Elias Bejjani/Saad Al Hariri is like a captured Bird In The Hezbollah Cage


Saad Al Hariri is like a captured Bird In The Hezbollah Cage
Elias Bejjani/April 17, 2021

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Sadly Lebanon’s designated PM, Mr. Saad Al Hariri has been a notorious failed politician from his day one in politics following the assassination of his late father, PM, Rafik Hariri, in 2005 by the terrorist Hezbollah and the criminal Syrian Assad regime.

Hariri, in reality is just like a captured bird held in the Hezbollah cage no more no less. He follows Hezbollah’s orders and does not have any margin of a free decision making will or power.

His priorities are not Lebanon or the Lebanese people interests but his own private business affairs.

Meanwhile the governments that he chaired since the assassination of his father are the ones that legitimized the Terrorist Hezbollah’s occupation and handed over to its local leadership and to the Iranian Mullahs’ the country’s decision making process and gave them full control on all public institutions.

Al-Hariri, with his two Trojan and Satanic partners Samir Geagea and Walid Jumblat, handed Lebanon over to Hezbollah and sold its sovereignty and independence for thirty pieces of silver.

On top of all his failures, Hariri is a corrupted politician that is surrounded by thugs, gangs and money sharks.

In short, Hariri is the Sunni facade behind which hides Iran’s scheme in Lebanon.

There is not even one patriotic and free Lebanese citizen in Lebanon or in Diaspora who is not fully aware that Hariri and the two evil Trojans Walid Jumblat and Samir Geagea have maliciously handed over the country and its fate to the terrorist Hezbollah in exchange for personal and selfish governing power gains and agendas.

To conclude, Saad Al Hariri is a discredited and out of date politician, and if Iran allowed him to form the new Lebanese government, it will only be a tool in its hand and a cover for its criminal, terrorist and occupational schemes.

In summary, The Following politicians, Saad Al Hariri, Walid Jumblat, Nabih Berri, Samir Geagea, Slieman Frangea, Gobran Bassiel, Hassan Nasrallah, Amin Gemayel and all those of the second or third class Lebanese politicians who are affiliated to them by any means are cut from the same corrupted, rotten and Narcissistic garment.

Accordingly any change in Lebanon must start with the change of these sharks and their puppets.

Elias Bejjani
Canadian-Lebanese Human Rights activist, journalist and political commentator
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