June 04/17
Compiled & Prepared by: Elias Bejjani
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Bible Quotations For Today
If you love me, you will keep my commandments. And I will
ask the Father, and he will give you another Advocate
Holy Gospel of Jesus Christ according to Saint John 14/15-20/:"‘If you love me,
you will keep my commandments. And I will ask the Father, and he will give you
another Advocate, to be with you for ever. This is the Spirit of truth, whom the
world cannot receive, because it neither sees him nor knows him. You know him,
because he abides with you, and he will be in you. ‘I will not leave you
orphaned; I am coming to you. In a little while the world will no longer see me,
but you will see me; because I live, you also will live. On that day you will
know that I am in my Father, and you in me, and I in you.
Divided tongues, as of fire, appeared among them, and a
tongue rested on each of them. All of them were filled with the Holy Spirit and
began to speak in other languages, as the Spirit gave them ability
Acts of the Apostles 02/01-21/:"When the day of Pentecost had come, they were
all together in one place. And suddenly from heaven there came a sound like the
rush of a violent wind, and it filled the entire house where they were sitting.
Divided tongues, as of fire, appeared among them, and a tongue rested on each of
them. All of them were filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other
languages, as the Spirit gave them ability. Now there were devout Jews from
every nation under heaven living in Jerusalem. And at this sound the crowd
gathered and was bewildered, because each one heard them speaking in the native
language of each. Amazed and astonished, they asked, ‘Are not all these who are
speaking Galileans? And how is it that we hear, each of us, in our own native
language? Parthians, Medes, Elamites, and residents of Mesopotamia, Judea and
Cappadocia, Pontus and Asia, Phrygia and Pamphylia, Egypt and the parts of Libya
belonging to Cyrene, and visitors from Rome, both Jews and proselytes, Cretans
and Arabs in our own languages we hear them speaking about God’s deeds of
power.’ All were amazed and perplexed, saying to one another, ‘What does this
mean?’But others sneered and said, ‘They are filled with new wine.’But Peter,
standing with the eleven, raised his voice and addressed them: ‘Men of Judea and
all who live in Jerusalem, let this be known to you, and listen to what I say.
Indeed, these are not drunk, as you suppose, for it is only nine o’clock in the
morning. No, this is what was spoken through the prophet Joel: "In the last days
it will be, God declares, that I will pour out my Spirit upon all flesh, and
your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, and your young men shall see
visions, and your old men shall dream dreams. Even upon my slaves, both men and
women, in those days I will pour out my Spirit;and they shall prophesy. And I
will show portents in the heaven above and signs on the earth below,blood, and
fire, and smoky mist. The sun shall be turned to darkness and the moon to
blood,before the coming of the Lord’s great and glorious day. Then everyone who
calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved."
Titles For Latest LCCC
Bulletin analysis & editorials from miscellaneous sources published on June
Gaby Issa, The New Ambassador of Lebanon to the USA/François Bainy/Face Book/June 03/17
As U.S. Targets Hezbollah, Lebanon Lobbies Against More Sanctions/Reuters/June
Meet the Kurdish woman leading battle against IS in northern Syria/Massoud Hamed/Translated
by: Sami-Joe Abboud/Al Monitor/June 03/17
The British Election: Will Voters Opt for Intolerance and Xenophobia/Alan M.
Dershowitz/Gatestone Institute/June 03/17
UK polls and the Leftist hangover about foreign intervention/Eyad Abu Shakra/Al
Arabiya/June 03/17
Climate change, ethical investments and corporate social responsibilities/Dr.
Mohamed A. Ramady/Al Arabiya/June 03/17
The Riyadh Summits: From tensions to strategic partnership/Dr. Ibrahim Al-Othaimin/Al
Arabiya/June 03/17
If it wasn’t for ISIS, who would have known Turki Benali/Mashari Althaydi/Al
Arabiya/June 03/17
Turkey Arrests Kurdish Activist for Armenian Genocide Posts/Uzay Bulut/The
Armenian Weekly/June 03/17
Egypt's Battle Against Islamic Extremism/Shireen Qudosi/Gatestone
Institute./June 03/17
Titles For Latest
Lebanese Related News published on
June 03-04/17
Gaby Issa, The New Ambassador of Lebanon to the USA
Hariri Rejects ‘Hezbollah’ Involvement in Syrian War
Berri Adjourns June 5 Electoral Law Legislative Session
Shehayyeb Says Relations 'Untroubled' with FPM
Allouch Says Electoral Law Made 'Long Journey' but Last Details Count
Hariri Lashes Out at Jumblat, Says Tripoli Has 'Leading Future Role'
Personal Dispute Leaves Druze Sheikh, Nidal Danaf, Dead
As U.S. Targets Hezbollah, Lebanon Lobbies Against More Sanctions
Titles For Latest
LCCC Bulletin For Miscellaneous Reports And News published on
June 03-04/17
UK police rush to attacks across London Bridge,
Borough Market and Vauxhall
Putin: US election hackers could have been from anywhere
Mogherini to Riad Seif: We Should Keep Syria Unified
Damascus Trapped in Poverty amid Rise in Number of War Profiteers
Next Round of Astana Syria Talks Set for Mid-June
Red Cross: No Syrian ‘Marshall Plan’ amid Absence of Stability
SDF Makes more Advances Towards ISIS Syria Bastion Raqqa
Kuwait Defense Minister: Saudi Security Integral Part of Kuwait’s Security
Iraqi forces take one of four districts in Mosul’s ISIS-held enclave
Iraq’s PMU enters Syrian villages in spite of Kurdish warning
Report: Blast wounds 17 people in Iran’s Shiraz
Pentagon: 484 civilians killed in US-led fight against ISIS
UN: 70,000 Cholera Cases in Yemen in One Month
Thousands rally in north Morocco after protest leader arrested
German rock festival to resume after terror scare
North Korea 'Poses a Threat to Us All', Says Mattis
Latest Lebanese
Related News published on
June 03-04/17
Gaby Issa, The New Ambassador of Lebanon to the USAتساؤلات في واشنطن عن السفير اللبناني الجديد
François Bainy/Face Book/June 03/17
Lebanon’s Foreign Minister Gebran Bassil agrees after a special meeting with
Hozballah Leader Hassan Nesrallah to nominate M, Gabriel (Gaby) Issa, the new
Ambassador of Lebanon to the United States. Mr.Issa who is affiliated to the
Free Patriotic Movement was chosen among four other names, by M,Hassan Nasrallah
for his old ties with the Hozballah and the Syrian and Iran Ayatollah Regimes.
Although the other candidates are members of the FPM, Mr Nasrallah insisted on
indicating Mr Gaby Issa for his great services rendered to Hozballah during his
stay in the United States since the beginning of the years 2000 up till now.Those who know Mr Issa confirm the important role he played in 2003 and 2004 to
normalize the relations between President Michel Aoun and both President Bachar
Al Assad and Hassan Nasrallah..This approach culminated in the election of
General Michel Aoun, President of the Republic.
The nomination of Mr Issa is not a surprise to the Lebanese officials, but some
are apprehensive for his political background at a time that the Trump
Administration is enforcing the sanctions against Hozballah and His allies or
undercover facilitators. Another reason to worry about: Mr Issa He does not
belong to the Diplomatic Corp, has never had any diplomatical Background. He is
a Businessman and some of his close friends have economical ties with Hozballah,
others uphold that he is an important financial recruiter for Hozballah… The
forthcoming days are very important and if Mr Bassil confirms his nomination. M.
Gaby Issa will have still to pass through the very delicate US Diplomatic
Procedure called: “Letter of Credentials”
N.B: Enclosed picture shows Aoun & Issa
Hariri Rejects ‘Hezbollah’ Involvement in Syrian War
Asharq Al-Awsat/June 03/17/Beirut- Prime Minister Saad Hariri has
said it was the duty of the Lebanese to preserve stability and the country’s
principles. “We are Arabs, united with our Arab brothers in facing the Israeli
enemy and any neighbor that wants to interfere in the internal affairs of the
Arabs,” Hariri said on Friday during an Iftar held at the Rashid Karame
International Fair in the northern city of Tripoli. “We are with the state, our
project is the state and we reject any weapon other than the weapon of the
state,” he said. “We are against any interference in the Syrian war and
specifically against Hezbollah’s involvement in this war. Our position from the
Assad regime is known, and we firmly believe that the Syrian people will triumph
sooner or later. We are the people of moderation and coexistence, against any
extremism, discord or marginalization,” Hariri stressed. “Tripoli is among the
Arab and Islamic cities that refused to allow terrorism in its neighborhoods,”
he said. “The deprived people in Tripoli, who defended the dignity of the city
and its Arabism, did not create a favorable atmosphere for terrorism because
their faith is real, because they were raised on the real values of Islam and
because their Arab and Islamic immunity is stronger than any conspiracy,
extremism or misguidance.”Describing Tripoli as the capital of “moderation,”
Hariri said: “All the Lebanese, Arabs and Muslims have to pay back this debt to
Tripoli, starting with a fair and just amnesty law.” Hariri said in his speech
that he was not proud in Tripoli being the poorest city on the Mediterranean.
Confronted with this reality, there are two options, he said. “Either continue
to look back and regret or look forward and work for Tripoli.”“Today, Tripoli is
a development process in itself,” he added.
Berri Adjourns June 5 Electoral Law Legislative Session
Naharnet/June 03/17/Speaker Nabih Berri adjourned until June 12 a
legislative session that was previously scheduled to convene on June 5 to tackle
the country's electoral law, the National News Agency reported on Saturday.
Berri's move came after President Michel Aoun signed a key decree on Thursday
opening an extraordinary legislative session that will begin on “June 7 until
June 20” limited to the approval of an electoral law. Political parties have
been rallying to propose electoral law formats to replace the current 1960
majortitarian law before the parliament's term ends on June. On Thursday, they
agreed on a law based on full proportional representation and 15 electoral
districts and it was agreed that the details will be finalized before the expiry
of parliament's term.
