April 02/17
Compiled & Prepared by: Elias Bejjani
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Bible Quotations For Today
The Miracle of Healing The Blind
you were blind, you would have no sin; but now you are saying, 'We see,' so your
sin remains.
John09/01-41/:"As he passed by he
saw a man blind from birth. His disciples asked him, "Rabbi, who sinned, this
man or his parents, that he was born blind?" Jesus answered, "Neither he nor his
parents sinned; it is so that the works of God might be made visible through
him. We have to do the works of the one who sent me while it is day. Night is
coming when no one can work. While I am in the world, I am the light of the
world." When he had said this, he spat on the ground and made clay with the
saliva, and smeared the clay on his eyes, and said to him, "Go wash 3 in the
Pool of Siloam" (which means Sent). So he went and washed, and came back able to
see. His neighbors and those who had seen him earlier as a beggar said, "Isn't
this the one who used to sit and beg?" Some said, "It is," but others said, "No,
he just looks like him." He said, "I am."So they said to him, "(So) how were
your eyes opened?"
He replied, "The man called Jesus made clay and anointed my eyes and told me,
'Go to Siloam and wash.' So I went there and washed and was able to see." And
they said to him, "Where is he?" He said, "I don't know."They brought the one
who was once blind to the Pharisees. Now Jesus had made clay 4 and opened his
eyes on a sabbath. So then the Pharisees also asked him how he was able to see.
He said to them, "He put clay on my eyes, and I washed, and now I can see." So
some of the Pharisees said, "This man is not from God, because he does not keep
the sabbath." (But) others said, "How can a sinful man do such signs?" And there
was a division among them. So they said to the blind man again, "What do you
have to say about him, since he opened your eyes?" He said, "He is a
prophet."Now the Jews did not believe that he had been blind and gained his
sight until they summoned the parents of the one who had gained his sight. They
asked them, "Is this your son, who you say was born blind? How does he now see?"
His parents answered and said, "We know that this is our son and that he was
born blind. We do not know how he sees now, nor do we know who opened his eyes.
Ask him, he is of age; he can speak for him self." His parents said this because
they were afraid of the Jews, for the Jews had already agreed that if anyone
acknowledged him as the Messiah, he would be expelled from the synagogue. For
this reason his parents said, "He is of age; question him."So a second time they
called the man who had been blind and said to him, "Give God the praise! 6 We
know that this man is a sinner."He replied, "If he is a sinner, I do not know.
One thing I do know is that I was blind and now I see." So they said to him,
"What did he do to you? How did he open your eyes?" He answered them, "I told
you already and you did not listen. Why do you want to hear it again? Do you
want to become his disciples, too?" They ridiculed him and said, "You are that
man's disciple; we are disciples of Moses! We know that God spoke to Moses, but
we do not know where this one is from." The man answered and said to them, "This
is what is so amazing, that you do not know where he is from, yet he opened my
eyes. We know that God does not listen to sinners, but if one is devout and does
his will, he listens to him. It is unheard of that anyone ever opened the eyes
of a person born blind. If this man were not from God, he would not be able to
do anything." They answered and said to him, "You were born totally in sin, and
are you trying to teach us?" Then they threw him out. When Jesus heard that they
had thrown him out, he found him and said, "Do you believe in the Son of Man?"
He answered and said, "Who is he, sir, that I may believe in him?"
Jesus said to him, "You have seen him and the one speaking with you is he." He
said, "I do believe, Lord," and he worshiped him. Then Jesus said, "I came into
this world for judgment, so that those who do not see might see, and those who
do see might become blind."Some of the Pharisees who were with him heard this
and said to him, "Surely we are not also blind, are we?" Jesus said to them, "If
you were blind, you would have no sin; but now you are saying, 'We see,' so your
sin remains.
Whoever boasts,
should boast in the Lord." For it is not the one who recommends himself who is
approved, but the one whom the Lord recommends
2 Corinthians Chapter 10/018/:" Now I myself, Paul, urge you through the
gentleness and clemency of Christ, I who am humble when face to face with you,
but brave toward you when absent, I beg you that, when present, I may not
have to be brave with that confidence with which I intend to act boldly against
some who consider us as acting according to the flesh. For, although we are in
the flesh, we do not battle according to the flesh, for the weapons of our
battle are not of flesh but are enormously powerful, capable of destroying
fortresses. We destroy arguments and every pretension raising itself against the
knowledge of God, and take every thought captive in obedience to Christ, and we
are ready to punish every disobedience, once your obedience is complete. Look at
what confronts you. Whoever is confident of belonging to Christ should consider
that as he belongs to Christ, so do we. And even if I should boast a little too
much of our authority, which the Lord gave for building you up and not for
tearing you down, I shall not be put to shame. May I not seem as one frightening
you through letters. For someone will say, "His letters are severe and forceful,
but his bodily presence is weak, and his speech contemptible." Such a person
must understand that what we are in word through letters when absent, that we
also are in action when present. Not that we dare to class or compare ourselves
with some of those who recommend themselves. But when they measure themselves by
one another and compare themselves with one another, they are without
understanding. But we will not boast beyond measure but will keep to the limits
9 God has apportioned us, namely, to reach even to you. For we are not
overreaching ourselves, as though we did not reach you; we indeed first came to
you with the gospel of Christ. We are not boasting beyond measure, in other
people's labors; yet our hope is that, as your faith increases, our influence
among you may be greatly enlarged, within our proper limits, so that we may
preach the gospel even beyond you, not boasting of work already done in
another's sphere."Whoever boasts, should boast in the Lord." For it is not the
one who recommends himself who is approved, but the one whom the Lord
Question: "What
does the Bible say about foolishness?"
Answer: Foolishness is the result of a person misusing the intelligence God has
given him. A fool uses his reasoning skills to make wrong decisions. The most
basic type of foolishness is denying God’s existence or saying “no” to God
(Psalm 14:1). The Bible associates folly with a quick temper (Proverbs
14:16–17), perverse speech (Proverbs 19:1), and disobedience to parents
(Proverbs 15:5). We are born with an innate foolishness, but discipline will
help train us in wisdom (Proverbs 22:15).
Proverbs 19:3 says that foolishness is counterproductive: “A person's own folly
leads to their ruin.” Jesus in Mark 7:22 uses a word which means “senselessness”
and is translated “folly.” In that context Jesus describes what comes out of the
heart of man and defiles him. Foolishness is one of the evidences that man has a
defiled, sinful nature. Proverbs 24:9 says, “The schemes of folly are sin.”
Foolishness, then, is really the breaking of God’s law, for sin is lawlessness
(1 John 3:4).
To the fool, God’s way is foolishness. “The message of the cross is foolishness
to those who are perishing.” (1 Corinthians 1:18; cf. verse 23). The gospel
seems to be foolishness to the unsaved because it doesn’t make sense to them.
The fool is completely out of phase with God’s wisdom. The gospel goes against
the unbeliever’s native intelligence and reason, yet “God was pleased through
the foolishness of what was preached to save those who believe” (1 Corinthians
The believer in Christ receives the very nature of God (2 Peter 1:4), which
includes the mind of Christ (1 Corinthians 2:16). By relying on the Holy
Spirit’s indwelling power, the believer can reject foolishness. His thoughts can
please the Lord, and he can make decisions that glorify God as he enriches his
life and the lives of those around him (Philippians 4:8–9; Ephesians 5:18—6:4).
When it comes to our eternal destiny, one is either a fool, meaning he rejects
the gospel of Christ, or one is wise, meaning he believes in Christ and commits
his life to Him (see Matthew 7:24–27). The believer discovers that the
gospel—what he thought was foolishness—is in reality the wisdom of God providing
him eternal salvation.
Titles For Latest LCCC Bulletin analysis & editorials from
miscellaneous sources published On April 01-02/17
This is what life taught me/Eias Bejjani/March 31/17
Healing the Blind Beggar, Bartimaeus Son Of Timaeus/Elias Bejjani/April 01/17
Lebanon to bolster border security/Hussein Dakroub/The Daily Star/April 01/17
The Blockade of Sinai’s Extremists/Abdul Sattar Hatita/Asharq Al-Awsat/April
Europe: Combating Fake News/by Fjordman/Gatestone Institute/April 01/17
Titles For Latest Lebanese Related News published
On April 01-02/17
This is what life taught me
Healing the Blind Beggar, Bartimaeus Son Of Timaeus
The biggest spreaders of terror
Lebanon to bolster border security
Hariri Rings Alarm Bells on Syrian Refugee Crisis
Cabinet's General Secretariat: Power plan decision issued in agreement with
cabinet's decision
Rifi Criticizes 'Hizbullah's Armed Appearance' in Dahiyeh
Miqati 'Firm on National Constants', Says Hizbullah is Free to Boycott Him
Hariri Urges World Help to Cope with Refugee Influx
Dismayed by Presidents Letter to Arab Summit, Hizbullah Compares it to 'July War
Awkar Meeting'
Report: Hizbullah Delegation to Baabda in Regards to Aoun's Arab Summit Position
Hamadeh Mulls Resignation, Says Time Has Come to Privatize Electricity Sector
Report: Two Wounded in Arsal Blast Smuggled out of Hospital
Bou Assi windsup Zahle visit by lighting its Serail Building marking Autism Day:
It gave me home in Lebanon and humanity
Fire breaks out in a building in Ashrafieh, Beirut Fire Brigade evacuates
Sitin at Ramlet elBaida in protest against takingover maritime properties
Jisr to Islamic detainees' families: Draft amnesty law is underway
Army raids town of Awadah, arrests three people while fourth escapes after
throwing a grenade
Relative calm in Ain elHilweh Camp, Contacts underway to maintain tranquility
Bassil from Sidney: Small electoral districts don't mean partition of Lebanon
Bassil meets Australian Foreign Affairs Minister: Common factors, challenges to
face terrorism bond us
Titles For Latest LCCC Bulletin For
Miscellaneous Reports And News published
On April 01-02/17
UN Reports Palestinian Population Decline in Syria
Hundreds of dead, wounded and missing persons in a landslide in Colombia
US Defense Secretary James Mattis : Iran Primary State Sponsor of Terrorism
General Jones: A Gulf NATO Delivers Powerful Message to Iran
Egypt's 'Fantastic Guy' Sisi to Meet Donald Trump
Protests Brew as Venezuela Leader Denies Coup
Latest Lebanese Related News published
On April 01-02/17
This is what life taught me/هذا ما
تعلمته من الحياة
Elias Bejjani/March 31/17
Self-respect, as well as respect of all others is a weapon of pride and dignity.
