April 17/17
Compiled & Prepared by: Elias Bejjani
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Bible Quotations For Today
After he rose early on the first day of the week, he
appeared first to Mary Magdalene, from whom he had cast out seven demon
Holy Gospel of Jesus Christ according to Saint Mark 16/09-14/:"After he rose
early on the first day of the week, he appeared first to Mary Magdalene, from
whom he had cast out seven demons. She went out and told those who had been with
him, while they were mourning and weeping. But when they heard that he was alive
and had been seen by her, they would not believe it. After this he appeared in
another form to two of them, as they were walking into the country. And they
went back and told the rest, but they did not believe them. Later he appeared to
the eleven themselves as they were sitting at the table; and he upbraided them
for their lack of faith and stubbornness, because they had not believed those
who saw him after he had risen."
I would remind you of the good news that I proclaimed to
you, which you in turn received
First Letter to the Corinthians 15/01-11/:"I would remind you of the good news
that I proclaimed to you, which you in turn received, in which also you stand,
through which also you are being saved, if you hold firmly to the message that I
proclaimed to you unless you have come to believe in vain. For I handed on to
you as of first importance what I in turn had received: that Christ died for our
sins in accordance with the scriptures, and that he was buried, and that he was
raised on the third day in accordance with the scriptures, and that he appeared
to Cephas, then to the twelve. Then he appeared to more than five hundred
brothers and sisters at one time, most of whom are still alive, though some have
died. Then he appeared to James, then to all the apostles. Last of all, as to
someone untimely born, he appeared also to me. For I am the least of the
apostles, unfit to be called an apostle, because I persecuted the church of God.
But by the grace of God I am what I am, and his grace towards me has not been in
vain. On the contrary, I worked harder than any of them though it was not I, but
the grace of God that is with me. Whether then it was I or they, so we proclaim
and so you have come to believe."
Question: "What is Easter Monday?"
Answer: Easter Monday, also known as Bright Monday, Renewal Monday, Wet Monday,
and Dyngus Day, is the Monday immediately after Easter Sunday. It is observed by
many Christian groups, but primarily by the Eastern Orthodox and Roman Catholic
traditions. It marks the beginning of Easter Week (Roman Catholic) / Bright Week
(Eastern Orthodox). Different cultures observe Easter Monday very differently.
For some, Easter Monday is a solemn remembrance of Christ’s death and
resurrection marked by an outdoor procession. For others, there are Easter
egg-rolling competitions. For still others, siblings and/or spouses wake each
other up by pouring buckets of water on each other (hence the name “Wet
Monday”). And others celebrate with a large gathering and a polka festival (Dingus
Day). Some of these observances have more Christian symbolism in them than
others, but none of them are explicitly biblical. The Bible does not say
anything about what happened on Easter Monday, the day after Jesus’
resurrection. The Bible does not instruct followers of Jesus Christ to observe
Easter Monday, so there is no obligation to celebrate it. As with many holidays,
there is nothing wrong with observing some cultural traditions, but it is
important to not allow traditions to detract from the message of the gospel.
Titles For Latest LCCC Bulletin analysis & editorials from
miscellaneous sources published on April 16-17/17
Resurrection: Life, Faith And Death/Elias Bejjani/April 16/17
Russia is Defending itself not Assad/Tariq Alhomayed/Ashara Al Awsat/April 16/17
"Spit on the Cross or Die"/Muslim Persecution of Christians, January
2017/Raymond Ibrahim//Gatestone Institute/April 16/17
A Month of Islam and Multiculturalism in Britain: March 2017/Soeren Kern/Gatestone
Institute/April 16/17
General Asiri exposes Iranian plot to strike Saudi Arabia from Yemen/
Al Arabiya News Channel/ April 16/17
Has Marine Le Pen really exorcised her party of its demons/Nabila Ramdani/Al
Arabiya/April 16/17
Titles For Latest Lebanese Related News published
April 16-17/17
Resurrection: Life, Faith And Death
President Aoun can end the current political deadlock: Maronite Patriarch
Aoun from Bkirki: There Will Be a New Electoral Law
Al-Rahi Lauds Aoun's 'Wise Decision' of Invoking Article 59 of Constitution
AlRai receives congratulatory greetings from Berri, Hariri, Salam, Bassil and
Bou Assi
Bishop Audi calls for equal job opportunity for the Orthodox community
Aram I holds Easter Mass, calls for decreeing electoral law
Aoun Sees Lebanon Center for Religious Dialogue, Notes Bids to Devoid Levant of
Berri Hails al-Rahi's Call for Re-Endorsing 1960 Law, Slams Bassil's Proposal
Bassil Fears Binning of His Electoral Format, Asks Geagea to Give It a 'Chance'
Qaouq Says Hizbullah 'Optimistic' on Electoral Law, 'No Problem' with FPM
Lebanese Man Critically Wounded in Arsal
Sarraf asserts army capable of protecting country and its borders
Fayyad: We adhere to MuslimChristian coexistence and reject the resurgence of
sectarian sensitivities
Citizen shot in Arsal, culprits escape
Zeaiter visits Rahme on Easter occasion: For the cooperation of all to reach an
election law that achieves proper representation
Fadlallah: There is no salary scale or budget approval before electoral law
Hezbollah’s former secretary general is against Hezbollah
Titles For Latest LCCC Bulletin For
Miscellaneous Reports And News published on
April 16-17/17
On Easter, Pope
denounces "oppressive regimes" but urges restraint
Iraqi Christians Mark First Post-IS Easter in Recaptured Town
Mass Evacuation in Syria to Proceed after Deadly Blast
Dozens of Children Dead in Syria Evacuees Bombing
'Yes' Camp Ahead in Turkey Referendum on Erdogan Powers
Turkey Opposition Slams Election Board over Last Minute Changes
Army Says IS Attacked Iraq Forces with Chemical Weapons
Iranian official admits Tehran bid to supply missiles to Houthis
British FM Boris Johnson says Syria’s Assad is an ‘arch-terrorist’
Iraqi forces making new push toward Old City in Mosul
Mine Kills Saudi Guard on Yemen Border
Libya Govt. Urges 'Intervention' over Southern Clashes
PM Says Britain Uniting around Brexit
Trump Hits Back at Tax Protests, Asks 'Who Paid' for Rallies
U.S. Security Adviser Says N. Korea Behavior 'Can't Continue'
Egypt acquits US-Egyptian citizen after 3-year legal ordeal
North Korean missile 'blows up' on test launch
Massacre Complicates ‘Population Swap’ in Syria
Unprecedented Verbal Attack between Palestinian Authority, Hamas
Abbas to meet with Trump in May, Palestinian official says
Iranian VP, Rafsanjani’s Brother Enter Presidential Race
From Jihad Watch Site for April 16-17/17
UK: Two large supermarket chains won’t stock Christian Easter egg, but do carry
halal ones
Syria: Sunni Muslims murder 126 people, wound 55 in bomb attack targeting
Shi’ite evacuees
Muslim cleric: Wife-beating “is more of a psychological beating, the purpose of
which is to humiliate the wife”
NYC censored anti-terror handbook to appease Muslims, but it accurately
predicted radicalization patterns
Al-Azhar, the foremost institution in Sunni Islam, refuses to declare the
Islamic State apostate
Sharia in Dallas: Police investigating how two copies of Qur’an ended up in
university toilet
NYC: Muslim student says Boston Marathon jihad bombers were Jews
UK: Primary school took pupils to meet an ‘extremist’ imam at the mosque where
Lee Rigby’s killers worshipped
Malala: Muhammad never advised his followers to “go around killing people…We are
not representing the true Islam”
Jewish man converts to Islam, attempts to run down Jews in his car
Turkey: Muslim cleric says giving Erdogan dictatorial powers is Islamic
obligation, “no” voters are foes of Islam
Pakistan: Imam refuses last rites to student Muslims lynched for “blasphemy”
Sweden: Columnist suggests banning cars to stop future terrorist attacks
Cairo: Muslims invoked Allah’s wrath on Christians over loudspeakers before Palm
Sunday church jihad attacks
Philippines: Saudi woman fleeing abuse returned to her abusers, could be killed
Pakistan: Military foils “major terrorist attack” Muslims had planned against
Christians for Easter Sunday
Links From
Christian Today Site on April 16-17/17
Pope Francis prays the Church's 'shame' at scandal of child sex abuse
Egyptian Coptic priest delivers inspiring Christian message to bombers: 'Thank
you, we are praying for you'
North Korea missile test fails out just hours before Pence arrives in South
China says North Korea tension must be stopped from reaching 'irreversible'
stage amid fears of nuclear test
Theresa May : 'We must ensure people feel able to speak out about their faith in
Archbishop of Canterbury: The resurrection changed the world - because it
Young British woman stabbed to death in Jerusalem in Good Friday attack
Family grieves for Hannah Bladon, Christian student murdered in knife attack in
Mike Pence visits South Korea on Easter Day as tensions escalate
Latest Lebanese Related News published
on April 16-17/17
Resurrection: Life, Faith And
Elias Bejjani/April 16/17
Don’t be amazed. You seek Jesus, the Nazarene, who has been crucified. He has
risen. He is not here (Mark 16/05)
Easter Sunday is a holy feast of love, humility, forgiveness, brotherhood,
tolerance and repentance. Religiously and consciously we are not supposed to
participate by any means in any of the feast prayers or make any offerings or
receive the Holy Communion unless we are genuinely replace hatred with love,
grudges with forgiveness, rejection of others with tolerance, arrogance with
humility, greed with contentment, deception with transparency, and evil with
Do not be afraid, “Don’t be amazed", with these reassuring and soothing words
The Angel spoke to Mary Magdalene, Mary the mother of James, and Salome. They
had came to the tomb on Sunday morning to mummify and anoint Jesus' Body as the
Jewish tradition required. They thought death had defeated Jesus and ended His
life as it does to every human being. On their way, they were sadly thinking and
wondering who will roll for them the stone away from the tomb's entrance so they
can get in and perform the mummifying and anointing process. While halfway from
the tomb, they saw that the enormous stone had been rolled away. When they
entered the tomb they found that Jesus' body was not there. They found only the
shrouds that His body was wrapped with on His burial after the crucifixion.
Saint Mark's (16/01-13) Gospel describes thoroughly what has happened with these
three loyal and faithful women: "When the Sabbath was, past Mary Magdalene, Mary
the mother of James, and Salome, bought spices, that they might come and anoint
him. 16:2 Very early on the first day of the week, they came to the tomb when
the sun had risen. They were saying among themselves, “Who will roll away the
stone from the door of the tomb for us?” for it was very big. Looking up, they
saw that the stone was rolled back. Entering into the tomb, they saw a young man
sitting on the right side, dressed in a white robe, and they were amazed. He
said to them, “Don’t be amazed. You seek Jesus, the Nazarene, who has been
crucified. He has risen. He is not here. Behold, the place where they laid him!
But go, tell his disciples and Peter, ‘He goes before you into Galilee. There
you will see him, as he said to you.’” They went out, and fled from the tomb,
for trembling and astonishment had come on them. They said nothing to anyone;
for they were afraid. Now when he had risen early on the first day of the week,
he appeared first to Mary Magdalene, from whom he had cast out seven demons. She
went and told those who had been with him, as they mourned and wept. When they
heard that he was alive, and had been seen by her, they disbelieved. After these
things he was revealed in another form to two of them, as they walked, on their
way into the country. They went away and told it to the rest. They didn’t
believe them, either."
Lord Jesus who died on the cross, had risen from the dead on the third day just
as He has said while proclaiming His message. He triumphed over death, defeated
the forces of darkness, overcame pain, abolished anguish and brought despair to
an end. He rose from the tomb to be constantly with those faithful to Him
throughout their lives, and to never abandon them. He shall empower forever
those who believe in His message and observe His commandments with the spirit of
truth, knowledge, wisdom and solidarity with His Father, Almighty God.
Christ is the Way, Christ is the Truth, and Christ is the actual eternal life
that we long for. We strongly believe with full conviction that Christ dwells in
His Holy Church, and exists in its Mysteries (Sacraments). He is always present
in the Holy Eucharist that we receive during every mass. Christ at all times is
ready, willing and delighted to help us in our burdens when we call on Him and
ask for His mercy. “Come to me, all you who labor and are heavily burdened, and
I will give you rest. 11:29 Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, for I am
gentle and lowly in heart; and you will find rest for your souls. 11:30 For my
yoke is easy, and my burden is light.” (Matthew11:28)
The miracle of resurrection is the cornerstone of our Christian faith. This
pivotal liturgical fact was strongly stressed by Saint Paul in his First Letter
to the Corinthians, (15/12-26): " Now if Christ is preached, that he has been
raised from the dead, how do some among you say that there is no resurrection of
the dead? But if there is no resurrection of the dead, neither has Christ been
raised. If Christ has not been raised, then our preaching is in vain, and your
faith also is in vain. Yes, we are found false witnesses of God, because we
testified about God that he raised up Christ, whom he didn’t raise up, if it is
so that the dead are not raised. For if the dead aren’t raised, neither has
Christ been raised. If Christ has not been raised, your faith is vain; you are
still in your sins. Then they also who are fallen asleep in Christ have
perished. If we have only hoped in Christ in this life, we are of all men most
pitiable. But now Christ has been raised from the dead. He became the first
fruits of those who are asleep. For since death came by man, the resurrection of
the dead also came by man. For as in Adam all die, so also in Christ all will be
made alive. But each in his own order: Christ the first fruits, then those who
are Christ’s, at his coming. Then the end comes, when he will deliver up the
Kingdom to God, even the Father; when he will have abolished all rule and all
authority and power. For he must reign until he has put all his enemies under
his feet. The last enemy that will be abolished is death".
Through Crucifixion and resurrection, Christ has overcome death, broke its
thorn, and granted us His eternal forgiveness from the original sin. With His
death and resurrection, death in its traditional earthly human concept has been
abolished forever and Sin since then has become the actual death that leads the
sinners to Gahanna into the unquenchable fire.
When our bodies die, we sleep in the hope of resurrection. On Jesus' return on
the Day of Judgment, the dead will be the first to rise and escort Him. "Behold,
I tell you a mystery. We will not all sleep, but we will all be changed, in a
moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet. For the trumpet will
sound, and the dead will be raised incorruptible, and we will be changed",
(Paul's First Letter to the Corinthians 15 / 51-52).
Easter Sunday is a holy feast of love, humility, forgiveness, brotherhood,
tolerance and repentance. Religiously and consciously we are not supposed to
participate by any means in any of the feast prayers or make any offerings or
receive the Holy Communion unless we are genuinly replace hatred with love,
grudges with forgiveness, rejection of others with tolerance, arrogance with
humility, greed with contentment, deception with transparency, and evil with
If we do not learn how to tame our selfishness, anger, hatred and forgive others
for whatever evil deeds they commit against us and reconcile with them, than we
do not qualify to be called Jesus' followers. Our prayers will not be heard or
responded to, if we do not practice the grace of forgiveness as did He who was
crucified for our salvation.
“If therefore you are offering your gift at the altar, and there remember that
your brother has anything against you, leave your gift there before the altar,
and go your way. First be reconciled to your brother, and then come and offer
your gift". (Matthew 5/23-24).
Meanwhile our true faith in Jesus and in His Sacrifices won't be complete unless
we adopt in our thinking, deeds and language the pure components of sacrifice,
honesty, truth, self respect, meekness and decency. "Let no corrupt speech
proceed out of your mouth, but such as is good for building up as the need may
be, that it may give grace to those who hear. Don’t grieve the Holy Spirit of
God, in whom you were sealed for the day of redemption. Let all bitterness,
wrath, anger, outcry, and slander, be put away from you, with all malice. And be
kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving each other, just as God also in
Christ forgave you. (Ephesians 4/29-32)
For our prayers to be looked upon and heard by Almighty God, we are required to
reconcile with ourselves and with all others on whom we have inflicted pain and
injustice, and treated with an evil manner. To please the Lord we are required
to genuinely, heartily and overtly perform all required acts of repentance for
all our mischievous conducts and wrongdoings. Mark 11/24-26: "Therefore I tell
you, all things whatever you pray and ask for, believe that you have received
them, and you shall have them. Whenever you stand praying, forgive, if you have
anything against anyone; so that your Father, who is in heaven, may also forgive
you your transgressions. But if you do not forgive, neither will your Father in
heaven forgive your transgressions"Almighty God has endowed us with His love talent, (minas) and expects us to
faithfully invest it in helping others who are in need. He expect us to observe
all the teaching of His Bible so that He will reward us on the Day of Judgment
and put us on His Right Side.