Shehayyeb Says Relations 'Untroubled' with FPM
Naharnet/June 03/17/Progressive Socialist Party MP Akram Shehayyeb denied claims
that relations between the PSP and the Free Patriotic Movement were troubled,
and assured that the party is keen on having good ties with all political
parties, the pan-Arab Asharq al-Awsat reported on Saturday. “Relations with the
FPM are not tepid. We are keen to have good relations with all political parties
for Lebanon's interest,” said Shehayyeb in an interview to the daily. The MP and
former minister said that coordination with the FPM, the Lebanese and all other
political parties have not stopped with regard to the Mount Lebanon region in
light of the looming parliamentary elections, “strengthening national
partnership and maintaining co-existence in the mountain are far more important
than parliamentary seats or any political calculations," he stressed. FPM chief
and Foreign Minister Jebran Bassil had earlier suggested a so-called
qualification sectarian electoral law format –that was dropped from
deliberations later on – that PSP leader Walid Jumblat criticized saying it
“marginalizes” his role and the Druze community. Political parties have recently
approved a voting system to rule the upcoming parliamentary polls based on
proportional representation in 15 electoral districts. However, further details
will be discussed and finalized before the parliament's term ends on June 20.
Allouch Says Electoral Law Made 'Long Journey' but Last
Details Count
Naharnet/June 03/17/ Al-Mustaqbal Movement official and former MP Mustafa
Allouch said the electoral law has made a long journey but some “details” still
need to be discussed, as he voiced concerns about failure in that regard. “The
voting system law has made the 1000 miles journey and only the last 500 miles
remain,” said Allouch in an interview to VDL (93.3). However the MP voiced
concerns “if the remaining obstacles are not overcome.”He said the remaining
complexities that still stand in the way of adopting the law are the “method of
calculating votes, representation of expatriates and the gender representation,”
considering the proportional law on the basis of 15 electoral districts as
“complex and needs explanation.” The political parties have agreed on an
electoral law based on full proportional representation and 15 electoral
districts and the details will be finalized before the expiry of parliament's
Hariri Lashes Out at Jumblat, Says Tripoli Has 'Leading Future Role'
Naharnet/June 03/17/Prime Minister Saad Hariri lashed out at Progressive
Socialist Party leader MP Walid Jumblat without naming him, as he assured that
corruption accusations will not stop the “eager” efforts to provide the country,
mainly Tripoli, with electricity. “Electricity will come to Tripoli. There are
new political figures who are giving us lessons while their history is known for
being corrupt,” said Hariri. “What I personally care about is for electricity to
be supplied. This government has drawn up a plan and will implement it, and then
electricity will be available within months in all of Lebanon, especially in
Tripoli. I promise you,” said the PM during an Iftar held at the Rashid Karame
International Fair in Tripoli. An indirect war of words surfaced lately between
Hariri and Jumblat and the two men have been indirectly trading corruption
accusations. Jumblat had criticized a recently approved tender to lease Turkish
power generating ships which he hinted at as illegal, indirectly accusing Hariri
of being involved. The crisis reportedly began first in April when Hariri
supported the so-called qualification “sectarian” parliamentary electoral law,
which Jumblat criticized as a format that marginalizes his role and the Druze
Hariri who spoke during the Iftar, also said: “For many years, the Assad regime
tried to distort this history and destroy Tripoli's national and civilized image
in the minds of the Lebanese and the world. However, Tripoli was bigger than the
plot. You were stronger than the plot.”“Tripoli is among the Arab and Islamic
cities that refused to allow terrorism in its neighborhoods. The deprived people
in Tripoli did not allow any favorable soil for terrorism Tripoli remained the
capital of moderation. All the Lebanese, Arabs and Muslims have to pay back this
debt to Tripoli, starting with a fair and just amnesty law,” said Hariri.
“We all know the stages we experienced over the last 12 years, what was planned
for Tripoli and what happened there. This period passed, but now it is our duty
to repair what happened in the past.”Touching on the development projects he
inaugurated last week, he added: “We decided to work and look forward. This is
why I came last week, to see the Ring Road, the Free Economic Zone, the new
vegetables market, the buildings being rehabilitated in Bakkar, Baal Mohsen and
Al Mankubin, as well as Al Namuzajiya School and the Dar al-Muallemeen that are
being constructed in Abu Samra, the Faculty of Engineering in Ras Masqa financed
by the Islamic Bank and the faculty of science funded partially by the Saudi
Fund for development. “The role of Tripoli in the region will be active when the
reconstruction of Syria and Iraq will start and the world will start looking for
the nearest port that has skills and competencies. This will be the role of
Tripoli,” the PM concluded.
Personal Dispute Leaves Druze Sheikh, Nidal Danaf, Dead
Naharnet/June 03/17/A personal dispute between two religious figures in the
Mount Lebanon's village of Baalchmay left one of the two men dead, media reports
said on Saturday. Reports said tension escalated in the area when a conflict
between two religious sheikhs erupted near the municipality building killing one
of the two men, Nidal al-Danaf. The Progressive Socialist Party in the Metn area
issued calls later, urging “residents of the town and dignitaries to help calm
the tension and resort to wisdom. "Legal proceedings will take their way and the
state's security agencies will handle the matter to bring the perpetrator to
justice," they assured. VDL (93.3) later reported during the day that the
criminal had turned himself in to the Lebanese army.
As U.S. Targets Hezbollah, Lebanon Lobbies Against More Sanctions
Reuters/June 02/17/BEIRUT — Moves in Washington to widen financial sanctions on the powerful
Shi'ite Hezbollah political group have triggered alarm in Beirut where the
government fears major damage to the banking sector that underpins Lebanon's
Not yet proposed as law, draft amendments to an existing law threatening
sanctions against anyone who finances the heavily-armed Iranian-backed Hezbollah
in a significant way prompted lobbying trips to Washington in May by worried
Lebanese bankers and politicians.
They returned saying that U.S. officials recognized their concerns over draft
proposals that would widen the scope of the law by subjecting Hezbollah's
political allies to sanctions or scrutiny, and believing any expansion of the
law would be a toned down version of the draft.
But with U.S. President Donald Trump keen to curb the influence of Iran and its
Middle Eastern allies in the region, the risks have not gone away for Lebanon,
where Hezbollah wields huge influence.
"There's one question anyone who wants to put pressure on Lebanon should
remember: Do you want another failed state on the eastern Mediterranean?"
Yassine Jaber, a member of parliament who led a delegation to Washington in
mid-May, told Reuters.
"Lebanon is very, very vulnerable economically at the moment," added Jaber, an
independent Shi'ite politician who is aligned with Parliament Speaker Nabih
Berri's Shi'ite Amal movement, which was named as a target for investigation in
the draft amendments first reported by Lebanese media in April.Political and financial figures fear more regulatory pressure could damage the
banking sector - the cornerstone of Lebanon's precarious economy - endangering a
financial stability maintained despite the war in neighboring Syria where
Hezbollah along with Iran backs President Bashar al-Assad.
Hezbollah, led by Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah, was formed to combat Israel's
1982-2000 occupation of Lebanon. Its battlefield prowess, extensive social works
among Lebanese Shi'ites and its alliance with powerful regional states have
helped it secure a dominant role in the country's politics with seats in
parliament and government. It is classified by Washington as a terrorist
The main worry is that U.S. correspondent banks - which face huge fines if found
to be dealing with people or companies sanctioned under anti-terrorism financing
legislation - might finally decide Lebanese banks are too risky to do business
That would threaten the remittances upon which the highly dollarized Lebanese
economy depends. Shortly after the Lebanese press published the draft, President
Michel Aoun - a Maronite Christian and political ally of Hezbollah - said as it
stands it could cause "great damage to Lebanon and its people".
The draft proposal would widen legislation to include persons and entities
affiliated with Hezbollah, and to report on the finances of senior members of
Amal. The wording gave rise to speculation in Lebanon that Aoun's finances could
be also targeted for scrutiny.
Jaber told Reuters the draft - a copy of which was seen by Reuters - was now
"outdated".But sources familiar with the matter told Reuters there remains a strong desire
in Washington to press harder against Iran and Hezbollah, and there are likely
other measures being drafted.
A U.S. congressional aide told Reuters that Republican representative and head
of the U.S. Foreign Affairs Committee Ed Royce, who authored the original 2015
law, is considering additional legislation.
"If they (the banks) aren't doing business with Hezbollah, they don't have
anything to worry about," the aide said.
The U.S. Treasury declined to comment on the draft saying it had no formal
Jaber said: "The position at the moment is that there might be some congressmen
or senators thinking of preparing a bill, but I think our discussions will help
in toning it down from what we saw as a draft."The United States says Hezbollah is financed not just by Iran but also by
networks of Lebanese and international individuals and businesses. The 2015 law,
known as HIFPA, aimed to cut off these funding routes.
Its implementation triggered domestic tensions in Lebanon. Worried about losing
their relationship with correspondent banks, Lebanese banks began closing some
customers' accounts, including Shi'ites who were not Hezbollah members.
Critics of the law in Lebanon say it resulted in the unfair targeting of the
Shi'ite population. Charity networks run by Shi'ite clerics were hit when some
of their accounts closed for a time.
The law led to an unprecedented dispute between Hezbollah and the central bank
which asked all banks to comply with the legislation. Last June, a bomb was set
off at the headquarters of leading Lebanese bank Blom Bank, causing no
Since taking office in January, Trump has imposed new sanctions on individuals
and businesses involved with Iran's ballistic missile program and with
Ali Hamdan, an Amal member who went on the lobbying trip to Washington, echoed
Jaber, saying the leaked draft was outdated and could be forgotten. "An
understanding was reached," said Hamdan, media adviser to Berri. "[We] told
them: more, wider, generalized sanctions are a recipe to destroy Lebanon."
