فيديو وتقاريرعربي وانكليزي لمراسم تشييع الشهيد السيادي والإستقلالي لقمان سليم في منزله في حارة حريك/ Loqman Slim bid farewell in presence of diplomats, politicians and religious figures


فيديو مراسم تشييع الشهيد السيادي والإستقلالي لقمان سليم (من قناة الجديد) في منزله في حارة حريك.
11 شباط/2021

تشييع لقمان سليم في حضور ديبلوماسي وسياسي وديني في الغبيري الوالدة: تحاوروا اذا أردتم وطنا يستحقه لقمان
الخميس 11 شباط 2021 
وطنية – أقيمت قبل ظهر اليوم مراسم تشييع الناشط لقمان سليم، أمام النصب المقام في حديقة دارة والده محسن سليم في الغبيري في حضور سفراء وشخصيات سياسية واعلامية ودينية من مختلف الطوائف وافراد العائلة والاصدقاء.
بداية تلاوة آيات من القرآن الكريم، ثم صلاة على راحة نفسه تلاها الاب جورج صدقة اعتبر فيها “ان دمه هو فداء عن شعب لبنان المظلوم ونبراس للحرية ونور يهدي من يعيشون في الظلمة لا سيما هؤلاء الذين انتهكوا حرية الانسان والذين بأنانيتهم لا يحترمون حقوق الانسان ولا يقبلون بالحوار ولا بالرأي الآخر”، داعيا اياهم “للعودة عن غيهم والتوبة الى الله لينير عقولهم ويلين قلوبهم فيعرفون الحق ويتذوقون المحبة ويعيشون السلام الحقيقي”.
بعد ذلك تلا احد رجال الدين الشيعة دعاء لروح سليم، طالبا له الرحمة، مذكرا بمزاياه وخصاله الطيبة. واعتبر انه “أضحى شهيدا، وهو صاحب فكر ايماني عميق بأبعاده الاخلاقية والاجتماعية والانسانية بعيدا من كل المستثمرين في الاديان”. وعاهد بأن لقمان سليم “لن يموت فينا وسيبقى شعلة في سماء لبنان حتى بناء دولة الحق والقانون”.
بعد تلاوة مجلس حسيني عن روح الفقيد وترتيلة الأم الحزينة وترتيلة اخرى باللغة السريانية، ألقت والدة الفقيد سلمى مرشاق كلمة العائلة، توجهت فيها الى الشباب اللبناني بالقول: “إن كنتم تريدون وطنا عليكم ان تستمروا بالمبادىء التي استشهد لقمان من اجلها وان تقتنعوا بها. الحمل ثقيل عليكم، اقبلوا فكرة الحوار ومنطق العقل لخلق وطن يستحقه لقمان. ابتعدوا عن السلاح الذي لا يفيدنا فقد أضاع ابني”، مبدية استعدادها “للمساعدة على تأسيس بلد يليق بالشعب اللبناني ويليق بلقمان”.
السفير الالماني
وقال السفير الألماني اندرياس كندل: “التقيت لقمان مرتين فقط والمرة الأخيرة في هذه الحديقة ومن ثم تناولنا العشاء في هذا المنزل. خسارته هي خسارة شخصية لي، أعزي زوجة الفقيد ووالدته وشقيقته وشقيقه. نتذكر لقمان من خلال اعماله وانجازاته، التي شاركته بها عائلته، فأغنت الثقافة في هذا البلد من خلال المعارض والاعمال المسرحية”. ودعا الى عدم نسيان ما حصل الاسبوع الماضي، مشددا على “ضرورة معرفة الحقيقة والحاجة الى تحقيق شفاف”.
السفيرة الاميركية
من جهتها توجهت السفيرة الاميركية دوروثي شيا الى عائلة سليم واصدقائه بأشد تعابير التعزية، مؤكدة انها “فخورة ان تقف اليوم بينهم لايصال تعاطفها معهم بشكل شخصي”. وقالت: “لقد خسرنا وصعقنا بفقدان شخصية عظيمة بسبب هذا العمل الوحشي غير المقبول والذي لن ننساه”.اضافت: “اليوم انا حزينة مثلكم، وسفارتي التي امثلها واعضاؤها تشاركني هذا العزاء والحزن”، مثمنة دور الراحل في “خدمة شعب لبنان وحريته والتي يجب الا تخضع للخوف ولا للعنف”.وشددت على “ضرورة الوصول الى حقيقة من ارتكب هذه الجريمة الشنيعة”، وتعهدت “بالاستمرار في دعم المؤسسات التي انشأها”، مبدية الفخر بهذه العملية التشاركية. وقالت: “ذكراه ستخلد فينا وسنستمر في اطلاق رؤيته”.
السفيرة السويسرية
وقالت السفيرة السويسرية مونيكا كيرغوز: “من لا يعرف تاريخ لقمان سليم لن يفهم الحاضر ولن يعرف كيف يخطط للمستقبل، سويسرا خسرت صديقا وسنحرص على أن العمل الذي كان يقوم به سيتواصل”. واشارت الى ان لقمان وزوجته بدآ كتابة تاريخ لبنان منذ 5 سنوات، وان سويسرا شريكة معهما من خلال دعمهما”.
بدوره، ألقى نقيب المحامين ملحم خلف كلمة قال فيها: “نحن نتصف بالتنوع وهذا هو غنى لبنان. الاختلاف ليس خلافا، واختلاف الفكر هو غنى لكل من يرقى الى مستوى ترتقي به القيم داخل لبنان والتطاول على هذه القيم في لبنان، لان لبنان الرسالة قد يسقط من خلال سقوط هكذا قيم. لذلك علينا ان نلملم فقط جراحنا، بل ان نعود الى ذواتنا ، الى ذوات الكيان والجمهورية التي تجمع كل هذه الاختلافات”. وتابع: “أعتقد ان الرأي والرأي الآخر هما كنز لبنان الذي نريده. لا يمكن إقصاء الآخر، الكلمة لا تسقط بالرصاص ولا بالجريمة ولا بالعنف، وكلنا نعلم هذا الموضوع. اليوم علينا جميعا عدم الانزلاق نحو هذا الجحيم، علينا ان نتوقف امام ضمائرنا لحماية بعضنا البعض. أمام مثل هذه الكوارث التي يسقط فيها او يهدر فيها دم ابرياء، علينا ان نستعيد الحرب البغيضة التي لا يمكن ان نعود اليها، يجب ان نجنب كل بلدنا وأهلنا وأجيالنا الصاعدة هكذا دماء”. واكد ان “المطلوب اليوم هو العدالة، فهي التي تسمح بوقف هذا الجنوح غير المقبول لإسقاط القيم، قيم الإختلاف ضمن الوحدة في لبنان”.
وردا على سؤال عن الثقة بالقضاء واذا كانت العدالة مضمونة في لبنان، أكد نقيب المحامين ان “المطلوب من القضاة ان يكونوا امام الامتحان الدائم، وهو امتحان امام الرسالة وامام القسم، لا تسقطوا العدالة لان اسقاطها هو ظلم آخر وجريمة كبرى. المطلوب اليوم ان نثق بقضاتنا المطلوب منهم ان يثقوا بأنفسهم قبل كل شيء”.
وردا على سؤال عن مطالبة العائلة بتحقيق دولي، قال النقيب خلف: “في حال لم نعد نثق بأنفسنا سقط كل شيء، سقط الكيان والأمل وسقطت إمكان الانتقال الى ما نحلم به من بلد ومن قيم. امام هكذا جريمة علينا ان نعود الى انفسنا ونطالب بالعدالة، وهذه العدالة من قضاة لبنان، وهذه المسؤولية تقع عليهم”.
وفي الختام تلقت العائلة والاصدقاء تعازي الحضور.

