حزب الله الإرهابي هو من فجر مرفأ بيروت وهذه هي بعض الإثباتات/منظمة العفو الدولية:​ التحقيقات في انفجار بيروت غير شفافة وليست محايدة/وزير ألماني: حزب الله خزن الأمونيوم في جنوب البلاد/Hezbollah stored explosive material from 2016 in Germany, says minister/Amnesty International: Lebanon: Only an international investigation can set the course for justice for Beirut blast victims


حزب الله الإرهابي هو من فجر مرفأ بيرو وهذه هي بعض الإثباتات

*منظمة العفو الدولية​:: التحقيقات في انفجار بيروت غير شفافة وليست محايدة/وكالات/08 أيلول/2020

*وزير ألماني: حزب الله خزن الأمونيوم في جنوب البلاد/قناة الحرة/08 أيلول/2020

*Amnesty International: Lebanon: Only an international investigation can set the course for justice for Beirut blast victims/Amnesty International web page/September 07/2020

*Hezbollah stored explosive material from 2016 in Germany, says minister/Benjamin Weinthal/Jerusalem Post/September 08/2020

*منظمة العفو الدولية​:: التحقيقات في انفجار بيروت غير شفافة وليست محايدة/وكالات/08 أيلول/2020
دعت ​منظمة العفو الدولية​ إلى “إجراء ​تحقيق​ دولي لكشف الحقائق بشأن الانفجار الكبير الذي هز العاصمة ​بيروت​”، مشيرة الى أنه “بعد مرور شهر على الانفجار المميت، أصبح من الواضح أن الإجراءات والتحقيقات التي اتخذتها السلطات اللبنانية للنظر في الأحداث المأساوية التي وقعت في 4 آب ليست مستقلة أو محايدة”.وكررت المنظمة في بيان دعوتها إلى “إيجاد آلية دولية ل​تقصي الحقائق​ بغية ضمان حقوق الضحايا عبر تحقيقات شفافة ونزيهة”، منوهة أن “إحالة التحقيق إلى ​مجلس القضاء الأعلى​، وهو ​محكمة​ تفتقر إجراءاتها إلى الاستقلالية والنزاهة ولا تفي بالمعايير الدولية العادلة أمر غير مقبول بالنسبة لقضية فيها إدعاءات خطيرة ضد هيئات ​الدولة​، وبالتالي فإن المجلس ليس لديه اختصاص محاكمة المسؤولين الحاليين، بما في ذلك رئيس البلاد والوزراء”.

وزير ألماني: “الحزب” خزن الأمونيوم في جنوب البلاد
قناة الحرة/08 أيلول/2020
كشفت تصريحات جديدة أن حزب الله خزن مئات الكيلوغرامات من مادة “نيترات الأمونيوم” في ألمانيا لصنع القنابل وتنفيذ هجمات إرهابية حول العالم، وفقا لتأكيدات وزير ألماني نقلتها صحيفة “جيروزاليم بوست”.
وجاءت تأكيدات وزير الداخلية في ولاية بادن فورتمبيرغ جنوب ألمانيا، توماس ستروبل، بعد أشهر من تقديم الموساد معلومات حول مستودعات، خبأ فيها حزب الله مادة “نترات الأمونيوم”، والذي يستخدم في صنع المتفجرات. وذكر ستروبل أن حزب الله أدخل المادة المتفجرة إلى ألمانيا في عام 2016. وكانت ألمانيا، صنفت حزب الله على أنه “منظمة إرهابية” في نيسان الماضي، حيث اقتحمت الشرطة الجمعيات والمساجد التي يشتبه وجود عناصر تابعة للحزب فيها.
ولفتت الصحيفة الإسرائيلية، إلى أن حزب الله استخدم “نيترات الأمونيوم” في مخططات “إرهابية” في فرنسا وبريطانيا وقبرص وبلغاريا. لكن الحزب المدعوم من إيران، نفى علاقته بتفجير المرفأ، رغم النظر على نطاق واسع للحزب على أنه يسيطر على العمليات في ميناء بيروت. وحظر وزير الداخلية الألماني هورست سيهوفر، جميع أنشطة حزب الله داخل الأراضي الألمانية، حيث يسافر رجال دين شيعة من لبنان إلى ألمانيا لجمع المال هناك.
وأشارت صحيفة “دي فيلت” الألمانية الشهر الماضي، إلى أن الموساد الإسرائيلي حذر السلطات الألمانية من أن أنصار حزب الله، وهو المنصف إرهابيا من قبل الولايات المتحد أيضا، قاموا بتخزين مئات الكيلوغرامات من الأمونيوم في مستودعات جنوب ألمانيا، واشارت إلى أن عناصر الحزب “استعملوا هذه المادة الكيميائية بشكل متكرر لتنفيذ هجمات بالقنابل في فرنسا وبريطانيا وقبرص وبلغاريا”.
يقول مراقبون إن ولاية بادن فورتمبيرغ تتبع تقليديا سياسة رقابة متساهلة تجاه حزب الله، بحسب الصحيفة.

