November 27/17
Compiled &
Prepared by: Elias Bejjani
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Bible Quotations
If you show favoritism, you sin and are convicted by the law as
James 02/01-10/"My brothers
and sisters, believers in our glorious Lord Jesus Christ must not show
favoritism. Suppose a man comes into your meeting wearing a gold ring and fine
clothes, and a poor man in filthy old clothes also comes in. If you show special
attention to the man wearing fine clothes and say, “Here’s a good seat for you,”
but say to the poor man, “You stand there” or “Sit on the floor by my feet,”
have you not discriminated among yourselves and become judges with evil
thoughts? Listen, my dear brothers and sisters: Has not God chosen those who are
poor in the eyes of the world to be rich in faith and to inherit the kingdom he
promised those who love him? But you have dishonored the poor. Is it not the
rich who are exploiting you? Are they not the ones who are dragging you into
court? Are they not the ones who are blaspheming the noble name of him to whom
you belong? If you really keep the royal law found in Scripture, “Love your
neighbor as yourself,”you are doing right. But if you show favoritism, you sin
and are convicted by the law as lawbreakers. For whoever keeps the whole law and
yet stumbles at just one point is guilty of breaking all of it."
Question: "Why is idol worship such a powerful temptation?"
Answer: Ultimately, the answer to this question is “sin.” It is the sin nature
of man that causes us to worship modern idols, all of which are, in reality,
forms of self-worship. The temptation to worship ourselves in various ways is a
powerful temptation indeed. In fact, it is so powerful that only those who
belong to Christ and have the Holy Spirit within them can possibly hope to
resist the temptation of modern idolatry. Even then, resisting the worship of
idols is a lifelong battle that is part of the Christian life (Ephesians 6:11; 1
Timothy 6:12; 2 Timothy 2:3).
When we hear the word idol, we often think of statues and objects reminiscent of
those worshipped by pagans in ancient cultures. However, the idols of the 21st
century often bear no resemblance to the artifacts used thousands of years ago.
Today, many have replaced the “golden calf” with an insatiable drive for money
or prestige or "success" in the eyes of the world. Some pursue the high regard
of others as their ultimate goal. Some seek after comfort or a myriad of other
passionate, yet empty, pursuits. Sadly, our societies often admire those serving
such idols. In the end, however, it doesn’t matter what empty pleasure we chase
after or what idol or which false god we bow down to; the result is the
same—separation from the one true God.
Understanding contemporary idols can help us to understand why they prove to be
such a powerful temptation. An idol can be anything we place ahead of God in our
lives, anything that takes God’s place in our hearts, such as possessions,
careers, relationships, hobbies, sports, entertainment, goals, greed, addictions
to alcohol/drugs/gambling/pornography, etc. Some of the things we idolize are
clearly sinful. But many of the things we idolize can be very good, such as
relationships or careers. Yet Scripture tells us that, whatever we do, we are to
“do it all for the glory of God” (1 Corinthians 10:31) and that we are to serve
God only (Deuteronomy 6:13; Luke 16:13). Unfortunately, God is often shoved out
of the way as we zealously pursue our idols. Worse yet, the significant amount
of time we often spend in these idolatrous pursuits leaves us with little or no
time to spend with the Lord.
We sometimes also turn to idols seeking solace from the hardships of life and
the turmoil present in our world. Addictive behaviors such as drug or alcohol
use, or even something like excessive reading or television viewing, may be used
as a means of temporarily “escaping” a difficult situation or the rigors of
daily life. The psalmist, however, tells us that those who place their trust in
this behavior will, essentially, become spiritually useless (Psalm 115:8). We
need to place our trust in the Lord “who will keep [us] from all harm” (Psalm
121:7) and who has promised to supply all of our needs when we trust in Him. We
also need to remember the words of Paul, who teaches us not to be anxious about
anything, but rather to pray about everything so the peace of God, which
surpasses all understanding, can guard our hearts and our minds (Philippians
There is another form of idolatry prevalent today. Its growth is fostered by
cultures that continue to drift away from sound biblical teaching, just as the
apostle Paul warned us, “For the time will come when men will not put up with
sound doctrine” (2 Timothy 4:3). In these pluralistic, liberal times, many
cultures have, to a large degree, redefined God. We have forsaken the God
revealed to us in Scripture and have recast Him to comply with our own
inclinations and desires—a “kinder and gentler” god who is infinitely more
tolerant than the One revealed in Scripture. One who is less demanding and less
judgmental and who will tolerate many lifestyles without placing guilt on
anyone’s shoulders. As this idolatry is propagated by churches around the world,
many congregants believe they are worshipping the one, true God. However, these
made-over gods are created by man, and to worship them is to worship idols.
Worshipping a god of one’s own making is particularly tempting for many whose
habits and lifestyles and drives and desires are not in harmony with Scripture.
The things of this world will never fully satisfy the human heart. They were
never meant to. The sinful things deceive us and ultimately lead only to death
(Romans 6:23). The good things of this world are gifts from God, meant to be
enjoyed with a thankful heart, in submission to Him and for His glory. But when
the gift replaces the Giver or the created replaces the Creator in our lives, we
have fallen into idolatry. And no idol can infuse our lives with meaning or
worth or give us eternal hope. As Solomon beautifully conveys in the book of
Ecclesiastes, apart from a right relationship with God, life is futile. We were
created in God’s image (Genesis 1:27) and designed to worship and glorify Him as
He alone is worthy of our worship. God has placed “eternity in man’s heart”
(Ecclesiastes 3:11), and a relationship with Jesus Christ is the only way to
fulfill this longing for eternal life. All of our idolatrous pursuits will leave
us empty, unsatisfied, and, ultimately, on the broad road that most people take,
the one that leads to destruction (Matthew 7:13).
Titles For Latest LCCC Bulletin analysis & editorials from
miscellaneous sources published on November
Lebanese Actor Arrested For Collaboration With
Israel/Jerusalem Post/November 26/17
Middle Israel: Where Did Lebanon Go Wrong/Jerusalem Post/November 26/17
Lebanese Information Centre Statement On The Situation In Lebanon/November
Report: Israel Vows To Destroy Iranian Positions Within 40 Km Of Syrian
Border/Jerusalem Post/November 26/17
Time to Drain the Swamp - Also in Europe/Geert Wilders/Gatestone
Institute/November 26/17
Analysis Sinai Attack: Why the Arab World's Largest Army Can't Beat ISIS/Anshel
Pfeffer/Haaretz/November 26/17
Banning Extremist Muslim Scholars/Abdulrahman Al-Rashed/ASharq Al Awsat//November
End of Net Neutrality Isn't the End of the World/Tyler Cowen/Bloomberg/November
Titles For Latest LCCC Lebanese Related News published on
November 26-27/17
Aoun to Launch Bilateral Consultations with Political
Rifi Says Hariri Has Returned to 'Hizbullah's Captivity'
Saudi Daily Says Hizbullah Opened Hamas Bank Accounts in Algeria
Fadlallah: Political Resistance Has Foiled Sedition, Sabotage Scheme
Clean-Up Dives, Recycling: Lebanese Respond to Garbage Crisis
Hariri Will Not Allow 'Hezbollah' to Mess with Arab States
Hariri: Solution for Hizbullah Arms Regional, Russians Won't Allow Assad to Harm
Abu Zeid: No new government in Lebanon, AounHariri relation more than excellent
Khalil representing Berri at "All for the Nation" Race in Tyre: National unity
protected stability
Raad: We have come a long way in restoring the situation to normal
Bassil winds up Diaspora Energy Conference in Cancun: For protecting, preserving
the land, calls on expatriates to partake in parliamentary elections
Riachi patronizes Beit Shabab ATV Race
Lebanese Actor Arrested For Collaboration With Israel
Middle Israel: Where Did Lebanon Go Wrong
Lebanese Information Centre Statement On The Situation In Lebanon
Titles For Latest LCCC Bulletin For
Miscellaneous Reports And News published on November
Report: Israel Vows To Destroy Iranian Positions Within 40 Km Of
Syrian Border
Saudi Vows New Islamic Alliance 'Will Wipe Terrorists from Earth'
Iran Accuses U.S. over Saudi 'Atrocities' in Yemen
U.N. Says 11 Million Yemen Children Desperately Need Aid
Syria Regime Bombing Kills 19 Civilians near Damascus
U.N. Aims to Restart Syria Talks with Unified Opposition
Drone Kills 7 Qaida Suspects in Yemen
Egypt Upholds Death Sentences for 7 over Beheadings, IS Links
Pakistan Protests Grow as Military Stays Silent
Canada deeply concerned by ongoing conflict in Yemen
Sinai Attack: Why the Arab World's Largest Army Can't Beat ISIS
Latest Lebanese Related News published on
November 26-27/17
Aoun to Launch Bilateral Consultations with Political Leaders
Naharnet/November 26/17/President Michel Aoun will launch Monday bilateral
consultations with the leaders and representatives of the country’s political
parties to explore their stances on the political crisis that followed Prime
Minister Saad Hariri’s resignation and his subsequent announcement that he was
putting it on hold, media reports said. “Bilateral dialogue meetings will be
held instead of a national dialogue conference, and at the end of the meetings
the president will meet with Speaker Nabih Berri and PM Saad Hariri to discuss
the outcomes of these talks,” presidency sources told the Saudi daily Asharq al-Awsat
in remarks published Sunday. In light of his discussions with Berri and Hariri,
Aoun would “announce the next step on the track of addressing the crisis ahead
of his Wednesday trip to Rome,” the sources said. “Until now, it is still
unclear whether these dialogues will produce a memorandum of understanding, a
new settlement or a renewal of the previous settlement,” the sources added. The
newspaper said undeclared consultations have taken place over the past few days
at the Baabda Palace, the Ain el-Tineh Palace and the Center House. Hariri had
announced Saturday that “there is seriousness in the ongoing contacts and
dialogues” and that the other parties seem to be inclined to accept his
proposals. The premier has called for dissociating Lebanon from the regional
conflicts through ending Hizbullah’s involvement in them. Hizbullah
international relations officer Ammar al-Moussawi has meanwhile announced that
his party is “ready to reach an understanding” with Hariri and his camp. “We are
open to real dialogue and cooperation with everyone,” he said. Hariri had caused
widespread perplexity on November 4 when he resigned during a TV broadcast from
Saudi Arabia, citing assassination threats and blasting the policies of Iran and
Hizbullah in Lebanon and the region. After a puzzling mini-odyssey that took him
to France, Egypt and Cyprus, Hariri arrived back in Lebanon on Tuesday and then
announced that he was putting his decision to quit on hold ahead of
negotiations. Many questions remain unanswered following the unprecedented
scenario that saw Lebanon's prime minister resign in a foreign country suspected
of keeping him under house arrest and return only after the apparent
intervention of France.
