March 27/17
Compiled & Prepared by: Elias Bejjani
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Bible Quotations For Today
Jesus Cures a
man lived among the tombs and was possessed with unclean a spirit Legion
Holy Gospel of Jesus Christ according to Saint Mark 05/01-20/:"They came to the
other side of the lake, to the country of the Gerasenes. And when he had stepped
out of the boat, immediately a man out of the tombs with an unclean spirit met
him. He lived among the tombs; and no one could restrain him any more, even with
a chain; for he had often been restrained with shackles and chains, but the
chains he wrenched apart, and the shackles he broke in pieces; and no one had
the strength to subdue him. Night and day among the tombs and on the mountains
he was always howling and bruising himself with stones. When he saw Jesus from a
distance, he ran and bowed down before him; and he shouted at the top of his
voice, ‘What have you to do with me, Jesus, Son of the Most High God? I adjure
you by God, do not torment me.’ For he had said to him, ‘Come out of the man,
you unclean spirit!’ Then Jesus asked him, ‘What is your name?’ He replied, ‘My
name is Legion; for we are many.’He begged him earnestly not to send them out of
the country. Now there on the hillside a great herd of swine was feeding; and
the unclean spirits begged him, ‘Send us into the swine; let us enter them.’ So
he gave them permission. And the unclean spirits came out and entered the swine;
and the herd, numbering about two thousand, rushed down the steep bank into the
lake, and were drowned in the lake. The swineherds ran off and told it in the
city and in the country. Then people came to see what it was that had happened.
They came to Jesus and saw the demoniac sitting there, clothed and in his right
mind, the very man who had had the legion; and they were afraid. Those who had
seen what had happened to the demoniac and to the swine reported it. Then they
began to beg Jesus to leave their neighbourhood. As he was getting into the
boat, the man who had been possessed by demons begged him that he might be with
him.But Jesus refused, and said to him, ‘Go home to your friends, and tell them
how much the Lord has done for you, and what mercy he has shown you.’And he went
away and began to proclaim in the Decapolis how much Jesus had done for him; and
everyone was amazed."
Fornication and impurity of any kind, or greed, must not
even be mentioned among you, as is proper among saints
Letter to the Ephesians 05/03-13/:"But fornication and impurity of any kind, or
greed, must not even be mentioned among you, as is proper among saints. Entirely
out of place is obscene, silly, and vulgar talk; but instead, let there be
thanksgiving. Be sure of this, that no fornicator or impure person, or one who
is greedy (that is, an idolater), has any inheritance in the kingdom of Christ
and of God. Let no one deceive you with empty words, for because of these things
the wrath of God comes on those who are disobedient. Therefore do not be
associated with them. For once you were darkness, but now in the Lord you are
light. Live as children of light for the fruit of the light is found in all that
is good and right and true. Try to find out what is pleasing to the Lord. Take
no part in the unfruitful works of darkness, but instead expose them. For it is
shameful even to mention what such people do secretly; but everything exposed by
the light becomes visible,".
Titles For Latest LCCC Bulletin analysis & editorials from
miscellaneous sources published On March 26-27/17
The Healing Miracle of the Paralyzed/Elias Bejjani/ March 26/17
Defending Damascus and Beirut’s southern suburb/Ahmed Ayash/Al Arabiya/March
Hezbollah and the Shia in Lebanon: Panic signs/Mohamed Kawas/The Arab
Weekly/March 26/17
Wage increases, new taxes trigger protests in Lebanon/Abdel-Rahman Ayas/The Arab
Weekly/March 26/17
Saida, Lebanon’s authentic city/Samar Kadi/The Arab Weekly/March 26/17
Israel-Lebanon maritime dispute heats up/Ynetnews/Amir Ben David/March 26/17
A kill list targeting Shiite intellectuals/Turki Aldakhil/Al Arabiya/March 26/17
Saudi training and internship programs need a boost/Samar Fatany/Al Arabiya/March
Islamists taking the banner of a civil state/Adnan Hussein/Al Arabiya/March
Islam, Not Christianity, is Saturating Europe/Giulio Meotti/Gatestone
Institute/March 26/17
Japan: The Grateful Generation/Amir George/Gatestone Institute/March 26/17
Titles For Latest Lebanese Related News published
On March 26-27/17
The Healing Miracle of the Paralyzed
Fighting Puts Syria IS-Held Dam at Risk of Dangerous Water Levels
PSP: We're Open to All Electoral Law Formats but We Won't Accept to be
Bassil: No to 1960 Law, No to Extension, No to Vacuum
Al-Rahi Urges Politicians to 'Rise Above Private Interests'
Ahmed Hariri: We're against Any 'Veiled Orthodox Law'
Kanaan Says FPM Practiced Real Opposition, Defends LF, Hizbullah Agreements
Moussawi: We'll Seek to Impose Taxes on Capitalists, Bank Profits
Defending Damascus and Beirut’s southern suburb
Bassil windsup his SidonZahrani region tour by visiting Abra
Teymour Jumblatt, Marwan Hamadeh visit Archbishops Haddad and Ammar in Sidon
Johannes Han visits Lebanon upcoming Tuesday and Wednesday
Fneish: Proportionality law is pathway to reform, stability
Anwar Khalil: We hope to reach positive results in the election law, otherwise
we will face a complex stage nationally and constitutionally
Kabbara meets Saudi Chargé d'Affaires
680 young graduates in project to support Lebanese host societies
Riachy calls for rectifying Christian representation in new electoral law
Bassil from Sidon: We should stop polemics, work for election law that ensures
Hezbollah and the Shia in Lebanon: Panic signs
Wage increases, new taxes trigger protests in Lebanon
Saida, Lebanon’s authentic city
Israel-Lebanon maritime dispute heats up
Titles For Latest LCCC Bulletin For
Miscellaneous Reports And News published
On March 26-27/17
One Killed, 15 Wounded in Ohio Nightclub Shooting
Air Strike Kills 16 Civilians near Damascus
Syria U.S.-Backed Fighters Enter IS-Held Airport
Saudi Shura Council Member Ibrahim Al-Buleihi Criticizes Arab Society: All We
Want Today Is To Regress Further
Iran sanctions 15 US companies for support of Israel
61 bodies pulled from collapsed Mosul site boobytrapped by ISIS
Egyptian court jails 56 over migrant boat shipwreck
Hamas shuts Gaza crossing, blames Israel for assassination
Erdogan says Turkey may hold Brexit-like referendum
US strike kills senior al-Qaeda leader behind deadly attacks
Links From Jihad Watch Site for March 26-27/17
Obama loyalists replaced “radical Islamic terrorism” with “violent extremism” in
Trump’s immigration executive order
Germany: “Mentally ill” Muslim migrant smashes cyclist’s head with hammer
Why Never-Trump Politics Is Bad For Jews
400 Islamic State jihadis have returned to UK, only 54 have been prosecuted
UK: Four teens plow car into pedestrians, flee on foot, knives found, cops say
not terror-related
German officials were warned about Berlin truck jihad murderer nine months
before massacre
UK police on London jihadi: “There is a possibility we will never understand why
he did this”
Canada: Imam quotes Muhammad, complaint lodged with police
Links From Christian Today Site
March 26-27/17
Voters blame everybody but Trump for Obamacare repeal failure
Iraqi military says 61 bodies pulled from collapsed Mosul site
Thousands join London march demonstrating against leaving the EU
Republicans in disarray as Trump fails to repeal Obamacare
Religious people are less afraid of death, say researchers – but so are atheists
Archbishop of Canterbury: 'Christ's love and self-sacrifice will triumph over
evil and despair'
Fortune's 50 greatest leaders: Who is the one religious figure?
Westminster terror attack: Injury toll climbs to 50 as police appeal for
Does religion make you stupid? Study says religious societies do worse at maths
and science
Latest Lebanese Related News published
On March 26-27/17
The Healing Miracle of the Paralyzed
Elias Bejjani/ March 26/17
“Come to me, all you who labor and are heavily burdened, and I will give you
rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in
heart; and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden
is light." Matthew 11/28-30)
The practice of praying for others in any manner or pattern is a desirable
religious conduct, especially when the prayers are for the sake of those who are
sick, persecuted, oppressed, poor, lonely and distressed, or have fallen prey to
evil temptations.
Praying for others whether they are parents, relatives, strangers,
acquaintances, enemies, or friends, and for countries, is an act that exhibits
the faith, caring, love, and hope of those who offer the prayers. Almighty God,
Who is a loving, forgiving, passionate, and merciful Father listens to these
prayers and always answers them in His own wisdom and mercy that mostly we are
unable to grasp because of our limited human understanding. "All things,
whatever you ask in prayer, believing, you will receive.” (Matthew 21/22)
On the fifth Lenten Sunday the Catholic Maronites cite and recall with great
reverence [ ] the Gospel of Saint Mark ( 02/1-12): "The Healing Miracle of the
Paralytic": "When he entered again into Capernaum after some days, it was heard
that he was in the house. Immediately many were gathered together, so that there
was no more room, not even around the door; and he spoke the word to them. Four
people came, carrying a paralytic to him. When they could not come near to him
for the crowd, they removed the roof where he was. When they had broken it up,
they let down the mat that the paralytic was lying on. Jesus, seeing their
faith, said to the paralytic, “Son, your sins are forgiven you.” But there were
some of the scribes sitting there, and reasoning in their hearts, “Why does this
man speak blasphemies like that? Who can forgive sins but God alone?”
Immediately Jesus, perceiving in his spirit that they so reasoned within
themselves, said to them, “Why do you reason these things in your hearts? Which
is easier, to tell the paralytic, ‘Your sins are forgiven;’ or to say, ‘Arise,
and take up your bed, and walk?’ But that you may know that the Son of Man has
authority on earth to forgive sins”— He said to the paralytic— “I tell you,
arise, take up your mat, and go to your house.” He arose, and immediately took
up the mat, and went out in front of them all; so that they were all amazed, and
glorified God, saying, “We never saw anything like this!”
This great miracle in its theological essence and core demonstrates beyond doubt
that intercessions, prayers and supplications for the benefit of others are
acceptable faith rituals that Almighty God attentively hears and definitely
It is interesting to learn that the paralytic man as stated in the Gospel of St.
Mark, didn't personally call on Jesus to cure him, nor he asked Him for
forgiveness, mercy or help, although as many theologians believe Jesus used to
visit Capernaum, where the man lives, and preach in its Synagogue frequently.
Apparently this crippled man was lacking faith, hope, distancing himself from
God and total ignoring the Gospel's teaching. He did not believe that the Lord
can cure him.
