March 18/17
Compiled & Prepared by: Elias Bejjani
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Bible Quotations For Today
If you had known what this means, "I desire mercy and not
sacrifice", you would not have condemned the guiltless
Holy Gospel of Jesus Christ according to Saint Matthew 12/01-14/:'At that time
Jesus went through the cornfields on the sabbath; his disciples were hungry, and
they began to pluck heads of grain and to eat. When the Pharisees saw it, they
said to him, ‘Look, your disciples are doing what is not lawful to do on the
sabbath.’ He said to them, ‘Have you not read what David did when he and his
companions were hungry? He entered the house of God and ate the bread of the
Presence, which it was not lawful for him or his companions to eat, but only for
the priests. Or have you not read in the law that on the sabbath the priests in
the temple break the sabbath and yet are guiltless? I tell you, something
greater than the temple is here. But if you had known what this means, "I desire
mercy and not sacrifice", you would not have condemned the guiltless. For the
Son of Man is lord of the sabbath.’He left that place and entered their
synagogue; a man was there with a withered hand, and they asked him, ‘Is it
lawful to cure on the sabbath? ’ so that they might accuse him. He said to them,
‘Suppose one of you has only one sheep and it falls into a pit on the sabbath;
will you not lay hold of it and lift it out? How much more valuable is a human
being than a sheep! So it is lawful to do good on the sabbath.’ Then he said to
the man, ‘Stretch out your hand.’ He stretched it out, and it was restored, as
sound as the other. But the Pharisees went out and conspired against him, how to
destroy him."
In the last days distressing times will come. For people
will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boasters, arrogant, abusive,
disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, inhuman & implacable
Second Letter to Timothy 03/01-09/:"You must understand this, that in the last
days distressing times will come. For people will be lovers of themselves,
lovers of money, boasters, arrogant, abusive, disobedient to their parents,
ungrateful, unholy, inhuman, implacable, slanderers, profligates, brutes, haters
of good, treacherous, reckless, swollen with conceit, lovers of pleasure rather
than lovers of God, holding to the outward form of godliness but denying its
power. Avoid them! For among them are those who make their way into households
and captivate silly women, overwhelmed by their sins and swayed by all kinds of
desires, who are always being instructed and can never arrive at a knowledge of
the truth. As Jannes and Jambres opposed Moses, so these people, of corrupt mind
and counterfeit faith, also oppose the truth.
But they will not make much progress, because, as in the case of those two men,
their folly will become plain to everyone."
Titles For Latest LCCC Bulletin analysis & editorials from miscellaneous sources
published On March 17-18/17
Israel’s Next Big War/Yossi Alpher/Forward/March
16, 2017
Israeli air strikes in Syria. Reprisal threatened/DEBKAfile/March 17/17
Israeli air strikes in Syria, intercepts missile/DEBKAfile/March 17/17
Saudi Columnist: The Future of Arabs and Muslims Will Remain Dark Unless They
Subject Their Values And Heritage To A Critical Assessment/MEMRI/March 17/17
Compulsions surrounding Russia and Israel over Syria/Abdulrahman al-Rashed/Al
Arabiya/March 17/17
Where are the stars of the Arab Spring/Mashari Althaydi/Al Arabiya/March 17/17
Entertainment and partisan prohibitions/Abdullah bin Bijad Al-Otaibi/Al Arabiya/March
Analysis: Politics of Class and Identity Dividing Aleppo – and Syria/Preethi
Nallu/Syria Deeply/March 17/17
Analysis: Why the War in Syria May Not Be About Demographic Change/Aymenn al-Tamimi/Syria
Deeply/March 17/17
Titles For Latest Lebanese Related News published
On March 17-18/17
Israel strikes Hezbollah in Syria, intercepts
ground-to-air missile
Tensions Flare as Israel Bombs Syrian Targets and Damascus Retaliates
Netanyahu Says Syria Raid Targeted 'Advanced' Hizbullah Arms
Lebanon charges 18 with transferring $19 million to ISIS
Hezbollah arms can be used to fend off Israel: Machnouk
Lebanon Policy Leaves ‘Second-Class’ Syrians Vulnerable to Return: HRW
Lebanese Govt. 'Finalizes' Budget, Shops Fined over Hiked Prices as Tax Protests
Sami Gemayel Shrugs off Blames for Thwarting Wage Scale Approval
Mashnouq Says to Call for June 18 Elections 'within Two Days'
Tajeddine's Lawyer Confirms Presence of 'Extradition Order from U.S.
British Minister: Lebanon's Generosity Should be Matched by Further Int'l
Jumblat Calls for Axing Free Flights for Officials, Military
PSP Hails FPM Statement amid Tensions
Aoun from Rome Says Displaced Syrians Putting Burden on Lebanon
Report: New Tax Hikes Pave Way for 'Social Revolution'
Hariri following Cabinet session: Imposed taxes known since 2014
Abu Faour: PSP seeks election law able to develop political system
Civil movement activists stage sit in at Riad Solh Square in protest at tax hike
Sidon Tyre Highway opened to traffic after short closure
Protestors cut off Minieh Abdeh highway in rejection of tax hike
Dozens of people stage sit in at Jamal Abdel Nasser Square in Tripoli in
rejection of tax hike
Israel’s Next Big War/Yossi Alpher
Titles For Latest LCCC Bulletin For
Miscellaneous Reports And News published On March 17-18/17
Iran: Rafsanjani’s daughter imprisoned for
criticizing the regime
Trump welcomes Merkel to White House for high stakes visit
700,000 documents highlight appalling tortures in Assad’s prisons
Pentagon denies hitting Syria mosque, offers photo as proof
Intensive meetings by Syrian opposition in Riyadh for Geneva talks
Syrian Kurdish YPG says Raqqa attack to start in early April
Saudi Deputy Crown Prince meets US Defense Secretary to discuss Iran, ISIS
At least 34 people killed in Houthi mosque attack in Yemen’s Marib
Yemeni army, backed by Arab coalition, advance toward Sanaa
US places Bahrainis backed by Iran on terrorist list, imposes sanctions
Iranian pilgrims will participate in the Hajj season of this year
UN chief wants report on ‘apartheid’ Israel taken off web
Morocco’s king names PJD’s Othmani as new prime minister
Iraq commander announces gains in Mosul old city
Military Action Against N. Korea an 'Option'
Links From Jihad Watch Site for March 17-18/17
Quebec imam says Islamic ruling allowing slave girls is still in force
Toronto: Muslim prof says “nothing radical” about wanting Sharia and caliphate
Canadian poll: Only 14% like anti-Islamophobia motion M-103
Raymond Ibrahim: More Evidence that McMaster Shares Obama’s Views on Islam and
“You are the future of Europe”: Erdogan urges Turks in EU to have at least 5
UK: Police scrambled as enraged Muslim mob gathers over Qur’ans found in
Plaintiff behind Trump immigration ban suit runs Muslim Brotherhood mosque
UK: Muslim pharmacist showed beheading films to children
Glenn Beck hits Trump immigration ban for failing to differentiate Islamists and
Kashmir: Jihadi imam killed, 70,000 people attend his funeral
New York: Al-Qaeda jihadi convicted in civilian court of killing Americans in
Paris: Muslim screaming “Allahu akbar” slits throats of father and son, cops
search for motive
Glazov Gang: Biblical Values vs. Islamic Values
Links From Christian Today Site
For March 17-18/17
UN blames South Sudan government for famine, says it is still buying arms
Turkey in furious 'holy war' threat after EU headscarf ruling: 'This is a clash
between cross and crescent'
Former Queen's Chaplain Gavin Ashenden quits 'liberal' Church of England
Christian churches pledge funds to help Jewish community centre after wave of
bomb threats
Was St Patrick married? This folklore researcher thinks so
Bar Mitzvah in Israel halted after boy found to be wearing 'Christian' prayer
Anglican Church in Australia 'deeply ashamed' about child abuse
Remember you will die: nun offers five ways to 'divorce' your smart-phone and
stop wasting time
Pornography and illegal drugs to blame for increase in demonic activity, says
Christian pastor finds massive diamond worth millions of dollars
Theresa May hints she will block second Scottish independence vote
Christians 'denied vital aid' as famine sweeps sub-Saharan Africa
Trump's travel ban in chaos as it is blocked by federal judge and new figures
show more Muslims than Christians are entering US
Latest Lebanese Related News published
On March 17-18/17
Israel strikes Hezbollah in
Syria, intercepts ground-to-air missile
Staff writer, Al Arabiya English
Friday, 17 March 2017/Israeli fighter jets launched three raids targeting
Lebanese militia Hezbollah in Syria overnight, Al Arabiya’s correspondent
reported. The aircraft also carried out several other strikes, prompting the
launch of ground-to-air missiles in response, one of which was intercepted, the
army said on Friday. “Overnight... aircraft targeted several targets in Syria,”
an Israeli army statement said. “Several anti-aircraft missiles were launched
from Syria following the mission and (army) aerial defense systems intercepted
one of the missiles.”The Associated Press had earlier reported that
anti-aircraft missiles were launched from Syria into Israeli-controlled
territory early Friday following a series of Israeli airstrikes in Syria, the
Israeli military said. The military said its warplanes struck several targets in
Syria and were back in Israeli-controlled airspace when several anti-aircraft
missiles were launched from Syria toward the Israeli jets. Israeli aerial
defense systems intercepted one of the missiles, the army said. It would not say
whether any other missiles struck Israeli-held territory, but it said the safety
of Israeli civilians and the safety of the Israeli aircraft “were not
compromised.”The army said the incident was the cause of sirens that wailed in
Jewish settlement communities in the Jordan Valley area of the West Bank. The
military would not immediately comment on media reports that explosions were
heard in the area. Israel is widely believed to have carried out a number of
airstrikes on advanced weapons systems in Syria - including Russian-made
anti-aircraft missiles and Iranian-made missiles, as well as Hezbollah positions
- but it rarely confirms them. The firing of missiles from Syria toward Israeli
aircraft is rare.(With AP, AFP)
Tensions Flare as Israel Bombs
Syrian Targets and Damascus Retaliates
Agence France Presse/Associated Press/Naharnet/March 17/17/
Israeli warplanes struck several targets in Syria early Friday, prompting
retaliatory missile launches, in the most serious incident between the two
countries since the Syrian civil war began six years ago. Syria's military said
it had downed an Israeli plane and hit another as they were carrying out
pre-dawn strikes near the famed desert city of Palmyra that it recaptured from
jihadists this month. "Our air defense engaged them and shot down one warplane
over occupied territory, hit another one, and forced the rest to flee," the army
said in a statement carried by state news agency SANA. The Israeli military
denied that any planes had been struck. The Syrian government has made similar
unfounded claims in the past. "The safety of Israeli civilians or the Israeli
air force aircraft was at no point compromised," Israeli army spokesman Peter
Lerner told AFP. Nevertheless, analysts said the incident represented a
significant shift in Syria's response to Israeli airstrikes inside its
territory. The Israeli air force said earlier that it had carried out several
strikes on Syria overnight, but that none of the ground-to-air missiles fired by
Syrian forces in response had hit Israeli aircraft.
It was an unusual confirmation by Israel of air raids inside Syria.
"Overnight... aircraft targeted several targets in Syria," an Israeli army
statement said. "Several anti-aircraft missiles were launched from Syria
following the mission and (Israeli) aerial defense systems intercepted one of
the missiles," it said. None of the missiles fired from Syria hit their targets,
the army added.
One missile was intercepted by Israel's Arrow air defense system, Israeli media
reported. It would be one of the first times the system has been used. The
firing of missiles from Syria toward Israeli aircraft is extremely rare, though
Israeli military officials reported a shoulder-fired missile a few months ago.
A Syrian military statement said four Israeli warplanes violated Syrian airspace
-- flying into Syria through Lebanese territory -- and targeted a military
position in central Syria.
Syria's Foreign Ministry sent letters to the U.N. chief and the president of the
Security Council calling on them to "condemn the blatant Israeli aggression that
is considered a violation of international law."Israeli Channel 10 TV reported
that Israel deployed its Arrow defense system for the first time against a real
threat and hit an incoming missile, intercepting it before it exploded in
Israel. The station said the Israeli military had been on a mission to destroy a
weapons convoy destined for Hizbullah.
There was no immediate comment from Hizbullah. The pan-Arab al-Mayadeen TV,
which has good sources within the militant Lebanese group, dismissed reports by
other Arab media outlets that a Hizbullah commander, Badee Hamiyeh, was killed
in one of the airstrikes. It said Hamiyeh was killed Thursday in the southern
Syrian region of Quneitra, near the Israeli-held Golan Heights. Jordan, which
borders both Israel and Syria, said parts of the missiles fell in its rural
northern areas, including the Irbid district. The Jordanian military said the
debris came from the Israeli interception of missiles fired from Syria.
Radwan Otoum, the Irbid governor, told the state news agency Petra that the
missile parts caused only minor damage. A chunk of missile crashed into the
courtyard of a home in the community of Inbeh in northern Jordan, about 40
kilometers (25 miles) from the Syrian border. Umm Bilal al-Khatib, a local
resident, said she heard a blast and initially thought a gas cylinder had
exploded. When she went outside she found a small crater and a 3-meter-long
(10-foot) cylinder. She said her husband contacted Jordanian authorities, who
removed the debris. The Haaretz daily said the interception took place north of
Jerusalem. However, the Arrow is designed to intercept long-range ballistic
missiles high in the stratosphere, so it remained unclear why the system would
have been used in this particular incident.The Israeli military had no immediate
comment on the reports. The Arrow is part of what Israel calls its "multilayer
missile defense," comprised of different systems meant to protect against short
and long range threats, including the thousands of missiles possessed by
Hizbullah in Lebanon and rockets used by Hamas and other Islamic militant groups
in Gaza.