Honesty is sacred and holy.
Unity is strength.
Honouring of parents pleases Almighty God who Himself is a Father. Meanwhile it
is a divine commandment and a worshiping ritual and a holy obligation.
God is Love. Love safeguards from temptations and prevents hardness of hearts
Tolerance and forgiveness keep the conscience alive and in peace
Gratitude is a human obligation, that reveals manhood and loyalty to all what is
Modesty is a priceless treasure.
Wisdom necessities all calculations be based on personal capabilities and
potentials and not on imagined positive expectations from all others, including
family members and close friends in a bid to avoid possible disappointments and
frustrations. In this realm what comes all others will be a bonus.
Helping the needy honestly and without any personal gains keeps away ailments of
arrogance, immodesty and bragging.
Worshiping money is an act of slavery.
Rejoicing at the misfortune, pain, losses or grief of others is a sinful
horrible sin. No one is immune against such setbacks and stumbling encounters.
Life is a holy gift from Almighty God, Who God may recover it at any time .. A
fact must not be overshadowed or forgotten no matter what.
All the earthly wealth and riches remains on earth. No one does not carry
anything from it on the day God recovers from him/her the gift of life.
Healing the Blind Beggar, Bartimaeus Son Of Timaeus
Elias Bejjani/April 01/17
John 09:5: “While I am in the world, I am the light of the world”.
We become blind not when our two eyes do not function any more and lose our
vision. No, not at all, this is a physical disability that affects only our
earthly body and not our Godly soul. We can overcome this physical blindness and
go on with our lives, while our spiritual blindness makes us lose our eternal
life and end in hell.
We actually become blind when we can not see the right and righteous tracks in
life, and when we do not walk in their paths.
We actually become blind when we fail to obey God’s commandments, negate His
sacrifice on the cross that broke our slavery bondage from the original sin, and
when we refuse to abandon and tame the instincts’ of our human nature, and when
we stubbornly resist after falling into the evil’s temptation to rise to the
Godly nature in which we were baptized with water and the holy spirit.
Meanwhile the actual blindness is not in the eyes that can not see because of
physical ailments, but in the hearts that are hardened, in the consciences that
are numbed and in the spirits that are defiled with sin.
Ephesians 4:29: “Let no corrupting talk come out of your mouths, but only such
as is good for building up, as fits the occasion, that it may give grace to
those who hear”
When we know heart, mind and soul that God Himself, is LOVE, and when we
practice, honour and feel LOVE in every word we utter and in every conduct we
perform, we shall never be blind in our hearts, conscience and faith, even
though when our eyes cease to perform.
In its spiritual essence and core, what does love mean and encompass? Saint Paul
in his first letter to the Corinthians (13/01-07), answers this question: ” “If
I speak with the languages of men and of angels, but don’t have love, I have
become sounding brass, or a clanging cymbal. If I have the gift of prophecy, and
know all mysteries and all knowledge; and if I have all faith, so as to remove
mountains, but don’t have love, I am nothing. If I dole out all my goods to feed
the poor, and if I give my body to be burned, but don’t have love, it profits me
nothing. Love is patient and is kind; love doesn’t envy. Love doesn’t brag, is
not proud, doesn’t behave itself inappropriately, doesn’t seek its own way, is
not provoked, takes no account of evil; doesn’t rejoice in unrighteousness, but
rejoices with the truth; bears all things, believes all things, hopes all
things, endures all things. Love never fails”
In every community, there are individuals from all walks of life who are
spiritually blind, lacking faith, have no hope, and live in dim darkness because
they have distanced themselves from Almighty God and His Gospel, although their
eyes are physically perfectly functional and healthy. They did not seek God’s
help and did not repent and ask for forgiveness, although they know that God is
always waiting eerily for them to defeat the evil, get out his temptations and
come to Him.
On the sixth Lenten Sunday, our Maronite Catholic Church cites and recalls with
great piety Jesus’ healing miracle of the blind beggar, the son of Timaeus,
Bartimaeus. This amazing miracle that took place in Jerusalem near the Pool of
Siloam is documented in three gospels; Mark 10/46-52, John 9/1-41, Matthew
Maronites in Lebanon and all over the world, like each and very faithful
Christian strongly believe that Jesus is the holy and blessed light through
which believers can see God’s paths of righteousness. There is no doubt that
without Jesus’ light, evil darkness will prevails in peoples’ hearts, souls and
minds. Without Jesus’ presence in our lives we definitely will preys to all
kinds of evil temptations.
The Miracle: Mark 10/46-52: ” They came to Jericho. As he went out from Jericho,
with his disciples and a great multitude, the son of Timaeus, Bartimaeus, a
blind beggar, was sitting by the road. When he heard that it was Jesus the
Nazarene, he began to cry out, and say, “Jesus, you son of David, have mercy on
me!” Many rebuked him, that he should be quiet, but he cried out much more, “You
son of David, have mercy on me!” Jesus stood still, and said, “Call him. ”They
called the blind man, saying to him, “Cheer up! Get up. He is calling you!” He,
casting away his cloak, sprang up, and came to Jesus. Jesus asked him, “What do
you want me to do for you?” The blind man said to him, “Rabboni, that I may see
again.” Jesus said to him, “Go your way. Your faith has made you well.”
Immediately he received his sight, and followed Jesus in the way. The son of
Timaeus, Bartimaeus, the blind beggar who was born to two blind parents truly
believed in Jesus. His heart, mind and spirit were all enlightened with faith
and hope. Because of his strong faith he knew deep inside who actually Jesus
was, and stubbornly headed towards him asking for a Godly cure. He rebelled
against all those opportunist and hypocrites who out of curiosity and not faith
came to see who is Jesus. He refused to listen to them when they rebuked him and
tried hardly to keep him away from Jesus. He loudly witnessed for the truth and
forced his way among the crowd and threw himself on Jesus’ feet asking Him to
open his blind eyes. Jesus was fascinated by his faith, hailed his perseverance
and gave him what he asked for. He opened his eyes.
John’s Gospel gives us more details about what has happened with Bartimaeus
after the healing miracle of his blindness. We can see in the below verses that
after his healing he and his parents were exposed to intimidation, fear,
threats, and terror, but he refused to succumb or to lie, He held verbatim to
all the course details of the miracle, bravely witnessed for the truth and
loudly proclaimed his strong belief that Jesus who cured him was The Son Of God.
His faith made him strong, fearless and courageous. The Holy Spirit came to his
rescue and spoke through him.
John 9/13-12: “As Jesus was walking along, he saw a man who had been born blind.
2 His disciples asked him, “Teacher, whose sin caused him to be born blind? Was
it his own or his parents’ sin?” Jesus answered, “His blindness has nothing to
do with his sins or his parents’ sins. He is blind so that God’s power might be
seen at work in him. As long as it is day, we must do the work of him who sent
me; night is coming when no one can work. While I am in the world, I am the
light for the world.” After he said this, Jesus spat on the ground and made some
mud with the spittle; he rubbed the mud on the man’s eyes and told him, “Go and
wash your face in the Pool of Siloam.” (This name means “Sent.”) So the man
went, washed his face, and came back seeing. His neighbors, then, and the people
who had seen him begging before this, asked, “Isn’t this the man who used to sit
and beg?”
Some said, “He is the one,” but others said, “No he isn’t; he just looks like
him.” So the man himself said, “I am the man.” “How is it that you can now see?”
they asked him. He answered, “The man called Jesus made some mud, rubbed it on
my eyes, and told me to go to Siloam and wash my face. So I went, and as soon as
I washed, I could see.” “Where is he?” they asked.“I don’t know,” he answered.
Sadly our contemporary world hails atheism, brags about secularism and
persecutes those who have faith in God and believe in Him. Where ever we live,
there are opportunist and hypocrites like some of the conceited crowd that
initially rebuked Bartimaeus, and tried with humiliation to keep him away from
Jesus, but the moment Jesus called on him they changed their attitude and let
him go through. Meanwhile believers all over the world suffer on the hands of
ruthless oppressors, and rulers and men of authority like the Pharisees who
refused to witness for the truth.
But despite of all the dim spiritual darkness, thanks God, there are still too
many meek believers like Bartimaeus who hold to their faith no matters what the
obstacles or hurdles are.
Colossians 03:12: “Therefore, as God’s chosen people, holy and dearly loved,
clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience”
Lord, enlighten our minds and hearts with your light and open our eyes to
realize that You are a loving and merciful father.
Lord Help us to take Bartimaeus as a faith role model in our life.
Lord help us to defeat all kinds of sins that take us away from Your light, and
deliver us all from evil temptations.
In conclusion, let us never blind ourselves from knowing where is the light and
who is the light: “I came into this world for judgment, that those who don’t see
may see; and that those who see may become blind.” (John 09/39)
The biggest spreaders of terror
Camil Chamoun/Face book/April 01/17
The biggest spreaders of terror are the bloody irresponsible medias who diffuse
and amplify their scoops 24/24 on TV and all social medias without whom nobody
would even hear about the few isolated psychopathic incidents. Even ISIS is the
brainchild of these mediatic demons who use them to promote billion dollar
security contracts and surveillance equipment that make travelling such a burden
Lebanon to bolster border security
Hussein Dakroub/The Daily Star/April 01/17
BEIRUT: With Lebanon coming under growing international pressure to bolster
security at Beirut airport, President Michel Aoun Friday underlined the
importance of coordination between security and military agencies to maintain
the country’s stability and stave off threats.