On this Holy Day of Resurrection, we are ought to be aware that Jesus' Holy
blood was shed on the Cross for our sake. Remembrance of His death and
resurrection is a Godly consignment that we are entrusted with. It’s up to us
either to honour this trust or betray it. In regards to what is committed to us,
Saint Paul conveyed to his disciple Timothy the following advice (6/20-21):
"Timothy, guard that which is committed to you, turning away from the empty
chatter and oppositions of the knowledge which is falsely so called; which some
professing have erred concerning the faith".
Halleluiah! Jesus has risen! Indeed He has risen.
President Aoun can end the current political deadlock: Maronite Patriarch
The Daily Star/BEIRUT: April 16,
2017/President Michel Aoun, as well as “people with benevolent wills,” can reach
a breakthrough on the current political deadlock in Lebanon, Maronite Patriarch
Beshara Rai said Sunday. “Senior state officials...must not spend months and
years on arguments,” as they neglect the painful socio-economic circumstances in
the country, Rai said during Easter mass in Bkirki in Mount Lebanon. Conflicting
demands of the various political parties have brought efforts to produce a new
electoral law to govern the upcoming parliamentary elections to a dead-end.
Parliamentary elections were originally scheduled to take place between May 21
and June 21, yet political deadlock is expected to delay elections beyond June,
a delay many see as an attempt to extend the Parliament’s terms for the third
time. The terms were extended twice, once in 2013 and again in 2014. Rai
highlighted the current socio-economic issues in Lebanon, as well as in other
places around the world, including oppression, poverty, displacement,
mistreatment, corruption and human trafficking. Rai referred to these problems
as "graves similar to the grave in which Jesus was buried," adding that
politicians "are responsible... for rolling the stones" that cover these graves,
and end people's suffering.
Aoun from Bkirki: There Will Be a
New Electoral Law
Naharnet/April 16/17/President
Michel Aoun on Sunday reassured the Lebanese “there will be a new electoral law”
for the country. After a closed-door meeting with Maronite Patriarch Beshara al-Rahi
in Bkirki, Aoun extended Easter greetings to the Christians of the Levant,
calling on them to “celebrate the feast despite the agony that they are
suffering nowadays.”“We hope the Lebanese will be reassured about their future
and Lebanon will be stable so that it returns to its main position at the
forefront of the Levant and so that it plays its role as the bearer of the
message of peace, because this is its main mission,” Aoun added. The president
has invoked his presidential powers to suspend parliament for one month and
prevent it from extending its own term for a third time in less than four years.
The suspension gives political forces a month to agree on a new electoral law.
Al-Rahi Lauds Aoun's 'Wise Decision' of Invoking Article 59
of Constitution
Naharnet/April 16/17/Maronite Patriarch Beshara al-Rahi on Sunday hailed
President Michel Aoun's use of his constitutional powers to force the
postponement of a legislative session that could have passed a third and highly
controversial extension of parliament's term.
The patriarch warned, in his Easter sermon, that the continued failure to
approve a new electoral law will increase people's disappointments, lamenting
that “unfortunately there are parties that are making light of the State, who
are disregarding the republic... and who are giving their loyalty to other
forces.”“Your responsibility obliged you to take a constitutional initiative on
Wednesday evening by invoking Article 59 of the constitution to suspend
parliament for one month, which averted possible clashes in the streets between
the supporters and opponent of extension,” al-Rahi added, hailing Aoun's “wise,
decisive and responsible decision.”The patriarch said he is praying on the hope
that the political forces will be able to agree on a new electoral law during
the one-month grace period.
AlRai receives congratulatory greetings from Berri, Hariri, Salam, Bassil and
Bou Assi
Sun 16 Apr 2017/NNA - Maronite Patriarch, Cardinal Bshara Boutros al-Rai,
received a series of congratulatory calls on Sunday marking the Easter occasion,
most prominently from House Speaker Nabih Berri, Prime Minister Saad Hariri,
former PM Tammam Salam, Foreign and Expatriates Minister Gebran Bassil and
Social Affairs Minister Pierre Bou Assi.
Bishop Audi calls for equal job opportunity for the
Orthodox community
Sun 16 Apr 2017/NNA - Metropolitan bishop of the Greek Orthodox Church for the
Archdiocese of Beirut, Elias Audi, held Easter Mass at Saint George Cathedral on
Sunday, and called for fair and equal opportunity in all of the State's
institutions for the members of his community, who have been unjustly excluded
from governmental and public posts. The Bishop praised the religious diversity
of Lebanon, which should enrich the country; but, instead of that, each
denomination took advantage of this diversity to promote its own community over
others. "We look forward to the day when a true citizenship is achieved and
equality reigns over citizens. Equality in the face of the law, equality in
assuming jobs and posts without regard to anything but qualification and
competence," said Audi. "Our Orthodox sons are subject to almost total exclusion
from prominent posts in the judiciary as we as military and security
institutions, in addition to imparity in the distribution of jobs within public
administrations."The Bishop asserted that the intention was not to oppress
anyone, but also not to be oppressed in return. He noted that corruption could
only be controlled when the law was applied to everyone. He concluded by calling
for the approval of a new legislative electoral law with "clear standards." Such
a law could finally provide proper representation of the people in parliament.
Aram I holds Easter Mass, calls for decreeing electoral law
Sun 16 Apr 2017/NNA - The Catholicos of the Holy See of Cilicia
of the Armenian Apostolic Church, Aram I, held Easter Mass on Sunday at the
Armenian Orthodox Cathedral in Antelias, whereby he called on Christians to
reject the darkness and become "messengers of light."The mass was attended by
Minister of Tourism, Avedis Guidanian, Minister of Women's Affairs, Jean
Ogassapian, and Ambassador of Armenia to Lebanon, among others. The Catholicos
touched on Lebanese domestic politics, calling for agreement over a fair
electoral law that represented all Lebanese fairly. He insisted on the
importance of domestic unity and stability.
Aoun Sees Lebanon Center for Religious Dialogue, Notes Bids
to Devoid Levant of Christians
Naharnet/April 16/17/President Michel Aoun stressed on Saturday that Lebanon
will be a global center for religious and civilizations dialogue, as he noted
that the region is witnessing a plan to devoid the Levant of Christians.
“Lebanon can be a global center for dialogue among religions and civilizations,
this is because it includes religions and doctrines of the world and its sons
live together in it,” said Aoun in an interview with SAT-7 TV network on the
occasion of Easter. “To achieve this end, we have to try lobbying pressure
everywhere in order to obtain the United Nations acceptance. We want Lebanon to
be an official international center for dialogue, not just a state initiative,”
added the President. He stressed that political differences between the Lebanese
do not stem from religious differences. “We have to make the world understand
that we still enjoy the highest levels of civilization in terms of freedom of
belief and the right to be different, which may sometimes reach us chaotic more
than any other country in the world,” he noted. On the rattled situation in the
Orient, Aoun said: “The happenings in the region have dangerous political goals
and aim to devoid the Levant of Christians and divide the region into several
statelets. “The migration from the East began long ago, especially from Israel,
where for example out of %22 of Christians in Jerusalem only one percent
remained. In other cases, especially in Syria, Iraq and sometimes in Egypt,
Kenya and Libya, a group killed Christians as well as Muslims and destroyed
churches and mosques alike.”To a question on his role as the sole Christian
president in the Arab countries with a mission to promote understanding and
coexistence amid what is happening, Aoun said: “We have a vital extension in
this Levant, and the atmospheres were agitated in the region. Therefore I
started visiting countries that should be friendly and restored ties to normal.
God willing, we will continue in this direction.”
Berri Hails al-Rahi's Call for Re-Endorsing 1960 Law, Slams
Bassil's Proposal
Naharnet/April 16/17/Parliament Speaker Nabih Berri has hailed Maronite
Patriarch Beshara al-Rahi's stance that considered the controversial 1960
electoral law as the alternative to another extension of parliament's term, as
he criticized the latest electoral law format that has been proposed by Free
Patriotic Movement chief Jebran Bassil. “Al-Rahi made a rational statement when
he said that the alternative to extension is the re-endorsement of the 1960
law,” Berri's visitors quoted him as saying in remarks published Sunday in the
pan-Arab daily al-Hayat. “When the patriarch says that the 1960 law is the
alternative to extension, this means that it is also the alternative to vacuum.
I'm not saying this because I support the 1960 law and I was the one who said
'no to the 1960 law, no to extension and no to vacuum',” Berri added, according
to his visitors. “A law can only be annulled through another law. This is a
constitutional principle... Through what logic should we annul the law that is
in effect if there is no alternative law?” Berri stated. The Speaker added that
he is waiting for the political parties to reach an agreement over a new
electoral law in what is left of the one-month period that was made possible by
President Michel Aoun's suspension of parliament on Wednesday. Turning to
Bassil's electoral law proposal, which involves sectarian voting in its first
round, Berri accused the FPM chief of seeking to “block the election of some
Christian forces.” “That's why it is not right to say that there is a
Christian-Muslim problem over the law, seeing as it has to do with the situation
in the Christian arena,” Berri added.
Bassil Fears Binning of His Electoral Format, Asks Geagea
to Give It a 'Chance'
Free Patriotic Movement chief Jebran Bassil has asked his ally Lebanese Forces
leader Samir Geagea to give a “chance” to his latest electoral law proposal that
is based on a hybrid system, a media report said. “Bassil has expressed concerns
over the possible binning of his electoral law format – the third that he has
proposed – due to the growing number of its opponents after the LF joined them,”
the pan-Arab daily al-Hayat reported on Sunday. “Bassil has asked Geagea to
grant the format a chance so that it can be promoted,” the newspaper added.
LF sources meanwhile told al-Hayat that the Lebanese Forces has suggestions to
“improve the representation of Christians in parliament” but that it will
refrain from submitting them “before giving Cabinet a one-week chance to study
Bassil's proposal.”Both the LF and Druze leader MP Walid Jumblat have voiced
reservations over Bassil's format. Jumblat lashed out at the proposal, which
involves sectarian voting in the first round, as “divisive” and the product of a
“sick mentality.”The system had been initially proposed by Speaker Nabih Berri
several months ago before being eventually endorsed by Bassil. In the first
round, voting takes place in the current 26 districts and voters are not allowed
to vote for candidates from other sects. Two candidates for each sectarian seat
qualify for the second round during which voting would take place in 10
newly-defined electoral districts and according to a non-sectarian proportional
representation polling system. The second round's ten districts are Akkar,
North, Baalbek-Hermel, Zahle-West Bekaa, Northern Mount Lebanon (Jbeil, Keserwan,
Metn, Baabda), Southern Mount Lebanon (Chouf and Aley), Beirut 1 (Ashrafieh,
Rmeil, Medawwar, Marfa, Saifi, Bashoura), Beirut 2 (Ras Beirut, Dar el-Mreisseh,
Mina el-Hosn, Zoqaq el-Blat, Mazraa, Mousaitbeh), South (Sidon, Tyre, Zahrani,
Jezzine), and Nabatiyeh (Nabatiyeh, Bint Jbeil, Marjeyoun, Hasbaya).
Qaouq Says Hizbullah 'Optimistic' on Electoral Law, 'No
Problem' with FPM
Naharnet/April 16/17/Senior Hizbullah official Sheikh Nabil Qaouq announced
Sunday that there is a “real chance” to agree on a new electoral law, while
stressing that there is no dispute between Hizbullah and the Free Patriotic
Movement over the issue. “The president's stance provided a real, serious and
new chance for consensus on a new electoral law, and accordingly the course of
consensus is advancing,” Qaouq said. “The remaining or new obstacles are not in
the court of Hizbullah and its allies in the AMAL Movement or the FPM, and those
who were betting on disputes between Hizbullah and the FPM were expressing their
ignorance or bad intentions, because there is no problem between Hizbullah and
the FPM over the electoral law seeing as the problem is somewhere else,” the
Hizbullah official added. He noted that his party will continue its efforts and
discussions with all political forces “in order to rescue the country before May
15.”“There is a real chance for consensus and optimism is growing day after
day,” he added. President Michel Aoun had on Wednesday invoked his
constitutional powers to suspend parliament for one month and prevent it from
extending its own term for a third time in less than four years. The political
forces are supposed to use the one-month grace period to reach an agreement on a
new electoral law.
Lebanese Man Critically Wounded in Arsal
Naharnet/April 16/17/Lebanese citizen Hussein al-Hujeiri was seriously wounded
when unidentified assailants opened fire at him in the Bekaa border town of
Arsal before fleeing to an unknown destination, state-run National News Agency
reported. Hujeiri was wounded in the head and has since been rushed to a
hospital in the region, NNA said. The restive town has witnessed numerous
similar incidents in recent years. Extremist militants from the al-Nusra Front
and Islamic State groups are entrenched in the town's outskirts and in 2014 they
overran it before eventually being ousted by the Lebanese army after days of
deadly battles. Members of two groups have since been involved in several
violent incidents in and around the town.
Sarraf asserts army capable of protecting country and its
Sun 16 Apr 2017/NNA - Minister of National Defense, Yacoub Sarraf, said on
Sunday that the diligence of every single soldier who left his family during the
holidays is what kept the country and its borders safe. Talking to visitors who
came to felicitate him on Easter at his Minyara residence, Sarraf stressed that
terrorism has no home in Lebanon. "The army, which has faced terrorism in the
past, is capable of averting strife if it comes knocking," he added, noting that
no one was allowed to tamper with the country's stability and security. He hoped
that the government would overcome current difficulties, with a new electoral
law being the first step towards reform. Sarraf lauded the Constitutional
measures taken by President Michel Aoun, which gave room for further
deliberations among all concerned parties over said law.
The people of Akkar were also reassured PM Saad Hariri has numerous
developmental plans for their area, awaiting the proper conditions for their
Fayyad: We adhere to MuslimChristian coexistence and reject
the resurgence of sectarian sensitivities
Sun 16 Apr 2017/NNA - Member of the "Loyalty to the Resistance" Parliamentary
Bloc, MP Ali Fayyad, stressed on Sunday "adherence to the Muslim-Christian
coexistence in the country, and rejection of any resurfacing of sectarian
sensitivities. "The goal of the electoral law is to represent various groups
properly and fairly, and to open the door to political development, which means
that national standards should prevail over sectarian standards," he added.
"Despite the distribution of parliamentary seats equally between Muslims and
Christians, and proportionally between sects and regions, yet the parliamentary
elections remain open and not limited to sectarian choices," asserted Fayyad. MP
Fayyad's words came during a book signing ceremony in the Southern town of
Majdal Selm earlier today.
Citizen shot in Arsal, culprits escape
Sun 16 Apr 2017/NNA - Anonymous men shot on Sunday Hussein Al Houjeiri in Arsal
and escaped to an unknown destination, NNA correspondent reported. Houjeiri
sustained a gunshot bullet to the head and was transferred to a nearby hospital.
He is in critical condition.
Zeaiter visits Rahme on Easter occasion: For the
cooperation of all to reach an election law that achieves proper representation
Sun 16 Apr 2017/NNA - Agriculture Minister Ghazi Zeaiter visited, on Sunday,
Baalbek - Deir al-Ahmar Maronite Archbishop Hanna Rahme, congratulating him on
the Easter occasion. The visit was a chance to dwell on the latest hour issues,
namely the parliamentary elections. In this context, Zeaiter stressed on
coexistence between all Lebanese, calling for "joint cooperation of all sides in
order to reach an election law that would ensure proper representation." He also
praised Maronite Patriarch Cardinal Bshara Boutros al-Rai's keen concern for the
work of constitutional institutions in the country. In turn, Archbishop Rahme
commended House Speaker Nabih Berri's positions, which "constitute the true
guarantee of the unity of Lebanon."
Fadlallah: There is no salary scale or budget approval
before electoral law decree
Sun 16 Apr 2017/NNA - Deputy Hassan Fadlallah said on Sunday that there is no
salary scale or budget approval before issuing a new electoral law. Deputy
Fadlallah whose words came during a political meeting in South Lebanon added
that the new electoral law should be based on proportionality regardless of the
districts' divisions that would be adopted. The Deputy noted that the country
was saved by delaying the last legislative session, which would permit more
deliberations between counterparts in order to reach a new electoral law.
"Whoever thinks that there is a dispute between the Free Patriotic Movement and
Hezbollah is delusional," Fadlallah added.