'Significant shift' -
In April 2016, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu admitted for the first time
that Israel had attacked “dozens” of convoys transporting weapons in Syria
destined for Lebanon's Hizbullah, which fought a devastating 2006 war with
Israel and is now fighting alongside the Damascus regime. The Jewish state does
not usually confirm or deny each individual raid but may have been led to do so
this time by the circumstances of the incident. The missile fire from Syria
prompted air raid sirens to go off in the Jordan Valley during the night, the
Israeli army said. Israel and Syria are still technically at war, though the
border had remained largely quiet for decades until 2011 when the Syrian
conflict broke out. Assaf Orion, senior research fellow at Israel's Institute
for National Security Studies, said Syria's response was a "significant" shift.
Until now, he said, when Israel attacked Hizbullah convoys in the country, it
"usually went without a response or with an insignificant response from the
Syrian side." "(With this attack) the Syrian regime is trying to tell Israel it
can't stand it anymore and those actions will not be free of charge."
President Bashar Assad's position has been strengthened in recent months with
his forces reclaiming the whole of Syria's second city Aleppo, as well as
enjoying continuing Russian support. Orion said the Syrian leader was feeling
emboldened."Assad is not feeling he is looking down a gun barrel so his future
is now more guaranteed than it was in the past.""He is saying: 'Don’t push me. I
am not as weak as I used to be.'"Yaakov Amidror, a former head of Israel’s
National Security Council, said weapons convoys of the Iran-backed Hizbullah
remained a "red line" for Israel and that it would continue to attack them when
deemed necessary. Witnesses cited by the Israeli press reported two explosions
that could have been caused by the launch of the anti-missile system. The Arrow
3 interceptor, designed to shoot down ballistic missiles, was handed to Israeli
air force ground crews in January after successful testing by Israel and the
United States. Israel seized most of the Golan Heights from Syria in the 1967
Six-Day War and annexed it in 1981, in a move never recognized by the
international community. Israel pays close attention to developments in the
Syrian conflict for fear that it could be exploited by its arch-rival Iran to
install allies close to the armistice line on the Golan and Israel's borders.
Netanyahu Says Syria Raid Targeted 'Advanced' Hizbullah
Agence France Presse/Naharnet/March 17/17/Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin
Netanyahu said on Friday that Israel's latest air strikes into Syria targeted
weapons bound for Hizbullah, and that it will continue to carry out such raids.
"When we identify attempts to transfer advanced weapons to Hizbullah and we have
intelligence and it is operationally feasible, we act to prevent it," he said in
footage aired on Israel's major television networks. "That's how it was
yesterday and that's how we shall continue to act," he said. "We are fully
determined and the evidence of that is that we are acting. Everybody must take
that into account -- everybody," Netanyahu went on to say. In April 2016,
Netanyahu admitted for the first time that Israel had attacked "dozens" of
convoys transporting weapons in Syria destined for Hizbullah, which fought a
devastating 2006 war with Israel and is now fighting alongside the Damascus
Lebanon charges 18 with
transferring $19 million to ISIS
AFP, Beirut Friday, 17 March 2017/A
Lebanese military court on Friday charged 18 people, most of them Syrians, with
transferring more than $19 million from Lebanon to the ISIS, a judicial source
said. Fifteen Syrians, one Palestinian and two others were accused of “belonging
to Daesh (ISIS), creating a money smuggling network and transferring money out
of Lebanon for ISIS’s benefit”, the source said. The network had “transferred
$19,300,000 to IS in Syria and Iraq from 2014 until now”. The suspects were
referred to a military investigator for further questioning, the source added.
Lebanese security forces in early March raided currency exchange offices and
money transfer companies on suspicion they had sent huge sums of money to ISIS.
The judicial source said the accused “rented currency exchange offices from
Lebanese nationals at very attractive prices and began transferring money to
ISIS in Turkey, Iraq, and Syria.” “Each transfer was valued between $10,000 and
$100,000... Most of the money would eventually reach ISIS’s stronghold in Mosul
in Iraq, or in Raqqa, Aleppo, Palmyra, or Qalamun in Syria,” he said. While
money to ISIS in Iraq was transferred directly, the wires to Syria always went
through Turkey first. Lebanon has been heavily impacted by the war in
neighboring Syria since it erupted in March 2011. Security forces have on
several occasions arrested suspected ISIS members, including in February when
two men were detained on suspicion of planning an attack in central Beirut.
Lebanon’s central bank imposes strict rules on financial institutions intended
to prevent money laundering and terrorism financing, including caps on the
amount that can be transferred overseas without additional supporting paperwork.
Hezbollah arms can be used to fend off Israel: Machnouk
The Daily Star/March 17/17/BEIRUT: President Michel Aoun should broker an understanding between rival
parties regarding Lebanon’s national defense strategy, Interior Minister Nouhad
Machnouk said in an interview Thursday. The interior minister touched on
national security issues, the refugee crisis and the parliamentary elections in
the interview with Egyptian channel CBC Extra News.“The defense strategy should determine how to benefit from Hezbollah’s arms, to
fend off any [future] Israeli aggression,” Machnouk said.
Last month, Aoun defended the government’s continued toleration of Hezbollah’s
munitions, saying the group’s armaments “do not contradict the state’s [power],”
so long as they are not used in a civil conflict.
Aoun’s statements were met with a flurry of antagonistic responses calling for
the surrender of all “illegitimate” arms.
Machnouk also said that Hezbollah’s arms were being discussed in the context of
“the tactical planning of Lebanon’s defense strategy.”
Hezbollah is a recognized political actor in the Lebanese government. It was one
of the first parties to back Aoun’s presidential bid, which ultimately led to
his election on Oct. 31, 2016.
But Hezbollah’s militarized component remains contentious. Several major
Lebanese parties consider Hezbollah’s weapons illegitimate and are calling for
their surrender to the state.
Commenting on the upcoming parliamentary elections – originally planned for May,
but likely to be delayed due to political deadlock – Machnouk reiterated that
they would be held, “even if not on schedule.” The minister added that he would
consult with Aoun, Prime Minister Saad Hariri and Parliament Speaker Nabih Berri
to “agree on the timing of the elections.”The elections were initially scheduled to take place between May 21 and June
21.Political rivals have struggled to agree on a new electoral law; the debate
is primarily between proponents of a new proportional electoral law and those
favoring a hybrid law that combines a proportional approach with the existing majoritarian law, dating from 1960.
Lebanon’s Parliament has extended its term twice since 2013, citing the
country’s precarious security situation.
Machnouk also said Thursday that the naturalization of Syrian nationals in
Lebanon was unlikely – a sentiment that has been voiced across the political
spectrum ever since the onset of the Syrian refugee crisis in 2011.
The Lebanese government estimates that around 1.5 million Syrian refugees live
in unofficial camps around the country in desperate economic conditions, while 1
million Syrian refugees are registered with the United Nations’ refugee agency
in Lebanon. The Lebanese government directed
UNHCR to stop registering Syrian nationals as refugees in May 2015.
Lebanon Policy Leaves ‘Second-Class’ Syrians Vulnerable to Return: HRW
Bassam Khawaja/Syria Deeply/March 17/17
BEIRUT – A new residency policy announced last month waiving hefty residency
fees for some Syrian refugees in Lebanon is a step forward for many people
desperate for a secure legal status. But it leaves many others out in the cold.
Lebanon tightened its residency policy two years ago, requiring Syrians to pay a
hefty $200 annual fee to maintain legal status in the country. Since then, more
than 60 percent of refugees are estimated to have lost their legal status,
restricting their ability to move freely for fear of arrest. This has made it
much harder for them to work, get healthcare and education, and register births
and marriages. The lack of legal status contributes to widespread poverty, a
risk of statelessness for the refugees’ newborn children, early marriage and
barriers that keep 250,000 Syrian children out of school.
For many Syrians in Lebanon, the new fee waiver will be life changing. But it
excludes a large part of the refugee population, raising troubling questions as
to Lebanon’s continued efforts to delegitimize Syrians’ claims to refugee
status. The order excludes an estimated 500,000 Syrians not registered with
UNHCR, the U.N. refugee agency, even though the government directed UNHCR to
stop registering Syrians as refugees in May 2015. It also excludes anyone who
has used a Lebanese sponsor to maintain legal residency, even though Lebanese
General Security officers have required many Syrians to secure sponsors – in
contravention of official policies.
Lebanese General Security offices also have a history of applying new directives
inconsistently. Human Rights Watch called several General Security offices and
received contradictory information about how the directive would be carried out.
One office still requires refugees to sign a pledge not to work, though that
requirement was dropped last summer. Meanwhile, Lebanese security services have
continued mass raids on refugee communities, arresting those without legal
Lebanese authorities have long pursued a policy of undermining Syrians’ claims
to refugee status and limiting the number of refugees registered with UNHCR.
Lebanon refers to people who fled here from Syria after March 2011 as
“temporarily displaced individuals” as opposed to “refugees.” In January 2015,
General Security began enforcing new border entry regulations that effectively
sealed the border to many Syrians fleeing armed conflict and persecution.
The residency renewal announcement comes amid troubling public statements about
the possible return of refugees, including reports of negotiations between
Hezbollah and Syrian opposition forces to return refugees from Lebanon to Syria.
Lebanon’s president recently called for the return of refugees to “safe” zones
inside Syria. And in February, Lebanon’s foreign minister called for adopting “a
policy to encourage the Syrians to return to their country.”
The situation inside Syria simply does not permit the creation of truly safe
zones. As the U.N. High Commissioner for Refugees, Filippo Grandi, said last
month, “Let’s not waste time planning safe zones that will not be set up because
they will not be safe enough for people to go back.” Areas that appear safe
today could come under attack tomorrow. And refugees I have spoken with in
recent months certainly don’t feel that conditions are safe enough for them to
return. Yet this new policy risks cementing a second class of refugees living
without residency, who could be among the first to go should coerced returns
ever take place. International law on this is clear: Any forced or coerced
return of refugees from Lebanon would be unlawful, whether or not they are
registered with UNHCR or have legal status in Lebanon. Yet this new policy risks
cementing a second class of refugees living without residency, who could be
among the first to go should coerced returns ever take place.
Although Lebanon has not signed the 1951 Refugee Convention, it is bound by the
customary international law principle of non-refoulement – not to return anyone
to a place where they would face a real risk of persecution, torture or other
ill-treatment, or a threat to life. Refoulement occurs not only when a refugee
is directly rejected or expelled, but also when indirect pressure is so intense
that it leads refugees to believe that they have no practical option but to
return to a country where they face these risks. Under international refugee
practice, repatriation is only considered voluntary if refugees have a genuinely
free choice about whether to return and are fully informed about conditions in
their home country.
Lebanese authorities should expand the new fee waiver to cover all Syrian
refugees in Lebanon and ensure that they are able to live in safety until
conditions permit their safe and voluntary return to Syria. Lebanese officials
should also reaffirm their commitment not to forcibly return anyone to Syria.
Lebanon has put richer and more powerful countries to shame by taking in as many
as 1.5 million refugees – 25 percent of its population – at a time when others
have closed their doors. It deserves far greater international respect and
support for that. But Syrians excluded from the new policy are still stuck in
legal limbo, with disastrous consequences. Lebanon should extend legal status to
all Syrian refugees in the country, and not exclude those who are among the most
The views expressed in this article belong to the author and do not necessarily
reflect the editorial policy of Syria Deeply.
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Lebanese Govt. 'Finalizes' Budget, Shops Fined over Hiked
Prices as Tax Protests Continue
Naharnet/March 17/17/The Cabinet on Friday conducted a “very positive” final
reading of the draft state budget and a session will be set for approving it
after consultations with President Michel Aoun, Prime Minister Saad Hariri
announced after a Cabinet meeting. “The final version will be distributed to the
ministers and we will approve it as soon as possible,” Hariri told reporters.
Asked whether “WhatsApp rumors” about the new taxes were to blame for the
parliament's failure to pass the long-stalled new wage scale in Thursday's
session, Hariri said a certain “atmosphere was being prepared in parliament and
it was clear that there was an inclination to block this wage scale.”He however
insisted that the government and the parliament are determined to approve the
wage scale. Economy Minister Raed Khoury had announced before the Cabinet
session that the ministry has issued a statement warning against hiking prices
illegally “after some shops made such a step.”“We have fined a number of
violators today,” Khoury added. According to media reports, it only took some
retailers a few hours to hike the prices of certain goods in the wake of the
parliament's approval of the new taxes – although the law has not yet entered
into force.On the ground, protesters rejecting the new taxes took to the streets
across Lebanon for a second consecutive day. A central demonstration was held
outside the Grand Serail in downtown Beirut during the Cabinet session as
several regions witnessed sits-ins and road-blocking protests. Several civil
society groups and activists from the Progressive Socialist Party, the Kataeb
Party and the National Liberal Party took part in the Beirut demo. “Our sit-in
today is a warning message, especially that we in Lebanon are on the verge of a
social explosion,” Neamat Badreddine of the We Want Accountability campaign
said. She accused the political class of impoverishing citizens and destroying
the middle class through its “flawed taxation policies and failure to endorse a
progressive tax system.”Elsewhere, protesters blocked the Sidon-Tyre highway in
the South, the Minieh-Abdeh highway in the North and the Qsarnaba highway in the
Bekaa to voiced their rejection of the new taxes. Sit-ins were also held in
Tripoli's al-Tal area and the northern city of Zgharta. In addition to a 1% VAT
increase new taxes have been imposed on bank interests, cement, cigarettes and
alcohol in addition to a host of taxes related to financial and real estate
transactions. The Syndicate Coordination Committee, a coalition of private and
public school teachers and public sector employees, has been pushing for the
approval of the new wage scale for several years now and has organized numerous
street protests and strikes to this end. The SCC has however rejected hiking
taxes on citizens to fund the wage scale and has instead called for putting an
end to rampant corruption and the squandering of public funds.
