Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat. Abbas himself remained in
the West Bank city of Ramallah. Hamas security were on the roof of the building,
while Palestinian Authority agents were deployed inside, an AFP correspondent
"Today we are faced with a historic revival in which we are grappling with our
wounds and elevating our unity," Hamdallah said, reaffirming that there would be
no Palestinian state without Gaza. UN Middle East envoy Nickolay Mladenov said
on Monday that he was "carefully optimistic" about the reconciliation talks. "If
the region stays engaged, if Egypt's role continues and if the political parties
themselves continue to show the willingness they are currently showing to work
with us on this process, then it can succeed," he told AFP. In an interview on
Monday night Abbas said that while the two sides "might have wronged each other
and cursed each other, today we enter a new phase."A key issue is Hamas's
powerful military wing that has fought three wars with Israel since 2008. Hamas
officials reject the possibility of dissolving it. Abbas told Egypt's CBC that
there will be "one state, one system, one law and one weapon" -- in an apparent
reference to Hamas’s military wing. He also warned Hamas could not "copy or
clone Hezbollah's experience in Lebanon," referring to a situation where an
independent armed group exerts major influence on national politics. The United
States cautiously welcomed Hamdallah's visit, but White House special envoy
Jason Greenblatt warned any Palestinian government "must unambiguously and
explicitly commit to nonviolence, recognition of the State of Israel, acceptance
of previous agreements and obligations between the parties and peaceful
negotiations."The Palestinian Authority has signed peace deals with Israel, but
Hamas was not party to them and does not recognise Israel's right to exist.
Al-Sisi Hails 'Opportunity' for Palestinian Unity
Naharnet/Agence France Presse/October
03/17/Egyptian President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi has said Palestinian
reconciliation could be an "opportunity" for wider regional peace, while Hamas
welcomed their aid. "The whole world is waiting for your efforts to achieve
reconciliation among the Palestinian people and appreciates your determination
to address all obstacles," Sisi said in a pre-recorded speech addressing the two
main Palestinian movements on Tuesday."There is a chance to realize peace in the
region, providing all the parties are united."The video was played as Egyptian
intelligence head Khaled Fawzy met with Hamas and Palestinian Authority leaders
in the Gaza Strip.Cairo has been the key backer in attempts to bring the two
Palestinian sides together, and Sisi said the global powers would back the
talks. "I am confident the major world powers, when they see the Palestinian
parties are fully aware of the nature of this phase and the importance of
dialogue to achieve the goal of peace, will help to realize this peace," he
added. Hamas has ruled Gaza since a violent overthrow of the Palestinian
Authority in 2007, but last month agreed after Egyptian mediation to hand over
civilian rule. Israel, however, says it will reject any deal between the two
factions in which Hamas is allowed to keep its weapons. Hamas leader Ismail
Haniya said Tuesday they were willing to "pay any price" for reconciliation,
while praising the Egyptian role. "I say on my behalf and on behalf of the
brothers in Fatah and all the Palestinian factions that we are ready to pay any
price for the success of Palestinian national reconciliation," he said. Israel
has fought three wars with Hamas since 2008.
After Las Vegas Massacre, Trump Silent on Gun
Naharnet/Agence France Presse/October
03/17/President Donald Trump condemned the massacre of at least 59 Las Vegas
concert goers as an "act of pure evil" Monday, but refrained from addressing
calls for gun control or the motives for the worst mass shooting in recent US
history.Delivering televised remarks, Trump tried to offer consolation and
called for unity -- an act that has become a grim rite of passage for modern US
presidents. Barack Obama wept as he tried to soothe the nation after the 2012
Sandy Hook primary school shooting, George W. Bush told Americans that the
"nation grieves" after a similar outrage at Virginia Tech university. Trump
ordered that flags be flown at half-staff until sunset Friday, offered prayers
for the victims and announced he would visit Las Vegas on Wednesday. Later, he
led White House staff on the South Lawn for a moment of silence.
"In moments of tragedy and horror, America comes together as one -- and it
always has," Trump said. Police have identified the gunman behind the Sunday
night massacre -- which injured more than 500 people -- as a 64-year-old former
accountant named Stephen Craig Paddock, who killed himself before a SWAT team
breached his 32nd floor hotel room. Investigators recovered at least 16 guns,
including assault rifles, from Paddock's room at the Mandalay Bay, and another
18 firearms along with bomb-making materials at one of his two homes. Officials
have reacted cautiously to an Islamic State group claim that Paddock was a
"soldier of the caliphate" but while his motive remained unclear, the shooting
instantly rekindled the divisive national debate on gun control. - 'Right to
bear arms' -White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders said that now was
not the time for politics, a tactic frequently used by gun advocates to diffuse
public outrage. "There's a time and place for a political debate, but now is the
time to unite as a country," said Sanders. Trump insisted, "our unity cannot be
shattered by evil. Our bonds cannot be broken by violence."But in the immediate
aftermath of the shooting, that unity was difficult to find. Trump's vanquished
election rival Hillary Clinton hit out at the gun manufacturers lobby -- the
National Rifle Association -- which has backed a congressional push to make it
easier to obtain a gun silencer. "The crowd fled at the sound of gunshots.
Imagine the deaths if the shooter had a silencer," tweeted Clinton, whose
Democratic Party has tried in vain to introduce lasting gun control measures.
"Our grief isn't enough. We can and must put politics aside, stand up to the
NRA, and work together to try to stop this from happening again."There have
already been over 270 mass shootings in the United States this year alone,
according to, although the exact definition is
contested. Gun violence accounts for more than 33,000 deaths each year in the
United States, and according to the latest Gallup poll, 55 percent of American
voters would like to see stricter rules for buying guns.
But the issue is highly sensitive and Trump's own views have changed markedly
over his years in public life. After the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting,
where 20 six and seven-year old children and six adults were mowed down by a
disturbed 20-year-old, Trump appeared to favor stricter rules. Back then, his
predecessor Obama -- who often called Sandy Hook the worst moment of his eight
year presidency -- called for the deadlock to be broken and for Congress to act.
At that time Trump tweeted: "President Obama spoke for me and every American in
his remarks in #Newtown Connecticut." But since then Trump -- whose White House
bid was endorsed by the NRA -- has positioned himself as a defender of the
constitutional "right to keep and bear arms."The NRA donated an estimated $30
million to Trump's campaign in 2016, according to the Center for Responsive
Politics. US Senator Chris Murphy, who was the congressman for Sandy Hook,
renewed a call for action in the wake of the Las Vegas attack. "This must stop.
It is positively infuriating that my colleagues in Congress are so afraid of the
gun industry that they pretend there aren't public policy responses to this
epidemic," he said.
Catalonia Set for General Strike over Independence
Poll Violence
Naharnet/Agence France Presse/October 03/17/Large numbers of Catalans are
expected to observe a general strike on Tuesday to condemn police violence at a
banned weekend referendum on independence, as Madrid comes under growing
international pressure to resolve its worst political crisis in decades.
Flights and train services could be disrupted as well as port operations, after
unions called for the stoppage to "vigorously condemn" the police response to
the poll, in which Catalonia's leader said 90 percent of voters backed
independence from Spain. Barcelona's public universities are expected to join
the strike, as is the contemporary art museum, football club FC Barcelona and
the Sagrada Familia, the basilica designed by Antoni Gaudi and one of the city's
most popular tourist sites. "I am convinced that this strike will be widely
followed," Catalan leader Carles Puigdemont said ahead of the protest.
The central government has vowed to stop the wealthy northeastern region, which
accounts for a fifth of Spain's GDP, breaking away from Spain and has dismissed
Sunday's poll as unconstitutional and a "farce". Violent scenes played out in
towns and cities across the region on Sunday as riot police moved in on polling
stations to stop people from casting their ballots, in some cases charging with
batons and firing rubber bullets to disperse crowds. UN rights chief Zeid Ra'ad
Al Hussein said he was "very disturbed" by the unrest while EU President Donald
Tusk urged Madrid to avoid "further use of violence".
The European Parliament will hold a special debate on Wednesday on the issue.
"We call on all relevant players to now move very swiftly from confrontation to
dialogue. Violence can never be an instrument in politics," European Commission
spokesman Margaritis Schinas said, breaking weeks of virtual EU silence on the
Catalan issue. Residents in many cities briefly stopped work at midday on Monday
and descended onto the streets in silent, solemn protest. In Barcelona,
municipal police said about 15,000 people stopped traffic as they rallied, many
draped in the blue, yellow and red Estelada flag used by Catalan separatists,
shouting "the streets will always be ours". "This was the norm under Franco!"
the crowd chanted, referring to former dictator Francisco Franco whose 1939-75
regime repressed Catalan language and culture.
Emergency talks -The government of Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy held emergency
talks after Puigdemont declared Sunday that Catalonia had "won the right to an
independent state". Puigdemont has appealed for international mediation to help
solve the crisis and called for police deployed to Catalonia from other parts of
Spain for the vote to be removed. The regional government said 2.26 million
people took part in the poll, or just over 42 percent of the electorate. But any
attempt to unilaterally declare independence is likely to be opposed not just by
Madrid but also a large section of the Catalan population, a region of 7.5
million people that is deeply split on the issue. Puigdemont has said he will
now present the results to the region's parliament, where separatist lawmakers
hold a majority, and which has the power to adopt a motion of independence. The
Catalan leader said close to 900 people had received medical attention, though
regional authorities confirmed a total of 92 injured. Four were hospitalised,
two in serious condition. Videos posted on social media showed police dragging
voters from polling stations by their hair, throwing people down stairs and
attacking Catalan firefighters protecting polling stations. Magdalena Clarena
Dabant, a 70-year-old grandmother, described a "brutal" incident when she
decided to join "passive resistance" in her village to prevent the Guardia Civil
police from seizing a ballot box. "To stop them, many voters sat on the floor, I
sat on a chair. They told me to go away, I responded I wouldn't move. "They
grabbed me by the arm, strongly, and I fell on the floor. In hospital they told
me I had the wrist broken."