Hezbollah’s former secretary general is against Hezbollah
Turki Aldakhil/Al Arabiya/April 16/17
The consequences of the Khan Sheikhoun massacre continue to unfold. The Syrian
regime and militias revolving around its orbit did not wisely calculate this
crime. They were trying to provoke US President Donald Trump and discover his
limits in order to arrange their cards during his presidential term as based on
his reaction to the crime. However, the US responded with striking the Shayrat
air base. The second strike came from within the Shiite movement that condemns
Hezbollah’s crimes. Sheikh Sobhi Tufayli, Hezbollah’s former secretary general,
strongly condemned the Khan Sheikh Sheikhoun massacre and Hezbollah’s
participation in the fighting in Syria. Tufayli believes that the slogan of
defending the axis of the resistance came to an end during the Syrian
developments. He refuted Hezbollah’s allegations that it was fighting in Syria
under the pretext of protecting religious shrines and said sending Hezbollah
members to Syria meant sending them there to kill Muslim children. He added that
Hezbollah was committing crimes and, above all that, defending and fighting a
bloody regime. Sobhi Tufayli is one of many voices that condemn the Hezbollah
militia and its participation in all Syrian massacres!
Latest LCCC Bulletin For
Miscellaneous Reports And News published on
April 16-17/17
On Easter,
Pope denounces "oppressive regimes" but urges restraint
Sun 16 Apr 2017/NNA - Pope Francis denounced "oppressive regimes" in his Easter
message on Sunday but in an apparent call for restraint urged world leaders to
prevent the spread of conflicts, as tensions rose in North Korea and Syria.
Francis, marking the fifth Easter season of his pontificate, said Mass before
tens of thousands of people under exceptional security measures in St. Peter's
Square following recent vehicle attacks against pedestrians in London and
Stockholm. More police vans and army vehicles than usual were positioned at the
entrances to the Vatican area and the faithful were stopped at several check
points leading into the square, which was decorated with 35,000 flowers and
trees. In his Urbi et Orbi (to the city and the world) message, delivered from
the central balcony of St. Peter's Basilica, Francis spoke of a world lacerated
by conflicts and laced with tensions. From the same balcony from where he first
appeared to the world on the night of his election in 2013, Francis spoke of God
walking "beside all those forced to leave their homelands as a result of armed
conflicts, terrorist attacks, famine and oppressive regimes".
He did not name any specific governments.
"In the complex and often dramatic situations of today's world, may the Risen
Lord guide the steps of all those who work for justice and peace. May he grant
the leaders of nations the courage they need to prevent the spread of conflicts
and to put a halt to the arms trade," he said. Francis spoke hours after North
Korea warned the United States to end its "military hysteria" or face
retaliation as a U.S. aircraft carrier group steamed towards the region and the
reclusive state marked the 105th birth anniversary of its founding father.
Concern has grown since the U.S. Navy fired 59 Tomahawkmissiles at a Syrian
airfield last week in response to a deadlygas attack. That raised questions
about U.S. President Donald Trump's plans for North Korea, which has conducted
missile and nuclear tests in defiance of United Nations and unilateral
sanctions. Francis also condemned the bomb blast on a crowded Syrian bus convoy
that killed at least 112 people outside Aleppo as an "ignoble" attack, asking
God to bring healing and healing and comfort to civilian population in what he
called the "beloved and martyred Syria". Speaking on the most important day in
the Christian liturgical calendar, he called for peace in South Sudan, Sudan,
Somalia, the Democratic Republic of Congo and Ukraine. A surprise downpour hit
Rome as the Mass was held but it passed quickly, allowing Francis to ride around
in an open pope mobile so people at the back of the crowd could see him.
Repeatedly during Holy Week services, Francis has drawn attention to the plight
of war victims, refugees and migrants. On Good Friday, he spoke of the "shame"
of humanity becoming inured to daily scenes of bombed cities and drowning
Iraqi Christians Mark First Post-IS Easter in Recaptured
Agence France Presse/Naharnet/April 16/17/Qaraqosh is quiet except for a church
bell ringing as Iraqi Christians gather for the first Easter mass since the town
was retaken from the Islamic State jihadist group. IS graffiti mars the walls of
the Mar Yohanna church, its bell rings from a tower damaged in the fighting and
most of Qaraqosh's residents are still displaced more than five months after the
town's recapture. But for worshipers, the mass is a sign of hope and better
things to come, a step on the road to recovery from the disaster that befell
Qaraqosh when IS overran it in 2014. "The mass today represents a major hope for
the final return of all," says Qazwan Bulos Mousa, who attended the service with
his wife and three children. "We were the first family to return to the town,
and now there are around four families, but life is difficult," he says.These
difficulties include a lack of basic services, says Father Sharbel Aisso, who
led the mass on Sunday. "The infrastructure is destroyed, and there is also no
water and no electricity," Aisso says. But the priest, who also organized
Christmas mass at the church last year, does not hide his joy at being back in
Qaraqosh. "I entered the town three days after its liberation," he says. "When I
returned, I felt very, very happy because I saw these churches where I lived all
my life in the priesthood."Around 100 people attended the Easter service at the
Mar Yohanna church, a significantly smaller number than took part in a Palm
Sunday service at another of the town's churches the week before.
A sign of hope
The bell of the Mar Yohanna church is rung by a member of the Nineveh Plain
Protection Units, an Assyrian militia that is deployed in Qaraqosh to guard the
town. "Holding the mass here today is a sign of goodness and hope," says Milad
Mansour, an officer in the force. For Mansour, the victory over the jihadists is
one of religious as well as military significance. "We won a victory that is not
only a victory in the war; the true victory is the victory of God over Satan,"
he says. Qaraqosh, also known as Hamdaniya or Bakhdida, was once one of Iraq's
most important Christian towns. The extremists worked to erase any signs of
Christianity from Qaraqosh after they overran the town in 2014 as part of a
sweeping offensive that saw them seize around a third of Iraq. They smashed
icons, toppled church bell towers and systematically chiseled out the crucifixes
that once adorned each panel of the outer wall of the Mar Bahnam wa Sara church.
House after house was torched or blown up, and the Mary al-Tahira church was
defaced with the group's flag and threats. But despite the attack on his town
and his faith, Anwar Yusef does not call for a response in kind. "This is my
first mass in Qaraqosh since my displacement three years ago," Yusef says. "But
we are here today to confirm that our message is a message of peace, and we do
not have anything but love."
Mass Evacuation in Syria to Proceed after Deadly Blast
Agence France Presse/Naharnet/April 16/17/More than 3,000 Syrians are expected
to be evacuated Sunday from four areas as part of a population transfer that was
briefly stalled the day before by a deadly blast that killed scores of people,
most of them residents of the besieged Shiite towns Foua and Kfarya. The United
Nations is not overseeing the transfer deal, which involves residents of the
pro-government villages of Foua and Kfarya and the opposition-held towns of
Madaya and Zabadani. All four have been under siege for years, their fate linked
through a series of reciprocal agreements that the U.N. says have hindered aid
deliveries. Rami Abdul Rahman, who heads the Britain-based Syrian Observatory
for Human Rights, and Hizbullah's Al-Manar TV said 3,000 people will be
evacuated from Foua and Kfarya, while 200, the vast majority of them fighters,
will be evacuated from Zabadani and Madaya. Abdul Rahman said Saturday's blast
—which hit an area where thousands of Foua and Kfarya residents evacuated the
day before had been waiting for hours — killed 112. He said the dead included 98
people from Foua and Kfarya. After the blast, some 60 buses carrying 2,200
people, including 400 opposition fighters, entered areas held by rebels in the
northern province of Aleppo, Abdul Rahman said. More than 50 buses and 20
ambulances carrying some 5,000 Foua and Kfarya residents entered the
government-held city of Aleppo, Syrian state TV said, with some of them later
reaching a shelter in the village of Jibreen to the south. U.N. relief
coordinator Stephen O'Brien said he was "horrified" by the deadly bombing, and
that while the U.N. was not involved in the transfer it was ready to "scale up
our support to evacuees."He called on all parties to uphold their obligations
under international humanitarian and human rights law, and to "facilitate safe
and unimpeded access for the U.N. and its partners to bring life-saving help to
those in need." Residents of Madaya and Zabadani, formerly summer resorts,
joined the 2011 uprising against President Bashar Assad. Both came under
government siege in the ensuing civil war. Residents of Foua and Kfraya,
besieged by the rebels, have lived under a steady hail of rockets and mortars
for years, but were supplied with food and medicine through military airdrops.
Critics say the string of evacuations, which could see some 30,000 people moved
across battle lines over the next 60 days, amounts to forced displacement along
political and sectarian lines.
Dozens of Children Dead in Syria Evacuees Bombing
Agence France Presse/Naharnet/April 16/17/Nearly 70 children were among those
killed when a suicide car bombing tore through buses carrying evacuees from
besieged government-held towns in Syria, a monitor said on Sunday. Saturday's
blast hit a convoy carrying residents from the northern towns of Fuaa and
Kafraya as they waited at a transit point in rebel-held Rashidin, west of
Aleppo. At least 68 children were among the 126 people killed in the attack, the
Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said, updating a previous toll of 112 dead.
At least 109 of the dead were evacuees, the Britain-based monitoring group said,
while the rest were aid workers and rebels guarding the convoy. The evacuations
were taking place under a deal between Syria's regime and rebels that is also
seeing residents and rebels transported out of Madaya and Zabadani, towns near
Damascus that are surrounded by pro-government forces.
The agreement is the latest in a string of evacuation deals, which the
government of President Bashar al-Assad says are the best way to end the
violence after more than six years of civil war. Rebels say they amount to
forced relocations after years of bombardment and crippling sieges.
Body parts and the belongings of evacuees -- including clothes, dishes and even
televisions -- were still strewn at the scene of the attack Sunday, an AFP
correspondent said. The shattered buses were nearby as was the shell of a
pick-up truck -- with little left but its engine block -- that was apparently
used to carry out the bombing. There was no immediate claim of responsibility
for the bombing, though the key Ahrar al-Sham rebel group denied any
involvement. The government blamed "terrorists" -- a catch-all term for its
opponents.The Observatory, which relies on a network of sources inside Syria to
monitor the conflict, said hundreds of people were also wounded in the blast.
'People crying and shouting'
It said a petrol station at the transit point was caught up in the explosion,
adding to the number of victims. The Syrian Red Crescent said three of its
workers were among the wounded. Maysa al-Aswad, a 30-year-old evacuee from
Kafraya, said she was sitting on one bus with her six-month-old son Hadi and
10-year-old daughter Narjis when the blast shook the parked convoy. "Hadi was on
my lap and Narjis on a chair next to me. When the explosion happened I hugged
them both and we fell to the floor," she told AFP by telephone from near Aleppo.
"I didn't know what was happening, all I could hear was people crying and
shouting," she said. "All I can think about is how we survived all the death
during the last few years and then could have died just after we finally
escaped."More than 5,000 people left Fuaa and Kafraya and about 2,200 left
Madaya and Zabadani on Friday, the latest in a series of evacuations from the
four towns under the agreement. The evacuation process resumed after the
bombing, the Observatory said, with the residents of Fuaa and Kafraya eventually
arriving in Aleppo, Syria's second city which the government gained full control
of last year. Wounded survivors, including many children, were taken for
treatment at an Aleppo hospital.
'Monstrous, cowardly attack'
U.N. aid chief Stephen O'Brien condemned the bombing, saying: "The perpetrators
of such a monstrous and cowardly attack displayed a shameless disregard for
human life."Pope Francis also urged an end to the war in Syria as he presided
over the traditional Easter mass in Rome. He said he hoped that Jesus Christ's
sacrifice might help bring "comfort and relief to the civil population in Syria,
prey to a war that continues to sow horror and death."The residents and rebels
from Madaya and Zabadani arrived late Saturday in rebel-held territory in Idlib
province, where they were greeted with embraces and shots fired into the air. It
was not immediately clear whether further evacuations were taking place on
Sunday. The evacuation deal was brokered by Qatar, a longtime supporter of
Syrian opposition forces, and Iran, a key regime ally. Another 3,000 civilians
and fighters should be evacuated from Fuaa and Kafraya, and 150 rebels from
Zabadani, to complete a first wave of evacuations under the deal, the
Observatory said. A second phase of evacuations from the government-held towns
is expected in a few months' time, it said. Syria's war has killed more than
320,000 people since erupting in 2011, with more than half the population forced
from their homes and hundreds of thousands trapped under siege.
'Yes' Camp Ahead in Turkey Referendum on Erdogan Powers
Agence France Presse/Naharnet/April 16/17/The 'Yes' campaign to give Turkish
President Recep Tayyip Erdogan expanded powers was ahead of its rival in a
bitterly-contested referendum Sunday that will determine Turkey's future
destiny, initial results said. The 'Yes' campaign won 63.2 percent of the vote
while the 'No' campaign mustered 36.8 percent, the election commission said in
figures quoted by the NTV channel, in an initial count based on 25 percent of
the ballot boxes. The result could still change as more ballot boxes are counted
across the hugely diverse country following the close of polls at 1400 GMT. For
the changes to be implemented the 'Yes' camp needs to win 50 percent plus one
vote. More than 55.3 million Turks were eligible to cast ballots on sweeping
changes to the president's role which, if approved, would grant Erdogan more
power than any leader since modern Turkey's founder Mustafa Kemal Ataturk and
his successor Ismet Inonu. Voting in Istanbul along with his family, Erdogan
predicted that "our people would walk to the future" by making the right choice.
After a stamina-busting campaign that saw insults flung in both directions,
Prime Minister Binali Yildirim said: "Whatever choice comes out on top, our
nation will make the most beautiful decision." Yildirim was later due to address
supporters from the headquarters of the Justice and Development Party (AKP) in
Ankara while Erdogan was due to watch the results in Istanbul.
'Vote for destiny'
The opposition has cried foul that the referendum has been conducted on unfair
terms, with 'Yes' posters ubiquitous on the streets and opposition voices
squeezed from the media. The poll is also taking place under a state of
emergency that has seen 47,000 people arrested in an unprecedented crackdown
after the failed putsch of July last year. "We are voting for Turkey's destiny,"
said the standard-bearer of the 'No' camp, Republican People's Party (CHP)
leader Kemal Kilicdaroglu. "God willing, the result will be auspicious and we
will all have the chance to discuss Turkey's fundamental problems." The
co-leaders of Turkey's second largest opposition party, the pro-Kurdish Peoples
Democratic Party (HDP) Selahattin Demirtas and Figen Yuksekdag, have been jailed
on charges of links to Kurdish militants in what the party says is a deliberate
move to eliminate them from the campaign. Closely watched on Monday will be the
initial assessment of the international observer mission of the OSCE Office for
Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR) and the Parliamentary Assembly
of the Council of Europe (PACE). Three people were killed in a shootout in the
garden of a school used as a polling station in the southeastern Diyarbakir
region, the Dogan news agency said, but it was not clear if the fighting was
linked to the election or simply a family feud. If passed, the new presidential
system would dispense with the office of prime minister and centralise the
entire executive bureaucracy under the president, giving Erdogan the direct
power to appoint ministers.
The system would come into force after the elections in November 2019. Erdogan,
who became president in 2014 after serving as premier from 2003, could then seek
two more five-year mandates. Supporters see the new system as an essential
modernisation step for Turkey that will remove the risk of the political chaos
that blighted the 1990s and is blamed for the 2000-2001 financial crisis.
Opponents fear it risks granting Erdogan authoritarian powers and allow him to
ride roughshod over key institutions like the judiciary and parliament. In the
Kurdish-majority southeastern province of Diyarbakir, self-employed Nihat
Aslanbay said he voted against the reforms. "A one man regime will not bring any
benefits to this country. I said 'No' (because I'm) for an egalitarian
constitution that also includes the Kurds, and for freedoms."But in Istanbul,
voter Emrah Yerlinkaya said he voted 'Yes' "to support" Erdogan. "If we are here
today, it is thanks to him. I also voted because I support the constitutional
'Drastic shake-up'
Beyond changing the government system, the vote could also have even wider
implications for Turkey which joined NATO in 1952 and for the last half-century
has set its sights on joining the European Union. Erdogan has warned Brussels
that in the event of a 'Yes' vote he would sign any bill agreed by parliament to
reinstate capital punishment, a move that would automatically end its EU bid.
Western reactions to the referendum outcome will be crucial after Erdogan
accused Turkey's allies of failing to show sufficient solidarity in the wake of
the July 15 failed coup.
Sinan Ekim and Kemal Kirisci of the Brookings Institution think-tank said in a
report the changes if agreed "would set in motion the most drastic shake-up of
the country's politics and system of governance in its 94-year-long history."
After a slew of attacks over the last year blamed on Kurdish militants and
jihadists, security is a major concern with 380,000 police on duty nationwide.