The Association of Banks in Lebanon (ABL) dispatched its own delegation in May
and met with a "good response" in Washington and from U.S. correspondent banks
in New York.
ABL head Joseph Torbey made the case that existing legislation was sufficient
and that the new draft was open to "inappropriate interpretations".
(Reporting by Lisa Barrington; Additional reporting by Patricia Zengerle and
Yeganeh Torbati in Washington; Editing by Tom Perry and Peter Millership)
Latest LCCC Bulletin For
Miscellaneous Reports And News published on
June 03-04/17
UK police rush
to attacks across London Bridge, Borough Market and Vauxhall
Reuters, London Sunday, 4 June 2017
British armed police rushed to three incidents in central London on Saturday
after a van ploughed into pedestrians on London Bridge and reports of multiple
stabbings in the nearby Borough Market area. Reports came to light that they are
dealing with another unconnected incident in Vauxhall area. Up to seven people
were feared dead, while two attackers were shot by armed police, UK media
reported. British Prime Minister Theresa May said on Sunday that the incident
was being treated as a potential act of terrorism.“Following updates from police
and security officials, I can confirm that the terrible incident in London is
being treated as a potential act of terrorism,” May said just over four days
before voting is due to begin in a June 8 national election. “This is a fast
moving investigation,” May said. “I want to express my huge gratitude to the
police and emergency services who are on the scene. Our thoughts are with those
who are caught up in these dreadful events.”
Three suspects who may be armed after London Bridge incident are being sought
after by police, the BBC reported. London’s ambulance service said it had taken
at least 20 people to hospital and treated others on the scene. “We have taken
at least 20 patients to six hospitals across London following the incident at
London Bridge,” the London Ambulance Service's assistant director of operations,
Peter Rhodes, said in a statement on Sunday. “We have also treated a number of
people at the scene for less serious injuries,” he added. A witness told the BBC
she saw a speeding white van veering into pedestrians. The witness said the van
hit five to six people. One, Holly Jones, told the BBC a white van veered off
the road and struck as many as six people. She said she saw at least four or
five people on the ground.
Another witness, Will Heaven, said he saw people who appeared to have been hit,
and one being put into an ambulance. “We saw injured people on the road, injured
people on the pavement,” he told Sky News. Heaven said he saw armed police
arriving on the scene.
London's transport authority said London Bridge rail station had been closed at
the request of the police.
A person who was on London Bridge after an incident on Saturday told a Reuters
reporter that she saw three people who appeared to have their throats cut. The
London ambulance service said it was responding to the incident. Reuters was
unable to immediately verify the statement by the witness.
CNN cites eyewitness as saying that two men entered a restaurant near London
Bridge and stabbed two people inside. On May 22, a suicide bomber killed 22
people at a pop concert by US singer Ariana Grande in Manchester in northern
The Manchester bombing was the deadliest attack in Britain since July 2005, when
four British Muslim suicide bombers killed 52 people in coordinated attacks on
London's transport network. (With AP)
Putin: US election
hackers could have been from anywhere
AFP, Washington Saturday, 3 June
2017/Russian President Vladimir Putin said hackers trying to influence last
year’s US election could have been from anywhere, questioning findings by
American intelligence that Russia was behind the operation, according to an
interview aired Friday. “Hackers can be anywhere. They can be in Russia, in
Asia... even in America, Latin America,” he told NBC News, which previewed an
interview with the Russian leader that will be broadcast in full on Sunday.
“They can even be hackers, by the way, in the United States, who very skillfully
and professionally shifted the blame, as we say, on to Russia. “By some
calculations it was convenient for them to release this information, so they
released it, citing Russia. Could you imagine something like that? I can.” US
intelligence agencies have accused Putin of ordering a hacking and influence
campaign to tilt last year’s election in favor of Republican Donald Trump, after
the billionaire pledged to boost ties with Moscow. Speaking at Russia’s annual
showcase economic forum in Saint Petersburg on Friday, Putin slammed accusations
that Moscow meddled in the election. “This useless and harmful chatter needs to
stop,” the Kremlin strongman said. “This is a transferal, I repeat, of internal
political squabbling in the United States onto the international arena,” he
Mogherini to Riad Seif: We Should Keep Syria Unified
Asharq Al-Awsat/June 03/17/London- President of the National Coalition for
Opposition and Revolutionary Forces Riad Seif met on Friday with the High
Representative of the European Union for Foreign Affairs, Federica Mogherini, at
the EU headquarters in the Belgium capital, Brussels.Mogherini expressed concern
over divisions inside Syria. “We believe, as you believe, that Syria should stay
unified,” she said. A statement issued by the “Coalition” said that during his
meeting with Mogherini, Seif asserted that the Europeans are asked to play a
bigger role in Syria and in the Middle East. “We feel disadvantaged when we see
comments condemning the war crimes committed by the regime against humanity in
the absence of any action taken to present those behaviors on the ground,” he
said. Seif also said that “Iran was invading Syria, while Russia was allowed to
act on its own.” On the other hand, he said: “Our friends fail to stop the
assault and show a lack of interest.”The newly-elected Coalition president said
that the main presidential program aims to enhance women representation inside
Syrian institutions and in political work, also demanding the EU, in
collaboration with the United Nations, to help find solutions to around 10
million Syrians who have no travel papers due to the regime’s security measures.
According to the “Coalition,” Mogherini said the visit was “very important for
me and for my team,” adding: “We support the opposition at the political level,
and its works in the political operation in Geneva.” Seif was accompanied by
Prime Minister of the Syrian Interim Government (SIG) Jawad About Hatab to
discuss the political process and support for resilience inside Syria. A EU
press release said that “both parties reiterated their commitment and support to
the UN-led Geneva process, calling on all parties to fully engage in the
intra-Syrian negotiations to achieve a political transition in Syria.” It was
agreed that only a political solution could constitute the way out of the Syrian
crisis, for the sake of all Syrian people, the statement added.
Damascus Trapped in Poverty amid Rise in Number of War
Asharq Al-Awsat/June 03/17/Damascus- “I swear I am not a beggar,” a woman in her
60s said as tears filled her eyes. Standing next to a shop in the Salihiyah
district of Damascus, she continued: “I am looking for a job. Do you need a cook
for your restaurant, or a woman to wash dishes?”This woman is not the only
person standing in the streets of Damascus, now packed with all kinds of
beggars: elderly men, women and children. Those people display their handicaps
on the sidewalks, or they lower their head above paper boxes suspended over
their necks to explain in a large handwriting their dire situation due to the
displacement. Also, young women are seen carrying babies in one hand and selling
tissue papers on the other, in addition to displaced children jumping around the
cars at the traffic lights and begging for money while trying to clean your car
glass. Still, it is difficult to differentiate between people in need, the
professional beggars or those looking for jobs. Poverty seems a general fact,
touching the majority of Syrians and transforming middle-class citizens into
poor. As for the already poor people, they are now under the line of poverty,
living homeless and with no family. But, the dire scene comes with an irony: The
emergence of a “newly rich” class including the regime’s “shabiha” who parade in
their luxury cars and next to their good-looking girlfriends, on whom they spend
large amounts of money in beauty clinics, restaurants and nightclubs. A
restaurant owner in Damascus said that the majority of those “shabiha” have
volunteered in the ranks of the regime’s militias and have collected their
fortunes from smuggling goods and drugs. “They spend at least $500 a night when
they dine,” he said, while a four-member family usually requires an average of
$400 per month for a meat-free meal.
Next Round of Astana Syria
Talks Set for Mid-June
Agence France Presse/Naharnet/June 03/17/A fresh round of Syrian peace talks is
scheduled for mid-June in the Kazakh capital, Syria's envoy to Moscow said
Saturday, with sponsors Russia, Iran and Turkey aiming to bolster safe zones in
the country. Ambassador Riyad Haddad told Russia's state-run RIA Novosti agency
that Damascus had "received an invitation to participate in talks in Astana, to
take place on 12-13 of this month". Two rebel sources said they had not yet
received an invitation. Moscow, a key backer of the talks, had earlier said it
wanted a fresh round mid-June but has not given firm dates. Host Kazakhstan said
it could not "confirm or deny" the talks were scheduled. At the last round of
negotiations in May, regime backers Moscow and Tehran and rebel supporter Ankara
agreed to establish four "de-escalation zones" to ease fighting in opposition
areas. The zones -- where aerial bombardments were supposed to stop -- have
ushered in a marked decrease in fighting on the ground, but there remain key
outstanding issues to negotiate. The three powers have until Sunday to come up
with proposals for definitive boundaries and are still wrangling over which
countries should send in forces to police the safe zones. Moscow has spearheaded
the talks in Astana since the start of the year as it tries to turn its
game-changing military intervention on the ground into a negotiated settlement.
The tetchy negotiations -- seen as a complement to broader UN-backed talks in
Geneva -- have involved armed rebels and government officials and have focused
mainly on military issues.
