April 14/17
Compiled & Prepared by: Elias Bejjani
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Bible Quotations For Today
He who saw this has
testified so that you also may believe
Holy Gospel of Jesus Christ according to Saint John 19/31-37/:"Since it was the
day of Preparation, the Jews did not want the bodies left on the cross during
the sabbath, especially because that sabbath was a day of great solemnity. So
they asked Pilate to have the legs of the crucified men broken and the bodies
removed. Then the soldiers came and broke the legs of the first and of the other
who had been crucified with him. But when they came to Jesus and saw that he was
already dead, they did not break his legs. Instead, one of the soldiers pierced
his side with a spear, and at once blood and water came out. (He who saw this
has testified so that you also may believe. His testimony is true, and he knows
that he tells the truth.) These things occurred so that the scripture might be
fulfilled, ‘None of his bones shall be broken.’And again another passage of
scripture says, ‘They will look on the one whom they have pierced.’
Therefore lift your drooping hands and strengthen your weak
knees, and make straight paths for your feet, so that what is lame may not be
put out of joint
Letter to the Hebrews 12/12-21/:"Therefore lift your drooping hands and
strengthen your weak knees, and make straight paths for your feet, so that what
is lame may not be put out of joint, but rather be healed. Pursue peace with
everyone, and the holiness without which no one will see the Lord. See to it
that no one fails to obtain the grace of God; that no root of bitterness springs
up and causes trouble, and through it many become defiled. See to it that no one
becomes like Esau, an immoral and godless person, who sold his birthright for a
single meal. You know that later, when he wanted to inherit the blessing, he was
rejected, for he found no chance to repent, even though he sought the blessing
with tears. You have not come to something that can be touched, a blazing fire,
and darkness, and gloom, and a tempest, and the sound of a trumpet, and a voice
whose words made the hearers beg that not another word be spoken to them. (For
they could not endure the order that was given, ‘If even an animal touches the
mountain, it shall be stoned to death.’Indeed, so terrifying was the sight that
Moses said, ‘I tremble with fear.’)
Titles For Latest LCCC Bulletin analysis & editorials from
miscellaneous sources published on April 13-14/17
Let’s hope it is the beginning of the end/Eyad Abu Shakra/Al Arabiya/April
Al-Qidiya project and developing entertainment /Turki Aldakhil/Al Arabiya/April
Syria between Obama and Trump/Ahmad al-Farraj/Al Arabiya/April 13/17
Shayrat missile strike, a historical event/Abdullah bin Bijad Al-Otaibi/Al
Arabiya/April 13/17
Saudis Criticize Government's Leniency Towards Preacher's Incitement-Filled
Sermons/MEMRI/April 13/17
Iranian Website Specializing In Syrian War Reports: Gas Attack Intended To Save
Iranian/Syrian Frontline In Khan Sheikhoun Region From Breakdown/MEMRI/April
Time to Tackle the Muslim Brotherhood/Jagdish N. Singh/Gatestone Institute/April
Which Way Will France Go/Giulio Meotti/Gatestone Institute/April 13/17
Spicer's Mistake and the Democrat's Over-Reaction/Alan M. Dershowitz/Gatestone
Institute/April 12/17
Paradise Lost: The Rise and Fall of Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi by Tam /Tam
Hussein/Syria Comment/ April 12/17
Titles For Latest Lebanese Related News published
April 13-14/17
ICRC Urges Lebanese Authorities to Pass Law on Missing Persons and
Provide Answers to Their Families
Aoun: The Lebanese Will Get a New Voting System
Report: Baabda Circles Explain Aoun's 'Historic' Move
Al-Rahi Says Won't Tolerate Extension, Urges Electoral Law that Preserves
Hariri Marks Civil War Anniversary: Our Responsibility is to Prevent Another War
Hariri Receives Delegation from US Congress
Jumblat Slams Latest Electoral Law Proposal as 'Product of Sick Mentality'
Army Commander: Bids to Move Clashes Outside Ain el-Hilweh Will be Deterred
General Security Arrests 'Terrorist' Brother of Slain Militant Mansour
Clash between two families in Khaldeh
Life returns to normal in Sidon, neighborhood
Hajjar: We choose vacuum over extension if left with these two options
Merehbi meets director of Egmont Institute, Belgian Ambassador
Man Arrested in Aley for Raping Four Syrian Children
Palestinian Force Deploys in Ain el-Hilweh after Clashes
Titles For Latest LCCC Bulletin For
Miscellaneous Reports And News published on
April 13-14/17
US drops ‘mother of all bombs’ in Afghanistan:
Trump Says 'Things Will Work Out Fine' with Russia, Presses China on N. Korea
Assad Says Chemical Attack '100% Fabrication'
Syria’s Assad: Idlib chemical attack ‘fabrication’
Russia vetoes UN resolution on Syria chemical attack
Trump: It is time to end Syria’s ‘brutal civil war’
France Says Russia 'Bears a Heavy Responsibility' over Syria Veto
Britain 'Dismayed' by Russia's U.N. Syria Veto
US-led coalition mistakenly kills 18 militia allies in Syria: Pentagon
Chemical weapons experts in Turkey to investigate alleged Syrian sarin attack
Sisi Vows to Hunt Down Egypt Church Bombers in Tawadros Visit
Abbas Seeks 'Unprecedented' Steps to End Palestinian Split
Malala Yousafzai becomes youngest ever to get honorary Canadian citizenship
United States’ first female Muslim judge found dead in Hudson River
Links From
Jihad Watch Site for
April 13-14/17
Truman State University: Robert Spencer Set to Speak, Left-Fascists Call for
Australia: Islamic group produces video calling wife-beating “a beautiful
Libya: African migrants sold as slaves in slave markets
UK: Muslim rape gang in court over 170 charges of sexual exploitation of 18
Fight Xenophobia” group firebombs Marine Le Pen’s Paris HQ
Sweden trying to track down over 10,000 rejected refugees who are in hiding
Gazan version of Snakes and Ladders trains children in “jihad” and “the Islamic
Chicago: Two Muslims held ISIS flag at park, spoke of throwing gays off Sears
Germany: Muslim author receives death threats for criticizing Islam
Minneapolis: Muslim Sharia vigilante aims to create “Sharia-controlled zone”
Hugh Fitzgerald: A Few Scenes, Drawn from Life, of the Latest in Muslim Outreach
(Part II)
PA TV: “Promised Land” = Land where Jews will be exterminated by divine decree
Germany: Muslim arrested over soccer bus attack was Islamic State member in Iraq
Italy: Muslim truck driver who posted jihad material to be “deradicalized”
Links From
Christian Today Site
on April 13-14/17
Good Friday just got better'. Christians condemn shocking Tesco cheap beer
Egyptian Coptic priest delivers inspiring Christian message to bombers: 'Thank
you, we are praying for you'
Politicians who do God: How do Trump, May, Merkel and Blair square their public
lives and private faith?
Pastors who have gay children should resign and repent, says conservative pastor
Serial child abuser priest Gerald Ridsdale pleads guilty to 20 more charges
against 11 children
Britain needs some of Aslan's 'deep magic' to reimagine its future, says
Archbishop of Canterbury
Katy Perry accused of being 'ruled by Satan' after rejecting gay 'conversion
Archbishop of Canterbury: 'Have we lost our national nerve?'
Security stepped up at churches in Egypt as Easter approaches
Latest Lebanese Related News published
on April 13-14/17
ICRC Urges Lebanese Authorities to Pass Law on Missing Persons and Provide
Answers to Their Families
Naharnet/April 13/17/Forty-two years after the civil war began in
Lebanon, the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) calls on the
Lebanese authorities to pass a law that will help clarify the fate of those who
have gone missing during armed conflicts in the country since 1975. The ICRC
also urges the authorities to approve a project to collect biological reference
samples from the missing persons’ families, an ICRC statement said on Thursday.
“The families of missing persons have been waiting for years, anxious to receive
news about their loved ones,” said Fabrizzio Carboni, head of the ICRC
delegation in Lebanon. “Unfortunately, we are running out of time: mothers and
fathers are dying heartbroken without knowing what happened to their sons and
daughters. They have a right to know, and it is the responsibility of the
Lebanese authorities to provide some answers.”
Thousands of people from all sides and backgrounds went missing in Lebanon
during the civil war, and their fate remains unknown. Under international
humanitarian law, government authorities are required to clarify the fate of
persons who go missing in conflict situations. However, Lebanon has yet to take
the necessary steps. “Looking at the priorities of the Lebanese government, we
feel that the suffering of missing persons’ families is underappreciated,” said
Carboni. “This should change. A law on missing persons and a mechanism to
provide answers should be made a priority.”
Since 2012, the ICRC has actively supported the Lebanese authorities in
fulfilling their responsibility to clarify the fate of missing persons. The
organization has been interviewing families to gather crucial and detailed
information about their missing loved ones and collecting biological reference
samples from their close relatives for future DNA analysis and identification
efforts. The ICRC is standing by the families and responding to their specific
needs. In 2015, it launched an accompaniment project in Aley, Baabda, Chouf and
Sidon to create a support network for them. Carboni said: “The families have a
pressing need to learn the fate of their missing loved ones. Since the beginning
of the civil war, we’ve been helping them. Today, we need the Lebanese
authorities to assume their responsibilities.”The ICRC has been present in
Lebanon since 1967 and has carried out its humanitarian work through periods of
conflict, including the 1975-1990 civil war. The organization is currently
responding to the rapidly growing needs of displaced people fleeing war and
violence across the region along with the communities hosting them
Aoun: The Lebanese Will Get a New Voting System
Naharnet/April 13/17/President Michel Aoun assured the Lebanese on Thursday that
a new electoral law will be devised as was promised in his oath of office, and
praised the reactions following his decision to suspend the parliament for one
month, the National News Agency reported. “The Lebanese will have a new law,
just like I vowed in my oath of office. I am confident that the related
authorities are going to intensify their meetings in order to reach a law that
preserves the interest of Lebanon and the Lebanese,” Aoun told his visitors. On
his announcement on Wednesday where he invoked his constitutional powers to
adjourn the parliament for one month, Aoun said: “I hope the deadline provided
by the decision will be an additional opportunity during which a new law for the
parliamentary elections will be agreed that reflects the aspirations of the
Lebanese and their hopes.”Presidential Palace sources told VDL (93.3) that
“potentials are high and the cabinet could meet next week and tackle the voting
system file now that disagreements between the parties have narrowed.”They also
pointed out that the ministerial committee tasked with following up on the file
plans to complete it before submitting it to the cabinet. On Wednesday, Aoun
addressed the nation from the Presidential Palace and said he is invoking his
constitutional powers to adjourn the parliament for one month. Lebanon's
deputies were set to vote in Parliament on Thursday to postpone national
elections and extend their term for a third time since 2013. The President
justified the adjournment to give legislators time to craft a new election law
and hold elections as quickly as possible. Lebanon's political parties say it is
time to scrap the country's 1960 voting law that allocates seats by religious
sect, but disagree over what system should replace it. Aoun says he was elected
president last October with the mandate of ushering in a new law, and elections.
Opposition parties and civic groups are threatening demonstrations against any
parliamentary extension tomorrow.
Report: Baabda Circles Explain Aoun's 'Historic' Move
Associated Press/Naharnet/April 13/17/President Michel Aoun's move where he
invoked his constitutional powers to adjourn the parliament for one month, is
only the second in Lebanon's history since 1926, media reports said on Thursday.
In their first interpretation, Presidential Palace sources told al-Joumhouria
daily that “Aoun has used his constitutional powers to freeze the work of the
parliament under article 59 of the constitution, replicating a similar move in
1926 when then president did the same.” The sources stressed that Aoun's step
“constitutes a full exercise of the President's powers that came to control an
emerging crisis as the result of ignoring the role and jurisdictions of the
President.”“None of the former presidents have used this jurisdiction before the
Taef Agreement,” the sources noted, adding “they used to send messages to the
parliament that were recited by the Speaker in the first public session held and
then placed in the drawer.”On Wednesday, Aoun addressed the nation from the
Presidential Palace and said he is invoking his constitutional powers to adjourn
the parliament for one month. Lebanon's deputies were set to vote in Parliament
on Thursday to postpone national elections and extend their term for a third
time since 2013. The President justified the adjournment to give legislators
time to craft a new election law and hold elections as quickly as
possible.Lebanon's political parties say it is time to scrap the country's 1960
voting law that allocates seats by religious sect, but disagree over what system
should replace it. Aoun says he was elected president last October with the
mandate of ushering in a new law, and elections. Opposition parties and civic
groups are threatening demonstrations against any parliamentary extension
tomorrow. Article 59 of the Constitution (as amended by Constitutional Law
issued on October 17, 1927) says: The President of the Republic may postpone the
meeting of the parliament to a period not exceeding one month and shall not do
so twice in a single term.
Al-Rahi Says Won't Tolerate
Extension, Urges Electoral Law that Preserves Everyone
Naharnet/April 13/17/Maronite Patriarch Beshara al-Rahi warned Thursday that he
will not tolerate an extension of parliament's term, as he called for an
electoral law that does not “eliminate” any Lebanese component. “We want an
electoral law that preserves all components... We are against exclusion,
elimination and any monopolization of power,” al-Rahi said in an interview on
LBCI TV. “There won't be an electoral law if every person wants it to be
tailored to fit their size,” the patriarch cautioned. Commenting on President
Michel Aoun's use of his presidential powers to suspend parliament and prevent
it from extending its own term for a third time in less than four years, al-Rahi
voiced concerns that the political parties might fail anew to agree on a new
electoral law during the one-month period ahead of parliament's next meeting. He
also rejected a new extension of parliament's term and noted that the 1960
electoral law is “still in effect.”“We would accept technical extension, even
for a full year, if such a step is accompanied by a new electoral law,” al-Rahi
added. He also congratulated Aoun on his constitutional move and Speaker Nabih
Berri on “his responsiveness.” “We thank President Aoun for his efforts to
rescue the situation in Lebanon,” al-Rahi added.
Hariri Marks Civil War Anniversary: Our Responsibility is
to Prevent Another War
Naharnet/April 13/17/Prime Minister Saad Hariri marked the 42nd anniversary of
Lebanon's civil war and said that everyone in the country must help in
preventing anything that leads to another state of war. “When the civil war
broke out in Lebanon no body knew it would last for 15 years, killing tens of
thousands, wounding many and displacing the Lebanese people and destroying the
economy,” said Hariri in a video released on his Twitter and Facebook pages. “On
this day, we must remember that civil war and we should know well that shall
Lebanon fall, God forbid, in another we will never know when it would end,”
stressed Hariri. He said it is everybody's responsibility to prevent Lebanon
from sliding into anything similar. The political authority has done its part at
that level said Hariri: “At the political level we have done what we should to
that end. We ended the presidential vacuum, the paralysis at the government,
parliament and institutions. “However, we need each one of you to help us deter
the danger from any recurrent war,” stressed Hariri as he urged the Lebanese to
help raise a vigilant generation and to “keep away from sectarian rhetoric that
inadvertently feed the specter of war.” “Lebanon deserves a chance for peace and
stability,” concluded Hariri. The Lebanese civil war erupted in 1975 and ended
in 1990 by the Saudi-sponsored Taef accord. About a fifth of the country’s
population was lost during the conflict that pitted local and regional powers
against each other.
Hariri Receives Delegation from US Congress
Naharnet/April 13/17/Prime Minister Saad Hariri received Wednesday evening at
the Grand Serail, a delegation from the US congress where talks focused on
several issues including US aid to the Lebanese security apparatuses. US
congressman Harold Rogers was heading the delegation that arrived in Lebanon for
a visit on April 12 and was comprised of six congressmen. Hariri met the
delegation in the presence of the US Ambassador to Lebanon Elizabeth Richard,
his media office said in a statement. Discussions focused on the developments in
Lebanon and the region as well as the issue of American aid to the Lebanese army
and security forces, it said. Media reports said the meeting affirmed the US
continued support for Lebanon, the army and security apparatuses.
