November 03/17
Compiled &
Prepared by: Elias Bejjani
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Bible Quotations
therefore to the emperor the things that are the emperor’s, and to God the
things that are God’s
Holy Gospel of Jesus
Christ according to Saint Matthew 22/15-22/:"The Pharisees went and plotted to
entrap him in what he said. So they sent their disciples to him, along with the
Herodians, saying, ‘Teacher, we know that you are sincere, and teach the way of
God in accordance with truth, and show deference to no one; for you do not
regard people with partiality. Tell us, then, what you think. Is it lawful to
pay taxes to the emperor, or not?’ But Jesus, aware of their malice, said, ‘Why
are you putting me to the test, you hypocrites? Show me the coin used for the
tax.’ And they brought him a denarius. Then he said to them, ‘Whose head is
this, and whose title?’They answered, ‘The emperor’s.’ Then he said to them,
‘Give therefore to the emperor the things that are the emperor’s, and to God the
things that are God’s.’When they heard this, they were amazed; and they left him
and went away."
For in the one Spirit we were all baptized into one body Jews or Greeks, slaves
or free and we were all made to drink of one Spirit. Indeed, the body does not
consist of one member but of many
First Letter to the
Corinthians 12/12-27/:"Just as the body is one and has many members, and all the
members of the body, though many, are one body, so it is with Christ. For in the
one Spirit we were all baptized into one body Jews or Greeks, slaves or free and
we were all made to drink of one Spirit. Indeed, the body does not consist of
one member but of many. If the foot were to say, ‘Because I am not a hand, I do
not belong to the body’, that would not make it any less a part of the body. And
if the ear were to say, ‘Because I am not an eye, I do not belong to the body’,
that would not make it any less a part of the body. If the whole body were an
eye, where would the hearing be? If the whole body were hearing, where would the
sense of smell be? But as it is, God arranged the members in the body, each one
of them, as he chose. If all were a single member, where would the body be? As
it is, there are many members, yet one body. The eye cannot say to the hand, ‘I
have no need of you’, nor again the head to the feet, ‘I have no need of you.’On
the contrary, the members of the body that seem to be weaker are indispensable,
and those members of the body that we think less honourable we clothe with
greater honour, and our less respectable members are treated with greater
respect; whereas our more respectable members do not need this. But God has so
arranged the body, giving the greater honour to the inferior member, that there
may be no dissension within the body, but the members may have the same care for
one another. If one member suffers, all suffer together with it; if one member
is honoured, all rejoice together with it. Now you are the body of Christ and
individually members of it."
Titles For Latest LCCC
Bulletin analysis & editorials from miscellaneous sources published on November 02-03/17
Netanyahu tells May: I don't want to nix Iran deal, just
fix it/Nnetnews/Itamar Eichner/November 02/17
Facebook and Co/Abdulrahman Al-Rashed/Asharq Al Awsat/November 02/17
Germany: Violence Spirals in Refugee Shelters/Soeren Kern/Gatestone
Institute/November 02/17
Stop the "Diversity" Visa Lottery, Gateway for Jihadists/Majid Rafizadeh/Gatestone
Institute/November 02/17
Global Council for Tolerance and Peace launched in Malta, AlJarwan elected
president/NNA/November 02/17
Titles For Latest LCCC Lebanese Related News published on
November 02-03/17
Al-Rahi: Solution to Hizbullah Arms Should Not Hinge on Mideast Solution
French Culture Minister arrives in Beirut
Israeli Jets Bomb Syria Arms Depot
Aoun meets new envoy to Syria
Lebanese Ambassador to Syria Says to Work for 'Benefit of Both Countries'
Aoun Meets ABL Delegation, Assured Banks Not Targeted by Sanctions against
Aoun: New economic vision for Lebanon in the making
Berri Asks Lazzarini to Report New Israeli Violations
Hariri chairs Cabinet session: Saudi Arabia is keen on stability
Hariri Tells Cabinet Saudi Arabia is Keen on Lebanon's Stability
ISF Detains IS Militant Before Joining Group in Syria
Election Supervisory Committee 'Racing Against Time' as Polls Loom
Army Receives U.S. Hellfire Missiles, Mortar Shells
Mashnouq to Bassil: You'll Never be in Position Allowing You to Define My
Delegation of Defence Committee of Italian Chamber of Deputies visits Lebanese
officials, affirms excellent bilateral relations
Tueni urges Security Council to prevent Israel's aggressive, cunning practices
French Culture Minister arrives in Beirut
Lebanese Army intelligence refers Yousef Fakhri Ismail to judiciary for links to
terror Bilal Badr group
Lebanese Army Commander, interlocutors tackle current developments
Lebanese Army seizes explosive devices in Mukheirmeh camp in Ras Baalbek
Khoury at UNESCO conference in Paris: For finding peaceful solution to bring
stability back to region
Titles For Latest LCCC Bulletin For Miscellaneous Reports
And News published on November 02-03/17
Netanyahu tells May: I don't want to nix Iran deal, just
fix it
IS Executed 741 Civilians during Mosul Battle
Iran Offered Support to Qaeda in Exchange for Targeting Gulf: CIA Document
Kuwait: Jaber al-Mubarak Forms his Seventh Cabinet
Moscow Bets on Sochi Conference… Ankara Refuses Kurds’ Participation
13 Dead in Clashes between Turkish Troops, Kurdish Gunmen
Egyptian Army Announces Success in Liquidating Al-Wahat Terrorist Cells
Syria army captures Deir al-Zor city from ISIS
Bin Laden’s handwritten memoirs show Muslim Brotherhood links
Prosecutors Seek EU Arrest Warrant for ex-Catalan Leader
Russians Also Used Instagram for Disinformation Campaign
Scientists discover hidden chamber in Egypt’s Great Pyramid
Latest Lebanese Related News published on November 02-03/17
Al-Rahi: Solution to Hizbullah Arms Should Not
Hinge on Mideast Solution
02/17/Maronite Patriarch Beshara al-Rahi announced Thursday that “the solution
to the issue of Hizbullah and its arms should not hinge on a Middle East
solution,” noting that “the Arab and international communities have a role to
play in this regard.”Al-Rahi was commenting on remarks by President Michel Aoun,
who said Monday that “a solution in the Middle East would lead to a solution for
the issue of Hizbullah's arms.”“The issue of Hizbullah is not purely Lebanese
anymore and it is linked to Arab and international affairs,” the patriarch added
in an interview on LBCI television. “No one can overlook the role of Hizbullah
and Iran in Lebanon and it played a part in the election of the president and
filling the vacuum. Yes there is a significant influence but we must build our
strong, capable and just state – a state that has its entity, role and justice,”
al-Rahi went on to say. “It is not up to us to find the solution but the
solution should not be imposed on us,” the patriarch noted. Asked about the
invitation he has received to visit Saudi Arabia, al-Rahi confirmed that he will
visit the kingdom in two weeks. As for his stance should he be asked by Saudi
officials about Hizbullah's controversial arsenal of arms, the patriarch said
“even Hizbullah does not accept” the notion that its weapons could coexist with
those of the Lebanese Army. “We must look into the situation from all its
aspects,” he added. Al-Rahi also said that “no preconditions” for the visit have
been imposed on him by Riyadh and that his rhetoric will be “a rhetoric of
peace, partnership and love” despite the current tensions between Saudi Arabia
and Iran and Hizbullah.“I'm not a politician to side with a certain party,” he
French Culture Minister arrives in Beirut
Thu 02 Nov 2017/NNA - French
Culture Minister Francoises Nyssen arrived in Beirut this evening, coming from
Paris, on a two-day visit to Lebanon, where she will meet with President Michel
Aoun, Prime Minister Saad Hariri and Culture Minister Ghattas Khoury. Minister
Nyssen will inaugurate the 24th Francophone Book Fair, which will be held in
Beirut on Nov 4 until 12. The visit also includes the announcement of several
cultural partnerships between Lebanon and France. The French official is also
scheduled to visit the National Museum.
Israeli Jets Bomb Syria Arms Depot
Naharnet/November 02/17/Israel's air force bombed a weapons depot in Syria's
Homs province on Wednesday, adding to a series of strikes in recent weeks,
according to a monitoring group. The Britain-based Syrian Observatory for Human
Rights said it was still unclear whether the depot belonged to the Syrian
government or its Lebanese ally Hezbollah. "Israeli planes fired rockets at an
arms depot in the industrial zone of Hisyah, south of the city of Homs, the
observatory's director, Rami Abdel Rahman, told AFP. Syrian television reported
"an aggression" by Israel in the region, adding that the national army had "responded".The
Israeli army refused to comment on the report. Israel has acknowledged carrying
out airstrikes in Syria since the outbreak of the bloody war in the country six
years ago to stop arms deliveries to Hezbollah forces. The Syria observatory
said Israel had also struck an arms depot near the Damascus airport on September
22, and this month targeted a jihadist faction linked to the Islamic State group
in southern Syria, killing at least 10. Israel said last month it had attacked
Syrian government artillery after fire from across the armistice line hit the
Israeli-occupied Golan Heights, and warned it would step up such retaliation in
the future.
Aoun meets new envoy to Syria
The Daily Star/November 02,
2017/BEIRUT: A number of newly appointed diplomats – including the controversial
new envoy to Damascus – met Wednesday with President Michel Aoun, who instructed
them on their mandates while in office. Aoun met with Lebanon’s Ambassador to
Italy Mira Daher Violides, Ambassador to Cyprus Claude Hajal Demashkieh,
Ambassador to Australia Milad Raad and Ambassador to Syria Saad Zakhia,
according to a statement from the presidency’s office. “Aoun provided the
ambassadors with his instructions, wishing them luck in their new diplomatic
missions,” the statement added. Zakhari’s appointment has drawn controversy as
Lebanon does not officially maintain direct relations with the Syrian regime and
the issue of coordinating with the regime over refugee issues has split
government. Prime Minister Saad Hariri last week defended his decision to sign
the appointment decree, arguing that having a Lebanese Embassy in Syria
confirmed Lebanon’s independence and sovereignty.