Meanwhile, Prime Minister Saad Hariri is set to embark on a three-nation
European tour next week, his first since returning to the premiership in
November last year, a source close to the premier told The Daily Star Friday.
Hariri is scheduled to fly to Paris Monday for talks with French President
Francois Hollande focusing on bilateral relations and regional developments, the
source said. He will travel on to Berlin Wednesday for similar talks with German
Chancellor Angela Merkel before flying to Brussels to attend the April 5
international conference on supporting the future of Syria and the region, the
source said.
Hariri chaired a ministerial meeting Friday to discuss government policies on
Syrian refugees in preparation for the Brussels conference.
The premier warned that Lebanon had reached “breaking point” by hosting more
than 1 million Syrian refugees and appealed to the international community to
invest in the country’s infrastructure and educational system to help alleviate
the enormous burden.
“This issue has reached a breaking point for us in Lebanon. ... We want the
international community to hear us and understand that Lebanon is facing a
crisis,” Hariri told international media in Beirut. “Today Lebanon is a big
refugee camp.”
He said he would present a comprehensive plan to the Brussels conference to deal
with the Syrian refugee crisis and ask for international support.
Hariri said he also fears that the refugee crisis could implode on the social
level because of “huge tensions” between Lebanese and Syrians in most host
communities. “I fear civil unrest,” he said.
Hariri’s comments came as UNHCR – the United Nations refugee agency – said 5
million Syrians have fled their country since its devastating war broke out in
2011. Of those, Lebanon is hosting more than 1 million Syrians, roughly a
quarter of its current population of 4 million.
The conference in Brussels will bring together representatives from 70
delegations, major donors and humanitarian and development organizations to
assess where the international community stands in regard to fulfilling the
commitments made at the London Conference in February 2016. On that occasion,
leaders pledged more than $11 billion to help fund schools, shelter and jobs for
Addressing a high-level security meeting he chaired at Baabda Palace, Aoun said:
“It is very important to maintain stable security and for all security agencies
to have coordination between themselves in accordance with rules and laws in
He praised the efforts made by various security forces in maintaining security
and stability in the country, particularly at the land, sea and air points of
entry in general, and at Beirut’s Rafik Hariri International Airport in
particular, according to a statement released by the president’s media office.
Aoun also underscored the need to take “security and logistical measures” to
maintain security and public safety and ensure necessary facilities for incoming
and outgoing travelers as the summer holiday and tourism season approaches, the
statement said.
The meeting, attended by Hariri and the ministers of interior, defense, and
public works and transport, as well as the Lebanese Army commander and other
military and security chiefs, was held to discuss the security situation in the
country, including border activity and crossings by land, sea and air, as well
as safety precautions that should be implemented.The participants also discussed
means of beefing up security at Beirut airport amid heavy international pressure
to ensure the safety of travelers and planes, Interior Minister Nouhad Machnouk
said after the meeting.
“The meeting was essential even though it came very late. Discussions covered
three matters: services at the airport and the way to administer them; security
readiness amid heavy international pressure, especially from the European Union,
[to ensure] the security of travelers and planes; and the issue of all border
crossings,” Machnouk said.
He denied that the meeting came in response to new security threats facing the
country. “The meeting came due to the responsibility laid on the shoulders of
everyone over the issue of the security of land and sea crossings, at the
forefront of which is the airport because it represents the country’s showcase,”
Machnouk said. “There are international requests [to Lebanon] to raise the
security protection level.”
The Cabinet last week approved $28 million and tender documents to buy
sophisticated equipment to shore up security at Beirut’s airport.
In January 2016, Machnouk said France and the United Kingdom were considering
canceling flights into the airport over safety concerns, adding that the
countries were waiting for the Lebanese government to act to close security gaps
at the facility.
Last June, new measures were also implemented, including limiting the amount of
liquids and aerosols permitted in passengers’ hand luggage, following a measure
long in place in the U.S., Europe and elsewhere.
Public Works and Transportation Minister Youssef Fenianos said in a TV interview
in February that Beirut airport would have new and advanced security screening
machines as part of efforts to bolster the facility’s security.
Fenianos said that the new purchases would be part of a renewed push to meet
international standards set by ICAO, the U.N.’s International Civil Aviation
Organization. Security specialists have requested improved X-ray scanners that
can reveal attempts to smuggle contraband, weapons and other prohibited
materials into the airport, Fenianos said.
Aviation safety has been a recurring theme at the airport for a number of
reasons. Most recently, reports emerged that gulls near the facility posed a
threat to the safety of incoming and outgoing flights. Ultrasonic bird-repelling
devices have since been installed to ensure aviation safety.
Speaking to reporters at Baabda Palace Friday, Machnouk said that Aoun had
recommended a review of land crossings on the Lebanese border and the formation
of a committee headed by Hariri that includes the ministers of defense and
interior to follow up this issue. This decision was made due to international
requests that land border security be enhanced, he said.
Although the airport security apparatus has won praise from several foreign
countries, Machnouk said this was not sufficient. “Most ambassadors of the
European Union states, led by the British ambassador, are following up on the
nature of security measures taken at the airport,” he said.
He referred to a recent U.K. ban on large electrical items in carry-on bags on
inbound flights from six countries, including Lebanon. “There are [EU] requests
for more inspection, checking and work to achieve high-level security. This
requires personnel, training and equipment,” Machnouk said. He stressed that
Lebanon needs to act quickly to bolster security “amid international requests
and a surge in terrorist attacks” in the world.
The controversial electronics ban on flights to the U.K. was implemented Sunday.
Hariri Rings Alarm Bells on Syrian Refugee Crisis
Asharq Al-Awsat/April 01/17/Beirut- Lebanon’s Prime Minister Saad al-Hariri said
Lebanon was close to “breaking point” due to the strains of hosting 1.5 million
Syrian refugees, and he feared unrest could spiral from tensions between them
and Lebanese communities. “Today if you go around most of the host communities,
there is a huge tension between the Lebanese and the Syrians… I fear civil
unrest,” Hariri told journalists working for foreign media on Friday. “Municipal
chiefs have asked me to come up with ways to deport them (the displaced) to
Syria. The government will never take such action because we know that the
refugees will confront many dangers,” he said. Refugees who fled the
six-year-long conflict in neighboring Syria make up a quarter of Lebanon’s
population. They live in informal settlements mainly in northern and eastern
Lebanon and receive assistance from the United Nations. But Hariri stresses that
such aid is not enough. The prime minister will head a delegation from Lebanon
to the Brussels Conference on Wednesday, which aims at supporting Syrian
refugees. “I am going … to make sure that the world understands that Lebanon is
on the verge of a breaking point,” he said. He told the journalists that, at the
conference, he will propose a five to seven-year policy paper under which the
international community would commit to paying 10,000 to 12,000 dollars for each
refugee by investing in Lebanon’s infrastructure. “I think that will make sure
that Lebanon is going to stand on its own and the economy will thrive,” he said.
The number of students at schools has risen from 200,000 to 450,000 in the past
six years, Hariri said. “The international community should do something,” he
stressed. According to UNHCR, there are over 1 million registered refugees in
Lebanon, but some believe there are 1.5 million.
Another refugee-related problem is electricity. Energy Minister Cesar Abi Khalil
said in a press conference held on Friday that displaced Syrians are consuming
490 Megawatts of electricity. This means they are depriving the Lebanese of five
hours of power daily and burdening the state treasury with 330 million dollars.
Cabinet's General Secretariat: Power plan decision issued
in agreement with cabinet's decision
Sat 01 Apr 2017/NNA - The Cabinet's General Secretariat stressed on Saturday
that the decision regarding the power plan was issued by the Secretariat just as
that taken by the Council of Ministers during the session in which the said plan
was discussed. "The General Secretariat of the Council of Ministers rules out
the information broadcasted by one of the T.V. stations as for publishing the
latest cabinet's decision regarding the electricity plan in the official Gazette
claiming that it is fake and disagrees with the agreement which the cabinet took
in the session during which the plan was discussed," the cabinet's General
Secretariat said.
Rifi Criticizes 'Hizbullah's Armed Appearance' in Dahiyeh
Naharnet/April 01/17/Former Justice Minister Ashraf Rifi slammed “Hizbullah's
armed manifestation” in the southern suburbs of Beirut on Friday, saying it
confirms the “state's resignation in favor of statelets,” his media office said
in a statement on Saturday “Although Lebanon's security forces are capable of
uprooting drug dealers and contraband promoters, we instead saw yesterday a
manifestation that confirms the State's resignation in favor of statelets,” said
Rifi in his statement. “Hizbullah has staged an armed appearance in Dahiyeh,
showing the contradiction that this party expresses with the State and its
institutions,” it added. Addressing President Michel Aoun, Rifi asked referring
to the President’s statement that defended Hizbullah's arms and asked: “What you
stated earlier about the army's incapability to defend Lebanon, does it apply
now to the security forces as well? Are they incapable too of protecting the
social security of the Lebanese?”“I pose the same question on the entire
government specifically the Ministers of Defense and Interior. The Lebanese are
waiting for clear answers from their officials on what happened. We will follow
up on the issue until the end,” stated Rifi. Pictures of masked Hizbullah
members in black-clad went viral on social media on Friday, as reports said they
spread out in Bourj al-Barajneh refugee camp in the evening in a campaign
against drug dealers and gangs.