Red Cross: No Syrian ‘Marshall Plan’ amid Absence of
Asharq Al-Awsat/June 03/17/Geneva- Syria is unlikely to see a major “Marshall
Plan” for reconstruction as peace remains elusive despite hundreds of thousands
more civilians possibly returning to their homes, the International Committee of
the Red Cross said on Friday. ICRC President Peter Maurer, speaking after his
fifth visit to Syria, said the aid agency was stepping up work to restore the
water, health and power infrastructure in areas retaken by the government, to
which civilians are returning. “Some people speak now about a big Marshall Plan
for Syria, but we also know this will not happen if there is no political
consensus and minimal stability,” Reuters quoted Maurer as saying. “You can’t
expect humanitarian and development agencies to rebuild Syria. There is not
enough money, there is not enough capacity, there are not enough skills,” he
told a small group of reporters in his Geneva office. Russia, Iran, and Turkey
agreed last month to arrange and monitor “de-escalation zones” in Syria to ease
the fighting. Up to 8 million people remain displaced in Syria, and a maximum of
500,000 have returned to Aleppo and other areas, Maurer said. Another
700,000-800,000 may be considering a return to their homes in these zones or
under local ceasefires that include the evacuation of rebels to Idlib province,
he said. The ICRC and the Syrian Arab Red Crescent can repair heavily damaged
infrastructure so that people can go back to their communities and resume a more
normal life, he said. “For the rest, you will need massive investment and
investment only comes with a political deal on the future of Syria. While we can
help people survive in a very difficult situation, I’m very concerned that we
are here again moving into a long, long-term protracted conflict where we don’t
really see an overall peace deal,” Maurer said. A peace agreement would
galvanize the world to seek public and private investment in Syria and invite
financing by the World Bank and International Monetary Fund, he said. Maurer
said that despite his “more promising and more constructive” talks with senior
Syrian officials on opening up more prisons to ICRC visits, he could not report
any breakthrough on access to detainees or prospects for a prisoner exchange
anytime soon.
SDF Makes more Advances Towards ISIS Syria Bastion Raqqa
Asharq Al-Awsat/June 03/17/Fighters from the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) walk
along a road near Tishreen Farms on the northern outskirts of Raqqa, Syria, on
May 2. (AFP/Ayham al-Mohammad) The Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF), a US-backed
Kurdish-Arab alliance, have seized new territory that lies halfway between ISIS’
former stronghold of Tabqa and its de facto capital Raqqa in northern Syria, the
Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said Saturday. The Britain-based monitor
said the SDF captured the town of Mansoura late Friday and the adjacent Baath
Dam on the Euphrates River, around 20 kilometers west of Raqqa. “This advance
will allow the SDF to expand its control on the southern banks of the Euphrates
River and stabilize the western front of Raqqa before launching the final battle
to expel ISIS from the city,” Observatory director Rami Abdel Rahman said.
“We’re nearing the major battle,” he added. Abdel Rahman said combing operations
were ongoing in Mansoura and at the dam to “dismantle mines and search for
remaining jihadists”. The SDF launched an operation to capture Raqqa last
November, and has since surrounded the city from the north and east while
closing in from the west.
SDF spokesman Talal Sello told AFP the advances on the western front were part
of the final stage of operations before the launch of the assault on Raqqa,
which has been held by ISIS since 2014. He said the SDF had received “weapons
and advanced equipment from the international coalition… as part of preparations
for the launch of the battle for Raqqa, which is close”. Sello said the SDF
would launch the attack from the north, west and east of Raqqa. “The SDF has
already completed the siege from the northern and eastern sides and is working
to complete the siege from the west,” he added.
The SDF is fighting with broad weapons, airpower, and ground support from the
US-led coalition. SDF fighters are now just a few kilometers from the city on
the north, east and western fronts, with all major routes into the city severed.
ISIS militants are still able to move out of the city to the south, however,
crossing the Euphrates river by boat before continuing on through the desert.
The SDF is not expected to try to seal the southern route before launching its
final assault. “The SDF doesn’t need to isolate Raqqa from the south, because
the international coalition’s planes can target any jihadists as they cross the
river,” Abdel Rahman said.
Kuwait Defense Minister: Saudi Security Integral Part of
Kuwait’s Security
Asharq Al-Awsat/June 03/17/Kuwait- Kuwait’s Deputy Prime Minister and Defense
Minister Sheikh Mohammad Al-Khaled Al-Hamad Al-Sabah has said that the security
of Saudi Arabia and Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) states is an integral part of
the security of the State of Kuwait. This came in a statement by the Ministry of
Defense on Friday on the occasion of the deputy PM’s visit to the Kuwaiti forces
taking part in the “Operation Restoration of Hope” in Saudi Arabia to
congratulate them on the advent of the holy month of Ramadan. “Honorable results
made by Kuwait’s armed forces are a source of pride for every Kuwaiti citizen,”
the statement quoted the minister as saying. He lauded the forces’ high combat
readiness, and their vigilance and readiness to achieve their missions
Iraqi forces take one of four districts in Mosul’s ISIS-held enclave
Reuters, Baghdad Saturday, 3 June 2017/US-backed Iraqi forces on Friday captured
one of the four districts making up the ISIS-held enclave in Mosul, a military
statement said. The elite Counter Terrorism Service (CTS) units took the Sihha
district, about one week after the start of operations to dislodge the militants
from the enclave and finish off the offensive to capture Mosul, now in its
eighth month. With the loss of Sihha, the enclave has shrunk to three districts
alongside the western bank of the Tigris river -- the densely populated Old City
center, Zanjili and the Medical City. Iraqi government forces retook eastern
Mosul in January and began a new push on May 27 to capture the enclave where
about 200,000 people are trapped in harrowing conditions. The Mosul offensive
started in October with air and ground support from a US-led international
coalition. It has taken much longer than expected as ISIS is fighting in the
middle of civilians, slowing the advance of the assailants. At least seven
civilians were killed and 23 wounded by ISIS mortar shells as they tried to flee
Zanjili on Thursday, Iraqi police said. The fall of Mosul would, in effect, mark
the end of the Iraqi half of the ''caliphate'' declared in 2014 over parts of
Iraq and Syria by ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, in a speech from a historic
mosque in the old city. In Syria, Kurdish forces backed by US-air strikes are
besieging ISIS forces in the city of Raqqa, the militants' de facto capital in
that country. About 700,000 people, about a third of the pre-war population of
Mosul, have already fled, seeking refuge either with friends and relatives or in
Iraq’s PMU enters Syrian villages in spite of Kurdish
Staff writer, Al Arabiya English Saturday, 3 June 2017/Iraq’s mostly Iran-backed
Shiite paramilitary forces known as Popular Mobilization Units (PMU) have
entered Syrian villages, leading to the flight of hundreds of local families,
who feared possible retaliation from Syrian militias on ground, Al,
the Arabic language website for Al Arabiya News Channel, reported on Friday. The
US-backed Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF), which has mainly Kurdish fighters,
said it will never accept the presence of Iranian affiliates and they will never
under any circumstances act as a bridge between PMU and the Tehran-backed Syrian
regime. PMU had made it clear previously that it wanted to enter Syria. This has
led to the warning by SDF to the Iraqi paramilitary forces if the latter enters
areas under its control, a Kurdish leader recently told the London-based Asharq
Al-Awsat in an interview. Al reported that PMU moved into the
villages of Al-Bawardi and Qusayba Al-Souritin in the countryside of the far
northeastern Syrian Al-Hasakah governorate. In January, ISIS attacked the
southern countryside of Hasakah in a bid to regain positions that were taken by
the Kurdish forces in February 2016. While these villages are now free from ISIS
control after the militant group’s withdrawal, PMU entering Kurdish-controlled
areas might escalate conflict again. PMU advancing into Syrian territory comes
after its recent stationing at the Iraqi side of Umm Ghrais village, which is
seen as an extension of Iran’s strategy linking both Iraq and Syria. PMU is
using homes of the approximately 200 fleeing families in Al-Hasakah villages as
launchpad for their operations.
Report: Blast wounds 17 people in Iran’s Shiraz
Staff writer, Al Arabiya English Saturday, 3 June 2017/A blast at a shopping
mall in the south-central Iranian city of Shiraz has wounded 17 people late
Friday, the Russia-based English language Sputnik news agency reported. The
blast took place at Nasr Boulevard 1 am local time. Sputnik cited unconfirmed
reports when it said that a gas pipe explosion could have caused the blast.
Pentagon: 484 civilians killed in US-led fight against ISIS
AFP, Washington Saturday, 3 June 2017/Attacks on ISIS targets by US-led
coalition forces have killed 484 civilians since mid-2014, the US military
reported Friday. The Operation Inherent Resolve coalition added 132 civilians to
the total in its April report, including 105 who died when a US aircraft dropped
a bomb on an ISIS sniper target in west Mosul on March 17. The bomb
inadvertently set off a large cache of explosives, collapsing a building on top
of civilians sheltering below. The Inherent Resolve task force “takes all
reports of civilian casualties seriously and assesses all reports as thoroughly
as possible,” the US-led task force said in a monthly statement. It stressed
only 0.27 percent of its 21,035 strikes since the operation began had produced
“credible” civilian death reports.
The total reported Friday was still far short of what non-governmental
organizations estimate for civilian deaths in the conflict in Iraq and Syria.
Airwars, a journalist collective based in London that compiles data from public
sources, estimated more than 3,800 non-combatants were killed since the
operations began in August 2014. The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights
estimates that in the month from April 23 to May 23, 225 civilians were killed
in Syria alone, the heaviest monthly toll since 2014. The official report Friday
only covers reported incidents through the end of April.
UN: 70,000 Cholera Cases in Yemen in One Month
Asharq Al-Awsat/June 03/17/Geneva- The United Nations spoke on Friday of an
unprecedented spread of cholera cases in Yemen, which have worsened the
situation in the war-torn country, mainly affecting children. With about 70,000
cholera cases reported in just over one month with nearly 600 fatalities in
Yemen, the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) warned that an already dire
situation for children is turning into a disaster. Cholera is spreading
incredibly fast in Yemen. The number of suspected cases is expected to reach
130,000 within the next two weeks, a UNICEF spokesman in Geneva said.
Countless children around Yemen are dying every day in silence from causes that
can easily be prevented or treated like cholera, diarrhea or malnutrition, he
said. But the international community needs to do more to provide immediate
support to relief efforts in health, water and sanitation, nutrition and
community mobilization. UNICEF urgently requires US$16 million to prevent the
outbreak from spreading further, the spokesman added.