Lebanese Ambassador to Syria Says to Work for 'Benefit of Both
Naharnet/November 02/17/Newly-appointed Lebanese Ambassador to Syria Saad Zakhia
announced Thursday that he “will work for the benefit of both countries and
peoples,” shortly after he arrived in Damascus to assume his duties. “I'm glad
because I will assume my post in Damascus and I'm happy because I'm in my
country and among my people,” Zakhia said in remarks to al-Manar television.“We
will for for the benefit of both countries and peoples,” the ambassador added,
thanking the Syrian protocol department and authorities for the reception he was
Aoun Meets ABL Delegation, Assured Banks Not Targeted by
Sanctions against Hizbullah
Naharnet/November 02/17/President Michel Aoun stressed during a meeting with a
delegation from the Association of Banks in Lebanon that the country's new
economic vision aims to achieve economic growth, as he was reassured that new
U.S. sanctions against Hizbullah won't target Lebanese banks, the National News
Agency said Thursday. “The new economic vision for Lebanon is in the process of
preparing for achieving the desired economic growth,” Aoun told the delegation
led by ABL chief Joseph Torbey. For his part, Torbey announced that he received
“assurances from US authorities that Lebanon's banking sector will not be
targeted by the new sanctions against Hizbullah as long as it adheres to the
international banking procedures.”A U.S. bill has adopted new measures late in
October designed to thwart Hizbullah's cash flow and finances. The bill directs
the Trump administration to sanction the people and businesses engaged in
fundraising and recruitment activities for the group. Hizbullah is a member of
Lebanon's coalition government and the House measure touched off alarms in
Beirut, where officials feared major damage might be done to the country's
banking sector if the bill is signed into law.
Torbey said earlier that U.S. officials have reassured a Lebanese banking
delegation that visited Washington recently that the sanctions won't target
Lebanese banks as long as they abide by American regulations.He added that the
Lebanese banking delegation tried through its meetings with U.S. officials and
bankers "to shield the Lebanese economy from negative repercussions resulting
from the new laws."
Aoun: New economic vision for Lebanon in the making
Thu 02 Nov 2017/NNA -
President of the Republic, General Michel Aoun, said during his meeting with a
delegation of the Association of Banks in Lebanon, headed by Joseph Torbey, that
"the new economic vision for Lebanon is in the process of preparation in order
to achieve the desired economic growth."
President Aoun told the delegation that "the adoption of the budget, and the
determination of spending and revenues, shall put an end to waste and secure the
financial discipline that has been absent for 12 years."He stressed that "the
adoption of the electoral law and the holding of parliamentary elections next
spring, would give the democratic work in Lebanon added value, and enable the
Lebanese to produce a parliamentary council that reflects their
aspirations."Aoun pointed out that "Lebanon's image abroad has regained its
glory and prestige," and "the visits I have made to a number of Arab and foreign
countries have brought Lebanon back on the map of international concerns.""The
new economic vision, which is being addressed in cooperation with the
government, will shape the necessary directions for the Lebanese economy for
years to come, and will identify the productive sectors that achieve the desired
economic growth.""Security and stability remain the basis. The military and
security forces continue, through pre-emptive operations, to pursue sleeper
terrorist cells, after it succeeded in liberating the mountains from the grip of
terrorist organizations. This shall enhance confidence in the country's security
conditions, and activate regional and international visits to the country and
conferences held in it," President Aoun concluded. "We have received assurances
from the Americans that the banking sector is not targeted by the sanctions
against Hezbollah as long as it adheres to international banking procedures,"
said Joseph Torbey, the president of the Association of Banks in Lebanon.
Berri Asks Lazzarini to Report New Israeli
Naharnet/November 02/17/Speaker Nabih Berri on Thursday met with Philippe
Lazzarini, the Officer-In-Charge of the Office of the U.N. Special Coordinator
for Lebanon, asking him to report “new Israeli violations” to the United
The National News Agency said Berri raised with Lazzarini “the Israeli
violations of Resolution 1701, the attack that targeted the Prophet Ibrahim
shrine in the Shebaa Farms, and Israel's intention to build a border wall that
encroaches on Lebanese territory and represents an occupation and annexation of
more Lebanese land and a violation of Lebanon's sovereignty.”The speaker asked
the U.N. official to “add these new Israeli violations to his report to the U.N.
Secretary-General” and to “raise them with the highest competent U.N.
authorities before the end of this month.”Berri had warned of the aforementioned
violations during his weekly meeting with lawmakers on Wednesday.
Hariri chairs Cabinet session: Saudi Arabia is
keen on stability
Thu 02 Nov 2017/NNA - The Council of Ministers on Thursday met in a regular
session at the Grand Serail, presided over by Prime Minister, Saad Hariri. At
the end of the meeting, Minister of Information, Melhem Riachy, read the
following official statement: "The Council of Ministers held an ordinary session
at the Grand Serail chaired by Prime Minister Saad Hariri and approved the
agenda. At the beginning of the meeting, Prime Minister Hariri talked about his
visit to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, saying "Saudi Arabia is very keen on
stability in Lebanon and all that is mentioned in the media otherwise is not
The Council then approved the agenda, most notably electricity via wind power in
Akkar area." Question: Was there a heated debate between ministers Machnouk and
Bassil? Riachy: There was no heated debate, but discussion took place over some
items related to the permits granted to municipalities on granting building
permits of 150 meters. Question: Is it true that you objected that the Lebanese
Ambassador takes his post in Damascus and submits his credentials? Riachy: Now I
am talking in the name of the government and I will answer the question later
on. The debate was about whether the Ambassador should submit his credentials or
not and some ministers including those of the Lebanese Forces objected the
submission of his credentials in these circumstances. They called for waiting
until a solution was reached between Syria and the Arab League because many
appointed Ambassadors in Syria did not submit their credentials until now.
Question: Were the names of the Ambassadors to Argentina and the Vatican
Riachy: This issue has not been resolved yet but will be soon.
Question: What about the appointments in Tele Liban?
Riachy: This issue was not on the agenda.
As for the postponement of the meeting of the electoral law committee, Riachy
said that postponement was for technical reasons and the committee will hold a
meeting tomorrow.
Hariri Tells Cabinet Saudi Arabia is Keen on
Lebanon's Stability
Naharnet/November 02/17/Saudi Arabia is “very keen on stability in Lebanon,”
Prime Minister Saad Hariri told the Cabinet during a session at the Grand Serail
on Thursday. “Saudi Arabia is very keen on stability in Lebanon and all that is
mentioned in the media to the contrary is not true,” Hariri told the ministers,
according to Information Minister Melhem Riachi. “The Cabinet then approved the
agenda, most notably generating electricity via wind power in the Akkar region,”
Riachi added. Asked whether the session witnessed a “heated debate” between the
ministers Nouhad al-Mashnouq and Jebran Bassil, Riachi said: “There was no
heated debate, but rather a discussion over some items related to the
authorization that was granted to municipalities to offer building permits of
150 meters.”As for Riachi's demand during the session that the newly-appointed
Lebanese ambassador should not assume his post in Damascus or submit his
credentials, Riachi said: “The debate was about whether the Ambassador should
submit his credentials or not and some ministers including those of the Lebanese
Forces objected against the submission of his credentials in these
circumstances.”“They called for waiting until a solution was reached between
Syria and the Arab League because many appointed Ambassadors in Syria have not
submitted their credentials until now,” he added.As for the postponement of the
meeting of the electoral law committee, Riachi said the postponement was for
technical reasons and that the committee will hold a meeting tomorrow, Friday.
ISF Detains IS Militant Before Joining Group in
Naharnet/November 02/17/The Internal Security Forces said in a statement on
Thursday that it arrested a Lebanese-Australian suspect for his links to the
Islamic State extremist group, LBCI reported. “ISF has arrested A.M. for his
affiliation to the IS and after an attempt to travel to Syria to join the
group's ranks,” said the statement. Investigations have shown that the suspect
had resided in Sydney for several years and embraced extremist ideology by
following the publications and videos of the organization through the Internet.
He came to Lebanon on 20/08/2017 with plans to move later on to Syria and join
the group. He used Lebanon as a conduit to be able to obtain his passport from
Australian authorities and a travel permit to leave Australia without drawing
attention. After his arrival in Lebanon, he continued to communicate with
members of the IS in Syria via the Internet. He was linked to a coordinator of
the organization in one of the neighboring countries where he explained his
travel plan to Syria.
Election Supervisory Committee 'Racing Against Time' as Polls Loom
Naharnet/November 02/17/In light of a governmental difficulty to agree on
whether to issue biometric cards for the upcoming parliamentary elections, the
Election Supervisory Committee said on Thursday that time is running out and
stressed the need to complete preparations for the polls away from
procrastination, al-Joumhouria daily reported. “We are in race against time, the
matter can longer tolerate procrastination and waste of time,” sources from the
committee told the daily on condition of anonymity, pointing out that issuance
of biometric voter cards is still an unfinished “obstacle.”“The project referred
from the government to the Finance Committee to cover the issuance expenses of
biometric cards (LL202 billion) was not approved. Similarly it will not be
passed in the parliament therefore the government must withdraw the suggestion,”
they said. Pointing to another obstacle that government ministers should reach
common ground on, the sources said: “Another complicated issue is
pre-registration of voters which is still a controversial issue among the
committee members.” “There is almost complete acceptance in the committee on the
pre-registration of voters in their places of residence, in light of the Free
Patriotic Movement opposition represented by Foreign Minister Jebran Bassil, who
gave no convincing reason for this refusal,” they emphasized. Ministers of
various political parties remain divided over the mechanism of the elections and
whether to approve pre-registration of voters in their places of residency.