What also makes this miracle remarkable and distinguishable lies in the fact
that the paralytic's relatives and friends, or perhaps some of Jesus' disciples
were adamant that the Lord is able to heal this sick man who has been totally
crippled for 38 years if He just touches him. This strong faith and hope made
four of them carry the paralytic on his mat and rush to the house where Jesus
was preaching. When they could not break through the crowd to inter the house
they climbed with the paralytic to the roof, made a hole in it and let down the
mat that the paralytic was lying on in front of Jesus and begged for his cure.
Jesus was taken by their strong faith and fulfilled their request.
Jesus forgave the paralytic his sins first (“Son, your sins are forgiven you)
and after that cured his body: "Arise, and take up your bed, and walk". Like the
scribes many nowadays still question the reason and rationale that made Jesus
give priority to the man's sins. Jesus' wisdom illustrates that sin is the
actual death and the cause for eternal anguish in Hell. He absolved his sins
first because sin cripples those who fall in its traps, annihilates their hopes,
faith, morals and values, kills their human feelings, inflicts numbness on their
consciences and keeps them far away from Almighty God. Jesus wanted to save the
man's soul before He cures his earthy body. "For what does it profit a man, to
gain the whole world, and forfeit his life?" (Mark 08:/36 & 37).
Our Gracious God does not disappoint any person when he seek His help with faith
and confidence. With great interest and parental love, He listens to worshipers'
prayers and requests and definitely respond to them in His own way, wisdom, time
and manner. "Ask, and it will be given you. Seek, and you will find. Knock, and
it will be opened for you. For everyone who asks receives. He who seeks finds.
To him who knocks it will be opened". (Matthew 07/07 &08)
In this loving and forgiving context, prayers for others, alive or dead, loved
ones or enemies, relatives or strangers, are religiously desirable. God hears
and responds because He never abandons His children no matter what they do or
say, provided that they turn to Him with faith and repentance and ask for His
mercy and forgiveness either for themselves or for others. "Is any among you
suffering? Let him pray. Is any cheerful? Let him sing praises. 5:14 Is any
among you sick? Let him call for the elders of the assembly, and let them pray
over him, anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord, 5:15 and the prayer of
faith will heal him who is sick, and the Lord will raise him up". (James 05:13)
There are numerous biblical parables and miracles in which Almighty God shows
clearly that He accepts and responds to prayers for the sake of others, e.g.
Jesus cured the centurion's servant on the request of the Centurion and not the
servant himself. (Matthew 08/05-33 )
Jesus revived and brought back to life Lazarus on the request of his sisters
Mary and Martha. (John 11/01-44)
In conclusion: Almighty God is always waiting for us, we, His Children to come
to Him and ask for His help and mercy either for ourselves or for others. He
never leaves us alone. Meanwhile it is a Godly faith obligation to extend our
hand and pull up those who are falling and unable to pray for themselves
especially the mentally sick, the unconscious, and the paralyzed. In this realm
of faith, love and care for others comes our prayers to Virgin Mary and to all
Saints whom we do not worship, but ask for their intercessions and blessings.
O, Lord, endow us with graces of faith, hope, wisdom, and patience. Help us to
be loving, caring, humble and meek. Show us the just paths. Help us to be on
your right with the righteous on the Judgment Day.
God sees and hears us all the time, let us all fear Him in all what we think, do
and say.
Fighting Puts Syria IS-Held
Dam at Risk of Dangerous Water Levels
Agence France Presse/Naharnet/March 26/17/Fighting at a dam held by the Islamic
State jihadist group in northern Syria put it out of service Sunday, risking
dangerous rising water levels, a technical source told AFP. A Kurdish-Arab
alliance known as the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) is battling to take Tabqa
dam and nearby Tabqa town from IS before advancing on the jihadist group's de
facto Syrian capital Raqa. But a source at the dam told AFP that the fighting
had damaged its power station, forcing a halt to operations on Sunday. "Shelling
on the area... that supplies that dam with electricity has put it out of
service," the source said. "The work needed to fix the problem is not possible
because there is not sufficient staff available as a result of the intensive
shelling in the area of the dam," he added. "If the problem is not fixed, it
will begin to pose a danger to the dam."The source could not confirm what kind
of shelling damaged the power station, but there has been heavy fighting nearby
as well as air raids by the U.S.-led coalition against IS in support of SDF
fighters in the area. SDF spokesman Talal Sello insisted there was no imminent
danger to the dam, which is Syria's largest and sits on the Euphrates river.
"There have been no air strikes on the dam," he told AFP.SDF forces were
helicoptered behind IS lines last week by U.S. forces to begin their assault on
the dam, which is around 35 miles (55 kilometers) west of Raqa. "We carried out
this operation to land there to avoid shelling or damage to the dam," Sello
said. SDF fighters reached one of the entrances of the dam on Friday, battling
IS in clashes in which jihadists had been killed and wounded. But the dam
remains under IS control, with SDF progress being hampered by the exposed nature
of the terrain, which is also heavily mined, the Syrian Observatory for Human
Rights monitor said. IS issued warnings through its propaganda agency Amaq
warning the dam "is threatened with collapse at any moment because of American
strikes and a large rise in water levels."But the source at the dam told AFP
there had not yet been significant water level increases, though he acknowledged
levels would rise if the facility remained out of service. Earlier this month,
the U.N.'s humanitarian coordination agency OCHA said water levels in the
Euphrates had risen 10 meters (33 feet) since late January, in part from heavy
rainfall and snow. But it warned that damage to the dam "could lead to massive
scale flooding across Raqa and as far away as Deir Ezzor" province to the
southeast. Any further rises in the water level or damage to the Tabqa dam
"would have catastrophic humanitarian implications in all areas downstream," the
U.N. warned. More than 320,000 people have been killed in Syria since its
conflict began in March 2011 with anti-government protests.
PSP: We're Open to All Electoral Law Formats but We Won't
Accept to be Marginalized
Naharnet/March 26/17/The Progressive Socialist Party on Sunday announced that it
is “open” to all electoral law formats while stressing that it will not accept
to be “marginalized.”“Through dialogue and partnership we can overcome all
obstacles towards a future that we want it to be prosperous and built on
national reconciliation,” Education Minister Marwan Hamadeh said after visiting
Greek Catholic Bishop of Sidon and Deir al-Qamar Elie Haddad along with Taimur
Jumblat and a PSP delegation. “As for the electoral law, as (PSP chief) Walid
Beik (Jumblat) said and as Mr. Taimur is negotiating directly and indirectly
about this law, we are open to all formats and we're discussing all formats. We
want everyone to be represented correctly and we won't accept to be
marginalized,” Hamadeh added. “What we care for more than parliamentary seats,
and we're not seeking any shares, is the reconciliation of Mount Lebanon – this
main cornerstone and this coexistence that is present in Mount Lebanon and
entire Lebanon,” the minister went on to say. Asked about the proportional
representation electoral system, Hamadeh said: “We are following up on the
formats and together with Walid Beik we are discussing the matter with the PSP
officials who are in charge of this issue, but so far we have not received a
final proposal in order to take a decision.” “Until the moment, we have not
issued a final response but the approach is openness and dialogue with all
parties,” Hamadeh added. Hizbullah has repeatedly called for an electoral law
fully based on proportional representation but al-Mustaqbal Movement and Jumblat
have both voiced reservations. Mustaqbal has argued that Hizbullah's arms would
prevent serious competition in the party's strongholds while Jumblat has warned
that such an electoral system would “marginalize” the minority Druze community
whose presence is concentrated in the Chouf and Aley areas. The political
parties are meanwhile discussing a so-called hybrid electoral law that mixes
proportional representation with the winner-takes-all system.
Bassil: No to 1960 Law, No to Extension, No to Vacuum
Naharnet/March 26/17/Free Patriotic Movement chief Jebran Bassil on Sunday noted
that the political parties are discussing the proportional representation
portion of the electoral law, renewing his rejection of parliamentary vacuum,
another extension of parliament's term, and the controversial 1960 law. “The
first task and the first real change that the new presidential term is demanded
to do is the electoral law, which is the real tool that allows the Lebanese to
be represented and to govern through their own will,” Bassil added from the
southern town of Maghdouche. “People have the right to ask us to honor our
promises but it is our right to be granted the (parliamentary) majority by
people,” he said. “One civil law, civil marriage, one inheritance law and the
personal status law are the basis of our existence as citizens in the same
sphere,” Bassil went on to say.He confirmed that the ongoing debate in the
country nowadays is about “the proportional representation aspect of the
electoral law and the number of districts.”“No to the 1960 law, no to extension
and no to vacuum. Yes to a new electoral law,” he added. “Those who don't want
the 1960 law or an extension of parliament's term must choose from the other
existent laws,” Bassil went on to say.
Al-Rahi Urges Politicians to 'Rise Above Private Interests'
Naharnet/March 26/17/Maronite Patriarch Beshara al-Rahi on Sunday noted that
“all politicians in Lebanon will not be able to make any initiative unless they
rise above their private interests that are being fulfilled at the expense of
public welfare and the state's treasury.”“We urge the officials of the Lebanese
state -- in parliament, government, ministries, public administrations and
judiciary – to rescue our Lebanese people from their suffering, poverty,
unemployment, lack of jobs, starvation, meager living, the burdens of education,
hospitalization and housing, and the woes of deprivation, injustice, the
violation of rights, the oppression of the influential figures, and extortion,”
the patriarch added in his Sunday Mass sermon. “Should all the segments of the
Lebanese people continue to stage demos, sit-ins and strikes to no avail?” al-Rahi
wondered. He added: “Unless the political officials rise above their private
interests, the parliament and the government will continue to fail to pass a
fair and comprehensive electoral law that conforms to the National Pact, or to
approve a state budget and a new wage scale.”
Ahmed Hariri: We're against Any 'Veiled Orthodox Law'
Naharnet/March 26/17/Al-Mustaqbal Movement Secretary-General has stressed that
his movement is against any sectarian electoral law under which each sect would
elect its own MPs, noting that “those who came up with a solution for the
presidential void crisis are capable of finding a solution for the electoral
law.”“We are with an electoral law that corrects Christian representation,
preserves coexistence, and addresses the concerns and particularities of
everyone,” Hariri said during a tour of West Bekaa and Rashaya, emphasizing that
Mustaqbal is “against any veiled Orthodox (Gathering electoral) law.”He was
referring to a controversial law proposed by the Orthodox Gathering under which
each sect would elect its own MPs. Free Patriotic Movement chief Jebran Bassil
has recently proposed a hybrid electoral law under which 64 MPs would be elected
according to the proportional representation system and 64 others would be
elected by their respective sects under a winner-takes-all system. “Any law
format that harms the Document of National Accord would affect civil peace and
disrupt balance,” Hariri warned. “Prime Minister Saad Hariri's stance is clear:
we are with a modern new electoral law that appeals to the young generation, but
this law should not come solely at al-Mustaqbal Movement's expense and everyone
must offer sacrifices to reach it,” he added.