Loqman Slim bid farewell in presence of diplomats, politicians and religious figures
NNA/February 11/2021
The funeral of activist Loqman Slim was held this Thursday in Ghobeiry, in the presence of ambassadors and political, media and religious figures from various sects, as well as family members and friends.
Mother of the deceased, Salma Mershak, delivered the family’s speech, in which she addressed the Lebanese youth by saying: “If you want a homeland, you must cling to the principles for which Loqman was martyred. The burden will weigh heavy on you. Accept the idea of dialogue and the logic of reason to create a country worthy of Loqman. Stay away from weapons; those have taken away my son.”
German Ambassador, Andreas Kindl, said: “I met Loqman only twice and the last time was here; we had dinner at this house. His loss is personal to me. My condolences to the deceased’s wife, mother, sister and brother. We remember Loqman through his deeds and achievements, which his family shared with him, enriching culture in this country through exhibitions and theatrical works.”
He called “not to forget what happened last week,” stressing “the need to know the truth and the need for a transparent investigation.”
US Ambassador Dorothy Shea, in turn, addressed Slim’s family and friends with heartfelt expressions of condolences. She said:
Monika and other family members of the late Lokman Slim, and friends of loved ones of Lokman:  I expressed my condolences publicly last week.  Today, I am honored to be with you — his family and his loved ones — to convey in person my deepest sympathy.  You were robbed.  We all were robbed of a great man. 
This was a barbaric act, unforgivable and unacceptable.  Today, I mourn with you and our Embassy which I represent – my Embassy family joins me in mourning with you.
But let us also celebrate some of the characteristics that made Lokman who he was:  he was tireless and relentless in his pursuit to reconcile Lebanon’s people and to promote freedom and inclusion.
These efforts cannot and will not be suppressed through fear or violence, because they are what is right. 
So, like him, let us not be deterred.   
We will push for what is just.  We will join you in demanding accountability for this horrific crime. 
And we will do our best to carry on his legacy, including by continuing our partnership with the organizations he helped found.  We are proud of these partnerships. 
We will hold Lokman’s memory with us as we move forward to advance his vision.
And as we do so, we pray that his soul may rest in peace.  And that those of you who loved him will find some consolation in his legacy. 
Li Ruhihi As-Salam.  Thank you. Shukran.”
“He who does not know the history of Loqman Slim will not understand the present and will not know how to plan for the future,” Swiss Ambassador Monica Kirgoz said. “Switzerland has lost a friend and we will make sure that the task he was undertaking will be pursued.”
She indicated that “Loqman and his wife began writing the history of Lebanon 5 years ago, and that Switzerland was a partner to them by providing support.”