Bassil refuses the move and believes it to be a move “targeted against the
freedom of these voters.”For his part Interior Minister Nouhad al-Mashnouq
argues that “the pre-registration of voters has become inevitable,” but sees
“inability” to create voter cards—as per Bassil's insistence-- due to lack of
Lebanon's elections will be held under a complex proportional representation law
for the first time in Lebanon's history. The electoral law was reached after
years of political wrangling and three extensions of parliament's term. The
government will reportedly address other files during its meeting mainly the
file of appointments at State hospitals and the State-owned television, Tele
Army Receives U.S. Hellfire Missiles, Mortar
Naharnet/November 02/17/The Lebanese Army on Thursday received a quantity of
ammunition as part of the U.S. military assistance program, the National News
Agency said. The shipment was received by the army's Logistic Brigade at
Beirut's Rafik Hariri International Airport, NNA said. It included
air-to-surface Hellfire missiles and a quantity of 60mm mortar shells, the
agency added. The army had received two U.S. A-29 Super Tucano light attack
aircraft last month. The planes are designed for counter-insurgency operations.
The U.S. has been a major supporter of the Lebanese Army, which until recently
had been fighting the Islamic State group and al-Qaida's Syrian branch on the
border with Syria. The two groups were ousted from the border region following
Hizbullah and army offensives. Last year, Washington delivered three Huey II
helicopters, raising to 10 the number of such U.S.-made aircraft in Lebanon's
fleet. The U.S. has provided more than $1 billion in military assistance to
Lebanon since 2006.
Mashnouq to Bassil: You'll Never be in Position Allowing You
to Define My Jurisdiction
Agence France Presse/Naharnet/November
02/17/Interior Minister Nouhad al-Mashnouq lashed out fiercely at Foreign
Minister Jebran Bassil on Wednesday in connection with the bickering over the
mechanisms of the new electoral law. “I'm surprised that a minister possessing
experience and intelligence is failing to understand very simple things, such as
that the ongoing debate over (voter) pre-registration is a political debate in
which Minister Mashnouq is not a party,” Mashnouq said in a statement. The
dispute “is between Minister Jebran Bassil and those whom he apparently does not
dare to name,” Mashnouq added. “It seems that Minister Bassil is no longer
differentiating between his limit and the limit of others or between his
position as a minister and his dreams to become an authority above the
Constitution, the state and the institutions,” the minister added, accusing
Bassil of “unacceptable encroachment on jurisdiction and norms.” “I directly
tell Minister Bassil: You are not and will never be in a position allowing you
to define, to me or to my political group, our jurisdiction, role or status in
the Lebanese political system, which we exclusively draw from popular
legitimacy, parliamentary confidence and the Taef constitution,” Mashnouq went
on to say. “Your simplistic belief that you are in a position allowing you to
appoint or sack ministers or to change their portfolios and responsibilities
reflects personal and private dreams that have no place in the Constitution,” he
added. Bassil had on Tuesday described Mashnouq as “a friend on the personal
level” but accused him of “incompetence” regarding “the issue of the
implementation of the electoral law.”"There is political collusion from the side
overseeing the elections, or the interior minister, who is dealing in a lax
manner with the issue of (biometric voting) cards in order to hold the elections
without them. The current conduct regarding the issue of the card is an attempt
to underestimate the intelligence of the Lebanese and the Lebanese should
revolt,” Bassil added, warning of “an intention to rig” the elections.
Delegation of Defence Committee of Italian Chamber of Deputies visits Lebanese
officials, affirms excellent bilateral relations
Thu 02 Nov 2017/NNA - In a press release by the Italian Embassy in Beirut, it
said: "A delegation of the Defence Committee of the Italian Chamber of Deputies,
led by Hon. Francesco Saverio Garofani, paid a 3-day visit to Lebanon during
which meetings were held with Lebanese authorities. The Italian delegation was
received by the Speaker of the Parliament Nabih Berri, the Minister of Defence
Yaacoub Sarraf, the Members of the Defence Committee of the Lebanese Parliament
and the Commander in Chief of the Lebanese Armed Forces, Gen. Joseph Aoun. The
Italian delegation visited as well UNIFIL headquarters in Naqoura and Unifil
Sector West, under Italian command, in Shamaa. In Tyre, they had a meeting with
the President of the Union of the Municipalities of Tyre District, Hassan
Dabbouk. The Italian delegation reaffirmed the excellent relations between Italy
and Lebanon and the important Italian presence in Lebanon, and full support to
the country and its Institutions."
Tueni urges Security Council to prevent Israel's
aggressive, cunning practices
Thu 02 Nov 2017/NNA - State Minister for Combating Corruption, Nicolas Tueni, on
Thursday called on the Security Council and super power countries to prevent
Israel's recurrent hostile, cunning practices, indicating that using Lebanon as
a platform for firing rockets into Syria is a prohibited matter under Resolution
1701. "For the third time in a row and within a month, Israeli jets struck Syria
through the Lebanese airspace.. Using Lebanon as a platform for firing rockets
at Syria is prohibited under resolution 1701, and constitutes an attack on
Lebanese sovereignty," Minister Tueni said in a statement.
French Culture Minister arrives in Beirut
Thu 02 Nov 2017/NNA - French Culture Minister Francoises Nyssen arrived in
Beirut this evening, coming from Paris, on a two-day visit to Lebanon, where she
will meet with President Michel Aoun, Prime Minister Saad Hariri and Culture
Minister Ghattas Khoury. Minister Nyssen will inaugurate the 24th Francophone
Book Fair, which will be held in Beirut on Nov 4 until 12. The visit also
includes the announcement of several cultural partnerships between Lebanon and
France. The French official is also scheduled to visit the National Museum.
Lebanese Army intelligence refers Yousef Fakhri
Ismail to judiciary for links to terror Bilal Badr group
Thu 02 Nov 2017/NNA -
Army Intelligence referred the Palestinian Yousef Fakhi Ismail to the concerned
court for links to the Bilal Badr group affiliated to the terror Daesh
Organization, army command said in a communiqué on Thursday.
Ismail partook in the recent battles which occurred inside Ain al-Hilweh
Palestinian camp and was associated with the terrorist Fadi Ibrahim Ahmad Ali
Ahmed, nicknamed as "Abu Khattab".
Lebanese Army Commander, interlocutors tackle
current developments
Thu 02 Nov 2017/NNA - Army Commander, General Joseph Aoun, on Thursday met at
his Yarzeh office with MP Qassem Abdel Aziz, with talks reportedly touching on
most recent developments in the country. Major General Aoun also met with UN
Deputy Special Coordinator, Resident and Humanitarian Coordinator, Philippe
Lazzarini, with whom he discussed the overall situation in Lebanon and the
broader region. Among General Aoun's itinerant visitors for today had been
Businessman Wadih Al-Absi.
Lebanese Army seizes explosive devices in
Mukheirmeh camp in Ras Baalbek mountains
Thu 02 Nov 2017/NNA - The Army Command - Orientation Directorate - issued on
Thursday the following statement: "Today, an Army force in the Mukheirmeh camp
seized seven explosive devices, each weighing 5 kg, and two bombs weighing 30
and 40 kilograms, all of them ready for detonation, as well as a number of
grenades and mortars shells and light and medium-sized ammunition, left behind
by terrorist organizations. An Army Engineering Corps dismantled and detonated
the findings."
Khoury at UNESCO conference in Paris: For finding peaceful solution to bring
stability back to region
Thu 02 Nov 2017/NNA - Culture Minister, Dr Ghattas Khoury, delivered Lebanon's
speech at the 39th General Conference of UNESCO, in which he said: "It is an
honor and a privilege to address the 39th General Conference of UNESCO. For
decades, this organization has defended an inclusive vision for humanity and
safeguarded a place for education, science and culture. Lebanon is proud to be
one of its founding members. Let me begin by sincerely congratulating Mrs.
Audrey Azoulay on her election as Director General of this prestigious
organization. Lebanon fully supports the Director General's program for the
reform of UNESCO, which we hope will make this organization even more effective
within the scope of its mandate. Lebanon and UNESCO are bound by special ties.
Our country is fortunate to be home to five UNESCO classified World Heritage
Sites, and is seeking to add the Tripoli International Fair, one of the largest
exhibition centers in the world, designed in 1963 by the famed Brazilian
architect Oscar Niemeyer. UNESCO occupies a privileged position among Lebanon's
partners in the international community and our cooperation spans various
In the realm of education, UNESCO is working closely with Lebanon to provide
primary and secondary education to all children by 2030. The Lebanese government
is committed to expanding access to free education for vulnerable children.
Today one child in four in Lebanon is a Syrian refugee, displaced by war and
deeply affected by conflict. The government has been able to waive school fees
for this population, but the ongoing situation has strained our limited
resources. We call on members of the international community to share this
In the domain of social and human sciences, our collaboration with UNESCO has
also been fruitful. We take pride in the choice of Byblos, a coastal city that
was the cradle of the alphabet, as host city for the International Center for
Human Sciences. This center promotes democracy and the culture of peace by
sponsoring research on key issues around democratic transitions, with a
particular focus on the role of young women and men. In the realm of physical
cultural heritage, Lebanon has made significant progress in fighting the illicit
trafficking of cultural property and implementing international conventions,
including the 1970 UNESCO convention. We have worked jointly with UNESCO's
office in Beirut to raise awareness and fight the trafficking of antiquities and
cultural property. We recognize that culture stands at the crossroads of social
advancement and innovation and creates opportunities for economic development.