Islamic State Group Claims Deadly Damascus Bomb
Naharnet/Agence France Presse/October 03/17/The Islamic State group on Tuesday
claimed a bomb attack at a police station in the Syrian capital Damascus a day
earlier that killed at least 17 people. In a statement circulated on its social
media accounts, the group said three of its fighters armed with guns, grenades
and explosives were involved in the attack in the southern neighbourhood of
Midan on Monday. The Syrian interior ministry said on Monday that the attack
involved two suicide bombers, one of whom managed to penetrate the police
station and reach the first floor before his explosives detonated. But a monitor
reported a third explosion involved a car bomb outside the police station, and
the IS claim also referred to the third attacker blowing himself up separately
from the other two. The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, a Britain-based
monitoring group, said at least 17 people were killed in the attack, among them
13 police officers. Damascus has been largely insulated from the worst of the
violence during the country's brutal six-year civil war, but several bomb
attacks have shaken the city. The Midan police station has itself been targeted
before. In December 2016, three police officers were wounded when a
seven-year-old girl walked into the police station wearing an explosive belt
that was remotely detonated. The regime is currently waging several offensives
against IS, including in the Badiya desert region and in the eastern province of
Deir Ezzor. The jihadist group is rapidly losing territory across Syria, though
it retains a handful of positions, including in the Yarmuk camp in Damascus.
More than 330,000 people have been killed in Syria since the conflict began in
March 2011 with anti-government protests.
UAE Jails Iranian over Sanctions Breach
Naharnet/Agence France Presse/October 03/17/A United Arab Emirates appeals court
has upheld a 10-year jail sentence against an Iranian convicted of breaching
international sanctions against Tehran, state media reported on Tuesday. The
State Security Court upheld the man's conviction on charges of "sharing
intelligence with Iran, importing electricity generators and devices used in the
Iranian nuclear programme from the United Kingdom and attempting to illegally
re-export these devices to Iran," the official WAM news agency reported. The
man, whose identity has not been disclosed, was found guilty by a lower court in
April and sentenced to 10 years in jail to be followed by deportation.
Nuclear-related international sanctions on Iran were lifted following a landmark
deal reached between Tehran and major powers in 2015. But the UAE and other
Sunni-ruled Gulf Arab states remain deeply opposed to the influence of
Shiite-dominated Iran in the Middle East.
Mattis Says Pentagon 'Fully' Backs Tillerson on
North Korea
Naharnet/Agence France Presse/October
03/17/Pentagon chief Jim Mattis said Tuesday his department "supports fully"
Secretary of State Rex Tillerson's effort to find a diplomatic solution to the
North Korea nuclear stand-off. Defense Secretary Mattis was speaking after
President Donald Trump appeared to undermine his top diplomat by suggesting it
was a "waste of time" to reach out to Kim Jong-Un's regime.
Mattis Says Nuclear Accord with Iran in U.S.
Naharnet/Agence France Presse/October 03/17/U.S. Defense Secretary Jim Mattis
said Tuesday that President Donald Trump should consider sticking with the
nuclear accord with Iran, which he said is in the U.S. national interest.
Mattis's expression of support for the 2015 agreement curbing Iran's nuclear
program was in sharp contrast with Trump's blunt assessment that the deal is an
"embarrassment."Asked during a Senate hearing whether he believed it was in the
national interest, Mattis replied: "Yes, senator, I do.""If we can confirm that
Iran is living by the agreement, if we can determine that this is in our best
interest, then surely we should stay with it.""I believe at this point in time,
absent indication to the contrary, it is something that the president should
consider staying with," he said. Trump must notify Congress every 90 days
whether Iran is abiding by the accord and whether the lifting of sanctions
against Tehran is in the U.S. national interest. He has so far certified that
Iran is in compliance with the agreement but has indicated the next deadline on
October 15 will be crucial. Iran and the other signatories -- China, Russia,
France, Britain and Germany -- defend the deal as a guarantee of the peaceful,
non-military purposes of Tehran's nuclear program.
U.S. Expels 15 Cuban Diplomats following Mysterious
Naharnet/Agence France Presse/October 03/17/The United States ordered the
expulsion of 15 Cuban diplomats on Tuesday, accusing Havana of failing to
protect their U.S. counterparts from harm in a series of mystery "attacks" on
their health. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson said, however, that Washington
would maintain diplomatic relations even though the size of the U.S. mission in
Havana would be reduced to a minimum. "The decision was made due to Cuba's
failure to take appropriate steps to protect our diplomats in accordance with
its obligations under the Vienna Convention," Tillerson said.
"This order will ensure equity in our respective diplomatic operations," the
statement continued. "Until the government of Cuba can ensure the safety of our
diplomats in Cuba, our embassy will be reduced to emergency personnel to
minimize the number of diplomats at risk of exposure to harm." The attacks,
which US officials initially suggested could have come from some sort of covert
acoustic device, have affected at least 22 US embassy staff in Havana over the
past few months.Those affected have exhibited physical symptoms including ear
complaints, hearing loss, dizziness, headache, fatigue, cognitive issues, and
difficulty sleeping. Tillerson said the U.S. would "maintain diplomatic
relations with Cuba, and will continue to cooperate with Cuba as we pursue the
investigation into these attacks."U.S. relations with Havana were only fully
restored in 2015 -- after a half-century Cold War break -- and have deteriorated
since President Donald Trump took office in January.Last week, Tillerson said he
was withdrawing more than half the personnel from the U.S. embassy in Cuba in
response to the unexplained attacks.
'Protect our people'
The Cuban diplomats, who were given seven days to depart, were not declared
persona non grata, a US official speaking on condition of anonymity said.
Washington, he said, wants "to underscore to the Cubans that they must take more
actions to protect our people on the ground." "Our position on assurances is not
presume Cuban culpability. What it does is require the Cuban government to be
able to fulfill their obligations with the safety and well being and protection
of foreign diplomats in their country." The U.S. diplomats leaving Cuba are
expected to be out of the country by the end of the week. "We would need full
assurances from the Cuban government that these attacks will not continue before
we can even talk and plan" for resuming operations in Havana, he said. Most
importantly, Tillerson wants "to focus on the safety and well being of our
personnel. Once having made that decision we then moved on to consider ensuring
that there would be an equitable impact in our two embassies ability to
operate."The State Department gave the Cubans a list of which diplomats they
wanted expelled. Routine U.S. visa operations in Havana were suspended
indefinitely in response to the attacks. U.S. officials had previously told
reporters they believed some kind of inaudible sound weapon was used on the U.S.
staff either inside or outside their residences in Havana. Canadians in Cuba
have also been hurst, with a source close to that country's embassy telling AFP
that more than five families were affected, including several children.
Observers doubt that Cuba would have risked antagonizing its neighbors at the
end of 2016 -- when relations between the former Cold War enemies were thawing,
before they deteriorated under Trump. The head of North American affairs at
Cuba's foreign ministry, Josefina Vidal, earlier told state television that Cuba
wants to work with the United States to resolve this case.
Putin Calls for Better U.S. Ties as He Meets New
Naharnet/Agence France Presse/October 03/17/Russian President Vladimir Putin on
Tuesday called for "predictable and mutually beneficial" ties with the United
States as he received diplomatic credentials from Washington's new ambassador to
Moscow. The U.S. Senate last week confirmed businessman, veteran diplomat and
former presidential candidate Jon Huntsman as ambassador to Russia, filling a
crucial post at a time when ties are at dangerously low ebb. "As far as
bilateral ties with the United States are concerned, their current level cannot
be satisfying," Putin said at the Kremlin after he received diplomatic
credentials from Huntsman. "We are in favor of constructive, predicable and
mutually beneficial cooperation. We are convinced it should be based on the
meticulous adherence to the principles of equality, respect of national
interests and non-interference in domestic affairs."Putin again expressed
condolences to the American people following the Las Vegas shooting which killed
at least 59 people and wounded more than 500.
'Problems of reciprocity'
Putin's spokesman Dmitry Peskov said earlier Tuesday that the Russian president
wanted to restore ties with the United States but stressed he could not do it
alone. "So far there are certain problems when it comes to reciprocity," Peskov
told reporters. "But we hope that with the new ambassador at the helm at least
the U.S. diplomatic mission in Moscow will be able to contribute to the
restoration of our relations." U.S. President Donald Trump has pledged to
improve ties between the two countries which slumped to their lowest point since
the Cold War over the Ukraine crisis. But allegations of collusion between
Russia and members of Trump's election campaign team overshadowed those
promises. The 57-year-old Huntsman, who served as governor of Utah, has worked
in numerous U.S. administrations, notably as ambassador to China under Democrat
president Barack Obama, before running unsuccessfully for president as a
Republican in 2012. Huntsman said during his confirmation hearing last week that
there is "no question" Russia interfered in the U.S. presidential race and that
Moscow continues to "threaten stability" in Europe. "I look forward to working
to rebuild trust between our two countries and to strengthening the bilateral
relationship based on cooperation on common interests," the new U.S. ambassador
said after the Kremlin ceremony. "I will seek out Russian people from all walks
of life to share perspectives, to relay American values, and to deepen my
growing appreciation for Russia's rich and fascinating history and culture," he
added. The U.S. embassy in Moscow said Huntsman would return to Washington for
"final consultations" before assuming his post in Russia next week. Huntsman
will be performing one of the most difficult jobs on the diplomatic circuit. One
of his predecessors, Michael McFaul, left the post under a cloud after just two
years in Russia. McFaul, who left in 2014, sparked Moscow's fury with critical
comments and meetings with Russian opposition leaders and was harassed by
pro-Kremlin youth activists and TV channels. His successor, career diplomat John
Tefft was summoned out of retirement and served as U.S. ambassador to Russia
between 2014 and 2017.