Sami Gemayel Shrugs off Blames for Thwarting Wage Scale Approval
Naharnet/March 17/17/After the Kataeb party was blamed for the parliament's
failure to approve Lebanon's long-stalled wage scale file, the party's leader
held a press conference on Friday and asked the authorities to take a serious
decision to fight corruption and announced readiness to lift his own
parliamentary immunity.“You agreed beforehand to obstruct the session's quorum
and lay the blame on the Kataeb,” said Gemayel referring to an adjourned
parliamentary session that tackled the salary scale on Thursday. “Although it is
the authority's responsibility to devise alternative sources for funding the
scale, but the Kataeb were the first to do so,” he added. Deputy Speaker Farid
Makari on Thursday adjourned a legislative session due to a lack of quorum and
accused “those practicing obstruction” and Gemayel of jeopardizing the fate of
the pay scale.
“Shall there be evidence proving that the Kataeb have spread the rumors about
the new taxes, then I am ready to lift off my parliamentary immunity,” said
Gemayel, referring to accusations that his party has circulated on social media
a list of “inaccurate” taxes that the parliament plans to impose which triggered
a wave of protests. “The protests we witnessed yesterday prove that the Lebanese
haven't surrendered or yielded to injustice,” he said. “Finance Minister Ali
Hassan Khalil himself told Assafir newspaper that money wasted in Customs amount
to $700 million. Experts estimate squandering at $1.2 billion. That's the sum we
need to finance the salary scale.”The MP added: “A historical opportunity lies
ahead of us to turn this crisis into a chance to salvage Lebanon and give a
glimmer of hope for the Lebanese. A serious decision to fight corruption must be
taken instead of trading accusations.”On the imposition of new taxes, he
remarked: “We won't accept new levies without offering services in return for
the Lebanese services, we reject all forms of dictatorship. “The state should
adopt an austerity policy away from expensive and unimportant projects so as to
spare the treasury's funds,” he concluded.
Mashnouq Says to Call for June 18 Elections 'within Two
Naharnet/March 17/17/Interior Minister Nouhad al-Mashnouq announced Friday that
he will call for June 18 parliamentary elections “within two day” after
consulting with President Michel Aoun, although the date would coincide with the
holy month of Ramadan. “After consulting with the president, I will within two
days call on the electoral bodies once again to organize elections on June 18,”
Mashnouq told reporters ahead of a cabinet session at the Grand Serail. He
however noted that the president might once again refuse to sign the decree. The
country has not organized parliamentary elections since 2009 and the parliament
has since extended its own mandate twice. Hizbullah has repeatedly called for an
electoral law fully based on proportional representation but al-Mustaqbal
Movement and Druze leader MP Walid Jumblat have both rejected the proposal.
Mustaqbal argues that Hizbullah's arms would prevent serious competition in the
party's strongholds while Jumblat has warned that such an electoral system would
“marginalize” the minority Druze community whose presence is concentrated in the
Chouf and Aley areas. The political parties are meanwhile discussing a so-called
hybrid electoral law that mixes proportional representation with the
winner-takes-all system.
Tajeddine's Lawyer Confirms Presence of 'Extradition Order
from U.S.
Associated Press/Naharnet/March 17/17/A Lebanese businessman that the U.S. says
has provided millions of dollars to Hizbullah has been arrested by Moroccan
authorities, his lawyer has confirmed. The lawyer for Qassem Tajeddine said he
was arrested in Casablanca on Sunday while on his way from Guinea to Beirut. "We
now know there is an extradition order from the U.S. authorities," attorney
Chibli Mallat said in an emailed response to questions from The Associated
Press. Mallat said another lawyer who was appointed in Morocco saw Tajeddine in
prison in Sale, near the capital, Rabat. "He is in good spirits and is treated
adequately," Mallat said. The U.S. Treasury Department says Tajeddine is "an
important financial contributor to Hizbullah" who was listed as a Specially
Designated Global Terrorist in May 2009. Tajeddine's family issued a short
statement saying the businessman is with Moroccan authorities and "is in good
health." It urged those seeking further information about Tajeddine to contact
the family. The U.S. treasury says Tajeddine funneled proceeds from Tajco, a
multi-national business venture, to Hizbullah. Hizbullah, which has members in
Lebanon's parliament and Cabinet, is considered a “terrorist organization” by
British Minister: Lebanon's Generosity Should be Matched by
Further Int'l Support
Naharnet/March 17/17/Rory Stewart, the UK Minister of State for International
Development visited Lebanon on Thursday and Friday of this week, ahead of the
Brussels “Conference on Supporting the Future of Syria and the Region” scheduled
for 4-5 April.In the Bekaa and Beirut, Stewart saw how the UK is helping
Lebanese host communities cope with the impact of hosting large numbers of
refugees, and how children in public schools are “benefiting from free, quality
education, supported by UK Aid,” a British Embassy statement said. Stewart
welcomed Lebanon’s participation in the forthcoming Brussels Conference, “where
we expect the international community to increase efforts to build the
resilience of countries neighboring Syria, including Lebanon,” the Embassy
added. He also met with Minister of Education Marwan Hamadeh, Minister of State
for Refugee Affairs Mouein al-Merehbi, MP Bahia Hariri and advisers to Prime
Minister Saad Hariri. During a roundtable on non-formal education with Hamadeh,
Bahia Hariri and education stakeholders, Stewart emphasized the importance of
effective non-formal education to equip children with the literacy and numeracy
standards needed to join the formal system.
According to the Embassy statement, the UK is investing in a £60m program with
UNICEF, which will help 100,000 children access quality non-formal education
over the next four years, along with child protection services. Minister Stewart
also visited an informal tented settlement in the Bekaa.
UNHCR officials briefed him about the difficult circumstances faced by the
refugees and how they are helping the most vulnerable, with UK support. As for
the local community, at the municipality the minister heard about “the brand new
flood retaining wall and public market constructed with UK support which is
changing the daily lives of 8,500 people in Bar Elias village.”Rory Stewart,
accompanied by British Ambassador Hugo Shorter, Minister Marwan Hamadeh and MP
Bahia Hariri also met teachers and students at the Furn El Chebbak public middle
school. Speaking at the end of the visit, Stewart said: “I was overwhelmed by
the hospitality and generosity of the Lebanese people, under difficult
circumstances. I truly believe that the Lebanese are doing the Syrians -- and
the world -- a great act by temporarily hosting the refugees in their country.
This should be matched by further international support to meet the needs of
both the Lebanese and Syrians.”
Jumblat Calls for Axing Free Flights for Officials,
Naharnet/March 17/17/Progressive Socialist Party leader MP Walid Jumblat did not
welcome a parliament's decision to impose a new batch of taxes to fund the wage
scale, and has urged the government to put and end to corruption and to axe free
travel entitlements for Lebanese ministers, deputies and military figures.
“Flight entitlements that are almost half-price for ministers, lawmakers on the
Middle East Airlines must be stopped,” said Jumblat in a tweet on Friday. He
also said that other officials are benefiting from the half-price travel
services under the pretext of having a special pass.
“Stopping the squander (of public funds) and addressing corruption in a
scientific manner can provide for the wage scale and save us from this enormous
amount of taxes,” added the MP. The Democratic Gathering bloc leader stressed
the need to eliminate the “central sources of corruption in order to avoid that
kind of taxes,” and allocate the needed funds for the salary scale. Jumblat has
also called for “unifying the wage scale in all sectors including the civil and
military personnel, and to address the surplus in the number of
employees.”Jumblat's comments came after the parliament imposed on Thursday a
series of new taxes that included an increase in the value-added tax (VAT) from
10 to 11% , an increase in levies on financial transactions and other taxes
related to cement, stamps, cigarettes and alcoholic beverages. The parliament
says the new taxes are aimed at allocating the needed funds for the pay scale
for government employees which include judges, teachers and military personnel.
Kataeb party MPs have strongly denounced the measures. Kataeb chief Sami Gemayel
urged the government to address corruption instead of “emptying the citizen's
pockets.”The controversial move was decried by the majority of Lebanese and
protesters took to the squares in Beirut and Tripoli on Thursday to reject the
new taxes following calls on social networking websites. Protesters at Beirut's
Riad al-Solh Square were led by activists from the Kataeb Party, the National
Liberal Party and others from March 14 and the civil society.
PSP Hails FPM Statement amid Tensions
Naharnet/March 17/17/The Progressive Socialist Party on Friday said it "highly
values" the statement that was issued by the Free Patriotic Movement on the
occasion of the 40th anniversary of the assassination of PSP founder Kamal
Jumblat. The PSP “stresses the importance of preserving the bilateral relation
between the two parties and of improving it in the future,” the party said in a
statement. “The common keenness of the FPM and the PSP on the 2001 historic
reconciliation between (the then-Maronite) patriarch (Nasrallah) Sfeir and MP
Walid Jumblat and its consolidation in 2016 with (Maronite) Patriarch (Beshara)
al-Rahi reinforces national partnership, especially in Mount Lebanon, which has
always been characterized by pluralism and diversity,” the PSP added. “This
formula must be protected and strengthened during all circumstances and
junctures,” the party underlined. It added: “On this occasion, the PSP
emphasizes that any short-lived disagreements linked to specific political
topics have nothing to do, whatsoever, with the positive atmospheres that
engulfed Mount Lebanon with the return of the displaced people and the
reinforcement of the approach of reconciliations, coexistence and
partnership.”In this regard, the party recalled “President Michel Aoun's visit
to Mukhtara in the year 2010,” saying it “turned the page on the painful
past.”The PSP-FPM relation has witnessed tensions in recent months in connection
with the ongoing efforts to draft a new electoral law. While the FPM and Aoun
have voiced support for an electoral law based on or containing the proportional
representation system, the PSP and Jumblat have rejected such proposals, warning
that proportional representation would “marginalize” the minority Druze
community whose presence is concentrated in the Chouf and Aley districts.Jumblat
has instead called for holding the elections under an “amended” version of the
controversial 1960 electoral law.
Aoun from Rome Says Displaced Syrians Putting Burden on
Naharnet/March 17/17/President Michel Aoun announced on Friday that Lebanon is
bearing the burden of the displaced Syrians on its territory which has amounted
to more than half the number of its own population. “No country in the entire
world is capable of affording this along with the economic and security
repercussions,” Aoun said, pointing out that the number of displaced Syrians
have grown to more than %50 of the Lebanese population. More than one 1.5
million Syrians have sought refuge in Lebanon from the devastating conflict in
their homeland that has killed more than 310,000 people. Addressing the Lebanese
community during a reception at the Maronite School, the President referred to
the economic situation and said: “The Lebanese crisis is relatively stable
because the economic cycle was launched after the presidential election, but the
global crises still reflect on the country.”Lebanon is home to more than one
million registered Syrian refugees -- equal to about a quarter of the country's
4.5 million people. It's the highest refugee population in the world per capita.
Lebanon says that another half a million Syrians live in the country as well,
unregistered, and officials say their presence has generated a severe burden
that Lebanon can no longer handle alone.
Report: New Tax Hikes Pave Way for 'Social Revolution'
Naharnet/March 17/17/As the parliament continues to grapple over finding sources
of funding for the long-awaited wage scale through the imposition of new taxes,
political sources warned that tax hikes would set grounds for a “social
revolution” in Lebanon, al-Joumhouria daily reported on Friday.
“The raises in taxes under the pretext of funding the wage scale will only be a
source, not to only finance it, but also for squander, corruption, tax evasion
and increase in smuggling. It will pave way for a social revolution”
well-informed sources told the daily on condition of anonymity. They warned that
such a tax hike will “cause a contraction in purchasing power and in tourism.
Many have warned that what will be given to the employees through the wage scale
will be taken from them through new imposed taxes.”They noted that the political
class continue to inflict new levies instead of addressing something more
important which is squandering of public funds. Referring to other sources to
fund the pay scale for government employees which include judges, teachers and
military personnel, they said: “Funding the wage scale can be done by stopping
the waste of money in the airport, customs, shipping and by stopping bargains
and projects that involve huge kickbacks.”The sources pointed out that "through
this act, the authority today is establishing for a social revolution that could
slip out of control.” The parliament has hiked the value-added tax (VAT) from 10
to 11% , increased levies on financial transactions and increased other taxes
related to cement, stamps, cigarettes and alcoholic beverages.Protesters
meanwhile took to the squares in Beirut and Tripoli on Thursday to reject the
new taxes following calls on social networking websites. Protesters at Beirut's
Riad al-Solh Square were led by activists from the Kataeb Party, the National
Liberal Party and others from March 14 and the civil society. Kataeb had
repeatedly rejected any tax hike aimed at funding the new wage scale, calling on
authorities to secure funds through putting an end to “corruption” and “the
squandering of public money.”