To set a vision for Lebanon's cultural revival, we recently launched a five-year
strategy and plan to support growth across various sectors. In tandem with this
plan, we are strengthening laws that protect ancient buildings and monuments,
and establishing a national cultural policy on intangible heritage. Across these
efforts, we look to UNESCO and our partners in the international community for
their valued support and guidance. Without a doubt, the proliferation of
extremist ideologies is one of the biggest threats facing our civilized world
today. We are firm believers that positive exchanges in culture, education, and
the arts are an important tool in this long and difficult war against radical
extremism, which cannot be fought through military means alone. We believe that
UNESCO, which has, since its inception devoted itself to promoting
understanding, dialogue and peace among the peoples of the world, has a central
role to play in confronting extremism. During the last UN General Assembly, the
President of the Republic, General Michel Aoun, issued a call for Lebanon to
serve as a center for dialogue among civilizations at a time when hatred and
wars are ravaging countries. Lebanon is well-positioned to host this exchange,
as it provides a powerful example of religious coexistence and cultural
diversity. In closing, I would like to remind you all of the horrendous images
we have seen of historical and archaeological sites being destroyed throughout
Syria and Iraq. Our region's cultural heritage is under attack, and our rich
past is being systematically destroyed. It is painful to watch sites being
decimated knowing that they represent our shared history and identity, and can
never be replaced. These horrors must come to an immediate end. As Lebanon reels
from the spill-over effects of the war in Syria, we cannot but underline the
urgency of finding a peaceful solution to bring stability back to the region. We
call on all actors to intensify their efforts in support of the UN-led political
track seeking a solution to the conflict. Lebanon stands ready to continue its
collaboration with UNESCO to create a sustainable, equitable and peaceful
community for all."
Latest LCCC Bulletin For Miscellaneous Reports
And News published on November 02-03/17
Netanyahu tells May: I don't want to nix Iran deal, just fix it
Ynetnews/Itamar Eichner/November
During meeting at 10 Downing Street, the Israeli PM tells his British
counterpart 'who want to keep the deal should cooperate in correcting the deal,'
warning that 'Iran is determined to achieve not only regional hegemony, but to
develop nuclear weapons as well.'Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu told British
Prime Minister Theresa May Thursday that he would not work to cancel the nuclear
deal signed between Iran and world powers, but rather seek to improve and fix
it. "The goal that I have in mind is not keeping or eliminating the deal; it’s
improving the deal and correcting its main flaws," Netanyahu said during the two
leaders' meeting at 10 Downing Street. "And I think those who want to keep the
deal should cooperate in correcting the deal." Netanyahu has repeatedly
called in the past to nix the nuclear deal with Tehran altogether, dubbing it a
"bad deal," while May has been a staunch supporter of the agreement, even after
US President Donald Trump declared he will not certify it again. "Arab countries
now see Israel not as an enemy, but as their indispensable ally in the battle
against militant Islam. The threat we all see is a resurgent Iran that is bent
not only on dominating the region, but bent on developing nuclear weapons,"
Netanyahu told May. The prime minister was in London to attend a banquet hosted
by descendants of Balfour and the recipient of his declaration, Jewish community
leader Walter Rothschild, in the gilded halls of Lancaster House mansion.
"Israel is committed to peace, I’m committed to peace," Netanyahu stressed. "A
hundred years after Balfour, the Palestinians should finally accept the Jewish
national home and finally accept the Jewish state. And when they do, the road to
peace will be infinitely closer. In my opinion, peace will be achievable."
Netanyahu thanked May for welcoming him, "and for inviting me to mark with pride
a great historical event, a great event in Jewish history, British history and
world history."He went on to say that "A hundred years ago, the Balfour
Declaration helped pave the way for the reestablishment of an independent state
for the Jewish people in our ancestral homeland. A hundred years later, our two
countries, our two democracies – Israel and Britain – are strong allies and
partners. "We cooperate closely on intelligence. We cooperate closely in the
battle against terrorism. And we’ve saved, through this cooperation, countless
lives—British lives, Israeli lives. We cooperate in cybersecurity, in
technology, in business and enterprise. We share the values of freedom and
democracy and peace," he added. The Israeli premier also thanked May for her
"resolute stand against anti-Semitism, for your resolute stand on the historical
truth."Netanyahu also met with British Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson on
Thursday. On Friday morning, he is scheduled to speak at Chatham House and
answer questions. Later, Netanyahu and his wife Sara will participate in an
event at the London Stock Exchange, with the Israel prime minister opening the
trade. He will then meet with heads of corporations in Britain. On Sunday,
Netanyahu will meet with Britain's chief rabbi and then with the heads of the
Jewish community in the country. He will return to Israel on Sunday.
IS Executed 741 Civilians during Mosul Battle
Agence France Presse/Naharnet/November 02/17/The Islamic State group executed
741 civilians in the battle for the Iraqi city of Mosul, the U.N. said Thursday,
accusing the jihadists of perpetrating "international crimes" during the
nine-month military campaign. A total of 2,521 civilians were killed, mostly by
IS attacks, during the fight between IS and the internationally-backed Iraqi
Security Forces (ISF) that ended in July, the UN rights office said in a report.
"Those responsible must answer for their heinous crimes", the United Nations
High Commissioner for Human Rights, Zeid Ra'ad Al Hussein, said in a statement.
Mosul, Iraq's second city, was captured by IS in 2014 and became the capital of
the group's self-styled "caliphate" in the country. Following IS' defeat in the
city, the rights office said it had compiled witness testimony documenting "mass
abductions of civilians, the use of thousands as human shields, the intentional
shelling of civilian residences, and indiscriminate targeting of civilians
trying to flee the city." More than 800,000 people were displaced by the
fighting, the report said. The rights office also called for investigations into
alleged violations committed by the ISF and their allies, including militia
groups. The report "recorded 461 civilian deaths as a result of airstrikes
during the most intensive phase of the ISF-led offensive from 19 February," the
U.N. said in a statement, noting that it was impossible to establish
responsibility for the strikes "in almost all cases."The rights office urged the
Iraqi government to invite the International Criminal Court to investigate the
country's situation "as an immediate step.""By prosecuting those responsible for
'international crimes' in Mosul the Iraqi authorities would be sending a message
to the people of Iraq who have suffered, no matter when or where, that justice
is eventually delivered," the rights office said.
Iran Offered Support to Qaeda in Exchange for Targeting
Gulf: CIA Document
Asharq Al Awsat/November 02/17/The Central Intelligence Agency
(CIA) on Wednesday released a vast archive of nearly 470,000 files found on a
computer seized in the May 2, 2011, US raid on Osama bin Laden’s hideout in
Abbottabad, Pakistan. CIA Director Mike Pompeo authorized the release in the
interest of transparency and to enhance public understanding of Qaeda and its
former leader. "Today's release ... provides the opportunity for the American
people to gain further insights into the plans and workings of this terrorist
organization," said Pompeo. One 19-page document describes an offer by Iran to
provide Qaeda with “money, arms” and “training in Hezbollah camps in Lebanon, in
exchange for striking American interests in Saudi Arabia and the Gulf”,
according to the Guardian, quoting The Long War Journal, a US-based website,
which has received some material in advance and reported that the documents give
new details of the terrorist group’s relationship with Iran. But the files also
show Tehran and the extremists sometimes had stark disagreements, and bin Laden
once wrote to Iranian leader Ali Khamenei to demand his relatives be released.
"Other files show that Qaeda kidnapped an Iranian diplomat in order to force an
exchange," according to Thomas Joscelyn, a scholar from the Foundation for
Defense of Democracies. "Osama bin Laden's correspondence shows that he and his
lieutenants were also concerned that the Iranians would track (his son) Hamza or
other family members after they were released." Mor so, the documents confirmed
the previously reported visits by Osama bin Laden to Western countries,
including his visit to Britain as a teenager for treatment, when he says that he
discovered that the West community was “a morally loose society”. He returned
the following year for study, spending about 10 weeks in Oxford to study
Kuwait: Jaber al-Mubarak Forms his Seventh Cabinet
Asharq Al Awsat/November 02/17/Kuwait’s Emir reappointed Prime Minister Sheikh
Jaber al-Mubarak on Wednesday and asked him to form a cabinet, two days after
the government stepped down. This would be the 35th government in Kuwait since
1962, and the 7th for Mubarak, whose cabinets have witnessed relative stability
compared to governments headed by his predecessor former prime minister Nasser
Mohammed. The Emir of Kuwait issued a royal decree to appoint Sheikh Jaber
al-Mubarak as prime minister and assigned him to nominate members of the new
government. The cabinet had resigned ahead of a planned vote of no-confidence in
parliament against Minister of State for Cabinet Affairs and Acting Information
Minister Sheikh Mohammad Al-Abdullah Al-Sabah. The minister faces accusations of
negligence in tackling the problem of unemployment, and of employing
non-Kuwaitis in important posts despite having qualified Kuwaiti nationals. He
is also accused of disregarding strict monitoring on spending in some state
institutions, which has allegedly led to the loss of millions of dollars. The
minister has denied the charges and noted that the unemployment rate has
remarkably dropped to 3.3 percent thanks to the government’s efforts. Sheikh
Jaber, 74, has been prime minister since 2011. His political career began as a
minister in successive governments since 1986. This will be the seventh cabinet
to be formed by him in six years.