Latest LCCC Bulletin analysis & editorials from
miscellaneous sources published on October 03-04/17
The Case for Kurdish Independence/قضية الإستقلال الكردي
Alan M. Dershowitz/Gatestone Institute/October 02/17
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan tried to extort Israel to
withdraw its support, and threatened to end the process of normalization unless
it does so. It is worth noting that Turkey strongly supports statehood for the
Palestinians but not for their own Kurdish population. Hypocrisy abounds in the
international community, but that should surprise no one.
Iraqi Kurds were a key partner for the U.S. coalition that toppled Saddam
Hussein's regime and has staved off further sectarian tensions in that country.
One thing is clear: if the United States continues to neglect its "friends" and
allies in the region -- those on the front line in the fight against ISIS -- the
damage to its credibility will only increase.
Nor are there any limits to the hypocrisy of those university students and
faculty who demonstrate so loudly for Palestinian statehood, but ignore or
oppose the Kurds. When is the last time you read about a demonstration in favor
of the Kurds on a university campus? The answer is never.
No one who supports statehood for the Palestinians can morally oppose Kurdish
independence. But they do, because it is double-standard hypocrisy, and not
morality, that frames the debate over the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.
More than 90% of Iraq's Kurdish population have now voted for independence from
Iraq. While the referendum is not binding, it reflects the will of a minority
group that has a long history of persecution and statelessness.
The independence referendum is an important step toward remedying a historic
injustice inflicted on the Kurdish population in the aftermath of the First
World War. Yet, while millions took to the streets to celebrate, it is clear
that the challenges of moving forward toward establishing an independent
Kurdistan are only just beginning. Already, Iraqi Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi,
has said: "we will impose the rule of Iraq in all of the areas of the KRG, with
the strength of the constitution." Meanwhile, other Iraqi lawmakers have called
for the prosecution of Kurdish representatives who organized the referendum --
singling out Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) President Masoud Barzani,
People cast their referendum vote on September 25, 2017 in Kirkuk, Iraqi
Kurdistan. (Photo by Chris McGrath/Getty Images)
While Israel immediately supported the Kurdish bid for independence, Turkish
President Recep Tayyip Erdogan tried to extort Israel to withdraw its support,
and threatened to end the process of normalization unless it does so. It is
worth noting that Turkey strongly supports statehood for the Palestinians but
not for their own Kurdish population. The Palestinian leadership, which is
seeking statehood for its people, also opposes statehood for the Kurds.
Hypocrisy abounds in the international community, but that should surprise no
The case for Palestinian statehood is at least as compelling as the case for
Kurdish statehood, but you would not know that by the way so many countries
support Palestinian statehood but not Kurdish statehood. The reason for this
disparity has little to do with the merits of their respective cases and much to
do with the countries from which they seek independence. The reason, then, for
this double standard is that few countries want to oppose Turkey, Iraq, Iran and
Syria; many of these same countries are perfectly willing to demonize the
nation-state of the Jewish people. Here is the comparative case for the Kurds
and the Palestinians.
First, some historical context. In the aftermath of WWI, the allied forces
signed a treaty to reshape the Middle East from the remnants of the fallen
Ottoman Empire. The 1920 Treaty of Sevres set out parameters for a unified
Kurdish state, albeit under British control. However, the Kurdish state was
never implemented, owing to Turkish opposition and its victory in the Turkish
War of Independence, whereby swaths of land intended for the Kurds became part
of the modern Turkish state. As a result, the Kurdish region was split between
Turkey, Syria, Iraq and Iran, and the Kurds were dispersed around northern Iraq,
southeast Turkey and parts of Iran and Syria. Although today no one knows its
exact population size, it is estimated that there are around 30 million Kurds
living in these areas.
In contrast to the Palestinian people, who adhere to the same traditions and
practices as their Arab neighbors, and speak the same language, Kurds have their
own language (although different groups speak different dialects) and subscribe
to their own culture, dress code and holidays. While the history and genealogy
of Palestinians is intertwined with that of their Arab neighbors (Jordan's
population is approximately 50% Palestinian), the Kurds have largely kept
separate from their host-states, constantly aspiring for political and national
Over the years, there have been countless protests and uprisings by Kurdish
populations against their host-states. Some rulers have used brute force to
crack down on dissent. Consider Turkey, for example, where the "Kurdish issue"
influences domestic and foreign policy more than any other matter. Suffering
from what some historians refer to as "the Sevres Syndrome" -- paranoia stemming
from the allies' attempt to carve up parts of the former Ottoman Empire for a
Kurdish state – President Erdogan has subjected the country's Kurdish population
to terror and tyranny, and arrested Kurds who are caught speaking their native
But perhaps no group has had it worse than the Kurds of Iraq, who now total 5
million -- approximately 10-15% of Iraq's total population. Under the Baathist
regime in the 1970s, the Kurds were subject to 'ethnic cleansing." Under the
rule of Saddam Hussein, they were sent to concentration camps, exposed to
chemical weapons and many were summarily executed. It is estimated that
approximately 100,000 Kurds were killed at the hands of the Baathist regime. So
"restitution" is an entirely appropriate factor to consider -- although
certainly not the only one -- in supporting the establishment of an independent
Kurdistan in northern Iraq.
In contrast, the Palestinians have suffered far fewer deaths at the hands of
Israel (and Jordan), yet many within the international community cite
Palestinian deaths as a justification for Palestinian statehood. Why the double
There are many other compelling reasons for why the Kurds should have their own
state. First, the Iraqi Kurds have their own identity, practices, language and
culture. They are a coherent nation with profound historical ties to their
territory. They have their own national institutions that separate them from
their neighbors, their own army (the Peshmerga) and their own oil and energy
strategy. International law stipulated in Article 1 of the Montevideo Convention
on the Rights and Duties of States, lays the foundation for the recognition of
state sovereignty. The edict states:
"the state as a person of international law should possess the following
qualifications: (a) a permanent population; (b) a defined territory; (c)
government; and (d) capacity to enter into relations with the other states."
The KRG meets these criteria, as least as well as do the Palestinians.
Moreover, the autonomous Kurdish region in northern Iraq -- the closest it has
come to having its own state -- has thrived and maintained relative peace and
order against the backdrop of a weak, ineffectual Iraqi government and a brutal
civil war. As such, it represents a semblance of stability in a region comprised
of bloody violence, destruction and failed states.
Why then did the United States -- along with Russia, the EU, China and the UN --
come out against independence for one of the largest ethnic groups without a
state, when they push so hard for Palestinian statehood? The U.S. State
Department said it was "deeply disappointed" with the action taken, while the
White House issued a statement calling it "provocative and destabilizing."
Essentially, the international community cites the following two factors for its
broad rejection:
That it will cause a destabilizing effect in an already fragile Iraq that may
reverberate in neighboring states with Kurdish populations;
That the bid for independence will distract from the broader effort to defeat
ISIS – which is being fought largely by Kurdish Peshmerga forces.
These arguments are not compelling. Iraq is a failed state that has been plagued
by civil war for the last 14 years, and the Kurdish population in its north
represent the only real stability in that country, while also assuming the
largest military role in combatting ISIS' occupation of Iraqi territory. There
is also nothing to suggest that an independent Kurdistan would cease its
cooperation with the anti-ISIS coalition. If anything, the stakes in maintaining
its newfound sovereignty would be higher. Additionally, Iraqi Kurds were a key
partner for the U.S. coalition that toppled Saddam Hussein's regime and has
staved off further sectarian tensions in that country. One thing is clear: if
the United States continues to neglect its "friends" and allies in the region --
those on the front line in the fight against ISIS -- the damage to its
credibility will only increase.
Israel is the only Western democracy to come out in support of Kurdish
independence in northern Iraq. One would expect that the state-seeking
Palestinian Authority (PA) -- which has cynically used international forums to
push for Palestinian self-determination -- would back Kurdish efforts for
independence. However, while seeking recognition for its own right to statehood,
the PA instead subscribed to the Arab League's opposing position. This is what
Hasan Khreisheh of the Palestinian Legislative Council said about the
"The Kurds are a nation, same as Arabs, French and English. But this referendum
is not an innocent step. The only country behind them is Israel. Once Israel is
behind them, then from my point of view, we have to be careful."
Clearly, there are no limits to the Palestinian Authority's hypocrisy.
Nor are there any limits to the hypocrisy of those university students and
faculty who demonstrate so loudly for Palestinian statehood, but ignore or
oppose the Kurds. When is the last time you read about a demonstration in favor
of the Kurds on a university campus? The answer is never. No one who supports
statehood for the Palestinians can morally oppose Kurdish independence. But they
do, because it is double-standard hypocrisy, and not morality, that frames the
debate over the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.
* Alan M. Dershowitz, Felix Frankfurter Professor of Law, Emeritus, at Harvard
Law School and author of, "Trumped Up! How Criminalization of Political
Differences Endangers Democracy," which is now available.
© 2017 Gatestone Institute. All rights reserved. The articles printed here do
not necessarily reflect the views of the Editors or of Gatestone Institute. No
part of the Gatestone website or any of its contents may be reproduced, copied
or modified, without the prior written consent of Gatestone Institute.