Amnesty International: Lebanon: Only an international investigation can set the course for justice for Beirut blast victims/Amnesty International web page/September 07/2020
One month on since the deadly blast in Beirut’s port, it has been increasingly clear that the processes the Lebanese authorities have set up to look into the tragic events of 4 August are neither independent nor impartial, Amnesty International said today in detailed statement. The organization reiterates its call for an international fact-finding mechanism to guarantee victims’ rights to truth, justice and remedy.
More than a month after the explosion, every step, measure or statement taken thus far, particularly by the highest-ranking officials in the country, have made it clear that the authorities have no intention whatsoever of fulfilling their responsibilities of conducting an effective, transparent and impartial investigation.
Lynn Maalouf
Since the tragic explosion, which killed at least 190 people, injured more than 6,500 others and left some 300,000 displaced or homeless, calls for an international investigation have been made by victims and their relatives and other human rights organizations. Lebanese authorities, including the president, have rejected them. Accountability was also among the key calls made by the thousands of protesters who streamed onto the streets four days after the explosion and were met by excessive use of force by the military and security forces, leading to hundreds of injuries compounding the thousands already injured by the explosion.
Lynn Maalouf, Acting Regional Director for the Middle East and North Africa at Amnesty International said:
“More than a month after the explosion, every step, measure or statement taken thus far, particularly by the highest-ranking officials in the country, have made it clear that the authorities have no intention whatsoever of fulfilling their responsibilities of conducting an effective, transparent and impartial investigation.
Considering the decades-long history of impunity in Lebanon and the scale of the tragedy, an international fact-finding mechanism is the only way to guarantee the rights of victims to truth, justice and remedy.
Lynn Maalouf
“The government referred the investigation to the Judicial Council, a court whose proceedings inherently lack independence and impartiality and fail to meet international fair standards. Extraordinarily for a case in which there are such serious allegations against state bodies, it does not have the jurisdiction to prosecute sitting officials, including the president and ministers.
“Considering the decades-long history of impunity in Lebanon and the scale of the tragedy, an international fact-finding mechanism is the only way to guarantee the rights of victims to truth, justice and remedy. This investigation should be mandated to assess responsibilities in relation to the explosion and the resulting deaths, injuries and destruction and to make its findings public. It should be thorough, independent, impartial and transparent.”

Hezbollah stored explosive material from 2016 in Germany, says minister
Benjamin Weinthal/Jerusalem Post/September 08/2020
Last month, a devastating explosion rocked Beirut Port, killing 191 people and injuring more than 6,000.
Hezbollah has stored in Germany the chemical ammonium nitrate, which it has used in bombings across the world, a state interior minister said.
“The stored cold packs were brought out of Germany in 2016,” said Baden-Württemberg Minister Thomas Strobl confirmed Friday, according to a regional newspaper. “There are no findings or indications that the local cold pack storage is related to the storage in the Port of Beirut.”
Last month, a devastating explosion rocked the port, killing 191 people and injuring more than 6,000. The port contained nearly 3,000 tons of ammonium nitrate, which can be used as a fertilizer or to make explosives, and was lodged at the harbor for six years. Hezbollah operatives have used ammonium nitrate for terrorist plots in France, Britain, Cyprus and Bulgaria.
The Lebanese organization has denied any involvement in the Beirut explosion. Hezbollah is widely viewed as controlling Beirut’s port system.
Strobl responded to an early August state government parliamentary query from Free Democratic Party politician Hans-Ulrich Rülke and Nico Weinmann about the illicit activities in the state.
The interior minister said Rülke urged him to crack down on Hezbollah’s fundraising and membership in Baden-Württemberg, where 75 Hezbollah operatives are active.
It is unclear why Strobl has not banned Hezbollah activities in his state. In April, Germany’s federal interior minister, Horst Seehofer, outlawed all Hezbollah activities within the territory of the federal republic. Lebanese sheiks have traveled to Baden-Württemberg to give talks and raise funds.
It is unclear if the Green Party minister-president of Baden-Württemberg, Winfried Kretschmann, permitted Hezbollah to store ammonium nitrate in his state or was aware of Hezbollah’s activities.
IN MAY, Channel 12 reported that an Israeli official said the operation to ban Hezbollah was “the result of many months of work with all parties in Germany. The heads of services were required to present explicit evidence and legal proof… linking the organization to significant terrorist activity – and that is what we did,” the official said, adding that “Bruno Kahl, the head of the German intelligence organization BND, is a close friend of the Mossad.”
German paper Die Welt reported last month that the Mossad warned German authorities that Hezbollah supporters stored hundreds of kilograms of ammonium nitrate in warehouses in south Germany.
It is unclear if Baden-Württemberg was the only southern German state to lodge the chemical.
German Chancellor Angela Merkel’s administration opposes UN snapback sanctions against Iran’s regime that would prevent it from purchasing new conventional weapons.
Hezbollah is the chief terrorism proxy for the Islamic Republic of Iran and receives weapons and cash from Tehran.
The US government under both the Obama and Trump administrations has classified Iran’s regime as the worst state sponsor of international terrorism.
Rülke said “Strobl must finally act and prevent Hezbollah-affiliated organizations from inviting hate preachers to Baden-Württemberg and collecting money for terrorist purposes,” according to a local media outlet.
Weinmann asked when the security services first knew about the ammonium nitrate.
Critics say that the state of Baden-Württemberg has a traditionally lax control policy toward Hezbollah and the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions campaign targeting Israel.
A Jerusalem Post investigation traced neo-Nazi party and BDS accounts to the BW bank, which is owned by the Landesbank Baden-Württemberg (LBBW) financial institution in southern Germany.
The BW accounts allow the allegedly hate-mongering groups to receive electronically transferred donation funds, which both organizations advertise on their websites.
The BW Bank in the German city of Stuttgart stood by its business accounts with a neo-Nazi party and a Palestinian group that seeks the destruction of Israel.
The state of Baden-Württemberg and its capital city Stuttgart own nearly 50% of the LBBW. Kretschmann has refused to answer Post questions as to whether he plans to urge the bank to close the accounts of the pro-BDS Palestine Committee Stuttgart and the Nazi party NPD. The Green Party’s foreign policy spokesman and MP Omid Nouripour is involved in an antisemitic scandal due to his role on the advisory board of the German-Palestinian Society – a BDS organization that has urged the elimination of the Jewish state. Nouripour also declined to answer queries.
Yonah Jeremy Bob contributed to this report.