But while Hariri and his backers seemed on a collision course with Hizbullah
only a few days ago, an apparent behind-the-scenes deal now appears to be
restoring the status quo.
Rifi Says Hariri Has Returned to 'Hizbullah's
26/17/Former justice minister Ashraf Rifi has lamented that Prime Minister Saad
Hariri “has returned to Hizbullah’s captivity.”“I believe that the real moment
of freedom that PM Hariri lived was when he declared his resignation” from
Riyadh, Rifi told Bahrain’s al-Watan newspaper in excerpts of an interview that
will be published in full on Monday. “Hariri has wasted a golden chance for our
camp,” the ex-minister added. “The dissociation policy is only present in the
ministerial Policy Statement… Enough with lying… For whose sake Lebanon and the
Lebanese people are being sold to Iran?” Rifi asked. As for Hariri’s decision to
put his resignation on hold, the ex-minister described it as “a constitutional
heresy.”“The premier is not an employee so that he visits the president to
submit his resignation and there are several examples in Lebanese history,” Rifi
added, referring to the fact that Hariri had announced his resignation from a
foreign country instead of submitting it in person to the president as per
Lebanese norms. Hariri had caused widespread perplexity on November 4 when he
resigned during a TV broadcast from Saudi Arabia, citing assassination threats
and blasting the policies of Iran and Hizbullah in Lebanon and the region. After
a puzzling mini-odyssey that took him to France, Egypt and Cyprus, Hariri
arrived back in Lebanon on Tuesday and then announced that he was putting his
decision to quit on hold ahead of negotiations. Many questions remain unanswered
following the unprecedented scenario that saw Lebanon's prime minister resign in
a foreign country suspected of keeping him under house arrest and return only
after the apparent intervention of France. But while Hariri and his backers
seemed on a collision course with Hizbullah only a few days ago, an apparent
behind-the-scenes deal now appears to be restoring the status quo.
Saudi Daily Says Hizbullah Opened Hamas Bank
Accounts in Algeria
Naharnet/November 26/17/Hizbullah has opened bank accounts for Hamas leaders in
Algeria, a Saudi newspaper reported on Sunday. “The money that has been injected
into these accounts was transferred from local banks in Algeria and from
accounts belonging to individuals who are loyal to Hizbullah and are residents
of the Algerian capital,” the Okaz daily quoted a source close to Hamas as
saying. “The new bank accounts were opened under the name of Hamas leader Sami
Abu Zahri, who had moved from the Gaza Strip to Cairo before moving to live in
Algeria last month,” the source added.
Fadlallah: Political Resistance Has Foiled Sedition, Sabotage Scheme
Naharnet/November 26/17/MP Hassan Fadlallah of Hizbullah’s Loyalty to Resistance
bloc announced Sunday that a “sedition” and a “sabotage scheme” have been foiled
through “political resistance.”“The objective behind the crisis that our country
faced in the past weeks was to sabotage Lebanon and stir sedition in it,”
Fadlallah said, referring to the crisis that followed Prime Minister Saad
Hariri’s shock resignation from Riyadh on November 4. Hariri put his resignation
on hold on Wednesday, saying he wanted to give negotiations a chance. “The
political and diplomatic resistance -- led by His Excellency President Michel
Aoun and assisted by Speaker Nabih Berri and by a national front consisted of
essential political forces -- has managed to liberate political will and the
political decision in Lebanon,” Fadlallah added, “The vast majority has told the
conspirators that they have no place in Lebanon and that their hand cannot be
extended to ruin this country anew. The era during which the Israeli enemy, some
Arab states or some world powers would manipulate Lebanon has ended,” the
lawmaker stressed. “We have managed to foil a sabotage scheme against Lebanon
thanks to this political resistance,” Fadlallah boasted. Hariri had caused
widespread perplexity on November 4 when he resigned during a TV broadcast from
Saudi Arabia, citing assassination threats and blasting the policies of Iran and
Hizbullah in Lebanon and the region. After a puzzling mini-odyssey that took him
to France, Egypt and Cyprus, Hariri arrived back in Lebanon on Tuesday and then
announced that he was putting his decision to quit on hold ahead of
negotiations. Many questions remain unanswered following the unprecedented
scenario that saw Lebanon's prime minister resign in a foreign country suspected
of keeping him under house arrest and return only after the apparent
intervention of France. But while Hariri and his backers seemed on a collision
course with Hizbullah only a few days ago, an apparent behind-the-scenes deal
now appears to be restoring the status quo.
Clean-Up Dives, Recycling: Lebanese Respond to
Garbage Crisis
Agence France Presse/Naharnet/November 26/17/The Lebanese divers plunge below
the surface, scuba tanks on their backs and nets in hand. But what they're
looking for under the ocean surface is not treasure, it's trash. The group is
conducting a clean-up below the waves, one of many initiatives emerging from
Lebanon's civil society and private sector in response to the government's
failure to address a long-running garbage crisis. The dive, off the town of
Tabarja, 25 kilometers (15 miles) north of Beirut, proved fruitful: the divers
emerged with nets full of plastic and glass bottles, rusted drink and food cans
and even tires, as a few swimmers nearby looked on bemused. "What we saw down
there, it makes your heart hurt," said Christian Nader, a 19-year-old student,
who has been diving for five years. The event was organized by Live Love Beirut,
a group of Lebanese working to promote a positive image of their country, who
said more than 100 divers joined clean-ups at eight sites throughout the country
over two days. "It's sad, it's our sea. There should be awareness campaigns, the
state should help us clean," Nader said. But Lebanon's government has proved
serially unable to address the country's rubbish crisis, which reached
catastrophic proportions in the summer of 2015. Mountains of trash piled up in
the streets of Beirut and its surroundings after the nation's largest dump
closed down. That site had been years overdue for closure, and the government
had pledged to find an alternative before it was shuttered but failed to do so
in time. So there was nowhere for collectors to send the rubbish produced by the
two million residents of Beirut and its environs. Experts warn the nightmare
scenario could soon be repeated thanks to the government's continued failure to
adopt a comprehensive waste management strategy, even as the country produces
6,000 tons of refuse a day.
No 'plan for the future'
In response to the 2015 crisis, and the massive demonstrations it provoked, the
government in March 2016 approved a "temporary" plan to reopen two long-closed
dumps in the Beirut area. But the massive backlog created by months of
accumulating and uncollected trash meant the two sites quickly reached capacity.
Authorities are now examining the possibility of expanding the sites. "The
government must start to think seriously about lasting solutions and start
putting them in place, even if it's little by little," said Lama Bashour, head
of the Ecocentra environmental consultancy. Like many experts, she emphasized
the importance of "sorting and recycling" waste. European Union funds have
helped pay for several sorting and composting facilities in Lebanon, but there
are still more than 900 unlicensed dumps nationwide, according to an official
study. "The government should first of all have a strategy," said Farouk Merhebi,
a waste management expert. "By 1997, it was an emergency plan. Today we are in
2017, and we are still in an emergency plan. So we are reacting, we don't plan
for the future." He said the failure to produce a proper strategy had dire
consequences. "Any region where there is no waste management facility, they are
resorting to burning of the waste. Most of the municipalities burn their waste."
Despite the large quantity of recyclable material being deposed of each day,
just 15 percent of it is actually recycled, according to a source with knowledge
of the sector.
Smelly seaside trash mountain
The government is reportedly now studying a plan that would seek to decrease
waste and boost recycling, something that Ziad Abi Chaker, of the company Cedar
Environmental, has long called for. Founded in the late 1990s, Abi Chaker's firm
now runs eight sorting centres across Lebanon, including one in the idyllic
forested peaks of Mount Lebanon's Beit Meri. In the large metal warehouse,
workers sort in a chain, taking apart blue and black garbage bags and pulling
out recyclables including glass, plastic and metal. The company boasts of
sorting 80 tons a day at its facilities, sending reusable items on to recycling
factories. "We've proved that the concept of zero waste, in a decentralized
framework, can succeed," said Abi Chaker. But elsewhere, attempts to tackle the
waste crisis have been less of a success story. In the southern seaside town of
Sidon, a mountain of smelly trash has appeared on the shore, despite the
presence of a new waste management facility. The mountain is made up of what is
known as "residues" that can neither be recycled nor composted and ordinarily
should be placed in a sanitary landfill. But no such landfill is available yet,
so the leftovers are piling up on the facility's site, right next to the water's
edge. The municipality says it is planning to build a landfill to address the
mountain, now several metres high. In the meantime, residents simply have to put
up with the stink. At the mountain's base, fishermen seem almost oblivious to it
as they cast their lines into the shallows, hoping for a bite.
Hariri Will Not Allow 'Hezbollah' to Mess with
Arab States
Beirut - Paula Astih/Asharq Al
Awsat/November 26/ 2017/Lebanon’s Prime Minister Saad Hariri said on Sunday that
he would not accept the 'Hezbollah' stances that affect Arab brothers or target
the security and stability of their countries, adding that contacts and
dialogues are serious to respond to those proposals to build on them. Hariri’s
comments were distributed by his media office on Saturday after the prime
minister met with the Supreme Islamic Sharia Council and its Vice-President,
former minister Omar Meskawi. “The postponement step we have taken at the
request of President Michel Aoun is to give an opportunity to discuss our demand
to keep Lebanon neutral about the fires and wars in the region, to apply the
disassociation policy and commit to the Taif Agreement. We will not accept the
'Hezbollah' stances that affect our Arab brothers,” Hariri said. Also on
Saturday, Lebanon’s official news agency NNA quoted 'Hezbollah’s' International
Relations Officer Ammar Moussawi as saying that his party is ready to reach
understandings with “our partners in the country”, and that the group is open to
real dialogue and cooperation with all. Moussawi added that Hariri’s
resignation, which he said was done under coercion from Riyadh, was a spark that
aimed to ignite Lebanon. Meanwhile, President Aoun is set to hold bilateral
meetings on Monday with representatives and heads of the country’s parliamentary
blocs and parties currently participating in the government, in addition to
other figures. Aoun wants to find the best exit for the current crisis and to
discuss with the Lebanese concerned officials their visions regarding the basic
files that Hariri already placed on the table, and which constituted a set of
conditions for holding off his decision to resign from the government.