Kanaan Says FPM Practiced Real Opposition, Defends LF, Hizbullah Agreements
Naharnet/March 26/17/Change and Reform bloc secretary MP Ibrahim Kanaan has
stressed that the country is headed for “a new electoral law through which all
components will be represented,” noting that the Free Patriotic Movement has
practiced real “opposition” throughout its history. “The FPM was born from the
womb of the opposition, but it proved that opposition should not be artificial
and it consolidated stability through reaching the toughest agreements,” Kanaan
said, referring to the FPM's rapprochement agreements with Hizbullah and the
Lebanese Forces. “There will be a new electoral law that secures correct
representation for all components and we have always withstood campaigns and
lies and triumphed for the sake of partnership and national interest,” Kanaan
added. “The FPM practiced a tough opposition reflected in opposing the Syrian
occupation until liberation and opposing the absence of the State and the 2005
distribution of shares. We gained the confidence of 70% of Christians and we won
21 parliamentary seats in the face of the four-party alliance that was formed
against us, and we represented the first line of defense for the usurped
rights,” he went on to say. The MP also noted that President “Michel Aoun did
not go to the presidential seat but rather the presidential seat came to him due
to his presence, strength, role and ability to establish bridges of
communication among the Lebanese.”
Moussawi: We'll Seek to Impose Taxes on Capitalists, Bank Profits
Naharnet/March 26/17/MP Nawwaf al-Moussawi of Hizbullah's Loyalty to Resistance
bloc announced Sunday that his party will seek to impose taxes on bank profits
and the country's business tycoons. “We in the resistance are on the side of the
poor and the deprived, seeing as the vast majority of our jihadist fighters and
the martyrs of the resistance of all affiliations belong to the poor and
deprived class. Here we should address capitalists, banks and major companies
and ask them about their sense of patriotism towards the poor of Lebanon who
have offered their blood in order to liberate their country, and are still
offering their blood to defend Lebanon,” Moussawi said. “Had it not been for
their blood, these people would not have owned firms or banks. They owe their
presence and continuity to the poor who have paid the highest tax, which is the
tax of blood,” he added.
“Why are banks trying through several ways to prevent parliament from passing a
law that taxes the profits that the banks are earning and not the interests of
depositors, knowing that they themselves had acknowledged in 2014 that they had
earned $1.7 billion, and maybe a lot more in 2016,” Moussawi went on to say.
“What prevents them then from shouldering their national responsibility towards
those who have offered their blood? What prevents them from cutting funds from
their gains to finance the new wage scale that benefits at least a million
Lebanese? Why should taxes always be on the poor?” the MP asked.
He noted that Hizbullah “has not accepted this, confronting it in Cabinet
through its ministers and in parliament through its MPs.”“We will maintain our
stance effectively and seriously, in order to foil the attempts at slapping
taxes on the poor and the deprived. This was confirmed in the latest legislative
session, when we managed to impose a production and not a consumption tax on
cement companies. We will also seek to impose taxes on capitalists, major firms
and the profits of banks,” Moussawi promised. “Enough with the legendary profits
that banks and major companies are making, seeing as no bank in the world earns
profits like Lebanese banks do, and there are no interests in the world similar
to those imposed by Lebanese banks,” the lawmaker went on to say. The Syndical
Coordination Committee, a coalition of private and public school teachers and
public sector employees, has been pushing for the approval of the new wage scale
for several years now and has organized numerous street protests and strikes to
this end. The members of the armed forces would also benefit from the new wage
Defending Damascus and Beirut’s southern suburb
Ahmed Ayash/Al Arabiya/March 26/17
No one was expecting that the heart of Damascus will turn into a battlefield
between the Syrian regime and its allies and some opposition factions which have
been categorized as not included in the peace talks in Geneva. When talking
about a battle, we are referring to a security incident that is much more than
explosions and suicide operations. It is enough for armed men to take to the
streets in the Syrian capital and clash with regime forces and the latter’s
allies to know that the city’s security is not under the regime’s full control
yet. Those who visited Damascus before the recent confrontations said they were
stopped at several checkpoints as they walked merely few hundred meters in the
capital at night. So why hasn’t the regime continued to adopt these measures in
the past few days?
Message to UN
The Syrian foreign ministry sent two messages to the UN and the UN Security
Council saying “it’s been proven that Turkish, Saudi and Qatari intelligence
apparatuses” are involved in the Damascus confrontations. This time, they did
not mention Israel which is often mentioned as it is their favorite when they
want to shift attention. Israel was left out although the past few days were
full of analyses and stances following the Israeli air strike near the city of
Palmyra nine days ago. Some analysis stipulated that Israel directed a clear
message in the field to remind Russia of its vows to limit the influence of Iran
and its most important wing, Hezbollah, in Syria. It seems that Moscow was
embarrassed and it covered this by summoning the Israeli ambassador in Moscow.
After these developments were no longer in the limelight, some reports claimed
there was an American-Russian rapprochement regarding Syria.
Time will reveal what happened following the air strike near Palmyra – although
this strike was not the last according to a report by the Iranian Tasnim news
agency which said that the Israeli i24 television channel “claimed that the
Zionist regime carried out an air strike against Mount Qasioun but attributed
the report to Syrian media outlets.”
Security plan
Meanwhile, other media reports said a security plan was launched from Beirut’s
southern suburb and Beqaa – Hezbollah’s strongholds – to confront chaos. This is
not the first time we hear of security plans in these two areas. According to
some sources, Hezbollah is still very interested in the fate of businessman
Qassem Tajeddine who was detained in Morocco. These sources say Tajeddine is one
of Hezbollah’s vital financial resources – a resource that is worth a few
billion dollars. However, before judging this new plan, we must address the
recent circumstances which may have resulted in these security measures.
According to some sources, Hezbollah is still very interested in the fate of
businessman Qassem Tajeddine who was detained in Morocco. These sources say
Tajeddine is one of Hezbollah’s vital financial resources – a resource that is
worth a few billion dollars. Therefore, they are on the lookout for the
repercussions of this development on Lebanon and outside it. Detaining Tajeddine
came around the same time Israeli Chief of Staff Gadi Eisenkot spoke about the
death of Hezbollah official Mustafa Badreddine in Syria last year. There is
noticeable activity from Damascus to Beirut’s southern suburb. So will anything
follow the final fall of ISIS soon? All eyes are now on Raqqa. This was first
published in An Nahar newspaper on March 26, 2017.
Bassil windsup his SidonZahrani region tour by visiting
Sun 26 Mar 2017/NNA - Foreign Affairs and Expatriates Minister, Gebran Bassil,
ended his tour of Sidon and al-Zahrani region, on Sunday, by visiting the
ancient town of Abra, east of Sidon, where he was welcomed by a huge crowd of
citizens, accompanied by Environment Minister Tarek Khatib and MPs Amal Abu Zeid
and Ziad Aswad. "This visit has many meanings, because this town has witnessed
displacement, terror and its defeat, giving the example of a typical self-risen
Lebanese town," said Bassil, speaking to his welcoming audience. "We gather
power and lessons from you, for Abra is the lesson," added Bassil. "I know that
Abra is not a place for terrorism, nor is Sidon nor Ain al-Hilweh nor Lebanon as
a whole," he went on. "I know that this phenomenon is transitory, since our
society is one which rejects and opposes terrorism," Bassil underscored.
"Therefore, we have the audacity to ask for a quick trial of the detained
Islamists in Abra, Tripoli or anywhere in Lebanon for justice," added Bassil. It
is to note that Minister Bassil's tour of Sidon and Zahrani region included
stop-over's in the towns of Maghdouche, Qrayeh, Jensnaya, Ghaziyeh and Darb el-Sim.
Bassil was warmly welcomed by crowds of citizens who gathered to express support
and hospitality to the visiting delegation in their respective towns. In his
addresses before the gathering crowds, Bassil touched on various issues of
concern prevailing in the country. Over the election law, Bassil stressed that
"if we cannot complete a new electoral law, we cannot live together," vowing to
"struggle to come out with an election law through which citizens feel the value
of their vote." On displacement, Bassil considered that "we cannot continue the
policy of appeasing the outside over the issue of displacement." Regarding
various pending matters on the local scene, Bassil considered that "our
responsibility lies in building our State on the basis of reform rather than
corruption. This requires consensus, so we are working on it. We are working on
consensus with all political forces to create a wave of reform in the
country."However, Bassil noted that the different dossiers of electricity, oil,
budget, social security, widening roads, improving communication or stopping
waste expenditure in customs and ports cannot be tackled in one day. Bassil
stressed that "priority today is to the election law, for there is no reform of
political life without an election law, and we cannot build anything in the
country without an electoral law."
Teymour Jumblatt, Marwan Hamadeh visit Archbishops Haddad
and Ammar in Sidon
Sun 26 Mar 2017/NNA - Democratic Gathering Head, Walid Jumblatt's son, Teymour,
visited, on Sunday, Sidon and Deir el-Qamar Roman Catholic Archbishop Elie
Haddad at Saint Nicolas Church in Sidon, accompanied by Education Minister
Marwan Hamadeh and MPs Nehmeh Tohme, Elie Aoun, Alaeddine Terro and Mohamed
Hajjar. The visit was a chance to review various hour issues prevailing on the
Lebanese scene, most prominently the election law. Following the encounter,
Archbishop Haddad welcomed his valued visitors, considering their initiative as
"proof of the historically existing and everlasting bridge between Christian and
Druze citizens of Sidon and the Shouf, preserved by the continuous gestures of
kindness and partnership between the Archdiocese and al-Mukhtara.""Of course,
Lebanon is going through a difficult phase today, especially in finding logical
solutions to the electoral law," said Haddad. "We have confidence in all parties
that are in quest of dialogue to reach an electoral law, and fear of other
parties that do not want dialogue. This dialogue must result in a positive
outcome," he asserted. "All Lebanese are inspired by your visit today," added
Haddad, wishing that "If only all of Lebanon would extend hands to one another
until we build the bridge of peace." In turn, Minister Hamadeh expressed
gratitude to Archbishop Haddad, on behalf of MP Jumblatt and his son, Teymour,
and the whole delegation. "We consider this Archdiocese to be a fundamental
reference to our common history and existence," Hamadeh underscored. He
reiterated the Archbishop's words that "by dialogue and partnership all
obstacles can be overcome, and also through a bright future based on the
fundamental principle of national reconciliation."Over the election law, Hamadeh
stressed that "we are open to all formats and formulas. Of course, we want
everyone to be represented properly and we do not accept marginalization in this
issue, but what matters to us more than parliamentary seats and more than any
quotas is the reconciliation of the Mountain. This is the basic pillar of
coexistence in the Lebanese Mountain and in all of Lebanon." The delegation's
next stop-over was at Saint Elias Maronite Church in Sidon, where they were
received by Sidon and Deir el-Qamar Maronite Archbishop, Maroun Ammar, and a
number of priests. Ammar welcomed the delegation, praising the historical ties
with MP Jumblatt and al-Mukhtara and hoping for "continued coexistence amongst
the Lebanese, working hand-in-hand together in this nation through goodness,
blessings and peace."