Austria: Integration Law Goes into Effect/"Integration through
Soeren Kern/Gatestone Institute/October 03/17
The new law also requires immigrants from non-EU countries to sign an
"integration contract" which obligates them to learn written and spoken German
and to enroll in courses about the "basic values of Austria's legal and social
order." Immigrants are also required to "acquire knowledge of the democratic
order and the basic principles derived from it."
The massive demographic and religious shift underway in Austria, traditionally a
Roman Catholic country, appears irreversible. In Vienna, where the Muslim
population now exceeds 12.5%, Muslim students already outnumber Catholic
students at middle and secondary schools. Muslim students are also on the verge
of overtaking Catholics in Viennese elementary schools.
"The immigration seen in recent years is changing our country not in a positive
but in a negative way... Uncontrolled immigration destroys the order in a
country." — Austrian Foreign Minister Sebastian Kurz.
A groundbreaking new law regulating the integration of immigrants has gone into
effect in Austria. The so-called Integration Law — which bans full-face Muslim
veils in public spaces and prohibits Islamic radicals from distributing the
Koran — establishes clear rules and responsibilities for recognized asylum
seekers and refugees who are granted legal residence in the country.
Austrian officials say the main goal of the law is to promote respect for
Austrian values, customs and culture; Muslims claim that the measure unfairly
targets them and will promote "Islamophobia."
As of October 1, anyone covering his or her face in public with a burka, niqab
or mask is subject to a fine of €150 ($175). The law, which follows similar bans
in Belgium, France and the Netherlands, requires the face to be completely
visible in all public spaces, including bus, rail, air and sea transport. Those
who refuse to comply are subject to arrest.
The new law also requires immigrants from non-EU countries to sign an
"integration contract" which obligates them to learn written and spoken German
and to enroll in courses about the "basic values of Austria's legal and social
order." Immigrants are also required to "acquire knowledge of the democratic
order and the basic principles derived from it."
Immigrants are subsequently required to take an "immigration exam" to prove that
they have "in-depth knowledge of the German language for independent use" and
"in-depth knowledge of the fundamental values of the legal and social order of
the Republic of Austria."
Immigrants have a period of two years to prove their compliance with the
integration agreement. Those who fail to comply are subject to fines of up to
€500 ($585), imprisonment of two weeks and the loss of social welfare benefits —
but not deportation.
The new integration law is the brainchild of Foreign Minister Sebastian Kurz,
the leader of the conservative Austrian People's Party (ÖVP). Kurz, who has
taken an increasingly hard line on immigration, is leading the opinion polls in
the run-up to parliamentary elections on October 15 and is on track to becoming
Austria's next chancellor. He explained the rationale behind the new law:
"The new integration law regulates the central framework conditions for the
integration of people who want to settle in Austria: We need clear rules and
regulations in order to achieve social solidarity and social peace. The
principle on which this law is based is 'integration through performance.'
People are not judged by their country of origin but by their will to contribute
to Austria. The main goal of this law is to promote integration."
Austria's new integration law is the brainchild of Foreign Minister Sebastian
Kurz, the leader of the conservative Austrian People's Party. In explaining the
rationale behind the new law, Kurz said: "The immigration seen in recent years
is changing our country not in a positive but in a negative way... Uncontrolled
immigration destroys the order in a country." (Image source: Austrian Foreign
The Algerian-French businessman Rachid Nekkaz said that he was committed to
"neutralizing" the impact of Austria's burqa ban by paying all fines issued to
Muslim women for violating the new law. "If one accepts religious freedom, one
must also accept the visibility of religions," he said. Nekkaz has reportedly
paid more than €200,000 worth of fines issued to burqa-wearers in Belgium and
"We will not tolerate any symbols that aim to build a counter-society with us,"
replied Kurz.
Previously, Kurz was instrumental in reforming Austria's century-old Islam Law (Islamgesetz),
governing the status of Muslims in the country. Kurz's other new law, which was
passed in February 2015, is aimed at integrating Muslims and fighting Islamic
radicalism by promoting an "Islam with an Austrian character." It also stresses
that Austrian law must take precedence over Islamic Sharia law for Muslims
living in the country.
Austria's Muslim population now exceeds 700,000 (or roughly 8% of the total
population), up from an estimated 340,000 (or 4.25%) in 2001 and 150,000 (or 2%)
in 1990, according to data compiled by the University of Vienna.
The massive demographic and religious shift underway in Austria, traditionally a
Roman Catholic country, appears irreversible. In Vienna, where the Muslim
population now exceeds 12.5%, Muslim students already outnumber Catholic
students at middle and secondary schools. Muslim students are also on the verge
of overtaking Catholics in Viennese elementary schools.
At the same time, Austria has emerged as a major base for radical Islam.
Austria's Agency for State Protection and Counterterrorism (BVT) has warned of
the "exploding radicalization of the Salafist scene in Austria." Salafism is an
anti-Western ideology that seeks to impose Islamic Sharia law.
"The immigration seen in recent years is changing our country not in a positive
but in a negative way," said Kurz, who is campaigning on a "law and order"
platform: "Uncontrolled immigration destroys the order in a country."
**Soeren Kern is a Senior Fellow at the New York-based Gatestone Institute.
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not necessarily reflect the views of the Editors or of Gatestone Institute. No
part of the Gatestone website or any of its contents may be reproduced, copied
or modified, without the prior written consent of Gatestone Institute.
Refugees, Intersectionalists, and Jews
Denis MacEoin/Gatestone Institute/October 03/17
According to a leaked German government report, up to 6.6 million migrants --
both refugees and migrants seeking a better life -- are currently waiting to
cross to Europe from Africa.
The "mistake" the Israelis made seems to have been that, although driven out as
refugees, they exercised their right to self-determination, returned to their
homeland, and turned it into one of the most successful countries in the world.
The Palestinians, who had an equal opportunity to achieve that, remain in
poverty and disarray, with terrorism for 80 years as their only notable
achievement. If they had agreed to work with the Jews instead of fighting them,
who knows where they might be today?
To begin with, there actually are no Palestinian people, as used in the current
sense of the term. The Oslo Accords accurately refer to Arabs, which is what
they are -- Arabs who left Israel in the war of 1947-8 in order not to be
involved in a conflict in which other Arabs fought with Jews and Christians and
who currently make up more than a million of the Arabs now living in Israel as
citizens with equal rights.
Refugees are back in the news. This summer, the number of migrants crossing the
Mediterranean from North Africa is likely to rise significantly. According to
the Daily Telegraph:
"Europe could face a new wave of migrant arrivals this summer, a leaked German
government report has warned. Up to 6.6m people are waiting in countries around
the Mediterranean to cross into Europe, according to details of the classified
report leaked to Bild newspaper."
With the closing of the route through the Balkans and entry via Greece, most
refugees, economic migrants and asylum seekers are crossing the Mediterranean
into Spain or Italy, putting those countries under enormous strain. Since 2016,
Austria has strengthened border police to prevent thousands more entering from
Italy, and increased the number of troops and armored vehicles on the border in
On World Refugee Day 2016, the United Nation's High Commission for Refugees
announced that there are now more displaced persons than there were after World
War Two: "The total at the end of 2015 reached 65.3 million – or one out of
every 113 people on Earth... The number represents a 5.8 million increase on the
year before." During the past three years, Gatestone Fellow Soeren Kern has
published a strong series of well-researched articles examining the impact of
the refugee crisis on Europe overall and on individual countries such as Germany
and Sweden. The rise in criminality in general, rape, Islamic radicalization,
and even terror attacks as a result of a barely controlled influx of migrants
from mainly Muslim countries has created alarm in country after country.
Migrants arrive at a beach on the Greek island of Kos after crossing part of the
Aegean sea from Turkey in a rubber dinghy, on August 15, 2015. (Photo by Milos
Bicanski/Getty Images)
This alarm has led to serious divisions. It has divided people politically, with
the left and centrists welcoming increasing numbers and the right -- in
particular the far-right in Europe -- calling for more rigid controls and even
the expulsion of many incomers. Even this division conceals two important
First, it is easy to forget that many countries are legally bound to accept
refugees from wherever they originate. These are the 142 countries who are
signatories to the 1951 Convention relating to the Status of Refugees and the
1967 Protocol extending it. They include European countries into which refugees
have been coming, such as Germany, Spain, Italy, France and the UK. (The United
States is signatory only to the 1967 Protocol.) The Convention guarantees that
refugees shall not be sent back into harm's way, and that, according to the
UNHCR, "refugees deserve, as a minimum, the same standards of treatment enjoyed
by other foreign nationals in a given country and, in many cases, the same
treatment as nationals". Among the few non-signatories are the Gulf states of
Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Bahrain, Qatar, Oman and the United Arab Emirates.
Second, there is a moral dimension that transcends simple party politics. Many
religious people, such as Christians, may give greater priority to compassion
for their fellow man than national concerns about the ability to cope with
overwhelming numbers of new arrivals or ways of integrating them into their own
societies. Many Jewish people, conscious of the world's failure to take in
hundreds of thousands of Jews in the years leading up to, and even during, the
Holocaust, also feel a moral obligation to show a level of concern for today's
refugees far above what was shown to their grandparents. This view also extended
to the way a barely-established state, Israel, took in around a million Jews
expelled from Arab states after 1948.
Generosity and moral actions, however, may unintentionally make matters worse.