Moscow Bets on Sochi Conference… Ankara Refuses Kurds’ Participation
Asharq Al Awsat/November 02/17/Despite the announcement of Syrian opposition
factions and Ankara's rejection of the participation of any Kurdish party,
Russia is still pinning hopes and intends to discuss their participation with
international and regional powers to influence their positions. Russian Deputy
Foreign Minister Sergey Ryabkov said in statements on Wednesday that Russia does
not consider the rejection of the Higher Negotiations Committee (HNC) a final
decision. “We continue to discuss this matter and work with all involved
parties,” Ryabkov said, describing their positions as kind of signal, “which the
opposition has issued earlier on other different stances.”He expressed his
conviction that "in cooperation with those forces that have real influence on
the opposition, we will still be able to move in a direction that obviously
takes into account the beginnings that were formulated in Geneva, during the
previous rounds of negotiations."For his part, Secretary General of People’s
Will Party Qadri Jamil, also the Head of Russia-based Moscow Platform group,
announced his position in an official statement in which he said that they
haven't received an official invitation yet for the Sochi conference. He,
however, noted that his group supports any step that could push forward the
political process. Cairo platform welcomed the Russian invitation in case it
would lead to a political transition in Syria. “We are with any conference that
is carried out to achieve political transition under the virtue of UN
resolutions (2254) and (2118), Geneva I and II and other relevant documents,”
Member of Cairo platform Fares al-Khalid told RIA Novosti on Wednesday. Earlier,
Leader and Founder of Alghad Alsoury Current (The Syrian Tomorrow Current) Ahmad
Jarba said the opposition must sit with the Syrian government to reach a
political solution in Syria. He said that there are chances to resolve the
crisis in Syria, saying "we have reached a deadlock in the Syrian crisis and
that requires us to hold a dialogue conference.” The Russian-sponsored congress
of Syrian national dialogue will support the Geneva talks, Jarba added, pointing
out that "all components in Syria will take part in it."Regarding the
participation of the Kurds in the conference, Spokesman for the Turkish
presidency Ibrahim Kalin said during a press conference that Russia’s invitation
to the Kurdish-led Democratic Union Party (PYD) and its armed affiliate,
People’s Protection Units (YPG), to the congress is “unacceptable,” adding that
the Turkish government considered it an “imposition”.
13 Dead in Clashes between Turkish Troops, Kurdish Gunmen
Asharq Al Awsat/November 02/17/Eight members of the Turkish security forces and
five Kurdish militants were killed in clashes on Thursday in Turkey's restive
southeast that borders northern Iraq, the army said. Six soldiers and two
military security guards died while two soldiers were wounded -- one heavily --
after fighting broke out in the Semdinli district of Hakkari province, the armed
forces said in a statement. The military reported it had killed five members of
the "separatist terror organization", Turkey's official term for the outlawed
Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK). It was not possible to independently verify the
toll. The armed forces said the militants were "trying to benefit from the heavy
fog and bad weather conditions" to launch an attack. The military operations in
the region continue, the army said. The PKK is proscribed as a terrorist
organization by Turkey, the United States and the European Union.
Egyptian Army Announces Success in Liquidating Al-Wahat
Terrorist Cells
Asharq Al Awsat/November 02/17/The Egyptian security operation,
which succeeded in eliminating the perpetrators of the terrorist attack in Al-Wahat
area, has uncovered the great danger posed by that terrorist cell. Brigadier
Khalid Akasha, member of the National Council for Combating Terrorism and
Extremism, told Asharq Al-Awsat that the number of the cell members exceeded 50
persons, who were equipped with modern weaponry not available inside Egypt, and
that they infiltrated from Libya to carry out dozens of terrorist operations
through potential cells spread in several provinces, waiting for orders to start
the mission. The Egyptian Army announced on Wednesday its success in eliminating
the remaining perpetrators of the terrorist attack in Al-Wahat, which took place
about two weeks ago. Egyptian President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi visited the officer
Mohammed al-Hayes, who was rescued during a raid against terrorist suspects in
western Fayoum, which included a military air strike. Hayes was freed by
security forces after he was abducted during confrontations with terrorists,
that left 16 policemen killed and 13 wounded. The two-day clashes that started
on October 20 also left 15 militants either dead or injured. Sisi, accompanied
by Interior Minister Majdy Abdel-Ghaffar, visited the police officer who was
receiving treatment at a military hospital in Cairo. Ambassador Bassam Radi,
spokesman for the presidency, said the president praised the efforts of the
military and security forces in confronting terrorism and keeping the security
and stability of Egypt. A statement issued by the Egyptian armed forces said
that the Air Force, in cooperation with the security forces and the police, had
identified and tracked the fugitive terrorist group in the desert region west of
Fayoum and carried out a precise air strike that resulted in the elimination of
all terrorist elements in the area. The Egyptian army published a videotape of
the successful operation carried out in cooperation with the police, which
resulted in the elimination of a number of terrorist elements in Al-Wahat and
the liberation of Hayes.
Syria army captures Deir al-Zor city from ISIS
AFP/Friday, 3 November 2017/Syria’s army and allied fighters have captured the
city of Deir al-Zor from the ISIS group in a Russian-backed operation, a monitor
said on Thursday. There was no immediate confirmation from official sources,
though state media earlier reported army advances in the city in the country’s
east. "Regime forces and allied fighters... with Russian air support have full
control of Deir al-Zor city," the Britain-based Syrian Observatory for Human
Rights said. "Fighting has ended, now there are sweeping operations under way,"
Observatory director Rami Abdel Rahman said. Earlier, the Observatory and Syrian
state media reported Syrian government troops had captured three new
neighborhoods from the militants. But a military source had said the government
only held around 80 percent of the city. Syria’s army broke into Deir al-Zor in
September, ending an ISIS siege of nearly three years on government-held parts
of the city. ISIS once held most of Deir al-Zor province, an oil-rich region
that runs along the eastern border with Iraq. But it is under attack from two
separate campaigns, including the regime’s Russian-backed assault, and another
operation by the US-backed Syrian Democratic Forces, an alliance of Kurdish and
Arab fighters.
Bin Laden’s handwritten memoirs show Muslim Brotherhood
Staff writer, Al Arabiya EnglishThursday, 2 November 2017/The
Central Intelligence Agency archived documents belonging to Osama bin Laden
released Wednesday reveal bin Laden’s ideological beginnings stemming from the
Muslim brotherhood. The CIA released documents and videos seized during the 2011
US raid in bin Laden’s Abbottabad, Pakistan compound where he was killed.
According to researchers at American think tank, the Foundation for Defense of
Democracy (FDD), who obtained the declassified documents for the first time, a
video showing the wedding of bin Laden's son was present along with his private
diaries as well as still images and notes written by bin Laden in his own
handwriting. "I was committed to the Muslim Brotherhood, despite their limited
curriculum," Bin Laden said in one of his memoirs. "The first time I thought of
jihad, at any stage of your life," bin Laden said, was that it was in "secondary
school.""I was religious from a young age, I keep my prayers and my mother takes
care of me from other aspects," he said. "There was no one guiding me like the
Brotherhood was, it was just natural instinct,” he said on his hand written
The documents also show evidence of al-Qaeda's ties to Iran in terms of funding,
recruitment and support, as well as facilitations made by Iran for accommodation
and visas.
Prosecutors Seek EU Arrest
Warrant for ex-Catalan Leader
Agence France Presse/Naharnet/November 02/17/Spanish prosecutors requested a
European arrest warrant for Catalonia's axed leader Carles Puigdemont Thursday
after he failed to show up to be grilled by a judge over his role in the
region's tumultuous quest for independence. In another day of drama in Spain's
worst political crisis in decades, prosecutors in Madrid asked a judge to
approve the warrant for Puigdemont and four of his former ministers, all thought
to be in Belgium, a judicial source said. The source, who declined to be named,
said Puigdemont had "publicly announced his intention not to appear," adding
that he and two other former ministers asked to appear via videoconference
"without giving any information as to where they are."Prosecutors also asked for
the preventive detention of eight of Puigdemont's ministers who did adhere with
a legal summons to face accusations of sedition, rebellion and misuse of public
Fuel' to fire
A total of 19 people including Puigdemont, his deputy Oriol Junqueras and the
speaker of the Catalan regional parliament had been summoned to be questioned on
Thursday. A hearing of the speaker and five others at the Supreme Court was
adjourned until November 9 after their lawyers requested more time to prepare
their defense. But a judge at the National Court pressed ahead with separate
proceedings concerning Puigdemont and his fellow former ministers. The judge,
Carmen Lamela, was due to make a ruling later on Thursday. Under Spanish law,
rebellion carries a jail sentence of up to 30 years and sedition up to 15 years.
As they arrived at court on Thursday, the Catalan leaders, who were deposed by
Madrid on Friday after the regional parliament declared independence, were
greeted by cheering supporters but booed by opponents brandishing red-and-yellow
Spanish flags. "You are not alone," a group of around 30 people, mostly Catalan
lawmakers, chanted as the former regional ministers ran the gauntlet of a mass
of photographers and TV crews. "The conflict between Catalonia and the Spanish
state won't be resolved through courts and violence," said former Catalan
president Artur Mas, in Madrid to show his support. "The more fuel and wood you
add to the fire, the bigger it becomes."
Independence drive
Catalan demands for independence date back centuries but have surged in recent
years, in part due to a difficult economic situation that has left many Catalans
fuming about their taxes going to Madrid. Puigdemont's government organized an
independence referendum on October 1 despite a court ban. Spanish police tried
and failed to stop it, in some cases firing rubber bullets at people defending
polling stations. A declaration of independence by the Catalan parliament
followed last Friday, greeted by celebrations on the streets of Barcelona. But
that same day, Spanish Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy's government dismissed the
regional government and imposed direct rule on the semi-autonomous northeastern
He also called fresh Catalan elections for December 21.
Puigdemont should have come
Back in Barcelona on Thursday, several hundred demonstrators gathered in front
of the regional assembly chanting "freedom" and "Puigdemont is our president.""(Puigdemont)
hasn't fled, it is a political strategy... forcing the EU to take a stand," said
protestor Jorde Segu, 68, a retiree. "He's a hero," added secretary Lidia
Amoraga, 62. Puigdemont, 54, explained in a statement from Belgium that some
members of his government would go to the National Court "to denounce the drive
of Spanish justice to pursue political ideas." But others, including himself,
"will stay in Brussels to decry this political process to the international
community."It was not clear how coordinated the actions were, however. Javier
Melero, the lawyer of two of the parliamentary members under investigation, said
Puigdemont should have turned up.
