April 28/17
Compiled & Prepared by: Elias Bejjani
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Bible Quotations For Today
His disciples remembered that it was written, ‘Zeal for
your house will consume me
Holy Gospel of Jesus Christ according to Saint John 02/13-25/:"The Passover of
the Jews was near, and Jesus went up to Jerusalem. In the temple he found people
selling cattle, sheep, and doves, and the money-changers seated at their tables.
Making a whip of cords, he drove all of them out of the temple, both the sheep
and the cattle. He also poured out the coins of the money-changers and
overturned their tables. He told those who were selling the doves, ‘Take these
things out of here! Stop making my Father’s house a market-place!’His disciples
remembered that it was written, ‘Zeal for your house will consume me.’The Jews
then said to him, ‘What sign can you show us for doing this?’Jesus answered
them, ‘Destroy this temple, and in three days I will raise it up.’The Jews then
said, ‘This temple has been under construction for forty-six years, and will you
raise it up in three days?’But he was speaking of the temple of his body. After
he was raised from the dead, his disciples remembered that he had said this; and
they believed the scripture and the word that Jesus had spoken. When he was in
Jerusalem during the Passover festival, many believed in his name because they
saw the signs that he was doing. But Jesus on his part would not entrust himself
to them, because he knew all people and needed no one to testify about anyone;
for he himself knew what was in everyone."
The stone that the builders rejected has become the very head of the corner and
A stone that makes them stumble, and a rock that makes them fall
First Letter of Peter 02/01-10/:"Rid yourselves, therefore, of all malice, and
all guile, insincerity, envy, and all slander. Like newborn infants, long for
the pure, spiritual milk, so that by it you may grow into salvation if indeed
you have tasted that the Lord is good. Come to him, a living stone, though
rejected by mortals yet chosen and precious in God’s sight, and like living
stones, let yourselves be built into a spiritual house, to be a holy priesthood,
to offer spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ. For it
stands in scripture: ‘See, I am laying in Zion a stone, a cornerstone chosen and
precious; and whoever believes in him will not be put to shame.’ To you then who
believe, he is precious; but for those who do not believe, ‘The stone that the
builders rejected has become the very head of the corner’, and ‘A stone that
makes them stumble, and a rock that makes them fall.’ They stumble because they
disobey the word, as they were destined to do. But you are a chosen race, a
royal priesthood, a holy nation, God’s own people, in order that you may
proclaim the mighty acts of him who called you out of darkness into his
marvellous light. Once you were not a people, but now you are God’s people; once
you had not received mercy, but now you have received mercy."
Titles For Latest LCCC Bulletin analysis & editorials from
miscellaneous sources published on April 27-28/17
One of the moments that led to the Syrian withdrawal from Lebanon/Dr.
Walid Phares/Face Book/April 27/17
Lebanon still paralysed politically six months into Aoun presidency/Jacob Burns/albawaba/April
Sanction Iran's Regime, Add IRCG to Terrorist List/Majid Rafizadeh/Gatestone
Institute/April 27/17
The Pope's Pilgrimage to Al-Azhar/Lawrence A. Franklin/Gatestone Institute/April
Palestinians: This is How We Intimidate Journalists/Bassam Tawil/Gatestone
Institute/April 27/17
Mattis and Trump: The Odd Couple that Works/David Ignatius/The Washington
Post/April 27/17
The Kidnap of the Qataris Is a Defeat to Iraq’s Sovereignty/Abdulrahman Al-Rashed/Asharq
Al Awsat/April 27/17
At 100 Days, Trump’s No Russian Stooge or Fascist/Eli Lake/Asharq Al Awsat/April
Titles For Latest Lebanese Related News published
April 27-28/17
One of the moments that led to the Syrian withdrawal from Lebanon
Lebanon still paralysed politically six months into Aoun presidency
Report: Israeli Strike Near Damascus Airport Targets Hizbullah Military Base
Israel Says Damascus Blast, Preventing Arms Transfer to Hizbullah 'Consistent'
With its Policy
Lebanese citizen infiltrates Israel, arrested in the north
Lebanese Arrested in Kiryat Shmona after Infiltrating Israel
Jumblat Says Would Accept 'Proportional Representation Law Taking Minorities
into Account'
Hariri Meets Aoun, Urges 'Equation that Ensures Correct Representation'
PSP Delegation Visits Geagea as Berri's Aide Meets Hariri
Bassil Meets Jumblat after Latter's Criticism of His Electoral Law Format
Jumblat Picks at 'Placid' Mashnouq
Hariri receives Khalil, Zasypkin and "football legends"
Hariri chairs meeting of committee tasked to develop national anti corruption
ISF Arrests 91 Syrians who Tried to Cross Illegally into Lebanon
Israeli Troops Nab 50 Goats after Failing to Abduct Shepherd near Shebaa
Aoun follows up on World Bank projects with Belhaj
2 Nusra Militants Held for Plotting to 'Destabilize Palestinian Camps'
Judge Refers 5 Suspects on Charges of Involvement with IS
Truckers Rally for Second Day, Another Road-Blocking Scenario Feared
Mashnouq participates in Al Azhar peace conference in Cairo
Army Chief tackles military affairs with British, Tunisian and Cypriot
Toeini via Twitter: treasury revenues up from 18 to $99 million
Chebib bans peddlers in streets of Beirut
Titles For Latest LCCC
Bulletin For Miscellaneous Reports And News published on
April 27-28/17
Pope Tawadros Inaugurates Largest Coptic Church in the Gulf
A Patriot anti-ballistic missile intercepts a drone that had infiltrated from
Iranian Cargo Planes Land in Damascus Hours Before ‘Israeli Strike’ on Airport
Syria Confirms Israeli Strike Hit Military Compound Near Damascus Airport
IDF strikes Hamas target in Gaza in response to cross-border fire
Jubeir Says Iran, its Militias Have No Place in Arab World
'Knives' Seen as Man Arrested near UK Parliament
Russian Spy Ship Sinks Off Turkey Coast after Collision
Return the money if you don’t need it: Qatari Minister to Abadi
Saudi Crown Prince: Biggest challenge lies in preserving unity of the homeland
UN envoy eyes new Yemen peace talks before Ramadan
Latest Lebanese Related News published
April 27-28/17
One of the moments that led to the Syrian withdrawal from Lebanon
Dr. Walid Phares/Face Book/April 27/17
Many dynamics came together between 2000 and 2005 to produce the Syrian
withdrawal from Lebanon. Some inside the country and others worldwide,
eventually led to the April pull out of the Assad forces from Lebanon after
close to 30 years of occupation.
But in my own memory, having witnessed events for all these decades, one of the
moments that were at the genesis of provoking events leading to the Cedars
Revolution on the one hand and the alignment of the US and France to force that
withdrawal on the Syrian regime in 2005, was the day the US triggered the
introduction of what became UNSCR 1559.
That day was in March 2004 at the US mission at the UN in New York. That
afternoon we met with UN ambassador John Negroponte and his deputy and handed
him the memo that asked for a UN resolution.
As I will detail in my memoirs, there were many initiatives for years, but the
sole initiative that actually demanded an international resolution to force
Syria out of Lebanon started in 2000 and materialized that day of 2004. With us
were Joe Baini Tom Harb, and Fady Bark.
Many other activists played part in this chain of pressures ending in
introducing a text of resolution by the US. In this picture taken at the request
of ambassador Negroponte, we aimed at marking a beginning of a process, which
one year later ended in the withdrawal. Many efforts, tragedies and sacrifices
followed from the day the resolution was introduced, was voted, to the day
Washington and Paris asked Assad to withdraw. A short moment in history we
memorized in this picture. A window opened for Lebanon to liberate itself, but
unfortunately soon it dissipated. There will be more opportunities in the
future. The question is will the Lebanese seize them?
Lebanon still paralysed politically six months into Aoun
presidency الشلل في لبنان لا يزال قائماً بعد 6 أشهر على رئاسة عون
Jacob Burns/albawaba/April 27/17
Lebanon’s parliament elected Michel Aoun to be the country’s president on
October 31, after 29 months without someone in the role. A retired General who
spent 15 years in exile after being forced from the country by Syrian troops, he
shifted alliances over the last decade to become close with the militant group
Hezbollah and its Iranian and Syrian backers.The election was widely seen as a welcome return to normalcy after a dangerous
political vacuum. The country borders Syria and Israel, hosts more than a
million refugees, and is still working through the painful legacy of its fiteen-year
civil war, all of which make it prone to instability.Aoun was elected on the promise to hold parliamentary elections, which the
country has not had since 2009, but his first six months have not seen those
take place. In fact, a in sign of continuing political deadlock, Aoun recently
had to invoke a presidential privilege and suspend parliament for one month in
the hope that the time could be used to secure cross-party support for a new
electoral law.
“He tried to pass off the government as a transitional government,” Kareem
Chehayeb, a Lebanese journalist and analyst, told Al Bawaba. “Although
objectively Aoun did a lot to build state institutions - such as passing the
state budget, the first in twelve years - he’s done everything but pass an
electoral law.”
Bassam Khawaja, the Lebanon researcher for Human Rights Watch, said that
parliamentary paralysis was blocking the route to important legislation that
would protect human rights in the country. “[Parliament] has failed to pass
important draft legislation to criminalize all forms of torture, remove
civilians from the military court, end child marriage, reform Lebanon’s domestic
violence law, and repeal a law that allows rapists to escape punishment by
marrying their victims,” he said.
The country has been suffering economically in tandem with its political crises.
The World Bank has criticized Lebanon’s public finances as “structurally weak
and worsening”, and said that they are in need of urgent reform.Jad Chaaban, an Associate Professor of Economics at the American University of
Beirut, said that, “the election of a president has not changed anything” in
terms of the economy. “There is still very low growth, limits on expenditure,
and many public projects are on hold. The economic situation is linked to
regional developments, such as Syria, and structural things inside Lebanon.”Chaaban said that much of the problem with government finances stems from the
political clientelism that dominates the country. “In the national unity
government that exists now, you have many political parties, and so you have
more political players who want to get more from the same pot. And the
government is not able to deliver.”Chaaban told Al Bawaba that he believed this factional conflicts were driving
the labor disputes that have spilled out onto Lebanon’s streets in recent weeks,
such as the truck drivers’ protest in Lebanon yesterday. The professor, who has
also been involved with the grassroots movement Beirut Madinati, said that,
“politics is rooted in these corrupt client networks, and they’re decades old.”
He said that while the activist community in Lebanon remained fragmented, it
would be hard to challenge those structures.
Chehayeb though said that he was enthused by the thought of the coming
elections. “I think what makes them exciting is that they come on the heels of a
wave of protest during the trash crisis. The presence of lots of independent
candidates adds an interesting dynamic to politics in Lebanon.”