In a recent Gatestone article on migrants, Douglas Murray quotes a statement by
Bill Gates, a philanthropist who has started to rethink the results of such
"On the one hand you want to demonstrate generosity and take in refugees. But
the more generous you are, the more word gets around about this -- which in turn
motivates more people to leave Africa. Germany cannot possibly take in the huge
number of people who are wanting to make their way to Europe."
Balancing legal requirements, stemming from the 1951 Convention, with the needs
of national security, finance, and social cohesion, still proves a major dilemma
for signatory states. Non-signatories such as the Gulf States, vastly wealthier
than European countries such as Greece or Italy, have no such a dilemma, even
though many Syrian and North African refugees speak much the same language, have
the same religion, and practice similar customs in daily life. That is an
anomaly that has yet to be addressed seriously by the United Nations, UNHCR, and
many national parliaments.
There are likely to be further waves of refugees in the next few years, then
more from Syria now that Islamic State is all but finished in Raqqa. The civil
war in Syria, with the ISIS threat to a large extent removed, is certain to
intensify; then more will flee Iraq with the recapture of a battered Mosul and
further clashes between Sunni and Shi'i militias; then more from Libya, where
ISIS-affiliated groups clash with a multitude of other Islamist fighters; then
more from other failed and failing states in North Africa, the Middle East, the
rest of Africa and Afghanistan, where the Taliban are again resurgent -- more,
in fact, from everywhere as social structures break down further, now that so
many qualified people such as doctors, teachers, scientists have vanished to
Europe. According to a leaked German government report, up to 6.6 million
migrants -- both refugees and migrants seeking a better life -- are currently
waiting to cross to Europe from Africa.
The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), since its
establishment in 1950, has resettled some 50 million refugees -- an
extraordinary achievement by any standards. Today it faces an even higher
figure, all at one time. The collapse around the world of so many countries that
never became democracies -- countries lacking in abundant natural resources and
whose dictators, taking international aid for their own pockets, sucked them dry
-- has led to an exodus that threatens to displace some of the world's leading
democracies. Many are now under a barely manageable strain and growing
impoverishment, actually enabled by our democratic values, our concern for
international conventions, our compassion and, at times, our naïvete. Worst of
all, perhaps, our decline will leave future refugees without sanctuaries in
which they may thrive and give their children the opportunities for which they
Something, however, is missing. The left, who so often lead the campaigns to
welcome to our shores an almost unfettered number of newcomers, alongside a
great many decent and humanitarian people from churches or secular
organizations, have in recent years justified their actions through the concept
of intersectionality.
In itself, intersectionality could a useful way of looking at the world by
seeing links between people who suffer different forms of oppression, such as
racism, misogyny, homophobia and so on. It argues, for example, that a poor
black woman has more issues to solve than, say, a middle-class white woman, even
though both may be victims of male oppression. In theory, it is a useful tool;
in practice, not so much.
How does intersectionality apply to refugees? Well, in general the "Left" have
made the open reception of refugees a major cause, using intersectionality to
justify this while condemning any other approach as fascist.
Articles often drip with standard far-left language: "emancipate ourselves from
all forms of oppression", "if we want to fight capitalism with all its forms of
oppression", and "white supremacist behavior harms our political
self-organization" and other displays of racism framed in victimhood.[1]
Referring to Linda Sarsour, a prominent Palestinian-American "anti-Zionist,"
Benjamin Gladstone argues in Tablet Magazine that
"no matter what the Sarsours of the world say, Jewish issues do belong in the
intersectional justice movement. ... Despite its enormous value and importance,
however, the idea of intersectionality can also be manipulated to exclude Jewish
issues from pro-justice movements."
Why "Jewish issues"? And what does this have to do with refugees? The answer is
that the "Left", including the anti-Semitic and anti-Zionist "Left", have turned
intersectionality into two seemingly unlinked matters: as an argument to call
for unlimited entry for refugees and other migrants; and as a weapon to advance
their hostility for Israel in demonstrations, in conferences, and in their
written work.
The clearest expression of this refusal to include Jewish concerns in any
intersectional discussion is the way "Left-wing" and anti-racist demonstrators,
and speakers, starting in Ferguson in 2014, have consciously linked the Black
Lives Matter movement to the Palestinian cause, blaming the "oppression" of the
Palestinians on Jews, Zionists, and Israel, and then appealing to
intersectionality as the basis for that link. This pairing of two causes rapidly
became a core part of the Black Lives Matter movement. Already by 2015, in a
deeply anti-Semitic and anti-Israel document, the 2015 Black Solidarity
Statement with Palestine, one reads:
"Our support extends to those living under occupation and siege, Palestinian
citizens of Israel, and the 7 million Palestinian refugees exiled in Jordan,
Lebanon, Syria and Palestine. The refugees' right to return to their homeland in
present-day Israel is the most important aspect of justice for Palestinians."
There is, of course, no mention of Palestinian repression of free speech, of
corrupt Palestinian governance, of Palestinian terrorism, or other abuses that
follow in the wake of rotten governance. This overdone concern for generations
of the descendants of Palestinian refugees -- people forced to live in camps,
not by Israel but by the Arab states referred to -- is then artificially made to
meld with the intersectional concern for refugees who are fleeing into Europe
from wars in Muslim countries.
It is precisely here that the pretence of intersectionality on the left is most
fully exposed. It is not just that supporters of intersectionality refuse to
accept Jews as recipients of their outpourings of love and generosity, or that
they focus in a racist and fascist manner on the supposed evils of the only
Jewish state. They show themselves to be hypocrites in two ways.
To begin with, there actually are no Palestinian people, as used in the current
sense of the term. The Oslo Accords accurately refer to Arabs, which is what
they are -- Arabs who left Israel in the war of 1947-8 in order not to be
involved in a conflict in which other Arabs fought with Jews and Christians and
who currently make up more than a million of the Arabs now living in Israel as
citizens with equal rights. These Arabs who abandoned Israel while it was
fighting for its life and who afterwards wanted to return. Israel refused on the
grounds that these countrymen had not been loyal. It is those displaced persons,
largely in Jordan and Lebanon, who then found themselves on the wrong end of a
war that their brother Arabs had started and, to everyone's astonishment, had
lost. It is these Arabs (and their descendants), who fled Israel during the War
of 1947-8, and who are therefore considered by Israel a fifth-column, who are
what we now call the Palestinians.
Jews have remained in place in the area continuously for more than three
thousand years -- with Arabs, Christians, Turks, Helenes, Philistines, and
whoever else came along -- even when, at times, many were forced out.
One might have assumed that this history of abuse of the Jews would excite
intersectionalists into reaching out to Jewish people everywhere and working
with them to quell anti-Semitism and anti-Jewish terrorism. Instead, they have
chosen to align with a people whose leaders have refused multiple times to
accept a Palestinian state each time it was offered to them.
Instead, they apparently prefer to hate Jews and the Jewish state of Israel.
This is important. Jewish refugees from the Russian pogroms and Russia in World
War I, long before the Holocaust, and from Arab and Muslim states were among the
earliest to head for Palestine, then Israel, in order to build a new Jewish
homeland, where Jews would be guaranteed a refuge from violence and hatred. Do
not those refugees deserve the same intersectional support as those flowing into
Europe today? Do not the many thousands of black Jews who went from Ethiopia and
Sudan to Israel deserve backing from Black Lives Matter? Do not the thousands of
Indian Jews now in Israel deserve friendship from people of color?
Instead, left-wing intersectionalists work towards an increasingly unachievable
Palestinian "right of return". In June 2017, the radical publishing house Verso,
hosted an event at which Omar Barghouti, co-founder of the Boycott, Divestment
and Sanctions (BDS) movement, spoke. In 2009, Barghouti accurately said: "I do
not buy into the two-state solution. It is not just pragmatically impossible, it
was never a moral solution. The first issue would be the right of return, but if
the refugees were to return you cannot have a two-state solution like one
Palestinian commentator remarked, you will have a Palestinian state next to a
Palestinian state rather than a Palestinian state next to Israel."
Speaking after Barghouti was Nyle Fort, a prominent organizer of the Black Lives
Matter in Ferguson. Fort's own anti-Semitism, under the US State Department and
internationally-recognized IHRA definitions, and his support for Palestinian
terrorists place Barghouti's earlier remarks in a clear context.
There is no room here for a discussion of the spurious nature of "Palestinian
Refugees" or the fact that they are kept in refugee camps -- not by Israel but
by Arab states. But such a discussion within groups who use intersectionality as
a tool for hatred against Jews and Israelis is long overdue.
If intersectionality means anything as a system for bringing diverse peoples
together, for helping refugees settle, for expressing solidarity with people who
have suffered, it is meaningless if certain people are excluded. The "mistake"
the Israelis made seems to have been that, although driven out as refugees, they
exercised their right to self-determination, returned to their homeland, and
turned it into one of the most successful countries in the world. The
Palestinians, who had an equal opportunity to attain the same success, remain in
poverty and disarray, with terrorism for 80 years as their only notable
achievement. If they had agreed to work with the Jews instead of fighting them,
who knows where they might be today? That would have been positive
intersectionality, bringing two suffering people together for the common good.
But to some, being "politically correct" evidently matters more than making the
world a better place. The Jews preach tikkun olam, "repairing the world". What
are radical intersectionalists doing to achieve that?