Presidential sources said that Aoun decided to kick off bilateral meetings on
Monday instead of holding the National Dialogue table to discuss the government
crisis. Aoun will then travel to Rome on Wednesday.
Hariri: Solution for Hizbullah Arms Regional, Russians
Won't Allow Assad to Harm Lebanon
Naharnet/November 26/17/Prime
Minister Saad Hariri has said that there is no “domestic solution” for
Hizbullah’s controversial possession of a huge arsenal of weapons. “Hizbullah
does not have the ability to run the country and its strength stems from the
Iranian-financed weapons,” said Hariri in an interview with Saudi Arabia’s
Arrajol magazine that was published on Sunday. Excerpts from the interview had
been released on Tuesday.“The solution for Hizbullah’s arms is a regional
solution and not a domestic one and we cannot do anything in this regard,”
Hariri added. He also revealed that Russia had promised him “not to allow the
Assad regime in Syria to harm stability and sovereignty in Lebanon.”Hariri had
caused widespread perplexity on November 4 when he resigned during a TV
broadcast from Saudi Arabia, citing assassination threats and blasting the
policies of Iran and Hizbullah in Lebanon and the region. After a puzzling
mini-odyssey that took him to France, Egypt and Cyprus, Hariri arrived back in
Lebanon on Tuesday and then announced that he was putting his decision to quit
on hold ahead of negotiations. Many questions remain unanswered following the
unprecedented scenario that saw Lebanon's prime minister resign in a foreign
country suspected of keeping him under house arrest and return only after the
apparent intervention of France. But while Hariri and his backers seemed on a
collision course with Hizbullah only a few days ago, an apparent
behind-the-scenes deal now appears to be restoring the status quo.
Abu Zeid: No new government in Lebanon, AounHariri relation
more than excellent
Sun 26 Nov 2017/NNA - "Change and Reform" Parliamentary Bloc Member, MP Amal Abu
Zeid, said on Sunday that there will be no formation of a new government in
Lebanon, describing the relationship between President Michel Aoun and Prime
Minister Saad Hariri as "excellent."In an interview with Radio Lebanon, Abu Zeid
indicated that self-dissociation and neutrality are part of the issues to be
discussed internally. However, he considered that it is not easy to apply the
dissociation policy since Lebanon is not an isolated island. "Yet, Lebanon has
managed to show a minimum level of neutrality away from the crisis that has hit
the region," he added. "Lebanon has also managed to expel terrorism through
unity within the government and harmony between the President of the Republic
and the Prime Minister," stated Abu Zeid. Regarding the issue of Syrian
refugees, the MP revealed that Minister Gebran Bassil had stressed to his
Russian counterpart, Sergei Lavrorv, the need to resolve this matter, especially
after the launch of the political settlement in Syria.
Khalil representing Berri at "All for the
Nation" Race in Tyre: National unity protected stability
Sun 26 Nov 2017/NNA - "Lebanon has known triumph thanks to its national unity,
whereby the recent weeks have proven that this unity protected Lebanon's
stability and political march, and fortified its strength in the face of all
challenges," deemed Finance Minister Ali Hasan Khalil on Sunday. Khalil's words
came as he represented House Speaker Nabih Berri at the Semi-Marathon marking
Lebanon's Independence Day, under the slogan "All for the Nation," which was
organized by Amal Movement's Youth and Sports Bureau for Jabal Amel region in
the city of Tyre this morning. "Today, we reiterate the same logic through which
we were able to overcome the last days. We will face the upcoming stage with
openness and deliberations, and with keenness on safeguarding our independence,
sovereignty, the freedom of our decision and the extent in which we protect our
foreign relations with the Arab countries and the whole world," added Khalil. He
hoped that the political institutions would regain their strength, in addition
to resuming the cabinet's work cycle. "We will participate actively and
positively, as in previous days, in the deliberation sessions that the President
of the Republic will call for tomorrow. Certainly, we shall maintain the same
attitude of solidarity and commitment to the restoration of State institutions,
particularly the Council of Ministers," asserted Khalil. He concluded by saying,
"We look forward to a stage of hard work to protect the accomplishments we have
made so far, and to meet the needs and aspirations of the people in their daily
lives in order to strengthen their faith in this nation. We insist on creating
the appropriate climates for holding the parliamentary elections on the basis of
the new vote law, signaling the start of a new political life."
Raad: We have come a long way in restoring the
situation to normal
Sun 26 Nov 2017/NNA - "Loyalty to the Resistance" Parliamentary Bloc Head, MP
Mohammad Raad, deemed Sunday that a lot of progress has been achieved in
restoring the situation back to its desired state, placing further hope on the
coming days of deliberations initiated by the President of the Republic.
"We, in the Resistance, maintain a high state of alert and readiness for any
aggressive move whether by Israel or the Takfiris," added Raad, speaking at an
honorary ceremony held by Hezbollah in the town of Kfarsir in South Lebanon. "We
must act cautiously and keep our security and military forces alert to preserve
our stability and prevent any tampering with our security," he concluded.
Bassil winds up Diaspora Energy Conference in
Cancun: For protecting, preserving the land, calls on expatriates to partake in
parliamentary elections
Sun 26 Nov 2017/NNA - Foreign Affairs and Expatriates Minister Gebran Bassil
called on Lebanese expatriates to participate in the upcoming parliamentary
elections, highlighting the need to "protect and preserve national territories"
and encouraging expatriates "to purchase lands in their mother nation so as to
avoid selling to foreigners."Bassil's words came at a dinner hosted in his honor
by the Governor of Quintana, Ro Carlos Joaquin Gonzalez, at the closing of the
Lebanese Diaspora Energy Conference in Cancun, Mexico. At the end of the
Conference, several recommendations were issued, including the call to the
Lebanese Diaspora worldwide to recover the Lebanese nationality, and the appeal
to expatriates to participate in the upcoming legislative elections, as a
national obligation.
Riachi patronizes Beit Shabab ATV Race
Sun 26 Nov 2017/NNA - Information Minister Melhem Riachi, represented by Mr. Joe
Riachi, patronized Sunday the ATV Race in Beit Shabab organized by "Adrenaline
Rush Production," in cooperation with the Lebanese Army. Attending the event was
MP Ghassan Mkhaiber, former Minister Nicola Sahnawi, who participated in the
race, Beit Shabab-Shawia-Qneitra Municipality Head Elias Ashkar, and a crowd of
lovers of this sport, in presence of the Lebanese Red Cross and Civil Defense
units. The ATV race, which included 61 participants, was inaugurated by the
Lebanese national anthem and a word by the Information Minister's
representative, in which he greeted the audience and participants, stressing his
support for "this sport activity that encourages love of life today and in the
future."Riachi's representative also commended the Lebanese army for being "the
protector of our nation, our honor, dignity and independence." He also thanked
the Municipality Head for his support of this activity, which enabled a large
number of participants to join, praising as well the efforts of the organizers
and wishing the participants safety and success.
Lebanese Actor Arrested For Collaboration With Israel
Jerusalem Post/November 26/17
One of Lebanon's well-known satirical television stars, Itani is alleged by
Lebanon to have committed a range of offenses on behalf of Israel.
Lebanon’s General Directorate of State Security detained Lebanese actor and
comedian Ziad Itani on Thursday and accused him of “collaborating with Israel,”
it was revealed over the weekend. Itani’s arrest at his home in Beirut comes
amid tensions between Lebanon and Saudi Arabia and among Hezbollah, Saudi Arabia
and Israel. State Security said Itani had been under surveillance for “several
months,” according to an article in Al Jazeera and other media. He was
reportedly interrogated and “confessed” to meeting with Israelis in Turkey, and
Lebanon said he provided the Israelis with “extensive” information.
Itani is known in Lebanon for hosting a comedy show and appearing in plays,
including Beirut Tariq al-Jedideh. Some of his appearances can be found on He was previously a reporter and, according to Middle East Eye,
worked for Al-Mayadeen television, which is considered pro-Hezbollah and
pro-Syrian government. According to Al-Naher newspaper, he was detained from his
home in Ain al-Remmaneh in mostly Christian East Beirut. He was accused of
involvement in a plan to monitor Interior Minister Nohad Machnouk and Abdul
Rahim Mrad, a former minister.
According to the newspaper, the actor-director-playwright, who was born in 1975,
was allegedly “collaborating and communicating with the Israeli enemy. A
specialized unit for State Security followed, monitored, tracked and
investigated for several months inside and outside Lebanon on direct orders from
Maj.-Gen. Tony Saliba.”
Saliba was appointed head of State Security in March 2017. The report claimed
that Itani was accused of “establishing a Lebanese network to support the
concept of normalization with Israel, support Zionist ideas among the
intelligentsia and provide his operators with reports.” The salacious details in
Lebanese media also claimed that Itani was supposed to arrange a stay for a
“female Israeli officer” contact at the Al-Bustan Hotel at Beit Meri on Mount
Lebanon, east of Beirut. The supposed targets of Itani’s collaboration include
Machnouk, who is a member of Saad Hariri’s Future Party and a former adviser to
Hariri’s father. Machnouk has been a powerful advocate of professionalizing the
security forces in Lebanon and has encouraged closer cooperation between Lebanon
and the international community in the war on terrorism. On November 15, he
responded to the Hariri controversy in Lebanon and the tug-of-war between Iran
and Saudi Arabia by saying his countrymen were “not a herd of sheep whose
ownership can be handed from one person to another.”Mrad is a former minister of
defense and education who once blamed the 9/11 World Trade Center attack on the
Mossad. The arrest of Itani comes after Lebanon claimed it had detained three
“spies” in October, for allegedly giving Israel information on Hezbollah. In
August, Lebanon claimed it found an Israeli spying “device,” and in January, it
said it had arrested five spies, including a Nepalese worker and an Iraqi. In
January 2016, Lebanon returned a vulture to Israel that it had initally said was
used for spying. While Lebanon has been spy-crazed over the years regarding
Israel, the issue of “normalization,” for which Itani is also accused, has also
been an issue for Lebanese. In October, Ramallah cancelled the screening of The
Insult, a Lebanese-French film by Ziad Doueiri, after the director was accused
of “normalizing” with Israel. In May, Lebanon banned the movie Wonder Woman
because it features Israeli actress Gal Gadot.