Jumblat Slams Latest Electoral Law Proposal as 'Product of
Sick Mentality'
Naharnet/April 13/17/Progressive Socialist Party leader MP Walid Jumblat on
Thursday lashed out at a proposed electoral law that involves sectarian voting
in the first round as “divisive” and the product of a “sick mentality.”“Forty-two
years later, a sick mentality is bringing us an electoral law that separates and
divides (the Lebanese) instead of unifying them and bringing them together,”
Jumblat tweeted, marking the 42nd anniversary of the Lebanese civil war. Earlier
in the day, Jumblat had told LBCI television that the “mere mention of sectarian
voting is a termination of partnership.” Jumblat's remarks follow Free Patriotic
Movement chief Jebran Bassil's announcement that the political parties have
reached a “preliminary agreement” over a new electoral law. “A preliminary
agreement on a new electoral law took place today among all the components. It
takes into consideration correct representation, proportional representation and
the winner-takes-all system, in order to properly represent the components of
the Lebanese society,” Bassil told MTV on Wednesday evening. “The idea that we
have largely agreed on is known as the 'qualification law' and the main parties
have agreed to it and we are keen on everyone's approval of it,” Bassil added.
The reported agreement was reached after extensive negotiations on Tuesday and
Wednesday, according to al-Akhbar newspaper. The system had been initially
proposed by Speaker Nabih Berri several months ago before being eventually
endorsed by Bassil. In the first round, voting takes place in the current 26
districts and voters are not allowed to vote for candidates from other sects.
Two candidates for each sectarian seat qualify for the second round during which
voting would take place in 10 newly-defined electoral districts and according to
a non-sectarian proportional representation polling system. “The FPM and Prime
Minister Saad Hariri will seek to secure the approval of the Lebanese Forces and
the PSP,” al-Akhbar said. The second round's ten districts are Akkar, North,
Baalbek-Hermel, Zahle-West Bekaa, Northern Mount Lebanon (Jbeil, Keserwan, Metn,
Baabda), Southern Mount Lebanon (Chouf and Aley), Beirut 1 (Ashrafieh, Rmeil,
Medawwar, Marfa, Saifi, Bashoura), Beirut 2 (Ras Beirut, Dar el-Mreisseh, Mina
el-Hosn, Zoqaq el-Blat, Mazraa, Mousaitbeh), South (Sidon, Tyre, Zahrani,
Jezzine), and Nabatiyeh (Nabatiyeh, Bint Jbeil, Marjeyoun, Hasbaya).
Army Commander: Bids to Move Clashes Outside Ain el-Hilweh
Will be Deterred
Associated Press/Naharnet/April 13/17/Army Commander General Joseph Aoun
stressed on Thursday that the army will respond firmly to any attempt to move
the armed clashes out of the southern Palestinian refugee camp of Ain el-Hilweh,
the National News Agency reported. “The army will firmly respond to any bid
aiming to target military positions or residential areas around the camp, or
attempts to move the clashes outside,” said Aoun while touring the army's units
deployed in the southern city of Sidon and in the vicinity of Ain el-Hilweh.
Aoun asked leaders of the army units to “intensify security measures mainly
around the camp and on the entrances leading to it in a bid to protect civilians
and prevent outlaws from sneaking in.”The army commander pointed out saying “it
is unacceptable for infighting triggered by terror and extremist groups to erupt
from time to time, endangering the safety of Palestinians and people in the
vicinity of the camp, and negatively affecting the economic and living situation
in Sidon. “The safety of Palestinian camps and any part of Lebanon's territory
is part of the overall national security. It is therefore in everyone's interest
to contribute to the preservation of stability and not provide safe haven for
terrorists and wanted fugitives,” he concluded. Clashes between security forces
and radical Islamists erupted on Friday in the largest Palestinian refugee camp
in Lebanon which made residents flee. Traces of violence spilled beyond the
camp's boundaries, and Lebanon's authorities closed the highway connecting the
city to southern Lebanon. Sidon's government hospital was struck by a rocket.
Representatives of several of the largest Palestinian factions, including Fatah,
ordered the Islamist fighter Bilal Badr and his followers to hand themselves
over to the authorities or face a decisive crackdown. The camp's radical groups
have regularly fallen afoul of Palestinian security forces for hiding fugitives
from the Lebanese law. Per an agreement with the PLO, Lebanon's security forces
are not authorized to enter the camp.
General Security Arrests 'Terrorist' Brother of Slain
Militant Mansour
Naharnet/April 13/17/General Security on Thursday announced the arrest of the
“dangerous terrorist fugitive” Jalal Mansour, who is the brother of slain
Islamist militant Osama Mansour who was killed in a confrontation with security
forces in 2015. “After obtaining information about the presence of a dangerous
terrorist wanted on charges related to murder, terrorism and fighting against
the Lebanese army, and after identifying the aforementioned person as the
terrorist Jalal Mansour, a brother of the terrorist Osama Mansour, a General
Security special force raided his hideout in the North and arrested him,” a
General Security statement said. It said the man, who was wanted on more than 40
arrest warrants, had changed his appearance and chosen a fake name with the aim
of concealing his real identity. “During interrogation, he confessed to
belonging to a group previously led by fugitive terrorist Shadi al-Mawlawi and
slain terrorist Osama Mansour and that he had pledged allegiance to the
terrorist al-Nusra Front group and fought alongside it in a military battle
against the Lebanese army with the aim of declaring an Islamic emirate in the
North,” the statement added. “He also confessed to kidnapping a soldier in the
city of Tripoli, trading in arms and transporting arms to the terrorist al-Nusra
Front group, and recruiting militants on behalf of the aforementioned group and
sending them to Syria for military training,” General Security added.The
detainee was referred to the judiciary after interrogation.
Clash between two families
in Khaldeh
Thu 13 Apr 2017/NNA - A dispute erupted on Thursday in Khaldeh between Nawfal
and Askar families, and escalated into armed clashes, the NNA correspondent
said. Fire shooting was exchanged between the members of these two families
which forced security forces and the Army to intervene and cordon off the area
of the clash.
Life returns to normal in Sidon, neighborhood
Thu 13 Apr 2017/NNA - Life almost returned to normal in the southern city of
Sidon, after five days of paralysis in its trade markets and economic and social
institutions due to the security situation that prevailed in Ain al-Hilweh
refugee camp, NNA reporter said on Thursday. The joint factional force of Ein
el-Hilweh camp managed to deploy in all points of the camp's neighborhood, with
the cooperation of all the Palestinian forces and the support of the Lebanese
army to achieve security and stability in the city of Sidon and vicinity. In
this framework, the gov-run Sidon hospital resumed its normal medical functions.
Hajjar: We choose vacuum over extension if left with these
two options
Thu 13 Apr 2017 at 18:35 Politics/NNA - Future Movement bloc member, MP Mohammed
Hajjar, said in an interview with the Voice of Lebanon radio station "We as a
future movement are making every effort to reach a new electoral law,"
highlighting "the political struggle in the country and the catastrophic
scenario which would have happened yesterday."He pointed out that "the Future
Movement is almost the only team that offers concessions to prevent collapse and
destruction, stressing the need to approve a law before May 15. Hajjar
considered that "the extension has become a reality after the fall of all legal
deadlines. If we were to choose between extension and vacuum, we would certainly
choose vacuum."
Merehbi meets director of Egmont Institute, Belgian
Thu 13 Apr 2017 at 21:03 Politics/NNA - Minister of State for
Refugees Affairs, Mouin Merehbi, met on Thursday with the Director of the Royal
Institute of International Relations "Egmont" in Brussels, Ambassador Marc Otte,
and the Belgian Ambassador to Lebanon, Alex Lenaerts. Merehbi said it was
essential for Lebanon and the Syrian people that the European Union plays its
normal role in the region, particularly in the search for a political solution
to the Syrian crisis, with the aim of putting an end to the bloodshed in this
country. "The genocide carried out by the Syrian regime and the Daesh terrorist
organization against the Syrian people is not only a threat to Lebanon and the
region but also to Belgium and Europe," the minister said. He then highlighted
the challenges facing the Lebanese due to the difficult economic situation and
the burden of Syrian refugees in Lebanon. The minister called upon Ambassadors
Otte and Lenaerts to encourage Belgium and the EU to support the investment plan
which will have a positive impact on the country's economy. For his part, Otte,
who visited Bekaa and the South to inquire about the situation of Syrian
refugees and host Lebanese societies, applauded Lebanon's efforts in terms of
welcoming refugees. Concerning the Brussels Conference on the future of Syria
and the region, he said it was a prelude to more support for Lebanon. The
Belgian ambassador, for his part, welcomed the care provided by the Lebanese,
especially the sons of Akkar, to the displaced Syrian, hoping that projects
would be developed to help host communities in this region, such as the Bekaa.
Man Arrested in Aley for Raping Four Syrian Children
Naharnet/April 13/17/A 45-year-old Syrian man has been arrested in the city of
Aley on charges of molesting and raping four Syrian children, the Internal
Security Forces said on Thursday. “After obtaining information about the
presence of an individual who molested and raped a number of Syrian children, an
ISF Intelligence Branch patrol raided the suspect's residence in the city of
Aley and arrested him in the Ain Hala area,” an ISF statement said. “During
interrogation, he confessed to luring and raping four Syrian children born in
the years 2010, 2008, 2006 and 2001 and that he had repeated his crime several
times with some of them,” the statement added. The ISF said “pornographic
footage showing two of the children” was found on the man's cellphone. The
detainee was eventually referred to the ISF's Human Trafficking and Moral
Protection Bureau for further investigations.
Palestinian Force Deploys in Ain
el-Hilweh after Clashes
A local Palestinian security force
deployed across southern Lebanon's Ain el-Hilweh Palestinian refugee camp on
Thursday, a commander said, ending a week of sporadic clashes with an extremist
group. The fighting, which left nine dead and more than 50 wounded, had prompted
many to flee their homes and forced schools and shops in and around the camp to
close. The commander, who spoke on condition of anonymity, said the local
security force, which includes 100 fighters from several Palestinian factions,
was able to deploy throughout the camp after a ceasefire late Wednesday night.
The Lebanese army does not enter the camp by long-standing convention. "Security
forces deployed in the al-Tiri neighborhood, which had been the focal point of
the clashes," the commander said. He added that "extremist Islamist groups" had
withdrawn from some areas to avoid further clashes. Fighting erupted late Friday
after Palestinian factions deployed throughout Ain el-Hilweh as part of an
operation aimed at combating the influence of a local Islamist group linked to
Bilal Badr, a wanted militant. The commander said Badr had refused to give
himself up to Palestinian security forces to be handed over to the Lebanese
authorities. Badr is wanted on suspicion of "terrorism", firearms offenses and
belonging to an armed group, according to a Lebanese security official. An AFP
correspondent said the camp had suffered major damage and that some residents
had been trapped inside their homes throughout the fighting. Local activist Asef
Moussa told AFP that "dozens of young people will volunteer on Friday to clean
the streets and clear up the damage and rubble left by the fighting."The United
Nations Palestinian refugee agency UNRWA said it welcomed the return to calm. "UNRWA...
is working to restore its services in the camp as quickly as possible," said its
local affairs director Claudio Cordone, adding that UNRWA would resume its
activities on Friday morning. Ain el-Hilweh is the most densely populated
Palestinian camp in Lebanon. Home to multiple armed factions including extremist
groups, it has been plagued by intermittent clashes. Lebanese security forces do
not enter Palestinian refugee camps, where security is managed by joint
committees of Palestinian factions.
Ain el-Hilweh is home to some 61,000 Palestinians, including 6,000 who have fled
the war in Syria.
Latest LCCC Bulletin For
Miscellaneous Reports And News published on
April 13-14/17
US drops ‘mother of all bombs’ in Afghanistan: Pentagon
Reuters, Washington Thursday, 13 April 2017/The United States dropped a massive
GBU-43 bomb, the largest non-nuclear bomb it has ever used in combat, in eastern
Afghanistan on Thursday against a series of caves used by ISIS militants, the
military said. It was the first time the United States has used this size of
bomb in a conflict. It was dropped from a MC-130 aircraft in the Achin district
of Nangarhar province, close to the border with Pakistan, Pentagon spokesman
Adam Stump said. Also known as the “mother of all bombs,” the GBU-43 is a 21,600
pound (9,797 kg) GPS-guided munition and was first tested in March 2003, just
days before the start of the Iraq war. General John Nicholson, the head of US
and international forces in Afghanistan, said the bomb was used against caves
and bunkers housing fighters of the ISIS in Afghanistan, also known as ISIS-K.
“This is the right munition to reduce these obstacles and maintain the momentum
of our offensive against ISIS-K,” Nicholson said in a statement. It was not
immediately clear how much damage the bomb did.
Trump Says 'Things Will Work
Out Fine' with Russia, Presses China on N. Korea
Agence France Presse/Naharnet/April
13/17/U.S. President Donald Trump expressed confidence Thursday that
U.S.-Russian relations will "work out fine" after icy bilateral talks in Moscow,
as he looked to China to "deal properly" with North Korea. Trump faces crucial
tests in the Middle East and the Korean peninsula, with tensions building on
both fronts over a suspected chemical weapons attack in Syria and a mounting
challenge from North Korea's Kim Jong-il. U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson
warned Russian President Vladimir Putin in Moscow Wednesday that relations
between Washington and Moscow, a key ally of the Damascus regime, were at a "low
point." "Things will work out fine between the U.S.A. and Russia," Trump said in
his tweet. "At the right time everyone will come to their senses & there will be
lasting peace!" he added. The Russians are backing Syrian President Bashar
al-Assad against U.S. charges that his air force dropped a bomb loaded with the
nerve agent sarin on the rebel-held town of Khan Sheikhun on April 4, killing 87
people, many of them children. Russia on Wednesday vetoed a U.N. Security
Council resolution demanding that the Syrian government cooperate with an
investigation into the attack. In an exclusive interview with AFP, Assad
insisted his army had given up its chemical weapons and called reports of the
attack "fabrication." On North Korea, with Pyongyang reportedly poised to
conduct a nuclear test, Trump said he had "great confidence that China will
properly deal with North Korea."He however added: "If they are unable to do so,
the U.S., with its allies, will!" A U.S. monitoring group said North Korea's
Punggye-ri nuclear test site is "primed and ready" to conduct its sixth nuclear
test, possibly to coincide with celebrations Saturday marking the birthdate of
regime founder Kim Il-Sung. The Voice of America, quoting U.S. government and
other sources, said North Korea "has apparently placed a nuclear device in a
tunnel and it could be detonated Saturday AM Korea time."Trump has asked his
advisers to give him all options for dealing with the nuclear-armed North, and a
U.S. carrier strike group has been ordered to the region as a precaution.
Assad Says Chemical Attack '100% Fabrication'
Agence France Presse/Naharnet/April
13/17/Syria's President Bashar al-Assad has accused the West of fabricating a
suspected chemical weapons attack that prompted an unprecedented U.S. missile
strike, in an exclusive interview with AFP in Damascus. The embattled leader,
whose country has been ravaged by six years of war, said his firepower had not
been affected by the attack ordered by U.S. President Donald Trump, but
acknowledged that further strikes were possible. He also insisted his forces had
turned over all their chemical weapons stocks in 2013 and would never use the
banned arms. His comments came in an interview conducted at his office
Wednesday, his first since a suspected chemical weapons attack that killed
dozens of civilians in the rebel-held town of Khan Sheikhun. "Definitely, a
hundred percent for us, it's fabrication," he added of the incident which killed
87 people, including 31 children, according to the Britain-based Syrian
Observatory for Human Rights monitor. "Our impression is that the West, mainly
the United States, is hand-in-glove with the terrorists. They fabricated the
whole story in order to have a pretext for the attack," said Assad, who has been
in power for 17 years.