Miqati 'Firm on National Constants', Says Hizbullah is Free
to Boycott Him
Naharnet/April 01/17/Former Prime Minister Najib Miqati was marveled on Saturday
at the verbal campaign launched against a letter sent to the Arab Summit by five
Lebanese presidents including himself, but assured that he stands by Hizbullah's
fight against Israel saying “it is up to the party” to boycott him. “When
Hizbullah is in a battle with Israel I would blindly jump to its side, but other
matters are subject to national constants,” Miqati told al-Akhbar daily on
Saturday. Commenting on reports that Hizbullah has decided to boycott Miqati
after signing the so-called five-party letter, he said: “My ties with all
Lebanese parties have been nothing but respectful and based on the national
constants which I believe in. Anyone wishing otherwise is his own
business.”Miqati denied any plans to tarnish the position of presidency through
the letter, he remarked: “How can that be possible when we have already sent a
copy to the President, PM (Saad Hariri) and Speaker (Nabih Berri)?”, adding that
the campaign only aims to divert the attention from “our national constants.”The
ex-PM revealed saying the idea has first emerged during a lunch banquet at the
residence of former President Michel Suleiman, pointing out it is not the first
for a certain Lebanese side to send out a letter to the Arab summit or
international forums.“I will allow no one to question my patriotism. I will be
in the forefront every time the situation requires rescue in the country,” said
Miqati. He refused accusations of planning to boost his popularity in the
northern city of Tripoli in light of looming parliamentary elections. The letter
was signed by Lebanon's President Michel Suleiman and Amin Gemayel and PMs
Tammam Salam, Fouad Saniora and Miqati. It stresses the importance of Lebanon's
commitment to U.N. resolutions, especially Resolution 1701, and tackles
controversial issues such as Hizbullah's arms, the Baabda Declaration, Lebanon's
dissociation policy, the state's authority over its territory and foreign
interference in the Syrian crisis.Several officials have voiced dismay over the
letter and accused the former presidents and premiers of bypassing the country's
president and premier.
Hariri Urges World Help to Cope with Refugee Influx
Associated Press/Naharnet/April 01/17/Lebanon will present a comprehensive plan
to help alleviate the enormous burden of Syrian refugees at an upcoming Syria
conference in Brussels, but needs urgent international support to avoid
collapse, Prime Minister Saad Hariri said. Speaking to a group of journalists
ahead of the April 5 European conference in Brussels on supporting the future of
Syria, Hariri warned on Friday that Lebanon faces serious security and economic
issues and has reached breaking point. "The international community has to
understand that Lebanon cannot pay the price of the unresolved conflict in
Syria," Hariri said. Lebanon, which shares a large border with Syria, has taken
in some 1.2 million Syrian refugees — the equivalent of one-fourth of its own
population — who have been a burden on Lebanon's infrastructure. The tiny
country beset with internal divisions now hosts the highest concentration of
refugees and its people are often praised by world leaders for generously
shouldering the burden of so many refugees. The country has long refused setting
up refugee camps like in Turkey or Jordan, fearing that would make the refugee
presence more permanent. Consequently, unorganized makeshift settlements have
sprouted across the country, putting a huge strain on local infrastructure and
host communities whose populations have swelled to double or triple their size.
"Some people say we should have refugee camps in Lebanon. I say Lebanon has
become a refugee camp," Hariri said. He cited World Bank estimates that the
Syria crisis has cost Lebanon US$18 billion in lost economic activity since
2011. He also said Lebanon's infrastructure was made to sustain four million
people but the same infrastructure is now bearing 6 million people due to the
presence of Syrian and Palestinian refugees. "We have been pushing our
capabilities to the extreme," he said. Hariri said Lebanon has prepared a plan
to improve the infrastructure and the public services in a way that equally
benefits Lebanese citizens and displaced Syrians, as well as increase economic
growth and create job opportunities. If the international community commits
$10,000 to $12,000 per refugee every year over a period of five to seven years,
investing in infrastructure, schooling, security and other sectors, "I think
that will make sure that Lebanon could stand on its own," Hariri said. "For the
longest time we've been extremely lucky, making sure that this crisis has not
affected those host communities, but we have stretched our luck," he added.
Dismayed by Presidents Letter to Arab Summit, Hizbullah
Compares it to 'July War Awkar Meeting'
Naharnet/April 01/17/Hizbullah party expressed dismay at a letter sent by five
Lebanese Presidents and Prime Ministers to the Arab summit in Jordan, ahead of
President Michel Aoun's travel to take part in the summit, al-Joumhouria daily
reported on Saturday. The party likened the letter “to a meeting held at the US
embassy in Awkar during the 2006 July war between some Lebanese leaders and US
Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, when the US was seeking to stop the war,
while some of those leaders were enthusiastic about its continuation,” according
to the daily. Hizbullah has interpreted the letter as a clear invitation to
carry on with the sanctions against Hizbullah, reported the daily. The letter
was sent to the Arab Summit by former presidents Michel Suleiman and Amin
Gemayel and ex-PMs Tammam Salam, Najib Miqati and Fouad Saniora. It stresses the
importance of Lebanon's commitment to U.N. resolutions, especially Resolution
1701, and tackles controversial issues such as Hizbullah's arms, the Baabda
Declaration, Lebanon's dissociation policy, the state's authority over its
territory and foreign interference in the Syrian crisis. Several officials have
voiced dismay over the letter and accused the former presidents and premiers of
bypassing the country's president and premier.
Report: Hizbullah Delegation to Baabda in Regards to Aoun's
Arab Summit Position
Naharnet/April 01/17/Hizbullah party is set to dispatch a delegation to the
Presidential Palace to convey the party's leader Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah's
“appreciation” for President Michel Aoun's stance at the Arab summit in Jordan,
al-Joumhouria daily reported on Saturday. After Aoun's return from Jordan, the
President has reportedly received a telephone call from Nasrallah expressing his
deep appreciation for Aoun's position, something which has not been confirmed by
either parties, said the daily. Circles close to the party told the newspaper:
“Hizbullah commends the President's stance. It is a kind of historical document
at the level of candor, and an attempt to shed light on the Arab wound caused by
the Arabs themselves. “He presented a picture of Lebanon as seeking therapy,
describing it as a stable area amidst an inflaming region,” they added, praising
Aoun's offering to make Lebanon an “intermediary among the Arab countries to try
to extinguish the fire raging in the region.”In his speech, Aoun highlighted the
aggravating refugee burden and warned that Lebanon is reeling under the pressure
of around two million Syrian and Palestinian refugees on its soil. He urged
sparing Lebanon the social, economic, security and political repercussions as a
result, calling for their safe return to their homeland. The president urged an
end to “wars between brothers”, expressing Lebanon's full readiness to help in
bridging the differences and reviving the language of dialogue.None of the
states participating in the summit took a stance on Hizbullah, unlike last
year's conference where the party was a subject of heated debate. Al-Joumhouria
added, Hizbullah's stance did not fail to show dismay at a letter sent by five
Lebanese Presidents and Prime Ministers to the Arab summit in Jordan, likening
it to a meeting “held at the US embassy in Awkar during the 2006 July war
between some Lebanese leaders and US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, when
the US was seeking to stop the war, while some of those leaders were
enthusiastic about its continuation.”Hizbullah has interpreted the letter as a
clear invitation to carry on with the sanctions against Hizbullah, reported the
daily. The letter was sent to the Arab Summit by former presidents Michel
Suleiman and Amin Gemayel and ex-PMs Tammam Salam, Najib Miqati and Fouad
Saniora. It stresses the importance of Lebanon's commitment to U.N. resolutions,
especially Resolution 1701, and tackles controversial issues such as Hizbullah's
arms, the Baabda Declaration, Lebanon's dissociation policy, the state's
authority over its territory and foreign interference in the Syrian crisis.
Several officials have voiced dismay over the letter and accused the former
presidents and premiers of bypassing the country's president and premier.
Hamadeh Mulls Resignation, Says Time Has Come to Privatize
Electricity Sector
Naharnet/April 01/17/Minister of Education Marwan Hamadeh said on Saturday he
was considering resigning from his post but decided otherwise upon the wishes of
MP Walid Jumblat and his colleagues at the Democratic Gathering bloc. Hamadeh
explained that mulling resignation stemmed from the “heavy toll that partisan
and sectarian pressure took on ministerial work,” adding that he is disappointed
by the new term's (of President Michel Aoun) failure to act upon reforms. “I do
not feel that the grand slogans of reform launched by the new term and
government have produced any genuine reform,” the Minister told Voice of Lebanon
radio (100.5). “There are alliances within the cabinet that defeat logic,” he
said. Turning to the thorny electoral law file, Hamadeh noted that the
proportional law was not appropriate for the time being. “I was astounded when I
read the Orthodox law for the extent of its sectarian and confessional
divisiveness,” he noted, adding that he was equally shocked at a hybrid law
proposes by Foreign Minister Jebran Bassil. He went on to say that the proposal
of the Kataeb Party, for an individual district, was best at securing proper
representation. As for Lebanon's notoriously ineffective and costly electricity
sector Hamadeh said that the Energy Ministry has been a failure since 2010 and
has only been run by the same party. "It is high time for the private sector to
take over the electricity file,” he concluded.
Report: Two Wounded in Arsal Blast Smuggled out of Hospital
Naharnet/April 01/17/One of the two Syrians killed on Thursday in a blast in the
Bekaa border town of Arsal is likely an Islamic State militant, while two of the
wounded were smuggled outside the hospital where they were getting treatment,
the pan Arab al-Hayat daily reported on Saturday. A senior Lebanese security
source who spoke on condition of anonymity told the daily that one of two
Syrians killed in the blast that ripped through a pickup truck in Arsal is
likely a member of the IS militant group. Two of the wounded who were
transported to a field hospital on the outskirts of Arsal after the blast were
later smuggled outside the town. Hawwa al-Zuhouri, 20, and Nour al-Husseiki, 25
who hail from the Syrian town of Qusayer, were killed on Thursday by the
accidental detonation of a suicide vest that Husseiki was wearing. A Lebanese
woman from the Kranbi family and two other Syrians who hail from Qusayr were
also wounded in the blast. The five were taken to a clinic controlled by Syrian
militants outside the town, officials had added. Transferring the two wounded
while they were receiving treatment at a hospital, is an intent to spare them
from being investigated, and a bid to cover the identity of the sides behind the
blast, said the daily. Semi-official Lebanese sources told al-Hayat that the
mere presence of a belt indicates that they belong to a suicide group likely the
IS. The sources did not rule out a direct relationship with the recent
disagreements between groups of the IS which soon developed into family disputes
that prompted those in the car to prepare the belt to blow it up with their
opponents. Members of al-Qaida's affiliate in Syria and the Islamic State group
control areas between Arsal and the Syrian border where the explosion occurred.