Johannes Han visits Lebanon upcoming Tuesday and Wednesday
Sun 26 Mar 2017/NNA - European Commissioner for the European Neighborhood
Policy, Johannes Han, is expected to arrive in Beirut upcoming Tuesday for a
2-day visit. The first day will include a tour of the Bekaa, where he will visit
the EU-financed Bar Elias waste sorting plant. He will then meet with Syrian
volunteers in the area of education who are working on tutoring children of
refugees in Taanayel. The European Official will also visit the Primary Health
Care Center in Taanayel, which is supervised by the Ministry of Public Health. A
joint press conference will be held with the Ministry's Department of Social and
Health Services Head, Randa Hamadeh, representing Public Health Minister Ghassan
Hasbani.The press conference will be attended by representatives of the World
Health Organization (WHO) and the Ministry of Public Health, as well as various
mayors and dignitaries from the region.
Fneish: Proportionality law is pathway to reform, stability
Sun 26 Mar 2017/NNA - Minister of Sports and Youth, Mohammad Fneish, said during
a sporting event on Sunday that the proportionality law was the only path toward
reforms and consolidation of the country's stability. Minister Fneish added that
the proportionality law ensured equity in representation. Fneish praised the
complementary relation between the army and the Resistance in facing terrorism,
calling for commitment to the resistance's approach and project.
He also considered that the joint efforts made by the resistance and the army
contributed in establishing security and stability in the country.
Anwar Khalil: We hope to reach positive results in the
election law, otherwise we will face a complex stage nationally and
Sun 26 Mar 2017/NNA - Member of the "Development and Liberation" Parliamentary
Bloc, MP Anwar el-Khalil, hoped that positive results will be reached regarding
the electoral law issue; otherwise we will be faced with a complex period, both
at the national and constitutional levels. "Exceptional efforts are being
exerted by political forces in order to bridge the gap between various notions
with regards to the content and form of the election law," said Khalil. "What we
aspire for is a law that faithfully reflects the Constitution's provisions, in
terms of adopting wider districts to ensure and strengthen coexistence, a law
that ensures proper and correct representation of all political forces and
minorities, in general," he asserted. Khalil's words came before popular
delegations from the villages of Hasbaya, Marj'Ayoun and Nabatiyeh region, who
visited him at his Zaghla residence in the Southern town of Hasbaya on Sunday.
Kabbara meets Saudi Chargé d'Affaires
Sun 26 Mar 2017/NNA - Labor Minister Mohamed Kabbara met at his residence in
Tripoli on Sunday, Saudi Charge d'Affaires Walid al-Bukhari, in the presence of
MP Samir al-Jisr, Advisor to PM Saad Hariri for North Affairs Abdul-Ghani
Kabbara, and Tripoli Port Municipality Head, Abdul-Kader Alameddine. The visit
was a chance to dwell on the general situation and various developments at the
northern and national levels.
680 young graduates in project to support Lebanese host
Sun 26 Mar 2017/NNA - A graduation ceremony was held on Sunday at Platea Complex
in Jounieh for 680 young men and women from Bekaa, North, South and Mount
Lebanon as part of the project to support Lebanese host societies between the
Ministry of Social Affairs and UNDP (United Nations Development Programme).
British Ambassador to Lebanon, Hugo Shorter, UNDP Resident Representative,
Philippe Lazzarini, as well as Minister of Social Affairs advisor, Mario Abou
Zeid, attended the ceremony. In the framework of the project, young graduates
participated in technical training sessions and traineeships in small and
medium-sized enterprises.
Riachy calls for rectifying Christian representation in new
electoral law
Sun 26 Mar 2017/NNA - Minister of Information, Melhem Riachy, called on Sunday
for an electoral law that fixes the Christian representation at the Parliament.
Minister Riachy, who was representing President of the Republic Michel Aoun and
Lebanese forces leader Samir Geagea during the annual dinner of the
International Catholic Press Union, announced that a new law would soon be set
up for the Information sector. Riachy said that ever since he took office at the
Ministry of Information, he launched a large-scale workshop with a legal
dimension at the ministry. He added that he would submit several draft laws
during the next cabinet session to approve exemptions related to taxation on the
media, "a measure aiming to support the media and the press."As for the
electoral law, he called for a law that ensured fair representation of
Christians, without prejudice to other Lebanese.
Bassil from Sidon: We should stop polemics, work for
election law that ensures stability
Sun 26 Mar 2017/NNA - Foreign Affairs and Expatriates Minister, Gebran Bassil,
said on Sunday during a tour in South Lebanon that there will be no political or
economic stability without the approval of an election law. "We need a political
agreement on the electoral law to reassure each other and give each party the
right to political representation," Minister Bassil said, calling for an end to
controversies in favor of a political agreement. The municipality of Sidon
organized a popular reception to the Minister, in the presence of the city's
notables and two members of "Change and Reform" bloc MPs Ziad Assouad and Amal
Abou Zeid. Expressing his satisfaction for his presence in the capital of South
Lebanon, which he believes has a greater social, economic and popular burden on
its resources in the context of the Palestinian cause and the presence of a
large number of Palestinian refugees in camps, Bassil said: "It is not the
responsibility of Sidon or our Palestinian brothers, but rather the
responsibility of the international community that caused the exodus of
Palestinians from their land without finding a solution for them to return." He
concluded by wishing the approval of an law on administrative decentralization
Hezbollah and the Shia in Lebanon: Panic signs
Mohamed Kawas/The Arab Weekly/March 26/17
During the decades that followed its birth at the beginning of the 1980s,
Lebanese Hezbollah succeeded in tying the fate of the country’s Shia population
to that of the political regime in Iran. Two aspects of the situation are unique
to Lebanon. The first is that a Shia armed force serving an Iranian agenda
exists in Lebanon. The second is that Hezbollah survives there amid a mosaic of
other sects, making the fate of Shia in the country even more closely tied to
that of Hezbollah in case a profound change occurs in Iran or internationally.
The emergence of the Green Movement in Iran following the 2009 presidential
elections is proof that Shia Iranian citizens no longer trust the religious
regime in Tehran and will always try to escape the grip of Ayatollah Ruhollah
Khomeini’s power model but this genuinely Iranian movement also annoyed other
Shia populations in the region, particularly those in Lebanon.
They are allergic not only to changes in the regime but towards any purely
internal dialogue between political currents in Iran. The Iranian people are
divided between a conservative current and a moderate reformist one headed by a
panoply of figures, some of whom are in jail or under house arrest but the
multitude in Lebanon recognises only the movement of Iran’s supreme leader and
is highly suspicious of the reformists there.
Hezbollah considers itself part of Iran’s military apparatus. It does, however,
know that ultimately it is not Iranian and no state will recognise it as part of
the state of Iran. So, in case the world starts looking for new balances with
Iran, Iran’s proxy militias in the region will not be directly affected by the
same rules.
Hezbollah must have also noticed that, while the Obama administration was very
keen on reaching a nuclear agreement with Iran, the United States sought to
isolate the group worldwide. Washington tracked Hezbollah’s network, insisted
on blacklisting it as a terrorist organisation and closely scrutinised its
international finances to a point that it affected the Lebanese banking system.
Hezbollah could not also have missed that the Shia armed groups in Iraq were not
subjected to the same harassment even though they were considered agents of Iran
in Iraq. It looks like the Trump administration will not make any distinctions
between Iran and its proxy militias in Lebanon, Iraq and Yemen. The United
States has espoused the objective of putting an end to Iran’s interferences in
the entire region. The Arab countries and the Gulf countries in particular have
long sought that objective. As the Iraqis prepare for a new American age in
Iraq, the US military presence in northern Syria is contingent on the success
of the safe-zones project. The presence of Iran-backed militias in the region,
including Hezbollah, has become jeopardised. The eventual US-Russian agreement
about Syria will most likely not allow the presence of Hezbollah and its sister
groups in the country.
Fully aware of these dire prospects, Hezbollah Secretary-General Hassan
Nasrallah played the card that had made him wildly popular: Fighting Israel.
Hezbollah has since 2006 observed the terms of the ceasefire with Israel on the
southern borders. For years now, the real enemy was in Al-Qusayr or Homs or
Aleppo, etc. Today, the party leader decides it is time to bring out the old
“enemy”.The debates engulfing the Lebanese Shia are sometimes surreal. The
resistance multitude is proud of the additional striking force Hezbollah affords
Lebanon when it comes to standing up to the Israeli threat. It does, however,
overlook the fact that this same group might end up being part of the striking
force of the Syrian regime. At the same time, this multitude is nervous about
any changes in the Syrian scene and regarding what I see as the eventual
American coup d’état against Iran.
By resorting to escalation, Hezbollah wishes to be seen as defending Lebanon.
In other words, it wants the world to place it within the context of securing
the safety of Israel rather than within the context of restraining Iran’s
Whatever the changes coming to the region, Hezbollah is behaving like a
potential loser. All we need to do is look at its attempts to impose electoral
laws that suit it irrespective of what the other political parties think of
them, its bloody adventure in Syria, which in the end will benefit Russia, and
its total rejection by the non-Shia communities in Lebanon and elsewhere.