Thousands rally in north Morocco after protest leader arrested
Reuters, Morocco Saturday, 3 June 2017/Several thousand people protested in a
provincial northern Moroccan town to demand the authorities release an activist
arrested for leading months of demonstrations against official abuses and
corruption. The protest took place late on Friday in the town of Al-Hoceima
where tensions have run high since activist Nasser Zefzafi was detained at the
start of the week and charged with threatening national security, among other
offences. Political unrest is rare in the North African kingdom but protests
around Al-Hoceima have been simmering since October after a fishmonger was
crushed inside a garbage truck while trying to salvage his fish that had been
confiscated by police. Chanting “the people demand prisoners be freed” and “we
are all Zefzafi” several thousand people gathered in Al-Hoceima’s Sidi Abed
square late on Friday night. Some protesters put tape on their mouths and tied
their hands to symbolise arrests. “Nasser defended his rights, he defended our
rights, he’s our hero. He did nothing to deserve arrest,” said Zahya Al-Hassani,
a mother of four. Many carried flags representing the Rif region, which has a
history of dissent and once declared brief independence under a local Berber
leader in the 1920s during war with colonial Spanish forces. Authorities placed
a heavy police presence around the town and the square, where protesters said
they had prevented a larger crowd from forming. Hours early in nearby Imzouren,
police fired water cannon to disperse hundreds of protesters who clashed with
security forces, tossing rocks and rubble. Fishmonger Mouhcine Fikri’s death has
become a symbol for frustrations about official abuses and revived the spirit of
the February 20 movement that led pro-democracy rallies in 2011 and prompted
King Mohammed VI to cede some of his powers.
“We never imagined Fikri’s death would reach this point. The people are angry,”
said Suleiman Ben Kadder, who said he knew the fishmonger at the port where he
worked. While some anger in the Al-Hoceima protests has been directed at “Makhzen”,
the royal governing establishment, the unrest in northern Morocco, as in 2011,
has not been aimed at the king. Morocco has a deeply rooted monarchy, the Muslim
world’s longest-serving dynasty. But the unrest around Al-Hoceima and the Rif
region is testing nerves in a kingdom that presents itself as a model for
stability and steady reform, as well as a safe haven for foreign investment in a
region widely torn by militant violence.
German rock festival to resume after terror scare
AFP, Berlin Saturday, 3 June 2017/Germany’s biggest rock festival
will resume after being disrupted by fears of a possible “terrorist threat”
which have proved to be unfounded, the organizers said Saturday. Police said
searches at the three-day “Rock am Ring,” held near the southwestern city of
Koblenz were over. Some 90,000 people are expected to attend the event which
ends on Sunday.
North Korea 'Poses a Threat to Us
All', Says Mattis
Agence France Presse/Naharnet/June
03/17/North Korea and its nuclear weapons programme pose a "threat to us all,"
US Defence Secretary Jim Mattis said Saturday, calling on the international
community to work together on the issue. "It is therefore imperative that we do
our part each of us to fulfill our obligations and work together to support our
shared goal of denuclearisation on the Korean Peninsula," Mattis said in a
policy speech at the Shangri-La defence summit in Singapore. Pyongyang on Monday
test-fired another rocket, the latest in a series of launches and atomic tests
that have ratcheted up tensions over its quest to develop weapons capable of
hitting the United States -- something President Donald Trump has said "won't
happen". "The regime's actions are manifestly illegal under international law,"
Mattis said. "There is a strong international consensus that the current
situation cannot continue. China's declared policy of a denuclearised Korean
Peninsula is our policy as well, and also that of Japan and the Republic of
Korea."Trump -- who frequently denounced China on the campaign trail -- has
turned to Beijing to help rein in North Korea's weapons programme. Mattis's
challenge on his visit is to reassure allies that America can apply pressure on
China over its claims in the South China Sea, while at the same time convincing
Beijing that controlling North Korea is in its own security interests. "The
Trump administration is encouraged by China's renewed commitment to work with
the international community toward denuclearisation," Mattis said.
Latest LCCC Bulletin analysis & editorials from miscellaneous sources published
June 03-04/17
Meet the Kurdish woman leading battle against IS in
northern Syria
Massoud Hamed/Translated by: Sami-Joe Abboud/Al Monitor/June 03/17
TABQA, Syria — Since the beginning of the Syrian revolution in March 2011, when
the peaceful conflict turned into a military one, Kurdish factions have been
working for change in Syria. A large number of the fighters in the Kurdish
factions have been female, and they have gained considerable experience in
leading battles against the Islamic State (IS).
In an interview with Al-Monitor, Kurdish commander Rojda Felat, one of the
leaders in the battle to retake Raqqa, shares her experience as a female fighter
against the Islamic State.
Rojda Felat, one of the top commanders of the Women's Protection Units (YPJ) who
fought groups like Jabhat al-Nusra at Ras al-Ain in 2012 and IS in Kobani, is
now one of the leaders of a major campaign against IS — Operation Wrath of the
Euphrates in northern Raqqa. The operation is headed by the People’s Protection
Units (YPG), the YPJ and the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) with the support of
the United States. The inclusion of female fighters is an intentional response
to IS members' fear of being killed by women because that would prevent them
from entering paradise.
In the city of Tabqa, west of Raqqa, Al-Monitor interviewed Felat about the
battle in northern Syria to retake Raqqa, ongoing since November 2016. The text
of the interview, edited for clarity, follows:
Al-Monitor: How did you get to this position? Why was a woman chosen to lead
Operation Wrath of the Euphrates? Did you face difficulties when you took the
position because you were a woman?
Felat: I have never had any problems. In the YPG, there is no difference between
women and men, and both sexes can direct campaigns and lead. There are several
reasons I was chosen as the leader of the operation, including my experience in
previous campaigns against IS, such as the campaigns of Tal Hamis, Hasakah, Tell
Abyad and Suluk, among others. The main reason I was selected is that IS members
said that they fear being killed by women as that would prevent them from
entering paradise. So I was appointed to show them that women can lead forces
such as the SDF, and that they will avenge women who have suffered a grave
injustice as a result of IS’ practices.
Al-Monitor: How do you describe the role of the SDF today in northern Raqqa?
What is the secret of your success?
Felat: The forces that are actually fighting and advancing on the ground are our
forces, the SDF. They are fighting and directly confronting IS. These forces
include residents of the area who want to liberate their own areas. The
coalition forces, such as the United States, British, French and other forces,
have also played a role in advancing our forces as they supported us with heavy
weapons and ammunition, and we cannot deny their role in helping our forces
advance. The more we move toward the city of Raqqa, the more support we get.
Al-Monitor: Some opposition figures accuse you of seeking to bring about
demographic change in the region. What is your take on this? And how do you deal
with civilians on the ground?
Felat: The population in this region knows that we came neither to stay nor to
impose our control. We are only here to liberate the region and protect our
defenseless people from IS. In all of the areas we liberate, a local council is
formed to manage the liberated cities, and the military forces never stay in the
cities. Had we been treating the population poorly, we would not have seen
thousands joining the ranks of the SDF only a few days after the liberation of
some areas.
Al-Monitor: The distance separating you from the dam at Tabqa was very short.
Did you expect IS to carry out its threat to destroy the dam, which could
destroy entire cities such as Deir ez-Zor and Raqqa as well as Anbar in Iraq?
Felat: This dam is one of the largest dams in Syria, and its location is
sensitive. We conducted its liberation operation [on May 10] in a very sensitive
way. We did not attack the dam or the nearby areas, nor did we bomb them. IS was
threatening to destroy it, and it resorted to many methods such as mines and car
bombs. Had we not conducted the liberation operation with such sensitivity, IS
would have destroyed it already and a humanitarian disaster would have taken
place. But it is thanks to our sensitive treatment of the matter that we managed
to encircle IS members and force them to move away from the dam, despite some
attempts to sabotage it.
Al-Monitor: You liberated Tabqa on May 10. What did you expect from IS?
Felat: IS made it a point to intimidate civilians even after its departure. It
planted mines everywhere. We had expected this — it planted so many mines in
Tabqa because it had nothing else to confront our forces with. It relies on
mines at some times and on car bombs at others. We will try to tread with great
caution so that not many civilians will lose their lives as a result of IS’
terrorist acts.
Al-Monitor: What will happen after the liberation of Raqqa?
Felat: Raqqa is a strategic center for IS, and the organization considers the
city its capital. IS has put all the civilians it arrested and abducted from
other regions in Raqqa. We know that the liberation of Raqqa will be a tough
task, but our forces are ready. We will encircle IS members in the city. Just
like we won in Tabqa, we will win in Raqqa. We know that IS will use all its
ways, like booby-trapped vehicles, snipers and other means, to defeat us. But we
also know how to foil these tactics. The US support for our forces will expedite
our advancement to Raqqa and its liberation. I do not think many civilians will
help IS. When we liberated the [Tabqa dam] civilians ran away to us. After all
the injustice they faced, from murder to slaughter from IS, not many will help
the organization unless they are IS supporters who came from foreign countries
or they were forced into joining the organization.
Al-Monitor: How are you taking care of civilians under these tough
circumstances? Which parties are helping you?
Felat: In our battles with all factions like Jabhat Fatah al-Sham, Ahrar al-Sham
and finally IS, we are freeing civilians first then taking them to safe zones
and camps. But in Tabqa, we kept them close so that they could see the
difficulties we face. We do not have enough support from humanitarian
organizations to provide for the civilians who are freed. We are trying to help
them ourselves. Only our organizations from Kobani and Jazira offered help to
Al-Monitor: What are the possible situations to prepare for in Raqqa? How will
the Arab component in that region be treated? Will you head to Deir ez-Zor and
Idlib next?
Felat: The liberation of Tabqa was key to an imminent liberation of Raqqa. We
promised to fight IS wherever it is in Syria. The SDF, the YPG and the YPJ, if
needed, will destroy IS. We will advance to Deir ez-Zor and Idlib and even to
the Mediterranean Sea. We are ready and well prepared. The fourth stage of
Operation Wrath of the Euphrates is ongoing from Tabqa, the borders of Deir
ez-Zor and the north of Raqqa. Our forces need to rest after having liberated
Tabqa, which was key to liberating Raqqa completely.