Middle Israel: Where Did Lebanon Go Wrong
Jerusalem Post/November 26/17
What went wrong with the country that had the potential to be, and for a while
seemed ready to become, the Switzerland of the Middle East?
Hypocrisy, tragedy and irony joined hands in downtown Beirut Wednesday, as the
Land of the Cedars wore an artificial smile for its Independence Day in a heroic
effort to appear happy, unified and sovereign. American-made Patton tanks
rolled by Martyrs’ Square, while white-socked horses – the cavaliers atop them
gripping bed sheet-sized Lebanese flags – ambled by the red-carpeted podium,
where the country’s lost son, Prime Minister Saad Hariri, exchanged whispers
with the ally of his father’s assassins, President Michel Aoun. Next to the
pair, the speaker of parliament for the past 25 years, Nabih Berri, sat regally,
enjoying his role as nominal leader of the Shi’ites, even though all know that
their real leader is the gowned cleric ensconced underground several blocks from
the parade. All also listened politely as Aoun warned Israel of an “appropriate
response,” should it operate in Lebanon, just like they nodded fatalistically
the previous week when he made the laughable claims that Hezbollah plays “a
complementary role to the Lebanese Army,” and that Lebanon needs the Shi’ite
militia because otherwise it won’t be able “to battle Israel.”The absurd
insinuations – that Israel and the Christian Aoun want to duel, that Hezbollah
is part of the Lebanese national interest rather than its scourge, and that
Hassan Nasrallah is subordinate to the government which he undermines every day
– are perfectly acceptable rhetoric in Lebanon, a land where what you think you
don’t say, what you say you don’t think, and anything your leaders do or – as
happens more often – don’t do is immediately understood as a foreign plot.
Yes, it’s been an eventful 74 years since France set Lebanon free; so many
years, and so little independence, security and self-respect in a land of
beauty, wealth and worldliness that became a kingdom of hatred, treachery and
deceit. The future's ailments were hinted at already in 1941, when French
fascists clashed in Lebanon with British and Free French forces (and also
several dozen Hagana fighters, including Moshe Dayan, who then lost his eye in a
battle south of Tyre). Lebanon thus emerged as an arena for other people’s wars,
a role it would play intermittently to this day, mocking its founders’ hope to
make it the Switzerland of the Middle East.Benefiting from a commercial heritage
that harks back to the ancient Phoenicians, the only Arab land without one inch
of desert could have been that regional oasis, both physically and politically,
and for a while indeed was a colorful island of tolerance, prosperity and
hedonism in an otherwise austere and angry Middle East.
Yes, the real future was hinted at again in 1958, when Gamal Abdel Nasser and
Dwight Eisenhower sparred in Lebanon, as the former’s demand that Beirut sever
diplomatic ties with Western powers made its leaders invite an American
invasion. Even so, Lebanon soon returned to storm life.
In the 1960s Beirut was home to 100 mostly foreign banks which offered shady
depositors full secrecy, minimal taxation and lax currency restrictions
alongside a booming gambling industry studded by 64 nightclubs and laced by
azure beaches that bustled with bikinied women, all of which was unthinkable
elsewhere in the Arab world.The country thrived. Car purchases soared more than
tenfold between 1950 and 1965, tourists crowded ski resorts nestled in pristine
cedar forests, per capita income was higher than Saudi Arabia’s, hundreds of
seaside restaurants served exquisite international menus and new hotels were
adding new stories even before inaugurating their lobbies.
It was not to last.
First, Yasser Arafat used Lebanon for his attacks on Israel. Then Syria, which
saw Lebanon as part of a Greater Syria, fueled a Muslim-Christian war, before
invading the country it would occupy for 29 years. Then Ariel Sharon sent the
IDF chasing after Arafat all the way to Beirut. Finally, following Iran’s
Islamist revolution, Tehran pocketed the poor and neglected Shi’ite south, soon
turning it into a radical state within a state. The 15-year civil war took
100,000 lives, while Lebanese patriots were assassinated by the dozens, from
former president René Moawad (1989), former prime minister Rafik Hariri (2005),
president-elect Bashir Gemayel (1982) and former finance minister Mohamad Chatah
(2013), to the sons of former presidents Suleiman Frangieh, Amin Gemayel and
Camille Chamoun, respectively Tony (1978), Pierre (2006), and Danny (1990), who
was mowed down in his apartment along with his wife and two boys.
The end of the civil war saw some of the previous Lebanon’s cosmopolitan spirit
restored, but the island of tolerance it once seemed ready to become had
vanished. Lebanon found itself repeatedly between the lion and the tiger. Having
finally seen Syria and Israel leave, it woke up with Iran pulling it from the
head and Saudi Arabia by the feet. After having somehow restored peace between
Christian and Muslim, it now found itself smack on the cracking Sunni-Shi’ite
fault line. Now, as it prepared to celebrate what its leaders call independence,
Lebanon saw its prime minister survive Saudi brutalization, only to return to
Iranian emasculation, after having been redeemed by the same France whose
historic departure Beirut’s cheering crowds, titular leaders, parading horses,
bereted cavaliers and husky chariots of war have all gathered to hail.
Why is Lebanon so subjugated, disjointed, disoriented and helpless? What is its
original sin, and could its fate have been different? Of course it could have.
Lebanon could have avoided, and still can shed, the parochial system whereby its
parliament and key offices are pre-allocated according to religious affiliation,
and it could have avoided, and still can shed, the norm whereby political
leadership passes from father to son. Had it been a country of all its citizens,
Lebanon would not have been the fractured state and compilation of estranged
communities, militias and warlords that has been such tempting prey for
successive abusers, from Nasserist Egypt to Islamist Iran. Such thinking crosses
no mind in Lebanon. Like Iraq, Syria, Yemen and Libya, the Land of the Cedars
remains addicted to a feudal mindset whereby tribe supersedes state, and lineage
overpowers merit.
That is why Lebanon, instead of becoming its neighbors’ antithesis, is a
microcosm, engine and battleground of a hopelessly tribal, sectarian and hateful
Middle East.
Lebanese Information Centre Statement On The Situation In
November 27, 2017/
LIC Welcomes Return of PM Hariri, Urges Efforts Against Iran’s
The Lebanese Information Center in Washington, DC welcomes the return of
Lebanon’s resigned Prime Minister Saad Hariri to Beirut, while stressing the
need to continue focusing on the paramount threat posed to Lebanon and the
broader region by Iran and its Lebanese ally Hezbollah.
LIC President Dr. Joseph Gebeily was in Lebanon during Hariri’s surprise
resignation and held a series of meetings with government officials, military
leaders, politicians, United Nations representatives, and other key
stakeholders, accompanied by the head of the LIC’s Office of UN Relations Dr.
Melanie Raffoul. They discussed the political state of play in light of Hariri
stepping down, the security situation in Lebanon and the region, and the issue
of Syrian refugees.
Throughout these meetings, it was clear that the existential threats to
Lebanon’s politics and security remain unresolved: Hezbollah’s dominance and
Iran’s overreach in Lebanon and the rest of the Middle East.
Hariri was appointed premier as part of a 2016 arrangement that also led to
General Michel Aoun’s election as president and stipulated Lebanon’s neutrality
towards regional conflicts. This arrangement ultimately failed because of
Hezbollah’s repeated violations of Lebanon’s “disassociation” policy.
On the security front, these actions include Hezbollah’s ongoing military
interventions in Syria, Yemen, and Iraq; its efforts to sideline the Lebanese
army in the fight against terrorist groups along Lebanon’s eastern border; and
its negotiated deal with the Islamic State group (ISIS/ISIL) that chiefly served
Hezbollah’s own agenda and that of its patron Iran -- not Lebanon’s interests.
These nefarious activities threaten Lebanon’s security and its people.
Hezbollah is also damaging Lebanon’s political standing in an increasingly
volatile Middle East. It continues to viciously slam Saudi Arabia and other Gulf
allies, resulting in a direct backlash against the livelihoods and economic
interests of Lebanese citizens in the Gulf. Cabinet ministers allied to
Hezbollah have visited Damascus without the Lebanese government’s approval, as
part of Hezbollah’s attempt to forcefully open official relations with the
Syrian regime.
Unfortunately, it is clear that Lebanon’s year-old government has been unable to
confront Hezbollah. The cabinet has not reined in Hezbollah’s violations of the
“disassociation” policy, including its dangerous regional interventions and its
movement of fighters and equipment across borders. State security forces are
unable to adequately monitor Hezbollah’s military movements in southern Lebanon,
or prevent any acts of aggression that may spark a new war with Israel.
In recent weeks, policymakers and observers have suggested that Hariri’s
resignation would exacerbate regional tensions and ultimately destabilize
Lebanon. The LIC stresses that, despite recent developments, it is still
Hezbollah that poses the preeminent threat to Lebanon’s security and prosperity.
The LIC recognizes PM Hariri’s return to office last week as an important step
towards reasserting the state’s legitimate monopoly on policy-making,
particularly in decisions of peace and war. We hope Lebanon’s factions will
seize this opportunity.
The LIC also urges all friends of Lebanon, particularly the United States, to
focus their efforts on confronting Iran’s expansionism. With tens of thousands
of militiamen deployed across multiple countries, alliances with the region’s
most brutal regimes, and a radical, violent Islamist ideology, Iran and its
proxies remain the main menace to regional stability and must therefore be a
policy priority for the US government.
The Lebanese Information Center in the US, the largest grassroots organization
of Americans of Lebanese descent, remains committed to work through its
organization, bolstered by its grassroots support and longstanding relationships
with the US government, to build a free, sovereign and democratic Lebanon, for
the good of the Lebanese people and in the interests of the United States of
1101 Pennsylvania Avenue NW, Suite 500, Washington, DC 20004
Phone: 202-505-4542 . Fax: 202-318-8409 .
Latest LCCC Bulletin For Miscellaneous Reports
And News published on November 26-27/17
Report: Israel Vows To Destroy Iranian Positions Within 40 Km Of Syrian Border
Jerusalem Post/November
Syrian President Bashar Assad reportedly offered Netanyahu a comprehensive deal
that would include a demilitarized zone stretching 40 kilometers from the
Kuwaiti newspaper Al Jarida revealed on Sunday that an Israeli source disclosed
a promise from Jerusalem to destroy all Iranian facilities within 40 kilometers
(25 miles) of Israel's Golan Heights.The source, who remains unnamed, said that
during Syrian President Bashar Assad's surprise visit to Russia last week, Assad
gave Russian Premier Vladimir Putin a message for Prime Minister Benjamin
Netanyahu: Damascus will agree to a demilitarized zone of up to 40 kilometers
from the border in the Golan Heights as part of a comprehensive agreement
between the two countries, but only if Israel does not work to remove Assad's
regime from power. The report also claims that Putin then called Netanyahu to
relay the message, and that the Israeli prime minister said he would be willing
to accept the deal, but that Israel's goal of eradicating Iran and Hezbollah
from the country would remain.