Turkey Opposition Slams Election Board over Last Minute
Agence France Presse/Naharnet/April 16/17/Turkey's 'No' camp, which opposes
expanding President Recep Tayyip Erdogan's powers, on Sunday slammed the
election commission for a last-minute change to the rules for voting in a
tightly-contested referendum, saying it opened the way for fraud. The 'Yes' camp
was narrowly ahead of its opponents in a tightly contested poll whose outcome is
considerably closer than expected by the government. The Supreme Election Board
(YSK) on Sunday said that voting papers not stamped by the board will be counted
valid unless proven to be brought from outside, in a controversial announcement.
In a statement posted on its website, the board said it received many complaints
over the fact voters were given envelopes without stamps from officials. The
board, which convened on Sunday, "decided that ballot papers without stamps and
envelopes will be counted valid unless proven they were brought from
outside."The election board's announcement was slammed by the opposition
Republican People's Party (CHP), as well as dissidents from the right-wing
Nationalist Movement Party (MHP). The MHP backs the government-driven changes to
strengthen Erdogan's powers but a significant dissident faction does not. The
CHP's deputy leader Bulent Tezcan urged the YSK to "reverse this error" and to
take steps in order to ensure that elections were held under judicial safeguard.
"Rules of the game do not change after the match starts," CHP MP Sezgin
Tanrikulu told AFP. "With its announcement, the YSK has changed the rules of the
game. This decision must be revised for fair and honest elections," he said.
Sinan Ogan, a MHP dissident, blasted the announcement as a "scandal," in a
message on his official Twitter account.
The board's decision "is a scandal and opens the way for fraud."Critics say a
switch to presidential system is part of a grab by Erdogan for one-man rule, but
supporters say it will simply put Turkey in line with France and the United
States and is needed for efficient government.
Army Says IS Attacked Iraq Forces with Chemical Weapons
Agence France Presse/Naharnet/April 16/17/The Islamic State group used chemical
weapons against Iraqi forces taking part in the operation to recapture Mosul,
injuring some security personnel, the military said on Sunday. IS has
periodically carried out attacks using chemical weapons, but both the toll and
the impact on military operations has been minimal and the jihadists' bombs and
bullets are far deadlier. "The Daesh terrorist gangs tried to block the advance
of our forces by using shells filled with toxic chemical material, but the
effect was limited," Iraq's Joint Operations Command said in a statement, using
an Arabic acronym for IS. The attack on Saturday did not result in any deaths
but did cause "limited injuries" among security personnel, the military command
said. The statement said that the forces attacked were part of the massive
operation aimed at recapturing the city of Mosul from IS, but did not specify if
the attack took place in or outside the city. Iraqi forces are fighting to
recapture west Mosul from IS after retaking the eastern side earlier this year,
while soldiers and pro-government paramilitaries are also operating west of the
city as part of the operation. The jihadist group overran large areas north and
west of Baghdad in 2014, but Iraqi forces backed by U.S.-led air strikes have
since regained much of the territory they lost. In addition to parts of western
Mosul, IS also holds part of Iraq's Kirkuk province as well as areas in the
country's west.
Iranian official admits
Tehran bid to supply missiles to Houthis
Staff writer, Al Arabiya English Sunday, 16 April 2017/Iranian cleric Mehdi Taeb,
who also heads the Ammar Strategic Foundation, admitted that Tehran supplies the
Houthis in Yemen with weapons. In a video which activists circulated on social
media, Taeb, who is close to the Supreme Guide Ali Khamenei, said the nuclear
agreement between Tehran and the P5+1 group prevented delivering Iranian-made
surface-to-surface missiles to the Houthis three times. He also criticized
Iranian President Hassan Rowhani and said the latter’s negotiations with the US
to seal Iran’s nuclear agreement obstructed the delivery of missiles to the
Houthis to strike at Saudi-led coalition jets. “We tried to deliver the missiles
three times and we were about to but they suddenly retreated because the
Americans threatened to suspend the negotiations,” he reportedly said.
“Rowhani’s nuclear agreement blocked military aid to the Houthis in Yemen,” Taeb
said before a group of supporters in Tehran. According to Taeb, Khamenei ordered
sending Iranian naval forces to Bab al-Mandeb Strait.
British FM Boris Johnson
says Syria’s Assad is an ‘arch-terrorist’
AFP, London Sunday, 16 April 2017/Syrian President Bashar al-Assad is an
“arch-terrorist” and it is time Russia realised he is “literally and
metaphorically toxic”, British Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson said Sunday.
Johnson said Assad's ally Moscow still had time to be on the “right side of the
argument”, in a Sunday Telegraph newspaper article. “Assad uses chemical weapons
because they are not only horrible and indiscriminate. They are also
terrifying,” Johnson wrote. “In that sense he is himself an arch-terrorist, who
has caused such an unquenchable thirst for revenge that he can never hope to
govern his population again. “He is literally and metaphorically toxic, and it
is time Russia awoke to that fact. They still have time to be on the right side
of the argument.”Johnson was widely criticized for failing to get the G7 to back
his bid for new sanctions against senior Russian and Syrian figures following
the chemical weapons attack in Syria's Idlib province that killed dozens and
caused an international outcry. But he said the chemical assault had changed the
West's stance on Syria. “The UK, the US and all our key allies are of one mind:
we believe that this was highly likely to be an attack by Assad, on his own
people, using poison gas weapons that were banned almost 100 years ago,” he
wrote. “Let us face the truth: Assad has been clinging on. With the help of
Russians and Iranians, and by dint of unrelenting savagery, he has not only
recaptured Aleppo. He has won back most of 'operational' Syria.”Before the April
4 chemical attack, the West was “on the verge of a grim consensus”, which had
now changed, said Johnson. The consensus had been that it would be more sensible
to concentrate on the fight against ISIS militants and to accept reluctantly
that removing Assad, “though ultimately essential -- should await a drawn out
political solution”. A suicide car bomb attack on buses carrying Syrians
evacuated from two besieged government-held towns killed 43 people on Saturday,
as US-backed fighters advanced in their push towards the ISIS group's Raqa
Iraqi forces making new push toward Old City in Mosul
Sun 16 Apr 2017/NNA - Iraqi forces launched a new attack on Islamic State in
Mosul's Old City on Sunday, military officials said, trying to break the
stalemate in attempts to seize the militants' last stronghold. Mosul, Iraq's
second biggest city, was captured by the Sunni Muslim fighters in 2014, but
government forces have retaken much of it during a six-month operation. The
advance has hardly moved for more than a month, though, as the militants are
holding out in the densely populated Old City in western Mosul, where tanks and
heavy vehicles are not able to operate because of its narrow streets. Iraq's
federal police moved forces 200 meters deeper into the Old City, getting closer
to al-Nuri mosque, a statement said. The mosque is highly symbolic because it
was there that Islamic State leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi declared himself head
of a self-proclaimed caliphate. Troops have had the centuries-old mosque with
its leaning minaret in their sights since last month. A captain in the federal
police said Sunday's advance had started in the early morning with troops
fighting the militants house to house. "Daesh suicide motorcycles now are their
favorite weapon inside the Old City," he said, using a derogatory name for
Islamic State. "We have to watch every single house to avoid attackers on
motorcycles packed with explosives."Iraqi government forces, backed by U.S.
advisers, artillery and air support, have cleared the east and half of western
Mosul and are now focused on the Old City. Some 400,000 people are trapped in
the Old City while more than 300,000 have fled fighting since the operation
started in October, officials have said.--Reuters
Mine Kills Saudi Guard on Yemen Border
Agence France Presse/Naharnet/April 16/17/A mine blast killed a
Saudi border guard on Sunday on the kingdom's southern frontier with war-wracked
Yemen, the interior ministry said. Another three members of the force were
wounded in the explosion in Jizan province, a spokesman cited by the official
SPA news agency said. Saudi Arabia has led a coalition battling Iran-backed
Huthi rebels in its impoverished southern neighbor for the past two years. At
least 130 Saudi members of the security forces and civilians have been killed,
mainly by rockets fired from Yemen, since the coalition intervened in support of
President Abedrabbo Mansour Hadi in March 2015. The Saudi-led coalition also
comprises the Gulf monarchies of Bahrain, Kuwait, Qatar and the United Arab
Emirates along with Egypt, Jordan, Morocco and Sudan. Despite the coalition
intervention, the Huthis still control the capital Sanaa and much of the
northern highlands adjacent to the Saudi border. The United Nations says that
more than 7,700 people have been killed over the past two years in Yemen, which
also faces a serious risk of famine this year. U.N. attempts at mediation and
seven ceasefire accords have come to nothing.
Libya Govt. Urges 'Intervention' over Southern Clashes
Agence France Presse/Naharnet/April 16/17/Libya's unity government has called
for "urgent intervention" by the international community to end military
escalation in its south, warning of a possible "civil war."For more than a week,
militias allied to the U.N.-backed Government of National Accord have fought off
rival forces trying to capture an airbase in the south of the North African
country. "We ask you to take a firm and decisive stance with regards to this
escalation and we will support all decisions to re-establish security and
stability in Libya," GNA head Fayez al-Sarraj wrote in a letter published
Saturday. Sarraj called for an "urgent intervention" from the international
community "to end the deterioration of the situation in south Libya", in an open
letter addressed to bodies including the European Union, the United Nations and
the Arab League. He did not specify the nature of what form such intervention
could take. Clashes erupted last week after the self-proclaimed Libyan National
Army, commanded by military strongman Field Marshal Khalifa Haftar and loyal to
Libya's eastern authorities, battled to seize the Tamenhant air base from
militias backing the GNA. "This sudden and unjustified escalation... puts the
country on the brink of civil war," Sarraj said. The GNA, which both Haftar and
the eastern-based parliament have refused to recognize, has announced a
counter-offensive against the LNA. The LNA has said the Tamenhant base was a
launching pad for fighters who seized key oil terminals from its control last
month, before the LNA retook them days later. But the unity government has
denied any link with the attacks on the oil facilities in Libya's northeast. The
GNA, which was born of a U.N.-brokered deal signed in late 2015, has struggled
to assert its authority nationwide since taking office in Tripoli in March last
year. Libya has been wracked by chaos since the 2011 uprising that toppled and
killed longtime dictator Moammar Gadhafi, with rival militias and authorities
vying for control of the oil-rich country.
PM Says Britain Uniting around Brexit
Agence France Presse/Naharnet/April 16/17/Prime Minister Theresa May said Sunday
that Britain was beginning to unite behind Brexit, 10 months after the divisive
referendum that saw the country narrowly vote to leave the European Union. "This
year, after a period of intense debate over the right future for our country,
there is a sense that people are coming together and uniting behind the
opportunities that lie ahead," May said in her Easter message. May backed
remaining in the EU but is spearheading Britain's drive to the departure gates.
She formally notified Brussels last month of Britain's intention to leave the
bloc, triggering two years of exit negotiations. "For at heart, this country is
one great union of people and nations with a proud history and a bright future,"
May said. "And as we face the opportunities ahead of us -- the opportunities
that stem from our decision to leave the European Union and embrace the world --
our shared interests, our shared ambitions and above all our shared values can
-- and must -- bring us together." The Sunday Telegraph newspaper reported that
support for Brexit has hit a five-month high, with 55 percent backing Britain's
exit from the EU, according to a poll by research company Orb International.
"Since November, the British public are slowly becoming more comfortable with
the idea of Brexit," said Orb International managing director Johnny Heald.
However, "the public is increasingly concerned more about free trade than
immigration -- marking a reversal of the preference aired during the
campaign."May, 60, is the daughter of an Anglican vicar. Turning to faith in her
Easter message, she said: "We should be confident about the role that
Christianity has to play in the lives of people in our country. "We must be
mindful of Christians and religious minorities around the world who do not enjoy
these same freedoms, but who practice their religion in secret and often in
Trump Hits Back at Tax Protests, Asks 'Who Paid' for
Agence France Presse/Naharnet/April 16/17/U.S. President Donald Trump on Sunday
hit back at nationwide protests calling for him to release his tax returns,
questioning "who paid for" the "small" rallies. "Someone should look into who
paid for the small organized rallies yesterday. The election is over!" the
president tweeted Sunday morning. That message came about an hour after an
earlier tweet when he appeared to suggest the matter was a non-issue. Trump has
previously said Americans don't care about his returns. "I did what was almost
an impossible thing to do for a Republican-easily won the Electoral College! Now
Tax Returns are brought up again?" Trump tweeted. His messages came after
thousands of protesters gathered Saturday in cities across America to pressure
Trump to release his tax returns, a move of transparency he has repeatedly
rejected. The demonstrations were timed to coincide with the traditional April
15 deadline for annual tax filings, a key date on the calendar for U.S.
households, and resulted in dozens of arrests. For decades, U.S. presidents and
presidential candidates have released their returns voluntarily, although there
is no legal obligation to do so. U.S. law requires only the publication of a
financial statement that estimates assets, including debt and revenue, but does
not give details on the amount of taxes paid. Trump, a billionaire property
tycoon, released a financial statement but has kept his tax returns private,
both during the election campaign and since taking office in January.
He argues that he cannot release them because he is being audited. But tax
officials have said he can in fact release them if he so wishes. Trump has on at
least two previous occasions accused demonstrators of being paid to protest
against him. "Professional anarchists, thugs and paid protesters are proving the
point of the millions of people who voted to MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!" he wrote
on February 3 during protests against his executive order on immigration.
U.S. Security Adviser Says N. Korea Behavior 'Can't
Agence France Presse/Naharnet/April 16/17/An international consensus that
includes China has now emerged that North Korea's "threatening behavior" cannot
go on, the U.S. national security adviser said Sunday. Speaking after North
Korea's latest -- and apparently failed -- missile test, H.R. McMaster said, "I
think there's an international consensus now, including -- including the Chinese
and the Chinese leadership -- that this is a situation that just can't
continue."Speaking from Afghanistan on ABC, he made a point of stating several
times that China -- North Korea's key ally -- is now concerned about the
reclusive communist state's behavior. McMaster said President Donald Trump has
made clear he will not allow the nuclear-armed Pyongyang regime to put the US
and its regional allies under threat. The consensus including China is "that
this problem is coming to a head. And so it’s time for us to undertake all
actions we can, short of a military option, to try to resolve this peacefully,"
McMaster said. Trump turned to Twitter over the weekend to underscore the key
importance of cooperation with China on the Korean problem. Having blasted
Beijing throughout his presidential campaign for unfairly manipulating its
currency, he tweeted Sunday: "Why would I call China a currency manipulator when
they are working with us on the North Korean problem? We will see what happens!"
In his ABC interview, McMaster said that Trump had directed U.S. military,
diplomatic and intelligence officials to provide him with options -- in
concertation with regional allies including China -- that could be used "if the
North Korea regime refuses to denuclearize." He called North Korean leader Kim
Jong-Un "a threat to all people in the region, and globally as well," but
cautioned that Trump "is clearly comfortable making tough decisions."A White
House foreign policy adviser, briefing reporters on the plane carrying U.S. Vice
President Mike Pence to Seoul, was asked what steps China had committed to when
President Xi Jinping met recently with Trump in Florida. The briefer noted that
China had already turned back ships bearing coal from the North. "There were a
number of steps that were discussed down in Mar-a-Lago between President Xi and
President Trump," the briefer said, referring to Trump's Florida resort, adding
that the rejection of Pyongyang's coal was a "good first step."
Egypt acquits US-Egyptian citizen
after 3-year legal ordeal
The Associated Press, Cairo Sunday, 16 April 2017/An Egyptian court on Sunday
acquitted Aya Hijazi, a dual US-Egyptian citizen, after nearly three years of
detention over accusations related to running a foundation dedicated to helping
street children. Authorities arrested Hijazi, her husband and six others in May
2014 on charges of abusing children in her care and engaging in human
trafficking, kidnapping, sexual exploitation and torture. Local human rights
groups have said the charges are fabricated and part of a crackdown by Egypt's
government on civil society. Taher Abol Nasr, Hijazi's defense lawyer, said that
acquittal procedures usually take between two to three days. He expects Hijazi
and all the former defendants in the case to walk free before the end of this
week. “It’s up to them to decide whether they would demand compensations after
their release,” he added. The trial has been delayed multiple times on what
human rights groups say are absurd pretexts, like the inability to turn on a
computer at a court hearing. Former Democratic presidential candidate Hillary
Clinton, along with several congressmen and international rights groups, had
called for Hijazi’s release.
North Korean missile 'blows up' on test launch
Reuters/Jetusalem Post/April 16,
2017/SEOUL/PYONGYANG - A North Korean missile "blew up almost immediately" on
its test launch on Sunday, the US Pacific Command said, hours before US Vice
President Mike Pence was due in South Korea for talks on the North's
increasingly defiant arms program.The failed launch from North Korea's east
coast, ignoring admonitions from major ally China, came a day after North Korea
held a military parade in its capital, marking the birth anniversary of the
state founder, in which what appeared to be new long-range ballistic missiles
were on display.