Khawaja, though, cautioned that grassroots activism was taking place in a
political climate that was increasingly intolerant of free speech. “We have seen
a pattern in recent months of authorities prosecuting individuals for political
statements made on social media, under draconian laws that allow sentences of up
to 2 years in prison. These prosecutions chill freedom of expression.”It therefore remains to be seen whether Aoun can steer Lebanon’s political class
away out of the deadlock in which they remain. Elections would renew the
legitimacy of a parliament that is eight years into a four year term, but that
would not translate into automatic improvement in the quality of life for
ordinary Lebanese and the refugees in the country.
“The main issues we face,” said Chaaban, “all these are not on the state’s
agenda. The mistake we keep making is to let ourselves be driven by the state’s
agenda, and not what matters most to us.”
Report: Israeli Strike Near Damascus Airport Targets
Hizbullah Military Base
Agence France Presse/Naharnet/April 27/17/A massive explosion that struck near
Damascus International Airport early on Thursday setting off large fires, was
reportedly the result of an Israeli strike that targeted a Hizbullah military
base, media reports said. The blast was outside the airport itself. It was not
immediately clear whether it was the result of an air strike or a ground attack,
the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said. Israeli warplanes have hit the
airport and other bases around the capital in the past, targeting what it said
were weapons stockpiles of Hizbullah, which is allied with the Syrian
government. Hizbullah's al-Manar television said the explosion was "probably"
caused by an Israeli air strike. "The blast was huge," Observatory chief Rami
Abdel Rahman told Agence France Presse. "It's unclear what caused the explosion
but there are fires raging at the site."
Al-Manar said the strike caused only material damage. "Al-Manar's correspondent
reported that an explosion struck at dawn on Thursday in fuel tanks and a
warehouse near Damascus International Airport and that it was probably the
result of an Israeli strike," the channel said. Other media reports said the
“Israeli raid targeted an ammunition depot for Hizbullah.”The airport lies about
25 kilometers (15 miles) southeast of the capital.It was hit by Israeli air
strikes in December 2014, Syrian state media reported at the time. Israel does
not usually confirm or deny each individual raid it carries out. But last month,
it said it had carried out several strikes near the Syrian desert city of
Palmyra, targeting what it said were "advanced weapons" belonging to Hezbollah.
The strikes prompted Syria to launch retaliatory ground to air missiles, one of
which was intercepted over Israeli territory in the most serious flare-up
between the two neighbors since the Syrian civil war began six years ago.
Israeli Defense Minister Avigdor Lieberman threatened to destroy Syrian air
defense systems if they were used again. On January 13, Syria accused Israel of
bombing Mazzeh air base in the western suburbs of the capital. There were
several strikes near the same base last year. In April 2016, Netanyahu admitted
for the first time that Israel had attacked dozens of convoys in Syria that he
said were transporting weapons destined for Hezbollah. Israel and Syria are
still technically at war, though the armistice line had remained largely quiet
for decades until 2011 when the Syrian conflict began. Israel and Hezbollah
fought a devastating 34-day war in 2006 which killed 1,200 people in Lebanon,
mainly civilians, and 160 Israelis, mostly soldiers.
Israel Says Damascus Blast, Preventing Arms Transfer to
Hizbullah 'Consistent' With its Policy
Agence France Presse/Naharnet/April 27/17/Israeli Intelligence
Minister Yisrael Katz said a massive explosion near Damascus International
Airport on Thursday was consistent with Israel's policy, but stopped short of
confirming his country was behind it. Israeli warplanes have hit the airport and
other bases around the Syrian capital in the past, targeting what it said were
weapons stockpiles of its Lebanese foe Hizbullah, which is allied with the
Syrian government. "We are acting to prevent the transfer of sophisticated
weapons from Syria to Hizbullah in Lebanon by Iran," Katz told army radio. "When
we receive serious information about the intention to transfer weapons to
Hizbullah, we will act. This incident is totally consistent with this policy."In
line with its usual practice, Israel's military has declined to comment on the
incident. Israel has sought to avoid being dragged into the six-year civil war
in Syria, but acknowledges carrying out air strikes there to stop what it says
are deliveries of advanced weapons to Hizbullah. Last month, in the most serious
incident between the two countries since the Syria conflict began, Israeli
warplanes struck several targets, drawing retaliatory missile fire. Israel used
its Arrow interceptor to destroy what was believed to have been a Russian-made
SA-5 missile, and Defense Minister Avigdor Lieberman threatened to destroy
Syria's air defense systems "without the slightest hesitation" if it happened
again. Israel fought a devastating war against Hizbullah in 2006.
Lebanese citizen
infiltrates Israel, arrested in the north
Ahiya Raved/Ynetnews/April 28/17/The man is spotted by civilians at the Kiryat
Shmona bus station, 10km from the border. The police came to the scene and
handed the man over to the security services. A Lebanese citizen who had
infiltrated Israel was caught on Thursday evening in the central bus station in
Kiryat Shmona, which is about 10 kilometers from the border. During the evening,
citizens spotted a man who looked suspicious to them in the area of the central
bus station in the northern city. They called the police, who approached and
questioned the man. From their questioning, the police learnt that he was a man
who infiltrated Israel from Lebanese territory. The police brigade commander was
called to the scene and the man was transferred to the security forces for
questioning. The IDF confirmed that a civilian with a Lebanese identity card had
been found in Kiryat Shmona, and that the incident was under investigation.
Lebanese Arrested in Kiryat Shmona after Infiltrating
Naharnet/April 27/17/Israeli forces arrested a Lebanese man in the northern
Israeli community of Kiryat Shmona after he crossed the Lebanese-Israeli border,
Lebanon's National News Agency reported.“Israel's border battalion in Metula
went on alert after it failed to detect the crossing of the man, who entered
from the Lebanese town of Kfarkila,” NNA said. The Lebanese army and security
forces and U.N. peacekeepers meanwhile went on alert on the Lebanese side of the
border, the agency added.Al-Jadeed television said the Israeli army was staging
patrols along the border in the area. Israeli news website Ynet said the
Lebanese man “was caught in the central bus station in Kiryat Shmona, which is
about 10 kilometers from the border.”Israeli residents who saw the man called
the police and he was taken to a security station for questioning, Ynet added.
Jumblat Says Would Accept 'Proportional Representation Law
Taking Minorities into Account'
Naharnet/April 27/17/Progressive Socialist Party leader MP Walid Jumblat
announced Thursday that he would accept an electoral law fully based on
proportional representation “if it is based on certain districts that take
minorities into account in the current sectarian system.”In an interview with
al-Jadeed television, Jumblat also stressed that there is no parliamentary
vacuum in the constitution and slammed a proposed electoral system that involves
sectarian voting in the first round as a “segregationist law.”“The political
class must agree before May 15 on an electoral law that mixes between the
winner-takes-all and proportional representation systems, or between
proportional representation and the right districts. However, should there be no
agreement on a new law, the 1960 law that was amended in Doha is still in
effect,” Jumblat added. “I have suggested a solution, but there are other
solutions. I don't mind the other solutions but no to the (sectarian)
qualification system,” the Druze leader went on to say. Lambasting the
qualification system as “outdated” and “a heresy,” Jumblat underscored that it
is categorically rejected and that his ministers would vote against it should it
be raised in Cabinet. “We are seeking agreement and partnership, not to topple
the balances, and we reject the qualification system because it undermines
partnership and produces segregation and disintegration,” Jumblat added,
emphasizing that “there can be no electoral law without consensus.”He also
reassured that “the elections will take place” and noted that his “only ally
during this period is Speaker Nabih Berri.”Asked about calls for creating a
senate, Jumblat said the constitution stipulates the abolition of political
sectarianism as a precondition for the creation of a senate while noting that
that there is a 1989 agreement on allocating the presidency of the senate to the
Druze community.
Hariri Meets Aoun, Urges 'Equation that Ensures Correct
Naharnet/April 27/17/Prime Minister Saad Hariri announced Thursday that he is
optimistic that an agreement on a new electoral law will be reached soon, while
stressing the importance of “reaching an equation that ensures correct
representation.”“We are not in a confrontation with any political group and
what's important is to reach an equation that ensures correct representation,”
said Hariri after talks with President Michel Aoun at the Baabda Palace. “We're
working 24/24 on the file of the electoral law because this is the main
priority, and I'm optimistic that things will reach a happy ending,” Hariri
added. He also said that his stance aims to “press all political parties in
order to prevent extension” of parliament's term.
PSP Delegation Visits Geagea as Berri's Aide Meets Hariri
Naharnet/April 27/17/A Progressive Socialist Party delegation dispatched by MP
Walid Jumblat held talks Thursday in Maarab with Lebanese Forces leader Samir
Geagea. The delegation comprised MPs Akram Shehayyeb and Wael Abu Faour and the
meeting was held in the presence of LF secretary general Chantal Sarkis. A terse
statement issued by the LF said the two-hour talks tackled "the proposed
electoral laws, especially the hybrid law which remains the best one." The
conferees also "agreed on the need to continue contacts with all parties in
order to reach a new electoral law as soon as possible."Jumblat had held talks
earlier in the day in Clemenceau with Free Patriotic Movement chief Jebran
Bassil. Speaker Nabih Berri's aide Finance Minister Ali Hassan Khalil meanwhile
met with Prime Minister Saad Hariri at the Grand Serail. Talks tackled “the
ongoing contacts regarding the electoral law,” Hariri's office said. In an
interview aired later in the day by al-Jadeed TV, Jumblat described an electoral
format proposed by Bassil and involving sectarian voting in the first round as
“outdated,” while noting that he would accept the proportional representation
system “if it is based on certain districts that take minorities into account.”
Bassil Meets Jumblat after Latter's Criticism of His
Electoral Law Format
Naharnet/April 27/17/Free Patriotic Movement chief Jebran Bassil held talks
Thursday afternoon with Progressive Socialist Party leader MP Walid Jumblat. The
meeting at Jumblat's residence in Clemenceau was held in the presence of his son
Taimur, Education Minister Marwan Hamadeh and MP Ghazi Aridi. A terse statement
issued by the PSP said talks tackled “the current political developments.”The
PSP's al-Anbaa online newspaper reported later in the evening that the meeting
between Jumblat and Bassil “was characterized with total frankness.”“They
stressed the importance of direct communication away from the tendentious rumors
that are seeking to distort the bilateral relation,” al-Anbaa said. The two
leaders also called for “openness and for consolidating partnership and
cooperation,” the newspaper added. Earlier this month, Jumblat had lashed out at
an electoral system proposed by Bassil that involves sectarian voting in the
first round as “divisive” and the product of a “sick mentality.” “The mere
mention of sectarian voting is a termination of partnership,” Jumblat said. In
the first round of the proposed system, voting takes place in the current 26
districts and voters are not allowed to vote for candidates from other sects.
Two candidates for each sectarian seat qualify for the second round during which
voting would take place in 10 newly-defined electoral districts and according to
a non-sectarian proportional representation polling system.