According to the source, Jerusalem sees Assad as the last president of the
Alawite community, indicating that a change of regime in Syria - at least
towards a government less-linked to Iran - would be favorable for Israel. The
Alawites are a minority Shi'ite community in Syria, and have long been supported
by Iran, which seeks to extend its influence from the Gulf across the region to
the Mediterranean. The source also commented that after the defeat of the
Islamic State, the conflict in Syria would become ''more difficult,'' likely
pointing towards a vacuum that would be left without the group. Russian, Syrian
and Iranian-backed forces have been fighting against ISIS, while also seeking to
knock out rebel groups that oppose the current regime. Russia's stated interests
have been in line with Iran's in wanting to keep Assad in power. Israel has
participated mostly on the periphery of the war in Syria, responding to fire on
the northern border and occasionally bombing positions, including a weapons
depot and scientific research center that allegedly produces chemical weapons.
Damascus and Jerusalem have exchanged heated remarks as well, with Netanyahu
threatening to bomb Assad's palace, and Syrian officials warning of ''dangerous
repercussions'' to Israeli strikes on Syrian targets. Over the course of the
war, Israel has operated several field hospitals near the Syrian border, where
those injured from the war are treated and subsequently returned to Syria. Some
of those who have been treated have been rebels fighting against the Assad
regime, leading some to say that Israel is assisting the rebels to unseat Assad.
**Yasser Okbi contributed to this report.
Saudi Vows New Islamic Alliance 'Will Wipe Terrorists from Earth'
Agence France PresseNaharnet
Saudi Arabia's powerful crown prince vowed to "pursue terrorists until they are
wiped from the face of the earth" as officials from 40 Muslim countries gathered
Sunday in the first meeting of an Islamic counter-terrorism alliance. "In past
years, terrorism has been functioning in all of our countries... with no
coordination" among national authorities, Prince Mohammed bin Salman, who is
also the Saudi defense minister, said in his keynote speech at the gathering in
Riyadh. "This ends today, with this alliance."The summit is the first meeting of
defense ministers and other senior officials from the Islamic Military Counter
Terrorism Coalition, which officially counts 41 countries and identifies as a
"pan-Islamic unified front" against violent extremism. The alliance was
announced in 2015 under the auspices of Prince Mohammed, whose rapid ascent
since his appointment as heir to the throne in June has shaken the political
scene across the region. The alliance groups largely, although not exclusively,
Sunni-majority or Sunni-ruled countries. It excludes Saudi Arabia's arch-rival,
Shiite-dominated Iran, as well as Syria and Iraq, whose leaders have close ties
to Tehran. Sunday's meeting coincides with an escalation in tensions
between Riyadh and Tehran, particularly over wars in Syria and Yemen and the
political structure of multi-confessional Lebanon. Saudi Arabia accuses
Iran of supporting armed groups across the Middle East, including Lebanon's
Shiite Hizbullah and Yemen's Huthi rebels.
The meeting also comes as several military coalitions, with backers including
both Iran and key Saudi ally the United States, battle to push the Islamic State
group from its last remaining bastions in Iraq and Syria. The alliance meeting
in Riyadh brings together Muslim or Muslim-majority nations including Egypt, the
United Arab Emirates, Bahrain, Afghanistan, Uganda, Somalia, Mauritania,
Lebanon, Libya, Yemen and Turkey. Retired Pakistani general Raheel Sharif
has been appointed commander-in-chief.
'Distorted image of Islam'
The alliance aims to "Mobilize and coordinate the use of resources, facilitate
the exchange of information and help member countries build their own
counter-terrorism capacity," Sharif said. While the alliance officially includes
Qatar, which is the target of a six-month boycott led by Saudi Arabia,
organizers in Riyadh said no Qatari officials were present at the meeting.
Qatar's flag was also absent.
Saudi Arabia, the UAE, Egypt and Bahrain abruptly cut diplomatic and trade ties
with Qatar in June, accusing the emirate of being too close to Iran and
supporting Islamist extremism. Qatar denies the allegations. Egypt, which sent a
military official and not its defense minister to the Sunday meeting, is reeling
from a Friday attack on a mosque that killed more than 300 people during prayer
time. While IS has not claimed responsibility, Egyptian authorities say the
organization is the main suspect as the mosque is associated with followers of
the mystical Sufi branch of Sunni Islam, whom IS has branded heretics. Prince
Mohammed said Friday's "painful event" was a reminder of the "danger of
terrorism and extremism." "Beyond the killing of innocent people and the spread
of hatred, terrorism and extremism distort the image of our religion," he said.
Since his sudden appointment as crown prince, Prince Mohammed has moved to
consolidate power, announcing crackdowns on both terrorism and corruption. A
corruption purge saw around 200 Saudi elites including princes, ministers and
business tycoons arrested or sacked earlier this month.
Iran Accuses U.S. over Saudi 'Atrocities' in Yemen
Agence France Presse/Naharnet/November 26/17/Iran on Sunday accused the United
States of responsibility for "atrocities" in Yemen through its support for Saudi
Arabia, which is leading a coalition fighting Tehran-backed Huthi rebels. Iran's
foreign ministry spokesman Bahram Ghassemi said a White House statement on
Friday in support of Riyadh "clearly and without question proves America's
participation and responsibility in the atrocities committed by Saudi Arabia in
Yemen."In its statement, Washington had said it was "committed to supporting
Saudi Arabia... against the Iranian Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps'
aggression and blatant violations of international law." Regional arch-rivals
Shiite-ruled Iran and Sunni heavyweight Saudi Arabia back opposing sides in
conflicts from Yemen to Syria. They cut diplomatic relations in January 2016
after Iranian protesters stormed Saudi diplomatic missions in reaction to
Riyadh's execution of a prominent Shiite cleric. In early November, Riyadh
accused Tehran of "direct aggression" after Saudi forces intercepted a missile
fired by Huthi forces towards Riyadh's international airport. But Ghassemi
denied that Iran has "any military connection with Yemen," although Tehran says
it supports the Huthis politically and regularly denounces Saudi Arabia for
allegedly bombing civilians. Accusing Washington of making "totally unfounded"
allegations, Ghassemi said its statement on Friday showed it "openly supports...
appalling atrocities" by Saudi Arabia in Yemen. The Saudi-led Arab military
coalition intervened in Yemen in March 2015 to support President Abedrabbo
Mansour Hadi after the Huthis forced him into exile. Last month, the United
Nations put the coalition on its blacklist for killing and maiming 683 children
during the conflict last year and carrying out 38 verified attacks on schools
and hospitals. A report published in mid-November by the Congressional Research
Service showed that Riyadh had signed arms deals worth more than $65 billion (55
billion euros) with the United States between 2009 and 2016. "Since 2015, the
U.S.-trained Saudi military has used U.S.-origin weaponry, U.S. logistical
assistance, and shared intelligence in support of military operations in Yemen,"
it said. Both parties in the Yemen conflict stand accused of neglecting civilian
safety. The United Nations has blacklisted the Saudi-led coalition over the
"killing and maiming" of children.
On the Agenda at the U.N. Syria Talks
Agence France Presse/Naharnet/November 26/17/ The United Nations' Syria envoy,
Staffan de Mistura, has been accused of lacking clarity at times when he speaks.
But when it comes to the topics on the agenda at the peace talks he mediates,
his focus is clear: the so-called "four baskets."Three of the baskets were laid
out in U.N. Security Council Resolution 2254, which passed in 2015, and a fourth
on terrorism was added later at the insistence of the Damascus regime.
The eighth round of U.N.-backed Syria talks opens in Geneva on Tuesday.
Here is what's in the four baskets on the agenda:
Resolution 2254 calls for the establishment of "credible, inclusive and
non-sectarian governance" in Syria. The main opposition High Negotiations
Committee insists that governance means "political transition" and specifically
the removal of President Bashar al-Assad from power. Regime negotiators have
refused to engage on the issue of Assad's future in previous rounds.
New constitution
A primary focus of the upcoming round of talks is a new Syrian constitution,
according to the U.N. Neither the regime nor opposition camps have outlined
their visions for the charter, but have discussed ideas on the subject with de
Supervised elections
The U.N. Security Council initially called for elections of the "highest
international standards of transparency and accountability ... under supervision
of the United Nations" to be held by the middle of 2017. While that deadline has
gone by, the U.N. has said that making progress on plans for elections in Syria
will be the other main point of emphasis at talks this week.
A subject not mentioned in Resolution 2254, Damascus insisted earlier this year
that it be added to the official talks agenda. Assad's chief negotiator Bashar
al-Jaafari has a habit of referring to opposition representatives as
The opposition says terrorism is just a way of avoiding talking about Assad and
U.N. Says 11 Million Yemen Children Desperately
Need Aid
Agence France Presse/Naharnet/November
26/17/ More than 11 million children in war-torn Yemen are in desperate need of
humanitarian aid, the United Nations children's fund warned on Sunday. "Today it
is fair to say that Yemen is one of the worst places on earth to be a child,"
said Geert Cappelaere, UNICEF's regional director for the Middle East and North
Africa. "Two million children today in Yemen suffer acute malnutrition (and)
almost every single Yemeni boy and girl" is in acute need of humanitarian
assistance, he told a press conference in Jordan's capital Amman. "Today we
estimate that every 10 minutes a child in Yemen is dying from preventable
diseases." U.N. officials have warned that Yemen could face the world's largest
famine in decades unless a crippling blockade by a Saudi-led coalition battling
Huthi rebels is lifted. The blockade, put in place after Saudi forces
intercepted a missile fired by Huthi forces at Riyadh's international airport
early this month, has further tightened the coalition's stranglehold on the
rebel-held port of Hodeida, the main conduit for U.N.-supervised deliveries of
food and medicine. A U.N. plane carrying desperately needed vaccines landed in
the rebel-held Yemeni capital Sanaa on Saturday after coalition forces partly
lifted the blockade, after warnings that thousands of people could die. But U.N.
officials have said desperately needed shipments of food and medicines to
Hodeida remain blocked. Cappelaere welcomed the reopening of Sanaa airport but
said much more aid was needed. "The war in Yemen is sadly a war on children,"
Cappelaere said, adding that close to 5,000 children had been killed or
seriously injured since the start of a Saudi-led campaign in support of the
government in March 2015. "Thousands of schools and health facilities have been
damaged or completely destroyed," he said, calling for all parties in Yemen to
take responsibility for the situation there. The coalition intervened to prop up
Yemen's government after the Iran-backed Huthis drove it from Sanaa. The
devastating war has since killed some 8,600 people, while a further 2,000 have
died of cholera. Yemen is highly dependent on imported wheat for its basic
needs, and aid groups have warned that humanitarian deliveries cover only a
small portion of what is required.