'A lot of fake videos'
The suspected attack on Khan Sheikhun, in Syria's northwestern province of Idlib,
comes in the seventh year of the country's brutal war, which has killed more
than 320,000 people and displaced over half the population. Assad said evidence
of the suspected chemical attack came only from "a branch of al-Qaida,"
referring to a former jihadist affiliate among the groups that control Idlib.
Images of the aftermath, showing victims convulsing and foaming at the mouth as
desperate medics working with meager resources struggled to treat them, caused
global shock waves. But Assad, who appeared relaxed, said it was "not clear
whether it happened or not, because how can you verify a video? You have a lot
of fake videos now." "We don't know whether those dead children were killed in
Khan Sheikhun. Were they dead at all?""Who committed the attack if there was an
attack?" Syria's government signed the Chemical Weapons Convention and agreed to
hand over its stockpiles in 2013, under a Russian-brokered deal. The agreement
averted U.S. military action after a sarin attack on a rebel area outside
Damascus that killed hundreds of people and was blamed by much of the
international community on Assad's government.
'Not convincing by any means'
Damascus denied responsibility, but agreed to turn over its stockpiles, while
continuing to wage war against opposition forces. In recent months, Assad's army
has clawed back significant territory, including capturing the one-time rebel
bastion of eastern Aleppo. Key to the turnaround has been support from ally
Russia, which launched a military intervention to bolster Assad in September
2015. The Syrian president said his forces had no military reason to hit Khan
Sheikhun, describing it as having no strategic value and being far from the
current battlefront. "This story is not convincing by any means," he said. The
Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons has begun an investigation
into the Khan Sheikhun incident, but Russia on Wednesday blocked a U.N. Security
Council resolution demanding that Syria cooperate with the probe. And Assad said
he could "only allow any investigation when it's impartial, when we make sure
that unbiased countries will participate in this delegation in order to make
sure that they won't use it for politicized purposes." He insisted several times
that his forces had turned over all chemical weapons stockpiles under the 2013
'We gave up our arsenal'
"There was no order to make any attack, we don't have any chemical weapons, we
gave up our arsenal a few years ago," he said. "Even if we have them, we
wouldn't use them, and we have never used our chemical arsenal in our The OPCW
has blamed Assad's government for at least two attacks in 2014 and 2015
involving the use of chlorine. The Khan Sheikhun incident prompted the first
direct U.S. military action against Assad's government since the war began, with
59 cruise missiles hitting the Shayrat airbase three days after the suspected
chemical attack. Assad said his Russian allies "didn't warn us... because the
Americans called them maybe a few minutes before." And he said more U.S. attacks
"could happen anytime, anywhere, not only in Syria."But he insisted his forces
were unaffected by the U.S. strike. "Our firepower, our ability to attack the
terrorists hasn't been affected by this strike." Trump's administration
initially took a hands-off approach to Syria, with Assad raising the possibility
the new U.S. president could even be a "natural ally."But he said the American
strike showed Washington was "not serious in fighting terrorists." International
efforts to find a political solution to the Syrian crisis have proved fruitless,
with successive rounds of talks producing no result. The conflict has evolved
into a complex multi-front war involving the regime, rebels, jihadists and
Kurdish forces, as well as the Russian and Turkish militaries, and a U.S.-led
coalition fighting the Islamic State group.
Syria’s Assad: Idlib chemical
attack ‘fabrication’
Reuters, Beirut Thursday, 13 April
2017/Syrian President Bashar al-Assad said an alleged poison gas attack blamed
on his government last week in Idlib province was “100 percent fabrication,”
news agency AFP reported on Thursday.
Assad also said Syria’s military had given up all chemical weapons, AFP said on
its Twitter account, quoting remarks in an interview with the Syrian president.
The United States and its allies say the Syrian military carried out the attack,
something Syria has already denied.
Russia vetoes UN resolution on Syria chemical attack
The Associated Press, United Nations Thursday, 13 April 2017/Russia vetoed a UN
resolution Wednesday that would have condemned the reported use of chemical
weapons in a town in northern Syria and demanded a speedy investigation,
triggering clashes between Moscow and the measure’s Western backers. The vote on
the Security Council resolution drafted by Britain, France and the United States
was 10 in favor, Russia and Bolivia against, and China, Kazakhstan and Ethiopia
abstaining. It was the eighth veto by Russia on a Western-backed Syria
resolution and reflected the deep division that has left the UN’s most powerful
body struggling to tackle the use of banned chemical weapons and to help end the
six-year Syrian conflict. China has vetoed six resolutions. Russia’s UN
Ambassador Vladimir Safronkov told the council before the vote that a resolution
was unnecessary, and the draft put forward by the Western powers pre-judged that
the Syrian government was responsible for the April 4 attack on Khan Sheikhoun
in which nearly 90 people died. Safronkov said Russia’s Foreign Minister asked
US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson during talks earlier Wednesday in Moscow to
jointly request the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons “to
immediately put together an independent international mission” to visit Khan
Sheikhoun and the air base that the US attacked in retaliation. Tillerson is
considering the request, he said, “and we expect that Washington will have a
constructive reaction.”
Russia has criticized previous investigations carried out by the OPCW and the
United Nations which blamed the Syrian government for at least three chemical
weapons attacks without visiting the sites. Safronkov reiterated Wednesday that
an investigation cannot be conducted remotely and experts must be drawn from a
wide geographical basis. The attack on Khan Sheikhoun is expected to be near the
top of the agenda when the OPCW’s executive committee meets Thursday at the
organization’s headquarters in The Hague, Netherlands. Both the Syrian
government and opposition have asked for an independent investigation Safronkov
said, “whereas the OPCW is doing nothing, for reasons unknown.”Looking at the
resolution’s supporters sitting around the horseshoe-shaped table in the
Security Council, he said: “You are afraid of an impartial investigation” that
the Syrian government was being blamed for chemical weapons attacks carried out
by extremists.After the vote, Britain’s UN Ambassador Matthew looked at
Safronkov and asked: “How could anyone look at the faces of lifeless children”
and yet veto this resolution? US Ambassador Nikki Haley told the council: “We
want to work with Russia to advance a political process in Syria. We want Russia
to use its influence over the Assad regime to stop the madness and the cruelty
we see every day on the ground.”“Today’s vote could have been a turning point,”
she said. But “with its veto, Russia said no to accountability. ... Russia now
has a lot to prove.”
Trump: It is time to end Syria’s ‘brutal civil war’
AFP, Washington Thursday, 13 April 2017/US President Donald Trump told allies it
was time to end Syria’s “brutal” civil war Wednesday, as he branded the
country’s leader Bashar al-Assad a “butcher” and questioned Russia’s role in a
suspected chemical attack. Trump, standing alongside NATO Secretary General Jens
Stoltenberg, called on allies to “work together to resolve the disaster” in
Syria and thanked them for condemning Assad’s suspected sarin attack in Khan
Sheikhun. “Vicious slaughter of innocent civilians with chemical weapons
including the barbaric killing of small and helpless children and babies must be
forcefully rejected by any nation that values human life,” Trump told reporters.
“That’s a butcher. That’s a butcher. So I felt we had to do something about it.
I have absolutely no doubt we did the right thing, and it was very, very
successfully done,” he added. “It is time to end this brutal civil war, defeat
terrorists and allow refugees to return home.”Trump’s comments came shortly
after Russia vetoed a UN Security Council resolution that would have compelled
Damascus to cooperate with an investigation of the attack. Trump said it was
“certainly possible” that Russia President Vladimir Putin knew about the attack,
blamed on Assad, indicating Russian officials were present at the source
airbase, which Trump later bombed. “I would like to think that they didn’t know,
but certainly they could have. They were there. So we’ll find out,” he said.
Trump also praised China for abstaining during the UN vote. He met President Xi
Jinping last week in Florida and spoke again to the Chinese leader on Tuesday.
“I think it’s wonderful that they abstained,” he said. “We’re honored by the
vote. That’s the vote that should have taken place.”'
France Says Russia 'Bears a
Heavy Responsibility' over Syria Veto
Agence France Presse/Naharnet/April 13/17/France on Wednesday blasted Russia's
vetoing of a U.N. draft resolution demanding the Syrian government cooperate
with an investigation into a suspected chemical attack. "Russia bears a heavy
responsibility through its systematic opposition -- in order to protect its ally
Assad -- to a multilateral response to the issue of Syria," the office of French
President Francois Hollande said in a statement. The resolution "was designed to
allow a rapid, thorough inquiry by the Organization for the Prohibition of
Chemical Weapons (OPCW) to establish responsibility for the chemical attacks on
April 4 in Idlib province", the statement said. Russia's veto was the eighth
time it had chosen to oppose a majority of the (U.N. Security) Council in this
way, it added.
"Only the coming together of the international community in favor of a political
transition in Syria will allow this martyred country to find peace, stability
and sovereignty again.
"France will continue to mobilize in this way."
Britain 'Dismayed' by Russia's U.N. Syria Veto
Agence France Presse/Naharnet/April 13/17/British Foreign Secretary Boris
Johnson said he was "dismayed" by Russia's veto on Wednesday of a U.N. draft
resolution on the suspected chemical attack in Syria. "This puts Russia on the
wrong side of the argument," Johnson said in a statement issued in London.
Russia blocked a draft United Nations resolution demanding that the Syrian
regime cooperated with an investigation into the attack, which the West blames
on President Bashar al-Assad's forces.
"The international community sought to make clear that any use of chemical
weapons by anyone, anywhere is unacceptable and that those responsible will face
consequences," Johnson said. "So I am dismayed that Russia has once again
blocked the U.N. Security Council and in so doing refused to condemn the use of
chemical weapons or support a full U.N. investigation into the attack. "This
puts Russia on the wrong side of the argument. But it doesn't have to be this
way." He said the Group of Seven industrial powers were ready to work with
Russia to end the six-year civil war in Syria by finding a political solution,
and were unanimous that Assad had "no long term future" in the country. "So
Russia faces a choice: it can continue acting as a lifeline for Assad's
murderous regime, or it could live up to its responsibilities as a global power,
and use its influence over the regime to bring six long years of failed
ceasefires and false dawns to an end," said Johnson. Britain, France and the
United States put forward the U.N. draft resolution in response to the suspected
sarin gas attack in Khan Sheikhun on April 4 that left 87 dead, including 31
children. British analysis of samples from the site concluded that sarin, or a
substance like it, was used. Britain believes it is "highly likely the Assad
regime was responsible," Johnson said.
US-led coalition mistakenly kills 18 militia allies in
Syria: Pentagon
Reuters, Washington Thursday, 13 April 2017/A US-led air strike mistakenly
killed 18 members of a Kurdish and Arab militia backed by Washington south of
the Syrian city of Tabqa, the Pentagon said on Thursday. The US-led coalition
forces struck the position on Tuesday after another partner in the fight wrongly
told them its was occupied by ISIS militants, the Pentagon said, underlining the
complex nature of the conflict. “The target location was actually a forward
Syrian Democratic Forces fighting position,” the statement added. The SDF is
fighting in a campaign to encircle and ultimately capture Raqqa city, ISIS’s
main base of operations in Syria. The militia has closed in on the ISIS-held
Tabqa area, a focus of heavy fighting, about 40 km (25 miles) west of Raqqa. The
SDF said its leadership was working with the coalition to investigate the
incident and prevent it from happening again.“In the area of military operations
near Tabqa and as a result of error, a painful incident took place” causing
several casualties, the SDF said in a statement.
Chemical weapons experts in Turkey to investigate alleged
Syrian sarin attack
Reuters, Amsterdam Thursday, 13 April 2017/A team of experts from the global
chemical weapons watchdog has been sent to Turkey to collect samples as part of
an investigation into an alleged chemical weapons attack in Syria last week that
killed 87 people. The fact finding mission was sent from the Organization for
the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) in The Hague to gather bio-metric
samples and interview survivors, sources told Reuters on Thursday. The toxic gas
attack on April 4, which killed scores of children, prompted the United States
to launch missile strikes on a Syrian air base and widened a rift between the
United States and Russia, a close Syrian ally. Also read: Monitor says Syria
drops barrel bombs despite US warning; Syria denies. The OPCW mission will
determine whether chemical weapons were used, but is not mandated to assign
blame. Its findings, expected in 3-4 weeks, will be passed to a joint United
Nations-OPCW investigation tasked with identifying individuals or institutions
responsible for using chemical weapons. Investigators have concluded that sarin,
chlorine and sulphur mustard gas have been used in Syria's civil war. Government
forces used chlorine, while Islamic State militants used sulphur mustard. Last
week’s bombing in the town of Khan Sheikhoun in the rebel-held province of Idlib
near the Turkish border was the most lethal since a sarin attack on Aug. 21,
2013 killed hundreds in a suburb of the capital, Damascus.
Sisi Vows to Hunt Down Egypt Church Bombers in Tawadros
Agence France Presse/Naharnet/April 13/17/Egyptian President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi
pledged to hunt down the perpetrators of last week's twin church bombings as he
visited Coptic Pope Tawadros II on Thursday, his office said. Sisi's visit to
the papal seat in Cairo came a day after the interior ministry identified one of
the two suicide bombers who struck two Coptic churches on Palm Sunday, killing
45 people. The Islamic State group claimed the attacks, which followed a
December 11 suicide bombing that killed 29 people in a Cairo church. Sisi said
"state agencies were exerting their utmost effort to chase down the perpetrators
of those vile acts," the presidency said in a statement. The interior ministry
on Wednesday offered a 100,000-pound (about $5,500) reward for information
leading to the arrest of 18 suspects it said were members of jihadist cells
linked to the the church attacks. Sunday's first bombing at the Mar Girgis
church in Tanta, north of Cairo, killed 28 people. The second struck outside
Saint Mark's church in Alexandria, killing 17 people after a suicide bomber was
prevented from entering the building. Sisi declared a three-month state of
emergency after the bombings and called on the army to protect "vital"
installations around the country. The Coptic Church said on Wednesday it would
cut back Easter celebrations to a single mass after the bombings. The violence
came ahead of Catholic Pope Francis' first visit to Egypt, which a Vatican
official said will go ahead as planned on April 28 and 29 despite the
Abbas Seeks 'Unprecedented' Steps to End Palestinian Split
Associated Press/Naharnet/April 13/17/Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas says
he will take "unprecedented steps" to end the political division between his
West Bank-based autonomy government and the Hamas-run Gaza Strip. The Islamic
militant group Hamas seized Gaza from Abbas in 2007. The rivals failed to
reconcile. A unity government set up by Abbas in 2014 never got off the ground
in Gaza. Abbas said in comments published by the official news agency WAFA late
Wednesday that "we are going to take unprecedented steps in coming days to end
the division." He did not explain. Measures will likely include financial
pressure on Hamas. In a recent blow to Gaza's fragile economy, Abbas slashed by
one-third the salaries of 60,000 ex-civil servants and troops who have stayed
home since the Hamas takeover but continue to get paid.
Malala Yousafzai becomes
youngest ever to get honorary Canadian citizenship
The Associated Press, Toronto Thursday, 13 April 2017/Nobel Peace laureate
Malala Yousafzai returned to Canada on Wednesday to receive her honorary
citizenship and address the country’s lawmakers after her first visit to
Parliament in 2014 was put off because of a terror attack.
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau presented her with a framed certificate of
citizenship. She’s only the sixth person to receive the honor and the youngest
ever. The 19-year-old Pakistani activist was 15 when she shot in the head by
Taliban militants while returning from school. She was targeted for advocating
women’s education. She won world acclaim for her campaign and was awarded the
Nobel Peace Prize in 2014. Malala originally was scheduled to receive honorary
citizenship in October 2014, but the Canadian Parliament was stormed by an armed
terrorist that day. The gunman killed a soldier standing guard at Ottawa’s war
memorial shortly before storming Parliament in an attack that was stopped cold
when he was shot to death. “The man who attacked Parliament Hill called himself
a Muslim – but he did not share my faith. He did not share the faith of one and
a half billion Muslims living in peace around the world. He did not share our
Islam – a religion of learning, compassion and mercy,” she said to applause.