*Denis MacEoin PhD is an Irish commentator on Islam, Israel and the Middle East
and a Distinguished Senior Fellow at the Gatestone Institute. He lives in
[1] Nadiye Ünsal, an activist at the Refugee Protestcamp at Oranienplatz in
Berlin, writing on "Challenging 'Refugees' and 'Supporters': Intersectional
Power Structures in the Refugee Movement in Berlin"
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Ashoura and the controversy among Saudi Shiites
Hassan Al Mustafa/Al Arabiya/October 03/17
Ashoura rituals are no longer a religious ceremony, which Shiites mark across
the world. It has become a topic for debate between different movements and
groups. Citizens in Saudi Arabia observe Ashoura during the first 10 days of
Muharram. Extensive preparations are made including several activities ranging
from religious sermons, mourning, exhibitions, plays and blood donation
campaigns. These events do not only reflect a religious duty but also express
one’s desire to make an appearance. Serious manifestations of remembering Imam
Hussein appeared in Iraq after the third Gulf War in 2003 as their flagellation
rituals began to include “tatbir,” i.e. using a sword to beat their heads, and “zanjeel,”
i.e. using a chain with blades to beat their backs. This is in addition to
journeys in which people walk during the Arba’een to mark 40 days after the day
of Ashoura, to Hussein’s tomb for days. There are other strange and primitive
traditions which were inherited from Pakistan, Afghanistan and India and they
include crawling on the ground or walking on burning coal.
‘Suppressed culture’
These rituals can be sociologically and anthropologically interpreted as
expressions of a “suppressed culture” that has lived on the margins for years
although it has what it views a historical and religious legitimacy.
After the fall of Saddam Hussein’s regime, this culture found itself free of all
restraints that prevented it from expressing itself. Therefore, it began to
spontaneously express itself in a manner where religious rites are mixed up with
tribal ones. The way Shiites expressed themselves and exposed the faults, which
resulted from being marginalized for so long. This was a result of the
elimination policy which the Baath Party practiced in Iraq during its time in
power. It was also a reaction to attacks by al-Qaeda and ISIS later.
Like any religious ritual, there is no single accurate and final interpretation
of Ashura rituals. They do not submit to rational standards in general but
rather to acceptance and obedience
Rituals in this case reflect the politics, culture and social norms rather than
a commitment to the teachings of Ahl Al-Bayt. Even the narratives – which those
who perform these rituals tell you – are carefully selected according to what
suits them as many texts actually contradict their practices and oppose them.
Shiite citizens in Saudi Arabia were affected by what happened in Iraq in 2003.
The events there affected the entire region politically and culturally, but the
increased practice of rituals by Shiites in Iraq had great influence on Shiites
in the Gulf in general. This is why we started to hear clerics calling on people
to participate in self-flagellation rituals. A strange rhetoric that depends on
metaphysics, dreams and myths began to develop while portraying Ahl Al-Bayt
imams as people above humans or as men with superpowers. It is the same image
drawn for Sufi saints or for Jesus in Christianity.
Doubting rituals
Debates about these rituals among Saudi Shiites can be seen in the articles
published in local news websites or social networks and during preachers’ and
intellectuals’ lectures. In fact, the controversy reflects the society’s
development and growing awareness. Saudi Shiites are not a monolith and they are
not a closed uniform community that walks like a herd of sheep behind a certain
religious leader as some people imagine. They are like other social groups in
Saudi Arabia, a community that’s culturally and socially diverse as there are
several religious and liberal movements that engage in a real discourse that has
resulted in several changes.
Here is a guide to the ideas circulating during Ashoura:
1. The movement of traditional clerics which represents a wide group that
believes in the importance of commemorating Ahl Al-Bayt and holding ceremonies
away from politics. These events mainly focus on detailing Hussein’s virtues and
the Karbala incident. This movement does not adopt “tatbir” or “zanjeel.” The
movement’s prominent clerics include Sheikh Hussein al-Omran and the late Sheikh
Abdulhamid al-Khati.
2. A movement that consists of the Shirazi school that follows late Sayyid
Mohammad al-Shirazi and another school that follows the “Walaai” doctrine
represented by the late Sheikh Jawad Tabrizi and Ayatollah Hussain Vahid
Khorasani. This is in addition to a third group called “Sheikhism” which is
mainly present in al-Ahsa and Dammam. This group follows the teachings of late
Mirza Hassan al-Haeri al-Ehqaqi.
While they have some differences, all these three movements support
self-flagellation rituals and other practices considered unusual for the
majority of Saudi Shiites. The problem with this group is that it attempts to
monopolize Shiism and accuses those who oppose it of “weak loyalties to Ahl Al-Bayt.”
Extremists among this movement adopt a fundamentalist rhetoric similar to that
adopted by the likes of Yasser al-Habib and Sayyid Mujtaba Hussaini Shirazi.
They harshly criticize figures like Sayyid Mohammed Hussein Fadlallah, Sheikh
Ahmad al-Waeli and Sheikh Abdulhadi al-Fadli because they reject the
fundamentalist sectarian interpretation of Imam Hussein’s biography.
3. The Centrist movement aims to present the Karbala incident in a modern way
and without narrating any myths. However, this movement “lacks the required
bravery” as some would say and it does not engage in any critical discussions
with clerics from the aforementioned school above.
This movement’s most prominent figure is Ayatollah Sayyid Mounir al-Khabbaz who
has worked on presenting a moderate rhetoric rooted at the ideas of Sayyid
Mohammed Hussein Fadlallah and Sayyid Mohammed Baqer al-Sadar. However, due to
social pressures, Khabbaz does not criticize practices like “tatbir” as he wants
to avoid debate with fundamentalists and to maintain unity, as his followers
claim. He perhaps avoids it out of respect and courtesy for his teachers Mirza
Tabrizi and Hussain Vahid Khorasani.
4. Reformist movement is a movement that rejects the metaphysical image promoted
by the Shirazi movement when explaining Ashoura rituals. This movement frankly
and directly criticizes this approach and believes that remaining silent over
such practices poses a threat to “Shiism,” “distorts the renaissance of Imam
Hussein” and contributes “to generalizing a culture of ignorance and
Among those who form the backbone of this “enlightment” movement are Sheikh
Hassan al-Saffar, Sheikh Hussein al-Mustafa, Sayyid Hassan al-Nimr and Sayyid
Mohammed Rida al-Salman.
5. This fifth movement views Ashoura rituals as a result of religious phenomenon
and as a human, social and cultural behavior, i.e. it does not grant these
rituals any sanctity that shields them from criticism. This movement deals with
these rituals as a matter on which the standards of social and anthropological
studies apply. Tawfiq Al-Saif is perhaps one of the most prominent experts in
this field in Saudi Arabia.
Accurate interpretation
Like any religious ritual, there is no single accurate and final interpretation
of Ashoura rituals. They do not submit to rational standards in general but
rather to acceptance and obedience. They are the product of spiritual sentiments
and self-certainty.
According to this interpretation, they resemble “faith” and “love.” Both is
personal and from the heart and which cannot be measured by reason alone.
Therefore, this fifth movement looks at the religious phenomenon via a neutral
approach while culturally interpreting it and analyzing the factors that
influence it without being part of it.
It believes this phenomenon is part of the individual’s and society’s freedom to
practice religious rituals without any compulsions. However, this movement with
its secular tendency also offers strong critique that rejects “primitive”
behaviors like “tatbir” and walking on burning coal because they lack
rationality and violate man’s dignity and humanity.
This discourse within the Saudi Shiite society is beneficial and necessary, and
it’s important that it continues without the interference of any official or
higher religious authority as it will produce more modern ideas that keep up
with progress, strengthen belief in plurality, decrease the extent of
fundamentalism and sectarianism and make people more able to think freely,
without fear or control from clergy or others.
Will sanctions against Iraq’s Kurdistan work?
Adnan Hussein/Al Arabiya/October 03/17
The Barwari Bala region, a mountain plain distinguished for planting apples of
American origin, is situated on the borders with Turkey, in the far north of the
Iraqi Dahuk governorate.
Whenever I ask a Kurdish friend who lives there about how the apples are, he
says they are bad. Why? “It’s because the globalization apples put them out of
the market.” By “globalization apples” he means those imported, probably from
The latter are being sold for low prices resulting in recession in sales of
Barwari apples. The imported apples are even cheaper than the cost of collecting
the Barwari apples and transferring them to markets. When I visited Barwari,
apples were not picked and they were rotting in the trees or underneath them.
Perhaps there is now chance for Barwari apples and other Kurdish crops to regain
their glory if Turkey, Iran and Iraq implement their threats and besiege Iraq’s
Kurdistan region to force it to give up on the referendum which was held last
Also read: Catalan referendum and its implications for the EU
The Iraqi, Iranian and Turkish governments’ warnings could not postpone or halt
the referendum. The serious threats they made led some to believe that at least
one of them will opt for military power to prevent the referendum which
“threatens national security” in all three countries, Iraq, Iran and Turkey, as
they are saying.
The referendum was peacefully held but the governments of Baghdad, Ankara and
Tehran are still threatening to take “deterring” measures against Kurdistan if
it does not back down. So what are these three capitals’ options to achieve
their aims?
The referendum did not result in any financial implications. There are no
measures which the Kurdistan region can take in the foreseeable future toward
independence. Kurdish leaders said several times that the referendum does not
mean drawing borders or announcing independence but it aims to confirm the
desire for independence which achieving requires the Iraqi government’s approval
and willingness to engage in negotiations with it.
A war on the Kurds will not have any popular or political support – except for
few politicians, mainly Islamists, who in the past few weeks displayed
chauvinism that matches that of the Baath Party
The idea of Kurdish independence
This independence though will of course depend on the stance of the other two
strong neighbors, Iran and Turkey. It’s clear that like Baghdad, Tehran and
Ankara, do not intend to accept the idea of Kurdish independence. As for
military options, none of the three capitals frankly threatened to resort to
military power to get the Kurds to forget this referendum ever happened.