We are trying our best, and we hope to succeed in Raqqa soon. We are removing
mines from liberated areas so that civilians can return home. We are also
providing their daily needs like food, and we are establishing a Tabqa civilian
council. Recently, there was a lapse in supplying citizens with their basic
needs, but it was due to scarce capacities and ongoing battles. We also did not
receive enough aid from international relief organizations like the UN. There
has been some improvement in this regard, and we are now trying to meet all
civilians’ needs.
Battles are still raging in the northern Raqqa countryside with the advancement
of the international coalition forces and the SDF to the city. We expect a
catastrophe in the city because IS is detaining civilians and not letting them
escape the conflict zones. Many might die because the organization is turning
them into human shields.
The British Election: Will Voters Opt for Intolerance and
Alan M. Dershowitz/Gatestone Institute/June 03/17
On June 8, British voters will head to the polls, three years early. When Prime
Minister Theresa May called last month for a snap election, the assumption was
that she would win easily and increase her parliamentary majority. Recent
numbers, however, show the gap closing between May and Labour leader Jeremy
Corbyn – who was given 200:1 odds of when he ran for the party leadership in
2015 – is doing surprisingly well again. This is despite the fact that Labour
has been under fire for anti-Semitism in its ranks, and Corbyn himself has been
accused of anti-Jewish bigotry. Corbyn denies having a problem with Jews,
claiming that he is merely anti-Israel. Even if it were possible to hate Israel
without being anti-Semitic – and I am not sure that it is – Corbyn's words and
deeds demonstrate that he often uses virulent anti-Zionism as a cover for his
soft anti-Semitism.
For example, in a speech last year, he said that Jews are "no more responsible"
for the actions of Israel than Muslims are for those of ISIS. In 2009, he
announced: "It will be my pleasure and my honour to host an event in Parliament
where our friends from Hezbollah will be speaking. I also invited friends from
Hamas to come and speak as well."
Labour Party leader Jeremy Corbyn. When British voters go to the polls on June
8, will they opt to keep Prime Minister Theresa May in power, or reject
rationality in favor of intolerance? (Image source: Luke MacGregor/Bloomberg via
Getty Images)
The company that Corbyn keeps, too, suggests that at best he gives a free pass
to bigotry, racism and anti-Semitism within the ranks of his own party, and at
worst, he espouses them. He has shared speaking platforms and led rallies with
some of the most infamous Jew-haters. He has attended meetings hosted by 9/11
conspiracy theorist Paul Eisen, author of a blog titled: "My Life as a Holocaust
Denier." He has been associated with Sheikh Raed Salah – leader of the outlawed
northern branch of the Islamic Movement in Israel, a blood libel perpetuator
convicted for incitement to violence and racism – whom he referred to as a "very
honoured citizen" whose "voice must be heard." Corbyn was also a paid
contributor for Press TV, Iran's tightly controlled media apparatus, whose
production is directly overseen by anti-Semitic Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei.
One of the biggest criticisms of the "Corbynization" of British politics has
been the mainstreaming of traditional anti-Semitism. The country's chief rabbi,
Ephraim Mirvis, has called the problem within the Labour party "severe."
Consider the late Gerald Kaufman, a Labour veteran and close political associate
of Corbyn's who touted conspiracy theories about Jews throughout his political
career. When speaking at a pro-Palestinian event, Kaufman said: "Jewish money,
Jewish donations to the Conservative Party – as in the general election in May –
support from the Jewish Chronicle, all of those things, bias the Conservatives."
While Corbyn condemned this remark, he refused to yield to widespread demands
for disciplinary action against Kaufman. This is in keeping with what a key
former adviser to Corbyn, Harry Fletcher, wrote: "I'd suggest to him [Jeremy]
about how he might build bridges with the Jewish community and none of it ever
Let's be clear: I do not believe that Corbyn's rise in the polls is due to his
hatred of Jews and Israel, but rather in spite of it. May called for elections
and then refused to debate her opponents. She is running a lacklustre campaign
somewhat reminiscent of U.S. Democratic Party candidate Hillary Clinton's last
year. For his part, Corbyn is a populist, like U.S. President Donald Trump.
Although politically polar opposites, they have much in common, such as a
penchant for shooting from the hip and unpredictability.
Furthermore, many British voters are unaware of Corbyn's anti-Semitic
associations. Others know, but don't care. Those on the hard-Left, such as union
activists and academics, include knee-jerk opponents of the nation state of the
Jewish people and supporters of academic and cultural boycotts of Israel. Many
of these favor trade and engagement with such egregious human-rights violators
as Iran, Cuba, China, Russia, Belarus and Venezuela. Singling out Israel – the
Middle East's only democracy, with one of the world's best human-rights records,
rule of law and concern for enemy civilians — for boycotts itself is a form of
Corbyn himself has called for boycotts of the Jewish state. He has advocated for
an arms embargo, citing Israel's supposed "breach" of the human-rights clause of
the EU-Israel trade agreement. He also led the call to boycott Israel's national
soccer team in the European Championship in Wales. (Ironically, Israel only
plays in this league because it was expelled from the Asian Football
Confederation due to the Arab League's boycott.)
Corbyn, as well, has been a vocal supporter of the so-called Palestinian "right
of return," something that would lead to an Arab majority and Jewish minority
within Israel, and render the two-state solution completely obsolete.
Whether anti-Semitism is the cause or effect of the Labour party's problem is
not important. What is relevant is that Corbyn not only has not stemmed the
tide, but has played a big part in perpetuating it.
British voters now have the opportunity to choose where they will go as a
nation. Will they opt to move away from stability, rationality and tolerance
toward simple mindedness and xenophobia? I sincerely hope not.
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UK polls and the Leftist hangover about foreign
Eyad Abu Shakra/Al Arabiya/June 03/17
The UK Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn’s comments on the Manchester suicide bombing,
suggesting that “Many experts, including professionals in our intelligence and
security services, have pointed to the connections between wars our government
has supported or fought in other countries and terrorism here at home,” provoked
a storm of criticism. What is worth mentioning is that the terrorist atrocity
committed by Libyan-born, British Salman Abedi was linked to the American air
force bombardment of Syria. Interesting, indeed, that it is specifically linked
to the American – as well as British, under the umbrella of ‘anti-ISIS
coalition’ – attacks targeting ISIS-held territories inside Syria. This may call
the attention of serious analysts to several issues, although people like Abedi
– who murdered 22 innocent people and injured many others while attending a
concert – are nothing but brainwashed ‘killing machines’.
One issue is surely related to the aforementioned ‘justifications’ of the
atrocity. The attacks of US-led ‘coalition’ started quite late in the Syrian
War. Actually, they started many years after the Assad regime’s attacks on
civilians, then direct involvement of Iran’s sectarian militia backing the
regime, and later Russia’s joining the war directly against the Syrian people.
It is a well-known fact that the Russian air force has played a decisive part
during the last three years in turning the tide of the war in Assad’s favor. It
has provided it with the much-needed air cover to systematically destroy the
cities and carry out ‘sectarian cleansing’ and demographic change.
On the contrary, during Barack Obama’s presidency, Washington – so keen to
befriend Iran – refused to intervene militarily in Syria. Subsequently,
encouraging the Damascus regime and Iranian leaders to escalate the war using
all kinds of weapons, including chemical weapons!
Another issue concerns the concept of ‘intervention’. In general, this term on
its own does not reflect a comprehensive political vision. It is impossible to
morally justify ‘intervention’ in a stable country governed by broadly-based
political, social and institutional consensus; but, it is both morally and
politically right to prevent the escalation of a war whereby a dictatorial
leadership kills its own people as we have been witnessing in Syria and Yemen.
It is impossible to morally justify ‘intervention’ in a stable country governed
by broadly-based political, social and institutional consensus; but, it is both
morally and politically right to prevent the escalation of a war whereby a
dictatorial leadership kills its own people as we have been witnessing in Syria
and Yemen.
Moreover, it is wrong to intervene with the intention of ‘regime change’ without
having a plan for the day after, and a proper viable and legitimate alternative.
When the 2003 Iraq War was met with wide Arab and international opposition,
those opposing the war did not do so because they were great admirers of Saddam
Hussein and his regime, but because Washington and London had no plan to fill
the power vacuum and save the post-Saddam Iraq chaos.
Eventually, as we know now, Iraq was handed to Iran and its Revolutionary Guards
(IRGC) on a platter.
Most preposterous understanding
Still, the most preposterous understanding of ‘intervention’ must be reserved to
Obama’s handling of Syria. Here, both the US president and his associates kept
on justifying their refusal to defend the Syrian people and deter its murderers
by pathetically repeating the claim that the “intervention in Iraq made the
situation worse!”It is particularly this shameful and destructive inaction that
created ISIS phenomenon as a global problem.
Today, in the UK, the Labour leader Corbyn is following the footsteps of Barack
Obama. Last week, Corbyn made the connection between wars UK supported or fought
in other countries and terrorism on British soil. The Labour leader, however,
does not seem to be interested in the details of these wars, who caused them,
are benefitting from them, or the realities they seek to impose.
Reality of Iranian extremism
Corbyn, who rightly opposed the 2003 Iraq War, today ignores the fact that that
war brought about an explosive regional reality that all those who opposed the
war must realize. They need to understand how Iranian extremism has provoked an
opposite, extremist reaction, and that Tehran’s rulers are now exploiting this
reaction in order to cut deals and make international alliances that would
nurture it for years and decades to come.