Malala also praised Canada for welcoming more than 40,000 Syrian refugees, and
appeared to add an appeal to the US as well. “I pray that you continue to open
your homes and your hearts to the world’s most defenseless children and
families,” she said, “and I hope your neighbors will follow your example.” And
she joked about Trudeau, Canada’s 45-year-old prime minister. “People are always
talking about how young he is. They say he is the second youngest prime minister
in Canada's history. He does yoga, he has tattoos,” she said. “When I was coming
here everyone was telling me to shake his hand and let us know how he looks in
reality. People were just so excited for me to meet Trudeau. I don't think
anyone cared about the Canadian honorary citizenship.”The other five honorary
citizens are the Dalai Lama, the Aga Khan, Nelson Mandela, Burmese activist Aung
San Suu Kyi and Swedish diplomat Raoul Wallenberg.
United States’ first female Muslim judge found dead in Hudson River
Reuters, New York Thursday, 13 April /A groundbreaking black jurist who became
the first Muslim woman to serve as a US judge was found dead in New York’s
Hudson River on Wednesday, police said.Sheila Abdus-Salaam, a 65-year-old
associate judge of New York’s highest court, was found floating off Manhattan’s
west side at about 1:45 p.m. EDT (1545 GMT), a police spokesman said. Police
pulled Abdus-Salaam’s fully clothed body from the water and she was pronounced
dead at the scene. Her family identified her and an autopsy would determine the
cause of death, the spokesman said. Abdus-Salaam, a native of Washington, D.C.,
became the first African-American woman appointed to the Court of Appeals when
Democratic Governor Mario Cuomo named her to the state’s high court in 2013.
“Justice Sheila Abdus-Salaam was a trailblazing jurist whose life in public
service was in pursuit of a more fair and more just New York for all,” Cuomo
said in a statement. The Princeton Encyclopedia of American Political History
said Abdus-Salaam was the first female Muslim to serve as a US judge. Citing
unidentified sources, the New York Post reported that Abdus-Salaam had been
reported missing from her New York home earlier on Wednesday. Attempts to reach
her family were unsuccessful. A graduate of Barnard College and Columbia Law
School, Abdus-Salaam started her law career with East Brooklyn Legal Services
and served as a New York state assistant attorney general, according to the
Court of Appeals website.
Latest LCCC Bulletin analysis & editorials from
miscellaneous sources published
on April 13-14/17
Let’s hope it is the beginning of the
Eyad Abu Shakra/Al Arabiya/April 13/17
Let us forget about fake ‘nationalist’ condemnation, and shedding crocodile
tears on doubtful sovereignty, since Syria became nothing but a ‘mailbox’ for
exchanging regional international political messages. Let us also look deeper
into a situation whereby human lives have become irrelevant against a crescendo
of chatter about false ‘Rejectionism’ and folkloric ‘Arabism’.
Given all the above, it has to be said that the main culprit responsible for
violating Syria’s sovereignty is he who has never cherished it, and never cared
about the lives and dignity of Syrian citizens.
Personally, I am not one who supports foreign intervention; and most certainly,
do not gloat about our misfortunes and defeats. I do not and would not call on
foreign powers to occupy our lands, and open for them the gates of what are
supposed to be ‘homelands’ … not detentions centers where people are abused and
In fact, it pains me deeply to see foreign military aircraft ‘touring’ the skies
of Arab countries taken away from their people not by an old enemy (that we have
been verbally attacking for 70 years), but by some of their own. It pains me
even more to see the inability of those to confront the real enemy, while –
thanks to habit and ‘inheritance’ – they have mastered the skill of confronting
their co-citizens when they seek the most basic human rights.
After the US ‘Tomahawk’ strikes against the Sh’ayrat Air Base (in Homs
Province), which was for several years a source of death and misery to Syria’s
cities and countryside, I heard and read about ‘angry’ reactions from fellow
Arabs who do not seem to refuse murder as a means of dialogue with protesters.
This strike must not be a mere reaction, but rather a first phase in a genuine
strategy that deals realistically and candidly with rulers and governments who
have proven beyond any doubt that do not care about dialogue, consensus,
co-existence and human rights
What is worse was that they considered the American strikes as:
1- A violation of Syria’s ‘sovereignty’, as if Syria is nothing but a regime
that is until this very moment bargaining with foreign powers on how to
partition it along religious, sectarian and ethnic lines; and engages in
systematic population exchange under international auspices.
2- A “punishment” to the regime “for opposing Israel’s continued occupation of
Palestine”, as Dr. Buthaina Sha’ban ‘brilliantly’ reminded us.
However, the fact is that there has been a sinister relationship of reciprocated
services between the Bashar Al-Assad regime and its supporters – namely, Iran –
on one side, and ISIS and its ilk on the other. The latter never really believed
in the Syrian popular uprising, never fought for it, but rather fought against
it and worked hard to destroy it from within whenever possible.
This picture was always clear to the US and Western powers. Washington in
particular, knew quite a lot about the Syrian situation during Barack Obama’s
presidency; but unfortunately Obama’s priorities were somewhere else.
The JCPOA (i.e. the nuclear agreement) with Iran was Washington’s main goal; and
to insure its implementation, Obama and his staff were happy to sacrifice the
Syrian people as well as America’s traditional Middle East allies and friends in
order to keep Tehran happy, and allow it to spread its sway from the Zagros
Mountains to the Levant coast, and from the Arabia Gulf to Bab Al-Mandeb strait.
For six years since the start of the Syrian uprising, and three years after
discovering the reality of Obama’s position, The Damascus regime and its backers
in Tehran and Moscow had received all the reassurances they needed to escalate
their war.
They benefited from the following positions adopted by Washington:
1- Continuous refusal of enforcing ‘safe havens’ and ‘no-fly zones’ intended to
deter the regime and protect the refugees and displaced; while Russia and China
– through their ‘vetoes’ – have prevented the international community from
stopping the regime’s carnage.
2- Stubborn rejection – despite pleas to the contrary – to provide the Syrian
Opposition with suitable quality weapons needed to confront and neutralize the
regime’s arsenal, replenished by Moscow via a permanent ‘air bridge’.
3- Failure to seriously check against the flagrant military activities of
pro-Iran sectarian militias, which have inflamed sectarian polarization,
nurtured frustration and despair, and eventually extremism in Syria.
4- Failure to back the trend of moderation and openness within the Syrian
Opposition, given its aforementioned stances, and then claiming that the
opposition was ‘incapable’ of confronting the regime. It then gave its support
to secessionist (Kurdish) militias not only threatening Syria’s territorial
integrity, but also its neighbors’, specifically, Turkey.
5- Failure to foresee, and then face up to, Russian direct combat involvement,
which is now a reality in many parts of Syria. This Russian involvement has
exacerbated the refugee crisis – especially, after the fall of Aleppo – and
given it global repercussions reflected in human tragedies and rise of
anti-foreigners racist extreme Right in Europe.
The unhappy situation
Thus, the Obama administration, which refused even to deter Al-Assad, emboldened
Tehran and Moscow, and handed them the regional initiative in the Middle East;
weakening in the process players who had considered themselves friends of
America if not its strategic allies. This unhappy situation has increased the
political and humanitarian costs, and decreased the chances of a victory for
moderates against extremists in Syria and elsewhere.
What President Donald Trump did, by ordering a punitive strike in retaliation
against the use of chemical weapons in the town of Khan Sheikhoun, was the first
sign of ‘deterrence’. ‘Deterrence’ of the murder and displacement machine, its
sponsors and operators.
It was the only action needed and required from Washington but never
materialized. This strike must not be a mere reaction, but rather a first phase
in a genuine strategy that deals realistically and candidly with rulers and
governments who have proven beyond any doubt that do not care about dialogue,
consensus, co-existence and human rights.
Al-Assad regime and its backers carried on with their genocide in Syria, even
after Washington had announced that toppling Al-Assad was no longer an American
priority. This clearly underlines the futility of any dialogue with it.
Defeating ISIS’ extremism can only be achieved by backing the forces of
moderation. This means getting rid of those exploiting extremism, and thus
forcing the victims of discrimination to condone and accept it.
In short, I do not want to see the end of the Damascus regime for Donald Trump’s
sake, but rather as a sign of respect to the souls of child victims like Hamzah
Al-Khatib, Wassim Zakkour, Alan Kurdi, and Aya and Ahmad Abdul Hamid Al-Yusuf,
as well the stunned innocent face of Omran Daqneesh and the tears of every
mother, father, sister and brother throughout Syria.
Al-Qidiya project and developing entertainment options
Turki Aldakhil/Al Arabiya/April 13/17
Saudi Arabia’s Deputy Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman’s announcement of the
project to build an entertainment city in Al-Qidiya indicates the country’s
engagement in the industries of manufacture and innovation on the entertainment
front instead of just being a consumer. The city, which covers an area of 334
square kilometers, marks a serious phase toward establishing professional
entertainment in the country. During spring break few days ago, border crossings
were packed with people heading from Saudi Arabia to the United Arab Emirates,
Bahrain, Kuwait and Qatar. This was in addition to many who traveled by air. The
purpose of traveling was leisure entertainment, sitting in cafés, watching
movies, enjoying concerts and celebrating with music. All these are means of
relaxation. Citizens want these means available in their cities.Every person has
the right to decide whether he wants to stay at home or go outdoors.
Entertainment is a matter of choice made available within the city and based on
people’s different tastes
Matter of choice
Entertainment is not obligatory but a choice. It does not cancel any other
activity. It is one’s right not to attend concerts or go to amusement parks or
outdoor recreation centers. Every person has the right to decide whether he
wants to stay at home or go outdoors. Entertainment is a matter of choice made
available within the city and based on people’s different tastes. The deputy
crown prince is part of the young generation, which represents the biggest
segment of our society. They know what they want and what they aspire for.
Entertainment and fun are essential elements of this aspiration; especially
considering it means Saudi money will be spent within their own country instead
of being spent in other countries.
Syria between Obama and Trump
Ahmad al-Farraj/Al Arabiya/April 13/17
It has been clear since the second year of the Syrian revolution that Syria has
turned into an international battlefield where armed militias fight to serve the
interests of international powers, or to be more accurate, the revolution
transformed into a project to destroy the Syrian state. Russia’s messages were
clear when it said that it will not give up its only foothold in this turbulent
region. China’s position was completely similar to Russia’s and this might have
been the case either because it wants to serve its own interests or to spite the
Americans especially that Russian President Vladimir Putin was taken by surprise
in Libya.
This is in addition to Putin’s eternal dream of restoring the past glory of the
Russian empire. A hesitant American president empowered Putin and made him
braver. It goes without saying that that there was no chemistry whatsoever
between the leaders of the two major powers.
Four years ago, President Barack Obama had the chance to intervene in Syria
after the Assad regime used chemical weapons to kill innocent people. Back then,
the world felt that the US will end the crisis which was unprecedented given its
brutality, due to acts committed by the regime and terrorist militias.
However, Obama backed down from his red lines in the last minute after he was
convinced that the Syrian regime gave up its internationally-prohibited arms. If
a hesitant Obama was serious about intervening, he would have intervened
regardless of everything especially that Syria has become an arena for the most
notorious terrorist organizations, like ISIS and Hezbollah, and it has become a
hotbed for all forms of Iranian intervention.
Obama’s weak stance, which upset America’s allies across the world especially in
the Middle East, made Iran and Russia feel that they are before a weak and
hesitant American command. As a result, they doubled their intervention in
Syrian affairs to the extent that the presence of Iran’s generals on Syrian
territory became common.
A hesitant American president empowered Putin and made him braver. It goes
without saying that that there was no chemistry whatsoever between the leaders
of the two major powers. A strategic plan? Obama was a hands-on president who
followed up on every single detail. Yet, his retreat from intervening in Syria
was not a result of a strategic plan and did not aim to serve a larger American
interest. Obama knew that it is important for a superpower, like the US, to
intervene when necessary in order to restore balance and security to the world.
Is there a bigger necessity than intervening to fight a butcher who is killing
his own people using prohibited weapons? However, Obama’s calculations were
purely personal. His intervention in Syria would have angered Iran and he could
not bear that as Iran was his only way of attaining personal glory. His record
did not bear any achievement that history will document. There was only the
nuclear agreement, which he achieved via the friend of Iran’s mullahs and his
Secretary of State John Kerry. They succeeded in recording a historical
achievement for Obama at the expense of America’s prestige, its historical
allies and the blood of the innocent in Syria.
Shayrat missile strike, a historical event
Abdullah bin Bijad Al-Otaibi/Al Arabiya/April 13/17
American missiles destroyed the Syrian military al-Shayrat air base on Friday
dawn, so what is the significance of this attack? Can we consider it a
historical event? Or must we wait until American President Donald Trump’s policy
towards the Syrian crisis unfolds? The attack clearly states that America no
longer looks at the world through neutral eyes and no longer adopts an
isolationist policy. It is back to assuming its international responsibility and
the status it is worthy of as the biggest empire we’ve known throughout history
and our current time. Restoring this role means reconsidering many international
problems across the world. What’s also significant is that the arena in the
Middle East, particularly in Syria and Iraq, is no longer only Russia’s and
Iran’s playground. The major player is now back and it is involved in the
region’s conflicts. The issue of terrorism, and specifically ISIS, will no
longer be used as a bargaining a chip for deceit and to drive bargains but will
be addressed via effective and practical policies. This is in addition to other
implications. Can we consider the strike a historical event? Yes, it is and we
can say so before America’s entire policy as regards the Syrian crisis unfolds.
America has launched a new phase in the history of the region and the world – a
phase during which the US announced it will not keep silent over crimes being
committed against humanity in Syria.
Retreat over
The strike is a frank announcement that years of American retreat are over.
Obama’s eight years which were marked by weakness and wasting opportunities are
now over. These eight years during which Obama supported the Iranian regime in
several ways – by flagrantly overlooking all of Tehran’s roles in destruction
and terrorism – are now over and there is a new vision when it comes to dealing
with all the issues that Obama intentionally ignored. The strike also indicates
America’s return to international causes as the greatest power in history. The
US is not only the strongest in terms of its military but it is also the most
powerful on the political, economic, cultural and technological fronts.
Therefore, this return is definitely a historical event. In this context,
however, must we wait to know Trump’s complete vision for a solution in Syria?
During moments of historical change, countries which are more prepared are the
ones which win and states which are flexible the most in terms of dealing with
this change benefit a lot. Gulf countries know well what the Syrian people want
and know well they can help them and stand by them whether when it comes to
politics or on the ground. They have never stopped supporting these oppressed
people and did not wait until the world changed. The answer is yes because the
Syrian crisis is very complicated and the proposed solutions are many and differ
according to the different interests of major players in the region and the
world. Arab countries and the Syrian people must contribute as much as they can
to influence the establishment of this vision and of the proposed political
solutions. This influence must also guarantee the interests of Arabs and the
Syrian people.
Arab countries are not neutral towards the Syrian crisis. Most of them –
particularly Gulf countries – support the rights of the Syrian people and reject
the crimes of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad and the Iranian regime and the
Russian cover. What’s new today is that America is no longer neutral and it has
announced its readiness to practically engage in the Syrian crisis. The
question, however, is to what extent will it be involved? How can this be
beneficial? During moments of historical change, countries which are more
prepared are the ones which win and states which are flexible the most in terms
of dealing with this change benefit a lot. Gulf countries know well what the
Syrian people want and know well they can help them and stand by them whether
when it comes to politics or on the ground. They have never stopped supporting
these oppressed people and did not wait until the world changed.