Jumblat Picks at 'Placid' Mashnouq
Naharnet/April 27/17/Progressive Socialist Party leader MP Walid Jumblat
criticized on Thursday Interior Minister Nouhad al-Mashnouq for being
“unruffled” by the road accidents and the latest road-blocking strike that
paralyzed traffic in various Lebanese regions and left drivers stranded in
vehicles for hours. “The Interior Minister is unruffled while running the safety
of roads, road accidents and the truck owners strike. As if he lives in the
arctic,” said Jumblat in a sarcastic tweet on Thursday. On Wednesday and via his
Twitter page, Mashnouq urged truck owners to reopen roads they had blocked
during the day protesting his decision to shut down sand mining and stone
crushing sites. Truckers blocked several main roads around the country bringing
traffic to a standstill in several areas and stranding citizens in their cars
for hours. A clash has even erupted on the road-blocking protest in Khalde
between truckers and citizens that escalated into gunfire and the smashing of a
car's windows. Citizens were up in arms as they demanded the State to find a
solution for a road-blocking plague that pushes campaigners to close the streets
when demands are at hand. Interior Minister Nouhad al-Mashnouq later called for
an emergency meeting for the Central Security Council at the Interior Ministry.
He vowed that all necessary measures will be taken to prevent future road
Hariri receives Khalil, Zasypkin and "football legends"
Thu 27 Apr 2017 /NNA - The President of the Council of Ministers Saad Hariri
received this evening the Russian ambassador to Lebanon Alexander Zasypkin in
the presence of his advisor for Russian affairs Georges Chaaban. The meeting
focused on the general situation and bilateral relations.
Hariri also met with the Minister of Finance Ali Hassan Khalil and discussed
with him the contacts related to the electoral law. Hariri also received the
former stars of "Barcelona" and "Real Madrid" football teams who are in Lebanon
to participate in a "El Clasico of Legends" friendly football game.
Hariri chairs meeting of committee tasked to develop
national anti corruption plan
Thu 27 Apr 2017/NNA - Prime Minister, Saad Hariri, chaired over a meeting held
at the Grand Serail this evening for the committee charged with drafting a
national anti-corruption plan.
The meeting was attended by Minister of State for Anti-Corruption Affairs Nicola
Tueini, Minister of Administrative Development, Inaya Ezzeddine and ranking
judiciary. After the meeting, Ezzeddine said "The importance of this meeting
lies in the fact that, for the first time, the ministerial committee sits with
the technical committee established in 2011 to combat corruption. I have been
informed of the draft of national strategy to combat corruption; a mission that
the government pledged to carry out in its ministerial statement, and which
falls within the framework of Lebanon's international commitments."
"The draft strategy contains a reading of the causes of corruption and the
identification of concrete and implementable proposals of interest to various
sectors and authorities. Some of them proposals are directly enforceable, and it
was agreed to form a team to follow up on the implementation of these
proposals," she went on, stressing that some of the proposals need to be turned
into draft laws, and a team of specialists will be formed for this purpose.
Ezzeddine said a final drat shall be submitted to Prime Minister Hariri as soon
as possible, upon his request, to turn it into an integrated document binding
for the Lebanese State. "All of this has been done in cooperation with the
United Nations Development Program, to be able to learn from the experiences of
Arab and foreign countries at the level of fighting corruption," she concluded.
ISF Arrests 91 Syrians who Tried to Cross Illegally into
Naharnet/April 27/17/The Internal Security Forces announced Thursday that it has
arrested 91 Syrians who tried to cross illegally into Lebanon. “As part of
combating the smuggling of individuals from Syria into Lebanon and after
investigations and surveillance, the ISF Intelligence Branch managed to
intercept 91 Syrians – 29 men, 29 women and 33 children – in the Bekaa town of
Suwairi,” an ISF statement said. “Some of them were trying to cross into
Lebanese territory in two cars – a Renault Kangoo and a Kia Picanto – while
others were trying to enter on foot,” the statement added.The detainees and the
two cars were handed over to the relevant authorities for the necessary legal
measures, the ISF said.
Israeli Troops Nab 50 Goats after Failing to Abduct
Shepherd near Shebaa
Naharnet/April 27/17/An Israeli patrol on Thursday tried to kidnap 23-year-old
Lebanese shepherd Maher Fares Hamdan from the al-Shahel area in the outskirts of
the southern border town of Shebaa, Lebanon's National News Agency reported. The
shepherd managed to escape but Israeli troops seized around 50 goats and took
them into occupied territory, NNA said. “The patrol violated the line of
withdrawal by around 30 meters” during the operation, the agency added.
Israel released the herd of goats in the evening, NNA said.
Aoun follows up on World
Bank projects with Belhaj
The Daily Star/April 27, 2017/BEIRUT: President Michel Aoun Thursday discussed
with World Bank director for the Middle East Ferid Belhaj the organization's
projects in Lebanon. Aoun thanked Belhaj for his efforts to strengthen ties
between Lebanon and the World Bank during his stay in Lebanon. Also at the
meeting was Change and Reform Bloc MP Ibrahim Kanaan, who also chairs
Parliament's Finance and Budget Committee. Belhaj later met with Speaker Nabih
Berri at the latter's Beirut residence in Ain al-Tineh. Prime Minister Saad
Hariri also met with Deputy Prime Minister and Health Minister Ghassan Hasbani
earlier on Thursday to follow up on the latter's meeting with the World Bank at
its headquarters in Washington DC. The World Bank agreed to give Lebanon a $150
million in loans and grants to invest in the health sector. Approval will be
submitted to the World Bank board of directors this summer for endorsement. In a
meeting with Aoun earlier last week, Belhaj said that Lebanon was a priority for
the World Bank, particularly because it hosts over a million Syrian refugees, as
well as Palestinian refugees.
2 Nusra Militants Held for Plotting to 'Destabilize
Palestinian Camps'
Naharnet/April 27/17/A Palestinian and a Syrian have been arrested for
“belonging to the terrorist al-Nusra Front group” and seeking to destabilize the
Palestinian refugee camps in Lebanon, General Security said. During
interrogation, the Palestinian detainee said he had communicated with the
Lebanese Nusra leader Hilal Yahia al-Hosni, aka Abu Maria, with the aim of
heading to Syria's Daraa along with the Syrian detainee in order to join Nusra's
ranks, a General Security statement issued on Thursday said. “Abu Maria asked
them to work for him inside the Palestinian camps, so they tried to join the
group of the terrorist Bilal Badr during the latest Ain el-Hilweh clashes, but
the intensity of the fighting prevented them from doing so, which prompted them
to try to meet fugitive terrorist Shadi al-Mawlawi through a mediator,” the
statement added. The mediator, however, advised them not to approach Mawlawi in
order to stay away from suspicions, it said. “Consequently, Abu Maria asked N.
A. (the Palestinian detainee) to assassinate a senior Palestinian official
visiting the Shatila camp in order to create chaos and clashes in it and
alleviate the pressure on the Ain el-Hilweh camp,” General Security said. The
Nusra leader also asked him to “shoot a video of the operation so that it be
claimed by the terrorist al-Nusra Front group.”“He started plotting for the
operation but his swift arrest thwarted it,” General Security added. The Syrian
detainee meanwhile reasserted N. A.'s confessions and told interrogators that he
was a member of Mawlawi's group and that he had taken part in attacks against
the army during the 2014 clashes in Tripoli. “After interrogation and after they
confessed to plotting acts of sabotage in Lebanon, attempting to join the group
of the terrorist Bilal Badr, and plotting to assassinate a Palestinian figure
with the aim of stirring strife in the camps, they were referred to the relevant
judicial authorities,” General Security added.
Judge Refers 5 Suspects on Charges of Involvement with IS
Naharnet/April 27/17/Military Prosecutor Judge Saqr Saqr charged on Thursday
five Lebanese with involvement with the Islamic State militant group, the
National News Agency reported. NNA said the suspects, two of whom were already
in detention, were charged for taking part in security and military operations
in favor of the IS. He referred their case to First Military Investigation Judge
Riyad Abu Ghida.
Truckers Rally for Second Day, Another Road-Blocking
Scenario Feared
Naharnet/April 27/17/For the second day in a row, truck owners started rallying
on several roads around Lebanon early on Thursday to protest Interior Minister
Nouhad al-Mashnouq's decision to shut down sand mining and stone crushing sites,
as citizens fear that the bizarre Wednesday scenario of road-blocking could be
repeated. According to the Traffic Management Center, truckers gathered on the
Safra highway, Dora-Karantina highway, Zahrani highway and the Khalde-Beirut
highway near the Costa Brava. MTV reporter said the truckers have gathered and
vowed they won't block any roads mainly after a decision issued by Interior
Minister Nouhad al-Mashnouq preventing closing roads. On Wednesday, the trucks
have blocked several main roads around the country bringing traffic to a
standstill in the area and stranding citizens in their cars for hours. A clash
has erupted on the road-blocking protest in Khalde between truckers and citizens
that escalated into gunfire and the smashing of a car's windows. Interior
Minister Nouhad al-Mashnouq later on Wednesday called for an emergency meeting
for the Central Security Council at the Interior Ministry. He vowed that all
necessary measures will be taken to prevent future road closures.
Mashnouq participates in Al Azhar peace conference in Cairo
Thu 27 Apr 2017/NNA - Minister of Interior and Municipalities Nuhad Mashnouq
participated in the opening of the "Al-Azhar International Peace Conference"
which started its work in Cairo this Thursday and will continue till tomorrow
evening. Mahnouq attended the opening ceremony along with a number of Arab and
international political, religious and intellectual figures. Head of the world's
Catholic Church, Pope Francis, is expected to address the closing session
Army Chief tackles military affairs with British, Tunisian
and Cypriot ambassadors
Thu 27 Apr 2017 /NNA - Army Chief, General Joseph Aoun, received at his office
in Yarzeh, the British Ambassador to Lebanon, Hugo Shorter, accompanied by the
military attaché, Lieutenant Colonel Chris Gunning. The meeting touched on
cooperation between the armies of the two countries, and the British assistance
program to the Lebanese Army, mainly in terms of controlling land borders.Aoun
then received the Tunisian Ambassador, Mohamed Karim Boudali, and the Ambassador
of Cyprus, Christina Rafetti, and discussed with them the general situation in
Lebanon and the region.
Head of the UN Truce Supervision Organization (UNTSO) and Chief of Staff, Major
General David Gwan, has also visited the Army Chief and has briefed him on the
situation on the southern border and the cooperation between the army and the
UNTSO under the Truce Agreement and Resolution 1701.
Toeini via Twitter: treasury revenues up from 18 to $99
Thu 27 Apr 2017/NNA - State Minister for the fight against corruption, Nicolas
Toeini, tweeted on Thursday "After the duty free bids were cleared, treasury
revenues rose from $18 million to $99 million per year, although the number of
bidders did not exceed the two companies.""The qualitative leap in state
revenues after the bids today on the duty free zone shows the extent of
injustice that has been done to public funds for years," he said via Twitter.