The third issue, linked to the above, is that the current Labour leadership has
been too consistently loyal to its opposition to foreign adventures. It is
‘principled’, and like some Labour leadership before it, has been too dogmatic
and simplistic in arguing international affairs, as well as being sometimes
‘childishly’ anti-Washington. Something that makes it fall an easy prey to great
slogans of ‘progress’ and ‘liberation’ uttered by fake nationalists and their
mouthpieces. Indeed, the Labour ‘Left’ has always been idealistic, and quite
often naïve. During the thick of the Cold War, the Labour Left won control of
the party’s leadership with clear-cut radical leftist political positions
bearing all the fingerprints of the UND (Unilateral Nuclear Disarmament) – of
which the new leader Michael Foot was an active member – as well as a radical
economic agenda. The Left’s ascendancy led the leaders of centrist Labour Right
to break away with their supporters and found the Social Democratic Party (SDP)
in 1981. This party merged later with the Liberal Party to form the current
Liberal Democratic Party.
In 1983, as the leftist Labour leadership announced its radical electoral
manifesto, the late Labour wise man Gerald Kaufman described it as “the longest
suicide note in history”. He was absolutely right; as Labour was trounced by
Margaret Thatcher’s Conservatives, gaining just above 27.5 percent of the votes
and paving the way for uninterrupted Conservative rule until 1997.
In the early 80s, Corbyn and some of his associates were young firebrands and
‘spiritual’ sons and daughters of Michael Foot and his fellow Leftist luminary
Tony Benn. However, while many of those matured and moderated their outlooks,
including Benn’s son Hilary Benn – a former cabinet minister – Corbyn remained
an unrepentant radical. Today, he practically supports Iran and Assad since he
believes they are confronting America’s influence and conspiracies. This is why
he promised a change in London’s foreign policy if Labour wins on June 8.
Finally, the fourth issue regards an anxious period Western societies are going
Many ‘givens’ and ‘constants’ have fallen; causing astounding electoral
surprises. Thus, it would be ironic if the problems of the Middle East and
Muslim world would shape the future of cultural co-existence and democracy in
the West.
Climate change, ethical investments and corporate social
Dr. Mohamed A. Ramady/Al Arabiya/June 03/17
Once again President Trump has taken the world by storm by announcing that the
US is withdrawing from the painstakingly put together 2015 Paris climate
agreement with Trump saying the accord “punished” the US and would cost millions
of American jobs. In an address at the White House, he said he was prepared to
negotiate a new agreement or re-enter the accord on improved terms. His decision
has been greeted with widespread international condemnation and even some
members of his President Business Advisory Council have resigned in protest with
both Tesla CEO Elon Musk and Walt Disney boss Robert Iger doing so while global
giants like Google and Facebook said they would continue to work towards a
cleaner environmental future .
Long before the Paris deal was signed, many of the world’s biggest companies
were addressing their impact on the environment and their role in tackling
climate change, and in the hours after the announcement, major firms were quick
to emphasise that whatever the US’s official position on the Paris deal, their
own environmental focus would remain. Even energy firms, such as ExxonMobil, and
Chevron whose businesses have depended heavily on oil and fossil fuels, have
long been looking to the future, pouring hundreds of billions of dollars into
researching and developing more sustainable, clean sources of energy. Other
major producers including BP and ConocoPhillips already publish reports on how
rising temperatures would impact their businesses.
It is not only energy companies that are committed to alleviate climate change
but those whose business depends on stable weather conditions and that’s why
companies like Kellogg and General Mills, which depend on the weather to grow
grains to make cereals for example, are looking for ways to protect their supply
chain.It is not only energy companies that are committed to alleviate climate
change but those whose business depends on stable weather conditions and that’s
why companies like Kellogg and General Mills, which depend on the weather to
grow grains to make cereals for example, are looking for ways to protect their
supply chain.
But the issue of “going green” is not only a business decision but is driven by
demographics as new and future customers are the millennial generation, which
will make up half of the global workforce by 2020. This younger demographic is
far more passionate and vocal about social and environmental issues,
particularly on social media and company reputation can be made or broken
through the use of this new powerful communication medium.
At the same time, shareholders, led by religious and other special lobbying
groups , are making their voices heard at company general assembly and voting
for more ethical ad environmentally friendly operations and investments. This
pressure sometimes works at the national level , with the Norwegian parliament
now mandating its national Sovereign Wealth Fund, one of the largest in the
world, to invest in socially responsible companies and this changes market
perceptions, as fund managers now have to take this into account and change
their portfolio mix accordingly.
This bold ethical and transparent sovereign decision , might cost the Norwegian
state a loss of revenue in the short term , but is a model that other long term
Gulf sovereign Wealth Funds should aspire to. Climate change is now at the front
and centre in investors’ engagement. As the oil giants are a standard bearer for
the oil and gas industry, analysts are now warning that even smaller companies
should take note and respond accordingly.
What can businesses do to join this bandwagon , despite Trump’s rejection, of
ensuring economic sustainability and ethical investment , both of which are
entwined ? The reason is both pragmatic and ethical; it has been noted that
firms following such ethical and sustainable investments produce superior
financial returns over time, as investment in their own environmental
performance achieves, through better technology, cost savings and process
efficiency. This leads to outperformance over the long term, compared to their
competitors, both in terms of stock market and accounting performance .
Financial risk
In some countries, banks are now assessing a company’s social and economic
responsibility investments before granting loans, by offering lower rates
leading to reduced cost of debt and cost of equity. Of course for some companies
, especially those in the Gulf dependent on large scale government subsidies ,
doing nothing is an option but the consequences to reputation and financial risk
from environmental disasters could be enormous as evidenced by the long list of
fines imposed on companies involved, as well as wiping out significant company
value on the stock markets .
Most progressive companies have now instituted ethical investment and socially
responsible activities and have hired Economic Sustainability Managers to
oversee this at various company level.
The aim is simple: to address the broader economic and other factors beyond mere
profit and loss bottom line accounting . Sometimes making that decision is hard
as well as converting climate change sceptics within one’s company, but there is
no escape from the fact that global weather is changing as seen even in the
countries of the Gulf, with the most recent unusual weather patterns.
While President Trump has the right to stress “America First”, it would seem
that his latest action is one of “America Alone” .
The Riyadh Summits: From tensions to strategic partnership
Dr. Ibrahim Al-Othaimin/Al Arabiya/June 03/17
The visit of US President Donald Trump to Saudi Arabia, and his participation in
three summits with Saudi Arabia, GCC member-states, and Arab and Muslim
countries was an unprecedented historic event. The three summits with
representatives of over 50 Arab and Muslim countries was larger than the fourth
summit of South American-Arab countries that was held in Riyadh in 2015.
This success reflected the growing importance of the role of Saudi Arabia in the
international community with its ability to gather such a huge attendance due to
its status, the wisdom of its leadership and the strength of its economy, which
has enabled it to be a leader of the Arab and Muslim worlds. The summit also
highlighted the power, weight, role and impact of Saudi foreign policy on the
course of many important and thorny issues in international relations.
Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques King Salman said: “The Saudi-American summit
will enhance relations and international peace and security. It will establish
partnership in the face of extremism and spreading tolerance.”
The summit was positive and the two sides reached considerable agreement on many
political issues concerning terrorism and Iran’s negative influence in the
region. It resulted in the signing of agreements worth $400 billion, which will
create hundreds of thousands of jobs on both sides. This is the largest deal in
the history of relations and a major indicator of the improvement in bilateral
relations after the chill experienced with the former administration.
Agreement on many issues
As for the Gulf-American summit, it was the third in two years, preceded by Camp
David 2015 and Riyadh 2016, and was special due to the fact that it was the
first summit of the Trump administration.
There was significant agreement on many issues regarding peace and security in
the region. Moreover, the two sides signed a memorandum of understanding for the
inauguration of a center to drain the sources of terrorism financing. Thus, the
summit was an historic opportunity for both parties to strengthen strategic
relations and to embark on fruitful dialogue on many issues of common interest.
The agreement to hold the summit annually in order to review the progress made
concerning what has been agreed upon indicates serious intent on both sides to
move forward on common issues.
Trump shared the growing concerns of Arab and Muslim countries about Iran and
the need to work on isolating it in order to put an end to its interference. The
summit resulted in the inauguration of the Global Center for Combating Extremism
in Riyadh, which is intended to exchange information on foreign fighters and the
movement of terrorist organizations, which I believe to be a much needed step in
border protection and exchange of information regarding the movement of foreign
fighters to areas of conflict.
President Trump’s speech during the Arab-Muslim-American summit with
representatives of 50 Arab and Muslim countries was positive and reassuring. It
came after much controversy regarding his policy toward Muslims and the Muslim
ban during his campaign.
Growing concerns about Iran
Trump shared the growing concerns of Arab and Muslim countries about Iran and
the need to work on isolating it in order to put an end to its interference. The
summit resulted in the inauguration of the Global Center for Combating Extremism
in Riyadh, which is intended to exchange information on foreign fighters and the
movement of terrorist organizations, which I believe to be a much needed step in
border protection and exchange of information regarding the movement of foreign
fighters to areas of conflict.
In addition, there was an explicit agreement between the participating countries
to combat all forms of terrorism as they welcomed the provision of 34,000
soldiers as a reserve force to back up operations against terrorism in Iraq and
Finally, the three summits manifested the effective and positive role played by
Riyadh in many regional issues, which cannot be omitted in any proposed
resolution. During the reign of King Salman and due to the complexities of the
regional and global scene, Saudi foreign policy has shifted from neutrality to
initiative in order to protect its interests and to restore regional peace and
If it wasn’t for ISIS, who would have known Turki Benali?
Mashari Althaydi/Al Arabiya/June 03/17
We will try to get out of the context of the two previous articles for a while,
not completely, as we are still talking about the problematic individuals.