When it comes to Iran, that rogue country which is the most evil in the region
and the world, Gulf countries have confronted it everywhere, diminished its
influence, and threats and competently overcame eight years during which their
biggest ally, America, was out of the picture. Therefore, they are today poised
to making bigger gains and providing qualitative support that alters formulae in
this tragic crisis which is unprecedented in the history of the modern world.
Saudis Criticize Government's Leniency Towards Preacher's
Incitement-Filled Sermons
MEMRI/April 13/17
In recent months Saudi media, and Saudis on social media, have been in an uproar
over Saudi cleric Saeed bin Farwah, his controversial sermons, and the Saudi
authorities' responses to them. In the first of these sermons, delivered June
19, 2015, bin Farwah had attacked Nasser Al-Qasabi, a Saudi comedian, TV
personality, and star of the hit TV show Selfie,[1] calling him an "infidel" and
expressing his wish "that Allah leave no bone unbroken in the body of that piece
of filth."
Following this sermon, social media users expressed their objections to the
cleric using the hashtag "Saeed bin Farwah calls Nasser Al-Qasabi an infidel."
Al-Qasabi sued bin Farwah for slander, and the Saudi Ministry of Islamic Affairs
launched an investigation of bin Farwah.[2]
On October 31, 2016, Saudi and Arab media reported that bin Farwah had been
convicted of making statements against and condemning Al-Qasabi, and sentenced
him to 45 days in prison.[3]
Even after bin Farwah's conviction, a month later, on November 29, 2016, another
of his sermons was posted to YouTube; in this one, he harshly criticized fathers
who send their daughters abroad to study pharmacology and medicine. This, he
said, was the same as pimping out their daughters, whom he referred to as
prostitutes.[4] Outrage against bin Farwah again erupted in the country, and the
media featured numerous op-eds condemning him; on Twitter, there was intense
commentary under the hashtag "Saeed bin Farwah slanders society." The cleric was
also included in Twitter polls on "the worst personality of 2016," and was the
winner of one of them.[5]
On November 30, the day after this second sermon was posted, Saudi Chief Mufti
Sheikh 'Abd Al-'Aziz Aal Al-Sheikh condemned bin Farwah, and called on the
Ministry of Islamic Affairs to make preachers like him aware of their mistakes,
or to remove them altogether.[6] The ministry, for its part, stated that this
was an old sermon, from about six years ago, and that steps had been taken at
that time against the imam who had allowed bin Farwah to deliver it. The
ministry also stressed that bin Farwah is not a ministry-appointed preacher and
is not authorized to deliver sermons as an official shari'a preacher.[7]
As the commentary against bin Farwah raged on social media, on January 15, 2017,
a Saudi appellate court overturned his October 2016 slander conviction, because
of his good reputation and because he is a religious figure – and also because
in his criticism of Al-Qasabi, he never mentioned him by name. The court ordered
a retrial, and on February 16, 2017, the original conviction was reinstated.[8]
A particularly strong reaction to bin Farwah's sermons took the form of a
cartoon showing a preacher vomiting green bile all over the heads of the
worshippers, who in turn thank him for his statements. The cartoon was published
on November 11, 2016, following the posting on YouTube of the sermon against
girls studying pharmacology and medicine, and was disseminated on Twitter after
bin Farwah's conviction was overturned.
Preacher vomits on congregants, and one says to him: "May Allah repay you with
kindness" (Makkah, Saudi Arabia, November 30, 2016)
Some of the articles in the Saudi press on bin Farwah's sermons notably
criticized the Saudi establishment's leniency towards him, and also criticized
Saudi society for enabling bin Farwah and others like him to operate freely. His
light sentence for his statements against Al-Qasabi, they said, could encourage
others to do likewise; they added that there was no place for his ilk in the
mosque pulpits during Friday prayers.
Following are excerpts from several articles on this controversy:
Criticism Of Saudi Court: Bin Farwah's Light Sentence Is No Deterrent – And Will
Only Encourage Others
In a November 3, 2016 article in the Saudi daily 'Okaz, Saudi journalist Ahmad
Al-Zahrani criticized the brevity – only 45 days – of bin Farwah's prison
sentence for slander, and argued that this sentence did not reflect the severity
of his actions. Not only did it pose no deterrent, he added, it could even
embolden others to follow in bin Farwah's footsteps. He wrote: "Early this week,
it was reported in the dailies and on television that a mosque preacher in the 'Asir
region had been sentenced to 45 days in prison after being convicted of
denouncing and cursing the artist Nasser Al-Qasabi. [The preacher] called [Al-Qasabi]
names that do not befit a Muslim, such as 'infidel,' and also delivered a
virulent sermon [against him]... The imam of the mosque [bin Farwah] merely
denied having been convicted of anything in this affair.
"Some might say that an artist is a public figure, and that it is only natural
that his artistic activity should be subject to criticism. This is true, and
moreover, [artists] measure the success of anything they do in terms of how much
of a reaction it triggers, including anger. This is not the problem. The problem
is the venue where the attack [on the artist took place, namely a mosque. The
attack] included highly offensive remarks, some of which amounted to slander and
to excluding [Al-Qasabi] from the fold of the religion. According to the Mosque
Document issued by the Ministry of Islamic Affairs,[9] sermons delivered from a
mosque pulpit must be limited to preaching and to guiding people on the right
path, and must avoid sectorial or political issues, as well as insults to
individuals, whether explicit or implicit...
"The hearings for determining the sentence in Al-Qasabi's case continued for
about a year and a half, and the term of imprisonment imposed [on bin Farwah]
does not exceed the duration of his detention for questioning. Moreover, the
convicted man [bin Farwah] may be pardoned and released after serving [only]
half of his sentence, especially considering that he knows the Koran by heart
and is considered a virtuous person. The sentence [handed down] cannot be
described as a deterrent; in fact, it may prompt others to stage similar
attacks. The strangest aspect of the entire affair is that the video [of the
sermon in which bin Farwah accused Al-Qasabi of unbelief] has not been removed
from YouTube, which will encourage thousands of people to look for it and to
listen to it again. After all this, is it accurate to say that Al-Qasabi won
this lawsuit?"[10]
Saudi Writers: More Aggressive Steps Should Be Taken Against All Extremist
The bin Farwah sermon that was posted on YouTube in November 2016, about fathers
sending their daughters abroad to study pharmacology and medicine and which
referred to these fathers as pimps and the daughters as prostitutes, also
sparked widespread reactions in the Saudi press.
A few days after the sermon appeared on YouTube, in a December 4, 2016 article,
senior Saudi journalist and former Al-Arabiya TV director Turki Al-Dakhil
expressed his satisfaction at the Saudi mufti's condemnation of bin Farwah but
criticized the Ministry of Islamic Affairs and Saudi society itself for their
reactions to the sermon. Bin Farwah's preaching style, he said, should not be
repeated again and again in Saudi mosques. He wrote: "The extremist discourse
has run into trouble after the honorable mufti Sheikh 'Abd Al-'Aziz Aal
Al-Sheikh made his statements – which [themselves came in the wake of] sweeping
public outrage at a sermon by a fanatic who described male and female [students]
sent [to study] medicine and pharmacology [abroad] and their families in terms
unfit for printing in the paper. Despite this, the preacher stuck [to his guns]
and did not heed [the outrage].
"We have had three decades of monopoly of the pulpits and weekly castigation of
the public. Every Friday, a worshipper is admonished, reproached, and
castigated... Our mistake is that we continue to submit to these warmongering,
inciting, chastising sermons.
"There are times when the preacher is passionate and annoyed that people listen
submissively, not out of respect for the sermon but [out of respect] for the
Prophet [Muhammad's] commandment – that is, that those who do not heed Friday
sermons will not be rewarded [in the afterlife] for attending them. Deputy
Minister of Islamic Affairs Tawfiq Al-Sudairi believed that the preacher [bin
Farwah] has deviated from the ministry's path and absolutely does not represent
it. But this begs the question: How was this man given the opportunity to speak
several times, in this same style, which deviates from [the norms of] manners
and culture?!
"The mufti's comments were timely. The pulpit must be defended against zealotry
and invective. This is especially true because the public devotes itself to
worshiping God on Friday in an attempt to grow closer to Him, and seeks a worthy
sermon... or preaching delivered in a purely religious manner, not in
catastrophic political and ideological language."[11]
Saudi journalist Sa'd Al-Dossari likewise criticized the ministry's actions
vis-à-vis bin Farwah. In his column in the Saudi daily Al-Jazirah, he stressed
that sermons like bin Farwah's are not isolated incidents, and called to put an
end to them. He wrote: "There is nothing new in the appearance atop a pulpit of
a man who distorts religion and society and who creates a scandal that turns
[everyone] against us, inside and outside Saudi Arabia. Therefore, we must
urgently find a comprehensive solution to this phenomenon. The Ministry of
Islamic Affairs must take harsher steps against anyone showing signs of
"Several days ago, the [chief] mufti spoke his mind about those who take
advantage of the pulpits, saying that they are committing a grave action and
that they do not comprehend [the gravity] of their actions, and calling for
their removal. As for the Ministry of Islamic Affairs – it says every time that
it took the steps necessary – [yet] we do not know the nature of these steps,
their effectiveness as deterrents, and whether they are sufficient to end this
serious phenomenon, as the mufti referred to it...
"The fear is that some, perhaps unintentionally, take the implementation of
[deterrent] measures lightly. As a result, these same extremists dismiss the
obligation to obey [these measures], and shortly thereafter they are back in
another affair that is even more extreme."[12]
[1] For more on the TV show, which aired during Ramadan in 2015 and dealt with
current events in Saudi society such as extremism, domestic violence, and Saudi
youths joining ISIS, and the media stir it caused, see MEMRI Inquiry & Analysis
No. 1176, 'Selfie' – Satirical Saudi TV Show Sends Shockwaves Through The
Kingdom, July 16, 2015.
[2], June 20, 2015.
[3], October 31, 2016; Al-Quds Al-Arabi (London), October 31, November
1, 2016; Eremnews, October 31, 2016.
[4], November 29, 2016.
[5], December 24, 2016;, January 23,
[6], November 30, 2016.
[7], December 1, 2016.
[8] 'Okaz (Saudi Arabia), January 15, February 16, 2017.
[9] The document sets out the roles of mosque employees, the requirements they
must meet, and the terms of their employment. Al-Riyadh (Saudi Arabia), June 23,
2013;, August 15, 2014.
[10] 'Okaz (Saudi Arabia), November 3, 2016.
[11] 'Okaz (Saudi Arabia), December 4, 2016.
[12] Al-Jazirah (Saudi Arabia), December 6, 2016.
Iranian Website Specializing In Syrian War Reports: Gas
Attack Intended To Save Iranian/Syrian Frontline In Khan Sheikhoun Region From
MEMRI/April 13/17
The April 4 Sarin gas attack on Khan Sheikhoun, just one day after the U.S.
administration changed its position vis-à-vis Syrian President Al-Assad,
declaring that his removal from power was no longer a priority, raised questions
regarding the underlying motive for the attack. Indeed, the initial Russian
claim that the attack had been fabricated by opponents of the Syrian regime was
based on its being so clearly against Syrian interests.
While it is now largely accepted that the Syrian regime carried out the attack,
the motivation underlying it remains enigmatic, giving rise to conspiracy
Iranian Website Specializing In Syrian War Reports Provides The Explanation: To
Prevent Breakdown Of Iranian/Syrian Frontline
On April 7, 2017, WarReports, an Iranian research group dedicated to monitoring
and covering Iran's role in the war in Syria and Iraq,[1] published a report on
its Facebook page, explaining why the Syrian regime had carried out the gas
attack.[2] It claimed that the attack had been "in support of the
Iranian-affiliated ground forces, Hizbullah, and the Syrian army, all of which
were stationed several kilometers behind the frontline." According to the
report, in the past three weeks there had been 21 casualties from among the IRGC
forces and the Fatimiyun Afghani Shi'ite militia located in Hama.[3] The report
included a map of the region, showing the retreat southward of the
Iranian-backed forces from the Khan Sheikhoun region, a retreat that threatened
to turn into a complete breakdown of the front. The attack, therefore, was
intended to curb the rebel thrust in K
The report further stated that hitting the civilian population in the rebel-held
areas was a known tactic of the Syrian regime, intended to crush the fighting
spirit of the forces and to stop their operations. This was the case in the
August 2013 gas attack on Ghouta, Damascus, and the October 2015 cluster-bomb
attack on the civilization population of eastern Aleppo.
It should be noted that in a recent White House intelligence briefing, officials
gave the same rationale for the Syrian regime attack, without providing further
details: "They were losing in a particularly important area. That’s what drove
[the attack]."[4]
Map legend:
Red areas: territory held by Iranian/Syrian-regime forces
Green areas: territory held by the Jabhat Fath Al-Sham (formerly JNS) armed
Red circle: Khan Sheikhoun
Red arrows: distance from Khan Sheikhoun to the Iranian-backed forces
Black dotted line opposition frontline prior to March 21 operations and Iranian
forces retreat
Red dotted line: current opposition frontline following the Iranian forces
[1]; Twitter: @warreports. Facebook:
[3] The website provided a link to the image of one of the IRGC members killed
Time to Tackle the Muslim Brotherhood
Jagdish N. Singh/Gatestone Institute/April 13/17
The final report of the Senate's "Joint Inquiry into Intelligence Community
Activities before and after the Terrorist Attacks of September 11, 2001"
revealed that U.S.-stationed Saudi intelligence officers, who provided
assistance to the hijackers ahead of the World Trade Center and Pentagon
bombings, were in direct contact with senior members of the American branch of
the Muslim Brotherhood.
During the Taliban regime in Kabul, the Brotherhood had training camps in
Afghanistan for Kashmiri militants fighting against India and Central Asian
In his inaugural address on January 20, U.S. President Donald Trump vowed to
"unite the civilized world against... and eradicate radical Islamic terrorism."
So far, however, the administration in Washington, like its predecessors, has
done little to rein in one of the key sources of this growing global phenomenon
-- the Muslim Brotherhood.
Founded by Sheikh Hassan al-Banna in Egypt in 1928, the Brotherhood does not
always openly advocate violence. But its main agenda is to establish a worldwide
Islamic Caliphate by way of the sword. As its motto reads: "The Prophet is our
leader; jihad is our way; death for the sake of Allah is our wish."
The emblem of the Muslim Brotherhood, and its founder, Hassan al-Banna.
The Brotherhood's hostility towards the United States has been clear. It not
only backed the Taliban regime in Afghanistan, but founded al Qaeda, nineteen of
whose operatives perpetrated the 9/11 attacks.
The final report of the Senate's "Joint Inquiry into Intelligence Community
Activities before and after the Terrorist Attacks of September 11, 2001" --
released in December 2002 -- revealed that U.S.-stationed Saudi intelligence
officers, who provided assistance to the hijackers ahead of the World Trade
Center and Pentagon bombings, were in direct contact with senior members of the
American branch of the Brotherhood.
Where future operations are concerned, the Brotherhood currently instructs its
"...use diverse and varied surveillance systems to gather information...not look
for confrontation with adversaries, at the local or the global scale, which
would be disproportionate...and master the art of the possible on a temporary
basis without abusing the basic [Islamic] principles."
Unlike the Obama administration, which viewed the Brotherhood "as a moderate
alternative to more violent Islamist groups like al Qaeda and the Islamic
State," the new U.S. government is taking a tougher rhetorical stance.
In his Senate confirmation hearings on January 11, Secretary of State Rex
Tillerson referred to "agents of radical Islam like al Qaeda, the Muslim
Brotherhood and certain elements within Iran."