Chebib bans peddlers in streets of Beirut
Thu 27 Apr 2017/NNA - Beirut City Governor, Ziad Chebib, issued a decree banning
peddlers in the city of Beirut and canceling all licenses granted previously,
pursuant to the directives of the Minister of Interior and Municipalities.
Chebib tasked Beirut Police with implementing the contents of this decision.
Latest LCCC
Bulletin For Miscellaneous Reports And News published on
April 27-28/17
Pope Tawadros Inaugurates Largest
Coptic Church in the Gulf
Mirza Al-Khuwaylidi/April 27/17/Kuwait –Pope Tawadros II, the head of the Coptic
Church, inaugurated on Tuesday in Kuwait, the largest Coptic church in the Gulf,
which extends over an area of 6,500 sqm. The inauguration ceremony, held under
tight security measures, gathered a number of government officials and
representatives of different religious confessions in Kuwait.
On Sunday, Kuwait Emir Sheikh Sabah Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah received
Pope Tawadros II, who expressed happiness over his meeting with the Emir as well
as his visit to Kuwait, which he said was known for its tolerance and kindness
of its people. Pope Tawadros II, in a mass at the Saint Mark Coptic Orthodox
Church, commended Kuwait-Egypt deep-rooted relations at the official and public
levels. Tawadros arrived in Kuwait for a four-day visit on Sunday at the
invitation of the Kuwaiti Emir, marking the first such visit to the state by a
Coptic Orthodox patriarch. Local media reports quoted the Coptic Pope as saying:
“I was amazed by the kindness of the Emir, officials, and people of Kuwait. I
know there are people from more than 100 nationalities living in Kuwait in
harmony.”He also praised Kuwait’s efforts to fight terrorism, stressing that
terrorism in Egypt “will not break the strong bond between Muslims and
Christians that has persevered for more than 14 centuries.”On Thursday, Pope
Tawadros concludes his visit to Kuwait and returns to Egypt, where he will
receive Pope Francis on April 28-29.
A Patriot anti-ballistic missile intercepts a drone that had infiltrated from
Yozv Zitun and Ahiya Raved|/Ynetnews/April 28/17/After reports that Israel
attacked Syria this evening, a Patriot anti-ballistic missile launched
intercepted an unmanned aerial vehicle that infiltrated from Syria. A Patriot
anti-ballistic missile stationed in the north of the country intercepted an
unmanned aerial vehicle that infiltrated Israel from Syria on Thursday
evening.IDF spokesperson confirms: "A Patriot anti-ballistic missile was
launched a few minutes ago toward a target in the Golan Heights." Thursday
morning it was reported that Israel launched an overnight attack targeting a
Hezbollah weapons depot in the Damascus International Airport. According to
reports, the chain of explosions rocked the Syrian capital at about 3:20am. The
depot handles a significant amount of weapons that Tehran, a major regional ally
of Syrian President Bashar Assad, sends regularly by air, the source said,
without giving further details.
The source said the arms depot gets a major part of the weapons supplied to an
array of Iranian backed militias, led by Hezbollah, which have thousands of
fighters engaged in some of the toughest fronts against Syrian rebels.Officials
on both sides of the Syrian conflict—among opposition forces and among forces
fighting alongside President Bashar Assad—attributed the attack to Israel.
غارات اسرائيلية على مخازن اسلحة في مطار المزة قيل أنها لحزب الله
Iranian Cargo Planes Land in Damascus Hours Before ‘Israeli Strike’ on Airport
Haaretz/April 27/17
The strike came a day after Defense chief Lieberman said Israel ‘will not allow
Iranian and Hezbollah forces’ to amass at the northern border . Four cargo
planes originating from Iran landed at an airport outside Damascus just hours
before Syria accused Israel of attacking a military compound nearby. Explosions
hit in the area of Damascus International Airport early on Thursday morning,
with Syria’s official news agency accusing Israel of attacking a military
compound outside the airport. Hours before the blasts, which took place at 3:25
A.M., two Iranian 747 cargo planes, an Iranian Ilyushin il-76 and a Syrian
Ilyushin il-76 landed in Damascus, according to the flight radar tracking site The flights were both military and commercial, all taking off
from Tehran, Iran. Without confirming whether Israel was behind the strike,
Intelligence Affairs Minister Yisrael Katz told Army Radio on Thursday morning
that the attack in Syria was “entirely consistent with our policy to prevent the
transfer of weapons to Hezbollah.”While visiting Moscow, Defense Minister
Avigdor Lieberman said Wednesday that Israel “will not allow Iranian and
Hezbollah forces to be amassed on the Golan Heights border. The Defense Ministry
said Lieberman discussed the situation in Syria and the continued coordination
between the Israeli and the Russian armies with Russia’s foreign and defense
ministers. The statement said that “Defense Minister Lieberman expressed concern
over Iranian activity in Syria and the Iranian use of Syrian soil as a base for
arms smuggling to Hezbollah in Lebanon.
Syria Confirms Israeli Strike Hit Military Compound Near
Damascus Airport
Haaretz/April 27/2017
Jack Khoury, Gili Cohen , The Associated Press and Reuters
Strike hits depot supplying arms to Hezbollah, source says, hours after several
Iranian cargo planes land in Syria
Intelligence minister: Attack consistent with Israeli policy.
Explosions hit in the area of Damascus International Airport in Syria early
Thursday morning. Syria’s official news agency confirmed that Israel struck a
military compound outside the capital’s airport.
Local reports say the airport compound was hit with five strikes at around 3:25
A.M. local time. No injuries have been reported. Video carried on Lebanese TV
and shared on social media sites showed the pre-dawn airstrikes caused a fire
around the airport east of Damascus, suggesting fuel sources or weapons
containing explosives were hit.
Syria’s official news agency blamed the strike on Israel, citing a military
source. The report said the attack took place on a military compound southwest
of the airport. The blasts were followed by a fire in the same place, said the
Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, a Britain-based war monitor.
An intelligence source in the region told Reuters that an Israeli attack hit an
arms supply hub operated by Hezbollah near Damascus airport, where regular
supplies of weapons from Tehran are sent by commercial and military cargo
Four cargo planes originating from Tehran landed in Damascus hours before the
strike, according to
The source said that the depot handles a significant amount of weapons that
Tehran, a major ally of Assad, adding that the arms depot gets a major part of
the weapons supplied to an array of Iranian-backed militias, led by Hezbollah,
which is engaged in some of the toughest fronts against Syrian rebels.
Intelligence Affairs Minister Yisrael Katz told Army Radio on Thursday morning
that the attack in Syria was “entirely consistent with our policy to prevent the
transfer of weapons to Hezbollah.” Katz however did not confirm Israel was
behind it.
A spokeswoman for the Israeli military, asked if Israel had been involved in
carrying out air strikes targeting Damascus airport, said: “We can’t comment on
such reports.
Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov appeared to denounce the incident on Thursday,
without making any mention of Syrian reports that Israel was behind the strike.
“We consider that all countries should avoid any actions that lead to higher
tensions in such a troubled region and call for Syrian sovereignty to be
respected,” Peskov told reporters, when asked about the attack.
Peskov added that Russia and Israel were in constant contact about the situation
in Syria through various channels.
Sources in the Syrian opposition say that the attack was on a military airfield
near Damascus’ international airport that is used by Iranian-supported troops.
They say that weapons and an ammunitions depot were targeted.
Local reports note that the compound that was hit includes warehouses, airplane
hangers and an industrial zone.
Lebanon’s al-Manar, a television channel affiliated with the Assad ally
Hezbollah, said the blast was likely caused by an Israeli airstrike. It said
initial indications were that the blast had caused only material damage and no
human casualties.
The head of the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights Rami Abdurrahman says the
explosion early Thursday was heard across the capital, jolting residents awake.
He says the explosion is reported to have occurred near the Damascus airport
Activist-operated Diary of a Mortar, which reports from Damascus, says the
explosion near the airport road was followed by flames rising above the area. A
pro-government site Damascus Now says the explosion was near the city’s Seventh
Bridge, which leads to the airport road.
Defense Minister Avigdor Lieberman said Wednesday while on a visit to Moscow
that Israel “will not allow Iranian and Hezbollah forces to be amassed on the
Golan Heights border.
Lieberman, who is attending a security conference in the Russian capital, met
with Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu and Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov
on Wednesday.
A statement issued by the Defense Ministry said Lieberman said discussed the
situation in Syria and the continued coordination between the Israeli and the
Russian armies with the Russian ministers.
The statement said that “Defense Minister Lieberman expressed concern over
Iranian activity in Syria and the Iranian use of Syrian soil as a base for arms
smuggling to Hezbollah in Lebanon.”
On Tuesday a senior Israeli officer said that the Israel Air Force destroyed
around 100 Syrian missiles, many of which were due to be delivered to Hezbollah,
in an attack last month. This was a rare admission that Israel had taken
military action in Syria.
IDF strikes Hamas target in Gaza in response to
cross-border fire
Anna Ahronheim/Jerusalem Post/April 27, 2017
IDF tank fire struck and destroyed a Hamas terror target in the southern Gaza
Strip on Thursday shortly after shots from the Palestinian enclave were fired at
Israeli forces stationed near the border, the military said. "The IDF will
continue to act with determination at all times to maintain the security of the
State of Israel," the IDF said in a statement on the cross-border exchange.
While the origin of the gunfire was not immediately clear, Israel holds
Hamas responsible for all aggression coming from the Strip.
There were no initial reports of injury or damage in the incident, which
came shortly after the Palestinian Authority informed the Coordinator of
Government Activities in the Territories (COGAT) that they planned to
immediately stop all payments for the electricity Israel supplies to the Gaza
Strip. The supply of fuel for the Strip has been a
source of dispute between the Palestinian Authority and Hamas since the group
took control of the Strip in a bloody coup in 2007 but despite the violent
takeover from the Fatah, Abbas’ government in Ramallah has until recently paid
the bills. Gaza’s sole functioning power plant
shutdown last week after fuel supplied by Qatar and Turkey ran out, reducing
power supply to 1.9 million residents of the Strip to just six hours of
electricity followed by 12 hour blackouts. Israel
supplies an estimated 30% of the electricity required in the Gaza Strip through
10 power lines which produce 125 megawatts. The cost of this energy supply,
around NIS 40 million a month, was paid for by the Palestinian Authority.
A senior IDF official said that the power struggle between the PA and Hamas as
well as the fuel crisis in Gaza- which is already in dire straits with a lack of
infrastructure and a failed economy-could lead Hamas to clash with Israel.