South Korea said the combined show of force "threatened the whole world." Pence
is due in Seoul at the start of a 10-day trip to Asia in what his aides said was
a sign of the US commitment to its ally in the face of rising tension.
The US nuclear-powered USS Carl Vinson aircraft carrier strike group is also
heading to the region. ( A US Navy attack on a Syrian
airfield this month with Tomahawk missiles raised questions about US President
Donald Trump's plans for reclusive North Korea, which has conducted several
missile and nuclear tests in defiance of UN sanctions, regularly threatening to
destroy the South and the United States.
South Korea, which hosts 28,500 US troops, warned of punitive action if the
launch led to further provocations such as a nuclear test or a long-range
missile launch.
"North Korea showing a variety of offensive missiles at yesterday's military
parade and daring to fire a ballistic missile today is a show of force that
threatens the whole world," South Korea's Foreign Ministry said in a statement.
TIMING SIGNIFICANT The North has warned of a nuclear strike against the United
States if provoked. It has said it has developed and would launch a missile that
can strike the mainland United States but officials and experts believe it is
some time away from mastering the necessary technology. The US Pacific Command
said the missile "blew up almost immediately," adding the type of missile was
being analyzed. "The North attempted to launch an unidentified missile from near
the Sinpo region this morning but it is suspected to have failed," South Korea's
Office of the Joint Chiefs of Staff said in a statement.
There was a high degree of confidence it was not an intercontinental ballistic
missile, a US official said on condition of anonymity. A second US official said
the launch was land-based.
The timing of the test, coinciding with Pence's trip and a day after the
military parade, would suggest deliberate defiance.Pence had been briefed on the
failed launch en route to Seoul and had been in touch with Trump, White House
aides said.
The North launched a ballistic missile from the same region earlier this month
ahead of a summit between the United States and China to discuss the North's
arms program.
That missile flew about 60 km (40 miles) but what US officials said appeared to
be a liquid-fueled, extended-range Scud missile only traveled a fraction of its
range before spinning out of control. China has spoken out against North Korea's
missile and nuclear tests and has supported UN sanctions. China on Friday again
called for talks to defuse the crisis. Its national airline, Air China, has
canceled some flights to the North Korean capital, Pyongyang, due to poor demand
but it has not suspended all flights there, it said on Friday.
Hong Kong's South China Morning Post said on Sunday that state-owned China
International Travel Services, International – China’s main online
travel website – and many other Chinese operators had halted travel to North
Sinpo, where the Sunday launch took place, is the site of a North Korean
submarine base and where the North has tested the submarine-launched ballistic
missile it is developing.
“It appears today’s launch was already scheduled for re-launching after the
earlier test-firing,” said Kim Dong-yub, a military expert at Kyungnam
University's Institute of Far Eastern Studies in Seoul. “This launch can
possibly be a test for a new type of missile or an upgrade." Tension had
escalated sharply in the region amid concerns that the North may conduct a sixth
nuclear test or a ballistic missile test launch around Saturday's birth
anniversary of founding father Kim Il Sung that it calls the "Day of the Sun."
The White House has said Trump has put the North "on notice." MISSILE TEST? WHAT
TEST? Impoverished North Korea and the rich, democratic South are technically
still at war because their 1950-53 conflict ended in a truce, not a peace
Chinese tourists in Dandong, a city bordering North Korea, piled on to ferries
and speedboats on Sunday for cruises on the Yalu river and up-close views of
North Korean border guards and villages.Tourist Huang Xiaojie said North Korea
did not have the military ability to go to war.
"North Korea is just trying to gain more attention and gain more leverage," he
In Pyongyang, there was a festive atmosphere at a flower show, with families
out, taking pictures with North Korean-made smart phones. There was no mention
of the test failure on the KCNA state news agency. Company worker Rim Chung Ryol,
30, said he had not heard of the missile test. "If it is a failure, then failure
is the mother of success," he told Reuters. Asked if he believed international
media reports, he said no, because "international media often lies and reports
negative news about North Korea." Factory worker Ri Gul Chol, 37, enjoying the
exhibition with his wife and child, also had not heard about the missile test.
"But whatever Kim Jong Un decides and instructs will succeed and all the
citizens will support him," he said, referring to the North's young leader.
Massacre Complicates ‘Population Swap’ in Syria
Youssef Diab/Asharq Al-Awsat/April 16/17/Beirut – At least 100 people were
killed and around 500 were injured on Saturday when a bomb ripped through one of
the buses carrying refugees from the towns of Kefraya and Fua on their way to
the city of Aleppo, northern Syria. The convoy was carrying residents and
pro-regime fighters from the Shi’ite villages of Fua and Kefraya, which are
besieged by rebels in nearby Idlib province. The convoy had left under a deal,
which stipulates the complete evacuation of the two Shi’ite-majority towns of
Fua and Kefraya in return of the safe passage of a similar number of civilians
and their families from Madaya and Zabadani in the western Damascus suburbs to
northern Syrian areas.“Hezbollah” besieges Zabadani and Madaya. There were
conflicting reports about the nature of the explosion. The Syrian Observatory
for Human Rights said a car bomb targeted a convoy stuck since Friday morning at
a transit point in al-Rashideen while pro-regime media outlets spoke about a
suicide bomber set off a car bomb near the convoy of buses. Meanwhile, a
high-ranking source at the opposition accused the Syrian regime of planning the
explosion, adding that the car bomb that arrived to the convoy of buses “came
from a pro-regime area and carried food.” The source told DPA that a number of
Lebanon’s “Hezbollah” members escaped from the transit point of buses and had
benefited from the chaos produced by the explosion to enter areas controlled by
the Syrian regime forces.
Later on Saturday, the evacuation of refugees from the four towns of Fua,
Kefraya, Madaya and Zabadani resumed after being stuck for more than 37 hours at
the outskirts of the Aleppo city due to disputes between Hiy’at Tahreer al-Sham
and the Iranians concerning the fate of armed fighters in Zabadani.
Unprecedented Verbal Attack between Palestinian Authority,
Kifah Ziboun and Asharq Al-Awsat/April 16/17/Ramallah, Gaza – An unprecedented
verbal attack has broken out between the Palestinian Authority and Hamas on the
eve of a planned meeting between the two sides in Gaza in order to put an end to
the Palestinian division. Hamas Movement said that Palestinian Authority
President Mahmoud Abbas is leading a fourth aggression on Gaza on behalf of
Israeli occupation authorities with his latest decisions on Gaza salary cuts.
Hamas Spokesman Fawzi Barhoum said in a statement, on Saturday, that Abbas is
responsible for Gaza siege and isolation as well as the power and water crises
other than the lack of health services. Barhoum also held Abbas responsible for
denying workers of their basic rights and suspending allocations of martyrs, the
wounded and other needy categories. This language is different from that spoken
by Hamas in the past few days as they welcomed the delegation from the central
committee of Fatah movement that is supposed to arrive to Gaza any time before
the end of April to hold talks with Hamas movement and other factions. Notably,
Fatah delegation carries with it a specific initiative from Abbas, which calls
for dissolving Hamas’s committee it has established earlier to manage Gaza and
then carrying out public elections, otherwise the alternative would be to enact
more difficult measures against Gaza. Hamas escalated its speech against
President Abbas following the latter’s threats to take unprecedented measures in
case Hamas refused the options that will be suggested by the central delegation.
The Palestinian authority government started last month to cut salaries of Gaza
employees by 30 to 50%, which sparked a wave of anger among the Fatah leadership
in Gaza and their staff before the president threatened to take unspecified
further steps.
Abbas warned that he will take “unprecedented steps” to end the political
division between his West Bank-based autonomy government and the Hamas-run Gaza
Strip. Abbas told Palestinian diplomats in Bahrain during conference of the
ambassadors of Palestine to Arab and Muslim countries: “These days, we are in a
dangerous and tough situation that requires decisive steps, and we are to take
these decisive steps.”“Therefore, we are going to take unprecedented steps in
the coming days to end the division.”Gaza’s Energy Authority went on strike on
Friday in protest of the unjust measures taken against Palestinians in the
besieged strip.During the protests, several participants carried candles in a
message to Abbas and his government that Gaza would never yield to their
extortions and threats. For his part, Mushir al-Masri, a member of the
Palestinian Legislative Council, told demonstrators: “We are not blind to the
enemy’s use of tricks including tightening the siege using its cheap tools:
Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas and Prime Minister Rami Hamdallah.
Tightening the siege will blow up in the occupation’s face.”
Abbas to meet with Trump in May, Palestinian official says
Adam Rasgon/Jerusalem Post/April 16, 2017/Palestinian Authority President
Mahmoud Abbas will meet US President Donald Trump on May 3rd in Washington,
D.C., top Palestinian official Ahmad Majdalani said on Sunday.“This is a very
important visit in which we hope to agree on the fundamentals to revive the
peace process and discuss bilateral relations,” Majdalani told The Jerusalem
Post in a phone call. Majdalani added that an advance team, including chief
Palestinian negotiator Saeb Erekat, PA Intelligence Chief Majid Faraj and
Abbas’s economic adviser Mohammad Mustafa, will arrive in the American capitol
in the coming days to meet with a number of officials in the Trump
administration. The advance team and the Trump administration officials the
peace process, economic, and security issues, according to Majdalani. Trump
invited Abbas to the White House in March during his first phone call with the
Palestinian leader. Majdalani said that the Palestinian leadership is hopeful
about the Trump administrations’ plans for renewing the peace process. “I am
optimistic,” Majdalani said. Abbas is expected to visit a number of Arab and
European countries ahead of his visit to Washington.
Iranian VP, Rafsanjani’s Brother Enter Presidential Race
Adel al-Salmi/Asharq Al-Awsat/April 16/17/London – The final stages of the
Iranian presidential elections’ registration had few hidden surprises. Just
before closing the registration, both competing parties, the conservative and
moderates revealed their candidates.
Confirmations have been made concerning a shadow candidate for the current
President after his first deputy Es’haq Jahangiri decided to run the
presidential elections as the second main candidate of the pro-reform groups.
Meanwhile, two of major reform movement candidates announced a meeting with
Iran’s Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei during which they discussed several issues
including human rights issues and the ongoing house arrest of Green Movement
leaders and 2009 elections’ candidates Mir Hossein Mousavi and Mehdi Karroubi.
Last hour negotiations between Hossein Marashi, reformist politician and member
of Executives of Construction Party, and Reformist figure Abdolvahed Mousavi
Lari were an attempt to convince President Rouhani of Jahangiri’s competing in
the elections. The case of the “shadow” candidate stirred wide debates between
reformists and moderates as the latter believe having a sufficient amount of
candidate would ensure Rouhani alienation from the elections by the Elections
Headquarters. Jahangiri said he is going into elections to support Rouhani,
adding that his primary goal is to clarify what the government begin and end
with. His candidacy comes after the government spokesperson Mohammad Bagher
Nobakht denied on April 09 any candidate from the current government. Speaking
to reporters after completing the registration process, Jahangiri said unity is
needed to overcome challenges. He did admit that unemployment هs among the
country’s main problems.
Over the past few months, the government was under fire from the conservative
party and media close to Khamenei and Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC).
As of now, Rouhani loyalist party is holding its breath before the Elections
Headquarters decides the results of the applicants approved as of April 20. Head
of the Elections Headquarters Ali-Asghar Ahmadi said that totally 1,636
candidates filed for the elections few hours after a five-day time to register
for Iran’s upcoming presidential elections came to an end. Mohammad Hashemi
Rafsanjani, the brother of the late chairman of the Expediency Council, Akbar
Hashemi Rafsanjani, also on Saturday put his name down for the presidential
contest. Rafsanjani said that he plans to remain in the presidential race until
the end and added that he plans to run the country according to priorities and
program approved by the parliament. He added that he held meetings with several
officials and that he was assigned to compete for the next president. When asked
about his reaction in case his candidacy was rejected, he stated that he’ll
leave it to God. Meanwhile, ILNA news agency reported candidate Mohsin Ruhami
saying he held talks with Khamenei during which they discussed the house arrest
of Mir Hossein Mousavi, his wife and Mehdi Karroubi. He promised to publish the
details of the meeting as soon as the registration is over. He criticised the
economic situation of the country, calling the election “a historic choice” to
make “fundamental changes in the status quo”.
Speaking to reporters after his registration, Qalibaf disputed Rouhani’s claims
about the current administration’s economic performance. Among other officials
in the presidential race are: former minister of Agriculture Jihad Sadeq
Khalilian, former lawmaker Evaz Heidarpour, Chairman of the Iranian Parliament’s
Education and Research Committee Mohammad Mehdi Zahedi, member of Tehran’s
Islamic City Council Hassan Bayyadi, former vice president for parliamentary
affairs Ahmad Moussavi and lawmaker Hamid Reza Haji-Babaei were.
Titles For Latest LCCC Bulletin analysis & editorials
from miscellaneous sources published on
April 16-17/17
Russia is Defending itself not Assad
Tariq Alhomayed/Ashara Al Awsat/April 16/17
Yesterday, we discussed Bashar al-Assad’s trouble following the US strike and
his denial of the town of Khan Shaykhoun chemical attack by saying it was 100%
Russia’s Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said the reports indicating there is a
chemical attack in the town are fake. Lavrov’s statements came during a press
conference in Moscow on Friday held jointly with the Assad’ regime FM and the
Iranian FM.
Are Lavrov and Assad on the same page? Is Lavrov defending Assad? They may share
the same understanding but surely the motives are different. It seems that
Lavrov is not defending Damascus’ criminal as much as he is protecting Russia
which vowed in 2013 to remove Assad’s chemical arsenal after using it against
Moscow took that pledge so that Assad can evade crossing the red lines set by
former US President Barack Obama who was lenient towards Assad’s crime and cast
a blind eye as part of a Russian debunked trick.
Things are different today, precisely after the US strike. Russia can no longer
be the honest mediator after Assad used chemical weapons once again. One can’t
rely on the credibility of Russia in Syria.
It is astounding that Russia, Iran and Assad’s regime, are demanding via Lavrov
a thorough and honest investigation into the chemical attack in Idlib.
It is “astounding” because Russia itself had used the veto for the 8th time
during the security council’s session on Wednesday to protect Assad from being
condemned for using the toxic gas and thus pressuring Assad to cooperate with an
international investigation into that incident!
It is also “astounding” since Assad himself had told AFP: “Syria would only
allow an impartial investigation into the poison gas incident involving unbiased
countries in order to make sure that they won’t use it for politicized
He added that during the days that followed the attack, they discussed with
Russia the possibility of an international investigation.
So, who should do such an investigation? How can it be international without
being under the umbrella of an international organization of the UN? Is it that
they want Russia to do the investigation and thus repeat the charade of Arab
observers in Syria?
This is quite strange and it gives away the fact that Russia is not defending
Assad as much as it is trying to protect its credibility. That is why Moscow
hindered the UN project and demanded a new definition of “impartial”
investigation and outside the UN monitoring.
Russia is doing this to protect its credibility that was tampered by Assad,
which is his game. By game here we mean lying. But who believes Moscow now?
Is using chemical weapons any different that explosive barrels? Or killing
Syrians with Russian-Iranian weapons?
"Spit on the Cross or Die"/Muslim Persecution of
Christians, January 2017
Raymond Ibrahim//Gatestone Institute/April 16/17
According to the Christian Association of Nigeria, 900 Christian churches have
been destroyed in 12 northern states that adopted Islamic law, in the early
A blasphemy case was registered against Shaan Taseer — son of Salman Taseer, a
human rights activist and defender of persecuted Christians who was assassinated
by Muslims — for saying "Merry Christmas." — Pakistan.
Thanks to dishonest Muslim translators, immigration officials are rejecting
asylum applications from Muslim converts to Christianity from Iran and
Afghanistan during what one pastor characterized as "kangaroo court" hearings.
Rev. Gottfried Martens accused the "almost exclusively Muslim translators" of
deliberately mistranslating their responses to disqualify their applications. —
Tragic stories of Christian experiences under the Islamic State continued to
emerge throughout the month of January. A Christian doctor who forfeited the
chance to escape his Syrian village after ISIS had captured it because he wanted
to stay and help the sick and needy, both Christian and Muslim, was kidnapped by
the Muslim terrorists and ordered to renounce Christ for Muhammad. When he
refused, they publicly slaughtered him. Similarly, after ISIS ordered another
Christian youth in Syria to embrace Islam, he too refused and was slaughtered
for it. His mother — who was prevented from burying her martyred son's body —
recalled that when ISIS first invaded their village, he reminded her of Jesus'
assertion in the New Testament: "If you deny me before men I will deny you
before the Father."