Catalans, fiercely proud of their language and culture, remain deeply divided
about independence, polls indicate. The European Union, several members of which
have disgruntled regions of their own, has swung firmly behind Rajoy. In
addition, there are signs of growing divisions in the separatist camp, with many
unhappy with Puigdemont, particularly now he is hundreds of miles away. Adding
to concerns, Spain's central bank also warned Thursday that the region risks
suffering an economic recession if the strife continues, slowing down Spain's
Russians Also Used Instagram for Disinformation Campaign
Agence France Presse/Naharnet/November 02/17/The Russian-led effort to spread
misinformation and sow discord ahead of the 2016 US election also used the
social network Instagram, parent company Facebook acknowledged in Congress on
Wednesday.Facebook general counsel Colin Stretch told a hearing that Instagram
posts by suspect Russian accounts were seen by some 20 million Americans last
year. "We now discovered, in the last 48 hours, 120,000 Russian-based posts on
Instagram," Stretch told the Senate Intelligence Committee hearing. The latest
data on Instagram is on top of the estimated 126 million Americans exposed to
Facebook posts from Russian entities seeking to create divisions during the
election campaign. "So all told, that gets you to approximately -- a little less
than 150 million," Stretch said in response to questioning from Democratic
Senator Mark Warner. The hearing was the second in Congress this week in which
social media and internet firms including Google and Twitter have been called to
explain how fake news and other disinformation was allowed to spread during the
election campaign. Many of the social media posts came from the Internet
Research Agency, which has been linked to Russian intelligence efforts to
disrupt the US election. Twitter told lawmakers on Tuesday it found that nearly
37,000 automated "bot" accounts with Russian links generated 1.4 million tweets
that were seen by a potential 288 million people in the three months before the
November presidential election. Google has found accounts linked to Russia which
launched ads on YouTube, the video-sharing platform of the internet giant.Kent
Walker, the general counsel for Google, said the company would release a
transparency report next year "showing data about who is buying election ads on
our platform and how much money is being spent."
- Lawmakers split -Warner, who has become one of the most vocal critics of the
internet firms, repeated his claim that the social media operations were
"Russian operatives are attempting to infiltrate and manipulate American social
media to hijack the national conversation and to make Americans angry, to set us
against ourselves and, at their most basic, to undermine our democracy," the
senator said. Republican Senator Richard Burr however downplayed the Russian
role, arguing the media has blown it out of proportion. "A lot of folks,
including many in the media have tried to reduce this entire conversation to one
premise; foreign actors conducted a surgical executed covert operation to help
elect a United States president," Burr told the hearing.
"I'm here to tell you this story does not simplify that easily. It is
shortsighted and dangerous to selectively focus on one piece of information and
think that that somehow tells the whole story."Democrat Dianne Feinstein, who
represents California, said the internet firms "have a huge problem" to fix.
"You've created these platforms, and now they are being misused, and you have to
be the ones to do something about it, or we will," Feinstein told the lawyers
for the companies. Twitter general counsel Sean Edgett said the messaging
platform is "troubled" by the apparent misuse by foreign actors and is working
to remedy the problem. He said less than one percent of election-related tweets
people saw came from Russian-linked automated accounts but acknowledged that
there were "instances where Russian-linked activity was more pronounced."
Scientists discover hidden chamber in Egypt’s Great Pyramid
The Associated Press, CairoThursday, 2 November 2017/Scientists say they have
found a hidden chamber in Egypt’s Great Pyramid of Giza, in what would be the
first such discovery in the structure since the 19th century and one likely to
spark a new surge of interest in the pharaohs. In an article published in the
journal Nature on Thursday, an international team said the 30-meter void deep
within the pyramid is situated above the structure’s Grand Gallery, and has a
similar cross-section. The purpose of the space is unclear, and it’s not yet
known whether it was built with a function in mind or if it’s merely a gap in
the pyramid’s architecture. Some experts say such empty spaces have been known
for years. “This is a premier,” said Mehdi Tayoubi, a co-founder of the
ScanPyramids project and president of the Heritage Innovation Preservation
Institute. “It could be composed of one or several structures... maybe it could
be another Grand Gallery. It could be a chamber, it could be a lot of
things.”The scientists made the discovery using cosmic-ray imaging, recording
the behavior of subatomic particles called muons that penetrate the rock similar
to X-rays, only much deeper. Their paper was peer-reviewed before appearing in
Nature, an international, interdisciplinary journal of science.
Scanning methods
Egypt’s former antiquities minister and famed archaeologist Zahi Hawass, who has
been testing scanning methods and heads the government’s oversight panel for the
new techniques, said that the area in question has been known of for years and
thus does not constitute a discovery. He has long downplayed the usefulness of
scans of ancient sites. “The Great Pyramid is full of voids. We have to be
careful how results are presented to the public,” he said, adding that one
problem facing the international team is that it did not have an Egyptologist as
a member. He said the chamber was likely empty space builders used to construct
the rooms below. “In order to construct the Grand Gallery, you had to have a
hollow, or a big void in order to access it - you cannot build it without such a
space,” he said. “Large voids exist between the stones and may have been left as
construction gaps.”
Khufu's pyramid
The pyramid is also known as Khufu’s Pyramid for its builder, a 4th Dynasty
pharaoh who reigned from 2509 to 2483 B.C. Visitors to the pyramid, on the
outskirts of Cairo, can walk, hunched over, up a long tunnel to reach the Grand
Gallery. The space announced by the scanning team does not appear to be
connected to any known internal passages. Scientists involved in the scanning
called the find a “breakthrough” that highlighted the usefulness of modern
particle physics in archaeology. “It was hidden, I think, since the construction
of the pyramid,” Tayoubi added. The Great Pyramid, the last surviving wonder of
the ancient world, has captivated visitors since it was built as a royal burial
chamber some 4,500 years ago. Experts are still divided over how it and other
pyramids were constructed, so even relatively minor discoveries generate great
Late last year, for example, thermal scanning identified a major anomaly in the
Great Pyramid - three adjacent stones at its base which registered higher
temperatures than others. Speculation that King Tutankhamun’s tomb contains
additional antechambers stoked interest in recent years, before scans by
ground-penetrating radar and other tools came up empty, raising doubts about the
claim. The muon scan is accomplished by planting special plates inside and
around the pyramid to collect data on the particles, which rain down from the
earth’s atmosphere. They pass through empty spaces but can be absorbed or
deflected by harder surfaces, allowing scientists to study their trajectories
and discern what is stone and what is not. Several plates were used to
triangulate the void discovered in the Great Pyramid. While the technology can
detect large open spaces, it cannot discern what is inside, so it’s not known if
the empty space contains any objects. Tayoubi said the team plans to work with
others to come up with hypotheses about the area. “The good news is that the
void is there, and it’s very big,” he said.
Latest LCCC Bulletin analysis & editorials from
miscellaneous sources published on November
Facebook and Co
Abdulrahman Al-Rashed/Asharq Al Awsat/November 02/17
A view worth considering: representatives of three major corporations swearing
in before US congressional committee and surrendering to the state that made it
clear to them: our interests are far more important than your gains.
The information technology trilogy: Facebook, Twitter, and Google were feeding
information to over two billion people in the world and flaunted the fact that
they broke down walls, canceled censorship, and spread facts. They are now
admitting that they have become a major issue.
US authorities are now convinced more than ever that Facebook, Twitter, Google
and other social media outlets pose a threat to the regime and the society
because they spread terrorism and hatred and manipulate people in elections.
They were summoned to open sessions, and with the threat of consequences if they
lied under oath, they admitted to shocking information. Those corporations are
afraid their charges will turn into conspiracy against the state and treason, if
it was proven that they knew, or traded the information in elections to
influence constituents’ political stances or create internal strives.
Facebook admitted that 126,000 US citizens read or dealt with information that
seemed to have been issued from the US, but in reality were sent from a building
in Pittsburgh, Russia. Most information and news were false and incentive
against immigrants, Muslims and others. Ten million users received political
advertisements which turned out to be paid from Russia.
Twitter confessed that during the same period, it detected three thousand
Russian accounts backed by 36 thousand fake accounts, electronic army, that
tweeted million and a half times. As for Google, it announced that about five
thousand Russian-funded ads appeared in the search, as well as thousand videos
from Russia on YouTube of duration of 43 hours.
A large amount of information proved that information technology companies were
like Trojan horse, they carried the US enemy, with the public unaware they were
The companies justified their position saying they are platforms and not in the
content business, except for Google that has intel activity. All of them pledged
to reconsider and enhance their electronic surveillance that screens the enemy
from the friend and ends the media content directed for inside US and prevent
directed foreign advertisements. Of course, the accused Russia is also a victim
of US dumping, targeting it politically and aiming at its regime. So, we are
before a wide-ranged misleading destructive war of information.
Major countries complain about this; countries that have huge capabilities to
direct and educate and with immense military capabilities. What about our
countries facing the same problem? Here's a similar crisis: Qatar is using
information weapons against countries like Saudi Arabia, Egypt, UAE, and
Bahrain. The countries considered this a direct target against their stability
and presence. To stop Doha, the four countries announced that dealing with Qatar
is treason.
Over the past five months, the quartet tried to destruct all that Qatar built
whether they were means or affiliates. The confrontation ended most of the
Qatari instigation platforms, which had been trying to compensate their losses
by infiltrating into open free markets like Kuwait and using its platforms.
Qatar, a pioneer in this field, recruited accounts in the targeted countries, as
well as electronic armies, to spread fake news, bragging that it is promoting
Arab Spring. But the truth is that its inclinations are toward a political group
like extreme Islamist groups, aiming to topple or weaken regimes.
Many of the information people receive on WhatsApp, Twitter, or Facebook are
created with political goals to spread fake information. Such information is not
worth freedom of expression and access. The US, a leader of freedom in the
world, decided to change its concepts. Freedom of expression doesn't mean
freedom of the foreigner to interfere, influence, and change.