“In a few days there will be no electricity in Gaza. They have a dilemma
for the first time if to use the money for tunnels or electricity. They have
always received electricity until now but now they will have to decide what they
prefer,” he said. Staff contributed to this
Jubeir Says Iran, its Militias Have No Place in Arab
Asharq Al-Awsat/April 27/17/Moscow – Saudi Foreign Affairs Minister Adel
al-Jubeir discussed the future of Syria with his Russian counterpart Sergei
Lavrov in Moscow on Wednesday. During a joint news
conference following the meeting, the Saudi foreign minister said Riyadh is
against involvement of Iran’s Revolutionary Guards and Lebanon’s “Hezbollah” in
Syria. “We believe that they have no place in any part
of the Arab world,” Jubeir said. He also said that the
interference of the IRGC in Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Yemen and the Gulf was
“unacceptable and rejected.”He reiterated the Kingdom’s stance that there was no
future for Bashar al-Assad in Syria. “Assad is responsible for the killing of
300,000 Syrian citizens. He is also to blame for the involvement of the Iranian
Revolutionary Guard and Hezbollah in carrying out genocide crimes in Syria,” he
added. Pointing out to a disagreement between Moscow and Riyadh over Iran’s role
in Syria, Lavrov said: “As for the presence of Iran and Hezbollah in Syria, as
you may well be aware, we do not consider Hezbollah a terrorist organization. We
operate on the premise that both were invited to Syria by a legitimate
government.”The Russian foreign minister continued: “Of course, we are aware of
Saudi Arabia’s position. Clearly, we are not on the same page in that regard, to
put it mildly.” “Nonetheless, we share the view that
all without exception Syrian sides and all without exception external actors who
have any influence on these sides should be involved in the process if we want
to resolve this crisis. Of course, terrorist organizations recognized as such by
the UN Security Council, such as ISIS and Jabhat al-Nusra, must be excluded from
the process,” Lavrov added. Al-Jubeir stressed that
the Syrian regime has repeatedly violated the agreed truce, adding that any
solution to the war in Syria should be based on Security Council Resolution
2254. The Saudi minister said that the Russian-backed Syrian peace talks in
Astana, Kazakhstan were witnessing positive progress, but he thought there was
no need to widen the list of participants in those talks, which are sponsored by
Iran, Turkey and Russia. For his part, Lavrov voiced his country’s commitment to
promote good relations with the Kingdom.“Overall, we are satisfied with the
results of our talks, which have confirmed our mutual resolve to continue to
develop Russian-Saudi relations to the benefit of our nations and in the
interests of stability in the Middle East and North Africa,” he stated.
'Knives' Seen as Man Arrested near UK Parliament
Agence France Presse/Naharnet/April 27/17/Police swooped on a man close to the
Houses of Parliament in London on Thursday, with eyewitnesses telling AFP they
saw knives on the ground.
The incident comes a month after the March 22 attack in which a man drove into
pedestrians, killing four, and stabbed a police officer to death at the gates of
parliament. "Man arrested in Westminster. No reported injuries," Scotland Yard
said on their Twitter account.
"Officers are on the scene."
An AFP photographer saw firearms officers surrounding the man and pinning him to
the ground at a pedestrian island. David Wisniowski, who was working on a
building site right next to the incident, told AFP he could see "three knives on
the floor, one big one and two small." Gabrielle Hennessy, 20, a U.S. tourist,
described seeing police rush at a man. "We were walking along Parliament Square
and we saw police rush at him. And then he was on the ground surrounded by
police. They stood him up and that's when I saw the knife on the ground," she
told AFP. Police have taped off the area in question.
Russian Spy Ship Sinks Off Turkey Coast after Collision
Agence France Presse/Naharnet/April 27/17/A Russian navy spy ship sank Thursday
in the Black Sea off the coast of Turkey after hitting another vessel, but
coastguards rescued all of its crew. The Russian military said the Liman
-- a former research ship re-fitted as an intelligence vessel -- had a hole torn
in its hull after crashing at around 0900GMT about 40 kilometers from the
Bosphorus Strait. Turkish media said the second ship, a cargo boat carrying
cattle, suffered minor damage and went on its way after the incident that
occurred in poor visibility. "The Russian ship sank after the collision. All of
the crew on board were rescued," the Turkish coastguard official told AFP,
requesting anonymity. The Russian defense ministry confirmed the ship had gone
down and said the crew would soon be picked up from the coastguards. "All
members of the Black Sea fleet research vessel Liman are alive and well and
currently are preparing for evacuation from the Turkish rescue vessel onto a
Russian ship," said the ministry in a statement to Russian news agencies.
Turkish media said about 78 people were on the Liman and had to be evacuated.
The Turkish news agency Dogan said the area where the ships collided was
shrouded in thick fog at the time, suggesting that the incident was accidental.
Russia's government said in a statement that Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev
could hold phone talks to discuss the incident with his Turkish counterpart
Binali Yildirim, agencies reported. It was not known where the Liman was sailing
from or its destination. The ship was built as a hydrography research vessel in
1970 but turned into a spy ship in 1989 and armed with an Igla missile launcher,
according to public records. Russian warships have traveled frequently through
the Bosphorus Strait to and from the Syrian coast, where a navy presence has
been deployed to bolster Russia's air campaign in support of President Bashar
al-Assad. In February, military sources told Russian media that Liman would be
observing NATO's Sea Shield exercise in the Black Sea.
Return the money if you don’t need it: Qatari Minister to
Staff writer, Al Arabiya English Thursday, 27 April 2017/The Iraqi Prime
Minister Haider al-Abbadi said on Tuesday that Baghdad is holding the ransom
paid for the people who kidnapped Qatari hunters, adding that he did not agree
on granting the hunters the visas in the first place.
In December 2015, Unknown gunmen driving in a large convoy of trucks kidnapped
at least 26 Qatari citizens from their hunting camp in a sprawling desert area
near the Saudi borders. However, last month the group was freed and was being
handed over to a Qatari delegation in Baghdad.
During a press conference, Abadi said that the ransom paid by the Qatari
delegation for the release of the kidnapped hunters did not go to the
kidnappers, because giving hundreds of millions of dollars to armed groups is
unacceptable. Qatari Foreign Minister Sheikh Mohammed bin Abdul Rahman al-Thani,
responded to Abadi’s statement saying that he was surprised and that the money
got into Iraq publically and the government was informed about the operation. It
all happened legally and the Qataris were cooperating with the Iraqi authorities
all the way. Sheikh Mohammed bin Abdul Rahman al-Thani added that if they do not
need the money anymore, let them return the money through official ways.
However, he confirmed that the Qatari hunters got into Iraq through visas that
were issued by the government in Baghdad.
Saudi Crown Prince: Biggest challenge lies in preserving
unity of the homeland
Staff writer, Al Arabiya English Thursday, 27 April 2017/In a speech at the Gulf
Ministerial Meeting in Riyadh, Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Naif declared
that “the biggest challenge we face today is preserving the unity of the
homeland,” stressing “the importance of Arab and national unity, which
transcends over personal, sectarian or doctrinal unity.”Prince Naif asserted:
“We have been able to maintain the security and stability of our countries and
peoples and enhance the development and prosperity they enjoy. The greatest
challenge for any country in our modern world is to preserve its national unity
away from any internal or external influences or threats. A national unity in
which the allegiances to the homeland transcend the personal, ethnic or
sectarian loyalties that divides and separate. A National unity , under which
everyone understands his duties towards his homeland and his nation, works for
the security and stability of his society, and faces with his acumen the
negative influences and deviant intellectual tendencies in defense of his
religion, the protection of his homeland and the defiance of his enemies all in
an effort to deter their evils.“For his part, Bahraini Interior Minister Rashid
bin Abdullah Al Khalifa stated: “We are facing a number of serious challenges
from the Iranian and Iraqi territories.”Kuwaiti Foreign Minister, Sheikh Sabah
Al-Sabah, said that efforts should be made to eliminate the hotbeds of
terrorism. While UAE Interior Minister Saif bin Zayed Al Nahyan praised the
brave efforts of soldiers in defending Yemen and the GCC countries. The
ministers of interior, foreign affairs and defense of the Gulf Cooperation
Council countries are holding a joint meeting under the chairmanship of Prince
Mohammed bin Naif in the Saudi capital to enhance cooperation, joint
coordination and deepen the integration of GCC countries.
UN envoy eyes new Yemen peace talks before Ramadan
AFP, Geneva Thursday, 27 April 2017/A new round of peace talks between Yemen’s
warring sides should begin by the end of May, the UN mediator said Wednesday, as
alarm grows over the country’s humanitarian crisis. UN special envoy Ismail Ould
Cheikh Ahmed told AFP that negotiations were underway. “We are at the
preliminary stage, but time is also a real constraint for us, because my aim is
to finish all of this before Ramadan,” he said, adding that he hoped “to enter
into a new round of talks before Ramadan.”The Muslim holy fasting month of
Ramadan is set to begin around May 27 this year.
Even if Ould Cheikh Ahmed manages to get the parties to the table, any success
will be hard-won: since Yemen’s conflict escalated two years ago, all UN
mediation attempts and seven declared ceasefires have failed.
Weapons smuggling
Hudaydah is currently controlled by the Houthis, and the UN envoy said he was
hearing concerns from the coalition that the port was being used to smuggle in
weapons. “We are trying to explore various options by which we can reinforce
inspection mechanisms maybe or see how we can minimize the risk of any
additional smuggling,” he said. The UN mediator said the Houthis had voiced
interest in his proposals and that he aimed to invite them to a meeting in Oman
next month to discuss different options.
Titles For
Latest LCCC Bulletin analysis & editorials from miscellaneous sources published
April 27-28/17
ضرورة فرض عقوبات على الحرس الثوري الإيراني ووضعه على
قوائم الإرهاب
Sanction Iran's Regime, Add IRCG to Terrorist List
Majid Rafizadeh/Gatestone Institute/April 27/17
It would seem that sanctions should be enforced and the Revolutionary Guards
(IRGC) placed on the U.S. list of Designated Foreign Terrorist Organizations --
to show that the U.S. stands for human rights, protects the innocent and tries
to save the lives of those sentenced to death by Iran's corrupt government.
Bills to sanction Iran that are being presented in Canada or other Western
countries are, in fact, receiving scant attention. Canada has been talking about
reopening its Iranian embassy, and pro-Iran advocates, such as the Iranian
Canadian Congress, are pushing back against legislation that condemns Iran.
Would any modern Western country really wish to appear to be on the side of this
barbaric regime, or in any way to assist it?
A subtle, but dangerous force is spreading throughout the West. It has been
seeping into the United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, the Middle East, the United
States, South America and much of Europe.
Who are they?
They are pro-Iran regime advocates. They appear to be Westerners, but pursue a
unique agenda. Under the guise of being average Western citizens, they have been
infiltrating the social, political, economic and religious sectors of most
Western societies.
These are not my words. They came directly out of the mouth of Iran's Minister
of Intelligence, Mahmoud Alavi. In a rare, recent interview on Iran's state
media, he stated that many Westerners with a dual citizenship "have a lobby
group for the Islamic Republic of Iran."
"We should not accuse them and say things that discourage them about the
ancestral homeland, this is not good, and losing this capital is not good for
the regime... It is wrong to say that all dual nationals are traitors, spies, or
foreign agents; many of these dual nationals love Iran, and are a capital for
"Many who live in Canada, London, or the United States [are devoted] to the
[Islamic] revolution and the supreme leader ... In those places some attend
religious ceremonies. [Those people] love the [Islamic] Revolution."