Meanwhile, U.S. Senator Ted Cruz (R-Texas), together with Congressman Michael
McCaul (R-Texas) and Congressman Mario Diaz-Balart (R-Florida) reintroduced two
bills aimed at holding Iran's Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps and the Muslim
Brotherhood accountable for violent, Islamist, anti-Western ideology and
enabling the U.S. to stifle the groups' funding.
Moderate Muslims, too, favor action against the Brotherhood. Lebanese Shiite
cleric Sheikh Mohammad Hajj Hassan, founder of the American-Muslim Alliance, on
the face of it possibly not the most objective commentator on a predominately
Sunni organization, called on Trump to designate the Brotherhood as a "Foreign
Terrorist Organization."
In February, Hassan told Fox News:
"Terrorism is the enemy of the whole humanity, including Muslims; these Takfiri
[apostate] terrorist organizations distort the real image of Islam and offen[d]
Muslims who want to live in peace and security with all segments of the
society... This group since its inception practiced killing crimes and terror
attacks in the Arab world. In Egypt, Syria, Tunisia and other countries their
clerics call for violence."
Washington can and should expect support, as well, from the civilized
international community in tackling the Brotherhood, which poses a threat to the
entire world. Indeed, the organization has active followers in more than 70
countries. One of these is India, which has an obligation to back the U.S. in
the war against the Brotherhood and affiliate terrorist organizations, such as
New Delhi can ill afford to overlook that during the Taliban regime in Kabul,
the Brotherhood had training camps in Afghanistan for Kashmiri militants
fighting against India and Central Asian states.
The time is not only ripe for the U.S. and its allies to eradicate the Muslim
Brotherhood; it is well overdue.
*The author is a senior journalist based in New Delhi.
© 2017 Gatestone Institute. All rights reserved. The articles printed here do
not necessarily reflect the views of the Editors or of Gatestone Institute. No
part of the Gatestone website or any of its contents may be reproduced, copied
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Which Way Will France Go?
Giulio Meotti/Gatestone Institute/April 13/17
After two years and 238 deaths at the hands of Islamic terrorism, what did
France do to defeat radical Islam? Almost nothing.
If Emmanuel Macron wins, France as we have known it can be considered pretty
much over. By blaming "colonialism" for French troubles in the Arab world, and
calling it "a crime against humanity", he has effectively legitimized Muslim
extremist violence against the French Republic.
In just two years, Muslim organizations in France have dragged to trial great
writers such as Georges Bensoussan, Pascal Bruckner, and Renaud Camus. It is the
Islamists' dream coming true: seeing "Islamophobes" on trial to restrict their
freedom of expression. Charlie Hebdo's physical massacre was therefore followed
by an intellectual one.
It was a sort of farewell to the army. During a brief visit to the aircraft
carrier Charles de Gaulle last December, French President François Hollande
honored the French soldiers involved in "Operation Chammal" against the Islamic
State. After two years and 238 deaths at the hands of Islamic terrorism, what
did France do to defeat radical Islam? Almost nothing.
It is this legacy of indifference that is at stake in the looming French
presidential elections. If Marine Le Pen or François Fillon win, it means that
France has rejected this autocratic legacy and wants to try a different, braver
way. If Emmanuel Macron wins, France as we have known it can be considered
pretty much over. Macron is, for example, against taking away French nationality
from jihadists. Terrorism, Islam and security are almost absent from Macron's
vocabulary and platform, and he is in favor of lowering France's state of
emergency. By blaming "colonialism" for French troubles in the Arab world, and
calling it "a crime against humanity", he has effectively legitimized Muslim
extremist violence against the French Republic.
As General Vincent Desportes wrote in his new book, La dernière Bataille de
France ("The Last Battle of France"):
"President Hollande said on November 15 that it would be ruthless, we were at
war ... but we do not make war! History shows that in the eternal struggle
between the shield and the sword, the sword is still a step forward and
In the past two years, France only used the shield.
France's fake war began in Paris with a massacre at the satirical magazine,
Charlie Hebdo. Twelve cartoonists and policemen were massacred by two brothers
who shouted, "We avenged Muhammad, we killed Charlie Hebdo". After a few days of
marches, vigils, candles and collective statements such as "Je Suis Charlie",
half of the French intelligentsia was ready to go and hide underground,
protected by the police. These are academics, intellectuals, novelists,
journalists. The most famous is Michel Houellebecq, the author of the book
Submission. Then there is Éric Zemmour, the author of the book, Suicide
Française ("The French Suicide"); then the team of Charlie Hebdo, along with its
director, Riss (Laurent Sourisseau); Mohammed Sifaoui, a French-Algerian
journalist who wrote Combattre le terrorisme islamiste ("Combating Islamist
Terrorism"); Frédéric Haziza, radio journalist and author at the journal, Canard
Enchaîné; and Philippe Val, the former director of Charlie Hebdo. The latest to
run was the Franco-Algerian journalist Zineb Rhazaoui; surrounded by six
policemen, she left Charlie Hebdo after saying that her newspaper had
capitulated to terror and refused to run more cartoons of Muhammad.
"Charb? Where is Charb?" were the words that echoed in the offices of Charlie
Hebdo on January 7, 2015, the day he and his colleagues were murdered. "Charb"
was Stéphane Charbonnier, the editor of the magazine that had published cartoons
of Muhammad. Charb was working on a short book, On Blasphemy, Islamophobia and
the true enemies of free expression, posthumously published. Charb's book
attacked self-righteous intellectuals, who for years had been claiming that
Charlie Hebdo was responsible for its own troubles, a childlike view, popular
throughout Europe. It is based on the notion that if everyone would just keep
quiet, these problems would not exist. Presumably, therefore, if no one had
pointed out the threats of Nazism or Communism, Nazism and Communism would have
quietly have vanished of their own accord. Unfortunately, that approach was
tried; it did not work. The book also criticized "sectarian activists", whom he
said have been trying "to impose on the judicial authorities the political
concept of 'Islamophobia'".
As for "the Left", he wrote: "It is time to end this disgusting paternalism of
the intellectual left" -- meaning its moral sanctimony. Charb delivered these
pages to his publisher on January 5. Two days later he was murdered.
Now, some of these people he was calling out are trying to hide their cowardice
by attacking him. In recent weeks, a number of cultural events in France have
tried to "deprogram" the public from paying attention this extremely important
book. A theatrical adaptation of it, attended by one of the journalists of
Charlie Hebdo, Marika Bret, was scheduled to take place at the University of
Lille. However, the president of the University, Xavier Vandendriessche, said he
feared "excesses" and the "atmosphere", so he eliminated Charb from the program.
Twice. The play's director, Gérald Dumont, sent a letter to the Minister of
Culture, Audrey Azoulay, mentioning "censorship".
At the same time, Charb's book also disappeared from two events at a cultural
festival in Avignon. "How to reduce the dead to silence", tweeted Raphaël
Glucksmann. "Killed in 2015, banned in 2017", Bernard-Henri Lévy summed up.
During the past two years, the publishing industry itself has played a central
role in censoring and supporting censorship, by censoring itself. The
philosopher Michel Onfray refused to release his book, Thinking Islam, in French
and it first came out in Italian. The German writer, Hamed Abdel Samad saw his
book Der islamische Faschismus: Eine Analyse ("Islamic Fascism: An Analysis"), a
bestseller in Germany, censored in French by the publishing house Piranha.
The French courts, meanwhile, revived le délit d'opinion -- a penal offense for
expressing political opinions, now an "intellectual crime". It was explained by
Véronique Grousset in Le Figaro:
"Insidiously, the law blurred the distinction between the discussion of ideas
and the personal attack. Many organizations are struggling to bring their
opponents to justice".
It means that the legal system is hauling writers and journalists to court for
expressing specific ideas, in particular criticism of Islam.
In just two years in France, Muslim organizations have dragged to trial great
writers such as Georges Bensoussan, Pascal Bruckner, and Renaud Camus. It is the
Islamists' dream coming true: seeing "Islamophobes" on trial to punish their
freedom of expression.
Charlie Hebdo's physical massacre was therefore followed by an intellectual one:
today, Charb's important book cannot find a room in France for a public reading;
it should, instead, be protected as a legacy of courage and truth.
Even in French theaters, free speech is being crushed. Films about Islam have
been cancelled: "The Apostle" by Carron Director, on Muslim converts to
Christianity; "Timbuktu" on the Islamist takeover of Mali, and Nicolas
Boukhrief's "Made in France", about a jihadist cell. A poster for "Made in
France" -- a Kalashnikov over the Eiffel Tower -- was already in the Paris metro
when ISIS went into action on the night of November 13, 2016. Immediately, the
film's release was suspended, with the promise that the film would be back in
theaters. "Made in France" is now only available "on-demand". Another film, "Les
Salafistes", was screened with a notice banning minors. The Interior Ministry
called for a total ban.
After the massacre at Charlie Hebdo, the country seemed for a short time to
return to normalcy. Meanwhile, thousands of Jews were packing up to leave
France. At the request of local Jewish community leaders, the Jewish skullcap
disappeared from the streets of Marseille, and in Toulouse, after an Islamic
terrorist murdered a Jewish teacher and three children in 2012, 300 Jewish
families pack up and left.
In the daily newspaper Le Figaro, Hadrien Desuin, an expert on international
relations, compared the last two years to the "phony war" that France did not
fight in 1939-40. Paris, while declaring a war against Germany, as it now
declares a war against terrorism, simply refused to fight. For a whole year,
France, crouching behind a Maginot Line that it foolishly believed was
invincible did not fire a single gun against the Germans who were spreading
throughout Europe at the time. Similarly, General Vincent Desportes explains in
his book The Last Battle of France that Operation Sentinel, in which French
soldiers are now deployed in the streets, is a "show", and that "the Islamic
State is not afraid of our aircraft. You have to attack by land, terrorizing. We
have the means to do it, but it takes political courage". According to Desportes,
Operation Sentinel "changes nothing".
France's never-begun war on terror also collapsed around the three most
important measures: removing French citizenship from jihadists,
"de-radicalizing" them and closing their salafist mosques.
There are at least 20 among 2,500 famous radical mosques that need to close now.
The Territorial Information Center (SCRT) recommended that there are 124
salafist mosques in France that should close. Only Marine Le Pen has demanded
Three days after the November 13 Paris massacres, President Hollande announced a
constitutional reform that would strip French citizenship from Islamic
terrorists. Faced with the impossibility of finding a shared text by both
Houses, as well as with the resignation of his Justice Minister Christiane
Taubira, Hollande was forced to cancel the move. It means that hundreds of
French citizens who went to Syria for jihad can now return to their country of
origin and murder more innocent people there.
The Bataclan Theater -- the scene of a massacre in which 90 people were murdered
and many others wounded on November 13, 2015 -- recently reopened with a concert
by the performer Sting. His last song was "Inshallah" (Arabic for "If Allah
Wills"). That is the state of France's last two years: starting with "Allahu
Akbar" ("Allah is the greatest"), chanted by the jihadists who slaughtered 80
people, and ending with a phony invocation to Allah by a British singer. "Inshallah,"
said Sting from the stage, "that wonderful word". "Rebirth at the Bataclan," the
newspaper Libération wrote as its headline.
The director of the Bataclan told Jesse Hughes, the head of American band Eagles
of Death Metal: "There are things you cannot forgive." True. Except that France
has forgiven everything. The drawing on the cover of Charlie Hebdo after the
massacre -- a weeping Muhammad saying, "All is forgiven" -- was the start of
France's psychological surrender.
Left: The cover of Charlie Hebdo after the massacre of its staff -- a weeping
Muhammad saying, "All is forgiven" -- was the start of France's psychological
surrender. Right: When the Bataclan Theater (where 90 people were murdered in
November 2015) recently reopened with a concert by the performer Sting, his last
song was "Inshallah" (Arabic for "If Allah Wills").
*Giulio Meotti, Cultural Editor for Il Foglio, is an Italian journalist and
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Spicer's Mistake and the Democrat's Over-Reaction
Alan M. Dershowitz/Gatestone Institute/April 12/17
Sean Spicer made a serious mistake when he compared Bashar Al-Assad to Hitler,
and to make matters worse, he got his facts wrong. He quickly and fully
apologized. There was no hint of anti-Semitism in his historical mistake and his
apology should have ended the matter. But his political enemies decided to
exploit his mistake by pandering to Jews. In doing so, it is they who are
exploiting the memory of the six million during the Passover Holiday.
The Democratic National Committee issued a rebuke with the headline "We will not
stand for anti-Semitism." Its content included the following: "Denying the
atrocities committed by Adolf Hitler and the Nazi regime is a tried and true
tactic used by Neo-Nazis and white supremacist groups that have become
emboldened since Donald Trump first announced his campaign for president." By
placing Hitler and Trump in the same sentence, the DNC committed a mistake
similar to that for which they justly criticized Spicer. Moreover, the DNC
itself, is co-chaired by a man who for many years did "stand for anti-Semitism"
-- namely Keith Ellison who stood by the notorious anti-Semite Louis Farrakhan,
while denying that he was aware of Farrakhan's very public Jew-hatred. It is the
epitome of Chutzpah for the DNC to falsely accuse Spicer of standing by
anti-Semitism while it is they who are co-chaired by a man who committed that
Nancy Pelosi, the House Minority leaders, falsely accused Spicer of "downplaying
the horror of the Holocaust." But by leveling that false accusation, Pelosi
herself is exploiting the tragedy.
Steven Goldstein, a hard-left radical who heads a phony organization that calls
itself "The Anne Frank Center for Mutual Respect," accused Spicer of "engage[ing]
in Holocaust denial." He called Spicer's mistake a "most evil slur" against the
Jewish people. Goldstein claims to speak for the Jewish people, but he
represents only himself and a few handfuls of radical followers who are not in
any way representative of the mainstream Jewish community. He repeatedly
exploits the Holocaust in order to gain publicity for him and his tiny group of
followers. Shame on them!
These over the top reactions to a historical mistake made by Spicer that was not
motivated by anti-Semitism represents political exploitation of the Holocaust.
Spicer was wrong in seeking to bolster his argument against Assad by referring
to Hitler, and his political opponents are wrong in exploiting the tragedy of
the Holocaust to score partisan points against him.
The difference is that Spicer gaffe was not in any way pre-meditated, whereas
the exploitation by his enemies was carefully calculated for political gain. All
sides must stop using references to Hitler and the Holocaust in political
dialogue. Historical analogies are by their nature generally flawed. Analogies
to the Holocaust are always misguided, and often offensive, even if not so
On CNN the other night, Don Lemon asked me if I was "offended as a Jew" by what
Spicer had said. The truth is that I was offended as someone who cares about
historical accuracy by Spicer's apparent lack of knowledge regarding the Nazi's
use of chemicals such as Zyklon B to murder Jews during the Holocaust. But it
never occurred to me that Spicer's misstatements were motivated by
anti-Semitism, Holocaust denial or an intent to "slur" the Jewish people. Nor do
I believe that those who have accused him of such evil motivations actually
believe it. They deliberately attributed an evil motive to him in order to
pander to Jewish listeners. That offends me more than anything Spicer did.
Extreme right wing anti-Semitism continues to be a problem in many parts of
Europe and among a relatively small group of "alt-right" Americans. But hard
left and Muslim extremist anti-Semitism is a far greater problem in America
today, especially on university campuses. So those of us who hate all forms of
anti-Semitism and bigotry, regardless of its source, must fight this evil on a
non-partisan basis. We must get our priorities straight, focusing on the
greatest dangers regardless of whether they come from the right or the left,
from Republicans or Democrats. The fight against bigotry is a bi-partisan issue
and must not be exploited for partisan gain.
© 2017 Gatestone Institute. All rights reserved. The articles printed here do
not necessarily reflect the views of the Editors or of Gatestone Institute. No
part of the Gatestone website or any of its contents may be reproduced, copied
or modified, without the prior written consent of Gatestone Institute.