The two groups often clash in the area.
Bou Assi windsup Zahle visit by lighting its Serail
Building marking Autism Day: It gave me home in Lebanon and humanity
Sat 01 Apr 2017/NNA - Social Affairs Minister, Pierre Bou Assi, ended his long
day visit to Zahle on Saturday, by lighting up the Zahle Serail Building with
colors of Autism marking "World Autism Day," in presence of Zahle Bloc Deputies
and crowds of citizens."Through visiting Zahle, the beauty queen of Lebanon, and
through the warm hospitality and appreciation of its people, I gained hope in
Lebanon and humanity, for it is a city that includes all different parts of
society's spectrum and greatly cares for its weaker constituents," said Bou Assi.
In a word marking Autism Day, Bou Assi referred to the many difficulties
suffered by people with Autism, noting that "we ought to exert utmost efforts to
ensure that Autistic children are diagnosed at their early stages, so as to
provide them with the necessary medical treatment early on."
Fire breaks out in a building in Ashrafieh, Beirut Fire
Brigade evacuates residents
Sat 01 Apr 2017/NNA - A huge fire broke out in a number of residential floors in
al-Kik Building along Amine Gemayel Street in Ashrafieh on Saturday evening, and
members of the Beirut Fire Brigade are working on putting out the fire on the
7th and 8th floors of the building, after managing to extinguish it on the 6th
floor and preventing it from extending to the remaining floors and apartments,
following the evacuation of residents to save their lives, Beirut Municipality
Public Relations Department indicated.
Sitin at Ramlet elBaida in protest against takingover
maritime properties
Sat 01 Apr 2017/NNA - A sit-in took place on Saturday in front of the "Eden
Rock" Project at Ramlet el-Baida, in protest against taking control of maritime
properties, organized by the National Youth Union and People's Aid, with the
participation of Beirut citizens and representatives of civil associations.
Protesters held out banners which read: "Our coast belongs to us and not to the
brutal capitalism!" - "Beirut beach is for the people, not for the corrupted
class, you exploitation monsters!" and "Interior Ministry is required to
implement the State Shoura Council decision." Protesters also chanted slogans
calling on the Interior Minister and Beirut Governor not to neglect and waste
maritime properties. In turn, Lebanese People's Congress Head, Kamal Shatila,
addressed a word of praise to the protesters, stressing that "this sit-in is
part of the popular action against the corruption of the ruling class, supported
by large-scale banks and savage capitalist companies, which violate the laws
without any national or religious deterrent."
Jisr to Islamic detainees' families: Draft amnesty law is
Sat 01 Apr 2017/NNA - MP Samir Jisr met, on Saturday, at his office in Tripoli
with a delegation including families of the Islamic detainees, who came to
discuss the preparations underway regarding the amnesty law. "We are working on
a draft amnesty law, which PM Saad Hariri is following-up on, and we shall
update you with all new in this dossier," Jisr told the delegation.
Army raids town of Awadah, arrests three people while
fourth escapes after throwing a grenade
Sat 01 Apr 2017/NNA - An army force raided a number of houses in the town of al-Awadah
in the border region of Wadi Khaled on Saturday, arresting three wanted suspects
while the fourth managed to escape after throwing a grenade at the Army patrol,
NNA correspondent in Akkar reported. Army units are currently tracking down the
wanted fugitive.
Relative calm in Ain elHilweh Camp, Contacts underway to
maintain tranquility
Sat 01 Apr 2017/NNA - A relative state of calm prevailed Saturday evening over
Ain el-Hilweh refugee camp, in wake of the security tension witnessed this
afternoon which resulted in the injury of two people, namely the son of "Fateh"
Movement senior official, Bilal Qutaibeh Tamim, and Mohamed Fakhri Deeb, NNA
correspondent in Sidon reported. Clashes resumed following the announcement of
Mohammed Hilal's death, after suffering from injuries during the recent
incidents in the camp, whereby exchange of fire occurred between the areas of
Safsaf, a stronghold of the Islamic militant groups, and Barkasat which is a
stronghold of "Fateh" Movement. Meanwhile, Palestinian contacts are working to
calm things down and prevent the situation from deteriorating.
Bassil from Sidney: Small electoral districts don't mean
partition of Lebanon
Sat 01 Apr 2017/NNA - Foreign Affairs Minister Gibran Bassil stated on Saturday
that dividing Lebanon into small electoral districts doesn't mean the partition
of Lebanon, noting that "Australia has seven states, yet it is not
divided."Speaking during a ceremony hosted by the Lebanese Consul in Sidney
George Bitar Ghanem, Minister Bassil expressed fear over turning federalism in
Lebanon and the region into a federalism of sects.Bassil stressed that Lebanon
can't live without both the Christians and Muslims communities. He emphasized on
the importance of the participation of the Lebanese Diaspora in the political
life of their homeland, urging the Australian Diaspora to have a deputy in the
Parliament. Bassil concluded by saying that "Lebanon is more than a homeland;
Lebanon is a message; Lebanon is greater than 10,452 km."
Bassil meets Australian Foreign Affairs Minister: Common
factors, challenges to face terrorism bond us
Sat 01 Apr 2017/NNA - Foreign Affairs Minister Gebran Bassil discussed on the
third day of his visit to Australia with Australia's Foreign Affairs Minister
Julie Bishop, the Lebanese- Australian relations and the Lebanese Diaspora
situation. Talks also tackled the displaced Syrians issues. It is noteworthy
that State Minister of Presidential Affairs Pierre Raffoul, Australian
Ambassador to Lebanon Glen Miles, Lebanese Embassy Chargé d'Affaires Giscard El-
Khoury, General Consul in Melbourne Ghassan Al-Khatib attended the meeting.
Bassil talked about the Lebanese Diaspora all over the world and the Lebanese
distinguished habits, calling upon them "to cooperate in order to preserve
Lebanon's beautiful image, as it is now, worldwide."Bassil said "I met today
morning with Minister Bishop during which we exchange ideas over the relations
between Lebanon and Australia and the common factors and challenges, especially
in facing terrorism and extremism."
Latest LCCC Bulletin For
Miscellaneous Reports And News published On
April 01-02/17
UN Reports
Palestinian Population Decline in Syria
Associated Press/Naharnet/April
01/17/Syria's Palestinian refugee population has fallen by one-fifth since the
start of the Syrian conflict in 2011 and many of those who stay in Syria have
been displaced, the U.N.'s Palestinian relief agency said Friday. UNRWA Director
Pierre Krahenbuhl said there are 440,000 refugees in Syria, compared to 560,000
in the country before the war. Many of those still in Syria have been displaced
by Syria's six-year civil war. For them, it is the second time they or their
families have been forced out of their homes, after being displaced from
Palestinian lands by Israeli forces last century.
"Displacement is a very difficult experience, to lose another home, to lose
another place of residence," said Krahenbuhl, who was wrapping up a five day
tour of UNRWA operations in Syria. Several Palestinian camps in Damascus and
Aleppo, Syria's largest city, have been destroyed during the conflict that has
killed more than 400,000 people, displaced half the country's population and
sent more than 5 million as refugees, mostly to neighboring countries. Elsewhere
in Syria, opposition activists reported clashes between government forces and
insurgents groups in different regions including the central province of Hama,
the northwestern province of Idlib and the suburbs of Damascus, according to
opposition activists and state media. The activists reported airstrikes on
rebel-held parts of Idlib and Hama. Physicians for Human Rights reported Friday
that at least two medical facilities in Hama have come under attack over the
past week. It said the facilities, a hospital in the village of Latamneh and a
medical point in Kafar Naboudeh, together serve tens of thousands of people in
the province that witnessed intense violence over the past two weeks after
insurgents launched a wide offensive against government-controlled villages.
The group said the attacks on the two medical facilities violate international
law, in that they are either intentional attacks on medical facilities or
indiscriminate attacks on civilian-populated areas. "Hospitals have become
scenes of total devastation and destruction throughout this conflict," said
PHR's lead Syria researcher Elise Baker. "What we're seeing in Hama governorate
is an extension of a gruesome pattern of attacks against medical facilities and
personnel across the country." "As we've seen throughout the conflict, as
fighting intensifies and the need for medical care grows, hospitals and other
medical facilities come under increasing attack," she said. On March 25, the
Latamneh surgical hospital — a facility built into a cave to protect it from
airstrikes — was hit by multiple barrel bombs, PHR said. While the attack only
caused minor structural damage to the facility, multiple sources inside the
hospital testified that at least one of the bombs, which landed inside the
hospital, contained a chemical agent, it said. The hospital's coordinator told
PHR that the attack and chemical exposure led to the death of one of the
hospital's doctors, Dr. Ahmed Darwish. Doctors Without Borders, also known as
MSF, said the hospital in Latamneh was supported by the group. It added that a
bomb dropped by a helicopter hit the entrance of the building, adding that
information collected by the hospital's medical staff suggests that chemical
weapons were used. It said patients and staff reported suffering severe
respiratory symptoms and burning of mucous membranes immediately after the
impact, symptoms consistent with a chemicals attack. It said that in addition to
Dr. Darwish, another person was killed. "The loss of Dr Darwish leaves just two
orthopedic surgeons for a population of around 120,000," said Massimiliano
Rebaudengo, MSF's head of mission in northern Syria.