After members of ISIS raided the home of Zarefa, an elderly Christian woman in
Iraq, they discovered crucifixes and Christian icons. "They forced me to spit on
the Cross," she recalled.
"I told them that it was not appropriate, that it was a sin. He said that I must
spit. 'Don't you see that I have a gun?' he asked me. I said to myself, 'Oh, the
Cross! I am weak, I will spit on you. But Lord, I ask you to take revenge for
me. I cannot escape from this.'"
According to the report, "The shame is still visible on Zarefa's face when she
recounts the memory; her town, Qaraqosh, is liberated now, but she is still
recovering from the traumatic two years that are only just behind her."
A Christian widow and her teenage son from the Nineveh plains of Iraq recounted
their treatment after ISIS took their village. The boy described how the
militants once marched him "by men in orange suits, held at gunpoint by a group
of Daesh [ISIS] children."
"The children executed them with pleasure... Another time I ran into a big crowd
on the street. There was a woman; her hands and feet were tied. The Daesh
terrorists drew a circle around her. If she got out of the circle, she would
live, but that was impossible because she was tied. While her relatives were
crying and begging for a pardon, the Jihadists threw stones at her until she
After being made to watch several such execution, the militants told him: "If
you do not convert to Islam, we will shoot you as well." The boy, who was 14 at
the time, added: "That is when I converted to Islam. From that time on, we
concealed that we were Christians." Later, when the jihadis discovered he was
wearing a crucifix around his neck, they beat him and sent him to an Islamic
"correctional camp" where he was indoctrinated in the Koran for a month.
"I was hit whenever I could not answer their questions [about Muslim doctrine]
the way they wanted me to, and my mother was stung with long needles because she
had not studied anything from the Koran."
After two years under ISIS, they managed to escape. "Yes, I am embarrassed for
having had to profess Islam," the boy said.
The rest of the accounts of Muslim persecution of Christians to surface in
January 2017 include, but are not limited to, the following:
Muslim Violence against and Slaughter of Christians
Egypt: Over the course of just 10 days in January, four Christians were
slaughtered on three separate occasions. On January 3, a Muslim man crept up
behind a Christian man, 45, and slit his throat, because he owned a shop that
sold alcohol, which the Muslim deemed "contrary to the Sharia [Islamic law] and
the religion [Islam]." On January 6, a married Christian couple (husband 62,
wife 55) were found slaughtered in their home in Monufia, north Egypt. Their
throats were slit and their bodies had multiple stab wounds. Nothing was stolen
from their apartments; relatives say it was a hate crime based on their
religion. On Friday, January 13, another Christian man, a young surgeon —
well-liked by poor Muslim and Christian locals for providing them with free
treatment — was found slaughtered in his apartment in Asyut, southern Egypt. He
too had stab wounds to his neck, chest, and back.
Philippines: According to a January 12, 2017 report, a former Muslim convert to
Christianity was found slaughtered in his home by local Muslims for apostatizing
from Islam. During his time as a Muslim, Datu was hostile to Christianity; when
he found that a Christian youth was courting his daughter and the couple wanted
to marry, he began to hurl stones at the boy's father, a pastor. Later, when
even death threats failed to separate the couple — and after securing a large
dowry from the Christian family — Datu agreed to the marriage. During the church
ceremony, which was conducted by the bridegroom's father, whom Datu used to
stone, the Muslim man was struck by what he heard to the point that he converted
to Christianity. He then fled to another town to avoid persecution and study the
Bible. When he returned home to visit his family, he was found dead, killed by
local Muslims for apostatizing from Islam.
Germany: A court heard how a 27-year-old Muslim intruder named Abubaker broke
into the Heilbronn home of a 70-year-old Christian woman described as a "devout
Catholic" and "regular churchgoer." He tied her up, abused her, placed a cross
in her hands, and strangled her to death. Then he wrote "a series of Arabic and
religious messages around the house" — including "It's payback time" in English
— before stealing some items and fleeing the scene. The defendant — described as
a "strict Muslim" — is of Pakistani descent and grew up in Saudi Arabia.
Although his DNA was found on the scene of the murder as well as an imprint of
the sole of his red shoes and fibers from his jacket, Abubaker insisted the
charges against him were a "lie" and that he was being "framed by a religious
France: Apparently, the slaughter of Fr. Jacques Hamel, when Muslim terrorists
marched into his church during morning mass and slit his throat, was just the
spectacular tip of an iceberg of Muslim persecution of Christians in France. A
new study reveals that "Islamist extremist attacks on Christians in France
intensified in 2016, with the country experiencing a 38 percent rise in
faith-related incidents. Attacks rose from 273 in 2015 to 376 in 2016," the
majority occurring during the last Christmas season. "Many of the attacks took
place in churches and other places of worship. One church had its wall
vandalised by blasphemous graffiti. A Jesus Christ figure at a Catholic memorial
in Fournes-en-Weppes was likewise attacked by the Islamist militants." In
response to these hate crimes, growing numbers of clergymen are going as far as
to accuse Muslim terrorists of demonic possession. Concerning the murder of Fr.
Hamel, right before the Muslim assailant slit his throat, the priest reportedly
shouted, "Be gone, Satan!", and during his memorial service, Archbishop
Dominique Lebrun called on those "who are tormented by diabolical violence, you
who are drawn to kill by a demonic, murderous madness, [to] pray to God to free
you from the devil's grip."
Nigeria: On Saturday, January 7 a group of Muslim herdsmen invaded a
predominantly Christian village, where they killed six police officers and four
civilians, and destroyed houses and a police truck. According to the report"
"The Fulani are the largest nomadic people group in the world and are known for
the high level of importance they assign to their cattle. They are predominantly
Muslim and often carry out attacks in Nigeria in the name of Islam. However,
Nigeria has refused to recognize them as a terrorist group."
Separately, because hundreds of Christians have been slaughtered by Muslim
Fulani in recent weeks and months, the Christian Association of Nigeria
designated Sunday, January 8, "as a national day of mourning for Christians
killed by Muslim Fulani terrorists in southern Kaduna State," said a report. It
described the killings as ethnic and religious cleansing by "Islamic
fundamentalists disguising as Fulani herdsmen." This contradicts Nigerian
President Buhari, a Muslim, who attributes Fulani violence against Christians to
"poverty, injustice and the lack of job opportunities." Other analysts,
especially in the West, cite climate change and desertification as factors.
Christian leaders said Buhari's minimizing of the Fulani attacks "speaks volumes
over perceived official endorsement of the dastardly and ungodly acts".
Uganda: On January 15, a Muslim mob consisting of nearly 100 men attacked a
Christian church during a prayer meeting. They locked the congregation in, beat
several male members with clubs and sticks, tied them up, and then raped 15
women. "Previously," notes the report, "Muslims had only thrown stones at the
roof of the church building to disrupt church services of the 500-member
congregation." During the attack, a Christian heard a Muslim yell, "Away with
the pastor who is converting our Muslims to Christianity." Since two weeks after
the attack, the pastor and eight other Christians remain missing.
Pakistan: Muhammad Din and three other Muslim men broke into a Christian
household while the man of the house was out working and gang-raped his wife;
while doing so they also demanded that she and her family to abandon their home,
which is adjacent to the home of Muhammad Din. Before leaving, they set fire to
the house; the Christian couples' four children managed to escape the flames,
but the rape victim's elderly father could not get out in time and suffered
burns. When they rushed the elderly "infidel" to a hospital, treatment was
denied him. Since then, the 70-year-old "father of [the] victim of gang rape
knocked [on] every door for justice to lodge report against Muslim rapists but
due to their influence and contact in government none was ready to register case
against them."
Separately, on New Year's Eve, an armed Muslim mob attacked a Christian
neighborhood, described as a "mission compound," in Sukkur; 10 Christians were
injured. According to the report, "the attackers had tortured the elderly,
women, children and men alike." Some of the assailants wore police uniforms. The
reason behind the attack is apparently that the Muslims want to evict them from
their homes and seize the land for themselves.
Somalia: A report makes clear why the Horn of Africa is now considered the
second worst nation in which to be a Christian:
"[T]he mere suspicion [that a Somali has become Christian] leads to a rushed
public beheading. Christians cannot raise their children according to their
faith and would face severe problems if they attempted to celebrate Christian
holidays. In a nutshell, to survive in the country Christians must pretend not
to be Christians."
One international law analyst said that "killing Christian converts in Somalia
has become very common" and "implied that the converts in North Korea are better
off, even though the latter is the world's top Christian persecutor."
Muslim Attacks on Christian Churches
Germany: Muslim vandals devastated a Christian parish in the town of Brühl and
wrote Islamic slogans on the walls. According to the report, "the vandals left a
'picture of devastation' [according to police statements], destroying glass
panes, breaking doors and writing 'Islamist' slogans on the walls." Despite the
Islamic nature of the slogans, police said they "do not assume" they are
relevant to the motive for the attack.
Nigeria: According to the Christian Association of Nigeria, 900 Christian
churches have been destroyed in 12 northern states that adopted Islamic law, in
the early 2000s. In January, the government of one of those sharia-compliant
states, Jigawa State, ordered two churches — the Redeemed Christian Church of
God and the Lord's Chosen Church — both of which had been operating for more
than 25 years, to be bulldozed to the ground; 800 Christians were left without a
place to worship. Because authorities did not give church leaders any notice,
they were unable to save Bibles, valuables, and other personal possessions.
According to the report, "Christians in Jigawa State are suffering increasing
persecution and discrimination from their Muslim counterparts and local
leaders," many of whom are "hell-bent on enforcing restrictive laws on
Christians. These church demolitions are just one example in the bigger picture
of systemic persecution in these regions."
Iraq: At least 100 places of worship, mostly Christian, with a few Yazidi
temples, have been vandalized or completely demolished in the territories of
Mosul and Nineveh Province since June 2014, when the Islamic State captured
them, said a report. Locals told how ISIS set fire to the Church of the
Immaculate Conception and beheaded its statues: "The jihadists used the church
as a shooting range and the mannequins [statues] as targets. The mannequins are
completely riddled [with bullets]." St George's Syriac Catholic Church was
transformed into an improvised bomb factory; hundreds of bombs and grenades were
found there, battle plans were written on church walls, and chemicals were found
in the building together with instructions on how to mix them into explosives.
Muslim Attacks on Christian Freedom: No to Apostasy, Blasphemy, and
Uganda: At a New Year's celebration, Muslim relatives of Sandra, a 24-year-old
former Muslim woman who put her faith in Christ at a Christmas service, coerced
her into taking poison. From her hospital bed, she shared her story:
"I had great peace when the pastor prayed for me to take Jesus as my savior....
I later shared my testimony with my brother, who outrightly accused me of being
an infidel and an outcast from the family and the Muslim community. I felt great
pain inside me because of the insults."
On the following day, Sunday, January 1, her immediate family and a few other
relatives gathered together for a meal in the predominantly Muslim village. At
one point, a paternal uncle read to her a Bible verse and suggested it meant God
would protect her from harm, including illness from ingesting poison.
"He said, 'Do you believe that Issa [Jesus] is able to protect you from poison
as written in the Bible?' and I answered 'Yes'.... Immediately I was forced to
take the poison to confirm my faith in the Bible, at around midnight. I could
not deny the Bible, so I took the rat poison.... I started having severe stomach
pains together with vomiting and cried for help. I was taken away from the
homestead to a nearby bush. I was tied with a rope to a tree and left to die."
Her desperate cries awoke a Christian neighbor who came to the scene, saw her
condition, and rushed her to a local hospital where, last reported, she was in
stable condition.
Separately, six Muslims ambushed and beat a church leader after a sheikh, who
had been dispatched to assassinate the pastor and destroy his church, ended up
converting to Christianity instead.
Algeria: Samir Chamek, a 34-year-old Christian man, was sentenced to one year in
prison after a court found him "guilty of insulting Islam and its prophet over
items he posted on his Facebook page." The sentencing follows a year-long legal
battle. Judicial police were presented with pictures and comments on Chamek's
Facebook page, which were described as "accusing the prophet Muhammad of
terrorism and murder and comparing the prophet to Hitler, mentioning the
persecution and massacre of the Jews."
Pakistan: As happens every month, several Christians were falsely accused of
blasphemy by Muslims looking to "settle the score":
An evangelical Christian was arrested on charges of blasphemy and faces the
death penalty. According to a complaint by a Muslim, Haji Nadeem, Shahbaz Babu
desecrated the Koran by writing his name on some pages, tearing them up and then
scattering them on the street in front of a mosque. Although the Muslim admits
he did not see the accused in the act, Babu — whom human rights activists say is
"completely illiterate" — was nonetheless arrested. In a nation where the mere
accusation that an infidel insulted Islam could get the non-Muslim killed by the
mob, executed by the state or simply imprisoned, Babu's defenders wonder at the
notion that he "is supposed to have desecrated the Qurʾān in secret, but then
left the evidence for everyone to see." Others say that he was disliked by the
mosque because several members had stopped attending it and listening to the
evangelist who is popular in his region.
An imam in Lambanwali accused an elderly Christian of writing and sending to him
a series of "derogatory letters" in which he defamed the Islamic prophet
Muhammad. Once the blasphemy accusation was made, police promptly stormed the
Christian's home in the night and arrested his entire family. Although the man
denies the accusation — correctly pointing out that in Pakistan only someone
with a death-wish would do what he is accused of doing — he "is likely to face
an imprisonment of 10 years while there are assumptions that Section 295-C might
be invoked in order to aggravate the punishment to death penalty," said the
A blasphemy case was registered against Shaan Taseer — son of Salman Taseer, a
human rights activist and defender of persecuted Christians who was assassinated
by Muslims — for saying "Merry Christmas."
Five Christian-rights activists were known for their public opposition to the
country's blasphemy laws; all went missing the same week.
Iran: "The Iranian government strives to limit the exposure of the majority
Muslim Farsi-speaking Iranians to Christianity by banning them from attending
church services, especially during the Christmas season," said a report on the
conditions of Christians in the Shia-majority nation.
"Such restrictions are in place to slow down the spread of Christianity in the
country. In recent years, all churches were strictly banned from holding Farsi
Bible study sessions and refrained from any form of evangelistic activities. The
official figure for the number of Christians in Iran is 200,000 individuals and
only those officially recognized as Christians are allowed to celebrate
Christmas in official churches. All others, including Farsi-speaking Christians
are not allowed in churches."
Indonesia: A court decided to bar media coverage on the trial of the
Chinese-Christian Governor of Jakartaka, known as Ahok. He is charged with
insulting Islam and desecrating the Koran. The blasphemy controversy erupted
when a video appeared online of Ahok saying that many Muslims misunderstand
Koran 5:51 — which commands Muslims not to befriend Jews and Christians. That a
Christian would dare try to distort the Koran's call for hostility against
Christians and Jews in order to boost his chances at reelection was deemed
blasphemous enough to prompt mass riots and calls for his death in Indonesia.
In the same manner, less than one month after Yulius Suharto, a Christian man,
was hired to be the sub-district chief of Pajangan, he was fired and relocated
to a mostly non-Muslim region, "following a massive lobbying campaign launched
on social media by Islamic extremist groups and radical Muslims who targeted him
because he is Catholic.... Most officials welcomed the decision to remove the
official because he was not Muslim."
Muslim Contempt for and Discrimination against Christians
Pakistan: Back in 2013, after Muslims accused a Christian man living in Joseph
Colony of blasphemy against Muhammad, approximately 3,000 Muslims descended on
the predominantly Christian neighborhood in Lahore. During the attack they set
fire to more than 150 Christian homes, shops, and two churches, and displaced
hundreds of Christians. In January 2017, an anti-terrorism court acquitted all
115 ringleaders of the attacks, leaving many Christians, including the victims,
bereft of justice. One Christian leader said:
"It's a sheer disappointment. The message is clear for us. Those who attack
minorities and openly preach hate can go scot-free. Perhaps the pictures and
video footages clearly showing faces was not enough evidence."
Egypt: Prosecutors in Minya province dropped a case against ringleaders of a
Muslim mob that stripped naked and paraded a 70-year-old Christian woman in the
streets, before plundering and then torching the homes of seven Christian
families. Eihab Ramzy, the lawyer of the victim said, "It's a calamity" and
pointed out that "preliminary investigations heard testimonies supporting her
account from family members and policemen at the scene." Meanwhile, the elderly
woman, Souad Thabet, and her family are unable to return to their home due to
ongoing Muslim threats. According to Thabet:
"The government is allowing the oppressors to walk free on the streets... This
is our village that we were born and raised in.... How can we be the victims and
not be able to return to our village and homes? I feel let down for a second
time. I feel that nobody is standing by our side."