Syria Regime Bombing Kills 19 Civilians near
Agence France Presse/Naharnet/November 26/17/Syrian regime air strikes and
artillery fire killed 19 civilians on Sunday across the rebel-held Eastern
Ghouta region outside the capital Damascus, a monitor said. The deaths come
despite the area falling within a so-called "de-escalation zone" put in place
under a deal between government allies Russia and Iran and rebel backer Turkey.
Eastern Ghouta is already in the grip of a humanitarian crisis caused by a
crushing regime siege of the area since 2013 that has caused food and medical
shortages. On Sunday, government air strikes on the areas of Mesraba and Madira
killed 17 civilians, while artillery fire on the town of Douma killed another
two civilians, the Britain-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights monitor
said. "The toll could rise further because of the number of wounded people in
serious condition," said Observatory director Rami Abdel Rahman. Regime
bombardment of Eastern Ghouta in the last two weeks has killed more than 100
people, according to the Observatory. Rebels have also fired from the region
into Damascus, killing several people. Humanitarian access to Eastern Ghouta has
remained limited despite the implementation of the truce zone, and a United
Nations official referred to the region as the "epicenter of suffering" in
Syria.More than 340,000 people have been killed in Syria since the conflict
began in March 2011 with anti-government protests.
U.N. Aims to Restart Syria Talks with Unified
Agence France Presse/Naharnet/November 26/17/The United Nations will try to
revitalize its flagging Syria peace process this week, buoyed by the prospect of
hosting a unified opposition delegation in Geneva for the first time. The
U.N.-brokered talks to end the war that has killed more than 340,000 people
since 2011 have achieved little through seven previous rounds, leaving them
overshadowed by separate diplomatic pushes led by Russia, Turkey and Iran. U.N.
mediator Staffan de Mistura, who describes himself as a "chronic optimist" and
highlights incremental progress where others see stalemate, has voiced hope that
the eighth round, which opens on Tuesday, will mark the first "real
negotiation."For that to happen rival sides will need to overcome the hurdle
that has derailed past discussions: the fate of Syrian President Bashar
al-Assad. De Mistura, typically a cautious diplomat, has bluntly told the main
opposition High Negotiations Committee that its demand for Assad's ouster may no
longer be tenable.In September, he said the HNC needed to be "realistic" and
realize "they didn't win the war." Those comments infuriated the opposition. But
the U.N. envoy's position is supported by facts on the ground. Backed by Russian
military support, Assad's government has regained control of more than half the
country, while the rest remains carved up between rebel factions, jihadists and
Kurdish forces.
Opposition unites
Meeting in the Saudi capital this week, disparate Syrian opposition groups
agreed to send a united delegation to Geneva. The hardline HNC has joined with
opposition groups based in Moscow and Cairo, which take a softer approach on
Assad's future. The opposition unity push has already rankled the Saudi-backed
HNC. Riad Hijab stepped down as the group's leader over what he called "attempts
to lower the ceiling of the revolution and prolong the regime."The HNC on Friday
chose Nasr al-Hariri to lead its 36-member delegation in Geneva. Hariri, the
HNC's chief negotiator at previous rounds, has insisted that Assad needs to go
and there were no immediate signs that the new opposition grouping will row back
its stance on the president.
Geneva 'stimulus'
Other Syria initiatives, largely spearheaded by Moscow, have in recent months
outperformed the U.N.'s effort to end the Syrian conflict. Russia, fellow regime
ally Iran and rebel-backer Turkey have hosted negotiations in the Kazakh capital
Astana that led to the creation of four "de-escalation zones" which produced a
drop in violence, though deadly air strikes and battles continue in some areas.
And this week, Russian President Vladimir Putin called for a "congress" of
Syrian regime and opposition figures, a move backed by Ankara and Tehran. The
U.N. maintains that the Astana talks complement the Geneva process. Putin has
also said that the coming Syrian congress would be a "stimulus" for Geneva. For
Fyodor Lukyanov, who chairs Russia's Council for Foreign and Defence Policy,
Moscow's diplomatic efforts on Syria will be meaningless "without their
legitimization by international organizations, starting with the U.N."
"Nothing will work" unless it gets a stamp of approval in Geneva, he argued.
Where's Washington?
Experts have said that De Mistura's influence has also been curtailed following
the election of President Donald Trump, with the U.S. becoming less active on
the Syrian diplomatic front. Former president Barack Obama's foreign envoy John
Kerry made frequent trips to the Swiss city to boost the U.N. negotiations.
Trump's Secretary of State Rex Tillerson made his first trip to Geneva last
month and declared following a meeting with de Mistura that "the reign of the
Assad family is coming to an end."That comment marked a toughening of
Washington's tone towards the Syrian regime, but the extent to which the U.S.
will seek to shape the upcoming negotiations remains unclear.
Drone Kills 7 Qaida Suspects in Yemen
Agence France Presse/Naharnet/November 26/17/A drone strike has killed seven
suspected members of al-Qaida in southern Yemen, a security official said on
Sunday. The United States is the only force known to operate armed drones over
Yemen. "A drone likely to be American" killed all seven overnight as they were
aboard three vehicles on the road from the southern province of Shabwa to the
central province of Bayda, the official said. Washington considers the
Yemen-based Al-Qaida in the Arabian Peninsula to be the radical group's most
dangerous branch. A long-running drone war against AQAP has intensified since
U.S. President Donald Trump took office in January. AQAP has flourished in the
chaos of the country's civil war, which pits the Saudi-backed government against
the Huthi rebels. More than 8,700 people have been killed in the conflict since
a Saudi-led military coalition intervened on the government's side in March
2015. Al-Qaida's jihadist rivals, the Islamic State group, have also carried out
several deadly attacks in the country. Last month, the United States said it had
killed dozens of IS fighters at training camps in Bayda.
Egypt Upholds Death Sentences for 7 over
Beheadings, IS Links
Agence France Presse/Naharnet/November
26/17/An Egyptian court has upheld death sentences for seven people over the
beheadings in Libya of 21 Christians, all but one from Egypt, and for belonging
to the Islamic State group, a judicial official said Sunday. In February 2015,
Libya posted a video on the internet of the beheadings on a Libyan beach,
sparking international condemnation and Egyptian air strikes against jihadist
targets in the neighbouring country. Saturday's court ruling came a day after an
attack on a mosque in Egypt's Sinai Peninsula that killed more than 300 people
and for which IS is the main suspect. The court also sentenced 10 people to life
in prison -- 25 years in Egypt -- and three others to 15 years in prison, the
official said. The ruling can still be appealed. The court first condemned the
seven to death in September. Three were condemned in absentia, and an
unspecified number of those sentenced were accused of having taken part in the
beheadings. Prosecutors accused the seven suspects of belonging to an IS cell in
Marsa Matruh, northwest Egypt, and of planning attacks after having received
military training at jihadist camps in Libya and Syria. In May, Egypt again
struck what it said were jihadist targets in Libya after IS claimed a massacre
of Coptic Christians on their way to a monastery south of Cairo. President Abdel
Fattah al-Sisi said military reverses for IS in war-torn Syria were driving its
fighters to try to relocate to Libya and the Sinai Peninsula of eastern Egypt.
Egypt has been battling an insurgency by an IS affiliate based in North Sinai
since the military's ouster in 2013 of Islamist president Mohamed Morsi.
Hundreds of members of Egypt's security forces have been killed, while more than
100 Copts have died in church bombings since December.
Twenty-seven children were among 305 people killed in Friday's assault on the
mosque in North Sinai, according to the state prosecution.
Pakistan Protests Grow as Military Stays Silent
Agence France Presse/Naharnet/November
26/17/Thousands more protesters massed in Pakistan's major cities Sunday after
attempts to disperse an Islamist rally in Islamabad ended in deadly violence,
with the military hesitant to respond to a government appeal for help. An
estimated 5,000 demonstrators were occupying roads between Islamabad and
neighbouring Rawalpindi, AFP reporters saw, more than twice the number that were
in the streets when police and paramilitaries began a bungled operation to clear
them one day earlier. At least 4,750 were in Pakistan's biggest city Karachi,
according to traffic officials, up from roughly 200 the day before. In the
cultural capital Lahore an estimated 3,400 were occupying main roads. Reports
said the protests had also spread to other cities and towns across the country.
The numbers are still relatively small by Pakistani standards but have grown
swiftly. The situation has become more charged since authorities moved to clear
the roughly 2,000 people who have blocked a major highway in Islamabad since
November 6, paralyzing the capital for weeks. They were met with stubborn
resistance by protesters who torched vehicles and threw stones, with at least
seven people were killed and dozens injured before security forces retreated on
Saturday. An interior ministry order said the federal government had authorized
the deployment of troops to secure the capital until further notice. But one day
after the order was released there was no official military response and no sign
of armoured vehicles or soldiers on the streets. A military spokesman declined
repeated requests for comment. Late Sunday an interior ministry official told
AFP the paramilitary Rangers force had been empowered to "deal with the
protests", but offered no further details. Civil-military relations have long
been fraught in Pakistan, with the military ruling the country for nearly half
of its 70-year history. The little-known Islamist group at the centre of
the protests, Tehreek-i-Labaik Ya Rasool Allah Pakistan (TLY), is demanding the
resignation of Pakistan's law minister Zahid Hamid over a hastily-abandoned
amendment to the oath, which election candidates must swear. Demonstrators have
linked the issue to blasphemy -- a highly contentious matter in Muslim Pakistan
that has fueled violence many times before. TLY leader Khadim Hussain Rizvi
repeated the demand in a press conference Sunday and insisted terrorism charges
be leveled against top officials including former prime minister Nawaz Sharif
and current leader Shahid Khaqan Abbasi. He called for a general strike across
the country Monday, and declared that TLY will "fully participate" in general
elections due to be held next year.