Diplomats, Politicians, Religious Figures Attend Funeral of Lokman Slim
Naharnet/February 11/2021
The funeral of activist and intellectual Lokman Slim was held on Thursday in the area of Ghobeiry, in the presence of ambassadors and political, media and religious figures from various sects, and family and friends.
Mother of the deceased, Salma Mershak, delivered the family’s speech, in which she invited Lebanese for “dialogue” instead of bearing weapons.
“If you want a homeland, you must cling to the principles for which Lokman was martyred. The burden will weigh heavy on you. Accept the idea of dialogue and the logic of reason to create a country worthy of Lokman. Stay away from weapons; those have taken away my son,” the grieving mother said.
The ambassadors of the United States, Germany and Switzerland attended the funeral, in addition to several political figures.
The family of Lokman chose to have religious figures from different sects pray for their slain son. Slim, a prominent Lebanese activist and intellectual known for his opposition to Hizbullah was found shot dead in his car in the country’s south last Thursday. It drew immediate condemnation from abroad and tributes from his many friends. The US ambassador to Lebanon Dorothy Shea described his killing in her farewell speech at the funeral as a “barbaric act.”
“He who does not know the history of Lokman Slim will not understand the present and will not know how to plan for the future,” Swiss Ambassador Monica Kirgoz said. “Switzerland has lost a friend and we will make sure that the task he was undertaking will be pursued.” She indicated that “Lokman and his wife began writing the history of Lebanon 5 years ago, and that Switzerland was a partner to them by providing support.”Slim, 58, had long been a leading secular voice in the Shiite community and was routinely criticised, and often threatened, over his anti-Hizbullah stance. Lebanese social media erupted over the murder, as people commented on the latest in a long line of Lebanon’s political killings. Slim, long a hate figure for Hizbullah loyalists who accused him of being a Western puppet, lived without personal protection.