Hariri following Cabinet session: Imposed taxes known since
Fri 17 Mar 2017/NNA - Prime Minister Saad Hariri indicated on Friday that the
newly imposed taxes to fund the salary scale have been known since 2014, denying
any new taxes on daily goods. "This is a trust restoration government, because
we want to build this relationship with the Lebanese with all transparency,"
Hariri told reporters following a Cabinet session at the Grand Serail. "We must
all fight corruption and work on eradicating it," he said. "We are working on
endorsing the state budget in order to cease waste that is happening in numerous
institutions," he added. "We shall resume appointments at all the state
institutions, until the waste of public funds stops. And we will be clear with
the Lebanese, regarding everything we do," he reassured."The state budget talks
are positive and we hope to endorse it in the nearest time possible," he said.
Abu Faour: PSP seeks election law able to develop political
Fri 17 Mar 2017/NNA - MP Wael Abu Faour indicated on Friday that the Progressive
Socialist Party was seeking an election law that would be able to develop
Lebanon's political system, voicing rejection of any vote mode that would sow
division among the Lebanese.Speaking during a ceremony to commemorate the 40th
martyrdom anniversary of Kamal Jumblatt, Abu Faour reminded that the late leader
was the first to have called for adopting proportionality in Lebanon. "We want
an election law that can develop the political system and that leads to the
unity of the Lebanese. We do not want a law that divides the Lebanese," he said.
"We do not represent the Druze community in this country; we only represent part
of it. Not all Druze belong to the PSP," he concluded.
Civil movement activists stage sit in at Riad Solh Square in protest at tax hike
Fri 17 Mar 2017/NNA - Civil movement groups staged a sit in at Riad Solh Square
coinciding with the meeting of the Council of Ministers at the Grand Serail, in
protest at the tax hike, NNA field reporter said on Friday. The sit in took
place in the presence of a symbolic participation of partisans and supporters of
the Progressive Socialist Party, the Progressive Youth, Liberals' Party and the
Lebanese Kataeb Party. Delivered words called for a wide participation in the
move called forth on Sunday, in rejection of securing funds and revenues for the
salary scale from the "pockets of citizens."
Sidon Tyre Highway opened to traffic after short closure
Fri 17 Mar 2017/NNA - Sidon-Tyre Highway at Abu Aswad neighborhood was reopened
to traffic after being cut off by citizens for a short while with burning tires,
in rejection of the new tax hike, Traffic Control Center reported on Friday.
Heavy traffic movement is registered in said region.
Protestors cut off Minieh Abdeh highway in rejection of tax hike
Fri 17 Mar 2017/NNA - Activists of the civil society in Minieh blocked
Minieh-Abdeh Highway in both directions, in rejection of the new tax hike, the
matter that caused heavy traffic, NNA field reporter said on Friday.
Drivers had to divert their way towards secondary roads in a bid to reach their
destinations, which caused heavy traffic on said roads too.
Dozens of people stage sit in at Jamal Abdel Nasser Square
in Tripoli in rejection of tax hike
Fri 17 Mar 2017/NNA - Dozens of people gathered at Jamal Abdel Nasser al-Tal
Square in Tripoli, rejecting the new tax hike, called forth by "Aman" Gathering
and the civil movement in Tripoli. The sit in took place in the presence of the
union of workers and part time employees in the north.
Israel’s Next Big War/حرب
إسرائيل الكبيرة القادمة
Yossi Alpher/Forward/March 16, 2017
Israel’s next big war is almost certainly going to
pit it against some combination of Iranian, Syrian and Hezbollah forces along
its northern borders with Syria and Lebanon. To be sure, an additional
confrontation with Hamas in Gaza (Israel’s opponent in the costly 2014 Gaza War.
which led to the death of roughly 2,100 Palestinians and 73 Israelis) could also
be in the offing. But the forthcoming war in Israel’s North — home to an
estimated 1.2 million people — could be closer to the kind of all-out war that
the Jewish state hasn’t fought since 1973.
The reasons have far less to do with the Arab-Israel conflict than with the
ongoing civil war in Syria and the continuing confrontation between Iran and
Israel. The outcome could result in considerable destruction inside Israel, but
also in a strengthening of Israel’s burgeoning strategic ties with its Sunni
neighbors — Egypt, Jordan, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates — who
alongside their reservations on the Palestinian issue share Israel’s concerns
regarding Iran’s aggressive regional ambitions. In this sense, a confrontation
in Israel’s north would decisively reflect current far-reaching changes in the
Middle East strategic balance of power.
Syria’s civil war is winding down, at least in the Western or non-desert part of
Syria facing the Mediterranean — appropriately termed “Useful Syria” — and in
the South, along Syria’s borders with the Israeli Golan Heights and Jordan.
Iranian and Russian intervention has turned the tide in favor of the Assad
regime in Damascus. In helping Bashar al-Assad to win on the ground, Tehran has
mustered a broad war coalition of Shiite mercenaries from as near as southern
Lebanon’s Hezbollah and as far afield as Afghanistan and Iraq. The end of
fighting in Useful Syria is liable to leave all these battle-tested forces near
the Golan. Alongside them will be al-Assad’s ally, Hezbollah, with its estimated
arsenal of close to 100,000 rockets and missiles capable of targeting most of
Israel, as far south as the Dimona nuclear reactor.
True, Iran’s proxy army, as well as Hezbollah, suffered losses in Syria and is
battle weary. But Iran now has the financial resources to speed its return to
battle-readiness. This force is understood by Israeli military intelligence to
represent the primary military threat to the country for several reasons. First,
both Iran and Hezbollah continue to issue a barrage of threats against Israel —
hardly the pose of someone shying away from a fight. In February, Iranian
Supreme Leader Sayyid Ali Hosseini Khamenei, pictured above, referred to Israel
as “a cancerous tumor that should be cut and will be cut.”
Second, victory in Syria will represent a major Iranian strategic success in
projecting its power in the region. Iran, which is zealously buying top-flight
weapons from Russia, is trying to develop a Mediterranean naval presence as
well, with a port on the Syrian coast.
Third, a combination of Syrian, Iranian and Hezbollah pressure has spurred a
political shift in Lebanon. President Michel Aoun, a Christian who owes his
recent election to Hezbollah support, stated on February 12 that Hezbollah’s
weapons are complementary to those of the Lebanese army: “The resistance’s
[meaning Hezbollah’s] arms are … an essential part of Lebanon’s defense.”
This groundbreaking and, inside Lebanon, controversial statement abrogates
Lebanese policy that once proclaimed that only the Lebanese army defends the
country. Lebanon used to at least project a certain distance between Hezbollah’s
strategic aims and activities and those of sovereign Lebanon. Already there are
signs that the Lebanese army in southern Lebanon is deferring to Hezbollah
forces along Israel’s border. Given the between the Lebanese military and
Hezbollah’s forces, Israel is justified in deeming another attack by Hezbollah
an act of war by Lebanon itself and responding militarily against the Lebanese
army and the country’s infrastructure. Yet this could have a devastating effect
on both Lebanon’s delicate internal ethnic equilibrium and Israel’s otherwise
improving relations with the Arab world.
On March 9, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu traveled to Moscow for a
summit with Russia’s president, Vladimir Putin, for the fourth time in the past
18 months. Since Russian forces entered Syria in September 2015 to rescue the
Assad regime, Jerusalem and Moscow have had much to talk about, including ways
to ensure that Israeli and Russian combat aircraft don’t get into dogfights in
the skies over Damascus. Changed global strategic circumstances may also now
dictate that Netanyahu exploit his close contacts with both Putin and President
Trump to pass messages between the two. But Netanyahu very pointedly stated
after his meeting that the main agenda item was Iran: not the Iran nuclear deal,
which is a fait accompli, but the growing Iranian military threat to Israel from
Syria and Lebanon.
These developments raise weighty questions. Can Putin be persuaded to escort
Iran’s forces and proxies out of Syria as part of the Russian endgame there?
Will the Israeli threat to target all of Lebanon next time around succeed in
deterring another war with Hezbollah, or could it have the unfortunate effect of
widening that war? And if war breaks out and Hezbollah rains tens of thousands
of missiles over most of Israel, will an all-out Israeli response that targets
large portions of both Syria and Lebanon succeed in ending the next war quickly?
Will Iranian forces suffer enough damage in the fighting to deter Tehran in the
future? Will Israel, too, suffer heavy civilian and infrastructure damage?
Last but not least, where does the Trump administration weigh in regarding the
increasing Iranian threat to Israel from Syrian and Lebanese soil? The United
States and Russia are potentially the only parties capable of changing the
reality on the ground in Syria. The Arab world certainly won’t.
**Yossi Alpher served in the Mossad and as director of Tel Aviv University’s
Jaffee Center For Strategic Studies. His latest books are “Periphery: Israel’s
Search for Middle East Allies,” and “No End of Conflict: Rethinking
Latest LCCC Bulletin For Miscellaneous Reports And News published On
March 17-18/17
Iran: Rafsanjani’s daughter imprisoned for criticizing the regime
Staff writer, Al Arabiya English
Friday, 17 March 2017/The daughter of kbar Hashemi Rafsanjani, Iran’s former
president, has been jailed for six months for “propaganda against the regime,”
local media sources said. According to Iranian reformist website Kalma, Faezah
Rafsanjani was put on trial on charges of anti-regime propaganda including
“spreading lies against judiciary systems and Revolutionary Guards forces in
order to mislead public opinion.”The daughter of the late president has directed
her strongest criticism towards the head of the Judiciary authority, Ayatullah
Sadiq Amli Larajani, who is being accused by reformist lawmakers of corruption
benefitting from bails paid in courts. Rafsanjai’s statements attracted the ire
of the hardliners, and has been convicted of “anti-state propaganda” and
sentenced to six months in prison, according to Kalma.
Trump welcomes Merkel to White House for high stakes visit
The Associated Press, Washington Friday, 17 March 2017/It was all smiles as
President Donald Trump welcomed German Chancellor Angela Merkel to the White
House on Friday, their first personal encounter since he frequently criticized
her during the 2016 presidential campaign. Their agenda included discussions on
strengthening NATO, fighting ISIS and resolving Ukraine’s conflict, all matters
that require close cooperation between the US and Germany. The meeting, which
was postponed from Tuesday because of a snowstorm, will be capped with a joint
news conference. Trump and Merkel smiled in front of cameras in the Oval Office
at the start of their meeting, with the president urging journalists to “send a
good picture back to Germany, please.” The new president told reporters merely
that he and Merkel would be discussing “many things” in their first face-to-face
exchange of his presidency.Their sit-down could be a restart of a relationship
complicated by Trump’s rhetoric on the campaign trail. He spent a good part of
2016 bashing the chancellor, accusing her of “ruining” Germany for allowing an
influx of refugees and other migrants from Syria. “You watch what happens to
Angela Merkel, who I always thought of as a very good leader until she did this.
I don’t know what went wrong with her,” said then-candidate Trump at an August
rally in Virginia. “What went wrong? Angela, what happened?”
Then, Trump seemed to care little about the potentially awkward ramifications
were he to win. He invoked Merkel as a foil at his rallies, accusing his
campaign rival, Hillary Clinton, of wanting to be “America’s Angela Merkel.” He
lashed out at Time magazine when it named Merkel “Person of the Year” in 2015
instead of him. Trump, at the time, did find ways to voice his respect. When a
television station in September asked him to name a world leader he admired, he
cited Merkel. In his meetings with world leaders since the inauguration, Trump
has adopted a more diplomatic public persona. He recently spent a weekend
bonding with Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, golfing and dining with Abe at
his Mar-a-Lago estate in Florida. He has cultivated a closer friendship with
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, whom he has known for years. But
Merkel is used to an altogether different type of American leader, having shared
a strong bond with President Barack Obama. She was the last of Obama’s key
European allies still in power when he left office. And as the leader of
Europe’s biggest economy and most stable government, Merkel emerged in recent
years as the leading voice for a continent struggling with slow growth, identity
issues and increased security threats after a string of terrorist attacks.
Reflecting their connection, Obama and his wife called Merkel and her husband on
the day before Trump’s inauguration to thank her for “her strong, courageous and
steady leadership.” It was Obama’s final call with a foreign leader, his
advisers said. Merkel’s first major encounter with Trump comes as she seeks a
fourth term as chancellor in elections later this year. She has acknowledged the
contest could be difficult and has stressed a need for stability after Britain’s
decision to leave the European Union. She reportedly has studied Trump’s
speeches and policies in advance of her trip, eager to find areas for
cooperation. Steven Keil, a fellow with The German Marshall Fund of the United
States, said Merkel has little reason to dwell on Trump’s past comments. “Merkel
is extremely pragmatic in her approach here, but she’s also going to have some
situations in which it will be tough for her to give too much,” Keil said. Trump
has rattled European leaders with his “America first” mantra. He also backed
Brexit and is skeptical of multilateral trade agreements. Merkel is expected to
reiterate her belief that a strong EU remains in America’s strategic and
economic interests, a message she shared last month in Munich with Vice
President Mike Pence. She was accompanied by a trade delegation that includes
top executives of BMW and Siemens, employers of tens of thousands of Americans.
Many live in Southern states that Trump won in the US election. Military matters
may be testy. Trump declared NATO “obsolete” before telling European leaders the
alliance remains important. But he is expected to reiterate calls for NATO
members to meet a minimum commitment for defense spending. Only the US and four
other members currently reach the benchmark of spending 2 percent of GDP on
defense. Germany lags significantly behind.