**Mohamed Kawas is a Lebanese writer.
Wage increases, new taxes trigger protests in Lebanon
Abdel-Rahman Ayas/The Arab Weekly/March 26/17
Beirut - Lebanon’s leaders are looking into ways to produce the country’s first
budget in more than a decade and approve pending salary increases for the
public sector’s civil and military personnel. The cabinet has so far failed to
formulate a budget for 2017 because of disagreement over how to clear public
expenditures. Parliament, in the meantime, has stopped debating the pay rises,
which have been dragging on for four years, after citizens took to the streets
to protest the taxes proposed to finance them. Although political disputes,
which hindered the production of a budget since 2005, seem to have eased with
the election of President Michel Aoun and appointment of Prime Minister Saad
Hariri, the cabinet is still finding it hard to sort some things out, a
government source said. “All ministers agree that spending since 2005 should be
cleared before a new budget is sent to parliament, according to laws governing
public spending, but the whole thing is a mess that needs time to be cleaned
up,” the source noted.
The parliament’s term, extended twice into a full four-year tenure due to
politicians’ failure to agree to a new election law, will expire in June.“The
cabinet and later parliament need to get busy preparing a new election law that
is acceptable to all influential parties, and if preparations for a new
election law are under way, it is possible that both the budget and the raises
are put on hold,” the source said. “The raises will most likely be included in
the budget to make decisions concerning revenues and expenditures
easier.”Approving the budget before clearing government expenditures made
without a budget “is like selling the bear’s skin before killing it”, said Amin
Saleh, an independent economist. “Clearance, which is necessary to tell how much
the government spent before it plans future expenditures, is not merely
technical; it also has political, constitutional and legal dimensions.”
Some parties, including Aoun’s Free Patriotic Movement, call for revising
clearances since 1992, when Hariri’s late father, Rafiq, assumed the prime
ministry and launched his costly postwar reconstruction plans.
Saleh suggested including the pay increases in the budget.
According to Finance Minister Ali Hassan Khalil’s, Lebanon’s banks once
suggested contributing $1 billion to the treasury instead of paying higher
taxes. The banks denied the claim, which Saleh said would amount to an attempt
to bribe the government if true. Parliament stopped debating the public sector’s
rises when protesters against proposed tax hikes took to the streets.
Demonstrators in central Beirut hurled empty water bottles at Hariri when he
tried to calm people rallying against proposed tax hikes. Carrying placards and
banners, about 2,000 people flooded Riad Al Solh Square to protest against tax
hikes that parliament is considering to fund public sector pay rises. “The road
will be long… and we will be by your side and will fight corruption,” Hariri
vowed. But protesters shouted “thief” and threw plastic bottles at the premier,
who left soon after. Saleh said protesters were justified in calling for
investigations into reported government corruption, but urged them to come up
with specific proposals on how to finance the pay increases without more taxes.
“The same applies to public school teachers who threaten to strike if they do
not get the raises they want,” Saleh said. “Where are the tangible proposals of
unions of teachers and other public sector employees with grievances?”
Rayya Hassan, a former finance minister and politburo member of Hariri’s Future
Movement, believes that both the cabinet and parliament are back to the drawing
board on how to manage the budget and salaries. “The protesters made a big gain:
A promise to reconsider the proposed taxes,” she said about Hariri’s statement
in the square. “Personally, I do not believe in any public spending without
enough revenues and curbing corruption… If the raises are passed outside the
budget, we will get into a vicious circle. We need a fair and balanced taxation
policy inside the budget.”Anger at Lebanon’s government has fueled repeated
protests in central Beirut over the last two years, particularly in the summer
of 2015, when politicians failed to agree on a solution to a trash disposal
crisis. Piles of garbage festered in the streets, prompting an unprecedented
stream of independently mobilised protests. Previously, all major protests had
been organised through the big sectarian parties that dominate Lebanese
**Abdel-Rahman Ayas is a Beirut-based business writer.
Saida, Lebanon’s authentic city
Samar Kadi/The Arab Weekly/March 26/17
Old part of the city remains largely well preserved with its typical urban
fabric and its social and cultural traditions. Saida - Named Sidon by the
Phoenicians, Saida by the Arabs and Sagette by the Crusaders, the so-called
capital of southern Lebanon has existed through numerous eras that forged its
identity. Its Phoenician and Roman archaeological sites, iconic Crusader Sea
Fort, old churches, mosques and caravanserais testify to Saida’s rich and
diverse history. Only a 30-minute drive from the Lebanese capital Beirut, Saida
bears the scars of the brutal mutations of 20th-century urbanisation and the
1975-90 civil war. However, the old part of the city remains largely well
preserved with its typical urban fabric and its social and cultural
Visitors approaching the city from the north are greeted from afar by the Sea
Fort standing on a small rocky island 80 metres from the coast. Built by the
Crusaders in 1227 to protect a thriving port, the citadel has become the emblem
of the city. Sitting on the edge of the old city adjacent to the port, Khan al-Franj,
or French caravanserai, is the best example of the restoration works in old
Saida. Heavily damaged by squatters and the 1982 Israeli invasion of Lebanon,
the khan was restored to its former glory by the Hariri Foundation. The
institution, which was set up by late Lebanese prime minister Rafik Hariri, a
native of Saida, rented the place from the French in 1992. “The Khan was built
by Emir Fakhreddine II at the beginning of the 17th century. The ground floor
used to be a warehouse for stocking merchandise, while merchants stayed in
bedrooms on the first floor. It remained a centre of trading activity until the
end of the 19th century,” said Khan’s director Tahani Santina.
With its rectangular inner court and vaulted galleries, the historic building
has been used as a French consular residence, a Franciscan convent and school
and an orphanage. Today it serves as a centre for heritage and cultural
activities. The khan has six rooms converted into an auberge, part of the
international youth hostels network, with prices ranging from $15 to $35 a
night, depending on the season. Visitors, especially foreign tourists,
however, have become rare due to regional instability. The place once attracted
more than 40,000 visitors a year but in recent years the figure has been 12,000,
mostly students. Saida is also renowned for its thematic souks, a maze of paved
narrow alleys lined with old stone buildings where items from cloth to
kitchenware and shoes are on display. In their small vaulted shops, artisans
practise old crafts and trades, including sweet-making and carpentry.
“My family has been in this souk for 150 years. I learned the trade from my
father and forefathers but today our merchandise is rotting in the sun. Too much
competition by Chinese products… I fear our trade is becoming extinct,” said
Ahmad, a carpenter. A small door in the middle of the souk leads to Saida’s
Saint Nicholas Cathedral, which dates from the eighth century, and a shrine
where the apostles Peter and Paul are said to have met in 58AD. “The church
records say that Peter and Paul met in this room. While being taken to Rome as
a prisoner, Paul asked the commander of the ship, Julius, for permission to
visit friends in Sidon. He came here where he encountered Peter by chance,” said
Greek Orthodox priest Nicolas Bassil.
The cathedral was partitioned with a stone wall following a schism in the
Orthodox Church. “In 1818 and after a long battle in court, the Ottoman wali
decided to divide the church in two parts, a Greek Orthodox and a Greek
Catholic,” Bassil said. Another landmark of the old city is the Soap Museum,
previously a soap factory, which relates the history of handmade soap. Built in
the middle of the 17th century, the factory operated until the civil war started
in 1975. After the war, the owners, the Audi family, turned the site into a
museum. “We inform visitors about the way soap was being manufactured in the
past, the traditional way. It takes around 50 days to produce the soap,” said a
museum guide, as she showed old stone sinks where sodium-enriched water was
filtered before being mixed and boiled with olive oil in big containers and then
perfumed and dyed.With the slowdown of tourism, foreign visitors in Saida such
as Julia Borovitch from the Czech Republic are rare. “I reside in Beirut and
it is the third time I come here,” said Borovitch. “Every time I have visiting
friends and family I bring them to Saida. It is a nice place. There is a lot to
see and the people are very friendly and hospitable.”
**Samar Kadi is the Arab Weekly society and travel section editor.
Israel-Lebanon maritime dispute heats up
Ynetnews/Amir Ben David/March 26/17
/In response to news of Israeli legislation
concerning maritime demarcation between the two enemy states, Lebanon's Speaker
of Parliament warns that such a bill is 'a declaration of war.' Nabih Berri,
Speaker of the Lebanese Parliament, called Israel's proposed legislation to
annex a section of disputed maritime territory a "declaration of war." In an
interview with Lebanese media, Berri said, "This will be the Shebaa Farms
conflict at sea, which will open a situation with many dangerous
possibilities."Last week, Yedioth Ahronoth learned that the Israeli government
is planning to pass the Maritime Areas Bill, which will define Israel's economic
waters and include the disputed maritime territory between Lebanon and Israel.
The disputed territory is an 800 square-kilometer triangular section of the sea
beginning near Rosh HaNikra (marked in the map above as sections 1-3). Both
states claim ownership and the right to search for and harvest natural gas, oil
or other natural resources. The application of the law has been delayed for
years while the United States and UN attempted to mediate the dispute.While
Israel has included the territory on maps delineating resource search zones, it
has for years refrained from taking tenders on the disputed territory. However,
for the first time, Lebanon has included the disputed territory in tenders for
search licenses. In response, Israel formally protested the Lebanese decision at
the UN and decided to promote the aforementioned bill. "This is a new attack by
Israel on Lebanese sovereignty. What was exposed in the Israeli press is not a
casual move, but rather the way Israel is trying to take control of gas and oil
in our economic territory," said Berri. Israel's Ministry of Energy issued a
statement saying, "The Maritime Areas Bill is intended to clearly define the
various maritime areas according to international law, and Israeli law will
apply to them. Regarding the disputed area with Lebanon, Israel did not include
it in the tender process and is open to all dialogue for solutions while
safeguarding the Israeli interest."
(Translated and edited by Fred Goldberg)
Latest LCCC Bulletin For
Miscellaneous Reports And News published On March 26-27/17
One Killed, 15
Wounded in Ohio Nightclub Shooting
Agence France Presse/Naharnet/March
26/17/One person was killed and at least 15 others injured early Sunday in a
shooting at a nightclub in Cincinnati, Ohio, local media reported. "We are in
the middle of a very horrific situation that occurred at the nightclub with
multiple victims," assistant police chief Paul Neudigate said, WLWT5 News
reported. He said hundreds were in the Cameo nightclub when shots broke out,
causing many to flee the scene in panic. The television news station put the
toll at one dead and at least 15 injured. Nobody has been taken into custody,
Sergeant Eric Franz told ABC News, describing the aftermath as a "large and
complicated homicide scene."He said police were interviewing multiple witnesses
to the shooting, which occurred at around 1 am (0500 GMT).