Kyrgyzstan: In late 2016, approximately 70 people were involved with a mob that
dug up the body of a Christian twice and reburied it elsewhere without informing
the family. They did so because the deceased "had been a practicing Christian in
a village that was overwhelmingly Muslim, and local religious leaders restricted
the cemetery to Muslims." In response, only three of the 70 went to trial for
their actions and they all received suspended jail sentences.
Bangladesh: Although police manage to rescue some non-Muslim children from the
notorious child-trafficking rings that proliferate in the Muslim-majority nation
— four were rescued in January — the fate of many more children remains grim.
According to the report:
"Over the past seven years, the Bangladeshi police has rescued 72 children from
a crime ring led by religious fanatics... [T]he group targets underprivileged
indigenous communities most of whose members are Christians, Hindus or
Buddhists. The religious extremists belonging to these crime ring[s] entice
parents with prospects of a better future for their children, which then end up
in [Islamic] madrasas around the country to be forcefully converted to Islam....
The forced religious conversion of young children adds yet another facet to the
already severe marginalization of ethnic and religious minorities in Southeast
Germany: Thanks to dishonest Muslim translators, immigration officials are
rejecting asylum applications from Muslim converts to Christianity from Iran and
Afghanistan, during what one pastor characterized as "kangaroo court" hearings.
Rev. Gottfried Martens accused the "almost exclusively Muslim translators" who
"mocked and laughed at" Christian asylum seekers of deliberately mistranslating
their responses to disqualify their applications.
"He also referred to attacks on Christian asylum seekers by radical Muslims, and
criticised the Catholic Church and the Protestant EKD Church, which had opposed
housing Christian and Muslim refugees separately because doing so might suggest
religions could not coexist peacefully."
A spokesman for the disqualified Christians said:
"These Christians have either fled from their home countries because of their
newfound faith and the persecution they had to face because of it, or have come
to believe in Jesus Christ after fleeing to Germany. Sending them back to their
countries of origin is completely irresponsible in view of the situation for
Christian converts in places like Iran or Afghanistan, because it is truly a
matter of life and death."
In Germany, thanks to dishonest Muslim translators, immigration officials are
rejecting asylum applications from Muslim converts to Christianity from Iran and
Afghanistan. Pictured: Hasan (left), a Yezidi refugee in Germany who was
threatened by Muslims, speaks to a reporter from German public television about
how a government-employed translator deliberately mistranslated his complaint
and took the side of his attackers. (Image source: Bayerischer Rundfunk video
United Kingdom: After Rev. Kelvin Holdsworth of St. Mary's Cathedral invited
Muslims to recite the Koran during an Epiphany service, Madinah Javed, a law
student from Glasgow went beyond reciting the passage in the service sheet to
include verses that explicitly denied Jesus was God's son — a cardinal Christian
doctrine that Islam rejects. Regardless, Holdsworth posted a video of the
reading on Facebook and described it as "wonderful event." This prompted outrage
from some Christians who emphatically called on Holdsworth to resign. The video
was removed and police, who later issued the following statement, were called:
"Police Scotland will not tolerate any form of hate crime and encourages all
communities to continue working together to ensure no one feels threatened or
About this Series
While not all, or even most, Muslims are involved, persecution of Christians by
Muslims is growing. The report posits that such Muslim persecution is not random
but rather systematic, and takes place irrespective of language, ethnicity, or
** Raymond Ibrahim is the author of Crucified Again: Exposing Islam's New War on
Christians (published by Regnery with Gatestone Institute, April 2013).
A Month of Islam and Multiculturalism in Britain: March
Soeren Kern/Gatestone Institute/April 16/17
"Have you seen some of those ISIS propaganda videos, they are cut like action
movies. Where is the counter narrative?" — Riz Ahmed, actor.
Britain's foreign aid budget is reportedly funding at least two dozen
Palestinian schools, some of which are named after terrorists and murderers and
which openly promote terrorism and encourage pupils to see child killers as role
An estimated 400 home-grown jihadis have returned to the United Kingdom after
fighting in Syria, but only 54 of those have been prosecuted, according to a
Mail on Sunday investigation, which also discovered that some returned jihadis
are roaming free on the streets of Britain.
March 1. A new Channel 4 documentary series called "Extremely British Muslims"
showed the inner workings of a sharia court inside Birmingham's Central Mosque.
In the first episode, viewers witnessed the case of mother-of-four Fatima, 33,
as she sought permission to divorce her drug dealer husband she says has abused
her throughout their 14-year marriage. According to sharia law, Muslim women
must plead their divorce cases in court, while Muslim men need only to say the
words "I divorce you" three times to obtain a divorce. Birmingham Central Mosque
said it allowed the sharia proceedings to be filmed in an effort to "break down
misconceptions about Islam." Some 100 sharia courts in Britain are now
dispensing Islamic justice outside the remit of the British legal system.
March 2. English actor Riz Ahmed warned that the lack of Muslim faces on British
television was alienating young people, driving them towards extremism and into
the arms of the Islamic State. Delivering Channel 4's annual diversity lecture
in Parliament, Ahmed said that television had a pivotal role to play in ensuring
that Muslims felt heard, and valued, in British society:
"If we fail to represent, we are in danger of losing people to extremism. In the
mind of the ISIS recruit, he's the next James Bond right? Have you seen some of
those ISIS propaganda videos, they are cut like action movies. Where is the
counter narrative? Where are we telling these kids they can be heroes in our
stories — that they are valued? If we don't step up and tell a representative
story we are going to start losing British teenagers to the story that the next
chapter in their lives is written with ISIS in Syria."
March 3. The Amateur Swimming Association changed its swimsuit regulations to
allow Muslim women to wear full body outfits, after a request from the Muslim
Women's Sport Foundation. The rule was changed to encourage more Muslim women to
take part in the sport. Rimla Akhtar, from the Muslim Women's Sport Foundation,
"Participation in sport amongst Muslim women is increasing at a rapid pace. It
is imperative that governing bodies adapt and tailor their offerings to suit the
changing landscape of sport, including those who access their sport."
March 4. Ryan Counsell, 28, a jihadist from Nottingham who left his wife and two
small children to fight with the Abu Sayyaf Islamist group in the Philippines,
blamed his behavior on the Brexit vote. He told the Woolwich Crown Court that
increased tension within the local Muslim community after Brexit sparked his
decision to leave. He said that he wanted to escape Britain's political climate
and seek an "idyllic life" under sharia law. He was arrested at Stansted airport
in July 2016 and was later sentenced to eight years in prison.
March 5. Homegrown terrorism inspired by the Islamic State poses the dominant
threat to the national security of the United Kingdom, according to a
comprehensive new report on violent Islamism in Britain. The 1,000-page report —
"Islamist Terrorism: Analysis of Offenses and Attacks in the UK (1998–2015)" —
was published by the Henry Jackson Society, a foreign policy think tank based in
The report found that number of Islamism-related offenses (IROs) in Britain
doubled between 2011 and 2015 from 12 to 23 a year. More than half (52%) of IROs
were committed by individuals of South Asian ancestry: British-Pakistanis (25%)
and British-Bangladeshis (8%). Other offenders had family ties to countries in
Africa, the Middle East and the Caribbean. Forty-seven percent of IROs were
committed by individuals born in the UK.
The also report showed a clear link between terrorism and growing up in
Muslim-dominated neighborhoods. London was the place of residence of 43% of
IROs, followed by West Midlands, with 18%. Of the latter, 80% of IROs were in
Birmingham. The third most common region was North West England, with 10% of
IROs. Together, these three regions contained the residences in almost
three-quarters (72%) of cases. East London was home to half (50%) the
London-based offenders, while the three most common boroughs — Tower Hamlets,
Newham and Waltham Forest — contained the residence of offenders' in 38% of all
London IROs (and 16% overall).
March 6. British security services have prevented 13 potential terror attacks
since June 2013, according to Assistant Commissioner Mark Rowley, the UK's most
senior counter-terrorism police officer. He also said that there were 500 live
counter-terror investigations at any given time, and that investigators have
been arresting terror suspects at a rate of close to one a day since 2014. The
official threat level for international terrorism in the UK has stood at severe
— meaning an attack is "highly likely" — for more than two years.
March 7. The National Health Service (NHS) revealed that there were 2,332 new
cases of female genital mutilation (FGM) in Britain between October and December
2016. That brought the total of new cases in 2016 to nearly 5,500.
March 7. The managers of the cash-strapped Sandwell General Hospital near
Birmingham are considering the construction of a special kitchen for preparing
halal meals for Muslim patients and staff. The move follows complaints about the
quality of halal meals that the hospital has outsourced to local vendors. A
spokesman said: "We are still reviewing options around creating a separate halal
kitchen and the best ways to provide a range of healthy halal options to
patients and staff who want them."
March 10. The BBC announced that it would begin outsourcing production of Songs
of Praise, a Sunday worship program that has been produced in-house for 55
years. Critics of the move said they feared that Songs of Praise will lose its
Christian focus in favor of Islam. Anglican priest Lynda Rose said a recent
Songs of Praise episode featuring a segment about the Muslim faith, including
Church of England children visiting a mosque, exemplified the "Islamization of
the BBC." More than 6,000 people have signed an online petition calling for MPs
to investigate the BBC after it appointed Fatima Salaria as the BBC's head of
religious programming — the second Muslim in a row to hold the post.
March 11. Britain's foreign aid budget is reportedly funding at least two dozen
Palestinian schools, some of which are named after terrorists and murderers and
which openly promote terrorism and encourage pupils to see child killers as role
models. A Mail on Sunday investigation found pictures of "martyrs" posted on
school walls, revolutionary slogans and symbols painted on premises used by
youngsters, sports events named after teenage terrorists and children encouraged
to act out shooting Israeli soldiers in plays.
Head teachers openly admitted to flouting attempts by British and European
donors to control the curriculum at schools. They reportedly print overtly
political study aids for pupils, some even denying the existence of Israel,
while teachers boast of encouraging pupils to emulate teenage "martyrs" killed
in terrorist attacks in the region.
One senior teacher from a prominent West Bank school, when asked what he would
say to a pupil threatening to attack Israelis, said: "I would tell them go in
the name of Allah."
March 11. Islamic preachers may be asked to begin delivering their sermons in
English under measures being prepared to rid Britain of hate preaching. The
Telegraph reported that the government's counter-extremism taskforce is working
on the plans amid concern that preaching in foreign languages enforces divisions
between Islam and mainstream British society and can foster radicalization.
March 12. An Islamic bookstore in Alum Rock, a predominately Muslim suburb of
Birmingham that has produced 10% of all of Britain's convicted terrorists, was
found to be openly selling books promoting jihad. The Sunday Express visited the
Madina Book Centre and bought a copy of the 440-page "Bringing up Children in
Islam" for £5 ($6). The book encourages parents to "keep alive in the children
the spirit of jihad." It says:
"They [your children] may be inspired to strive for the restoration of the glory
of Islam and Muslims. Jihad of warfare is where all humans spend their energies
to stop a tyrant from being oppressive, for example when a tyrant makes it
difficult for people to fulfill the commands of Allah to propagate Islam.
"Tyrants must be subdued whether they rule in an Islamic or non-Islamic land, or
whether they are on a battlefield.
"It is the duty of Muslims to divert people from worshipping created things to
the worship of the Almighty Allah alone."
The book also rails against cinema and theater, arguing they are the work of
"evil-minded" Jews, and warns of a Jewish conspiracy to take over the world. The
book supports adulterers being stoned to death and Muslim schoolchildren being
kept separate from others: "Education under unbelieving and atheist teachers
results in them going astray. Dangerous, communistic and materialistic ideas
grow in their minds."
March 14. A father who describes himself as "Anglo-Saxon" lost a legal battle to
prevent his Muslim ex-wife from sending their 10-year-old son to an Islamic
secondary school. The man, who was not named for legal reasons, said he wanted
to prevent his son from attending a "school inside a mosque" on the grounds that
he would be "marginalized" by his son if he enrolled at the London-based school.
The man's lawyer said that the mother and father had "different world views" and
that it was client's wish that his son be educated in a "neutral" environment.
The man and his ex-wife, both in their 40s, had divorced more than three years
ago following a nine-year marriage. The man had converted to Islam but renounced
his faith following the separation. The lawyer argued that the boy's Muslim
faith could be adequately catered for at a secular school. A High Court judge
dismissed the man's appeal on the grounds that an earlier ruling made by a judge
at a family court — that the man would not be marginalized by his son — was
March 15. Lawyers warned that a landmark ruling by the European Court of Justice
(ECJ), which allows employers to ban staff from wearing Islamic headscarves at
work under certain conditions, will not automatically apply in Britain. The ECJ
ruled that prohibiting the visible wearing of any political, philosophical or
religious sign does not constitute direct discrimination. The judgment was
delivered in cases brought by two employees, one in Belgium and one in France,
who were dismissed for refusing to remove headscarves. Lawyers said that British
companies adopting the ban could easily be sued for discrimination. The Muslim
Council of Britain, the country's largest Islamic organization, condemned the
"At a time when populism and bigotry are at an all-time high, we fear that this
ruling will serve as a green light to those wishing to normalize discrimination
against faith communities. Many will be worried that this action will prevent
Muslim women who choose to wear the scarf from securing jobs. And it sends a
message that we cannot accept a plural society that recognizes and celebrates
religious differences."
Prime Minister Theresa May said that the government should not tell women what
to wear:
"We have a strong tradition in this country of freedom of expression, and it is
the right of all women to choose how they dress and we don't intend to legislate
on this issue. There will be times when it is right for a veil to be asked to be
removed, such as border security or perhaps in courts, and individual
institutions can make their own policies, but it is not for government to tell
women what they can and can't wear."
March 17. The former owners of a bookstore in Bradford apologized after copies
of the Koran and other Islamic literature were found in a garbage dumpster
outside the store. Police were called to the store after a group of Muslim males
began shouting at and abusing staff. The imbroglio began after the bookstore's
80-year-old owner decided to close down his business, and the new owners gave
him a month to move out the stock, which included a number of Korans and other
Islamic books. A spokesman for the bookstore said:
"It has come to our attention that some Islamic materials were found in a skip
[garbage dumpster] next to Book Centre. While the Book Centre site is being
cleared, no Islamic material of any sort was purposefully disposed of. A small
workforce was instructed to clear two storerooms from which some material made
its way into the skip. This is wrong, unacceptable and a genuine mistake. The
skip will be looked at as a matter of urgency and any materials removed."
A spokesman for Baker Reign Solicitors, which represents the new owners, said:
"Should our client have been aware that the previous owner would have sought to
dispose of the Holy Koran and other books in this manner, they would have
assisted in distributing the books to various mosques throughout the city.
"Our client now hopes that the previous owner takes a more responsible course of
action by distributing the books to those less fortunate and in need of Islamic
March 17. Zameer Ghumra, a 37-year-old Leicester pharmacist accused of showing a
beheading video to two young children, was released on bail until his trial
begins at Nottingham Crown Court on September 25. He has been charged with
distributing terrorist publications under section two of the Terrorism Act 2006.
March 18. The BBC apologized after a tweet from the BBC Asian Network account
asked, "What is the right punishment for blasphemy?" The tweet provoked
criticism that the BBC appeared to be endorsing harsh restrictions on speech. In
an apology posted on Twitter, the network said it had intended to debate
concerns about blasphemy on social media in Pakistan. "We never intended to
imply that blasphemy should be punished," it said.
On March 18, the British taxpayer-funded BBC Asian Network account asked, "What
is the right punishment for blasphemy?"
March 19. A British jihadist reportedly used social welfare payments to move his
family to Syria to join the Islamic State. Shahan Choudhury, 30, who was
radicalized at Belmarsh Prison while serving an 18-month sentence for allegedly
stabbing to death a 17-year-old hospital worker over an alleged £15 ($18) drug
debt, vanished from his apartment in London and has since used social media to
urge other British Muslims to carry out terror attacks in the UK.
March 20. Mohammed Karamat, 45, an imam at a mosque in Coventry who assaulted
four children as young as nine, was spared jail time. Magistrates watched
footage of Karamat twisting a child's arm, slapping a child, and using a pen to
stab a child and pricking a child's hand with the lid of a pen. He was filmed
attacking the children during a six-day period. Karamat, who admitted to four
counts of assault by beating, was ordered to do 100 hours unpaid work.