Hundreds of dead, wounded and missing persons in a landslide in Colombia
Sat 01 Apr 2017/NNA - More than 110
people have been killed and some 188 others injured in southern Colombia due to
landslides caused by torrential rain from the Peruvian region to Ecuador, which
also led to the flooding of the Mocoa River and its three tributaries in Mocoa,
the largest city of Putumayo in Colombia, with a population of 40,000. Colombian
President Juan Manuel dos Santos visited the disaster area, accompanied by a
number of ministers, to oversee the rescue operations. "I have been informed
that 112 people have been killed and we do not know what the outcome will be,"
he said. The Colombian Red Cross also reported that 188 people were injured and
some 200 people were reported missing. Amid concern over the rising number, the
Director-General of the Red Cross told the French Press, "The proceeds are
rising at a frightening speed." Putumayo Governor described what happened as an
"unprecedented disaster," noting that "hundreds of families have not yet been
found, and there are whole neighborhoods no longer there."
US Defense Secretary James Mattis : Iran Primary State Sponsor of Terrorism
Heba El Koudsy/Asharq Al Awsat/April
Washington- Iran is continuing to behave as an exporter of terrorism and still
sponsors militant activity, US Defense Secretary James Mattis said on Friday on
his first trip to London since taking the Pentagon’s top job.
Asked during a joint news conference with British Defense Secretary Michael
Fallon about comments Mattis made in 2012 that the three primary threats the
United States faced were “Iran, Iran, Iran,” Mattis told reporters that Iran’s
behavior had not changed in the years since. “At the time when I spoke about
Iran I was a commander of US central command and that (Iran) was the primary
exporter of terrorism, frankly, it was the primary state sponsor of terrorism
and it continues that kind of behavior today,” Mattis said. The Trump
administration is seeking to challenge Iran by providing more military
assistance to its allies in the Gulf and improve military relations with Gulf
states. The US State Department announced on Thursday that Washington would
resume the sale of fighter jets to Bahrain that had been suspended by Trump’s
predecessor Barack Obama. Sources at the White House also expected resumption of
military sale to Saudi Arabia mainly after the successful talks that Deputy
Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, Second Deputy Premier and Minister of Defense
held with President Donald Trump recently. During his press conference on
Friday, Mattis signaled Washington might soon decide how to respond to what it
says are Russian violations of a Cold War-era arms control agreement, saying the
United States was conferring with allies.Washington and Moscow have long
questioned each other’s commitment to the INF treaty, which banned nuclear and
conventional ground-launched ballistic and cruise missiles with a range of
500-5,500 km. The United States has accused Moscow of developing and fielding a
ground-launched cruise missile, in violation of its INF Treaty obligations. Vice
Chairman of the Joints Chiefs of Staff General Paul Selva said in March that the
Russian system presented a risk to most US facilities in Europe. Mattis, said
Trump’s administration was still formulating policy on the matter. “On the INF
issue, we’re in consultation with our allies and we are still formulating a way
ahead. In fact, it will be addressed, I think, very, very soon as a matter of
highest-level concern,” Mattis told the joint news conference.
Fallon acknowledged the INF treaty came up in his discussions on Friday with
Mattis and said the matter should also be taken up by NATO. “We look forward to
the more formal response from the United States and we do think that is
something that needs to be taken forward – not just by the United States but by
NATO generally, once we have those violations confirmed,” Fallon said. Neither
Mattis nor Fallon elaborated. In the United States, such compliance issues are
usually handled by the State Department.
General Jones: A Gulf NATO Delivers Powerful Message to Iran
Huda Al HusseiniAsharq Al Awsat/April
London – General James Jones, former supreme allied commander of NATO, has
always been involved in the Middle East affairs, problems and causes. In an
interview with Asharq Al-Awsat, Jones expressed relief towards the “tremendously
successful” meeting between Deputy Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman bin
Abdulaziz, Second Deputy Premier and Minister of Defense, and US President
Donald Trump where both agreed upon “risks threatening the Gulf.”Jones suggested
forming a Gulf coalition similar to the NATO. “The NATO succeeded in facing the
existential threat posed, then, by the Soviet Union and helped in dissociating
it,” Jones added as he affirmed that US will be pleased to join this dialogue if
the idea of a Gulf NATO was endorsed by Saudi deputy crown prince and Sheikh
Mohammed bin Zayed Al Nahyan, Crown Prince of Abu Dhabi and Deputy Supreme
Commander of the UAE Armed Forces.
When asked to evaluate US-Saudi relations and to point out how they will differ
compared to the presidential tenure of Barack Obama, General Jones replied that
“Trump and the government were clear that Iran is a state that can’t be trusted
and that it represents a threat to the region and is a source of terrorism. I
think that the common vision of Saudi deputy crown prince and other Gulf leaders
towards Iran enhanced the ties with the new US administration.”“How can the US
cooperate with the Saudi kingdom and the Arabian Gulf countries to limit the
Iranian intervention in their affairs and to halt Iran’s terrorist
operations?”Jones answer was as follows, “I see that if we are facing an
existential threat then we should be decisive, double the sanctions and do all
that we should to make Iran change its attitude radically.”“When the NATO was
established in 1949 the European population was more than 350 million but this
is not the case of the GCC countries, right?”General Jones replied, “We are in a
different century now in which it is unnecessary to rage wars by land armies but
through armies of high techniques and psychological potentials. If the US
decided to sign on such a thing then the balance of power will be in favor of
the Gulf countries. So, I don’t think it is a matter of number but a national
insistence to form a coalition.”Commenting on whether Syria will be the first
test of the US-Russian partnership, he suggested to wait and see, not denying
that Syria is part of the first test. Answering a question on US-Turkish ties,
Jones assured that the communication and military cooperation are ongoing and
that the two states are in a pursuit to reach an agreement. He added, “Turkey is
a strategic and vital country that should be considered by the US and other
countries. The Turkish Army is the second biggest army in the NATO and I hope
that relations develop during Trump presidency.”
Egypt's 'Fantastic Guy' Sisi to Meet Donald Trump
Agence France Presse/Naharnet/April
01/17/After four years of tension with the United States, Egypt's President
Abdel Fattah al-Sisi now has a fan in the White House and on Monday he meets
President Donald Trump. The American former reality television star and tycoon
has made no secret of his admiration for the ex-army chief who overthrew his
Islamist predecessor and cracked down on his supporters. Mohamed Morsi's ouster
in 2013, a year after he had won Egypt's first democratic election, and the
ensuing crackdown on Islamists prompted then US president Barack Obama to
suspend military aid to Cairo temporarily. But when Sisi meets Trump on Monday
during his first state visit to Washington, he will see a counterpart who better
appreciates his "mission" to fight Islamists and jihadists, without Obama's
hand-wringing over human rights. "As a matter of fact President-elect Trump has
shown deep and great understanding of what is taking place in the region as a
whole and what is taking place in Egypt," Sisi, who met Trump in September
before his election, said in an interview. A senior White House official said
Friday that Trump wants to "build on the strong connection the two presidents
established" then.
Trump has been gushing about Sisi. "He's a fantastic guy. Took control of Egypt,
and he really took control of it," he told Fox Business of the period after
Morsi's overthrow which saw hundreds of Islamist protesters killed and thousands
detained. Over the past three years, Sisi has met a trickle of delegations from
American think-tanks and other groups, drumming home the importance of
supporting him.
"He made a passionate and convincing case for why all nations should stop
working with Islamists," said a member of one delegation who requested
anonymity. - Egypt trying to reassert itself -Sisi often speaks of himself as
though he were a Cassandra whose warnings go unheeded. "We warned two years ago
our European friends, the foreign fighters in Syria will return and commit
terrorism in Europe," he said during a 2016 visit by French President Francois
Hollande. Cairo is pleased by signals from Trump's administration and Congress
that they may consider blacklisting Morsi's Muslim Brotherhood movement, a move
which also has its critics in Washington. "America prepares to confront the
Brotherhood," read a banner headline in red in the official Al-Ahram newspaper.
"Beyond Sisi being thrilled that Trump replaced Obama, and the opportunity to
turn a page, this is Egypt trying to reassert itself in a more central way to US
Middle East strategy," said Issandr El Amrani, the International Crisis Group's
North Africa director. Egypt -- one of two Arab countries to have a peace treaty
with Israel -- had traditionally played a central role in US regional alliances,
in return receiving $1.3 billion in annual military aid. Cairo has also mediated
between Israel and the Palestinians. Sisi's office said he will broach the issue
with Trump, who has confusingly suggested that he is fine with either a
two-state or a one-state solution to the conflict. Sisi had already made a
goodwill gesture on that front in January, retracting a UN Security Council
resolution condemning Israeli settlements after a call from the then
president-elect who opposed it.
The resolution was reintroduced after objections by other Security Council
members, and passed with the US abstaining. "Egypt is one of the traditional
pillars of stability in the Middle East and has been a reliable US partner for
decades," the White House official said on Friday. Sisi's trip comes ahead of
Trump's talks on Wednesday with King Abdullah II of Jordan and after a tentative
invitation to Palestinian president Mahmud Abbas to visit.
US Middle East envoy Jason Greenblatt has been trying to build momentum for a
deal that would be the ultimate achievement for a president who prides himself
on his bargaining prowess. Although Sisi may be delighted about having Trump's
ear, he may yet be disappointed. "The focus (for Trump) is on areas where Egypt
has little relevance, like Iraq and Syria," El Amrani said. Egypt is part of the
international coalition against the Islamic State group, but is bogged down
fighting the jihadists' franchise in the Sinai Peninsula, where they have killed
hundreds of soldiers and policemen. Western officials who requested anonymity
say Egypt is primarily interested in advanced military hardware it believes
Western countries are withholding. Cairo also wants conventional equipment that
Washington believes is not useful for a counter-insurgency campaign.