Air Strike Kills 16 Civilians
near Damascus
Agence France Presse/Naharnet/March
26/17/At least 16 civilians were killed and dozens wounded on Saturday in an air
strike on a rebel-held area outside Syria's capital Damascus, the Syrian
Observatory for Human Rights monitor said. It said it was not immediately clear
who was responsible for the strike on the town Hammuriyeh in the opposition
bastion of Eastern Ghouta. "Sixteen civilians, including a child, were killed
and around 50 others wounded in an air strike on the main street in the town of
Hammuriyeh," Observatory director Rami Abdel Rahman said. It was not immediately
clear if all the wounded were civilians or if some were rebel fighters, he said,
adding that the death toll could rise further because a number of the injured
were in serious condition. The Eastern Ghouta region outside Damascus has been
under a devastating government siege since 2012, and is also the regular target
of regime air strikes and artillery fire. It is the last remaining opposition
stronghold near Damascus, where a string of local "reconciliation deals" have
seen villages and towns brought back under the control of President Bashar
al-Assad's government. More than 320,000 people have been killed in Syria since
the conflict began in March 2011 with anti-government protests. Government ally
Russia and rebel backer Turkey brokered a nationwide truce in December, but
violence has continued across the country.
Syria U.S.-Backed Fighters Enter IS-Held Airport
Agence France Presse/Naharnet/March
26/17/Fighters from the Syrian Democratic Forces, a U.S.-backed Kurdish-Arab
alliance on Sunday entered a military airport held by the Islamic State jihadist
group in northern Syria, a spokesman said. The advance on Tabqa airbase comes as
the alliance prepares an attack on IS' de facto Syrian capital Raqa, seeking to
effectively surround the city before launching its assault.SDF forces are also
battling for the nearby Tabqa dam, held by IS, which was forced out of service
on Sunday after its power station was damaged, a technical source there told AFP.
SDF spokesman Talal Sello said clashes were ongoing at Tabqa airbase, which IS
captured in 2014."The SDF has taken control of more than 50 percent of Tabqa
military airport. Fighting is ongoing inside the airport and its surroundings
and full control of the airport is expected within the next few hours," he said.
The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights monitor said IS forces had withdrawn
from the airbase under heavy artillery fire and U.S.-led coalition air strikes.
IS seized the base from government troops in August 2014 and carried out one of
its worst massacres there, killing up to 200 government soldiers. With support
from the U.S.-led coalition fighting IS in Syria and Iraq, SDF fighters have
inched closer to Raqa, taking territory to the north and east. At their closest
point, they are just eight kilometers (five miles) from the city, to the
northeast. But they are mostly further away, between 18 and 29 kilometers from
Raqa. Earlier this week, U.S. forces airlifted SDF fighters behind IS lines to
allow them to launch the Tabqa assault, and on Friday the alliance reached one
of the dam's entrances.
Tabqa dam faces danger
But the fight for the dam, the biggest in Syria, forced it out of service on
Sunday, risking dangerous rising water levels."Shelling on the area... that
supplies that dam with electricity has put it out of service," the technical
source said. "The work needed to fix the problem is not possible because there
is not sufficient staff available as a result of the intensive shelling in the
area of the dam," he added. "If the problem is not fixed, it will begin to pose
a danger to the dam." The SDF's Sello told AFP there was no imminent danger to
the dam, adding it had not been hit in air strikes. The dam remains under IS
control, with SDF progress being hampered by the exposed nature of the terrain,
which is also heavily mined, the Observatory said. IS issued warnings through
its propaganda agency Amaq that the dam "is threatened with collapse at any
moment because of American strikes and a large rise in water levels."But the
source at the dam told AFP there had not yet been significant water level
increases, though he acknowledged levels would rise if the facility remained out
of service. Earlier this year, the U.N.'s humanitarian coordination agency OCHA
said water levels in the Euphrates had risen 10 meters (33 feet) since late
January, in part from heavy rainfall and snow. But it warned that damage to the
dam "could lead to massive scale flooding across Raqa and as far away as Deir
Ezzor" province to the southeast. Any further rises in the water level or damage
to the Tabqa dam "would have catastrophic humanitarian implications in all areas
downstream," the U.N. warned. More than 320,000 people have been killed in Syria
since its conflict began in March 2011 with anti-government protests.
Saudi Shura Council Member
Ibrahim Al-Buleihi Criticizes Arab Society: All We Want Today Is To Regress
MEMRI/March 26/17/Saudi Shura
Council Member Ibrahim Al-Buleihi said that Arab society has become "even more
backward than it used to be." Speaking on Rotana Khalijiyya TV on November 3,
2016, he said: "In the past, we did not create organizations like Al-Qaeda and
Taliban. At least we had aspirations and dreams of change."Ibrahim Al-Buleihi:
"When I read, in books of European history, about Copernicus, Martin Luther,
Galileo, or Descartes, their ideas did not catch on quickly. Instead, wars broke
out for the sake of... But no [intellectual thinker] remained alone.
"When we consider Arab society on the other hand--we see that pioneer
intellectuals – like Averroes – had no followers.
"On the contrary, he was rejected.
"Look around you. We have been building universities for over two centuries, and
we have been filling our cities with intellectuals and doctors, yet we are even
more backward than we used to be.
"In the past, we did not create organizations like Al-Qaeda and Taliban. At
least we had aspirations and dreams of change, but what is happening today is
the opposite. All we want is to become even more backward. We believe that
further regression is the right choice."
Iran sanctions 15 US companies for support of Israel
Ynetnews/Associated Press/March 26/17/A Foreign Ministry statement carried by
the state-run IRNA news agency Sunday said the companies are barred from any
agreements with Iranian firms and that former and current directors will not be
eligible for visas. Iran has imposed sanctions on 15 American companies over
their alleged support for Israel, terrorism and repression in the region. A
Foreign Ministry statement carried by the state-run IRNA news agency Sunday said
the companies are barred from any agreements with Iranian firms and that former
and current directors will not be eligible for visas.
The move is seen as a response to US sanctions placed on dozens of Iranian
entities in February following an Iranian missile test. Iran's sanctions are
unlikely to have much impact as none of the targeted US companies are known to
do business in Iran.The companies include Bent Tal, United Technologies
Products. ITT Corporation, Raytheon, Re/Max Real Estate, Magnum Research Inc.,
Oshkosh Corporation, Kahr Arms and Elbit Systems. A senior Iranian lawmaker
meanwhile said Iran would consider a bill branding the US military and the CIA
as terrorist groups if the US Congress passes a bill designating Iran's
Revolutionary Guard a terrorist organization. Such moves could heighten tensions
in Iraq and Syria, where Iranian-backed forces and a US-led coalition are
battling ISIS. Allaeddin Boroujerdi, the head of parliament's national security
and foreign policy committee, was quoted by state TV as saying the move to
further sanction the Revolutionary Guard goes against the 2015 nuclear deal Iran
reached with the United States and other world powers.
61 bodies pulled from collapsed Mosul site boobytrapped by
Reuters, Baghdad Sunday, 26 March 2017/Iraqi's military said on Sunday 61 bodies
had been recovered from a collapsed building that was boobytrapped by ISIS in
Western Mosul, but there was no sign it had been hit by a coalition strike
though a large vehicle bomb was discovered nearby. The statement was a response
to reports by eyewitnesses and local officials that as many as 200 bodies had
been pulled from a collapsed building after a coalition strike last week
targeted ISIS militants and equipment in al Jadida district area. The incident
remains far from clear and details are difficult to confirm as Iraqi forces
battle with ISIS to recapture the densely populated parts of the western half of
Mosul, the militant group's last stronghold in Iraq. The US-led coalition on
Saturday said it carried out a strike on ISIS militants and equipment in the
area of the reported deaths, but it was still investigating. It did not give
figures for any casualties or details on targets. The Iraqi military command
said eyewitnesses had told troops that the buildings were boobytrapped and
militants had forced residents inside basements to use them as human shields.
ISIS militants had also fired on troops from those houses, it said. But its
figures were lower than other local officials. A local municipal official said
on Saturday, 240 bodies had been pulled from the rubble. A local lawmaker and
two eyewitnesses say a coalition air strike may have targeted a large truck
bomb, triggering a blast that collapsed buildings. The incident has highlighted
the complexity of fighting around Western Mosul's Old City, where ISIS are
hiding among families and using the narrow streets and alleys to their
advantage, forcing Iraqi forces into street fighting.
Egyptian court jails 56 over migrant boat shipwreck
Reuters, Rashid, Egypt Sunday, 26 March 2017/An Egyptian court sentenced 56
people to prison on Sunday over the capsizing of a migrant boat that left over
200 people dead last year. The defendants were sentenced to at least seven years
in jail, judicial sources said, with some sentences extending to 13 or 14 years.
One woman was acquitted. The boat capsized off the Mediterranean coast on Sept.
21. Rescue workers and fishermen rescued at least 169 people, but at least 202
people died. It was one of deadliest disasters to hit migrants attempting the
perilous sea journey from Africa to Europe. Charges against the 57 included
causing the accidental death of 202 passengers, not using sufficient rescue
equipment, endangering lives, receiving money from the victims, hiding suspects
from authorities, and using a vessel without a licence. The boat sank in the
Mediterranean off Burg Rashid, a village in Egypt’s northern Beheira province
where the sea and the Nile meet. It had been carrying Egyptian, Sudanese,
Eritrean and Somali migrants and was believed to be heading for Italy. A record
5,000 migrants drowned in the Mediterranean last year, aid agencies have said.
In the worst known incident, around 500 African migrants and their children died
when a fishing boat capsized off Egypt’s coast in April.
Hamas shuts Gaza crossing, blames Israel for assassination
AFP, Gaza City, Palestinian Territories Sunday, 26 March 2017/Hamas shut the
crossing between the Gaza Strip and Israel on Sunday, after blaming Israel for
the assassination of one of its officials in the Palestinian enclave. A
statement from the interior ministry in Gaza, run by Hamas, said it was shutting
the Erez crossing for an indefinite period as it investigates the murder on
Friday. Hamas officials have blamed Israeli intelligence agency Mossad for the
killing of Mazen Faqha, 38, who was shot dead by unknown gunmen in the Gaza
Strip on Friday. Israel has not commented on the shooting. According to Israeli
media, Faqha was responsible for cells of Hamas’s military wing, the Ezzedine
al-Qassam Brigades, in the Israeli-occupied West Bank. Israel arrested Faqha and
sentenced him to prison over suicide attacks that killed hundreds of Israelis
during the second intifada, or uprising, between 2000 and 2011 He was
released in 2011 along with more than 1,000 other Palestinians in exchange for
Gilad Shalit, an Israeli soldier Hamas had detained for five years, and
transferred to Gaza. Israel did not immediately comment in detail on Sunday’s
closure but said its side of the crossing remained open. The Erez crossing is
the only one between Gaza and Israel for people. Another crossing with Israel,
Kerem Shalom, is used for goods. The Gaza Strip has been under an Israeli
blockade for a decade. Palestinian militants in Gaza and Israel have fought
three wars since 2008. Gaza’s sole crossing with Egypt has also remained largely
closed in recent years.