Rizvi said his group was "negotiating" but refused to offer further details,
including of who with, and vowed the sit-in would continue "at any cost." "We
are not scared of these bullets. We have to die one day so why not die for the
honour of the holy Prophet," he said.
Broken teeth
Earlier, at a main stage set up at the centre of the sit-in, demonstrators were
playing religious songs as more groups arrived. A military helicopter flew
briefly overhead but otherwise few members of the security forces were in sight.
"I don't care if my wife and child ... die of hunger, for me nothing matters
more than the honour of my Prophet," Riaz Shah, a labourer from Lahore who has
been at the sit-in since it began, told AFP. He dismissed fears of military
intervention, saying the army "would not come here and dishonor the Prophet."
Pakistan's media authority lifted a ban on television broadcasts and authorities
said social media sites were no longer being restricted, after an information
blackout earlier in the day sparked confusion about the state of the protests.
But many schools announced closures and commuters braced for another week of
traffic chaos. "People's businesses have been destroyed, people are unable to go
on their jobs, to hospitals, they are not sending their children to schools,"
said resident Maqbool Ahmed, calling for the army to "disperse them up by
beating them with clubs". The violence is the latest blow to the embattled
Pakistan Muslim League (Nawaz) government ahead of the 2018 election, and after
its leader Nawaz Sharif was deposed as prime minister over graft allegations
this summer. Analysts said the government had allowed a relatively small protest
by an obscure group to grow into a potentially dangerous situation. The
government's predicament was "daunting", analyst Michael Kugelman of the Wilson
Center in Washington told AFP, adding that its ability to survive "depends on
the trajectory of the protests."
Canada deeply concerned by ongoing conflict in Yemen
November 25, 2017 - Ottawa,
Canada- Global Affairs Canada
The Honourable Chrystia Freeland, Minister of Foreign Affairs, made the
following statement regarding the worsening conditions for people in Yemen:
“Canada is deeply concerned by the ongoing conflict in Yemen and its
humanitarian impact on civilians, particularly women and children, who continue
to bear the brunt of the fighting.
“Allowing full and unhindered access to lifesaving food, fuel and medicines for
civilians in need is imperative. All ports of entry must also allow immediate
shipments of humanitarian and commercial supplies to reduce the risk of famine
and the spread of disease.
“We further urge all parties to the conflict to promptly resume peace talks. The
people of Yemen need action and an end to the violence.’’
Quick facts
At the September 2017 session of the United Nations Human Rights Council, Canada
co-sponsored a resolution which will establish, by the end of 2017, a group of
eminent international and regional experts to investigate and report on the
human rights situation in Yemen and to carry out a comprehensive examination of
all alleged violations and abuses of human rights since 2014.
In March 2017, Canada announced $34 million in life-saving humanitarian
assistance to conflict-affected people in Yemen, especially women and children.
An additional $7.7 million for Yemen was announced in August 2017 as part of the
Famine Relief Fund. This brings Canada’s total 2017 humanitarian assistance
contribution for Yemen to $41.7 million.
Adam Austen
Press Secretary
Office of the Minister of Foreign Affairs
Media Relations Office
Global Affairs Canada
Follow us on Twitter: @CanadaFP
Like us on Facebook: Canada’s foreign policy - Global Affairs Canada
Latest LCCC Bulletin analysis & editorials from
miscellaneous sources published on November
Time to Drain the Swamp - Also in Europe
Geert Wilders/Gatestone
Institute/November 26/17
Our democracies in the Western half of Europe have been subverted. Their goal is
no longer to do what the people want. On the contrary, our political elites
often do exactly the opposite. Our parliaments promote open-door policies that
the majority of the people reject. Our governments sell out sovereignty to the
EU against the will of the people. Our rulers welcome ever more Islam, although
the majority of the people oppose it.
Our democracies have become fake democracies. They are multi-party
dictatorships, ruled by groups of establishment parties.... The establishment
parties control everything, not just the politicians in their pay, but also the
top brass of the civil service, the mainstream media, even the courts.... They
call us "populists" because we stand for what the people want. They even drag us
to court.
We need to show that Europe's streets are our streets, that we want to stay who
and what we are, and do not want to be colonized by Islam. Europe belongs to us!
Next month, I will be visiting Prague, the capital of the Czech Republic. I have
been invited to speak to a group of Czech patriots. The Czechs are a freedom
loving people. In 2011, on the occasion of the 100th birthday of Ronald Reagan,
they named a street in Prague after this great American president and freedom
This fact reminded me of a shameful event in my home town of The Hague, the seat
of the Dutch Parliament and the government of the Netherlands. Look for a Ronald
Reagan Street in The Hague and you will find none. A proposal in 2011 to name a
street in The Hague after Reagan ran into fierce political opposition. Leftist
parties, such as Labor, the Greens and the liberal D66 party, argued that naming
a street in honor of Reagan would "do the image of the city no good." The whole
affair ended in a disgraceful political compromise. Last year, a short stretch
of a local bicycle path was named the "Reagan and Gorbachev Lane".
This anecdote is indicative of the difference between East and West in Europe.
We can see the same difference in the attitude of their ruling elites towards
Islam, the new totalitarianism that is threatening Europe today. In the East,
political leaders oppose Islam; in the West, they surrender.
Islam has already gained a strong foothold in Western Europe. Its streets have
come to resemble the Middle East, with headscarves everywhere. Parts of Western
Europe, such as the Schilderswijk district in The Hague, the Molenbeek borough
in Brussels, the banlieues [suburbs] of Paris, Birmingham in Britain, the
Rosengård area in Malmö, Sweden, and many other neighborhoods, have become
hotbeds of Islamic subversion.
Islam's totalitarian nature cannot be denied. The command to murder and
terrorize non-Muslims is in the Koran. Islam's prophet Muhammad was a mass
murderer and a pedophile. Those who leave Islam supposedly deserve death. And
everyone who criticizes Islam and exposes what it actually says, ends up like
me: on an Islamic death list.
In the past decades, Islam has entered Western Europe with the millions of
immigrants from Islamic countries. Now, the European Union wants to distribute
third-world immigrants over all the 28 EU member states. The nations in Central
and Eastern Europe reject the EU plans to impose permanent and mandatory
relocation quotas for all EU member states. They warn about the dilution of
their identity, which is not Islamic, but Judeo-Christian and humanist -- rooted
in the legacy of Jerusalem, Athens and Rome; not Mecca.
Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán has denounced the EU's pro-immigration
agenda as a means to eradicate the culture and Christian identity of Hungary.
Czech President Miloš Zeman is an outspoken opponent of immigration and the
Islamification of the Czech Republic. Slovak Prime Minister Robert Fico has said
that "Islam has no place in Slovakia" and warns that "migrants change the
character of our country." Polish Prime Minister Beata Szydło staunchly defends
Poland's refusal to accept the EU-imposed immigration quotas. "We are not going
to take part in this madness," she says. In the Eastern part of Europe, anti-Islamification
and anti-mass migration parties see a surge in popular support.
Resistance is growing in the West, as well. This year, we have seen my party,
the Party for Freedom (PVV), become the second-largest party in the Netherlands.
This is a great achievement in a country with 13 parties in Parliament. In
France, Marine Le Pen made it to the second round in the French presidential
elections and her party, the Front National, got more votes than ever. In
Austria, the FPÖ became the second biggest party. In Germany, the patriots of
the AfD forced their way into the Bundestag.
**Geert Wilders, leader of the Party for Freedom (PVV), casts his vote in The
Hague during the Dutch general election that made his the second-largest party
in the Netherlands, on March 15, 2017. (Photo by Carl Court/Getty Images)
However, the political elites in the West do all they can to keep the winners of
the elections from power. Last month, in my country, the Netherlands, a new
government coalition consisting of no less than four parties was formed. Because
they stubbornly refused to talk to PVV, it took the political elites a record
seven months to put together a coalition. They preferred to take in D66, the
party which had denied Ronald Reagan his street in The Hague, and still they
were only able to form a government with a majority of just one single seat in
Our democracies in the Western half of Europe have been subverted. Their goal is
no longer to do what the people want. On the contrary, our political elites
often do exactly the opposite. Our parliaments promote open-door policies that
the majority of the people reject. Our governments sell out sovereignty to the
EU against the will of the people. Our rulers welcome ever more Islam, although
the majority of the people oppose it.
Our democracies have become fake democracies. They are multi-party
dictatorships, ruled by groups of establishment parties. They wheel and deal,
often selling away the principles for which they have been elected. The
establishment parties control everything, not just the politicians in their pay,
but also the top brass of the civil service, the mainstream media, even the
courts. Parties such as mine are excluded from coalition talks. They call us
"populists" because we stand for what the people want. They even drag us to
Three decades ago, the countries in Central Europe witnessed a Velvet
Revolution: Democratic, political and peaceful. They took to the streets. They
decided that enough was enough. Thanks to their Velvet Revolution, they have
leaders today who truly represent the people and who are not afraid to stand up
for their nation and its identity.
We, in Western Europe, can learn lessons from the Velvet Revolution in the East.
We, too, urgently need to make clear that enough is enough. In Western Europe,
too, it is time to drain the swamp and to drive the elites from power. Peaceful
and democratic, but thorough. We have to make our so-called democratic systems
truly democratic again. The political actors should no longer be the
professional politicians alone. The crisis is existential. It is time for every
man and woman to do his and her duty. Because the survival of our nations itself
is at stake.
We, too, have to make it very clear that we no longer want to take part in the
madness of leaders, who sell out their country to the EU institutions in
Brussels, and the madness of the EU elites, who sell out our continent to
mass-immigration and Islam. That is why the PVV will demonstrate in the streets
of Rotterdam on January 20th. We need to show that Europe's streets are our
streets, that we want to stay who and what we are, and do not want to be
colonized by Islam. Europe belongs to us!
*Geert Wilders is a member of the Dutch Parliament and leader of the Dutch Party
for Freedom (PVV) in the Netherlands.