Mahmoud Alavi, Iran's Minister of Intelligence, recently stated that many
Westerners with a dual citizenship "have a lobby group for the Islamic Republic
of Iran... Many who live in Canada, London, or the United States [are devoted]
to the [Islamic] revolution and the supreme leader." (Image source: Mohammad Ali
Marizad/Wikimedia Commons)
Not long after Alavi's remarks came to light, an Iranian-born Canadian was
arrested in Washington state.
"An Iranian-born Canadian arrested in a Washington city on the U.S.-Canadian
border has been charged with conspiring to ship a piece of testing equipment
used to calibrate missile guidance systems into Iran.
"Federal prosecutors claim Ghobad Ghasempour and two other men smuggled
restricted items out of the United States to Iran through China. Ghasempour was
charged Tuesday by federal prosecutors in Washington, D.C."
This is not an isolated incident. It has been part of an growing trend.
Is it fair to eat the fruit of the West, while at the same time promoting the
Iranian regime that keeps repeating "Death to America"?
Those who appear to pursue appeasement policies toward Iran seem to focus on two
issues: preventing any new sanctions on the Iranian government and maintaining
the nuclear agreement (JCPOA) that will enable Iran soon to have nuclear weapons
and the missiles to deliver them.
In Canada, for example, the Senate is currently taking into consideration the
Bill S-219, "An Act to deter Iran-sponsored terrorism, incitement to hatred, and
human rights violations" (to be named the "Non-Nuclear Sanctions Against Iran
Act"). If the bill is passed, it would impose at least some economic sanctions
on the Iranian regime for its unspeakable human rights abuses.
Iran still boasts pride of place as the world's leading state sponsor of
terrorism, according to according to the U.S. Department of State.
Iran is also the number one country, per capita, when it comes to executions.
The Iranian regime executes children, gays, lesbians, human rights activists,
and, it seems, anyone who disagrees with it. Its abuses go beyond murdering its
own citizens. The Iranian regime suppresses every freedom of its people, by
torturing, imprisoning, beating and killing them. Iran persecutes religious and
ethnic minorities, and leaves only one choice when it comes to religious belief,
which is the same as no choice at all. The country in the grasp of an iron fist;
because of this, the majority of its people are silenced.
It would seem that sanctions should be enforced and the Islamic Revolutionary
Guards Coprs (IRCG) placed on the U.S. list of Designated Foreign Terrorist
Organizations -- to show that the U.S. stands for human rights, protects the
innocent and tries to save the lives of those sentenced to death by Iran's
corrupt government. One would think that such bills would pass easily in any
Western government that hails about human rights and freedoms. Right? Not so
Bills to sanction Iran that are being presented in Canada or other Western
countries are, in fact, receiving scant attention. Canada has been talking about
reopening its Iranian embassy, and pro-Iran advocates, such as the Iranian
Canadian Congress, are pushing back against legislation that condemns Iran,
explaining in a recent statement:
"Global Affairs Canada states its position that Bill S-219 (Non-Nuclear
Sanctions Against Iran Act) would hinder the re-establishment of diplomatic
relations with Iran. The Iranian Canadian Congress has expressed its concerns
about Bill S-219 since the bill was first introduced to the Senate....We have
also consistently asserted that this bill directly contradicts the Government's
stated intention to re-engage with Iran by placing legislative and diplomatic
hurdles before this process. In a recent letter to members of the Senate Foreign
Affairs Committee, Global Affairs Canada has agreed with our position regarding
"With the opposition already formed in the Senate against S-219, we have a
golden opportunity to block this bill at the Senate Chamber. Currently we are
contacting all Honourable Senators to once again ask them to take into account
all evidence and expert advice provided in opposition to the bill and vote
against Bill S-219 when it comes for a vote at the Senate Chamber. We need all
supporters of peace and diplomacy to help us and take action against these
proposed sanctions on Iran. In the next few days we will issue an announcement
about next steps that can be taken by community members."
It is critical to understand that the Iranian government needs these appeasement
policies, including the so-called "nuclear deal", and that it needs the West to
turn a blind eye to Iran's human rights records and military expansionism.
Those who appear to pursue policies of appeasement toward Iran often attempt to
justify them by arguing that they will benefit the West. Or they will argue that
sanctions against Iran's human rights violations will harm the West. On the
contrary, continuing the nuclear agreement and the appeasement policies are what
have harmed the West, by providing the Iranian regime with billions of dollars
in extra revenues as well as enhanced global legitimacy.
And what does the Iranian regime do with this Western favor? It has been
transforming this gift from the West into funds for promoting anti-Western
sentiments, anti-Americanism and anti-Semitism; for suppressing and murdering
its own people, sponsoring terrorism around the globe, and promoting Islamist
As Iran continues to flaunt its determination to engage in human rights
violations, cruelty, terrorism, torture, and murder, Western governments should
act; Western funds should at least stop flowing into Iran, lending its militia
legitimacy and supporting actions that should not be tolerated. Would any modern
Western country really wish to appear to be on the side of this barbaric regime,
or in any way to assist it?
*Dr. Majid Rafizadeh, a world-renowned businessman, political scientist and
Harvard University scholar, is president of the International American Council
on the Middle East. He is also the author of "Peaceful Reformation in Iran's
Islam". He can be reached at
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The Pope's Pilgrimage to Al-Azharحج البابا فرنسيس إلى
الأزهر في مصر
Lawrence A. Franklin/Gatestone Institute/April 27/17
During a meeting between the former Papal Nuncio to Cairo, Archbishop Jean-Paul
Gobel, and Grand Imam Sheikh Ahmed el-Tayeb, the Grand Imam warned Gobel that
"speaking about Islam in a negative manner was a 'red line' that must not be
crossed." If there are any condemnations of violence against the Coptic
Christians, they are likely to be articulated only by the Grand Imam and the
Egyptian President.
If the Pope's humble bearing is excessive, however, it might be interpreted even
by peaceable Muslims as a submission. If Francis is asked by the Grand Imam to
pray at al-Azhar's mosque, that is a piety that el-Tayeb would not likely
reciprocate in a Coptic Church in Egypt.
Facilitating the establishment of an Islamic-Christian relationship that
excludes Judaism can only serve the Islamist goal of isolating Jews and Israel.
Although relations between the Vatican and al-Azhar will improve in the near
future, the honeymoon will not. The Grand Imam will doubtless protect his own
theological power base and keep his distance from both the Vatican and the
Egyptian regime.
The twin Palm Sunday bombings at Coptic Christian Churches by Islamic terrorists
in Egypt, which killed 44 worshipers, draws attention to what is probably the
principal reason for the upcoming visit of Pope Francis to Cairo on April 28-29.
The Pontiff will likely seek the assistance of Egypt's Muslim hierarchy to help
protect Egypt's Coptic Christians, the indigenous inhabitants of the country who
now number about 9 million and constitute at least 10% of the population.
During his stay, Francis will meet with the Grand Imam of Cairo's al-Azhar
Mosque, Sheikh Ahmed el-Tayeb. Al-Azhar's theological complex, which houses
Islam's oldest university, is considered the most influential center of Sunni
The Pope possibly hopes that the meeting with el-Tayeb will fully repair
relations between the Vatican and al-Azhar. These were restored as a result of a
letter sent by Pope Francis to the Grand Imam last year. The Papal letter was
followed up by a visit to the Holy See by el-Tayeb in May 2016. Relations
between the Holy See and al-Azhar had been severed in 2011 by el-Tayeb after he
took offense at comments made by the previous Pope, Benedict XVI, on the
persecution of Christians in Muslim countries.
Grand Imam el-Tayeb now appears more disposed towards normalizing relations with
the Vatican, especially since his amicable visit to the Holy See in May 2016.
Al-Azhar's Grand Imam is likely to be more agreeable toward Francis than he was
toward Benedict. This show of flexibility might possibly also be an effort by
el-Tayeb to get in line with President Abdel Fatah al-Sisi's own call for reform
within Islam. However, Al-Azhar, determined to maintain its authority over
theological matters, has initiated no substantive, doctrinal reforms in response
to President Sisi's declaration. In fact, Al-Azhar has pushed back against
attempts by some Muslim reformists who have suggested a more liberal policy
concerning women's rights, including the ability to divorce.
El-Tayeb, even if he accepted responsibility for protecting the Copts, may prove
unable to prevent Islamic terrorist groups from targeting Egypt's minority
Christian population. The alleged cooperation between the Islamic State and the
Muslim Brotherhood makes it especially difficult for Cairo to prevent terrorist
acts. Islamic terrorist cells in Alexandria and the Sinai Peninsula, where many
of the attacks on Copts have occurred, act independently of Egypt's political
and religious leaders. The targeting of Christians by these groups may also be
part of a larger objective to destabilize the regime of al-Sisi, who has
promised security to Egyptians, particularly Coptic Christians. Radical
Islamists such as the Muslim Brotherhood and ISIS view the Copts as their
enemies; many members of this Christian sect support the Sisi government.
It was, in any event, al-Sisi who invited Pope Francis to visit Egypt during the
Egyptian president's visit to the Vatican in November 2014. Anti-regime elements
might well attempt to stage a spectacular terrorist incident during the
Pontiff's visit, particularly targeting Francis himself.
The Pope's upcoming visit is being organized by French Cardinal Jean-Louis
Tauron, who chairs the Pontifical Council of Inter-Religious Dialogue. Cardinal
Tauron is, no doubt, cognizant of the "red line" laid down by the Grand Imam if
the Vatican wishes to have amicable relations with the Muslim leadership. During
a meeting between the former Papal Nuncio to Cairo, Archbishop Jean-Paul Gobel,
and el-Tayeb, the Grand Imam warned him that "speaking about Islam in a negative
manner was a 'red line' that must not be crossed." However, given the Pope's
past reluctance to condemn radical Islamic concepts, it is unlikely that, during
his visit to Egypt, he will depart from this cautious public posture. Comments,
if any, by Pope Francis on Muslim violence against Christians will, no doubt, be
diplomatic and muted. If there are any condemnations of violence against the
Coptic Christians, they are likely to be articulated only by the Grand Imam and
the Egyptian President.
Nevertheless, Pope Francis will, it appears, publicly demonstrate his solidarity
with fellow Christians by championing the Coptic Pope Tawadros II during
memorial services for the recently martyred Copts. Francis, who is known to be
fond of Tawadros, might express his deep personal concern for the welfare of the
Coptic Pope -- who was celebrating Mass inside St. Mark's Cathedral when the
bomber detonated his explosives just outside.