Germany: Violence Spirals in Refugee Shelters
Soeren Kern/Gatestone Institute/November 02/17
German authorities have justified their failure to inform the public about the
scale of the problem by citing the privacy rights of the criminal offenders.
Experts have long warned that the practice of housing migrants from different
ethnic and religious backgrounds in tight accommodations is the ideal breeding
ground for violence.
"A maintenance man who worked in a refugee shelter reported 'mafia-like'
conditions. Refugees were required to pay for access to the electrical sockets
there." — Der Tagesspiegel.
Violent crime, including murder, rape and physical assault, is running rampant
in German asylum shelters, according to a leaked intelligence report. German
authorities, who appear powerless to stem the rising tide of violence, have
justified their failure to inform the public about the scale of the problem by
citing the privacy rights of the criminal offenders.
The report, leaked to the newspaper Bild, was prepared for Markus Ulbig, the
interior minister of Saxony, where more than 40,000 migrants are being housed in
refugee shelters. According to the report, there were ten murders or attempted
murders at Saxon migrant shelters in 2016, as well as 960 physical assaults, 671
cases of grievous bodily injury, seven rapes, 10 sexual assaults of children and
268 cases of drug trafficking. The report also cited hundreds of incidents of
theft, coercion, arson, brawls and attacks on police officers.
The violence at Saxon migrant shelters continued during the first six months of
2017: there were more than 500 physical assaults, several homicides and hundreds
of reported thefts.
Experts have long warned that the practice of housing migrants from different
ethnic and religious backgrounds in tight accommodations is the ideal breeding
ground for violence.
In Germany as a whole, around 40,000 crimes — nearly 150 each day — were
reported in refugee shelters during the first nine months of 2016, according to
another leaked report by the Federal Criminal Police (Bundeskriminalamt, BKA).
These crimes included 17,200 physical assaults, 6,500 thefts, 510 sexual
assaults and 139 murders or attempted murders.
Observers say this is just the tip of the iceberg, as most crimes go unreported
out of a fear of revenge. The BKA does not make public its data about migrant
shelter criminality and there have been no additional leaks of such information.
Anecdotal evidence, however, suggests that migrant-on-migrant crime is endemic
across Germany.
Migrant men exercise at the shelter where they live in Sarstedt, Germany, on
November 17, 2015. (Photo by Alexander Koerner/Getty Images)
In Saxony-Anhalt, for instance, a parliamentary inquiry into a stabbing between
Afghans at an asylum shelter in Bernburg revealed that migrants have assaulted
other migrants at shelters across the state, including in Aschersleben,
Ballenstedet, Bitterfeld-Wolfen, Burg, Dessau-Rosslau, Eckartsberg, Genthin,
Haldensleben, Halle, Harbke, Kemberg, Leuna, Lutherstadt Eisleben, Magdeburg,
Naumburg, Oranienbaum, Oschersleben, Salzwedel, Sangerhausen, Seegebiet
Mansfelder Land, Stassfurt, Wanzleben, Weissenfels, Wolmirstedt, Zeitz and
Zerbst. The stabbings involved migrants from Afghanistan, Albania, Algeria,
Azerbaijan, Benin, Bosnia, Burkina Faso, Eritrea, Gambia, Guinea-Bissau, India,
Iran, Iraq, Kosovo, Macedonia, Mali, Niger, Nigeria, Pakistan, Russia, Serbia,
Somalia, Syria, Turkey and Ukraine.
In Baden-Württemberg, 87% of all migrants who were victims of crimes in 2016
were attacked by other migrants, according to official statistics.
In Berlin, police recorded more than 2,000 physical assaults at migrant shelters
during 2016, in addition to 800 thefts, 86 rapes and three homicides. Der
Tagesspiegel reported:
"The fact that there is an accumulation of criminal offenses in refugee shelters
is not surprising. Cramped spaces, wearisome waiting, constant noise and unrest
and an uncertain future generates aggression. There are also ethnic and
religious conflicts. Many Syrians cannot deal with Afghans, many Serbs do not
deal with Iraqis, many Muslims reject Christians, many Sunnis do not want to
deal with Shiites. A maintenance man who worked in a refugee shelter reported
'mafia-like' conditions. Refugees were required to pay for access to the
electrical sockets there."
In Hamburg, 219 sexual assaults against women and children at migrant shelters
were reported there during the first six months of 2017, compared to 200 such
assaults reported during the same period in 2016.
In Schleswig-Holstein, rival gangs of migrants competing for the drug trade at
migrant shelters in Lübeck and other cities have attacked each other in more
than a dozen mass brawls. The gangs are said to involve migrants from
Afghanistan, Iraq and Syria, as well as from North Africa.
In Bavaria, a 41-year-old Afghan migrant at a refugee shelter in Arnschwang
stabbed to death an eight-year-old boy from Russia, apparently because the boy
was too noisy. It later emerged that a Bavarian court had warned that the
Afghan, who had previously been arrested for arson, posed a threat to others.
Bavarian officials had ignored that warning and placed him at the refugee
shelter where the boy was staying with his mother. The murder prompted calls for
the 6,500 single mothers at migrant shelters in Bavaria to be housed in separate
Also in Bavaria, a 47-year-old migrant from Kazakhstan at a refugee shelter in
Eggenfelden castrated a 28-year-old Ukrainian migrant, who subsequently bled to
death. It later emerged that the Kazakh man had been raped by the Ukrainian man,
who was aided and abetted by a group of migrants from Chechnya.
In Lower Saxony, a 26-year-old migrant from Sudan sexually assaulted a
12-year-old girl from Serbia at a refugee shelter in Braunschweig. More than a
hundred Serbians attempted to deliver street justice before police intervened
with pepper spray.
In North Rhine-Westphalia, a mass brawl at a migrant shelter in Dortmund
resulted in the stabbing of a 28-year-old migrant. When police attempted to
arrest the 19-year-old perpetrator, they were attacked by a mob of more than 40
migrants. Police used dogs to restore order. In Cologne, a mass brawl between
groups of African migrants resulted in the stabbing death of a 22-year-old man.
At an asylum shelter in Espelkamp, a 32-year-old migrant from Lebanon stabbed
another migrant, who bled to death at the scene. The Lebanese man was arrested
and then released; the public prosecutor said there was insufficient evidence to
prosecute the man.
In Hesse, migrants have stabbed other migrants at shelters in Bad Salzschlirf,
Dillenburg, Ehrenberg, Fulda, Giessen, Helsa, Hilchenbach, Kassel and Wetzlar.
Elsewhere in Germany, migrants have stabbed other migrants at shelters in
Albbruck, Alsterdorf, Asperg, Bad Aibling, Beelitz, Bonn, Dorfen, Gelsenkirchen,
Gera, Görlitz, Helmstedt, Hilchenbach, Iserlohn, Kirchheim, Leipzig, Neugablonz,
Neustadt, Peine, Prenzlau, Schaidt, Simmozheim, Tröstau, Ulm, Usedom,
Waffenbrunn, Wardenburg, Weißenbrunn, Weißkeißel, and Wernau — among others.
Back in Saxony, when Bild asked why such crimes, which are rarely reported by
the police or media, are being kept secret, an interior ministry spokesperson
replied that publishing such information was not in the public interest: "The
facts which the investigative authorities deem appropriate for public knowledge
depend on the circumstances of the individual case."
The interior ministry said that the high levels of violence were not surprising:
"In general, long-term accommodation of many people in small spaces, such as
first-time reception facilities, can lead to temporary, exceptional mental
states which can lead to physical disputes in individual cases. Such an effect
is further enhanced by heterogeneous ethnic and cultural backgrounds."
The interior ministry added that some of the violence could be prevented by
providing migrants with "a sufficient supply of leisure activities."
**Soeren Kern is a Senior Fellow at the New York-based Gatestone Institute.
© 2017 Gatestone Institute. All rights reserved. The articles printed here do
not necessarily reflect the views of the Editors or of Gatestone Institute. No
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or modified, without the prior written consent of Gatestone Institute.
Stop the "Diversity" Visa Lottery, Gateway for Jihadists
Majid Rafizadeh/Gatestone Institute/November 02/17
Among the heaviest users of the US Diversity Visa lottery are people in
countries known to have terrorism problems. Entering the Diversity Visa program,
Islamists openly felt, was their opportunity to access the US and cause
destruction to the country and its people, which they viewed as their enemy.
In this lottery, not just the winner gains access. When a foreign person wins
the lottery, the US gives out visas to his or her family as well -- no matter
where they were born. As a result, the number of people that come into the US
thanks to the lottery program is actually much larger than 50,000 a year.
The terrorists, who share the goal of devastating everything we value, do not
care about political correctness, or what the true purpose of the lottery might
be. They see only the opportunity to take advantage of a hole in our immigration
The US immigration system is significantly flawed; it paves the way for
terrorists to enter the country. Since 9/11, no serious actions have been taken
to address this fundamental problem. Mercifully, President Donald Trump
announced yesterday that he wants the Diversity Visa Program terminated.
As the world now knows, on October 31, in a jihadi vehicular attack, a
terrorist, Sayfullo Habibullaevic Saipov, drove a rented pickup-truck onto a
crowded bicycle path in lower Manhattan. He murdered at least eight innocent
people -- including students, school staff and tourists celebrating a reunion --
and wounded eleven people. He celebrated by shouting "Allahu Akbar" ("Allah is
the greatest"). After police stopped his rampage by shooting and wounding him,
he asked for an ISIS flag to be brought to his hospital room.
While politicians avoid the truth that "lone wolves" among terrorists
effectively do not exist and, along with many in the mainstream media, refuse to
tackle the underlying cause of this terror act and refrain from fully reporting
on terrorism, we all badly need an open discussion about it.
