Elie Aoun: Massive Explosion and Massive Truth/ايلي عون: انفجار مرفأ بيروت الهائل والحقيقة الصادمة


Massive Explosion and Massive Truth
Elie Aoun/August 08/2020
ايلي عون: انفجار مرفأ بيروت الهائل والحقيقة الصادمة

Various explanations were given to what caused the massive explosion at the Beirut Port. Two things are clear: (1) if the cause of the explosion is ammonium nitrate (as being stated), such a product does not explode by itself; (2) the videos of the incident clearly show small multiple explosions prior to the major explosion.

On that basis, few questions can be asked.

Why did Mr. Ghazi Zaiter, the Minister of Public Works and Transportation in 2013 and 2014 (and who is from the Amal Movement), authorized that the 2,750 tons cargo of the ammonium nitrate be removed from the ship to be stored at the Beirut Port? It would have been more logical to resolve whatever issues that existed with the ship and allow it to continue its course (if their official story is true that the ship was headed to Mozambique). The obvious reason for the Minister’s action is that the ship’s cargo was intended to be downloaded in Beirut.

Mr. Zaiter would not have made such a decision without the prior approval of Mr. Nabih Berri, the leader of the Amal Movement, who apparently knew his own guilt when he made an announcement after the explosion by asking his supporters to donate blood.

Secondly, why were not the products re-exported from the country, sold to an interested buyer, or discarded in an environmentally safe manner?

If the exploded ammonium was only about 300 tons of the 2,750 tons (as a Russian expert stated), then who transported or “stole” more than 2,000 tons of ammonium from the port? That could not have been done without the knowledge of the Minister of Public Works and those in charge of the Port’s security. Where is the stolen quantity now? Most likely, they are with Hizballah.

Thirdly, who planted explosives with the ammonium to cause the major explosion?

The leaders of all political parties, and all those who continue to support them, are to blame for what happened in Beirut.

All the political parties were represented in the Cabinet of Ministers since 2013. The President of the Republic, the Prime Minister, the Speaker of Parliament, and the leaders of Hizballah all knew of what was stored in the Beirut Port, its danger, and did nothing. They should all be prosecuted and imprisoned for the killing of Lebanese citizens and destroying their properties.

Even without an investigation, it is clear who is responsible. The leader of Hezballah and all three “presidents” did NOT deny knowledge of what was stored at the Beirut Port. They simply seek to avoid responsibility, without clarifying their intent of why they failed to take the proper action. The intent is clear: what took place was intended to take place. That is the massive truth!

Another problem with this political class is their appointment of unqualified individuals in key positions of power – creating widespread incompetence on all levels of the Lebanese government, leading to widespread disasters.

All problems in Lebanon have solutions, but this political class cannot be entrusted. Instead of implementing solutions, they are intentionally destroying the country. To imply lack of responsibility is their own confession for their unfitness to assume responsibility and to rule.