Protests Brew as Venezuela Leader Denies Coup
Agence France Presse/Naharnet/April 01/17/Venezuela faces calls for street
protests Saturday at the tensest moment yet in a political and economic crisis
that has brought it close to collapse. President Nicolas Maduro's opponents
called on Venezuelans to take to the streets and urged the army to abandon him,
branding moves to consolidate his power a "coup d'etat." Maduro has clung to
power in a more than year-long standoff with his center-right opponents, but on
Friday a sign emerged of possible division in his camp when the attorney general
broke ranks with him. Yet uncertainty reined in the volatile nation hit by food
shortages and violent crime, which has seen three attempted military coups since
1992. - Maduro defiant -Maduro faced the strongest criticism ever from within
his own camp Friday as his attorney general condemned recent court rulings that
strengthened the socialist president's grip on the levers of power. Attorney
General Luisa Ortega denounced on live state television what she called a
"rupture of constitutional order." She was referring to two Supreme Court
rulings this week that effectively dissolved the opposition-majority legislature
and revoked lawmakers' immunity from prosecution.
Maduro's opponents and political analysts alleged a coup and international
powers condemned the moves. The government rejected that accusation. Maduro said
in a speech to cheering supporters late Friday: "In Venezuela, the constitution,
civil, political and human rights and people power are in full force."He vowed
"through dialogue and the constitution, to resolve the impasse" between the
attorney general and the court.
He also said he had called a meeting of security chiefs to "deliberate and draw
up a resolution."
- Scuffles, arrests -The legislative speaker, Julio Borges, called on the
military and other institutions to follow Ortega's example and speak up against
Maduro."Now is the time to obey the orders of your conscience," he said. Street
protests erupted for a second day Friday in Caracas. Students marched on the
Supreme Court, where they scuffled with soldiers. Protesters also blocked
streets in the working-class Petare neighborhood, and opposition lawmakers
clashed with Maduro supporters downtown.Two students and a journalist were
arrested, activists said.
- International concern -International condemnation has poured in from the
United States, the European Union, Spain, Germany and a host of Latin American
countries. The head of the Organization of American States, Luis Almagro, has
called for the regional group's permanent council to hold crisis talks on the
situation. South American regional bloc Mercosur -- which suspended Venezuela in
December -- will also hold crisis talks Saturday, Argentina announced. - Power
struggle -The opposition Democratic Unity Roundtable (MUD) won a landslide in
legislative elections in December 2015. But the court has overturned every law
passed by the current legislature. Venezuela has the world's biggest oil
reserves, but the collapse in prices has sapped its revenues, prompting
shortages of food, medicine and basic goods. Maduro is not up for re-election
until October 2018. But he has been forced to fend off opposition efforts to
call a vote on removing him from power. - Protests called -Outside a supermarket
in Caracas, Venezuelans were agitated at the news as they queued to buy food
rations. "If it's not a coup then it looks very like one," said mechanic Eduardo
Rodriguez, a 58-year-old mechanic. "It looks very ugly to me."
Opposition groups called for more street protests Saturday. "We have to come out
and defend democracy," said Sara Ramirez, 68, a building porter, waiting in
line. But others were sick of the political conflict. "I don't support either
side," said Yandry Diaz, 18, who works in a shoe shop. "What they want is to
have us in the street, fighting and killing each other so that they can hold
Latest LCCC Bulletin analysis & editorials from
miscellaneous sources published
On April 01-02/17
The Blockade of Sinai’s Extremists
Abdul Sattar Hatita/Asharq Al-Awsat/April 01/17
Cairo- Extremists in Egypt’s Sinai Peninsula are cooperating and helping each
other through money and arms transfers across several states in the region,
security reports have said.
Although they have dispersed after three years of attempts to establish their
own “Emirate” in an area that lies between the border with the Gaza Strip and
the outskirts of El-Arish city, the insurgency in the rugged, thinly populated
Sinai has gained pace after the militants joined hands with extremists in
Asharq Al-Awsat has received copies of the reports which reveal that among those
extremists are Egyptians that had battled the authorities as part of Ansar Bayt
al-Maqdis group before establishing training camps in both Syria and Libya.
MP Salameh Salem told the newspaper that “developments in Sinai cannot be
separated from what’s happening in the rest of the region.”
Other lawmakers have also expressed belief that ISIS members abroad are trying
to offer a helping hand to the extremists in El-Arish that have formed a branch
of ISIS terrorist organization.
“Major powers are helping the fight against ISIS in Iraq, Syria and Libya but
Egypt hasn’t received much assistance,” one MP was quoted as saying. “Terrorists
have killed our troops and citizens in Sinai while the world stood by.”
MP Rahmi Abedrabbuh told Asharq Al-Awsat that there seems to be a foreign
support to shake the situation in Sinai. “Yet things will eventually be brought
under control because armed forces are playing a huge role there.”
Sisi’s Speech at the Arab Summit
Egyptian President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi said at the Arab League summit this week
that the proliferation of terrorism has been one of the biggest challenges
facing the Arab world.
“The confrontation of such proliferation should be comprehensive,” he said in
his speech in Jordan. “Yet this is not an easy task because it (terrorism) is
like cancer that spreads in the social fabric.”
Many Egyptians believe that the administration of US President Donald Trump
unlike his predecessor Barack Obama could consolidate the war against
Despite the Obama administration’s long obstruction to deliver Egypt 10
helicopter gunships, Egyptian forces have in the past three years been able to
launch a large-scale security campaign in Sinai.
The armed forces were able to close more than 95 percent of tunnels linking
Sinai to the nearby Gaza Strip. Heavy weaponry were also deployed in Rafah,
Sheikh Zuweid and Al-Arish and fighter jets carried out air strikes on vehicles
transporting extremists.
Then the army entered Mount Halal where battles in the past years have left
hundreds of soldiers and civilians dead.
How Extremists Operate
Residents now fear that the battles, which were confined to Rafah and Sheikh
Zuweid, would move to El-Arish that has a population of 100,000.
It is believed that there are currently between 200 and 300 armed extremists in
El-Arish, less than the number in the past three years.
These gunmen have the ability to move incognito inside the city’s alleyways by
using small and light Korean-made vehicles.
“Three to four gunmen suddenly storm a house. They stay there for a couple of
hours, make threats, do as they like and suddenly disappear,” a trader in the
city said.
According to a security source, ISIS terrorists in El-Arish are operating in a
complicated matter and are seeking to receive funds and weapons from the group’s
branches in Syria and Libya.
They are also recruiting young men, who wear modern outfits and draw no
suspicion, to facilitate their movement in the city that is barricaded by the
army and security forces.
Militant attacks have been on the rise in El-Arish. Among such operations are
the kidnapping of citizens for their alleged collaboration with the Egyptian
Local media have also shed light on the plight of the city’s Christians. They
said scores have escaped El-Arish after the extremists killed several Christians
and burned their houses.
They have sporadically targeted Christians while more frequently attacking
police and military personnel in the north Sinai. But there is no official data
on the number of civilians, both Muslims and Christians, killed in the attacks.
Europe: Combating Fake News
by Fjordman/Gatestone Institute/April 01/17
If present demographic trends continue, in a few decades, native Swedes could
easily become a minority in their own country.
Swedish ambulance personnel want gas masks and bulletproof vests to protect
their staff against the escalating attacks, similar to equipment used by staff
working in war zones.
Most dangerous, however, is our inability to deal forcefully with problems
undermining Western societies, because some Western media refuse to admit that
the problems exist.
In January 2015 The New York Times denied that there are "no-go-zones" -- areas
that are not under the control of the state and are ruled according to sharia
law -- dominated by certain immigrant groups in some urban areas in Western
Europe. The American newspaper mentioned this author, alongside writers such as
Steven Emerson and Daniel Pipes, for spreading this alleged falsehood. The
article was published shortly after Islamic terrorists had massacred the staff
of the satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo in Paris on January 7, 2015. Other
established media outlets such as the magazine The Atlantic also dismissed
claims of no-go-zones.
Fox News issued an unusual on-air apology for allowing its anchors and guests to
repeat the suggestion that there are Muslim "no-go zones" in European countries
such as Britain and France.
Regarding the subject of "no-go-zones," this is largely a question of semantics.
If you say that there are some areas where even the police are afraid to go,
where the country's normal, secular laws barely apply, then it is indisputable
that such areas now exist in several Western European countries. France is one
of the hardest hit: it has a large population of Arab and African immigrants,
including millions of Muslims.
I have been writing about the problems in Sweden and the rest of Europe for many
years. The problems are unfortunately all too real. Here are a few facts:
Sweden surpassed ten million inhabitants in early 2017. The recent population
growth is almost entirely due to mass immigration. If present demographic trends
continue, in a few decades native Swedes could easily become a minority in their
own country. The economist Tino Sanandaji suggests that this transformation
could happen within the coming generation.
Statistics from January 2017 indicate that for people born in Sweden, the
unemployment rate is 4.3%. Yet for people born abroad, the unemployment rate is
a staggering five times higher, at 22.1%. This constitutes a huge economic and
social burden for the taxpayers. The famous Swedish welfare state has been
quietly cut back for many years.
In an essay published in February 2016, Stockholm police inspector Lars Alvarsjö
warned that the Swedish legal system is close to collapse. The influx of asylum
seekers and ethnic gangs has overwhelmed the country and its understaffed police
force. In many suburbs, criminal gangs have taken control and determine the
rules. The police, fire brigades and ambulance personnel in these areas are
routinely met with violent attacks.
Malmö, Sweden's third-largest city, houses over 300,000 people, as of 2017.
Despite its modest size, the town has a crime rate equal to that of vastly
larger cities. The local police are barely able to investigate murders. Less
serious crimes often go unpunished. Malmö probably has the highest percentage of
Muslim immigrants of any city in Scandinavia. The most Islamic city in
Scandinavia also happens to be the most criminal and the most violent.
In November 2016, Malmö's chief prosecutor Ola Sjöstrand publicly admitted that
his office was approaching a total collapse in terms of criminal investigations.
"If people are hit by crimes which then aren't investigated, they will lose
faith in the rule of law," Sjöstrand told the regional newspaper Sydsvenskan.