However, our persona today, is a contemporary one who was killed a few days ago
in a raid on the city of Raqqa, the base of the illusive caliphate of Ibrahim
Awad al-Badri, known as Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi. We will talk about a young
Bahraini man from a well-known family: Benali, which can be also spelled as Bin
Ali. The man we are discussing today is Turki Benali (34 years), who was killed
recently. He is from Muharraq. He pursued his elementary and complimentary
education in Bahrain and then continued his studies at the religious schools of
Sharjah and Beirut. He was a quick-tempered and problematic young man. Since his
childhood, he was an extremist boy who was programmed to be fanatic. These
rebellious groups slandering all traditions, allow the dangerous ambitious
postulants to take a shortcut to reach leadership, rather than waiting in the
usual social, political and scientific rehabilitation queue. It is clear that
Turkey had many high aspirations that were not limited to his capabilities, and
this is what led to his demise.
Here is an important issue that has been discussed previously in the history of
the Kharijis at the early beginnings of Islam: these rebellious groups
slandering all traditions, allow the dangerous ambitious postulants to go
through a shortcut to reach leadership, rather than waiting in the usual social,
political and scientific rehabilitation queue.
The deadly temptation
It seems that ISIS and before it, al-Qaeda, had these means of temptation,
otherwise, without ISIS and al-Qaeda, who would have known an Iraqi mullah
called Ibrahim Awad al-Badri, a Jordanian preacher called Issam Barqawi (Abu
Muhammad al-Maqdisi), an ordinary Saudi young man like Saleh al-Awfi, or a
Bahraini teacher like Turki Benali? Turki has become an important leader for
ISIS; he was a legitimate preacher in Syria and Libya; he deployed all efforts
and energy to support Baghdadi. He advocated his legitimacy in his famous letter
“extending hands for allegiance to Baghdadi”. And for Baghdadi’s sake, he
accused Abu Muhammad al-Maqdisi, who was the teacher of all these extremists, of
non-belief. However, every extremist will find someone who is more radical than
him, even if it takes him time. Imagine that there is a group within ISIS that
believes that Baghdadi is tolerant and accuse him of being apostate from Islam!
In February 2015, the Bahraini Ministry of Interior revoked his nationality
after joining ISIS. The justification was that they did so to maintain security
and stability in the country and combat terrorist threats.
Turki’s story shows a greater tragedy: the demand for the Gulf members in
terrorist groups, especially from the Arabian Peninsula, the land of the Sahaba,
in order to add to their symbolic tools of legitimacy, as we have seen in
Afghanistan and Chechnya.
A character like Turki Benali deserves to be analyzed and studied so that we can
stop the emergence of similar extremists.
Turkey Arrests Kurdish Activist for Armenian Genocide
Uzay Bulut/The Armenian Weekly/June 03/17
Originally published under the title "Turkey: Kurdish Activist Arrested for
Social Media Posts on Armenian Genocide."
Kurdish human rights activist Mukaddes Alataş is under arrest in Turkey for
posting about the Armenian Genocide on social media.
Mukaddes Alataş, a Kurdish human rights activist from Diyarbakir, was recently
arrested for "being a member of a terror organization." Her crime? She posted
about the Armenian Genocide on social media and engaged in women's rights
Unlike the relentless denial of the Turkish government, the Kurdish political
movement in Turkey recognizes the Armenian Genocide and commemorates it.
On April 23, 2013, for example, an event was organized by the Diyarbakir Bar
Association, then led by Kurdish lawyer Tahir Elçi, and the Diyarbakir
Municipality, to commemorate the 98th anniversary of the destruction of the
Armenian community in the city.
"Today, we commemorate the genocide in Diyarbakir for the first time. This is a
very important day for us. We bow respectfully before the memory of our Armenian
brothers who were murdered in 1915, and condemn the genocide," Elçi said in his
A scene from Tahir Elci's funeral.
Two years later, on Nov. 28, 2015, Elçi was murdered in broad daylight while he
was holding a press conference, in which he spoke about the destruction caused
by the military attacks carried out during the curfew imposed by the Turkish
government in the Sur district of Diyarbakir.
In his last public speech, he called for an end to violence between the Turkish
state and the Kurdish PKK (Kurdistan Workers' Party).
Though almost two years have passed, his murderers have still not been brought
to account.
Mahsuni Karaman, Elçi's family's lawyer and a member of the "Tahir Elçi Murder
Investigation Commission said:
Our connection with Elçi's file has been cut. We are not given the copies; we do
not know at what stage it [the file] is... But there are things we know. There
is not a single suspect in the file. The gun with which Elçi was shot has not
been identified because the cartridge bullet has not been found. As there is no
certain evidence, no progress has been made to shed light on this murder. We
have made more than 100 requests from the Diyarbakir prosecutor's office, but we
do not know what has been done about these requests. For the prosecutor does not
give information either to the public or to us.
Similarly, lawyer Neşet Girasun, a board member of the Diyarbakir Bar
Association, told The Armenian Weekly: "An effective investigation that would
reveal the perpetrators as well as the forces behind them has not been
Many Kurds were victims of kidnappings, torture, and murders at the hands of
Turkish state forces in the 1990s. Elçi worked vigorously to shed light on what
has come to be known as "murders by unknown assailants" in Turkey. Ironically,
he became a victim of one himself.
The Kurdish political movement in Turkey recognizes and commemorates the
Armenian Genocide.
In the meanwhile, Sedat Peker, a gang leader, who has been convicted of several
crimes and is a staunch supporter of President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, was given
the "most benevolent businessman" award by the Turkish 2K Media Company on May
Peker had threatened academics who signed a petition calling for peace between
the Turkish government and the Kurds in early 2016. He said that he wanted to
take a bath in "the blood of the academics." Peker has not yet been brought to
account for his statements openly calling for mass slaughter. Turkey not only
denies the Armenian Genocide but also violently crushes any voice that dares
tell the truth about it. Meanwhile, those who incite mass murder against
dissident academics and peace activists are protected, promoted, and awarded.
**Uzay Bulut, a Turkish journalist and political analyst, is a fellow at the
Middle East Forum.
Egypt's Battle Against Islamic Extremismحرب
مصر ضد التطرف الإسلامي
Shireen Qudosi/Gatestone Institute./June 03/17
When it comes to regional interests in the Middle East, the priority is the most
dominant and violent force.
Egypt stands out as a primary target, given the cocktail of challenges that
position it as a center of radical Islam. Egypt faces political, violent, and
theological militancy within its borders.
For a nation to do what it must to survive, it needs the steadfast support of
world powers. Step one is annihilating all sources of violent Islam.
For a Western audience, Egyptian President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi is a complex
figure, who was shunned by the Obama administration. There appear truly
pressing, immediate priorities in Egypt, such as developing the economy and
combating the avalanche of extremist attempts to overthrow him. Among Middle
East and North African territories, Egypt stands out as a primary target, given
the cocktail of challenges that position it as a center of radical Islam.
President Sisi faces violent extremist hotbeds in the Sinai Peninsula, and the
still-destabilizing influence of the Muslim Brotherhood (a political arm of
violent radicals). Most notably, Sisi brought a reality check to the Arab Spring
when he led the military overthrow of the Muslim Brotherhood government in 2013,
ushering a spiritual and cultural Islamic reformation with widespread popular
support from Egyptians on a grass-roots level.
Sisi faces more than just militant and political extremists within Egypt's
borders; he is also walking a theological tightrope. Egypt is home to the
regressive theocratic influence of the most revered Islamic institution in the
Sunni world, Cairo's Al-Azhar University, which openly views freedom as a
"ticking time-bomb."
Being held hostage intellectually by the grip of Al-Azhar University ensures
that there is a constant supply when it comes to producing the next generation
of militant and political Islamists.
Egypt also faces extremist infiltration from neighboring Libya, a nation caught
in a power vacuum after the murder of its leader, Col. Muammar Gaddafi. This
vacuum has been readily filled by Islamic militants, including ISIS.
Upon returning home in April from his first visit to the U.S. since 2013, Sisi
faced a series of domestic terror attacks that once again put Egypt in a global
spotlight. On Palm Sunday, in April, two suicide bombings in Coptic Christian
churches killed more than 45 people and injured another 120. For Egypt, one of
the last regional strongholds that still has a vibrant non-Muslim minority
population, violent eruptions on major Christian holidays have become routine.
In England, just days after the May 22 Manchester suicide bombing, attention was
once again on Egypt where 29 Coptic Christians were gunned down on a bus
traveling to a monastery near the city of Minya. The attack was launched by
masked terrorists who arrived in three pick-up trucks and opened fire on the
passengers, many of whom were children. Egyptian intelligence believes the Minya
attack was led by ISIS jihadists based in Libya. In February, the aspiring
terrorist caliphate also launched a campaign against Egypt's Christian
population. The Egyptian military responded swiftly with air strikes against
terrorist camps, along with a televised warning against sponsored terrorism.
President Sisi's response to the brutal slaughter of peaceful Christian
worshippers is being called rare but should not be surprising, considering the
aggressive measures that need to be taken to hold extremism at bay, and to
eradicate the threat that local groups pose to the Egyptian people. Coming out
of the Riyadh Summit, where President Trump and a host of Muslim nations,
including Egypt, agreed to drive out extremism, Sisi's reaction was necessary.
In a war that is equally ideological and kinetic, Muslim nations and others
trying to survive the plague of Islamic terrorism will need to be as ruthless as
their extremist counterparts. That is something that the warring political
factions in the U.S. quickly need to understand. When it comes to regional
interests in the Middle East, the priority is combating the most dominant and
violent force. If that force wins, human rights are completely off the table.
Beyond Egypt, President Trump has received considerable backlash in the U.S. for
siding with what are seen as repressive regimes, whether it was hosting Turkey's
President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan in the White House or engaging with dictators and
monarchs during the Riyadh Summit.
In order to bring security to the region, alliances need to look at the real
instigators and agents of chaos. There is a metastasizing threat that requires a
new coalition of the willing. For a nation to do what it must to survive, it
needs the steadfast support of world powers. Step one is annihilating all
sources of violent Islam.
**Shireen Qudosi is the Director of Muslim Matters, with America Matters.
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