Erdogan says Turkey may hold Brexit-like referendum
AFP, Ankara Sunday, 26 March 2017/Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said
Saturday it would be "easier" if the EU blocked Ankara's bid to join the bloc,
suggesting he could even hold a referendum on the matter. It was the latest barb
in the bitter dispute between Turkey and Europe after Germany and The
Netherlands blocked Turkish ministers from campaigning among expats for a "yes"
vote in next month's referendum on boosting Erdogan's powers. "What? If a 'yes'
comes out on April 16, they would not take us into the European Union? Oh, if
only they could give this decision! They would make our work easier," Erdogan
told a rally in the southern city of Antalya. Despite the strained relations, no
EU leader has openly said that a "yes" vote would spell the end of Turkey's
already-embattled bid to join the bloc. If Turkish voters end up approving the
constitutional changes, April 16 "would be a breaking point" in EU-Turkey
relations, Erdogan said, adding: "Turkey is no one's whipping boy."Later on
Saturday at a Turkey-Britain forum, the Turkish leader suggested he could even
put EU membership to a vote after the April referendum, saying: "We could pursue
a referendum and obey the decision taken by the nation."
Among some European politicians, there has already been talk about the future of
Turkey's membership process. Writing in Politico Europe, Kati Piri, the European
Parliament's Rapporteur for Turkey, said that if the constitutional changes were
approved, "the European Parliament will have to assess whether the country's new
governance structure meets the EU's Copenhagen accession criteria." On April 16,
Turks will decide whether to approve constitutional changes that would create an
executive presidency and abolish the post of prime minister. The government says
the changes would provide political stability by avoiding fragile coalition
governments, but critics fear it will lead to one-man rule. Another issue which
has raised questions over Turkey's membership bid is plans mooted by Erdogan to
bring back the death penalty if the move was approved by parliament. "What? If
the death penalty is introduced (to bring justice) for the 249 people killed (in
last year's failed coup), Turkey has no place in Europe? Oh, let it not be!" he
mocked on Saturday. Turkey abolished the death penalty in 2004 as part of its
bid to join the EU and Brussels has made clear that any move to bring it back
would scupper Ankara's decades-long efforts to join the bloc.
US strike kills senior al-Qaeda leader behind deadly
The Associated Press, Washington Sunday, 26 March 2017/A US counterterrorism
airstrike earlier this month in Afghanistan killed an al-Qaeda leader
responsible for a deadly hotel attack in Islamabad in 2008 and the 2009 attack
on a bus carrying the Sri Lankan cricket team, the Pentagon said Saturday. In
confirming the death of Qari Yasin, US officials said Yasin was a senior
terrorist figure from Balochistan, Pakistan, had ties to the group Tehrik-e
Taliban and had plotted multiple al-Qaeda terror attacks. The airstrike that led
to his death was conducted March 19 in Paktika Province, Afghanistan.
Yasin plotted the Sept. 20, 2008, bombing on the Marriott Hotel in Islamabad
that killed dozens, officials said. The victims included two American service
members, Air Force Maj. Rodolfo I. Rodriguez of El Paso, Texas, and Navy
Cryptologic Technician 3rd Class Petty Officer Matthew J. O'Bryant of Theodore,
Alabama, U.S. officials said. The bus attack in the Pakistani city of Lahore
killed six Pakistani policemen and two civilians and wounded six members of the
cricket team. Defense Secretary Jim Mattis said in the statement: "The death of
Qari Yasin is evidence that terrorists who defame Islam and deliberately target
innocent people will not escape justice."The killing of Yasin in eastern
Afghanistan lends credence to Pakistani claims that its militant enemies have
found sanctuaries there. The neighboring countries routinely charge each other
with harboring the other's enemies. Relations deteriorated earlier this year
after a series of attacks in Pakistan that killed 125 people led Islamabad to
close its border with Afghanistan for more than one month. The two countries
have exchanged lists of insurgents hiding out on the other's soil and
Afghanistan has also given Pakistan the locations of 23 sanctuaries where its
Taliban militants are hiding. Kabul is demanding they be closed.
Latest LCCC Bulletin analysis & editorials from
miscellaneous sources published
On March 25-26/17
A kill list targeting Shiite intellectuals
Turki Aldakhil/Al Arabiya/March 26/17
Six Saudi influential figures who are critical of uncontrolled arms and
terrorist cells were threatened after graffitists listed their names on a wall
in the town of Al-Awamiyah. What these men have in common is their consensus to
condemn the assassination attempt of Engineer Nabih al-Barahim and their call to
disarm terrorists and murderers fortified in Al-Awamiyah’s neighborhood of al-Masura,
the terrorists’ stronghold. It’s an old area which the government is planning to
reform and develop in a way that harmonizes architecturally. The government aims
to turn it into an open and renewed area after it had been easy for terrorists
to station themselves there to launch their brutal operations. Voices – from all
sects and religions – critical of terrorism must be encouraged to speak up. The
aim of this graffiti is to silence critical voices and threaten intellectuals
and Shiite media figures who support civil peace values.
Voices – from all sects and religions – critical of terrorism must be encouraged
to speak up. Media figures in Riyadh, Qassim and Jeddah have in the past
suffered from al-Qaeda’s terrorism and some of these figures’ names were listed
as targets in 2004. We’re witnessing this again as Al-Awamiyah cells are doing
the same and threatening men with reasonable voices in al-Ahsa and Qatif. “The
state will remain the state,” the Saudi crown prince once said, and no one
should ever be allowed to perform the role of the state.
Saudi training and internship programs need a boost
Samar Fatany/Al Arabiya/March 26/17
Increasing employment opportunities for Saudi youth continues to be one of the
main challenges facing Saudi Arabia today. Economists urge the need for a more
efficient strategy to address the high rate of unemployment. 1.9 million Saudis
will enter the workforce over the next decade according to the Woodrow Wilson
International Center for Scholars in Washington, DC. Everyone agrees that more
needs to be done to upgrade the educational system and increase career options
to absorb the young and growing working-age populations into the workforce.
At present it remains critical to address the challenges facing post-graduate
education. The Ministry of Education is continuously urged by experts to upgrade
the school curricula and create technical workshops to produce graduates
suitable for the industrial labor market.
Unfortunately, internship programs are not as effective and Saudi graduates lack
the basic qualifications such as fluency in English, analytical and
problem-solving skills, good command of MS Office and communication skills, both
oral and written, required for any internship program in any reputable
institution or company. Thus, industrial companies remain reluctant to recruit
young graduates due to their poor qualifications and ill preparedness to work in
the industrial sector. Meanwhile, local companies do not provide adequate
on-the-job training for young inexperienced employees and are not willing to
invest in providing highly qualified trainees. Not many Saudi companies provide
adequate internship programs for the inexperienced graduates seeking employment.
Ask any of the young interns who completed their internship in local companies
and they will all tell you that they did not learn much and their benefit was
Zero guidance
Most graduates complain that companies do not provide proper mentoring, training
is inadequate and they feel marginalized with zero guidance leaving them lost
and struggling to prove their competence at work. Adopting best practices from
reputable international companies can be of great benefit for the newly employed
graduates who are eager to learn, contribute and excel. Today most renowned
academic institutions have centers for career education (CCE) that offer unique
opportunities to provide young graduates with the required work experience and
the opportunity to explore and learn. Many universities abroad offer numerous
internship programs where students can learn about professional fields and
experience typical workdays. Internship programs are taken seriously and
students are provided with the necessary skills to pursue their future careers.
The future development of Saudi Arabia into a diversified, knowledge-based
economy will depend on a strong private sector and its ability to attract and
train young graduates and offer them the incentives to contribute to nation
building. Most global companies apply international training standards to
provide serious and professional internship training to enhance capabilities and
provide the necessary expertise to build productive employees. Reputable
companies offer ground internship training on projects, which include the
collaboration of expert motivators and thinkers around the world who work
together to solve challenges. They provide training and mentoring that can boost
the career of a young graduate with adequate skills to qualify them for a job
anywhere in the world. Coaching, mentoring, job rotation and job instructional
techniques are some of the necessary training requirements Coaching is a
one-to-one training method that provides a more effective instruction for each
trainee to develop according to their pace and individual capability.
Instructional techniques that provide step-by-step instruction can also ensure
that the trainer is assured that the learner has mastered the necessary skills
required to make him a productive employee.
The mentoring process focuses on the development of attitude and work ethics,
providing young employees with a solid foundation of professionalism and
communication skills. Other methods include rotating them through a series of
related jobs to make them more familiar with the work environment and able to
perform different tasks in different sectors. Young employees can be more
efficient and hardworking once they are provided with the proper technical
guidance, thorough instructions and a specialized on the job training. The
process of training young inexperienced employees should be taken more seriously
by the Saudi labor market. The future development of Saudi Arabia into a
diversified, knowledge-based economy will depend on a strong private sector and
its ability to attract and train young graduates and offer them the incentives
to contribute to nation building. Only if we apply effective policies, efficient
strategies, and constructive plans that are based upon scientific methodologies
can we make Vision 2030 more achievable.
Islamists taking the banner of a civil state
Adnan Hussein/Al Arabiya/March 26/17
It does not irritate or provoke me that the leaders of powerful Islamist
parties, blocs and groups in the Iraqi authority have finally abandoned their
traditional (Islamic) discourse, which they exaggerated its sanctity, and
started shouting our sinful civic discourse.
It does not irritate or provoke me either that a number of these powerful
Islamist parties, blocs and groups may run for Electoral Commission, which is
responsible for registering parties and political associations under the law of
parties issued last year, to enlist them with new names under a civil status and
In general, these recent developments are implicit or shy acknowledgment from
these parties, blocs and groups and their leaders that they have failed to run
the country for the past 14 years based on the Islamic theses and slogans only
to deceive the Iraqis for the sake of power, public and private funds.