700,000 documents highlight appalling tortures in Assad’s
Staff writer, Al Arabiya English Thursday, 17March /A new documentary film shed
light on hundreds of thousands of documents and evidence that exposes widespread
torture and murder of Syrian detainees by Bashar al Assad’s regime. Through a
secret network, the Commission for International Justice and Accountability (CIJA),
an independent group of legal experts, has managed to smuggle more than 700,000
pages of Syrian intelligence and security archives. Criminal investigators have
built a case documenting the gruesome torture and murder of detainees, relying
on official photos and authentic documents. According to the documentary
“Syria’s Disappeared: The Case Against Assad”, which tracks William Wiley and
his group’s work in Syria, investigators had access to 55,000 photos of
detainees’ bodes - some with gouged out eyes - smuggled out by a former forensic
photographer who worked at Tishreen military hospital. The documentary had its
premiere at the International Film Festival and Forum on Human Rights in Geneva
this week. Wiley, a member of CIJA who has worked for UN war crimes tribunals
for former Yugoslavia and Rwanda, said in the film: “We are trying to lay the
foundation for persecution along the lines of Nuremberg.”
Pentagon denies hitting Syria mosque, offers photo as proof
AFP, Washington Friday, 17 March 2017/A US air strike in northern Syria did not
hit a mosque, but rather a nearby building with “dozens” of Al-Qaeda members
inside, the Pentagon said Friday as it published a photo of the strike's
aftermath. The Britain-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights earlier said
warplanes had targeted a mosque in Aleppo province during evening prayers,
killing 42 people. “The mosque is still standing and relatively unscathed,”
Pentagon spokesman Navy Captain Jeff Davis said. “The building we targeted was
adjacent” and the strike “clearly hit the intended target,” he added. The
Pentagon provided a black-and-white image depicting what appeared to be an old
mosque with a flattened building a short distance away. Davis did not say what
that destroyed building's purpose had been or whether it could have been somehow
connected to the old mosque in the village of Al-Jineh. The Pentagon does not
currently believe there were any civilian casualties resulting from the strike,
but Davis said “several terrorists” were killed when the meeting of “dozens” of
Al-Qaeda leadership figures in the building was hit. The head of the
Britain-based Observatory said that aside from the 42 people killed, more than
100 were wounded and that many remained trapped under the collapsed structure.
Rescue workers struggled to pull survivors from rubble, and dozens of residents
were still unaccounted for, the Observatory said. Abu Muhammed, a village
resident, told AFP that he “heard powerful explosions when the mosque was hit.
It was right after the prayer at a time when there is usually religious lessons
for men in it.”An AFP reporter at the scene said rescuers earlier left the
wreckage site but were forced to double back when they heard moaning coming from
the debris.
Intensive meetings by Syrian opposition in Riyadh for
Geneva talks
Staff writer, Al Arabiya English Friday, 17 March 2017/The supreme body of the
Syrian Opposition is holding intensive meetings in Riyadh on Friday and
Saturday, to discuss the agenda for the next round of the Geneva peace talks due
on March 23. Further meetings with the negotiating team will take place on
Sunday and Monday. The political body of the National Coalition for Syrian
Revolutionary and Opposition Forces is studying the channels of negotiations in
Geneva with Members of the Supreme Commission for negotiations, the negotiating
team and advisors and media delegations. In a statement to Asharq Al-Awsat
newspaper, Fouad Alikou, member of the supreme commission for negotiations,
stressed the importance of classifying the peace solutions in the three files:
the political transition, the constitution and the elections, with no refusal to
seek the cause of terrorism. Alikou was of the opinion that the success rate of
the next round was very small to non-existent.
Syrian Kurdish YPG says Raqqa attack to start in early
Reuters, Beirut Friday, 17 March 2017/The head of the Syrian Kurdish YPG militia
said a US-backed assault to drive ISIS from its de-facto capital Raqqa would
begin at the start of April and the YPG would be taking part, despite fierce
opposition from neighboring Turkey. A spokesman for the US Pentagon, Navy
Captain Jeff Davis, said no decision had been made yet on the Raqqa offensive,
which is part of a two pronged attempt to dismantle the caliphate declared by
ISIS in parts of Syria and Iraq in 2014.US-backed forces, including the YPG, are
closing in on the city and President Donald Trump has said he wants to
accelerate efforts to crush the hardline militants, who are under siege by
US-backed Iraqi forces in the much larger city of Mosul. The comments by YPG
commander Sipan Hemo to Reuters were the first indication of a date of an
attack. In a written reply to questions, Hemo, who rarely if ever appears in the
media, said: “Regarding the decision to liberate Raqqa and storm it, the matter
is decided and at the start of the month of April the military operation will
begin.”He added: “We believe that liberating Raqqa will not take more than a
number weeks.” His comments were relayed via a YPG spokesman.
Ankara has been pressing the United States to drop its military alliance with
the Syrian Kurdish group, which it views as part of the Kurdistan Workers’ Party
(PKK) that has been fighting an insurgency for three decades in Turkey.
Major point of contention
The role of the YPG is a major point of contention between the United States and
its NATO ally Turkey, which wants Washington to draw instead on Syrian Arab
rebel groups backed by Ankara for the final assault on Raqqa, a predominantly
Arab city. Hemo said YPG militia would storm Raqqa alongside Arab fighters in
the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF). “Of the total force for storming Raqqa, 25
percent are YPG, who are set apart in their combat experience and high-level
command skills directing battles in cities,” he said. Turkish Foreign Minister
Mevlut Cavusoglu told broadcaster Haberturk in an interview late on Thursday
that parts of the US military favored incorporating the YPG into the assault
force because of its earlier successes on the ground. “But we also see that
there are different stances within the US administration. Right now, they do not
have a clear stance on this. They are going through a transition period,” he
said, adding: “The talks are ongoing.”The Pentagon has said that Arab fighters
account for about 75 percent of the alliance of militias fighting to isolate
Saudi Deputy Crown Prince meets US Defense Secretary to
discuss Iran, ISIS
Staff writer, Al Arabiya English Friday, 17 March 2017/Saudi Arabia’s Deputy
Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman met with the United States’ Defense Secretary
James Mattis at the Pentagon on Thursday to discuss ways to further enhance
military cooperation between the two countries.
In a meeting that lasted over three hours, the two also discussed the battle
against ISIS as well as halting Iran’s intervention in the region. Al Arabiya's
envoy stressed that the both the deputy crown prince and Mattis had agreed on
several initiatives, having matching attitudes and ideas during the meeting.
The deputy crown prince met with US President Donald Trump on Tuesday during his
trip to Washington, marking a historic moment in being the first Gulf leader to
meet with the newly elected president.
At least 34 people killed in Houthi mosque attack in
Yemen’s Marib
Staff writer, Al Arabiya English Friday, 17 March 2017/At least 34 civilians and
military personnel were killed in a Houthi attack on a mosque during Friday
prayers inside a military base in Yemen’s Marib province, local officials
said.Houthi militias fired two missiles at the mosque located inside the
military camp of Kofal in the west of Marib, officials said. The attack was
carried out with Katyusha-type rockets, said a military official in Marib.
Houthi news agency Saba said the militia had carried out the attack. It said the
main weapon used was Zelzal-1 Iranian-made missiles and it was followed by
artillery fire. “Dozens of bodies of burned soldiers were evacuated from the
site,” it said, without mentioning that a mosque had been hit. Maj Gen Mohsen
Kasroof, Chief of the Moral Guidance Department at the Yemeni armed forces said
the Houthi’s attack on the mosque demonstrates the criminal inclination of the
militia. It is the same message expressed when Abdul Rab al Shadadi's funeral
tent was attacked, he added. (With Reuters, AFP)
Yemeni army, backed by Arab coalition, advance toward Sanaa
Staff writer, Al Arabiya English Friday, 17 March 2017/Yemen’s national army
that is loyal to the government of Abdrabbuh Mansur Hadi is making advances
towards Houthi-held Sanaa, Al Arabiya correspondent reported on the ground. The
advance is receiving air support from the Arab coalition and have already taken
control of Arhab district in the Houthi-held capital, according to the report.
The advancing troops have claimed that they are likely to reach close to Sanaa
airport any time soon.
US places Bahrainis backed by Iran on terrorist list,
imposes sanctions
Staff writer, Al Arabiya English Saturday, 18 March 2017/The US government has
imposed sanctions on two men from Bahrain and has placed them on a terrorist
list on Friday. The two, Ahmad Hassan Yousuf and Mortada Majid Ramadan Alawi,
have been placed by the US Treasury Department on the list of economic sanctions
and banned financial dealings with them. he US state department said in a
statement that the two have been placed on the terrorist list in accordance with
a previous executive order for those who pose threats to US interests. The US
foreign ministry explained that the decision to place the two on the list came
“after the escalation of rebel attacks in Bahrain, where Iran has provided arms,
funding and training the rebels.”It added that this was “a further step in the
ongoing effort to forcefully confront Iran's activities that seek to destabilize
the region and promote activities relating to terrorism.”
Iranian pilgrims will participate in the Hajj season of this year
Staff writer, Al Arabiya English Friday, 17 March 2017/The Saudi Ministry of
Hajj and Umra and the Pilgrimage Organization of Iran completed all the
necessary arrangements for the participation of Iranian pilgrims in the Hajj
season of 2017 (1438AH), according to the approved procedures with various
Islamic countries. This comes from the directives of the Saudi Government led by
Saudi King Salman bin Abdul Aziz Al Saud, the Crown Prince and the deputy Crown
Prince. The Minister of Hajj and Umra Dr. Mohammed Benten met with the President
of the Pilgrimage Organization Hamid Mohammedi and his accompanying delegation,
to discuss Iranian pilgrims’ affairs arrangements for Hajj this year 2017
(1438AH). In the past year, no Iranian participated in the Hajj, which was a
first in three decades, following a diplomatic crisis between Tehran and Riyadh
after Iranian protesters attacked the Saudi Embassy in Tehran.
UN chief wants report on ‘apartheid’ Israel taken off web
Reuters, New York/Beirut Friday, 17 March 2017/United Nations Secretary-General
Antonio Guterres has asked the UN regional commission that represents most Arab
countries to remove from its website a report accusing Israel of practicing an
“apartheid regime” against Palestinians, a UN official said on Friday. The
report for the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia,
which comprises 18 Arab states, concluded, “Israel has established an apartheid
regime that dominates the Palestinian people as a whole.”The accusation - often
directed against Israel by its critics - has never before been made by a United
Nations body. UN spokesman Stephane Dujarric said on Wednesday the report was
published without prior consultation with the UN secretariat. Israel’s foreign
ministry spokesman likened the report to a Nazi propaganda publication that was
strongly anti-Semitic and described it as “despicable and a blatant lie.”The
report was still visible on ESCWA’s website on Friday. Head of UN’s ESCWA
resigns over report/The head of the United Nation’s West Asia commission
resigned after what she described as pressure from the secretary general to
withdraw the report.UN Under-Secretary General and ESCWA Executive Secretary
Rima Khalaf announced her resignation at a news conference in Beirut.
Morocco’s king names PJD’s Othmani as new prime minister
Reuters, Rabat Friday, 17 March 2017/Morocco’s King Mohammed VI has named
Saadeddine El Othmani of the Islamist Justice and Development Party (PJD) as the
country’s new prime minister and asked him to form a government, a statement
carried by MAP state news agency said on Friday.
The king announced on Wednesday he would replace Abdelilah Benkirane as prime
minister with another member of the PJD in an effort to break a five-month
post-election deadlock. Othmani was foreign minister from 2011-2013 and had
since served as the head of the PJD’s parliamentary group.
Iraq commander announces gains in Mosul old city
AFP, Mosul Friday, 17 March 2017/A commander said Friday that Iraqi forces have
gained ground from jihadists inside the Old City of Mosul, an area that could
see some of the toughest fighting of the battle for the northern
metropolis.Iraqi forces launched an operation on February 19 to retake the west
side of Mosul – the most populous area still held by ISIS – and have retaken
several neighborhoods. But the pace of their advance has periodically slowed
because of bad weather that has hampered air support. The Old City, where
hundreds of thousands of civilians are believed to have stayed on under IS rule,
is a warren of narrow streets that restricts the use of large armored vehicles.
“Federal police and Rapid Response units imposed their complete control over the
Al-Basha Mosque... and the Bab al-Saray market in the Old City,” federal police
Lieutenant General Raed Shakir Jawdat, the commander of the federal police, said
in a statement. Iraqi forces launched the operation to recapture Mosul -- the
jihadists' last major urban bastion in the country -- in October, retaking its
east side before setting their sites on the smaller but more densely populated
Military Action Against N.
Korea an 'Option'
Agence France Presse/Naharnet/March 17/17/US military action against
nuclear-armed North Korea is an "option on the table", Secretary of State Rex
Tillerson said Friday after warning the policy of strategic patience with
Pyongyang was over. In strong statements that appear to signal a sea change in
American policy towards the isolated country, the United States' top diplomat
said North Korea's burgeoning missile and nuclear programmes must be halted.
"Certainly we do not want to, for things to get to military conflict," he told
reporters in Seoul, but added: "If they elevate the threat of their weapons
programme to a level that we believe requires action, then that option's on the
table.""The policy of strategic patience has ended," Tillerson told a joint
press conference with his South Korean counterpart Yun Byung-Se. "We are
exploring a new range of diplomatic, security, economic measures. All options
are on the table.""Strategic patience" is the term given to the US policy under
former President Barack Obama when the United States ruled out engaging the
North until it made a tangible commitment to denuclearisation, hoping that
internal stresses would bring about change. Tillerson's visit to Asia -- South
Korea is the second leg of the tour -- is his first foray into crisis
management. His remarks on Friday came a day after he said in Tokyo that 20
years of efforts to denuclearise the North had "failed" and promised a new
approach. North Korea has a long-standing ambition to become a nuclear power and
conducted its first underground atomic test in 2006, in the teeth of global
opposition. Four more test blasts have followed, two of them last year. Allowing
the North to retain its present level of weapons technology was not appropriate,
Tillerson said in Seoul. "That would leave North Korea with significant
capabilities that would represent a true threat."The United Nations has imposed
multiple sets of sanctions on Pyongyang over its nuclear and missile programmes,
but its main diplomatic protector and trade partner China is accused of not
fully enforcing them. Tillerson will be going on to Beijing on Saturday to press
it to do more.