Francis is apparently most anxious to bring Copts and Catholics closer together,
in the hope that the Egyptian Church will ultimately formally reunite with the
Holy See. The Coptic Church first split from Rome in 451 A.D. However, the
Vatican maintains deep respect for the Egyptian Church, which was established by
one of the four authors of the Gospels, St. Mark, in Alexandria as early as 42
Catholic Pope Francis greets Egyptian Coptic Pope Tawadros II at the Vatican, on
May 10, 2013. (Image source: Official Vatican Network)
If the Pope's humble bearing is excessive, however, it might be interpreted even
by peaceable Muslims as submission. If Francis is asked by the Grand Imam to
pray at al-Azhar's mosque, that is a piety that el-Tayeb would not likely
reciprocate in a Coptic Church in Egypt.
The public stance of the Vatican concerning Islam has been routinely cautious.
The most recent example of the Pontiff's less-than-direct criticism of Islamist
violence is his April 22 statement at a prayer service paying tribute to 21st
Century Christian Martyrs in Rome:
Francis said the legacy of modern-day martyrs "teaches us that with the strength
of love, meekness, one can combat arrogance, violence, war, and with patience,
achieve peace."
A professor of Islamic Studies at the Pontifical Institute in Rome, Father Samir
Khalil Samir, also an Egyptian, characterizes the Pope's diplomatic approach to
Muslims, "who are the second-most important group in the world, to have a
dialogue and understanding." Khalil adds:
"I think it's important to say things with charity, with friendship, but to say
things as they are: that it cannot continue like this; we have to rethink Islam.
This is my vision. They cannot take the texts of the seventh century literally
as they are in the Quran. He [the Pope] does not dare to say something like that
because he doesn't know the Quran well enough, and so on. So I understand his
position, but it would be better to have a clearer and more frank discussion —
with openness, but also with some realism."
This clearly modulated posture was apparent during a session of the Geneva
Center of Human Rights Advancement and Dialogue. The theme of the Geneva
sessions was "Islam and Christianity: The Great Convergence." The March 15
Conference, attended by Muslim and Christian delegates, studiously avoided key
issues of doctrinal divergence, and stressed instead alleged areas of common
interest. The key sponsors of the conference were Algeria, Pakistan, and
Lebanon, all of which are Muslim majority countries. The only non-Muslim state
sponsor of the Conference was Malta. One of the oft-repeated themes of the
sessions in Geneva was the 'feel-good' concept of the 'common Abrahamic root' of
Islam, Christianity and Judaism -- although no representatives of the Jewish
faith were invited to the conference. Statements by representatives of Christian
churches seemed overly optimistic about the prospects of developing positive
relationships with Islamic societies.
The failure to invite Jewish or Israeli representation by conference organizers
was presumably not an oversight. This omission would be consistent with the UN
Arab bloc's objective of isolating Israel in an apparent effort to destroy and
replace it. That campaign includes efforts by Arab states to marshal support at
the United Nations for suffocating Israel through diplomatic subversion as well
as through economic strangulation. Facilitating the establishment of an
Islamic-Christian relationship that excludes Judaism can only serve the Islamist
goal of isolating Jews and Israel.
After the visit of Pope Francis to Egypt, mass murders of Egyptian Copts are
likely to continue. Although relations between the Vatican and al-Azhar will
improve in the near future, the honeymoon will not. The Grand Imam will
doubtless protect his own theological power base and keep his distance from both
the Vatican and the Egyptian regime.
Dr. Lawrence A. Franklin was the Iran Desk Officer for Secretary of Defense
Rumsfeld. He also served on active duty with the U.S. Army and as a Colonel in
the Air Force Reserve, where he was a Military Attaché at the U.S. Embassy in
[1] Tradition has it that Mark founded the Church in Alexandria as early as 42
A.D. but some Coptic documents assert that Mark came to Alexandria for the first
time in 61 A.D. after several missionary trips with St. Paul and St. Barnabas.
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not necessarily reflect the views of the Editors or of Gatestone Institute. No
part of the Gatestone website or any of its contents may be reproduced, copied
or modified, without the prior written consent of Gatestone Institute.
Palestinians: This is How We Intimidate Journalists
Bassam Tawil/Gatestone Institute/April 27/17
In the world of the Palestinian Authority (PA) leadership, a journalist's
loyalty to his leaders and their cause supersedes his loyalty to the truth. In a
word, it is the truth vs. Abbas's security forces.
As the international media relies heavily on Palestinian journalists and "media
assistants" in covering Palestinian affairs, this intimidation of Palestinian
journalists heavily colors the reporting of Western journalists. The stories
Palestinian journalists tell their Western colleagues are limited to ones that
will not endanger their own lives. This censorship, whether by the Abbas's
security forces or self-imposed, explains why one rarely reads or sees a story
in Western mainstream media about negative things happening in the PA-controlled
Even when their Palestinian colleagues are beaten and arrested by Abbas's
security forces, these "journalists" fail to report such incidents. This makes
some sense: should they open their mouths with the truth, Abbas and his cohorts
might indeed stop inviting them to press conferences and banquets in the fancy
restaurants of Ramallah, Bethlehem and Jericho.
Seven Palestinian journalists are the latest victims of the Palestinian
Authority's (PA) continued crackdown on the media.
The repressive measures are aimed at silencing critical voices among the
journalists and deterring others from reporting stories that reflect negatively
on the Palestinian leadership in particular and Palestinians in general.
In the view of President Mahmoud Abbas and his PA, Palestinian journalists exist
to write stories slamming Israel or praising PA leaders. Media, for them, is
defined as a mouthpiece for Abbas, the PA leadership and the Palestinian cause.
Any journalist who dares to think outside this checkpoint is subject to severe
punishment. Under Abbas and the PA, there is no room for an independent media.
The three major Palestinian newspapers -- Al-Quds, Al-Ayyam and Al-Hayat
Al-Jadeeda -- are controlled, directly and indirectly, by the PA.
Although Al-Quds, the largest Palestinian daily, is privately owned and
published in Jerusalem, it too serves as a mouthpiece for the PA. The
newspaper's publisher and editors know that if they publish any story that is
critical of Abbas or the PA leaders, they will face punitive measures, such as
banning the distribution of Al-Quds in PA-controlled territories. As such, the
editors and journalists have long resorted to self-censorship. This forced
silencing explains the absence, for example, of any news items about Palestinian
corruption or human rights violations in Al-Quds and the two other newspapers.
Al-Quds suffered heavy financial losses after Hamas banned its distribution in
the Gaza Strip several years ago. The newspaper was banned from sale in Gaza
because of its affiliation with the Palestinian Authority and criticism of
Al-Ayyam and Al-Hayat Al-Jadeeda were founded by the PA after the signing of the
Oslo Accords between Israel and the PLO, more than two decades ago. The PA
appoints the editors and reporters, who receive their salaries from the
Palestinian government. The two dailies are the Palestinian version of Pravda
("Truth"), the official newspaper of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union.
But the truth is hardly on the minds of the Palestinian editors and journalists
employed by the PA. Their only truth concerns stories that blast Israel. The
pages of the two newspapers are packed with reports of Israeli "wrongdoings."
The Palestinians, it seems, are rather blameless from their point of view. A
glance at the PA newspapers leaves one with the impression that President Abbas
is the greatest leader of the greatest regime on earth.
Abbas's television and radio stations are no different. They too serve as a
modern version of the Soviet Union's Pravda. They too specialize in anti-Israel
rhetoric, striving to depict Israel as a war-mongering "racist" and "apartheid"
country. The anti-Israel incitement in the PA media has radicalized Palestinians
to a point where many of them are no longer willing to accept any form of
compromise with Israel.
We like to think that things can get better over time. Yet, a new generation of
Palestinian journalists is being raised on the notion that their entire reason
for being is to serve as spokesmen for their leaders and government. In the
world of the Palestinian Authority leadership, a journalist's loyalty to his
leaders and their cause supersedes his loyalty to the truth. In a word, it is
the truth vs. Abbas's security forces.
Last month, four Palestinian journalists came to learn the hard way what happens
when you defy the PA leadership.
During a peaceful anti-PA protest in Ramallah on March 12, Palestinian security
officers brutally assaulted four journalists who were covering the event. The
four are Hafez Abu Sabra, Mohammed Shusheh, Jihad Barakat and Ahmed Milhem.
Palestinian Authority police assault journalists at a protest in Ramallah, on
March 12, 2017. (Image source: Roya News video screenshot)
Shusheh said security officers in plainclothes approached him and tried to
snatch his camera. When he resisted, he was beaten with clubs, he said. When his
colleague, Abu Sabra, came to his help, he too was beaten on the face with fists
and clubs. The other two journalists recounted undergoing similar assaults.
The assault on the four journalists was aimed at preventing them from reporting
on the demonstration in Ramallah, which was organized in protest against the
Palestinian Authority's decision to prosecute three Palestinians on charges of
illegal possession of weapons.
The journalists would not have been beaten had they arrived to cover a rally in
support of President Abbas and the PA leadership.
In a bid to contain the anger of Palestinian journalists over the assault on
their colleagues, the PA promised to launch an investigation into the police
brutality. No one in Ramallah, however, is expecting the PA to punish those
responsible for the assaults on the journalists. Moreover, PA leaders have
rather poor credibility among Palestinians on the issue of defending freedom of
speech and the media.
Why should anyone believe the PA leaders when their actions go against their
words and promises?
After the Ramallah incident, where the four journalists were roughed up by
Abbas's officers, the Palestinian Authority security forces detained three more
journalists: Amer Abu Arafeh, Sameh Manasrah and Qutaiba Qassem. The three were
interrogated for "incitement" against the PA on social media -- meaning that
they had voiced criticism of Abbas and his security forces. The journalists
crossed the red lines by daring to express their opinion in a way that angered
Abbas and his PA officials.
Abbas's policy of intimidation seems to be working. Palestinian journalists
living under his rule in the West Bank are afraid to report stories that are not
favorable in the eyes of the PA leadership.
As the international media relies heavily on Palestinian journalists and "media
assistants" in covering Palestinian affairs, this intimidation of Palestinian
journalists heavily colors the reporting of Western journalists. The stories
Palestinian journalists tell their Western colleagues are limited to ones that
will not endanger their own lives.
This censorship, whether by the Abbas's security forces or self-imposed,
explains why one rarely reads or sees a story in Western mainstream media about
negative things happening in the PA-controlled territories.
The Palestinian journalists, like their leaders, give Western journalists only
the dirt on Israel. Many Western journalists, for their part, have adjusted
themselves to this reality and are willing partners in the bash-Israel campaign.
Even when their Palestinian colleagues are beaten and arrested by Abbas's
security forces, these "journalists" fail to report such incidents. This makes
some sense: should they open their mouths with the truth, Abbas and his cohorts
might indeed stop inviting them to press conferences and banquets in the fancy
restaurants of Ramallah, Bethlehem and Jericho.
**Bassam Tawil is an Arab Muslim scholar based in the Middle East.
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Mattis and Trump: The Odd Couple that Works
David Ignatius/The Washington Post/April 27/17
As President Trump nears the 100-day benchmark, it’s a good moment to examine
the relationship that has evolved between the mercurial and inexperienced
commander in chief and his unflappable defense secretary, Jim Mattis.