March 21. Minister for Higher Education, Jo Johnson, ordered British
universities to include a clear commitment to freedom of speech in their
governance documents to counter the culture of censorship and so-called safe
spaces. In a letter, Johnson wrote that it was the "legal duty" of universities
to ensure as far as practicable that freedom of speech is secured for "members,
students, employees and visiting speakers." This meant that all university
premises should not be "denied to any individual or body on any grounds
connected with their beliefs or views, policy or objective."
March 22. Khalid Masood, 52, drove a car at pedestrians on London's Westminster
Bridge and, armed with two knives, stormed the parliamentary estate. He killed
five people and injured more than 50 before he was shot dead by police. Masood,
a convert to Islam, was born in Kent as Adrian Elms. During his school years, he
used his stepfather's surname, Adrian Russell Ajao. A former English tutor, he
was unemployed at the time of the attack and had been living on social welfare
benefits. Masood, who had a history of criminality — he had previous convictions
for assaults, including grievous bodily harm, possession of offensive weapons
and public order offences — was reportedly radicalized in prison.
March 23. A total of 29 people were charged after girls as young as 11 were
raped and sexually abused in Huddersfield. West Yorkshire Police said the 27 men
and two women men face numerous offences including rape, trafficking with intent
to engage in sexual exploitation, sexual activity with a child, child neglect,
child abduction, supply of Class A drugs and the possession and making of
indecent images of children. They are accused of committing the crimes against
18 girls in Huddersfield when they were aged between 11 and 17, between 2004 and
March 23. The Islamic State claimed responsibility for the Westminster attack.
"The perpetrator of the attacks yesterday in front of the British parliament in
London is an Islamic State soldier and he carried out the operation in response
to calls to target citizens of the coalition," the group's Amaq news agency said
in a statement.
March 23. Prime Minister Theresa May said that it would be "wrong" to describe
the jihadist attack on Westminster Bridge and Parliament as "Islamic terrorism."
Instead, she said, it should be referred to as "Islamist terrorism" and "a
perversion of a great faith."
March 25. Mark Ashdown, a childhood friend of Westminster terrorist Khalid
Masood, described how Masood had completely changed after prison, where he
converted to Islam. Ashdown said:
"When he first came out he told me he'd become a Muslim in prison and I thought
he was joking. Then I saw he was quieter and much more serious. I gave him some
cash-in-hand work for a few months as a laborer. He said he needed time to pray
and read the Koran — something about finding inner peace. I heard he'd split
from his partner and got even more deeply into religion."
March 25. Police investigating the Westminster attack concluded that Khalid
Masood acted entirely alone for reasons that may never be known. "We must all
accept that there is a possibility we will never understand why he did this,"
deputy assistant Metropolitan police commissioner Neil Basu said. "That
understanding may have died with him." Meanwhile, British security services
reportedly do not like the term "lone wolf" because they feel it glamorizes an
attacker. They prefer using "lone actor" instead.
March 25. An estimated 400 home-grown jihadis have returned to the United
Kingdom after fighting in Syria, but only 54 of those have been prosecuted,
according to a Mail on Sunday investigation, which also discovered that some
returned jihadis are roaming free on the streets of Britain.
March 28. Kevin Lane, a convicted murderer who spent 20 years in British
prisons, including HMP Woodhill and HMP Frankland, told the BBC that he saw many
inmates pressured to convert to Islam and carry out attacks on other prisoners.
"I have seen many attacks within the prison system," he said. "One man boiled
fat and poured it over someone's head because of an insult to Islam." A
spokesman for the Ministry of Justice said: "The allegations put forward by the
former prisoner are historic."
March 29. The BBC tried to downplay Westminster attacker Khalid Masood's ties to
radical Islam by airing an interview with a former employer of Massood. The man,
identified only as Farasat, was a manager at an English language school where
Massood worked between 2010 and 2012: The interview follows:
Q: Who was the man that you knew?
A: As a teacher, a very professional man. He was an excellent teacher. He got on
well with his non-Muslim colleagues. A very friendly, stable kind of guy,
really. He was not interested in the politicized version of Islam. He had no
contact with any of the extremist groups. He was more a practicing Muslim who
was committed to his faith, committed to his family and was focused on his
career. I don't think he was influenced by extremist groups at all.... In fact,
I'd go as far to say that he was the antithesis of a violent radical.
Masood was, in fact, known to police and security services and had once been
investigated by MI5 over concerns about violent extremism.
March 30. Acting Metropolitan Police Commissioner Craig Mackey said there was a
slight increase in "Islamophobic incidents" following the Westminster terror
attack. Breitbart London reported: "The statement which New Scotland Yard sent
along with its figures suggests the rise may not be due to a genuine increase in
Islamophobia, but could instead be due to a 'community engagement plan' which
sees the authorities actively encourage Muslims to come forward with allegations
following what they describe as 'trigger events.'" The Met, the police service
for the Greater London area, now employs 900 specialists focused on monitoring
so-called Islamophobia.
March 31. A new biography of Prince Charles revealed that the heir to the
British throne tried to halt the U.S. invasion of Afghanistan to "honor"
Ramadan. He made the plea in an "urgent call" to William Farish, the American
ambassador to London, four weeks into the huge military operation launched after
the 9/11 terror attacks. Farish recalled: "Prince Charles asked me if it would
be possible to stop the invasion to honor Ramadan, and if I could convey that
request to President Bush." The ambassador replied that it would be difficult to
halt a military invasion already in full swing, but the prince allegedly
protested: "But Americans can do anything!" Farish asked: "Sir, are you really
serious?" Prince Charles replied: "Yes I am."
**Soeren Kern is a Senior Fellow at the New York-based Gatestone Institute.
© 2017 Gatestone Institute. All rights reserved. The articles printed here do
not necessarily reflect the views of the Editors or of Gatestone Institute. No
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General Asiri exposes Iranian plot to strike Saudi
Arabia from Yemen
Staff writer, Al Arabiya News Channel – Dubai Sunday, 16 April 2017
In an interview with Al Arabiya General Manager Turki Aldakhil this week,
General Ahmed Asiri, the spokesman for Arab coalition forces fighting in support
of the legitimate government in Yemen, revealed the existence of an “Iranian
plot to strike the security and stability of Saudi Arabia.”
This plot would have been initiated from the Yemeni border, which prompted Saudi
forces to move to protect the kingdom’s territory, Asiri said, referring to the
military intervention launched by Saudi Arabia and a coalition of Arab countries
in 2015 codenamed Operation Decisive Storm.
The coalition are battling against Houthi militias and bolstering Yemeni
government forces after a Houthi takeover of the capital Sanaa and surrounding
areas in recent years.
Asiri said that Iran had aimed to employ “local militias to implement their
The emergence of Iranians in Yemen came about through Tehran’s “support of
Houthi militias with funding and weaponry in the six wars [that former President
Ali Abdullah Saleh fought against them since 2004 until his overthrow in June
Despite frequent Houthi and Iranian military disclosures and the confirmed use
of Iranian weaponry, Tehran officially denies claims from Gulf states and the US
that it is supporting the Houthis.
Asiri said Saudi intelligence had found that “Houthi fighters are bankrolled
$100 per day” by Iranian sources.
He also said that reports of “a Hezbollah training presence in Yemen to
discipline Houthis to attack Saudi Arabia and carry out suicide operations
inside the kingdom” also emerged from the intelligence.Confronting the Iranian
Asiri, who is also an advisor to the Saudi defense minister, said that Saudi
forces “did not need to wait for Yemen to become another missile base that
threatens the security and safety of Saudi Arabia, as the Iranians planned to
do, to turn Yemen into a military base, from which they could attack the
He added that the Yemeni border region would have eventually become “unstable,”
and provide opportunities for “agents to infiltrate into Saudi Arabia.”
Saudi Arabia has been attacked with 48 ballistic missiles since the war broke
out, Asiri said, adding: “The total number of rockets fired by the militias at
the kingdom or inside Yemen amount to 138.”It is believed that the missiles are
manufactured in North Korea, China and former Soviet Union states. Iran takes
care of the operation, preparation and maintenance of missiles, he said.
“The most dangerous thing is that those in control of these weapons are militias
who are non-state actors. When a weapon is used, the state is responsible before
international law and the United Nations, but the existence of a militia that is
not recognized, in non-controlled areas with high-tech weapons is a very
dangerous matter.”
Asiri said that if Iran was to rule in Yemen, “Saudi air defense capability
would be dispersed across two fronts, an eastern and southern front.
The coalition’s strategy towards civilians
“The coalition’s course of action consisted of two options; either a
conventional air campaign, followed by a comprehensive ground operation on all
Yemeni territory with forces entering Yemen and occupying all areas. But this
approach would have proven costly,” Asiri said.
“It did not happen for several reasons: First, there would have been be a large
deployment of ground forces which would have resulted in a large number of
civilian and military casualties. One of the objectives of the coalition is to
rid Yemeni civilians of the Houthi rebel presence in their daily lives.”
He added: “There are around 100,000 Saudi forces stationed on the border that
could have occupied Yemen in a few days, but we wanted to support legitimacy in
Yemen with the least possible losses on both sides. We are like a technical team
in a hostage situation.”
A Yemeni man carrying his daughter looks at a building destroyed during fighting
against Houthi fighters in the port city of Aden. (File photo: AP)
Asiri said that the coalition forces preferred to go with a more patient and
drawn-out approach because “it puts the militias under pressure.”
Today, two years into the war, the Houthis are deprived from accessing material
supplies and weaponry. They have lost a large number of their trained fighters
and leaders. Many observers believe that time is on the side of the Arab
coalition forces.
Length of the war
When asked why the war has lasted for two years so far, Asiri said: “Talk of a
military victory shows a lack of understanding of the reality of the operation
in Yemen. There are coalition forces with a mission to support the legitimate
government, so the quest for a victory for them is nonexistent.”
“We are looking to accomplish three goals,” he said, “First, to preserve the
Yemeni state, secondly, to reduce the dangers to Yemeni citizens and thirdly to
protect the Saudi borders. We have been able to accomplish a significant part of
our objectives.”
Asiri: Egyptian President offered to send up to 40,000 soldiers to Yemen
Asiri emphasized that the legitimate government is now currently operating in
Aden, where “life is back to normal.” He said that the government now controls
about 85 percent of Yemeni territory.
Achievements of the coalition
“Within six months, the government regained 45 percent of Yemeni territory,”
Asiri said, tallying the timeline of the coalition’s achievements.
Twelve months after the start of Operation Decisive Storm, 65 percent of Yemeni
territory became under the control of the legitimate government. Eighteen months
later, the number grew to 75 percent, he added.
The retreat of al-Qaeda
While some claim that the operations of the coalition forces enhanced al-Qaeda’s
influence on the territory of Yemen, Asiri said that Mukalla, a seaport and the
capital city of Yemen’s Hadramawt governorate, had been freed from the reign of
al-Qaeda and is under the control of the legitimate government.
Protection of the Saudi border
Asiri presented in his interview a number of statistics, indicating that the
number of the cross-border infiltrators before the Operation Decisive Storm was
recorded at around 18,651 infiltrators per month. The number has dropped by 86
percent, amounting to around 2,619 infiltrators per month. MORE HERE
Asiri: This is why we are winning the Yemen war
Houthi attacks on border controls were carried out at a rate of six to 10
operations per month at the beginning of the operation; it is now down by 90
percent, with around one operation recorded per month.
Turki Aldakhil’s full interview with General Ahmed Asiri was broadcast on Al
Arabiya News Channel on Sunday evening April 16, at 7 p.m. Makkah time.
Has Marine Le Pen really exorcised her party of its demons?
Nabila Ramdani/Al Arabiya/April 16/17
As the most bizarre presidential election in recent French history heads towards
a conclusion, the alleged financial crimes of two of the favourites continue to
dominate the campaign.
Both François Fillon, of the conservative Républicains, and Marine Le Pen, of
the far-Right Front National (FN), face trial and imprisonment for swindling
money out of taxpayers through setting up fake jobs.
Mr Fillon’s British-born wife, Penelope Fillon, is said to have received more
than one million euros for doing next to nothing as both a parliamentary
assistant and a literary consultant.
Ms Le Pen, meanwhile, is accused of masterminding a system of fictional but
extremely lucrative posts in the European Parliament for FN staff.
Neither candidate likes to mention these facts, and both deny any wrongdoing,
but the prospect of an indicted criminal suspect becoming head of state in May
is naturally one that causes absolute astonishment, and indeed outrage.
Anyone who is prepared to accept Marine Le Pen’s claim that she has exorcised
the party of its demons should bear this in mind when they enter the ballot
booth later this month.
What is less well publicised, however, is how France is on the verge of seeing a
fascist with close links to neo-Nazis getting through to the second round of the
We are allowed to call Marin Le Pen a fascist thanks to two legal rulings. The
first followed Jean-Luc Mélenchon, the Left wing presidential candidate, saying:
“Why do you think that the French people would be the only people to want a
fascist as leader?” A Paris court firmly rejected a complaint by Ms Le Pen about
this comment in February, arguing that Mr Mélenchon was perfectly entitled to
such an opinion.
In 2015, judges in the French capital decided that the comedian Nicolas Bedos
even had the right to call Ms Le Pen a “fascist bitch”. Harsh language, but
these verdicts were certainly not just about semantics. Just 73 years after
Paris was under Nazi control, and the French were assisting in the mass murder
of civilians, some voters are contemplating installing a woman in the Élysée
Palace whose friends and family number Holocaust deniers and Hitler aficionados.
Only last month, a key Le Pen lieutenant was exposed by a hidden camera
questioning the figures for Jews who died in Nazi death camps, and who stocked
Third Reich and negationist literature in his bookshop in Nice. Benoît Loeuillet,
head of the FN in the Riviera city and a regional councillor, was immediately
suspended from these positions, but recent investigations show that his views
are frighteningly common among Le Pen’s inner circle.
The Nazi salute
“Marine Knows All About It…”, a new book by journalists Mathias Destal and
Marine Turchi frames the problem. It includes a French intelligence report about
Frédéric Chatillon, a Le Pen communications advisor and one of her oldest
friends, making a Nazi salute. Chatillon distributed posters calling the
desecration of a Jewish cemetery a “frame-up” and was a regular visitor to Léon
Degrelle, the late Belgian Nazi collaborator and Waffen SS veteran, in the
This was around the same time that Ms Le Pen herself was pictured with Franz
Schönhuber, also a former SS officer who helped to found Germany’s fiercely
anti-immigrant Republicans party.
Denis Le Moal, a former political ally of both Le Pen and Chatillon, told how
Chatillon organised a dinner to celebrate Adolf Hitler’s birthday every April
20th. At one point Chatillon kissed a painting of the dictator, saying: “My
beloved Führer, he is magnificent”, according to the book by Destal and Turchi.
A documentary produced by the France 2 TV channel also revealed how Chatillon
and his cronies “joked” about Auschwitz. They said the German concentration camp
had plenty of facilities beyond gas chambers, including football pitches and
swimming pools, and that not enough Jews perished there. It was also disclosed
that Le Pen’s friends were obsessed with the swastika, and referred to Hitler
affectionately as “Uncle”.
As recently as 2011, Le Pen’s confidante and FN councillor Alex Lousteau was
also photographed giving a Nazi salute, although he claimed he was just paying
tribute to guests who turned up at his 40th birthday party.
Ms Le Pen refutes any associations with Nazis, and even insists she has cut all
ties with her father Jean-Marie Le Pen, the convicted racist, anti-Semite and
Holocaust denier. What she does not advertise is that Le Pen senior remains
Honorary President of the FN, and is indeed funding her presidential campaign to
the tune of 6 million euros through Cotelec, a company he owns.
Hatred of ‘foreigners’
Those of us who have attended recent Le Pen rallies can testify that her hateful
attitude towards “foreigners” (a catch all euphemism that apparently includes
most ethnic and religious minorities, and especially Muslims) is every bit as
vitriolic as that of her father’s, who founded the FN in the 1970s and led it
for decades.
Last weekend she caused fury by denying France’s responsibility in the so-called
Vel’ d’Hiv’ – a notorious round up of 13,152 Jews by Paris police in 1942 before
most were deported to Germany to be exterminated. This kind of horrendous
historical revisionism was just the type that got Jean-Marie Le Pen his criminal
He infamously got through to the second round of the 2002 presidential
elections, and it seems that Marine Le Pen may be about to repeat the feat. This
will mean millions of French voters once again ignoring the terrifying reality
of the FN.
Allegations of financial corruption are deplorable, but they fade into
insignificance compared to praising and adhering to one of the darkest
ideologies in world history. Anyone who is prepared to accept Marine Le Pen’s
claim that she has exorcised the party of its demons should bear this in mind
when they enter the ballot booth later this month.