"I don't believe we have ever fully achieved the maximum level of action that
can be taken under the UN Security Council resolution with full participation of
all countries. "We know that other nations can take actions."Earlier in the day,
Tillerson had visited the Demilitarised Zone dividing the two Koreas to gaze on
the North for himself. Under the glaring eyes of alert North Korean soldiers,
Tillerson toured the Panmunjom joint security area, guarded by both North Korea
and the US-led United Nations Command since the Korean War ended with an
armistice in 1953. North Korean soldiers watched from their side of the
demarcation line -- marked by cement blocks on the ground. At one point they
were only a few feet from Tillerson, with one taking either video or photos.
Latest LCCC Bulletin analysis & editorials from
miscellaneous sources published
On March 17-18/17
Israeli air strikes in Syria. Reprisal threatened
DEBKAfile Special Report March 17,
The Israeli military said its fighter jets had struck several targets in Syria
early Friday, March 17, and were back in Israeli-controlled airspace, when Syria
launched several anti-aircraft missiles toward the Israeli jets. Israel’s Arrow
air defense missile intercepted one of the missiles, the army said, but would
not elaborate on whether any other hostile missiles had struck Israeli
territory. The safety of Israeli civilians and the safety of the Israeli
aircraft “were not compromised,” the IDF spokesman stressed.
debkafile’s military sources: The official IDF communiqué raises questions. It
does not make sense for Israeli Arrow missiles to be aimed at Syrian
ground-to-air rockets fired against the Israeli warplanes. The Arrow would only
be used to intercept an incoming Syrian or Hizballah ground-to-ground missile
heading for a target in Israel.
That too would explain the huge blast that resounded from the eastern Jordan
Valley as far as Jerusalem, 150km away in the small hours of Friday.
This explanation gained credibility from the Syrian army account: “A total of
four Israeli jets breached Syrian airspace on Friday morning. They hit a
“military target” near Palmyra. In retaliation the jets were targeted by Syrian
anti-aircraft missiles, which shot down on Israeli plane over “occupied ground.”
Following the breach of the country's airspace, the Syrian Army warned Israel of
"direct" retaliation "with all means at its disposal,"
The Israeli Army stressed that none of the IAE planes was harmed. "At no point
was the safety of Israeli civilians or the IAF [Israeli Air Force] aircraft
compromised," an Israeli military spokesman said.
debkafile’s military sources add: The big T4 Syrian air base is located near
Palmyra. If that was indeed the target of the Israeli raid, it would have been
the northernmost point in Syria ever attacked by Israeli warplanes.
The fact that fragments of the Arrow missile landed in the north Jordanian
village of Anbata in the Irbid district, as revealed by social media, is added
evidence that it was launched against a missile fired into Israel. Had the Arrow
intercepted anti-air missiles in northern Syria, the fragments falling from the
interception would not have reached Jordan or alerted rocket sirens close by in
the Jordan Valley on the Israeli side of the border.
Israeli air strikes in Syria, intercepts missile
DEBKAfile Special Report March 17, 2017
Early Friday, March 17, the Israeli Air Force
attacked a number of targets in Syria. In the course of the attack, Syrian
anti-air missiles were fired and intercepted by Israeli anti-missile systems
from Israel. Fragments of the interceptors dropped over Jordan. A mighty
explosion and rocket alarms heard over the eastern Israeli Jordan Valley region
as far as Jerusalem 150km away before dawn Friday were caused by the
interception of the Syrian missiles. This was the first time that an Israeli
official had reported an attack on a target in Syria. It was also the first time
that an Israeli interception system had been activated to protect Israeli air
force planes from attack. No details were given on the targets of the Israeli
air strike.
Saudi Columnist: The Future of Arabs and
Muslims Will Remain Dark Unless They Subject Their Values And Heritage To A
Critical Assessment
MEMRI/March 17/17
In an article titled "A Critical Look at the Past Is an Absolute Must," posted
on Alarabiya's English-language website, Saudi columnist Mohammed Al-Shaikh
wrote that the current rise of the radical right in the West is a reaction to
violent Islamic extremism that espouses the values and culture of the past. He
argued that the West discarded such backward ideas by subjecting them to logical
critical thinking, and that the Arabs and Muslims will never move forward unless
they do the same – namely renew their cultural beliefs using tools of logical
criticism and confront the reasons that produced the culture of hate.
The following is the English version of his article.[1]
"It is said that if the Europeans hadn't subjected their legacies, which they
inherited from the Middle Ages, to scientific and logical criticism, they would
still be repeating priestly statements that call for violence and base them on
sectarian and religious pillars. Criticism based on reason does not care about
emotions as much about logic and facts.
"Criticism cannot be scientific unless it is logical and emotions and wishful
thinking should have nothing to do with criticism. I am completely convinced
that as Arabs and Muslims we will not exit the whirlpool we are living in and
will continue to suffer unless we adopt the same critical approach.
"Yes, we will eliminate ISIS and al-Qaeda, and perhaps also the Muslim
Brotherhood. However, parts of our legacy, which led to the rise of these
terrorist groups, is greatly capable of producing another ISIS, al-Qaeda or
Muslim Brotherhood.
"The situation will continue unless we address the roots of this legacy, and
criticize and analyze them in a way that has been done before. I know giving up
emotions is very difficult especially if the matter is intertwined with identity
but it is critical that we do so. There is no cure to the underdevelopment which
bred terrorism unless through this painful confrontation.
"I believe that this is a necessary condition to survive in this era and
co-exist. I am also aware there are 'traders' in underdevelopment and parties
which thrive on keeping this legacy and presenting it as a sacred territory that
cannot be touched. Those who observe the catastrophic consequences the Arab
region is witnessing will inevitably reach the conclusion I am talking about.
"The second point we must note, particularly these days, is summed up by this
law of physics – for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. The
rise of extremist right-wing [in the West] was a reaction to Islamic extremism
[that] became a reality by importing past concepts and culture and imposing it
via violence and the power of weapons. This made the West and East fear us and
our cultural heritage. They began to think of ways to protect their people of
this lurking beast called 'Islamic terrorism' and this is what pushed
communities, particularly in the West, to gather around right-wing politicians
whose rhetoric is based on hostility toward foreigners and on restraining
immigrants, particularly those form Muslim countries.
"I am of a firm belief that if we do not address our situation, renew our true
cultural beliefs and tackle the reasons that resulted in this culture of hate,
the future of Arabs and Muslims will remain dark.
"There is no other solution but to renew the legacy and differentiate between
what is sacred and untouchable, like the Quran, and what is capable of being
developed. We can either take the path to harmony with the modern times or wait
for the downfall."
[1], March 14, 2017. The Arabic version of the article was
published March 12, 2017 in the Saudi daily Al-Jazirah.
Compulsions surrounding Russia and Israel over Syria
Abdulrahman al-Rashed/Al Arabiya/March 17/17
All stakeholders in the region are trying to re-reposition themselves to prepare
for the expected Russian plan, anticipating an agreement to end the war in
Syria. This is indeed an important period in terms of the re-arrangements on the
ground situation. We do not know if it is for better or worse.
One of the most important developments is that Israel now got involved in it,
and I wrote about this few days ago. Even if they do not overtly appear on the
scene, the Israelis are key players in their so-called security zones, i.e.
their neighboring countries.
We want to know what happened in Moscow. According to both Russia and Israel,
Syria was the main headline in the meetings that were held between Israeli Prime
Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Vladimir Putin. Netanyahu is not against
internal agreement between Syrian fighting parties, under the Russia plan, which
stipulates that Bashar al-Assad stays and the opposition gets limited powers.
This is the best solution for Israel: a weak regime and an exhausted opposition.
Sources said that Netanyahu traveled to Moscow to obtain a promise from his
friend Putin about “undermining” the Iranian presence as well as Hezbollah and
the rest of the pro-Iranian militias in Syria. “Undermining” most probably means
in this context, to impose a peace agreement forced on them to get out of Syria.
According to sources, the shocking reply of Putin was as follow: Moscow cannot
show its arrangements with Israel to undermine the Iranian presence and
influence in Syria at the moment, because Moscow considers that it still needs
the Iranian presence in Syria “until the end of the war with ISIS and reaching a
political solution there.”
We are not assuming that Israel will eliminate Hezbollah from Lebanon but it
will work to undermine it even though Hezbollah is strong enough to resist
Unfulfilled promises
However, we know that promises in such uncertain times cannot be reliable, and
often do not get fulfilled. Moscow has promised to reduce the presence of Iran
and its allies later on, but the realization of such a promise requires explicit
international guarantees.
The Syrian forces entered Lebanon in 1976 under the pretext of stopping the war
there. It withdrew from Lebanon in 2005 after assassinating a large number of
Lebanese leaders, including Rafik Hariri. Syria’s occupation in Lebanon lasted
for almost three decades and Tehran might occupy Syria for a long time.
The source also stated that Moscow assumes that Israel will accept the Russian
proposal because Russia had previously helped Israel by providing intelligence
data to carry out strikes targeting Hezbollah in Syria as a good intention
initiative from Russia to Israel. This supports the story stating that Russians
gave Israel information that Mughniyeh was near Kenaytra so it can assassinate
It seems that Moscow gave Israel one option: the acceptance of the Iranian
presence in Syria because it either needs it or cannot face it. The source
mentions that Moscow does not mind if Israel wanted to weaken Hezbollah’s role
in Syria, allowing Israel to target Hezbollah in Lebanon.
We are not assuming that Israel will eliminate Hezbollah from Lebanon but it
will work to undermine it even though Hezbollah is strong enough to resist.
Russians believe that a major attack will force Hezbollah to withdraw from Syria
and focus on the possible Israeli attack in Lebanon.
This explains the return of Israeli threats against Hezbollah in Lebanon; Israel
wants to drain Hezbollah missiles’ force in a war controlled by Israel.
According to Russian and Israeli opinions, this will weaken the presence of
Iranians in Damascus.
In my opinion, the Syrian project based on external wars will lead to more
tension while expanding the circle of turbulence. Without forcing Iran and its
allies to get out of Syria as a condition for ending the war, the situation in
Syria will remain as is.
*This article was first published in Asharq Al-Awsat on March 17, 2017.
Where are the stars of the Arab Spring?
Mashari Althaydi/Al Arabiya/March 17/17
In his most recent piece for Kuwaiti Newspaper Ayyam, marking 6th anniversary of
the so-called Arab Spring, writer and researcher Khalil Ali Haidar enquired
about the fate of the Egyptian Arab Spring political activist and journalist
Israa Abdul Fattah?
It is a rhetorical question because “he asked the question knowing the answer”.
So it is our turn to ask: Where is the revolution person, the star of Google
Wael Ghoneim? He became famous for his tears and was praised highly by US former
President Barrack Obama.
Where is Ahmed Maher, Ahmed Domah, Nawara Nejm, Khaled Daoud, Mohamed al-Baradei,
Abdul Moneim Abou al-Fotouh and many more? Where is Monsef Marzouki, Tawakol
Kerman and his fellow “revolutionaries” in Kuwait, Bahrain, Saudi Arabia and
many other countries?
Let us go back to Israa Abdul Fattah who was nominated by a few to win the Nobel
Peace Prizel. Khalil Ali Haidar reminds us that “she was disregarded last year
and was quoted in a newspaper saying that some people are saying that I am a
traitor and an agent.”
A Qabas report on January 26, 2016 said: “The 29-year-old journalist is living
alone in her small apartment, hoping that Egyptians will rise again to call for
The challenges continue to be the same and not we were told during the euphoria
surrounding the Arab Spring
The myth
We are not gloating here, but we want to take a moment to think about what has
happened during the last six years, back when they wanted us to stop thinking
and get dragged behind the emotional momentum and Obama’s international support
of the Arab Spring myth. It was to be an Arab Spring for the Muslim Brotherhood
and Khomeini’s forces as well as naive leftist teenagers and social media fools.
The world now is what we have gotten used to; back to square one. The challenges
continue to be the same and not we were told during the euphoria surrounding the
Arab Spring: development and justice, not democracy and freedom according to
Israa Abdel Fattah’s point of view.
Does this make the current situation in Egypt and Tunisia great examples? It is
surely not as there are many difficulties on the economic and living levels.
What is certain is that Israa’s dreams about another Arab Spring and chaotic
revolution is not the solution. The only solution is the slow and difficult work
on the development along with accountability and control.
By the way, a few days ago, my Saudi friend and writer in this newspaper,
Abdullah bin Bejad-Otaibi released a book entitled “against the Arab Spring”, in
which he documented pages about the chronicles of those days.
Abdullah and few others had written about the chaos following Arab revolution,
warning people of the outcome of the revolution…and this is what happened.
**The article was first published in Asharq Al-Awsat.
Entertainment and partisan prohibitions
Abdullah bin Bijad Al-Otaibi/Al Arabiya/March 17/17
Entertainment has been a human need since ancient times, although its
manifestations have varied among different communities. It develops as humans
develop. Individuals, societies, communities and nations need it all the more as
modern life gets more complex and complicated.