The mainstream media would doubtless prefer to hide from you that Saipov, an
Uzbek national, came to the US thanks to Senator Chuck Schumer's "Diversity
Program," and that there are many flaws in the US immigration system. The
Diversity Visa lottery is high among them.
Sayfullo Saipov (left), the Uzbek terrorist who carried out the October 31
attack in Manhattan, moved to the US thanks to the Diversity Visa Program.
The program accepts 50,000 people a year, totally at random. Citizens from some
countries that are US-friendly, such as Canada and the United Kingdom, are not
even allowed to apply. Other countries, known to be epicenters of jihadists and
Islamist ideologies, are permitted to participate. The applicant does not even
need to have a high school education. Among the heaviest users of this lottery
are people in countries known to have terrorism problems -- specifically Middle
Eastern, North African and Central Asian countries, including Afghanistan,
Algeria, Egypt, Iran, Iraq, Lebanon, Libya, Nigeria, Saudi Arabia, Somalia,
Syria, Turkey, Yemen, and Uzbekistan.
If you had grown up, as I did, in Syria and Iran, you would have seen Islamists
gathering in groups to further their goals. You would also have seen them
encouraging and informing their affiliate groups through various means,
including social media, to enter the US Diversity Visa program. This, they
openly felt, was their opportunity to access the US and cause destruction to the
country and its people, which they viewed as their enemy.
Worse in this lottery is, not just the winner gains access. When a foreign
person wins the lottery, the US gives out visas to his or her family as well --
no matter where they were born. As a result, the number of people that come into
the US thanks to the lottery program is actually far larger than 50,000 a year.
In addition, applicants do not need to have skills, education, training, or even
the ability to speak English -- in total contrast to successful immigration
policies in other advanced countries, where immigrants must score high regarding
the required skills, talents, and language before they are admitted.
Other countries look for -- and get -- the best from other nations, and vet them
carefully; the US just gives out green cards to anyone unreservedly.
The application can be easily completed on a website, and applying is free. If
the applicant wins, he receives a permanent green card, paving the way for
Furthermore, this is happening while many, far more qualified and hardworking
people in the US, including skilled workers, taxpayers, doctors, engineers and
CEOs, remain on temporary visas for years. Others wait and struggle
interminably, to obtain a green card legally.
If even a few of the tens of thousands of Islamists who apply for the visa
lottery every year kill "infidel" Americans and terrorize a whole nation, they
have accomplished their goal.
While terrorist attacks are the most visible crimes committed as a result of
this lottery, others go unnoticed. Even the lottery itself has become
fraudulent. According to testimony from Stephen A. Edson before the House
Judiciary Committee:
"In Bangladesh, for example, one agent is reported to have enrolled an entire
phone book so that he could then either extort money from winning applicants who
had never entered the program to begin with or sell their winning slots to
The lottery program also poses health risks to Americans. If and when global
epidemics occur, such as the Ebola virus, the lottery visa program does not
stop. People with viruses and other serious infectious diseases can easily get
into the country.
Even the screening and enforcement procedures are unreliable and pose a
significant national security risk. As Janice Kephart, then National Security
Fellow at the Center for Immigration Studies, testified before Congress in 2011:
"The Diversity Visa (DV) Program is an unfortunate blind spot in our immigration
system that has outlived whatever purpose it might have had. The applicants for
these 50,000 "visa lottery" immigration slots require few skills. Neither their
qualifications nor identity can be properly vetted. The program does not know,
really, who these applicants are or their true purpose in coming to the United
States. The program is a national security vulnerability, and has been used by
terrorists and organized criminals to not only enter the United States, but to
bring others in as well.
According to unofficial statements from the State Department, the program is
rife with fraud in part because application standards are so low".
Regarding the flimsy requirements and enormous resources that the US waste for
this program, Kephart added:
"The program claims to have strict eligibility requirements, but only calls for
a high school education or its equivalent or two years of work experience within
the past five years in an occupation requiring at least two years of training or
experience. In most of the countries eligible for a diversity visa, neither
education nor work experience can be verified, let alone identity. Consular
officers in U.S. embassies abroad thus spend an inordinate amount of time
attempting to determine if people are who they say they are and actually qualify
for the program. Checking watch lists based on names or prior U.S. immigration
histories thus often has little bearing on making a solid determination of
identity, qualifications, or legitimate national security concerns."
Even known civil rights activists, such as Barbara Jordan, have pointed out that
the Diversity Visa lottery does not provide any benefits to this nation. Despite
all of this, the Diversity Visa 2019 green card lottery registration is now
Instead of worrying about political correctness, let us focus on how to protect
this nation. The terrorists, who share the goal of devastating everything we
value, do not care about political correctness or what the true purpose of the
lottery might be. They see only the opportunity to take advantage of a hole in
our immigration security. Instead of standing by and letting this continue, let
us start, as the president suggested, by stopping the absurd and obsolete
Diversity Visa lottery. The program serves no humanitarian, political, or
economic purpose for America.
Imagine how much more devastation will occur if nothing is done.
*Dr. Majid Rafizadeh, is a Harvard-educated scholar and political scientist,
business advisor, board member of Harvard International Review, and president of
the International American Council on the Middle East. He is the author of
"Peaceful Reformation in Iran's Islam". He can be reached at Dr.Rafizadeh@Post.Harvard.Edu.
© 2017 Gatestone Institute. All rights reserved. The articles printed here do
not necessarily reflect the views of the Editors or of Gatestone Institute. No
part of the Gatestone website or any of its contents may be reproduced, copied
or modified, without the prior written consent of Gatestone Institute.
Global Council for Tolerance and Peace launched in Malta,
AlJarwan elected president
NNA/November 02/17
Prompted by increased threats of extremism, racial intolerance, and intellectual
violence, the Global Council for Tolerance and Peace was launched in Malta on
Thursday during an official ceremony at Malta's Mediterranean Convention Center,
at the joint invitation of the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), the
Government of Malta, and the World Council. With its headquarters based on the
island of Malta and liaison offices around the world, the primary mission of
this international council will be to propagate a culture of tolerance in order
to attain worldwide peace.
The ceremony was attended by the Prime Minister of Malta, Joseph Muscat, newly
elected President of the Global Council for Tolerance and Peace, Ahmed bin
Mohammed Al-Jarwan, a number of foreign affairs, education, youth and culture
ministers from several countries, United Nations representatives, Sheikh Al-Azhar,
heads of international organizations, universities, and media.
"Our world faces many great challenges, conflicts, inequality, deadly
intolerance and security threats, including nuclear weapons," United Nations
Secretary General, Ant?nio Guterres said in a documentary video which was
screened during the event. "We have the tools and the will to overcome these
challenges, especially as the threats go beyond the limits of concerned states.
Ensuring human rights and human dignity for all builds a world of peace and
lasting justice," the UN Secretary General added. Guterres went on to wonder
about the means to provide millions of people suffering from large-scale wars
that seem to be never-ending. "No one wins in these wars, everyone loses,
especially as the new global terrorist threat affects us all and destabilizes
most regions. So, peace is always our goal and guide."In his delivered speech at
the Global Mediterranean Conference Centre, the Prime Minister of Malta, Joseph
Muscat, said that he was thrilled that Malta had been chosen as the new
headquarters of the Council. "We are here today because we live in a time when
we can no longer take peace for granted," the Prime Minister said, "there is a
need to address the unrest that has filtered across the globe, and also a need
to address people's concerns about this." He said it was the government's role
to stave off conflict and ensure stability, and that instability in any nation
affects trade and productivity negatively.
"It is my duty to protect Maltese citizens, not only from conflict, but to
ensure our human rights are protected," he said.
The GCTP's mission was in line with Malta's foreign policy objectives, he
explained, adding that as a neutral country our island had always been a
promoter of peace across all nations. Moreover, he said that Malta had been
chosen as the Council's new seat in recognition of its policy objectives.
"Malta believes different cultures can coexist and that diversity enriches us.
What we have in common - our humanity - should be what unites us," the Prime
Minister maintained.
Malta would do well to ensure the present and next generation internalize the
true values of our nation, that is peace, equality and tolerance towards
different cultures and backgrounds, he added, saying that there was no space in
our democracy for hate speech and hate crimes.
The government of Malta could ensure that its citizens could realize their full
potential, free from fear and any oppression, he said in his closing remarks,
maintaining that Malta had an open door for all those wishing to promote peace.
For his part, President of the Global Council for Tolerance, Ahmed bin Mohammed
Al-Jarwan, sounded the alarm on today's danger of terrorism, fanaticism, hatred,
ethnic cleansing, sectarianism, and racial extremism, which he described as
having been "growing and growing like cancer and jeopardizing world
peace.""Convictions are no longer sufficient. Only armies can fight these
terrible phenomena. No country or institution can rely solely on its own
capacities to address the problem of terrorism, racism, extremism, violence and
discrimination. We are here today for this reason, we are here to launch this
global endeavor," al-Jarwan said.. He went on to explain that the Council was an
international organization based on democratic principles and that it derived
its own system of work from international laws and agreements. "The Council
signed a memorandum of understanding with the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA)
for cooperation and building international partnerships. The Council is composed
of eminent international figures who maintain a sound reputation and experience
in areas related to peace and tolerance," he added.
Al-Jarwan also gave a briefing on the GCTP's road map, which includes the
creation of a global parliament for tolerance and peace, raising the values of
tolerance, promoting preventive diplomacy, supporting regional and global youth
initiatives, launching a global prize for those who contribute to the protection
of world peace and developing and implementing joint programs, events, and
conferences to promote tolerance and peace. "Together, we can build a more
tolerant and secure world. Together we can build a future in which love wins
over hatred, tolerance over revenge, openness over intolerance, and knowledge
over ignorance." The eight founders of the council are the US, Argentina, the
United Arab Emirates, Comoros, Albania, India, Egypt and Indonesia, which all
share their common love of tolerance and ambition to spread a culture of peace