Paradise Lost: The Rise and Fall of Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi by
Tam Hussein
Tam Hussein/Syria Comment/ April 12/17
I entered Najiyeh, a small town of no consequence, without their permission. The
town claimed to be an ISIS principality. The claim seemed ridiculous but as we
drove in to the town it seemed less so. They had fixed the prices, the markets
were bustling, even the gold shops were open. It was a stark contrast to what I
had heard about their ‘state’. I understood why the people accepted their rule;
order is key in conflict especially in one as brutal as this. Even non-ISIS
people in the surrounding countryside told me good things about them. “You could
bring your case to their courts”, they would say, “and it would be resolved with
out fear or favour”. Their entry reminded me of the Taliban being welcomed with
loud cheering and flowers in Kabul but they left with the inhabitants shaving
off their beards and smoking cigarettes even if they had never touched one
A few months later I met Abu ‘Ali in Tarsus, Turkey. The young commander from
Ansar al-Sham looked like a young St. Paul, dark black beard with long hair that
was slightly thinning on top. He was recovering from a leg injury that if
miracles weren’t real, should mean him being minus one leg. The wound was horror
personified. Abu ‘Ali informed me that the people alongside the local battalions
had kicked ISIS out of Najiyeh.
“Why?” I asked.
“They were harsh people” he replied, I noticed disappointment in his face, it
was as if they had betrayed the Syrians. The Revolution, if you will, had made
these insignificant men into Mujahideen, warriors of God. Some of these men had
been eking out their existence as smugglers, farmers or hiding from the
authorities. The Revolution had made them. Now the likes of Abu ‘Ali who had
emerged from the mosques calling for the removal of Assad, facing live bullets
after Friday prayers were lectured to by Abu so-and-so al-Britani who, only six
months ago, was checking out some winding girl’s batty rider in some funked up
club. Here came Abu so-and-so to the land of Muslim scholarship and lectured the
people on the intricacies of kufr, taghut, tawheed and the incompatibility of
Islamic theology with democracy. Syrians didn’t need lessons in creed. They
wanted to stop the barrel bombs from killing their children.
A few years later in Saraqeb, whilst filming with Jund al-Aqsa, I was told that
the local leader of Ahrar al-Sham had shot the local ISIS emir in the back. The
ISIS emir, a native of the city, considered it sacrilege to turn his gun against
his co-religionists. However, the leader of Ahrar had no compulsion in
dispatching him to eternity. The people had liked the ISIS emir but these same
people had also defaced the testimony of faith in the Islamic State’s court
house. They wrote sarcastic comments over it. ISIS would no doubt consider it
apostasy, still none of the locals had renounced Islam but they too, like the
Kabulis had shaved off their beards, increased their smoking even though they
readily admitted that smoking was ‘forbidden’ in Islam. More recently,
incredulously, I heard an Iraqi man preferring the Iranian backed Shi’te
militia, the Popular Mobilisation Group in Mosul instead of ISIS. Moslawis had
few issues in raising the Iraqi flag and lowering the ISIS flag, even though
everyone knew that the former banner was born in the gentlemen’s clubs in London
and the latter in Abbasid Baghdad. And yet without any sense of irony, Moslawis
had preferred the latter. Why when everyone professed to be Muslims, did the
ISIS come to this? Why did al-Baghdadi’s nascent project fail?
Anthony Quinn plays Hamza the uncle of the Prophet and Omar Mokhtar
Arguably, ISIS did not lose because of a determined opponent, for they are not
short of courage and military experts attest to their mastery of asymmetric
warfare. ISIS lost because the local populace stopped believing in them. So much
so that the people reviled them more than they reviled Assad. People hate Assad
because he killed their children but they hate ISIS for stabbing them in the
back whilst they were trying to overthrow former. Assad never claimed to be
‘Islamic’ and in a way, nothing was expected from him. He could do what he
wanted, he was after all from a long tradition of Middle Eastern tyrants who
crushed uprisings whether they be Muslim Brotherhood, Iraqi marsh Arabs or
Shi’ites. Brutal cruelty was expected. Even though the deaths inflicted by ISIS
remain minuscule compared to the former, when ISIS claimed to be ‘Islamic’ and
acted with such wanton cruelty, it provoked disgust and revulsion from even the
most dissolute of Muslims. Even that hard drinking, stripper ogling Muslim who
puts his head down on the carpet once a year if that, knows that the bar has
been raised. He knows that it is unbefitting for a ‘holy warrior’ to behave
Whatever Graeme Wood argues about ISIS and its level of ‘Islamicness’, what
Ahmed on the street recognises instinctively is that al-Baghdadi and his group
are far from ‘Islamic’; no Fatwa needed. Muslims are inculcated with a
conception of what a Mujahid or ‘holy warrior’ is meant to be. The stories of
the Companions of the Prophet, Hamza the lion of God or Omar Mokhtar the lion of
the desert, both usually in the guise of Anthony Quinn are found in their
mothers’ milk. Sons are named Mujahid, Ghazi, Faris and Shaheed in the hope that
they epitomise that exceptional person who perfects his moral and martial
virtues in a situation where bestial brutality is permissible and yet he manages
to retain his humanity. The nobility of man is truly tested in war.
A eulogy of Abu Muhammad al-Adnani. This is a classical genre in Arabic
It is here that al-Baghdadi and his men have failed so miserably. His heroes who
populate the telegram channels make Muslims recoil. Abu Muhammad al-Adnani, his
deputy, is certainly eloquent and no doubt courageous but ordinary in his
brutality and harshness, no matter how many texts his eulogist claims he has
studied. Jihadi John too is ordinary in his inhumanity. Go to the local halal
butcher on Harrow Road, London and he will tell you that Islamic rites dictate
that an animal should be given its final sip of water and slaughtered away from
the gaze of another animal to lessen its distress and that of the other animals.
Yet, here stands Jihadi John slaughtering innocent men in front of the whole
world so brazenly. There is no sense of shame, even Cain felt ashamed after he
killed Abel.
There seems to be something thoroughly modern about Jihadi John’s actions as he
points that knife at you. Arguably, Jihadi John’s actions have roots in the
London of the Nineties, when Jihadi snuff tapes were sold openly outside
mosques. These videos showed in graphic detail the exploits of the Chechen
mujahideen against Russian aggression in Chechnya. One of the Imam’s who used to
teach in Lisson Green youth club, where Mohammed Emwazi used to attend, recalls
that soon those tapes:
“…became dark there was a Russian beheaded by some Chechens, and whenever I saw
the brothers, some of them would creep up from behind and greet you by cutting
you in the neck.”
Perhaps the mood music for Mohammed Emwazi’s deeds had been set up then. The
Imam continues:
“I remember, even at the time that this is not how you greet each other, and I
always reminded the brothers that the point of Jihad is not to be blood thirsty
and I used to quote the hadith of the Prophet: “Don’t look forward to meeting
your enemy, but if you meet him remain steadfast.”
Jihadi John is unrecognisable as a mujahid by your average Muslim, but take
Jihadi John to the cold harsh streets of West London and any road man who
listens to Stormzy recognises his deed to be pure gangsta.
The mujahid of now is very different from the mujahid of then. Let us
demonstrate this with a tangible example, let us use a paragon of a holy warrior
of the 19th century, Abdel Kader al-Jaza’iri. He was also known as the Commander
of the Faithful although, admittedly, under the suzerainty of the Sultan of
Morocco. Abdel Kader, like al-Baghdadi, tried to build a state by uniting the
various tribes in Algeria and was harsh to those who collaborated with the
French. Like al-Baghdadi, he was a scholar, a jurist and descended from
prophetic lineage. He fought the French invaders and was described by his foes
and friends alike as a fearless military genius and as illusive as al-Baghdadi.
William Thackeray wrote of him:
Nor less quick to slay in battle than in peace to spare and save,
Of brave men wisest councillor, of wise councillors most brave;
How the eye that flashed destruction could beam gentleness and love,
How lion in thee mated lamb, how eagle mated dove!
And yet the gulf between al-Jaza’iri and al-Baghdadi, as Thackeray’s poem shows
is vast. Whilst war is harsh and brutal, the former was known for his chivalry
and treated his prisoners humanely; so much so that these prisoners of war
petitioned France to release him when he found himself in the same predicament.
Some even offered to be his guard of honour on account of the kindness he had
shown them. Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi showed no quarter. He burns and drowns his
prisoners alive. Abdel Kader condemned his brother in law for massacring
prisoners, the latter revels in it and encourages it. The sadism is so creative
that one wonders whether there is a whole unit in Raqqah whose sole job is to
come up with creative and cruel ways to execute people. Al-Baghdadi, this
product of the Iraq war, has embraced terror wholeheartedly.
Abdel Kader is careful not to harm civilians. When sectarian riots broke out in
the Christian quarter of Damascus he saves countless number of Christians.
Al-Baghdadi sends a suicide bomber on Palm Sunday to a Coptic church in Tanta
and murders countless. The former honoured men of religion; priests were allowed
to minister to the French POWs and act as go-betweens. The latter kidnaps the
Jesuit priest Father Paolo Dall’Oglio. The fate of the man committed to building
bridges between faiths, remains unknown. Abdel Kader stops the practice of
beheading prisoners, the latter puts their heads on social media. The former
releases those who renounce their faith to escape, al-Baghdadi doesn’t care if
they have converted or not. If they do not accept the Caliphate he’ll send one
of his soldiers to ram an explosive laden car into a busy market or get one of
his soldiers to line up in rows and offer the evening prayer and then detonate
his explosives belt.
As one former ISIS fighter told me, “Dawla [Islamic State] isn’t all that it’s
made out to be you know.”
You think? One can’t help but ask how many lives he had to take to come to that
“Don’t worry” he reassures me, “they were apostates anyway.”
Fantastic. Lessons have been learnt then, no nightmares when he goes to sleep.
On a final note, Abdel Kader realised that noble ends have noble means. He
surrendered because he realised that his battle with the French would be too
hard on the surrounding tribes and submitted to Providence. For as the old
Islamic adage goes, victory lay in His hands. And yet History wrote this loser
to become the victor. Abdel Kader gained universal admiration. His enemies who
once reviled him honoured him. The ultimate proof of his moral character comes
from the people of Bordeaux who voted to get his name on to the ballot paper for
the French presidential elections. As the Progres d’Indre et Loire notes:
“We have learned that certain voters of Bordeaux were so impressed by the
manners, the character and royal air of Abd el-Kader, they put his name on the
ballot for president of the Republic. If this idea spreads it will hurt
Louis-Napoleon. To be a good president one must have a reputation of courage,
wisdom and talent. Of the two, would not Abd el-Kader better meet those
ISIS and The Challenge of Modernity
In Reims, the nameless flowerless grave of Saïd Kouachi, the Charlie Hebdo
attacker, is slightly apart from the other dead souls. It is as if he would
offend the repose of the interred Muslim souls. In this solitary place one of
the sons of the dead asked me what I was doing taking photographs of this newly
dug grave. I couldn’t deceive the man and told him whose grave it was. The
Franco-Algerian spat on Kouachi’s grave and cursed him. The man, no doubt loved
the Prophet just as much as Saïd Kouachi did and yet he shouted: “How is my
father going to have peace next to this dog!”
Kouachi didn’t belong to ISIS, but Kouachi and indeed Ahmed Coulibaly one of his
companions had the same father. I pitied Saïd Kouachi, few Muslims will ever
raise their hands in prayers for this man’s soul. His children would be ashamed
to acknowledge him and they will feel strongly the shame of Oedipus Rex himself.
I would wager that if I had asked that French Algerian visitor to his father’s
grave whether Kouachi was a Mujahid, I would know what that reply would be. He
may have understood Kouachi’s anger, he may have experienced the deep racism of
French society towards its Muslim population, but I know what his reply would
be. I have asked similar questions in all the major terror attacks in the
European mainland, Paris, Brussels, London, Stockholm and the average Muslim
knows that these men are far from Abdel Kader or Hadji Murat. Kouachi lies in a
nameless grave remembered by none. Abdel Kader has a city named Elkader no less
than in Iowa and Hadji Murat has a novella written in his honour by an old foe
of his, Leo Tolstoy. Both Abdel Kader and Murat lost, and yet Providence in
spite of the victor writing history, has preserved their names. They inspire
universal admiration. They were ‘holy warriors’ if you will, where as Saïd
Kouachi at best was just a ‘warrior’ and at worst a butcher- and a very modern
butcher at that.
Let us use General Petraeus’ playbook, Jean Lartéguy’s, The Centurions, to
demonstrate the last assertion. Ostensibly, The Centurions follows the journey
of several French paratroop officers from defeat at the hands of the Communists
in Indo-China to a victory of sorts in Algiers. But in the process of defeating
the F.L.N in Algiers they loose something of themselves. Whilst the novel is
blind to the century of oppression that Algerians tasted, it is nevertheless a
deep rumination on modern warfare and based on Lartéguy’s own experiences as a
paratrooper and war correspondent. Lartéguy realises very quickly that the F.L.N
used Jihad as a rallying cry for independence, but what it produced was
something thoroughly different: it created an Ersatz France. This is why the
novel is useful for this essay. Arguably, ISIS too has done the same and
produced something that appears to be a bastardised version of what a caliphate
is ‘meant’ to look like in their very modern mindsets.
In some ways what Abbas and Mohammed expected of these very ordinary fighters
who called themselves mujahideen were exceptional standards in virtue. What they
got instead were merely the usual fare. They were like everyone else, they
looted, they robbed, they killed and behaved just like every other militia in
the world. There was a banality in them and an absence of holiness. Al-Baghdadi
was just like Saddam Hussein, ordinary. He was part of the fabric of rulers and
tyrants in the region’s bloody history from Saffah to Sisi who massacred men for
worldly authority. There was very little difference between a mujahid, a warrior
and a terrorist. It is as an F.L.N leader opines in The Centurions:
“what difference do you see in the pilot who drops cans of napalm on a Mechta
from the safety of his aircraft and a terrorist who places a bomb in the Souq-
the terrorist requires far more courage.”
But the F.L.N leader forgets that what was expected from the Mujahid was not
just the courage to step into a truck laden with explosives. The modern mujahid
might be a master of asymmetric warfare but he was not meant to be stuffing
explosive booby traps into dolls and toys such as those found in Mosul. For
whilst the Prophet has said “war is trickery” would he sanction such an act?
Does the Muslim martial tradition not abhor such things? Otherwise surely the
‘holiness’ of the warrior has been lost to the banal ordinariness of all
warriors. Is he merely an ‘atheist’ mujahid like Mahmoudi in The Centurions, who
prays but does not believe in God? Is he then the sort of Mujahid who has to
suppress his moral conscience for the sake of victory? The modern Jihadi seems
to have sent paradise to hell, and is simply not too bothered if children, the
elderly, women, monks, fruit trees or the enemy’s flock are destroyed, even if
his religious tradition forbids him from touching them. This Jihadi seems to
revel in it. Mohammed Rezgui, for instance, filmed himself elated before gunning
down innocent British tourists in Sousse, Tunisia. But the post mortem autopsy
seems to suggest that the drugs found in Rezgui’s body created:
“The feeling of exhaustion, aggression and extreme anger that leads to murders
being committed. Another effect of these drugs is that they enhance physical and
mental performance.”
Why would a holy warrior need to take an amphetamine type drug in order to
commit a ‘virtuous’ act? What exactly was he suppressing? Was he like those
French paratroopers who were suppressing that feeling of guilt that the
intangible soul within knows is committing something morally reprehensible?
In some ways then, the Jihadi is so thoroughly modern that the average Muslim on
the streets turns around and says: hang on, this isn’t what we were told by our
mothers and fathers. We weren’t reared on Osama bin Laden or Zawahiri but on
Hamza, the Lion of God. Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi had become just like the French
Paratroopers and F.L.N leaders in The Centurions: in order to win they had to
loose their souls.