Multi-Faith Service for Lokman Slim Sparks Social Media Row
Agence France Presse/February 11/2021
A multi-faith memorial service for Lebanese activist Lokman Slim, who was killed last week, triggered a row Thursday after a Shiite cleric was attacked on social media for taking part. Slim, an academic and leading secular voice from the Shiite community, was routinely criticized and often threatened over his stance against the powerful Shiite movement Hizbullah. The service, broadcast live by several channels, included a reading from the Koran and hymn-singing. It was attended by friends, family and diplomats, including U.S. Ambassador to Lebanon Dorothy Shea.
Many praised the service as an expression of co-existence between Lebanon’s many sects but it also invited criticism. Ali al-Khalil, the Shiite cleric who read the Koran, came under attack on social media from Hizbullah loyalists and later apologized for attending the event.
“I apologize to all brothers and sisters who watched me on television channels I should not have appeared on,” Khalil said in a video widely circulated online. “I should not have… put myself in a position that invites suspicion.
“My (political) orientation is known,” he said, referring to his support for the Iran-backed Hizbullah. Activists on social media saw the apology as further evidence of the kind of pressure the movement exerts on dissenters or anyone perceived as cozying up to its opponents or enemies. “They made him apologize because he prayed for Lokman Slim,” the BlogBaladi activist page said on Facebook, referring to the Shiite group. Christian supporters of the Hizbullah-allied Free Patriotic Movement also objected to the service, but for different reasons.
“This is clear heresy and an insult to sanctity,” said one social media user who identified as an FPM supporter and took issue with the choice of music. “Christian rituals dictate that Good Friday hymns are to be chanted exclusively at funerals for Christians,” he said. Several other FPM activists on Twitter echoed his grievance. Lokman was widely hated by Hizbullah loyalists who accused him of being a Western puppet. He was found shot dead in his car on February 4 in south Lebanon, where Hizbullah has wide influence. The Shiite group has denounced the murder and called for an investigation, a call repeated Thursday in the weekly statement of its parliamentary bloc.

US ambassador to Lebanon condemns Lokman Slim killing
Reuters, Beirut/February 11/2021
The US ambassador to Lebanon paid a rare visit to a quarter of Beirut that is a Hezbollah stronghold to attend the memorial service for activist Lokman Slim on Thursday. He was shot dead and found in his car last Thursday in south Lebanon – the first killing of a high-profile activist in years. “This was a barbaric act, unforgivable and unacceptable,” Dorothy Shea said in a speech at the service which was held at the family home in Beirut’s Dahiya quarter. He spoke out against what he described as the intimidation tactics of the Iranian-backed, armed Shia Hezbollah group and its attempts to monopolize Lebanese politics.Hezbollah has condemned the murder, but Slim’s sister has suggested he was murdered because of those views. On Thursday, his mother, Salma Merchak, quietly cried as she listened to Muslim and Christian prayers for her son at the service, which was also attended by the ambassadors of Germany, Canada, Britain and Switzerland. In a speech afterwards, she asked Lebanon’s young people to foreswear arms and embrace dialogue in his memory. “I ask you, the young, if you really want a nation to continue with the principles that he fought for and was convinced of,” Merchak said.
“Use only your logic and reason. Weapons don’t benefit the country. They didn’t benefit me – I lost my son.”

U.S. Ambassador Says Slim’s Assassination ‘Barbaric’
Naharnet/February 11/2021
U.S. Ambassador to Lebanon Dorothy Shea described the assassination of activist Lokman Slim during his funeral on Thursday as a “barbaric act.” “The killing of activist Lokman Slim is an unacceptable barbaric act,” said Shea during the funeral ceremony of the intellectual activist held in the southern suburbs of Beirut. “Today, I am honored to be with you — his family and his loved ones — to convey in person my deepest sympathy. You were robbed. We all were robbed of a great man,” she added.  “Let us also celebrate some of the characteristics that made Lokman who he was: he was tireless and relentless in his pursuit to reconcile Lebanon’s people and to promote freedom and inclusion. These efforts cannot and will not be suppressed through fear or violence, because they are what is right,” Shea went on to say. “So, like him, let us not be deterred,” she urged. 
“We will push for what is just. We will join you in demanding accountability for this horrific crime,” the ambassador promised. She also said that the U.S. embassy will continue its “partnership with the organizations he helped found.” ”We are proud of these partnerships,” she emphasized, pledging to seek to advance Slim’s “vision.” The German ambassador to Lebanon, Andreas Kindl, also paid tribute to Lokman during the funeral, he said: “Lokman’s death was a personal loss for me. My condolences to his family. We demand transparent investigation.”
The funeral of Slim was held Thursday in Ghobeiry, in the presence of ambassadors and political, media and religious figures from various sects, as well as family members and friends. Slim, a prominent Lebanese activist and intellectual known for his opposition to Hizbullah was found shot dead in his car in the country’s south last Thursday. It drew immediate condemnation from abroad and tributes from his many friends. Slim, 58, had long been a leading secular voice in the Shiite community and was routinely criticised, and often threatened, over his anti-Hizbullah stance.
Lebanese social media erupted over the murder, as people commented on the latest in a long line of Lebanon’s political killings. Slim, long a hate figure for Hizbullah loyalists who accused him of being a Western puppet, lived without personal protection.