Life’s difficulties have increased. The conditions for a decent life represent
great pressure on individuals and societies as they constantly need to entertain
themselves and their families in order to confront daily challenges, renew their
energy and thus continue to develop.
Some philosophers have said that a part of a state’s task is to provide
entertainment to its citizens. Entertainment is an offshoot of prosperity and
well being, and religions, including Islam, does not prohibit it as a form of
recreation. Some extremists have condemned the entertainment activities
sponsored by the Saudi kingdom as part of its Vision 2030.
Doctrinal issues
Most of these topics they discuss are, however, controversial doctrinal issues
that are well-known among respectable scholars. However, what we must realize is
that there are some significant differences between what’s prohibited by
religion and what’s prohibited by what’s known as sahwa (Islamic awakening) or
political Islam. The former is motivated by faith while the latter is motivated
by partisanship.
Islamic sahwa distanced itself from the rest of Muslims by escalating some
well-known doctrinal controversies to definitive matters not because these
matters are definitively prohibited according to jurisprudential logic, but
because there is a desire to control the society under the name of religion and
Islam. Islam, which is a heavenly religion whose followers today are more than
1.5 billion, include several definitive prohibitions that form Islam’s pillars.
However, part of political Islam’s mistake has been that it turned controversial
matters into definitive matters where discussion on these issues is unacceptable
for them. Entertainment is an offshoot of prosperity and well being, and
religions, including Islam, does not prohibit it as a form of recreation
Human understanding
The human understanding of the need for entertainment, leisure and adornment is
noted in Quranic and Sunnah texts. The prophet used to make jokes. Al-Nuayman,
one of the prophet’s companions, was well-known for making the prophet laugh.
Some of the prophet’s followers were also known for their humor. An example is
the doctrinal stance on singing. There is a huge doctrinal controversy regarding
this. Many scholars used to listen to songs and believed they were permitted.
Those who claim there is a doctrinal consensus on this matter are liars or
mistaken. In Bukhari wa Muslim, it’s narrated that Aisha, one of the prophet’s
wives, had two maids who sang. Abu Bakr warned of the devil’s psalms but the
prophet said: “People have their feast, and this is our feast”. Imam Ibn Hazm,
the well-known scholar, said “singing, playing and dancing during the days of
Eid is fine in the mosque and elsewhere. Allah’s Prophet heard Abu Bakr talk
about the devil’s psalms and prohibited that, while not prohibit the maids from
singing. No one can argue with that.”
In his book ‘The Revival’, Imam Al-Ghazali said: “The Prophet, prayer and peace
be upon him, used to hear the two maids sing as he lied down. This indicates
that women’s voices are not prohibited, like the sound of the flute, but were
prohibited when there is fear of strife. These standards and texts indicate
permitting singing, dancing, and playing the tambourine and watching Al-Habash
and black people dance during times of happiness, compared to the day of a
Ibn Taymiyyah said: “The slaves’ singing which men heard was heard by their
companions at weddings.”
Respectable scholars’ statements are many regarding this matter. Those who read
jurisprudence books will know the scale of the dispute regarding this issue and
will realize that this issue is in fact simple and does not call for all this
mobilization and tensions.
I apologize to the reader for going into jurisprudential details but they are
important in this context so as to clarify that much of the confusion caused by
symbols of political Islam or by so-called preachers aim to serve partisan
interests and achieve the desire of controlling society in any way possible,
even if it includes talking in the name of religion or exploiting it to incite
society against the state’s activities and citizens’ needs.
‘Partisan prohibitions’
Movements in political Islam use “partisan prohibitions” as a tool to mobilize
and impose control. If we review their history, we see that once they find that
matters which they have once prohibited have spread, they change their minds and
go back to their senses – or worse, they compete with others over how supportive
they are. There are many examples to that, from permitting coffee drinking, to
permitting girls’ education or to permitting photography, television and
satellite channels. The examples are countless.
People’s needs change over time and place, along with all the different givens
imposed during certain developments in societiy. These developments become part
of the reality which imposes itself on everyone. Throughout history, reality
imposed on scholars certain changes and amendments to their doctrinal choices.
They were thus forced to restructure their priorities all over again. Sects that
do not change and renew will disappear and die.
The General Authority for Entertainment which Saudi Arabia announced as part of
the Vision 2030 is a body which handles organizing entertainment activities that
harmonize with society’s developments and seek to meet the societies’ needs via
different means. It provides entertainment to people and does not force anyone
to attend or practice something they do not want to do. Finally, it was so
delightful that Mohammed Abdu, the favorite artist of Arabs, and Rashid al-Majid
performed beautiful patriotic songs at the King Fahd Cultural Center.
**This article is also available in Arabic.
Analysis: Politics of Class and Identity Dividing Aleppo –
and Syria
Preethi Nallu/Syria Deeply/March 17/17
BEIRUT – In late January, a train to eastern Aleppo left the city’s main railway
station for the first time in four years. The station, which was built before
World War I as part of the Berlin-Baghdad network and is still referred to by
some locals as “Gare de Baghdad”, has witnessed several conflicts in the course
of almost a century, but none as devastating as the siege of Aleppo and the
subsequent military offensive by the Syrian government in December.
As the train chugged through bombed-out eastern Aleppo as part of its daily
route through the city, passengers peered through the windows at the wreckage in
bewildered silence; their city had become unrecognizable. Some residents could
be seen returning to their homes, clambering over the remnants of destroyed
buildings, many of them without power, water and, in some cases, roofs and
Syria entered its seventh year of conflict on Wednesday and many mourned the
destruction of Aleppo. But bombed-out buildings are just one of the many
obstacles to rebuilding the city. It has also suffered a significant loss of
people, capital, intellectual capacity and diversity. Aleppo has in fact become
emblematic of the prolonged sectarian, socioeconomic and rural/urban rifts
across the country that could have a serious impact on the return of refugees
and internally displaced persons (IDPs).
Despite centuries of multicultural existence, the last few years of war have
fragmented Syria’s largest city, creating a pronounced division between the east
and west, and reducing some 35,722 structures to rubble. Human rights groups
have labelled Aleppo “the worst place in the world,” due in large part to the
indiscriminate bombing of civilians and the government-imposed siege.
With much of Aleppo’s population denied basic services and their economic
lifeline severed by fighting, many have fled to other parts of Syria and across
its borders. Most recently, 37,500 people were led out of the city in December
in a mass evacuation brokered by Turkey and Russia during the so-called
“liberation” of the eastern side of the city. By early January, the United
Nations reported, only about 2,200 families had returned. Aleppo has undergone
ostensibly permanent demographic changes, according to several organizations,
including the U.N. refugee agency.
“Reversing such a drain of people and resources will require a very large
investment, if we want to get back to the pre-conflict situation,” researchers
at the National Agenda for the Future of Syria (NAFS) told a conference in
Beirut last November. Launched by the the U.N.’s Economic and Social Commission
for Western Asia (ESCWA), the program is mapping out the social, political and
economic factors shaping any future reconstruction.
Bassel Kaghadou, lead consultant at the NAFS project, notes that there is now
heavy “identity polarization” stoked by the warring parties and their proxies.
The “identities and micro-identities” of different cities that have hardened
over the conflict years should be taken into account by the U.N.’s political and
humanitarian branches, says Kaghadou.
“The conflict in the Damascus area, for example, has more of a financial and a
rural/urban dimension, whereas in areas like Homs it’s more of a sectarian
dimension. In areas like Aleppo, it’s more of a poor/rich divide – those who
have, those who don’t have.”
Understanding the nature of conflicts in the different urban centres is vital
for assessing the feasibility and nature of returns, Kaghadou adds.
Disappearing Diversity
Aleppo has set an alarming precedent for dozens of other places under siege
across the country, according to internal U.N. reports and local observer groups
– and the city may be a bellwether for other returnees and the rebuilding of not
only infrastructure but also the social fabric. Government forces recently
encircled three rebel-held neighborhoods in eastern Damascus in order to secure
Eastern Ghouta, an agricultural area home to an estimated 250,000 civilians,
which may be the next instance of mass displacement.
“Few places are as ancient and diverse,” writes Philip Mansel in his book
“Aleppo: The Rise and Fall of Syria’s Great Merchant City,” which was published
last summer before the government offensive in late December. This followed an
on-and-off siege by opposing sides that had been in effect since 2012.
Mansel’s exploration of one of the world’s oldest continually inhabited cities –
part of a lifeline linking Mesopotamia to the Mediterranean and a key port on
the Silk Road – is even more striking today. The Assyrians, Persians, Greeks,
Romans, Arabs, Ottomans and French who at various times competed for control of
this venerable merchant city – which Mansel describes as an artery pumping
economic gain and cultural exchange between the Far East and the West – would
not recognize it. Today’s Aleppo epitomizes the impact of sustained violence.
Speaking to News Deeply, Mansel expresses his concern that the near-demise of
centuries of multicultural coexistence in Aleppo is a worrying sign for the
future of mixed communities in Syria.
The difficulty of assessing demographic change, especially as a result of a lack
of verifiable data, means the situation on the ground is changing nearly every
week, Mansel says.
“A lot of minorities are also leaving Aleppo and they are often well-connected.
Armenians are going to independent Armenia and Christians have been leaving even
before the conflict. Although many Sunni Muslims are leaving, many also cannot
The Russian-led “scorched earth” campaign – akin to the Battle of Grozny in
Chechen – emptied swathes of the city of its residents, making it easier for
government forces to take over. During the latest Syrian peace talks in Geneva,
U.N. human rights investigators accused all sides of war crimes in Aleppo. They
also concluded that the mass evacuations of the rebel-held enclave in eastern
Aleppo amounted to “forced displacement.” French philosopher Bernard-Henri Lévy
has gone so far as to call Aleppo one of history’s costliest lessons in “urbicide,”
with returns of refugees and IDPs a challenge for the foreseeable future.
Establishing a concrete process to ensure long-term civilian returns is more
pressing than ever, particularly as safe zones become a less viable option and
neighboring countries, such as Turkey, Jordan and Lebanon, seal their borders.
“There are no safe zones. When you take a civilian from eastern Aleppo or
eastern parts of Aleppo out to Idlib, there are still threats of brutal
government airstrikes and the armed opposition, which is also abusive and
repressive,” Syrian-Canadian writer and independent analyst Yazan al-Saadi told
News Deeply.
Complex Divides, Difficult Returns
In the light of rapidly changing demographic realities in Syrian cities, media
outlets have voiced concerns that a majority of the refugees and IDPs, who are
Sunni Muslims, might not be able to return to their homes. This is particularly
true in Aleppo, where the western side is currently dominated by minorities –
Alawites, Christians, Armenians, Druze – and the eastern neighborhoods are
mainly Sunni.
“One has to be very careful when making such claims,” said al-Saadi, adding that
the Syrian government is unlikely to assess civilian returns based on a “black
and white” assessment of sectarian identity. “It is not a case of ‘you are
Sunni, so you cannot come back.’ It is about whether you are with ‘us’ [the
Syrian regime] or not.”
Mansel says the divisions of identity among the people of Aleppo, especially
over the conflict years, go beyond religious affiliations. The city “has been
drawn into wars between Sunni and Shiite; Salafis and other Muslims; secularists
and clericalists; dictators and liberals; armies and civilians; the city and the
The rural/urban identities added yet another dimension to the divides, whereby a
vast majority of the “bourgeoisie in the city were afraid of this uprising, and
perceived it as coming from rural areas and seeking more social justice,” said
Joseph Daher, a Swiss-Syrian academic, originally from Aleppo, speaking from
Daher and al-Saadi point to “class divisions” as the most important dynamics in
Aleppo’s case.
These entangled strands of identity have prevented the return of most civilians
who fled the city. At the same time observers caution that the siege of Aleppo
and the ensuing relocation of residents is part of a concerted strategy to
orchestrate long-term changes of identity and social make-up across the country.
Control of the key urban centers along the spine of Syria has been a goal for
all warring sides. The government takeover of Aleppo, and the “crushing of
opposition presence in the city was crucial for the regime ahead of new
negotiations [that took place in January in Astana and February in Geneva],”
Daher added.
The so-called liberation of Aleppo was a major turning point in entrenching the
Syrian government’s hold on the spine of the country. Politically and physically
controlling these cities is key for the regime to regain control of the entire
country. With Idlib – still under rebel control – being a key vertebra of this
spine, many fear the evacuees from Aleppo who have been sent to IDP camps in the
northwestern province have essentially gone from one siege to another. The mass
evacuations from eastern parts of Aleppo have also brought the competing and
oft-conflicting notions of safe passage versus depopulation to the fore.
Evacuation or Forced Displacement?
Months before the Aleppo offensive, the U.N. emergency relief coordinator
Stephen O’Brien explicitly called mass evacuations and prolonged sieges
violations of international humanitarian law. “All sieges, a medieval tactic,
must be lifted,” he said. “This should not [occur] through any type of agreement
which results in the forced displacement of the civilian population.”
While depopulation to create demographic changes is indeed a flagrant violation
of international law, ascertaining the voluntary nature of civilian evacuations
amid conflict is a difficult process. Most humanitarian workers insist that it
is equally dangerous to delay evacuations when the basic lifelines for food,
shelter and medicine are severed with no guarantees of safety.
When civilians and opposition fighters boarded buses in Aleppo heading toward
Idlib, the U.N. stated that while evacuations were not within their remit, they
were ready to assist anyone “voluntarily” leaving the city. The absence of
impartial monitors on the ground to document instances of forced relocation
points to a glaring gap in civilian protection. Given that at least half of the
Syrian population fled their homes over the past six years, population transfer
of native residents, with no guarantees of return, remains a gray zone.