They did not make such threats because they are aware they cannot resort to
military power, neither solely nor together. Such military intervention will be
internationally condemned. The US-led coalition which protected the Kurds during
Saddam’s regime in the 1990’s will not accept such a move. The US-led coalition
combating ISIS and the international community will also reject this, at least
for humanitarian reasons.
Meanwhile, the Iraqi government cannot use power against the Kurds for moral and
political reasons as any war against the Kurds will show that the current Iraqi
regime, which is dominated by Shiite powers, is like Saddam’s regime that
tragically persecuted the Kurds and Shiites once.
A war on the Kurds will not have any popular or political support – except for
few politicians, mainly Islamists, who in the past few weeks displayed
chauvinism that matches that of the Baath Party.
This is in addition to the fact that Iraqi troops are engaged in the war against
ISIS and are fighting alongside Peshmerga troops. ISIS still poses dangerous
threats to Iraq’s national security and Iraqi troops are not qualified to fight
a second war.
Turkey and Iran are also incapable of using armed force as if they carry out any
military operations in Iraq’s Kurdistan, they will witness unrest in their
Kurdish regions where the population is double that of the Kurds in Iraq. Turkey
and Iran are not in a situation that allows them to take such a risk and
confront the possibility of domestic unrest.
There is also the economic factor as for over 25 years, ever since the Kurdish
autonomy was established in 1991, Iraqi Kurds built extensive economic ties and
partnerships with Iran and Turkey.
The market in the Kurdistan region now relies on products from these two
countries, which have investments there worth billions of dollars. Turkey makes
around $10 billion a year out of its trade with the Kurdistan region while Iran
makes around $5 billion. This is in addition non-official trade, i.e. smuggling.
According to Turkish data, the Kurdistan region ranks third among the importers
of Turkish products, after Germany and Britain. The Kurdistan region is the gate
used to deliver Turkish and Iranian products to the rest of Iraq. The two
countries’ investments in the region are in the oil, gas, manufacturing,
transportation, telecommunications and dams sectors.
Strategic interests
The number of Iranian and Turkish companies operating in the region are around
2,000 – most of them are Turkish. Turkey in particular has other strategic
interests there as all of the latter’s oil passes to Turkey or through it.
In this case, it will be difficult for Ankara and Tehran to implement strict
sanctions on the region as this will harm them more than anyone else. Iranian
and Turkish officials implied this in the past few days when they said their
measures will not target citizens.
Baghdad will face a similar situation as all Turkish products and most Iranian
ones pass through the Kurdistan region and a decent amount of Iraqi oil passes
through the Kurdistan region towards the Turkish Ceyhan port.
There are also joint investments between Arabs and Kurds in the region, like the
case is in the rest of Iraq, and they would also be harmed if any sanctions are
imposed. Strict sanctions will at most push the Kurds to go back to their
traditional economy, which is based on agriculture.
In the 1990’s, the Kurds lived through a severe siege which the Saddam regime
imposed. At the time, they did not have any infrastructure but today they have a
decent one that’s much better than the rest of Iraq where financial and
administrative corruption hindered the infrastructure’s development.
In brief, Baghdad, Ankara and Tehran will realize that economic sanctions will
not be efficient. This will open the door to negotiate with Erbil again – a door
that’s actually not closed now. They will thus realize that sanctions will push
the Kurds in Iraq to further adhere to the independence option!
King Salman’s Russia visit has potential to change Middle
East landscape
Shehab Al-Makahleh/Al Arabiya/October 03/17
Saudi Arabia’s King Salman will head an official delegation on October4-7, 2017
to have meetings with Russian president Vladimir Putin and senior government
officials, the first ever visit by a Saudi King to Moscow since the foundation
of the Kingdom.
The visit, which has been postponed several times earlier, is gaining
significance due to the success of preliminary visits by Crown Prince Mohammad
bin Salman to Russia since he took over the Ministry of Defense in 2015, during
which he met with Russian President Vladimir Putin and a number of senior
Russian officials.
Several landmark pacts are expected to be signed during the King’s visit to
Russia, which primarily seeks to further enhance its political image in the
Islamic world. Moscow has tried for decades to act as a mediator in many Middle
East conflicts, starting from intervening in Iraq by convincing Saddam Hussein
to withdraw from Kuwait as well as trying to counsel former Libyan leader
Muammar Qaddafi.
Russia: The polar shift
King Salman’s visit to Moscow demonstrates that Saudi Arabia is trying balancing
its relations with the two superpowers: the US and Russia.
The importance of the visit stems from statement of Dimitry Peskov, the Russian
president’s spokesperson, who said that “Saudi Arabia is a country that plays a
key role in Arab affairs. It is a leader in the Arab world. We in Russia seek to
boost dialogue with Riyadh on various issues of common concern, including the
current situation in the Middle East and in Syria in particular.”
Politically, Saudi Arabia has been supporting the Syrian opposition against
Bashar Al-Assad. This has changed recently when Saudi government asked the
Syrian opposition to think of means to save their country and to start the
reconciliation process. Russia believes that its military support to the Syrian
army has changed the balance of power on the ground and has created the four
de-escalation zones that could bring an end to the war.
The visit at this critical time indicates that Russia has proven its presence in
the Middle East and is giving due importance to Riyadh’s political and strategic
status in Russia-Arab relations
This success has been viewed by Saudis as an indicator of the role Russians may
play in the future of the Middle East, at a time when Americans have started
reducing their political and military presence. This has prompted states in the
Middle East to head eastward toward China and Russia.
Furthermore, the Saudi king’s focus will be on Moscow’s ties with Qatar and
Iran. Although Moscow may not reconsider replacing its old allies with new ones,
Russia and Saudi Arabia can work toward improving their economic relations.
Since mid-1950s Russia started to forge strategic alliances with Third World
nations that eventually culminated in its stand to support the Syrian government
in its so-called “war against terrorism”.
As regards the Qatari issue with other GCC states, the Russian stand is that it
would work as a mediator. However, Russians have felt that Saudis are leading a
major change in the region which should be beneficial at every level. Amongst
the items on the agenda is the Iranian influence in the Arab region, including
Yemen, Iraq, Syria and Qatar.
The Saudis are aware that Russians will not change their stand toward Iran
overnight as they have made Iran their strategic partner. The rise of a
Turkish-Iranian alliance is another issue that Saudi Arabia is concerned about.
The Syrian scenario
On the other hand, Russians would like to see greater clarity in the strategy of
the Saudi government’s position towards some regional issues starting from Iraq,
Syria and Yemen.
Moscow believes that the best solution to the Syrian issue is a transitional
body for reaching a consensus in the aftermath of Geneva and Astana conferences
and this should be reached only by Syrians themselves who would decide the
future of the Syrian state and the future of the Syrian president as well
through democratic decentralisation or pluralistic decentralisation formulas for
the prospective settlement of the Syrian conflict. This is a message Russian
officials would convey to the Saudi officials.
Over the past two years, Moscow has become an important political hub for many
Arab leaders, Libyan government officials, Yemenis, Iraqis, Kurds, Turkish and
North African officials, who have converged on Moscow to discuss means for
solving issues bedevilling the Middle East.
Putin and the crown prince
Putin hosted Crown Prince Mohammad bin Salman in the Kremlin on May 30, where
both leaders gave the green-light to their governments to bolster cooperation in
various fields including oil, renewable energy and infrastructure projects.
The visit of the crown prince to Moscow was timely as it came on the heels of US
President Donald Trump’s visit to Riyadh on May 21 where he held talks with over
30 Arab and Muslim leaders.
This was reiterated by Saudi Minister of Foreign Affairs Adel Al Jubair in his
interview with Sputnik news agency a few days ago when he said that the visit of
King Salman will be historic because “it will symbolize the extent of the
relationship and consultations that take place between the two countries. Our
two countries are more closely aligned to each other than what some analysts try
to portray.” This statement reveals how far Saudi government seeks to take
relations between both Riyadh and Moscow.
Economic cooperation
The Saudi minister highlighted the objectives of the visit, starting from
increased financial investments by both countries in their economies, as well as
the nurturing of cultural, educational, scientific relations and cooperation to
enhance areas of security to counter extremism and terrorism in the region.
On the economic front, a number of memorandums of understanding (MoUs) with
Russian companies will be signed. Saudi Aramco and Saudi Basic Industries Corp (SABIC)
will sign MoU with CIBOR, Russia’s largest petrochemical company, and shall
discuss opportunities to build petrochemical plants in the two countries.
Saudi Arabia and Russia, the world’s top oil producers, have worked closely
together over the past year to reach an agreement between OPEC and non-OPEC oil
producers to cut global output and boost prices. Other agreements are expected
to be signed, including MoU between Saudi Aramco and Novatech, the largest
non-state gas producer in Russia. There will also be discussion on investment
opportunities in the gas sector.
Moscow and Riyadh are slated to have joint projects in petrochemical industries
and LNGs with expectations that Rosneft and Aramco will be signing huge projects
on this visit. Russia’s sovereign wealth fund is also involved in the final
stage of negotiations with Saudi partners on major Russian projects in the
kingdom, which includes establishing a new investment platform in energy and
infrastructure sectors. Saudi Arabia has signed a preliminary agreement for
nuclear cooperation with Russia in 2015. The kingdom has recently announced
plans to build its first nuclear power plant with a capacity of 2.8 GW.
Russian leaders look forward to gaining strategic leverage in order to enable
them to curb any polarization in the Middle East, even though this is difficult
to change in a short time as many Arab countries are pro-West, since they gained
their independence in last century with the exception of Syria.