It’s an unlikely partnership, but so far it mostly seems to work. Trump may have
relatively few domestic-policy accomplishments to show after three months, but
he can take credit for selecting a generally solid national-security team and
for listening to its advice.
Traveling with Mattis last week in the Middle East, I had a chance to watch the
delicate balancing act between a media-obsessed White House and a
national-security leadership that mostly would be happy to stay out of the news.
During his meetings in Saudi Arabia, Egypt and Israel, Mattis focused on
alliance issues. But the big running stories last week were about symbolic
displays of US military power by the aircraft carrier USS Carl Vinson, and by
dropping a massive weapon in Afghanistan whose nickname, “Mother of All Bombs,”
was catnip for journalists. Mattis struggled to adapt to this ever-shifting
information space, and his messaging wasn’t always clear.
Mattis is mildly eccentric by military standards, with his penchant for studying
Roman philosophy in Latin and suggesting reading lists for his troops. But like
every successful Marine and Army general, he is fundamentally a team player who
moves with a group, rarely in isolation.
What that has meant in practice is that Mattis has bonded with Trump’s other key
foreign policy advisers: Secretary of State Rex Tillerson, national security
adviser H.R. McMaster, Homeland Security Secretary John Kelly and CIA Director
Mike Pompeo. This is a strong, self-confident group; there’s little of the
infighting that characterizes Trump’s domestic advisers.
Mattis’ closest link, interestingly, may be with Tillerson, the ExxonMobil
chief-turned-diplomat. Mattis believes that US foreign policy became
overmilitarized in recent years and that a strong State Department voice is
The national-security process worked well in the two-day planning and execution
of a missile strike this month on a Syrian airfield. Within hours of the Syrian
chemical weapons attack on its people, Mattis was framing options drawn from a
list of contingency plans. The Pentagon prepared for the possibility that Russia
would respond. Planners predicted an 85 percent success rate for the United
States; it turned out to be closer to 95 percent.
One puzzle for Mattis these days is navigating a kaleidoscopic world at a time
when the public (or, at least, the media) seeks monochromatic answers. Mattis
noted in an interview during the trip that Tillerson had offered a nuanced
explanation of Iranian actions (complying with the nuclear agreement but
meddling in the region), but coverage had focused on the negative. Policymakers
sometimes need to “hold two contrary ideas in equipoise,” he explained. “Our
world is not black and white.”
An example of the interplay between diplomatic and military issues is the
strategy for taking Raqqa, ISIS’ self-proclaimed capital in eastern Syria. Trump
has claimed to have a “secret plan” for victory, but the actual policy debate
remains complicated and unresolved. The US Central Command recommended a quick
move to capture Raqqa, led by a force commanded by Syrian Kurds. The problem is
that Turkey regards these Kurdish fighters, known as the YPG, as a deadly threat
— and even recenlty bombed two YPG camps.
While respecting Centcom’s recommendations, and its sense of urgency, Mattis was
persuaded by Tillerson and others to conduct a more careful review of policy. A
quick hit on Raqqa that enraged Turkey might prove to be a tactical success but
a strategic setback. The policy debate continues (though officials said Turkey
would probably be warned against any more bombing of YPG positions).
What Mattis and the other former commanders bring to Trump’s national-security
table, perhaps paradoxically, is a wariness of overly hasty military
commitments. In the debate about stopping North Korea’s nuclear program, for
example, Pentagon planners understand that the thriving metropolis of Seoul
could become a gruesome, Stalingrad-like battlespace in an ill-planned conflict.
Discussing what he called the “ghastly” situation in Syria, Mattis voiced
concern that “we are seeing the re-primitivization of war,” with use of chemical
weapons and the bombing of children, hospitals, churches and other
once-forbidden targets. “We’ve got to hold people accountable,” he insisted.
But how? A hidden drama of these first 100 days has been the interaction between
the foreign policy team and a White House that’s just beginning to think about
how to use US power in a dangerous world.
The Kidnap of the Qataris Is a Defeat to Iraq’s Sovereignty
Abdulrahman Al-Rashed/Asharq Al Awsat/April 27/17
Former Iraqi Minister of Foreign Affairs and Finance Hoshyar Zebari said that
the kidnapping of the Qatari hunters represented a defeat for Iraq’s sovereignty
and institutions, knowing that it was not the first time it had happened.
Turkish workers had also been kidnapped while working on the construction of a
football field in al-Sadr city in Baghdad. Both crimes were conducted by a
militia affiliated with Iran.
Is it possible that, upon Iran’s directives, armed militias abduct a group of
Qatari visitors who legally entered Iraq with visas and were under the
protection of Iraqi security forces?
Iran-linked militia Iraqi Hezbollah dared to publically challenge the government
by kidnapping Qatari civilians for 18 months and, on behalf of Iranians,
negotiated their release un conditions.
Iran is doing today in Iraq what it did in Lebanon during the 1980’s. It
transferred Lebanon into an arena against the West, and at the time Iranian
territories were secured, Lebanon was a target for Israeli occupation, US
bombardment, and the Syrian troops for looting. Until this day, Lebanon is
suffering within a semi-sovereign state.
Tehran’s regime was active in Iraq over the past few years establishing multiple
militias to subdue other Iraqi forces. The largest of all the militias is the
Popular Mobilization Forces which became a militia equivalent to the army in
order to weaken the centralized Iraqi authorities, just like it did in Lebanon.
But, can the Iranian regime abolish the Iraqi state with its enormous resources
and which is larger than Lebanon and has a far more important strategic value?
Iran is trying to control Iraq in a big battle where different Iraqi parties are
fighting power and dominance. This is all happening amid difficult
circumstances. The government in Baghdad remains silent, avoiding confrontation
without any objections to Iran’s continuous interventions and breach of
In case Iranian intelligence manages to control Iraqi official and other
institutions, the expected result will be the division of the country.
Kurdistan region can’t remain a part of a frail state run by Tehran. Kurds have
always complained that Baghdad is no longer the center of the state because of
its weak institutions. Similarly, the five Sunni governorates would refuse to be
under the jurisdiction of Baghdad even though over the past eight years, Iran
managed to recruit several leaderships, members of parliaments and media figures
of those governorates.It is not unlikely that most Iraqi voices rejecting the
Iranian control and its militias in governorates of Shiite majority is because
of direct control attempts.
During the years that followed the withdrawal of US troops, Iran managed to
infiltrate and control the institutions of the Iraqi states. Tehran went as far
to enforce its own interpretation of the Algiers border agreement between Iran
and Iraq, changed the stream of Arabian Sea, and forced the Iraqi government to
fund its militias in Iraq and Syria claiming they were fighting terrorist
Because of its area, Iraq won’t be as easy as Lebanon for the Iranian
Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC). Weakening Baghdad will create a dangerous
vacuum which will affect the region’s security, including that of Iran. Iraq is
a very important country for superpowers like US and Russia and none of these
countries will allow the regional countries, be it Iran or any other, to
dominate Iraq without a direct or indirect confrontation. The repetitive Iranian
acts of abduction and extortions in Iraq pose a clear threat to Iraq’s security,
stability, and unity.
At 100 Days, Trump’s No Russian Stooge or Fascist
Eli Lake/Asharq Al Awsat/April 27/17
Before Donald Trump won the election in November we were warned: He is a Russian
stooge. He is a fascist. He will upend the protocols and traditions that make
governing possible. This is not normal.
Now that we are approaching the 100-day mark, it’s worth noting that the
president is defying the expectations of his resistance. And while there is
plenty to oppose in Trump’s young presidency, he is neither the Siberian
Candidate nor the second coming of Mussolini.
Let’s start with Russia. The FBI is still investigating whether and how his
campaign may have colluded with Moscow’s efforts to influence the presidential
election. And yet in terms of actual policy, Trump has settled on a much tougher
line with Russia than how he campaigned or in his first few weeks.
But there has been no reset. In fact it’s fair to say that Trump has been much
kinder to China, Russia’s traditional Asian rival. Trump ended any chance for
the multilateral trade deal with China’s neighbors known as the Trans-Pacific
Partnership. He dropped his threat to revisit the One-China Policy that requires
the US not to recognize Taiwan’s sovereignty.
More recently, he has said he won’t pursue China for currency manipulation, and
tells us he is pleased by China’s cooperation against North Korea during the
current nuclear crisis.
Instead, Trump is treating Russia in practice the way he promised in the
campaign to deal with China. His government has supported Montenegro’s
membership into NATO.
The Trump administration last week rejected a request from Exxon-Mobil to get a
waiver to explore energy exploration in the Black Sea with a Russia concern,
despite the fact that he chose Exxon-Mobil’s chief executive officer, Rex
Tillerson as his secretary of state. You may remember him as the guy who won the
Russian Order of Friendship in 2013.
Then there was the decision this month to fire 59 tomahawk missiles at a Syrian
airbase, following the Syrian gas attack on rebel populations. Those strikes
against Russia’s only real client state in the Middle East caught Moscow by
surprise, and further unraveled the relationship the Kremlin had hoped to reset
with Trump. A few days after the missile strike, Trump’s White House released a
dossier calling out Russia’s own fake news about the Syrian gas attack.
Now, US-Russian relations are cratering. Both sides say they are at a historic
low point. Russian bombers in the last week have been flying into Alaskan
airspace, testing Trump’s resolve. Meanwhile, one of America’s top generals just
suggested Russia was arming the terrorist Taliban.
To be sure, Trump during the campaign gave his critics something to work with on
this front. He at times encouraged his supporters at rallies to do violence to
protesters. He promised to bring back waterboarding “and much worse,” for
terrorists captured on the battlefield. He campaigned on banning Muslims from
entering the country and he promised to build a wall on the Mexican border.
The courts have rebuked him twice on the much-modified travel ban that would
apply to Muslim-majority countries. His first effort to repeal and replace
Obamacare failed miserably. He has yet to offer an infrastructure spending bill,
tax reform or a plan to build the wall.
An added irony is that the bete noir of the anti-Trumpists, senior strategist
and former Breitbart publisher Steve Bannon, is currently out of favor. Trump’s
new inner circle is comprised of people like the investment banker Gary Cohn,
the kind of globalists the president campaigned against.
The other set of advisers are retired generals like National Security Adviser
H.R. McMaster, who is seen as a check on the nationalist ideologues that so
worry most of Trump’s opposition.
Traditionally, fascism is the marriage of corporate and military elites with an
authoritarian leader. For Trump’s White House, however, his corporate and
military advisers are steering Trump to a more traditional presidential agenda.
None of this is to say Trump is doing a great job. He has shown himself to be
entirely unfamiliar with the intricacies of policy. His hostility to the press
is dangerous and counterproductive.
But these flaws have not yet posed an existential threat to the republic. He has
obeyed the courts, even as he has derided their decisions on twitter. He has
reversed himself on Russia. And slowly but surely, he has begun to resemble
something less menacing and more normal than his foes predicted.