During New Year's Eve celebrations at the beginning of 2017, parts of central
Malmö resembled a war zone. Young immigrants shouted "Jihad!" while throwing
fireworks at people. Swedish teenagers gathered in a large group to avoid being
A janitor in Malmö was shot and sustained life-threatening injures while
clearing snow in February 2017. Police detained several suspects, understood to
be linked to gang violence, for questioning. A 15-year-old boy was arrested on
suspicion of attempted murder.
Meanwhile, officials at a local electrical firm announced that they would no
longer expose their staff to risk by taking jobs in Malmö; there is just too
much violent crime in the city.
Beginning in March 2017, the emergency ward at the hospital in Malmö will lock
the doors at night. This is a security precaution that became necessary due to
repeated violent threats from certain gangs or clans against patients and staff.
In July 2015, the police in Malmö asked for assistance from the national police
to stop the wave of violence. Apparently, even that response was not enough. In
January 2017, the police chief, Stefan Sintéus, publicly appealed to residents
in Malmö for help in containing violent crime and deadly gang shootings: "Help
us to tackle the problems. Cooperate with us."
Peter Springare, a police officer in the town of Örebro in central Sweden,
finally vented his frustration in February 2017. Migrants are to blame for the
vast majority of serious crime in Sweden, causing the police force to become
overloaded, he wrote on Facebook. When dealing with drug crimes, rapes,
robberies, aggravated assaults, murders, extortion or violence against the
police, the suspected perpetrators very often have names such as Ali, Mahmoud or
Mohammed. They usually have a family background from Iraq, Turkey, Syria,
Afghanistan or Somalia. Others do not have valid papers.
Gothenburg, Sweden's second largest city, has been for several years one of the
most important recruitment centers in Europe for jihadists seeking to join the
terrorist group Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS). A survey carried out in
2016 showed that about one in nine school students aged 12-18 in certain
Gothenburg suburbs openly expressed sympathy with militant Islamic groups.
Nordstan in Gothenburg is one of the largest shopping malls in Sweden, located
in the heart of the city. 3,250 crimes were reported to the police from Nordstan
in 2016. That number is from a single shopping mall in one year. Aggressive
groups of Muslim immigrants, especially young men from North Africa, Syria or
Afghanistan, partly dominate the mall. "I've had people in front of me that look
like they are 35, but who claim to be 15. I can't prove they're lying so we have
to release them," Rikard Sörensen from the police said.
Stockholm suburbs such as Husby, Rinkeby and Tensta house large concentrations
of recent immigrants. These districts are riddled with crime, violence and
social problems. The Swedish police have repeatedly been attacked by criminal
gangs there, even with hand grenades.
One day in December 2016, shopkeepers in Husby closed their stores as a protest.
Salam Kurda is the chair of the local shopkeepers' association. He says he has
had enough after his shop was burgled. Politicians and the police have abandoned
Husby to the criminals, states Kurda, who plans to give up his shop. He says it
is not profitable and he doesn't feel safe.
In December 2016, the American Jewish documentary filmmaker Ami Horowitz told
the story of his venture into Husby. A few seconds after they arrived, five men
approached them. They said "You guys gotta get out of here right now." The film
crew, being Swedish, turned around and ran for it. Horowitz decided to stay and
try to figure this thing out with the men.
The five men then immediately attacked Horowitz, punching, choking and kicking
him. Nobody came to his aid, even though this attack took place in a public area
outside Stockholm. Horowitz recalls his assailants saying something in Arabic as
they beat him to the ground.
"Let's define what a 'no-go area' means, really, at least in Sweden," Horowitz
"What's interesting is, there's an actual debate out there whether or not these
places even exist, right? You go to CNN, the BBC, and you listen to people
discuss no-go areas in France, in Belgium, in Sweden, in Germany. And there's an
actual debate whether this is real or the figment of the conservative
imagination. I can tell you for a fact they exist. And in Sweden what that means
is, and this is what the police tell me, they use the words 'no-go area.' They
said, in their words, 'If we're chasing a suspect, and they cross into this
no-go area, we simply stop pursuit.' And if we want to enter this area, we have
to go in with an armed convoy, as if you're going into like the kill zone in
In 2014, the Swedish police themselves estimated that there were 55 areas in
which they are no longer able to uphold law and order. That number is
increasing. The country also experiences shocking levels of violence against
ambulance personnel in some areas. Swedish ambulance personnel want gas masks
and bulletproof vests to protect their staff against the escalating attacks,
similar to equipment used by staff working in war zones.
In February 2017, the local police chief Erik Åkerlund in Botkyrka near
Stockholm denied that "no-go zones" exist in Sweden. This claim does not sound
very credible.
When dissident writers such as this author wrote about these issues 10-15 years
ago, the real problems we raised were falsely dismissed as the "xenophobia" of
alleged "right-wing extremists."
Unfortunately, the "multicultural" problems in Sweden have grown so large and
visible that some international media now regularly write about them. Swedish
authorities apparently find this hugely embarrassing. They try to conceal this
unpleasant reality as much as possible. In 2016, the Swedish embassy in London
complained that Britain's Daily Mail newspaper was running a campaign against
Sweden's immigration policy.
In February 2017, U.S. President Donald Trump made some critical remarks about
the situation in Sweden, regarding immigration and security. This triggered
protests from the Swedish government and the mass media. At the same time,
violent riots once again erupted in Rinkeby, a Stockholm suburb with many Muslim
immigrants. A Swedish press photographer was assaulted by around 15 people when
arriving in Rinkeby to report on the riots.
Cars burn during a riot in Stockholm, on February 20, 2017. (Image source:
YouTube/gladbecker82 video screenshot
Two leading politicians from the Sweden Democrats supported Trump's comments in
the Wall Street Journal. Immigration, they argued, has indeed caused major
problems in Sweden.
In Malmö, violent crime is no longer limited to districts such as Rosengård.
Gang-related shootings happen in different parts of Malmö, and in other cities
such as Gothenburg.
A survey from 2016 indicated that nearly half of all Swedish women are afraid to
go outside after dark. 46% of women feel very unsafe or somewhat unsafe when
they exercise alone in the dark -- an indication that there is a widespread
sense of fear and uncertainty across much of the country, not just in a few
urban areas. "Feminist" Sweden has very high rape rates.
Swedish women have never had more feminism, and have never been less safe.
In January 2017, Magnus Olsson, a politician from the Sweden Democrats in Malmö,
suggested that the military should be deployed in the city. "There is a great
lack of police officers in Sweden and Malmö. For this reason, it is perhaps time
to let the military and police stand together to reestablish order in the
country," he said.
Sweden's military forces have been drastically reduced since the Cold War.
However, the authorities suddenly seem to have realized that there could be
potential for armed conflict in the future. There are now plans to reintroduce
compulsory military service.
In early 2017, the Swedish police were instructed to increase their preparations
for war. They were not told who this potential war would be against, although
the authorities like to talk about an alleged threat of an invasion from Russia.
It is not, however, the Russians who now routinely burn cars and commit
gang-rapes in Swedish cities. These crimes are largely committed by recent
immigrants, many of them Muslims coming from war zones. These immigrants have
for decades been allowed in by the ruling political elites, applauded by the
mass media and supported by the EU and the UN.
The Islamic terror threat in Western Europe is now endemic. In late 2016, the
police at Brussels International Airport detained 30 terror suspects in one
month. That is one potential terrorist per day, at one European airport.
Belgium's highest-ranking police chief warned in February 2017 that the terror
threat remains "grave" after the Brussels bombings on March 22, 2016. Because of
the many radical Muslims living in Belgium, the authorities are concerned that
Belgian citizens may lose their visa-free access to the United States.
Due to the threat of terrorism, robberies and street crime, many Chinese,
Japanese and Korean travelers have dropped their holiday plans in France.
Chronic instability and violence have damaged the country's reputation as a
travel destination. Even a prolonged state of emergency and large numbers of
police and soldiers deployed in the streets are not enough to uphold law and
In February 2017, Paris and other French cities were once more rocked by days of
rioting by Muslim and African immigrant. The trigger was an allegation of police
violence. However, discontent seems to be endemic. Riots among immigrants could
erupt again at any moment.
After a firebomb attack on four police officers near Paris in 2016, France's
prime minister insisted there were no no-go zones in the country. However, this
is not what the police themselves say.
"Of course there are no-go zones in France where the police cannot intervene and
do their jobs in safety," says Denis Jacob from the union Alternative Police-CFDT.
"And it's the same for fire fighters or pretty much any representative of the
state. The police can't apply the law in these areas, they are attacked. If the
police can't do their work it's because there are criminals and delinquents who
don't respect the law."
Yet it would be very bad for business and tourism if the authorities openly
acknowledged this. "Governments will never admit there are no-go zones because
it's a sign of a failed state," Jacob adds.
As Soeren Kern writes at Gatestone Institute:
"The problem of no-go zones is well documented, but multiculturalists and their
politically correct supporters vehemently deny that they exist. Some are now
engaged in a concerted campaign to discredit and even silence those who draw
attention to the issue."
What does it take for the New York Times and other established media to define
an area as a no-go zone?
It is an indisputable fact that a number of areas exist in several Western
European countries where criminal ethnic gangs dominate the streets and where
even the police find it very difficult to walk in safety. The number and size of
these areas, fueled by mass immigration, seems to be growing.
If the New York Times and other mass media deny this fact, then they are engaged
in producing "fake news." People who truthfully warn about these problems thus
risk being unfairly vilified and smeared for doing so.
Most dangerous, however, is our inability to deal forcefully with problems that
are undermining Western societies, because some Western media refuse to admit
that the problems exist.
Mass immigration from incompatible cultures, particularly from the Islamic
world, is gradually undermining law and order in many Western cities. If Western
media refuse frankly to acknowledge this fact, they are putting the long-term
survival of our societies seriously at risk.
**Fjordman, a Norwegian historian, is an expert on Europe, Islam and
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