The King’s visit to Moscow at this critical time indicates that Russia has
proven its presence in the Middle East and for its part is giving due importance
to Riyadh’s political and strategic status in Russia-Arab relations.
Can Congress avoid blowing up the Iran deal?
Bryant Harris/Al-Monitor/October 2, 2017
US President Donald Trump has repeatedly indicated that he won’t find Iran to be
in compliance with the 2015 nuclear deal later this month. If he follows
through, the agreement’s fate will lie with a Republican-controlled Congress for
whom the easiest solution — both politically and legislatively — will be to
reimpose nuclear-related sanctions that could well blow up the deal.
Under the 2015 law that paved the way for the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action
(JCPOA), Congress will have 60 days to take action if Trump won’t certify
Iranian compliance with the deal by the Oct. 15 deadline. While most legislation
takes 60 votes to pass in the Senate, the Iran Nuclear Agreement Review Act (INARA)
specifically allows the upper chamber to reinstate several hard-hitting
sanctions packages with a partisan majority of just 51 senators (Vice President
Mike Pence would split a 50-50 tie).
“It’s 50 votes, so they can’t rely … upon a minority to block it procedurally,”
said Sen. Jack Reed, D-R.I., a supporter of the deal. “I think that would be a
difficult vote.”
Republicans currently hold 52 Senate seats and a comfortable majority in the
House, more than enough to reinstate sanctions without any Democrats joining
them if they band together. Not a single Republican in either chamber voted for
the deal in 2015, and congressional leaders are desperate for a political win
after back-to-back defeats on health care.
“If you look at the Republican majorities in the House and Senate, none of those
members of the Republican caucus voted for the deal during the 2015
congressional review,” a Senate aide told Al-Monitor on the condition of
anonymity. “So the pressure would be overwhelming on those members.”
Already, proponents of the deal are bracing for the worst.
“This could very easily take on a momentum of its own,” said Jon Finer, the
chief of staff to former Secretary of State John Kerry. “You could be in a
situation where the administration [won't certify compliance] and Congress will
say, ‘Well the administration has spoken as to Iran’s implementation of the
deal,’ and this moves forward whether or not people have fully thought through
the consequences.”
Kerry himself urged Congress not to rush into action in a Washington Post op-ed
on Sept. 29.
“Having cast dozens of arms-control votes as a senator — judging not whether
they were perfect, but whether we were better off with them — I want to take
those who may soon cast a similar vote ‘into the negotiating room’ to explain
the product we negotiated to close Iran’s pathways to a nuclear weapon, and why
it is so important to keep the agreement in place,” Kerry wrote.
Some Democrats are echoing that sentiment on Capitol Hill.
"I think this will be a big fight, but at the end, I don’t know if Republicans
want to be responsible for Iran obtaining a nuclear weapon,” Sen. Chris Murphy,
D-Conn., told Al-Monitor. “I know there are some Republicans who are so rabidly
against the agreement they might vote to impose sanctions, but I have to believe
there are enough reasonable Republicans that they wouldn’t put both North Korea
and Iran on a pathway to nuclear weapons.”
At the other end of the political spectrum, some argue that Congress can’t be
trusted to kill the deal cleanly.
“Perhaps the most inane argument is that Congress should decide the deal’s fate
and whether to reimpose US sanctions,” former US Ambassador to the UN John
Bolton wrote in a Wall Street Journal op-ed Sept. 28. “If a president is
unwilling to solve this kind of problem, he shouldn’t have applied for the job.”
Congressional Republicans for their part have been in no hurry to get pinned
down on a potentially momentous vote.
“I just don’t want to move into public discussions yet about what may occur,”
Senate Foreign Relations Committee Chairman Bob Corker, R-Tenn., told
Al-Monitor. Corker wrote the INARA bill and has been in contact with the Trump
administration regarding certification.
The House and Senate leaders who would be tasked with putting potential
legislation on the floor are being equally coy.
"This could very easily take on a momentum of its own … and this moves forward
whether or not people have fully thought through the consequences.”
“You’ve done a really good job of twisting yourself around the hypothetical
axle,” a spokesman for Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., told
Al-Monitor when asked if his boss planned to bring nuclear sanctions to a vote.
At its core, the Iran deal rescinded US and international sanctions in exchange
for Iran curtailing its nuclear program. If Trump doesn’t certify Iranian
compliance, Corker’s INARA law would allow Congress to easily reimpose all or
some of four main nuclear-related sanctions packages that Tehran may well view
as reason enough to leave the deal.
“All four of those are quite potent, quite potent,” said Kenneth Katzman, an
Iran sanctions expert with the Congressional Research Service. “Iran would
certainly charge that the US has breached the agreement even if any one of them
were reimposed.”
Sanctions from the 2012 National Defense Authorization Act would have the most
sweeping effect on curbing Iran’s oil exports, which have been key to ensuring
that Iran remains in compliance with the deal, according to Katzman.
“The key one I would say is the National Defense Authorization Act of fiscal
year 2012, which would require countries to cut their oil purchases from Iran
every six months or risk having their banks basically be shut out of the
American financial system,” said Katzman. “That was very, very damaging to
Katzman also pointed to the Iran Sanctions Act, which has been waived under the
deal, as “very effective as far as curbing … investment in Iran’s energy
Furthermore, reimposing the Iran Threat Reduction and Syria Human Rights Act
would once again freeze Iranian assets abroad.
“This was basically oil money Iran received and was in banks all over the
world,” said Katzman. “Those banks could be liable to sanction if they allowed
Iran to withdraw that money to a central bank to expatriate the money.”
And while Katzman identified the Iran Freedom and Counterproliferation Act as
the least damaging of the sanctions Congress could reimpose, he still
characterized it as “very sweeping.”
Tellingly, even some of the deal’s most vocal critics have started to warn
against rash congressional action. In a joint Wall Street Journal op-ed Sept.
25, Mark Dubowitz of the Foundation for Defense of Democracies and David
Albright of the Institute for Science and International Security proposed that
Trump refuse to certify compliance with the nuclear deal — but as a means to
make it stronger by adding new conditions and slapping Iran with new non-nuclear
sanctions, not kill it.
“Congress should do its part to help fix the deal,” they wrote. “Reinstating the
JCPOA sanctions after decertification would ruin the ‘decertify, waive, slap and
fix’ approach. To persuade Republicans, who are the most likely to vote to
reinstate JCPOA sanctions that have been waived or lifted, the administration
needs to demonstrate a comprehensive strategy to fix the deal and use all
instruments of American power to neutralize and roll back Iranian aggression.”
But lawmakers say they’ve seen nothing from the Trump administration to inspire
confidence that the White House has any strategy beyond passing the buck to
“I am not aware of any conversations that have taken place between the
administration and the Democratic leadership … or between the leadership of our
committee,” said Sen. Ben Cardin, D-Md., the top Democrat on the Senate Foreign
Relations Committee. “I have not been involved in any discussions.”
Cardin led a group of Senate Democrats in penning a letter to Trump
administration national security officials Sept. 20 noting that INARA requires
the president to notify Congress of Iranian noncompliance within 10 days.
“To date, the Senate has received no such notification, and the administration
has provided little public testimony to Congress on the status of Iranian
compliance with the agreement,” the senators wrote.
House Republicans have also been reticent to discuss INARA contingencies.
When asked if House Speaker Paul Ryan, R-Wis., intends to put Iran sanctions on
the floor if Trump does not certify Iranian compliance, spokeswoman AshLee
Strong said that the House Foreign Affairs Committee is taking the lead on the
issue. Committee staffers, however, said they don’t know how they’re going to
proceed as they don’t know what case Trump intends to make.
Rep. Eliot Engel, D-N.Y., the top Democrat on the House Foreign Affairs
Committee, told Al-Monitor that he was still “formulating” his decision on using
INARA to re-impose sanctions on Iran. Engel was one of 25 House Democrats to
vote against the deal in 2015.
“Iran should not be able to get away scot-free, but whether … not certifying is
the way to go, we’ve gotta see,” Engel told Al-Monitor. “And I haven’t really
decided one way or another.”
Senate staffers, meanwhile, have put in semi-weekly requests to the
administration to hold JCPOA briefings for members of Congress and their staff
for the past several months. The Washington Post reported that they are unlikely
to receive such a briefing before Trump makes his decision.
Ironically, Cardin was one of four Senate Democrats who voted against the deal
in 2015. Today, he says the United States should stay in as long as Iran isn’t
overtly violating its nuclear-related commitments.
“I think I speak for a lot of us who oppose the agreement,” Cardin told
Al-Monitor. “We thought it was the wrong decision, [but] once it was entered
into, once it was implemented, we want to see it enforced. We don’t want to see
the United States violate it.”
The situation is further complicated by the fact that INARA was written with the
expectation that the president would only decline to certify Iranian compliance
if Tehran was clearly cheating on its end of the deal.
The International Atomic Energy Agency and several top Trump administration
officials, including Secretary of State Rex Tillerson and Joint Chiefs Chairman
Joseph Dunford, have said Tehran is in “technical compliance” with the deal. But
hard-liners such as Ambassador to the UN Nikki Haley want a debate over whether
the deal is in America’s national security interest, which would provide another
rationale for kicking it back to Congress under the 2015 Corker law.
“INARA,” the Senate aide said, “wasn’t written for this scenario.”
*Bryant Harris is Al-Monitor's congressional correspondent. He was previously
the White House assistant correspondent for Yomiuri Shimbun, Japan's largest
newspaper. He has also written for Foreign Policy, Al Jazeera English and IPS
News. Prior to his stint in DC, he spent two years as a US Peace Corps volunteer
in Morocco.