“The U.N. is inherently biased because of the way it is set up [where it has to
engage with states]. INGOs are also obliged to deal with international laws and
humanitarianism that at times clash with the needs of a society,” al-Saadi said.
“The only solution that is I see is an international organization or
international body of civilians.”
Those dealing with returns must also be mindful that depopulation is not
necessarily a concern for the Syrian government, given that the country
experienced a significant growth spurt in the 1960s, al-Saadi added.
The Economics of Returns
In Aleppo’s case, socioeconomic divides appear to play as influential a role as
the sectarian make-up. One has to look at the “social geography” of the fighting
in the city, visible as early as the summer of 2012, to understand the
possibilities of returns, claim Jean Claude David and Thierry Boissière, authors
of “Alep et ses territoires,” which explores the relationship between urban
spaces and the societies of Aleppo.
The authors point out that journalists and observers seeking explanations
through geopolitics sometimes overlook localized conflicts and the intertwined
social and economic tensions that inflame hostilities, as in the case of Syria’s
urban centers.
“The organization of [public] space into two large socioeconomic groups is still
blatant nowadays between a rich West quarter [of the Medina] and the more
popular three-quarters, North, East, and South, with the economic classes
traversing confessional and religious identities,” according to the authors. But
the blockade of trade in the city and decreased interactions between the
different quarters during the conflict has further alienated the two sides.
Across the country, extreme class divisions and the rural/urban flight due to
loss of livelihoods are at the root of the eruption of conflict, says Abdullatif
El Ali, a Syrian researcher completing his international relations degree in
Turkey. The class divide gradually “transformed into an identity divide,” he
Ali, who is from Al-Muslimiyah in the governorate of Aleppo, cites his own
family’s experience. In an interview with News Deeply he recalled how his
uncles, who were farmers, struggled to make a living in the village before the
uprisings started. A significant percentage of working-age men moved to urban
centers. Aleppo was the closest economic hub for many.
Alongside the “pro-government” or “anti-government” divide is the issue of the
indispensability of returnees to the future economic growth of Syria, said al-Saadi.
The instrumentalization of people as “tools rather than multi-dimensional
individuals” will dictate the Syrian government policies with returns, he added.
Syria’s GDP has dropped 40 percent since the start of the conflict, meaning that
“attracting capital back into the country will go hand-in-hand with reversing
brain drain” and ensuring a safety net for returnees, according to the NAFS
The Need For a Refugee Policy
Discussion of the feasibility of returns for Syrians of differing economic,
social and sectarian identities begs a fundamental question: What is the Syrian
government’s refugee policy? The simple answer, according to all the researchers
News Deeply interviewed, is that there is none.
“If we were to take the government’s statements that everyone is free to return
at face value, what guarantees is the government willing to provide, not just
with safe passage but also with social protection, economic stability and access
to their homes?” asked al-Saadi.
El Ali points to what he calls “accumulating evidence of dispelled people’s
homes [that were] looted, ruined and became [the] property of the state.”
For civilians to return in significant numbers, it appears that the
reconciliation process must address the social, economic and religious-sectarian
divides that have left a significant footprint on Syria’s communal balance and
identity. Failing to do this risks turning Syria’s cities into versions of
Sarajevo, where, decades after the armed occupation, ethnic divisions continue
to challenge the return of native residents, says Galen Lamphere-Englund at the
Aleppo Project.
A concrete “returns” policy, which has yet to be explicitly addressed in
international negotiations, is a pivotal issue that will determine the futures
of millions of displaced Syrians. However, according to Kaghadou, “peacebuilding
[in Syria] will require forging a new social contract,” without which many
refugees will not return. Never miss an update. Sign up here for our Syria
Deeply newsletter to receive weekly updates, special reports and featured
insights on one of the most critical issues of our time.
Analysis: Why the War in Syria May Not Be About
Demographic Change
Aymenn al-Tamimi/Syria Deeply/March 17/2017
QUNEITRA, Syria – Perhaps one of the most controversial aspects of the Syrian
conflict is the concept of “demographic change”: the allegation that the Syrian
government, with the support and participation of its ally Iran, is trying to
engineer a new sectarian balance. According to this argument, featured
prominently in a wide range of media outlets, the government is trying to reduce
the proportion of Sunnis who may pose a threat to its rule, and repopulate
majority-Sunni areas with foreign and/or native Shiites – alongside Iranian
efforts to pursue broader Shiification: that is, conversions to Shiite Islam
among the wider population.
Some allegations used to prove this theory, such as those of sectarian cleansing
and Shiification, are rooted in empirical reality. But on their own, they are
not enough to prove a deliberately engineered population change policy and there
may be alternative explanations. Other claims – for example, that the government
is resettling Sunni areas with Shiites – do more closely support the narrative,
but are not as well supported by the evidence. Some cases, such as those of
population transfer agreements, reflect an overlap of these two strands.
First, the concrete points. Sectarian cleansing – the displacement of Sunni Arab
populations from multiple areas – has been a part of the war since at least
2012. Iran’s property purchases in Syria, and the establishment of recruitment
offices for Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) and Lebanese
Hezbollah, also speak to the narrative of broader demographic change.
Within this context emerged Syrian Hezbollah, a group of Syrian Shiite militias
tied to Iran that operate similarly to Lebanese Hezbollah. It is most apparent
in existing Syrian Shiite communities, such as the villages of Nubl and Zahara’
north of Aleppo city, areas of Homs province and Homs city and some
neighborhoods of Damascus city. One example tying Syrian Hezbollah to the
broader goal of Shiification is the creation of Liwa al-Baqir, a militia that
claims 3,000 fighters and traces its origins to 2012. Rooted in Bekara tribesmen
who have converted to Shiite Islam, the militia has played an important role in
the Aleppo fighting and received training from the IRGC and Hezbollah.
Hezbollah has also recruited Syrians in predominantly non-Shiite areas, even in
eastern Deir Ezzor province, where the so-called Islamic State has been trying
to take the last government-held outposts. In January 2017, at least two Syrians
from Deir Ezzor were killed fighting in Hezbollah’s ranks while pushing back the
ISIS offensive. There is also a Syrian Hezbollah group in Deir Ezzor under the
name of Liwa al-Imam Zain al-Abidin. In a conversation in early February, Abu
Aboud, the group’s military leader and a petroleum engineer by profession,
confirmed that the militia is still fighting in the province.
Some Iran-backed foreign militias have even integrated into the apparatus of
local forces: The Iraqi group Liwa Dhu al-Fiqar, for example, is a part of Dir’
al-Watan, a set of militias affiliated with the al-Bustan Association, a charity
organization bankrolled by Syrian president Bashar al-Assad’s maternal cousin
Rami Makhlouf. The militia’s leader, Hayder al-Juburi, assumes a military
command role in Dir’ al-Watan. Another Iraqi Shiite militia, Liwa al-Imam
al-Hussein, overlaps with the 4th Armored Division, an elite Syrian army unit.
Some Iraqi groups have also formed close working relations with the private
militia Suqur al-Sahara’ and operated in its ranks.
However, even when combined, these facts do not definitively illustrate a plan
of demographic change. The sectarian cleansing has mostly taken place along
Alawite–Sunni lines. The Alawites are the minority sect from which Assad comes,
but contrary to popular perception, they are distinct from the Shiites. Alawite
militiamen have engaged in sectarian cleansing, in places such as Homs and
Baniyas. But this was more because they saw rebellious Sunni populations as a
security threat to key Alawite areas, rather than to engineer a broader
Iranian-backed demographic shift.
The development of “Syrian Hezbollah” and the integration of foreign militias do
reflect Iranian aims in Syria – but do not necessarily point to demographic
change. Both developments give Iran lasting leverage in Syria’s security
affairs, thus reducing the risk that Syrians will resent what they perceive as
an occupation by unintegrated foreign forces. Logically, Iran will want to
establish a long-term or permanent presence in Syria – particularly for the
estimated several thousand personnel in the Afghan Shiite units of the
Fatemiyoun Brigade, the majority of whom were refugees living in harsh
conditions in Iran before the IRGC recruited them. At least four contingents of
the Fatemiyoun Brigade were manning the front line in the area around Palmyra
when ISIS retook it last December; it’s possible Iran may even plan to establish
large bases there, integrated with Syria’s armed forces, that will amount to
settlements for these fighters.
The rise of Syrian Hezbollah among existing Syrian Shiite communities and the
resultant affinities with Iran undoubtedly fit in with Tehran’s desire to
promote its ideology among Shiite communities and position itself as their
protector and guarantor of their interests. However, the clearest example of
Shiification, in the case of Liwa al-Baqir, is actually not a wartime
phenomenon: Conversions among Bekara tribesmen, driven by Iranian-backed
proselytization, were already occurring before the war. These conversion
initiatives were successful partly because of the connection drawn between the
tribe’s origins and the fifth Shiite imam, Imam Muhammad al-Baqir.
Other examples cited to support the narrative of demographic change better fit
the argument, but are less substantiated. One such case is the Damascus suburb
of Darayya. Four years of government siege saw a significant drop in the
suburb’s original population, culminating in a final evacuation agreement for
the remaining rebels and civilians in August 2016. The Guardian claimed that the
government then resettled “more than 300 Iraqi Shia families” in Darayya, which
is home to a Shiite shrine. The Guardian attributed its claim to Syria’s “state
media.” But while this claim is a staple of Saudi-funded media outlets such as
Asharq al-Awsat – avowed enemies of the Syrian government and Iran – a search of
Syria’s pro-government media revealed only a report by pro-government site
Damascus Now. It mentions the arrival in Damascus – not Darayya – of Iraqi
families fleeing the Islamic State in Mosul. It does not specify their sect.
Speaking to Syria Deeply in January 2017, Damascus Now denied that Darayya had
any inhabitants at the time. Abu Haydar al-Harbi, an Iraqi member of Hezbollah
forces in Syria, corroborated this claim, describing the area as a military
zone. According to open-source evidence, there are reportedly ongoing
discussions within government circles about the return of civilians to Darayya,
with some steps taken toward allowing farmers to go to agricultural areas for
the purpose of agriculture only.
Discussions of demographic change frequently turn to the “Four Towns” agreement,
which binds the fate of the Shiite towns of Fou’a and Kafraya in northern Idlib
to the Sunni towns of Zabadani and Madaya, west of Damascus near the border with
Lebanon. Rebels have largely kept Fou’a and Kafraya under siege since expelling
government forces from most of Idlib province in the spring and summer of 2015.
Meanwhile, government forces and their allies – including Hezbollah – have
besieged Zabadani and Madaya since July 2015. Under the terms of a cease-fire
agreement dating back to September 2015, humanitarian aid can enter one town
only if simultaneous deliveries are made to the others.
In the initial negotiations, Iran reportedly proposed a population swap that
would see the people of Fou’a and Kafraya go to government-held areas, and the
people of Zabadani and Madaya go to rebel-held areas. Though this proposal is
certainly interesting, it does not necessarily support a demographic change
argument. Rather, it can be tied to Iran’s aforementioned interest in promoting
itself as the protector and upholder of the interests of Shiite communities.
The proposal also reportedly came up again as the last residents and rebels of
east Aleppo were being evacuated in December 2016, but, despite certain
misconceptions, no agreement was made. Speaking privately to Syria Deeply
between January 18 and 19, organizers of the Facebook page “Besieged al-Fu’a and
Kafariya News Network” denied that there was any plan to evacuate residents of
the two villages, whose original population stood at 20,000 civilians. Only
1,000 people had been allowed to leave by that point, as part of an agreement to
evacuate 4,000 women, children, wounded and ill.
Even if all the inhabitants were evacuated, it is unclear how such numbers could
bring about a meaningful demographic change in Syria. It is more likely that,
rather than a full evacuation of Fou’a and Kafraya, government forces and their
allies will try to break the siege by advancing into Idlib province, a theory
discussed by Iran-backed Shiite militias. There have also been repeated
demonstrations calling to break the siege of Fou’a and Kafraya.
In broader terms, the demographic change narrative does not account for the
government’s multifaceted approach to retaking and managing rebel-controlled
areas, which varies according to circumstance and need. What’s more, the
government is not in a position to ignore the fact that Syria has a Sunni Arab
majority. As it seeks to regain more territory, and particularly as it struggles
with manpower deficiencies in the face of widespread army draft evasion and
desertion, the government will need some level of consent and participation from
the Sunni majority. Therefore, the recent increase of militias seeking to
recruit locals in reconquered areas and the pursuit of “reconciliation” deals in
opposition-held areas is not surprising.
In this regard, the Guardian’s claim that Syria and Iran don’t want Sunnis along
the border with Lebanon from Damascus to Homs – based solely on quotes from an
anonymous Lebanese official – does not stand up to scrutiny. It does not account
for the pro-government militias in the Qalamoun area that have been recruiting
in areas with Sunni populations since the beginning of 2014. More recently, as
the government seeks to retake the last rebel-held areas in the countryside west
of Damascus around Mt. Hermon, near the borders with Lebanon and the occupied
Golan Heights, it has established the Hermon Regiment militia to recruit locals
–including former rebels – in the villages that have agreed to its
“reconciliation” deals.
If the government continues to gain ground and remains on the path of political
ascendancy, nuanced analysis of events and trends inside government-held
territory will become more important than ever. The narrative of demographic
change may seem tempting at first, but it ultimately fails to stand up to
in-depth examination.
The views expressed in this article belong to the author and do not necessarily
reflect the editorial policy of Syria Deeply.
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