© 2017 Gatestone Institute. All rights reserved. The articles printed here do
not necessarily reflect the views of the Editors or of Gatestone Institute. No
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Sinai Attack: Why the Arab World's Largest Army Can't Beat ISIS
Anshel Pfeffer/Haaretz/November 26/17
Egypt has neglected northern Sinai for too long, and now it's paying the deadly
The Islamic State has yet to take responsibility for the attack on a Sufi mosque
in northern Sinai on Friday that claimed 305 lives, but there is little doubt
that it was carried out by Wilayat Sinai — an Islamic State affiliate in the
Sinai. The organization has targeted Sufis before in other countries and it is
currently the only insurgent group operating in Sinai capable of such a
large-scale attack. Which leads to the question, why is ISIS, currently in
retreat in its former main strongholds of Syria and Iraq, still capable of such
operations, in Egypt of all places
Unlike Syria and Iraq, where Islamic State took advantage of the vacuum created
by civil war and demoralized armies, Egypt — despite political upheaval in
recent years — still boasts the largest army in the Arab world and for over four
years, has been ruled by the iron fist of a military regime. The Egyptian army
does not lack for the resources to fight a counter-insurgency war in Sinai,
including mobile armored vehicles and attack helicopters. Israel has
green-lighted every Egyptian request to reinforce its units in the peninsula,
despite the demilitarization protocols of the Camp David peace accords. And yet
despite Egypt’s ongoing campaign to wipe out ISIS in Sinai — a campaign which,
according to foreign reports, includes major assistance from Israel — the group
still retains the capability of launching the sort of devastating attack we saw
on Friday.
A year ago, the tide seemed to have turned in Sinai. In a series of attacks on
Wilayat strongholds, the Egyptians succeeded in eliminating an estimated
two-thirds of the ISIS fighters, including their commander Abu Du’a al-Ansari.
They were down to around only 300 men when Muhammad al-Isawi, known in ISIS as
Abu Osama al-Masri, an Egyptian who had fought with the group in Syria, took
command. Al-Masri, with reinforcements, aid and supplies from Islamic State’s
base in Libya has succeeded in reviving the organization, with its numbers back
to around a 1,000 and more damaging attacks on both military and civilian
targets. According to intelligence sources, the Wilayat’s fighting force is made
up of Egyptian Islamists, volunteers from other countries, including veterans of
Syria and Iraq, and most crucially, members of local Sinai Bedouin tribes. Their
zone of operations is the northern half of Sinai, while for the most part, the
Red Sea coast region in the south, where thousands of Israelis spent their High
Holidays vacation two months ago, has remained calm. This is not disconnected
from the fact that while billions have been invested in building the Red Sea
resorts, the villages and towns of the northern Mediterranean coast have
remained underdeveloped. Until about three years ago, residents of the region
were still making money from the open trade of the smuggling routes that run
through the tunnels under the border with Gaza. Egypt has now destroyed all but
a few of the tunnels, which are now used exclusively by Hamas and other
Palestinian groups, for arms and personnel. While the local Bedouin tribes in
the south are loath to jeopardize their income from Red Sea tourism by
cooperating with ISIS in the south, those in the less developed north have fewer
qualms. Egypt is now paying the price for decades of neglect of northern Sinai.
Its soldiers hunker down in armored vehicles and fortified positions, while the
jihadists enjoy cover from local collaborators there and in the nearby mountain
passes. Egypt’s energetic sponsorship of the Hamas-Fatah reconciliation
agreement in recent months was mainly motivated by its interest in ensuring that
Gaza doesn’t serve as Islamic State’s backyard — something it was in danger of
becoming. But the Egyptians’ real problem is within its own territory. It has
allowed northern Sinai to remain a black hole of resentment and radicalism for
too long and is now paying the price.
Banning Extremist Muslim Scholars
Abdulrahman Al-Rashed/ASharq Al Awsat//November 26/17
Recently, the Arab quartet Saudi Arabia, UAE, Bahrain and Egypt added two
radical Islamic organizations and eleven extremists to their terror list; a step
long overdue. Dealing with the Union of Muslim Scholars, founded by Muslim
Brotherhood and welcomed by Qatar, and the International Islamic Council should
have been banned long ago, especially the Union. Since its establishment, Union
of Muslim Scholars posed a threat to Muslim societies all over the world. Its
emergence, which coincided with al-Qaeda and all its leaders' first appearance,
was like declaring a blatant war against traditional and moderate Islam in the
region and the world. The Union of Muslim Scholars was born as part of the
domination project led by extremist religious groups as part of their different
approaches which include: inciting jihadist political rhetoric, armed
organizations, and parallel religious institutions that grant legitimacy to
their practices and cancel moderate institutions.At the time Qaeda carried out
explosions killing people and Abu Musab al-Zarqawi beheaded people in the name
of Islam, Union of Muslim Scholars was born in Qatar in 2004 for the same
extremist project.
For that purpose, its members prepared fatwas, justified violence and engaged in
ideological wars that deprived traditional muftis and scholars of their worth
and ridiculed their fatwas. Let’s not forget that traditional Salafists scholars
of Saudi Arabia also issued fatwas prohibiting jihadist operations since the
1990’s as they viewed them as defiant to the state. This angered the mufti of
the Brotherhood and Qatar-affiliated union who justified “martyrdom operations”
and wanted to religiously legitimize it. The union worked on destroying major
religious institutions in the Muslim world, like the Council of Senior Scholars
in Saudi Arabia and al-Azhar in Egypt. Historically, the terrorism project
hiding within Islam began around the same time organizations of extremist fatwas
were established. Like Qaeda and ISIS, these jurisprudence groups refused
local-ism and viewed themselves as global and intercontinental organizations.
Qaeda’s birth in Afghanistan coincided with the emergence of the "European
Council for Fatwa and Research" in 1997 in London. Is it by chance that it’s
headed by Yusuf al-Qaradawi and his deputy Ali al-Qaradaghi, the two same
figures who had been involved in extremist ideology for the past 20 years?
Just like Qaeda branched in the Middle East and Europe, extremist jurisprudence
organizations established branches in the Gulf, Iraq, Lebanon, North Africa,
France, Germany, Belgium, Britain and Ireland.
Through the slogans, statements, and activities of such religious institutions,
as well as different nationalities of their members, we can see how they played
the role of the religious reference which extremist groups, based on calls of
extremism and jihad, needed during the dangerous years of unrest.
If we realized that the most dangerous aspect of terrorism is extremist
ideology, we must also be aware that extremist ideology would not have existed,
developed, and became armed organizations hadn’t it been for these religious
figures and institutions that embraced extremist scholars.
In addition, it wouldn't have happened if Qatar hadn't protected and funded
them, making it easier for them to gain influence on the intellectual and media
levels and buy even some of those who are afraid of its control or don't agree
with it.
End of Net Neutrality Isn't the End of the World
Tyler Cowen/Bloomberg/November 26/17
Eliminating net neutrality is, in the best and worst case scenarios, either
necessary to keep the internet up and running, or will lead to a dystopian
future where a few major corporations control our thoughts. The more prosaic
reality, however, is that a world without net neutrality will work just fine. I
am therefore not incensed (or very excited) about the Federal Communications
Commission proposal released Tuesday that will move away from net neutrality.
Let’s put aside the heated rhetoric, and look at two recent studies. In the
past, the FCC went through a process to extend public-utility-style regulation
(Title II) to internet service providers starting in early 2015, in response to
a court order invalidating its earlier net neutrality policy. In essence, the
agency moved to reinstate net neutrality under a slightly different and more
legally defensible guise. Most relevant corporate share prices didn’t much react
to these events, which suggests that the net neutrality decisions weren’t so
important for the sector. This study, conducted by telecommunications expert
Robert W. Crandall at the Brookings Institution, looked at AT&T Inc., Verizon
Communications Inc., Comcast Corp., Time Warner Cable LLC, Cablevision Systems
Corp., Charter Communications Inc., the Walt Disney Co., Time Warner Inc.,
Viacom Inc., CBS Corp., 21st Century Fox Inc., Starz Inc., Facebook Inc.,
Twitter Inc., AOL Inc., Yahoo Inc., and finally Netflix Inc.
Many of these media companies did better than the S&P 500 across the critical
part of 2015 when the new regulations were unveiled. That shows changing net
neutrality is unlikely to cripple the U.S. media landscape. But is net
neutrality such a big deal for keeping an open internet? After a statement by
President Barack Obama in November 2014 in favor of new regulations, the shares
of traditional media companies (owners of movie and TV content) did better than
the shares of new media companies (Netflix, Facebook). That’s at direct
disagreement with the story that net neutrality rules are necessary to prevent
cable companies from levying extortionate access rates on bandwidth-intensive
new media companies.
You might think these share price changes aren’t significant in assessing
policy, because there are so many disparate factors impinging on the
profitability of these companies. And that’s probably the correct intuition, but
it also means net neutrality is just one factor of many shaping the future of
media, rather than the decisive force. Look at Netflix, a major bandwidth user,
which had a volatile share price over this period. Most of that volatility seems
to have come from general business conditions for the company. When the court
first struck down net neutrality, Netflix shares rose in value. When Obama made
it clear he would try to reinstitute net neutrality, Netflix shares fell in
value. Again, those patterns reflect the opposite of the usual critical story
that Netflix or its customers will be charged a fortune for bandwidth use if net
neutrality is removed. Netflix shares have done fine over the last year, even in
light of this expected revision to net neutrality policies.
To put these share price movements in context, stocks for businesses that would
clearly benefit from tax reform rose in value immediately after President Donald
Trump’s election. When clear costs and benefits are on the line, share prices
seem to reflect this.
A second recent study is by José Francisco Tudón Maldonado, a doctoral candidate
in economics at the University of Chicago. Tudón Maldonado looked at
Inc.’s, a popular platform for video games, eSports and musical
performances, among other services. Twitch itself advocates net neutrality, but
applies its own service prioritization rules within the system. Tudón Maldonado
found that Twitch users benefit from this prioritization, receiving higher
quality programs and suffering less from bandwidth congestion. That’s only one
example, and it hardly proves that service prioritization will benefit the
internet as a whole. Still, we’ve been living with various forms of
non-neutrality for some while, and when they’re not framed as such we typically
don’t find them so outrageous. Have you ever used your Kindle to connect to
wireless to download new books from your Amazon account? That too is a kind of
non-neutrality. You can download the books, but you can’t use that same wireless
connection for more general purposes. Proponents of net neutrality are typically
worried about the monopoly and pricing power held by cable companies and other
internet service providers. Options for access, however, are improving.
Cellphone service is falling in price, smartphones are growing in size and
quality, and Wi-Fi connections are all over the place. That said, a lot of
monopoly power remains. But look at it this way: Those monopolists don’t want to
distort the consumer experience too much, so they can keep charging high prices.
I used to favor net neutrality, but I now think we’re at the point where we’ll
do just fine without it.