These developments are not provocative, because they are nothing but tricks. The
rational people will come to realize that these blocs and groups are not
concerned with civilization and reform and will not establish a civil state,
just as they were only interested in Islam for their own personal agenda and
benefits. The masses and groups and their leaders are the perpetrators of
failure, mistakes and major sins, which lead to the downfall of one-third of the
country for more than two years in the hands of ISIS with all the human
suffering that accompanied millions of people and the destruction of dozens of
cities and towns, as well as degrading the prestige and status of the state and
its armed forces. Consequently, 35 million Iraqis suffered from poverty,
destitution, ignorance, backwardness and the lack of public services in addition
to fueling destructive sectarian and nationalist tendencies.
I do not think that raising the banner of civil reform by the influential
parties, blocs and Islamic groups will benefit them in the parliamentary and
local elections that will take place one year from now, especially if they are
not accompanied by the launching of civic and national reform projects and
programs and a change in leadership who are responsible for failures, mistakes
and errors. For a few number of people who have experienced firsthand the
Islamic forces in Iraq and abroad, the mere implementation of civil and reform
projects and programs or a change in leadership will not be enough. People are
accustomed to hearing one thing and seeing something else on the ground. Since
the start of the protest movements more than a year and a half by millions of
people, the ruling political class, through its government and its parliament,
has made several reformist packages full of promises and pledges. Nothing has
come of value, and some "reformist" measures have been reversed. There is a
great deal of mistrust in this political class, and the gap between people and
this class will not simply be filled by introducing a new "movement", embodied
in changing the names and addresses from "Islamic" to civil and reform.
Islam, Not Christianity, is Saturating Europe
Giulio Meotti/Gatestone Institute/March 26/17
Jihadists seem to be leading an assault against freedom and against secular
Sunni Islam's most prominent preacher, Yusuf al Qaradawi, declared that the day
will come when, like Constantinople, Rome will be Islamized.
It is Islam, not Christianity, that now saturates Europe's landscape and
According to US President Trump's strategic advisor Steve Bannon, the
"Judeo-Christian West is collapsing, it is imploding. And it's imploding on our
watch. And the blowback of that is going to be tremendous".
The impotence and the fragility of our civilization is haunting many Europeans
as well.
Europe, according to the historian David Engels will face the fate of the
ancient Roman Republic: a civil war. Everywhere, Europeans see signs of
fracture. Jihadists seem to be leading an assault against freedom and against
secular democracies. Fears occupy the collective imagination of Europeans. A
survey of more than 10,000 people from ten different European countries has
revealed increasing public opposition to Muslim immigration. The Chatham House
Royal Institute of International Affairs carried out a survey, asking online
respondents their views on the statement that "all further migration from mainly
Muslim countries should be stopped". In the 10 European countries surveyed, an
average of 55% agreed with the statement.
Mainstream media are now questioning if "Europe fears Muslims more than the
United States". The photograph used in the article was a recent Muslim mass
prayer in front of Italy's monument, the Coliseum. In echoes of the capture of
the great Christian civilization of Byzantium in Constantinople, Sunni Islam's
most prominent preacher, Yusuf al Qaradawi, declared that the day will come when
Rome will be Islamized.
Hundreds of Muslims engage in a mass prayer service next to the Coliseum in
Rome, on October 21, 2016. (Image source: Ruptly video screenshot)
Do civilizations die from outside or inside? Is their disappearance the result
of external aggression (war, natural disasters, epidemics) or of an internal
erosion (decay, incompetence, disastrous choices)? Arnold Toynbee, in the last
century, was adamant: "Civilizations die from suicide, not by murder".
"The contemporary historian of ancient Greece and ancient Rome saw their
civilisations begin their decline and fall, both the Greeks and the Romans
attributed it to falling birth rates because nobody wanted the responsibilities
of bringing up children," said Britain's former chief rabbi, Lord Sacks.
Everywhere in Europe there are signs of a takeover. Muslim students now
outnumber Christian students in more than 30 British church schools. One
Anglican primary school has a "100 percent Muslim population". The Church of
England estimated that about 20 of its schools have more Muslim students than
Christian ones, and 15 Roman Catholic schools have majority Muslim students. In
Germany as well, there are fears of a massive Muslim influx into the school
system, and German teachers are openly denouncing the threat of a "ghettoization".
France saw 34,000 fewer babies born last year than in 2014, a new report just
found. The number of French women having children has reached its lowest level
in 40 years. A low fertility rate has become a plague all over Europe: "In 1995
only one country, Italy, had more people over 65 than under 15; today there are
30 and by 2020 that number will hit 35." Welcome to the "Greying of Europe".
Additionally, if it were not for Muslim women, France would have an even lower
birth rate: "With a fertility rate of 3.5 children per woman, the Algerians
contribute significantly to the growth of the population in France", wrote the
well-known demographer Gérard-François Dumont.[1]
Thanks to Muslim migrants, Sweden's maternity wards are busy these days.[2]
In Milan, Italy's financial center, Mohammed is the top name among newborn
babies. The same is true in London, in the four biggest Dutch cities and
elsewhere in Europe, from Brussels to Marseille. It is Islam, not Christianity,
that now saturates Europe's landscape and imagination.
Meanwhile, Europe's leaders are almost all childless. In Germany, Angela Merkel
has no children, as British prime minister Theresa May and one of France's
leading presidential candidates, Emmanuel Macron. As Europe's leaders have no
children and no reason to worry about the future (everything ends with them),
they are now opening Europe's borders to keep the continent in a demographic
equilibrium. "I believe Europeans should understand that we need migration for
our economies and for our welfare systems, with the current demographic trend we
have to be sustainable", said Federica Mogherini, the European Union
representative for foreign affairs.
The Battle of Tours in 732 was the high-water point of the Muslim tide in
Western Europe. If Christians had not won, "perhaps," wrote Edward Gibbon, "the
interpretation of the Koran would now be taught in the schools of Oxford, and
her pulpits might demonstrate to a circumcised people the sanctity and truth of
the revelation of Mahomet". Does that sound familiar these days?
Islamists take culture and history more seriously than the Westerners do.
Recently, in Paris, an Egyptian terrorist tried to strike the great museum, the
Louvre. He planned to deface the museum's artwork, he said, because "it is a
powerful symbol of French culture". Think about an Islamic extremist shouting "Allahu
Akbar" while slashing the Mona Lisa. This is the trend we need to start
*Giulio Meotti, Cultural Editor for Il Foglio, is an Italian journalist and
[1] Dumont elaborates: "According to the latest available data, the fertility of
women living in France and born in Algeria is 3.5 children per woman; those of
Morocco and Tunisia are 3.3, those of Turkey 2.9".
[2] A 25% increase in births was registered between 2001 and 2014 and the
percentage of foreign-born nationals rose from 4% in the 1960s to 17% in 2015.
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or modified, without the prior written consent of Gatestone Institute.
Japan: The Grateful Generation
Amir George/Gatestone Institute/March 26/17
"We fought against them [Americans] and instead of harming us, they fed, clothed
and rebuilt us. If it had been the Russians who had won the war instead, we
would now be like North Korea." — Owner of a noodle shop, Japan.
Now is not the time to withdraw from the world, but to love, support and build a
hurting and needy world that simply needs to know there is hope.
People may be familiar with the term "The Greatest Generation," now almost past,
who fought World War II and rebuilt America in the shadow of the Great
Now there is "The Grateful Generation" -- those who were touched by "The
Greatest Generation," their kindness and love in rebuilding the world after
World War II. We in Asia and parts of the Middle East have a special place in
our hearts for America.
From the graves of brave Americans at Normandy to freeing East Germany from
Soviet domination, the United States has been the major force in leading the
world for good.
After the end of World War II, General Douglas McArthur put out a call for
10,000 young men and women to help rebuild postwar Japan. Decades of abuse under
a terrible dictator began slowly to heal.
My parents came to Japan, separately, from the West, met in Japan, married
there, had their family and served the country for nearly 60 years.
When I was growing up in Japan, a strange event seemed to happen almost every
day: Someone would stop, bow deeply and say "Arigato" ("thank you") sometimes
accompanied by an awkward handshake or hug.
One day at a noodle shop, the owner said, "What nationality are you?"
"American", I said.
"Son", he said, "everything we have is because of Americans. We fought against
them and instead of harming us, they fed, clothed and rebuilt us. If it had been
the Russians who had won the war instead, we would now be like North Korea."
Throughout the world, particularly in Japan, Korea, Europe, the islands of the
Pacific and so many other places, there were, and still are, people scattered
throughout the world who were loved and cared for by the Americans.
The most important reason for decades of relative peace and stability in the
world is not the United Nations or the European Union or the World Bank.
The real reason is that a hidden group of people, called "The Grateful
Generation" fell in love with America and that love never left them.
One of the reasons for a rise in instability in the world is that this Grateful
Generation -- for all America did for us -- is passing.
There is, however, a new "Grateful Generation" -- not the same in number and
perhaps a bit more subdued, but in a most unlikely place: Iraq.
In Baghdad, we were with millions of America's best and brightest fanned out --
one for every ten Iraqis. We fixed the roads, fed the people, treated their
wounds and, as one of my Iraqi relatives put it, "Loved us back to sanity."
The war in Iraq was steeped in the anti-American propaganda of Saddam Hussein
and his insane sons as they looked fearfully out of the curtains, fearing what
the Americans would do.
One of my relatives would look fearfully out the window and say, "It looks as if
they are sweeping the streets and repairing the school."
"No," another would say, "They are probably laying bombs or landmines."
A few weeks into this strange situation, my family called a meeting.
"Something is going on with these Americans," they said. "We need to find out
what they are planning." They then concluded that no matter how bad the
Americans were, they would not harm the children.
So, the next morning they sent out the children; they came back in the evening
laden with toys and candy and gum.
"No," my family said. "Put all the toys outside -- they are probably booby-trapped."The
next morning, one brave cousin ventured outside to check; there all the toys
still sat.
Coming inside, he announced to the huddled family, "I am not sure how to put
this, but I think the Americans are all right."
Soldiers from the U.S. Army's 4th Battalion hand out small American flags and
gifts to children during a goodwill visit to a village outside of Tikrit, Iraq,
on April 1, 2006. (Image source: U.S. Army)
Another day, a man walked up, put three fingers up to his lips in the
traditional Arab style, kissed them and lifted them to the sky. "God bless
George Bush!" he said. "God bless America!"
Just think of Afghanistan, or Syria or Africa or Indonesia or the Philippines --
the list goes on and on -- each place where America went to bind up the wounds
of war, help after a natural disaster, treat people for illnesses and more.
Do not listen to those who say that America needs to withdraw from the world
because all we get is criticism for the good we do.
Now is not the time to withdraw from the world, but to love, support and build a
hurting and needy world that simply needs to know there is hope.
**Amir George is the author of the book, Liberating Iraq.
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