Charles Elias Chartouni/The Curse of Armenian Geopolitics and the Fallacies of Globalization/شارل الياس شرتوني: لعنة الجغرافيا السياسية الأرمنية ومغالطات العولمة


The Curse of Armenian Geopolitics and the Fallacies of Globalization
Charles Elias Chartouni/September 30/2020
شارل الياس شرتوني: لعنة الجغرافيا السياسية الأرمنية ومغالطات العولمة

The perpetuation of the Nagorno-Karabach/ Artsakh conflict pinpoints the historical injustices of an amputated Armenia, and the disastrous outcomes of the Armenian genocide and its geopolitical fallouts.

It is no hazard that this new round of violence is ushered by the neo-imperial inroads of Islamist Turkey and its determination to question the Lausanne Treaty ( 1923 ), claim back its Ottoman legacy, and revive a trail of political expansionism.

The resuscitation of a lingering conflict, far from being restricted to the mountainous limes of historical Armenia, targets the security of the extant Armenian Republic as a means to obliterate the historical and legal entitlements of the medieval Armenian Kingdoms, and erase the pending contentions of the genocide and eviscerated Western Armenia.

The haunting memory of the Armenian genocide rather than leading to formal acknowledgement, moral atonement, geopolitical and financial reparations based on a reconciliation conference, seems to lead to further radicalization and the questioning of the security and integrity of the actual Republic of Armenia ( 1918/1919, Batum Treaty and the Mudros Armistice, independence since 1991 ).

This open-ended conflict is reignited under the spur of a Neo-Ottoman imperial drive, the fluctuating tectonics of Eurasian-Geopolitics, the outdated landmarks of NATO’s geo-strategic coordinates, and the dilemmas of the Russian imperial dominion.

The actual round of violence should come to a halt under a U.N. mandated cessation of hostilities, the deployment of international peace keeping forces, and the imperative need for an international conference which recapitulates the various stages of a centennial tragedy and its unfolding sequences.

There is a need to review the methodology and the very script of this repeating tragedy, based on the unresolved dilemmas of an original sin, the one of the intentional annihilation of the Armenian people, the destruction of its historical homeland ( Western Armenia ), and the obliteration of its civilizational legacy which extends to three milleniums.

The erupting violence is the occasional reminder of a lasting injustice and the tenacity of a legacy of Turkish denial, imperial arrogance, and reinvigorated genocidal proclivities demonstrated by the Neo-Ottoman Islamists and their updated narrative.

Islamist Turkey seems unrelenting in its geo-strategic drive and doesn’t seem to care about its erstwhile geopolitics and geoeconomics, ( NATO membership and Euro-Mediterranean partnership ), and impels the review of its respective statuses on the very basis of these deliberate departures, and outright challenging of the coordinates of its actual configuration.

The Nagorno-Karabach/Artsakh issue is not an isolated case of mountainous borderline conflicts in the remote Caucasus, it’s the searing reminder of the unending travails of troubled intercontinental limes.

When I visited the Nagorno-Karabakh/Artsakh mountains in 2016 and took a drive throughout its meandered reliefs, I had the sentiment of being at the very core of the future discords of leftover injustices and civilizational watersheds, Samuel Huntington far from being a doomsayer, was a wise academic and a man careful of realistic peace-making, in a globalized world where communication breakdowns seem to trump the delusions of open borders and their empty rhetorics.

The well established fascist credentials of Islamist Turkey are reminiscent of an ugly past and ominous of an inauspicious future.