Come, let us be generous, and afford al-Baghdadi some empathy as we do with the
protagonists in The Centurions. We are generous towards Esclavier even as he
slits the throats of all the men in an Algerian village. Perhaps the reason why
al-Baghdadi joined Abu Mus’ab al-Zarqawi’s al-Qaeda franchise was for similar
reasons outlined by the head of French intelligence in Algeria, Jean Vajour who
noted the heavy handed tactics of the French:
“To send in tank units, to destroy villages, to bombard certain zones, this is
no longer a fine comb, it is using a sledgehammer to kill fleas. And what is
much more serious, it is to encourage the young- and sometimes the less young to
go into the Maquis [rural guerrilla fighters]”
Perhaps the heavy handed tactics used by US army in Fallujah led the not so
young al-Baghdadi, to join the insurgents. Maybe at one point this Abu Bakr was
just an ordinary man, a devout man who to all accounts lead prayers at his
mosque, played around with the kids, listened quietly to the complaints of the
locals and advised them on Islamic law since he possessed a doctorate. On
Fridays he played football on the dusty streets of North Samarra, a suburb of
Baghdad. Maybe this is how his life would have continued till the end of his
days. But war has a way of twisting men’s souls, and just like the French
paratroopers in The Centurions who spent several years in the camps of the
Communists, Abu Bakr too ended up in Camp Bucca. His captors taught this Dr.
Ibrahim Awad or Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi a thing or to. Like officer Mirendelle in
The Centurions, he too learnt how to mediate, how to win alliances and how the
Americans behaved. Perhaps just like the French Paratroopers who learnt much
from the Communists and applied the lessons with deadly effect in Algeria, Abu
Bakr too learnt things in Camp Bucca and applied it to deadly affect. He
certainly learnt how to put people in orange jump suits. When he emerged, he
experienced the intensity of asymmetric warfare, he learnt that stuffing bombs
inside corpses and dogs were effective, how to create grey zones by dividing
Sunnis from Shi’ites, how to sit completely still when a drone flew ahead and
the art of illusiveness. He learnt all such things over the years without rest
or respite- constantly hunted with a price on his head. Perhaps, by the time the
Syrian uprising began, he became that amoral man in The Centurions, Captain
Julien Boisfeuras, an expert in unconventional and political warfare, who like
the real life monster captain Paul Aussaresses tortured, waterboarded, raped,
electrocuted a man in the balls, if only to achieve victory. Abu Bakr al-Baghadi,
in the light of modern warfare, fitted in with that landscape. In fact perhaps,
all of us given the circumstances, could become just like him. Consider Youssef
Ben Khedda, a pharmacist, whose hands according to Alistair Horne’s masterful A
Savage War of Peace, were clean. Horne writes:
“He wrote a joint letter to Alger Républicain complaining about the blind
arrests. Two days later he too was in prison, followed shortly by his fellow
signatories; immediately he was released, five months later, he joined the F.L.N”
Could this story of ‘radicalisation’ not apply to al-Baghdadi or even us? Isn’t
that human nature? When the Nazis invaded France what tactics did the Free
French use against them? Billion dollar armies can afford to have rules,
resistance movements have to make conscious choices to have them or not. It even
begs the question whether the likes of Abdel Kader could even be allowed to
flourish in the murky ethical terrain of modern warfare.
And yet it is perhaps what Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi had become that the Muslim guy
and gal on the street recoils at. “That’s precisely it” says one worshipper in
Norbury mosque, “we can all be like him but that’s not what a mujahid is meant
to be! He’s meant to be like Imam Ali when the Arab spits at him as he is about
to kill him, he leaves him”. The anger is visible in his face, Abu Bakr doesn’t
deserve the title of mujahid. Perhaps the political philosopher John Gray is
spot on when he says that Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi’s Islamic State:
“…shares more with the modern revolutionary tradition than any ancient form of
Islamic rule. Though they’d hate to hear it, these violent jihadists owe the way
they organise themselves and their utopian goals to the modern West”
And everything he does seem to support Gray’s view. Al-Baghdadi, calling on
terror attacks on the West, is following Abu Bakr Naji’s tactics outlined in his
tract, The Management of Savagery. The intention is to create grey zones that
divide the population into an ‘Us’ and ‘Them’ scenario. These tactics, these
very modern tactics were advocated by the Brazilian guerrilla leader Carlos
Marighela, and also used by the F.L.N as one of Lartéguy’s protagonists
“…a bomb exploded….at the cafeteria some medical orderlies laid a child
screaming with pain, on a stretcher- another bomb exploded in 5 October in
Algiers killing nine Moslem passengers. Horror reigned in Algiers- horror was
succeeded by fear and hatred- Moslems began to be beaten up without rhyme or
reason. Europeans got rid of their old Arab servants and Fatmahs who had been
part of the family for twenty years. Within a few days Bab al-Oued witnessed a
distinct rift between the Moslems on one hand and the Jews and Europeans on the
other. This was exactly what the F.L.N wanted to divide that ill-defined zone
and split up its inhabitants who tended to resemble one another more and more.
For they had so many things in common, certain nonchalance, love of gossip,
contempt for women, jealousy, irresponsibility and inclination to day dream.”
French atrocities in Algeria bolstered the F.L.N.
ISIS realised what the French paratroop officers understood in fighting the
F.L.N; in order to win they had to get on an equal footing with the native
population. They had to get “as covered with mud and blood as they are. Then one
shall be able to fight them, and in the process we’ll lose our souls, if we
really have souls.” And so the paratroopers extended the ill treatment of native
Algerians and did things irrespective of legality; they massacred, tortured and
raped. They took the local women away, treated them like queens as they ironed
and washed for them and then returned them to their men. The French thought they
were freeing the Algerian woman from Arab patriarchy and emasculating them by
showing how little control they had over them. But when they met a troublesome
one, they simply raped her. As one of the Paratroop officers recognised:
“…the ghastly law of the new type of war. But he had to get accustomed to it, to
harden himself and shed all those deeply in-grained, out-of-date notions which
make for the greatness of Western man but at the same time prevent himself from
protecting himself”- [p490]
And the truth was these French paratroopers as Lartéguy says, fought an enemy
very much like themselves. Some of the F.L.N leaders were former officers, some
were university educated metropolitans treated with disdain in Paris cafes like
many French of North African descent are treated to this day. They were
thoroughly modern creatures and so employed the same tactics as the
paratroopers. They massacred Pieds Noirs civilians in Philippeville, they
liquidated their own members, gouged out the eyes of collaborators and believed
that the end justified the means. Arguably, ISIS mirrors what the F.L.N did in
Lartéguy’s novel. But where as the F.L.N in Lartéguy’s model understood that
they were moderns somewhere along the line, Abu Bakr and friends did not
understand the fact that they were too.
For al-Baghdadi is in a sort of denial. He has failed to deal with modernity
itself and in it lie the seeds of his defeat. It is this reason that made the
people of Najiyeh boot ISIS out, the commander of Ahrar shoot the ISIS emir and
the locals scrawl sarcastic comments on their Shariah court. This inability to
grasp modernity, to understand that a process has occurred between their
‘Islamic State’ and the past. The Muslim world has experienced a traumatic
rupture, not just defeat, humiliation and loss but colonisation,
industrialisation and societal changes which have fundamentally altered the
times we live in. In the past, life was organised and configured differently,
the same rules which applied to the pre-modern world cannot be applied anymore.
The Islamic State is like a car crash victim who, after recovering, thinks he
can just go back to living the same way when in reality his limbs do not
function in the same way. He can’t come to terms with his accident and so
disasters ensue. Since he can not remember what the past looks like before the
crash, he conjures it up just like the F.L.N leader does in The Centurions:
“There’s only one word for me Istiqlal, independence. Its a deep fine-sounding
word and rings in the ears of the poor fellahin [farmers] more loudly than
poverty, social security or free medical assistance. We Algerians steeped as we
are in Islam are in greater need of dreams and dignity than practical care. And
you? What word have you got to offer? If its better than mine you’ve won.”
Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi came up with ‘Khilafa ‘ala minhaj an-Nubuwwa’-‘the
Caliphate on the Prophetic Methodology’, and the Muslim world looked up for a
second, with a sense of hope and nostalgia; for this was their historical past,
just as the British looks to their Empire, their Raj and the Battle of Britain
nostalgically, not quite coming to terms with the fact that they are no longer a
great power. Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi tried to realise the word ‘Khilafa’. But what
did the word ‘Khilafa’ mean in the context of modernity and the post-colonial
world? In the Pre-Modern Islamicate, people were divided into millets or
religious communities because that was the reality on the ground. Now we had the
concept of citizenship, this is the new reality. ISIS denied this new reality
and sought to extract the Jizyah, the poll tax from Syrian Christians thinking
that it was more merciful on them than paying higher taxes. These Christians who
had lived on that land for millennia would be paying this Jizyah to Abu Marwan
or Luqman from Ghafsa, Tunisia. ISIS failed to comprehend that even if the
Jizyah was lower, and the Christian is protected by the Muslim armies, in the
modern context it is simply put, humiliation. We are all sons of egalité now,
whether we like it or not. The Syrian Christian has for generations grown up
with the concept of equality. In fact, he may be like the ancient Northern
Syrian tribe of Ghassasina who preferred to pay a higher tax rate to the second
Caliph, Umar, than accept the status of second class and pay the Jizyah. In the
past, the French made Arabs in Algiers wear the necklace akin to the Star of
David to signify that they had ‘submitted’ to French laws. Arabs accepted it in
the 19th century. Jews wore different colours in the Middle East during the
Medieval period. Modern man cannot accept any of these things, even if it is
deemed for their own ‘good’. ISIS couldn’t come to terms with this.
In fact, al-Baghdadi creates what Benedict Anderson calls “an imagined
community” through the use of powerful propaganda, tapping into the emotions of
many Muslims. This isn’t just a cynical attempt, Graeme Wood is right here, ISIS
are True Believers-zealots. They may have been former secular officers who were
thrown into Abu Ghraib but, just like the F.L.N commander in The Centurions,
they had rediscovered their religion, their reality had been shaken with the
fall of the modern Iraqi state. These highly trained officers couldn’t just
return to the coffee shops to smoke a fat Zaghloul and drink bitter coffee,
lamenting the presence of US marines on their streets. That jarred with their
sense of honour, no, they would return to Fallujah and Mosul where their
families were and fight. These officers did what an Algerian officer in The
Centurion did, they gave their failed country “a history and a personality.”
They grabbed the black ‘Abbasid’ flag and made it synonymous with Islamicate.
Heavily reliant on ‘salvation history’, they created a vision that the banner of
Islam spread from East to West. They ignored historical reality where at one
point there were three caliphates that vied for power with each other, and that
even after the fall of the Abbasid caliphate in Baghdad, no caliph existed at
all for several years. ISIS did what Lartéguy says happened in Algeria, they
created a history based on the cemeteries of the dead not based on historical
reality. It was Fake News caliphated. As one F.L.N leader says, congratulating a
French paratroop officer on his country’s contribution to the creation of modern
“The Algerian people have been scarred by war, their existence has been too
disturbed to turn the clock back at this stage. You yourselves are creating
Algeria through this war, by uniting all the races, Berbers, Arabs, Kabyles and
Chaouias. The rebels should be almost grateful to you for the violent measures
of repression you have taken.” [p473]
And so the invasion and the sectarianism within Iraq and lately Syria helped to
create this ‘nation’ if you will. When ISIS broke through the Sykes-Picot
border, it was seen as restoring parity between the oppressed and the oppressor.
It was like Horne says of France’s defeat at Dien Bien Phu by the Viet Minh in
“Suddenly this unbelievable defeat deprived the French army of its baraka,
[blessing] making it look curiously mortal for the first time.”
ISIS’ ‘yes we can’ moment
The breaching of the Sykes-Picot line was the biggest paradigm shift since Ben
Ali fell in the Middle East. It showed the world and indeed Muslims that the
status quo can be changed, that the West’s grip on the Muslim world was not
supreme. This was Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi’s ‘Yes we can’ moment and perhaps his
legacy even as we begin to write his obituary. In post-colonial theory at least,
he had done what Franz Fanon believed was essential between coloniser and
colonised. He had restored parity, not through the coloniser granting him his
freedom which instilled an inferiority complex in the manumitted. Rather, he
took it by giving the coloniser a bloody nose. When ISIS broke through
Sykes-Picot, they had restored a sense of honour for many in the Middle East.
Similarly, when the Islamic State reintroduced concubinage and traditional
female roles, they reasserted this injured manhood. And yet at the same time,
they displayed their inability to accept that modernity had changed us so
fundamentally that Jefferson could own slaves and still be considered a ‘good’
and ‘virtuous’ man then. But today, should he practise the same thing, he’d be
considered a monster.
ISIS may have signalled its independence by purporting to ‘mint’ gold coins and
arbitrarily declaring ‘provinces’ all over the Muslim world and yet, just like
the Algerian officer Mahmoudi in The Centurions, who knew that Algeria could not
exist without France, the Islamic State also demonstrated that it could not
exist outside of the modern world. The creation of uniform ISIS courts were in
reality the importing of Western law courts, which made the Rule of Law the
basis of the state. Partly, ISIS knew that it had to compete with that model and
partly because it didn’t know anything else. On one hand, it was proof of their
ingenuity at state building, but also an admission that the paradigm to beat was
still the Western model. According to Wael Hallaq’s Impossible State, Islamic
history didn’t have uniform law courts as we see them in modern nation states.
Far from it, they were extremely organic and functional affairs tailored to the
needs of the local community. The historical Islamicate had never made the Rule
of Law, king. Now it did. Similarly, when ISIS introduced ISHS, Islamic State
Health Services, it based itself on the British National Health Services, NHS,
rather than the hospitals of Medieval Andalusia. ISIS then, could not exist
outside of time, theirs was a modern project however much it tried to deny it.
ISIS’ predicament was like that of the Jihadist who blew up the ancient Buddha
statues or the temples in Palmyra for being an expression of infidelity and
irreligion but did not realise that his Nike trainers were paying homage to a
Greek deity.
In al-Baghdadi’s denial of modernity therein lies his demise. His group failed
because the Mohammed and Ayesha in Raqqah and Mosul instinctively realised that
they were un-Islamic in spite of the long beard, ankle swingers and tooth stick.
It is likely that there will be other groups who will want to emulate ISIS, but
for them to be successful they will have to come to terms with modernity. One
suspects that they too will fail. Sometimes an old timer can grasp the
un-tangible better than many learned men. These ancient looking men don’t know
many religious texts but have an earthy piety and remain a reliquary of wisdom
that sees things plainly.
“Now these youngsters,” says wispy bearded uncle Forid sitting in Brick Lane
mosque waiting to meet his Maker, “are running around killing this and
committing God knows what sin thinking that they are doing the Prophet’s work!
Idiots! They are so far from him! When the Mehdi comes everything going to be
fine.” Uncle Forid is resigned to the arrival of the Mehdi, the messianic
saviour who will come at the end of time in Muslim apocalyptic narratives. Uncle
Forid knows that the youth are too impatient, they want paradise now. They don’t
want to lose. The youth forget that what goes on in the world is often a
reflection of a sick heart. They forget that the Muslim pantheon contains plenty
of winners but also plenty of losers; Abdel Kader, Hadji Murat, Imam Shamil,
Omar Mokhtar but history honoured them because they remained true to their
martial tradition and moral code. To eternity, it seems, winning isn’t
everything. An anecdote of Omar Mokhtar told to me by a Tunisian activist is
pertinent here: one of Omar Mokhtar’s Mujahideen demanded that two Italian POWs
be given no quarter just like the Italians did to them. Omar Mokhtar replied:
‘They are not our teachers’. Whoever comes after the fall of Mosul will need to
convince a sceptical Muslim population, tired of the killing and the blood, that
they match up to mujahids like Omar Mokhtar.